J. VANEK et al.: INJECTION MOLDING OF POLYCARBONATE THICK-WALLED PARTS USING A TOOL ... 299–305 INJECTION MOLDING OF POLYCARBONATE THICK-WALLED PARTS USING A TOOL WITH VARIOUSLY DESIGNED GATE INSERTS UPORABA ORODJA Z RAZLI^NO OBLIKOVANIMI VLO@KI ZA INJEKCIJSKO BRIZGANJE POLIKARBONATNIH DEBELOSTENSKIH IZDELKOV Jiri Vanek, Michal Stanek, Martin Ovsik * , Vlastimil Chalupa Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Technology, Zlin, Czech Republic Prejem rokopisa – received: 2022-11-22; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2023-04-25 doi:10.17222/mit.2022.692 Injection molding is an advantageous technology for the mass production of plastic parts without the necessity for additional procedures. The applicability of this method is still partially limited by the required properties of the manufactured parts. Espe- cially in the field of optics, there is a need to produce thick-walled parts while maintaining their transparency. This paper reports on how various shapes of gating systems affected the process parameters and cavity filling during the injection molding of polycarbonate thick-walled specimens. These outcomes demonstrated that film gates and their alternatives are more suitable for the standard injection molding of thick-walled optical products than the triple-edge gating systems. Favorable results were ob- served particularly in the uniformity of cavity filling, size of shrinkage, and in the occurrence of defects such as voids or sink marks. Keywords: injection molding, cavity filling, thick-walled part, gating system Postopek oblikovanja izdelkov z injekcijskim brizganjem je napredna tehnologija za masovno proizvodnjo plasti~nih izdelkov kompliciranih oblik brez potrebe po nadaljnjih postopkih obdelave. Uporabnost tega postopka je {e vedno delno omejena z zahtevanimi lastnostmi izdelkov, {e posebej na podro~ju optike, kjer je potrebno izdelovati debelostenske izdelke in pri tem ohraniti njihovo prozornost. V ~lanku opisujejo, kako na razli~ne oblike sistemov zapiranja orodja vplivajo procesni parametri in polnjenje votline orodja med injekcijskim brizganjem polikarbonatnih debelostenskih preizkusnih vzorcev. Rezultati izvedenih preizkusov so pokazali, da so filmska vrata in njene alternative bolj primerne za standardno injekcijsko brizganje debelostenskih opti~nih izdelkov kot pa trirobi sistemi zapiranja. Ugotovili so, da je pri{lo do bolj enovitega polnjenja votline orodja z materialom in posledi~no se je pojavljalo manj napak na izdelkih, kot so na primer pore, luknjice, vdolbine, nalitja in ostale povr{inske napake. Klju~ne besede: injekcijsko brizganje, polnjenje votline orodja, debelostenski izdelki, sistem zapiranja orodja 1 INTRODUCTION Injection molding is a method of processing plastics that is still expanding. Currently, it is used for the manu- facturing of most plastic products for a wide range of in- dustries. Injection-molded parts are generally designed as thin-walled shells, but with increasing demand, there is a need in some areas to produce components with greater thickness. For this purpose, the commonly known injection-molding technology with foaming is often used. Nevertheless, this process does not achieve the re- quired transparency of optical parts as well as water- or gas-assisted injection-molding technologies. Because this area has been little studied so far, many unanswered questions are arising in industrial practice towards the fabrication of such parts. Therefore, the examination of the cavity-filling process using differently shaped gates presents essential knowledge leading to the production of quality, thick-walled optical parts. Several researchers have already studied possible so- lutions for the injection molding of thick-walled compo- nents. The options for producing thick lenses using the method of sequentially injected layers were presented by Maier. 1 Furthermore, an application of similar multilayer injection-molding technology for optics was discussed by Hopmann 2 and Nian. 3 A similar issue was further studied by Liu. 4 Since these studies dealt with special in- jection-molding methods, which may not be suitable for more complex parts, their conclusions should not be uni- versally applicable. On the other hand, the numerical and experimental single-component injection molding alternative of manu- facturing thick products was examined by Han. 5 An anal- ogous process focused on restraining voids generated in- side a thick test sample was carried out by Motegi. 6 Within both of these studies, the injection-compression molding method was applied to produce the samples. This procedure requires a specially designed injection mold and places high demands on the injection-molding Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 299–305 299 UDK 678.027.74 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 57(3)299(2023) *Corresponding author's e-mail: ovsik@utb.cz (Martin Ovsik) machine, which makes it not directly applicable to a con- ventional injection-molding process. Further research studying the production possibilities of a thick-walled part using a standard injection-molding technology was conducted by Gotlih. 