Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Vol. 105, No. 3 American Home Ameriška Domovina* SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 16, 2003 Phone:(216)431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com 70c A Bigger Europe? Not So Fast... The European Union is throwing a big party to formally invite 10 new members to join its club. But what happens if they don’t want to join? That is the question raised by a rash of dispiriting public-opinion polls in the candidate countries. They show support for joining the EU averaging only 52% of respondents in the 10 countries - eight former Soviet satellites, plus Malta and Cyprus. Support is below 45% in the Czech Republic, and barely 30% in Estonia. And even where support is stronger, as m Hungary, the polls are inconclusive: While 67% of Hungarians approve of EU membership, more than 90% admit they know next to nothing about its policies and institutions. It used to be a foregone conclusion that the formerly communist East would jump at the chance to hook up with the West. But “some citizens are a little bit concerned, particularly about the fact that 10 years after we won our sovereignty, it seems that we’ll lose it again,’ says Alojz Peterle, a former prime minister of Slovenia. Each of the 10 candidate countries must officially accept membership, and all plan referendums this year. The votes will come at a sensitive time for the EU, as it Ties to write a constitution foi itself and increase its Power to set pan-European policy on issues from taxation to foreign policy. Rejection by even one candidate would be embarrassing for Western Europe, which has put a lot of political capital into bringing eight former communist countries into Europe’s economic fold and creating a trading bloc with more consumers than there are in the U.S. Sensing an opportunity, anti-EU political movements have sprung up in nearly every candidate country. In Estonia, for instance, opposition groups are gearing up for a media blitz and sending mass e-mail messages. “The European Union is very like a disguised Soviet Union - a form of federal bureaucratic socialism,” says Uno Sil-berg, chairman of the “No to the EU” campaign in Estonia. In Latvia, where polls show 49% of voters favor joining the EU and 35% oppose it, the government says it won’t feel comfortable until at least 60% back membership. Disillusionment has grown as terms of membership become clear. Subsidy payments to fanners in the new membership countries will probably initially be only 40% what farmers in current member countries get. And new-member citizens won’t be able to work in some current-member countries for the first seven years, a restriction intended to prevent low-wage Easterners from stealing jobs Slovenia aims at Feb. Referendum Slovenia looks set to become the first of ten EU applicant countries to decide on EU membership by referendum after the Copenhagen Summit in December invited them to become members. fhc idea of holding two rcferenda on the same day, one on EU and one on nATO on Feb. 9 was launched by the Slovenian government in a meeting of dte leadership of the Parliament and relevant Parliamentary bodies in the ^o-called “Euroatiantidc Council” on Monday. One important reason for holding an early referendum could be to avoid the strengthening of the No-to-NATO side in the event of war against Iraq. Slovenia was invited to become a member of NATO at the Prague Summit in November, 2002. The latest opinion polls from December 2002 showed a solid majority of 60 percent in favor of EU membership, with 20 percent against. On the NATO issue 50 percent indicated to be favorable of membership, while 30 percent were opposed. Maria and Joseph Spisich of Wickliffe, Ohio recently celebrated their 43Rl wedding anniversary in Cancun, Mexico along with their daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren. Smiling with their grandparents in front of the Mexican Christmas tree (made of coconuts) are (front row): Anthony Lustri, Lyndsay Amyot, and Kristina Lustri. Back row: Andrea Kaifesh, Jessica Kaifesh, and Alyssa Amyot. Maria and Joe were married on January 16, 1960 at Maria Pomagaj Catholic Church on Manning Avenue in Toronto, Canada.__________________________________________________ from higher-wage Westerners. That turns voters off. “It’s a sort of discrimination,” says Valerie Roubalova, a 30-year-old architect in Prague. Adding to the friction is some EU officials’ take-it-or-leave-it attitude. At a recent meeting, Christian Danielsson, deputy head of the European Commission’s enlargement department, said it wouldn’t be a big deal if a candidate rebuffed membership. It’ll just involve a lot of deleting from the treaty,” he said. But it also would mark an embarrassing defeat for EU bureaucrats who have worked for years on this bid to enlarge the union. Of all the candidates - Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Malta and Cyprus - a snub by Poland, by far the richest and largest of the candidates, would be the biggest blow. Qualms about what it might mean to be in a bloc with such affluent members are reflected in the plot of a popular Polish soap opera “Zlotopolscy:” It centers on a farmer’s wife who runs off with a rich German who purchased land in their village. In the latest poll from the CBOS public-opinion polling agency in Warsaw, 61% of respondents favored joining the EU. But CBOs researcher Michal Wenzel notes that Polish voters arc notorious for doing the opposite of what they tell pollsters. The mayor of Warsaw, Lech Kaczynski, thinks Poland should negotiate better terms. And the Peasants party recently threatened to pull out of the ruling coalition unless Brussels offers Polish farmers more money. Hungary, meanwhile had planned to hold its referendum on March 15, but switched it to April so voters will be less likely to be thinking about Hungary’s history as part of a different empire: March 15 is the national holiday commemorating an unsuccessful 1848 revolution to overthrow Hapsburg rule. —Wall Street Journal Benefits of Membership? Percentage of people in EU candidate countries who think that they will personally benefit from expansion Hungary 48% Note: Polls conducted between Sept. 2 and Oct. 16 Cyprus Czech Republic Latvia Slovenia Estonia Source fuiopeaflComiTHSsion'sEurobarometer AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 16, 2003 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik. Michael and Irma Telici , Frank L Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $165 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Foreign: $45 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $165 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 3 January 16, 2003 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina “BLACK AND WHITE,, (For older folks only) (Sent in by a reader - author unknown) You could hardly see for all the snow, spread the rabbit ears as far as they go. Pull up a chair to the TV set, “Good night, David? Good night, Chet”. Dependin’ on the channel you tuned, you got Rob and Laura -or Ward and June. It felt so good, felt so right Life looked better in black and white. I Love Lucy, The Real McCoys, Dennis the Menace, the Cleaver boys. Rawhide. Gunsmoke, Wagon Train, Superman, Jimmy & Lois Lane. Father Knows Best, Patty’ Duke, Rin Tin Tin and Lassie too, Donna Reed on Thursday night -Life looked better in black and white. I wanna go back to black and white. Everything always turned out right Simple people, simple lives, good guys always won the fights. Now nothing is the way it seems, in living color on the TV screen. Too many murders, too much fight, I wanna go back to the v black and white. < In God they trusted, in bed they slept, a promise made was a promise kept They never cussed or broke their vows, they’d never make the network now. But it I could. I’d rather be in a TV town in ’53. It felt so good, felt so right life looked better in Black and white. I’d trade all the channels on the cable or satellite if I could just turn back the clock tonight to when everybody knew wrong from right. Life was better in BLACK AND WHITE ! The Christmas Concert Keep the u s 0ut of u N by RUDY FLIS Stan Kuhar does a nice job of describing the St. Vitus Christmas Concert in Jan. 2 edition of American Home. I was there with my wife, Therese, and daughter Carolyn, enjoying what Stan has described so well. My daughter was in St. Vitus Church for the first time, so after the Christmas concert we toured the beautiful church. The grotto, the manger with the baby Jesus and the holy family, all must see points of interest that weekend. After our tour, we headed for the other side of the church to get to the downstairs hall for refreshments and a little socializing. But something caught my eye. It was a picture of the Virgin and Child, wearing a full gold crown. A lady was standing in front of the picture praying. As she started walking away, I asked her “Who is this?” Her answer? “Marija Pomagaj.” I had finally met the famous lady responsible for the beautiful music I first heard at my sister Mary’s funeral Mass and now can hear each time 1 select number 17 on the Christmas CD - “Sveta noč,” by the St. Vitus Christmas Choir, “Marija, pomagaj nam sleherni čas.” My Slovenian heritage was rewarding that afternoon, as I was in God’s house enjoying music and people. To me, St. Vitus Church is simply divine, the music is its soul, and the parishioners its heart. 1 love it. In church, my family catered to their souls. Then we headed to the basement hall to cater to our stomachs. I met people working and people socializing. A lady asked me, “Is this your daughter, Monica?” My answer: “No. This is my daughter Carolyn. The only Slovenian characteristic about her is she is our family potica baker.” I went home from this friendly gathering, knowing I would be here same time next year. It was nice seeing you there this year. Can we do it again next year? My wish, my prayer is, “Yes.” Editor, Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9-11 Black Tuesday attacks, is still alive, but the Bush administration won’t focus on him and the al-Qaeda agents who carried out those attacks. Bush himself said so. Maybe you missed it. In late 2001, he said about Bin Laden, “I truly am not that concerned about him.” He’d rather use the “War on Terrorism” to bolster the United Nations and promote its objectives. Perhaps you missed that, too. “I have asked Congress to authorize the use of America’s military..., to enforce U.N. Security Council demands.” He would rather hand over our military to a world government headed by the same U.N. than have it locate the terrorists who killed 3,200 Americans and destroyed billions of dollars worth of American property on American soil. Even Congress has fallen into this brainwashing, which, I’m guessing, you missed as well. The resolution on the use of force against Iraq reads in part: “(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.” This is neither a declaration of war on Iraq nor a letter of marquee or reprisal against bin Laden or the al-Qaeda, as the Constitution requires. It’s a statement of submission and subservience to the U.N. The Bush Administration - like those before it - is carrying out U.N. disarmament policies first and foremost. Bush himself has said so. “If (Hussein) does not disarm, the U.S. will lead a coalition to disarm him...” He is not defending American lives and property. Unless we force Congress to pass Ron Paul’s H.R. 1146 to get the • U.S. out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of the U.S., this administration will continue to surrender American sovereignty to the U.N. until a free, independent, sovereign America is no more. —Joseph M. Ogrinc Bratenahl, OH 8396 Mentor Ave Mentor, Oh 44060 Office: 440-951-2123 Fax: 440-255-4290 il Realty One (SJtH www.realtyone.com "The Lucas Team" Roger Lucas v.m. 440-974-7207 Donna Lucas v.m. 440-974-7217 email: r.lucas@realtyone.com d.lucas@realtyone.com Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"'Area ^ 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) JANUARY SALE Polka CD's -- $14,98 Reg. is.98 Polka Cassettes - $8.98 Rcg 998 POLKA HALL OF FAME GIFT SHOP Largest selection National Cievfland-Style POLKA HALLov FAME of polka CD’s, cassettes, videos all nationalities Polka Jewelry, sheet music, cookbooks, towels, aprons, magnets and more Visit The New MUSEUM & GIFT SHOP 605 East 222nd St. Euclid, OH 44123 1-866-66Polka • Fax: (216) 261-4134 Ufe in the Refugee Camps by ANTON ZAKKLJ translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ Saturday, June 22, 1946 All morning I met with various people in the city to make arrangements for the refugee craft show. We thought we would get a hall in a hotel, but now it looks like they can’t get it cleaned and ready in time. We need a different space. Miss Russon is helping us. She is a Canadian employed by UNRRA, very enthusiastic and always very busy. Of all the UNRRA staff, she’s the hardest worker. She really cares about the refugees and helps in any way she can. Whenever she goes to Trieste in her jeep, she brings back thread and other raw materials, which we car. then use to make things to sell. But she can’t stand -he Croatians, who are too long-winded. When the Croatians begin to ramble on in our meetings, she cuts them off and asks them to sit down. If we need something from her, we get the best results by just using a single word: “Food!” or “Thread!” Marjan Kocmar, the photographer, and his brother Alojz arrived for