NUMBER 6 JUNE, 1963 Enthusiastic S. W. U. Juvenile Bowlers of Cleveland ZARJA *• DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19. 1926 in Chicago, lit. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State oj Illinois. ★ ZARJA — THE DAWN I'ui)iishecl monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription S2.00 — Naročnina S2.00 letno For SYVU nu mbers S1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ SI.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago S, 111. Entered us second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office c.l C'r.icago, Illinois, under the Act oj August 24, 1912. SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. ■k k Ofjicial Publication oj the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Ojjice: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, 11,1,. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications jor the next issue oj publication must be in the hands oj the Editor by the fijth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rohali urednice do 5 v mesecu. A HAPPY TIME IN EVELETH! Members of Branch No. 1!), Eveletli, Minn., entertained residents of the Arrowhead Nursing Home at a coffee .social in March as they met one of their longstanding members, Mrs. Anna Skrinner to help her celebrate her 84th birthday. Mrs. Skrinner received a gift from the branch and the entire group enjoyed a party with delicious home-baked pastries that the ladies brought along. On this photo we see Mrs. Skrinner seated at the table with the officers of Hr. No. 1!) in the front. Mrs. Mary Lenich, their wonderful secretary is at the right of center presenting her a corsage. The ladies brought along their own musician, namely Frankie Smoltz of Chisholm, son of Mrs. Lenich and one of the finest accordionists on the Range. Read more of this happy occasion in the report on page 115. ČLANICE ŠT. 19, EVELETH, MINN., so obiskale dom ostarelih, Arrowhead ter jih razveselile s kavo in razvedrilom. V domu se nahaja ena izmed dolgoletnih članic, Mrs. Anna Skrinner, ki je slavila svoj 84 letni rojstni dan. Članice so počastile ses. Skrinner z darilom in vse stanovalka doma so bile vesele tega razvedrila. Na sliki je Mrs. Skrinner sedeča in obkrožena z odbornicami št. 19. Na desni je naša vrla taj. št. 19, Mrs. Mary Lenich, ki izroča slavljenki krasen šopek. Na desni je tud! odlični harmonikaš Frankie Smoltz iz Chisholma, sin ses. Lenich. DATES TO KEM EM BIJR . . . June 5 — Excursion to Europe via S.S. Queen Elizabeth June 8-9 — California State Day, Br. 100, Fontana, Cal. June 12 — Picnic for Juveniles, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. June 13 — S.W.U. Excursion to Europe, via jet June 17 — Excursion to Canadian Shrines from Cleveland June 20 — S.W.U. Excursion to Europe, via jet June 23 — 35th Anniversary, Br. 20, Joliet, 111. June 30 — Colorado State Day, Br. 6fi, Canon City, Colo. July 13—Excursion to Canadian Shrines from Chicago July 21—Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, Chicago hostesses August 25—lllinois-lndiana State Convention, Br. 2, Chicago, III. Sept. 4—Apron Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. HAPPY BIRTHDAY //V JUNE! Supreme Officer: June 21—Marie Prisland, Hon. President, Sheboygan, Wis. Branch Presidents: June 4—Shirley Rose, Br. (12, Conneaut, Ohio June 13—Nettie Strukel, Br. 18, Cleveland, Ohio June 13—Mary Vidmar, Br. 78, Leadville, Colo. June 28—Pauline Stampfel, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Sept. 2&—35th Anniversary, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Sept. 29—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17. West Allis, Oct. 13—Bazaar and Style Show, Cleveland, Ohio Nov. 3—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXV. — NO. 6 JUNE, 1963 LETO XXXV. — ŠT. 6 P. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. FATHER, THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY Rich is the heritage and high the office of the father in the Christian home. Among the people of God as they lived in the ancient shadow, God spoke through the father of the family. The Patriarchs received the word of God to pass on to their sons. They were the guardians of the truth, the fathers of the faithful. They were priests, too, of their families. With their sons and daughters gathered about them, upon their hill-top altars, they offered sacrifice to the one true God. The father of the family was the divinely appointed leader of God’s chosen people. Whenever the finger of God pointed, whether to land of war and famine, or places of peace and plenty, there did the father lead his people. The ancient fathers were the living signs of the providence of God, the* channels of his blessings for their nation. Through the Patriarchs was the name father first made holy upon the earth. Great is the honor due to and great is responsibility of the sharers in the priesthood of Christ who bear the name of father to the family of God which is the Christian Home. His is the heritage of the Patriarchs: he is a God-appointed leader for his family. The father’s high office is of Christ, to raise his house as a little church, to establish his family as miniature mystical Christ, to build his home into the kingdom of God. Nature intended the father to be the head of the family. The father is to be the head, and the mother the heart of the home. Nature gave them two roles in the home. Being the head does not mean giving orders and playing ruler. It means leadership in a harmonious, united cooperation. He is to consider his wife and the mother of his children in the things that pertain to the family. Giving her love, affection, understanding, security and backing, he is to be a source of authority and discipline .He should be firm ini that regard but not harsh. Many fathers have surrendered their leadership in the home. True, there are numbers of reasons for this unhappy situation. There is preoccupation with work, profession and outside activities. There is also a feeling of inability to cope with the problems of the family or even a natural dislike for excercising authority, enforcing discipline. The solution of the problem is: father should be put back as the head of the family. Lack of the father’s authority leads quite often to juvenile delinquency. By studying the problem of juvenile delinquency it has been discovered that the juvenile crime rate in Italy is the lowest in the world. Court authorities in New York made study to determine why. They found that living standards are much lower there than in the United States and that the youth of Italy has very little guided recreation. Compared: U. S. sex crimes for juvenile are 35%; Italy only 2%. U. S. murders by those under 18 years of age are 12 per cent; Italy only 14 of one percent. The conclusion of the judge after careful study was that in Italy the father is the active head of the family. He is a symbol of authority in the eyes of the children. Children look up to him with respect and obedience. Flathers of nowadays should realize that their example and leadership should be of such a nature that will help those who are entrusted to them to bear good fruit. Only the good tree can bring good fruit. SUPREME PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The Fall Bazaar of combined Ohio branches will be held on Oct. 13th. The place is St. Vitus Auditorium. Committees are getting busy now, preparing everything for that day as it will be a great activity. There will be another style show by members who have made and designed their own clothes. They will also model these beautiful clothes or have others model for them. Prizes for the prettiest and best-made outfits will be given, so we urge our talented seamstresses to get going at their sewing machines and make up their fall wardrobes in time for this showing. Only members are eligible to participate. Along with the style show will be the regular baking demonstrations. Here the ladies again will demonstrate the way to make strudels and poticas and other pastries which our younger generation will love to observe. This will be the place, girls, to watch and see just how its done by the best bakers in the world! We also will have our new cook book on sale at this affair. Jot down the date for the S.W.U. Bazaar, Sunday, Oct. 13th, 19G3 at St. Vitus Auditorium. Good luck to all our travelers this summer under the guidance of our S.W.U. leaders namely, Marie Prisland and Frances Seitz on June 13th and Albina Novak on June 20tli and wishes for a very safe and happy journey. This will be one of the largest Slovenian groups ever assembled. They will visit Paris, Lourdes, Home and !>U over Yugoslavia. On June 24th, the ladles will depart for the Canadian Shrines, with seven shrines on the agenda. They will visit Montreal, Quebec and places on route to the Shrine of St. Ann de Beaupre. On the way home, they will travel through New York. We still have a few more seats available if anyone wishes to contact me immediately. Refer to the April Zarja for all detailed information. An excursion is being planned for Zveza Day in Le-mont, 111., on July 21st. We will leave Cleveland on Friday, July 19th and return either Sunday night or Monday morning. This will be decided later by the passengers themselves, liound trip by Greyhound bus will be $11.50 per person. Please send in your reservation early so we will know how many buses we will need to charter. For this excursion or the Canadian trip, contact your secretary or yours truly at 19170 Monterey Ave., Euclid 19, Ohio, telephone ICE 1-0230. A sincere wish to all our ailing members and hopes that they’ll be feeling wonderful again soon. A note, too, to all June birthday celebrants for many happy returns of the day. The Coupon Campaign closes this month. By the time June 30th rolls around, many of you will have a nice number of new members to your credit. I hope those who are waiting for the last minute will get busy and sign ’em up NOW! All coupons will be redeemed when the campaign is officially closed. California members are meeting in Fontana on June 9th. State President, Rose Scoff of San Francisco has been working hard to be able to have the state convention in Fontana where we have many members and I know that, her efforts will be well repaid by the hos- pitality o£ the members. Congratulations to Br. 100, hostesses, and great success to your undertaking. Pennsylvania State President, Mary Tomsic has notified us that their State Convention, scheduled for June, has been postponed until September. Date and other particulars will be published later. On M'ay 1st our Cleveland branch, No. 21, celebrated their 35th anniversary with a pot-luck luncheon. Tables were decorated beautifully with spring flowers and each member received a carnation. On this day also, they celebrated Mother’s Day and especially, honored their Mother of the Year, Mrs. Frances Kozel. She has been active in the branch all 35 years and is a charter member. To Mrs. Kozel and the other mothers honored at this celebration, our heartfelt congratulations. Hope to see you at the 50th anniversary! It may not be such a long time until then — for I clearly remember traveling to your branch by the trolley fifteen years ago when it was a really long distance. At that time the drill teams were popular and I used to come there to teach your team. Now, it was a great thrill for me to visit you on this wonderful occasion and see so many faces that I knew from before, especially the captain of the drill team, Helen Konkoy, daughter of Mrs. Kozel. President, Celia Brodnik who is also a charter member and officer all these years looked as charming as when I first knew her 30 years ago. Branch No. 21 has a very fine staff of officers and energetic members who are always ready to offer a helping hand and I know they will have many more successful years ahead. At this time, I wish to congratulate them on this anniversary and wish them all health and good luck in the future. On behalf of Mrs. Ella Starin, Yield Faletič, Nettie Strukel, Dorothy Strniša and myself, thanks, ladies for your cordial invitation. Toni Turek, Supreme Preisdent ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. The May meeting was brief so that we could get on with the Mother’s Day program which was on the agenda as it is every May. Our members love this special meeting and many commented that this year’s was the best ever. We presented a variety of singing numbers featuring our children, Angie and Paula Petek (new members), Rose-Marie Gomilar and Miriam