Acta agriculturae slovenica, suplement 1(avgust 2004), 173–178. 12th Int. Symp. “Animal Science Days”, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 2–4, 2004. Original scientific article Izvirni znanstveni prispevek EFFECT OF ACORN (Quercus robur) INTAKE ON FAECAL EGG COUNT IN OUTDOOR REARED BLACK SLAVONIAN PIG Krešimir SALAJPAL a), Danijel KAROLYI b), Relja BECK c), Goran KIŠ d), Ivan VICKOVIĆ e), Marija ĐIKIĆ f) and Damir KOVAČIĆ g) a) Univ. of Zagreb, Fac. of Agriculture, Dept. of Animal Science, Svetošimunska 25, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Ass. b) Same address as a), Ass., M.Sc. c) Univ. of Zagreb, Fac. of Veterinary Medicine, Dept. of Parasitology, Heinzlova 55, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Ass. d) Univ. of Zagreb, Fac. of Agriculture, Dept. Animal Nutrition, Svetošimunska 25, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Ass., M.Sc. e) Croatian Veterinary Institute, Dept. of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies and Pathology of Ruminants, Savska 143, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Ass. f) Same address as a), Prof., Ph.D., M.Sc. g) Univ. of Zagreb, Fac. of Agriculture, Dept. of Agricultural Marketing, Svetošimunska 25, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Assist.Prof., Ph.D., M.Sc. ABSTRACT Chemical composition of the acorn (Quercus robur), tannin content and its ability to influence the faecal egg count output reduction in the Black Slavonian Pig reared in outdoor production system were investigated. A total of 20 Black Slavonian Pigs with naturally acquired parasite were randomly divided into experimental (E) and control (C) group. The pigs in experimental group were fed an acorn Ad libitum and the pigs of the control group were given only 2 kg of concentrate. The faecal egg count (FEC) was assessed by individual pig before and after acorn consumption. Faecal egg count reduction percentage (FECR%) was calculated separately for large roundworm (Ascaris suum) and other gastrointestinal parasites (Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides and Hyostrongylus sp.). The results demonstrate that acorn is tannin rich forage (65.6 g kg–1) which can reduce FEC output of pigs parasitised with gastrointestinal nemathodes. The reduction in total faecal egg count output in acorn fed pigs was 96.01%. FECR% for A. suum and other nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract (Oesophagostom spp., Strongyloides and Hyostrongylus sp.) was 96.56% and 93.55%, respectively. These results would imply that the gastrointestinal nematode population was highly sensitive and responsive to the effect of acorn tannin in feed. Therefore, the acorn grazing has the potential of aiding in the control of the gastrointestinal parasites in the outdoor reared Black Slavonian Pig and consequently results in reduced need for anthelmintic treatment. Key words: pigs / breeds / Black Slavonian Pig / outdoor system / acorn / Quercus robur / tannin / parasites VPLIV ZAUŽIVANJA DOBA (Quercus robur) NA ŠTEVILO JAJČEC V BLATU ČRNIH SLAVONSKIH PRAŠIČEV, REJENIH NA PROSTEM IZVLEČEK Proučevali smo kemično sestavo doba (Quercus robur), vsebnost tanina in njegovo sposobnost zmanjševanja izločenih jajčec z blatom pri črnih slavonskih prašičih, rejenih na prostem. Skupno 20 črnih slavonskih prašičev, okuženih s zajedavci, ki se običajno pojavljajo, smo naključno razdelili v poskusno (E) in kontrolno (C) skupino. Prašiči v poskusni skupini so bili krmljeni po volji z dobom, medtem ko so prašiči v kontrolni skupini dobivali le 2 kg koncentratov na dan. Acta agriculturae slovenica, suplement 1(avgust 2004). 174 Število jajčec v blatu (FEC) smo določili pri vsakem prašiču pred in po zauživanju doba. Zmanjšanje števila jajčec v blatu (FECR%) smo izračunali ločeno za gliste (Ascaris suum) in druge želodčne in črevesne zajedavce (Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides and Hyostrongylus sp.). Rezultati so pokazali, da je dob s tanini bogata krma (65,6 g kg–1), ki lahko zmanjša izločanje FEC pri prašičih, okuženih z želodčnimi in črevesnimi zajedavci. FECR% pri prašičih, krmljenih z dobom, je znašalo 96,1 %. FECR% za A. suum in druge zajedavce prebavnega trakta (Oesophagostom spp., Strongyloides and Hyostrongylus sp.) je bilo 96,56% oziroma 93,55%. Ti rezultati kažejo, da je populacija zajedavcev v prebavnem traktu zelo občutljiva na vpliv dobovega tanina v krmi. Tako predstavlja paša doba veliko možnost pri kontroli zajedavcev prebavnega trakta pri reji črnih slavonskih prašičev na prostem in zmanjšuje uporabo antihelmentikov. Ključne besede: prašiči / pasme / črna slavonska pasma / reja na prostem / dob / Quercus robur / tanin / zajedalci INTRODUCTION Black Slavonian Pig production in East Croatia is an outdoor grazing system, which includes utilisation of natural resources of pasture and oak woodland with the supplement of a small amount of corn seed or some other cereal. In contrast to an indoor system, pigs are more exposed to parasite infection with an extensive spectrum and higher prevalence of helminth infection. Infections caused by gastrointestinal parasites continue to decrease animal productivity in all livestock species worldwide (Gill