a visit today. They are staying in our room. Dr. Jagodic, the pope’s special delegate for refugees, arrived to conduct a confirmation ceremony in the camp tomorrow. My brother Joze arrived on a visit from Feldkirchen. He has decided to delay his return home to Slovenia. Sunday, June 23, 1946 We celebrated Confirmation in the camp chapel this morning. There were 60 Slovenians and 40 Croatians who were confirmed, mostly teenagers, but also some adults. Afterwards, there was a special dinner for the confirmees. Cilka was the sponsor tor Primozic’s daughter. Felix returned to our room today, after being gone for almost 2 weeks. He had been arrested in Schcifling for traveling more than 10 kilometers from the camp without permission. After 10 days in jail, they allowed him to return here. He looks pale, is unshaven and appears to be hallucinating. I can’t stand him. - I have too many other things to worry about. Wednesday, June 26, 1946 1 met three times with UNRRA staff and the UNRRA director to ask for materials for the craft show, but without success. At 11 a.m., 1 went with Miss Russon to a camp meeting of representatives from other camps. UNRRA says we have to share whatever raw materials we can get with the other camps. But the Slovenians in our camp are really the only ones who have developed a capacity to make some quality products. The Croatians in Murdorf are making a few brushes out of tamarack branches and the Ukrainians aren’t making anything. Certificate Holders Annual Meeting Slovenian National Home 6417 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Eddie Kenik Room (Annex) Rear Entrance Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 2 p.m. We invite all certificate holders and lodge representatives to attend. ^ —The Board of Directors Books of Slovenia Now Available on-line at: http://www.BooksofXlovenia.com National Atlas of Slovenia, Handicrafts of Slovenia, Architectural Guide to Ljubljana, Treasures of Jose Plečnik, and more . . . Major credit cards accepted. In the evening, we had a meeting in our camp. Babnik agreed to help with the craft show. Felix is hallucinating and talking about how he will die tomorrow Thursday, June 27, 1946 I spent all day walking to various places in the city, asking for paint and w'ood for the upcoming craft show, but couldn’t get anything. Our UNRRA director, Mr. Gilbert, suddenly announced that he will be leaving after 4 months with us. When he arrived, he was very strict and very supportive, especially with the Slovenians. But we impressed him with our first craft show' and he changed his mind. We will be sorry to sec him leave. (To Be Continued) > S' Children and teen-agers celebrated their first communion and confirmation in the dining hall of the refugee camp near Judenburg, Austria on June 22, 1946. Photo by Marjan Kocmur. Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. -Samuel Butler More of Phil's Philosophies FOR RENT 2 Bedrooms. Double House. Up. 20426 Lake Shore Blvd. Call 216-481-2419 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks. Have you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they used to. You read about all these terrorists - most of them came here legally, but they hung around on those expired visas, some for as long as 10-15 years. Now, compare that to Blockbuster; you are two days late with a video and those people are all over you. Let’s put Blockbuster in charge of immigration. What is the capitol of Japan? “J”_______________________ Submitted by Phil Hrvatin 12503 MADISON AVE. LAKEWOOD, OH 44107 216 521-4619 ^OROPEAyy FOODS SALE THRU 01/25/03 SARDINES .79 £ MACKERALS .99 * PODRAVKA BAKING POWDER 6 / $ l.OO LIVER PATE .89 £ PORK PATE .89 0 v VEGETA 2 Kg $7.49 PODRAVKA VANILLA SUGAR 6 / $ l.OO LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN BORSEC WATER 1.5 LTR 6 PK $ 5.49 VITAM1NKA HOT AJVAR 670GR $2.49 MILD AJVAR 670GR $ 2.49 PUDDING ASSORTED 490 VITAKREM 350GR $2.25 GRADINA HOT AJVAR 19oz $ 1.59 MILD AJVAR 19oz $ 1.59 DILL PICKLES 56oz $ 2.69 PINJUR MILD AND HOT 19oz $1.99 EUROPEAN STYLE MEAT ROMANIAN KASH SaOGR $ 3.99 LB HUNGARIAN PEPRIKA SALAMI $ 5.99 LB ROMANIAN FETA $ 2.99 LB HUNGA.WHITE SHORT SALAMI $ 6.29 LB BULG. FETA $ 2.99 LB CHICKEN PARIZER $ 5.69 ROLL (1.5 LB) KAJMAK SPREAD $ 3.99 LB BEEF SALAMI $ 3.99 LB BEER AND WINE FROM FIIROPl- SARIS (SLOVAK) $l 69 EACH * GOLDEN PHESANT (SLOVAK) $ 2 09 EACH URNIN (SLOVAKIA) $1.99 EACH * BOOM (CZECH) $ I 59 EACH DRAX (ROMANIA) $149 EACH * CRYSTAL (CZECH) $ 2.09 EACH ATHENIAN (GREECE) $ 6.99 6PK * KOTAYK (GREECE) $ 5 99 6PK SKOPSKO (MACEDONIA) $ 1.29 EACH OK 15.00 CASE WE HAVE FULL LINE OF WINE FROM ROMANIA. SLOVENIA, CROATIA, HUNGARY, AND MANY MORE 4ERIŠKA DOMOVINA. JANUARY 16, 2003 j Growing Up Slovenian in Collinwood j Grandpa’s Clever Cousin ■H College Finance Seminar by STANE KUHAR ~ by JOE GLINŠEK < D t Among the few relatives -> we had living nearby, Mr. X Legan was the cousin of my z maternal grandfather. He and ^ his wife lived in Euclid, just ? northeast of the Collinwood ^ area. They owned a triple j, corner lot, the equivalent of a 4 tiny farm in the city. Their 2 house and garage occupied a j third of the plot and the rest l was devoted to a small vegetable garden and a sizable orchard. When I was a kid, the town was still called “Euclid Village” and was mostly vineyards. His property was considered “out in the country.” You needed a car to get there, so we rarely visited them. Not until after WWII did Euclid blossom into a city and start expanding into the booming residential suburb of Cleveland that it became. I first met grandpa’s cousin in 1941 after my uncle Mike bought his first car and we drove out to his country-like place. He was retired, and his short crippled leg required a special shoe with a six-inch sole. He managed quite well with a cane, and kept busy with a variety of skills. He made useful kitchen implements in his garage and earned a modest living selling them. One of these was the ‘ribezhen,’ a slicing device used in most Slovenian homes, and others as well. They ranged from a large 10-inch width to slice cabbage for homemade sauerkraut, to a smaller, narrow sheer for cucumbers, onions and the like. Many of these clever devices that were being used in Collinwood homes, had been made in his garage. Everyone called him “Legan,” - I never heard his given name. Also skilled at grafting, he could do wonders with a sharp knife and a fruit tree, as was evident by his orchard. If you wanted an odd variety of apple or pear or any of the tricky things done with the normal growing habits of fruit trees, this man had the skills to work these miracles. The fruit trees crowding the orchard were living proof of his talented green thumb. To keep his crop free of annoying birds, he designed and installed an elaborate device made from odds and ends. He rarely went anywhere outside of his home or yard, so among his other hobbies, he was also a fulltime watchman. The trees were hung with bells and ■ arious cans cr utensils made into noisy rattles. The birdchasing devices were connected from tree to tree, and with a series of pulleys and small brass chain, he could activate them with a flick of the wrist from his house, garage workshop, o: lawn chair. He enjoyed explaining its opeiation and took great pleasure in demonstrating its effect by chasing a flock of sparrows from a cherry tree while you watched. His neighbors were far enough removed from the orchard to be out of earshot of the frequent clanging. Our clever cousin was constantly vigilant, and only slept when the birds did. His major shop skills were casting aluminum and matching wood and steel, and he practiced these crafts in his large garage. His son ran a tool and die shop in the city and he was very successful during the war. Pieces of damaged heavy-duty band saw blades were scrapped by-products of his plant, and became raw material for his dad’s workshop. Aluminum chips and turnings were also available whenever needed. These, along with scraps of hardwood brought from a friend’s woodworking shop, provided our handyman with a free supply of materials. The hardwood scraps furnished the structural parts of the ‘ribezltens. ’ The construction of the wooden parts was fairly simple, requiring only a saw and a drill. The scrap pieces of saw blades were a heavy gauge of high-. carbon steel which he formed into blades and ‘slitters’ for his slicing tools. It was also an excellent steel for the kitchen knives which he made in three sizes. Unlike the stainless steel blades that became popular later, these knives would take and hold a keen cutting edge. They would rust if not properly cared for, but with continuous kitchen use, the high-carbon steel blades could be kept sharp and free of rust indefinitely. His use of aluminum scraps was the most ingenious. A safe open area by his garage door was set aside for a little foundry. An electric blower made the coals hot enough to melt the scraps of aluminum. It was poured into homemade molds that cast the handles for his knives. The blade and tang were set deep into the cast handle which was well formed and polished. Through long and heavy use and even abuse, the blade remained secure, a tribute to his craftsmanship. He could boast of many satisfied customers, and he was way ahead of his time by making his kitchen tools entirely from recycled scrap. We boughi one of his ribezhens and two of his knives after 1 was married. The heavy carving knife came to Florida with us. and after almost half-a-century of normal daily use, it survives intact and is now used in the yard as a sod cutter. Seven days a week this was Legan’s life, work, hobby and recreation, and he loved every minute of it. But he always kept an eye peeled for those pesky birds and within arm’s length of the chain. Lunch and supper were eaten ru the kitchen table where the windows looked out on the orchard and a chain was within reach. Maybe the birds pilfered a cherry when he went to the bathroom, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he had that situation covered as well. In 1947 when I bought my ’34 Ford, Grandpa got to see his cousin more often. I enjoyed checking out his workshop and new projects. He was delighted to have visitors but he couldn’t drive, and his son worked a heavy schedule. I only recall two occasions when he visited our home, both were during the winter - he wouldn’t leave his post during the fruit season. Besides being an interesting relative, Legan always made a youngster feel his equal. He was not someone you’d be likely to forget. Pro-Life Rosary The Roman Catholic 21s’ Annual Pro-Life Rosary Procession in Reparation for the national sin of abortion will take place in Cleveland on Saturday, January 18, starting at 1 p.m. at Cardinal Mindszenty Plaza, East 12,h Street and Lakeside Avenue. It will proceed to Public Square. Everyone is welcome to attend. St. Vitus Parish will sponsor a college planning session on January 28, at 7 p.m. in the parish auditorium, 6111 Lausche Avenue, Cleveland. The featured speakers will be Mrs. Grace Calguire, department head, college counseling, St. Ignatius High School and a staff member from the financial aid department, John Carroll University. Recent news stories again stress the importance of a four-year college degree as well as being prepared to handle the workload at a college. The state of Ohio has on average, as of the last national census completed in 2000, only 21% of its adults with a minimum four-year college degree. The importance of a four-year degree and impact on income is highlighted with a simple comparison of percent of adult individuals with a four-year degree and the median household income on four Ingredients: Vi C chopped onion Vi C chopped celery 1 T butter 4 C half-n-half VA t salt V/i t pepper 2T butter cities in northeast Ohio: Cleveland, Euclid, Willoughby Hills, and Solon. Cleveland has 11.4% of its adults with a college degree and a median household income of $25,928 while the numbers for Euclid are 19.6% and $35,151. This is in contrast with 32.2% of adults in Willoughby Hills having a four-year college degree and median household income of $47,493 while the city of Solon has 50.4% of adults with a four-year college degree and median household income of $78,903. This simple comparison again notes the importance of higher education and impact on household income. There is no admission charge for the session on Tuesday, January 28 at St. Vitus. Light refreshments and pastry will be provided. Session should last approximately 90 minutes. For additional information on the session contact the parish rectory at (216) 361 -1444. 3 T flour 2 large potatoes, baked, peeled and cubed 1 C shredded Cheddar 'A C crumbled cooked bacon Vt C green onions or chives, chopped '/j C sour cream uireciwns: Saute onion and celery in 1 T butter until tender. Combine the onion mixture, half-n-half, salt and pepper in a saucepan, mix well. Heat to boiling, stirring occasionally. Heat 2 T butter in another pan and add flour (to make roux). Cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Whisk into the half-n-half mixture. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Add the potatoes and mix well. Cook until the potatoes are heated through, stirring frequently. Ladle into soup bowls and garnish with bacon, onions/chives and sour cream. —Kim Ann Kaifesh ________________X_____Our Family and Friends Cookbook Appreciation, whether of nature, or books, or art, or men, depends very much on temperament. - What is beauty or genius or greatness to me, is far from being so to another. —Bill Edwards YOUR CHECKS RETURNED 'A minimum balance ol S^.000 ,intl n limit of ?S0 tMns.iftioni. must be maintained. It balance falls below tin* S.LOOO a Ioa Sld late start, we al-NVays *elt that he had defi-nite,y made up for lost time. Of the thing my father Joshed, I would say that 0 him three were most important: Catholic faith, work ~. 