Leskovar. They brought smiles to the faces of all our GO members present. Singing by Milena Soukal was joined by all members who made it a very jolly “sing along”. She brought along her guitar to strum favorite tunes. Many of our members being very good singers, enjoyed this part of the program. As a wonderful surprise feature, Miss Marija Kranjc, one of the outstanding young singers in our community, presented a program of beautiful songs — her interpretation of songs is very moving, especially songs about mother. As our tribute to the deceased members of the past year, vigil lights were lighted and brought to the May Altar by our small children and then, by candlelight, Marija sang the beautiful Ave Maria. The members concluded the tribute by joining in Angelsko Cesčenje which was never sung more heartily. Thanks to all these talented and friendly members whose performances made the program a "gem.” Delicious refreshments were brought by the members, too, and we enjoyed the chatting, etc., which followed at the tableB. In June we hope to have a good turnout for the meeting so that our final Lemont Zveza Day plans can be made. Remember, it’s July 21st — a full day of activity at the Franciscan Fathers in I>emont. In June, Happy Dad’s Day to all our incomparable fiathers! What would we do without them? Corinne Leskovar No. 7, Forest City, Pa. Our condolences to the family of Katarina Puc of Forest City who lost her husband, Frank, recently. Also, to the family of Julia Nick of Forest City who lost her husband, Andrew on March 25th. May our departed rest in peace. Thanks is extended to all friends, neighbors, relatives and others who helped in many ways to lessen the burden for these bereaved families with mass cards, flowers, food and prayers Best wishes to our Lt. Col. Josephine M. Sever, who retired after 20 years of nursing service with the Army Nurse Corps. To her, it was a most satisfyfing career. In her own words, she says: “I volunteered in December 1942, thinking I would serve for a year, and I stayed 20. It was a satisfying career,” stated Col. Sever, following her retirement ceremony at hospital headquarters. She plans a leisurely return to civilian life in Forest City, spiced with occasional trips abroad. Daughter of Mrs. Mary Sever, 130 Grand Ave., Forest City, Col. Sever has nursed in many Army hospitals under a variety of circumstances. She recalls her most vital experience to be the months in 1950 in Korea with the 64th Field Hospital, which moved as the fighting front shifted, with battle casualties treated in tents and makeshift buildings. This tour was in sharp contrast with the 13 years she spent at Walter Reed Hospital. Though Col. Sever was stationed in Kyoto, Japan, for more than a year, and in Landsthul, Germany, for two, her most challenging assignment took place in El Paso, Tex. In 1954 during a severe outbreak of infant diarrhea which had quarantined the maternity sections of many hospitals in the area, she went to Biggs Air Force Base with 12 nurses. In 48 hours, with Col. Sever as head nurse, they had set up a completely new hospital — where 350 babies were delivered the next month. This life of service to the sick began for Col. Sever after she graduated from high school in Forest City in 1932 and entered the Mid-Valley Hospital School of Nursing in Peck- ville. After graduating she continued to nurse there, with a year out for post-graduate work in Philadelphia Lying-In Hospital, until she entered the Army. She is a member of St. Joseph’s Church, the Pennsylvania Nurses Association, the American Nurses Association, and the National League for Nursing. Needless to say, Josephine is a very respected and admired member of Br. 7 as is her mother and we all offer our sincere congratulations! Best wishes to all our sick and shut-in members — especially for a happy spring Christine Menart, Sec’y No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Our condolences and deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Antonia Zupanc, who passed away recently. May she rest in peace, and we know that our sister members will remember her in their prayers. After successful surgery, sister Frances Kog is now recuperating at her home. We are happy to report that Sister Mary Jean Ellis brought two new members to our April meeting. Names of these two new members are Mary Krnel and her sister Angie Baranow-ski. We wish to assure our new sisters that they are very welcome. It would be nice if we can better this at future meetings. Wedding bolls rang for sister Lonene IxMirin, who was married April 27th, to Mr. Thomas Poseno, at St. Christine’s Church here in Euclid. May they live long, happy and prosperous lives. Sister Tillie Spehar, former president, together with hier husband and children, will spend two weeks In sunny Florida before leaving for Europe. Probably many of us would like to do the same. Ladles, we need help In planning and doing the niscessary work to make our bazaar In November of this year an unquestionable success. Please come forward with suggestions, Ideas CHICAGO SWEEPS MIDWEST TOURNEY Chicago bowlers walked off with all but one of the trophies and major prizes in the 2'7th Annual Midwest Bowling Tournament held in La Salle, Illinois on the weekend of March 30 and 31. The lone exception was J. Schmidt, from Oglesby, who won the Grandmother’s trophy. Reliance Federal, the leader and powerhouse of the Chicago league won the team trophy and top prize money with a series of 2695. Their closest competitor was K and K Market, also of Chicago, who bowled 2676. Ann Vucko and Elsie Statkus, of Ze-fran Funeral Home, rolled 1168 in the doubles competition, to lead in that catagory. Elsie also received the top prize for her high game of 230. She nosed out Lil Putzell, also of Zefran’s team, who shot 229. Top singles bowler was Mae Roth, with her series of 616. Mae currently is not an active bowler in the Chicago league, but she has bowled in it in the past. Ann Wagner, captain of the Wagner’s Bakery team, won the All-Events trophy and prize money with her total pin count of 1762 for the nine games bowled in the two- day competition. 1963 TOURNAMENT CHAMPS! Reliance Federal Savings Champ bowling team from Chicago took top honors in this year’s Midwest classic. They are also tops in league standings. Capt., Elsie Kroschel is second from the left and her team-mates are, from the left, Libby Hasek, Gloria Schiffler, Amelia Russell and Jean Železnikar. MIDWEST TOURNEY RESULTS (Top five in each classification) TEAM Reliance Federal, Chicago 2695 K & K Market, Chicago 2676 S. W. U. Headquarters, Chicago 2657 Sports Club S. W. U., Br 2 Chi. 2588 Wagners Bakery, Chicago 2583 Zefran Funeral Home, Chicago 2573 Marquette Super Service, Chi. 2572 DOUBLES A. Vucko-E. Statkus, Chicago 1168 F. Kuca-L. Hasek, Chicago 1143 M. Uliks-M. Stuck, Chicago 1126 J. Schmidt-H. Delvallee, Oglesby 1101 L. Putzell-E. Klassovity, Chi. 1091 SINGLES M. Roth, Chicago 616 C. Zahara, Chicago 592 A. Wagner, Chicago 590 R. Krapenc, Chicago 589 M. Jerin, Oglesby 583 $70.00 & Trophy 55.00 40.00 35.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 $20.00 & Trophy 18.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 $12.50 10.50 9.50 8.50 7.00 ALL EVENTS A. Wagner, Chicago E. Statkus, Chicago R. Krapenc, Chicago R. Venskus, Chicago C. Waitkus, Chicago 1762 $10.00 & Trophy 1757 9.00 1740 7.00 1733 6.00 1701 5.00 & Trophy HIGH GAME E. Statkus, Chicago 230 5.00 L. Putzell, Chicago 229 3.00 GRANDMOTHER TROPHY J. Schmidt, Oglesby 216 SISTERS TROPHY E. Kroschel & C. Gospo, Chi 434 MOTHER-IN-LAW & DAUGHTER-IN-LAW TROPHY L. Zefran & F. Zefran, Chicago 346 MOTHER & DAUGHTER TROPHY J. Leben & F. Klecki 407 TIE B. Zurek & E. Jasien 407 or what have you to support this program. The more sisters that volunteer, the easier it will be for all concerned. With good weather now here, attendance at the monthly meetings should perk up considerably. Before closing, dear ladies, will you take a peek in your blue book, dues book that is, and see if you are up to date. Some of us may be surprised. Timle does fly, you know. Molly Sodja, Secretary No 19, Eveleth, Minn. We had a very memorable celebration of Mother’s Day at our May meeting. Thanks a million to all the wonderful members who helped decorate the tables, brought delicacies, donated to the treasury and came to the meeting! Our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Polack, received our most sincere congratulations and good wishes. We were very happy to see our president Mrs. Nemgar who has been on the sick list for some time with us again. Hope that she’ll stay in good health from now on and also all other members who were convalescing recently and to Mrs. Sulantic who fell and fractured her leg. Congratulations to grandmas, Mrs. Gertrude Polack and Mrs. Mihelich on the new additions and also to the proud Klaibor and Ferkul parents! Mrs. Nemgar, Sterle, Polack and I paid a visit to Mrs. Frances Lustik, who has been confined In the Aurora hospital for the past three years. We remembered her with a statue of Mary, decorated with flowers and some home bakeries which were re- Other trophies won were: Sister’s Trophy — Elsie Kroschel and Clare Gospo; Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Trophy — Liz Zefran and Fran Zefran. There is a tie for the Mother-Daughter Trophy between Jean Leben — Fran Klecki and Barbara Zurek — Eleanor Jasien. This tournament, the high point of the bowling season in the Midwest, was a very successful one, as in the past. Competition was keen and good scores were rolled. Bowlers came from Chicago, Milwaukee, Oglesby, La Salle and Joliet. Chicago led in attendance with 12 teams of the total 28 teams participating in this classic. Barbara Zurek 116 ACTIVITIES OF OUR BRANCHES ceived very gratefully. We wish a speedy recovery to all the members on the sick list! We are all deeply grateful to the good-hearted members who made the Mother’s Day celebration a big success. The youngest mother present was Mary Menart and the oldest Barbara Strahan (82) to whom we paid a special tribute. At this meeting we also commemorated the 35th anniversary of the branch and were happy to have present charter members Mrs. Gertrude Indihar and Matilda Reberts. To all our pioneer members we extend words of sincere appreciation for their good work all these years. We are deeply grateful to Miss Mary R. Lushine, who honored our meeting by her presence and gave a heart-warming address to all mothers present. Mary lost her mother 24 years ago which made her sentiments to living mothers very touching. Thank you again one and all for the lovely meeting in May. A very happy Father’s Day in June to all our men folks! See you at the meeting in August at which time we will discuss the SWU State Day which will be in Hibbing this year! Mary Lenich, Secy. No. 20, Joliet, III. Our branch will have a “Family Style Picnic” at the hornie of Mrs. Mary Kunstek on the Fox River near Yorkville, 111., on Sunday, June 23, 19G3. There will be plenty of parking space, also shade trees where we can all enjoy the great out doors and have a good time. For thosia who wish, there will card games, B, and Hooligan; also races for the children. Then, luncheon and refreshments will be available (altho the majority are expected to provide their own family picnic baskets.) Now, to get to Kunstek's from Joliet, drive on Plainfield Rd. (Rt. 30) to Rt. 126, go to Yorkville, over the Fox River bridge, turn left on River St. (first street after bridge) go three miles straight to the sign “Hickory Park” turn left and follow the sign. It is about 22 miles from Joliet and a nice drive to take the family on a Sunday and meet your friends. Those who wish to go out in a group should inlaet at Ferdinand Hall, Clay St. by 11:30 a. m. A second group will meet at the American Slovenian Home on Clement St. See you all on the 4th Sunday of June, at Kunstek’s and we’ll all have a good time. Frances J. Gaspich, Sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. Our heartiest congratulations to our founder of S.W.U., Mrs. Marie Prisland, who will celebrate her birthday on June 21st. From her pictures of late we see she did not change and I recall her as I first knew her some 40 years ago. May God give her strength and everything she needs In this world to help her accomplish the many things she still has in her program for the benefit of the members of this organization. The members extend their best wishes for her health and may God lead her on for many more years. At this time Mrs. Prisland is preparing for her trip to Europe and when this issue will be mailed to the members, she will be on her way to Europe to escort the group to Slovenia. May hier stay abroad be pleasant, and may she return with many unforgetable memories of her travels. So-long, Mrs. Prisland, until you return. Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Joliet, III., Bowling News. Our bowling season concluded on April 1st and the banquet was held on April 15th at Merichka’s Restaurant. Trophies and cash prizes were awarded at this time. The members of the 1st place team, Ellena Builders, are: Ann Mahkovec, Elaine Panian, Millie Ellena, Lil Anderson and Jo Mlakar, captain and former vice-president of the league. Bernie Bluth was the recipient of the Achievement Award and Millie Briski received the WIBC Triple Score Award. Winners of the Sweepstakes were, Dorothy Nemanich, Therse Judicic, Elaine Panian, Lillian Berge, Lodene Hayes, Mary Gaspich, Mary Kay Demick and Marge Rachor. Congratulations to all the winners in all the other various categories also and better luck to all the rest next season. At this time I would like to acknowledge sincere appreciation to all our faithful sponsors, Ellena Builders, American Slovenian Home, Den’s Barber Shop, Papesh Funeral Home, Merichka’s Restaurant, Northwest Recreation Club, Shep’s DX Service Station and Krause Radio and TV Store. If you ever need have need of their products or services please patronize them when the need or occasion arises. My sincere thanks to all the league members and officers for the courtesies and co-operation shown me during my tenure as Secretary the past season and cordial congratulations and bast wishes to the newly elected officers: Helen Golobic, president; Gen Klainsek, vice-president; Agnes Lo-vati secretary-reporter; Joseph'ne Su-mic, treasurer and Lillian Anderson, Sgt. at arms, In a few short weeks we’ll be again called upon to resume bowling for another season and I hope that we can all answer the call with renewed vim, vigor and interest. In the meantime, best wishes to all for a happy, carefree and hearty summer vacation. Mary Gaspich No. 23, Ely, Minn., Dawn Club. Our April 20th meeting was held In thie Community Bldg. at 7:30 p. m. We did not have a March meeting due to the lenten season. President Barbara Brennan opened the meeting with pray>er and the minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved as read. Plans were made for our annual banquet which was held on May 15th at Riick’s Inn. A cocktail hour before the banquet was decided and a short business meeting followed the banquet. The banquet climaxed the e-vents of this spring, until our summer outing. After the meeting of April, we played “Help Your Neighbor” and lunch was served with the following in charge: Pauline Ferder-ber, Mary Evanich, Angela Erchull, Frances Zakrajšek and Pauline Poly-ner. Louise Seliga took home the door prize. Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery to our members who are ill. Deepest sympathy to Mrs. Anthony Skradski and family on the loss of her dear father, John Skule, and the same heartfelt wish to the Skule family. Ann Rowe No. 23, Ely, Minn. On Sunday, May 5th, we held our meeting at the parish hall at St. Anthony’s and presiding officer was Mrs. Katherine Slogar. Since the meeting was the month that Mother’s Day is celebrated, we had a special program of entertainment and a lunch. Mary Shikonya was the chairman and was assisted by Barbara Rosandich and Mary Zgonc who took charge of the lunch and prizes. Margery Shuster made and donated a beautiful cake in the shape of a lady’s hat and also decorated individual cup cakes with a rose. This cake was won by Margaret Kterntz. Stephanie Vranesich assisted by Barbara Brennan in charge of the table decorations and also through Stephanie’s efforts, each member received an orchid corsage, courtesy of Walgreen’s drug store and Albert Musech. These we very much appreciated. The center table was beautifully decorated with a lace tablecloth, a Madonna with blue swietet peas and blue candles. Mary Hutar, our faithful helper, took charge of the community singing. Highlight of the meeting was when Mrs. Katherine Slogar, president, introduced our Mother of the Year, Katherine Kapsch and presented her an orchid corsage. Mrs. Kapsch is a charter member of the branch and also was the first vice-president. She is the widow of the late Judge John Kapsch and mother of four children, one daughter and threls sons, all married with the exception of the youngest son who is attending college. Katherine is also the superintendent of nurses at Ely-Bloomenson Hospital. Our sincere congratulations. Games were played by the members after the business meeting was over and prizes were awarded the winners. Wo were happy to have tew members with us, namely, Ruth Zaverl, Justine Boldine and Frances Grahek. Gifts were presented to the Mother of the Year, Mrs. Kapsch, to our oldest mother at the meeting. Mary Gorslie and to the youngest mother, Julia Russ. Agnes Skruba, mother with the most children, (nine), was also remembered and Ann Boldine Vicki's Branch Honors Members was awarded the special prize (under the cup.) We had a very fine attendance and hope to have the same large number present for our Sept. meeting when we will be making plans for the 35th anniversary of our branch. During the Easier holidays, our branch gave baskets of fruit to sick members who are confined: Ursula Golob, Mary Pusovich, Mary Glavan, Amelia Veranth, Mary Zbasnik and Frances Tomsich. Now confined at the hospital are members: Johana Bela], Ann Grahek, Frances Rozman and Barbara Chrep. We hope and pray for their speedy recovery. We wish to offer our sympathy to Mary Skradslci and her family on the loss of her father, John Skule. Fraternally yours. Mary M. Shikonya, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. Our branch will celebrate the 35th Anniversary in the very near future and we ask all members to attend the coming meetings to help us make plans for this celebration. Also, we would like to have all our members who will go to Lemont this July for Zveza Day, to tell us so that we can charter a bus. The earlier you contact us. the better for the planning of these events. Lemont Zveza Day takes place on July 21st. Our June and July meetings are the last for the summer. In August and September we have vacations! Deepest sympathy to Emma Shim-lcus whose brother, John Difrman died in Pittsburgh, Pa. Also, condolences are offered to Jennie Počivavsek who lost her beloved mother, Mary, our member for many years. The death of Anton Peletic saddened all especially his daughters Mary Setinc and Anna Peletic, members of our branch. Four sons and other relatives also survive. May all our dearly beloved rest in peace and to all, sincere sympathy. Best wishes for good health to all our fine members. Angela Strukel, Sec’y No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Our April meeting was very well attended. A-gain, a reminder to all membeers that there will be no meetings during the months of July and August, so try to come in June, it being our last until September. Our deepest sympathy to the following fam lies: Mary Benko, on the loss of her husband, Joseph, who died on April 4th and also to Katherine Pavlakovich who lost her husband, Matt on April 12th. Mrs. Ann Tron-tel, our president, lost her husband, Louis, on April 17th and Magdaline Widina who is our branch’s organizer, lost her son, Albert, on April 22nd. May their souls rest in peace. To all siclc members, a speedy recovery and wishes for a pleasant summer to all. God bless you Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Our May meeting was most interesting and everyone was full of enthusiasm. A large attendance was present w'hich was most No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. It will be announced in the nex Zarja issue who was picked as reigning Queen. It should prove interesting as age is no barrier in Br. 25. The only qualification is that you are a member and your presence is requested at this particular meeting, in the merry month of May. Occasionally, in all branches of S.W.U. organization there are special events celebrated to observe and represent the importance of progress and accomplishment. Branch 25 will be celebrating its 35th anniversary on September 29th with a fine dinner prepared to suit every taste, flavored to satisfy and enjoy. Please remember the date. Many friends and guests have already made their reservations. The membership of our branch has been increasing steadily and activities are constantly functioning in various forms. The “Campaign” which will be concluded on June 80th has proven quite fruitfull adding new members to our fold. A wonderful example is pictured here, Mrs. Anna Rode of G310 Carl Ave., a charter member and representing four generations: her daughter, encouraging to see. Two members were enrolled, Mary Hennis of Moose Lake, who was re-instated and her daughter, Mary Jo Bowder of Cloquet. Congratulations, girls; happy to have you in our midst. Our pastor, Father Larkin, informed us that he received a letter from the Villa of St. Scho-lastica, a Catholic girls’ college in Duluth, that Rose Ann Krall, who is in training as a nurse, was chosen (along with 22 other girls) as a lay apostolate to do missionary work in Mississippi for one month, in July. This is strictly voluntary work and on their own expenses. Congratulations, Rose Ann, we are proud of you. There just aren’t enough of these good people: we should all be missionaries in our own way. Our branch, of which Rose Ann is a member, has offered her $50 00 toward her expenses. She is the daughter of Rose Krall and granddaughter of Mrs. Helen Krall, all our wonderful members. A great reward will be given you from above, Rose Ann, for your self-sacrificing work. A picnic is being arranged for our juvenile members by the directors, Deloris Heski and Florence Burger. It was decided that the members and their families attend also. The picnic will be on June 12th at 5 p. m. at Birch Park. Each member shall provide her own family’s food and then everything will be placed on a large table — all together in a "potluck” or smorgasbord arrangement. The children will enjoy races and other games with prizes given out. More details will be worked out at the next ANNE RODE FAMILY Jennie (Mrs. Allard), granddaughter, Mrs. Mildred Naatz (newly acquired member) .great grandson Richard Naatz (also a new member), all reside in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Rode is a very popular member and is well known for her past activities in church and Slovenian organizations. ČASTITAM! Vicki Faletič mleeting, June 5th, so please attend and help with these plans. This will eliminate calling each other by phone. A good time is in store for everyone! Fr. Larkin played a recording on the subject of “tithing” which was very interesting. Following the business meeting, a Mother’s Day Party was held honoring our mothers. If you did not attend, you really missed sometlvng. The committee is to be congratulated for the splendid job done in preparation for this event. Frances Danko was given a beautiful corsage and gift. So also were many prizes given to both young and older members. The tables were a-dorned with statues of Our Blessed Mother and beautiful flowers. There will be no meetings in July, but a-gain on Aug. 7th we shall meet and resume plans for the Zveza Day in Ilibbing this Sept. We are planning on a charter bus. There are many members on the s’ck list, perhaps now with warmer weather, everyone will be feeling much better. God’s blessings to you ail and a speedy recovery. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Mrs. John Pahula presided at the meeting Wednesday evening, April 24. During the business meeting, Mrs. Mary Pahula gave a report on the Club’s money making project and announced there were several dozen more cans of vacuum packed candy available for those who wish it. It. was also decided to have a potluck supper for the final meeting before the summer recess, and was held at the Parish Hall on May 15th. There was a short Meeting and social hour following the supper. After the business meeting Scrabble and “500” were enjoyed by all the members and prizes went to Mmes. Joseph Skala and Ernest Johnson in this Scrabble game, and Mmes. William Vollendorf and Edward Dragavon at “500”. A delicious luncheon was served to conclude a delightful evening by Mmes. Frank Planton and John Zavod-nick. When meetings resume in September, the hostess committee for the first Fall meeting will be Mmes. Victor Chiabotti and Herman Mesojedec. To all living mothers of the SWU our wish is for a long and happy life in the midst of your families, and to our deceased mothers from sincere and grateful hearts, “May God grant them eternal rest!” Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel Reporter, Branch 34 No. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio. — The April 24th meeting opened with a prayer. After the minutes were accepted as read, it was announced that Betty Ann Kastelic is joining our happy group. "We’re very glad to have you Betty Ann, and hope that more new members will Join in the near future.” Hostesses for the evening were Mary Hočevar, Cecilia Hočevar, and Louise Prhne. During the social hour, games were played and the lucky winners were Mary Hočevar, Mary Filips, Louise Prhne, and Nancy Kish. A door prize which is presented at every meeting was won by Ann Petrov. There are more surprises in store for everyone. Just think—you may win next time! On May 9th, our enthus'astic president, Antonia Matis, and members went down to the Cleveland Public Music Hall to see the “Queen for a Day” program starring Jack Bailey. There was plenty of excitement while the ABC cameras were buzzing around trying to focus all the lovely ladles on the TV screen. Best wishes are extended to our neighboring branch No. 15 of Cleveland who celebrated their 35th Anniversary on May 19th. Also hardy congratulations to Jisnnie Intihar who recently became a "Grandma” for the eighth t'me. “The population sure is growing!” God gives and He takes away. We ladies wish to express our deepest sympathy to Ivana Hrovat and family on the departure of William Hrovat— April, 19G3. He will be remembered in our prayers. June 2G is a date to encircle on your calendar. What’s up??? Why, it’s the day of the S.W.TT, meeting, of course! Marie Matis No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Because of Easter, the meeting was attended by slightly fewer than usual. So, to our absent members we say: don’t stay away but come along and see how we are doing. You will make the officers very happy! Our card party was a success and well-attended. At this time, our president, Mrs. Kolar and all the officers thank Mrs. Ceil Marolt for letting us have her tavern h'all for our card party. A good time was enjoyed by all who visited. Thank you again! We will have a Rummage Sale sometime in June. Our president suggests than you save all your clothing and other items when you will do your spring cleaning and save ail that can be used for rummage. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gallun on the recent engagement of their daughter Rosalind. Mr. Kenneth LaRosa is the lucky fellow. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frangesh on their new baby son. Mr. and Mrs. Gilboy have a new baby girl — her grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. John Rebernisek. Best wishes. Get well wishes to Ronnie Tratnik who was convalescing at St. Luke’s Hospital. To our sick members: May God restore you back to health real soon. Until our next meeting, best wishes for health and happiness to all. May God bless you. Victoria Sporis, Reporter No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. We had a fair attendance at our Easter Communion and Breakfast on April 21, at St. Joseph’s Church. In May was the time for the Mother’s Day Party on May 19th at Helen Skoff’s house. Antoinette Faith, Pauline Ruzicka served on the committee. Mrs. Margaret Zvanut was Mother of the Year. She had eight children of which seven are living. She has two daughters and five sons, is grandmother 28 times. Her husband died in July 1958. She goes to Mass and Communion every day and is in fairly good health. I hope she continues to do as good for many more years and gets to enjoy all of her grandchildren. I want to thank Mary and Chet Bayt for sending me a get-well card. They read in the Zarja that I fractured my ankle. It was so nice of you to remember me. I hope we can see each other again at Lemont this year. My cousin, Viola, and I surely did enjoy meeting all the nice people. We had a good time doing “you know what!” So, to every one from Indianapolis, Ind .“Hello!” Marie Thompson, Rec’d Sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Oh! with spring on the way, we are ready to work! We have interesting and exciting plans for the year. Our branch is really progressing; that alone is interesting! Nearly every month we have some new members brought in. At our April meeting there was a large attendance and we concluded with a "Pot Luck” party with lots of delicious food. Oh! our girls are all such good cooks and bakers! And I I missed it all as I was visiting In Verona, Pa., for the Easter weekend and got home too late for the meeti-ing. Our dear “Personality Girl,” Sophie Kaplan took my notes; thanks to her! We are very proud of her work. Our bowling tournament was sure an exciting one, and we are very proud of our bowlers who came in first place. They were: Millie Skufca, Rose Marolt, Angie Pozelnik, Vera Germ, Sophie Kenny. Hooray for them! On April 27th we were out to a dinner party at Kiefer’s Club. This was our social entertainment, and did we have fun. All of our branch members who were present were treated to their dinner by the Social Club. This is why we hold our yearly elephant sale, so we can go places and have fun! We go to a different place every year. Our beautiful singer, Carolyn Budan was asked to sing a song and she suprised the Kiefer’s with her lovely sweet voice. We are proud of having her as a part of us. Our dinner was well-appreciated. The 1’ood was just wonderful and there was lots of excitement with some birthdays among us. These girls were given corsages by the Kiefers. The evening was well enjoyed by every one. Too bad many more of our members couldn’t be present. Our sympathy to Mrs. Rida Jerina, who lost her husband. May he rest in peace! Again, I am indeed more than grateful for all the compliments that I keep getting for my work. It makes me happy to see you happy, thanks to all. As the birds show up with spring, how about our long-absent members showing up the same way, and see our growing attendance each month and how lovely and pleasant it is to be with us. I just can’t write enough about it all. So much for now, and hoping everybody is in good spring health. Cherrio! Mary Bostian, Reporter No. 52, Kitzville Loc., Minn. Dear Sisters: The time has come again to get in touch with you all. I hope that every one has spring fever and Is ready and willing to get together again. We Btill hold our meetings at the Little Grove and last time it was May 1st. We had only 17 members present and we sure would like to see you all at our next meeting. Please bring a new member along for we lost two sisters namely Ver-della Musech and her daughter, Jennifer, who dropped out because they live so far away. We are very sorry that they cannot be among us but we should be able to find more to replace them. We did get two new members to whom we extend a hearty welcome: sister Ann Mansfield and a (Oont’d on p. 120) All WISCONSIN Represented At State Day The hostess of this year's Wisconsin State Convention, Br. no. 12, prepared a full day's activity for the many representatives who gathered to celebrate this grand event. Beginning with holy mass at St. John the Evangelist Church, followed by a banquet and then, the convention proceedings, the day proved to be most interesting, warm and friendly. Groups from the five Wisconsin branches took time out from their departure “rush” to pose for the pictures below — showing what a beautiful sunny day it was May 5th and what lovely ladies live in Wisconsin. For my own part, it was a very wonderful day. Corinne Leskovar SHEBOYGAN, BR. NO. 1, was represented by this group of ladies, an entire busload in number, who included honorary president, Marie Prisland, branch pres., M. Godez and sec’y, M. Fischer. WEST ALLIS, BR. NO. 17, (on the right), included vice-president, Marie Floryan and branch pres., M. Marolt among many others, not all on the photo. MILWAUKEE, BR. NOS. 12 & 43 formed the largest part of the convention, many more members were there with their families for the banquet as well. On this photo is branch 43 pres. J. Kolar. (Right) MILWAUKEE MEMBERS with Fr. Claude Okorn, celebrant of the commemorative Mass and one of the main speakers at the event; also, state president, Rose Kraemer and branch 12 pres. F. Plesko. WILLARD, BR. 102 members were warmly welcomed. They made the 200 mile trip to Milwaukee Just for this occasion. This included pres. J. Artac & sec., M. Staut. COM MITTE FOR THE EVENT, was of branch no. 12, namely, Frances Plesko and Frances Tratnik (top) and Mary Ivanlc and Angela Pepan (front). Their work proved ot be most rewarding because of the large crowd that attended the banquet and nearly 60 members who made up the convention assembly. Marie Prisland: l|> * * * . * A suggested Menu for Father’s Day Dinner: A boutonniere for him. Wine for toast. Pork Loin Roast with Gravy Mashed Potatoes Gresn Beans Applesauce Tossed Salad Sour Cream Potica Apple Pie or Orange Torte. Coffee. Roast pork is delicious and easy to ppepare if you follow a few simple rules: 1. Season with salt and pepper. 2. Place meat, fat side up, on rack in open roasting pan. 3. Do not add water. Do not cover. Do not baste. 4. Regardless of the kind of cut, all meat is cooked at low heat. If you cannot tell when meat is done, use meat thermometer and roast until it registers 185° P. Cook at 325° for entire cooking time. For pork loin (center cut) 35 to 40 minutes per pound; (end cut) 45 to 50 minutes per pound; (boned and rolled) 55 min. per pound. For frozen roasts increase cooking time 10 to 15 min. per pound. Gravy The correct amount of thickening for gravy is as follows: For 1 cup thin gravy 1 tbsp. flour For 1 cup medium gravy 2 tbsp. flour For 1 cup thick gravy Z tbsp. flour Remove meat, keep hot. Measure fat. Pour back into pan enough to blend with an equal amount of flour for thickening amount of gravy desired. Blend flour into fat in pan over low heat making a paste. Stir until mixture bubbles. St'r In liquid removing pan from heat (use milk for liquid with pork); then cook over low heat, stirring until thick and smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Onion salt may be added if desired. Mashed Potatoes For fluffy mashed potatoes: cook potatoes until tender, not mushy. Drain. Mash thoroughly. Season with Junior member Lorrine Russo, daughter of Alberta Russo. Mothers, please put in more of your youngsters for it is the young ones who will carry on after the old ones leave. Our bake sale was a great success, but there are still a few who didn’t bake and still have the dollar assessment to pay so we can build up our treasury. Please try and get all in as soon as possible. To all our sick members we wish them Godspeed to a rapid recovery. To sister Katherine Marolt who has undergone surgery and was in and out salt and pepper. Add butter and heated milk (y2 cup to 8 potatoes). Whip until fluffy. To keep mashed potatoes hot until ready to serve: cover, and place pan in skillet of hot water. Green Beans A favorite green bean recipe especially for men as follows: Heat 2 can of green beans. Drain. Cut four slices of bacon into small pieces and fry to a nice crispness. Drain bacon. Add 3 tbsp. finely cut onion and the drained bacon and three tablespoons French dressing to the beans, mix and serve hot. Another popular method to prepare green beans: Use No. 2 can green beans (French or cut) and drain. Mix with 1 can creamed mushroom soup (undiluted). Put in greased casserole and top with 1 can French Fried Onions. Bake 15 to 18 minutes at 350°. Orange Torte 1 cup sugar % cup fat (use some butter) 2 eggs 1 cup milk (sweet or sour) 2*4 cups flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. soda Ms tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 cup chopped dabes or raisins grated rind of 2 oranges Cream shortening. Add sugar. Thoroughly beat into mixture 2 eggs. Sift dry ingredients, and stir in alternately with the liquid and vanilla. (Add the flour first and last). Stir just enough to make batter smooth. When using mixer, be careful not to beat too long. Blend in walnuts, grated rind and raisins. Pour batter into tube torte pan that has been greased, and bake at 350° for 50 min. to 1 hr. until a beautiful brown. Mix % cup orange juice and % cup sugar in a bowl and let stand. After cakie is removed from oven, immediately pour this orange juice and sugar mixture over the top. If the cake stands at least one day in a cool place, the flavor is improved. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream if desired. This cake is moist and ideal if you wish to bake ahead of time. — And, it’s my favorite. of the hospital twice, we hope and pray that she is now on the mend and that she will soon feel like a spring chicken again. Our lunch committee for next month are sisters: Patricia Mancuso, Margaret Pagorells and Veronica Krizmanich. It will be held at the Little Grove on June 5th. Sister Josephine Oswald then closed our meeting with a prayer. Our Social of the evening took place at which time sisters Mary Musecli, Ivanna Prelesnik, Frances Shega, and Ann Mansfield served a delicious FATHER’S DAY Fathers come in all shapes and sizes. They may be tall and spindly, or squat and paunch, slim or brawny, puny or portly. Fathers must be able to repair leaky faucets, share tie and shoes without complaint, give advice that won’t be taken, help with homework, shovel snow and mow lawns, know all about sports, world affairs and wait for a bath till the hot water’s gone. Fathers are sometimes called daddy. They are also called dad, pa, pop, the general, and, sometimes, “the old man.” (This is usually when fathers will not increase allowances.) Fathers must never talk about the good old days, need the car or expect children to hear an order the first time. A father falls in love a little with his daughters. Perhaps it is because his daughters remind him of their mother when he first knew her. The most difficult thing a father must do is to give his daughter away on her wedding day to a man he feels is entirely unworthy of her. A father is jealous of his sons. His sons are more agile, physically fit and handsome. But a son is never old enough to do anything for the first time. A father is always telling his sons that when he was their age he had to earn every dime he got, he wasn’t allowed to rod around in the car, he had to be in before ten o’clock at night. His sons don’t believe this. If teen agers are not too hard on them the fathers will live to be grandfathers. This is their reward for the many years of being unappreciated. They will hear their grandchildren being told that grandpa was a strict disciplinarian and didn’t allow them to do the things this generation is doing. All a grandfather needs is a soft lap, a pocketful of candy, a nice chuckly laugh and a few good stories. With these he can charm any grandchild, and as they wrap their arms around his neck and sigh, “We love you, Grandpa,” he will feel that having to be a father first was worth it. (by Mrs. Veronica Druckenbrod of Madison, Wis.) lunch. Games were played and prizes were given the following sisters: Angeline Hrovat, Frances Oswald, Ivanna Prelesnik, Alice Barrato, Mary Te-cher, Rose Zidarich, Jennie Crea, Florence Techer and Genevieve Zida-ricli. This brought a delightful evening to a close. Try to be present at our next meeting. I’m sure you will all have an enjoyable evening out. May God bless you all and keep you all In the best of health until we meet again. Yours truly, Gertrude Kochevar, Rei>orter xn ACTIVITIES OF OUR BRANCHES 121 No. 55, Girard, Ohio. The April meeting was held on the third Thursday instead of the second Thursday because of Holy Thursday. That enabled us to attend evening Mass. Miss Beatrice Brayer presided; plans were completed for the Mother-Daughter Banquet and according to the General Chairman, Mrs. Matilda Cigolli, it was to be a very nice affair. Hope all the members attended with their daughters and guests. This meeting was well-attended and the members voted to dispense with meetings in June, July and August on acount of vacation time. Activities will resume in September with a “Covered-Dish” Dinner. Our hospital patients were Mrs. Anna Babich and Mrs. Provi Casterella. Cards and best wishes for a speedy recovery were sent to them. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Anna Kalan served a delicious cake-roll and coffee. She was assisted by Mrs. Ivanka Florjančič. Games were played and prizes went to Mrs. Frances Serca and Mrs. Helen Biscan. Mary Ann Mehalco, Reporter No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Our attendance at the last two meetings was very poor; here’s hoping we have a better attendance at our June meeting. We will have to start the ball rolling for Minnesota Day which will be held on Sept. 8th at St. Leo’s church and parish hall. This is a change from the original plans because of accomodations. Remember, whatever committee you are on, we will expect full cooperation. At our April meeting business was as usual and more discussion on Minnesota Day. No lunch was served but cards were played and prize winners were Mrs. Frances Prosnick, Frances Puhek, Mary Meadows, Valeria Carlson, Agnes Barkis and yours truly. To all our sick members we wish a speedy recovery and to Barbara Doshen our deepest sympathy on the loss of her mother. Eternal rest grant unto her. Not much else to write about except hope to see you in full force at our next meeting. Ann B. Satovich, Pres. BR. 57 HONORS MRS. HRIBAR! Our Mother of the Year of Br. 57, Niles, Ohio, is Mrs. Frances Hribar. She and her husband, Stanley, have a daughter, Barbara Ann Popovich and a son, Stanley R. They are both grown, Barbara married and Stan, Jr. a veteran of the Army, will be married this June. The Hribars will be married 25 years this coming August 30th. Congratulations on this wonderful occasion. Frances herself enjoys many sports such as bowling, swimming and branch activities and has a fine time raising flowers besides. She has been a recording sec’y of the branch for 6 years and reporter for 3 years. Besides serving in office, she has been on many committees for various e-vents. Also, she and her husband and children have been active in Slovenian fraternal organizations for years. The Ilribar home is at 209 Glendale Ave. in Niles, and Frances’ birthday is April 24th; place; Johnstown, Pa. Many years of happiness and health to Niles’ chosen mother, Mrs Frances Hribar! No. 62, Conneaut, Ohio. Our branch had the monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Leonard Dello Jr. of Detroit St. The meeting was preceded by a tureen dinner. President, Shirley Rose opened the meeting with The Lord’s Prayer. Secretary, Peggy Gurto called the roll and each member answered by naming “My Favorite Song.” The minutes and correspondence were read. Anna Mundi read the treasuerer’s report. Barbara Madonna resigned as card chairman and Anna Mundi was selected to replace her. Miss Helen Perkoski then presented the program for the evening. The recipient of the door prize was Peggy Gurto. The hostess took the members on a tour of her beautiful home in which she had just moved this year. She served refreshments assisted by Ruby Mundi. The May meeting was held at the home of Mrs. John Mundy, Buffalo St. The president opened the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer. The sec-cretary, Peggy Gurto, called the roll and each member answered by naming their "Most Hated Household Chore.” The treasurer’s report was read. The card Chairman, Anna Mundi, reported that Rosemary Armeni, is in the Erie, Pa., Hospital, and that she and other members had visited her as well as sending a card. Recipes and housecleaning hints were exchanged. Mrs. Lena Priscoe was program chairman, and Mrs. Theresa Colangelo was recipient of the door prize. It was discussed that the next meeting was to be a White Elephant Sale. Each member will bring an article to be auctioned off. Shirley Rose will be the auctioneer. This money will be sent into a special “Fun Fund.” The hostess served delicious refreshments and a social evening was enjoyed. The next meeting will be an outdoor barbeque at the home of Shirley Rose, Orange St. Hope the weather is nice. See everyone on June 1st at 6 o'clock. Peggy Gurto, Reporter No. 68, Painesville, Ohio. Our April meeting was held at the American Slovene Club in Fairport, Ohio. It was an enjoyable afternoon meeting all those nice people. Our president, Mrs. Mohorčič is such a pleasant person and she makes us all feel at home. Sunshine Prize was won by Geor-gene Bourdeau, which she was very happy to receive. On the sick list is Mrs. Jakopin. We wish her a speedy recovery and hope she will be able to attend our next meeting. Plans are being made to hold a picnic on the third Sunday in July. This will be held in place of the regular meeting. It will be held at De-bevc’s farm in Madison, Ohio. Hoping to see more of our members at the next meting. Wishing a happy day to all our dads on June 10th. Josephine Grabelsek, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. — Greetings to all! As you know, no plans were made In the last few month for any special assessments for 19G3. This was brought up and decided on at the April meeting. The assessment is $1.00 for each member. Also, there is an assessment of 2I50 for our publication ZARJA. Will you please pay both of these at your earliest convenience? As I said last month, I would appreciate it if you would let me know of any news that you have, if you are sick, or any suggestions you may have for the good of our organization. Some of you might be confused on the day and time of our meetings. The April ZARJA listed this incorrectly. Our meetings are held on the third Sunday of th/s month, at 2 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Bezlaj, 11431 Champlain Ave., 2nd floor. Hope to see you next month. Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., Ohio. Our card party April 28th was a big success and we wish to thank everyone who came to the party and the members who worked so hard. The winners were, first prize, Lottie Gan-ronsky, 15701 Woodbroolc; second, V. Cherosky, 22965 Aurora; third; Jo Ann Turk, 22714 Veia St.; fourth. Mary Szabo, 26041 Aurora. At our last meeting the members thought it would be nice to give a hanky and a card to our birthday celebrants if they are present at the meeting. Hope to see you all at our meetings especially on your birthday month. We have a new grandmother Nettie Kainec. She’s grandmother for the first time with a baby boy. Congratulations! Mrs. L. Epley’s daughter is graduating from Hoban High. Best of luck, Leona Sue, in what ever you do. and all the other graduates as well. We had a lovely time at our dinner honoring the Mother of the Year, Mrs. Emma Sklenicka. We gave her an orchid corsage and a beautiful ta- ble cloth. She surely was surprised and happy. The dinner was delicious, all the members brought something, here are just a few items: breaded chicken, ham, sausage, jello molds, tossed salad, baked beans, macaroni salad and many desserts including German chocolate cake, cherry cream pie, little cream puffs and cherry strudel. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I am sure some of our members have children and grandchildren making First Holy Communion these months and we wish the Lord will Bless Them All and Protect Them! By the time you read this Mother’s Day will be passed, but I hope you all had a very happy Mother’s Day. On the sick list is Mrs. L. Epley’s father, Mr. Turk. He is home and feeling a little better. We all pray for him. Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. I know I have been late with our news, but my father, Gregory Stajduhar has been so very ill, I don’t have the time to do all I should. First I wish to say "Thank You” to every one who has been so kind in sending dad cards, offering masses, flowers, visits and for so many thoughtful things. May our dear Lord bless you all! We appreciate so very much your kindness. In February, the ladies motored to Gunnison to the home of Mrs. Frances Gueirrleri. She and Josephine Kriz-manich were hostesses. Guests present included Mmes. Peter Sterk, Joan Tyler and Charles Krizmanich. The ladies reported a very enjoyable time. In March, our regular meeting was held in the church basement of the Queen of All Saints church. Hostesses were Eva Lubin and Ann Malenšek. I was sorry I couldn’t stay, but after the business meeting was over, I had to get back home as we were driving dad to the Mercy Hospital in Denver the following day. Our meeting in April was very well attended. There were 13 members present, also one guest Mrs. Williams. It was nice to have Ann Mufich back with us again after over a year’s absence due to the fact that they had moved. It was also nice to have Mrs. Kochevar back after a lengthy illiness. We had a very enjoyable evening. Hostesses were Margaret Malenšek and Josephine Somrak. We are very happy because the Keystone Mine is going to reopen soon. This will give the menfolks a chance to get back to work again. Before I go I would like to say “Thank You” to my very dear Secret Pal. She surely is a gem and because several ladies are members from Gunnison and my gifts are sent from there, I’m guessing; but, I wonder who could be so very good to me. Anyway, you have made me very happy. Your gifts have been so very nice. Our church was filled for Easter morning mass. The choir did a wonderful job. Mary Jo Sedmak is organist. Soloists were Mary Jo Somrak and Darlene Cobai also Darlene and Bonnie Martin. So many received Holy Communion. The day was spent quietly with families together for dinner. Our family had a delicious turkey dinner at my brother’s place, Mr. and Mrs. John Stajduhar. Everything was so good, Pauline. Our school concert was held on April 23rd. The group did a fine job. Congratulations to Kay Starika who has been chosen Mother of the Year. She is very deserving of this honor as she has helped our branch in every way possible and has been a wonderful member, even though she lives in Colorado Springs and cannot always attend our meetings. Until next time—God Bless You All! Helen Cobai, Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. In an atmosphere of relaxed informality, members of our branch gathered at our May meeting for the crowning of our Mother of the Year, Polonia Ash-enbrenner. A gay corsage of white carnations was pinned on by our outgoing mother Mary Simunic, and each of our mothers who were present were presented with carnations which was the climax of the evening. More than 50 members filled the room in the setting that was eye-popping and inspiring. Highlights of the evening was the awarding of prizes from our books, the first prize an Electric Can-opener and Knife-sharpener which went to Mary Jurko, 10125 Commer- cial Ave.; second prize, an Electric Hand Mixer went to Mary Zelenka, 3501 E. 95th; third prize, a Bedroom Clock went to Mary Grogno, 9316 Clyde Ave. Congratulations, winners! This project in raising money has a-chieved the most spectacular success in the past years. This year’s goal of $200 was surpassed with a margin of $250. Of course, this is not our first tally. Meanwhile, thanks due to the following who served on the committee: Rvelyn Driscoll, Manda Do-sen, Marge Krmpotich, Mary Perlto-vich and yours truly, also a share of credit goes to Bill Driscoll for his personal interest, the countless others who gave so generously and planned the books and pushed it over the top. Well done! The ingenious Marge Krmpotich created her own altar and madonna for our centerpiece on the table which set the mood and created an air of festivity. The table as always was laden with refreshments especially prepared and served by the following hostesses: Polonia Aslion-brenner, Mary Barcevac, Evelyn Driscoll, Mildred James, Marge Krmpotich, Marge Innis, Marge Rozich, Jean Ross, Mildred Poropat and Matilda Turica. I acknowledge with thanks the generous contribution to our treasury of Ann Somrak and Lucille Svali-na. It is very much appreciated. Ann Kompare donated a prize 'also. I wish to thank most heartily those who supported our project in any way. The following are celebrating birthdays in June: Ann Cavlovich, Mildred Hutnich, Katherine Jakovich, Mary Kostecka, Mary Kozul, Alyce Kropel, Manda Mazur, Mary Rezek, Antoinette Ross, Manda Sarich, Anna Starcevich, Victoria Tomich and Antonia Zemlich. Please accept our deepest sympathy, Rose Dosen, on the loss of your beloved daughter. No doubt her pas-ing will be a great loss for those who knew her. May she rest in peace! A warm welcome with best wishes to the following newcomers: Eva Gora, Matilda Stevens, Helen Marie Zelenika and Carol Dean. I hope the time you spend with us will be pleasant, restful and thoroughly enjoyable. I urge all members to attend our June 5th meeting which will bo the final one for the season. We have a fashion show planned so make an effort to got there under your own steam. Mildred James, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Our April meeting at the home of Mrs. Gail Simon was very well-attended as it was a beautiful day. Our afternoon was well spent and we enjoyed the lovely luncheon and other refreshments served by our hostess, Gail. All the ladies want to join me saying Thank’s a million! Gail also had the usual hostess’ gift which was received by our president, Pauline Adamic. By the way, Pauline is a member of the S.N.P.J. Bowling Team and went to IN MEMORIAM AGNES ZITKO, > born, Jan. 17, 1897 and passed > away, Feb. 2, 1963. Mrs. Zitko was a charter ( member and president of Br. 106 in Meadowlands, Pa. She ■ was a great worker for the or- . ganization and all members ( knew her and loved her. She will be sadly missed by them. ’ I-Ier husband and children are • greatly saddened by her loss , and pray for her eternal rest. All the members join in this heartfelt wish. May God grant > her blessed and sweet peace! , Marie Prisland: V mojem arhivu sem našla staro pesmico, priobčeno v domovini leta 1909. Avtor ni naveden. Pesmico priobčujem v nadi, da bo zabavala naše bralke. Eno pesem čem zapeti, malo za šalo, malo za res. Eno pesem čem zapeti, očitno vam na glas, in malo razodeti, ta sedajni čas. Oh, kak ljudje se nosijo, po svetu grehe trosijo, da žalostno je slišati, kak hudo se godi. Pa nam je za verjeti, kir sami vidimo, če gledamo po sveti, kaj vse slišimo. Nas hudi časi stiskajo, ljudje se pritožujejo, pa vendar žaliti Boga nobeden ne neha. Napuh in prevzetija je poglavitni greh, hudobnost in morija se vlači po celem svet. Kriči vse brez usmiljenja, sovraštvo in opravljanje divja po sveti kakor zvir, ljubezni ni nikir. Vse ropa ino krade, vse kolne, goljufa; ne misli na te hude zapovedi Boga. V nedeljo in na praznike opušča božja služba se, vgasuje svete vere luč, ki je v nebesa ključ. Po mestih in deželi je zdaj vse polno zmot, ljudje so se začeli že pačiti povsod. Se eden drugmu lažejo, za hrbtom fige kažejo, imajo vsi kosmato vest, Bogu so vsi nezvest. Le eno mi poznamo pregreho med ljudmi, ki jih od vsega kraja na svojo stran lovi! Tej pregrehi pijanost pravimo, pa se je ne varujemo, da skoro za popisat ni, kak hudo se godi. Posebno gospodarje, pijanost rada ima, če se pred njo ne varje, mu hitro vse proda. Živino, polje ino les, verjemite mi, vse to je res. Še večkrat dušo in telo se da ta hudemu. Pijanec v krčmi pije, razsaja, kakor zna. Pozabi na te svoje, ki jočejo doma. Otroke, vbogo ženo, doma jih stiska glad. Strehe rebra kažejo, pijanca tožijo. Zdaj pride iz graščine za dacjo sekucjon, Na najde v štali žvine, ne v hrami belih kron. Al štibra mora plačana bit, to pravi sekucjon srdit, če bo v nedeljo boben pel, kaj boš pijane začel? Zdai Pa beraška palca podana v roke je, in tebe bo pijanca redila zanaprej. Oh kollcrat si nezmerno pil, al zdaj se boš po svet solzil, po tujih kočah stanoval, na golih tleh težal. Posebno za mladino, pijanost prida ni, še hujši kakor živino, mladeniče nardi. Okoli se potepajo, krvavo se pretepajo, in delajo ponoč nemir, so hujši kakor zvir. Marsikak čez keden kaj zasluži, v nedeljo zakadi, ponoči v vsaki luži na cest obleži. V nedeljo lumpa celi dan, da je v pondeljek čist bolan, oj, tako delajo zadnji čas, kako bo le za nas. Ta se nosi kot en šribar, pa je le kmetiški fant; je šuštar ali Žnidar, ima gosposki gvant. Klobuk ima na glavi tak, zavihan je iz zajčjih dlak, bi rad, da bi častili ga, ko sina kraljevskega. Cigarce si kupuje in zlate prstane, da lažje zapeljuje nedolžne deklice. Štimano hodi sem pa taj, si misli da je bog ve kaj, pa dostikrat en tak bahač, še nima svojih hlač. Svet roženkranc moliti je take celo sram, se v cerkvi prikloniti pred božjim tronom tam. Drži se kak en oficir, se ne boji Boga nikir, se pogovarja in smeji, to edino ga veseli. Dekleta so tud take, ali pa prav malo boljši, so pravo ogledalo grde prevzetnosti. Štimano se oblačijo, da lažje se pačijo, in grejo s fantom v krčmo pit, ker jih ni sram grešit. Nektere bodo rekle, da vse to pač ni res, pa vari se ti dekle, da ti ne prideš vmes. Le mal ogledaj se okol, boš vidla, slišala dovolj, kak zdaj dekleta čenčajo, poglej ktaj pravijo. Ve, deklice poštene, mi ne zamerite, če vas pa kaj zadene, pa se pobolšajte. Saj morate mi pač verjet, da je med nami dost deklet, ki znajo glih tako ravnat, jih čmo na znanje dat. So dve al tri skup zbrane, al če jih je §e več, imajo take mame, da se ne šika več. “Pa ta je fejst, pa ta še bolj. pa ta je meni bolj po volj. pa ta mi večkrat piti da, ne bom pustila ga.” “Ti ga ne boš dobila, si je že mene zbral, sva se že dogovorila, mi je roko dal. Rekel je; Glej, kolko premoženja mam, za ženo tebe vzeti znam. Le bodi zvesta mi vselej, za drugimi ne glej.” Prijateljica mi je pravila zgodbico o njenjem stricu, ki je prvikrat šel v Ljubljano. Mož je bil že v letih in ži- vel visoko v hribih. Malokdaj je pršel med ljudi. Imel pa je željo, da bi videl Ljubljano predno umre. Spravljal in pripravljal se je nato več let, a škoda se mu je zdelo denarja za vožnjo, če bi se dalo priti peš, bi pot ubral že davno. Ker je bila razdalja prevelika se je moral peljati z vlakom in se tako ločiti od par goldinarjev, kar se mu je neizrečeno škoda zdelo. Ko je stric prišel iz potovanja nazaj so ga vsi hiteli spraševati kako je bilo, kod je hodil, kaj je videl, kako mu je Ljubljana ugajala. Povedal je mnogo zanimivega, a najbolj se je jezil na ljubja.nske frajle. V nekem fotografskem atelju je namreč videl v oknu razpostavljene slike mladih deklet, izmed teh eno, ki je bila prav malo oblečena. Stric se je radi tega močno razjezil in ogorčeno dejal: “Vidite! Takele so te mestne frajle! Za obleko nimajo dinarja, slikati se pa morajo dati!” Milwaukee, Wis., for the Bowling Tournament in April. And the Detroit Team came first—which made us very proud of our bowlers! Our new member Mrs. Frances Hostnik was busy getting the final things prepared for her daughter Gail’s wedding which was on May 4th. We wish the young couple the best of luck through their married life. May they have God’s blessings. We hope to have all the new members with us at the next meeting. We were very glad to have the two new members present this time. They were Fulvia Rosa and Stephanie Ho-mac. Our annual club luncheon was scheduled for May 19th when we honored our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Antoinette Lindich. Congratulations! There always is sad news included with happy ones and I regret to report that Alice Koejan’s mother, Mrs. Mary Wasovich passed away quietly on April 25th. She belonged to Br. 54 in Warren, Ohio. She had been ill for quite some time. May she rest in peace! To Alice and family we wish to express our sympathy. Rose Jamnik, Reporter P. CLAUDE OKORN: ZAHVALA OČETU IN MATERI Današnji čas pozna malo hvaležnosti. Ljudje sprejemajo stvari tako kot da so jih zaslužili ali pa da imajo pravico do njih na to ali oni način. Celo obnašanje otrok, je prestopilo vse meje četrte božje zapovedi. Mislijo si, da to kar starši storijo za njih, je samo ob sebi razumljivo in da je to njihova dolžnost. Zakaj naj bi bili potem obvezani na kako hvaležnost? Da tak način mišljenja ali celo vzgoje ne prinese nič dobrega, si lahko mislimo, četrta božja zapoved je tako določna: Spoštuj očeta in mater, da boš dolgo živel in ti bo dobro na zemlji. Sam Bog obljublja, da bo dobro otrokom, ki ljubijo in spoštujejo svoje starše. Že na tem svetu se jim bo dobro godilo. Blagrovati moramo tiste otroke, ki se zavedajo svojih dolžnosti do staršev in so jim hvaležni za vse, kar so za njih storili. V naslednjem vam bom podal pismo, ki ga je pisalo 23 letno dekle svojim staršem. Več nam pove, kakor pa še tako dolga pridiga. Draga mati in oče: Ni posebnega razloga za moje pismo vama razen tega, da se vama hočem zahvaliti za vse kar sta storila zame. Začela sem misliti na vse stvari, ki st>a jih storila zame v preteklosti in sem jih jaz sprejela za samoumevne in se mi zdi, da je že čas, da napišem toliko pomemben izraz “prisrčna hvala” najbolšim staršem na svetu. Zdi se mi, da so ljudje vse preveč zaposleni, da bi zares lahko rekli drugim, da cenijo vse kar je bilo za njih narejenega. (Tudi jaz spadam med tiste ljudi.) Vem, da sem razvajena in da dobim stvari, ki jih moji sestri ne dobite. Pa četudi ne pokažem ali naravnost ne rečem: hvala lepa, vedite, da to storim v svojem srcu. Od sedaj zanaprej bom poskušala biti bolj pozorna. Na svetu bi bilo veliko boljše (ali vsaj malo bi se popravil), če bi se ljudje naučili ceniti in priznati z besedo: hvala lepa (prisrčen: hvala lepa) za stvari, ki se zanje napravijo. Nočem, da bi mislili, da hočem postati pridigar ali, da imam načrt spreobrniti svet, ampak si le mislim tako bi lahko in morali ljudje postopati v vsakdanjem življenju. Še enkrat iz vsega srca prisrčna hvala za vse kar sta storila, dala in kupila zame. Pravijo, da so starši prvi otrokovi učitelji in vidva sta brez dvoma dva najboljša. Vajina ljubeča hčerka Žal mi je, da vam moram poslati doma narejeno zahvalno karto. Nisem mogla nobene dobiti v trgovini, ki bi jiovedala to, kar sem jaz namenila povedati vama. Ne pokažita tega pisma mojima sestrama. Nočem, da bi mislile, da se vama prilizujem, ali da hočem kaj imeti od vaju. Vse kar želim je, naj to pismo pove mojim staršem, da sem iz vsega srca hvaležna za vse, kar sta vidva zame žrtvovala. Nisem prav nič bolana. Tudi svoje pameti še nisem izgubila. Točno vem, kaj sem pisala v tem pismu. Vsaka beseda, ki je napisana, je resnična in tako tudi mišljena. Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Delo na vrtu nas kliče v prostonaravo. Bog vam daj ljubega zdravja, da boste zopet lahko opravljale svoja dela po vrtu med cvetlicami. Dne 21. junija bo važen dan za našo ustanoviteljico, Mrs. Marie Prisland, ko bo obhajala svoj rojstni dan. Vse ji v duhu zapojmo Happy birthday, Mrs. Prisland, Bog naj vas blagoslavlja še mnogo let med nami. Vsem izletnicam, posebno Mrs. Prisland, Albini Novak, Mary Tomsic, članicam naše Zveze in prijateljem, ki ste tako srečni, da boste potovali v rojstno domovino, želimo srečno pot in zdrav povratek. V mislih bom z vami vsak dan. Kako prijetno je bilo, ko sva z možem 1.1953 obiskala naše rodne kraje in sorodnike, posebno mojo rojstno, skromno vasico, Češčevas ter rodni dom mojega moža, vas Za-potok. Res nepozabni spomini na preteklost. Gotovo vem, da smo večina brale v mesečniku Ave Marija, zgodbo osamele matere. Bila je velika družina, številni otroci in za vse je bilo prostora, čeprav je bil skromni dom, toda dandanes ima vsak otrok svojo sobo, toda za ostarelo mater pa le ni skromnega kotička vhiši, ko obnemore. Rose Strumbel žaluje za očetom Mohor Strumbel, ki jo umrl po dolgi bolezni. — Tako tudi naša sestra Mrs. Česnik od št. G6, Canon City, Colo., kateri je tudi smrt pobrala ljubega soproga, Jack Česnik In ga rešila mučne bolezni. — Mllie Pechek žaluje za sorodnico Anna M. Chorak, ki je bila nenadoma poklicana v večnost. Bridko se občuti težka ločitev, ker njihov bo večni dom počitka. Vsem preostalim naše iskreno sožalje. Tople pozdrave vsem skupaj. Anna Pachak, preds. VSE NAJBOLJŠE, MRS. PRISLAND! 21. junija je rojstni dan naše ustanoviteljice Marie Prisland. Želimo ji še mnogo srečnih obletnic! e leta 1926 in vedno se je rada udeleževala naših sej. Kljub visokim letom, je še vedno dovolj trdnega zdravja in bistrega uma. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Skorja. Bog jo živi še mnogo let! M. Godez DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Naše seje zadnjih par mesecev so bile bolj slabo obiskane. V jan. in febr. nismo pričakovale velike udeležbe, zaradi Izredno ostre zime, toda marca in aprila smo pa upale na boljši odziv, ker je bilo na dnevnem redu več važnih stvari; materinska proslava in državna konvencija, ki se je vršila v Milwaukee, 5. maja. Prosim, da bi se vs*e, ki vam je le mogoče gotovo u-deležile seje dne 9. junija, da slišite poročilo konvencije in pa ker, julija in augusta ne bomo imele seje. Imamo za rešiti več važnih zadev, zato prosim za udeležbo in za večje zanimanje pri delu za napredek podružnice. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo družini Blaž Iliade ob izgubi dobre matere, Antonije, ki je preminula 1. aprila v lepi starosti 71 let. Več let je bolehala za mučno boleznijo artritis. Pokojna je bila dolgoletna naša vestna članica, kakor so tudi njene hčerke in sinaha. Spominjajmo se pogosto naših pokojnih sester v molitvah! Še enkrat na svidenje na seji 9. junija. M. Godez, poročevalka ZAHVALA OB 85 LETNICI ROJSTVA Podr. št. 1 izreka prisrčne čestitke Mrs. Rose Startz k častitljivi starosti 85 let ln ji želi, da bi dočakala še mnogo zdravih in zadovoljnih let. Sestra Startz je pristopila k naši podr. Mrs. Rose Startz se iskremo za-hvaljute svojim otrokom, sorodnikom in prijateljem ter podružnici št. 1 S.Ž.Z. za številna voščila, darila in prijaznosti izkazane ob njeni 85 letnici rojstva. Ker ji ni mogoče se vsem osebno ali pismeno zahvaliti, zato se vsem in vsakemu posebej zahvaljuje preko Zarje za vse, posebno tudi za obiske ter opozarja, da je njen dom sedaj v Home for Aged, 918 Huron Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. COLO. ZVEZIN DAN V CANON CITY, 30. JUNIJA Zopet se je približal naš zaželjeni izlet in sestanek, združen z državno konvencijo skupnih podružnih držav Colo., Mo. in Kansas. Letošnji Zvezin dan se bo vršil v Canon City dne 30. junija. Naše prijazne članice št. 66 pod vodstvom preds. Christine Konte, nam bodo pripravile podrobni program dneva. Pričakuje se lepa udeležba, ko se bomo srečale s sestrami iz raznih krajev. Slavnost se bo pričela s sv. mašo ob 11:15 dop. v St. Michael cerkvi, lltli St. in College Ave. Takoj po sv. maši bo serviran banket v Clubu Beveder, 1130 Elm Ave. Po konvenč-ni seji, se bo vršila domača zabava in se bomo lahko tudi po domače zavrtele. Državne konvencije so važnega pomena. Delegatinje poročajo o delu podružnic in stavijo predloge svoje podružnice. Od št. 3 bomo potovale z busom, toda še nimamo točnih podatkov glede cene. Vstopnice si lahko kupite pri članicah podr. Vsem podr. Colo., Kansas in Mo., kličem na veselo svidenje v nižini krasnih hribov mest C. C. C. Pridite vse na državno konvencijo, Pozdravlja, Vaša drž. preds., ...Anna Pachak NA DRŽ. LETNI KONVENCIJI V MILWAUKEE, WIS. NAJSTAREJŠA MATI, ANNA GRAHEK IN DOLGOLETNA TAJNICA ŠT. 12, MARY SCHIMEZ Z UREDNICO ___ Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. Članicam naše podr, naznanjam, da v poletnih mesecih ne bo seje, to je v juniju, juliju, augustu in september, toda za te 4 mesece plačate asesment na domu tajnice. Ker je več naših članic bolanih, želim, da bi jih obiskala in te so: Jennie Škraba, Mary Mekina, Helen Gainer, Prances Gradišar, Helen Šega, Frances Smrdel in Mary Valenčič. Obiskujmo bolne sestre, ker lepa beseda in obisk prijateljice več zaleže kakor vsa zdravila. Dobro bi bilo, da bi se bolne sestre javile tajnici, da obvesti ostale članice in jih povabi na obisk bolnim sosestram. Na zadnji mesečni seji smo se dogovorile, da bo podr. priredila piknik, ali malo zabave na domu tajnice dne 30. junija, to je zadnjo nedeljo v juniju ob 3. uri popoldne. Pridite vse. mlade in stare, da se malo razvedrimo in bolje spoznamo med seboj. Stroški se vsi pokrijejo iz društv. blagajne, torej vas ne stane nič, samo pridite gotovo, ker ne bo vam žal.. Naša leta Potrebujejo tudi malo razvedrila. Na veselo svidenje! Sesterske pozdrave vsem članicam naše dične SŽZ;vsem bolnim sestram Pa Bog daj ljubo zdravje. J. Ožbolt, taj. Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio — Hvala Bogu, da smo le dočakale to ljubo Pomlad. Imeli smo res hudo zimo in zadnji dan aprila je še enkrat z vso silo zaropotala in tudi napravila veliko škode. Nametala nam je ledenega snega po lepem cvetočem drevju, po mladi solati, ki je komaj prilezla iz zemlje in uboge cvetlice so imele drugi dan vse glavice povešene do tal. Bila je žalostna slika. Pa je zopet ljubo sončece prisijalo in vse oživelo. Zadnji mesec smo izgubile dve članice, Mary Kaluža in Rose Hrovat. Naj v miru počivata in večna luč naj jima sveti. Preostalim sorodnikom naše sožalje. V blagajno so darovala: Frances Wrahlawsky in naša dolgoletna članica, Frances Kapel, ki je prišla na obisk iz Fontane k svojim otrokom, pa se je udeležila naše seje v aprilu. Ona je sedaj prestopila k št. 100 v Fontani, kjer sta za stalno z možem Frankom. Pravi, da pri njihovi podruž. prav lepo napredujejo. Vem, da je tam veliko bivših Cleve-landčank, katere vse lepo pozdravljam. V zadnji Zarji je bilo poročano med imeni članic, ki so darovale v blagajno, toda je treba popraviti ime, Jennie Russ, ki je tudi prispevala. Vsem bolnim sestram želim ljubega zdravja, da bi v večjem številu prihajale na seje, kjer nas je vedno manj. Vsem tistim, ki so tako srečne, da bodo šle na obisk v staro domovino, želim prav veliko zabave in da bi se srečne in zdrave vrnile nazaj. Tudi PRIJATELJ ZVEZE IMENOVAN NA VISOK POLOŽAJ Predsednik Kennedy je imenoval Slovenca iz Minnesote, LUDVIKA, ANDOLSEK za komisarja ameriške civilne službe (United States Civil Service Commissioner). Njegovo imenovanje je potrdil Senat. Mr. Andolsek izhaja iz poznane slovenske družine iz Chisholm, Minnesota. Njegova mati, Mrs. Frances Andolsek, je zavedna dolgoletna članica Zveze, podr. št. 38. Novoimenovani poverjenik (Commissioner) je bil več let tajnik slov. kongresnika Johna Blatnika iz Minn. Ob priliki izleta SŽZ v Washington, D. C. lansko pomlad je g. Andolsek šel izletnicam izredno na roke, nam izkazoval prijazno pozornost, da smo mu vse izletnice zelo hvaležne. Zveza iskreno čestita Mr. Andolsku k temu visokemu imenovanju in mu želi mnogo uspehov v njegovem važnem delu. Ured. jaz si že 39 let želim, da bi še vsaj enkrat mogla videti moj rojstni kraj, toda zaradi moževe dolge bolezni, mi je to nemogoče, bom pa zato v duhu z vami. Lepe pozdrave in vesele počitnice želim vsem skupaj. Antonia Repic, poročevalka Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Vabim vse članice na sejo dne 5. junija ob 1 uri popoldne. Ker bo to zadnje pred počitnicami, prosim, da pridete v kar največjem številu. V letnih mesecih, julija, avgusta in septembra ne bomo imele sej. V imenu podružnice se lepo zahvaljujem vsem glavnim uradnicam ter podružnicam št. 1,17, 43 in 102 za udeležbo na banketu naše državne konvencije dne 5. maja. Iskrena hvala vsem! Posebno se članicam naše podružnice, ki so pridno delale, dalje našim č. duhovnikom Father Okorn in Father Trpin ter vsem gostom. Prosila bi, da bi obiskovale naše bolne sestre in jim s tem lajšale dolge ure bolestni. Dobro bi tudi bilo, da bi pripeljale kaj novih članic k podr. Izgubile smo dve naši sestri: Theresa Krhin in Theresa Jelenc-Krainz. Sorodnikom izrekamo sožalje. Pokojnim sestram pa večni mir in pokoj. Naša naslednja seja po poletnih počitnicah se bo vršila dne 4. septembra. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam, članicam Zveze, posebno sestram pri št. 12. Mary Schimenz št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Poročilo seje 2 .aprila. Ta dolga zima je končno le zginila in ko to pišem, smo že uživali nekaj lepih, gorkih dni. Naše članice pa so se tudi v večjem številu udeležile te seje, kar je razveseljivo, čeprav bi jih lahko bilo še več. Čim več nas je, tem lažje je kaj dobrega ukreniti za napredek društva, ker vsaka lahko kaj koristnega svetuje. — Posebno sedaj ko se pripravlja- mo na naš jesenski bazar, bi prosila tudi vse tiste članice, ki nikoli ne pridejo, da bi se udeležile vsaj tega jesenskega bazarja, katerega, prireja naša podr. Vsako leto imamo stroške za umrle članice in za druge tekoče zadeve, zato moramo tudi skrbeti za blagajno. Več našili sester je bolanili. Sedaj se nahajajo kar štiri v bolnišnici: Mrs. F. Kolar, Mrs. A. Zupanc, Mrs. H. Somrak in Frances Globokar. Želimo In molimo za nje, da bi jim Bog naklonil ljubega zdravja. Mrs. Caroline Turk se je pa pretekli teden vrnila iz bolnišnice, kjer je prestala težko operacijo na srcu. Želimo ji, da bi se kmalu pozdravila in zopet prišla na sejo. V marcu mesecu pa je umrl mož Mrs. Stupika iz Arrowhead. Naši dobri članici Frances Stupika izrekamo globoko sožalje! Na odhod v staro domovino na obisk se tudi pripravljajo tri naše članice: Agata Zajc, Ana Troha in naša bivša predsednica Tili Špehar. Srečno potovanje. ■—- Na seji nas je tudi obiskala Mary Strukel, ki je bila pred leti naša večletna predsednica. Njej velja čast in hvala, da je društvo prav izvrstno vodila. Pred leti je živela na 185 St. v Clevelandu, a je hišo prodala in se preselila k hčerki v sončno Californijo. Tukaj sta ostala dva njena sinova, ki sta oba v 9 mesecih preminula. Naj jima sveti večna luč! Mami in ostali družini naše sožalje. Predno končam s poročilom, naj še omenim našo pridno blagajničarko, Mary Iskra, ki marljivo dela za društvo in tako v redu drži svoj urad in še pri skupnih podružnicah je bila tajnica. Mnogo časa porabi za društveno