NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER, 1985 VOLUME 57 WASHINGTONIANS... Mother of the Year, Angela Daly, stands holding her bouquet of red carnations and a happy smile, as she was honored at the Br. 103 celebration of June 9th. Members and friends greeted her and her family with a loving tribute. On this photo, taken in front of St. Columba’s hall on that beautiful sunny day, we see the committee with Mrs. Daly and editor, Corinne Leskovar who was a visitor in the city attending her son’s wedding in nearby Virginia. From left to right, they are: Mary Lou Terselic, Frieda Michelitch, president; Mara Chokal, Mary Mejac, secretary; Iča Žebot, Tillie Ausich, Ivanka Antolin, Corinne Leskovar, Angela Daly, Nika Kovačič, Jana Bevec and Bernadette Kovačič. (See more about them on pages 12-13). 11 UL' t ■ u \u v ZARJA - THE DA WN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to : ZARJA — THE DAWN, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL 60608 NO. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1985 VOL. 57 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except January, June & August — izhaja vsak mesec razen januar, junij in avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00 — naročnina $10.00 lemo za ne-članice. Publisher.SI O V ENI A N HOM! N 'S l IN ION ()!■’ AM KRK A ■IM No. Chicago St., Joliet, II 60432 Telephone (8 15) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 11. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo bili v rokah urednice do I. r mesecu. Editor. CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office, 20J 2 H. C er mak Rd„ Chicago. II. 60608 Telephone (M2) 847-6679 55th ANNIVERSARY STATE CONVENTION MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN September 22, 1985 9:30 to 11 a.m., State Convention 11:15 a.m., Holy Mass 1 p.m. Dinner and 2 p.m. Program ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CHURCH AND HALL Greenfield, Illinois HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN SEPTEMBER National Officer: Sep. 17 - Stavia Dobersek, Regional President of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI Presidents Sep. 5 - Ann Kapel, Br. 100, Fontana, CA Sept 7 - Freda Michelitch, Br. 103, Washington, D.C. Sep. 16 - Magdalene Burns, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, PA Sep. 17 - Stavia Dobersek, Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI Sep. 24 - Mildred Lipnos, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., OH Secretaries: Sep. 2 - Joanne Ponikvar, Br. 54, Warren, OH Sep. 9 - Helen Sebastian, Br. 22, Bradley, IL Sep. '10 - Mary Dezman, Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI Sep. 15 - Linda Mikus, Br. 92, Gunnison, CO Sep. 16 - Mary Satkovieh, Br. 97, Universal, PA Sep. 19 - Louise Puchreiter, Br. 83, Crosby, MN Sep. 22 - Rosemary Mlakar, Br. 100, Fontana, CA Sep. 25 - Wanita Helmer, Br. 24, LaSalle, IL Sep. 26 - Josephine Turk, Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Sep. 28 - Patricia Emerson, Br. 105, Detroit, Ml MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1985 St. Mary’s Church, Holmes Ave., Holy Mass at 10:30 a.m. followed by dinner, meeting and program at Slovenian National Home on Holmes Ave. Cleveland, (Collinwood) Ohio AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC UNION LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE FAMILY HOME OFFICE: 2439 GLENWOOD AVENUE • JOLIET, IL 60435 (815) 741-2001 INDEPENDENT jpAYINGS 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 SOM Center Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 President’s Messaea The heal in Arizona is still with us, but it should subside soon. Flowers and shrubbery are all aflame with color, making a lovely picture. Many of our vacationers have returned, refreshed and eager to get involved with their various activities - I hope everyone of them is participating in your local S W U branch. In the July issue of ZAR.IA, the articles by Anna Hodnik, Youth Director and Albina Uehlein, Women’s Activities Director, stress the necessity of youth involvement and projects of interest lor members and prospective members. We need some interesting activities so they will be anxious to attend your programs. us hear from branches who are having successful meetings, with good attendance; there are quite a few. The article, a reprint, in the last issue about Branch 42 was most interesting. Congratulations to you for staying together for so many years. Also, on September 23, Branch 43 in Milwaukee, is hosting the State Convention. I wish you much success with excellent report from your members. We have many ailing members, please remember them in your prayers or visits. This is exceedingly helpful to those especially who are housebound. Our deceased are also in need of prayers that the Lord keep them secure in His Heavenly abode. May God Walk With You Mary Muller Mv new address: 8021 E. Osborne DR. Apt. I03B Scottsdale, AZ 85251 (602) 994-9170 SENATOR FRANK LAUSCHE SCHOLARSHIP FUND || 5 4 7 8 In November, Branch No. 103 will celebrate its 20th Anniversary at its annual dinner-dance. We will be privileged at this time to honor Senator Frank Lausche on his 90th birthday! On this occasion, we will announce the establishment of an SWU Scholarship Fund in his name. This is a very appropriate tribute for such a deserving person. Among his many accomplishments, Senator Lausche has served as Mayor of Cleveland, was elected five times as Governor of Ohio, and served two terms as United States Senator from Ohio. In order to do justice to this scholarship fund, we hope that all the Branches will make a sincere effort to contribute to this worthwhile cause. Donations may be sent directly to Hermine Dicke, Chairperson of the Scholarship Fund. Matiltla A usich Recording Secretary Branch No. 103 Know of any old recipes? As we read all the lodge newspapers, American Home, and of course, ZARJA, it is so surprising of the ages of it’s members. Many couples celebrating 50 year anniversaries and even as many as 65 years of marriage! And the ages of some people well into the 90’s and even 100's! In fact, some of our charter members are in their 90’s. When some of these women are interviewed, they tell of being good cooks and bakers and have specialties of their very own. My mother was always pleased when the women complimented her on her “old” recipe tor apple strudel. These are the recipes we want to preserve and keep. Some women are noiud for their flancate, or donuts or poticas. They have a special way of cooking and baking, (one handful of this and one handful of that!) Many of these recipes are in “Pots and Pans” and should be tried. What better way could we start the fall season than to demonstrate all this to our younger members? Some of our own women in the Wisconsin and Cleveland areas have won in bake-offs, and we are proud of them. Let’s teach our younger generation all we can to keep our heritage alive. Albina Uelilein Women's Activities Director 50 YEAR MEMBER LOUISE KOSMERL, 50 year member of Hr. 10. Cleveland, Ohio has been with Br. 10 since May oj 1935 and is the recipient of an S. W.U. emblem pin. She and her daughter enjoy ZARJA and the Immigrant stories. Thru them, they were able to locate some lost family members. Heartiest wishes to all. 20/20 MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Phase III - “Goals to Reach” Regional Presidents will be seeking new members in each state jurisdiction according to the following goals set al the annual Board of Directors’ meeting in March. You are urged to be an active "campaigner” for new members! State ILLINOISINDIANA WISCONSIN OHIO-MICHIGAN MINNESOTA COLO-KANSMO CALWASHORE PENNA-DC-NY Can we make it to 715 new all try! Goal 163 new members 80 new members 248 new members 100 new members 42 new members 15 new members 64 new members members this year?’s 1985 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS The Slovenian Women’s Union is happy lo announce the five 1985 Scholarship Winners. The competition was strong. We can all be proud of our winners. Scholarship Committee: Olga Ancel, Anna Hodnik, Rose Kraemer, Mary Muller, Irene Odorizzi and Hermine Dicke, Chairman. The Scholarship Committee selection for the five $1,000 Scholarship recipients is as follows: I. Lisa L. Vidergar, 2221 Sewell Ave., Fontana, Calif., is the daughter of Frank and Mary Vidergar and member of Br. 100. A lifetime member, Lisa will major in Civil Engineering at Notre Dame University. Ranked No. 1 in her Senior Class with a 4.0 grade point average throughout high school, she is a member of the National Honor Society and is listed in “Who’s Who Among American High School Students.” Her accomplishments and awards are many including Student Council Treasurer and Secretary; Track and Field Varsity letters; President Slovene Youth Singing Group; 1st Place Academic Excellence Award (9th- 11th grades); German, Trigonometry, Business, and Newman Service Awards; President American Field Service Club, besides being an accomplished musician, mastering the button accordian, piano and bass guitar. Lisa co-produced a Slovenian record album of polkas and waltzes featuring the Vidergar Family Orchestra. 2. Judy Stražišar, 1775 Skyline Dr., Richmond Hgts., Ohio is the daughter of Anthony and Eleanor Stražišar. A seventeen-year member of Br. 47, Judy will major in Business Psychology at Indiana University or Michigan State University. An excellent student, Judy has also participated in Student Council, CARE, School Newspaper, Drama Club, Concert Choir, Ski Club, Majorettes, School Liturgies and other extra-curricular activities. She helped develop SADD (Students Against Driving Drunk) in her school. She is a member of the Slovenian Folkloric Group KRES and enjoys sharing her Slovenian culture with peers of similar backgrounds. I'ati.v 3. Patricia Elizabeth Gordon, 6645 Doncaster Dr., Gladstone, Ore., is the daughter of Gene and Rosemary Gordon and a member of Br. 45 since birth. Patricia will major in Child Psychology at Western Oregon State or Oregon State University. Besides maintaining a high academic average, Patty has been involved with basketball, Psuke (a service club), A-Cappella and Jazz Choirs, volunteer worker in student store and at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Church Youth group and the National Honor Society. She has participated in SWU meetings and adds, “I eagerly await each year for the annual SWU Palm Sunday Breakfast”. 4. Marlin Urick, 331 South 2nd Street East, Aurora, Minn, is the son of Barbara and Edward (deceased) Urick of Br. 35. Martin will major in Business at the University of Minnesota or the College of St. Thomas. A member of the National Honor Society he was also active in the Student Council, Band, Basketball, Track, Football, Business Explorer’s Club, Cross-country running, Boy’s State besides the Catholic Youth Group and serving as acolyte in Church. He received the DAR award and was chosen Class President in his senior year. “Fellow classmates seek him out, and the faculty admires his classroom ability”. He has attended several of the Branch’s functions and acted as a waiter for a Christmas dinner. Marty Cindy 5. Cynthia Ann Blum, 1300 Drivers Circle, Rocky Mount, N.C. is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Blum and a member of Br. 21 in Cleveland. Accepted at the University of North Carolina, she will major in Pharmacy. Cynthia ranks first in a class of 381 students. She served as president of the National Honor Society; President of the Latin Club, Secretary of French Club and participated in Softball, Basketball and the Marching and Concert Bands. She received the physical Science Award and National Merit Award in English and Leadership. Her counselor writes: “Cindy will bring only credit and distinction to this prestigious Slovenian Women’s Union award.” - ..II --------II . . z)r- II -=)fc= Scholarship Winner Grad. Douglas Walsh, a S.W.U. Scholarship Recipient of 1981, graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in May. His cumulative grade point average gave him the distinction of wearing a special cardinal red honor stole identifying him as an honor student at the commencement on May 19th. Doug graduated with a double major. Finance and Risk Insurance from the School of Business. Doug, as you will recall, was instrumental in starting the series, Slones about Grandparents published in the Zarja. He wrote the first article about his tender love for his own grandmother, Mrs. Mary Tratnik, and with that, inspired other stories to be written. Doug will remain in Madison to study this summer, then take a trip to the Hawaiian Islands with his mother and brother. He will then join the Johnson Wax Corporation in Racine, Wisconsin as he works toward a Masters Degree in Business Administration at Northwestern University at Evanston, Illinois. Illinois. Doug is the son ot Donalyn Walsh and grandson of Maty and Al Fratnik. All are 'longtime members of Br. 43 in Milwaukee. Heartiest Congratulations! Kouorler GRATEFUL STUDENTS Dear Mrs. Dieke: I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for the scltolarsliip*oJ $ 1.000.00. / have received final payment of $500.00 and am in the process of paying for the second semester tuition at Kent State University. / have to say that everything is going fine at school and I enjoy college very much. / am really thankful for the opportunity of higher education that the Slovenian Women's Union has given me. Fraternally, Paula./. y.evnik. Hr. .? I 'uclid, Ohio Dear Mrs. Hermine Dicke: Although / was rather diisappointed to learn that I had not won in the scholarship competition. I was grateful to receive the $50.00 check. / think that this award was a very nice gesture on the part of the Slovenian Women's Union. Thank you for your consideration and best wishes for the Union's continued success. Sincerely, Sharon Just M NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WI On June 2nd, we honored Hermine Dicke as “Mother of the Year”. Hermine was awarded the honor due to her untiring interest in the Slovenian Women’s Union: the “Pots and Pans” cookbook she edited, her monthly contributions to the ZARJA and her services as chairperson of the Scholarship Program. Following a Special Mass lor the living and deceased members of Branch 1, our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. R. Fale, gave the invocation and extended his congratulations to Hermine. After a buffet dinner, President Ruth Sheck opened the program by introducing and tributing the honoree. An arm bouquet of red carnations was then presented to her by her sister (M.F.). Hermine related interesting events in her “growing up” years at home and spoke on the Slovenian Women’s Union. She also introduced members of the family and relatives expressed their gratitude to all who helpedmake it a memorable day. Janet Maurin and her son, Paul, treated the party with musical selections. Paul’s yodeling was delightful with Janet’s lively accordian accompaniment. Hermine’s husband, Bob, tributed his dear wife. Kathy Dicke, Hermine and Bob’s youngest daughter concluded the festivities by singing and playing on the guitar one of her grandmother Prisland’s favorite songs “Ke je moj mili dom”. Our Branch sent a donation for the restoration of the Statue of Liberty in memory of our parents who came across the Atlantic in the early 1900’s as the statue was the first glimpse of America they saw. Our annual card party will be held Sept. 11th at 7 p.m. in the Church Hall. We need your