ECOBREED: DIVERSITY OF BUCKWHEAT ( Fagopyrum spp.) GENETIC RESOURCES Aleš Kolmanič Oddelek za poljedelstvo, vrtnarstvo, genetiko in žlahtnjenje ECOBREED: DIVERSITY OF BUCKWHEAT ( Fagopyrum spp.) GENETIC RESOURCES Lovro SINKOVIČ Dagmar JANOVSKÁ Barbara PIPAN Vladimir MEGLIČ Ljubljana 2023 3 Edited by / Uredil Lovro SINKOVIČ Authors / Avtorji Lovro SINKOVIČ, Crop Science Department, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Dagmar JANOVSKÁ, Crop Research Institute, Czech Republic Barbara PIPAN, Crop Science Department, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Vladimir MEGLIČ, Crop Science Department, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Photos / Fotografije Lovro SINKOVIČ Reviewed by / Recenziral Marina ANTIĆ, Institute of Genetic Resources, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Published by / Izdal KMETIJSKI INŠTITUT SLOVENIJE / AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE OF SLOVENIA Hacquetova ulica 17, SI-1000 Ljubljana Proofreading / Lektorirala Andreja ŽIBRAT GAŠPARIČ, PhD The publication is published in electronic form and is available on the website of the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia: / Publikacija je izšla v elektronski obliki in je dostopna na spletni strani Kmetijskega inštituta Slovenije: This publication supported by the ECOBREED project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 771367. The catalogue record of the publication (CIP) was prepared by the National and University Library in Ljubljana / Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID 158043139 ISBN 978-961-6998-70-3 (PDF) 4 CONTENTS Foreword 6 Predgovor 6 1 INTRODUCTION 7 2 STATUS REVIEW 8 2.1 GLOBAL AND EUROPEAN PRODUCTION OF BUCKWHEAT 8 2.2 BUCKWHEAT PRODUCTION IN SLOVENIA 10 3 BUCKWHEAT GENETIC RESURCES IN ECOBREED 12 3.1 POT EXPERIMENT 13 4 EVALUATION OF BUCKWHEAT COLLECTION WITH PLANT DESCRIPTORS 16 5 CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMON BUCKWHEAT GENETIC RESOURCES 19 6 CHARACTERISTICS OF TARTARY BUCKWHEAT GENETIC RESOURCES 397 LITERATURE 503 Acknowledgement 504 5 Foreword Buckwheat is a pseudo-cereal and a traditional crop that can be grown successfully and sustainably even on poorer soils. In the past, buckwheat saved many people in Slovenia from hunger and gave bread to many small farms, as evidenced by the records of natural historian and polymath Janez Vajkard Valvasor from the 17th century. This publication contains a complex description of buckwheat genetic resources from different gene banks and geographical areas of origin identified within the Horizon 2020 project ECOBREED. Different plant descriptors were used to evaluate the collection of genetic resources of common ( Fagopyrum esculentum) and Tartary buckwheat ( Fagopyrum tataricum). Using predefined descriptors (IPGRI, UPOV) for Fagopyrum spp. and photographic material, a total of 239 genetic resources of buckwheat were characterized and described for the first time. The book is aimed at a wide range of interested readers, from farmers and students to breeders and researchers, who can familiarise themselves with the collected heritage of buckwheat preserved in European gene banks for future generations. The publication is dedicated to all those who have been or are working in the field of plant genetic resources to preserve them for posterity and thus ensure the preservation of natural and cultural heritage both in Slovenia and worldwide. Authors Predgovor Ajda je psevdožito in tradicionalna poljščina, ki jo lahko uspešno in sonaravno pridelujemo tudi na revnejših tleh. Ajda je v preteklosti številne ljudi na Slovenskem rešila lakote in dajala kruh številnim majhnim kmetijam, o čemer pričajo zapisi naravoslovca in polihistorja Janeza Vajkarda Valvasorja iz 17. stoletja. Publikacija vsebuje kompleksen opis genskih virov ajde iz različnih genskih bank in geografskih izvorov, ki so bili identificirani v okviru evropskega Horizon 2020 projekta ECOBREED. Za ovrednotenje zbirke genskih virov navadne ( Fagopyrum esculentum) in tatarske ajde ( Fagopyrum tataricum) smo uporabili različne deskriptorje za rastline. S predpisanimi deskriptorji (IPGRI, UPOV) za vrste Fagopyrum sp. in slikovnim gradivom smo prvič okarakterizirali ter opisali 239 genskih virov ajde. Knjiga je namenjena širokemu krogu zainteresiranih bralcev, od kmetov in študentov, do žlahtniteljev ter raziskovalcev, ki se lahko na ta način seznanijo z zbrano dednino ajde, shranjeno za bodoče rodove v Evropskih genskih bankah. Publikacijo posvečamo vsem, ki so ali še delujejo na področju rastlinskih genskih virov, jih ohranjajo za zanamce in s tem skrbijo za ohranjanje naravne ter kulturne dediščine tako v Sloveniji kot po svetu. Avtorji 6 1 INTRODUCTION Common buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) is a crop native to China, grown mainly for its cereal-like fruits and as a cover crop and honey plant. A related and more bitter buckwheat species, named Tartary buckwheat ( Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.) is a domesticated food crop common in Asia, especially in the higher altitudes of the Himalayas, but not so common in Europe and North America. Common buckwheat was grown as a traditional staple food in several regions of Europe, but its cultivation declined dramatically in the 20th century with the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers that increased the productivity of other staple crops. Nowadays, buckwheat is still grown in many countries such as China, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Japan, USA, etc., but also in the EU (France, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, etc.). Buckwheat is one of the healthy food grains that are increasingly demanded by consumers. It is naturally gluten-free and has a high content of rutin, which has a positive effect on blood circulation and blood vessels. Buckwheat has great potential for organic farming because it has lower soil requirements and improves the availability of phosphorus for the next crop. Phosphorus deficiency could be a major problem in crop production in the future, not only in organic farming. Although buckwheat is a traditional crop in many EU countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and France, it has received relatively little attention from breeding companies. In the past, there were several breeding activities in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, etc. Nowadays, however, knowledge about the current situation is still limited. The most problematic characteristics of the crop are lodging, seed shattering and low yields. Improved cultivation techniques and suitable breeding programmes could partially solve these problems. The collection of buckwheat genetic resources established in the framework of the EU project ECOBREED has been studied for various genetic, phenological and morphometric traits. As part of the scientific research work in the Crop Science Department at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, the comprehensive buckwheat collection was grown in a pot experiment and described for the first time with several descriptors for plant and seed traits. A set of descriptors from IPGRI (1994) and UPOV (2012) specified in the guidelines for the evaluation of genetic resources of Fagopyrum spp. was used. In addition to the descriptions, extensive photographic material was taken during the growing season for each genetic resource and is presented in the publication. 7 2 STATUS REVIEW 2.1 GLOBAL AND EUROPEAN PRODUCTION OF BUCKWHEAT Buckwheat has great potential in organic farming because it has lower soil requirements and can improve the accessibility of phosphorus for the next crop. Phosphorus deficiency could be a major problem for crop production in the future, and not only in organic farming. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), nearly 2 million tons of buckwheat are produced annually worldwide, with more than 1 million tons, or 56 %, produced in Europe. The largest producing countries are the Russian Federation and China, followed by Ukraine, the United States of America, Brazil, and Japan (Table 1). The average global yield of buckwheat per hectare in 2020 was 1.0 t/ha, depending on the region or country and production technology. In Europe, the average yield per hectare was 1.1 t/ha. In 2020, Brazil had the highest average yield (1.4 t/ha) and Japan the lowest (0.7 t/ha). Table 1. World production of buckwheat and the largest producing countries in 2020 (FAOStat, 2023) Region/country Area harvested (ha) Production (t) Yield (t/ha) World 1 856 913 1 810 816 1.0 Europe 933 658 1 019 405 1.1 Asia 760 545 604 991 0.8 Americas 137 836 160 414 1.2 Africa 24 874 26 006 1.0 Russian Federation 821 366 892 160 1.1 China, mainland 624 780 503 988 0.8 Ukraine 84 100 97 640 1.2 United Stated of America 81 620 86 397 1.1 Brazil 46 416 65 117 1.4 Japan 66 600 44 800 0.7 World annual buckwheat production and yields per hectare during 1961–2021 are shown in Figure 1. During this period, the area under buckwheat has declined and stabilized at 2 to 3 million hectares (ha) in the last decade. Global yields per hectare are mostly between 0.8 t/ha and 1.2 t/ha and have not changed significantly over the past 30 years. Weather conditions during the growing season have a major influence on buckwheat production. 8 Buckwheat world production 7,00 1,40 )ha 6,00 1,20 5,00 1,00 )1- (million 4,00 0,80 ha (t ed 3,00 0,60 estvr 2,00 0,40 Yield ha 1,00 0,20 earA 0,00 0,00 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018 2021 ha t.ha-1 Figure 1. Annual world production of buckwheat and yields per hectare in the period1961– 2021 (FAOStat, 2023) Annual buckwheat production and yields per hectare for EU countries in 2017 are shown in Figure 2. Poland, France, and Lithuania are the largest buckwheat producers in the EU, while Slovenia ranks sixth in terms of cultivated area. France and the Czech Republic achieve the highest yields per hectare (over 2.3 t/ha), while in Slovenia these average at 1 t/ha. Similar to the rest of the world, cultivation technology and weather conditions during growth have a major influence on yield in the various European countries. 90 4,0 80 ) 3,5 ha 70 3,0 60 ) (1000 2,5 1- 50 ha ed 2,0 (t est 40 vr 1,5 30 Yield ha 1,0 ea 20 rA 10 0,5 0 0,0 Area harvested Yield Figure 2. Annual production of buckwheat in EU countries and yields per hectare in 2017 (FAOStat, 2023) 9 2.2 BUCKWHEAT PRODUCTION IN SLOVENIA The first data on buckwheat cultivation were collected in Slovenia around 1939 (Table 2). The area under buckwheat cultivation at that time was considerable and amounted to almost 32 000 ha with a yield of about 0.6 kg/ha. The area under buckwheat declined significantly to less than 1 500 ha by the 1980s. The main reason for this is that more profitable maize hybrids were introduced in the 1970s, displacing traditional buckwheat cultivation. Buckwheat grain yield during this period varied mainly between 0.6 t/ha and 1.2 t/ha. Table 2. Production of buckwheat in Slovenia until 1990 (Archive KIS, 2022) Year Area harvested (ha) Production (t) Yield (t/ha) Main crop Second crop Main crop Second crop Main crop Second crop mean 1985-1990 74 800 91 748 1.2 0.9 mean 1981-1985 67 1 074 74 891 1.1 0.8 mean 1976-1980 109 1 387 116 1 052 1.1 0.8 mean 1971-1975 148 3 167 132 1 765 0.9 0.6 mean 1966-1970 221 5 950 223 4 464 1.0 0.8 mean 1955-1964 292 10 734 216 6 550 0.7 0.6 1939 965 30 750 610 18 191 0.6 0.6 After 1990, significant changes occurred in the field of crop production in Slovenia, and branches of the agricultural sector had to specialize and adapt to the changes brought about by the loss of traditional markets. With Slovenia’s independence in 1991, there was a new methodology for collecting statistical data, so it is often difficult to compare it objectively with older data. In 2000, the first independent agricultural census was conducted, harmonizing classifications with FAO and EUROSTAT recommendations. In 2021, buckwheat was grown on 4 318 ha, most of them as a second crop (Table 3). On all these areas, a total of 3 720 t of buckwheat was produced with an average yield of 0.8–1.0 t/ha. Yield depends mainly on the growing season and weather conditions during buckwheat growth. The areas planted with buckwheat have increased significantly in recent years, more than tripling in 10 years. This can be seen in Figure 3, which shows the annual area planted to buckwheat in Slovenia over the last two decades. In Slovenia, buckwheat is traditionally grown as a second crop, sown in summer after the harvest of other crops, usually after barley or early potatoes. Buckwheat is considered a good bee pasture, especially in the period when there is not much other bee forage. It is useful for quickly covering and enriching the soil and prevents weeding of fields for later cultivation. 10 Table 3. Production of buckwheat in Slovenia in the period 1991-2021 (SI-STAT, 2023) Year Area harvested (ha) Production (t) Yield (t/ha) Main crop Second crop Main crop Second crop Main crop Second crop 2021 430 3 888 417 3.303 1.0 0.8 2020 648 3 631 664 2.975 1.0 0.8 2019 464 2 723 450 2.006 1.0 0.7 2018 532 2 943 577 2.648 1.1 0.9 2017 643 3 004 540 2.369 0.8 0.8 2016 601 2 526 657 2.242 1.1 0.9 2015 682 1 753 830 1.569 1.2 0.9 2014 512 1 467 466 1.057 0.9 0.7 2013 362 1 039 238 814 0.7 0.8 2012 457 1 219 404 937 0.9 0.8 2011 471 709 571 674 1.2 1.0 2010 482 716 565 805 1.2 1.1 2009 403 641 458 535 1.1 0.8 2008 323 438 395 337 1.2 0.8 2007 351 458 360 401 1.0 0.9 2006 360 187 376 121 1.0 0.6 2005 222 589 242 1.211 1.1 2.1 2004 210 368 211 317 1.0 0.9 2003 166 523 114 446 0.7 0.9 2002 241 928 291 973 1.2 1.0 2001 218 524 235 567 1.1 1.1 2000 108 524 116 567 1.1 1.1 1999 90 511 95 592 1.1 1.2 1998 40 384 56 415 1.4 1.1 1997 40 405 52 446 1.3 1.1 1996 113 429 173 492 1.5 1.1 1995 165 487 247 609 1.5 1.3 1994 320 400 358 733 1.1 1.8 1993 44 411 53 250 1.2 0.6 1992 25 458 31 277 1.2 0.6 1991 49 568 72 483 1.5 0.9 Figure 3. Annual area under buckwheat in Slovenia in the last two decades (SI-STAT, 2022) 11 3 BUCKWHEAT GENETIC RESURCES IN ECOBREED The focus of breeding has been in China, Korea, Japan, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine. Breeding programmes are still ongoing in Russia, China and Korea. There are numerous landraces in these countries, many of which have already been collected for selection and testing. Thousands of accessions of Fagopyrum spp. are stored in all buckwheat collections worldwide. Accessions of common and Tartary buckwheat were searched for the EURISCO, GRIN Global and GRIN Czech databases and through personal contacts with other buckwheat curators or/and partners involved in the project. The largest buckwheat collections are in China and Russia. However, the possibility of obtaining any of these accessions is very limited, even though the partner countries have an agreement on seed sample exchange between gene banks. There is also no data on phenotypic traits, such as plant lodging and flowering time determination, which are frequently requested by breeders. Figure 4. Countries of origin of buckwheat genotypes in the collection The ECOBREED buckwheat collection was defined using available genotypes from freely available gene banks and seed companies in Europe. Duplicates and genotypes with the same characteristics were included in the ECOBREED buckwheat collection. For this reason, discussions on the most important traits were held with breeders, farmers and producers, as well as with the curators of the buckwheat collections in the selected gene banks. The ECOBREED buckwheat collection was created according to eco-geographical principles. Genotypes from different environments across Europe were collected mainly from countries with a tradition of buckwheat cultivation, but 12 genotypes from important breeding countries such as Russia, Ukraine, China, India, and Japan were also included (Figure 4). Genotypes were also selected based on achene size, differential flower colour, and determinant flowering time. A range of selected genotypes includes commercial varieties, obsolete varieties, landraces, and populations of buckwheat. The ECOBREED buckwheat collection included nearly 250 accessions from more than 30 countries (including the former Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, etc.) and several gene banks (Czech Gene Bank, U.S. Gene Bank, Ukrainian Gene Bank, Austrian Gene Bank, Slovenian Gene Bank and Arche Noah) were selected. The basic idea was to identify material from different environments across Europe, i.e. from north to south and from west to east, including landraces, varieties currently popular in organic farming, and commercial conventional varieties. Accessions were selected for their value for further breeding purposes (tetraploid varieties, red and/or green corolla, different achene colours, etc.) and for their country of origin. Unfortunately, it was not possible to obtain accessions from China, the country of origin of buckwheat. Most of the accessions come from the former Soviet Union, Ukraine and Russia, where most of the breeding programmes were started in the last sixty years. The ECOBREED buckwheat collection in this publication includes a total of 239 genetic resources of Fagopyrum spp. of which 187 belong to common buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) (see Chapter 5) and 52 to Tartary buckwheat ( Fagopyrum tataricum L. Gaertn.) (see Chapter 6). 3.1 POT EXPERIMENT An outdoor pot experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia in Ljubljana, Slovenia (46°06' N 14°51' E, 295 m a.s.l.), during the 2021 buckwheat growing season, i.e. from May to September. The five seeds of each genetic resource of buckwheat from the collection were sown on 10 May to a depth of about 2–3 cm in 7-litre plastic pots filled with Potgrond H substrate (Klassman, Germany). After sowing, perlite was added to the top of each pot for better moisture control. The pots prepared in this way were placed on floating tables in a heated glasshouse at 22 °C and watered manually as needed (see Figure 5). 13 Figure 5. Pot experiment at sowing (left) and at germination stage (right) in the glasshouse of the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia in 2021 Because post-germination weather conditions, such as rain and low temperatures, were not optimal for moving the young buckwheat plants outdoors the pots were removed from the glasshouse on 10 June. Weather conditions at the experimental site are shown in Figure 6. The high rainfall in May (253 mm) with low average temperatures (13.5 °C) can be clearly seen. Figure 6. Weather conditions at the experimental site in 2021 Plant characteristics were observed and evaluated at different plant stages, e.g. germination, flowering, physiological maturity, full flowering, when 75% of seeds turn brown, mature seed stage, etc. In addition to observations and assessments, extensive photographic material was taken for each genetic resource during the growing season. The pot experiment conducted at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia in 2021 is shown in Figure 7 at the early stage and in Figure 8 at the flowering stage. 