Original scientific paper Original scientific paper © MIDEM Society 58 59 © MIDEM Society 60 57 61 66 77 76 ISSN 0352-9045 Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), June 2016 Revija za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale letnik 46, številka 2(2016), Junij 2016 UDK 621.3:(53+54+621+66)(05)(497.1)=00 ISSN 0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 2-2016 Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials VOLUME 46, NO. 2(158), LJUBLJANA, JUNE 2016 | LETNIK 46, NO. 2(158), LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2016 Published quarterly (March, June, September, December) by Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials - MIDEM. Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. | Revija izhaja trimesečno (marec, junij, september, december). Izdaja Strokovno društvo za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale – Društvo MIDEM. Copyright © 2016. Vse pravice pridržane. Editor in Chief | Glavni in odgovorni urednik Marko Topič, University of Ljubljana (UL), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Editor of Electronic Edition | Urednik elektronske izdaje Kristijan Brecl, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Associate Editors | Odgovorni področni uredniki Vanja Ambrožič, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Slavko Amon, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Danjela Kuščer Hrovatin, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Matija Pirc, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Matjaž Vidmar, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Andrej Žemva, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Editorial Board | Uredniški odbor Mohamed Akil, ESIEE PARIS, France Giuseppe Buja, University of Padova, Italy Gian-Franco Dalla Betta, University of Trento, Italy Martyn Fice, University College London, United Kingdom Ciprian Iliescu, Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, A*STAR, Singapore Malgorzata Jakubowska, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Marc Lethiecq, University of Tours, France Teresa Orlowska-Kowalska, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Luca Palmieri, University of Padova, Italy International Advisory Board | Časopisni svet Janez Trontelj, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia - Chairman Cor Claeys, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium Denis Đonlagić, University of Maribor, Faculty of Elec. Eng. and Computer Science, Slovenia Zvonko Fazarinc, CIS, Stanford University, Stanford, USA Leszek J. Golonka, Technical University Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland Jean-Marie Haussonne, EIC-LUSAC, Octeville, France Barbara Malič, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Miran Mozetič, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Stane Pejovnik, UL, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Slovenia Giorgio Pignatel, University of Perugia, Italy Giovanni Soncini, University of Trento, Trento, Italy Iztok Šorli, MIKROIKS d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia Hong Wang, Xi´an Jiaotong University, China Headquarters | Naslov uredništva Uredništvo Informacije MIDEM MIDEM pri MIKROIKS Stegne 11, 1521 Ljubljana, Slovenia T. +386 (0)1 513 37 68 F. + 386 (0)1 513 37 71 E. info@midem-drustvo.si www.midem-drustvo.si Annual subscription rate is 160 EUR, separate issue is 40 EUR. MIDEM members and Society sponsors receive current issues for free. Scientific Council for Technical Sciences of Slovenian Research Agency has recognized Informacije MIDEM as scientific Journal for microelectronics, electronic components and materials. Publishing of the Journal is cofi­nanced by Slovenian Research Agency and by Society sponsors. Scientific and professional papers published in the journal are indexed and abstracted in COBISS and INSPEC databases. The Journal is indexed by ISI® for Sci Search®, Research Alert® and Material Science Citation Index™. | Letna naročnina je 160 EUR, cena posamezne številke pa 40 EUR. Člani in sponzorji MIDEM prejemajo posamezne številke brezplačno. Znanstveni svet za tehnične vede je podal pozitivno mnenje o reviji kot znanstveno-strokovni reviji za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale. Izdajo revije sofinancirajo ARRS in sponzorji društva. Znanstveno-strokovne prispevke objavljene v Informacijah MIDEM zajemamo v podatkovne baze COBISS in INSPEC. Prispevke iz revije zajema ISI® v naslednje svoje produkte: Sci Search®, Research Alert® in Materials Science Citation Index™. Design | Oblikovanje: Snežana Madić Lešnik; Printed by | tisk: Biro M, Ljubljana; Circulation | Naklada: 1000 issues | izvodov; Slovenia Taxe Percue | Poštnina plačana pri pošti 1102 Ljubljana Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials vol. 46, No. 2(2016) Content | Vsebina 57 65 74 80 91 100 106 109 Izvirni znanstveni članki J. Olenšek, Á. Bűrmen: Optimizacija vezij z diferencialno evolucijo in simu­liranim ohlajanjem na osnovi rangiranja populacije M. S. Sivagamasundari, P. Melba Mary: Implementacija PI in PID kaskadnega H-mostičnega enajstopenjskega inverterja v realnem času z uporabo SPWM A. Vasjanov, V. Barzdenas: Primerjava 0.18 µm CMOS arhitektur močnostnih ojačevalnikov za širokopasovno Doherty konfiguracijo B. Tunaboylu: Lastnosti MEMS sond iz Ni litine in prevlečenih z PdCo filmom pri testiranju polprevodniških rezin S. B. Salem, A. B. Saied, D. S. Masmoudi: Visoko učinkovit tokovno krmiljen kvadrantni oscilator z optimiziranim CCII K. Makovšek, I. Ramšak, B. Malič, V. Bobnar, D. Kuščer: Priprava steatitne keramike z nizko dielektrično konstanto in nizkimi dielektričnimi izgubami Doktorske disertacije na področju mikroelektronike, elektronskih sestavnih delov in materialov v Sloveniji v letu 2015 Napoved in vabilo k udeležbi: 52. Mednarodna konferenca o mikroelektroniki, napravah in materialih z delavnico o biosenzorjih in mikrofluidiki Naslovnica: IC postavitev dvojnega diferencialnega močnostnega ojačevalnika (Vasjanov et al.) Original scientific paper J. Olenšek, Á. Bűrmen: Population Ranking Based Differential Evolution with Simulated Annealing for Circuit Optimization M. S. Sivagamasundari, P. Melba Mary: Real Time Implementation of PI and PID Controlled Cascaded H-Bridge Eleven Level Inverter using SPWM A. Vasjanov, V. Barzdenas: 0.18 µm CMOS Power Amplifier Architecture Comparison for a Wideband Doherty Configuration B. Tunaboylu: Performance of Ni-alloy MEMS-probes Coated with PdCo Films in Semiconductor Wafer Test S. B. Salem, A. B. Saied, D. S. Masmoudi: High-performance Current-Controlled Quadrature Oscillator Using an optimized CCII K. Makovšek, I. Ramšak, B. Malič, V. Bobnar, D. Kuščer: Processing of steatite ceramic with a low dielectric constant and low dielectric losses Doctoral theses on Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials in Slovenia in 2015 Announcement and Call for Papers: 52nd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials With the Workshop on Biosensors and Microfluidics Front page: Dual differential power amplifier IC layout (Vasjanov et al.) Editorial | Uvodnik Dear Reader, This issue brings six original scientific papers. It also introduces a new category of news. PhD theses successfully de­fended at universities and graduate schools in Slovenia in 2015 that are related to the fields of microelectronics, elec­tron components and materials are listed at the end of the issue. And we will repeat it in the second issue every year. We look forward to receiving your next manuscript(s) in our on-line submission platform: http://ojs.midem-drustvo.si/index.php/InfMIDEM Enjoy reading the Issue 2/2016! Prof. Marko Topič Editor-in-Chief P.S. All papers published in Informacije MIDEM –Journal of Microelectronics, Electronics Components and Materials (since 1986) can be access electronically for free at http://midem-drustvo.si/journal/home.aspx. A search engine is provided to use it as a valuable resource for referencing previous published work and to give credit to the results achieved from other groups. Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 57 – 64 Population Ranking Based Differential evolution with Simulated Annealing for Circuit Optimization Jernej Olenšek, Árpád Bűrmen University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract: Finding the values of circuit parameters for which the resulting circuit satisfies the design requirements can be formulated as an optimization problem. This problem is often solved using global optimization algorithms that provide some guarantee the resulting solution is the best possible one provided that the algorithm is given sufficient time. Unfortunately, these algorithms are slow and require many circuit evaluations. One of the algorithms proposed in our past research is PSADE that combines the favorable properties of simulated annealing and differential evolution and was shown to be a fast and reliable tool for solving circuit optimization problems. To make PSADE faster we replace the Metropolis criterion for accepting a trial point with one that is based on population ranking. The proposed algorithm retains its highly parallel nature. We tested the algorithm on a set of mathematical test functions and on a real-world circuit optimization problem. The results on the analog circuit sizing case show that the modified algorithm is more efficient and reliable than PSADE and some other global optimization methods. Keywords: differential evolution; simulated annealing; population ranking; global optimization;, circuit design Optimizacija vezij z diferencialno evolucijo in simuliranim ohlajanjem na osnovi rangiranja populacije Izvleček: Iskanje vrednosti parametrov, pri katerih vezje zadosti načrtovalskim zahtevam, lahko predstavimo kot optimizacijski problem, ki ga pogosto rešujemo z globalnimi optimizacijskimi postopki. Ti nam zagotavljajo, da bomo našli najboljšo možno rešitev pod pogojem, da ima postopek na razpolago dovolj časa. Na žalost tovrstni postopki zahtevajo veliko simulacij vezja. Eden od postopkov, ki smo jih razvili, je postopek PSADE, ki združuje ugodne lastnosti diferencialne evolucije in simuliranega ohlajanja in se je izkazal kot hiter in zanesljiv pri optimizaciji vezij. Da bi postopek pospešili, smo zamenjali Metropolisov kriterij za sprejem točk s kriterijem, ki temelji na rangu točke znotraj populacije. Dobljeni postopek lahko zelo učinkovito paraleliziramo, saj obdrži vse ugodne lastnosti postopka PSADE. Preizkusili smo ga na naboru matematičnih funkcij in na praktičnem primeru iz načrtovalske prakse. Rezultati kažejo, da je pri načrtovanju vezij predlagani postopek bolj učinkovit in zanesljiv kot nekatere druge znane globalne optimizacijske metode Ključne besede: diferencialna evolucija; simulirano ohlajanje; rangiranje populacije; globalna optimizacija; načrtovanje vezij * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: jernej.olensek@fe.uni-lj.si 1 Introduction Choosing the values (parameters) of circuit compo­nents (also referred to as circuit sizing) with the goal of satisfying the design requirements can be formulated as an optimization problem by introducing a cost func­tion (CF) that reflects the quality of the circuit in a real number. Finding the best performing circuit reduces to finding the minimum of a CF. Unfortunately real-world CFs have many local minima. Finding the best local minimum is a computationally hard problem that is ad­dressed with global optimization algorithms. Many global optimization algorithms were devised in the past. Some of the most successful mimic the evolu­tion (e.g. [1, 2]) and behavior (e.g. [3, 4]) of living beings and physical processes (e.g. [5, 6]). Simulated anneal­ing (SA) ([7, 8]) was one of the first global optimization algorithms drawing its inspiration from the process of cooling a metal. Due to its nature this algorithm is ca­pable of finding a global minimum, albeit with a large number of CF evaluations. Due to the so-called “no free lunch” theorems [9] the research in the area of global optimization started to focus on hybrid algorithms (e.g. [10, 11]). In our past research we hybridized SA with differential evolution (DE) [12] which resulted in the parallel simulated an­nealing and differential evolution algorithm (PSADE) [14] that exhibited good performance on mathemati­cal test functions, as well as, real world circuit design problems. Due to the SA component of PSADE it can mathematically be proven that the algorithm converg­es to a global minimizer given a sufficiently large num­ber of CF evaluations. PSADE is highly parallelizable which makes it possible to significantly speed up the optimization when multiple processors are available. PSADE has the same drawbacks as other heuristic op­timization algorithms. Most notable is the possibility of premature convergence to a local minimizer. The main cause of this drawback is the Metropolis accept­ance criterion of SA which often rejects trial points that would otherwise lead the algorithm away from a local minimizer. Furthermore, the Metropolis acceptance cri­terion is based on an artificial parameter (temperature) that is based on the CF value. Because the CF value can differ to a great extent between similar optimization problems the acceptance criterion can be misguided into rejecting promising points. To counter this drawback and simplify the algorithm we propose a different approach for accepting points based on the solution ranking within the popula­tion. The rank of the point is determined by sorting the points according to their CF value. We also assign every individual in the population a separate position. In turn, every position is assigned a set of parameters for SA and DE. Parameters corresponding to higher positions have a greater probability to be used in the process of constructing and evaluating a trial point. The algorithm tries to align the positions of individu­als within the population with their ranks. This align­ment is occasionally broken to increase the probability of accepting an inferior solution which may lead the algorithm away from a local minimum. We deem the proposed algorithm DESAPR (DE and SA with Popula­tion Ranking). The paper is divided as follows. Section 2 outlines the proposed approach. The asynchronous parallel ver­sion of the algorithm is the subject of section 3. The optimization results for mathematical test function are given in section 4 while section 5 presents the results obtained on a real-world circuit optimization problem. Section 6 concludes the paper. Notation. Vectors are denoted by bold lowercase let­ters. The i–th component of vector a is denoted by ai. Inequalities are applied to vectors component-wise. The realization of a uniformly distributed random num­ber from interval (0,1) is denoted by U(0,1). 2 The proposed method The problem subject to optimization can mathemati­cally be formulated as (1) where f is the CF, N is the number of optimization variables, and L and U are vectors of lower and upper bounds imposed on these variables. The outline of the DESAPR is given by Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1: DESAPR outline. 1. Initialization. 2. Competition. 3. Selection of parameters. 4. Trial point generation. 5. Trial point evaluation. 6. Replacement of a point in the population. 7. Local search. 8. If termination condition is not met, go back to step 2. The population consists of M individuals. It is initialized by dividing each of the N parameter ranges given by vectors L and U uniformly into M subintervals. For every variable the M subintervals are assigned randomly to M individuals. The value of a variable for an individual is then chosen by randomly selecting a point in the as­signed subinterval. We denote the available positions with i = 0,1, …, M – 1. The behavior of the algorithm is determined by the weight factor W, crossover probability PX, and random step probability distribution width parameter .. A set of parameter values is assigned to every one of the M available positions. The values of parameters assigned to i-th position are (2) Coefficients cW and cpX are computed from the weight factors and crossover probabilities of positions 0 and M-1 which are user defined parameters of the algo­rithm. (3) Every individual xi is assigned to one of the M available positions. Let pi and ri denote the position and the rank of i-th individual. The rank of an individual is deter­mined by ordering the individuals according to the CF value fi = f(xi) and assigning ranks from M-1 (for the low­est CF value) to 0 (for the highest CF value). The goal of the competition in step 2 of Algorithm 1 is to align the rank of the individuals in the population with their po­sitions. For this purpose two individuals are randomly selected from the population. Let i and j denote their indices. They exchange positions if rj > ri and pj < pi. This forces individuals with high rank (low CF value) to move to high positions. In step 3 of Algorithm 1 an individual is selected ran­domly with probability PS,i. (4) Let k denote the position of the selected individual. The weight factor (Wk), the crossover probability (PX,k), and the range parameter (hk) values assigned to this posi­tion are used in steps 4-7 of Algorithm 1. Individuals with high rank are selected with higher probability. Be­cause higher ranking individuals tend to occupy higher positions, parameter values corresponding to higher positions are often used (but not always). To simplify the notation the search space is transformed so that the components of vectors (i.e. individuals) lie within [0,1], where 0 and 1 correspond to the lower and the upper bound, respectively. In step 4 of Algorithm 1 a trial point is generated using a modified DE operator [12] and polynomial mutation [13]. First a parent (x) and three additional distinct in­dividuals (u, v, and w) are selected. The DE operator is applied component wise with probability PX,k resulting in point y‘ with components (5) If y‘ violates the bounds the components that are out­side the bounds (i.e. y1‘ . [0,1]) are corrected resulting in point y with components defined as (6) Finally, polynomial mutation is applied to y compo­nent wise. For every component a random number ai = U(0,1) is generated. The trial point z is then com­puted as (7) Let fz denote the CF value corresponding to the trial point z. The population along with the trial point is or­dered according to the CF value. Rank 0 is assigned to the point with the highest CF value. Let rz and rx denote the ranks of the trial point and the parent, respectively. The trial point is accepted into the population (i.e. re­places the parent point x in step 6 of Algorithm 1) with probability (8) The acceptance criterion resembles the original Me­tropolis criterion [7] in the sense that higher ranking trial points are accepted with higher probability. A trial point ranking higher than the parent point is always ac­cepted. Finally, in step 7 of Algorithm 1 a simple local search strategy is performed if the trial point is accepted, the parent point is the best point in the population, or with some small probability PL (set to 0.05). Local search uses one of the points in the population as the origin and two additional points for computing a search direction (d). All three points are chosen randomly. Two addition­al points are evaluated along direction d and a quad­ratic model of the CF is computed. This model is mini­mized and the resulting point evaluated. The evaluated point with the lowest cost function value is the result of the local search. The resulting point replaces the parent point if its CF value is lower. The complete details of the local search can be found in [14]. 