Volume 14 Issue 2 Article 3 8-13-2012 The impact of knowledge management on organisational performance Jelena Rašula Vesna Bosilj Vukšić Mojca Indihar Štemberger Follow this and additional works at: https://www.ebrjournal.net/home Recommended Citation Rašula, J., Bosilj Vukšić, V., & Indihar Štemberger, M. (2012). The impact of knowledge management on organisational performance. Economic and Business Review, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.15458/ 2335-4216.1207 This Original Article is brought to you for free and open access by Economic and Business Review. It has been accepted for inclusion in Economic and Business Review by an authorized editor of Economic and Business Review. 147 ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012 | 147–168 THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ON ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE jeLena RašULa1 vesna BosiLj vUkšić2 Mojca inDiHaR šteMBeRGeR3 aBstRact: Knowledge management is a process that transforms individual knowledge into organisational knowledge. The aim of this paper is to show that through creating, accumulating, organising and utilising knowledge, organisations can enhance organisa- tional performance. The impact of knowledge management practices on performance was empirically tested through structural equation modelling. The sample included 329 com- panies both in Slovenia and Croatia with more than 50 employees. The results show that knowledge management practices measured through. information technology, organisa- tion and knowledge positively affect organisational performance. keywords: knowledge management maturity, information technology, organisational performance, structural equation modelling, survey research. 1. intRoDUction For many companies, the time of rapid technological change is also the time of incessant struggle for maintaining a competitive advantage. It is obvious that knowledge is slowly becoming the most important factor of production, next to labour, land and capital [39]. Even though some forms of intellectual capital are transferable, internal knowledge is not easily copied. This means that the knowledge anchored in employees’ minds can get lost if they decide to leave the organisation. Therefore, the key objective of management is to improve the processes of acquisition, integration and usage of knowledge, which is exactly what knowledge management (KM) is all about [21]. KM is a process that through creating, accumulating, organising and utilising knowl- edge helps achieve objectives and enhance organisational performance. KM also consists 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia 3 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: mojca.stemberger@ef.uni-lj.si ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012148 of strategy, cultural values and workflow [9]. In order to maximise its value a change in strategies, processes, organisational structures and technologies needs to be made [17, 21]. The literature review shows there is a great number of critical success factors for KM. This paper contributes to the knowledge management research field through understanding those factors, their interrelation and the role of information technology in achieving a better business performance. One of the key benefits of introducing KM practices in organisations is its positive impact on organisational performance. The research conducted in Croatia suggests that KM positively affects organisational outcomes of company innovation, product improvement and employee improvement [19]. According to Fugate et al. [16], results collected in a logistics operations context prove the existence of a strong positive relationship between a KM process and operational and organisational perform- ance. Still, it is not well understood how different KM strategies affect organisational performance. Choi et al. [11] show that combining the tacit-internal-oriented and explicit-external-oriented KM strategies indicates a complementary relationship, which implies synergistic effects of KM strategies on performance. The results of the study conducted by Zheng et al. [45] suggest that KM fully mediates the impact of organisational culture on organisational effectiveness, and partially mediates the impact of organisational structure and strategy on organisational effectiveness. Fi- nally, the results of numerous researches [1, 13, 26, 27, 42] show that KM affects or- ganisational performance in a positive manner, but this relationship is very difficult to prove. Researchers often imply this positive effect of knowledge management on organisational performance. However, the researches that empirically prove the existing link are very rare. The aim of this paper is to present a different knowledge management maturity model and to explain and test the hypothesis about impact of knowledge management practices on organisational performance. The model was empirically tested through structural equation modelling on a sample of 329 Slovenian and Croatian companies with 50 or more employees. The paper is divided into five main parts. First, the theoretical background on compo- nents and elements of KM and organisational performance is presented. Second, the hypotheses and the conceptual model are shown. Third, the research methodology is described. Fourth, data analysis results are presented. Finally, implications and direc- tions for future research are outlined. 2. LiteRatURe RevieW anD HYPotHeses DeveLoPMent The methodology of measuring knowledge management maturity is complex. By com- bining a set of critical success factors with a set of measurable knowledge management J. RAŠULA, V. BOSILJ VUKŠIĆ, M. INDIHAR ŠTEMBERGER | THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE ... 