cooperation. Meeting date is Sept. 18th, please try and attend. Get well wishes to the sick and infirm. With best wishes, MARGARET FISCHER NO. 2, CHICAGO, II. June was the month we honored our Fathers. Each Father and husband posed for a group picture and a gift was presented to all. A lovely cake was displayed to honor Fathers. Birthday ladies and anniversaries are far too numerous to list. As we don’t want any omitted, best wishes to all those celebrating. Prospective new members are as follows: Viola Pyzek, Agnes Kovacic, Matthew Garvel and Frank Aievoli. David Ciszek, a graduate, was omitted from the last list. Our sympathies to the families of the following: Stella Gorkis’ sister; Helen Fitzgerald’s sister-in-law; Barbara Wencel, our sister who resided in Florida; also, Ann Shiffler. May they all rest in peace. A prayer was offered for our deceased sisters, Lil Ziebert, Anna Ursich, and Agnes Howard. The flag was draped in their memory. Frances Jasbec thanked everyone for the lovely Mother of the Year party. Frances crocheted a lovely afghan which was used as a prize on the books. Mass for the sick and shut-ins is Sept. 12 at 8:00 a.m. The sick list reads as follows: Steven Potter, hospitalized with a leg injury, also Louis Pasderetz, same type injury. Rose Zielinski’s brother-in-law and surgery, along with her husband; Jean Zelesnikar had an accident; Mary Brencic, mother of Julia Petrich, John Hozzian, leg injury, Paul Ciszek, who broke his arm, Sadie DeFalee, Luba Troha, Mary Kosar, Ann Kosmach, Rose Kleiderman, Hilda Thorn. Please remember these and all the sick in your prayers. A painting was unveiled at the meeting, titled “See, I will not lorget you, 1 have carved you in the palm of my hand.” It is an astronaut in the palm of God’s hand. A display of this painting will be shown at the Sept. meeting along with 7 other paintings. These will be used for the retreats for the young people that will be coordinated by Mike. Lemont picnic for Br. No. 2 was a huge success. A bus, free of charge, was provided for members and workers. The turn-out of prizes were plentiful and very nice. Thanks to all the workers who made the picnic the huge success it was. The Mass was well attended. Mass booklets typed by Mike Morison lor the 3rd year, covers made by Mary Lauretig. Myles Godard dressed in costume, sang “Indian in Chippewa”. He did the epistle reading in sign language. Mike read it in English. After Communion, he chanted a Chippewa prayer to Mary. Mary Vrhovnik and Mary Kerzisnk were in the Slovenian costumes along with 5 girls and 3 boys. Treasurer, Mary Kerzisnik did the first reading, Fr. Athanasius had Mass and Sr. Cindy played the organ. Special gifts for Mass were carnations, Indian beaded rosary, portrait of Baraga, wild rice in Indian woven baskets, loaves of potica, and traditional gifts of bread and wine - a blending of American, Slovenian and Indian traditions. Winners on the books are: 1) Trip: Mrs. Adeline Dolenc 2) Afghan: Irene Norkus 3) Bible: Joe & Mary Jagar 4) Lamp; E. Gora 5) Slovenian Dolls: The Or licks 6) Coffee pot: Linda Inga 7) Jig Saw: Lou Fabian 8) Can Opener: Ann Mikelnik 9) Record: Wanda Gurtowski 10) Cabbage Patch Doll: Marie Knych We thank the people from several states who helped us celebrate “Zveza Day”. At the time this letter reaches the magazine, summer will have left us. At the closing of my column, I hope all of you are enjoying what’s left of this beautiful season. Especially in my mind now are Mary Riech and Chris Pirman, visiting in Slovenia for three weeks; and Angie Benedict, visiting Kansas for three weeks. See you at the next meeting. Your reporter, ANN SCIESZKA NO. 16, SO. CHICAGO, II, Welcome to new juvenile members ADAM ARTGEGA, THOMAS KS1AZEK, CHRISTINE and DAVID MICHAELS and to social members MARIE VIDOVIČU and MARY DANIELS. Congratulations lo PAUL DRUGA who graduated from Columbia College in June with a Bachelor of Ails Degree. Paul is a lifelong member and son of the late PAULINE DRUGA. He majored in AUDIO ENGINEERING and is employed at Chicago Recording Studio. Get well wishes to hospitalized LEONARD RAGO and wife MARY. Unfortunately while MARY was visiting LEONARD she herself became ill and was kept in the hospital. Member ZORA YURKAS is also in the So. Chicago Hospital. One of our faithful members, MILLIE (JAKSICH) SKUL, un- derwent by-pass surgery the 29th of June but she did noi pull through. She died in the night. JOSEPH F. BUBLICH, brother of members ANNA LUST1G, MARY BUBLICH and MAN DA MAGGIO, passed away in SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA. ELAINE (TOPORIS) TINSLEY passed away June 16th. We extend our deepest heartfelt condolences to all the members of the families of the deceased. May GOD give you the courage and strength needed at this trying time. Eternal rest unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them. HELEN MILANOVICH attended her son’s wedding in California. STEPHANIE GOLOB donated a beautiful afghan and pillow which was given at our JUNE meeting. It was won by LOTTIE GOLDEN. Other winners were - ANNA LUSTIG & EDNA WINTERS -Chairs VI SIMON - large cooler and stepladder MARYANN SAMBOL & ANITA QUIL1CI - thermoses BETTY NATARELLI - door prize MARY BROZOVICH & TINA MARTIN - butterflies CONGRATULATIONS! LADIES A letter from a former student of DOLORES O’BYRNE was read at our meeting. He was a 2nd grader when she taught him. Today, he is in the business world and still applies the lessons of 3-Rs, morals and honesty he learned. He thanked her for being such an outstanding teacher and person. Wc agree with him wholeheartedly, DOLORES. CONGRATULATIONS!! Bouquets to LORRAINE OORNICK, daughter of HELEN, for the beautiful musical concert of religious music presented at St. George Church. Thank you, LORRAINE. FAITH makes it wholly possible 1» quietly endure the violent world around us for in GOI) we are secure. - Helen Steiner Rice See you all at the meeting September 12, first Thursday of the month. I RAN B. ZUPANČIČ NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, WI As the summer comes to a close, we once again turn our interests to our branch activities. Our regular meeting will resume on Sunday, Sept. 15th at 2 p.m. at St. Mary’s Baraga Hall. We hope to see many happy people back from their vacations all ready and willing to participate in all activities of our branch. The first is the state convention on Sunday, Sept. 22nd at St. John’s Evangelist Church, 8500 West Cold Spring Road, hosted by branch No. 43. Members, how about a good turn out? I’m sure you will enjoy the comeraderie of friends, the good hospitality of host branch No. 43, and perhaps give us some good suggestions at the convention meeting. Our October meeting will be somewhat special after a short business meeting. We will honor our mother-of-the-year, Mary Marolt. Mary is a very active member of our branch. We are the happy recipients of many of the donations, be it prize, bakery or a helping hand in many of our endeavors. She has a generous and wonderful personality and attends our meetings whenever weather and health permits; she’s also active in other fraternal organizations. Members, please try to attend and make this a great and memorable day for Mary which she will long remember. A delicious lunch will be served. If yu’re planning to attend, please call in your reservation to either Marion Marolt at 327-3871 or our secretary Joan Yaklich at 545-3716. On this day we will also award the prizes for our annual event. This event is held primarily to help defray expenses occurring during the year. Please return your tickets as soon as possible. Many thanks to the donors for the prizes, bakery or whatever for this special event. Please sell the booster sheets; the more sold the better the results. Oh yes, our President, Marion Marolt has quite a few cook books on hand. They make wonderful gifts, be it shower, wedding or birthday or to the young ladies who wish to learn our Slovenian traditional bakery and cooking. They really do make great gifts for any occasion. Please contact Marion Marolt if you wish to obtain them. Just heard our very active member, Mary Coffelt, was hospitalized. A sincere wish for her speedy recovery; also Frances Potochar spent some time in the hospital. For these two wonderful people, may God grant them the return of good health soon, and to all our sick and shut-in members a speedy recovery. FRAN P1WON1, Recording Secretary NO. 20, JOLIET, II. Vacations are over for some of us, and we’re looking forward to a busy, active Fall Season. Our meeting will take place on September 17th, a Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Come prepared to exert a little energy; we’re going to have a representative from the Joliet Park District come to give us a demonstration on how to keep fit. Dress should be casual — something to go with the grunting and groaning while we “bend and stretch!” September has two important items on our agenda; the trip to Mackinac Island over the Labor Day week-end for Bishop Baraga Days, and our Grape Festival Dance on September 28th. The Grape Dance will again be held at St. Joseph’s Park Hall, with music by Ken Juricie. Dancing will be from 8:30 to 12:30; favorite foods and refreshments will be available. There will be door prizes and chances, with a special door prize for a SWU member. Admission is $2.50. If you’ve been in attendance in years past, you know how much fun it is; if you have not, come see-1 know, 1 say that each year—but I went, enjoyed it, and I’m hooked!! We will need members’ help to decorate and man the various stations to make the evening run as smoothly as always, so volunteers, step forward! More details at the September meeting. We have lost three more of our members, whom God has called to their eternal rest. Maria Markun, Katrina Jeriha, and Kay Sukle. Maria was a 14 year member, Katrina, a 44 year member and Kay a 29 year member. Kay also was very active in our bowling league for many years. We also send our sympathy to Kathryn Jelinek Feldman on the death of her husband James; to John & Dorothy Mahan on the death of his father and brother who died within a week of each other; Dorothy Sebalj on the death of her brother John Azman, and to Mary Lu Planisek on the death of her father Edward Soja. Get well wishes go out to Evelyn Felbinger and Lottie Jevitz who have been ill since our last issue. We have congratulations to send to Mr. & Mrs. Felix Peraud (Catherine) who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. A baby girl has joined the family of Joyce and Jerry Cabay, congratulations. In the last issue of ZARJA, we noted the marriage of Annette Markun and Ray Konear on June 1. This young lady was named the 1985 Ptocopian of the Year at the College’s recent Honors Day and graduated summa cum laude in May. She hopes to launch a career as a mathematics teacher in the fall. Her accomplishment rated her a beautiful write up in the Joliet Catholic Explorer. She earned the highest honor given to a graduating senior at Illinois Benedictine College, near Lisle, Illinois. She is one of eleven children of Frank and Rosemary Markun and granddaughter of the late Maria Markun. We wish her much success in her dual role of wife and teacher. St. Joseph’s Church Festival was the setting for Class Reunions for those attending the Church School. This year’s Homecoming, was bigger and better than before; just think, we haven’t changed a bit! Wedding congratulations go to Mary Jane Hrubos and William Worek who were married July 27, and to I he bride and groom to be, Paul Blase'Rozman and Renee Jean Zameie, our best wishes. Don’t forget to make your reservation for the State Convention being held in LaSalle, Illinois, this year; details will be available at the meeting. The date is October 6th. We’re open for news items you would like to share with us; just call, or drop it in the mail. We are also in need of names of members who would be available to attend wakes and funerals of our members; usually there is a short period of time to make these arrangements. Call Agnes Lovati or Mildred Pucel if you can participate. Counting our blessings is an art requiring a deliberate decision; a decision to THINK: Every cross has a purpose, and brings a hidden blessing. May your blessings be many. HELEN PLUT NO. 21, CLEVELAND, OH Our mother’s day luncheon was very well-attended. Nearly 100% were present so we should try to keep up such attendance. The luncheon was catered by our Chef, Wayne O’Coin at West Park Slovene Home; food was good and plentiful. Thanks to all of you who have so generously donated prizes; your kindness and cooperation were of great help. New social members: Helen Stojan Steffie, Sophie Jurca - Welcome to our organization. Special thanks to all of you for the beautiful bouquet of flowers presented to me at Mother’s Day luncheon. It was a complete surprise and made me very happy. Also thanks for the get well cards, and condolence on the loss of brother, Gustave (Thank you Mary Vadnal for thinking of me.) We extend our condolences to Bea Zakrajšek upon the loss of brother John; also deepest sympathies to family of Ann Hočevar. May they rest in peace. Hospitalized recently: Alice Vidmar’s husband, Ed; Ann Hanchette, Ann Pischel’s husband, Laurence; also Leona Blatnik and Sophie Jurca. Our prayers to all the sick and convalescing members. Kathleen Marie Dancull, granddaughter of Stella Dancull, graduated June 6, 1985 from Midpark High School. Kathleen was on the Honor Roll and graduated in the upper 10% of her class. She held office of President in her Cooperative Office Education Class and worked at Standard Oil Company as part of her class project. Kathleen was hired by Standard Oil and will attend Cuyahoga Community College night school in the fall. Graduations! Edith Cimperman became a great grandma for the 2nd time; a baby boy Kenneth. Proud parents are Patricia and Robert Thompson. Grandma Frances Cimperman has some joyful news! Mara Jo Shanes, her 6th great grand child was born May 6, 1985. Proud parents are granddaughter, Nancy and husband Jonathan. Attending commencement June 8th, 1985 at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia where granddaughter Joyce Cimperman received her degree in chemical engineering. Then on to New Berlin, Wisconsin for a very enjoyable visit with daughter, Carole and family. Do plan to attend our meeting Sept. 11. STELLA DANCULL NO. 22, BRADLEY, IL To hostesses Mollie Starasinich and Elizabeth and Anne Kinder, hvala lepa for the friendly welcome into your home when we met in June. Attendance was 98%; Doreenc Althaus had dislocated her shoulder the day before and Jo Zaletel was not yet up to par but sent her thanks for the Mass offered for her father. The business portion was short; socializing and games were enjoyed, proving profitable to Mollie McIntyre, May me Drassler, Gabrielle Lustig, Ann Richards, Anna LaMontagne and yours truly. The summer event, of course, was the Slovenian picnic in July, with the Rittmauics and Marge Planton on the committee. A wonderful day, thanks to the committee and to the weatherman. You threw up your arms to catch the cooling breezes as they wafted over the waters of the muddy Kankakee River below. The “hrib” is a great spot for a picnic! And what a pleasure to see our longtime friends whom we see so infrequently, like the Smole sisters and Bernadette Stefanich. There’s a fast exchange of news and views! Anne Smole Zorbas and daughters Roseanne and Mary came from nearby Boston. You learn that Mary, a