'cs> and his family and fiends. As a devoted Catholic, j^y father always believed when you open your b^iT t0 others, you will e lessed in the eyes of God and repaid tenfold, when it / mattered most. It was hiš unconditional giving of himself to help others that I am so proud of. Whether it comprised of painting many churches pro bono, or praying for, visiting, and transporting the sick parishioners of St. Cyril, St. Aloy ius, St. Matthias and Our Lady of Miraculous Medal, it was his nature to do so. To account for so many years of giving would require a lengthier eulogy, but to exemplify this trait, 1 want to share with you what a dear friend of my father told me during the wake this past Thursday, and the one that really moved me. My father sponsored many Slovenian people in their quest for citizenship, when they emigrated to New York subsequent to his arrival, arranging room and board as well as employment. There are memories of the numerous drives to the dock to pick up old friends he had made during his lengthy stay in an Austria refugee camp prior to his arrival to America. This dear friend spoke about the first time he met my father. He was about 15 and hungry. When my father received a rations package, he opened the package and shared with not only him, but everyone as well. Given the situation and circumstances, where rations were scarce, yet it was something my father did routinely. Thank you, Mr. Rebol, for sharing these memories with my family and me. His devotion to God and the teaching of Catholic Church included a daily rosary, attendance at Sunday Mass, which later in life he expanded to daily attendance. My father always felt responsible for his children’s upbringing. When he learned that any of us had missed a Sunday Mass for whatever reason, he would attend a second Mass just to make things right. My brother Mark would joke that when his time came at the pearly gate and not be allowed in for missing a number of Sunday Masses, he would counter with “Wait a minute... there has to be a mistake. My father went for me on all those days in question... But seriously, as holy a man as my father was, it was clear that he was still afraid of death. To this day I do not fully comprehend why, but he did say he felt that he did not do enough during his lifetime here on earth to earn his ascend into heaven. Knowing my father for 36 years, I answer with a statement 1 repeated quite often: “Ata. if you don’t make it to heaven, then none of us stands a chance.” After which he responded with a hearty smile, even at his most difficult time. My father’s work ethics... Never in my life have 1 met a man so determined to provide for his family. His work ethic was so ingrained I would find it difficult to fill one-third of his shoes. It was his pride in his work which kept him going all these years. Although he knew he had talent with which he could have attained financial comfort, he was content with below premium compensation, knowing it would generate repeat customers, thus allowing him to continue with what he loved the most. His fairness, honesty and quality of workmanship made him one of the most sought-after painters in Ridgewood. He worked right up through this past summer, wood graining many doors in the neighborhood. I recall requests getting so numerous, my mother, in fear for his health, would reject them without my father’s knowledge. His work in St. Cyril, Holy Cross, Miraculous Medal and the lower church of St. Mathias also pays tribute to his hard work. Recognizing my father’s unique style, I find solace in knowing that as I attended Mass, visit friends and relatives, or drive the streets of Ridgewood, Glendale, and Middle Village, I will always find remembrance for years to come. His family and friends... My most vivid memories involving family and friends revolved around weekends both here and upstate New York. Sunday was the Lord’s day as dad would put it -work was forbidden,. but it allowed for great family time and socializing with my parent’s friends and their children. Following Sunday Mass, they generally consisted of a house full of guests or summer picnics at various parks, many times with Schmitsch family - and who could forget the annual Babnik-Grom picnics in Dutches Country, where dad loved to entertain, playing his button-box accordion. Six children were a handful, yet dad knew how important quality time with the family was, and made every effort to ensure our happiness. During the summer in upstate New York, who could forget the games of kick-ball, visit to the ice cream parlor, where he enjoyed the best hot fudge sundaes, the many carnival and county fairs... not to mention the hay rides or annual 4lh of July trip to Cooperstown, where we fed reindeers and anxiously awaited the fireworks display. And lastly, some of the fondest memories come from the visualization both big and small, which I’ll cherish for the rest of my life... His morning “off to work” kiss goodbye that he gave my mother... His Sunday naps on the couch... His surprise beautiful rendition of Silent Night at my sister Dorothy’s wedding... The way his forehead wrinkled when he got mad... His smiles when playing - and spoiling - his grandchildren... The family car breakdowns en route to Worcester... The Rustico red wine spritzer he loved during dinner... The 1994 trip to Slovenia with dad and mom... The glow on his face, after seeing for the first time the grandson, who would carry his name... In closing, I would like to recite an illustration 1 recently came across... taken from the book ‘September’ by Rosamunde Pilcher: Death is nothing at all. It does not count. / have only ^ slipped away into the next room. Nothing has hap- > pened. Everything remains exactly as it was. I am l. and you are you. and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference in your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think u. of me, pray for me. Let my g name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effort, without ghost of a shadow upon it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. What is death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? 1 am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very* near, just around the corner. All is well. Dear Ata: May the love of God shine upon you always. May He cradle you in His arms. 1 love you and wall miss you all the days of my Your son, —Joe Klezin Study finds cholesterol drugs fight heart attacks in aged, too CHICAGO - Cholesterollowering drugs, already a mainstay of heart care for the middle-aged, also prevent heart attacks in elderly people, a large study concludes. The drugs, called statins, are widely prescribed to people with even modestly elevated cholesterol levels, and the new results are likely to enlarge their use. Many previous studies looked at people in their 50s and 60s. The new research was intended to see if the drugs improve the quality of life of people in their 70s and beyond, even though their life expectancy is relatively short. The results show that statins reduced their risk of heart attack and stroke by 15 percent during three years of treatment. However, the study, known by the acronym PROSPER found no effect on Alzheimer’s disease, as many noped the drug would. “We believe that PROSPER is good news for senior citizens,” said Dr. James Shepherd of the University of Glasgow. “The results remind us that treatment that currently applies to middle-aged individuals is equally applied to the elderly.” The study involved 5,804 people between the ages of 70 and 82 in Britain, Ireland, and the Netherlands. All were considered at increased risk because of coronary artery disease resulting from other conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure or smoking. Among the findings: • The drug reduced LDL, the so-called bad cholesterol, by 34 percent. • Deaths from coronary disease fell 24 percent in those getting the statin. • Strokes were not affected by the treatment. However, longer treatment might still show a benefit. The study also found that people on statins had a 24 percent increase in new cancer diagnosis. However, the researchers dismissed this as a fluke, saying no other study found a link between statins and cancer, and there is no reason to think the medicines could trigger the disease so quickly. We must never undervalue any person. - The workman loves not to have his work despised in his presence. Now God is present everywhere, and every person is his work. De Sales 4ERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 16, Ask the Travel Expert r. by PATRICIA COIL Euclid Travel c; < D z < < z > O c Q ■cri 5 u] S < Every week, it seems 1 receive postcards, letters, or brochures offering me some kind of special deal on travel. It is hard for the ordinary person to determine if these are indeed bargains. The smartest thing I have found is to take the offer to a travel agency, like Euclid Travel and have them check it out. It is rare that Euclid Travel cannot offer similar travel at a comparable or lowe. price. In almost all cases these mail offers arc too good to be true, because those offers generally require extra fees, the window of travel is usually extremely limited, and in some cases they actually use deceptive language to make you think you will receive something that you won’t. Since working for Euclid Travel, 1 have become much more knowledgeable about the wording in brochures, etc., and decided I will pass this information on to my readers: Airline Terms Nonstop flights: The plane goes directly to your destination without stopping. Direct flight: The plane is going to stop up to 5 times, but you do not have to change planes. Connecting flight: This flight involves changing planes on the way to your destination. Charter flight: Generally cheaper than commercial flights to the same location. Direct charter flights arc available from Cleveland to Las Vegas, Bahamas, Cancun, Punta Cana, and Puerto Vallarta. Downside is there is no guarantee that the plane will leave on time, no pre-assigned seats, and you need to get to the airport at least 2 hours in advance. If something happens to your chartered plane, generally you have to wait for another plane to show up no matter how long that is. Always have your travel agent book with a reputable carrier, because the company could go out of business and leave you stranded. Travel insurance is a wise investment particularly, if you have to pay for your charter in advance. Insurance Cancellation insurance: This covers the cost of your tour or cruise, but only if you cancel for medical reasons. Travel insurance: In general, this includes cancellation insurance and covers you during your trip for lost luggage, travel delay, emergency medical problems, accidental death, and medical transportation. Room location Ocean view: Guarantees that you will see the ocean, but don’t be surprised if the only way to do that is to slick your head out the window and look between buildings. Ocean front: The ocean is actually right outside the window or balcony of your room. Run of the house: Your room will be the best available upon check in, but not the best in the house. Reservations Guaranteed: Your reservation has been guaranteed by the use of your credit card. If you do not cancel within the property’s guidelines or show up, you will be charged for this reservation. Confirmed: This means that the property is saving space for vou, but you must arrive in a timely fashion or the room may be given to someone else. Tours Escorted: There will be a person with you on the entire trip, who is responsible for your comfort, etc. Usually meals are included in escorted tours. Hosted: A contact person will meet the bus at each stop. Meals are generally not included. View: Viewing means that you will have a chance to see it, but not stop. Picture your nose pressed against the bus window as you drive through an area. That is viewing. Visit: This term in a brochure means that you actually stop and spend some time at the destination. Meal plans British plan: Full country breakfast. European plan: Think empty plate, because no meals are included. American plan: Includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Modified American plan: Includes just breakfast and dinner; no lunch. Continental breakfast: Coffee, juice and roll. Seasons High season: Varies from one part of the world to another, but is always considered the best time of the year because of weather or other factors. It is always the most expensive season. Low season: The least expensive season because of weather or other factors. Shoulder season: Shoulder seasons refers to a period 2 to 6 weeks just before and after the high season, when the rates are reasonable and the weather can be delightful. Often a good choice for the budget traveler. If you find reading the fine print is too much of a chore, or you really want to be sure what you are paying for, then you should always consult a reputable travel agency like Euclid Travel. Travel agencies are trained to read the small print and provide the best service for their clients. After all they want you to continue doing business with them. Businesses like Euclid Travel, which has been in the same location for 45 years, depend on satisfied clients. If you have a question related to travel, write this newspaper or call Euclid Travel, 22078 Lakeshore Bivd., Euclid, OH 44123, (216) 261-1050 or e-mail us at travel@euclidtravel.com and the answer will appear in this column. The failures of life come from resting in good intentions, which are in vain unless carried out in wise action. —Bob Mills PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Right to Life Bus St. Mary’s Collinwood Holy Name Society Right to Life bus is leaving St. Mary’s church on Tuesday, Jan. 2! at 9 p.m. for the march in Washington, D.C. If interested in going, call Tony Miklich at (440) 428-6951. For Rent 5 room apt. Grovcwood area (216) 531-5667 | Cowting' Eventy 4 Saturday, Jan. 25 Pristavska noč at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair, Cleveland. Jan. 31, Feb. 1, 2 Slovenian ski weekend and Giant Slalom Race; dinner and awards at Windham Mts., NY. Info: Ivan Kamin (718)424-271I. Sunday, Feb. 2 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School dinner, school hall, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2 Collinwood Slovenian Home Annual Shareholders meeting at 2 p.m. Feb. 15-22 Slovenian group organizing one week ski vacation to Lake Tahoe. Info: Ivan Kamin (718) 424-2711. Sunday, Feb. 23 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School hosts Annual Benefit Dinner from 11 a.m. to I p.m. in the parish auditorium. Saturday, March 15 Slovenian Man and Woman of the Year Banquet at SNH, St. Clair. Tickets S22. Sunday, March 23 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School breakfast 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Sunday, April 6 Super Button Box Bash XXI at Slovenian Society Home, both halls featuring 15 button accordion bands. Sunday, April 13 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Palm Sunday 9:45 a.m. blessing of butare and procession. 