149 factors, an intersection was made to define a new set of measurable key elements of KM. Those elements were united into three categories [36]: (1) information technology (the ability of technology to capture knowledge and usage of information systems), (2) organisation (people, organisational climate and processes) and (3) knowledge (knowl- edge accumulation, utilisation, sharing practices and knowledge ownership identifica- tion). The understanding of these knowledge management factors, acts as a basis in determin- ing the type of knowledge management strategies and initiatives for an organisation. The review of literature used to develop the questionnaire is stated below: 1. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The value that knowledge management adds, lies in increasing individual, team and or- ganisational efficiency through the use of knowledge management tools (information technology). • Capturing knowledge: the higher the level of capturing knowledge (explicit or tacit) with information technology tools, the better the KM result [24, 11, 25]; • Usage of IT tools: the higher the quality of tools, quality of information, user satisfac- tion, usage and accessibility, the greater the KM effect on organisational performance [2, 5, 39, 24, 29, 23, 40]. 2. ORGANISATION Organizational culture has a great contribution to knowledge management due to the fact that culture determines the basic beliefs, values, and norms regarding the why and how of knowledge generation, sharing, and utilization in an organisation. An organiza- tion can achieve a competitive edge by creating and using knowledge about its’ processes and by integrating its’ knowledge into business processes. • People & Organisational climate: the KM success relies heavily upon the trust, crea- tivity, team work and collaboration among employees [24, 29, 37, 23]; • Processes: the integration of the KM activities into organisational processes has a positive effect on KM results [29, 23]. 3. KNOWLEDGE Successful knowledge management applies a set of approaches to organisational knowl- edge—including its accumulation, utilisation, sharing and ownership. • Accumulation: the higher the effectiveness of knowledge accumulation (internal, ex- ternal; through internalisation or externalisation) in an organisation, the greater the KM effect [11, 2, 24, 25]; • Utilisation: the higher the effectiveness of utilising the (existing) knowledge in an organisation, the better the KM result [23]; • Sharing: the improvement of sharing of knowledge (formal or informal) effects the KM positively [25, 23]; ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012150 • Ownership: the better the accessibility of knowledge, the greater the KM success [2, 24]. The items used in the questionnaire are further explained and discussed in Sections 2.1-2.3. 2.1. Information Technology According to literature and the analysis of critical success factors of KM, information technology (IT) is one of three components of KM [29, 39]. Some authors [29] say that the most dominant KM paradigms are about IT. Results of research [38] show that 70 % of papers on KM stress the importance of IT systems, de- veloped to manage explicit knowledge. Even authors, whose main field of KM research is not about the importance of IT, state that information technology is crucial for success- ful knowledge management [2, 5, 20, 30, 40]. Based on research [36], two elements form the IT component of KM: the first element is the ability of IT to capture knowledge and the second element is usage of IT tools. First, the importance of IT systems designed to capture and store tacit or explicit knowl- edge will be stressed. Formalising knowledge and storing it into applications [23, 25, 34] allows us to start the knowledge transformation cycle and the process of reshaping tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge [32, 33]. Secondly, the usage and quality of IT tools, the quality of information, user satisfaction, rate of usage, efficiency and accessibility, are also very important for managing knowledge [23, 34, 39]. When it comes to judging the influence of those two elements on the KM construct, it is believed that the level of capturing both explicit and tacit knowledge with IT tools af- fects KM in a positive manner [25]. It is the same with the usage of IT tools. The higher the quality of tools, quality of information, user satisfaction, usage and accessibility, the greater the positive influence on KM [2, 5, 40]. However, the compelling need for KM in organisations is fuelled by a host of social eco- nomic and technological factors and only when used in tandem with an appropriate KM strategy, IT is a powerful enabler of organisational success [12]. 2.2. Organisation Organisational elements are considered to be the second component of KM [36] as or- ganisation itself is important for establishing any form of new activities and processes for managing knowledge. Organisation is a multi-dimensional construct that is defined differently throughout literature. For the purpose of this research the construct was de- fined as a set of several key indicators, focused strictly on organisational climate ele- J. RAŠULA, V. BOSILJ VUKŠIĆ, M. INDIHAR ŠTEMBERGER | THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE ... 151 ments (such as motivation and collaboration) and on organisational processes. People and the organisational climate, as the first element of organisation, include values, trust, motivation, creativity, teamwork, collaboration, role of employees and managers in de- cision-making, development of innovative culture, and other important factors [4, 5, 8, 30, 41]. On the other hand, organisational processes, as the second element, with their execution, re-engineering and integration, are also found to be important for successful KM [23, 34]. Organisation, as a combination of those two elements, also affects KM practices in a positive manner. For the first element, people and organisational climate, it is believed that the better and higher the trust, creativity, teamwork and collaboration among em- ployees, the greater the positive influence on KM. Also, the more the KM activities are integrated into processes, the greater the positive influence on KM [23, 37]. 