former social worker, now is in high-tech and that Roseanne is an electrician. Bernie Stefanich Kresovich of Chicago has a granddaughter going to Smith College on scholarship and a grandson enrolled in a university in Schenectady, N.Y., also on a grant. Congratulations to all our Slovenes who are pursuing and achieving worthwhile goals! No ethnic event is complete without the Barothy’s of Indianapolis, Rose (Smole) and daughter Mary Anne. They were there, enjoying it all. Some of the local folk didn’t make the outing. Francis and Ann Richards had a reunion of their own, with son James of Minnesota and his family, at the Clutter residence. By this time Barbara Clutter must be well established in her position at City National Bank, in charge of collection on loans. Sounds like an awesome task, worse than that of president of the U.S.A. After August 3 we can address Louie Jamnik, son of member Anna Jamnik, as Postmaster Louie. After 35 years of service in the Bradley P.O., including being superintendent of postal operations, Louie was appointed to the post by the Kankakee district manager. He gives credit to my brother John, postmaster eons ago, for his training and guidance, enabling him to qualify for this promotion. Again, our congratulations to another Slovenian! To our members who are experiencing ill health at this writing, our prayerful wishes for full recovery, with God’s peace to you, and to all. EMMA LUSTIG NO. 23, ELY, MN Meeting of Aug. 5th was held at the parish hall, the first one after summer vacation. Ann Saari, president, read a few reports from a ZARJA Collection from 1954, owned by Mrs. Katherine Grahek, now deceased. Very interesting. Mary Palcher gave a reading. Minnesota Day Sept. 8th at Eveleth was discussed and reservations made. Pols and Pans cookbooks are selling very well and a motion was made to order more. A guest at the meeting was Angela Daly of Washington, D.C., their Mother of the Year of 1985. Thirty-seven members were present. Ann Miklaueich picked her own name for the door prize. Dawn Club had a pasty supper in August at Semer’s Park. Cards were read from Julia Maycrle’s family and Elsie Veranth family. They were deceased in May. Nice salad and crackers luncheon was served. Hope you are all enjoying the rest of the warm weather. KRIS GARNI MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT SNAPS! Oldest bowler, Ann Kobe of Hr. 20, Joliet and youngest bowler, Beki krulj of Br. 16, South Chicago. NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL We certainly can’t complain about our summer this year. I’m writing this on a beautiful sunny morning, everything is so green and pretty after a rainy yesterday. It’s hard to believe that it’s almost time for our students to return to classes. Congratulations to Betty Stack and her husband, LeRoy who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on July 14 with Mass at Resurrection Church followed by a reception at the Moose Lodge hosted by their son, Tom. Rose Furlan had foot surgery recently at 1VC Hospital. Mary Gornik had a bad fall and fractured her wrist on one arm and the elbow on the other. We hope they will both be as good as new by the time they read this. Fannie Kobilsek is a great grandma again. Grandson John Larson and wife are the proud parents. Best wishes to all. We had 15 enthusiastic members at our July meeting. They are committed to hosting a great convention in La Salle. The members are grateful to Fr. Swancr for his participation at all of our meetings. He offers so many good suggestions and is very helpful. Ann Serri, Frances Baznik and Agnes Ostrowski will be in charge of serving coffee and rolls as the delegates arrive for convention. Emma Shimkus, Josephine Savnik and Wanita Helmer are responsible for arrangements for the convention dinner. We hope to have Spiritual Advisor, Father Athanasius celebrate Mass. I know that some of the letters to Branch Presidents regarding the Convention went to past-presidems instead of the current ones. I hope they were forwarded to the proper officers. This was due to using an incorrect list of current officers. I’m sorry that this happened. In any event, Branch 24 will host the Illinois-Indiana State Convention on Sunday, October 6, in La Salle. Registration will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in La Salle Catholic School-Resurrect ion Building, 1055 Sixth St. and coffee and rolls will be served at this time. Holy Mass will be at 11:00 a.m. in Resurrection Church, 913 Fifth St. Dinner will be served at 12:30 p.m. in the Red Room of the Hotel Kaskaskia, 217 Marquette St., La Salle. This will be a generous buffet and will include beef, chicken, ham, potato, pasta, hot vegetable, salads, etc. Price will be $10.00 per person. Dinner reservations must be made by September 20 with Wanita Helmer, 1035 Marquette St., La Salle 61301, phone (815) 224-1336. There is ample parking at the school, church and hotel. Convention business meeting will follow the dinner. We’re looking forward to seeing you on October 6th and hope many will attend. Our branch will hold it’s next meeting on Thursday, September 19, at 7:00 p.m. at La Salle Catholic Resurrection School. Please try to attend. Your good ideas and cooperation are very much appreciated, especially at this busy time. ANNE M. WANC.ER, Reporter NO. 25. CLEVELAND, Oil Everybody rejoiced when our hostages were freed. Let’s join with all men and women of good will in thankful prayer. Congratulations to Chris and Frank Glavan! They were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday June 30th with a Mass at noon at St. Vitus Church. Bishop Pevec was the principal celebrant at the Mass. Four priests were assisting. Chris is a wonderful “gal”, always helping where needed. Come all and especially all new members are invited to attend our next meetng Sept. 10th 4 p.m. Josie Mohorčič, our President and her sister, Jennie Strumbel will have a garden picnic. We will take you in even if you are half or one hour late. Understood? The address is 1051 E. 61st. Don’t forget, mark your calendar with a thick red pen. It is more outstanding! In July and August we had no meetings. Our hearts go to families who lost their loved ones - Frances Hribar, Frances Mohorčič, Veronica Vrbančič, Josephine Schmidt, Anna Zalar and Mary Janežič. Our sincere sympathy to all. Please, could you help me in locating these ladies? Helen Poklieki, Josephine Widmar, Frances Zupin. Call me at 881-4798 or write to me 6610 Bliss Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Thank you! Wishing most happiest year to: Leslie Telicli, Josie Atnbrosic, Danica Chemas, Mary Noggy, Anna Fortuna, Chris Glavan, Annie Knaus and a good 80th to Frances Novak! Frances Macerol is again a good walking lady. We are happy for you, Frances. Julia Marolt is convalescing in St. Augustine Manor. Say a prayer for her and all our other sisters who are suffering, but we do not know about it. Have a nice summer! C IRILA KERMAVNER DELUXE NUT BREAD 1 cup lukewarm milk */2 pound melted butter 1 cake yeast (1 ounce) (2 sticks) 4 tablespoons sugar 3 egg yolks 1 teaspoon salt 4'/2 cups sifted flour Warm milk; add yeast, sugar and salt. Let stand for 10 minutes in a large bowl. Add butter, unbeaten eggs yolks and flour to yeast mixture. Mix well and knead dough umil smooth. Cut in half and shape into two balls. Place in separate covered containers and refrigerate overnight. Next morning remove dough from refrigerator and let stand 1 hour, covered. Roll out one half to about 20” x 11 ” on lightly floured surface. Spread with half the filling. Roll up narrow side of dough and place in greased 4” x 11” or 12” pan, seam side down. Cover and allow to rise until double in bulk, aboul 1 hour. Bake in a 325° oven for 1 hour. Filling: 3 egg w hites, 1 cup ground nuts room temperature 3/4 cup sugar Beat egg whites until stiff. Add sugar slowly and continue beating after each addition. Add ground nuts and mix. MUSHROOM BEEF STEW 4 l>/2 1 pound fresh mushrooms or canned mushrooms, using liquid 1 large clove of garlic, finely chopped Green parsley 1 bay leaf electric skillet, brown the finely (or other condiment - olive oil is medium onion, finely chopped tablespoons oil pounds 1” beef chuck arm steak 4 medium potatoes Salt and pepper, to taste Using a large shallow pan or chopped onion in 4 tablespoons oil especially good). Meanwhile trim the fat from the steak and cut it into 1” cubes. Put the cubed meat into the pan (keeping the temperature at 300°F while browning the meat) ca* 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. While the meal is simmering, peel the potatoes and cut them into ca 1” cubes. Spread the potatoes over the meat. Slice the mushrooms, wash them with boiling water in a separate pan, and drain immediately. Spread mushrooms over the potatoes. Top with finely chopped clove of garlic and fresh parsley (chopped together). Sprinkle with small pieces of a bay leaf. Cover and simmer until meat is tender; should be ready in 45 minutes. Important: This is a continuous operation. Watch the pan closely and keep adding about a cup of water whenever necessary. The stew, when ready, should be moist, but not water. Serves 4 to 5 people. Serve with salad and homemade bread. *Ca means “about” or “approximately.” SOUR CREAM BERRY CAKE i 3 1 P/4 1 '/2 '/2 '/2 '/2 ■/2 cup butter 1 cup sour cream 2 cups berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, „'tC.) cup chopped walnuts or pecans cup brown sugar teaspoon cinnamon In a bowl, cream butter until light. Gradually beat in sugar, then eggs. Add vanilla. Stir together flour, baking soda and salt. Add dry ingredients to crcamcd butter mixture alternately with sour cream, beating until smooth. Fold in berries. Spread the batter in a 9” x 13” greased baking pan. Combine nuts, brown sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle over batter. Bake 25 to 35 minutes at 350° until cake starts to leave sides of pan and toothpick is dry when inserted in center. Cool. Cut into squares. cup butter cup sugar eggs, slightly beaten teaspoon vanilla cups unsifted flour teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wisconsin 53711 Pots and Pans I was very pleased to receive from Mildred Pike of Euclid, OH her first prize, winning recipe, DELUXE NUT BREAD, won in the Baking Contest held in Cleveland for the benefit of the Slovenian United States Band. Mara Chokel of Washington, D.C., submitted her tasty MUSHROOM-BEEF SREW recipe. For a morning committee meeting at my home, I served SOUR CREAM BERRY CAKE (using raspberries), which can be served for breakfast or brunch. The women who enjoyed the cake added: “It can be served as a dessert also; it’s excellent with or without a whipped cream topping.” I hope there are still some berries on the market for you to try this recipe now. Frozen berries are not recommended. Much love, Hermine NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Our Mother’s Day dinner was a memorable event enjoyed by 140 people. Our honoree, Dorothy Lamm, was dressed in a lovely blue dress and was presented with a wrist corsage of white carnations; it was from the branch. A plaque presented by our member Mrs. Ronald Suster from the State of Ohio, also a plaque from the Mayor of Euclid, Anthony Giunta. Dorothy had her husband Bob, two daughters Denise and Robin, son-in-law and granddaughter, Stephanie, two years old, with her to enjoy the evening. It was a delicious chicken and breaded pork chop dinner with all the trimmings HERITAGE NEWS “SLOVENIAN MUSEUM OPEN MOUSE A SUCCESS! The Heritage Museum co-chairpersons. Miss Jean Govednik and Miss Helen Horwaih conceived the brilliant idea of opening the museum to the general public, the first Saturday, and Sunday of each month after the Masses. The museum is located across the street from St. Joseph’s Church and so the proximity is ideal for such an event. Announcements were made in the church bulletin and the newspapers welcoming anyone interested in Slovene traditions. It was decided that a unique feature of the Open House should be some type of exhibit featuring aspects of Slovene lile, arts, crafts or history. The first Open House was held in June with sixty-six people in attendance, over the two day period. Featured was the detailed scrap books of Mrs. Marie Mahiarich, a former Branch No. 20 cadet, who committed mementos, newspaper clippings, tickets, photos and other interesting items revolving around the Cadet activities to this scrap book druing the 1940s. Also displayed was a lovely soft, pink silk wedding gown donated by Louise Epley and worn by her mother over eighty years ago. The dress was recently restored through the delicate washing, ironing and stitching of Diane Govednik who painstakingly handled this project. The age and fragility of the material was quite a challenge but because of her willingness to try to restore this lovely gown it now graces our Heritage Museum and is a lovely addition. The dress is displayed on one of the new mannequins obtained through the efforts of Olga Aneel and Mildred Pucci. In July, an exhibition of drawings and paintings featuring life in Slovenia, as portrayed by Miss Lillian Brule, were featured. Many will recall Miss Brule as the artist who is creating the brilliant bronze sculpture and mural for the Miner’s Memorial in Chisholm, Minnesota. 