and Le Jambre, 1996). Various types of swine worms reduce growth rate and feed efficacy, damage tissues and predispose pigs to infection by other disease agents. The most prevalent internal parasites in pigs reared outdoors are coccidia (Isospora), whipworm (Trichuris suis), nodular worm (Oesophagostomum spp.), large roundworm (Ascaris suum) and intestinal threadworm (Strongyloides ) (Cabaret, 2003). Grazing management and chemotherapy are the classical methods of gastrointestinal nematode control. The increasing resistance of gastrointestinal nemathodes to anthelmintic drugs (Hertzberg and Bauer, 2000), concerns over possible chemical residue, environmental impact, as well as the cost of treatment, increases interest for alternative control methods. One of the recent no-drug recommendation methods is the consumption of plants rich in condensed tannin. The condensed tannin (CT) is the most common type of tannin found in different plant parts of different plant species. Plant parts containing tannins include bark, wood, fruit, fruit pods, leaves, roots and plant galls. Forages rich in condensed tannin have been found to improve performance of animals that had high faecal parasite egg counts (Niezen et al., 1998), reduce egg output and worm burden in general (Butter et al., 2000). The tannin content has a direct toxic effect on parasites and/or on the parasite fecundity (Hoskin et al., 2000), thus it may decrease hatch rate and larval development in faeces. Also, it affects the survival and migration of the infective larvae in the sward (Scales et al., 1994) and consequently reduces pasture contamination and ingestion of infective larvae. By grazing in oak woods, especially during season when alternative forage availability is scarce, pigs may consume huge amounts of tannin rich plant material. The aim of this study was to define the chemical composition of the acorn (Quercus robur) with an accent on tannin content and its ability to influence the faecal egg count output reduction in the Black Slavonian Pig reared outdoors. Salajpal, K. et al. Effect of acorn (Quercus robur) … faecal egg count in outdoor reared Black Slavonian Pig. 175 MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals and trial design A total of 20 Black Slavonian Pigs were used in this study. All of the animals were between 18 and 20 months old, reared in an outdoor production system and maintained under same management and deworming programme. The animals were weaned at three months of age, with deworming taking place in the following two weeks with 7.5 mg of Levamisole (Nilverm 7.5%, Veterina d.o.o., Croatia) per kg of body weight. The examined pigs were reared on pasture utilizing natural resources with the addition about of 2.0 kg of concentrate per pig. A kg of concentrate had 12.5 MJ ME and 13.0% crude protein (CP). The 30 days before the start of the experiment, the pasture was divided into two same parts. The studied population was randomly divided into experimental (E) and control (C) group. Each group contained ten animals and was placed on the one of this pasture. In the next 30 days pigs were established a new “packing order” in the groups and were adapted to their enviroment. After the adaptation period, the pigs of the experimental group were fed acorn Ad libitum and the pigs of the control group were given only about 2 kg of concentrate daily per pig during the next 28 days. Acorn analysis Acorn was analysed (Table 1.) for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF), ash and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) with standard procedures according to A.O.A.C. (1984). Tannin content was determined colorimetrically following the A.O.A.C. method (1984). Metabolisable energy (ME, MJ/kg DM) was estimated according to DLG (1991). Parasitological parameters In both experimental and control group, faeces were collected directly from the rectum of the pigs on day one of acorn consumption (pre-treatment sample) as well as 28 days later (post- treatment sample). Individual samples were obtained. Faecal egg counts (FECs) were carried out using a modified McMaster method with saturated sodium chloride as the flotation fluid (Whitlock, 1948). Total FECs were performed separately for large roundworm (Ascaris suum) and other gastrointestinal parasites (Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides and Hyostrongylus sp.). Data analysis All egg counts were transformed to the natural logarithm ln (FEC+1) to correct heterogeneity of variance and to produce approximately normally distributed data. After transformation the difference between the post-treatment eggs per gram value (EpG) in the experimental and the control group was calculated using t-test. The effect of EpG variation in control group during the experimental period was analyzed by the transformed pre- and post-treatment EpG value, using a paired t-test (SAS, 1999). The faecal egg count reduction percentage (FECR%) was calculated according to the following formula (Anderson et al., 1988): FERT% = 100 {1 – [(expX 2,2 / expX2,1) × (expX1,1 / expX1,2)]} X1,1 = mean value of the logarithmically transformed pre-treatement EpG value in the control group Acta agriculturae slovenica, suplement 1(avgust 2004). 