10 a.m. Mass. Sunday, April 13 Annual benefit dinner for seniors at St. Vitus Auditorium sponsored by Holy Name Society and KSKJ Lodge No. 25. Sunday, June 8 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School picnic at Slovenska Pristava, 12:30 Mass followed by dinner. Sunday, July 13 Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Sept. 21 St. Vitus Altar Society annual dinner. Sunday, Nov. 9 Slovenian Junior Chorus Fall Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. Slovenians f£ Us It is good to be a part of life. Just as a sun-dial counts only the sunny hours, so does life know only that it is living. -H.G. Wells LAVRISHA Construction & Repair BUILDING IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 6507 St. Clair Ave. - Cleveland, OH 44103 216 / 391-0035 Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Winterize Yourself! Rent a Condo or Villa Now! Your only local resource for worldwide vacation rentals. 22078 Lakeshore Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44123 1-216-261-1050 travel@euclidtravel.com 1« A m an * CondoOnln* i I I t MD I K\MI Death Notice? ANN TERČEK Ann J. Terček, long-time volunteer, passed away on Saturday, January 11, 2003 in her home in Euclid, Ohio. Born in Cliff Mine, Pennsylvania, Ann Terček came to Cleveland in 1935, living in Cleveland and Euclid. Mrs. Terček was very active in many organizations in the Slovenian Community. She was President of the Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch No. 50 for 32 years and the Cleveland branches lor 10 years. Under her leadership the membership rose from 240 members to 500 in a short time, when it became the second largest branch in the United States. Ann volunteered at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road for over 25 years and was a member of the Euclid Pensioners Club, the Holmes Avenue Pensioners, and the St. Clair Pensioners. She was Recording Sec-rctary for Club Ljubljana in Eucud for over 10 years and the Home Makers Club of Euclid. Mrs. Terček sang in the St. Mary’s (Collinwood) choir for 20 years and was a member of their ladies Altar Society and their Senior Citizens club. Other memberships included the Polka Hall of Fame, the Fraternal Societies KSKJ St. Joseph Lodge No. 169, and SNPJ Struggler’s #614. Besides giving much of her time to these organizations, Mrs. Terček still made time for visiting acquaintances who were sick and lonely, often bringing them home-made pastries and words of encouragement. She is survived by her two daughters, Nancy Mramor and Joan Podmore; six grandchildren, 10 greatgrandchildren and two brothers. Husband Frank Hočevar and Charles Terček and daughter Carol Piccirello are deceased. Mass of Christian Burial Was on Wednesday, January 15 at 10 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 15519 CARST-NACY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rtl. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” Holmes Avenue in Cleveland. Arrangements are by The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Road, Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Interment All Souls Cemetery. FRANK A. MOČNIK Frank A. Močnik, age 79, of Orlando, Florida, passed away on Thursday, January 9, 2003. Mr. Močnik was the beloved husband of Millie; dear father of Frances Milm-hurst (Donald), and Marian Adams (Todd); grandfather of Colby Adams. He was the son of the late Mary Močnik Marinko and Frank Močnik; brother of Marian Croak (Phillip) of Madison, Wisconsin, Donald Močnik (Patricia) of-.'Soiuth Euclid, Ohio, and John Marinko (Kathy) of Mentor, Ohio. Services were held in Orlando, Florida on January 13, 2003. A memorial service will be held in Cleveland at a later date. Memorials may be made to Alzheimer Research. Extraordinary donation Thanks to the Estate of Mary J. Pangonis, — John D. Pangonis, personal representative, for the wonderful gift of $500.00! Mary was a dedicated employee of the American Home for many years and we all miss her! Newburgh - Maple Pensioners The January, February, and March meetings of the Newburgh Maple Hts. Pensioners Club will be at the Slovenian National Home, 3563 East 80Ih off Union Avenue. All begin at noon. The January meeting is on the 22nd. The February meeting is on the 26lh. The March meeting is on the 26lh. The attendance prize for January is $5.00. Great Donation Thanks to Holmes Avenue Pensioners of Cleveland, Ohio for their generous donation of $70.00. Things are beautiful if you love them. —Jean Anouilh For Rent E. 200 & Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 r Family ovsned and operated since 1908 Euclid Pensioners Face Crisis The Euclid Pensioners desperately need your help as they are facing the biggest crisis in their long history. The election of officers for 2003 was to have been conducted at the November meeting, but no candidates volunteered to run for any of the open positions: president, vice-president, secretary, recording secretary, and treasurer. Obviously a club cannot exist without officers providing leadership. The present officers all declined to run for re-election. Contrary to some rumors, the refusal of the present officers to run was NOT a group decision. Both the president and recording secretary had declined to run a year ago, but generously stayed on because no one else was willing to take their places. I cannot speak for the other officers, but I have declined to run again for the position of recording secretary because I am working part time and find it very difficult to get to some meetings and consequently have missed many. A recording secretary should be present at every meeting taking minutes and not have to depend on someone else to do the job. The other officers have equally valid reasons for not running again. If we cannot find anyone to lead the Euclid Pensioners, there is a strong possibility that the organization will have to disband and cease to exist. There is another rumor that says that if we disband, the “huge” treasury will be divided among current members. Considering that we have about 400 members and that there will be legal fees and other expenses, each member would get somewhere between $5 and $10 each. What a windfall! The Euclid Pensioners have long held a prominent place in the Slovenian community and it would be a horrible shame if the club was forced to disband. We really need you to come forward and volunteer your talents. If you are not currently a member but would like to join and run for office, we certainly will accommodate you. Our next meeting, where many important decisions affecting our future will be made, will be held at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid on Wednesday, Feb. 5, starting at 1 p.m. We are hopeful that some generous, wonderful people will come forward to save our organization. Maybe you are one of these people. —Patricia Habat, present Recording Secretary A wrong reason is worse than no reason at all. Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccounting.com Enrolhd to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Servicing Individuals Corporations i Small Businesses. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 Remembering Frank Močnik Editor, Frank Močnik was a very good friend of mine. We were altar boys together at Saint Vitus parish. We both attended Cathedral Latin High School. When he joined the Marianists, I frequently saw him when in this area, at the Dayton Hamven-tion, etc. When I was at CBS in New York, on my days off, 1 would visit him in Newburg, NY, on the Hudson River. John Bondy, a fellow engineer at WABC (later WCBS) became chief engineer of WNGY, Newburgh, along the Hudson River and I would visit John sometimes on my days off. Naturally, I looked up Br. Frank, who was a working brother up there at the time. Later Frank kept inviting me to come to Puerto Rico, where he had been assigned, especially since 1 was very interested in the space antenna at Arecebo and was working on my doctorate (which I never achieved). After he left the Brotherhood (which surprised me), he married and moved to Orlando. We kept up the relationship especially via Ham radio both with the Marianist network on Sunday afternoons and later from Florida. I shall miss the Old Man, KP4AOD, as 1 did since he could not operate Ham radio anymore and ended in a nursing home. His widow, Millie, has always been very nice to me as well as their now married daughters, Frances and Marian. May Frank rest in peace in the bosom of our Lord. WHFAZ —Joseph Zelle French Toast Breakfast Our Lady of Lourdes-Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd.. Euclid, Ohio, will have a French Toast Breakfast on Sunday, Feb. 2 in the St. Ann Dining room beginnine after the 8 a.m. Mass. Tickets are $4.50. You are invited. In Memory Thanks to Nevia Avzia-bar of Wickliffe, OH who. submitted a $20.00 donation in memory of her husbands Drago Avzlahar. In Memory Thanks to Anthony - ^ Kaplan of Cleveland, Ohio who sent in a $15.00 donation in memory of his wife. Jane Kaplan. Donation Thanks to Julist Zalar of 4 Richmond Hts., Ohio who rž sent in a $25.00 donation. A ;^v Large Donation Many thanks to club Društvo Lozka Dolina who sent in a great $100 Christmas donation. In Memory Thanks to Mary Okicki of Cleveland Ohio who sent in a $10.00 donation m memory of her husband Tony’s birthday. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pieman of Euclid, Ohio who sent in a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Slovenska Pristava for their $60.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Karl P. Gorišek of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of his parents. In Memory Thanks to Edward Modic of Cleveland, who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Mary Modic. Donation Thanks to John and Lisa Hutar of Foster City, CA for their $20.00 Christmas donation. Donation Thanks to Anonymous of Euclid, Ohio for the $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Pensioners Club of Slovenska Pristava for the great $100.00 Christmas donation. AHVllNVf -\NIAUl\QH AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUAF 8 Mlakar’s Walk Down Memory Lane Test Your Intelligence The following test consists of 4 questions and tells whether you are qualified to be a “professional.” 1. - How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? The correct answer is: “Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door.” This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way. 2. - How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator? Wrong answer: You open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and close the refrigerator.” Correct answer: “Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door.” This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your actions. 3. - The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend, except one. Which animal does not attend? Correct answer: “The elephant.” The elephant is in the refrigerator. This tests your memory. OK, even if you did not an-' swer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your abilities. 4. - There is a river you must cross. But it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it? Correct answer: “You swim across.” All the crocodiles are attending the animal meeting. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes. According to Andersen Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals they tested got all answers wrong. But many preschoolers got several cor-rect answers.