1 was fortunate to be in attendance the weekend of this showing and can relate that it was truly aweinspiring to enter the museum and into a gallery of lovely works of art displayed so effectively. It made one proud of the talent of these Ameriean-Slovene artists who are contributing to our cultural enrichment through their talents. The month of August was dedicated to the exhibition of Miss Lucille Brule another well-known artist on the Joliet scene. These women and the hostesses are to be commended for their time, efforts and talent in promoting our museum and the culture of the Slovene-Americans. One cannot imagine the raves of the attendees during each of the monthly events. Most individuals were unaware that such a place as the Museum existed and they were over-joyed to participate. The spirited committee is planning many more events and any member or branch may participate merely by contacting the committee at the Home Office. No gathering is complete unless refreshments are served and the committee had the foresight to plan punch, coffee and home-made cookies for the event. Hostesses who participated on either one, or more of the weekends were: Jean Govednik, Helen Horwath, Diane Govednik, Dorthy Mahan, Millie Pucci, Olga Aneel, Judy Derlinga, Marian Jakovich, Marie Malnarich and Rev. David Stal/cr. ONE, TWO, THREE, SMILE! Here is a gentle reminder lo hrane lies to document important events with a photo. Main of the branches are now celebrating an anniversar> or some special event. Have you thought of hiring a photographer? The price you pay is worth the history you are recording for posterity. May I comment on the photos sent to me from branches for the SYVU slide show. Would you helie\e that most of the best pictures are (lie OLD ONES? With the advent of the cheaper camera, everyone is now in the habit of taking candid photos of events. In amateur photographers! These can't stand up lo the clarity and quality of the professional, posed group photos we had in (he past. Where the individuals being photographed are groomed and prepared, these pictures are tops! Ask yourself, when did our branch last take an “official picture” together? Photos are forever ... so make your plans now to document your ne\! branch event with the good photo! (>o in style! You won’t he sorry. including strudel. It was made by members, Mary Stir, Mary Golobic and Ann Rossman and their helpers. Ann Tercek and other officers of Branch 50 attended as did others from our sister branches. Because Dorothy is a very giving person she also received many lovely gifts and well wishes from her family, relatives and many friends. We have some belated birth announcements: Rose Hahn lias a grandson born Feb. 13th, to her son, David and wife Terry. Triplets, two boys and a girl were born April 26th to Jim and Maryann Burja, they weighted a total of 15 pounds, they also have a 4 year old daughter, Amy. Grandparents arc Joseph and Regina Burja and John and Mary Lukac. Proud great aunt is Eleanor Jeran also our member. Great, Great aunts arc Branch 50 members Sophie Koplan, Frances Marold and the late Mary Komorowski. On May 28, Mary Drobnick left on a tour of France and Portugal, she visited Lourdes and Fatima. Frances Hollis and Agnes Sodja also went to Slovenia. Josephine Novak, brother Matt Anzelc son of Matt Anzelc of Aurora, Minn., passed away. JoAnn Strumbly was married on June 15th to Lawrence Pinto at St. Paschal Baylon Church in Highland Heights. The reception was held at the Casa DiBorally. JoAnn is the daughter of Barbara and the late Raymond. She is a 1984 graduate of St. Vincent Charily Hospital School of Nursing and is presently employed at Richmond Heights General Hospital. Lawrence is a 1984 graduate of Mount Union College and is a physical education teacher and football coach. We had 2, 50-year members this year. Genevieve Calta was presented with a pin and corsage. Jennie .lakse was not able to attend our annual picnic which was held after our June meeting. We had stuffed cabbage made by Mary Golobic. Ann Rossman made fried potatoes, sausage and desert, all other food was brought by members as were the beverages. Our two aecordian players Hank Kersman and Chuck Krivec again played for our enjoyment. Anna Godlar reported that Josephine Poclt is in the Slovenian Home for the Aged. Mrs. Godlar never misses a meeting and she will be 87 on July 1st. So Happy Birthday was sung to all those who have birthdays in June, July and August. A team for balinca was formed of our members I ran Ogorevc, Fmil> Kersman, Florence Keck, Josephine Comenshek, Agnes Krivic (alternate). The tournament was to be August 8, 9 and 10. Sophie Skopit/ and her husband, John are going on 2 bus trips and also will have their two grandsons HAPPY 40th! Martin and Delores Heski were married September 20lh, 1925. This year they will be observing their 40th year and we extend to them Happy Anniversary wishes and many more happy memories for many more years. “May the Lord bless your marriage. Peace to both of you on your special day!” Love, from your children: Tom and Linda and Kids, Hobby Nancy and Steve and kids Sharon and Lanny and Kids Delores Heski is the president of Br. 33, Duluth, Minnesota and was chairman of the Convention Committee for the Duluth Convention in 1979. Heartiest congratulations on this wonderful occasion! NO. 40, LORAIN, OH Ronald and Joseph from St. Louis staying with them for the summer. Granddaughter Amanda and grandson Jacob Baron are staying with their father and grandmother, Johanna Weglarz also for the summer, they are from Colorado Springs, Colorado. I am sure our fall articles will have reports of more travels when everyone returns from their vacations. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy summer. Drive carefully!!! We want to see you at the September meeting. Sincerely, JOHANNA WEGLARZ NO. 33, DULUTH, MN Our prayers are for Marie Evans and any others on “sick list.” Congratulations on weddings to Joann Marnich, daughter, Fran Danko, granddaughter, and Stella Mattson, daughter. Prayers to members who have had deaths in their families, namely: Rose Borland, brother, and Doris Skull, granddaughter. September meeting: We will make plans to attend Minnesota Day. Also plan an “outing” for October/Anniversary month. Members were being contacted for trip to Winnipeg in August. Tours and festival and dinner/show made it sound like a “real fun trip”. Prayers of sympathy for Elizabeth Smolnikar on death of her sister. Congratulations to Rose Kresky on birth of her fifth greatgrandchild. Happiness is wished for daughter of Shirley Hoppenyan who was married. Greetings and God’s blessings to all our members and friends. LOIS M. PELANDER, Reporter Our June meeting was attended by 15 ladies on a very rainy night. Door prize donated by Annette Septaric and won by Fran Pavlovčič. Our birthday girls that served a dessert lunch were: Mary Hočevar, Jean A. Balogh and Alice Rutar. Happy birthday to all. We enjoyed the talk by Mary Matos on her trip to Annapolis to see her grandson Daniel Yurovich graduate. He then enlisted in the Marines and was sworn in by his brother, Captain Douglas Yurovich. Dan received a degree in Aerospace engineering. Happy days still were not over for the family - on June 15, Dan and Becky Hennes were married at St. Anthony’s Church. They are now living in Annapolis. Happiness always. Now it’s July - I always said time flies fast. Door prize donated by Angie Zgonc and won by Mary Ploszaj. Birthday girls who entertained were Ann Rozanc, Angie Tomazine, Mary Ferlic and Angeline Martin. Happy birthday and many more. On the sick list are Binnie Uehlein, Agnes Bucher and Emma Kurjan. Hurry and get well! A Happy belated birthday to Jennifer Rozanc on her 8th birthday - granddaughter of Ann Rozanc. Visiting her mother, Angie Voytko, is Arlene Englert and family from Plano, Texas - have wonderful time. Lot of plans made - but - the most important were our picnic in August - and the rummage sale in July - all a thing of the past - hopefully successful. Members are vacationing - in particular - Tony and Agnes Mroski in Alaska - what a trip - and to others - have a wonderful time! On this happy note, I’ll close with this little verse: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. MARY PLOSZAJ NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, Wl The Mother’s Day dinner was delicious, and a large group of members attended. Mary Martino, who was the mother-of-the year, received several gifts. We decided not to have a June meeting, but instead on Tuesday, September 3, 1985 at 1 p.m. Please try and attend this meeting and bring along your donations for the food basket and lor door prizes, and we will need plenty. This meeting will be just before our 55th anniversary and Wis. State Convention. We need your help. Josephine (Kramar) De Laet and Richard Hammei were married on June 15th in the afternoon at St. John Vianny Catholic Church in Brookfield, Wl. Dinner was served at 6 p.m. followed by a reception at the Westmoor Country Club. The couples was honeymooning in France and England. Josephine is the niece of Olga Yapel. Congratulations and best wishes. The Fall weather is gradually creeping into our midst, and I’m sure very few people are looking forward to that kind of season. Half the year is gone and soon the holidays will be approaching. We dispensed with our June meeting, also the July and August. We had to re-schedule our Wednesday, September 25th meeting to an earlier date, which is Tuesday, September 3rd, the day after Labor Day. It will be at John’s Hail at 1 p.m. 35th and Lincoln Ave. Please try and attend this meeting. It is very important. Many of our vacationers have returned, and are back in the old routine, but some still have tourist plans, so have a pleasant and safe trip. We do have several shut-ins, Mary Strazisher isn’t feeling too well, Mary Tratnik is at home convalescing and Jean Luzar is gradually getting better at home. To the above and all other shut-ins a speedy recovery. To the Schulta and Peters families our heartfelt condolences on the death of their father and husband Leo. May his soul rest in peace. Again, members mark your calendar for the meeting date change, September 3, 1985. Our delegate for the state convention is Rose Zuponcic. To all our shut-ins a speedy recovery. Anyone in arrears in their dues, please remit as soon as possible. Circle your calendar for our 55th Anniversary and Wisconsin State Convention, Sunday, September 22nd. ROSE KRAEMER NO. 55, GIRARD, OH Now that summer is almost over, we should be gelling back into (lie swing of things. At our Sept. 11th meeting we will be making plans for our Oct. 20th Card & “B” Party. If you are interested in helping in any way, please come to the meeting. All members are asked to bring a door prize and a few “B” prizes; we would really appreciate it very much. Martha & Sam Ambrose went to Atlantic City, N.J. on two separate occasions this summer, taking with them Sam’s mother, Mary Selak, and two of his sisters, Louise Cat-terlin and Gay Mikulich. Louise and her mom, Mary Selak, also traveled the south going to Disney World, Tampa, Venice, and all through the mountains in the Carolinas in Louise’s new car. It’s a NOVA she calls it her TOY NOVA. It went 3,777 miles on $151.00 worth of GAS! They also took Mary’s grandson, Mark Ambrose, and a friend, Grace Leash, with them; they were gone for two weeks. Renee Caisango graduated from Ursuline high school on May 28th and had an open house party at her home. Later Renee vacationed in Florida for a week with her boy friend and his parents. Robyn Caisango went to Ocean City Beach, Maryland with friends. Marcie Caisango went to basket ball camp at Westminster College for 1 week. She has many trophies and is captain of the St. Rose cheerleaders. Renee, Marcie and Robyn are grandchildren of our Mother of the Year, Martha Ambrose. Don and Gay Mikulich (who is a social member that works very hard at our Card Party) also traveled through out the South this year. Drs. Richard and Gloria Catterlin went to Bermuda on a Medical convention and combined Holiday while grandmas Louise & Elsie Perry baby sat the 2-112 year old little Richard. My daughter, Susan, and her husband, Steve, traveled through out the West for over 7,500 miles this summer with Steve’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Treharn. Our newest member Alexis Ambrose was three years old on July 171h. Other members having birthdays in August were Barbara Kamlanc and Margaret Tripoti; in September, Nettie Juvančič, Anna Umeck and Theresa Lozier. In conclusion, Jason Catterlin, one of our youth members, passed to the 5th grade and made the Honor Roll. He came in second place in a Bike-A-Thon for St. Jude Research Hospital, and won a Getto Blaster Tape-Radio, Jersey, Gym Bag and a Certificate for going 34 miles and collecting $180.00. He also spent the month of July in Michigan visiting his mother. Danny Gordon, my grandson also passed with Honors to the fourth grade. Danny and his brother, Seth, went to Cedar point with their parents for a few days and enjoyed the sights of Lake Erie and Bass Island to top off their summer. I hope everyone has had a nice summer as our children did. My vacation has yet to come. Love, ROSEMARY NO. 71, STRABANE, PA On May 8th, our branch held their May meeting and annual Mother’s Day social which was attended by 29 members. In charge of decorating the hall and providing refreshments were: Marlene Tkach, Marge Valenčič, Rose Lawrence and Joann Mals. Patti and Maizie Oravec made cute candy flower pots for favors. Prizes were donated by Dorothy Bruce, Aggie Boštjančič, Lucy Smith, Patty and Margie Oravec, Mary Progar, Rose Lawrence and Josephine Cushma. It certainly was nice to have Josephine Hostinsky, Mary Tomsic and Mary Senkovich once again joining us at the meeting. Congratulations to Mary Progar for being chosen as Mother of the Year. She was presented with a corsage to honor her from our branch during the meeting. Members celebrating birthdays in March, April or May were Marlene Tkach, Lucy Smith, Peggy Gricar, Julia Cushma, Beannie Engott, Mary Tomsic and Margie Valenčič. “Happy Birthday” to all of you. Anniversary wishes to Mrs. Veronica Talpas and her husband who are celebrating 68 years of marriage. Best wishes also go out to Marge Striner and husband celebrating their 37th anniversary. God bless you all! Our next meeting is on Sept. 10th at 7:30 with Dorothy Bruce, Marge Striner, Rose Grovemosek and Peggy Gricar in charge of the luncheon. On June 22, Br. 71 had a bake sale at the Murphy’s Mart. Selling the delicious goodies were Cheryl Borell, Dorothy Bruce, Margie and Patty Oravec, Marge Striner and Peggy Gricar. We would like to thank those contributing to this fund raiser. REPORTER NO. 73, WARRKNSVILLE HGTS., OH By this time, most of you “Moms” are eagerly awaiting the arrival of September. The summer months have probably taken their toll on you. And at the same time, the kids are probably dreading the thought that summer is almost over and they have to drag their tanned bodies back to the schoolroom. Our full summer started off with a flurry of activity. We have gained a new daughter-in-law. Our youngest son, Mark was married to Charlotte Hartman on June 15th at St. Monica’s Church. Even the rain, that lasted all day, did not distract from the beautiful wedding. Our best wishes to the newlyweds. Condolences are extended to a member of our Sister-Lodge, Branch 101 in Bedford Heights. Florence Mirtel lost her husband in a tragic traffic accident. Florence, we want you to know that all of us from Branch No. 73 send our deepest sympathy and we shall remember you in our prayers. Tragedy comes in many forms. If you have kept abreast of the weather news, you know the toll that the tornados have already taken this year. We can only hope that those of you that have been effected by these (Continued on page 15) } ‘1 j D.C. CELEBRATES “MOTHER'S DAY” IN JUNE! j Tho small in number, the members of our Washington D.C. branch are an active and energetic group. They support charitable programs, participate as the only Slovenian representation at local ethnic fairs, such as the recent northern Virginia Folk Fair, promote their culture and art among their own and other people and have two major social events per year. The most recent one was held on Sunday, June 9th in celebration of “Mother’s Day” and in honor of their Mother of the Year for 1985, Angela Daly. It was an afternoon party, beginning with a gracious welcome by president, Frieda Michelitch and thereupon, a delightful program ensued with piano renditions, singing, speaking, dancing and poem-reading. All the participants in this part of the program were their junior members. What seemed to be most interesting to the audience was seeing how these children have advanced in their talents through the years. The families and friends warmly applauded. One especially tender moment was when little 6 year old Lydia Millonig sang a Slovenian song as her family was seated around her offering harmony and support to her clear and sweet voice. Mistress of Ceremonies was Bernadette Kovačič, herself an accomplished pianist and charming interpreter of the program notes. She is completing her master’s degree in consumer economics and is fluent in Slovenian. She presented the last portion of the program with an introduction on the origin of Mother’s Day as history records it. In an appropriate background for the presentation of the Mother of the Year, the Washington Chorus sang beloved Slovenian songs which many in the audience joined in singing. Then, president Frieda introduced the honored guest and her family who stood by as Mrs. Daly