3 Parallel implementation Suppose one has m parallel processors available. As­suming most of the computational time is spent for evaluating the trial point and for local search, these two tasks are outsourced to parallel processors in an asyn­chronous manner. The main process (master) runs the following algorithm: Algorithm 2: asynchronous parallel optimization 1. Initialization. 2. If no processor is idle go to step 5. 3. Perform steps 2-4 of Algorithm 1 (generate a trial point). Send it to an idle processor (p) for evaluation. Remember the parent point (x) and the select­ed parameters position (k) for that processor. 4. If there are idle processors left return to step3. 5. Wait until one of the processors (p) finishes its task. Collect the results. 6. If p was performing global search point evalua­tion. Perform step 6 of Algorithm 1 (point replace­ment) using the parameters corresponding to position k that was stored for p. If required, start a local search (step 7 of Algo­rithm 1) on processor p. If p was performing local search. Replace the parent point of p if local search found a better point. 7. If termination condition is not met, go back to step 2. Algorithm 2 performs multiple passes of Algorithm 1 in parallel and in this way accelerates the evolution of the population. 4 Performance on mathematical test functions DESAPR was implemented within the framework of the PyOPUS library [15]. The performance of DESAPR was compared to that of PSADE, DE, SA, and JADE [18] on 13 test functions from [14]. For the sake of comparison, 30 optimization runs were performed for every func­tion. We will later use the presented method for analog circuit sizing, where CF evaluations can take several seconds. Therefore we impose a CF evaluation budget of 100000 function evaluations per run to maintain rea­sonable optimization run times. For DESAPR we used fixed parameter values in all ex­periments: M=20, W0=0.9, WM-1=0.9, PX0=0.9, PXM-1=0.1. We made no attempt to fine tune the parameter val­ues to any specific problem. It is very time consum­ing especially for real world problems, where every CF evaluation can take considerable amount of time. The values were chosen based on our experience with evolutionary algorithms. High weight factor for DE and low crossover probability tend to maintain population diversity longer, which is desirable since DESAPR uses very small population. Fine tuning the parameters and introducing parameter adaptation or evolution could lead to even better performance for our method and is also subject of our future research. For the compared methods, the parameters were se­lected according to guidelines from the authors of the methods. For DE we used DE/rand/bin strategy with population size 100, weight factor 0.5 and crossover probability 0.9. SA used in our experiments uses only two parameters. We set the final temperature and ran­dom step range parameter to Tmin=1e-10, Rmin=1e-10. For PSADE we set population size to 20, Tmin=1e-10, Rmin =1e-10, t1 = 0.01 (local step), t2 =0.1 (parameter adaptation). For JADE we also followed the author sug­gestions. We used the version without the archive, as suggested by the authors for problems with low di­mensionality (< 30). We used the population size of 100, the learning parameter c=0.1 and the percentage of points considered as the best in population p=5%. The results are given in Table 1. For every function we chose a target CF value ftarget, that lies in the basin of attraction of the global minimum. Finding this solution means that global search was suc­cessful, and any local search procedure can be used to quickly find the exact minimum. Not all runs succeed in reaching ftarget. We report the success rate and the average number (over successful runs) of CF evalua­tions (#CF) needed to reach ftarget. The average final CF error (with respect to the true global minimum) after 100 000 CF evaluations is listed in the error column. The best value of #CF and error are written in boldface if there exist a statistically significant difference between the best and second best method. No method was able to reach ftarget for all functions in all runs. JADE and DESAPR outperformed the other meth­ods so we will focus on them. Considering final CF val­ue, JADE outperformed DESAPR on 8 functions, while DESAPR was better only on 2 functions. On 3 functions there was no statistically significant difference. When comparing the speed, JADE was faster on 7 functions, while DESAPR was better on 4. JADE displays a good fine tuning capabilities and fast convergence on uni­modal and well behaved functions. However on the most difficult f8 and f9, that have many local minima, DESAPR was significantly better than JADE, regarding both the speed and the final solution quality. JADE and DESAPR also exhibit similar success rate. 5 Performance on a real-world design problem We tested DESAPR by sizing a Miller operational trans conductance amplifier (OTA) (Figure 1)[16] across a large number of corner points. The bias current was set to 100µA. The performance measures and the design requirements are listed in Table 2. Every corner point is a combination of temperature (0oC, 25 oC, and 100 oC), operating voltage (1.7V, 1.8V, and 2.0V), and CMOS corner model (average, worst power, worst speed, worst one, and worst zero). Let denote the set of 45 corner points obtained in this manner. Every design requirement must be met for all 45 corner points from set . The CF is a function of the design parameters (xD). It is constructed as a sum of contributions (CFi) corresponding to individual perfor­mance measures. (9) Let pi(xD), gi, and ni denote the worst value of a perfor­mance measure across corners from set , the corresponding goal, and the corresponding norm, re­spectively. A contribution of a performance measure to the CF for which an upper bound is imposed (design requirement of the form pi(xD) . gi) is computed as [17] (10) For performance measures with design requirements of the form pi(xD) . gi the roles of pi(xD) and gi in equa­tion (10) are exchanged. By default the norm is equal to the goal. If the goal is 0, the norm is set to 1. An ex­ception is the circuit area for which the norm is set to 100mm2. Constructing the cost function in this manner penalizes designs that fail to satisfy the design require­ments with a positive CF contribution while rewarding designs that exceed the design requirements with a small negative CF contribution. Figure 1: Miller OTA. The optimizer tries to find the minimum of the CF by tuning the 13 design parameters (11 transistor channel widths and lengths, the resistance of R and the capaci­tance of C). The optimizer stops as soon as all design requirements are satisfied. Table 2: Design requirements and circuit analyses from which the performance of the Miller OTA is evaluated. Performance measure Goal Required analyses Supply current [µA] . 200 op Vgs overdrive [V] . 0.0 op Vds overdrive [V] . 0.1 op Output swing [V] . 1.2 dc Gain [dB] . 60 ac UGBW [MHz] . 30 ac Phase margin [o] . 50 ac PSRR Vdd [dB] . 65 ac, acvdd PSRR Vss [dB] . 65 ac, acvss CMRR [dB] . 90 ac, accom Settling time (up) [ns] . 100 tran Settling time (down) [ns] . 100 tran Overshoot (up) [%] . 10 tran Overshoot (down) [%] . 10 tran Slew rate (up) [V/µs] . 10 translew Slew rate (down) [V/µs] . 10 translew Circuit area [µm2] . 1000 - Because evaluating one point in the design space re­quires the circuit to be evaluated across all corner points from a strategy for reducing the number of circuit evaluations was used. The circuit was optimized in multiple passes where the solution of k–th pass (xD,k) was used as the initial point for pass k +1. In the be­ginning of k–th pass all performance measures were evaluated across all corners from at the initial point xD,k-1. Let denote the corner point where the i–th performance measure reached its worst value. If this worst performance did not satisfy the corresponding design requirement corner point ci was added to . If no corner was added to any of the corner point subsets, no further passes were performed. If the resulting circuit satisfied all design requirements the run was deemed as successful. If, however, a corner point was added to any of the corner point subsets, the CF was minimized using an optimization algorithm starting from xD,k-1 which re­sulted in point xD,k. In most cases the final corner subsets contained only a handful of corners where the circuit exhibited its worst performance. Therefore the number of circuit evaluations was much lower compared to the brute force approach where every point in the design space is evaluated across all 45 corners. Population based algorithms were started from a given initial point xD,k by replacing one member of the ini­tial population with xD,k. Optimization was stopped as soon as all design requirements were satisfied across the corresponding corner point sets or if the number of evaluated circuits exceeded 50000. Four optimiza­tion algorithms were tested: differential evolution (DE), PSADE [14], DESAPR and JADE. SA was not included in this test because its performance on mathematical test functions considering the average final CF value was significantly worse than the performance of DE. Due to the stochastic nature of the tested algorithms the circuit was optimized 10 times on a cluster of 100 processors. For every algorithm the final CF value, the run time, and the number of performed circuit analyses was recorded. The minimal, the maximal, and the aver­age results are listed in Table 3. In terms of the final CF value DE and JADE failed to find a circuit satisfying all design requirements, despite many more CF evaluations. DESAPR and PSADE both succeeded in finding such a circuit in all 10 optimiza­tions. The final CF value found by PSADE was slightly better, although this is not relevant because the opti­mization was stopped as soon as a circuit satisfying all design requirements was found and there was no real competition between the algorithms in terms of find­ing the best possible circuit. In terms of computational time DESAPR was on average two times faster than PSADE. The same can be said about the number of cir­cuit analyses. 6 Conclusion Finding the values of the circuit’s design parameters is an important task in analog design automation. Global optimization algorithms are often selected for this task due to their ability to find the best possible circuit. Un­fortunately these algorithms are quite slow. We pro­pose a modification of the PSADE global optimization algorithm that replaces the original Metropolis crite­rion of simulated annealing with a ranking based cri­terion. By replacing the acceptance criterion we hope to avoid situations where the algorithm gets caught in the neighborhood of a local minimum. The proposed algorithm (DESAPR) is highly parallelizable. We tested the algorithm on a set of mathematical test functions and on a real-world circuit design problem. The results confirmed, that DESAPR is an efficient and reliable op­timizer for analog circuit sizing problem. 7 Acknowledgements The research was co-funded by the Ministry of Educa­tion, Science, and Sport (Ministrstvo za Šolstvo, Zna­nost in Šport) of the Republic of Slovenia through the programme P2-0246 Algorithms and optimization methods in telecommunications. 8 References 1. JY Sun, QF Zhang, and EPK Tsang. DE/EDA: A new evolutionary algorithm for global optimization. Information Sciences, 169(3-4):249–262, 2005. 2. R Chelouah and P Siarry. A continuous genetic al­gorithm designed for the global optimization of multimodal functions. Journal of Heuristics, 6(2): 191–213, 2000. 3. 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Olenšek et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 57 – 64 J. Olenšek et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 57 – 64 Table 1: Performance comparison results for 30D mathematical test functions. The function value at the global mini­mum is denoted by f*. The results of the best performing algorithm are written in boldface if there exist a statistically significant difference to the second best method. Function f* ftarget #CF Success rate [%] error Algorithm f1 Sphere 0 10-10 39388 62347 NA NA 34000 100 100 0 0 100 9.74 * 10-17 5.32 * 10-12 5.20 * 10-7 7.09 * 10-6 0.0 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f2 Schwefel 2.22 0 0.1 14477 47562 58954 78691 16020 100 100 100 76 100 5.19 * 10-7 4.91 * 10-2 1.73 * 10-4 4.30 * 10-3 0.0 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f3 Schwefel 1.2 0 15 37693 67121 NA 61051 26334 100 100 0 100 100 7.11 * 10-3 0.811 29.01 7.38 * 10-4 4.81 * 10-9 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f4 Schwefel 2.21 0 0.1 35228 71209 94510 73522 88247 100 100 36 100 63 4.07 * 10-5 0.073 2.94 * 10-1 1.18 * 10-3 9.22 * 10-2 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f5 Rosenbrock 0 30 18919 36599 57851 63210 17418 100 100 100 70 100 16.52 21.46 21.11 92.07 4.28 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f6 Step 0 0 11149 16151 42566 61547 10862 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f7 Noisy quartic 0 0.02 30999 36211 79544 58044 16225 100 100 57 73 100 7.84 * 10-13 2.31 * 10-3 2.58 * 10-2 1.41 * 10-2 1.96 * 10-3 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f8 Schwefel 2.26 -418.982887*30 = -12569.486618 -12569.45 22049 36955 NA NA 77722 97 93 0 0 97 3.95 7.90 7.59 * 103 7.11 * 102 3.95 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f9 Rastrigin 0 0.1 30697 81588 NA NA 77644 100 100 0 0 100 6.83 * 10-13 8.19 * 10-3 144.23 6.31 1.60 * 10-4 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f10 Ackley 0 10-4 31255 55982 96542 NA 27122 100 100 83 0 100 2.27 * 10-7 1.93 * 10-5 8.14 * 10-4 0.71 4.44 * 10-16 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f11 Griewank 0 10-9 42281 77545 NA NA 35385 100 100 0 0 100 1.37 * 10-13 7.88 * 10-9 4.13 * 10-8 2.10 * 10-2 5.55 * 10-17 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f12 Penalty 1 0 10-10 39953 52650 NA NA 32804 100 100 7 0 100 4.70 * 10-16 3.31 * 10-16 1.71 * 10-9 4.94 * 10-8 3.77 * 10-32 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE f13 Penalty 2 0 10-10 43895 54261 NA NA 34960 100 100 0 0 100 1.65 * 10-14 5.74 * 10-15 3.59 * 10-7 1.01 * 10-6 4.39 * 10-30 DESAPR PSADE DE SA JADE J. Olenšek et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 57 – 64 J. Olenšek et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 57 – 64 Table 3: Performance comparison results for the Miller OTA. The best results (CF value and time) are written in bold­face. CF Time [s] # op # dc # ac # acvss # acvdd # accom # tran # translew DE Min 1.76e-02 7.42e+03 597390 132382 999350 221375 241473 261571 528424 264396 Max 4.97e-01 2.95e+04 2358660 381896 5036254 2105616 2280094 2396099 2029708 1133701 Avg 8.66e-02 1.96e+04 1453050.4 271884.2 3049903.2 1004943.8 1080426.9 1134624.7 1247288.0 670108.5 PSADE Min -3.99e-05 6.59e+02 34722 9180 45739 9180 12955 14976 39943 21951 Max -3.50e-05 3.59e+03 180440 42717 365833 112328 95558 119591 259453 124762 Avg -3.77e-05 1.92e+03 107708.4 24171.2 172718.2 48279.7 46172.2 55005.7 136731.1 66726.0 DESAPR Min -3.96e-05 4.08e+02 19222 5750 31718 6225 8090 8090 24758 13626 Max -3.47e-05 1.24e+03 69940 15284 117381 29909 35803 39533 75463 54541 Avg -3.70e-05 9.24e+02 46279.4 10833.1 71826.0 19131.2 20380.1 23858.7 53771.4 32792.2 JADE Min 8.67E-03 2.55E+05 3806920 688720 10603220 5299470 5299470 5299470 5989420 3018020 Max 5.74E-02 4.08E+05 8380226 1280426 27604226 11204410 11204410 11062510 11054026 5803526 Avg 2.78E-02 3.06E+05 5.70e+06 9.55e+05 1.77e+07 7.56e+06 7.59e+06 7.51e+06 8.00e+06 4.23e+06 J. Olenšek et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 57 – 64 Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 65 – 73 Real Time Implementation of PI and PID Controlled Cascaded H-Bridge Eleven Level Inverter using SPWM M. S. Sivagamasundari, P. Melba Mary V V College of Engineering, Department of EEE, Tisaiyanvilai, Tamil Nadu, India Abstract: Multilevel inverters are nowadays widely used in high-power and high-voltage applications. A multilevel inverter synthesizes a large number of levels to get the desired output voltage levels and they have lot of merits such as improved output waveform, smaller passive filter size, lower Electro Magnetic Interference and reduced harmonics. However, multilevel inverters also have some disadvantages such as increased number of components, voltage-balancing problem and higher switching losses. This paper presents a PI and PID Controlled Cascaded H-bridge eleven level inverter based sinusoidal pulse width modulation control technique suitable for improved power quality applications. The main objective of reducing the THD of output of the chosen eleven level cascaded inverter under set point tracking as well as steady-state with fast transient response are proposed from control point of view. Simulation results have been discussed that the cascaded H-bridge eleven level inverter performs perfectly in connection with PI or PID. A comparative analysis of these two different controllers is revealed. Harmonic spectrum and output voltage and current waveforms have been obtained to validate the role of controllers. Experimental results are presented to confirm the simulation results. Keywords: Multilevel inverter; Cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverter; Total Harmonic Distortion; Sinusoidal pulse width modulation; PI Controller; PID Controller Implementacija PI in PID kaskadnega H-mostičnega enajstopenjskega inverterja v realnem času z uporabo SPWM Izvleček: Večstopenjski inverterji so danes široko uporabljeni v močnostnih in visoko napetostnih izdelkih. Za doseganje visokih napetosti združujejo veliko število napetostnih izhodov. Odlikujejo jih številne lastnosti, kot so izboljšan izhodni signal, manjši pasivni filter, nizka elektromagnetna interferenca in zmanjšanje harmonikov. Imajo pa tudi slabosti, kot so: veliko število elementov, uravnavanje napetosti in višje preklopne izgube. Članek predstavlja PI in PID krmiljen kaskadni H mostič enajstopenjskega inverterja na osnovi sinusne pasovno širinske modulacije. S stališča kontrolne so predstavljeni glavni vidiki znižanja THD izhoda pri sledenju točk, kakor tudi v stacionarnem stanju. Prikazana je primerjalna analiza dveh inverterjev, rezultati po so potrjeni tudi eksperimentalno. Ključne besede: večstopenjski inverter; kaskadni H mostič; harmonsko popačenje; sinusna pulzni-širinska modulacija; PI kontroler; PID kontroler * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: mssivagamasundari@gmail.com 1 Introduction Numerous industrial applications require electrical power in large quantities and of high quality and the de­mands are fast growing in recent years [1]. For various industrial drives applications, power-electronic invert­ers are becoming more popular [2]. A multilevel inverter is a power electronic device having several levels of dc voltages as