14 Figure 7. Early-stage pot experiment at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia in 2021 Figure 8. Pot experiment in the flowering stage at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia in 2021 15 4 EVALUATION OF BUCKWHEAT COLLECTION WITH PLANT DESCRIPTORS Descriptors for the characterization of buckwheat genetic resources are prepared by several international organizations. For the description of phenological and seed characteristics in this publication, selected descriptors predefined by IPGRI – International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI, 1994) and UPOV – International Union for the Protection of New Varieties (UPOV, 2012) were used. For each genetic resource of buckwheat, the quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (descriptive) parameters of plants and seeds were evaluated using different descriptors. A set of 22 ECOBREED descriptors (marked with *) with additional ten IPGRI and three UPOV descriptors were evaluated and are presented in the following tables. The numerical parameters plant height (cm), petiole length (mm), leaf blade length (cm), leaf blade width (cm), and length of cyme (cm) were measured using a soft plastic tape accurate to 0.1 mm. Numerical parameters seed length (mm), seed width (mm), and 1000-seed weight (g) were measured using Marvin seed analyser (Marvitech GmbH, Germany). Descriptive parameters were evaluated according to ECOBREED, IPGRI and UPOV descriptors, which are divided into classes based on different scales and intervals. A detailed description for each descriptor can be found in the tables below. A Canon PowerShot SX510 HS portable camera was used to take photographs. To ensure that all photos taken were of the same quality, the shooting mode AUTO was used. The description of 187 genetic resources of common buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) is included in Chapter 5 and that of 52 Tartary buckwheat ( Fagopyrum tataricum L. Gaertn.) in Chapter 6. For each genetic resource, the ECOBREED, IPGRI and UPOV descriptors are listed on the odd-numbered pages in the same order as in the table below, along with the corresponding descriptions ( see Scale (interval)). The representative photos of leaves, flowers, flowering branches and seeds are shown on the even pages. 16 List of descriptors IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf 3 - Green, 5 - Pink, 7 - Red colour 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot 3 - Semi-erect shorter, 5 - Semi-erect longer, habit 7 - Erect shorter, 9 - Erect longer ( see Figure 9a) 7.1.4* Plant height (cm) 1 - Very low (≤ 85 cm), 3 - Low (86−100 cm), 5 - Intermediate (101−115 cm), 7 - High (116−130 cm), 9 - Very high (≥ 131 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching 1 - Very weak (no branch), 3 - Weak (1−3 branches), 5 - Intermediate (4−5 branches), 7 - Strong (6−7 branches), 9 - Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour 3 - Green, 5 - Pink, 7 - Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility 1 - Very low (0%), 3 - Low (25%), 5 - Intermediate (50%), 7 - High (75%), 9 - Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour (on middle 3 - Green, 5 - Pink, 7 - Red part of main stem) Leaf margin colour 3 - Green, 5 - Pink, 7 - Red (only for Tartary) Leaf vein colour 3 - Green, 5 - Pink, 7 - Red 7.1.13* Leaf number 1 - Very low (1−3 leaves), 3 - Low (4−7 leaves), 5 - Intermediate (8−12 leaves), 7 - High (13−15 leaves), 9 - Very high (more than 16 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length (mm) 1 - Very low (≤ 5.3 cm), 3 - Low (5.4−6.5 cm), 5 - Intermediate (6.6−7.7 cm), 7 - High (7.8−8.9 cm), 9 - Very high (≥ 9.0 cm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour 3 - Green, 5 - Pink, 7 - Red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length (cm) 1 - Very low (≤ 6.5 cm), 3 - Low (6.6−7.5 cm), 5 - Intermediate (7.6−8.5 cm), 7 - High (8.6−9.5 cm), 9 - Very high (≥ 9.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width (cm) 1 - Very low (≤ 7.0 cm), 3 - Low (7.1−8.0 cm), 5 - Intermediate (8.1−9.0 cm), 7 - High (9.1−10.0 cm), 9 - Very high (≥ 10.1 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape (on 1 - Ovate, 2 - Hastate, 3 - Sagittate (intermediate), middle part of main stem) 4 - Cordate, 5 - Other ( see Figure 9b) 7.2.1* Days to flowering (from 1 - Very early (≤ 46 days), 3 - Early (47−51 days), sowing to 50% fully open 5 - Intermediate (52−56 days), 7 - Late (57−61 days), flowers) 9 - Very late (≥ 62 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of 3 - Cyme loose, 5 - Cyme semi-compact, 7 - Cyme compact inflorescence ( see Figure 9c) 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence 0 - No, 1 - Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence 3 - Green, 5 - Pink, 7 - Red stalk 7.2.5 Length of cyme (cm) 1 - Very low (≤ 45 cm), 3 - Low (46−55 cm), 5 - Intermediate (56−65 cm), 7 - High (66−75 cm), 9 - Very high (≥ 76 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers 1 - Very low (≤ 6), 3 - Low (7−9), 5 - Intermediate (10−12), clusters per cyme 7 - High (13−15), 9 - Very high (≥ 16) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per 1 - Very low (≤ 4), 3 - Low (5−6), 5 - Intermediate (7−8), plant 7 - High (9−10), 9 - Very high (≥ 11) 7.2.8* Flower colour 1 - White, 3 - Greenish-yellow, 7 - Pink, 9 - Red 17 7.2.9 Flower morphology 1 - Stamens shorter than style, 2 - Stamens as long as style, (only for 3 - Stamens longer than style (see Figure 9d) common) 7.2.11 Germination period (days) 7.2.12* Days to maturity (between 1 - Very early (˂ 60 days), 2 - Early (60−75 days), sowing and physiological 3 - Intermediate (76−90 days), 4 - Late (91−105 days), maturity) 5 - Very late (˃ 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour 3 - Grey, 5 - Brown, 7 - Black, 9 - Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape 1 - Triangular, 2 - Ovate (intermediate), 3 - Conoidal, 4 - Other ( see Figure 9e) 7.3.6* Seed surface 1 - Smooth, 2 - Irregular or wrinkled, 3 - Other 7.3.7* Seed length (mm) 1 - Very low (≤ 3.5 mm), 3 - Low (3.6−4.5 mm), 5 - Intermediate (4.6−5.5 mm), 7 - High (5.6−6.5 mm), 9 - Very high (≥ 6.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width (mm) 1 - Very low (≤ 2.5 mm), 3 - Low (2.6−3.3 mm), 5 - Intermediate (3.4−4.1 mm), 7 - High (4.2−4.9 mm), 9 - Very high (≥ 5.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight (g) 1 - Very low (≤ 14.0 g), 3 - Low (14.1−18.0 g), 5 - Intermediate (18.1−22.0 g), 7 - High (22.1−25.9 g), 9 - Very high (≥ 26.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor Figure 9. IPGRI description scale for (a) growth and branch shoot habit, (b) leaf blade shape, (c) compactness of inflorescence, (d) flower morphology, and (e) seed shape UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin 1 - Absent or very weak, 3 - Weak, 5 - Medium, coloration of bud 7 - Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes 3 - Few, 5 - Medium, 7 - Many 16. Stem: diameter 1 - Small, 2 - Medium, 3 - Large 18 5 CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMON BUCKWHEAT GENETIC RESOURCES List of 187 genetic resources of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. ECOBREED No. Accession No. Accession Name Acquisition Date Origin 1 commercial variety Zita n.a. Czech Republic 2 commercial variety Zoe n.a. Czech Republic 3 commercial variety Panda 2003 Russian Federation 4 commercial variety Harpe n.a. France 5 commercial variety Kora 1996 unknown 6 commercial variety Hruszowska 1994 Poland 7 commercial variety Bamby 2003 Austria 8 commercial variety Billy 2003 Austria 9 commercial variety Eva n.a. Slovenia 10 commercial variety Čebelica n.a. Slovenia 12 commercial variety Zamira n.a. not determined 13 01Z5000127 Jana 2001 unknown 14 01Z5000071 Dozhdik n.a. Belarus 15 01Z5000010 Sibiryachka 1992 Former Soviet Union 16 01Z5000055 Arihira Zairai 1992 Japan 17 01Z5000052 Hara Zairai 1992 Japan 18 01Z5000143 CD 7272 2003 Czechoslovakia 19 01Z5000058 BALLADA 1993 Former Soviet Union 20 01Z5000141 Sweden-1 2003 Sweden 21 01Z5000070 Spacinska 1 1996 Slovakia 22 01Z5000129 LUBA 2003 Russian Federation 23 UC0101129 KARA-DAG 1997 Ukraine 24 01Z5000072 Sudtirol Nr. 3 1996 unknown 25 01Z5000140 Tempest 2003 Canada 26 01Z5000017 MONORI 1992 unknown 27 01Z5000047 Tokushima Zairai 1992 Japan 28 01Z5000112 GEMA 1996 Poland 29 01Z5000046 Iwate Zairai (MIDOU) 1992 Japan 30 01Z5000049 Yaita Zairai 1992 Japan 31 01Z5000050 Stoyoama Zairai 1992 Japan 32 01Z5000137 Pulawska II 2003 Poland 33 01Z5000131 Ceska krajova n.a. Czechoslovakia 34 01Z5000133 ROKSOLANA 2003 Russian Federation 35 01Z5000134 Rubra 2003 Russian Federation 36 01Z5000066 Prego 1994 Germany 37 01Z5000067 Chernigovskaya 17 1996 Ukraine 38 01Z5000004 Chishiminskaya 1992 Former Soviet Union 39 01Z5000006 Krasnostreletskaya 1992 Former Soviet Union 40 01Z5000018 Lehnicka krajova 1996 Slovakia 41 01Z5000051 Botansoba 1992 Japan 42 01Z5000069 Vychodoslovenska krajova 1996 Slovakia 19 43 01Z5000060 Sumcanka 1993 Former Soviet Union 44 01Z5000061 SKOROSPELAJA,SKOROSPELAYA 1993 Former Soviet Union 45 01Z5000063 PYRA 1993 Czechoslovakia 46 01Z5000113 Lopfe 1996 unknown 47 01Z5000059 KRUPINKA 1993 Former Soviet Union 48 01Z5000001 AELITA 1992 Former Soviet Union 49 01Z5000007 Lada 1992 Former Soviet Union 50 01Z5000013 Alaya 846 1996 Ukraine 51 01Z5000111 Emka n.a. Poland 57 SRGB 2285 Kleče n.a. Slovenia 60 SRGB 2296 Brusnice, Novo Mesto n.a. Slovenia 61 SRGB 2207 Slovenj Gradec n.a. Slovenia 62 SRGB 2266 Krajna vas, Sežana n.a. Slovenia 63 SRGB 2305 Jeprca, Medvode n.a. Slovenia 64 SRGB 2222 SRGB 2222 n.a. Slovenia 65 SRGB 2273 Vojščica pri Kostanjevici n.a. Slovenia 67 SRGB 2265 Gorenje Nekovo, Kanal n.a. Slovenia 69 SRGB 2270 Temnica na Krasu n.a. Slovenia 71 SRGB 2198 Vrhtrebnje n.a. Slovenia 73 SRGB 5702 SVNGOR 2010-14 2010 Slovenia 74 SRGB 5553 SVNDOL2007-41 2007 Slovenia 75 SRGBTBA HUNORS 2010-9 2010 Slovenia 76 PI 658444 Laharpe/PA 029 2009 France 78 PI 647640 CD 7272 2007 Czechoslovakia 80 PI 647598 Pulawska/PA 054 2007 Poland 81 PI 263949 PA 127 1960 Serbia 82 PI 647594 Tokyo/PA 011 2007 Canada 85 PI 658436 Martin's Alaska 2009 United States 86 PI 647601 Nostrano 2007 Italy 91 PI 647638 12GI SD MC 060 n.a. Former Soviet Union 92 PI 647603 Sarrasin du Pays/PA 030 2007 France 93 PI 658446 99GI SD Clfa 33 n.a. United States 94 PI 658440 Enka 2009 Denmark 95 PI 658441 02GI SD PA 001 n.a. United States 97 PI 647673 Gornosorskaya 2007 Soviet Union, Former 98 PI 658447 PA 002 2009 United States 99 01Z5000011 Skorospelaya 81 1992 Former Soviet Union 101 01Z5000064 La Harpe n.a. France 102 01Z5000115 Kasanskaya n.a. Former Soviet Union 103 01Z5000118 Podojlanka,Podolyanka 2000 Former Soviet Union 104 01Z5000002 Astoriya 1992 Former Soviet Union 105 01Z5000037 PI 481638 n.a. Bhutan 106 01Z5000040 PI 481641 n.a. Bhutan 107 01Z5000074 832003 n.a. unknown 108 01Z5000056 35273 n.a. Germany 109 01Z5000057 53342 n.a. Germany 110 01Z5000062 Bolshevik 4 1993 Former Soviet Union 111 01Z5000025 8429 n.a. unknown 112 01Z5000092 Kasanskaya,Kusanskaja 1996 Belarus 113 01Z5000093 JEZYK 1996 unknown 114 01Z5000105 Komsta n.a. Former Soviet Union 20 115 01Z5000009 Prikamskaya 1992 Former Soviet Union 116 01Z5000012 Shatilovskaya 5 1992 Former Soviet Union 117 01Z5000016 LOCAL 1992 unknown 118 01Z5000030 PI 481630 n.a. Bhutan 119 01Z5000032 PI 481632 n.a. Bhutan 120 01Z5000117 Demetra 2001 Former Soviet Union 125 01Z5000120 Darja 2001 Slovenia 137 01Z5000020 Orbita 1992 unknown 148 01Z5000119 SIVA 2001 Slovenia 149 01Z5000138 Tohno Zairai 2003 Canada 150 01Z5000139 Silverhull 24 2003 Canada 151 01Z5000022 4411 n.a. unknown 152 01Z5000029 PI 481629 n.a. Bhutan 153 01Z5000038 PI 481639 n.a. Bhutan 154 01Z5000039 PI 481640 n.a. Bhutan 155 01Z5000043 PI 482595 n.a. Zimbabwe 156 01Z5000045 PI 482597 n.a. Zimbabwe 157 01Z5000023 4419 n.a. unknown 158 01Z5000024 8428 n.a. unknown 159 01Z5000094 JUBILEJNAJA,Yubileina 1996 unknown 160 01Z5000041 PI 481642 n.a. Bhutan 161 01Z5000121 Rana 60 2001 Slovenia 162 01Z5000048 Takizawa Zairai 1992 Japan 163 01Z5000076 Zelenocvetkovaya 90 1996 unknown 164 01Z5000005 Kalininskaya 1992 Former Soviet Union 165 01Z5000124 Bongpyng 2001 unknown 166 01Z5000125 Suwon #1 2001 unknown 167 01Z5000084 Anita Beloruskaya 1996 Ukraine 168 01Z5000015 Vita Galeya 1992 Former Soviet Union 169 01Z5000014 UKRAJINSKAJA,Viktoriya Podolskaya 1992 Former Soviet Union 170 01Z5000008 Maiskaya 1992 Former Soviet Union 172 01Z5000021 Slavyachka 1996 Ukraine 173 01Z5000068 Viktoriya 1996 Ukraine 174 01Z5000100 GREEN COROLLA 2 1996 unknown 175 01Z5000122 Darina 2001 Slovenia 176 01Z5000144 CD 7273 2003 unknown 177 01Z5000042 PI 481643 n.a. Bhutan 178 UC0101155 KOSMEYA 1994 Ukraine 179 UC0101182 n.a. Australia 180 UC0101319 n.a. Ukraine 181 UC0101496 RADEKHIVS'KA POLIPSHENA n.a. Ukraine 182 UC0101642 DETERMINANT 2 n.a. Ukraine 183 UC0101679 n.a. Canada 187 UC0101906 mistsevii 58 1995 Lithuania 188 UC0101927 n.a. Georgia 189 UC0101942 n.a. Australia 190 UC0101948 n.a. Etjiopia 191 UC0101972 AKADEMICHNA 2004 Ukraine 192 UC0101979 Malinka 2006 Ukraine 193 UC0101987 KARMEN 2005 Belarus 194 UC0100115 BOGATyR 1992 Russian Federation 21 195 UC0100100 Hibridnaya 1992 Russian Federation 196 UC0100149 n.a. Hungary 197 UC0100170 Krupnoplodnaya n.a. Russian Federation 199 UC0100210 Bogatyr n.a. Russian Federation 200 UC0100212 Mestnyy 31 n.a. Lithuania 201 UC0100276 Bol'shevik-Albaniya 1992 Albania 202 UC0100277 n.a. Netherlands 203 UC0100278 n.a. South Korea 204 UC0100279 n.a. South Korea 205 UC0100281 n.a. France 206 UC0100282 n.a. France 207 UC0100283 1992 Sweden 208 UC0100285 Tetraployidna 1992 Russian Federation 209 UC0100280 n.a. France 211 UC0100361 Sadkom 1993 Poland 212 UC0100723 1994 Belarus 213 UC0100362 Bilorus'ka gomostil'na 1993 Belarus 214 UC0100912 Serebrista 1994 Ukraine 215 UC0100365 CHornogorets' 1992 Belarus 216 UC0100946 n.a. United States 217 UC0100948 MostĂŞapaz 1994 Poland 218 UC0100949 Olmemil' 1994 People's republic of Korea 219 UC0101095 Shinano1 n.a. Japan 221 UC0101129 Kara-Dag n.a. Ukraine 222 UC0100991 Bilorus'ka odnostebel'na n.a. Belarus 223 UC0100988 Mig n.a. Russian Federation 224 UC0101092 SKOROSTIGLA 86 n.a. Russian Federation 225 UC0101109 Gorets' vuz'kolistii 1993 Russian Federation 226 UC0101992 Perlyna Podil's'ka n.a. Ukraine 227 UC0102165 Kvyetka determinantna 2010 Belarus 228 UC0102185 Shortandinskaya2 2010 Kazachstan 229 UC0100348 Zelenokvitkova 90 1992 Ukraine 230 UC01002208 Arno n.a. Canada 231 UC0100177 Emka n.a. Poland 232 UC0102193 Vlada 2011 Belarus 233 UC0102207 Ruslana n.a. Ukraine 235 UC0102114 Marta n.a. Belarus 236 UC0101698 Krupnoplodna SHertandins'k 1992 Kazachstan 237 UC0102201 Aresa n.a. Belarus 238 UC0102203 Ametist n.a. Belarus 239 UC0102205 Feniks n.a. Belarus 240 64 Nostran n.a. not determined 241 63-WC Aiva n.a. Latvia 243 66 From Poland n.a. unknown 22 ECOBREED_1 Zita Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (94 ± 14 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.0 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.1 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.1 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (66 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.00 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 23 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 24 ECOBREED_2 Zoe Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (115 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.2 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.1 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.7 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) )7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (68 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very low (4 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 25 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 26 ECOBREED_3 Panda Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (98 ± 10 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (4–5 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.0 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.9 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.2 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (60 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / black / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 27 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 28 ECOBREED_4 La Harpe Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (110 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Low (25%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (4–5 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.6 ± 3.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.0 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.3 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (75 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Low (4.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 29 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 30 ECOBREED_5 Kora Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (88 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility High (75%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.4 ± 2.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (52 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens as long as style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 31 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 32 ECOBREED_6 Hruszowska Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (78 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.2 ± 2.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.0 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.4 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (50 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 33 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 34 ECOBREED_7 Bamby Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (76 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.6 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.9 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (52 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very low (4 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (19.