receieved a gigantic bouquet of red carnations tied with the Slovenian tri-color ribbon. To put everyone in a happy mood during the social part of the afternoon, accordianist, Chris Bohinc, provided polkas and waltzes. Busy as bees as they served their guests a delicious repast of food and beverages, the officers and committee of Br. 103 flitted about from table to table and made everyone feel very much at ease. Part of the joy of the day was the beautiful sunny and warm atmosphere that pervaded the hall. The next important event for Br. 103 will be their anniversary dinner-dance in the fall which we will hear more about in the next few months. For this occasion, all the members parcitipate in making an extra-ordinary dinner of preferred dishes and pastries. They will be reporting on this through the diligently prepared articles of president Frieda, reporter Tillie Ausich and Slovenian reporter, Nika Kovačič. As everyone will see on the group picture of our lovely members on the cover, Washington is the site of more than our Nation’s Capital. It is also the place where hospitality reigns, friendship is nurtured and the strength of Slovenian womanhood prevails. Corinne Leskovar “My companions to the party, Nežka and Tony Gaber of Chicago and / extend heartfelt thanks to our Washington friends for your kind welcome and hospitality. Washington's Slovenian Chorus cheered the audience with a selection of folk songs in honor of Mothers. For (his occasion, they were directed by Stane’. After visiting the Slovenian J Chapel at the Shrine of the Im- 3 maculate Conception where they $ attended Mass, the Washington ^ visitors stopped at the Memorial to | the Vietnam Soldiers. The reading of | the names inscribed on the black j granite wall is a moving experience r for everyone. On the photo are | Corinne, Tony and Nežka Ciaber of : Chicago and Jean Križman of ) Cleveland. (Photos by Tony Gaber) Special guest of the day was Hon. Frank J. Lausc he, beloved Washingtonian and distinguished Slovenian. In a conversation with Corinne Leskovar, he admitted enjoying the most simple and heartfelt tributes in song and prose that children present on such occasions. On the right of foto is l)r. Cyril Zebot whose wife is an active member. PART I Mala Skrjanc, a small village near Novo Mesto, was my birthplace on April 28, 1895. My parents, Matt and Lucy Kovacic were farmers who had lived in the village for only three years when they decided to sell the farm and move to another town, Brod. My father was married twice. His first wife bore him four girls, all of whom died, and one boy named, Matt. When father remarried and took Lucy Godec as his wife, Matt went to live with them. Four girls were also born of this second marriage; I was the third. Only two of us survived, my sister, Lucy and me. I have many sad memories of my early childhood; one of these occurred at the age of about four and a half. When mother left the house, we girls were alone and locked in the house. She left crusts of bread for us to eat. On one such occasion, 1 was sitting up on the tile stove in the corner of the room and decided to jump down onto the bed below. In doing so, I ruptured myself. There was a big lump, like an egg, on each side of my body. I felt cramped and couldn’t walk. If 1 laid down on a hard board, the lump went down but most other times it was always there. After school started, 1 was taken to the County Hospital in Ljubljana to have the hernia repaired. It was a hospital for poor people. There were ten beds on each side of the room. When they put a white sheet over me I began to cry. The doctors operated on one side and after that I had to lay flat on my back for about ten days. A leather sand belt held my abdomen in place; I recall that the belt gave me blisters. This was a frightening experience at such a young age. Father died of pneumonia when I was small. 1 recall that he was on the bed Lucy and I were playing around, trying to wake him up. But, he wouldn’t respond and we thought it was a game. When mother returned to the house after visiting her sister she found him there, dead. I’ll never forget how hysterical she became and started screaming. In 1900, a half year after father’s death when I was five years old, my mother went to America without us. My sister, Lucy, went to live with one family and I was adopted by another. By the age of five, I had experienced three major problems in life, severe illness, death of a father and abandonment by my mother. The couple with whom 1 lived in Slovenia had already traveled to America three times, each time returning after having earned a considerable sum of money. Passage at that time cost $40.00 for steerage class which was the cheapest and most difficult way to travel. Steerage passengers had very little privacy, no comforts and lived in crowded eonditons at the very bottom of the boat. Because this couple was childless, they were able to travel with less difficulty than those with families. When I was in the fifth grade at the age of twelve, my foster parents decided to return to America once again. They took me with them even though I loved school and wanted to stay in Slovenia. We arrived in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1907 and hadn’t been in America very long before my foster father died. He was buried in Indianapolis and with the thousand dollar insurance money, wc returned to Slovenia. 1 was thirteen years old by that time and became apprenticed in a grocery store. It was interesting work. 1 had my meals there but went home to sleep. In the meantime, my stepmother had adopted another little baby, a boy who unfortunately lived only thirty days. In 1910, when I was fifteen years old, we returned to ©Irene M. Planinšek Odorizzi, 1985. IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lane Reston, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT MARY from MALA SKRJANC America for the second time, this time arriving in Joliet, Illinois where we stayed with a Mrs. Vicich who had a large family and who was expecting another child. We remained with her for eight weeks; five before the birth and three weeks afterwards. Then it was time I'oi me to seek employment elsewhere. The first place 1 worked was at 1003 Western Avenue on the corner of Prairie Avenue. I’ll never forget that first day. Mary Margaret, the oldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Mike Loughran, came to fetch me with a horse and buggy and took me to their house. She, along with her sister, Nan, and Mrs. Loughran, taught me how to make coffee and prepare breakfast. Little by little 1 picked up quite a bit about cooking and eventually took care of all the family’s dining needs. When it came time for parties, a caterer was responsible for the preparations and used the family’s kitchen. I assisted him and learned enough about this type of entertaining so that eventually, I was not only cooking everyday meals but also preparing for the parties. It was just like having my own home. For a while after 1 arrive in the Loughran home, I wore my “old country” clothes until they bought me suitable new ones. 1 wore a gray and white striped uniform in the morning and a black one with a white collar and cuffs Mary and John Krall, her first husband. He died in 1930. with a white apron and black patent leather shoes in the evening. The Loughrans taught me the wealthy American way of living anti treated me very nicely. There was other domestic help also employed by the Loughrans. A young black girl by the name of Tessie Harris cleaned the upstairs rooms on the.second floor. Tessie and 1 lived at the Loughrans on the third floor of the house. We each had our own bedroom. There was also a sewing room, junk room and several extra beds up there as well. The palatial house was a very beautiful gray brick mansion occupying an entire block in the choice section of town. On the first floor was a foyer, front room, family room, kitchen, dining room, library, den, toilet facilities and two rooms for entertaining which were furnished with a piano, expensive chairs and a sofa. There was also a large, elegant staircase which led to the second floor where there were five bedrooms and one bath. The stairs continued up on a smaller scale to the third floor. Outside, there was a swimming pool for the children, a pony barn and the manicured lawn which was entirely enclosed with a steel fence so that (he children remained inside and the intruders were kept out. Varnished hardwood floors were found throughout the house and the rooms designed for entertaining were carpeted. This was actually the family’s second home as they had moved from their Eastern Avenue home which they rented and moved to the wesi side of town which was becoming the exclusive area. Mr. Michael Loughran, also known by his close friends as “Gimlet” was in the insurance business but then formed a partnership with Mike Conway, a tavern owner, to form a very profitable real estate business. Mr. Loughran owned the corner building on Cass and Chicago Streets which was one of the spots in Joliet rented by the Pelias Brothers for their fruit and confectionary store. The Loughrans also had the most shares in the Joliet National Bank and because they were such influential people, frequently entertained socially. There were always visitors, from Bishops and priests to the Governor of Illinois. The Loughrans managed their household thriftily. There was not waste - even in salaries. My first salary was $2.50 per week along with room and board. My salary increased to $3.00, $4.00 then $5.00 per week. During these years, 1 attended Mass every day, riding to Church with the hired man who went to town for the morning paper. On his way back, he stopped by the church again to pick me up. On January 21, 1913, three years after I became employed, 1 married John Krall. It was a snowy Tuesday but with lots of sunshine. We were married at St. Joseph’s Slovenian Church in Joliet by Father Kranz who did not believe in Saturday marriages. His theory was that people would go to the wedding reception on Saturday night and slay in bed on Sunday morning, missing Mass. John was then hired by Mr. Loughran for many kinds of jobs from mainiaining the house, yard and furnace, to painting, papering and cleaning houses for the real estate business. John always said that he learned a lot working there. In that same year, Mr. Loughran, who was a frail, thin man, became ill with bladder and kidney trouble for about three weeks and then died. I have some nice memories of Mr. Loughran because he liked me and always treated me respectfully. 1 remember that he used to drive a horse and buggy to town and when I’d see him returning home for lunch or dinner, I’d open the garage door so he could pull right in. He liked this very much. After her husband’s death, Mrs. Loughran lived alone because the children were all gone. We three, my husband, Mrs. Loughran and I lived together in the large house for almost three years. 1 kept her company; we’d read the paper together or she would crochet. John and I used the car and could come and go as we wanted. It was a very fine life and neither John nor 1 was dissatisfied with coming to America. My life had definitely changed for the best. End of Part I No. 73: raging storms will have the strength and courage to pick up the pieces and start all over again. Our prayers are with all of you. And, a very special Thank You to all the members of Branch No. 73 who so generously participated in the benefit dinner-dance to assist my nephew, Daryl Timm and his wife, Geri who were completely wiped out by the tornado that struck Licking County. They were deeply touched by your efforts on their behalf. (350-400 people attended the affair that was held at the East 80th Slovenian National Home, and sponsored by the Bus Bums). Aug. 26th! Our annual cookout was held at Louise Epley’s home. There was no meeting in July and none in September. Anne Fike is spending much of the summer criss-crossing the United States visiting friends and relatives, taking advantage of an airline “round-trip” offer. Happy travels, Anne! And, Louise Epley (with a well-mended right foot, and only a slight limp) is taking off on a Carribean Cruise. Bon Voyage! PAYABLE TO THE CROSS-BEAKER ON DEMAND This morning, as a token of sincere appreciation for the absolutely fantastic job I did on the windows, 1 wrote myself a check for one million dollars. Obviously, it may not clear the bank, but, it was a nice thing to do. Mary Jane Conlan Take care of yourselves. Stay out of the hot sun. “Talk” to you again in October. Respectfully submitted, EVELYN A. MAJERCIK Andrew Kochevar became Mary’s second husband in 1932. NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, 1L Anna Hodnik: Learn Slovenian! Despite the fact that there were numerous graduations, parties and celebrations, the closing June meeting was well-attended and enjoyed by 24 members. In short, it was a good way of ending our year of giving thanks to all who have taken part in our events that have taken place in the past year. 1 received a letter from Marge Krmpotic after our June meeting, 1 wish I would have received it before our June meeting so our members could have discussed the preparation of a pilgrimage to “Our Lady of Bristricka” celebration since the dedications of the two Croatian chapels in Washington, D.C. National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It will also be a celebration of the 13th centennial of Christianization of Croatians. The occasion will take place on Sept. 7th. The Sheraton Washington Hotel will be the headquarters and reasonable lodgings can be reserved. There will be a banquet, tamburit/a and choral groups to entertain. Cardinal Kuharic, Archbishop of Zagreb and Metropolitan of Croatia will be present. Many socials, refreshments on the goiunds of the National Shrine, will be hosted by local lodge No. 40 “Rugjer Boskovie” and sponsored by the “National Home Office of the Catholic Croatian Union. Anyone who wants further info can contact our lodge member Lucy Kopilash at (312) 474-4154 or Marge Krmpotic (312) 868-4473. If interested, do not delay as plans and reservations must be made in time. We have two members who have entered Nursing Homes, Vica Rukavina, Burnham Nursing Home in Burnham, IL, and Ann Star-cevieh, Meredian Nursing Home 601 Sheffield Avc., Dyer, IN 46311; they certainly would be happy to hear from our members, so w'liy not drop them a line or two. Also please remember them in your prayers. I also was saddened by the news from Florida that Dragica Vukosovich’s husband, Matt passed on to his eternal reward, and from Texas, Lucille Sarich on the death of her beloved husband, San. Please accept our deepest sympathy our hearts are with both of you. In closing, our thanks to Eva Mesin, Helen Alb, Betty Markusic and Evelyn Driscoll for the fresh-ments, and to Helen Price and Charlotte Fryza who are alw-ays there when needed. Cash by Mary Malcic - $5. Eilcne Barone and Bernice Morrison - $3. PEACE! MILDRED JAMES I have gotten alot of calls the past two weeks from people who arc trying to brush up on their Slovenian language before the appcrance of the Lojze Slak Ensemble in Aurora. They will be housed at different homes and some are afraid they won’t be able to communicate well, over—nad, čez such—tak, laka, tako yes—da side—stran now—zdaj rather-rajše, rajši NO. 103, WASHINGTON, l>.C. Since we recess during the summer months, the ladies convened for a special meeting on June 30th at the home of lea Zebot