inputs and produces a desired output volt­age. Recently, multilevel power conversion technology has been developing very fast in the area of power elec­tronics with good potential for future developments. As a result, the medium to high voltage range is the most attractive application of this technology [3]. A multilevel inverter not only enables the use of renewable energy sources, but also achieves high power ratings. A multi­level inverter system can be easily interfaced to renew­able energy sources such as photovoltaic, wind, and fuel cells for high power applications. The advantages of multilevel inverters is their smaller stepped output voltage, which results in lower switch­ing losses, lower harmonic components, better electro­magnetic compatibility, high voltage capability and high power quality [4]. For both low switching fre­quency and high switching frequency PWM, multilevel inverters are available with configurations. It must be noted that high switching frequency PWM means low­er efficiency and higher switching loss and low switch­ing frequency PWM means higher efficiency and lower switching loss [5]. The patent result search shown that multilevel inverter circuits have been around for more than 25 years. To­day, in medium voltage levels with high-power applica­tions, multilevel inverters are widely used [6]. The main field applications are in laminators, pumps, conveyors, compressors, fans, blowers, and mills. Later, there are several topologies have been developed for multilevel converters [7]. There are three different topologies pro­posed for multilevel inverters are as follows cascaded multi cell with separate dc sources, diode clamped (neutral-clamped) and capacitor-clamped (flying ca­pacitors). These topologies have a different mechanism for providing the voltage level. The series H-bridge was the first topology introduced and more configurations have been developed for this topology [7]. Since this topology consists of series power conversion cells, the power and voltage levels may be scaled easily. The Series H-bridge topology was followed by the diode-clamped converter that utilized a bank of series ca­pacitors [8]. After few years, flying capacitor topology followed diode-clamped topology. This topology uses floating capacitors to clamp the voltage levels, instead of series connected capacitors [9]. H-bridge inverters do not require either flying capacitor or clamping di­ode inverters because they have isolation transformers to isolate the voltage source. Moreover, more than enough modulation techniques and control models have been developed for multi­level converters such as sinusoidal pulse width modu­lation (SPWM), selective harmonic elimination (SHE-PWM), space vector modulation (SVM), and others [10], [11]. In this paper, in order to generate the switching signals of the power converter a special sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) technique was im­plemented. Some requirements must be satisfied when shoot through states are generated, for instance, shoot-through states have to be uniformly distributed during the whole output voltage period with constant width and the average output voltage should remain unaffected. These features result in several merits, such as low ripple input current, low value of the passive ele­ments, reduction in output voltage THD, and gaining of the desired boost factor[12].In addition, many multilev­el converter focused on applications such as industrial medium-voltage motor drives [13], utility interface for renewable energy systems [14], flexible AC transmis­sion system (FACTS) and traction drive systems [15], [16]. To improve the power quality in the distribution network , Shunt Active Power Filters using PI, PID and Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) for power line condition­ers (PLC) have been proposed [17]. In order to maintain the output load voltage at the desired value to supply the power for a variety of loads with a minimum THD , a deadbeat-based proportional-integral (PI) controller using a battery cell as the primary energy source for a stand-alone single-phase voltage source inverter has been proposed [18]. In paper [19], in order to eliminate the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and improve the power factor, DSTAT­COM drawn from a Non-Linear Diode Rectifier Load has been proposed. In this paper [20] , a nine stepped multilevel power inverter has been designed, which chooses a multi-PWM optimized using genetic algo­rithms (GA), and minimizing Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the first 50 harmonics to about 0% has been presented. In addition,[21] a 43-level asymmetric uni­form step cascaded multilevel inverter (CMLI) has been introduced which consists of four H-bridges per phase, with different dc sources of values E, 2E, 7E and 11E and a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) optimiza­tion model was employed to determine the switching angles of the CMLI power switches which can minimize the values of any undesired harmonics. A typical single-phase nine-level inverter chooses full-bridge configuration by using suitable sinu­soidal modulation technique as the power circuits. The output voltage has nine levels: zero, positive (+Vdc,+2Vdc,+3Vdc,+4Vdc), and negative(-Vdc,-2Vdc,-3Vdc,-4Vdc) supply dc voltage (assuming that Vdc is the supply voltage). By using the carrier frequency and switching functions, the harmonic components of the output voltage are determined. Therefore, their reduc­tion of harmonics is just restricted to a certain degree. To overcome this drawback, this paper presents an eleven-level inverter whose output voltage can be ob­tained in eleven levels. The harmonic content can be reduced, as the number of output levels increases. THD reduction [22] can be considered from three different views namely: by considering new switching strate­gies, by designing alternative circuit topological struc­tures and by proposing suitable control techniques. The third view, i.e. proposition of suitable control technique is an alternate solution for THD reduction is discussed in this paper. In view of the inherent merits, Cascaded H-bridge inverter and SPWM control strategy are used in this work. This H-bridge inverter topology uses five reference signals to generate PWM signals for the switches. In this paper, the performance of both PI and PID con­trollers are compared and analyzed to minimize to­tal harmonic distortion in cascaded H-bridge eleven level inverter. Results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed controller. The experimental results are pre­sented to confirm the simulation results and thus the proposed idea. This paper has been arranged as follows. After the in­troduction in section 1, Section 2 gives an outline of cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter topology. Then, the Cascaded H-bridge eleven level inverter with PI and PID controllers are explained in Section 3. The two sec­tions 4 and 5 show the simulation and experimental re­sults that validate the proper operation of the inverter. Conclusion and final remarks are made in Section 6. 2 Cascaded H-bridge eleven level Inverter topology Figure 1: Schematic of a single-phase cascaded h-bridge eleven level inverter Figure 2: Output voltage waveform of a single-phase cascaded eleven level inverter Fig. 1 and 2 show the Schematic diagram and Output voltage waveform of a single-phase cascaded h-bridge eleven level inverter. A single-phase 11-level inverter is formed by connecting five identical inverter modules in series. All five identical inverter modules having the same magnitude are fed by DC voltage sources. During the positive half cycle, the power electronic switches (Q11, Q13) are in the on-state, and the power electronic switches (Q12, Q14) are in the off-state. Likewise, during the negative half cycle the power electronic switches (Q11, Q13) are in the off-state, and the power electronic switches (Q12, Q14) are in the on-state and vice versa. The output voltage of the inverter has eleven voltage levels from -5 Vdc. to +5 Vdc. Each of the different full-bridge inverter ac output levels are connected in series such that the total voltage waveform is the sum of the inverter outputs. The number of phase output voltage levels m in a cas­caded h-bridge inverter is given by m = 2n+1 (1) where n is the number of separate dc sources. Each H-bridge unit produces a quasi-square waveform by phase-shifting the switching timings of its positive and negative phase legs. 3 Cascaded Multilevel Inverter(MLI) with PI and PID Controllers A PI controller is built for MLI to examine the system behavior, The Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel inverter with PI controller is shown in Fig. 3. The gate signals are generated using SPWM strategy. The isolated dc power sources are connected to the Cascaded H-bridge in­verter. The eleven level output of the cascaded inverter is given to the load through LC filter to obtain sinusoi­dal output (Vo) and is compared with the reference voltage (Vref) to produce the error signal (e). The input to the PI controller is e. The output of the PI controller i.e the modulating signal (ms) is compared with carrier signal which is used to generate the gating pulses. Thus to get the required sinusoidal output voltage a voltage feedback loop is established. Hence, when the distor­tion in the output is more, the load is non linear. Using Ziegler – Nichols tuning technique PI controller set­tings Kp and Ki are designed in this work and the de­signed values of Kp and Ki are 0.1 and 0.01 respectively. The Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel inverter with PID controller is shown in Fig. 4.The PID-controller is a lin­ear combination of the P, I and D contributions carried out on the error. Sinusoidal pulse width modulation strategy generated the gate signals. The five isolated dc power sources are connected to the Cascaded H-bridge eleven level inverter. The output of the cascad­ed h-bridge eleven level inverter is given to the load through LC filter to obtain sinusoidal output (Vo) and is compared with the reference voltage (Vref) to pro­duce the error signal (e). The input of the PID controller is error e. The output of the PID controller is multiplied with the unit reference signal to provide the required modulating signal (ms) and is used to produce the gat­ing pulses in association with a carrier. Using Ziegler – Nichols tuning technique , PID controller settings Kp, Ki and Kd are designed in this work. The designed values of Kp, Ki and Kd are 0.1,0.01 and 0.001 respectively. The step response, bode plot, Nichols chart, nyquist, im­pulse response and pole-zero mapping are presented by carrying out the corresponding stability analysis shown in figure 5. There are several switching control strategies have been proposed for Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) inverters. High switching frequency PWM technique is widely used for eliminating harmful lower order harmonics in inverters. Several times the inverter switches are turned ON and OFF during every half cycle and by varying the pulse width output voltage is controlled in PWM control. This paper chooses the sinusoidal PWM control strategy be­cause instead of maintaining the width of all pulses the same as in the case of multiple PWM, each pulse width is varied in proportion to the sine wave amplitude de­termined at the same pulse. The distortion is reduced importantly compared to multiple PWM. The gating pulses are shown in figure 6. 4 Simulation results The performance of the proposed PI and PID control­lers based cascaded H-bridge eleven level inverter with isolated dc sources is determined through MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The elements and the parameters considered for simulation are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Parameters of the Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter Parameters Values No. of H-Bridge levels 5 No. of Switches 20 DC source voltage for individual H- bridge 34.8V Fundamental frequency 50Hz Load resistor 100 Ohm Load Inductor 40mH Case 1 : PI controller The simulation model of cascaded h-bridge eleven level inverter topology using PI controller is shown in fig.7. The main power circuit consists of five H-bridges whose dc voltage is considered to be 34.8 V and the eleven level stepped output voltages are obtained and the harmonics are reduced. It also consists of PWM block and has parameters as amplitude, pulse width period and phase delay which is used to determine the shape of the output .Therefore the inverter efficiency is increased. The inverter must perform reliably and efficiently to supply a wide range of ac loads with the voltage and required power quality necessary for reli­able and efficient load and system performance. The advantages of the proposed topology are high power high voltage handling capability, lower harmonics and lower switching loss. The output voltage and output current of cascaded h-bridge eleven level inverter has eleven levels. The inverter fundamental frequency is 50 Hz. The loads are connected across the cascaded H-bridge eleven level inverter. The response of the MLI with PI controller is satisfactory and the load voltage and load current is shown in fig­ure 8 and 9. The Total Harmonic Distortion waveform is shown in figure 10. It is observed from the results that the peak overshoot in the output voltage is 5.4 % and the total harmonic distortion is 11.05 %. Case 2 : PID controller The Simulink model of the Cascaded MLI with PID Con­troller is shown in figure 11. The response of the MLI with PID controller is also satisfactory and the load volt­age and load current is shown in figure 12 and 13. The Total Harmonic Distortion waveform is shown in figure 14. It is observed from the results that the peak overshoot in the output voltage is 4.4 % and the total harmonic distortion is 9.70 %. The performance of the control­lers is tabulated in Table 2. Hence it is observed from the simulation results that the peak overshoot, settling time , THD are reduced in the output voltage and high­er fundamental rms voltage using PID controller. Figure 12: Load voltage waveform(PID Controller) Figure 13: Load current waveform(PID Controller) Figure 14: Voltage THD Table 2: Comparison of Controller Performance Controllers Peak Overshoot Settling Time RMS fundamental voltage THD% PI 5.4 0.04 215.1 11.05 PID 4.4 0.01 219.2 9.70 5 Experimental results Figure 15: Experimental block diagram The experimental block diagram of proposed Cascad­ed H-bridge inverter topology is shown in Fig. 15. This proposed block diagram consists of a multilevel DC/AC power inverter, Optocoupler, Arm processor, filter and a load. The isolated dc power sources are connected to the Cascaded H-bridge inverter. The output of the eleven level inverter is ac voltage which is connected to the load through filter and the load is considered as resistive and an inductive. PI and PID controllers are employed to minimize total harmonic distortion in cas­caded H-bridge eleven level inverter. Figure 16: Structure of the experimental prototype A single phase 0.3kW hardware prototype 11-level in­verter as shown in Fig. 16 is developed. It consists of five full-bridge inverters and are connected in a series manner. The inverter uses 8-A, 500-V MOSFETs as the switching devices and the DC source voltage of each H-bridge inverter is selected to be 34.8V and is con­stant . The output frequency is assumed to be 50 Hz. Five transformers (0-24V, 2A) are used to power up the individual H- bridge inverters. Three transformers (6V-0-6V, 500mA) are used to power up the opto couplers. The real time implementation of PI and PID controllers for eleven level inverter using LPC2148 Arm Processor is carried out in this work. Sinusoidal PWM strategy for the eleven level inverter is developed using MATLAB software. The PI and PID controllers generate the com­pensating signal to provide the required modulating signal for regulating the output voltage of this inverter. Figure 17: Harmonic spectrum of the inverter output voltage Figure 18: Harmonic spectrum of the inverter output current Figure 19: Output voltage waveform Figure 20: Output current waveform Fig. 17 and 18 shows the harmonic spectrum of the inverter output voltage and output current . Fig. 19 shows the output voltage waveform. Fig. 20 shows the output current waveform. The elements and the pa­rameters considered for implementation are presented in Table 3 for the cascaded h-bridge eleven level invert­er topology. Table 3: Experimental Parameters of the Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter Parameters Values No. of H-Bridge levels 5 No. of Switches MOSFET IRF840 – 20Nos. 500V,8A DC source voltage for individual H- bridge 34.8V/2A Fundamental frequency 50Hz R Load 47 Ohm RL Load 47 Ohm,10mH Opto Couplers MCT2E (20 Nos.) 30V,3A Filter Capacitor 1000µF Transformers(5 Nos.) 0-24V,2A Transformers (3 Nos. for individual H- bridge) 6V-0-6V,500mA With reference to table 4 a comparison of THD of the output voltage have been done. It is clearly shown that the results of simulation are closer to the experimental values. Table 4: Comparison of THD of the output voltage THD (%) Controllers Experimental Simulation PI 11.01 11.05 PID 9.2 9.70 6 Conclusion The real time implementation of PI and PID control strategies for single phase cascaded h-bridge eleven level inverter have been carried out and the results are compared and analyzed. From the obtained simulation results, it is found that PID performs better than PI con­troller since it provides output with relatively low har­monic distortion and higher fundamental rms output voltage. The PID controller yields a smaller overshoot in the output voltage, quick settling time, good dynamic response and lower total harmonic distortion than the PI controller for power quality applications. The meas­ured value of total harmonic distortion of the inverter output voltage satisfies the IEEE-519 constraints. 7 References 1. J. Rodriguez, J. S. Lai and F. Z. Peng, “Multilevel inverters: Survey of topologies, controls, and ap­plications,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Elect., vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 724-738, Aug. 2002. 2. Beser, E.; Camur, S.; Arifoglu, B.; Beser, E.K. , “ De­sign and application of a novel structure and topology for multilevel inverter,” in Proc. IEEE SPEEDAM, Tenerife, Spain, 2008, pp. 969 – 974. 3. R.H. 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Natarajan, ‘’FPGA based fuzzy logic control for single phase multilevel inverter ,’’International Journal of Computer Applications , vol.9 ,no.3 ,pp 10-18, Nov 2010. 8 Acknowledgement The authors are thankful to the Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata for the financial grant for carrying out the research work in real time application. Arrived: 09. 08. 2015 Accepted: 10. 06. 