Original scientific paper Informacije ^efMIDEM A lournai of Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 45, No. 2 (2015), 101 - 109 A New Fully Integrated High Frequency Full-Wave Rectifier Realization Muhammed Emin Bagak1, Firat Kagar2 ^Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Naval Architecture and Maritime, Istanbul, Turkey 2Istambul University, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics, Istanbul, Turkey Abstract: In this paper, a new fully integrated high frequency precise full-wave rectifier which consists of a floating current source (FCS) and four complementary MOS transistors is presented. The presented circuit has an appropriate zero crossing performance, linearity, low component count, and can be adapted to modern IC technologies. It is also suitable for monolithic integrated implementation. Rectifier performance is simulated based on 0.18^m CMOS technology. The proposed full-wave rectifier circuit provides an operating frequency more than 1 GHz, produces an input operating range from -300 mV to 300 mV and its power consumption is 825 ^W. LTSPICE simulation results of the circuit are presented which verify the workability of the proposed circuit. Noise analysis is also performed. The equivalent output noise of voltage mode rectifier at the 100 MHz is found as 7.13 nVVHz. It also exhibits good temperature stability. The presented circuit does not require any passive component; therefore it is suitable for integrated circuit implementation. The proposed circuit exhibits the high frequency operation, the lower power consumption and has the simplest structure compared to all other available works. Keywords: CMOS; full-wave rectifier; high frequency; floating current source; precision rectifier Nov polno integriran visokofrekvenčni polnovalni usmernik Izvleček: V članku je predstavljen nov polno integriran natančen polnovalen usmernik, ki je sestavljen iz plavajočega tokovnega vira in štirih komplementarnih tranzistorjev MOS. Predstavljeno vezje ima primerne lastnosti ničnega prehoda, linearnosti, nizkega števila elementov in se g alahko uporabi v vseh modernih IC tehnologijah. Uporaben je tudi v monolitno integriranih vezjih. Lastnosti usmernika so simulirane v 0.18 ^m tehnologiji CMOS. Frekvenca predlaganega usmernika je več kot 1 GHz, vhodno območje od -300 mV do +300 mV, poraba 825 ^W. Opravljena je bila tudi analiza šuma. Usmernik ima dobro temperaturno stabilnost. Ker ne vsebuje pasivnih elementov je uporaben za integrirana vezja. Ključne besede: CMOS; polnovalen usmernik; visoka frekvenca; plavajoči tokovni vir; natančen usmernik ' Corresponding Author's e-mail: fkacar@istanbul.edu.tr, 1 Introduction Rectification is essential and demanding aspect of signal processing in instrumentation, measurement and control. Rectifiers have a variety of applications such as: signal processing, signal - polarity detectors, amplitude modulated signal detectors, AC voltmeters and ammeters, watt meters, RF demodulators, function fitting error measurements, RMS to DC conversions, sample and hold circuits, peak value detectors, clipper circuits. Generally rectifier circuits are employed by using diodes, nevertheless, diodes cannot rectify the incoming signals whose amplitudes are less than their threshold voltages. For this reason, voltage-mode rectifiers containing active element based on operational amplifiers (op-amps), diodes and resistors, have to be used. However, in consequence of the finite slew-rate and significant distortion during the zero crossing of the input signal effects caused by diode commutation, these circuits operate well only at low frequencies [1 - 5]. This is a small signal transient problem which cannot be solved by high slew-rate op-amps [6]. This problem has been overcome by the use of current mode technique [7-18] thanks to their higher operating frequency, wider bandwidth, larger dynamic range, and lower offset value at the zero crossing area compared with their voltage mode counterparts. However, some proposed rectifier circuits which were improved by the use of current conveyors (CCs) need either grounded or ungrounded resistors or some of them suffer from the limitation of high frequency. The present- ed circuit in [7] uses a current differencing transconduct-ance amplifier (CDTA) and two diodes at the operating frequency of 5 MHz. CDTA-based precision full-wave rectifier described in [8] exhibits a good performance at a frequency of 5MHz. The suggested circuits operating at a frequency up to 100 kHz utilize one current conveyor, one voltage conveyor, two diodes and grounded resistors [9-10]. The proposed circuit in [11] employs two differential difference current conveyors (DDCC), but it operates a few MHz. The circuit presented in [12], common-mode two-cell winner-takes-all (WTA) circuits, consisting of 21 transistors and two current sources, can be rectified at signals of frequency over 70MHz. A single second generation current conveyor (CCCII-) based precision full-wave rectifier circuit is reported in [13]. It employs (CCCII-) with three outputs, two CMOS transistor, and an ungrounded resistor, and has an operating frequency of 100 kHz. The circuit presented in [14] employs three current controlled conveyors and five resistors having a testing frequency of 100 kHz. The reported circuit in [15] utilizes two current conveyors and three NMOS transistors and its operating frequency is up to 100 MHz. The proposed