for the purpose of firming up plans for our activities this fall. This was a very productive meeting, in addition to being very pleasant. The weather was lovely and we enjoyed meeting in the outdoor patio where refreshments were served by lea. Our National Heritage Director, Irene Odorizzi, and her husband Ken, entertained several visitors from the midwest who spent vacations in the Washington, D.C. area. Among their recent visitors were the National Secretary of the SWU, Olga Ancel, and her husband Ed who came to Virginia to visit their daughter Nadine and her husband. Other visitors were Jonila and Fred Ruth, with their daughter, Lorraine, and friend Lyn Terlep, all of Joliet, Illinois. Jonila is employed al the SWU Home Office, and the books, tee shirts, or other articles you’ve ordered, were sent to you by her. The Odorizzi’s latest guests were the Rev. Thad Terpin, O.F.M., pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in Joliet, II., and his niece and cousin from Slovenia who were visiting in the Washington, D.C. area. Father Trpiti, while here, was privileged to celebrate Mass, in the Slovenian language, at Our Lady ol Brezje Chapel at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Irene and Ken are to be com- like— rad, imam rad from—iz 1 hope—upam there—tja, tain frost—slana bacon—slanina today—danes neighbor—sosed, soseda good—dober, dobra togethci-skupaj quiet—liho clock—ura hurt—ranjen sulici or hard—Irdo mended for their graciousness and efforts in planning the activities for their many guests, and entertaining them in their lovely home. MATH.DA AUSICH, Recording Secretary NO. 105, DETROIT, Ml When you receive this issue of the ZARJA, 1 hope you all have had a safe happy summer. Now we can look forward to a good Fall. It has been a very busy month of June for most of us with weddings, graduations and bridal showers. On June 30th, we attended a lovely, large bridal shower for Janice Adamic, daughter of Robert and step-daughter of our secretary, Patricia Adamic and the grand daughter of our past President, Pauline Adamic. Janice received many lovely, useful gifts. Wc wish the future newly weds many many happy years together. Kathleen Emerson was the hostess for our June meeting. Wc had a very enjoyable afternoon. Alice Sheets informed us that her granddaughter, Donna Medina was the receptor of the highest award from Wayne Stale University in the sum of a $3,000.00 scholarship. Donna will go to law school. Congratulations, Donna, and Alice, too. Our meeting on September 7 will be at the home of Catherine Mihelič. On October 12 Patricia Adamic will be the hostess. In November Vicki Doherty will be hostess, no date set as yet. Our prayers and best wishes to all our ailing members. ANN POBANC /van Tavčar Visoška kronika XIII Še enkrat zapišem, da Škofija Loka nikdar ni videla takih dni kot tedaj, ko so sodili Agato Sch-warzkobler. Najstarejši ljudje, ki so večkrat gledali, kako je Gavžnik (hrib na katerem so obešali) jemal življenje revnemu grešniku, so pričali, da niso nikoli take množice oblegale mesta. Za vse ni bilo prostora v hišah in naj se jih je po gostilnah in pri znancih spravilo kolikor največ mogoče. Po trgu jih je kar mrgolelo, ki so bili brez prenočišča. Pivničarji so takoj poskočili s svojimi cenami, mesarji so neprestano pobijali živino in klali drobnico, da si menil, da si zašel v tabor velike armade. Pri vsem tem ni hotel nikdo iti proti domu in naš hlapec je prav posebno klel, ko je moral s konjičema na Visoko nazaj, ker z Jurijem nisva vedela, koliko dni nama bode ostati v Loki. Ali ljudstvo si je vedelo pomagati. Naselilo se je po njivah in senožetih ter prenočevalo pod milim nebom. Ko se je ulegala tema po ravnini, je gorelo ognjev okrog Puštala in okrog Kamnitnika, da jih prešteti nisi mogel. Prebrisani prekupci so se zagnezdili v te roje in vsak nič so drago prodali. Med tolpo se jih je mnogo tolažilo, da jutri voda morda ne bo skalila veselja, da jo morda jutri le sežgo, ali pa ji vsaj vzamejo glavo. Mnogo jih je lahko zaspalo v tem upanju. Tak je človek! Vsak ima v svoji duši kot, iz katerega priteče nekaj prijetnega škodoželja, če je zagazil bližnji v nesrečo. Jedlo se je, pilo se je in ko so se lonci spraznili, so se znova nasuli in znova pristavili k ognju. Agato so zaprli v mestno hišo. Niso je zapustile ne mesarica, ne pekovka, ne mati Bergantova in tudi ne druge dobre ženice, ki so trdno verovale v nedolžnost dekletovo. Cvrle so, pekle so in tudi sladkega vina so ji kuhale, tako da je Agata sedela kakor pri svatovski mizi. Pa ni mogla veliko jesti. Le malo je ukusila jedi, veliko pa je jokala. Navsezadnje je zaspala in je spala do ranega jutra, prav kakor bi pričakovala veselega dne in ne mrzle smrti v vodi ali še celo vroče smrti na grmadi. Okrog devete ure in še prej, je začelo občinstvo zopet pritiskati v mesto in po trgu se je trlo radovednežev kakor prejšnji dan. Tedaj je prišel z grada škof Joanes Franciscus. Čez rdeče obšiti talar si je oblekel beli koretelj, rdečkasto kapo je nosil na glavi, okrog vrata pa široko štolo. Takoj se je raznesla govornica, da hoče sam presvetli škof spovedati Agato. Skof sam je hotel našo Agato pripraviti za oni svet ter ji oprati z duše grehe, če jih je kaj imela. Takega odlikovanja v Škofi Loki še ni nikdar bil kdo deležen. V nobenih starih bukvah ni pisalo, da bi bil škof iz Freisinga podelil kakemu loškemu podložniku zakramet sv. pokore. Dolgo jo je spovedoval. Kaj sta govorila ne vem in o tem ni vedel nikdo ničesar, kar je umljivo. Ob desetih je zapel veliki zvon pri sv. Jakobu. Kratko je pel, žalostno je pel kakor poje mrtvaški zvon. V blisku je bil trg na kolenih in videl sem stare može, da so si otirali oči. Med klečečemi je počasi prikorakal prošt Urh in Boga je nosil v rokah, ga vzdigoval ter blagosljavljal z njim tiste, ki so molili. Zopet zapišem: takega obhajila še ni bilo na loškem trgu in ga gotovo ne bo, dokler bo stalo naše lepo mesto, ki je najlepše, kar jih šteja naša kranjska zemlja — Ljubljana je morda še lepša. Ko je bilo obhajilo opravljeno, je izpraznila mestna gvardija trg in občinstvo se je moralo odstraniti. Hitelo je k vodi, napolnilo vse bregove in puštalske travnike. Tudi onstran Selščice se je tiščal obraz k obrazu. Gospod škof je ukazal, da morajo ostati otroci doma. Vendar so silili k oknom, da bi napasli svojo radovednost. Ob pol enajstih je zvon zopet zapel. Na trgu se je v vrsto postavil sprevod, kakor ga tisti rod še ni videl. Najprej so hodile razne bratovščine, pa brez bander; potem so korakali loški meščani in njihove žene, in lahko trdim, da so samo najstarejši ostali doma. H koncu je prišla Agata — in naj je preteklo še toliko let, jo vidim še danes. Ni nosila druge obleke nego dolgo, do nog ji segajoče belo srajčko, katera se je tu in tam prijemala deviških udov njenega deviškega telesa. Bila je podobna nebeškemu angelu, posebno še zato, ker so ji nespleteni rumeni lasje obsipali tanko postavo. Moj Bog — videli smo, kako so se ji tresle noge. Če se je sapa poigrala z njeno srajčico — moj Bog — so se opažale tudi črne lise na obeh belih nogah, kjer so jo bile ožulile težke železne verige. Pa se je vendar sramežljivo sklonila, da bi pridržala belo obleko, da se ne bi mogla vzdigovati. Jezus in Marija! Morda je vendarle hodila po stezi, katera je vodila k smrti. In to v najlepšem dnevu, ko ga ni bilo oblačka na božjem nebu in ko je sonce sijalo, kakor bi se hotelo smejeti nad njo, ki je toliko trpela. Gospod prošt je korakal ob njeni strani, govoril pa ni ž njo. Pričel pa je moliti sv. litanije za umirajoče, kakor mu je bil zaukazal gospod škof Joannes Franciscus. Množica je klicala skupaj z duhovnikom: “Gospod usmili se je.” Čez noč so prinesli ograjo k stočju obeh Sor — Poljanščice in Selščice; tja, kjer je Sora najširša in najglobokejša. Na produ je stala miza za sodnika in njegove asesorije. Sam Joannes Franciscus je sedel na posebnem stolu, a danes je nosil ob rami debelo zlato verižico in na nji križ, ki se je lesketal od dragih kamenov. Tudi meni in bratu Juriju se je dovolilo, da sva smela prestopiti ograjo. Spodaj ob vodi je bilo nekaj grajskih uslužbencev, med njimi v čolnu lovski mojster, ki je bil obenem grajski ribič. Vsa velika množica ljudi je morala ostati zunaj ograje. Vse loške ženice so bile zbrane na puštalskem bregu. Z Agato so obstali na kraju, kjer je imela stopiti v vodo — v Poljanščico, ker je bila ona iz Poljanske doline. Gospod Urh je nadaljeval z litanijami: — S Tvojimi solzami in s Tvojo žalostjo — — S Tvojo grozo in krvavim Tvojim potom — — S Tvojimi svetimi ranami, s Tvojim križem in trpljenjem — — Na dan sodbe — Množice so klicale: “Reši jo o Gospod”! Le gospod škof Joannes Franciscus je sedel na svojem stolu kakor izsekan iz kamena. Zvon je zabučal iz visokih lin. Litanije so bile pri kraju. Škof je mignil z belo roko. Prošt je pristopil k Agati in je nekaj govoril z njo. Tedaj se je imela pričeti bridka in grenka ura Sveta Trojica — Ti nam pomagaj! Agata se je najprej ozrla za gospodom proštom, ko je odhajal od nje. Gotovo ji je bil povedal, da je sedaj prišel čas zanjo. Nato je pogledala po vodi proti naši dolini. Gledala je tja precej časa, da smo videli, kako so se ji od globoke sape dvigale prsi. Polagoma se je obrnila. Tudi danes je počivalo njeno oko na sivih planinah, kjer so bili vrhovi ravno tako beli kakor njen obraz, v katerem ni bilo kaplje krvi. Nato je pogledala predse v vodo. Tu pred njo je bila plitvina, bolj spodaj pa je bila površina temnikasto zelena kakor vselej pri globočini. Tudi se je sukala tu in umazane pene je okrog vrtela. Agata je napravila križ, se sklonila, stisnila srajčico okrog nog in pogumno stopila v vodo. Pri kraju je bila drobna sipa in lahko se je hodilo. Potem pa so se pričele skale škrljavke, da jo je bodlo, ko je stopala po njih. Že ji je segala voda čez kolena, da so se ji pokazali zaokroženi udje in da je že nekaj njenih las plavalo po površini. Gledalcem je zastajala sapa. Takrat je zavpila mati mesarica: “Obrni se revše, saj si že v vodi! — — Obrni se, da prideš živa iz vode!” Ker se Agata za klic ni zmenila, se je zatogotila mesarica in vpila: “Saj vendar nisi gluha.” In tudi druge so vpile: "Obrni se!" Zmeden bi bil v takem položaju vsak človek in tudi Agato je to kričanje še bolj spravilo v zmedo. Naprej je silila, zašla je v curek, da je voda zašumela okrog nje in da jo je prav hitro spodneslo. Naenkrat je ležala deklica v valovih, pa se je vzdignila, oblačilce se je bilo tesno orijelo njenih udov in prav kakor brez obleke je stala pred svojimi sodniki. Množice so otrpnile in niti glas ni prišel iz črnih krdel. Takrat se je zgodil čudež — kaj drugega ne morem napisati. Tik vode je raslo drevo in staro je že moralo biti, ker je vrh kazal suho vejevje. Pri tolikem šumu, pri tolikem številu zbranih ljudi je bil sedel na suho vejo mlad ptiček — muhovček. Ni se bal ne vpitja, ne množic. Okrog Agatine glave se je poganjal za mušicami, ki jih je mrgolelo po zraku. Tudi dve lastovki sta se pripodili nizdol po reki in parkrat zaplesali okrog deklice, o kateri smo že skoraj vedeli, da ne bo prišla živa iz vode. O tem se je pozneje govorilo še leta in leta. Loško ženstvo je padlo na kolena in glasno je zadonela molitev svetega očenaša. Mene pa vse to ni presunilo in še vedno se mi je v duši oglašalo: “Morda je pa le kriva.” Sedaj je Agata poskušala, da bi bredla naprej. In res je zabredla kaka dva koraka v curek, pa se je videlo, da vode ne bo premagala. Takrat sem imel priliko, da sem prav natanko opazil, kako je škof Joannes Franciscus dvignil roko in dal znamenje ž njo. Na to znamenje je grajski lovski mojster, ki je bil obenem grajski ribič, kaj spretno odrinil z malim čolničem od kraja ter ga obrnil proti globočini. V tem je moč valov izpodnesla Agato, da hitro izginila pod površino. Ljudstvo je kričalo, lovski majster pa je z vso silo veslal proti kraju, kjer se je deklica potopila. Ječar in gvardija so vpili: “Mir, ljudje, mir!” Takrat je bilo, da sem tičal jaz — Izidor ob bregu, prav kakor bi imel na vsaki nogi težko železje in z mesta se nisem mogel niti premakniti. Takrat pa se je tudi zgodilo, da je brat Jurij v obleki in v obutvi skočil v vodo. On Jurij---------------- Okrog njega je završalo in visoko je zapljuskalo, da sem, ker sam tičal v bližini, prišel pod ploho in sem bil mokar prav tako kot on. Parkrat se je pognal, pa je bil pri nji, ki se je bila sredi globočine zopet prikazala. Z močno roko se je nje oklenil, z drugo pa je delal močne kroge, da sta bila prav kmalu pri kraju, kjer je bila voda plitva. Tu je postavil dekleta na sipo in dejal: “In sedaj Agata, prosim te v imenu Boga, stopaj, da prideš živa iz vode.” Ali je Agata umela ali ne, ne vem. Parkrat se je prestopila, a večkrat se ji ni bilo treba. Loško ženstvo se je ulilo proti nji, jo obstopilo s svojimi telesi ter jo tako zakrilo pred gledalci. Pred sodniki so jo vzele iz vode in jo tekorekoč z odnesle z nesrečnega kraja. Tudi Jurija so klicale, da mora ž njimi, ker je premočen in se mora preobleči. Kamor je prišlo to krdelo, posvod je ljudstvo stopalo s prostora in se umikalo. Končno so jo prenesli in jo položili v posteljo Wohlemuetove matere. Zapišem tole: Naj preteko stoletja za stoletji, loško ženstvo pa naj ohrani tisto dušo, kakor jo je nosilo v sebi v Gospodovem letu 1695, ko je bila ta duša svetla kakor zlato in čista kakor sonce žarki. Nekaj gledalcev je bilo odšlo za Agato, ker ni bilo več kaj posebnega pričakovati. Čakalo pa jih je še mnogo, ker so škof in sodniki še lepo sedeli in ti so morali vendar izreči sodbo. Tedaj stopi k sodnikom grajski ječar in pove, da stoji pred ograjo ženska in zahteva z vso silo, da jo sodniki zaslišajo. “Togoti se in joka in se ne da odpraviti.” Škof je nekaj spregovoril, nakar je glavar zapovedal, da se postavi ženska pred njega in sodnike. Videlo se ji je, da ima dolgo pot za sabo, ker je bila v neredu njena obleka in njen obraz ves utrujen. Bila pa je — Margareta Wulffingova. Pričela je govoriti: Šele včeraj smo slišali, da hočete v Loki sežgati Izidorjevo nevesto in da je naš Marks pričal proti nji; celo noč sem hodila in celo pot sem premolila. Le tega ne — človek ni žival in ne kurite drv pod njim.” Jainez Frančišek jo je miril: “Ne hiti tako deklica! Povej nam, kdo si in odkod prihajaš?” Gospoda škofa ni spoznala. “Marksa Wulffinga sestra je,” se je vmešal ječar. ‘‘Govori," je ukazal Joannes Franciscus kratko in ostro. Margareta je pripovedovala, kako je letos okrog Vnebohoda iztaknila brata Marksa v čumnati pod streho. Bil je sam in mislil je, da ga nikdo ne vidi. Ona pa ga je gledala pri malem oknu iz pod-strejša. In opazila je, kako je z ostrim nožem globoko vrezal v mečo na svoji nogi, da je priteklo veliko krvi. V to kri je namočil ostrorobat kremen, dva žeblja in nekaj igel. Rano je zavezal in nato kruljavo hodil nekaj tednov okrog voglov, povedal pa ni nikomur, kaj mu je.” Ko je Margareti glavar pokazal krvavi kremen, žeblja in igli, je odgovorila, da je vse to tisto, kar je bil Marks namočil v krvi. Škof je spregovoril: ‘‘Vse skupaj naj se zapiše.” Najprej so tisti, ki so stali ob ograji pripovedovali onim. ki so stali bolj zadaj, da je Marks Wulffing krivo pričal in da si je žeblje in iglje sam namočil v svoji krvi. To pripovedovanje se je širilo od vrste in kmalu je bučalo po travnikih: ‘‘Marks Wulffing ni govoril resnice.” Preklinjali so krivo pričo in prava sreča je bila, da je Marks že prejšnji dan odnesel kosti. Margaretino pričevanje se je vse zapisalo, sodišče pa je glasno izpovedalo, da ni krivde na Agati Schwarkoblerjevi. Škof Janez Frančišek je vstal s svojega sedeža in si je dal