2.3. Knowledge The third key component of KM is knowledge [36]. Defined as a component of four ele- ments it consists of knowledge accumulation, utilisation and knowledge sharing prac- tices, and knowledge ownership identification [2, 20]. Knowledge accumulation can be internal or external, occasional or intended. Knowledge can be accumulated through externalisation or internalisation. The term knowledge uti- lisation covers individual and group knowledge, learning from experience or innovative solutions. Knowledge sharing can also be both formal and informal. The ownership of knowledge, as the last element of this construct, can be used to describe knowledge as an individual or group identity and to point at specialist or general sources of knowledge in a given organisation. The research again shows that all four elements have a positive impact on overall knowl- edge management practices. It is believed for knowledge accumulation that the higher the effectiveness of knowledge accumulation (internal, external, through internalisa- tion or externalisation) in an organisation, the greater the positive impact on KM [2, 25]. Secondly, the higher the effectiveness of utilising knowledge in organisations, the greater the positive impact on KM [23]. Thirdly, the study shows that the higher the ef- fectiveness of sharing of formal or informal knowledge, the greater the positive impact on KM [23]. Lastly, the better the accessibility of knowledge and the practices of defining ownership of knowledge in an organisation, the greater the positive impact on overall KM practices [2]. 2.4. Elements of Organisational Performance When assessing the relationship between knowledge management and organisational performance, it is important to know that the results depend on the used research meth- ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012152 odology [40]. Organisational performance alone could be gauged in many different ways, with financial or non-financial indicators. There are several approaches to organisational performance measurement which include different stakeholders’ perspectives. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a performance management tool for measuring whether small-scale operational activities of a company are aligned with its large-scale objectives in terms of vision and strategy [10] and in- cludes four perspectives: financial, customer, internal process and innovation and learn- ing perspective. The financial perspective examines if company’s implementation and execution of its strategy contributes to bottom-line improvement [37]. Some of the commonly used fi- nancial measures are economic value added, revenue growth, costs, profit margins, cash flow, net operating income etc. The customer perspective defines the value proposition that an organisation will apply to satisfy customers and generate more sales to the most desired customer groups [10, 37]. The measures should cover both the value that is de- livered to the customer which may involve time, quality, performance and service, and the outcomes that arise as a result of this value proposition, such as customer satisfaction and market share. The internal process perspective focuses on all the activities and key processes required in order for the company to excel at providing the value expected by the customers [37]. The clusters for the internal process perspective are operations man- agement (by improving asset utilisation, supply chain management), customer manage- ment (by expanding and deepening relations), innovation (by new products and services) and regulatory & social (by establishing good relations with external stakeholders). The innovation and learning perspective focuses on the intangible assets of an organisation, mainly on the internal skills and capabilities that are required to support the value- creating internal processes [37]. In addition to these four perspectives, some researchers [43] include the supplier per- spective, which is also important in assessing non-financial performance. 3. ReseaRcH HYPotHeses anD MoDeL concePtUaLisation According to literature and our experience from business practice, we believe that strong relations between organisational elements, information technology and knowledge management can be established. Besides, our intention is to investigate and prove the existence of a positive impact of knowledge management on organisa- tional performance. Therefore the findings from literature and our assumptions are systemised and structured in a form of hypotheses and examined by the empirical research. Research shows that the better the collaboration and trust among employees, the bet- ter the processes of creating knowledge [24] and the better the organisational climate, the better the transfer of knowledge [41]. Moreover, organisational climate directly J. RAŠULA, V. BOSILJ VUKŠIĆ, M. INDIHAR ŠTEMBERGER | THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE ... 