circuit in [16] employing a dual-X current conveyor and three NMOS transistors, has been successfully tested by applying a sinusoidal input voltage with a frequency of 250 kHz. The reported rectifiers in [17-19] have been realized by all CMOS transistors, but they are half wave rectifiers. The proposed circuit in [20] operat- ing at a few MHz is based on current conveyor and current mirror. The realization of full-wave rectifier based on an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) circuits is proposed in [21-27]. However a large number of active and passive components are used in these rectifiers and they have not shown good performance at higher frequencies. In [24], OTAs utilized as the full-wave rectifier are the only active elements, whereas they have been tested at lower frequencies. A three output operational transconductance amplifier with two complementary MOS transistors and a grounded resistor is used to realize non-inverting and inverting full-wave precision rectifiers in [25]. It rectifies high frequencies up to 200 MHz. The circuit presented in [26] is more suitable for IC implementation than previously OTA based circuits and confirms the operation frequency up to 200 MHz. This circuit consists of a dual-output OTA, junction diodes, and a MOS resistor. Another rectifier circuit uses OTA, four CMOS diodes, and a MOS resistor in its realization, providing operating frequency up to 300 MHz as well as good temperature stability in [27]. Table 1 presents the comparison of the proposed precision full-wave rectifier with other designs. The employed full-wave rectifier is superior to the previously proposed full-wave rectifiers in terms of the power consumption, the number of components, and the operating frequency as seen in Table 1. Table 1: Comparison of the various rectifiers in literature Article Power Compsumption Operating Frequency Components Year Proposed ± 2.4V 0.18 ^m 825 ^W 1 GHz 8 X MOSFET + 2 x current sources - [3] ± 1V - - 100 kHz OPA1 + OPA2 + 2 X diodes + 3 x Resistors 2007 [4] ± 1V - - 1 MHz AD817 X 2 + AD633 x 3 + AD711 + R 2010 [5] ± 1V - - 1 MHz AD817 X 2 + AD633 x 3 + AD711 + Resistor 2011 [7] ± 1V - - 5 MHz CDTA + 2 X Schotty Diodes 2010 [9] - - - 500 kHz Current Conveyor + Voltage Conveyor 2010 [10] ± 1V - - 1 MHz 2XCCII + 2 diodes or CCII + VC+2 diodes 2011 [11] ± 2.5V 0.5 ^m - 1 MHz 2XDDCCI 2011 [13] ± 2.5V - - 5 kHz CCCII + 2XCMOS + R 2007 [15] ±1.25V 0.25 ^m 10 MHz 23 MOSFET 2006 [16] ±1.25V 0.25 ^m - 1 MHz DXCCII (20 CMOS) + 3XNMOS 2008 [19] - - - 200 MHz 26 CMOS + 1 current supply 2006 [20] ± 1.5V 0.5 ^m - 10 MHz 33 MOSFET 2007 [23] ± 5V - - 10 kHz 4XOTA or 5xOTA 2007 [24] ± 5V 0.5 ^m - 200 MHz OTA (24MOSFET) + 2 MOS + Resistor 2009 [25] ± 5V 0.5 ^m 7.9 mW 300 MHz 24 MOSFET 2010 [27] ± 1.2V 0.5 ^m - 250 MHz 31 MOSFET 2006 Floating current source (FCS) was firstly introduced to be used as an output stage for current-mode feedback amplifiers by Arbel and Goldminz in 1992 [28]. Following that, the FCS was used as the output stage of the accurate CCII- proposed in [29-30] to perform the required current conveying action. The FCS has also been used in the realization of fully differential voltage second generation current conveyor [31]. Then, [32] presented two novel floating current source based CMOS negative second generation current conveyor (CCII-). In this paper, a new circuit for realizing full wave rectifier employing a floating current source, two CMOS diodes, and a MOS resistor, is proposed. The proposed circuit was simulated by LTSPICE simulator with 0.18 pm CMOS model obtained through TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Limited). The advantages of the presented structure over the previously presented rectifiers are as follows: - The presented structure is very compact and consists of an FCS and four CMOS transistors, thus enjoying a simpler structure compared to all other available works [1-27]. - The proposed circuit, verified the operation frequency up to 1 GHz, which is the highest frequency when compared with the previously published rectifiers. - It does not require any passive component; therefore it is suitable for integrated circuit (IC) implementation. - It provides high precision voltage rectifying. - This rectifier has the lowest power consumption (825 pW) in comparison with the hitherto published rectifiers [1-27]. (a) (b) Figure 1: (a) Symbol of floating current source circuit (b) MOSFET implementation of floating current source circuit [28] 2 The Floating Current Source Floating current source circuit can be viewed as two differential pairs connected in parallel; an NMOS pair and a PMOS pair. It is assumed that M1 - M2 and M3 - M4 are matched and operate in the saturation region for the NMOS pair and PMOS pair, respectively. Symbol of the FCS and its MOSFET implementation is shown in Fig. 1 (a) and Fig. 1 (b), respectively. [28] provides two balanced output currents satisfying Kirchhoff's current law. The equations of the output currents are given in below. 1B 2 1 B\ + ^Ol + ^O 2 ^B 2 = ^-Bl J = -1 (1) (2) (3) It is assumed that M1 - M2 and M3 - M4 are equal transistors and so we can say that the transconductance of M1 is equal of transconductance of M2 (gm1 = gm2) and transconductance of M3 is equal of transconductance of M4 (gm3 = gm4). Then the transconductances of the FCS circuit (gmo1 and gmo2) are given in Equation (4). The output impedances of the FCS structure are given in Equation (5).