prinesti mašno obleko; prošt mu je posadil na glavo škofovsko kapo in v roko mu je dal težko pastirsko palico. Pričel je govoriti in glas je imel, da nisem vedel, kje ga je jemal iz šibkega svojega telesa. Dejal je, da si ta dva dneva ni upal oči povzdigniti, tako se je sramoval sodnikov in nas, ki smo prišli, da bi se pasli od krvavi smrti mladega dekliča. “Bilo vas je kot listja in trave in še otroke ste vlačili s sabo, samo da bi gledali pogin dekline, ki nikomur izmed vas ni žalega storila. Niste bili krstjani, bili ste zverine, ki hlepe po krvi nedolžnega in zato boste dajali težko odgovornost ob smrtni uri.” Že so padale vrste na kolena in ženski jok se je oglasil. Bog ne pozna čarovnic in je krvava žalitev Boga, da bi On že pri rojstvu izročil otroka hudiču. Kolikor časa bo imel Janez Frančišek gospodstvo nad krvavo pravico, ne bo pustil nikogar več preganjati zavoljo čarodejstva. Skesane so bile tedaj množice in vse so nosile v svojem srcu modrega škofa in ga gledale kakor apostola, ko je stopal proti cerkvi in delil nad-pastirski svoj blagoslov. Nadaljevanje Pridne čebelice na festivalu v državi Virginia: MARA CHOKEL, ANA SKOPEC, FREDA MICHELITCH, MIMI MEJAČ, NIKA KOVAČIČ, ANGELA DALY, MOLLY THOMAS in JANA BEVEC. Na fotografiji manjkajo: IVANKA ANTOLIN, TILLIE AUSICH, TONČKA CIGALE, MARY LOU in TILLIE TERSELIC in IČA ŽEBOT. ŠTUDENTSKI SKLAD SENATORJA LAUSCHETA V mesecu novembru bo naša podružnica praznovala svojo 20. obletnico ustanovitve. Vsako leto prirejamo ples s slovensko večerjo, tako, da bo letos že naš dvajseti slovenski ples v Washingtonu. Naš letošnji večer bo letos vse bolj pomemben. To pa zaradi dvajsete obletnice naše ustanovitve in zaradi častitljive 90 letnice našega velikega možaka senatorja Franka Lauscheta, ki prebiva v ameriški prestolici. Na svojem slavnostnem večeru bomo naznanile našemu velikemu Slovencu, da smo pričele študentski sklad v njegovem imenu. Kateri Slovenki ime Franka Lauscheta ni znamo? Marsikateremu med nami je osebno pomagal s kakšno uslugo in ji je kot vplivna oseba naredil dobro delo. Z namenom, da bomo pri svojem prizadevanju uspele, prosimo vse podružnice in posamezne članice, da na ta način skupno z nami proslave devetdeseti rojstni dan senatorja Lauscheta in darujejo v sklad SENATOR F. LAUSCHE SCHOLARSHIP FUND. Prispevki naj se pošiljajo naravnost na naslov: Hermine Dicke, Scholarship Committee, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, WI 53711. Nika H. Kovačič Podružnica 103 Washington, D.C. ANA GABER ŠT. 2, Chicago, II Sfil I K proslavi Baragovih dnevov 31. avgusta in 1. septembra 1.1985 na Mackinac lsland-u BARAGA V NEŽNI MLADOSTI IN NJEGOVI STARŠI Irenej Friderik Baraga je bil rojen 1797 v gradiču Mala vas pri Dobrniču na Doljenjskem. Njegov oče Janez Baraga se je priženil semkaj, ko se je poročil s Katarino roj. Jenčič. Bil je mlad vdovec z otrokom — sinom Francetom, ki je bil prizadet — nepravilno razvit po telesu in po duši. Velika bridkost za očeta in drugo mater Katarino. Baragova mati Katarina je bila mila in zelo verna žena, pa rahlega zdravja. Najprej je rodila hčer Marijo, nato sina Vincenca, ki sta oba kmalu po rojstvu umrla. Zelo je bila mati vesela tretjega otroka Amalijo, ki se je rodila zdrava in čvrsta in dve leti za njo so srečni starši sprejeli dečka Friderika, katerega je oče Janez takoj odločil za svojega dediča na graščnici Mala vas, in če bo šlo po sreči — na kakšnem večjem posestvu. Družina Baraga je imela velikega prijatelja v tedanjem župniku iz Dobrniča, ki je prišel častitat k prvi obletnici Friderikovega rojstva. Katarina je pripeljala fantka v sobo, držal se je njene roke in že kar trdno hodil. Mati je poljubila roko gospodu župniku, župnik pa je s palcem pokrižal mladega Baraga. “Kamenja ne bo drobil, drobnih kosti je videti. Videti je pa trden in zdrav. Po vseh vaših nesrečah je tudi sreča prišla z dečkom,” je rekel župnik. V sobo je pridrobila triletna Amalija, ki se je že znala pokloniti. “Kmalu boš dovolj velika, da boš pazila na bratca. Saj boš, kajne?” Poleg domačega župnika je bil tedaj v gosteh tudi dr. Dolinar, velik prijatelj Baragovih, iz Ljubljane. Družina si je štela v veliko čast, ker je prišel. Dolinar ni bil duhovnik, pa vendar ga je prav tedaj ljubljanski škof imenoval za profesorja cerkvene zgodovine in cerkvenega prava mladim bogoslovcem, ker boljšega med duhovniki ni imel. Družba je njega verno poslušala. Zima je bila mimo in močna odjuga je pobrala še zadnji sneg. Mati Katarina je s knjigo v roki mirno sedela v sobi. Rada je poslušala šum dežja po strehi. Zdelo se ji je, da ji to šumenje odganja neko otožnost, ki ji je bila globoko v naravi. Čudna, neprestana skrb jo ji glodala po cele dneve in jo hromila.Vsaka novica o boleznih in vojskah jo je močno zadela. Bili so tedaj hudi časi. Na Francoskem je po revoluciji vstal mož, po imenu Napoleon, močan vojskovodja, ki je hlepel zasesti vso Evropo. Njen mož Baraga pa prav v tem času hoče kupiti grad v bližnjem kraju Trebnje in prodati tako ljubljen njen dom Mala vas. “Poglej, Katarina, tukaj imamo premalo zemlje. Trebanjski grad ima pa veliko zemlje, vinograde, posebno kmetijo in še mlin od Temenici. Moram misliti na Friderika, da postane šolan in izobražen mož, da Amalija dobi veljavnega in petičnega moža, da oskrbim vzdrževalnino za nesrečnega našeqa Franceta iz katerega nič ne bo,” je govoril mož v pomirjenje. Preselili so se v Trebnje; Friderik je bil star dve leti. Dom je bil velik in mogočen, a gospodarja so pričele glodati skrbi. Preveč je ob nakupu mislil na imenitost in na dohodke, a premalo na izplačevanje dolgov. Za odrasle so tekla nemirna leta; otroka sta bila zdrava in srečna, najbolj ob materi. Preskrbili so jima domačega učitelja in Friderik se je kaj kmalu pri učenju pridružil sestrici. Pri igri in pri učenju sta bila nerazdružljiva. Leta 1803 se jima je pridružila sestrica, kateri je mati dala ime Antonija. Mati Katarina se po rojstvu Antonije ni mogla popraviti. Kakor, da je zadnji otrok izčrpal vse njene sile, je poležavala po ves teden. Stara Neža ji je kuhala razne čaje, a zdravje se ni hotelo vrniti. Mož se je odločil in v hišo je prišla mlada vdova Barbara, da bo v pomoč ženi, otrokom in gospodinjstvu. Težave so rasle z najstarejšim Francetom. Fant je prišel v leta, ko je začel misliti, da lahko hodi svoja pota. Očeta se je še nekako bal, do služabnikov je postal surov, materi — mačehi je rekal komaj besedo, a Friderika je sovražil. Za nikako delo ni bil sposoben in pričel je pohajkovati. Jeseni leta 1806 sta postala starša Friderika v šolo — daleč v Ljubljano, starega šele devet let. Zgodaj zjutraj se je na dvorišču poslovil od žalostne matere — oh, kako majhen je še moj otrok, pa mora iti od doma — hlapec je udaril z vajeti po konjih in kočija je izginila za voglom. Amalija jo je poslušala, mati se ji je nasmehnila in jo pogladila po dolgih laseh. “France je bil vesel, daje Friderik odšel.” “Saj veš, kako ie z njim. Z vsakim človekom je treba potrpeti, z nekaterimi manj, z nekaterimi več. Pred Bogom smo vsi nerodni.” “Ali mislite, da bo Friderik nekoč župnik?” Skušala se je mati nasmehniti, pa ji je smeh kar ugasnil. "Vse je v božji rokah, Amalija. Kdo naj postane gospodar gradu? Oče misli, da bo nekoč Friderik. In toliko je drugih poklicev. Morda bo zdravnik, ali jezični doktor kakor je gospod Dolinar.” “Toda jaz bi najrajši videla, da bi bil župnik.” “Norica. Le počemu.” “Potem bo vedno sam, ne bo imel žene, jaz mu bom kuhala.” “Duhovnik postane samo tisti, ki ga Bog pokliče. Pa če bi res postal, potem bi....” “Kaj bi bilo potem?” “Potem bi ti morala postati gospodar in bi se omožila.” Mati je posegla po molku in pričela moliti. Naj bi se zgodilo to, kar je po božji volji. Po pisatelju Mauserju: “Le eno je potrebno." p. Alanazij Lovrenčič: Pri Bogu ni starosti Jokajočo Amalijo je mati peljala v sobo in jo tolažila: “Lepo mu bo v Ljubljani. Gospod Dolinar, pri katerem bo stanoval, ima dobro ženo, sina Janeza in hčerko Anico, ki je dve leti mlajša od Friderika. Ob nedeljah bodo vsi skupaj šli ven iz mesta. Od začetka mu bo dolgčas; vsakemu je, ko gre prvič od doma. Tudi meni je bilo dolgčas Mali vasi." Starejši ljudje, ki živijo blizu šole, si navadno oddahnejo skozi poletne mesece; skozi šolsko leto je okoli šole živ žav otrok in marsikaterim starejšim gre na živce. A ko otrok ni v šoli, je mir. Res je, da vsaka oseba ima rada mir, a na drugi strani so nam otroci poroštvo novega življenja. Kot se ljudje starajo, gredo v pokoj in skušajo svoja zadnja leta preživeti v miru, tako nam je glas otrok znamenje, da bo naša družba nadaljevala svoje poslanstvo, da naše družine ne bodo izumrle, da se bo na tej zemlji nadaljevalo delo, ki ga Bog ima v načrtu za vsakega izmed nas. Kot Bog kliče otroke iz naših šol k raznim poklicem, prav tako je Bog poklical tudi tebe k določenemu delu, delo ki je bilo namenjeno le zate. In s tem da smo še živi, pomeni, da naše delo še ni končano. V našem življenju srečavamo razne križe in težave, a dejstvo, da si ti orodje v božjih rokah, po katerem Vsemogočni izvršuje svoje načrte, bi nam moralo prinesti veliko zadovoljstva in notranjega veselja. Morda naše moči niso kakor so bile, ko smo bili mlajši, a Bog nas hoče prav takšne, kakor smo sedaj. Ko nas je Bog poklical v to življenje, nam je dal razne možnosti posebno za mlada leta. Tako vidimo mladino kako se usposablja v šolah, da bodo zmožni dolžnostim bodočega življenja. Sedaj ko smo starejši, pri mnogoterih se je življenje in delo spremenilo. A to ne pomeni, da nas Bog ljubi manj, ravno obratno, še bolj; čim bližje smo večnosti, tem bolj bo poskrbel, da nas bo srečno pripeljal v večnost. A dokler smo tukaj na svetu, delajmo z veseljem za svoj blagor in blagor vseh, ki so nam dragi. DOPISI ŠT. 3, PUEBLO, CO Krasni nageljčki! Z njimi je bila okinčana naša Zarja na zunanji strani na čast slovenskim materam v krasnem mesecu maju. Nagelj je cvetlica naše mile domovine Slovenije. Moja pritožba naši podružnici za sejo meseca maja. Bilo nas je navzočih res skromno število samo 24 članic. Vseeno pa je bilo živahno snidenje, ker smo lepo počastile našo Gertrudo Jordan, zaslužno mater naše podružnice. Na tej seji smo sprejele prihodnjega duhovnega voditelja č.g. Gregory — ja Hudson O.S.B. S ponosom je sprejel svoje obveznosti do Zveze. Father Blane Bebble je onemogel, vzrok bolečine že več let v kolenu. Naša predsednica Frances Skul je uspešno okrevala po operaciji na kolenu; Jenie Lukanick se zdravi doma. Bila je že prav blizu smrti po srčnom napadu. Jenie, le pogum, s časom bo vse O.K.! Vam vsem bolnim, želim ponovno zdravje. Paulini Jamnik gre bolezen naprej z njeno sladkorno boleznijo. Mogoče je še več članic bolnih, pa mi ni znano. Tudi Christina Bradish trpi bolečine že več let v kolenu. Videli smo krasno sliko Joe in Josephine Erjavec v Zarji ob 65 -letnici v zakonu. Še vedno mladostna sta za pogledat. Gospa Josephina je ena od odličnih delavk za uspeh Zveze, tudi za svojo družino. Njena hčerka Olga Ancel je naša glavna tajnica, katera izvrstno vodi našo S.Ž.Z. Erjavčevi so moji dolgoletni prijatelji, poznani; zatorej vama želim še mnogo zdravih let in Bog vaju ohrani. Žalosten mi je spomin na mnoge nekdanje zveste sosestre v Zvezi, ki so že odšle v večnost po svoje plačilo. Z mnogimi sem bila v stalnem pogovoru in pisanju. Tudi moje moči so pošle, bolezen svoje zahteva in nas vse opominja; vzbuja nam misel na preteklost in tudi na nadloge v tem življenju, zlasti ob izgubi in smrti naših najdražjih. Naša fara Marije Pomagaj je dokončala dobo 90 - letnega obstoja. Sedaj imamo do 700 faranov; se razume da ima vse vodstvo mladina v rokah in da lepo napreduje. Tako rada berem dopise Poldice Podgornik, glavne predsednice Mary Muller, “Našo slovensko dediščino” in vse podrobnosti v naši lepi Zarji. Mrs. Bostian, ta moja zvesta sosestra še vedno trpi v svoji bolezni. Globoko sočustvujem z njo. Mary, God be with you. V našem klubu za starejše imamo obilo razvedrila. Anne Spelich skrbi za bus, s katerim se tudi jaz enkrat na teden popeljem v prosto naravo. V mesecu juliju je bil nekaterim nadvse dobrodošel obisk sorodnikov iz Jugoslavije. Ed in Helen Miklich sta veselo sprejela bratranca Primoža Pečnik in ženo Martino iz Ljubljane. Primož ima važno službo. Bila sta očarana nad zanimivostmi naše gorate Colorade in vesele prijazne postrežbe, katere je bilo v izobilju. Obiskala sta še več držav in svojih poznanih. Ed in Helen sta imela svoj dom njim na razpolago za 10 dni. Pri odhodu domov so odnesli željo, naj še pridejo. Ed in Helen sta prav ustvarjena za sprejeme gostov in sta zelo zaslužna v naši naselbini. Ko boste brale te skromne vrstice, bo poletje že pri kraju. Gotovo so bile počitnice za mnoge lepe in zabavne. Dnevi se že krajšajo, tudi zemlja bo šla v svoj počitek. Naša nam vsem priljubljena povest Mlada Breda je končana; upamo, da se bo pričela druga v naše razvedrilo. Ne pozabite me, ko mene več ne bo! ANNA PACHAK Priloga: Zapoznelo sožalje č.g. Franku Perkovich zaradi smrtne izgube matere Johane Perkovich. Takole poroča: Smrt je nastopila že 20. februarja 1985. Sedaj sem izgubil dom in dnevno hodim žalosten naokrog. Lep pozdrav vsem članicam v Zvezi. A.P. ŠT. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Iz daljnega zapada sončne pozdrave. Milo podnebje v San Franciscu ni bilo še nikdar lepše. Tukaj je vse, kar si kdo želi videti: japonski cvetoči vrt, rododendron v parku, drevesa prinešena iz vsega svetakakšna lepota. Letos je več ljudi odpotovalo v domovino:.' naša lepa sestra Stanka Pečavar z možem Petrom in družino, gospod Jakša z Marv Murn NEZVESTI ZAKON mmm Si zmešal mi glavo ter z njo še srce. To je življenje, ki zanj nihče ne ve, da solze pretakam po cele noči. Tebe jaz čakam - a od nikoder te ni. Le kod se ti klatiš po cele noči? Zakaj ne poveš mi • da zame te ni. Drugi šepečeš na grešno uho, kar šepetal nekoč si meni-ljubo. Ti si edeni, ki ljubil si me, od zgodnje mladosti sem bila tvoja dekle. Sedaj me ne ljubiš ■ sem sama doma, prava ljubezen tako ne ravna. Zakaj si šel v zakon, ko zate ni svet? Si kakor čebela • od rože do rože iščeš si med. Sladko ljubezen si mi vzel iz srca, Kdo in kdaj nazaj mi jo spet da? Ako bila bi sama, bi bilo hudo. Ti si mi dal - bolečin sto. Glej sinčka in hčerko imava, poglej! Naš dom več ni srečen kot bil je poprej. družino. Jakševa hči Jožica tudi spada v slovenski zbor, pravtako sestra Stanke Pečavar. Mary Pečavar je tudi odpotovala. Potem Ivanka Lubish in mož Toni z družino, Tončka Udovich in Frances Kocjan. Upam, da vsi srečno potujejo in se tudi srečno vrnejo. Naj se navžijejo lepote naše Slovenije — “land of infinite beauty.” V teh dneh napetosti človek ni več varen ne doma, ne na cesti, ne na eroplanih. Izšla je knjiga slovenskega protikomunističnega upora. Imenuje se Bela knjiga, ki opisuje borbe domobrancev pred 40 leti. Spomin na g. Joseph-a Zalarja, tajnika Katoliške podporne Jednote bo ostal v srcih našega naroda. Naj mu bo lahka tuja gruda. Še en velik mož našega naroda je bil Hladnik, umetnik na orglah in skladatelj. Plemenit, dober človek — skromen in dovtipen. Ob njegovi smrti so igrali in peli “Marija skoz življenje”. Njegov portret je narisal akademski slikar Božidar Jakac. Če zaprejo našo cerkev v San Franciscu, bomo največ izgubili z umetnikom na orglah in pevovodjem Alešom Šimenc. Njega lahko primerjamo s Hladnikom, ali s katerikolim umetnikom v današnjem času. Le berite verski list Ave Mario, ki v teh mesecih zelo lepo opisuje življenje in delovanje svetih bratov Cirila in Metoda. Ona sta sestavila slovenske pismenke ali črke in pisala v staroslovenskem jeziku. Uvedla sta v bogoslužje staroslovenski