2016 M. S. Sivagamasundari et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 65 – 73 M. S. Sivagamasundari et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 65 – 73 M. S. Sivagamasundari et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 65 – 73 Figure 3: Cascaded MLI with PI Controller Figure 4: Cascaded MLI with PID Controller Figure 5: PID stability plots M. S. Sivagamasundari et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 65 – 73 Figure 6: Sinusoidal Pulse width modulation a) Carrier and reference for bipolar modulation; b) pulses for bi­polar modulation c) pulses for unipolar modulation d) carrier and reference for unipolar modulation Figure 7: Simulink model of the Cascaded MLI with PI Controller M. S. Sivagamasundari et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 65 – 73 Figure9: Load current waveform(PI Controller) Figure10: Voltage THD Figure 8: Load voltage waveform(PI Controller) Figure 11: Simulink model of the Cascaded MLI with PID Controller M. S. Sivagamasundari et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 65 – 73 M. S. Sivagamasundari et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 65 – 73 M. S. Sivagamasundari et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 65 – 73 Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 74 – 79 0.18 µm CMOS power amplifier architecture comparison for a wideband Doherty configuration Aleksandr Vasjanov, Vaidotas Barzdenas Department of Computer Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania Abstract: This paper presents a comparison between a classical and a self-biased two stage CMOS power amplifier (PA) suitable for a wideband Doherty (DPA) configuration. Both PAs are fully differential and have been implemented in IBM 7RF 0.18 µm CMOS process and are supplied from 1.8 V. Classical PA input impedance is shown to be matched from 1.6 GHz to 2.7 GHz @ S11 = -10 dB with external matching components. Self-biased PA his matched from 800 MHz to 1.75 GHz without any additional matching components and the bandwidth can be further increased to 2.15 GHz. Self-biased PA average PAE is 25.3 % which is 4.2 % higher than that of the classic PA. Both power amplifiers have an average output power of 10.5 dBm. The latter results show, that a self-biased PA architecture has more potential to be implemented in a wideband DPA configuration, compared to the classic PA arrangement. The active area for both on-chip PAs is 800 µm2, whereas the full IC chip size is 1.5 mm2. The dual PA ASIC has been designed to be enclosed in a 20-pin QFN package. Keywords: CMOS; Power amplifier; Self-biased; Doherty; Wideband Primerjava 0.18 µm CMOS arhitektur močnostnih ojačevalnikov za širokopasovno Doherty konfiguracijo Izvleček: Članek predstavlja primerjavo med klasičnim in samonastavljivim dvostopenjskim CMOS močnostnim ojačevalnikom (PA) za širokopasovno Doherty (DPA) konfiguracijo. Oba sta popolnoma diferencialna in izvedena v 0.18 µm IBM 7RF CMOS tehnologiji. Napajana sta z 1.8 V. Vhodna impedanca klasičnega ojačevalnika se ujema od 1.6 GHz do 2.7 GHz @S11 = -10 dB z zunanjimi ujemalnimi komponentami. Samonastavljivi ojačevalnik je ustrezen od 800 MHz do 1.7 GHz brez dodatnih zunanjih komponent. Njegovna pasovna širina se lahko razširi do 2.15 GHz. Povprečen PAE je 25.3%, kar je 4.2% več kot pri klasičnem ojačevalniku. Oba ojačevalnika imata izhodno moč 10 dBm, kar nakazuje, da je samonastavljivi ojačevalnik bolj primeren za širokopasovne DPA konfiguracije. Površina obeh je 800 µm2, pri velikosti čipa 1.5 mm2. Dvojni PA ASIC je bil dimenzioniran, da ustreza 20 pinskem QFN ohišju. Ključne besede: CMOS; močnostni ojačevalnik; samonastavljiv; Doherty; široki pas * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: aleksandr.vasjanov@vgtu.lt 1 Introduction Over the past decade, the number of papers published on power amplifier (PA) research has been increasing exponentially. Since then different PA efficiency en­hancement techniques and architectures have been proposed and the Doherty power amplifier (DPA) ar­rangement is one of the most promising [1]. The vast majority of published papers present single-ended or differential Doherty power amplifiers designed using a classical PA topology. Only classical, cascode PAs with either common inductors, slab inductors or baluns im­plemented in a DPA have been researched [3-14]. This article presents a comparison between a classical two stage power amplifier and a self-biased PA approach both suitable to be implemented in a wideband DPA. This paper is arranged as follows: DPA design chal­lenges and a performance comparison between the published DPAs are presented in the second chapter. The proposed classical and self-biased PA architectures are presented and thoroughly analyzed in the next chapter. Simulation results and full ASIC layout are pre­sented in the following chapter. Finally conclusions are made and references are given. 2 Doherty power amplifier design challenges Multiple power amplifier architectures have been pub­lished in research papers over the last decade, including classic, cascode, self-biased PA configurations employing different parameter improvement techniques such as feedback, feedforward or/and linearization circuits. One of the most promising advanced PA architecture – Do­herty power amplifier (DPA) presented in Figure 1 – pro­vides a combination of high linearity and sufficient PAE at input powers ranging from back-off power to P1dB. Although DPAs prove to be very efficient at a certain frequency, there are several drawbacks in the architec­ture which restrict performance over wide bandwidth. The first drawback is the bandwidth of the classical output impedance inverter, which enhances the DPA to utilize loadpull in order to achieve high efficiency. This has been addressed in [2] and it has been proven, that the proposed impedance inverter can be designed in such a way that has more than 83 % of fractional bandwidth. Another DPA drawback is the inevitable result nonlinear nature of the peak amplifier. The peak amplifier is typically biased in class C [15] and requires harmonic termination. A harmonic termination circuit is essentially a series LC circuit (resonator) connected as a shunt to the output of the peak amplifier. Conse­quently for a larger DPA bandwidth several switchable harmonic terminations may be used. Table 1 summarizes published CMOS DPA parameters. The latter table reveals, that the scaling of CMOS pro­cess does not improve the main design criterion for the always power hungry PA – power added efficien­cy (PAE). According to Table 1 CMOS processes in the range from 0.18 µm to 0.13 µm provide the largest DPA efficiency. Moreover, the latter processes are have been around since 1999-2001, therefore the relation be­tween the performance and price per chip area can be very attractive for DPA designers and researchers. 3 Power amplifier architectures for wideband Doherty configuration The simplified single-ended classic two-stage cascode PA is presented in Figure 2. The latter PA input and out­put stages are biased from internal sources for AB class operation. Cascoding in both stages has been chosen in order to reduce the influence of Miller effect and improve both isolation and stability. Gain control has been implemented to toggle the cascode transistors in both stages through on-chip buffers. Figure 2: Classic two stage single ended power ampli­fier simplified schematic The simplified single-ended self-biased two stage PA is presented in Figure 3. The main difference between the latter PA and the classic architecture is the type and the biasing of the first stage. The first stage is inverter based and is biased at VDD/2 via diodes Q2 and Q5. In order to widen input S11 response, R1 and C2 compo­nents should be designed with caution. One of the main drawbacks of an inverter based input stage is that the input saturates at 5 dB to 10 dB lower input powers than the classic input stage. The output stage is biased for an AB class operation from an internal source. Figure 3: Self-biased two stage single-ended power amplifier simplified schematic In both PA architectures, capacitors C4 and C2 act as DC blocks and also influence the overall PA stability. Digital varactors C1 and C4 are used to tune input and output impedances in order to achieve optimal power and gain matching respectively. In order to get more ac­curate impedance matching results, bondwire models with ESD protection diodes and microstrip feed lines (as S-parameter nPort elements) are also introduced. Both input (Z1, Z2, Z3) and output (Z4, Z5, CBLOCK and LCHOKE) impedance matching networks are placed off-chip due to the lack of chip area. External component package parasitics were also taken into account during calcula­tions. 4 Simulation results This chapter presents simulation results for the pro­posed PAs. It should be noticed, that the presented results correspond to the fully differential power ampli­fier configurations, whereas Figure 2 and Figure 3 pres­ent only the simplified single-ended schematics. Both PAs operate at 1.8 V supply voltage and were designed to provide a power gain of 20 dB and output power of 11 dBm to a 50 . load. Input impedance matching results for both PA archi­tectures are presented in Figure 4. Figure 4 (a) presents S11 response for the classic PA configuration with an ex­ternal impedance matching network Z2 and Z3. Exter­nal matching component Z2 has been designed to be a 1.5 pF capacitor and Z3 – a 4.2 nH shunt inductor. The matched frequency can be altered either by changing internal C4 capacitor control MTUNE value or by vary­ing the off-chip shunt inductor Z3. In both cases the S11 notch response bandwidth does not top 1.1 GHz at S11 = -10 dB. In comparison, Figure 4 (b) presents input impedance matching results for the self-biased PA architecture. Taking into account package parasitics and a cautious R1 (ref. Figure 3) resistor value tuning leads a naturally matched bandwidth of 1 GHz without any additional matching components (“S11, MLIN, MTUNE = 0” plot in Figure 4 (b)). The matching bandwidth can be further increased by introducing a series (Z2 in Figure 3) 6.2 nH inductor and altering MTUNE value. Figure 4: Classic PA (a) and self-biased PA (b) S11 re­sponse control Figure 5 presents output referred 1 dB compression point (P1dB) over frequencies and corners for both PA architectures. Both power amplifiers have been de­signed to output an average power of 10.5 dBm. Figure 5: Classic PA (a) and self-biased PA (b) output re­ferred 1 dB compression point at different frequencies and corners Power added efficiency is presented in Figure 6. Self-biased PA average PAE is 25.3 % which is 4.2 % higher than PAE of the classic PA. Table 2 presents the raw simulation data for surface plots in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The results presented in Table 2 depict that the self-biased PA architecture has a 25 % vantage in bandwidth and 1.4 % – 5.8 % efficiency at all corners and frequencies. The layout of the designed dual differential power am­plifier, implemented in IBM 7RF 0.18 µm CMOS process, IC is presented in Figure 7. PA implemented in classic architecture is presented on the top of the latter fig­ure, and the self-biased PA – on the bottom. On-chip input matching network tuning circuits are marked 1 and 8. Active input stages are marked 2 and 7. Output stage bias networks are marked 3 and 6. Active out­put stages are marked 4 and 5 whereas digital control block is marked 9. The active area for both on-chip PAs is 800 µm2, whereas the full IC chip size is 1.5 mm2. The dual PA ASIC has been designed to be enclosed in a 20-pin QFN package and is prepared to be send to fabrica­tion. 5 Conclusion A comparison between a classical and a self-biased PA architectures was presented in this article both suitable for a wideband Doherty configuration. Both PAs are ful­ly differential have been implement in IBM 7RF 0.18 µm CMOS process and are supplied from 1.8 V. Classi­cal PA architecture has a notch type S11 response and a bandwidth up to 1.1 GHz (from 1.6 GHz to 2.7 GHz @ S11 = -10 dB) with external matching components. Self-biased PA his matched from 800 MHz to 1.75 GHz without any additional matching components and the bandwidth can be further increased to 2.15 GHz by in­troducing an external matching network and by tuning the on-chip capacitance. Self-biased PA average PAE is 25.3 % which is 4.2 % higher than that of the classic PA. Both power amplifiers have an average output power of 10.5 dBm. The latter results show, that a self-biased PA architecture has more potential to be implemented in a wideband DPA configuration, compared to the classic PA arrangement. The active area for both on-chip differential PAs is 800 µm2, whereas the full IC chip size is 1.5 mm2. The dual PA ASIC has been designed to be enclosed in a 20-pin QFN package and is prepared to be send to fabrication. 6 References 1. Qian-Fu Cheng et al. “Investigating the global trend of RF power amplifiers with the arrival of 5G”. Wireless Symposium (IWS), 2015 IEEE Interna­tional. March 30 2015-April 1 2015. pp. 1-4. 2. R. Giofre, L. Piazzon, et al. “A distributed match­ing/combining network suitable for Doherty power amplifiers covering more than an octave frequency band”. 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2014). 1-6 June 2014. pp 1-3. 3. Xian Cui, et al. “A 3.5 GHz CMOS Doherty power amplifier with integrated diode linearizer target­ed for WiMax applications”. MWSCAS 2007. 50th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2007. 5-8 Aug. 2007. pp. 465 - 468. 4. N. Ryu, J. H. Jung, and Y. Jeong, “High-efficiency CMOS power amplifier using uneven bias for wireless LAN application”. ETRI J., vol. 34, no. 6, Dec. 2012. pp. 885–891. 5. C. Y. Liu. “A 2.4 GHz CMOS Doherty Power Ampli­fier”. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Sympo­sium Digest, 2006. 11-16 June 2006. pp. 885 - 888. 6. J. H. Kim, et. al. “Single-Ended CMOS Doherty Power Amplifier Using Current Boosting Tech­nique”. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (Volume: 24, Issue: 5). 06 May 2014. pp. 342 - 344. 7. N. Ryu et al. “CMOS Doherty Amplifier With Vari­able Balun Transformer and Adaptive Bias Control for Wireless LAN Application”. IEEE Journal of Sol­id-State Circuits, Vol. 49, issue 6. 10 April 2014. pp. 1356 - 1365. 8. N. Wongkomet, et al. “A 1.7GHz 1.5W CMOS RF Doherty Power Amplifier for Wireless Commu­nications”. Digest of Technical Papers. IEEE Inter­national Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2006. ISSCC 2006. 6-9 Feb. 2006. pp. 1962 - 1971. 9. J. Kang, et al. “A Ultra-High PAE Doherty Amplifier Basedon 0.13-um CMOS Process”. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (Volume: 16, Is­sue: 9). 28 August 2006. pp. 505-507. 10. H. H. Liao, H. Jiang, P. Shanjani and A. Behzad. “A fully integrated 2x2 power amplifier for dual band MIMO 802.11nWLAN applications using SiGe HBT technology”, IEEE RFIC Symp. Dig. 2008. pp. 515–518. 11. W. M. Gaber, et al. “A CMOS IQ Digital Doherty Transmitter Using Modulated Tuning Capacitors”, 2012 Proceedings of the ESSCIRC. 17-21 Sept. 2012. pp. 341 - 344. 12. M. L. Carneiro, et al. “A 2.535 GHz fully integrated Doherty power amplifier in CMOS 65nm with constant PAE in backoff”. 2013 IEEE Fourth Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems (LASCAS), Feb. 27 2013-March 1 2013, pp. 1-4. 13. A. Afsahi, A. Behzad, and L. E. Larson “A 65 nm CMOS 2.4 GHz 31.5 dBm power amplifier with a distributed LC power-combining network and improved linearization for WLAN applications”. IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Dig., 2010, pp. 452–453. 14. N. Deltimple, et al. “Integrated Doherty RF CMOS Power Amplifier design for Average Efficiency Enhancement”. 2015 IEEE International Wireless Symposium (IWS). March 30 2015 - April 1 2015. pp. 1-4. 15. P. Colantonio, F. Giannini et al. “Designing a Do­herty power amplifier”. Melecon 2010 - 2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. 26-28 April 2010. pp. 543 - 548. Arrived: 15. 06. 2016 Accepted: 01. 07. 2016 A. Vasjanov et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 74 – 79 Figure 1: Classic Doherty power amplifier block dia­gram Table 1: CMOS Doherty power amplifier performance comparison Ref. Process VDD, V Frequency, GHz P1dB, dBm Overall PAE, % Power back-off, dB 3 0.18 µm CMOS 3.7 3.5 24.4 36.1 6.0 4 0.18 µm CMOS 3.3 2.4 29.5 22.0 5.0 5 0.18 µm CMOS 3.0 2.4 22.6 31.0 7.0 6 0.18 µm CMOS - 0.89 25.0 43.6 5.0 7 0.13 µm CMOS 3.3 2.4 31.9 30.1 5.0 8 0.13 µm CMOS 3.3 1.7 31.7 33.0 5.0 9 0.13 µm CMOS 3.0 2.4 22.0 45.0 7.0 10 90 nm CMOS 3.3 2.4 30.0 24.0 5.0 11 90 nm CMOS 2.4 2.4 24.8 26.0 5.0 12 65 nm CMOS 5.5 2.535 23.4 25.0 8.5 13 65 nm CMOS 3.3 2.4 33.5 20.0 5.0 14 65 nm CMOS 2.5 2.4 23.4 24.7 7.0 A. Vasjanov et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 74 – 79 a b A. Vasjanov et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 74 – 79 a a b b Figure 6: Classic PA (a) and self-biased PA (b) power added efficiency at different frequencies and corners Table 2: Classic and self-biased CMOS power amplifier performance comparison at different frequencies and corners SS Classic PA OR-P1dB SB PA OR-P1dB Classic PA PAE@P1dB SB PA PAE@P1dB FF TT SS FF TT SS FF TT SS FF TT Frequency, GHz 0.8 - - - 9.9 10.6 10.4 - - - 26.0 17.6 22.1 1.0 - - - 10.2 11.5 11.0 - - - 31.9 26.5 30.3 1.2 11.5 10.5 11.1 10.3 12.0 11.3 22.4 25.8 24.3 29.6 28.8 30.1 1.5 11.5 10.5 11.0 9.8 12.2 11.1 23.7 27.4 25.8 26.1 29.5 28.3 1.7 11.1 10.2 10.7 9.0 12.1 10.7 18.5 21.7 20.2 23.0 28.5 25.8 2.0 10.5 9.8 10.3 7.9 11.7 10.0 17.0 20.2 18.7 18.3 28.5 20.9 2.4 10.0 9.5 9.9 7.6 11.4 9.6 14.9 17.9 18.7 18.1 21.7 20.1 A. Vasjanov et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 74 – 79 Figure 7: Dual differential power amplifier IC layout A. Vasjanov et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 74 – 79 Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 Performance of Ni-alloy MEMS-probes coated with PdCo films in semiconductor wafer test Bahadir Tunaboylu Istanbul Sehir University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Kocaeli, Turkey Abstract: A novel electroplating system and approach for selectively coating of probe tips for wafer and package testing are presented. A Ni-alloy probe tip with an overcoat layer of 3.5um thick PdCo provided less tip wear and better electrical contact resistance performance in wafer testing. Microstructures of films resulting from different conditions of electroplating process were analyzed, most uniform films were obtained at 5 mA of plating current conditions. The probe tip wear throughout probe life testing was monitored which indicates PdCo film with Au underlayer establishes good electrical contacts. Keywords: Wafer test; electroplating PdCo films; probes;, contact resistance Lastnosti MEMS sond iz Ni litine in prevlečenih z PdCo filmom pri testiranju polprevodniških rezin Izvleček: Predstavljen je nov sistem selektivnega nanašanja prevlek na konice sond za testiranje rezin. Konica sonde iz Ni litine, ki je prevlečena za 0,35 um debelo plastjo PdCo predstavlja boljši električen kontakt in manjši vpliv dotika pri testiranju rezin. Analizirane so mikrostrukture plasti, ki nastajajo pri različnem procesu nanašanja z elektriko. Najbolj homogene plasti so bile dosežene pri toku 5 mA. Spremljana je bila obraba konic sond, pri čemer smo ugotovili, da dober električen kontakt zagotavljajo konice z PdCo plastjo, ki je nanešena na plast Au. Ključne besede: testiranje rezin; nanos PdCo plasti z elektriko; sonde; kontaktna upornost * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: btunaboylu@sehir.edu.tr 1 Introduction In wafer and package testing, spring connectors are utilized to transmit test signals from a testing system and the semiconductor device by an electrical contact on the device pads or bumps. The probes shown in the probe card structure in Fig. 1 or spring pins shown in Fig. 2 are used in wafer and package testing respec­tively. Spring pins are used in flip-chip bump testing in sockets and conventional probes are typically made of Pd-alloys or beryllium-copper (BeCu) [1-3], and can potentially have outer layers of overcoat, while more advanced style probes produced lithographically are made of Ni-alloys, or MEMS (Microelectromechanical systems) probes [4-7]. Outer layers coated on those probe types can be pure or alloys of nickel, gold, or rhodium and palladium, intended to increase the hard­ness and decrease wear of the probe or pin. In testing, it is required for probe tip to pierce the oxide layer on the pad or bump consistently to secure good electri­cal connection. A very hard probe tip, achieved with an overcoat, is needed for long probe life. This type of coating on the spring section of the probe is undesir­able since it may peel off during cycling operation of a probe or lead to an unwanted change in the spring characteristics of a probe and also it is more expensive to coat the whole probe. The spring section of the probes are typically elec­trodeposited from nanostructured Ni-alloys, NiMn or NiCo, utilized as structural spring members and contact tips may have various coatings for reliable electrical con­tacts needed in fine pitch Cu pillar and other test require­ments [7-11]. These types of alloys were used for their strength, ductility and thermal stability as well as good electrical conductivity necessary for good electrical con­tacts. In addition, these two alloys are electroformable and lend themselves to MEMS processes allowing crea­tion of small structures and probe geometries. b) Spring pin types Figure 2: Spring pins in two different designs typically used in package testing. The spring in the middle is typically made of stainless steel and the other compo­nents are made of brass or BeCu. A coating system for applying a coating to only a tip portion of a probe was developed and used in this study. The coating system includes a container for hold­ing a coating material and a porous plate adjacent the container for receiving a portion of the coating mate­rial during a coating process. The system was described in detail elsewhere [12]. The plating solution used was a palladium cobalt solution with a targeted ratio of Pd to Co ranged from 60 wt.