153 affects knowledge management practices [30]. Therefore, we propose the following hy- potheses: H1. Organisational elements (such as culture, climate and collaboration) have a positive impact on elements of knowledge in the context of knowledge management. The connection between IT and elements of knowledge was also researched in the past and the results show that the better the use of IT tools, the better the knowledge creat- ing processes [24]. Not only that, extensive use of IT tools has a positive relationship with the performance of knowledge transfer and the creation of knowledge assets [41]. Furthermore, technological infrastructure directly affects the knowledge management practices [30]. The survey conducted by Kruger and Johnson [22] shows that information and communication technology and information management are prerequisites to, and enablers of KM. Some researchers cannot find proof of direct impact of IT elements on knowledge. On the other hand, others empirically prove that IT affects organisational elements such as organisational learning and organisational culture [42]. According to Benbya et al. [7] it has become largely agreed that KM activities should be integrated within business processes to ensure continual process improvement and facilitate learning and gradu- al development of “organisational memory”. The results of the research conducted by Chen and Huang [9] show that organisational climate works its beneficial effects on KM through increasing trust and communication between employees. Besides, organisa- tional structure can improve social interaction, and in turn, results in a higher degree of knowledge sharing and application. Consequently, it can be concluded that social interaction plays a mediating role in the relationship between organisational structure and KM. Aligned with the results of literature review, the following research hypothesis is proposed: H2. There is a positive indirect effect of IT application on knowledge management adop- tion through organisational elements. Many authors assessed the influence of KM elements on organisational performance whilst some say that the impact is hard to measure [1]. Some authors [26, 27] suggest that elements of knowledge positively affect organisational performance, while others [13, 15, 42] try to gauge the relationship indirectly, through other measurable indicators such as type of organisational strategy and elements of organisational learning etc. Therefore, we propose the following hypothesis: H3. Knowledge management has a positive impact on organisational performance. The conceptual model is presented in Figure 1. ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012154 Figure 1: Conceptual model 4. ReseaRcH MetHoDoLoGY 4.1. Research Instrument With the aim of testing the hypotheses formulated above, an empirical research was carried out. The questionnaire (Appendix 1) was based on previous findings reported in literature that is reviewed in section 2. It included 23 questions on knowledge man- agement and 16 questions on organisational performance. Questions about knowledge management are divided into 3 parts – knowledge, information technology and organi- sation. For example, questions about knowledge are based on [2, 23, 25] and other litera- ture described in section 2.3. A seven-point Likert scale was used in order to specify the respondents’ level of agreement to statements. 4.2. Data Collection and Sample Characteristics The research was conducted among companies with more than 50 employees in Slovenia and Croatia. In Slovenia, the sample included 1339 companies and the response rate was 9.6 %. In Croatia, 200 responses were received from the 1750 questionnaires distributed with an 11.4 % response rate [35]. Slovenian respondents were mainly from the manufacturing industries (39 %), whole- sale and retail trade (10 %), other service activities (7 %), construction (7 %) and agri- culture, forestry and fishing (5 %). Other activities were represented in less than 5 %. In Croatia, the responses were mainly sent from the manufacturing industry (29 %), construction (13 %), wholesale and retail trade (8 %), accommodation and food service 27 FIGURES Title: The Impact of Knowledge Management on Organisational Performance Authors: Jelena Rašula, Mojca Indihar Štemberger, Vesna Bosilj Vukšić Figure 1: Conceptual model Figure 2: Path diagram of the conceptualised model orCOLLAB orMOTIV orPROCES knACCUM knUTILIS knSHARE knOWNER knCOLLAB opFINANC opREPUT opSUPPLY opPROCES opLEARN opSUPPLY opPROCES opLEARN IT OR KN OP 0.30 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.41 0.27 0.39 0.67 0.31 0.52 0.35 0.67 0.47 0.30 0.41 0.42 0.84 0.87 0.85 0.65 0.85 0.77 0.85 0.78 0.58 0.83 0.70 0.81 0.57 0.73 0.84 0.77 0.76 0.94 0.79 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MATURITY ORG. PERFORMANCE Information technology Organisation Knowledge Organisational performance H2 H1 H3 J. RAŠULA, V. BOSILJ VUKŠIĆ, M. INDIHAR ŠTEMBERGER | THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE ... 155 activities (6 %) and other service activities (6 %). Other activities were represented in 5 % or less [35]. Since a single source of data was used, we tested the data for the Common Method Bias [44] by Harman’s single factor test. The test showed that CMB does not exist, because in exploratory factor analysis based on the unrotated solution a single factor did not explain the majority of the variance. It explained only 40% of variance. 4.3. Model Construction Four constructs were formed in the research: First, information technology (IT), which determines the usage, quality and benefits of IT tools for knowledge manage- ment. Second, organisation (OR) that represents a human perspective of organisation and processes. Third, knowledge (KN) that covers accumulation, utilisation, sharing practices, and knowledge ownership identification. Fourth, organisational perform- ance (OP) is defined as a construct composed of financial and non-financial indica- tors. The first construct is of exogenous nature, while the last three constructs are endogenous latent variables. Latent variables in the model are measured by manifest variables. 