©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, JULY 1996 Vol. 4, No. 1: 31-36 NEW RECORDS FOR THE HETEROPTERAN FAUNA OF SLOVENIA II Andrej GOGALA Ljubljana Abstract - 16 species of Heteroptera new to the fauna of Slovenia and 6 which have been found after a long period, are listed. Two species had been erroneously recorded from Slovenia. Maccevethus caucasicus (Kolenati) is the proper name for a species of this genus in Slovenia. Izvleček - NOVI PODATKI O FAVNI STENIC V SLOVENIJI II Navedenih je 16 vrst stenic, novih v favni Slovenije, in 6 vrst, ki so bile po dolgem času ponovno najdene. Dve vrsti sta bili zabeleženi v favni Slovenije po pomoti. Maccevethus caucasicus (Kolenati) je pravo ime za vrsto tega rodu v Sloveniji. 16 species new to the fauna of Slovenia have been found or recognized in the past few years. Some others have been recorded again after a long period. They were collected by the author, Matija Gogala, Tomi Trilar, Vincenc Furlan, Stanislav Gomboc, and Hannes Giinther. I am also greatful to Hannes Giinther for the identification of Psallus cnientatus and the majority of species collected by him. Two species must be omitted from the list of Slovenian Heteroptera: Plinthi.sus con-vexus Fieber has been erroneously recorded in Slovenia. The specimens published under that name (gogala, 1991) belong to P. brevipennis (Latr.). The same is true of Maccevethus corsicus Signoret, recorded from Slovenia because of misidentification (see below). Checklist Mesoveliidae Mesovelia furcata Mulsant & Rey, 1852 XM05, Dol. Bistrica, 23.5.1992, 2? The species is already known from Slovenia (gogala & Moder, 1960), but has not been found since 1954. The new locality is an oxbow pond of the Mura river. 31 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologteetaiteirtioiftiologica slovenica, 4 (2), 1996 Anthocoridae Lyclocoris dimidiatus (Spinola, 1837) VM41, Kranj, Sr. Bitnje, 17.4.1992, 19, in the nest of Hinindo, T.Trilar leg. One specimen was found by T. Trilar in a swallow's nest, together with many Oeciacus hinmdinis. It was found in bird's nests already in Hungary (PÉRICART, 1972). Xylocorideci brevipennis Reuter, 1876 UL97, Gorjansko, 22.2.1992, 19, under the bark of Pinns, M. Gogala leg. Very rare species (PÉRICART, 1972). Miridae Adelphocoris detritus (Fieber, 1861) VM05, Kranjska Gora, 19.7.1986, 3cf, 49, on Fabaceae, H. Günther leg. et det. Alpine species (WAGNER, 1970). Calocoris ventrcdis Reuter, 1879 VL07, Brje pri Komnu, 8.7.1995, 19, on Clematis Western Mediterranean species (WAGNER, 1970). Brachycoleus decolor Reuter, 1887 VL44, II. Bistrica, Štanga, 22.7.1992, 19; VL27, Nanos: Šembijska bajta, 25.7.1992, lcf, 19, on Apiaceae Haïtiens puncticollis Fieber, 1870 VL27, Nanos: Sv. Hieronim, 25.7.1992, 2cf, 19; VL08, Čaven: Kucelj, 22.8.1992, lcf A Ponto-Mediterranean species, already recorded from Gorica (Gorizia) on the Italian-Slovenian border (WAGNER, 1973). Now it was found in the sub-Mediterranean mountains between 800 and 1200 m. Mecomma dispar Boheman, 1852 WM24, Pohorje: Pesek, 1300 m, 11.8.1991, lcf Boreo-Montane species (WAGNER, 1973). Pilophonis simulons Josifov, 1989 VL03, Koštabona, 12.10.1988, 19 The species had been recorded as P. pusillus (GOGALA & GOGALA, 1989), but was recognized as a distinct species by JOSIFOV (1989). Hoplomachus thunbergi (Fallén, 1807) VL59, Log, Lukovica, 8.6.1991, 19, on Hieracium Psallus cmentatus (Mulsant, 1852) VL16, Štorje, 8.6.1983, 2cT, 29; VL16, Sežana, Povir, 8.6.1983, lcf, 19 (H. Günther det.) Aradidae Ara dus obtectus Vâsârhelyi, 1988 VL85, Kočevje, virgin forest Strmec, 25.6.1994, lcf, under the bark of dead Abies alba, M. Gogala leg. 32 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, dowptoad untet www.biologiezentrum.at A. Gogala: New records for the Heteropteran fauna of Slovenia Lygaeidae Tropidothoraxleucoptenis (Goeze, 1778) VM03, Trenta, Alpine botanical garden Juliana, 24.9.1993, 19 The only record of this species from Slovenia until now was by GRAFFE (1911) from Tolmin (VM01), under the name Lygaeus familiciris F. The new locality is in the same valley of Soca river. Dimorphoptenis spinolae (Signoret, 1857) WMOO, Radece, Jagnjenica, 24.5.1990, 1?, V. Furlan leg. Already known from Slovenia (GOGALA & MODER, 1960; PROTIC, 1987), but found again after 1960. Heterogaster affinis Herrich-Schaffer, 1835 VL07, Kregolisce, 