7 The objective of this work was to examine the influence of selected pro- cess conditions on the resulting part quality. Parameters such as deflection rate, volumetric shrinkage, and depth of sink marks were determined as quality indicators. Simulations of the injection-molding process for techni- cal parts with large wall thickness with respect to process parameters have been performed, evaluated and dis- cussed in articles published by Fu 8 , Solanki 9 and Dogossy. 10 The outputs of these studies could lead to the improvement of some quality parameters of similarly de- signed products, or to shortening the cycle time of their production. The study including an issue of designing a con- formal cooling system of an injection mold for the opti- cal part with a considerable wall thickness, was per- formed by Hopmann. 11 This research was conducted to reduce the deformations and internal stresses in the molded part by controlling the temperature of the core and the cavity mold inserts. The results can be applied during the design of conformal cooling channels to pro- duce thicker parts with fewer defects. An article covering a similar topic of conformal cooling channels design was published by Park. 12 and Torres-Alba. 13 In these studies, conformal cooling channels were designed and simulated to homogenize the temperature distribution of the molded part during the injection-molding process. The results of these works could provide basic general knowledge about the complexity of conformal cooling channels design, which may be applicable for the pro- duction of thick-walled parts. Another study carried out by Sykutera 14 aimed to de- termine the effect of nitrogen pressure on the rheological properties and structure of thick-walled parts produced by microcellular injection-molding technology. Use of this method affected the apparent viscosity value, which led to the reduction of the pressure in the mold compared to the standard technology. Subsequently, this could im- prove the course of processes in the mold, thus increas- ing the production efficiency. The effect of process parameters and component thickness on the shrinkage of an injection molded com- ponent was analyzed using the appropriate tools by Yang 15 and Studer 16 The results showed that increasing melt temperature caused the effect of shrinkage to be more significant. In addition, changing other process pa- rameters, such as mold temperature, injection pressure, holding time, and cooling time affected the shrinkage be- havior to only a limited extent. This knowledge can con- tribute to the efficient setting of process parameters while manufacturing components with greater wall thickness. Besides, according to the results presented by Ch’ng, 17 Nasir 18 and Roslan, 19 the method of response surface methodology could be beneficial while optimiz- ing the settings of process conditions, therefore reducing the deformation of injection-molded parts. The approach of manufacturing plastic parts sup- ported by simulation and subsequent experimental injec- tion molding to reduce the time of development and the production of large aspherical plastic lenses was per- formed by Shieh. 20 The presented research consisted of using a real amount of shrinkage after the initial injec- tion molding of an aspherical plastic lens as a reference for shaping a core insert. This approach can outline the solution of shaping the cavity and core inserts to prevent part deformations. Besides, the production of precise plastic lenses concerning mold surface parameters, to- gether with process conditions and their influence on op- tical properties, was described by Lai, 21 Dick 22 and Speck. 23 Injection compression molding with regards to pro- cess conditions and their influence on the resulting qual- ity of plastic lenses was studied by Young. 24 Further- more, the studies where the standard injection molding of relatively thick parts has been examined were realized by Michaeli, 25 Höll, 26 Huang 27 and Chung. 28 However, the conventional injection-molding method was dis- cussed only marginally, contrary to the injection-com- pression molding technique. These studies were focused on the examination of the optical properties rather than on the process itself. Thus, this research deals with the conventional injec- tion molding of thick-walled optical parts made of polycarbonate (PC) using variously shaped gating sys- tems. Acquired knowledge about the cavity-filling pro- cess of such a component can significantly contribute to the clarification of the questions arising from their manu- facturing. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The experiment was conducted to examine how vari- ous shapes of gating systems affect the cavity filling dur- ing the injection-molding process. Two variants of thick-walled test specimens made of polycarbonate were produced using a special injection mold with replaceable gating inserts. This approach was preceded by the valida- tion of the filling phase through the flow-analysis soft- ware. As the uniform process parameters were defined, it was possible to evaluate how different geometries of the gating influences the individual aspects of cavity filling, thus determining the overall quality of the specimens. The test specimens were made of polycarbonate with the trade name Makrolon LED 2245. This material is widely used for the optics because of its versatility, ex- cellent light transmittance, shape stability, and tempera- ture resistance. In addition, another advantage of this polymer is the light conductivity over a wide range of ra- diation. J. VANEK et al.: INJECTION MOLDING OF POLYCARBONATE THICK-WALLED PARTS USING A TOOL ... 300 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 299–305 The melt temperature was set to 325 °C during both the simulations and the injection itself. Since the PC ab- sorbs water, it was necessary to dry the raw material be- fore processing for3hat120°C,which was done with a Arburg Thermolift 100-2 dryer. Within the experiment, a functional thick-walled op- tical specimen was designed in two variants using the same material. As can be seen in Figure 1, the difference between variant A and variant B is the number of optical ribs and the thickness of the mounting base, which was 3 mm for the first variant and 8 mm for the other. Since the intended function of the sample is to distribute the light beam consistently, there is an optical pattern on the un- derside of the ribs. The largest dimensions of the sample were (80 × 50 × 75) mm, whereas the maximum thick- ness of the rib reached 10 mm. All test specimens were prepared by injection-mold- ing technology. As shown in Figure 2, a special injection mold for testing differently shaped gates was used. Ac- cordingly, the design of the mold allowed the simple at- tachment of individual gating inserts. Moreover, to pre- pare both specimen variants, the mold was provided with replaceable cavity-defining parts. Other mold compo- nents were standardized parts or conventionally designed plates. For the test sample in both variants, an injec- tion-molding process was performed using three differ- ent gating inserts to determine the most suitable filling method. Figure 3 shows the visualization of individual gating systems related to the injected part. In the first case, a 1-mm-thick triple-edge gate was used. The sec- ond variant was similar, but with the gate thickness in- creased to 1.5 mm. Another option was the use of a 1-mm-thick film gate. The size and shape of the sprue bushing was the same in all cases. To determine the influence of different gating sys- tems on the filling and packing phase, it was necessary to prepare all the testing specimens under uniform process conditions. Recommended values received from the ma- terial sheet were considered as well as the parameters suggested by the Moldflow software. Table 1 shows that due to the thick-walled character of the specimens, the conditions of the holding phase were set manually. Because a thicker wall takes a longer time to cool down, the holding time was set to 10 s. The moment of switching from injection to the holding phase was defined at a 99 %-filled cavity. The amount of hold- ing pressure was determined as 80 % of the maximum injection pressure. The values of these parameters were derived from the results of a preliminary flow analysis. Table 1: Selected process parameters Fill time 4.7 s Melt temperature 270 °C Mold temperature 100 °C Injection pressure 37–47 MPa Holding pressure 80 % of max. injection pressure Holding time 10 s Switching point to holding at 99 %-filled cavity The sample preparation itself was preceded by the process validation through flow analysis, which was per- formed by the Autodesk Moldflow Synergy 2016 soft- ware. This enabled the simulation of filling, holding and cooling phases of the process. Thus, it was possible to detect and reduce the occurrence of defects and to iden- tify those process parameters that could be optimized. Moldflow includes an extensive database of polymeric materials and injection molding machines, so the simula- tion conditions were as close to reality as possible. All test samples were produced using an electric in- jection molding machine Allrounder 470 E 1000–290 Golden Electric with a maximum clamping force of 1000 kN. J. VANEK et al.: INJECTION MOLDING OF POLYCARBONATE THICK-WALLED PARTS USING A TOOL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 299–305 301 Figure 2: Testing injection mold (1 – gating insert, 2 – core insert, 3 – cavity insert) Figure 3: Different shapes of gating systems Figure 1: Test specimens (1 – mounting base, 2 – optical rib, 3 – opti- cal pattern) 3 RESULTS All test samples were used to analyze how the indi- vidual type of gating system affects the