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 35 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 36 ECOBREED_8 Billy Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (99 ± 24 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Low (25%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.7 ± 3.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.3 ± 2.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.5 ± 2.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (83 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (17 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / black 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very high (5.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (29.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 37 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 38 ECOBREED_9 Eva Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (94 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.8 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.6 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.7 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (87 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (18 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 39 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 40 ECOBREED_10 Čebelica Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (99 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.3 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.6 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (77 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (20.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 41 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 42 ECOBREED_12 Zamira Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (102 ± 16 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very weak (no branch) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.5 ± 3.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.9 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very low (4 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 43 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 44 ECOBREED_13 01Z5000127 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (79 ± 17 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.6 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.3 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.4 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (50 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (71 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very high (5.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (29.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 45 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 46 ECOBREED_14 01Z5000071 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (98 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.1 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.9 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.3 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (62 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (31.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 47 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 48 ECOBREED_15 01Z5000010 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (116 ± 21 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Low (25%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.8 ± 2.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.2 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (59 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (32.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 49 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 50 ECOBREED_16 01Z5000055 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.4 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 1.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (49 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (29.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 51 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 52 ECOBREED_17 01Z5000052 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (113 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.3 ± 3.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.5 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.7 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (81 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 53 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 54 ECOBREED_18 01Z5000143 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (123 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.0 ± 2.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.6 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 55 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 56 ECOBREED_19 01Z5000058 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (101 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.8 ± 2.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.9 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.6 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (66 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 57 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 58 ECOBREED_20 01Z5000141 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (106 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.6 ± 3.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (56 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 59 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 60 ECOBREED_21 01Z5000070 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (107 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 2.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.2 ± 2.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (28.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 61 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 62 ECOBREED_22 01Z5000129 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (99 ± 14 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.4 ± 2.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.4 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.4 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (65 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 63 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 64 ECOBREED_23 UC0101129 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (64 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (4.6 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.1 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (50 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 65 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 66 ECOBREED_24 01Z5000072 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (114 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.6 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.9 ± 2.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (74 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 67 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 68 ECOBREED_25 01Z5000140 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (96 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.5 ± 3.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.4 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.5 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (75 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 69 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 70 ECOBREED_26 01Z5000017 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.5 ± 4.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (65 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very low (4 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 71 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 72 ECOBREED_27 01Z5000047 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (91 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.9 ± 2.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.5 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 73 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 74 ECOBREED_28 01Z5000112 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (103 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.9 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.2 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.8 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 75 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 76 ECOBREED_29 01Z5000046 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (103 ± 3 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.8 ± 2.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.4 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.6 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (62 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 77 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 78 ECOBREED_30 01Z5000049 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (123 ± 17 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.2 ± 3.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.5 ± 2.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.5 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (90 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 79 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 80 ECOBREED_31 01Z5000050 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (116 ± 3 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.8 ± 3.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.6 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.7 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (79 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 81 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 82 ECOBREED_32 01Z5000137 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Red 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (99 ± 14 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.8 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.4 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.8 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (69 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens as long as style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 83 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 84 ECOBREED_33 01Z5000131 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (108 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.9 ± 3.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (9.8 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.4 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme-semi compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (22.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 85 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 86 ECOBREED_34 01Z5000133 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (99 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Low (25%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.0 ± 3.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.7 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.2 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme-semi compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (68 ± 11 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very high (5.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (33.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 87 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 88 ECOBREED_35 01Z5000134 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Red 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (93 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.2 ± 2.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.2 ± 1.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.4 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme-semi compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (81 ± 17 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Pink / red 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 89 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 90 ECOBREED_36 01Z5000066 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 18 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.0 ± 2.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.9 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.2 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme-semi compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (69 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 91 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 92 ECOBREED_37 01Z5000067 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (71 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.1 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.1 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme-semi compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 93 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 94 ECOBREED_38 01Z5000004 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (115 ± 18 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.6 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.2 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.8 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme-semi compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (63 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 95 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 96 ECOBREED_39 01Z5000006 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (99 ± 12 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 3.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.9 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.7 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme-semi compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (78 ± 12 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (29.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 97 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 98 ECOBREED_40 01Z5000018 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (124 ± 10 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.6 ± 2.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.3 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme-semi compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 99 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 100 ECOBREED_41 01Z5000051 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (103 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.9 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.1 ± 1.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.4 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme-semi compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (31.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 101 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 102 ECOBREED_42 01Z5000069 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (98 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.6 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.9 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme-semi compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (61 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 103 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 104 ECOBREED_43 01Z5000060 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (67 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (5.3 ± 2.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (5.9 ± 2.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.8 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (22 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (2 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 105 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 106 ECOBREED_44 01Z5000061 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (104 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.1 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.4 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.5 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (48 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / black / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (33.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 107 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 108 ECOBREED_45 01Z5000063 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (62 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.4 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.7 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (60 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 109 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 110 ECOBREED_46 01Z5000113 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (84 ± 13 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.0 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.4 ± 1.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (9.0 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (53 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens as long as style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 111 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 112 ECOBREED_47 01Z5000059 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (80 ± 13 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.9 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.0 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.3 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (33 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (28.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 113 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 114 ECOBREED_48 01Z5000001 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (108 ± 32 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.0 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.0 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.4 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (59 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 115 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 116 ECOBREED_49 01Z5000007 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (115 ± 10 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.9 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (9.0 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 117 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 118 ECOBREED_50 01Z5000013 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (103 ± 17 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.3 ± 3.