________________I We thank Philip Hrvatin for this confounding quiz. c^. I by RAY MLAKAR Well, Ray is back but first let’s start off with a couple of jokes. Whenever I see a church, “I stop in for a visit so that when at last they carry me in, Cod won’t say, “Who is this?” All right since we are writing about the hereafter, one more joke about heaven. One last complaint - not mine. A little old lady died and went to heaven. Three years later her husband died. When he arrived in heaven, his wife couldn’t wait to show him around, pointing out what a beautiful place it is. “Yes, it certainly is,” said the husband, “and if it hadn’t been for that blasted fiber diet of yours, I could have been enjoying this years ago.” Well, for this one article I am not going back to Fort Dix; we will go back there next week, but felt I owed my readers a “confession.” My last article last week was my first submission of the weekly article by way of the computer and since it went thru, I am trying this article the same way. Some time back before Josephine took ill, she suggested 1 get a computer, primarily to submit articles to the American Home newspaper and so we contacted one of her friends about getting one for us since he was more familiar with what to look for in a computer than me. Unfortunately, Josie took sick and the friend did call me and said he had the computer and could bring it out and set it up. 1 said, “NO,” the last thing I was thinking about was a computer, hold off until my wife gets better and is back home. Each e\e-ning when I visited Josie, she would ask “Did you get the computer yet?” 1 said yes and no; the friend does have it but 1 told him not to bring it out until you were well and home again, but she felt 1 should still go ahead and get it anyway. Well, I held off and got it only about a month ago. With a few fast lessons from “Bob”, the friend who got us the computer and some pointers from a nephew, Danny Stevens, and with a prized book my brother-in-law Stanley Zupan gave me, I had been hitting the keys ever since. What can I say. All 1 need is a pager on my belt and a cell phone in my back pocket and 1 will be completely High Tech. But have no fear for the last two things I need is a pager and a cell phone for God only knows 1 don’t get any calls on the regular home phone. I’ll never forget about a year ago when I was thinking of getting a computer, I asked one of the tellers at the bank how long it took her to learn the computer for whenever you went into the bank with a pass book transaction, she would hit those keys like Chopin’s Second Symphony. She smiled at me and said, “You gotta be kidding, 1 learned computer in the kitty-garden.” Holy smoke, 1 would gc join a kitty garden now but 1 would be the biggest lummy in the class. 1 got one word for Sister Bernadette from Annunciation School, going back well over some 65 years ago, “Sister, if I would have had this com-putei back then, I would have never had to repeat the First Grade.” By the way, Sister, just in case you are reading this editorial to check it for errors, don’t waste your time for I got a “gizmo” hooked up to this computer that spots all the spelling errors and corrects them for me, so you see Sister, 1 am through standing in the corner. Well, I promised Jim the editor who has been quite patient with me that I would “TRY” to get my columns shorter. What can I say; get me behind a keyboard and I don’t know when to shut up, but I am going to try. In the meantime may the good Lord Bless and watch over all of you. If you are in the neighborhood, will see you at Fort Dix next week, providing that Sister Bernadette doesn’t call me home first, for I am sure she found some comer she wants to put me in. Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. -Oliver Goldsmith Pristavska Noč The Slovenska Pristava Board of Trustees is having their traditional annual banquet, Pristavska Noč, on Saturday, January 25 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue at 6:30 p.m. For your dancing pleasure music will be provided by the talented Veseli Godci. Tickets available by calling Maryann Vogel at 216 383-9307. All members and friends are invited. Life is the game that must be played. -John Mercina In Memory Thanks to Elsie Zalar of Willowick, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of her husband, Bernard. Donation Thanks to Ted Horn of Monterey, CA who renewed his subscription and added a S20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to James Logar of Richmond Heights, Ohio who sent in a $15.00 donation in memory of his son, Jim. The spirit of a person’s life is ever shedding some power, just as a flower is steadily bestowing fragrance upon the air. —Elizabeth D. EVENTS AND GENERAL INFORMAT I O N Donation Thanks to Mirko Longar of Euclid, Ohio who sent in a $20.00 donation. see covei toi rvi Javno napovedal da |Um ln vsebino osamsvo-^tvenega plebiscita. Dobre eh> pozneje, decembra 1991 v Dolskem, je objavil razpust koalicije. Aprila 1992 so socialdemokrati podprli konstruktivno nezaupnico, Peterleta je zamenjal Janez Drnovšek in Pučnik je za krajši čas postal podpredsednik vlade. Na predčasnih volitvah decembra 1992 so socialdemokrati dobili štiri poslanska mesta. Pučnik, ki je bil izvoljen za poslanca, je prevzel vodenje parlamentarne komisije za raziskavo povojnih množičnih pobojev in političnih sodnih procesov. V začetku 1993 je socialdemokratska stranka postala članica vladne koalicije pod premierstvom Janeza Drnovška, maja 1993 je Pučnik prepustil predsedniško funkcijo v stranki Janezu Janši, marca 1993, po razrešitvi obrambnega ministra Janše zaradi incidenta v Depali vasi, pa so socialdemokrati zapusUli vlado. Leta 1996 je Pučnik dejal, da bo ostal dejaven v stranki, vendar ne bo več kandidiral za nobeno od operativnih političnih funkcij, ker bi se rad spet posvetil publicistični dejavnosti. Socialdemokrati so 12. januarja sporočili, da za častnim predsednikom stranke "ostaja praznina, ki jo bo občutil ves slovenski narod”. Dejan Pušenjak Delo fax, 13. Jan. 2003 Op. ur. AD: Članek v celoti ignorira preganjanje s strani nekdanjega komunističnega režima, zaradi katere se je bil v povojnih letih Jože Pučnik izselil v tujino. BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Pesmi in Melodije lz Naše Lepe Slovenije Radijska Družina Cleveland ED MEIAC Vodja Radijske Družine WCSB 89.3 FM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills. OH 4'40‘M 440-953-1709 IH/lAX web: www.wcsb.org Ideja, ki so jo pestovali mnogi, tudi na tujem - ALENKA PUHAR - (Delo, 27. dec. 2002) Slovenska samostojnost se nam je decembra 1991 zdela samoumevna. Zanjo se je, potem ko se je parlament dokaj previdno odločal za možnost glasovanja, je bilo razglašeno, da gre za uresničitev tisočletnih sanj. V trditvi je bilo več poezije kot čvrste proze. Toda v mnogih slovenskih glavah je vendarle dolgo živela misel, ki se je uresničila leta 1991. Le da se je drugim (še bolj mnogim) v glavnem zdela čisto nora, podobna stoji na glavi. ♦ O O ♦ Misel na slovensko samostojnost ni sodila v kategorijo nenevarne norosti, ki se jo odpravi s prizanesljivim nasmeškom. Menda je v vseh režimih, kar jih je bilo v 20. stoletju na Slovenskem, veljalo za neprimerno in tudi nevarno omenjati to možnost. Tako je bilo, pravijo, v prvi Jugoslaviji, ki se je silovito trudila, da bi zbrisala razlike med posameznimi plemeni/narodi, ter jih ujedini-la. Tako je bilo pod okupacijo (ali okupacijami). Tako je bilo v socializmu. Za ilustracijo naj služita dva primera. Šele leta 2002 je končno doživela integralno izjavo spomenica Slovenski problem, ki jo je konec leta 1941, med okupacijo, napisal dr. Lambert Ehrlich. Gre za narodni program, ki se je zavzel za vspostavitev slovenske državne suverenosti oziroma za to, da bi Slovenci kot eno od opcij morali imeti tudi to: Biti sami svoji in v državo organizirani. Ehrlich je bil, po zaslugi pristranskega in okrnjenega slikanja, znan kot mož sumljivih kvalitet, ki je bolj ali manj upravičeno doživel svojo grdo usodo - padel je namreč kot žrtev vosovskega atentata spomladi 1942. Do simpozija (lani v Rimu) se ni nihče resno lotil njegovih pogledov na usodo slovenskega naroda ali njegovih dejanj, usmerjenih v ta cilj. Delna izjema je dr. Ciril Žebot, ki je bil v mnogih nazorih Ehrlichov učenec, kar je potrdil v številnih spisih in knjigah. Seveda pa je bil tudi v zapovedanem molku na istem kot Ehrlich. Imena emigrantov se v Jugoslaviji niso smela po- javljati. Ko se je to enkrat slučajno zgodilo, je sam glavni urednik napisal, da so to “napake, ki niso napake" in se ne bodo nikdar več ponovile, ker ne bomo dovolili, da bi se kdo zasanjal v upe, za katere ni ne danes ne jutri nobene osnove, za to smo porok tudi mi pri Delu ... Če se komu kaj dozdevalo, kaj premišljuje kakšen Ciril Žebot. je to obdržal zase. Verjetno bi na prste lahko prešteli ljudi, ki so vedeli, da je med slovenskimi emigranti, ki ohranjajo kondicijo političnega razmišljanja, več struj. Ene so bile docela jugoslovanske, čeravno so se do neke mere zavzemale za večjo samostojnost (o-ziroma avtonomnost) Slovenije, druge so ohranjale misel na samostojno Slovenijo, ki bi se, morda in po tehtnem premisleku ter demokratičnem postopku, lahko potem odločala za nove povezave. Ali pa tudi ne. Sem in tja so bile te razprave povod za hude spore in razkole. To se je dogajalo že med samo vojno, dogajalo se je tudi takoj po njej, pa znova pet, šest let kasneje, okoli zbornika Tabor. Vendar je po nekaj letih volja do artikuliranja in samoreflektiranja spet vzniknila in dala zanimive, upoštevanja vredne rezultate. Tako je zbornik Svobodna Slovenija, ki je izhajal v Argentini, a je zbiral sodelavce po tako rekoč vsem svetu - z izjemo nas “maUčnih” -ustvaril vsega spoštovanja vreden prerez stanja Slovencev v poliUčnem, kulturnem in gospodarskem oziru. Slovenska samostojnost je bila dobro polovico stoletja tudi predmet pe- riodičnega tiska. Jasno, vse te publikacije - z izjemo tistih let Dela, ko je bilo Samostojni časnik za samostojno Slovenijo - so izhajale v tujini, v hudo skromni obliki in so bile v Jugoslaviji prepovedane in preganjane. Danes so izjemna redkost, dostopna v enem ali dveh komaj živih izvodih. Prva publikacija te vrste je verjetno iz pomladi 1946. Dne 6. aprila 1946, na “peto obletnico slovenskega zasužnjenja”, je dr. Ciril Žebot v Rimu ustanovil “Akcijski odbor za zedinjeno in suvereno slovensko državo”; z obvestilom o tem ter s petimi točkami programa je povabil “vse Slovence v svobodnem svetu, da se duhovno povežejo v to vseslovensko gibanje”, objavil pa v ciklostiranem listu Slovenska država. Prva številka je izšla maja, druga oktobra, medtem ko je novembra izšel kar zbornik spomenic in poročil, ki so jih člani akcijskega odbora pošiljali mednarodnim političnim forumom. V ZDA, kamor se je sčasoma izselilo veliko Slovencev, so pristaši suverene Slovenije začeli delovati decembra 1949. Najprej je bila na ciklostil razmnožena Slovenska pravica. Čez slabo leto pa je bil list preimenovan v Slovensko državo, da bi bile stvari jasne. Po nekaj letih sporadičnega izhajanja se je list preselil v Toronto in ker očitno še vedno izhaja, bi ga lahko šteli za enega najbolj častitljivih. Leta 1991, ko se je ideja tako lepo ujela z dogodkom, oboje pa z imenom časopisa, je izdal prav ganljivo navdušeno poročilo o rojstvu nove države. Nekaj navdušenja za slovensko suverenost je bilo tudi v Južni Ameriki. V Buenos Airesu je Jože Kessler s svojo sestro Emo Kessler ustanovil Slovensko pot / Ca-mino eslovcno, ko je u-mrl, pa so nadaljevali prijatelji - od 1953 do 1966 je trajala ta pot. ,'dalje na sir. 12) * * A' Blaženi Anton Martin Slomšek s Sloma DOMAČIJE VELIKIH SLOVENCEV ... - MIROSLAV SLANA-MINOS - Kakšne so danes domačije slovenskih velikih mož, ki so >e zapisali v srce in razum domače in tuje zgodovine? Hi so še ohranjene? Kdo živi v njih? Potomci in soro-Iniki? Obiščemo najprej domačijo Antona Martina Slomška, ki ga je papež razglasil za blaženega. Leta 1852 je istanovil bratovščino za ekumensko zbliževanje kristjanov. r.eta 2002 je bila 140. obletnica njegove smrti in jubilej nariborske stolnice, v kateri je škofoval. V njej so imeli iredstavniki slovenskih škofij ter Trsta, Gorice, Celovca h Vidma jeseni 2002 mašo in okroglo mizo Slomšku v pomin, 20. oktobra pa je bilo srečanje katolikov iz ško-ij Gradec, Eisenstadt, Sombotel in Maribor s slovesno našo pomožnega škofa dr. Jožefa Smeja, v duhu uvršča-ija v evropske integracijske tokove in v krščansko kulturo. Le priseljenci povečujejo prebivalstvo Slovenije Bruselj, Belgija (Delo fax. 11. jan. 2003) - Prebivalstvo Slovenije se je lani povečalo z 1,994 na 1,996 milijona, oziroma za 1,1 promila. Tako je videti iz prve demografske ocene za leto 2002, ki jo je objavil evropski statistični urad (Evrostat). Slovenija je med tremi pristopnicami, v katerih se je število prebivalcev povečalo - na Cipru za 9,3 promila, na Malti pa za 4,2 promila. Statistiki drugod ugotavljajo demografski padec: največjega v Latviji (za 7,3 promila) in na Češkem (6,1 promila). K povečanju slovenskega prebivalstva je prispevalo predvsem priseljevanje (1,5 na tisoč), saj število smrti (9,1 na tisoč) presega rojstva (8,7 na tisoč), zato je naravni prirastek padel (za 0,4 na tisoč prebivalcev). Na območju desetih držav, ki se pripravljajo na sprejem v Unijol, živi 74.5 milijona ljudi. Povsem drugačen trend so luksemburški statistiki opazili na območju Unije, kjer se je populacija povečala za 3,6 promila. V skupnosti živi 378,5 milijona ljudi, število prebivalcev pa se je lani povečalo prav v vseh državah. Z najvišjim celotnim prirastkom se ponašajo na Irskem (12,2 promila) in v Luksemburgu (10,3 promila), najmanj