% Pd and 40 wt.% Co to 80 wt.% Pd to 20 wt.% Co. Some material properties and contact reliability of palladium cobalt and palladium nickel were previously reported [13,14]. PdCo may offer less porosity and superior finish on the probe surface compared to other coatings. Because it possesses a fine grain structure and a low coefficient of friction, it will prevent metal debris adhering from the contact pad. PdCo-tip plating offers better probing performance in repeated test cycles due to a reduction or elimina­tion of debris buildup on the probe tips. Probes typi­cally contact solder bumps such as PbSn, Cu or SnAgCu bumps and Al or Cu pads on wafers. Various Pd-alloys or films with nanocrystalline microstructures have been investigated using different physical and chemi­cal approaches towards sensors or fuel cell catalyst applications in the past [15-17]. Nanostructured and nanoporous Pd materials were synthesized by electro­chemical methods for various fuel cell studies and for its some magnetic properties [18-23]. In this work, different conditions of electroplating pro­cess of PdCo coating on NiMn probes were analyzed, and plated probe tip microstructures were studied. It must be stated that PdCo coatings applied on the plunger (contacting ends of pins) or shells of spring pins, manu­factured by final machining processes, are produced in a lot immersed in plating solution, quite different than the present proposed process. In this process, MEMS probes are produced by lithographic electrodeposition of NiMn alloy first, subsequently the ends of probes which con­tact the bumps on wafer are overcoated with series of steps with PdCo. Selective plating of vertical style probes with PdCo overcoat with an underlayer of Au is present­ed here for the first time. The probe tip wear throughout life testing in test cards was monitored and presented. 2 Experimental Probe sets as strips for the study were manufactured through lithographic methods. Probes are electroplated from NiMn alloy. The probe formation process begins with laminating the desired material, masking the lami­nated material to define the probe set and UV imaging this, remove the mask and then develop the imaged ma­terial. Subsequently probes are formed from this pho­toresist pattern defined shape in the plating process. The strip used in PdCo plating is illustrated in Fig. 3 a. One method of getting the PdCo plating applied only to the tips, a resist coating may also be applied to the probes. The resist coating such as NIT215 or NT250 dry films available from Morton Electronic Materials Chica­go, Illinois or Intermountain Circuit Supply, Scottsdale, Arizona, were applied by a lamination process. The re­sist coating may have a thickness of between approxi­mately 30 µm and 50 µm, other than the probe tip. A sketch showing a cross-section of probe tip section with the resist coating prior PdCo electroplating operation is shown in Fig 3 b. Figure 3: The probe strip used in PdCo plating is illus­trated (A on the left) and the probe tip section and the resist coating (film) in (B on the right). b Figure 4: The plating system. Figure 4 a shows the designed container with a plating solution. The container may be formed from insulator material and anode may be located within the plating solution. The electrodes and the probes are connect­ed to a power source. The probe strip shown in Fig 3 a. comes into contact with the fiber sheets on top of the ceramic plate on the container. Once the probe tips contact the fiber sheets, the plating solution wets the tip of the probes. Fiber sheets may be cellulosic or oth­er synthetic fibers (or nylon, polycarbonate and glass from Whatman International, Clifton, N.J.) similar to those used as filter papers. In order to minimize surface tension of the plating solution to prevent or minimize wicking of the plating solution between probes. It is desirable to plate only tips of the probes in the strip, and prevent plating over the full length. The plating solution is maintained at approximately 50 degrees °C, by using water bath held in glass bowl warmed by hotplate, while the electrical system is held at approxi­mately 4 volts and the current density at approximately 10 asf (Amps/ft, where 1 ft. equals 30.48 cm). In order to plate the probe tips, the backing plate is lowered so as to submerge the probe tips in the plating solution. Current is supplied from the power source to cause the plating solution to adhere to the probe tips. Fig 4 b shows the system with reservoir connection showing a replenishing scheme for the plating solution. The pH of a solution should be maintained during the plating cy­cle. When used solution collected in the right reservoir deviates from the plating solution pH, then rebalanc­ing meaning bringing the solution back to original pH is carried out before solution is fed back to main reser­voir to keep the total volume. After the plating has completed on the probe tips as planned, the probes are removed from the plating solu­tion, and the resist coating can be removed using a va­riety of conventional techniques, for example, through the use of a stripper bath, such as ADC available from RBP Chemical Technology, Milwaukee. Alternatively, it may be removed using another material such as n-methylpyroli­dinone (NMP). There may be sources of variations across PdCo plating process steps which will impact final probe plating quality and test results. Table 1 summarizes pro­cess steps used in this study and nearly forty steps which may contribute to variations in the manufacturing various strips with coatings and finally qualification testing. In qualification of the PdCo plating process used for the probe tips, a wafer test card was used at real test con­ditions of wafers. Test vehicle consisted of a MLC (Mul­tilayer ceramic space transformer) bonded with MEMS (Microelectromechanical systems) style probes. For life­testing, 200 probes with PdCo tips plated were used as electrical contacts touching wafers. Probe tips were coat­ed with PdCo with an underlayer of Au to ensure good adhesion and good electrical contact. Probing recipe is as follows: 0.5 A/B ratio in probing chuck movement of Prober (TEL XL) at 70 µm of probe overtravel (OT) which defines the probe deflection amount. Probes are cycled on a prober touching on a wafer contacting bumps. The contact resistance (Cres) measurements at initial, 90K, 175K, 250K, 340K, 425K, 513K, 595K, 670K, 760K and 844K cycles. Cleaning recipe was applied on probe tips was as follows: Every 87 touchdowns, 25 insertions at 50 µm OT to maintain good contact resistance. Cleaning of debris from probe tips during the testing cycle was car­ried out using a 3M Tape 0.5 µm-grid Type A on a prober. The term ‘Touchdown’ used commonly in wafer testing industry is described as the probe making a physical and thus an electrical contact with a wafer pad or a bump and the signal passing through the circuit under testing. The probe, the probe card structure and the wafer were illustrated in Fig. 1. 3 Results When NiMn probes had no tip coating, the contact re­sistance (Cres) results were not very stable since probe tip sizes grew as probe cycling on contact pads in­creased and the scrub on contact metal pads became smaller and irregular in shape, as shown in Figure 5. This led to higher average Cres values as the testing continued, from less 0.5 Ohms at initial cycling to more than 1 Ohms after 100K cycling and 5 Ohms after 200K cycle testing on pads. The average probe tip diameter grew from 7.5 µm at initial conditions to 18 µm at 100K cycling and 22 µm after 200K cycling. This shows that bare NiMn probe tips do not provide stable Cres neces­sary for wafer testing, hard and conductive and smooth probe tip materials or coatings are necessary for reli­able contact measurements for lifetesting of product wafers. In this study, a relatively inexpensive method of probe tip coating by PdCo is explained. It has only one-step for NiMn electroplating and subsequent sin­gle-step PdCo selective plating of just the probe tips. So this process used at this work is radically simpler and cheaper than most widely used existing processes for generating probe assemblies. Common but more expensive methods for generating probe tips with PdCo or Rh in probe cards have been used in the test industry. Rh tips have been generated on multilayers of Ni-alloys using MEMS process on sub­strates where up to 25 layers were built up the beams and finally tips, a process also called EFAB [24-25]. In this method, as Ni-alloy beams are electroplated, a sacrificial metal structure made of Cu is also formed. After each layer, a planarization process is employed, then the following thin Ni-alloy layer is electroplated again. The tip made of different metallurgy is done as a final step. Another widely used MEMS-card in the in­dustry involves manufacturing probe beams in many layers and producing PdCo probe tips separately and bonding them together, which is costly and a long pro­cess [26-30]. These electrical contacts can be cantilever beams or vertical beams which are also called micro-springs. In this method vertical spring starts as a gold bond wire with a spring shape which gets electroplat­ed with Ni-alloy to impart its spring characteristics. Af­ter molding and planarization steps, PdCo tips formed separately gets attached in a solder reflow process to wire spring assembly. PdCo tips are generated in an etched silicon wafer. In this study, the measurements of Pd/Co ratio by weight on the probe strips and corresponding plating thickness readings were made. The palladium content varied from 60 to 78 wt.% in various strips measured by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy). Some measurements were initially performed also by WDS (Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy). The plating ra­tios and compositions indicated a range where there is low stress in deposits and no cracking was observed. The plating current was varied to study microstructures and find appropriately uniform microstructures with no sign of cracking in the films. SEM images in Fig. 6-12 show submicron grain structures from different plating current conditions whose duration was approximately 6 minutes. A porous microstructure is observed in Fig. 6 at a low plating current of 3 mA. Most grains have ir­regular shapes where two or three grains are conjoined together. It appears that grains become more uniform at 4 mA in Fig .7 and at 5 mA Fig. 8 in terms of uniform­ity of grains and quality of the overplate. Increasing plating current from 6 mA in Fig. 9 to 7 and 7.7 mA in Figs 10-11 changes a fairly uniform size distribution to a somewhat nonuniform or lower quality films. Lower quality films usually have pores or ruptures over the critical surface of probes near their tips. Porous films have typically less integrity and cause delamination of films during aggressive tip cleaning cycles in wafer test. It was noted that as the plating time exceeded 12 min and no stirring was used during the plating cycle, microcracking was observed on the plated surface sec­tions of probe tips as shown in Fig 13. For longer plating time and nonoptimal stirring conditions, microcrack­ing was observed regardless of existence of Au under­layer. Although it is more prevalent to see undesirable microcracking in of PdCo overcoat plated directly over Ni-alloy. It should be noted that the stirring conditions, especially stirring pump-direction was also key to stabi­lizing the plating quality and compositional uniformity. The compositional variation and grain size variations are less pronounced for stirring condition when opera­tor-to-wall mode is employed. Such mode was used for all plating conditions microstructures are shown from Fig. 6 to Fig. 11. It was seen to produce more uniform microstructures and also compositions of probe beams across the probe strip. The variation of plating com­position across a long strip is shown for non-optimal wall-to-operator side stirring direction, as shown in Fig 12, Pd/Co wt. % 60/ wt.% 40 to wt.% 78/ wt.% 22. The pump stirring was optimized to obtain low-stress, compositionally stable uniform grained structures with a uniform and smooth overcoat. In Fig 6-11, images A, B, C, D refer to different locations across a strip analyzed to understand microstructural characteristics. I appears that for these plating conditions, there are no dramatic grain structure or porosity changes within a plating set of conditions. For example, microstructural features in four images of Fig 6 (A, B, C, D) are similar in appearance and porosity. A similar correlation is observed for four images in Fig 7 (A, B, C, D). Figure 12: Pd/Co ratio (wt.% of Pd / wt.% of Co) varia­tion for one condition was shown. 6 mA plating current was used. The stirring pump direction was a critical parameter in stabilizing the plating quality and com­positional uniformity. Greater variation of plating com­position across a long strip is shown for the case of stir­ring from the wall-side to the operator-side in this case. Pictures labelled as A, B, C, D refer to different locations along the strip. Figure 13: Probe tip microstructure showing microc­racks on top and bottom sections. Figure 14 shows the cross-section of a probe tip where the core is NiMn alloy with electroplated inner Au over­coat layer with an average thickness of 2.9 µm and a PdCo outerlayer with average thickness measured at 5.7µm. Strip 11 in Fig. 14 refers to a strip of probes char­acterized to exhibit an overcoat chemical composition of Pd/Co 78/22 wt% with a thickness on the high end measured as 5.7 µm on average. This strip was analyzed for Au as well as PdCo coating uniformity and composi­tions from a total of 14 strips plated in the experiments. Figure 14: Cross-section of probe-tip is shown for a probe from one of the test strips. Average Pd-Co thick­ness is 5.7 µm and the average Au innerlayer thickness is 2.9 µm. Strip probes from selected composition and uniform microstructure lots were used in constructing a test card for lifetest and Cres qualification test. The con­tact resistance (Cres) is measured using a test system which includes a probe card with contact probes and interface and a test wafer with Al or solder contacts as shown in Fig.1 and in earlier work [4-5]. Signal is sent through one channel which links the prober/probe card and interface which reaches the wafer finally by a probe contact. For some lifecycle and qualification studies, blank wafers coated with Cu or Al or solder materials were used. Bump contact studies were car­ried out with wafers with Cu pillars or solder-capped copper pillars placed at various pitches, typically daisy chained for contact resistance measurements. Trace resistance was measured for the test vehicle used as the probe card. It contained a probe head carrying probes attached to a space transformer structure in­cluding a MLC (multilayer ceramic) and a PCB (printed circuit board), as illustrated in [4]. The trace resistance is calculated as the sum of reistances, RMLC+Rprobe+Rcres+(Rprobe+Rcres)/N, where R is the resistance and N is the number of probes, i.e. links in the chain being tested. It is more accurate to test many probes due to a neg­ligibly small second term in the equation. For the Cres test, the current is forced through a single probe and all other probes are shorted together and the last probe is sensed. The average PdCo thickness for test strips was identi­fied to be 3.5 µm. The stability of contact resistance is a very important parameter in wafer test. Probes made from NiMn probes without tip coating did not per­form well in lifetest and Cres assessments as the tips wore quickly and Cres became unstable after 100K touchdowns. Therefore a stable, non-corroding, non-oxidizing and hard-tip contact material was needed to improve performance. Coating over the tip should not be adhering to the debris generated during scrub cycle of probe tip on the pad or bump on the wafer. Any ac­cumulating debris on the probe tip must be removed by a cleaning cycle. A smooth, nonporous coating such as PdCo offers opportunities for good electrical contact in repetitive test cycles. Contact resistance and lifetest­ing on a test card indicated a fairly stable mean Cres of 0.2 Ohms up to 844000 touchdowns on test wafers, as seen in Fig. 15. Initial lifetest and stable Cres target was 500K touchdowns and tests indicated good results. In Fig. 15, each measurement interval represents 10 data points (25 data points at 513K). Each data point repre­sents the average of all 120 Cres probes taken before and after cleaning was applied. Cres mean is well below 0.5 ohms (<0.2 ohms, 15,000 data points). Figure 15: Each data point represents the average of all 120 Cres probes taken