©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, JUNE 2003 Vol. 11, No. 1: 85-£ ADDITIONS TO THE CHECKLIST OF THE BEE SPECIES OF SLOVENIA (HYMENOPTERA: APOIDEA) Andrej GOGALA1 & Aljaž JENIČ2 1 Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: agogala@pms-lj.si 2 Aljaževa 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: aljazj@yahoo.co.uk Abstract - 6 bee species new to the fauna of Slovenia were found by the authors since the publication of the Checklist. Two additional species, recorded for Slovenia by others in the meantime, are also listed. One species has to be omitted from the list. With this, the number of known bee species in Slovenia is 543. Key words: Hymenoptera, Apoidea, bees, fauna, Slovenia Izvleček - DODATKI K SEZNAMU ČEBEL SLOVENIJE (HYMENOPTERA: APOIDEA) 6 vrst čebel, novih v favni Slovenije, sta avtorja našla po izidu Seznama vrst. Dve dodatni vrsti so med tem časom navedli za Slovenijo drugi. Eno vrsto je potrebno umakniti s seznama. S tem je število poznanih vrst čebel v Sloveniji 543. Ključne besede: Hymenoptera, Apoidea, čebele, favna, Slovenija Since the publication of the checklist of the Slovenian bees (Gogala 1999), several species not known before in the country had been found. A great part of them comes from a sand pit in Bizeljsko, where species preferring sandy substrate, find suitable nesting grounds: Lasioglossum limbellum, L. lucidulum and Nomioides var-iegatus. Andrena albopunctata, a Mediterranean species, was found in the Sečovlje salt-pans. We found an additional bumblebee species in the Alps: Bombus pyre-naeus. Two bee species were described only in 1999. For one of them, Nomada alpigena, the authors cite also a locality in Slovenia in the description. We add this species to the list, as well as Lasioglossum transitorium, which was recorded for Slovenia by Ebmer (2000). 85 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieAsrtftjfmifflmologica slovenica, 1 1 (2), 2003 Chelostoma styriacum had also been recognized as a distinct species only in recent times. After the examination of the collected material, we conclude, that it is present only in the Subpannonian region of Slovenia. One species had to be omitted from the list because of misidentification: Andrena curtula. With the additions, the number of known bee species in Slovenia is 543. Abbreviations: SP, Subpannonian region; SM, Submediterranean region; PA, Prealpine region; AL, Alpine region. List of species Lasioglossum Curtis 1833 Lasioglossum limbellum (Morawitz 1876) West Palaearctic species. In Slovenia in sand pits in Bizeljsko and Frankovci near Ormož (SP): Bizeljsko, peskokop Župjek, 25. 8. 1999, 1 A. Gogala leg.; Ormož, Frankovci, gramoznica Jurkovec, 24. 7. 2002, 2 T. Trilar & A. Kapla leg. Polylectic species. Nests in burrows, excavated in sandy or clay banks. Probably solitary (Westrich 1990). The overwintered females appear in April, young males in August. Lasioglossum lucidulum (Schenck 1861) Eurosiberian species. In Slovenia in a sand pit in Bizeljsko (SP): Bizeljsko, peskokop Župjek, 17. 5. 2000, 1 A. Gogala leg. Polylectic species. Nests in sandy ground. Overwintered females appear in May, males fly from July (Westrich 1990). Lasioglossum transitorium transitorium (Schenck 1868) East Mediterranean subspecies of the Mediterranean species. In Slovenia in Portorož and Piran (SM) (Ebmer 2000). Nomioides Schenck 1866 Nomioides variegatus (Olivier 1789) South Palaearctic and Ethiopian species. In Slovenia in a sand pit in Bizeljsko (SP): Bizeljsko, peskokop Župjek, 25. 8. 1999, 2 A. Gogala leg. Polylectic species. Nests in burrows, excavated in sandy ground by itself (Westrich 1990). Univoltine. Flies in July and August. 86 A. Gogala, A. Jenic: Additions to the checklist of the bee species of Slovenia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Andrena Fabricius 1775 Andrena albopunctata (Rossi 1792) Mediterranean species. In Slovenia in the Sečovlje salt-pans (SM): Sečovlje, Fontanigge, 16. 7. 1999, 1 on Limonium angustifolium, A. Gogala leg. Polylectic species. Nests in the burrows in the ground (Dylewska 1987). Univoltine. Flies in June and July. Chelostoma Latreille 1809 Chelostoma styriacum Schwarz & Gusenleitner 1999 Probably East Mediterranean species. In Slovenia in the Subpannonian region (SP): Mala Polana, Črni log, 23. 5. 1992, 1 S, 1 Podčetrtek, Vonarje, 8. 6. 1996, 1 Bizeljsko, peskokop Zupjek, 17. 5. 2000, 1 (5\ A. Gogala leg. Oligolectic, specialized on Campanula (Campanulaceae) (pers. obs.). Univoltine. Flies in May and June (Schwarz & Gusenleitner 1999). Nomada Scopoli 1770 Nomada alpígena Schwarz, Gusenleitner & Mazzucco 1999 Alpine species. In Slovenia collected in Ljubljana (PA) (Schwarz, Gusenleitner & Mazzucco 1999). Cleptoparasitic species. Flies in July and August. Bombus Latreille 1802 Bombus pyrenaeus Pérez 1879 Alpine species. In Slovenia on Komna (AL): Mala Komna, Koča pod Bogatinom, 29. 6. 2002, 1 J, Aljaž Jenič leg. Polylectic social species. Nests in or above ground (Westrich 1990). Delete from the list: Andrena curtula Pérez 1903: Misidentification. References Dylewska, M., 1987: Die Gattung Andrena Fabricius in Nord- und Mitteleuropa. Acta Zool. Cracov., 30: 359-708. Ebmer, A.W., 2000: Asiatische Halictidae - 9. Die Artengruppe des Lasioglossum pauperatum. Linzer biol. Beitr., 32: 399-453. 87 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entomologica slovenica, 11 (1), 2003 Gogala, A., 1999: Bee Fauna of Slovenia: Checklist of Species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Scopolia, 42: 1-79. Schwarz, M., F. Gusenleitner, 1999: Weitere Angaben zur Bienenfauna Österreichs. Vorstudie zu einer Gesamtbearbeitung der Bienen Österreichs II. Entomofauna, 20: 185-256. Schwarz, M., F. Gusenleitner, K. Mazzucco, 1999: Weitere Angaben zur Bienenfauna Österreichs. Vorstudie zu einer Gesamtbearbeitung der Bienen Österreichs III. Entomofauna, 20: 461-524. Westrich, P., 1990: Die Wildbienen Baden-Württembergs, 2. verb. Aufl., Ulmer, Stuttgart. Received / Prejeto: 14. 1. 2003 88