pa se je povečalo prebivalstvo Nemčije (1,8 promila). B. M. Ideja, ki so jo pestovali mnogi, tudi na tujem (NADALJEVANJE s str. 11) O ♦ Z avtoceste Maribor-jubljana sem pri Dram-jah zavil proti Ponikvi in ;e med čudovitim spletom /oglajskega gričevja povz-)el na 338 m visoko Po-dkvo. Po razširjeno gru-asto naselje leži na za--.raselem svetu, krasi pa a cerkev Sv. Martina, ki : kot župnijska cerkev v apisih omenjena že leta 236. Med prostranimi drevo-edi jablan sem se po obro označeni zaviti po-približal Slomu. Odtod e mi je odstrl pogled na :esevno (650 m), Konji-ko goro s Stolpnikom 1012 m) in Boč (979 m). dolini, kjer je bila že godaj speljana železniška roga Maribor-Celje, je V ljubeč i nepozaben spomin Ob 29. obletnici IVAN CUGELJ Umrl 21. januarja 1974 ir nebu noč zvezde prižge, 'vetru vrhovi smrek zašume, 'grobu temačnem naš Ati leži, srcih pa naših zanj lučka gori. čno samo Tvoji žalujoči: ^ena Minka Cugelj rojena Blatnik (in Ivan in žena Debbie kčerka Marija z družino ^ Sloveniji bratje in sestre ter ostalo sorodstvo. Cleveland, Ohio, 16. januarja 2003. ♦ c> kot že v Slomškovih časih spokojno žuborel potok Slomščica. Na zelenem obronku me je pozdravilo prostrano kmečko poslopje -rojstna hiša Antona Martina Slomška, narodnega buditelja, ekumenista, škofa, ki je leta 1859 prestavil lavantinsko škofijo iz ponemčenega Šent Andraža v Maribor, pesnika najlepših slovenskih pesmi, ki jih pojemo še danes in so ponarodele, npr. En hribček bom kupil, Sloven’c Slovenca vabi, Le predi, dekle, predi, Glejte, že sonce zahaja, Lahko noč, Zlati časi. Svetlo sonce se je skrilo. Obnovljena rojstna hiša Slomškova rojstna hiša je danes lepo urejena. Na njenem pročelju zagledam pritrjeno krajevno tablo Uniše 11. V hiši je še o-hranjena marmorna plošča s škofovsko kapo, palico in križem ter z napisom: “V tem domu so se rodili Anton Martin Slomšek, knez in škof lavantinski, 26. novembra 1800, umrli v Mariboru 24. septembra 1862.” Ploščo je na pobudo davnega ponikovskega župnika, pesnika, publicista in urednika Davorina Trstenjaka (1817-1890) napravil zidar Tomaž Novak. Potrkam spodaj na dvoriščni strani. Zaklje-njeno je. Na čelni strani zgoraj pridejo iz hiše skozi glavna vrata ljudje, sedejo v avtomobil in se odpeljejo. Vstopim skozi ta vrata. Presenetijo me urejenost, mir in čistost. V Slomškovi rojstni hiši srečam edino prebivalko te hiše - Moniko bujnih temnih las. Gotovo ni sorodnica, pomislim, in najbrž ne stanuje sa- ma v hiši, četudi se s svojo umirjenostjo nekako vrašča v to spominsko okolje. Da, spominsko hišo samo varuje, prodaja spominke ter usmerja obiskovalce in skupine, ki so bile napovedane tudi na dan mojega obiska. Pove, da se piše Monika Javornik, doma je iz bližnje vasi, študira pa v Mariboru. Ob Slomškovi zibelki in postelji pripoveduje o obnovi Slomškovine, o o-biskovalcih. Razkaže lepo urejeno mansardno dvorano za srečanja in simpozije s sto sedeži, spodaj romarsko sobo, okrepčevalnico in spominke. Monika pripoveduje: “Slomškova hiša je bila do osamosvojitve Slovenije zapuščena. Propadala je. V njej ni nihče stanoval. Za obnovo in ureditev so prispevali Poniko-vljani, občina in škofya. Slomškovi so imeli nekoč kmetijo z veliko zemlje. Zdaj so tu naokoli v glavnem samo jabolka kmetijske zadruge. Moja naloga je ta, da obiskovalcem povem kaj o Slomšku, jim zavrtim kaseto o njem ter jih popeljem v štiri sobe: v otroško, duhovniško, škofovsko in svetniško sobo. Tri sobe se razlikujejo od zadnje, ker je v nebesih drugače kot na tem svetu." V sobi otroštva, kjer je v kotu kmečka miza, v nasprotnem kotu pa stara krušna peč, pokaže rodbinsko drevo. Slomškovo rodbinsko drevo Ponikovski župnik Miha Herman: “Na rodbinskem drevesu je vpisanih že 200 imen. Iz bližnje vasi Brezje včasih čuva Slomš kovino Slomškova sorodnica, srednješolka Urška Slomšek. Njen brat Franc Slomšek obiskuje 8. razred osnovne šole. Njena mati naj bi se poročena pisala drugače, a Je po poroki zadržala dekliški priimek Slomšek.” Okoli leta 1680 je imela Ponikva - nekoč pra-župnija iz časov misijonarskih postaj, ki so pokristjanile naše pradede - pet posestnikov. V času turških in ogrskih vdorov in pomorov je ostalo ve- (dalje na sir. 14) Z njenim koncem se je začelo nadaljevanje, i-menovano Smer v slovensko državo / Rumbo ha-cia el estado sloveno, iztekla se je leta 1984. Nekaj manj let je imel konkurenco tudi v Siju slovenske svobode (Alba de la libertad eslovena). Dr. Janez Arnež, ki je največji poznavalec po vsem svetu razseljenega slovenskega tiska, je našel tudi nemško Slovensko svobodo. “Prva številka je izšla v Miinchnu 1. avgusta 1964, naslednja je bila dvojna, za september in oktober, tretja, spet dvojna in to za november in december, pa je bila tudi zadnja. Ta list je bil tiskan, po vsej verjetnosti ga je ustvarjal Branimir Pistivšek. Verjetno ga je v glavnem tudi sam financiral in ko tega ni več zmogel, je bilo lista konec. Čez nekaj let pa je poskusil znova, tokrat s ciklostiranim listom, ki se je imenoval Slovenski glas. Kot mesta izhajanja so bila navedeni v mogočnem loku Celovec, Maribor, Celje, Ljubljana, Trst, Gonca, Ziirich, čeravno je list izhajl ali v Miin-chnu ali Bernu, to ni čisto jasno. Mislim, da je bil Slovenski glas delo e-nega samega človeka, Branka Pistivška, ki pa je uporabljal več psevdonimov. Za primer: Uvod- nik iz poletja 1978 je podpisan z imenom dr. Marjan Drevenšek. Ta Slovenski glas je utihnil jun. 1986.” Zakaj in za kaj samo-stnost? Če vtis ne vara - in v odsotnosti poštenega pregleda se je treba pač zanesti na vtis - je šlo predvsem za strah pred tem, kaj se lahko zgodi, ko bo na jugu Jugoslavije prekipelo. In kaj lahko storijo zahodni in severni sosedi “v primeru kaosa v Jugoslaviji”. r----------—----------- Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik Ml 440-944-2538 Dejstvo je, da imamo različne prednike Slovenska zgodovina kot znanost in mit ... Intervju vodil TOMAŽ ŠVAGELJ Etnogenetski procesi in državne tvorbe zgodnjega srednjega veka v vzhodnih Alpah, nastanek in razvoj dežel, zgodovina plemstva in nekatere teme iz diplomatike so področja, s katerimi se ukvarja dr. Peter Štih. Naš sogovornik je od leta 1984 zaposlen na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani, kjer je izredni profesor za srednjeveško zgodovino in pomožne zgodovinske vede. Slika iz rokopisa Avstrijska kronika 95 gospostev (1479-1480), najstarejša znana upodobitev ustoličevanja koroških vojvod. ♦ <> Zgodovinski miti kajpada niso slovenska posebnost. Imajo jih vsi narodi: biti čim starejši, če že ne od nekdaj, pa vsaj iz starega veka ... Točno tako. Vsi moderni narodi imajo zgodovinske mite, ker so se na teh mitih kot narodi, na določeni stopnji svojega zgodovinskega razvoja, ne nazadnje tudi konstituirali. Lastno zgodovinsko zavedanje oziroma predstava o lastni preteklosti je v bistvu površna, enostranska in prav zato tudi mitska. Tako nastaja 'nacionalizacija zgodovine”. To pomeni, da zgodovino razumemo izključ-no kot narodno tudi v obdobjih, ko narodov v današnjem pomenu besede sploh še ni bilo. To velja, če naj pometemo najprej pred svojim pragom, tudi za Slovence. Smo lep primer takšnega gledanja na preteklost, čeprav seveda nismo edini. Zgodovinski mit je lahko, kot rečeno, tudi nekaj pozitivnega, saj se številčno majhen narod laže ohrani, če se obo-r°ži z njim. No nazadnje je bilo to eno od sredstev konstitu-iranja Slovencev kot na-r°da. Nekje na koncu 18. in začetku 19. stoletja, ko so se začele pojavljati Predstave, kot je recimo la, da je bila Karantanija Prva država Slovencev. ^•"Ibližno takrat se je us-b^arila podoba, ki je dejansko bila močan kon-sHtutivni element zaveda-dja, da smo nekoč že kUl politično ljudstvo - narod. z AMERIŠKO domovino SfE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM O ♦ Za Štefanom je prevzel Slomovino njegov sin, ded škofa Slomška. Umrl je pred letom 1798. Za njim je prevzel veleposestvo njegov sin Marko Slomšek. Ko je bilo Marku 34 let, se je 17. februarja 1800 poročil s sedemindvajsetletno Marijo Zorko iz Črešnjic (po nekaterih virih iz Šoštanja). In 26. novembra 1800 se jima je rodil sin, poznejši škof Anton Martin Slomšek. V krstni knjigi je zapisano, da je njegov patron sv. Anton Puščavnik. Ob njegovem rojstvu so domačini videli nad hišo poseben sij, je zapisal dr. Franc Kovačič leta 1934 v knjigi Anton Martin Slomšek, služabnik božji in knezoškof lavantinski. Za Antonom so se rodili: Marija leta 1802, Urša 1803, Martin 1806, Jožef 1807 (poznejši gospodar na Slomu namesto prvorojenega Antona), Lucija 1809, Valentin 1812 (ta “postržek” je delal bratu Antonu sive lasi, saj mu je brat plačeval šolanje na gimnaziji v Celju in pozneje v Gradcu, kjer naj bi študiral raznocelništvo). Valentin je bil lahkomiseln večni študent, ki je brata izsiljeval za denar. Anton mu je še 17. julija 1846, ko je bil že škof, dal 10 goldinarjev. Umrl je v tujini. Za ohranitev, proti nemštvu itd. Tudi to. In sploh, da smo se konstituirali kot narod. Ta končno ni nič drugega kot skupnost ljudi, ki jih povezuje skupna identiteta. Ki se pa kaže v imenu - jezik ni nujen ... ... pri nas je sicer bil ... ... pri nas ja, ampak na splošno ga ne moremo šteti za nujni pogoj. Identiteta se razpoznavno zgradi okoli imena, s katerim se neka skupnost loči od sosedov in se konstituira kot posebna celota. Obstoj skupnosti precej sloni prav na prepričanju o skupni preteklosti. In če te zgodovine ni, jo je pač treba ustvariti. Vendar vsega tega ne delajo samo moderni narodi, temveč poznamo take primere tudi pri zgo-dnjesrednjeveških ljudstvih, ki so na primer svoje začetke povezovala s starodavnimi bogovi. Na takšnih predstavah zgradijo zgodovino, ki seveda ni niti objektivna niti realna. Nasprotno, lahko je povsem mitska, čisti konstrukt ... ... ali kombinacija ... ... mita in resničnih dogodkov, ja, mešanica, ki skuša pojasniti nekatere stvari in pokazati, da gre za skupnost, ki ima svojo preteklost in ki se je konstituirala v določenih zanjo kritičnih preizkušnjah, kot so denimo vojne, v katerih je bila na kocki njihova bit. Toda zgodovinar kot raziskovalec se z miti seveda ne more sprijazniti, temveč poskuša nanje opozarjati. Lahko pa napiše zgodovino teh mitov. To bi bila izrazito zanimiva zgodovina? Lahko. In to se zdaj pri nas že tudi dogaja: pod uredništvom Petra Vodopivca je v pripravi zbornik o zgodovinskih mitih v slovenski zgodovini, ki bo izšel predvidoma prihodnje leto. V tem okviru bi rad preskočil na pojem naroda in na “Sveto rimsko cesarstvo nemške narodnosti". Zakaj nemške? Prvotna zamisel tega cesarstva je bila univerzalna. Ideja je bila, ustvariti enotno krščansko cesarstvo, torej neko državno tvorbo, ki bo pod enim žezlom združevala vsa krščanska ljudstva. Eden od najbolj znanih naslednikov Karla Velike- ga je bil okrog leta 1000 cesar Oton III. Njegov politični program je bil re-novatio imperii Romano-rum. torej obnova rimskega cesarstva. To je čisto jasna imperialna ideja. Vključevala je tako italijanski kot nemški prostor in seveda tudi Slovane na vzhodu - od Baltika, prek Češke, Moravske pa vse do naših krajev. Izrazito večjezična in večetnična državna tvorba! Ideja univerzalnega cesarstva je dokončno propadla šele ob koncu srednjega veka, ko se je država s tem imenom omejila na območje severno od Alp. In šele takrat se uveljavi pridevek nemške narodnosti. Šlo je za cesarstvo zgolj severno od Alp, vključno s češkim, moravskim in današnjem slovenskim prostorom. Torej brez Italije. In predvsem to je bilo mišljeno z izrazom nemške narodnosti. Beseda narodnost je torej obstajala, čeprav narodov še ni bilo. Je, imela pa je drugačen pomen. Tudi na srednjeveških univerzah so bile različne “nacije”. Denimo na bolonjski “germanska nacija", v katero so sodili vsi študentje iz dežel severno od Alp, in tudi slovenski. Na dunajski univerzi pa so recimo slovenski študentje sodili v “avstrijsko nacijo”, ki je pokrivala prostor habsburških dežel in tudi Italijo, poznali pa so celo “rensko nacijo”. Ta beseda ima torej v različnih obdobjih različne semantične pomene. Sam pojem pa je obstajal in se v povezavi s slovensko zgodovino omenja že v 7. stoletju: o znamenitem slovanskem kralju Samu, v katerega plemensko-državno skupnost je bil zelo verjetno vključen tudi del slovenskega ozemlja, je v edinem latinskem primarnem viru rečeno, da je bil natione Francos, torej Frank po poreklu. Izraz nacija ima danes seveda čisto drug pomen. Angleški zgodovinarji mislijo, da je bila prva slovanska država Velika Moravska. Zanimivo je, da o Karantaniji ne vedo nič. In tudi v Britanskem muzeju, v oddelku za zgodnji srednji vek, na panoju piše natančno to. Mi pa menimo, da je bilo drugače. Saj tudi je bilo. Zgodovinsko gledano je bila Karantanija dejansko prva stabilnejša slovanska državna tvorba sploh. To zanesljivo drži. Od kod pa pri Angležih to mnenje, bi težko sodil. Morda je k temu veliko prispeval emigrant Francis Dvornik, eden najbolj pomembnih raziskovalcev slovanske zgodovine v an-glo-ameriškem svetu 20. stoletja, ki je bil profesor na Harvardu, kamor je kot Francis Dvornik prišel iz Moravske. V angleščini je napisal vrsto temeljnih del o vlogi in pomenu Slovanov v evropski zgodovini in s tem bistveno vplival na njihove poglede na ta vprašanja. Pa kaj komunicirate s kolegi mediavelisti na Zahodu, si izmenjujete informacije? Ravno zdaj, v drugi polovici januarja, imamo na Dunaju delavnico v okviru Avstrijske akademije znanosU z naslovom Zgodnji Slovani. (SE NADALJUJE) Srečno, zdravo in veselo leto 2003! ®00-Tax Refund, Inc. 6507 St. Clair Ave. 1-800-Tax-Refund Cleveland, OH 800taxrefiind.com (216 361-0303 Erofessional tax preparation with FREE electronic filing. Low, Low Prices! Blaženi Anton Martin Slomšek s Sloma (NADALJEVANJE s str. 12) liko neobdelane zemlje. Graščaki in lastniki obsežnih zemljišč so neobdelano zemljo dodelili novim podložnikom, ki so jim rekli “novaki”. Tako je nastalo rodbinsko ime Novak. Novakovi so obdelali svet okoli Sloma. Sčasoma so pokupili ves Slom in postali Slomšaki. Posestva je dokupil tudi Stefan Novak, po domače Slomšek, praded škofa Slomška. Štefan je imel prek sto oralov rodovitne zemlje in ob potoku mlin. Njegovo premoženje so takrat ocenili na 1600 goldinarjev. Po letu 1700 je priimek Novak opustil in za rodbinsko ime je obveljalo ime Slomšek. Štefan je leta 1737 pozidal Ožbaldovo cerkev, ponikovsko podružnico. Slom je imel tedaj samo dve hišni številki. Na Slomu 1, kjer je bila glavna hiša, je 1. februarja 1822 v štiriinšestdesetem letu starosti umrl Valentin Slomšek, brat očeta Antona Martina Slomška; na številki 2, v hiši za preužitkarje, pa je 4. februarja 1794 v osemdesetem letu starosti umrl Matej Slomšek. Prvorojeni Tonček (kot ga imenuje Alojz Rebula v svojem filmskem sinopsisu iz 1. 