cavity-filling process. In particular, it was essential to examine the in- crease in the melt temperature due to high shear stress that occurs when it flows through the gating system. This phenomenon could cause overheating of the material and its subsequent degradation. Additionally, the moment when the gate solidifies was identified because only to this point is the holding phase effective. The results of how each type of the gate affected spe- cific values of the actual injection-molding conditions are shown in the following tables. These are accompa- nied by figures displaying the result of a simulation per- formed by the Moldflow software. Its output is a graphi- cal evaluation of the time required to fill the mold cavity, with the blue areas being filled first and the red ones last. It is assumed that the uniformity of filling illustrated by the analysis corresponds sufficiently to the injection molding. As can be seen in Table 2, an uneven filling of the mold cavity occurs since the center rib is filled first, while the side ribs are almost unfilled. Due to the mini- mum flow rate of the melt through the side gates, they are already frozen in the cycle time of 3 s. This caused the holding phase to be effectively performed for only 5 s. Besides, due to the high flow rate of the polymer melt through the central gate, enormous shear stress occurred, resulting in excessive heating of the melt. According to Table 3, it is apparent that the filling of the cavity by the film gate is more uniform than the pre- vious gate type. However, the melt has reached the rest of the cavity only after the center was filled, similar to the previous case. At the cycle time of 9.9 s, the gate was already completely solidified, thus the holding phase lasted only for 4.5 s. Table 4 shows that using a 1.5-mm-thick side gate led to a significantly lower melt temperature, mainly due to the enlarged size of the gate. Nonetheless, it exceeded the absolute maximum recommended by the Moldflow database. As presented in Table 5, due to the lack of one opti- cal rib and the greater thickness of the mounting base, the mold cavity is filled nearly evenly, although still mostly through the central gate. For this reason, the side gates were almost solidified during filling at a time of 5.4 s. In addition, the polymer melt was shear stressed, J. VANEK et al.: INJECTION MOLDING OF POLYCARBONATE THICK-WALLED PARTS USING A TOOL ... 302 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 299–305 Table 2: Results for sample A with a 1-mm tripple-edge gate PARAMETER VALUE UNIT FILL TIME (s) (MOLDFLOW) Fill time 6.9 s Max. injection pressure 47 MPa Max. melt temperature 430 °C Side-gate solidification time 3 s Central-gate solidification time 11.7 s Defined/Effective holding time 10/5 s Cooling time 48.7 s Total cycle time 65.6 s Table 3: Results for sample A with a 1.5-mm triple-edge gate PARAMETER VALUE UNIT FILL TIME (s) (MOLDFLOW) Fill time 6.7 s Max. injection pressure 37.7 MPa Max. melt temperature 341.5 °C Time of gate solidification 4 s Defined/Effective holding time 10/5.5 s Cooling time 166 s Total cycle time 182.7 s Table 4: Results for sample A with a 1-mm film gate PARAMETER VALUE UNIT FILL TIME (s) (MOLDFLOW) Fill time 5.4 s Max. injection pressure 37.2 MPa Max. melt temperature 325.9 °C Time of gate solidification 9.9 s Defined/Effective holding time 10/4.5 s Cooling time 182.3 s Total cycle time 197.7 s thus reached high temperatures causing the degradation of the material. Table 6 shows that considering the design of the part, the central optical rib is filled first, followed by the fill- ing of the mounting base, resulting in a more intensive melt flow into the right optical rib. Since the gate solidi- fies already in 10.3 s, the effective time of the holding phase is only 5.6 s. Despite that, this gating system is the only one that meets the absolute maximum melt temper- ature for the defined process conditions. As shown in Table 7, compared to the alternative with a 1-mm triple side gate, the filling time decreased from 6.7 to 5.1 s, moreover, the melt temperature dropped significantly. Due to both the increased gate size and the reduced filling time, the melt was notably less shear stressed. It is generally known that the melt passing through the gate is heated by shear stress. When using a triple side gate, the cavity filling took a relatively long time, thus the melt was considerably shear stressed, which re- sulted in its degradation. An increase of the gate size to above 1.5 mm would reduce the shear stress, therefore, the melt may not overheat. Further, the more prolonged holding phase would be achieved. As shown in Figure 4, an improvement of the cavity- filling uniformity could be achieved by increasing the cross-sectional dimension of the side distribution channels. However, this modified version of the gating insert was not tested in this study. 