16.6.1992, 1$ Already known from Slovenia (GOGALA & MODER, 1960), but found again after 1960. Emblethis griseus (Wolff, 1802) VL59, Log, Lukovica, 17.4.1995, lcf, M. Gogala leg. Already known from Slovenia (GOGALA & MODER, 1960), but found again after 1960. Pyrrhocoridae Pyirhocoris margincitus (Kolenati, 1845) WM96, Prekmurje: Gancani, 12.6.1993, 1?, S. Gomboc leg. Already known from Slovenia (GOGALA & MODER, 1960), but found again after 1960. Rhopalidae Mciccevethus caucasicus (Kolenati, 1845) VL03, Borst, 3.5.1986, lcf; VL13, Socerga, 9.6.1990, lcf; UL93, Padna, 13.7.1995, 1$; VL07, Brje pri Komnu, 10.9.1995, 1? JOSIFOV (1966) found that species of the genus Mciccevethus could be distinguished only by genitalia of males as all other characters vary too much. After examining the paramers, I concluded that M. caucasicus is the only species of this genus in Slovenia. Our records of M. corsicus (GOGALA, 1991; GOGALA & GOGALA, 1994) are wrong. 33 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www/^iglfaifaqftWrioiogica slovenica, 4 (1)» 1996 Pentatomidae Tholagmus flavolineatus (Fabricius, 1798) UL93, Dragonja, Stena, 23.8.1995, lcf, 11.9.1995, lcf Sciocoris brevicollis Fieber, 1851 Julian Alps: VM03, Dolina Triglavskih jezer, 20.7.1933,29, M. Hafner leg.; VM22, Soriška planina, 23.6.1984, lcf, 1$ Alpine species. It had been wrongly recorded as S. umbrinus (GOGALA & GOGALA, 1986). The only records of S. umbrinus from Slovenia are therefore from Podčetrtek in the sub-Pannonian region (PROTIČ, 1987), but I did not see those specimens collected by E. Jaeger. The status of S. brevicollis is doubtful, as the differences from S. umbrinus are very slight (WAGNER, 1965). Sciocoris fumipennis Puton, 1881 VM05, Kranjska Gora, 700 m, 10.7.1986, lcf, 1?, H. Günther leg. WAGNER (1965) recorded the species from North Italy and Istria, with localities Gorica (Gorizia) and Trst (Trieste) near the Slovenian border. The new locality is in the Alpine region. Dyroderes umbraculatus (Fabricius, 1775) WM96, Prekmurje: Gančani, 29.4.1993,1?, S. Gomboc leg. Stagonomus amoenus (Brulle, 1832) VL07, Brje pri Komnu, 28.5.1995, lcf, on Salvia officinalis Acknowledgements I thank Hannes Günther from Ingelheim for his kind cooperation as well as all contributors of material. I also thank Tomi Trilar for the photographs of specimens. References Gogala, A., 1991: New records for the Heteroptera fauna of Slovenia (Yugoslavia). Biol Vestn., 39: 149-156. Gogala, A., M. Gogala, 1986: Check list of bug species recorded in Slovenia. Biol Vestn., 34: 21-52. Gogala, A., M. Gogala, 1989: True Bugs of Slovenia (Insecta: Heteroptera). Biol Vestn, 37: 11-44. Gogala, A., M. Gogala, 1994: Stenice (Heteroptera) Kraškega roba. Annales, 4: 37-42. Gogala, M., A. Moder, 1960: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Heteropteren-Fauna Sloweniens. Biol. Vestn., 7: 85-99. Gräffe, E., 1911: Beiträge zur Fauna der Hemipteren des Küstenlandes. Boll. Soc. Adriatica Sc. Nat. Trieste, 25: 291-309. Josifov, M., 1966: Zur Systematik der Gattung Maccevethus Dallas, 1852. Reichenbachia, 8: 55-61. Josifov, M., 1989: Beitrag zur Taxonomie der europäischen Pilophorus-Arten. Reichenbachia, 27: 5-12. 34 A. Gogala: New records for the Heteropteran fauna of Slovenia/ww.bioiogiezentrum.at Josifov, M., 1989: Beitrag zur Taxonomie der europäischen Pilophorus-Arten. Reichenbachia, 27: 5-12. Péricart, J., 1972: Hémiptères Anthocoridae, Cimicidae et Microphysidae de l'Ouest-paléarctique. Faune de l'Europe et du bassin méditenanéen, 7. Masson et Cie, Paris. Protic, L., 1987: Hemiptera - Heteroptera collection of Nikolas A. Kormilev in Natural History muséum in Belgrade. Prirodnjacki muzej u Beogradu, Posebna izdanja, 35. Wagner, E., 1970, 1973: Die Miridae Hahn, 1831, des Mittelmeerraumes und der Makaronesischen Inseln. Entom. Abh. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, Teil 1: 37, Suppl.; Teil 2: 39, Suppl. Fig. 1: Sciocoris brevicollis from Soriška planina, a) male, b) female. Fig, 2: Sciocoris fumipennis, male from Kranjska Gora, 10.7.1986, H. Gtinther leg. All photographs by T. Trilar. 35 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entomologica slovenica, 4(1), 1996 Author's address/Naslov avtorja Andrej GOG ALA Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije Prešernova 20, p.p. 290 SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia 36