VODENJE v vzgoji in izobraževanju g|20i6 3 Uvodnik: zrelo in odgovorno spogledovanje vrtcev in šol s prihodnostjo Vladimir Korošec 7 Sistematično spodbujanje, spremljanje in preverjanje vsepredmetnih vešcin v mednarodnem projektu Spremljanje vsepredmetnih veščin Tanja Rupnik Vec inAmela Sambolic Beganovic 23 Stališča vodstvenih delavcev do uvajanja prvega tujega jezika v prvo vzgojno-izobraževalno obdobje osnovne šole Tilen Smajla in Eva Podovšovnik Axelsson 41 Delo tujih učiteljev na Gimnaziji Novo mesto Maja Hren 53 Uvajanje in udejanjanje inovativnega pedagoškega pristopa - koncepta odprtega vzgojno-ucnega okolja kot izziv sodobnega casa Eva Pori in Andreja Klopcic Hološevic 69 Sodobni avtorski didakticni pristop k poucevanju ucencev v prvem triletju osnovnošolskega izobraževanja Mojiceja Podgoršek 83 Z roko v roki do lastnega znanja Lea Vernik 97 S timskim sodelovanjem do uspešnega izboljšanja aktivne pozornosti Danica Kaluža 111 Abstracts Obiščite nas na http://vodenje.solazaravnatelje.si Uvodnik: zrelo in odgovorno spogledovanje vrtcev in šol s prihodnostjo Vladimir Korošec Šola za ravnatelje Človekovo ustvarjalno delo je bilo v vseh zgodovinskih obdobjih usmerjeno v prizadevanje za doseganje boljšega in vrednejšega življenja, ki ne radosti in ne navdušuje zgolj trenutnih generacij, temvec se vselej živo spogleduje s prihodnostjo. Nemalokdaj je Človek zaradi hlastanja za materialnimi dosežki zavestno zanemarjal temeljne civilizacijske vrednote, uničeval, ranil in ubijal, ogrožal naravne dobrine in lastno življenje, da bi si lahko zagotovil trajno blagostanje in najvišje mesto v brezmejnem prostoru in neskoncnem casu. Nespametne zablode in nevredne stranpoti je zmogel presegati le z znanjem, pridobljenim z zgodovinsko izkušnjo, z razumevanjem narave in vrednotenjem svojega lastnega poslanstva, zato je izobraževanje najpomembnejše podrocje individualnega in družbenega razvoja. Šola je zapleteno sticišce raznolikih družbenih, gospodarskih in celo ideoloških interesov ter hkrati varno okolje za clovekovo družbeno, moralno in custveno dozorevanje, nenadomestljiva delavnica njegove ustvarjalnosti, neizcrpna razsežnost njegovega intelektualnega in poklicnega razvoja ter razkošno polje negovanja humanizma, solidarnosti, sodelovanja in družbene odgovornosti. Šola mora biti vedno pred casom ali vsaj v koraku z njim, prepoznavati mora spremembe, jih sprejemati ter spodbujati njihovo uveljavljanje. Sodobna šola se ne more izogniti odgovornosti za celosten razvoj posameznikov, družbe in gospodarstva, vendar mora imeti ustrezne razmere za opravljanje svoje dejavnosti, jasne in nedvoumne cilje in strategije, ustrezne materialne pogoje, motivirane in usposobljene kadre, vzpostavljeno partnersko sodelovanje z okoljem, predvsem pa zaupanje dijakov, staršev, gospodarstva in politike, da zmore in zna opravljati pomembne družbene naloge. »Brez igranja z domišljijo se ni rodilo še nobeno delo. Igri domišljije dolgujemo neizmerno veliko,« pravi psihoterapevt Čarl Jung. Albert Einstein k temu dodaja: »Domišljija je vse. To je predogled velikih stvari, ki jih prinaša življenje. Domišljija je po- vodenje 3I2016: 3-5 Vladimir Korošec membnejša od znanja.« Domišljija je nenadomestljiv dejavnik človekove inovativnosti v znanosti, umetnosti, tehnologiji, v vsakdanjem življenju, saj pomeni sposobnost domišljanja novih predstav, idej in vrednosti na podlagi védenja in zgodovinskih izkušenj o ljudeh, družbi in okolju. Domišljija je hvalevreden proces povezovanja preteklosti s sedanjostjo in realna napoved prihodnosti. Veliko domišljije morajo imeti ravnatelji in strokovni delavci vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov za učinkovito pedagoško delo, da se lahko poglobijo v igrivi in vedoželjni svet otroške osebnosti, da se odgovorno soočajo z zahtevnimi pričakovanji staršev, da kljub nejasno zastavljenim nacionalnim vizijam prepoznajo in razumejo cilje posameznikovega in družbenega razvoja, da zmorejo v današnjem nerazsodnem casu osmisliti temeljne cloveške vrednote in jih znajo povezati s šolskim delom v korist otroka, celotne družbe in prihodnosti. Še posebej veliko domišljije morajo imeti, da lahko razumejo in sprejmejo spremembe, ki jih v slovenski šolski prostor nezadržno in neselektivno vnaša tehnološki in kulturni vihar 21. stoletja, ter