jezik poleg latinščine in grščine. List Ave Maria bi moral biti v vsaki slovenski družini, v njem je dobra hrana za dušno življenje. ¥ ¥ ¥ Na vrtu cvetejo ciklame, tulipe, spominčice in violetna princesa (princess Glower) se sklanja v svoji lepoti. Kako zelo lep je svet, samo, če bi le ljudje živeli v miru med seboj v ljubezni, eden do drugega. Vem, da vam bo nova angleška dopisovalka sporočila naše novice. Jaz le prilagam v slovenščini. Ker nisem mogla k sejam, nisem razumela imena, ki so mi jih dali po telefonu. Oprostite, če sem narobe speljala katero vaše ime. V slovenščini je to lažje: kakor spregovorimo tako napišemo. Poročam žalostno novico, ki pa jo gotovo že veste. Umrl je mož naše Beverly Jackson. Brian Eugene Jackson je umrl July 27, 1985 star 53 let. Žalujoči ostali sta žena Beverly in hči Janet. Sveta maša zadušnica se je brala v soboto ob 11. uri dopoldne v slovenski cerkvi. Žena Beverly je zaslužna delavka za naš narod in za našo cerkev. Skozi dolga leta že uči katekizem otrokom. Globoko sožalje od Zveze in od nas vseh, ki ljubimo in spoštujemo to družino. Izgubiti že starega moža je hudo, a tako mladega je kar dvojna bolečina. V bolnici je bila na operaciji sestra Dora Šimenc, a zdaj je v bolnici njen mož Aleš, naš organist. Mi pevci smo zaskrbljeni. Želimo tej spoštovani družini spet zdravja. Čestitke Otiliji Kurnick k njeni zlati (50) obletnici, kar je vstopila v Zvezo. Otilija je zelo aktivna pri društvih in nadarjena delavka. Še enkrat častitke od Zveze in vseh slovenskih žena. Tam na cesti Rimskih zvezd zvezda za zvezdo se utrinja v noč. Slika moje domovine! Slika mladih dni se mi vrinja, a ne vrne se nikdar več. POLDICA PODGORNIK poročevalka ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Ko prebiram časopise zadnje čase res ni nikoli skoro nobene dobre noviče. Ljudje samo stremijo za močjo in denarjem. Ta strast je obsedla ves svet. Človek premišljuje, a je mogoče nam kot ženam kaj storiti? Je. Naše orožje je rožni venec. Skušajmo zmoliti kako desetko na dan za žene in može po svetu, da bi s pomočjo Marije dosegli v svojih srcih ljubezen do svojega bližnjega. Chris in Frank Glavan sta obnovila svoje poročne zaobljube v cerkvi sv Vida 30. junija pri opoldanski sv. maši. Škof Edward Pevec je sodaroval mašo s štirimi duhovniki. Iskrene čestitke k Vajini zlatiporoki in še na mnoga leta Vama kličemo vse žene št. 25 SŽ.Z. Vse najboljše želimo tudi ženam 7a katere vemo, da so se rodile v juliju in avgustu in njihovi dnevi ali so pred vrati ali bodo pa kmalu: Leslie Telich, Josie Ambrosic, Danica Chemas, Mary Noggy, Anna Fortuna, Chris Glavan, Annie Knaus. Želimo, da se utrne zlata zvezdica z neba in naj njim prinese leto polno sreče in zdravja. Frances Macerol je bila v bolnici in so ji malo zamenjali kolke; pa vam povem, včeraj sem jo videla “maširati” po cerkvi tako “fejst”, da človek zopet dobi zaupanje v zdravstvo. Kar še tako naprej, Frances. Vabimo vse članice posebno pa naše nove članice na naš piknik, ki bo 10. sept. ob 4 pop. na 1051 E. 61 St. Bo na vrtu naše predsednice Josie Mohorčič in njene sestre Jennie Strumbel. Vse ste prav prisrčno vabljene. Pridite, da se malo bolj spoznamo. Tudi, če ste malo bolj pozne se lahko pokažete. Tu bi vas tudi prosila, če katera ve naslove od sledečih naših članic: Helen Poklicki, Josephine Widmar, in Frances Zupin. Pošta vedno pride nazaj. Prosim pokličite me ali pa pišite na moj naslov: 6610 Bliss Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Hvala! Pobožje plačilo so odšle naše članice - Frances Mohorčič, Frances Hribar, Veronica Vrbančič, Anna Zalar, Josephine Schmidt in Mary Janežič. Bog jim bodi dober Plačnik in njihovim dragim pa naše globoko sožalje. Torej, se zopet vidimo v ZARJI drugi mesec. Nasvidenje! CIRILA KERMAVNER ŠT. 68, FAIRPORT HRB., OH Za uvod današnjega dopipa v mesečniku Zarji, se bom naj prvo zahvalila za ravnokar prejeto pisemce od gospe K.K. iz Floride. Prav srčna Ti hvala. (You make my day) Vesela je dopisa od naše podružnice. Med drugim piše: Potom dopisa iz vaše podružnice, vse novice izvem iz vaše okolice, ki mije dobro poznana in tudi ljudi, katere opisuješ, dobro poznam, in še parkrat preberem, imam pa še želje, da bi se med vami znašla. Drage članice, tako vidite, kako nas naša Zarja povezuje. Pred nekaj leti je ovdovela, zgubila nepričakovano dobrega moža Tony Kebe, dobro poznanega, ki je lastoval večjo restavracijo nekje v Euclidu. Za časa njih bivanja v Floridi, sta vsako poletje se vrnila v naše kraje. In kar nemore še preboleti izgubo dobrega življenskega spremljevalca. Na tretjo sredo 17. julija se je vršila naše seja v klubovih prostorih v Fairportu. Udeleženih nas je bilo 7 članic. Predsednica Rozi Bradač je bila zadržana, radi bolezni moža Stankota. Nadomestovala jo je tajnica Fany UIle in odprla sejo z molitvijo. Nato je prečitala zapisnik od junijske seje in prav tako tudi zapisnikarica Malka Južna. Malo smo sejale sem in tja, če bo kaj skalilo. Premalo nas pride na seje, da bi kaj koristnega ukrenile in seje poživele. Door prize je dobila Fani Ul le. Razdelile smo se na dve grupi in karte igrale. Stanko Bradač se je moral podvreči operaciji na srcu; kar je bila včeraj, 25. julija in je prav dobro uspela. Poslali smo mu bodrilno karto iz slovenskega kluba z številnimi podpisi. Dragi Stanko, vsi Ti želimo hitrega okrevanja, in da se boš kmalu vrnil domov k svoji ženki Rozi. Na prvo sredo 3. julija je bil pa piknik Slov. Euclidskih upokojencev na Narodni Farmi. In ta piknik ne zamudiva, sva tudi člana z možem. Tam se srečamo z mnogimi prijatelji in znanci, posebno z Cerkničani in okolice. V nedeljo na 21. julija pa na Pristavo, na misijonski piknik, tega tudi ne zamudiva, da se zopet snidemo s prijatelji in tudi sorodniki. Ob peti uri so bile večernice z petimi litanijani Matere Božje. Tako lepo so odmevale Marijine pesmi doli po pristavski dolini in prostorih. Kar bolj domače se počutiš v takem domačem razpoloženju in domači družbi. Bil je tudi mlajši duhovnik navzoč pri teh večernicah. Prišel je na obisk sem iz Škofje Loke. Tudi pri naši farni cerkvi sv. Mary smo imeli misijonarja. Prišel je iz Kenije, zelo dober govornik. V drugi nabirki se je tudi za njega zbralo nekaj denarja. Tukajšnje balincarske tekme, kar v redu potekajo, kot sem o teh že v zadnji Zarji omenila. Pa se že nekaj večje številke kažejo, kdo bo letošnji zmagovalec. Kot vse kaže, bo to John Ondo od Hang. C. cluba. No to bomo že videli v septembru. Ker se je prijavilo več igralcev, kot druga leta (in to 16 grup) je bil začetek že 28. maja. Spored igranja je v ponedeljek, torek, sredo in četrtek, ob 7.30 v Fairportu pri slov klubu. Voditelj teh iger je predsednik kluba Tony Satej. Da so pa igre bolj zanimive, se nabere tudi precejšne število gledalcev. Ker brez gledalcev pa ni cirkusa, saj to se razume. Tako tudi z možem, kadar nisva v igri se pridruživa tem gledalcem. Da tam šeptamo, kako bi moral ta, ali oni lahko šest točk narediti. Vsem bolnim članicam, katere se ne počutite dobro, želimo iz naše podružnice, naj Vam ljubi Bogec povrne ljubega zdravja, da se boste še in še veselile življenja med nami. V septembru pa bo obhajala rojstni dan Fany Pillar. Vse članice ji želimo vse najbolj še, posebno pa ljubega zdravja. Že pozno v noč sva se sinoči domov vrnila iz kluba, sva opazila, kako je bilo nebo čisto in jasno z številnimi zvezdicami. Tako čisto ozračje in zvezdnato nebo v nočnih urah, še nisem opazila v vseh letih bivanja v Ameriki. Spomin mi je obudil pesmi žalostinke, * Oj zvezdnato nebo * 1) Oj zvezdnato nebo, kako si ti lepo, pozabi vse gorje, kdor nate zre. 2) Zamakni se v srce, še višje nad zvezde, tam gori On živi k za vse skrbi. 3) Žalvala jaz ne bom, saj gori je moj dom, tam gorje rajski vrt nam vsem odprt, Te lepe pesmi in melodije se boste drage bralke gotovo tudi ve druge spominjale iz rojstne^ domovine, iz naših mladih let. Mnogo razvedrila in veselja Vsem čitateljem naše Zarje želi. JULKA KLAMMER Junij 17,1985 Valley, Wash. Uprava S.Ž.Z. Jaz sem članica od leta 1936. Mrs. Mary Polajnar in Mrs. Mary Planton sta prišli iz Oregon City, Oregon in sta tukaj ustanovili podružnico S.Ž.Z. A kmalu je tukajšnja ustanova propadla in tako sem jaz postala članica v Oregon City, Oregon št. 4. Stara bom, če bom dočakala 25 oktober, prav 93 let. Pa še zmerom rada berem slovensko branje. Samo meni se zdi, da ga je premalo v reviji Zarja. Je več angleškega. No pa vsaj vem, da gremo starejše članice v pokoj in v večnost. Pozdrav vsem, jaz ostanem Slovenka. Mary Omejc ŠT. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Kot pred dvemi leti, smo letos 18. maja zopet sodelovale pri mednarodnem festivalu v državi Virginia. Veliko je priprav in dela za sodelovanje, posebno, ker nas je toliko čez teden redno zaposlenih. Od treh dni festivala smo sodelovale samo v soboto in sicer je bil to dan, ko so bila na razpolago najrazlinejša jedila z vseh delov sveta. Slovenski jedilni list je bil takole sestavljen: kranjska klobasa, kislo zelje, krompirjeva solata in krut). Prodajale smo tudi jabolni zvitek (štrudel), flancate, lectove okrašene srčke in še nekaj drugih slaščic. Cene vseh jedil so bile zelo nizke. Naštela sem 30 različnih dežel, ki so sodelovale z jedili. S tem, da sodelujemo pri festivalu narodov, podpiramo prijateljstvo narodov na svetu. Vsem članicam lepa zahvala za vso pomoč in požrtvovalnost. Če ima katera bralka Zarje sorodnico ali znanko v Washingtonu ali v njegovi okolici, naj jo, prosim, obvesti, da je vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu slovenska maša ob enajstih dopoldne v slovenski kapeli v svetišu Brezmadežnega Spočetja. Ob tej priliki je lahko razložimo delovanje tukašnje podružnice Slovenske ženske zveze. Zelo nas bi razveselilo povečati število naših vrst. NIKA B. KOVAČIČ 24 zarja—rm: dawn ( “FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART” Mary - Woman for all Mothers -j o o co >- Q If ever this crazy world needed (he Blessed Virgin, it’s today. Did any of you moms ever feel like no one knows your pain, understands how you feel? If you did, you’re wrong. Mary knows. How about you young moms-to-be with no wedding ring on your finger? Suicide, abortion are not the answer. Mary knows what you’re feeling. She knows the fear and anxiety. Although, her pregnancy was of the Holiest of Nature, there was the fear of “What if Joseph won’t marry me?” In those days to be with child and no husband meant to be stoned. So, believe me when I tell you she knows anxiety. Is your child lost? Mary searched for days before the 12 year old Jesus was found in the temple. Does your child go to school or live in another town? She understands how you miss this child, Jesus was often away during the last 3 years of his life. Mom, has your child been threatened with danger? Has your child been abducted, or met with foul play? Your sorrow she especially can relate to. Remember when Jesus was only days old, she had to flee to Egypt to protect His life. Then when He was thirty-three a mob abducted Him and tortured Him in the middle of the night. She watched as her baby, her only son, died, nailed to a cross. Mothers-to-be and mothers with heavy hearts, you’re not alone. Way knows. Mary was there. Open your hearts and share your pain with her, and she’ll help lead you to the person or persons who can truly help you in your moment of need. DAVY FROM THE YOUTH DIRECTOR Since September is the month we gave honor and praise to our grandparents, I thought I would share a letter I received the other day from my grandson, Frank who lives in Nenana, Alaska. He loves Zinkrofe and wants to make sure I have some on hand for him when he comes for a visit the middle of August. To all you Grandma’s and Grandpa’s out there, have a happy day and may God continue to shower his blessings of good health and happiness on you. And to all of you who are lucky enough to still have grandparents, be sure to give your grandparents a big hug or kiss and tell them how much they mean to you and how much you do love them. Anna Hodnik FOR GRANDPARENTS' ANNIVERSARY &ec\c cuvl ^awpci X Lo v-e.y^\A 'fO'K nr a, 50 m'c-e i-haf- i+ii W?J-^Oiayr Uov/e-•yoM * 6wt I 1+- f Kind c£ yo * 5 <2 "C hc>fCyc>H Hoi^q. q nice. A a A i v e- C ‘ • • Love Pe c.JoKasoo o ra (\o h B5 KUlnHi Mi fin. Dear Grandma, I kant wait to see you all again. Will you please make a bach ol ginklafa for me. I had it this whole year! We are having to much hot wether. But today we had a nice hard shower. I spent the night at one of my best friends house, thene he stayd over for two night. The day after we brout him to our house him and I made sandwichis and hiked up the logging roads to the gravel pit by our selvs. The first time we turnd back beeous we forgot the mosqito dope. After that we were redy to beat the band. We made it to the gravel pit in less time that it took us to get half way the first time. Last brek up my mom bought some carnations they got all brown when she put them outsid, they got green but they wer so droopy. She gave up, but I didint. I asked if I could have them. I replanted them, and they got stronger, and now I have a beautiful red bud! All the rest of the flowers are dooing great too. Espeshily my nasturshums. I have to many of them, ther praktakly coming out ol my ears! 1 painted the stairs a eopel ol days ago, it was a pretty hard task to acomplish. It’s been boring without my friend. Hows Grampa doing?? I hope he is doing better. I cant wait to go swimming. I hope the waters nice and warm. 1 just bought sum new swimming trunks for Minnesota, and its 1,000 lakes. Up hear we only have 100 freezing mountin creeks. Oh, pleas make a bach of pizza rolls too. This is the first time I’ve typed a letter on the electric typwriter, and I’m doing better then if I had my old typwriter. Well I hafto go and throw some wood down now. I love you all Your grandson, Frank Hodnik Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone: 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 2ND CLASS POSTAGE PAID CHICAGO ILLINOIS ARNEZ JOHN A. X-8X P.O.BOX 232 NEW YORK, N.t. 10032 HOME ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN (1907-1981) ELIZABETH L. ZEERAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO, IL. 60608 847-6688 ZEFRAN ERMAK GEREND HABERMANN Funeral Home SHEBOYGAN, Wl 53081 FRED C. DAMES FUNERAL HOME Joel L. Dames Mark L. Dames Jon P. Dames 251 N. CENTER AT CAMPBELL JOLIET, ILLINOIS 60435 PHONE AREA CODE 815/726-5211 A Name to Remember THE BANKERS TO SEE Apr AT filleil Union National Bank y U | andTrust Company KM8€R FIRST MDWESI BANCORP I SO W«at J«ff«r*on, Jollat, IHInot* «0431 TEZAK FUNERAL 459 North Ottawa Street HOME Joliet, II. 60435 First in service since 1908 Phone 772-0534 GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 1053 East 62nd St. 431-2088 Slovenian Women’s Union proudly presents: Slovenian-1 nternalional Cookbook SENSATIONAL BESTSELLER POTS & PANS $8.00 Books on Slovenian Immigrants and Pioneers FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA $5.00 hardbound — $3.50 softbound FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME $6.00 For orders, send remittance plus $1 postage per book to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 431 NO. CHICAGO ST., JOLIET, ILL. 6(1435 Cookbook Order Form “POTS & PANS” Please send me__________copies at $8.00 each plus $1.00 for postage and handling per book. NAME ________________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City _________Stale ________Zipcode ________ Make checks payable to and send order to: Slovenian Women’s Union, 431 No. Chicago SI., Joliet, II. 60432.