211 Igor Bijuklič Igor Bijuklič, finished his PhD thesis (2014) on the history of modern propaganda and PR techniques. He participated as a research fellow in the following projects at the Peace Institute in Ljubljana concerning the history of modern antipolitical paradigms: »Drucker and Postsocial- ism« (2005-2006), »Critical Reflections on the Managerial Revolution« (2006-2008), »Trans-disciplinary view on America« (2010-2012). Be- tween 2013 and 2015, he was employed as a researcher at the Center for Social and Anthropological Research in Education at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. From 2015 on, he is working as a Ph.D. as- sistant at the Faculty of Management, University of Primorska. Igor Bijuklič je doktorsko disertacijo zaključil leta 2014 na temo zgodovine moderne propagande in PR tehnik. Sodeloval je v raziskovalnih projek- tih o zgodovini modernih antipolitičnih paradigem na Mirovnem inšti- tutu v Ljubljani: »Drucker in postsocializem« (2005–2006), »Kritična razmišljanja o managerski revoluciji« (2006–2008), »Trans-disciplin- ski pogled na Ameriko« (2010–2012). Od leta 2013 do 2015 je zaposlen kot raziskovalec v Centru za družbene in antropološke raziskave v izo- braževanju na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Od leta 2015 dalje dela kot asistent z doktoratom na Fakulteti za management na Univerzi na Pri- morskem. Srečo Dragoš Srečo Dragoš, PhD in sociology, is a social worker and a professor of soci- ology at the Faculty for Social Work (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Contributors