AUTOMATIC IMAGE ANALYSIS SYSTEM TRACOS Jure Skvarč KEYWORDS: nuclear tracks, track detectors, crystal grains, microscopes, scanners, image analysis, automatic analysis, track evaluation measurements, applications, software ABSTRACT: An automatic image analysis system called TRACOS Is introduced and its applications to evaluation of tracks in track etch detectors and crystal grains measurement are described. Avtomatski sistem za analizo slike TRACOS KLJUČNE BESEDE: sledi jedrske, detektorji sledi, zrna kristalna, mikroskopi, skanerji, analiza slik, analiza avtomatska, vrednotenje sledi meritve aplikacije, oprema programska POVZETEK: Opisan je sistem za avtomatsko analizo slike, imenovan TRACOS, in njegova uporaba pri izvrednotenju sledi v trdnih detektorjih jedrskih sledi in pri meritvah kristalnih zrn. ' Introduction Nuclear tracks group of the Reactor physics division of the J. Stefan Institute started with development and application of track etch detectors twenty years ago. These detectors are able to detect heavy ions with energy range from 100 keV up to relativistic energies. They are made mostly of polymer materials and are known under different commercial names, such as LR-115, CN-85, CR-39 and so forth. Other heavy ion detecting materials are minerals, like mica and glasses. Detectors are usually shaped in foils with thickness from few microns up to 1 mm. Tracks, made by the incoming ions, are enlarged by chemical etching, so they are visible under an optical microscope. The transformation of a latent track to a visible track is possible because the etching velocity along the path of the ion is greater than the etching velocity of the bulk material. For the constant etching velocity along the path of an ion, the track has a shape of cone, which gives an elliptical intersection with the surface of the detector. Tracks are visible under an optical microscope due to steep track walls which refract light because the refractive index of the detector is higherthan refractive index of the air. As a consequence tracks appear as dark spots. Typical track size, used for observation and measurement, is from 1 jam to 30 jam. From the size and optical density of the tracks the energy and the charge of the incoming ion can be derived while from the track shape the impact angle can be calculated. A micrograph of tracks is shown in Fig. 1. Measurements of large areas of the detector foils induced the need for automatic track evaluation. Manual measurement is usually limited to counting the number of tracks in a given area, while there is often need for n C * O- Fig. 1: The micrograph of nuclear tracks in CR-39 detector which was 5 month in Mir space station. Tracl