5. Data anaLYsis anD ResULts The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to empirically verify the hypoth- eses. SEM is a statistical technique for testing and estimating causal relationships using a combination of statistical data and qualitative causal assumptions [6]. It has the ability to model constructs as latent variables and allows the researcher to accurately estimate the structural relationships between latent variables [3, 14]. Moreover, the specialised SEM programming tool LISREL 8.51 was used for the analysis. 5.1. Validity of Defined Constructs The exploratory factor analysis using SPSS 16.0 was conducted to verify the con- struct validity of the measurement model. The principal axis factoring extraction method with a Varimax rotation was used to determine whether the questionnaire items represent the defined model correctly. The results of factor analysis for the KM construct are presented in Table 1. Only factor loadings higher than 0.50 are presented. ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012156 Table 1: Rotated factor matrix for the knowledge management part of model FACTOR 1 2 3 4 KM1 .554 KM2 .581 KM3 .680 KM4 .606 KM5 KM6 .709 KM7 .515 KM8 .547 KM9 .682 KM10 .673 KM11 .536 KM12 .808 KM13 .854 KM14 .695 KM15 .595 KM16 .556 KM17 .580 .581 KM18 .756 KM19 .678 KM20 .609 KM21 .525 .616 KM22 .551 .583 KM23 .586 Factors 1 and 4 are combined to represent the elements of knowledge (knACCUM, knUTILIS, knSHARE, knOWNER), both formal and informal aspects of accumulat- ing, utilising, sharing knowledge and defining its ownership. Factor 2 represents the elements of information technology (itUSAGE, itQUALITY, itBENEFIT), while Factor 3 stands for elements of organisation (orCOLLAB, orMOTIV, orPROCESS). Several indicators were excluded from further research (KM5, KM17, KM21 and KM22) as they did not meet the required standards, having factor loadings lower than 0.5 or multiplied over several factors, which makes them difficult to identify. Based on the factor analysis, we formed a new indicator, knCOLLAB, to represent the ways of col- laboration between employees with an objective to spread knowledge across the or- ganisation. Factor loadings higher than 0.50 for the organisational performance construct (OP) are presented in Table 2. J. RAŠULA, V. BOSILJ VUKŠIĆ, M. INDIHAR ŠTEMBERGER | THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE ... 157 Table 2: Rotated factor matrix for the organisational performance part of model FACTOR 1 2 3 OP1 .886 OP2 .891 OP3 .804 OP4 .525 .501 OP5 OP6 .590 OP7 .563 OP8 .587 OP9 .707 OP10 .613 OP11 .583 OP12 .605 OP13 .695 OP14 .613 OP15 .777 OP16 .584 Factors 1 and 3 were combined to represent the non-financial indicators of organisa- tional performance (opSUPPLY, opLEARN, opPROCESS) and form the supplier, process and learning perspective. The indicators for customer perspective of BSC (OP4 and OP5) did not meet the required criteria, having factor loadings lower than 0.5 or multiplied over several factors. Factor 2 represents the financial view of organisational performance (opFINANCE), measuring profit growth, return on assets (ROA) and employee value added. Based on the factor analysis and isolation of item OP6, we formed a new indicator, opREPUT, to represent the view of organisational reputation. To conclude, the first construct (IT) was measured by the following three variables: • Usage of IT tools and systems for knowledge management (itUSAGE). • Quality of IT tools and systems for knowledge management (itQUALITY). • Detected benefits of IT tools and systems for knowledge management (itBENEFIT). For measuring the second construct, OR, the following variables were used: • Collaboration among people in the organisation (orCOLLAB). • Motivation of people in the organisation (orMOTIV). • The process view of the organisation (orPROCESS). To test the third latent variable, knowledge (KN), these measures were applied: • Knowledge accumulation (knACCUM). • Knowledge utilisation (knUTILIS). • Knowledge sharing practices (knSHARE). • Knowledge ownership identification (knOWNER). • Collaboration aspect of people and spreading knowledge (knCOLLAB). ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012158 The fourth construct is measured from a financial and non-financial perspective with: • Financial perspective (opFINANCE). • Supplier perspective (opSUPPLY). • Innovation and learning perspective (opLEARN). • Customer perspective (opCUSTOM). • Internal processes perspective (opPROCESS). • Reputation (opREPUT). 5.2. Confirmatory Analysis using Structural Equation Modelling Model fit signifies the level of consistency of hypothesised model and the data [1, 14]. It is gauged in three steps: (1) overall fit assessment (2) assessment of measurement model and (3) assessment of structural model. The path diagram of the model is presented in Figure 2. Figure 2: Path diagram of the conceptualised model 5.3. Overall Fit Assessment The aim of assessing the overall model fit is to determine the consistency level of a model as a whole with available empirical data [14]. The most commonly used fit indices are shown in Table 3. 27 FIGURES Title: The Impact of Knowledge Management on Organisational Performance Authors: Jelena Rašula, Mojca Indihar Štemberger, Vesna Bosilj Vukšić Figure 1: Conceptual model Figure 2: Path diagram of the conceptualised model orCOLLAB orMOTIV orPROCES knACCUM knUTILIS knSHARE knOWNER knCOLLAB opFINANC opREPUT opSUPPLY opPROCES opLEARN opSUPPLY opPROCES opLEARN IT OR KN OP 0.30 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.41 0.27 0.39 0.67 0.31 0.52 0.35 0.67 0.47 0.30 0.41 0.42 0.84 0.87 0.85 0.65 0.85 0.77 0.85 0.78 0.58 0.83 0.70 0.81 0.57 0.73 0.84 0.77 0.76 0.94 0.79 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MATURITY ORG. PERFORMANCE Information technology Organisation Knowledge Organisational performance H2 H1 H3 J. RAŠULA, V. BOSILJ VUKŠIĆ, M. INDIHAR ŠTEMBERGER | THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE ... 