ne nazadnje veliko domišljije za reševanje težav na podrocju šolstva. Letošnji jesenski posveti ravnateljic in ravnateljev so bili namenjeni spoznavanju otroka, ucenca in dijaka v spremenjenem gospodarskem, kulturnem in tehnološkem okolju 21. stoletja ter predstavitvam inovativnih odzivov vrtcev in šol na izzive in spremembe, ki v skladu z naceli sodobnega izobraževanja postavljajo otroka, ucenca oziroma dijaka v središce prizadevanj za kakovostno vzgojo in izobraževanje. Za nadaljnji razvoj slovenskega šolstva so nedvomno pomembni tudi odgovori na nekatera izmed naslednjih vprašanj: • Katere kljucne gospodarske in družbene spremembe dolo-cajo prihodnost in razvoj? • Katera znanja in spretnosti potrebujejo mladi za ustvarjalno delo in življenje v sodobnem svetu? • Ali je slovenska šola pripravljena na izzive prihodnosti? • Kako se spremembam prilagajata vodenje in organiziranost slovenskih šol? S temi in podobnimi vprašanji se vsak dan soocajo šolska politika in stroka, predvsem pa ucitelji in ravnatelji, ki so v neposrednem stiku z ucenci in mladostniki. Uspešnega dela vrtcev in šol ter s tem prihodnosti vzgoje in izobraževanja ne dolocajo tehnološke spremembe, temvec ga z inovativnimi idejami ter s strokovnim in osebnim pristopom zaznamujejo strokovni delavci, vzgojitelji, 4 Uvodnik učitelji in ravnatelji, ki so zavezani poklicnim in človeškim vrednotam. Poučevanje je svojevrstna strokovna strast, ki se napaja z uspehi, veseljem, radostjo, mladostjo in neizmerno srčno hvaležnostjo. Ko jo enkrat začutiš, ji za vedno pripadaš, kajti učitelj ne postaneš, učitelj preprosto si. V Šoli za ravnatelje smo po strokovni opredelitvi in moralnih načelih usmerjeni v razvoj vodenja vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov in v podporo ravnateljevanju. Skupaj z ravnateljičami in ravnatelji, strokovnimi delavči in drugimi deležniki si prizadevamo oblikovati in vzpostaviti nove pristope na področju vodenja, pristope, ki bodo postali del sistemskih rešitev ter bodo zagotavljali najvišjo kakovost pedagoškega in strokovnega dela v slovenskih vrtčih in šolah. Nenadomestljiv prispevek k razvoju vodenja ter razumevanju in utrjevanju slovenske pedagoške prakse je nedvomno revija Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju, ki se nenehno odkrito spogleduje tudi z mednarodnimi izkušnjami. Letošnja tretja številka tako kot vse dosedanje prinaša poglobljeno strokovno razmišljanje o inovativnih učnih okoljih, inovativnem učenju, izjemnih dosežkih učenčev, dijakov in učiteljev ter o prihodnosti slovenskih vrtčev in šol. Iskreno se zahvaljujem avtorjem strokovnih prispevkov, uredniškemu odboru, glavni uredniči in tajniči revije ter drugim strokovnim delavčem Šole za ravnatelje za dobro opravljeno delo v letu 2016 v upanju, da bomo tudi v prihodnje skupaj zavzeto in odgovorno soustvarjali in krepili teorijo in prakso vodenja na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja. ■ Dr. Vladimir Korošeč je direktor Šole za ravnatelje in odgovorni urednik revije Vodenje. vladimir.korosec@solazaravnatelje.si 5 Abstracts Tanja Rupnik Vec and Amela Sambolic Beganovic Systematic Encouragement, Monitoring and Assessment of Transversal Skills in the International Assessment of Transversal Skills Project In order to be able to successfully handle different life situations, we need the skills of cooperation, communication, argumentation, problem solving, decision making, creativity, and others. In professional literature on education, these appear under various names, as 21st century skills, basic skills, all-purpose skills, transferrable, or transversal skills, since they form the foundation of the effective handling of the world and are required in different combinations by each and every problem-based situation. Even so, we often tend to neglect them and place subject contents in the centre of our teaching instead. How to encourage students to systematically learn transversal skills? How to effectively aid them in the process of this systematic and self-regulating acquisition of skills? How to monitor and assess these skills? These and similar questions have been posed by the international project of the assessment of these skills (ats 2020: Assessment of Transversal Skills). The teachers who are taking part, focus on promoting the development