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.0 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.2 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (66 ± 3 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 119 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 120 ECOBREED_51 01Z5000111 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (109 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.8 ± 3.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.3 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (44 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (7.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very high (5.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (36.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 121 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 122 ECOBREED_57 SRGB 2285 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (58 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility High (75%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (5.0 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (5.4 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (5.5 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (56 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 123 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 124 ECOBREED_60 SRGB 2296 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (84 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.5 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.9 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.8 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (50 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (92 ± 12 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 125 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 126 ECOBREED_61 SRGB 2207 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (62 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.3 ± 2.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.3 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.7 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (20 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (3 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (19.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 127 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 128 ECOBREED_62 SRGB 2266 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (112 ± 12 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.9 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (9.8 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.2 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 129 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 130 ECOBREED_63 SRGB 2305 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (83 ± 14 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.3 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.0 ± 1.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (5.9 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (19.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 131 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 132 ECOBREED_64 SRGB 2222 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (86 ± 14 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.6 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.1 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (5.9 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (51 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 133 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 134 ECOBREED_65 SRGB 2273 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.6 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.1 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.2 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 2 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 135 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 136 ECOBREED_67 SRGB 2265 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (76 ± 12 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.6 ± 2.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.4 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.3 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 0) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 137 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 138 ECOBREED_69 SRGB 2270 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility High (75%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.2 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (10.2 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.5 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 12 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 139 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 140 ECOBREED_71 SRGB 2198 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (109 ± 10 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.4 ± 3.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (10.6 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.7 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 141 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 142 ECOBREED_73 SRGB 5702 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (113 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 2.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.4 ± 1.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (11.0 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (29.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 143 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 144 ECOBREED_74 SRGB 5553 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (111 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (11.5 ± 3.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (11.2 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (12.6 ± 1.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 10 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 145 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 146 ECOBREED_75 SRGBTBA Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (109 ± 12 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.5 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.1 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (50 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (76 ± 11 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Low (4.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 147 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 148 ECOBREED_76 PI 658444 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (114 ± 12 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (10.0 ± 2.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (11.0 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (11.9 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (59 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 149 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 150 ECOBREED_78 PI 647640 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (117 ± 12 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.2 ± 2.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (9.9 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.8 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (65 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 151 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 152 ECOBREED_80 PI 647598 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (106 ± 12 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.8 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (10.0 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (11.2 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (65 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 153 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 154 ECOBREED_81 PI 263949 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (99 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Very low (1–3 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (5.1 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.8 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 3 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 155 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 156 ECOBREED_82 PI 647594 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (100 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.3 ± 2.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (9.8 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.2 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (56 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 157 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 158 ECOBREED_85 PI 658436 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (116 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (10.8 ± 4.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (10.0 ± 1.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.1 ± 1.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 159 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 160 ECOBREED_86 PI 647601 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (94 ± 12 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.4 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.4 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (53 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 161 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 162 ECOBREED_91 PI 647638 12GI SD Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (83 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Very low (1–3 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (10.6 ± 3.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (10.8 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (11.6 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (43 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (4 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 163 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 164 ECOBREED_92 PI 647603 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very high (143 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility High (75%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.3 ± 3.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (10.0 ± 2.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.4 ± 2.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (18.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 165 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 166 ECOBREED_93 PI 658446 99GI SD Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (106 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.0 ± 3.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.1 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.9 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very late (66 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 167 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 168 ECOBREED_94 PI 658440 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (124 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (10.5 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.4 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.9 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (47 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (6 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (7.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 169 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 170 ECOBREED_95 PI 658441 02GI SD Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (105 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (3–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.3 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (10.7 ± 2.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.4 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (56 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens as long as style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 171 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 172 ECOBREED_97 PI 647673 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (91 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Very low (1–3 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.0 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.8 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.2 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 173 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 174 ECOBREED_98 PI 658447 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very high (135 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.0 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.6 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.9 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (69 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 175 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 176 ECOBREED_99 01Z5000011 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (111 ± 10 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.1 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.4 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.7 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 177 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 178 ECOBREED_101 01Z5000064 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very high (132 ± 10 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.6 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.6 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.3 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 179 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 180 ECOBREED_102 01Z5000115 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (88 ± 10 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.2 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (53 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 181 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 182 ECOBREED_103 01Z5000118 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (118 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.0 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.9 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.2 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (56 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 183 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 184 ECOBREED_104 01Z5000002 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (117 ± 12 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.8 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.4 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.9 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 185 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 186 ECOBREED_105 01Z5000037 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (110 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.8 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.2 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 187 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 188 ECOBREED_106 01Z5000040 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (106 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.8 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.6 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.9 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (60 ± 3 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (19.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 189 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 190 ECOBREED_107 01Z5000074 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (114 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.4 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.3 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (34.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 191 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 192 ECOBREED_108 01Z5000056 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (121 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.8 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.6 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.8 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (62 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 193 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 194 ECOBREED_109 01Z5000057 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (84 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.9 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.0 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 195 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 196 ECOBREED_110 01Z5000062 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (103 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility High (75%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.9 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.8 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.4 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (49 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (6 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very high (5.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (38.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 197 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 198 ECOBREED_111 01Z5000025 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (121 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.7 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.9 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width intermediate (8.1 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (69 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 199 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 200 ECOBREED_112 01Z5000092 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (78 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (4.3 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.4 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.4 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (48 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very low (4 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 201 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 202 ECOBREED_113 01Z5000093 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (109 ± 3 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.9 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.7 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (43 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (28.