159 Table 3: Fit indices Fit indices Reference value Model value Overall Model fit χ2 per degree of freedom (χ2/df) χ2/df < 5.00 χ2/df = 2.03 Yes Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) RMSEA ≤ 0.100 RMSEA = 0.074 Yes Non-Normed Fit Index (NNFI) NNFI closer to 1 NNFI = 0.93 Yes Comparative Fit Index (CFI) CFI closer to 1 CFI = 0.94 Yes Standardised Root Mean Square Residual (S RMR) S RMR < 0.05 S RMR = 0.052 Acceptable Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) GFI closer to 1 GFI = 0.88 Acceptable Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) AGFI ≥ 0.90 AGFI = 0.84 No Parsimony Goodness of Fit Index (PGFI) PGFI ≥ 0.50 PGFI = 0.65 Yes The χ2 test shows whether the data perfectly fits the conceptual model and is therefore not considered to be the best measure for assessing model fit. Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) is considered to be one of the most informative fit indices [14]. The values below 0.05 indicate a good fit, the values between 0.05 and 0.08 a mediocre fit [18], while the values between 0.08 and 0.10 represent a poor fit. Nonetheless, researchers mostly use the χ2 per degree of freedom (χ2/df) index, the comparative fit index (CFI) and the non-normed or Tucker-Lewis fit index (NNFI) to assess the model fit [20]. The χ2 per degree of freedom index indicates a reasonable fit when it is lower than 5.00 [28], however ratios between 1.00 and 2.00 are recommended [18]. CFI and NNFI indices should be close to 1.00 to represent a good fit [1, 14]. The Root mean square Residual index (RMR) is based on the residual matrix and is used to compare the fit of two different models with the same data. Values of the standardised RMR index lower 0.05 represent a good model fit [14]. The absolute fit value for the Goodness of fit index (GFI) is not computed; however val- ues closer to 1.00 represent a better model fit [18]. Diamantopulos [14] states that 0.90 is considered to be an appropriate value that represents an acceptable model fit. The same stands for the adjusted goodness of fit index. The Parsimony Goodness of fit index (PGFI) adjusts the GFI index to complexity of the given model and degrees of freedom. Values above 0.50 represent a good model fit [31]. In our case, the model indices imply that the model has a good overall fit. 5.3.1. Assess ment of Measurement Model The second step of model fit assessment is to analyse the relationships between latent and manifest variables. The aim of such analysis is to determine the validity and reliability of the used construct measures. The next step is to assess the measurement model with the focus being on the relation- ship between latent variables and manifest variables. The aim is to determine the validity ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012160 and reliability of the measures used to represent the construct of interest. Validity signi- fies the extent to which an indicator measures what it is supposed to measure, while the reliability shows the consistency of measurement or the rate to which the measure could be subjected to measurement error [14]. The relationship between manifest variables and latent variables should be significantly different from zero (t-values should exceed 1.96 in absolute terms). As seen in Table 4, all t-values are larger than 1.96. Therefore, the construct validity is assured. Table 4: Completely standardised loading estimates and t-values Latent variable Manifest variable Completely standardised factor loading t-value LAMBDA-Y IT itUSAGE 0.84 13.65 itQUALIT 0.87 14.49 itBENEFI 0.85 13.86 LAMBDA-X OR orCOLLAB 0.85 - a orMOTIV 0.77 12.40 orPROCES 0,85 14.52 KN knACCUM 0.78 - a knUTILIS 0.58 8.02 knSHARE 0.83 12.34 knOWNER 0.70 9.97 knCOLLAB 0.81 11.95 OP opFINANC 0.57 - a opREPUT 0.73 7.46 opSUPPLY 0.84 8.05 opPROCES 0.77 7.69 opLEARN 0.76 7.65 a Indicates a fixed parameter Secondly, the reliability of the model which refers to the measurement consistency needs to be determined. It is determined by assessing the reliability of individual indicators and composite reliability. The former is measured by squared multiple correlations (R2), which show the share of variance in an indicator that is explained by its latent variable [14]. The least reliable indicators in the model are knUTILIS and opFINANC, while the other indicators range from 0.48 to 0.76, as presented in Table 5. J. RAŠULA, V. BOSILJ VUKŠIĆ, M. INDIHAR ŠTEMBERGER | THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE ... 161 Table 5: R2 values for indicators Indicator R2 value itUSAGE 0.70 itQUALIT 0.76 itBENEFI 0.72 orCOLLAB 0.72 orMOTIV 0.59 orPROCES 0.73 knACCUM 0.61 knUTILIS 0.33 knSHARE 0.69 knOWNER 0.48 knCOLLAB 0.65 opFINANC 0.33 opREPUT 0.53 opSUPPLY 0.70 opPROCES 0.59 opLEARN 0.58 In addition to reliability of individual indicators, composite reliability value (ρc) is calcu- lated for each latent variable, where values should exceed 0.6 [6]. In the proposed model, all indicators as a set provide a reliable measurement for each construct, as their values are higher than proposed (ρc(IT)=0.88, ρc(OR)=0.87, ρc(KN)=0.86 and ρc(OP)=0.86). 5.3.2. Assessment of Structural Model The structural model fit assessment is carried out to evaluate whether the data support the hypothesised relationships in the conceptualisation model [14]. Evaluation includes the following assessment: (1) Do signs of parameters indicate the same direction as hy- pothesised (2) What is the statistical significance and magnitude of estimated parameters and (3) What are the squared multiple correlation factors (R2) for structural equations. In our model the signs of all relationships (IT-OR, OR-KN and KN-OP) are consistent with hypothesised relationships between latent variables. Moreover, all parameters are statistically significant with t-values 8.44, 11.69 and 6.97, respectively, and are moderate to high (0.65, 0.94 and 0.79). Lastly, R2 values indicate that independent latent variable IT explains 42 % of variance in endogenous latent variable OR, 89 % of variance of KN and 62 % of variance of OP. Considering all three aspects of model fit assessment, the confirmatory analysis has veri- fied all three hypotheses. ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012162 6. DiscUssion 6.1. Findings and Implications Our intention was to investigate and prove the existence of a positive impact of knowl- edge management on organisational performance. Although researchers often imply this positive effect of knowledge management on organisational performance, the researches that empirically prove the existing link are very rare. For this research, a new survey was developed and tested, and it proves to be a successful and justified new measure of knowledge management constructs in any organisation. A direct result of this research is also a newly defined knowledge management maturity model that consists of three empirically tested constructs. The new conceptual model consists of information technology, organisational elements and knowledge, each de- fined and explained throughout chapter 2. This model not only proves that the chosen constructs are a good measure for defining knowledge management maturity, but also evolves into a measurable scale that puts organisations on a 0 - 4 level chart. There are rare researches that cover all aspects of knowledge management maturity as- sessment. This research (1) defines their own knowledge management maturity model (2) statistically proves the fit of the chosen constructs (3) develops a survey as a measure of knowledge management maturity (4) applies the measure on a set of companies in two countries and (5) assesses and empirically proves the theoretically implied effect of knowledge management maturity, as a construct of those three factors, on organisa- tional performance. The results of this research also have several implications. First, the feedback from busi- ness practice supported the theoretical framework and hypotheses proposed in Chapter 2. The most important finding is that knowledge management components positively affect organisational performance. In order to have a positive effect on organisational performance, those three components need to be developed, managed and integrated into organisational processes and practice. Second, this empirical research proved that KM heavily relies on technology. However, business practice shows that many organisations have experienced difficulties in effec- tively using KM technologies. In order to have a positive impact on elements of knowl- edge, information technology needs to be introduced through a set of organisational changes. In practice it means that introducing information technology is successful and has a positive impact on knowledge management practices only if it is backed up by changes in people, organisational climate and organisational processes. Organisational change helps an organisation to optimise processes and define process oriented struc- ture; in that case KM can be adopted correctly within the organisation. Effective KM cannot be implemented without a significant behavioural and cultural change. There should be a strong culture, trust and transparency in all areas of the organisation. Be- sides, the cultural elements, which distinguish organisations from each other, are found J. RAŠULA, V. BOSILJ VUKŠIĆ, M. INDIHAR ŠTEMBERGER | THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE ... 163 to be related to KM efficiency. It was also discovered that knowledge management prac- tices have a positive impact on organisational performance. Third, although many researchers have proposed different frameworks for assessing KM maturity, this survey was conducted to identify and to understand three components that play a role in a successful adoption of KM: information technology, organisation and knowledge. The results clearly show that the selected constructs present a good measure for the knowledge management construct. Moreover, the questionnaire constructed and used in this research could become a standard for measuring knowledge management maturity. Organisations could use the results of the survey as a benchmark. 6.2. Limitations and Further Research The major limitation of this study is associated with the scope of empirical research, which is limited on two small countries, one of them being an EU member (Slovenia), while the other (Croatia) is not. The research is constrained by the sample size despite the fact it was carried out in two countries. The sample involved 3089 companies. Nonetheless, with the response rate being just slightly over 10 %, it included only 329 respondents in both countries. Furthermore, a bigger sample size would allow the model to be cross-validated. Further research could involve more countries in order to get more comparable results. Further research is also possible. First of all the survey could be repeated to compare the results and to check the improvement. Besides that the same investigation could be performed in other countries to compare the results and to check how KM maturity is developing. 