of select transversal skills through the use of digital technologies and formative assessment. The first part of the article features a comparative analysis of the certain models of transversal skills, and explain the model that was designed within the ats 2020 project, while the second part explains the main goals of the project and theoretical underpinnings on which the development work of the participating teachers is based. Keywords: transversal skills, formative assessment, authentic instruction, self-regulation yqdenje 3|20l6: 7-21 Tilen Smajla and Eva Podovsovnik Axelsson Attitudes of Leadership Staff to Introducing First Foreign Language in the First Educational Period in Elementary School This articles shows the results of the study on the attitudes of leadership staff in public elementary schools to introducing a first foreign language (fl 1) in Year 2, which was carried out in the academic year 2014/2015. Two research questions were posed, namely whether the opinion regarding this topic changes according to the title and age of the respondents participating in the study. The variance analysis calculations have shown statistically significant differences in opinion on introducing fli regarding three statements, as follows: 9 ('It is the foreign language teachers of upper triennials, e. g. the teachers of English, who are best-suited for teaching a foreign language'), 15 ('Those teachers who do no not teach foreign language look favourably on the introduction of the fli in the first triennium'), and statement number 111 Abstracts 16 ('The parents of children in the first triennium are largely in favour of introducing a foreign language among compulsory subjects'). Statistical analyses have shown no significant differences in views depending on the age of participants. Keywords: clil, title, first foreign language, principal, learning and teaching foreign language in childhood vqdenje 3|20l6: 23-40 Maja Hren The Work of Foreign Teachers at Novo Mesto Grammar School This article will describe our collaboration with two foreign teachers of English language at Novo Mesto Grammar School, in particular the corresponding organisation of work which takes place in different ways - in classrooms, separately with individuals or smaller groups, within the theatre group - and other forms of collaboration with them. The paper also includes a lesson plan preparation with a foreign teacher, the testimonies of grammar school students on their experience in this kind of work, and the foreign teachers' views on life in Slovenia. Keywords: foreign teacher, English language, work methods, innovative learning environment, interculturality vqdenje 3|2016:41-51 Eva Pori and Introduction and Implementation of Innovative Teaching Andreja Klopcic Approach: Concept of Open Educational Learning Environment Holosevic as Modern Day Challenge This article discusses the advantages of introducing and implementing forest pedagogy, which highlights the forest as an ideal educational and encouraging natural environment, in kindergarten. Living in nature enables children to develop their knowledge, skills, and gain new experience, while offering them suitable challenges for a comprehensive development (psychosocial, physical, and cognitive). Drawing from a practical case of introducing the programme of Forest in Embrace, positive conclusions will be shown, which were reached through introducing changes and the implementation of an innovative teaching approach that is being developed together with the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. The main bases for introducing this teaching model will be explained, together with guidelines which have emerged on the groundwork of our activities in the field of forest pedagogy up until now, and which can be used by the teaching staff in their work. Keywords: pre-school child, forest, Forest in Embrace project vqdenje 3I2016: 53-68 112 Abstracts Mojiceja Modern Didactic Authorship Approach to Teaching Students Podgoršek in the First Triennium of Elementary School Education Within the existing educational practice, gaining knowledge and participating in various school activities requires an increase in prior motivation for pupils, while ever more often their teachers tend to burn out in their work. Furthermore, due