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 203 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 204 ECOBREED_114 01Z5000105 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (123 ± 13 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (5.0 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (7.0 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (69 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (14 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 205 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 206 ECOBREED_115 01Z5000009 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (89 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.8 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (5.2 ± 0.3 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (5.7 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (59 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (28.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 207 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 208 ECOBREED_116 01Z5000012 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (73 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.5 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.5 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (54 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 209 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 210 ECOBREED_117 01Z5000016 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (116 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.1 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.9 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.9 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (75 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 211 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 212 ECOBREED_118 01Z5000030 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (117 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (5.3 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.7 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.4 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 10 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 213 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 214 ECOBREED_119 01Z5000032 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (130 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.8 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.5 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (50 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 215 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 216 ECOBREED_120 01Z5000117 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (121 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.5 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.6 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.8 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (79 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very high (5.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (34.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 217 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 218 ECOBREED_125 01Z5000120 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (113 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.6 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very early (45 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (54 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 219 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 220 ECOBREED_137 01Z5000020 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (105 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.4 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.8 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (54 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 221 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 222 ECOBREED_148 01Z5000119 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (92 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.8 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.5 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (26 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (2 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 223 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 224 ECOBREED_149 01Z5000138 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (114 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.4 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.3 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (74 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very low (4 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (29.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 225 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 226 ECOBREED_150 01Z5000139 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (80 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.4 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.7 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.8 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very late (66 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 227 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 228 ECOBREED_151 01Z5000022 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (93 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.2 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.9 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.5 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (48 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 229 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 230 ECOBREED_152 01Z5000029 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (124 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.4 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 231 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 232 ECOBREED_153 01Z5000038 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (127 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (5.0 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (75 ± 16 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 233 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 234 ECOBREED_154 01Z5000039 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (126 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.3 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 235 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 236 ECOBREED_155 01Z5000043 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (109 ± 14 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.4 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.2 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (56 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 237 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 238 ECOBREED_156 01Z5000045 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (123 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.9 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.0 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.6 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (63 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (31.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 239 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 240 ECOBREED_157 01Z5000023 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (96 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility High (75%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.5 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.2 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.5 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (19.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 241 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 242 ECOBREED_158 01Z5000024 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (104 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.7 ± 4.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.6 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.3 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (73 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very low (4 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (19.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 243 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 244 ECOBREED_159 01Z5000094 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (103 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.5 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.6 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.6 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 245 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 246 ECOBREED_160 01Z5000041 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (106 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.3 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.0 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.3 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (71 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (31.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 247 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 248 ECOBREED_161 01Z5000121 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (85 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.8 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.0 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (31 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (3 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 249 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 250 ECOBREED_162 01Z5000048 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (121 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.7 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (9.6 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.2 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (59 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (34.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 251 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 252 ECOBREED_163 01Z5000076 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (112 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.4 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (48 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 253 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 254 ECOBREED_164 01Z5000005 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (100 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.6 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.4 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (56 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 255 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 256 ECOBREED_165 01Z5000124 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (100 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Very low (1–3 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.4 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (10.4 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.4 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (37 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (4 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very low (4 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (29.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 257 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 258 ECOBREED_166 01Z5000125 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (90 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.7 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.2 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (59 ± 11 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (33.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 259 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 260 ECOBREED_167 01Z5000084 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (108 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.0 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.0 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.1 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 261 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 262 ECOBREED_168 01Z5000015 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (109 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.9 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.9 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very early (46 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 10 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 263 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 264 ECOBREED_169 01Z5000014 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (117 ± 10 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.7 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (10.1 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.3 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (62 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (27.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 265 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 266 ECOBREED_170 01Z5000008 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (104 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.4 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.1 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very early (46 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (52 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 267 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 268 ECOBREED_172 01Z5000021 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (110 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.6 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.6 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (49 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 269 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 270 ECOBREED_173 01Z5000068 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (105 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.5 ± 2.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.4 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.1 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very high (5.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (37.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 271 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 272 ECOBREED_174 01Z5000100 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (115 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Low (25%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.9 ± 2.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.8 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.3 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (60 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (28.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 273 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 274 ECOBREED_175 01Z5000122 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (87 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.0 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.3 ± 0.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (42 ± 10 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 275 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 276 ECOBREED_176 01Z5000144 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (113 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.6 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.6 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (75 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 277 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 278 ECOBREED_177 01Z5000042 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (110 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.4 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.3 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.2 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (56 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens as long as style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 279 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 280 ECOBREED_178 UC0101155 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (110 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.1 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.4 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 5 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 281 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 282 ECOBREED_179 UC0101182 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (122 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.5 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.5 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens as long as style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 283 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 284 ECOBREED_180 UC0101319 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (116 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (4.7 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (29.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 285 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 286 ECOBREED_181 UC0101496 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (107 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.9 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.9 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.2 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (66 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very low (13.