before and after cleaning was applied. Cres mean is well below 0.5 ohms. Figure 16 shows SEM images of probe tips (wedge style) from initial contact on the test wafer all the way up to 854K touchdowns. There is slow progression of tip wear and 12 µm tip width grows to 22um at 250K touchdowns and PdCo and also Au plating on the con­tacting wedge wears out and NiMn core becomes vis­ible. At 854K touchdowns, the tip width reaches to 33 µm as seen in image 6 in Fig. 16. Despite the tip wear observed, results indicate a good electrical contact based on electrical measurements of Cres as shown in Fig. 15. This was thought to be resulting from the com­bination of the probe tip composition. The contacting probe surface has both Au and PdCo contacting the bump along with NiMn core and it is possible that cur­rent mostly flows from Au plating surfaces in test cycle. Since the gold has the lowest resistivity and no corro­sion by products, once the gold plating is exposed, the contact resistance is kept low due to lower resistivity of Au than nickel-alloy. Periodic probe tip cleaning and constant cycling of solder-metal wears out probe tips and breaks through the PdCo overplate, however, this does not seem to cause any significant rise in average contact resistance. Probe tip-pad contact appears to be gold-to-solder pad over lifecycling. Figure 17 illustrates measurements of the tip width of probes based on SEM photos. The probe tip width reached 16um at 175K touchdowns and Au-underlayer broke through the PdCo overcoat, as the tip growth data shows. The baseline initial tip width was 12 µm. It remained fairly constant at 22 µm from 250K to 550K touchdowns and it grew to 28.6 µm at 760K and 33.3 µm at 854K touchdowns. The graph includes a poly­nomial which defines the tip wear versus number of touchdown cycles. Probe force stability at initial and final test conditions was also analyzed. Measurements indicated a constant probe force read­ings of 8.8 +-0.2 g at 75 µm OT. This suggests that probes survive the test cycle up to 854K touchdown cycle. It must be stated the PdCo coating can only be applied at tips where it helps good electrical contact between a probe and the bump. It should not be applied over deflecting section of a probe since it can peel off due to insufficient ductility of PdCo coatings over one million cycles necessary. However, underlayer of Au is useful but it is not by itself sufficient for reliable probe con­tacts over lifetesting. PdCo is harder than Au, leading to decreased wear, increased life and improved reliability in contacting surfaces. PdCo is more stable at higher temperature than the gold. The gold up is stable to 150 °C and the PdCo up to 395 °C under test conditions. During testing, even at high temps, the Cres stays con­sistent for PdCo plated contacts. Pd oxidizes at high temp ~ 380 °C. Co oxides are thin, self-limiting and conductive. Additionally surface oxides inhibit solder adherence. PdCo has smaller grain size than Au which may lead to lesser potential of diffusion and formation of intermetallic compounds. Intermetallic compound when formed at boundary layer of two dissimilar ma­terials tend to be hard and not very conductive. Pd and Co have higher melting points, 1559 °C and 1425 °C re­spectively, which show reduced tendency for diffusion and formation of intermetallic compounds. The melt­ing temperature of gold is 1064°C. It was suggested that higher melting point plating material will help in­hibit diffusion and formation of intermetallics in earlier research [31]. Also, it was surmised that lower porosity in PdCo does not allow corrosion to penetrate plating and damage base metal. It was reported that PdCo has a lower coefficient of friction than the gold [32]. Solder particles will not adhere to the spring probe surface minimizing excessive contamination or build-up on the probe surface. This provides a consistent contact resistance, allowing for longer periods for testing. NiMn alloy is susceptible to oxidation above 100 °C and if used without any coatings as probes, contact pressures need to be increased to achieve stable contact resist­ance. Also, PdCo (600 HV) [12, 33] is much harder than both NiMn-alloys (300 HV) [9] and BeCu (350 HV) [34]. HV refers to average Vickers hardness values for the electrodeposits. Therefore, probes of these alloys must be coated on the tips for reliable contact resistance. 4 Conclusion A new plating process was developed to plate-up hard PdCo coating in the tip section of NiMn probes used in wafer testing. During testing, PdCo-plating at the probe tip kept Cres low and stable throughout the test even with the excessive wear rate caused by the aggressive cleaning recipe. PdCo thickness could be further opti­mized to minimize tip wear. Overall Cres performance after cleaning was very satisfactory. The results show the mean value of <0.2 ohms, and a standard deviation of <0.16 ohms. Average tip width grew 200% after 844K touchdowns. Contact force was consistent between initial and after 844K touchdowns. 5 Acknowledgements This research was supported by a Marie Curie Inter­national Reintegration Grant within the 7th European Community Framework Program under grant # 271545. We also thank SV Probe Inc. R&D members for the dis­cussions and contributions in this study. 6 References 1. B. Prior, “Packaging and interconnect trends,” Ed. by M. Jensen, V. treilbergs, O. Prillaman, R. Hus­sain, F. Taber, M. Noel, I. Feldman, M. Moessinger, J. Moore, I. 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Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 Figure 1: The probe card structure showing the test system, probes and the wafer. Cap refers to capacitor and MLC/ST refers to multilayer-ceramic and the space transformer. a) Plunger Spring Shell Plating over plunger B. Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 a B. Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 Table 1: Plating process steps Process Step 1. SYSTEM PREP Fill heating water bath Unplug external thermocouple. Turn hot plate and stirrer on (125 oC / 200 rpm) Plug external thermocouple; set hot plate to 65 oC 2. PREPLATE CLEANING 1. Alconox solution Pour DI (deionized) water into dish Add detergent powder (1%) Heat cleaning solution to 45 oC Place probes in cleaner 15 min 2. DI Rinse Prepare DI water rinse baths Rinse probes for 5 min 3. H2SO4 30 ml H2SO4, 270 ml DI water, (10% acid) Place probes for 5 seconds 4. DI Rinse Prepare DI water rinse baths Rinse probes for 10 min 5. Dry bake Load baking plate on the hot plate Heat to 70 o C Load strips and bake for 15 min 3. PLATING 1.Mounting the probe strip Clear Jig (strip holder) of remaining material Place strip in the center of jig (probe tip up + curvature left to right) Seat strip in bottom of track Tighten Set screws Place and secure Jig in “Gantry” 2. On sequence Plug the power source wire to jig Turn the data logger on Lower the jig (probe tips) into plating fluid Adjust planarity if necessary using the level screws Make sure the strip is parallel to the Pt anode wire Turn on input pump Turn on output pump Remove the bridge (hydrophilic membrane to promote flow) using Q tips 3. Plating Process Start the current source and time it for 5 min Stop current source 4. Off sequence Turn off input pump Turn off output pump Put the bridge back on Unplug the power source from jig 5. Dismounting the probe strip Raise the jig Remove the jig Remove strip from jig 4. POST PLATE CLEANING 1. DI Rinse Rinse probes for 10 min in DI water 2. Dry bake Load strips and bake for 15 min B. Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 Figure 6: Microstructures produced at 3 mA current conditions. Figure 5: Probes and probe tips made of NiMn and resulting scrub marks are shown at initial touchdown, after 100K and 200K cycling on Al contact pads. As tip diameters grow after cycling, scrub marks start fading. Figure 7: Microstructures produced at 4 mA current conditions. B. Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 Figure 8: Microstructures produced at 5 mA current conditions. Figure 11: Microstructures produced at 7.7 mA current conditions. Figure 9: Microstructures produced at 6 mA current conditions. Figure 10: Microstructures produced at 7 mA current conditions. B. Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 B. Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 B. Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 Figure 16: SEM photos showing progression of tip wear in lifetest. The bars above images show number of cycles (from initial to 854K) and measured probe tip with in µm. Figure 17: Measurements of the tip width of probes based on SEM photos. B. Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 B. Tunaboylu; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 80 – 90 Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 91 – 99 High-performance Current-Controlled Quadrature Oscillator Using an optimized CCII Samir Ben Salem1,4, Achwek Ben Saied3,4 and Dorra Sellami Masmoudi2,4 1Development Group in Electronics and Communications (EleCom) Laboratory of Electronics and Information Technology (LETI), Sfax, Tunisia 2Computor Imaging and Electronic Systems Group (CIEL), Research Unit on Intelligent Design and Control of complex Systems (ICOS), Sfax, Tunisia 3Research Center for Computer Science & Multimedia of Sfax (CETIC), Sfax, Tunisia 4University of Sfax, National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS), Sfax, Tunisia Abstract: This paper proposes two structures of current-controlled quadrature Sinusoidal oscillator in CMOS technology (Voltage mode “VM” and Voltage/Current mode “VCM”). Thanks to its high degree of controllability, the translinear second-generation current conveyor is used as a basic block for our oscillator. The proposed circuit employs three optimized translinear second-generation current conveyors (CCII). The oscillation condition and the oscillation frequency are independently controllable by bias current. The proposed Quadrature Oscillator frequency can be tuned in the range of [285 MHz – 844 MHz] by a simple variation of a DC bias current. ADS (Advanced Design System) simulation results are performed using CMOS 0.18 µm process of TSMC. Keywords: Voltage Mode Current-controlled Oscillators; Standard CMOS current conveyor; Voltage/Current Mode Current Controlled Oscillators; CMOS 0.18 µm process of TSMC; optimized CCII. Visoko učinkovit tokovno krmiljen kvadrantni oscilator z optimiziranim CCII Izvleček: Članek predlaga dve strukturi tokovno krmiljenega kvadrantnega sinusnega oscilatorja v CMOS tehnologiji (napetostni – VM in napetostno tokovni – VCM). Zaradi velike zmožnosti nadzorovanja je za osnovni blok oscilatorja uporabljen translinearen tokovni krmilnik druge generacije (CCII). Frekvenca oscilacije je neodvisno določljiva z enosmerno komponento toka v območju od 285 – 844 MHz. Simulacijski rezultati so narejeni v CMOS 0.18 µm tehnologiji TSMC Ključne besede: napetostni tokovno krmiljen oscilator; standardni CMOS tokovni krmilnik; napetostno tokovni oscilator; CMOS; CCII. * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: samir.bensalem@isecs.rnu.tn 1 Introduction Variable-frequency quadrature Oscillators are basic sig­nal-generating blocks frequently needed in communi­cation systems. The LC or RC quadrature oscillator pres­ents many problems in the literature such as problems of integration, limitations of Surface Acoustic Wave, impedance matching, tuning, linearity, phase noise, … etc. For this reason, the voltage and current-controlled resistors (VCR and ICR) are widely used to replace float­ing or grounding resistors. The literature abounds with approaches implementing VCR and ICR [2-3]. Some structures use the OTA (Operational Transconductance Amplifier) [1], circuit-based on MOS transistors operat­ing in saturation region [4]. Nevertheless, these circuits suffer from their dependence to absolute temperature and their small input voltage range and complexity of control. Second-generation current-conveyor (CCII) based resistor blocs provide a working solution to solve these problems [5-6]. In order to enhance the performance, minimize the noise effect provoked by the floating and grounding resistor, get controllable characteristics for the pro­posed Quadrature oscillator, translinear second-gen­eration, current-controlled conveyor based structures seem to be the most efficient [7-8]. These structures present a higher degree of CCII characteristics control [9-10]. This family of CCII is first proposed in bipolar technology [9-11]. Recently, the translinear CCII family was extended to MOS submicron technologies going towards VLSI design. Reaching submicron technolo­gies, the MOS transistor becomes able to achieve high transit frequencies [12-15]. These CCII’s structures are used in different radio frequency (RF) controllable ap­plications such as oscillators, quadrature oscillators and filters [10-15]. This paper is organized as follows: In section II, we pres­ent the characteristics of optimized translinear Second Generation Current Conveyors. Simulation results of an optimized translinear second generation current conveyor are highlighted in section III (implemented in 0.18µm CMOS technology). In section IV, we pres­ent the CCII based quadrature oscillator architecture. We introduce the proposed Controlled Quadrature Oscillator in section V. Finally, the proposed structure is designed and simulated using ADS (Advanced Design System) software. 2 The optimized transinear loop-based ccii configurations Figure1: General representation of a current conveyor The CCII is a three-terminal active block. Its general rep­resentation is shown in Figure 1. The CCII ensures two functionalities between its terminals: A Current follower between terminals X and Z. A Voltage follower between terminals X and Y. In order to get ideal transfers, a CCII should be charac­terized by low impedance on terminal X and high im­pedance on terminals Y and Z. An implementation of the second-generation trans­linear loop-based current conveyor with a positive current transfer from X to Z terminal (CCII+) is shown in Figure 2 [10]. In this configuration, the relation be­tween terminal voltages and currents can be expressed in the following matrix: (1) Where RY , CY and RZ, CZ are respectively parasitic resist­ances and capacitances at port Y and Z. RX is the series parasitic resistance at port X. . and ß are the current and the voltage transfer gains of the CCII, respectively. Figure2: Translinear loop MOS-based implementation of CCII In this configuration, the voltage follower function between Y and X nodes is ensured by means of one mixed translinear loop formed by transistors M1, M2, M3 and M4. Transistors M9-M13 allows the mixed loop to be DC-biased. The output NMOS and PMOS current mirrors duplicate the current flowing from X to Z ports. For later optimization of this configuration, we should dispose of a process dependent explicit model of the different parasitic impedances on X, Y and Z ports. The parasitic effects in this CCII are to be modeled in a 0.18µm CMOS technology. Assuming the same stat­ic transconductance factors for the NMOS and PMOS transistors, a simple small signal analysis of the pro­posed circuits leads to the following expressions: (2) (3) (4) where .n and .p are channel length modulation factors for NMOS and PMOS transistors, µn and µp are electrons and hole mobility and gmi and roi are transconductance and output resistance of Mi transistor, respectively, with: (5) (6) We can see from the above equations that entire trans­linear loop-based CCII parasitic impedances can be con­trolled by means of Io. Moreover, parasitic resistance on the X (RX) port was used in many high-frequency tuning applications. Getting lower values of this resistance can lead to higher frequency operations. In this light, we try below to ameliorate the performance of the CCII by op­timization approach. This strategy consists in minimiz­ing the X port input resistance value, maximizing the resistance values of Y and Z ports, maximizing high cut-off current (Fci) and voltage (Fcv) frequencies, minimiz­ing noise effect ( ) and silicon area (S), minimizing the deviation between Fci and Fcv and minimizing the deviation between . (current static gain) and ß (volt­age static gain). To obtain good performance we will maximize the objective function. The objective func­tion can be expressed as follows: (7) Where .1,...,.8 are positive coefficients used for normali­zation. The static current and voltage gains are given by the following equations: (8) (9) Where: The current bandwidth is given by: (10) Where: To optimize the CCII, we use a Heuristic methodology [15-16]. The Heuristic optimization approach follows the plot depicted in Figure 3. It starts with an initializa­tion of the parameters vector which includes the siz­ing of the different transistors interfering in the above expressions. A random choice of the variables vector is then done followed by a verification of the preliminary conditions. These conditions are imposed to ensure that the different transistors are in the inversion mode of operations. If these conditions are fulfilled, the vec­tor parameters are candidates for the following steps, otherwise we do another choice. Next, we compute the objective function. If it is decreasing, when com­pared to the previous iteration, the parameter vector is saved; otherwise, we keep this vector unchanged. After a series of trials with the randomly chosen parameters, the parameter vector corresponding to the minimal objective function is obtained. When the number of trials is important, this solution corresponds to an op­timal solution. This method does not suffer from any divergence problems seen when applying gradient-based methods, but its efficiency is closely related to the number of iterations. Indeed, with a high number of trials, we manage to explore in a simple random way all the proposed tuning range of the different param­eters and good performances are ensured. Finally, we simulate the performances of the optimized CCII. If it is correct we take the optimal parameters else we go to the correction phase. We notice that the optimization process can be done with a ±1.5V supply voltage and 100µA bias current (table 1). The obtained optimal transistor sizes are re­ported in table 2. Table 1: Simulation conditions Technology 0.18 µm CMOS TSMC Supply voltage 1.5 V Bias current 100 µA TabIe 2: Optimal device sizing Device Name Aspect ratio W/L (µm) M1, M2 6.1/0.18 M3, M4 27.45/0.18 Mxx (in PMOS current mirrors) 13.725/0.18 Mxx (in NMOS current mirrors) 3.05/0.18 3 Simulation results The optimized current conveyor was simulated with ADS software. The main results obtained are represent­ed in Figure 4 A. Parasitic resistance at x terminal (Rx(.)) relative to Io(A) G. current and voltage gains versus Io (Bi and Bv pre­sent respectively .and ß) Figure 4: Performance of the optimized CCII ADS software simulations of the translinear loop based CCII in Figure 2 were conducted under the optimal parameters. The parasitic resistance at port X is repre­sented in Figure 4.A versus Io. It is obvious that RX can be controlled in the range [200., 1.6k.] by varying Io in the range [1µA, 400µA]. The fact that should be under­scored is that, even though this structure has a lower RX when compared to the value given in [11, 15]. Fig­ure 4.A depicts results obtained from both simulations (RX) and MAPLE theoretical calculus of (RXthe). We notice a good agreement between both characteristics. Fig­ure 4.B depicts the parasitic resistance values RZ and RY versus the bias current Io. Accordingly, tunable charac­teristics can be obtained while higher values of these parasitic resistances are preserved. Figure 4.C and Figure 4.E display the DC transfer char­acteristics of the optimized CCII. The voltage transfer can be linear between -0.7V and 0.7V. Moreover, the bandwidths of output terminals are shown in Figure 4.D and Figure 4.F. The -3dB bandwidths of Iz/Ix and Vx /Vy are located at 4.33GHz and 2.77GHz, respectively. Figure 4.G indicates that . and ß (current and voltage gains) are close to unity. The remaining other static and dynamic characteristics of the optimized translinear configuration are summarized in table 3. Table 3: Performance characteristics of the optimized CCII with Io = 100µA and 1.5 supply voltage Voltage gain ß 0.943 Current gain . 