7. concLUsions We conclude that this paper presents three main components important for knowledge management, namely: (1) information technology, (2) organisational elements and (3) knowledge. Connections between those components are presented through main hy- potheses and the conceptual model is validated through the empirical research. The re- sults of this research confirmed all three given hypotheses. Empirical data show that organisational elements (such as culture, climate and collabo- ration) have a positive impact on elements of knowledge in the context of knowledge management (H1). Through an organisational change we affect the degree of knowledge sharing and application and consequently improve the practices of KM. The positive indirect effect of IT application on knowledge management adoption through organisational elements was also confirmed (H2). Therefore, the study high- ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012164 lights some of the issues raised by IT implementation to improve KM. The codification of knowledge in information systems, databases and knowledge repositories does not guarantee efficient KM, but has a potential to influence it in a positive way. It is impor- tant to notice that IT does not have a direct influence on knowledge, but an indirect one through organisational elements as an enabler of a better collaboration among people in the organisation, motivation of people in the organisation and the process view of the organisation. The results of the empirical investigation also confirmed a positive effect of knowledge management practices on organisational performance (H3). These findings can be used to improve the knowledge management practice of each organisation and each knowl- edge entity. Possible applications include business process restructuring initiatives, hu- man capital development, knowledge mapping, the introduction of more team, cross- functional working, increased emphasis on collaboration, the introduction of more formal channels for knowledge sharing. Finally, we argue that the KM conceptual model presented in this paper is a useful start- ing point to gain a deeper insight into KM elements and their influence to the organi- sational performance. Despite the claims for a relation between KM and organisational performance, few researchers have actually proved the existence, as well as the nature of this link. 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Please circle one choice for each of the following statements (1 = completely disagree ... 7 = completely agree; X = do not know / can not answer). A. Knowledge 1 Our employees obtain a good extent of new knowledge from external sources (e.g. through seminars, conferences, educational courses, subscription journals, expert networks). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 2 Our employees obtain a good extent of new knowledge from business partners (e.g. suppliers, clients). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 3 Our employees exchange knowledge with their co-workers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 4 In their work, our employees rely on experience, skills and knowledge. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 5 In their work, our employees rely on written sources (e.g. previously implemented projects documentation, organisational procedures, instructions and other documented sources). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 6 Our employees share their knowledge orally at meetings or informal gatherings (e.g. during lunch, in the hallway). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 7 Our employees share their knowledge through formal procedures (e.g. project reports, organisational procedures and instructions, reports and company publications). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 8 Employees in our organisation consider their knowledge as an organisational asset and not their own source of strength. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X B. Information technology 1 In our organisation, IT tools are used to store data on implemented projects, tasks and activities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 2 In our organisation, IT tools are used to store information on suppliers and customers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 3 In our organisation, IT tools are used to support collaborative work (e.g. calendars, video conferencing systems, communication tools). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 4 IT tools in our organisation are simple to use and have a user friendly interface. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 5 IT tools in our organisation enable effective work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 6 In our organisation we see the advantage of using IT tools in the fact that it prevents the loss of knowledge. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 14 | No. 2 | 2012168 C. Organisation 1 In our organisation, there is a general inclination to cooperation and exchange of experience among employees. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 2 The general management/leadership of our organisation promotes cooperation and exchange of experience among employees. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 3 Our employees generally trust each other; in their work they can easily rely on knowledge and skills of their co-workers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 4 In our organisation good work is rewarded accordingly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 5 In our organisation innovative practices are rewarded accordingly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 6 When that is required, our employees are prepared to take additional efforts and work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 7 The general management/leadership motivates employees to engage in formal education systems to achieve a higher lever of education. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 8 The general management/leadership motivates employees to engage in informal education systems (e.g. seminars, courses). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 9 In our organisation we support the exchange of data, information and knowledge among organisational units. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X