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 287 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 288 ECOBREED_182 UC0101642 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (114 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.1 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.4 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.7 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 289 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 290 ECOBREED_183 UC0101679 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (121 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.8 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.8 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.8 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 10 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (17 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 291 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 292 ECOBREED_187 UC0101906 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (91 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (5.2 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.5 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.7 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (46 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 293 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 294 ECOBREED_188 UC0101927 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very high (132 ± 18 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.7 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.1 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (85 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 295 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 296 ECOBREED_189 UC0101942 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (108 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.4 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (9.0 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (45 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 297 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 298 ECOBREED_190 UC0101948 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.8 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.8 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (48 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 299 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 300 ECOBREED_191 UC0101972 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (112 ± 14 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.7 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.2 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.4 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very late (66 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (33.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 301 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 302 ECOBREED_192 UC0101979 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (130 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.5 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.5 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (61 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 303 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 304 ECOBREED_193 UC0101987 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (108 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.8 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (40 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (4 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / black 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very high (5.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (28.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 305 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 306 ECOBREED_194 UC0100115 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (113 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.5 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (19.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 307 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 308 ECOBREED_195 UC0100100 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (103 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.5 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.4 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.4 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (54 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 309 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 310 ECOBREED_196 UC0100149 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (111 ± 17 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.4 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.7 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 311 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 312 ECOBREED_197 UC0100170 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (93 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.4 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (68 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (37.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 313 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 314 ECOBREED_199 UC0100210 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (115 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.1 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.3 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.6 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (22.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 315 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 316 ECOBREED_200 UC0100212 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (117 ± 13 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.8 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.6 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 317 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 318 ECOBREED_201 UC0100276 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (118 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Very low (1–3 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.6 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.1 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.4 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (63 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 319 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 320 ECOBREED_202 UC0100277 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (119 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.0 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.4 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.1 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 321 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 322 ECOBREED_203 UC0100278 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (112 ± 14 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.4 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.6 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.0 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 323 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 324 ECOBREED_204 UC0100279 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (125 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.2 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.6 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 4) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 325 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 326 ECOBREED_205 UC0100281 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (114 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.8 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.7 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.2 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (48 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens as long as style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 327 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 328 ECOBREED_206 UC0100282 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (128 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Low (25%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.4 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 0.3 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.2 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (69 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 329 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 330 ECOBREED_207 UC0100283 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (109 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.8 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (54 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 331 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 332 ECOBREED_208 UC0100285 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (119 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.3 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.4 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.5 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (60 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 333 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 334 ECOBREED_209 UC0100280 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very high (131 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.3 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.6 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.3 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (61 ± 10 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 335 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 336 ECOBREED_211 UC0100361 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (120 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.0 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.4 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (65 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 337 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 338 ECOBREED_212 UC0100723 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (106 ± 14 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Very low (1–3 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.6 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.5 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (59 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 339 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 340 ECOBREED_213 UC0100362 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (125 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.9 ± 2.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.7 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.5 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (62 ± 2 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 341 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 342 ECOBREED_214 UC0100912 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (117 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.2 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.5 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (53 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (8 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.4 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (28.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 343 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 344 ECOBREED_215 UC0100365 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (125 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.9 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.4 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.6 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (62 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 345 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 346 ECOBREED_216 UC0100946 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (127 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.9 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (9.7 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.8 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (75 ± 13 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 347 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 348 ECOBREED_217 UC0100948 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (118 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.8 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.4 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.6 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 349 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 350 ECOBREED_218 UC0100949 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very high (136 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.5 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (65 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 351 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 352 ECOBREED_219 UC0101095 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (117 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.2 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (9.9 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (61 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 353 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 354 ECOBREED_221 UC0101129 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (103 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.4 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.2 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.8 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (49 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 355 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 356 ECOBREED_222 UC0100991 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (82 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.4 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.5 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.8 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (61 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 357 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 358 ECOBREED_223 UC0100988 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (118 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.4 ± 2.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.9 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.3 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 359 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 360 ECOBREED_224 UC0101092 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (92 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.7 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.2 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (63 ± 3 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 361 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 362 ECOBREED_225 UC0101109 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (114 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.4 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.5 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (53 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (22.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 363 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 364 ECOBREED_226 UC0101992 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (106 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.2 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.5 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.9 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (5 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 365 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 366 ECOBREED_227 UC0102165 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (90 ± 3 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.3 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.8 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.2 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (46 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (4 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / greenish-yellow 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 367 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 368 ECOBREED_228 UC0102185 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (116 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.9 ± 2.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.4 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.1 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very early (45 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (65 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Early (60–75 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 369 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 370 ECOBREED_229 UC0100348 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (115 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.9 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.6 ± 0.6 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (69 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / greenish-yellow 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 371 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 372 ECOBREED_230 UC0102208 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (95 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Very low (1–3 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very low (4.9 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.5 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (52 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 373 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 374 ECOBREED_231 UC0100177 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (126 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.7 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (63 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (7.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (32.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 375 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 376 ECOBREED_232 UC0102193 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (88 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.0 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.2 ± 0.3 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (19 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (2 ± 0) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length Very high (6.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (30.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 377 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 378 ECOBREED_233 UC0102207 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (105 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.3 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.2 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.4 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (33.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 379 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 380 ECOBREED_235 UC0102114 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (107 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.9 ± 3.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.3 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.4 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (58 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (35.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 381 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 382 ECOBREED_236 UC0101698 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.5 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.2 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (51 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 383 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 384 ECOBREED_237 UC0102201 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (110 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.6 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.0 ± 0.2 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.8 ± 0.7 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (60 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (25.