to regulations which shelter pupils from teachers testing student knowledge efficiently, our education system actually supports pupil passivity and increases teachers' responsibility for students' school performance. In order to change this, solutions should be sought in a modified practice of teaching, through which both the teacher and the pupil can recognise the benefits of a changed approach to new knowledge acquisition. This article describes a modern didactic authorship approach to the kind of teaching that builds on pupils' own personal accountability for new knowledge acquisition, and on an active, experience-based and student-oriented instruction, centred on research and characterised by the integration of the acquired knowledge. For the purpose of this study, special lessons were planned in collaboration with third-year teachers, and then carried out in a cross-curricular way; they were based on reading and storytelling select tales connected to the subject-matter that is imposed by the syllabi for individual subject areas. This literary aesthetic experience was used as a foundation for acquiring factual knowledge and, in turn, our experimental research method confirmed that the third-year elementary school pupils are able to independently undertake research, procure and acquire new knowledge. Based on statistical calculations, our study results have shown that the didactic authorship approach to teaching promotes motivation and the development of a lasting interest in reading literary and technical texts as a means of learning. At the same time, pupils' creativity in handling literary and non-literary texts is promoted, together with gaining actual knowledge in the field of the selected topic. Keywords: reading, writing, teaching, independence, learning, knowledge yqdenje 3|20l6: 69-81 Lea Vernik Hand in Hand to One's Own Knowledge Every day, teachers create conditions and possibilities for gaining knowledge and helping students on their way to learning. The goal is to offer a collaborative, active and supportive learning environment where learners themselves create their own knowledge. The aim of this article is to show how a learning content can be handled while adhering to all the formative principles, by providing feedback, collecting evidence of progress, self-assessment, peer evaluation and final 113 Abstracts assessment. A concrete example of content planning and implementation for first year mathematics will be described. Drawing on student responsiveness, bearing in mind the viewpoints of school leadership and parents, i. e. of everyone involved in the learning process, our own experience with the described way of working will be recounted. It is a perspective of three teachers from different angles (facts - execution, positive and negative sides of the chosen approach to work, our feelings, new opportunities); at both educational stages, Years 1 and 5, this was our first encounter with the abovementioned way of working. Keywords: formative assessment, ongoing evaluation, self-regulation vqdenje 3|20l6: 83-96 Danica Kaluža Improving Active Attention through Team Work Lately there have been more and more pupils with active attention deficit disorders. Following a discussion with our teaching colleagues, we organised a team and set ourselves the goal of encouraging and actively directing active attention. We strive for our pupils to persevere in active attention and make less mistakes during the completion of their tasks. As part of our team collaboration we planned and evaluated assignments every week. During classes, I used at least two exercises daily, which were focused on one particular area each day (motoric skills, reading, writing, speech and language, imaging) by means of two learning styles (visual, auditory). I embedded them in lesson plans for different subjects and carried them out during different parts of lessons. Sometimes this served as introductory motivation, other times I decided to use it in the course of a lesson as a relaxation, or at the end of a lesson; it could took the form of physical activity, to increase motivation for performing tasks in connection with priority assignments . . . Keywords: focus, active attention, planning, evaluation, implementation vqdenje 3I2016: 97-109 114