1.1 Fci 2.7GHz Fcv 4.33GHz Relative current Error 0.15% Relative Voltage Error 0.093% Input Impedance(RY//CY ) 18K.//87fF Input Impedance(Rz // Cz ) 24K.//25fF Input Resistance Rx 380. The offset current -2.2µA The offset voltage 13mV It is noticeable that the optimized configuration yields a high current and voltage cut-off frequencies. This structure is a promising building block for the design of RF blocs such as the controlled quadrature oscillator. 4 Quadrature Oscillator based on the CCII This architecture of the oscillation structure of Figure 5 [17-18] uses only three optimized CMOS CCIIs, one floating resistor along with the grounded resistors and capacitors. Taking into account these passive connec­tions, we get the following characteristic equation of the oscillator: (12) Figure 5: Variable Frequency Oscillator Implementa­tion This leads to the following oscillation condition and os­cillation frequency, respectively: (13) (14) In the reality R2 and R4 are respectively given by these relations: (R2+ Rx1) and (R4 + Rx2). If one of the values var­ies after implementation, we can recover the correct value by Io1 or Io2. From the above equations, a variable frequency oscilla­tor is obtained. The oscillation frequency can be adjust­ed independently without modification of the oscilla­tion condition by varying RX3. In this case, the oscillator will be controlled by means of a current source Io3. The confirmed performance of the oscillator is reported in Figure 6, showing the responses of the oscillator where C1=C5=0,3pF, R2=R4=300., I03=230µA and I01=I02=400µA. Figure 7 reveals that the phase and amplitude noise for 10MHz (offset frequency) are -115.5dBc and -145.2dBc, respectively. A sensitivity analysis of the quadrature oscillator shows that: Therefore, all of the passive-element sensitivities of the quadrature oscillator parameters are low. Figure 6: The simulation results of current waveforms of oscillator The quadrature oscillator is simulated for different CCII bias currents. Simulation results are shown in Figure 8. When varying the current Io3 between 30 µA and 400 µA, the oscillation frequency is tuned in the range [285–844 MHz]. Figure 8: Oscillation Frequency versus Control Current (Io3) The major drawback of this structure is the existence of floating resistance (R4). The dispersion of manufactur­ing processes and the temperature variation contrib­ute to the absolute error value of the resistance. In VLSI technology, a resistor is implemented on silicon wafer. However, resistors of practical values on silicon wafer suffer from limited values and high variability due to process variations. Moreover, its resistance values are not variable after integration. The same phenomenon can degrade the value of R4 and R2 after integration. Therefore, the basic idea is to replace these resistances by active resistors bloc. To address this problem, we present in Figures 9 and 10 a solution to eliminate the use of floating resistance and replace the grounding resistor. Figure 10: The active grounding resistance Req=RX=R2 5 The new Voltage Mode (VM) Current controlled quadrature Oscillator: The basic idea in the proposed VM quadrature oscilla­tor consists in replacing the resistance R4 by the active floating resistance given in Figure 9 and the resistance R2 by the parasitic resistance on port X (Figure 10). To realize these blocs, we use this implementation of opti­mized CCII. The new structure of the quadrature oscilla­tor is shown in Figure 11. Figure 11: The proposed quadrature oscillator imple­mentation The advantages of this circuit are the following: - The circuit enjoys simple controlled optimized structure which can be easily configured to re­alize quadrature oscillator using the minimum number of passive components. - The circuit uses grounded capacitors with no ex­ternally connected resistors; this should be very convenient for integration. - The circuit possesses independent controls of the oscillation frequency. Thus, the latter can be con­trolled by adjusting a bias current of CCII3 without disturbing the condition of oscillation while this condition can be met without disturbing the fre­quency of oscillation by the bias current of CCII4; this should pave the way for electronic tunability. The proposed oscillator is simulated for differ­ent CCII polarisation currents. The responses of the quadrature oscillator where C1=0,3pF, C5=0,3pF, R4=RXa+RXb=R2=RX=600. (Ioa=Iob=130µA and Io4=40µA), Io3=230µA and Io1=Io2= 400µA are given in Figure 12. The oscillation frequency is equal to 625MHz. Figure 12: The simulation result of Voltage waveforms of oscillator To verify and validate the good functionality of the pro­posed structure, we simulated the two structures (i.e. basic quadrature oscillator and proposed structures) under the same simulation conditions (R2 = R4 = 600. for the first structure and R4=RXa+RXb=R2=RX=600. for the proposed structure). Figure 13 illustrates the os­cillation frequency versus control bias current of CCII3 (Io3). The maximum relative difference between the fre­quencies determined for the two structures is less than 0.05%. Figure 13: Oscillation Frequency versus control bias current (I03) 6 The new Voltage/Current Mode (VCM) current controlled quadrature Oscillator: The evaluation of the high frequency circuits requires a voltage/current mode design. To transfer the Voltage-mode (VM) quadrature oscillator to a Voltage-Current-mode (VCM) quadrature oscillator, it is necessary to add two voltage/current conversion circuits shown in Figure 14 at the output stage. The voltage/current conversion uses one current conveyor (CCII). Figure 15 shows the ameliorated structure of the Voltage/Cur­rent mode quadrature oscillator. Figure 14: Voltage/current conversion Figure 15: Proposed Voltage/Current mode Quadra­ture oscillator The Voltage and Current responses of the VCM quadrature oscillator where C1= C5=0.3pF, R4=Rxa+Rxb=R2=Rx=600. (Ioa=Iob=130µA and Io4=40µA), Io3=230µA and Io1=Io2= 400µA are given in Figure 16. The oscillation frequency is equal to 625MHz. To verify and validate the good functionality, we simu­lated the VCM quadrature oscillator and the VM quad­rature oscillator. Figure 17 illustrates the oscillation frequency versus control bias current of CCII3 (Io3). We notice a good agreement between both characteristics. From this Figure, we see that when varying the control current Io3 between 100µA and 400µA, the oscillation frequency is tuned in the range [555 MHz –714.2MHz]. 7 Conclusion In this paper, a new design of variable-frequency, cur­rent-controlled quadrature oscillator was proposed. In order to get higher frequency performance of the quadrature oscillator, a translinear CCII structure is op­timized in 0.18µm CMOS process of TSMC. Simulation results show that this oscillator provides an independ­ent control of oscillation frequency and oscillation condition in the range [285MHz - 844MHz] by vary­ing the control current in the range [30µ-400µA]. To validate these results, a comparison between both the proposed and the basic structures is performed. This study demonstrates that the maximum relative differ­ence between the frequencies determined for the two structures is less than 0.05%. Finally we have proposed a Voltage-Current mode quadrature oscillator. 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Torteanchai and M. Kumngern “Current-Tuna­ble Current-Mode All-pass Section Using DDCC” International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA) 2011 Arrived: 12. 07. 2015 Accepted: 13. 03. 2016 S. B. Salem et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 91 – 99 S. B. Salem et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 91 – 99 Figure 3: The optimization approach. S. B. Salem et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 91 – 99 B. Parasitic resistance at Y and Z terminals (Ry(.) and Rz(.)) relative to Io (A) C. Voltage DC transfer characteristic of the CCII D. Frequency response of the voltage follower Vx/Vy E. Current DC transfer characteristic of the CCII S. B. Salem et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 91 – 99 F. Frequency response of the current follower Iz/Ix S. B. Salem et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 91 – 99 Figure 7: Phase and amplitude noise Figure 9: The active floating resistance Req=RXa+RXb=R4 S. B. Salem et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 91 – 99 S. B. Salem et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 91 – 99 (a) (b) Figure 16: The simulation result of Voltage (a) and cur­rent (b) waveforms oscillator Figure 17: Oscillation Frequency versus control bias current (I03) S. B. Salem et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 91 – 99 Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 100 – 105 Processing of steatite ceramic with a low dielectric constant and low dielectric losses K. Makovšek1, I. Ramšak2, B. Malič1, V. Bobnar1, D. Kuščer1 1Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenija 2ETI Elektroelement d.d., Izlake, Slovenia Abstract: Steatite ceramic was processed from natural raw materials talc, clay and dolomite. They were stabilised in water electrostatically and electrosterically with polyacrylic acid at pH 9. The suspensions were spray dried and the resulting powders contained granules with a mean size of 10 µm. The powders were dry-pressed and sintered at 1275 °C and 1300 °C for 2 hours. The effect of type of stabilisation and sintering temperature on the phase composition, microstructure and dielectric properties of the ceramic was studied. The X-ray powder diffraction analysis revealed that the orthorhombic protoenstatite and tetragonal cristobalite were present in all the ceramic samples. The microstructures of the samples investigated by scanning electron microscopy were homogenous with grains surrounded with a glass phase and some pores. By energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy we identified Mg, Si, Al and O in the grains and Mg, Si, O and minor amount of Al, Ca and Fe in the glassy phase. The dielectric constant of the ceramic measured at room temperature and 1 MHz decreased from about 8 to about 5 with increasing sintering temperature from 1275 °C to 1300 °C, while the dielectric losses were between 0.001 and 0.003. The dielectric properties of the steatite ceramic were related to the chemical composition of the glassy phase. The results show that the chemical composition of the phases and the dielectric properties of the ceramic depend on the processing temperature while the type of stabilization of raw materials in water has only a minor influence on these parameters. Keywords: steatite ceramic; microstructure; dielectric properties Priprava steatitne keramike z nizko dielektrično konstanto in nizkimi dielektričnimi izgubami Izvleček: Steatitno keramiko smo pripravili iz naravnih surovin talka, gline in dolomita, ki smo jih stabilizirali v vodi pri pH 9 elektrostatsko in elektrosterično s poliakrilno kislino. Z razprševanjem suspenzije v laboratorijskem razpršilnem sušilniku smo dobili granulat s povprečno velikostjo granul okoli 10 mm. Iz granulata smo z enoosnim stiskanjem pripravili surovce, ki smo jih sintrali pri 1275 °C in 1300 °C 2 uri. Študirali smo vpliv tipa stabilizacije in temperature sintranja na fazno sestavo, mikrostrukturo in dielektrične lastnosti keramike. Z rentgensko praškovno analizo smo ugotovili, da vsi keramični vzorci vsebujejo ortorombsko fazo protoenstatit in tetragonalno fazo kristoblit. Mikrostruktura keramike, ki smo jo preiskali z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom, je bila homogena. Sestavljena je bila iz zrn, ki jih je obdajala steklasta faza, in por. Z energijsko disperzijsko spektroskopijo rentgenskih žarkov smo v zrnih dokazali prisotnost Mg, Si, Al in O, v steklasti fazi pa smo identificirali poleg Mg, Si in O tudi sledove Al, Ca in Fe. Dielektrično konstanto (e) in dielektrične izgube (tan .) keramike smo izmerili pri sobni temperature in 1 MHz. Po sintranju pri 1275 °C je imela keramika e 8, medtem ko je bila vrednost e po sintranju na 1300 °C nižja, t.j., 5. Vrednoti tan . so bile med 0.001 in 0.003. Ugotovili smo, da so dielektrične lastnosti steatitne keramike odvisne od kemijske sestave steklaste faze. Rezultati so pokazali, da so dielektrične lastnosti steatitne keramike in kemijska sestava faz keramike odvisne od pogojev priprave keramike, medtem ko ima tip stabilizacije osnovnih surovin v vodi na te parametre le manjši vpliv. Ključne besede: steatitna keramika; mikrostruktura; dielektrične lastnosti * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: danjela.kuscer@ijs.si 1 Introduction Steatite ceramic is alumosilicate that contains approxi­mately 60 % of SiO2, 30 % of MgO, 5 % of Al2O3 and low amounts of oxides such as K2O, Na2O, CaO, Fe2O3 and TiO2 originated from impure raw materials. It is char­acterized by a flexural strength between 110 and 165 MPa, an electrical resistivity of about 1011 .m at room temperature, a dielectric constant between 5.5 and 7.5 and dielectric losses of about 0.001 [1]. These charac­teristics and the ability to fabricate final products in a wide variety of forms, make steatite ceramic attractive in many applications such as high-frequency insula­tors, appliance insulators, resistor cores, casings for thermostats and fuses. Steatite ceramic is usually fabricated from natural raw materials, namely talc and clay components, that are wet ground and patterned into a green body by ce­ramic technologies, examples being dry pressing of spray-dried powder and extrusion or casting of the suspension. After sintering at temperatures between 1250 and 1400 oC, the ceramic contains the grains of Mg-Al-Si-O that crystallise as protoensteatite and a glassy phase, whereas SiO2 as crystoballite can also be present in small quantities [2,3]. Protoenstatite consists of tetrahedral chains usually of corner-shearing SiO4 units that are separated by parallel chains of octahe­dral edge-sharing MO6 units containing cations such as Mg and Al [4]. The high-temperature orthorhombic protoenstatite phase is prone to transform on cooling into clinoen­statite, a monoclinic phase [5]. The resulting unit vol­ume change of 2.8 % may lead to formation of cracks and thus to deterioration of mechanical properties of the ceramic. The protoenstatite- clinoenstatite phase transformation is prevented when the protoenstatite grains are surrounded by the glassy phase and when the grains are in the micrometre range [1]. Thus, the mi­crostructure of the steatite ceramic has to be homoge­neous with micrometre-sized grains. The microstructure and the phase composition of the steatite ceramic depend on the chemical composition and the morphology of the raw materials, as well as on the processing conditions, such as homogenisation of raw materials, consolidation, temperature and time of firing. The presence of agglomerates in the powder has a detrimental effect on the ceramic since agglomerates either persist during processing or even lead to the for­mation of new heterogeneities during densification [6]. Agglomerates can be eliminated from the powder by colloidal processing [7]. By controlling the interparticle forces using polyelectrolytes such as ammonium poly­acrylate the talc was effectively dispersed in water [8]. After spray-drying and sintering the steatite ceramic was dense and homogeneous. Electrical properties of steatite ceramics are mostly re­lated to the amount and the composition of the glassy phase [1]. It was shown that the presence of alkalis in the glassy phase increases the electrical conductiv­ity and dielectric losses, while the presence of alkaline earth oxides results in low-loss steatite ceramics [1,9]. In this work we processed the steatite ceramic from talc and clay components stabilized in water electro­statically and electrosterically by polyacrylic acid, re­spectively. The suspensions were spray-dried and the resulting powder was pressed into powder compacts. They were sintered at 1275 °C and 1300 °C, respectively. The aim of this work was to relate the dielectric permit­tivity and the dielectric losses of the resulting ceramic to the phase composition, the microstructure and the chemical composition of the phases. 