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 385 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 386 ECOBREED_238 UC0102203 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (104 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.8 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.8 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.8 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (44 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 387 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 388 ECOBREED_239 UC0102205 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (104 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.5 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.7 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose / cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (4.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (27.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 389 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 390 ECOBREED_240 64 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (117 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.5 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.4 ± 0.5 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.8 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (22.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 391 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 392 ECOBREED_241 63-WC Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (76 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.1 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.8 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.5 ± 0.4 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (55 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 11 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens shorter than style 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 393 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 394 ECOBREED_243 66 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (101 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Weak (1–3 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Very low (1–3 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.1 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.5 ± 1.0 mm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme semi-compact / cyme compact 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (52 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White 7.2.9 (only for common) Flower morphology Stamens longer than style 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / mottled 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (23.9 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 395 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 396 6 CHARACTERISTICS OF TARTARY BUCKWHEAT GENETIC RESOURCES List of 52 genetic resources of Fagopyrum tataricum L. Gaertn. ECOBREED No. Accession No. Accession Name Acquisition Date Origin 11 commercial variety Doris n.a. Slovenia 52 SRGB 2258 Dolina Krme na Gorenjskem n.a. Slovenia 53 SRGB 2316 n.a. Slovenia 54 SRGB 2223 Slovenj Gradec n.a. Slovenia 55 SRGB 2224 Osrednje Goričko n.a. Slovenia 56 SRGB 2409 Straža n.a. Slovenia 58 SRGB 2257 Radohova vas n.a. Slovenia 59 SRGB 2321 Novo Mesto n.a. Slovenia 66 SRGB 2337 SRGB2337 n.a. Slovenia 68 SRGB 2304 SRGB2304 n.a. Slovenia 72 SRGB 2356 SRGB2356 n.a. Slovenia 77 PI 658438 Martin's Tarbary n.a. United States 79 PI 647612 Clfa 38 n.a. United States 83 PI 503879 90GI SD Solider Pond n.a. United States 84 PI 199769 PA 160 n.a. United States 87 PI 658431 G 32050 n.a. United States 88 PI 658430 00GI SD G 32049 n.a. United States 89 PI 476852 Madawaska n.a. United States 90 PI 658429 G 32048 n.a. United States 96 PI 451723 Trigo Saraceno O'Alforfon 1980 Mexico, Baja Norte 121 01Z5100007 PI 481659 n.a. Bhutan 122 01Z5100008 PI 481670 n.a. Bhutan 123 01Z5100013 PI 451723 n.a. Mexico 124 01Z5100014 PI 476852 n.a. United States 126 01Z5100002 PI 481645 n.a. Bhutan 127 01Z5100003 PI 481646 n.a. Bhutan 128 01Z5100004 PI 481652 n.a. Bhutan 129 01Z5100006 PI 481658 n.a. Bhutan 130 01Z5100009 PI 481671 n.a. Bhutan 131 01Z5100010 Lifago n.a. Germany 132 01Z5100017 Weswod Ican n.a. unknown 133 01Z5100019 RCAT 068749 n.a. unknown 134 01Z5100011 903016 n.a. Pakistan 135 01Z5100037 PI 481661 n.a. Bhutan 136 01Z5100050 Sarasin a Ployes n.a. United States 138 01Z5100025 290 n.a. Bhutan 139 01Z5100001 PI 481644 n.a. Bhutan 140 01Z5100005 PI 481656 n.a. Bhutan 141 01Z5100012 n.a. Czech Republic 142 01Z5100028 PA 160 n.a. unknown 143 01Z5100041 Jianzui n.a. China 397 144 01Z5100042 Liuqiao-3 n.a. China 145 01Z5100044 Zhaoqiao-1 n.a. China 146 01Z5100046 Jinqiao-2 n.a. China 147 01Z5100030 PI 427239 n.a. Nepal 184 UC0101690 Lira n.a. Ukraine 185 UC0101691 Peremoga n.a. Ukraine 186 UC0101692 Kalyna n.a. Ukraine 198 UC0100180 n.a. China 210 UC0100291 n.a. India 220 UC0101037 n.a. Hungary 234 UC0100179 n.a. Ukraine 398 ECOBREED_11 Doris Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (100 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.2 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.8 ± 0.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.4 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very late (66 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (90 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (14.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 399 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 400 ECOBREED_52 SRGB 2258 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (70 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.1 ± 2.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (5.6 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (54 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very high (11 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (16.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 401 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 402 ECOBREED_53 SRGB 2316 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (70 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.2 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (7.0 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (50 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (16.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 403 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 404 ECOBREED_54 SRGB 2223 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (64 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.3 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.3 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (9.0 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (65 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (20 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (10 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (16.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 405 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 406 ECOBREED_55 SRGB 2224 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (80 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.8 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.0 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.6 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very high (11 ± 2) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 407 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 408 ECOBREED_56 SRGB 2409 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (94 ± 13 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.5 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (5.2 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (10 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Low (4.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (14.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 409 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 410 ECOBREED_58 SRGB 2257 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (71 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.7 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.0 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (52 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (10 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (14.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 411 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 412 ECOBREED_59 SRGB 2321 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (80 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.3 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.6 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.8 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (53 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (10 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very high (11 ± 2) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Medium 413 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 414 ECOBREED_66 SRGB 2337 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (74 ± 11 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.3 ± 0.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.0 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (8.0 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (51 ± 2 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Very high (13 ± 2) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 415 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 416 ECOBREED_68 SRGB 2304 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (75 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very high (100%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.5 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.0 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (5.8 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (48 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (7 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (10 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Medium 16. Stem: diameter Small 417 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 418 ECOBREED_72 SRGB 2356 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (119 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.8 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.1 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.4 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (61 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (10 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.3 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 419 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 420 ECOBREED_77 PI 658438 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (99 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.1 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (52 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (10 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (21.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 421 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 422 ECOBREED_79 PI 647612 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (84 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.5 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.6 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.9 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (56 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown / black 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 423 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 424 ECOBREED_83 PI 503879 90GI SD Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (109 ± 8 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink / red Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.3 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.3 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.9 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (74 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 425 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 426 ECOBREED_84 PI 199769 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (82 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink / red Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.7 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.0 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.8 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Pink / red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (69 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length High (6.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight High (24.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 427 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 428 ECOBREED_87 PI 658431 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (118 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.7 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.0 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.5 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (19.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 429 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 430 ECOBREED_88 PI 658430 00GI SD Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (110 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink / red Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.9 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.5 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (75 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (17 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 431 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 432 ECOBREED_89 PI 476852 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height High (116 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink / red Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.8 ± 2.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.1 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 433 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 434 ECOBREED_90 PI 658429 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (83 ± 9 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (61 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (20.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 435 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 436 ECOBREED_96 PI 451723 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (105 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.1 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.3 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.7 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (75 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (20 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 437 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 438 ECOBREED_121 01Z5100007 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (89 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (6.4 ± 0.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.1 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 439 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 440 ECOBREED_122 01Z5100008 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (107 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.1 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.1 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (68 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 441 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 442 ECOBREED_123 01Z5100013 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (105 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.7 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.6 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.6 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.2 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (19.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 443 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 444 ECOBREED_124 01Z5100014 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (102 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.3 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.1 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.3 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (72 ± 10 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (16.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 445 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 446 ECOBREED_126 01Z5100002 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (95 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (10.1 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.4 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (63 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (14.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 447 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 448 ECOBREED_127 01Z5100003 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (73 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.7 ± 2.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.0 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.3 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (78 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (16.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 449 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 450 ECOBREED_128 01Z5100004 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (87 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.6 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.4 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.1 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (65 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 451 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 452 ECOBREED_129 01Z5100006 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (113 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.9 ± 3.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.3 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (80 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (17 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 453 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 454 ECOBREED_130 01Z5100009 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / pink Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.4 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.2 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.9 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Pink / red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (67 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 455 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 456 ECOBREED_131 01Z5100010 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.1 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.1 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.1 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (72 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (17 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (16.