4 DISCUSSION In our research, more satisfactory results in both sam- ple variants were obtained when using a film gate. Since its cross-section is larger than was in the previous case, the melt was not heated so intensively, which allowed the production of functional samples shown in Figure 5. Also, the influence of the holding phase was more appar- J. VANEK et al.: INJECTION MOLDING OF POLYCARBONATE THICK-WALLED PARTS USING A TOOL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 299–305 303 Table 5: Results for sample B with a 1-mm triple-edge gate PARAMETER VALUE UNIT FILL TIME (s) (MOLDFLOW) Fill time 6.7 s Max. injection pressure 37.4 MPa Max. melt temperature 343 °C Side-gate solidification 5.4 s Central-gate solidification 11.4 s Defined/Effective holding time 10/5.3 s Cooling time 44.8 s Total cycle time 61.5 s Table 6: Results for sample B with a 1-mm film gate PARAMETER VALUE UNIT FILL TIME (s) (MOLDFLOW) Fill time 4.7 s Max. injection pressure 37.3 MPa Max. melt temperature 323 °C Time of gate solidification 10.3 s Defined/Effective holding time 10/5.6 s Cooling time 206.7 s Total cycle time 221.4 s Table 7: Results for sample B with a 1.5-mm triple-edge gate PARAMETER VALUE UNIT FILL TIME (s) (MOLDFLOW) Fill time 5.1 s Max. injection pressure 38.2 MPa Max. melt temperature 336 °C Side-gate solidification 4.2 s Central-gate solidification 9.5 s Defined/Effective holding time 10/4.8 s Cooling time 206.2 s Total cycle time 221.3 s Figure 4: Possible modification of the gating insert ent, as it lasted longer. This improvement reduced the shrinkage and occurrence of defects such as voids or sink marks. Additionally, the use of a film gate appears to be efficient due to a more uniform cavity filling. Based on this knowledge and the results in Tables 3 and 6,i ti s possible to assume that contrary to the edge gating sys- tems, film gates and their alternatives are more suitable for the injection molding of thick-walled optical prod- ucts. One of the possible procedures for the specific evalu- ation of deformations and defects is scanning the surface of the manufactured sample with a 3D scanner and sub- sequent comparison of the obtained data with the geome- try of the reference model. In this way, dimensional and shape deviations can be graphically displayed, their ex- tent evaluated, and determined whether the obtained val- ues lie within the tolerance range. Based on the results obtained, the influence of the individual process parame- ters on the occurrence and size of deformations can be investigated, or the design of the mold can be adjusted and thus come as close as possible to all the defined re- quirements. Figure 5 compares the scanned areas of the injected sample with the reference model. The surface of the in- jected sample was scanned with a 3D scanner to obtain a cloud of points, which was then converted to a mesh. The surfaces generated in this way were interlaced with the surface of the reference model, and then the individ- ual geometries were compared and the degree of defor- mation was evaluated. In this case, however, these are only indicative results used to verify the applicability of the chosen method. The quality of the results is closely related to the accuracy of the scanning and the subse- quent processing of the obtained data, so to receive rele- vant results, it is necessary to pay more attention to this issue. 5 CONCLUSIONS The study examined the influence of various shapes of gating systems on cavity filling during the injection molding of PC thick-walled specimens in two variants. The results provide information about specific values of process parameters affected by differently shaped edge and film gating systems. Accordingly, the application of the film gate seems more appropriate than the triple-edge gate since the cavity filling is more uniform, and the oc- currence of defects is noticeably lower. In conclusion, the overall quality of standard injec- tion-molded PC thick-walled specimens is more favor- able when using the film gate. The main reason is the lower shear stress of the polymer melt, which minimizes its overheating. Furthermore, the duration of the holding phase is more effective since the film gate solidifies later than with the triple-edge gate. These findings may be valuable for the design of the optical parts themselves and the injection molds for their production. The knowl- edge about the cavity filling through differently shaped gating systems could save time and resources during the development of injection molds for producing transpar- ent thick-walled parts. Nevertheless, the influence of the other applicable gating systems on the cavity-filling pro- cess of such parts has not been considered in this study and requires additional examination. Acknowledgment This work was supported by the Internal Grant Agency of TBU in Zlin: no. IGA/FT/2023/005 and pro- ject "Plastics, metals and technology (PLAKOTECH)", CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_007/0003397.. 6 REFERENCES 1 Ch. 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