176 X1,2 = mean value of the logarithmically transformed post-treatement EpG value in the control group X2,1 = mean value of the logarithmically transformed pre-treatement EpG value in the experimental group X2,2 = mean value of the logarithmically transformed post-treatement EpG value in the experimental group RESULTS AND DISCUSION The chemical composition of acorn (Quercus robur), including dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF), ash, nitrogen-free extract (NFE) and tannin content is given in table 1. Table 1. Chemical composition of acorn (Quercus robur) Chemical composition, g kg–1 of DM Dry matter (DM) Tannin Crude protein (CP) Ether extract (EE) Crude fibre (CF) Nitrogen- free extract (NFE) Ash MJ ME Acorn (Quercus robur) 662.00 65.60 44.56 35.97 92.30 809.67 17.50 7.47 The results of chemical composition of acorn suggest that acorn is tannin rich forage (65.6 g kg–1). The effect of tannin rich forage on faecal egg count reduction percentage depends on tannin concentration in them. Beneficial effects of CT in forages for FEC in sheep and goat occur in the range 45 to 55 g of CT kg–1 of DM (Min and Hart, 2003). The tannin content of the acorn from different climates has previously been observed (Saffarzadeh et al., 2000) and the results show that the tannin content of the acorn from tropical, Mediterranean and cold climate was 49 g kg–1, 48 g kg–1 and 44 g kg–1, respectively. Similar to our result, Margaletić (2001) found 45 to 85 g kg–1 tannin content in the acorn from different parts of Croatia. Influence of the acorn consumption on the pre- and post-treatment FECs and FECR% results in Black Slavonian pigs are given in Table 2. Table 2. Mean value and range of faecal egg count (FEC) before and after acorn consumption and faecal egg count reduction percentage (FECR%) Experimental group Control group Mean FEC, range Mean FEC, range Pre-treatment Post-treatment Pre-treatment Post-treatment FECR% A. suum 110.4 (7–420) 0.6 a (0–2) 104.1 (2–351) 111.1 b (7–438) 96.56 GIP* 160.2 (20–327) 9.2 a (0–18) 172.6 (12–315) 152.7 b (20–411) 93.55 Total 270.60 (50–507) 9.80 a (0–18) 276.7 (34–497) 263.8 b (48–567) 96.01 a,b = for rows values with different letters are significantly different (P<0.001), * = Other gastrointestinal parasites (Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides and Hyostrongylus sp.). The total pre-treatment FEC of the experimental group was 270.6 EpG with range of 50–507. Following acorn consumption FEC decreased to final post-treatment mean value of 9.8 EpG with Salajpal, K. et al. Effect of acorn (Quercus robur) … faecal egg count in outdoor reared Black Slavonian Pig. 177 range of 0–18. In the same time, the total pre-treatment and post-treatment FEC of control group was 276.7 EpG with range of 34–497 and 263.8 EpG with range of 48–567, respectively. Because some variations between groups pre-treatment EpG value and variation in eggs excretion over time is possible, in the FECR% calculation, pre- and post-treatment FEC values as well as the control group were included. The FECR% result (Table 2.) showed 96.01% reduction in total faecal egg count output in acorn fed pigs. These results are in agreement with similar findings in sheep and goats grazing on condensed tannins rich pastures (Niezen et al., 1995). Max et al. (2003) founded 91% of faecal egg reduction and 80% reduction in total worm burden were observed in lambs drenched with Quebracho extract (from the bark of the tropical dycotiledon Schinopsis spp.). The effect of tannin on the FEC and worm burden could be explained by the precipitation of proteins on the cuticule or in the digestive tract of the worm (Butter et al., 2000). Tannin induced protein precipitation is highest at the pH values near the isoelectric point of protein molecules. Therefore, it is fair to presume that gastrointestinal parasites residing in the portion of the gut where such conditions predominate would be the most susceptible to the effect of tannin. A. suum is the most common parasite of pigs and is typically present in the intestinal lumen, in direct contact with intestinal content. Therefore, FECR% for A. suum and other nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract (Oesophagostom spp., Strongyloides and Hyostrongylus sp.) was calculated separately. For A. suum and for other GIP, a 96.56% and 93.55% reduction in faecal egg count was calculated, respectively. This percentage would imply that the gastrointestinal nematode population in the pigs was highly sensitive and responsive to effect of acorn tannin in feed. CONCLUSIONS The study indicated that acorn (Quercus robur) is a relatively tannin rich forage (65 g kg–1 of DM). Also, the results demonstrate that Ad libitum acorn consumption can reduce total faecal egg count output (96.01%) in pigs infected with A. suum and other gastrointestinal parasites. Therefore, the acorn grazing has the potential of aiding in the control of the gastrointestinal parasites in the outdoor reared Black Slavonian Pig and consequently result in reduced need for anthelmintic treatment. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Project number TP- 01/0178-40. 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