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 457 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 458 ECOBREED_132 01Z5100017 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (84 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.7 ± 2.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.7 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.7 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (60 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (10 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Low (4.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very low (11.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 459 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 460 ECOBREED_133 01Z5100019 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (88 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.5 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.6 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.7 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (60 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very low (12.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 461 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 462 ECOBREED_134 01Z5100011 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (78 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.7 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.0 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.2 ± 1.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very late (66 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (82 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (18 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / red 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Low (4.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very low (12.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 463 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 464 ECOBREED_135 01Z5100037 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (85 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.2 ± 1.9 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.0 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.6 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (70 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Low (4.5 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.7 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 465 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 466 ECOBREED_136 01Z5100050 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (95 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.3 ± 1.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.2 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.4 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (60 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 467 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 468 ECOBREED_138 01Z5100025 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (75 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.9 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (5.9 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.7 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very late (66 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (63 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Low (3.8 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.1 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (16.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 469 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 470 ECOBREED_139 01Z5100001 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (95 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.7 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 0.3 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very high (10.4 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (93 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (20 ± 3) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 471 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 472 ECOBREED_140 01Z5100005 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (83 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.9 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (8.7 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (10.0 ± 0.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very late (66 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (87 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (21 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 473 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 474 ECOBREED_141 01Z5100012 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (95 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.5 ± 2.0 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.5 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.9 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (66 ± 8 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (15 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 9 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.6 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 475 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 476 ECOBREED_142 01Z5100028 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (85 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (7.9 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length High (9.0 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.9 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (55 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (17 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.0 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Medium 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 477 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 478 ECOBREED_143 01Z5100041 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Low (97 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (11.3 ± 3.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (9.9 ± 1.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.2 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (64 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (14 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.8 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (14.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Large 479 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 480 ECOBREED_144 01Z5100042 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (119 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Low (5.5 ± 1.2 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.8 ± 1.1 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.7 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (83 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (16 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (15.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 481 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 482 ECOBREED_145 01Z5100044 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (92 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Intermediate (4–5 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (10.7 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very high (9.6 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Very low (6.6 ± 0.9 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very late (66 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very high (83 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very high (19 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.2 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 483 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 484 ECOBREED_146 01Z5100046 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (78 ± 4 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (6.9 ± 1.6 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.8 ± 0.4 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (9.0 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Very late (66 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Low (51 ± 9 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 0) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (> 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (5.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (16.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 485 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 486 ECOBREED_147 01Z5100030 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (107 ± 6 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green / red Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.6 ± 1.5 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.8 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.1 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (61 ± 4 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Intermediate (4.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Low (17.1 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 487 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 488 ECOBREED_184 UC0101690 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (105 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Very high (9.5 ± 2.1 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (7.7 ± 1.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.4 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (55 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (57 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 11 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Intermediate (76–90 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Very low (3.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very low (2.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very low (9.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 489 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 490 ECOBREED_185 UC0101691 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (95 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink Leaf vein colour Green / pink 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.2 ± 1.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (6.7 ± 0.8 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (9.0 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (62 ± 5 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme High (13 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Low (4.1 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very low (2.5 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very low (10.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 491 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 492 ECOBREED_186 UC0101692 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Semi-erect longer 7.1.4* Plant height Very low (69 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Intermediate (50%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.3 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (5.6 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.6 ± 1.3 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Early (51 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence No 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (17 ± 2 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Very low (2 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (8 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Ovate (intermediate) 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.7 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Intermediate (3.7 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Intermediate (18.5 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 493 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 494 ECOBREED_198 UC0100180 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (123 ± 17 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Pink / red Leaf vein colour Green / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.2 ± 1.3 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / red 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.3 ± 0.6 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.4 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme High (68 ± 10 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Intermediate (7 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Very low (3.2 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (2.9 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very low (11.0 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 495 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 496 ECOBREED_210 UC0100291 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Intermediate (114 ± 5 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Intermediate (8–12 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length High (8.9 ± 1.7 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Low (7.5 ± 1.0 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width High (9.6 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green / pink 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (62 ± 7 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (12 ± 2) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (9 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Grey / brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Very low (3.3 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Low (3.0 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very low (12.8 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Strong 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Medium 497 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 498 ECOBREED_220 UC0101037 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Green 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height High (119 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Strong (6–7 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / red 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Green Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number Low (4–7 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.4 ± 2.4 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Very low (6.5 ± 0.7 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Intermediate (8.7 ± 1.2 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Hastate / sagittate (intermediate) 7.2.1* Days to flowering Intermediate (56 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Red 7.2.5 Length of cyme Intermediate (56 ± 6 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Intermediate (11 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant Low (6 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour Greenish-yellow / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Late (91–105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Conoidal 7.3.6* Seed surface Irregular or wrinkled 7.3.7* Seed length Low (3.6 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width Very low (2.4 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very low (9.4 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Absent or very weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 499 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 500 ECOBREED_234 UC0100179 Description IPGRI code IPGRI descriptor Scale (interval) 7.1.1 Cotyledon/seedling leaf colour Pink 7.1.2* Growth and branch shoot habit Erect shorter 7.1.4* Plant height Low (90 ± 7 cm) 7.1.6* Plant branching Very strong (≥ 8 branches) 7.1.7* Stem colour Green / pink 7.1.11 Lodging susceptibility Very low (0%) 7.1.12* Leaf colour Green 7.1.12. (only for Tartary) Leaf margin colour Red Leaf vein colour Green / pink / red 7.1.13* Leaf number High (13–15 leaves) 7.1.15 Petiole length Intermediate (7.1 ± 1.8 mm) 7.1.16* Petiole colour Green / pink 7.1.17* Leaf blade length Intermediate (8.0 ± 1.9 cm) 7.1.18* Leaf blade width Low (7.9 ± 1.5 cm) 7.1.19* Leaf blade shape Sagittate (intermediate) / cordate 7.2.1* Days to flowering Late (61 days) 7.2.2* Compactness of inflorescence Cyme loose 7.2.3 Branched inflorescence Yes 7.2.4* Colour of inflorescence stalk Green 7.2.5 Length of cyme Very low (45 ± 3 cm) 7.2.6* Number of flowers clusters per cyme Low (9 ± 1) 7.2.7 Number of cymes per plant High (10 ± 1) 7.2.8* Flower colour White / pink 7.2.11 Germination period 7 days 7.2.12* Days to maturity Very late (≥ 105 days) 7.3.2* Seed colour Brown 7.3.5* Seed shape Triangular 7.3.6* Seed surface Smooth 7.3.7* Seed length High (5.9 mm) 7.3.8* Seed width High (4.6 mm) 7.3.9* 1000-seed weight Very high (26.3 g) *ECOBREED descriptor UPOV code UPOV descriptor Scale 4. Inflorescence: anthocyanin coloration of bud Weak 15. Stem: number of nodes Many 16. Stem: diameter Small 501 Size, shape and colour of leaves and flowers Branches of flowering plants Flowers Size, shape and colour of seeds 502 LITERATURE FAOStat. 2022. Food and agriculture data. Production: Crops and livestock products. (8/11/2022) IPGRI. 2012. Descriptors for buckwheat ( Fagopyrum spp.). International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy, 1–54. /publications/pdfs/388.pdf (8/11/2022) SI-STAT. 2022. SURS. Production of crops (ha, t, t/ha), Slovenia, annually. (8/11/2022) UPOV. 2012. International Union for the protection of new varieties of plants. Buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). Guidelines for conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability, 1–27. (8/11/2022) 503 Acknowledgement The work presented in the present book was carried out within the framework of the ECOBREED project (Grant agreement No. 771367) funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Slovenian research program Agrobiodiversity (No. P4-0072) financed by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS). The authors would like to thank Marina ANTIĆ from the Institute of Genetic Resources at the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, for her critical examination and review of the resulting scientific publication. We would also like to thank all the other colleagues at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia who contributed to the creation of the present publication. 504