1990) je bil med osmimi otroki dedič ponosnega grunta na Slomu. Ampak Tončka so bolj zanimale knjige. Nekoč, ko je gonil očetu vola pri oranju, je skrivaj potegnil iz žepa knjižico in pogledal vanjo, oče pa je zagrmel izza pluga: “Kmet boš in nič drugega!" Tonček je bil eden izmed petnajstih dečkov, ki jih je kaplan Jakob Prašnikar v starem proti-turškem stolpu učil brati in pisati. To je bila nedeljska šola v času nepismenosti. Ob koncu leta je bila pod Slomškovim orehom slavnostna izkušnja znanja. Prvo nagrado je osvojil Tonček. Morda je prav tu vzklila Slomškova zamisel, da je leta 1842 napisal knjigo Blaže in Nežica v nedeljski šoli, ki je še danes biserček mladega rodu. Gregor Zorko, rojen 1755, oče Slomškove matere Marije, je stare dni preživljal pri vnuku, nadžupniku v Vuzenici, kjer je umrl 29. septembra 1844, kot je zapisal dr. Franc Kovačič. Potemtakem ni bilo naključje, da je Slomšek duhovnikoval v Vuzenici od leta 1829 do 1838. Slomškov sorodnik Pankracij Slomšek se je z ženo Nežiko Brišnik pred letom 1770 priselel v Šoštanj. Rod se je nadaljeval tudi v drugih krajih Slovenije. Nečak škofa Slomška je bil tudi Anton. Leta 1847, po šolah v Celju, ga je vzel škof Slomšek za konjarja pri Sv. Andražu, dokler ni štiri leta pozneje prevzel domačije na Slomu. Leta 1854 se je poročil z Marijo Golež. Umrl je leta 1892. Po njegovi smrti je žena Marija sama gospodarila do leta 1900, ko je umrla. Njun sin, prav tako Anton, rojen 1877, je po materini smrti prevzel Slom in se leta 1902 o-ženil z Nežo Delakorda. Bogsigavedi. kaj je škofovemu pranečaku Antonu padlo na glavo, da je prodal očetov dom na Slomu. Prišel bi bil v roke ponemčenemu društvu Sudmark, ko ga ne bi bil leta 1905 kupil celjski odvetnik dr. Josip Karlovšek. Pozneje se je Slom znašel v rokah celjske posojilnice. Narodoljubno In škofovsko delovanje Od doma je ponesel v svet gospodarnost, rodo-Ijubnost, vestnost, globoko vernost, smisel za prikupno pripoved, a tudi veselost in glasbeno nadarjenost. Njegov dom je bil odtlej povsod, kjer Je lahko vse to združeval in prenašal na ljudi. Leta 1814, ko je zapustil starše, st je vpisal v tretji razred normalke v Celju. Že zgodaj je privrelo iz njega doživetje svojega doma v vedri pesmi Preljubo veselje, oj kje si doma. To pesem še danes prepevajo Slovenci doma in po svetu. Marsikateri zdomec jo bo še danes doživel v sebi. Zadnja kitica te pesmi je: “Oj, blažena leta nedolžnih otrok! Vi imate veselje brez težkih nadlog. Oh, kako vas srčno nazaj si želim, Al' ve ste minula, zastonj se solzim!" Tudi grenke kaplje življenja je okusil, ker je bilo Celje, takrat Zilli, še vse v nemških napisih, ko je obiskoval gimnazijo in stanoval v enonadstropni hiši opatijske cerkve sv. Danijela, in ker mu je Jakob Prašnikar, kaplan na Ponikvi in pozneje provizor pri Sv. Vidu na Planini, prišel tja sporočit, da mu je 2. januarja umrla mati zaradi hudega poroda. Odtlej mu je bil Prašnikar kot drugi oče. Slomšek je na duhovnih vajah že kot škof priznal, da brez njega ne bi bil dosegel cilja. Po končani gimnaziji je študiral filozofijo v Ljublani, Senju in Celovcu, kjer se je potem odločil za študij bogoslovja. Potem ko se je oče leta 1818 drugič oženil in je žena prevzela vajeti, mu oče ni več dajal denarne podpore, zato je mladi Slomšek za preživetje zasebno poučeval. Postal je tudi domači učitelj dveh sinov plemenite Uhlove rodbine. Sošolci so se pozneje spominjali, da je zaradi nesreč in pomanjkanju postal resen in se je zatekal v samoto. Večkrat so ga našli v cerkvi, kjer je klečal na golih tleh in v globoki pobožnosti molil. Na ljubljanskem liceju je bil njegov sošolec France Prešeren, s katerim sta se spoprijateljila. Leta 1821 je že študiral na celovški bogoslovnici. Tam je študente, ki so govorili napol narečno napol nemško latovščino, poučeval slovenščino. Metelka v Ljubljani je za- prosil, naj mu še iz tiskarskega stroja pošilja sveže pole slovenske slovnice. Na slovenskem zboru bogoslovcev in v govorih, npr. 1. 1822, je navduševal tovariše, naj kot duhovniki prižigajo lučko slovenskega jezika: “Zakaj tajiš, nespamet-než, da nisi Slovenec, ko vendar slovenstvo na svojem čelu nosiš, kaj se sramuješ svojega očeta in matere, ker sta Slovenca? Slovenci smo, Slovencem namenjeni učeniki, se prav k našemu delu pripraviti, je naša največja dolžnost!” Novo mašo je pel v O-limju, kjer je bil župnik Jakob Prašnikar. V dnevnik je zapisal: “V Olimju sem ob velikanski udeležbi ljudstva daroval Bogu prvo daritev svete maše, zatopljen v premišljevanje vzvišenosti svetega opravila." Ko ga je leta 1846 sol-nograški kardinal in nadškof Friderik pozval, naj postane knezoškof lavantinski, mu je Slomšek med drugim odpisal: “Nepričkovani visoki klic, s katerim me je Vaša Eminenca s pismom tako milostno počastila, da naj prevzamem pastirsko palico ovdovele lavantinske škofije iz Vaših rok, me navdaja s strahom, da me Vaša Eminenca ne pozna dovolj, da mi izroča tako visoko čast in nalaga tako težavno breme - navdaja me s skrbjo, da ne bom vreden tako važne svete službe. Če pa je volja božja, da postanem škof svoje matere lavantinske cerkve, je tudi moja volja...” V letih 1846-47 je urejal tudi mladinski list Drobtinice. Spodbudil je ustanovitev Mohorjeve družbe in jo denarno podprl. Veliko zanimivosti je še iz Slomškovega pastirskega delovanja na Bizelj- Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet A ve. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! skem, v Novi Cerkvi/Vuzenici, pa iz časa./ko je bil kanonik v %/Andra-žu, izvoljen za škofa in je leta 1859 prenesel sedež lavantinske škofije iz ponemčenega Št. Andraža v Maribor. V času nadžupnikovanja v Vuzenici, denimo, se je ob dravski pečini razbil z lesom naložen splav, da so trije splavarji utonili, dva pa sta v hudem mrazu nezavestna obležala na obrežju. Slomšek je oba ponesrečenca spravil v župnišče. Pri njem sta si ob dobri negi čez dva meseca opomogla. Ozdravljena sta vprašala, koliko sta dolžna. Slomšek je smehljaje odgovoril: “Je že Bog vse poplačal. Le pojdita pa molita zame in pazita, da vama Drava drugič ne skoplje groba.” In ko je vuzeniškemu kmetu Turineku vse pogorelo, mu je Slomšek podaril štiri goveda ter mu posodil močne vole za oranje. O njegovih knjigah -Pesme po Koroškem ino Štajerskim znane (izdal skupaj z M. Ahaclom 1833. v Celovcu), Kerš-čansko devištvo 1834, Življenja srečna pot 1837, Blaže in Nežica v nedeljski šoli 1842, Šola veselega lepega petja za pridno šolsko mladino 1853, Djanje svetnikov Božjih in razlaganje prestavnih praznikov ali svetnikov 1853 itn. - bi lahko napisal veliko pohvalnih besed. A ob obisku njegove domačije naj dodam vsaj še to, da je bil kot škof skromen. O-gromno je storil za slovenstvo, ko je lavantinsko škofijo prenesel v Maribor in papež ga je leta 1998 razglasil za blaženega. Ljudje se vračajo na Slom v Slomškovo rojstno hišo. Prihajajo stari, mladi, Slovenci in tujci. Njegova rojstna zibelka naj ostane z zlatimi črkami zapisana v slovenski zavesti in v srcih vseh ljudi, ki dobro čutijo in mislijo. Naj vedno živijo njegove besede: “Slovenka me Je rodila, naj me slovenstvo tudi za hvaležnega sina ima. Materino zemljo želim obdelovati, dokler se nekoč v materini zemlji ne spočijem ...” (KONEC) Rodna gruda December 2002 BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216)481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio napisano 2002 Vojaška služba v stari Jugoslaviji O Zjutraj me je dekla poklicala, kakor domenjeno. Spal sem vso noč. Dekla mi je skuhala kavo in po zajtrku sem začel zadnji del do cilja. Pot me je vodila po ozki stezi skozi goščavo mlade bukovine in privedla menda pri Vrhovinah do reke, ki teče skozi 17 Plitvičkih jezer. Reka nima več daleč do morja, vendar sem šel raje proti toku, pa bom videl več. Dobrih 70 let je potekalo od takrat, zato ni nič čudno, če sem pozabil na kraje ob reki. Bilo jih je malo. Sama jezera in med njimi slapovi kot pretoki iz jezera v jezero. Povsod sem se čudil drevju, ki ga je podrl vihar in je padlo v jezero, kjer Sa je v kratkem času prekrilo apno, s katerim je bila voda vsepovsod prenesičena. To je bil najbrž vzrok, da postrvi nisem videl nikjer, rake pa čutil povsod. Če sem se le približal vodi, je začofotalo, ko se je rak zmeril v blato, preden sem ga mogel videti. Za nekaterimi slapovi so se skrivale podzemske jame. Okrog poldne sem prišel do zadnjega jezera, ki ne vem več, kako se imenuje. Ker so me civil-ni čevlji nekoliko tiščali, sem jih sezul in noge rnalo osvežil v vodi. Miški sem, da bo to dobro za noge, pa so noge še roalo zatekle, da sem jih težko obul nazaj. ^o kratkem počitku sem šel nazaj po isti po-k do kraja, ki so mu rekli Labudovac in prav tako dva hotela. Lačen in utrujen sem sedel v par-kn k mizi in zaspal. Ko Sem se zbudil, je stala Poteg mene ženska sred-njih let in me je vpraša-če čakam na avtobus. Pta, kdaj pride mimo? Povedala mi je uro. Ni kilo veliko časa, čez ne-kaJ minut je prišel še ^oški, tudi srednjih let. Podstavila /^ta se kot ^arija in Martin, oba iz. (nadalje vanje) ANTON ŽAKELJ - V. del (konec) - ♦ O ♦ Maribora. Bila sta huda na Angleže, ki so kupili pred kratkim oba hotela in povišali cene, s tem pa odbila turiste. Sedaj je bil en hotel zaseden po kralju Aleksandru in obiski sploh prepovedani. Budalovac, ne Labudovac, sta rekla. Postal sem žejen in vprašal, če imajo kaj za piti. “Malinovec z vodo," je rekla Marija in kmalu prinesla kozarec vode z malinovcem. Račun: 6 din. Dal sem ji 10 din, pa nisem dobil nič nazaj. Ko sem izpraznil kozarec, je kmalu pripeljal avtobus in ustavil na znak. Vstopil sem kot e-dini potnik do Plitvic. Voznina 5 din, pa tudi nisem dobil nič nazaj. Kakor je šel bat, naj gre še štil, so rekli včasih pri nas. Pozno popoldne sem ustavili v Plitvicah, pa ni bilo časa za ogled kraja in tudi ne za hrano, čeprav sem bil že lačen od jutra. Nazaj sem hodil čisto po drugi poti, sko-ro vso pot peš. Le enkrat me je povabil na voz voznik, ki se je vračal iz Korenice, kamor je peljal koruzo. Mislim, da je ustavil v Donjem ali Gornjem Vakufu. ker je sam zavil na desno. ( Na križišču sem opazoval drugo kafano, večjo in lepšo kot ona v Biha-ču. Vrata so bila odprta, da sem videl goste, sedeče na tleh s prekrižanimi nogami in pušili lulu (pipo) ter pili kafu. “Največji užitek v človeškem življenju," je zatrjeval moj tovariš Hasan Prozorac v Sisku. Naprej sem šel čisto sam v popolni temi. K sreči Je bila cesta dobra, široka in čisto ravna. Dvakrat ali trikrat sem doživel presenečenje, da ne rečem strahu, pa ni bilo nič hudega. Prvič sem prišel v bližino žive meje (mislim, da je bila res), ko se je posvetilo. Prepričan sem bil, da je nekdo ukresal O staro puško; še enkrat, pa bo počilo. Toda, namesto poka sem zaslišal pasji lajež. Pes je moral biti znotraj ograje, sicer bi me bil napadel. Drugič je v moji bližini zarožljalo. Bil je konj na paši, pa so mu vklenili prednji dve nogi skupaj, da se ne bi preveč oddaljil. . Tretjič se mi je pa zdelo, da sem zaslišal človeški glas. Bilo je res več ljudi, ki so šli s polja domov. Kaj so delali v popolni temi, ne vem. Prijazno so me pozdravili in vprašali, če sem kaj žejen. “Seveda, pa kako! Imate kaj vode?” “Da, prinesi skodelico!” Slišal sem, da je nekdo ulival vodo iz lesene posode v porcelanosto skodelico in nagnil sem jo na usta. Pa je bila prevroča, da bi je mogel piti. Zlil sem jo pod brado na prša. Saj nobeden ne vidi! Po telesu me bo bolj pohladilo, kakor če bi jo pil. Zahvalil sem se in šel dalje. Ceste nisem videl pred seboj, vendar sem vedel, da je ravna, ker mi nikoli ni bilo treba delati ovinkov. Bila je dolga, nazadnje sem pa le začutil pred seboj. Prva hiša na križišču je bil hotel Ružiča, ki sem ga že poznal. Bil je še odprt. Šel sem v klet in naročil čašico bosanske Ružiče - rdečega vina dobrega okusa, z istim imenom kot hotel. Tam sem videl, da jc blizu pol ene. Spil sem in šel proti kasarni, malo manj kot en kilometer daleč. Ko sem šel mimo pukovne bašte (polkovnega vrta) so slavčki prepevali v grmovju. Takrat sem prvič slišal slavčke. Ko sem prišel v kasarno. je bila ura že čez eno. Ker ni bilo nobene postelje prazne, je dežurni zbudil vojaka in poslal v službo stražarja, “kod nužnika” (stranišče), mene pa povabil v posteljo. Če bi ne bil utrujen, da bi zaspal na tleh. bi bil ponudbo odklonil, ker še nisem pozabil, koliko ur sem stražil v stranišču po kazni brez krivde. Hvala Bogu! En načrt - videti Plitvice - sem srečno končal, drugega -iti na Plešivico sem pa odložil za moje drugo življenje. Čeprav me vsa transportacija ni stala več kot 10 din in hrana le malo več, sem se vnil suh. Če upoštevam moje mesečne vojaške plače, sem delal za ta izlet več kot tri mesece. Med mojim izletom so prišli moji papirji iz Siska in naslednji dan sem se vrnil domov. O Tako je prišel dan odhoda. Odpeljal sem se že pozno popoldne in ustavil v Zagrebu zvečer. Neka ženska me je opazila in vprašala, če potrebujem prenočišče. “Da, kje ga imate?” “Čisto blizu." “Koliko zahtevate?" “1.5 din.” "Kje je kaka domača košta? Lačen sem in bi rad večerjal.” “Dobro, dobila je bova mimogrede.” “Dobro, pojdiva.” Res sva kmalu našla lokal, ki mu pravijo “domača košta” in večerjo: velik kos kruha, le malo manjši kos Špeha in kozarec mleka. Vse za 2,5 din. Zdelo se mi je, da hodiva že dolgo, pa je na večkratno vprašanje: Kako daleč je še? vselej odgovorila: “Prav kmalu bova tam." Nazadnje sva le vstopila v neko hišo. Odložil sem odvišno obleko blizu okna, pa mi ji jo je takoj prestavila bolj proč. Je rekla, da blizu okna lahko kdo ukrade. Noč sem srečno prespal in tudi ostalo vožnjo srečno presedel - do doma. (Konec drugega nadaJjevanja) Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM KOLEDAR JANUAR 25. - Slovenska pristava priredi tradicionalno Pristav-sko noč, v SND na St. Clairju. Igrajo Veseli godci. 