2 Experimental Talc, clay and dolomite were dispersed in water (Milli Q) without any additive and with polyacrylic acid (PAA, Aldrich) in the amount of 0.3 wt. % per g of the powder. The suspensions had the solid/water mass ratio 33/67. During the mixing of the suspensions with a magnetic stirrer for 2 hours, 0.2 wt. % of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA, Alfa Aesar) and 0.8 wt. % of polyethylene glycol (PEG, Aldrich) were added. Then the suspensions with pH 9 were homogenized in a planetary ball mill (Retsch) for 2 hours at 200 min-1. The suspensions were spray-dried in a laboratory spray drier (Buechi B-290) in air at 190 °C and 7.5 bar. Powder compacts were prepared from granulated powders. The powders were placed in a steel mold with a diameter of 12 mm and uniaxially pressed at 100 MPa. The samples were then sintered at 1275 °C and 1300 °C, respectively, for 2 h with heating and cooling rates of 5 °C/min. The ceramics prepared from the powder without PAA, sin­tered at 1275 °C and 1300 °C, were denoted S1275 and S1300, respectively. The ceramics prepared from the powder with PAA, sintered at 1275 °C and 1300 °C, were denoted SA1275 and SA1300, respectively. The geometrical density of the ceramic samples was calculated from the mass and dimensions of the pel­lets. The ceramics were analyzed by X-ray powder diffrac­tion (XRD) at room temperature using a diffractometer (PANalytical, X’Pert PRO MPD, The Netherlands). The data were collected in the 2 . range from 20 ° to 50 ° in steps of 0.034 °, with an integration time of 100 s. The phases were identified by software X-Pert High Score using the PDF-2 database [10]. The particle size distribution of the powders was meas­ured using a static light-scattering particle size analyser (Microtrac S3500). For the microstructural analysis the scanning electron microscope (SEM, JSM-5800 JEOL, Japan) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDXS, Tracor-Northern) was used. For standardless analysis, the Tra­cor SQ standardless analysis program, using multiple least-squares analysis and a ZAF matrix correction pro­cedure, was used. The samples were analyzed using an accelerating voltage of 20 kV and a spectra acquisition time of 100 s. The oxygen content in the samples was obtained by difference and is considered in the matrix correction calculations. The estimated error for EDXS analysis is up to 10 % for major elements and up to 30 % for minor elements. For dielectric investigations, the gold paste (ESL 8884 G) was screen-printed on top- and bottom- surfaces of the samples having a diameter of 11 mm and a thick­ness of 3 mm. The paste was fired at 900 °C for 10 min­utes. The dielectric constant (e) and dielectric losses (tan .) were measured at room temperature and fre­quency of 1 MHz with a Novocontrol Alpha High Reso­lution Dielectric Analyzer. The amplitude of the prob­ing AC electric signal was 1 V. 3 Results and discussion The morphology of the spray-dried powders prepared from suspension without any PAA (denoted G) and with PAA (denoted G PAA) is shown in Figure 1 a and b, respectively, The morphology of both powders was similar. The granules were roughly spherically shaped with sizes between a few and about 20 µm. The mean granule size dv50 measured by the particle size analyzer was 10 µm and 9.9 µm for G and G PAA, respectively. The dv90 for both powders was 20 µm. The XRD spectra of the SA1275, SA1300, S1275 and S1300 ceramic samples are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Diffraction spectra of S1275, S1300, SA1275 and SA1300 steatite ceramic. o-protoenstatite, #-cristo­balite All the spectra were similar with the diffraction peaks that corresponded to the orthorhombic protoenstatite phase (PDF 76-1806) and the tetragonal SiO2 (crysto­balite, PDF 76-0941). The main phase was protoen­statite, while the SiO2 was present in a low quantity. The relatively high background of the spectra indicat­ed that the ceramic contained also some amorphous phase. The intensity of the diffraction peaks and the background were comparable for all the samples, therefore we assume that the amounts of the phases in all the samples were similar. The cell parameters of the protoenstatite in the S1275, S1300, SA1275 and SA1300 steatite ceramics are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Cell parameters of protoenstatite MgSiO3 in the S1275, S1300, SA1275 and SA1300 steatite ceramic a [nm] b [nm] c [nm] SA 1275 0.9246(1) 0.8746(2) 0.5319(1) SA 1300 0.9251(1) 0.8750(1) 0.5322(1) S 1275 0.9247(1) 0.8745(2) 0.5319(1) S 1300 0.9250(1) 0.8750(2) 0.5321(1) The cell parameters of the protoenstatite phase in ce­ramics prepared from the granulated powder without PAA and with PAA depended on the processing tem­perature and were similar for the samples sintered at 1275 °C (compare S1275 and SA1275) and 1300 °C (compare S1300 and SA1300), respectively. They were in agreement with the protoenstatite unit cell reported in literature [11]. The cell parameters of the protoen­statite sintered at 1300 °C were larger than those of the sample sintered at 1275 °C. The microstructures of the SA1275, SA1300, S1275, and S1300 ceramic samples are shown in Figure 3. The mi­crostructure of all the samples contains a bright phase (denoted S) and a dark, glassy phase (denoted LP) in addition to pores (P) which is in agreement with the li-terature [1]. Pores with sizes up to about ten microme­ters are homogeneously distributed in the microstruc­ture. The geometrical density of the ceramic was similar for all the samples, 2.77 ± 0.01 g/cm3. It is evident that the grains of the bright phase (S) are distributed in the dark, glassy phase The size of the grains ranged from submicrometre to about 5 µm. In some grains we observed cracks. By SEM/EDXS analysis we confirmed that some of the grains with the cracks were SiO2-rich. It is known that crystaoballite can trans­form during cooling to quartz with corresponding change in unit cell volume that leads to the formation of intragranular cracks [12]. With XRD analysis we con­firmed the presence of cristobalite phase in all ceramic samples. The characteristic quartz (101) diffraction peak with the highest intensity at 2 Theta of 26.2 ° was not detected in any of the samples. It is possible that the amount of quartz was below the detection limit of XRD analysis, which is about 2 wt. %. The formation of cracks could also be a consequence of protoenstatite to clinoenstatite phase transformation during cooling and corresponding difference in the unit cell volume [2,13]. However we have not detected any monoclinic clinoenstatite phase by XRD. The characteristic clinoen­statite (-2 2 1) diffraction peak with the highest intensi­ty at 2 Theta of 29.75 ° (PDF 75-1406) was not detected in any of the samples (see Figure 2). It is possible that the amount to clinoenstatite was below the detection limit of XRD analysis. We performed the EDXS analysis of the bright phase (S) and the dark phase (LP) in all the samples. We found out that the composition of the selected phase in the ceramic prepared from the granulated powder without PAA and with PAA was similar, but it varied with the pro­cessing temperature. The results of the analysis of the samples SA1275 and SA1300 are presented in Table 2. Table 2: The composition of the dark (LP) and bright (S) phases in the samples SA1275 and SA1300. SA 1275 SA 1300 LP [wt. %] S [wt. %] LP [wt. %] S [wt. %] MgO 14.4 ± 0.7 29.6 ± 1.5 12.8 ± 0.6 31.1 ± 1.5 Al2O3 3.6 ± 0.3 3.6 ± 0.3 3.9 ± 0.6 2.8 ± 0.4 SiO2 79.3 ± 4 64.4 ± 3 80.4 ± 4 63.9 ± 3 CaO 1.9 ± 0.3 1.3 ± 0.2 2.1 ± 0.3 1.3 ± 0.2 Fe2O3 0.80 ± 0.12 1.10 ± 0.16 0.80 ± 0.10 0.90 ± 0.13 In the dark and in the bright phases we identified the following elements: Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Fe and O. Concern­ing the sample sintered at 1275 °C, it is evident that the bright phase (S) contained about 65 % of SiO2, about 30 % of MgO, 3.6 % of Al2O3, 1.3 % of CaO and about 1 % of Fe2O3 (all in wt. %). The ratio between SiO2, MgO and Al2O3 corresponded well to that of steatite. On the basis of XRD and EDXS analyses we concluded that the bright phase crystallized in the orthorhombic structure and contained Si-Mg-Al-O protoensteatite phase with minor amounts of Ca and Fe. The presence of CaO and Fe2O3 is related to impurities originated from the natu­ral raw materials. The dark phase (LP) contained a higher amount of SiO2, about 80 % and a lower amount of MgO, about 14 %, while the amounts of Al2O3, CaO and Fe2O3 were similar. The chemical composition of the bright phase slightly changed after sintering at 1300 °C. The amount of MgO increased, while the amounts of Al2O3 and SiO2 de­creased. A higher amount of Mg2+ with ionic radius r = 0.072 nm [14] and a lower amount of Si4+ (r = 0.026 nm) [12] and Al3+ (r = 0.039 nm) [12] may result in larger unit cell at 1300 °C which is consistent with the calculated lattice parameters of the protoensteatite (Table 1). The dark phase (LP) contained in a sample sintered at 1300 °C less MgO and more SiO2, while the amounts of Al2O3, CaO and Fe2O3 were similar to that in sample sin­tered at 1275 °C. The dielectric constant e and the dielectric losses of the S1275, S1300, SA1275 and SA1300 samples measured at room temperature are presented in Table 3. Table 3: Dielectric constant e and the dielectric losses tan . of the S1275, S1300, SA1275 and SA1300 e (1 MHz) tan . (1 MHz) SA1275 8.42 0.002 SA1300 5.5 0.003 S1275 7.74 0.001 S1300 4.6 0.002 The dielectric constants of the samples sintered at 1275 °C were higher than of those sintered at 1300 °C. This could be related to the chemical composition of the steatite ceramic which depends on the processing temperature. The dielectric constant of the steatite MgSiO3 with the density of 93 % is 6.2 [15]. The dielectric constants of MgO and Al2O3 are similar, 9.8 and 10, respectively, while the dielectric constant of SiO2 is 4. It was report­ed that the properties of the steatite ceramic depend mostly on the composition of the glassy phase [1]. From the results it is evident that at 1300 oC the liq­uid phase contained more SiO2 and less MgO than at 1275 oC. A higher amount of SiO2 with a low dielectric constant and a low amount of MgO with a high dielec­tric constant decreased the dielectric constant of the glassy phase. Consequently the dielectric constant of the steatite ceramic processed at 1300 oC was lower than that at 1275 °C. 4 Conclusions Aqueous suspensions of talc/clay/dolomite mixtures stabilized electrostatically and electrosterically with polyacrylic acid at pH 9 have been prepared in a solid load of 33 wt. %. After spray-drying the powder con­tained spherically shaped granules with sizes between a few and about 20 µm. The powder compacts were sintered at 1275 °C and 1300 °C. The microstructures of all the steatite ceramics were homogeneous and con­tained protoenstatite grains surrounded with a glassy phase together with a low amount of crystobalite and some pores. The dielectric constant was about 5 and about 8 for the ceramics sintered at 1300 oC and 1275 °C, respec­tively, while the dielectric losses were between 0.001 and 0.003. The values of the dielectric constant were related to the chemical composition of the glassy phase that contained more SiO2, less MgO and similar amounts of Al2O3, CaO and Fe2O3 after sintering at 1300 °C. A higher amount of SiO2 with the dielectric constant of about 4 and a lower amount of MgO with the dielectric constant of about 10 contributed to a lower dielectric constant of the steatite ceramics. 5 Acknowledgments Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia is acknowledged for the financial support through the project Raziskovalci na začetku kariere-2013-IJS-726 (OP13. This work was supported also by the Slovenian Research Agency (P2-0105). The authors would like to thank to Jana Cilenšek and Silvo Drnovšek for technical assistance and dr. Mateja Podlogar for spray driying experiments. 6 References 1. W. D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen, D. R. Uhlmann, “Intro­duction to ceramic”, John Wiley&Sons, 1976. 2. W. Mielcarek, D. Nowak-Wozny, K. 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Makovšek et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 100 – 105 Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 106 – 108 Doktorske disertacije na področju mikroelektronike, elektronskih sestavnih delov in materialov v Sloveniji v letu 2015 Doctoral theses on Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials in Slovenia in 2015 Univerza v Ljubljani / University of Ljubljana Fakulteta za elektrotehniko / Faculty of Electrical Engineering 1 Avtor Iztok Bratuž Author Naslov Optimizacija protokolov samodejnih brezstičnih sistemov za identifikacijo oseb in pred­metov Title Optimisation of protocols for automated contactless systems for person and object identifi­cation Mentor izr. prof. dr. Andrej Trost Supervisor 2 Avtor Jure Močnik Author Naslov Nizkonapetostna arhitektura za upravljanje pametnih omrežij Title Low voltage architecture for smart grid management Mentor prof. dr. Andrej Žemva Supervisor 3 Avtor Sebastjan Šlajpah Author Naslov Nosljivi senzorni sistem za merjenje in ocenjevanje vstajanja Title Wearable sensory system for measurement and evaluation of sit-to-stand movements Mentor prof. dr. Roman Kamnik Supervisor 4 Avtor Martin Sever Author Naslov Optimizacija hrapavosti spojev v tankoplastnih silicijevih sončnih celicah s tridimenzional­nim optičnim modeliranjem in simulacijami Title Optimisation of interface textures in thin-film silicon solar cells aided by three-dimensional optical modelling and simulations Mentor prof. dr. Janez Krč Supervisor 5 Avtor Gašper Matič Author Naslov Razvoj elektronskega sistema za upravljanje vsevrtečega brezpilotnega letala Title Development of electronic control systems for all-rotating unmanned aerial vehicle Mentor doc. dr. Marko Jankovec Supervisor 6 Avtor Uroš Puc Author Naslov Spektroskopsko teraherčno slikanje Title Spectroscopic terahertz imaging Mentor prof. dr. Anton Jeglič Somentor prof. dr. Gintaras Valušis Supervisor Co-Supervisor Univerza v Mariboru / University of Maribor Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko / Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1 Avtor Tine Konjedic Author Naslov Soft switching for improving the efficiency and power density of a single-phase converter with power factor correction Title Uporaba tehnike mehkega preklapljanja za izboljšanje učinkovitosti in povečanje gostote moči enofaznega pretvornika s korekcijo faktorja moči Mentor prof. dr. Miro Milanovič Supervisor 2 Avtor Lucijan Korošec Author Naslov Pulzno gostotno moduliran mikrorazsmernik z aktivnim razklopitvenim tokokrogom Title Pulse density modulated microinverter with active decoupling circuit Mentor prof. dr. Miro Milanovič Supervisor 3 Avtor Lovro Belak Author Naslov Strateško vzdrževanje prenosnih naprav s stališča zanesljivosti in tveganja Title Strategic maintenance of high voltage equipment from the point of reliability and risk Mentor prof. dr. Jože Pihler Somentor prof. dr. Josip Voršič Supervisor Co-Supervisor Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana / Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School 1 Avtor Gregor Filipič Author Naslov Plazemska sinteza kovinsko-oksidnih nanožic in njihova uporaba Title Plasma synthesis of metal-oxide nanowires and their application Mentor prof. dr. Uroš Cvelbar Supervisor 2 Avtor Andrej Kovič Author Naslov Sinteza in karakterizacija nanožic in nanocevk na osnovi molibdena Title Synthesis and characterization of molybdenum based nanowires and nanotubes   Mentor dr. Aleš Mrzel Supervisor 3 Avtor Raluca-Camelia Frunza Author Naslov Tanke plasti dielektrikov na osnovi tantalovega oksida s sintezo iz raztopine in njihova upo­raba v transparentni elektroniki Title Solution-derived dielectric tantalum-oxide-based thin films and their applications in trans­parent electronics Mentor prof. dr. Barbara Malič Supervisor 4 Avtor Jernej Pavlič Author Naslov Optimizacija pogojev priprave debelih plasti kalijevega natrijevega niobata ter njihov elek­tromehanski odziv Title Optimization of the processing of potassium sodium niobate thick films and their electro­mechanical behavior Mentor doc. dr. Tadej Rojac Somentor prof. dr. Barbara Malič Supervisor Co-Supervisor Bold font is used for the original title of the thesis (and language in which the thesis is written), normal font for title translation. Doktorske disertacije/Doctoral theses; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 106 – 108 Doktorske disertacije/Doctoral theses; Informacije Midem, Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 106 – 108 Call for papers Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 46, No. 2(2016), 109 – 109 MIDEM 2016 52nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONICS, DEVICES AND MATERIALS WITH THE WORKSHOP ON BIOSENSORS AND MICROFLUIDICS Announcement and Call for Papers September 28th – 30th, 2016 Ankaran, Slovenia ORGANIZER: MIDEM Society - Society for Microelec­tronics, Electronic Components and Materials, Ljublja­na, Slovenia CONFERENCE SPONSORS: Slovenian Research Agen­cy, Republic of Slovenia; IMAPS, Slovenia Chapter; IEEE, Slovenia Section; Zavod TC SEMTO, Ljubljana. GENERAL INFORMATION The 52nd International Conference on Microelectron­ics, Electronic Components and Devices with the Workshop on Biosensors and Microfluidics continues a successful tradition of the annual international con­ferences organised by the MIDEM Society, the Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Ma­terials. The conference will be held at Hotel Convent, Ankaran, Slovenia, well-known resort and conference centre, from SEPTEMBER 28th – 30th, 2016. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Workshop focus: Biosensors and Microfluidics - Novel monolithic and hybrid circuit processing techniques, - New device and circuit design, - Process and device modelling, - Semiconductor physics, - Sensors and actuators, - Electromechanical devices, Microsystems and na­nosystems, - Nanoelectronics - Optoelectronics, - Photonics, - Photovoltaic devices, - New electronic materials and applications, - Electronic materials science and technology, - Materials characterization techniques, - Reliability and failure analysis, - Education in microelectronics, devices and mate­rials. ABSTRACT AND PAPER SUBMISSION: Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit up to 1 page abstract before May 1st, 2016. Please, iden­tify the contact author with complete mailing address, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address. After notification of acceptance (June 15th, 2016), the authors are asked to prepare a full paper version of six pages maximum. Papers should be in black and white. Full paper deadline in PDF and DOC electronic format is: August 31st, 2016. IMPORTANT DATES: Abstract deadline: May 1st, 2016 (1 page abstract or full paper) Notification of acceptance: June 15th, 2016 Deadline for final version of manuscript: August 31st, 2016 Invited and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Deatailed and updated information about the MIDEM Conferences is available at http://www.midem-drustvo.si/ under Conferences. Boards of MIDEM Society | Organi društva MIDEM MIDEM Executive Board | Izvršilni odbor MIDEM President of the MIDEM Society | Predsednik društva MIDEM Prof. Dr. Marko Topič, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Vice-presidents | Podpredsednika Prof. Dr. Barbara Malič, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Dr. Iztok Šorli, MIKROIKS, d. o. o., Ljubljana, Slovenija Secretary | Tajnik Olga Zakrajšek, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenija MIDEM Executive Board Members | Člani izvršilnega odbora MIDEM Prof. Dr. Slavko Amon, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Darko Belavič, In.Medica, d.o.o., Šentjernej, Slovenia Dr. Slavko Bernik, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Prof. DDr. Denis Đonlagič, UM, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor, Slovenia Prof. Dr. Leszek J. Golonka, Technical University Wroclaw, Poland Leopold Knez, Iskra TELA d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia Dr. Miloš Komac, UL, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia Prof. Dr. Miran Mozetič, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Jožef Perne, Zavod TC SEMTO, Ljubljana, Slovenia Prof. Dr. Giorgio Pignatel, University of Perugia, Italia Prof. Dr. Janez Trontelj, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Supervisory Board | Nadzorni odbor Prof. Dr. Franc Smole, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Mag. Andrej Pirih, Iskra-Zaščite, d. o. o. , Ljubljana, Slovenia Igor Pompe, Ljubljana, Slovenia Court of honour | Častno razsodišče Emer. Prof. Dr. Jože Furlan, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Prof. Dr. Radko Osredkar, UL, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Slovenia Franc Jan, Kranj, Slovenia Informacije MIDEM Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials ISSN 0352-9045 Publisher / Založnik: MIDEM Society / Društvo MIDEM Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, Ljubljana, Slovenia Strokovno društvo za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale, Ljubljana, Slovenija www.midem-drustvo.si