31. - 1., 2. februar - Smučarski vikend v Wind-hamu, NY. Informacije: Ivan Kamin 718-424-2711. FEBRUAR 2. - Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima kosilo v šolski dvorani s serviranjem od 11. dop. do 1. pop. 2. - Slovenski narodni dom na St. Clair Ave. ima občni zbor s pričetkom ob 2. uri pop. 9. - Misijonska Znamkar* ska Akcija ima kosilo v šolskem avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu. Serviranje od 11. do 1. pop. 15. - 20. - Smučarski izlet v Lake Tahoe. Informacije: Ivan Kamin 718- 424-2711. 23. - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu postreže s kosilom v farnem avditoriju s serviranjem od 11. dop. do 1. pop. MAREC 15. - Federacija slovenskih narodnih domov priredi “mož in ženska leta” banket v SND na St. Clairju. 23. - Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima zajtrk v šolski dvorani med 9. dop. in 12. opoldne. MAJ 3. - Primorski klub ima večerjo in plesom v SND na St. Clair Ave. 17. - Pevski zbor Korotan ima koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. JUNIJ 8. - Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Ob 12.30 sv. maša, sledi kosilo. 14. - 15. - Tabor DSPB ima spominsko proslavo na Slovenski pristavi, ob spominu 58. obletnice slovenskega “holokavsta” za domobrance ob koncu 2. svetovne vojne. It'S Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1460. “Čas” - Kako ljudje dojemamo čas? Različno - odvisno od vsakega posameznika. Morda odvisno celo od razpoloženja. Pravim kristjanom je čas dragoceni božji dar, v katerem si z božjo milostjo po Kristusovem odrešenju pripravljamo večno bivanje v Bogu. Zato naš pogled bodi usmerjen v prihodnost. Naše krščansko upanje za prihodnost je v temeljni resnici, da svet in zgodovinski razvoj človeštva vodi Bog, čeprav včasih po nam nerazumljivih potih. Odločilen je čas milosti, čas uresničevanja odrešenja. Kristus uresničuje v svetu zemeljskih sprememb odrešenje v odrešenjskem občestvu Cerkve in tudi v vsakem izrned nas. Kako osrečujoča misel za misijonarje in misijonske sodelavce v zaledju! Od srca do srca iz misijonskega sveta Oglasila se je laična misijonarka Tatjana Žejn, sicer medicinska sestra, iz Mission Catholique Saubre, Slonokoščena obala, Afrika: “Lep pozdrav Vam in vsem sodelavcem MZA. Do prejetja vašega pisma za vašo organizacijo še nisem slišala, ob branju le tega pa sem čutila tako zelo veliko vašo povezanost z misijoni in misijonarji, kot da bi bili sami v misijonih, saj ste naše zelo močno zaledje. Tudi presenečena sem bila ob prejetju vašega pisma, saj je minilo šele dobro leto od mojega prihoda na Slonokoščeno obalo. Ne vem koliko kaj veste o meni. Zato naj povem na kratko, da se še vedno vživljam v življenje tukaj. Delam v ambulanti in udejstvujem se v župniji, to leto predvsem s poučevanjem verouka. Najlepša hvala za Vaš dar namenjen meni. Tu na Slo-nokoščni obali delam skupaj z bratoma Bajec, Sandijem Škapinom in Jankom Kosmačem. Tu je tudi sr. Anica Starman. Vaš dar bo koristno porabljen v misijonski žetvi kjerkoli na tem prostornem polju. Lep pozdrav vsem, blagoslovljene praznike in vse dobro v letu 2003. Bog daj, da bi vedno čutili takšno misijonsko zavest. Tatjana Žejn.” Misijonar p. Lojze Podgrajšek piše iz Zambije: “Dragi MZA sodeljujoči. Hvala za pismo in ček. Ge. Gregorinovi se bom takoj oglasil. Tukaj nič posebnega. V bogoslovju končujemo šolsko leto. Veliko bo ocenjevanja, popravljanja in izpitov. Za božjo čast se vse splača! Lepo pozdravljeni. Hvaležni Lojze Podgrajšek.” Pismo - letno poročilo za 2002 - misijonarja Pedra Opeka iz Antanariva, Madagaskar: “Dragi prijatelji! Spet se bliža konec leta. Pred nami so božični prazniki, ki bodo, upam, za vse nas bogato doživetje. Zato vam želim, dragi prijatelji, res blagoslovljene praznike! Bog daj, da bi nam bilo tudi letošnje obhajanje Božiča luč v naši vsakdanji sivini ter moč za veselo služenje drugim. Prav tako vam želim obilo sreče v Novem letu. Sedaj torej delamo obračune in pregledujemo, kako smo preživeli letošnje leto; kako in v koliki meri smo uresničili načrte, ki smo si jih naložili v začetku leta. O političnih in socialnih nemirih v prvi polovici leta na Madagaskarju, ste bili precej seznanjeni. Ko sem bil sam maja in junija v Evropi, posebej v Sloveniji in na Koroškem, sem vam skušal približati razmere, v katerih smo delali. Posledice hude politične krize so močno čutili prav vsi ljudje. Posebej so bili prizadeti tisti, ki že sicer živijo v težkih življenjskih razmerah. Zaradi pomanjkanja najbolj vsakdanjih potrebščin in zaradi draginje, so bili mnogi na robu preživetja. Veliko ljudi, posebej otrok, je umrlo zaradi pomanjkanja zdravil. Tudi v centrih Akamasoe je delo zastalo, saj ni bilo mogoče dobiti niti najbolj potrebnega materiala, ali prodati kar so naši ljudje pridelali, npr. v kamnolomu ali v drugih centrih. Kljub težkim razmeram se nismo prepustili malodušju. Ko je bilo najbolj “vroče”, je bilo treba zastaviti besedo, da bi se umirili duhovi in da bi zmagala pravica. V Franciji, Švici, Monaku in v Sloveniji sem skušal posredovati pri odgovornih, da bi se tako slišal glas nemočnih in da bi prišla resnica na dan, ter da bi bila spoštovana demokracija in da bi zmagala pravica. Zelo sem hvaležen vsem odgovornim v Sloveniji: predsedniku države, predsedniku vlade, predsedniku parlamenta in ministru za zunanje zadeve, da so me sprejeli in potem tudi posredovali pri odgovornih po svetu. Verjamem, da je tudi to pripomoglo, da se je kriza končala po mirni poti. Sedaj je življenje na Madagaskarju spet v glavnem mirno. Predsednik Marc Ravalomanana in nova vlada, ki so prišli na oblast po demokratični poti, imajo sedaj polne roke dela. Odpraviti morajo posledice težke politične in socialne krize. Pri ljudeh morajo spodbuditi nov elan, da bi se tako obnova dežele resnično začela. Delo, ki jih čaka, je težko in obenem delikatno. Če jim bo uspelo odpraviti korupcijo, tudi v višjih “krogih”, potem je upanje, da se bo kaj premaknilo na bolje. Kljub hudi krizi, v kateri smo morali živeti in delati, nam je uspelo dokončati 80 novih hiš (Koroška vas), ki smo jih začeli graditi že koncem lanskega leta. Število o-trok je v šoli vsako leto večje. To nas priganja, da gradimo nove šolske prostore. Podobno je glede zdravstva: številne skupnosti potrebujejo nove dispanzerje, da bodo imeli ljudje tako lažji dostop do zdravstvenih uslug. Nova oblast nam je priskočila na pomoč s tem, da nam je (z avgustom 2002) dala na razpolago tri zdravnike. Seveda pa želimo, da bi ti državni funkcionarji imeli dovolj posluha za potrebe ljudi in da bi bili zares s srcem pri delu. V šolah, ki sp pod oskrbo združenja Akamasoa (7 tisoč otrok in mladih) je bil letos lep uspeh: v osnovni šoli skoraj stoodstoten, v srednji šoli pa okrog 65%. Vse to nam nalaga nove obveznosti, ker je treba misliti na bodočnosti teh mladih. Letos je tudi 7 naših gimnazijcev napravilo maturo in bodo v novem šolskem letu začeli s študijem ua univerzi. Tem bi radi posvetili posebno pozornost, saj so prav mladi upanje za deželo in za Cerkev. V tem letu je šlo skozi naš sprejemni center 8035 ljudi. Pomagali smo jim materialno in denarno, da bi tako lažje nadaljevali življenje v domačem kraju. Nekaj družin pa smo sprejeli “za stalno”, ker niso imele nobene druge možnosti za preživetje. In tudi sicer smo pomagali še drugim, ki so prišli trkat na naša vrata. Sedaj sprejemamo več bolnih, ki drugje ne najdejo potrebne oskrbe. Zaradi večjega števila učencev smo povečali število učiteljev in profesorjev. Vseh učiteljev skupaj je sedaj 170. Na srečo so se našli dobrotniki (v Monaku), ki nam pomagajo, da lahko učitelji Akamasoe prejemajo redno mesečno plačo. Ko imamo na skrbi probleme vsakdanjega življenja, ne smemo pozabiti na drugo plat življenja ljudi, ki je prav tako pomembno za vsakega človeka. Saj “ne živimo samo od kruha”, ampak potrebujemo tudi duhovne hrane, srčne kulture. Zato si močno prizadevamo, da bi otrokom in mladim omogočili ob šolski izobrazbi tudi duhovno vzgojo. S tem pomagamo mladim pri njihovi človeški in duhovni rasti, da bi se tako razvili v zrele in odgovorne osebnosti. Molitvene skupine so upanje za naše krščanske skupnosti. In sedaj mi, prosim, dovolite, da vam predstavim naše načrte za prihodnje leto (tj. 2003): - 100-tim družinam (od 600, ki še živijo v lesenih barakah), bi radi omogočili dostojne domove; - v načrtu imamo več novih šol na podeželju; - povečali bi radi bolnice v Manantenasoa in bolje uredili sprejemni center; - nujno bo treba izboljšati infrastrukturo po vaseh (kanalizacija, ceste); - v vaseh Akamasoe bi radi napeljali mestni vodovod, da bi tako ljudje imeli zdravo, pitno vodo. To so naše želje. Gotovo jih je še več. Zgoraj omenjeni načrti pa res želimo, da bi se uresničili. Že v naprej se vam, dragi prijatelji, zahvaljujem za zvestobo in za vsak dober dar, ki ga boste namenili za potrebe Akamasoe in za vse tiste, ki niso imeli “sreče” kot otroci v Evropi, da bi lahko odraščali pred “bogato pogrnjeno mizo”. Vse kar naredimo za človeka v stiski, je zaklad, ki obogati tudi nas same. In tega zaklada nam ne more nihče vzeti. Vsem misijonskim prijateljem po Sloveniji in po svetu, prav lepa hvala. Najlepša zahvala vsem sodelavcem v Misijonski pisarni. Posebej se zahvaljujem Jožetu Kopeinigu in mnogim dobrim ljudem na Koroškem, ki ste nam pomagali graditi “Koroško vas”. Prav najlepša hvala g. Mirku Bogataju, ki je s svojimi sodelavci posnel film, ki je bil nagrajen na Slovaškem. Prav tako najlepša hvala slovenski Mivi, g. Stanetu Kerinu in dobrotnikom, ki so nam omogočili nakup novega avta. Avto nam bo v veliko pomoč pri našem delu. S prav lepimi pozdravi, Pedro Opeka.” Gospodar življenja je odpoklical Karla Klezina. Pokojni je bil zelo zvest pri vseh misijonskih prireditvah pri fari sv. Cirila v New Yorku, to preko 40 let. Za vsakoletno misijonsko prireditev in srečelov je daroval umetniške slike. Kjer koli je bila potrebna pomoč, ni nikdar odrekel. Za vsa njegova dobra dela naj ga Gospod bogato nagradi. Spočij se v Gospodu! Družini naše iskreno sožalje. Priporočamo ga v molitev, če še kaj potrebuje. Mir z vami vsemi, Kako lepa, plemenita ideja - zaželeti nekomu mir. Mir v srcu, mir v duši, življenjski mir. Sveti Duh nas povezuje v eno veliko družino, katere smo bratje in sestre, ki drug drugemu želimo mir in vse dobro. Gospodov mir z vsemi vami. Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Rd. Toronto, Ont. M8W 4M7 Canada Podpirajte naše oglaševalce - Tudi ti pomagajo našemu listu, da lahko še izhaja redno, ko jih je toliko že ugasnilo! Novi grobovi (.nadaljevanje s str. 9) Ann J. Terček Dne 11. januarja je na svojem domu v Euclidu u-mrla Ann J. Terček, rojena v Cliff Mine-u, Pa., v Cleveland prišla 1. 1935, vdova po Franku Hočevarju in Charlesu Terceku, mati Nancy Mramor, Joan Podmore in že pok. Carol Piccirello, 6-krat stara mati, 10-krat prastara mati, zapušča tudi dva brata, zelo aktivna v mnogih slovenskih in drugih organizacijah, bila predsednica podr. št. 50 SŽZ 32 let in clevelandske federacije SŽZ podružnic 10 let, zapisnikarica Klub Ljubljana več kpt 10 let, članica upokojenskih klubov v Euclidu, na Holmes Ave. in St. Clairju, članica Oltarnega društva pri Mariji Vnebov-zeti in pela v cerkvenem zboru več kot 25 let, več kot 25 let služila kot prostovoljka pri Slovenskem domu za ostarele, članica KS K J št. 169, SNPJ št. 614 in Polka Hall of Fame. Pogreb je bil 15. januarja v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Frances Staiduhar Umrla je 87 let stara Frances Staiduhar, vdova po Georgeu st., mati Frances Perko in Georgea ml., 5-krat stara mati, 4-krat prastara mati, sestra Sofie Hansen in že pok. Viole Saviano. Privaten pogreb je bil v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin Polka Hall of Fame, 605 E. 222 St., Euclid, OH 44123. Fred Zupančič Dne 10. januarja je umrl 59 let stari Fred Zupančič, sin že pok. Fred-a in Edith, roj. Hrobat, nečak Therese Clements. Pogreb je bil 13. januarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Viljema in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Joseph J. Zupančič st. Umrl je Joseph J. Zupančič st., mož Eve, roj. Sudick, oče Josepha ml., Garyja, Christine Narum in Williama, 7-krat stari oče, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški vojski. Pogreb je bil 10. januarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Venceslava in pokopom na Ohio Western Reserve National pokopališču.