delo, toda je še ni bilo slišati godrnjati. Zato najlepša hvala in priznanje, Mary! Mrs. Troha iz Miller Ave. pa skrbi 7.a našo kuhinjo in nam na vsaki seji lepo postreže s kafetkom in prigrizkom. V good time blagajno so darovale: Mrs. Muhavetz in Mrs. Gozeli. Obema najlepša hvala. Dobile smo tudi dve novi članici: Mrs. Brnovski in Mrs. Kerl. Obe ste dobrodošle v naši sredi! Seja se je zaključila ob 9 uri z molitvijo. Vse iskreno pozdravljam. Antonija Sustar Št. 15, Cleveland-Newburgh, Ohio. Aprilova seja je bila lepo obiskana, čeprav je bilo še precej hladno vreme. Razmotrivale smo o prireditvi. O tem bom več poročala prihodnjič. Zopet smo izgubile eno dobro članico, Mary Petsche. Iskreno sožalje sinu in ostalim sorodnikom. Naj blaga sestra počiva v miru. Naša zapisnikarica, Mary Filipovič je že več mesecev bolana. Njej in vsem bolanim sestram želimo, da jim Kraljica Majniška podeli ljubo zdravje. Zadnijh par mesecev so naslednje članice darovale v blagajno: Mary Cekada, Josephine Gliha in Mary Za-bak. Srčna hvala vsem za lepi dar! V poletnih meseceh, julija in avgusta, ne bomo imele sej. Naslednja seja bo v septembru, ko bomo tudi proslavile trimesečni "birthday party.” Torej na svidenje na seji in lep pozdrav vsem! Frances Lindich, poročevalka Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio. Pred odhodom v rojstno domovino, prav lepo pozdravljam sestre po vsej Ameriki in posebno pri naši podružnici. Doletela me je sreča, da bom vidla moje štiri sestre in brata od katerih sem se poslovila pred 50 leti. V življenju se vrsti veselje in žalost. Za mene je bila velika žalost v mesecu marcu letos, ko me je po dolgi bolezni za vedno zapustil moj mož Charles, v starosti G2 let. Ob tej priliki se želim zahvaliti vsem sestram in prijateljam, ki so mi stali na strani v času žalosti. Posebna hvala odbornicam: Toni Turek, Albini Novak in Elli Starin za izraze sožalja, kakor tudi vsem skupaj, ki so se spomnili z besedami sočutja. Na seji v maju smo praznovale Materinski dan in rojstne dneve med temi tudi moj rojstni dan, čeprav bo v juniju, ker takrat bom daleč od vas. V moji odsotnosti bo vodila seje sestra Albina Malovašič. Udeležite se-Vsem bolnim sestram želim vrnitev ljubega zdravja ter vam kličem: na svidenje na seji v avgustu! Nettie Strukel, predsednica Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Seja v maju je bila zelo dobro obiskana in posebno vesele smo bile navzočnosti predsednice, sestre Nerngar po prestani bolezni in isto sestri Steblaj in Chapel. Zapisnikarica Frances Sterle nam vedno točno poroča o pretekli seji za kar zasluži vse priznanje. Prihodnja seja se bo vršila 9. avgusta. Na dnevnem redu bo Zvezin dan, ki bo letos v Hibbingu in se bo treba pomeniti zaradi busa in drugih važnih stvareh. Čestitke podpredsednici Catherine Polack, ki je zopet postala stara mamica, ko so pri hčeri, poročena Klai-bor, dobili krepkega sinčka, ki bo delal družbo sestrici. Isto poklon sestri Mihelich, ker so pri hčeri, Mtary Ferkul, dobili sinčka. Čestitke mamicam in starim mamicam! Z malim darom smo se spomnile na Frances Lustik, ki se nahaja že tri leta v bolnišnici v Aurora. Obiskale smo jo s sestro Nemgar, Sterle in Polack. Od veselja se je zjokala. Nesle smo pecivo, da so lahko tudi drugim bolnikom postregli. Njej smo pa izročile kip Marijin, s šmarnicam in vrtnicam okrašen. Stara je že 82 let, zato je bila toliko bolj ginjena, da smo se na njo spomnile. V bolnici se nahaja sestra Sulantic, ki si je pri podcu zlomila nogo. Vsem bolnim sestram želimo hitro okrevanje ter na svidenje na seji! Za Materinsko proslavo na seji v maju so pridne članice krasno okin-čale mizo s kipom Marije in cvetjem in prižganimi svečami. Častna mati, sestra Polack, je bila naš slavni gost. Irročeno ji je bilo cvetje in isto sestri Nemgar, z željami, da bi jim Bog dal zdravje. Spomnile smo se tudi najmlajše navzoče matere in to je bila Mary Menart; in najstarjše matere Barbara Strahan, ki ima že 81 častitljivih let. Obenem smo obhajale tudi 35 letnico odkar je bila podruženica u-stanovljena. Z malim darilcem smo se spomnile živeči ustanoviteljici Gertrude Indihar in Matilde Rebetz. Čestitamo vsem ustanoviteljicam in pionirkam, da bi v zdravju in veselju dočakale še mnogo obletnic. Prisrčna hvala sestram Agnes Kral, Polack, Erklautz, Sterle in Rebetz, ki so pripravile zelo okusen prigrizek in kavico. Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste darovale v ročno blagano. Med nami je bila tudi Mary R. Lushine, ki je v lepo izbranem govoru pozdravila matere. Njena mati je umrla že pred 24. leti. V srce segajoče besede bodo ostale med nami trajno. Tudi njej sem z veseljem pripela šopek od mater v spomin. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki so pomagale, da smo svečano praznovale Materni praznik in še enkrat hvala sestri Sterle, ki je krasno okin-čala mizo. Pozdrav vsem očetom za njihov praznik v juniju! Članice pa prosim, da ne pozabite na sejo 9. avgusta! Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Še enkrat opozarjam vse članice, katere dolgujete na asesmentu, da poravnate pred junijem, ker potem ne bomo imele sej tri mesece in je v Vašo korist da imate plačano. Torej prosim, pomagajte, da tajnica uredi pol letni račun. Dne 21. junija bo obhajala naša ustanoviteljica Slovenske Ženske Zveze, Mrs. Marie Prisland, svoj rojstni dan. Kakor vidimo iz njenih slik, je še vedno tako čila, in fejst kakor sem jo prvič spoznala pred 40 leti. Bog daj, da bi se še dolga leta tako počutila, kakor takrat, ko sem jo prvič spoznala. Mrs. Prisland! Čestitke ne samo od mene, ampak od vseh članic naše podružnice. Naj Vam ljubi Bog nakloni vse kar sami potrebujete, največ pa še dolga leta zdravja! Odpravljate se v staro domovino, naj Vam bodo dnevi v domovini prav lepi, da bi se imeli prav dobro in prinesli nazaj najlepše spomine in vtise iz potovanja. Srečno se vozite, srečno potujte preko velike luže, tudi mi Vas bomo v duhu spremlje-vali po lepih krajih Slovenije. Na svidenje ko se vrnete, Josephine Erjavec. Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. — Želim poročati, da jo naša proslava 35 letnice, bila prav izvrstna in vesela. Obisk je bil dober, mize lepo okrašene, večerja okusna. Odlične kuharice in kelnarlce so nam nosile same dobrote. Sestra Frances Kožel je bila lopo počaščena. Vso smo ji želele dobrega zdravja in še dolgo življenje. Ona in njena hčerka Helen, pa so pripravile dobro kapljico. Prav lepa hvala, sestra Kozel. Udeležile so se tudi od podr. št. 25, gl. preds. Mrs. Turek in njene prijateljice in vse so nam j)riporočale, da naj pridobimo kaj več novih članic. To je gotovo dobro priporočilo in vse sestre, moramo na delo, da izvedemo priporočilo naše ses. Turek. Ses. Cecilija Brodnik je tudi napravila lep govor. Prav lepa hvala vsem skupaj: ses. Stella Duncul, s. Weiss, s. Lah, s. Ančki Palčič in vsem, ki so pridno delale. Bilo je tudi veliko door prizov, tako da je vsaka bila deležna. Iskreno sožalje ses. T. Kožuh ob smrti njenega brata. Njemu naj sveti večna luč. Tudi njen mož je bolan ter njega, kakor vse druge bolnike priporočam v molitev za ljubo zdravje. Vse najboljše vsem, ki slavite svoje rojstne dneve. Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 24, LaSalle, III. Par sej je bilo bolj slabo obiskanih, toda sedaj, ko se je vreme ogrelo, upam, da se boste udeležle v večjem številu, da lahko kaj dobrega ukrenemo za našo podružnico. Predevsem sedaj, ko bo naša podr. slavila 35 letnico ustanovitve, je potrebno, da pridete skupaj, da se pomenimo, če bomo kaj pripravile v proslavo tega dogodka. Vse, ki se zanimate udeležiti se romanja v Lemont na Zvezin dan dne 21. julija, ste prošene, da se zgodaj prijavite, da se lahko naroči autobus. Pridite na sejo v juniju in juliju, ker v avgustu in sept. ne bo seje. Sožalje izrekamo ses. Emma Šim-kus ob izgubi njenega brata Johna Dečman v Pittsburgh, Pa. Sožalje Johnie Počivavšek ob izgubi njegove mame Mary Počivavšek, ki je bila naša dolgoletna članica. — Dalje sožalje ses. Mary Šetinc in ses. Ani Peletič, ki sta izgubile očeta, Antona Peletič. Umrl je v visoki starosti. Bil je dober oče svoji družini. Za njim žalujejo tudi 4 sinovi in več drugih sorodnikov. — Naj vsi pokojni v miru počivajo. Vsem članicam želim ljubega zdravja in upam, da se vidimo na prihodnji seji. Pozdrav. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. — Najprej želim voščiti v imenu vseh članic naše podružnice vse najboljše naši predsednici, sestri Pavlini Stampfel za njen rojstni dan, ki ga obhaja v tem mesecu juniju. Naša želja je, da bi jo Bog ohranil v naši sredi zdravo in veselo še na mnoga leta! Naše seje letos so kar prijetne. Udeležba je dobra in članice so navdušene, tako da so uradnice kar vesele, ko vidijo, da je pravo zanimanje in dobra volja v korist podružnice. Upamo, da zdaj, ko bodo dnevi daljši in vreme toplejše, bodo prišle med nas tudi vse druge članice, katere vsled oddaljenosti ali drugih neprilik niso mogle prihajati na seje v zimskih mesecih. Dobro dene vsalco- Financial Report for the Finančno Poročilo za Assessment Adults Juniors 1. 79.20 161 41 2. 183.65 351 159 3. 145.65 291 162 4. 5.25 19 — 5. 97.36 110 44$ 6. 49.20 124 18 7. 83.95 132 223 8. «2 1 9. 43 4 10. 201.10 379 53 12. 209 67 & 13. 53.80 119 21 14. 142 05 322 30 15. 118.65 252 30 16. 71.90 127 78 17. 72.60 165 50 18. 24.30 57 — 19. 64.15 143 45 20. 180.65 438 130 21. 43.40 93 52 22. 20.70 23 — $ 23. 100.40 224 53 24. 79.30 175 82 25. 400.35 797 276 26. 46.35 109 13 27. 91.35 72 6 # 28. 39.20 84 6 29. 13.65 35 7 30. 18.30 21 — $ 31. 53.70 106 43 32. 89.26 114 30 33. 66 85 134 63 34. 20.00 43 7 35. 41.95 76 41 37. 14.75 25 5 38. «7.25 156 2 39. 25.10 60 23 40. 42.25 97 6 41. 83.80 213 35 42. 21.90 48 — 43. 50.40 107 G9 % 45. 77.85 60 8 % 46. 14.40 31 5 47. 49.10 110 26 48. 4.70 13 3 49. 38 — + 50. 96.90 119 u9 51. 7.80 17 — 52. 27.00 54 16 53. 21.25 36 11 54. 38.05 71 65 55. 34.05 79 9 56. 50.50 115 20 57. 40.40 77 38 59. 34 9 61. 42.90 13 — @ 62. 16.70 34 1 63. 65.55 122 64 * 64. 25.65 63 2 65. 30.85 66 25 66. 25.85 51 17 67. 91.30 82 30 68. 24.20 42 4 70. 14 3 + 71. 49.20 106 21 72. 13.00 28 5 73. 47.10 101 47 74. 23.25 44 4 77. 26.00 55 33 78. 25 9 + 79. 18.40 34 20 80. 8.85 19 — Month oi February, 1963 mesec februar, 1963 Assessment adults Juniors 81. 8.20 25 83. 11.90 24 5 84. 90.05 69 5 % 85. 19.20 29 5 86. 9.95 20 88. 21.32 53 IS 89. 42.10 96 58 90. 22.60 56 17 91. 29.85 52 8 92. 13.80 24 2 93. 29.20 68 94. 29.20 16 4 #** 95. 104.10 183 45 96. 17 4 97. 16.65 22 6 99. 9.65 21 — 100. 21.50 43 7 101. 34.05 42 15 102. 16 3+ + 104. 9.35 24 — 105. 7.05 15 5 106. 21 1 & $4,504.19 9020 2744 $ paid for Feb., & March; & paid in Jan.; # for Dec. .& Jan.; % for Dec., Jan., & Feb.: @ paid April to Oct..; * paid for Dec.; 3: ses, Boldin, Blatnik, Kreševic, Kočevar, Mahnič, Segulin. Strojin in Ul-cek. Skupno $1*1.20. Bog plačaj. Pozdrav vsem članicam, Jennie Pugely, poročevalka Št. 55, Girard, Ohio. Sejo v aprilu smo imele tretji četrtek v mesecu, ker je bil veliki četrtek na dan naše redne mesečne seje. Tako smo imele priliko se udeležiti večerne sv. maše in pobožnosti. Dne 9. maja smo imele Mother-Daughter večerjo, kateri je načeljevala Mrs Matilda Cigolle. Na seji je bila lepa udeležba. Sklenile smo, da v mesecih, junija, julija in avgusta ne bomo imele sej zaradi počitnic in dostikrat so večeri prevroči. V avgustu se sicer snidemo, ker bomo imele "covered dish dinner.” V bolnišnici se nahaja, Mrs. Anna Babich in Mrs. Provi Castarella. Obema želimo hitrega zdravja. Mrs. Anna Kalan in Mrs. Ivanka Florjančič so nam servirale okusni cake in kavo. Igrale smo priljubljene igre. Dobitke sta dobili Mrs. Frances Šerca in Mrs. Helen Biscan. Vse članice prisrčno pozdravljam, Angela Robsel Št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas. — Prve dni maja je bilo še vedno mrzlo in suho vreme in slana je poškodovala zelenjavo in sočivje po vrtovih. Tako je tudi pri naši podr. vse nekam hladno in klaverno. Da malo poživimo, vas prosim, da pridete na prihodnjo sejo. ki bo zadnja do jeseni. Od državne predsednice, Mrs. Anna Pachak iz Pueblo, Colo., smo dobile povabilo, da bi poslale delegatinje na državno konvencijo v Canon City, Co lorado, ki se bo vršila 30. jun. pri podr. št. (>fi. Mr. in Mrs. George Tržek sta dobila sinčka-prvorojenca in tako sta Mr. in Mrs. Polack postala prvič sta ri oče in mamica, Mrs. Helen Stanfel, Pa pra-stara mamica. Mr. in Mrs. Gary Cuiulil' sta dobila hčerko-prvorojen-ko, in tako je Mary Hotujec zopet sta- Št. 71. Strabane, Pennsylvania. - Sporočam, da smo naš Zvezin dan in državno konvencijo preložile do septembra. To je bilo potrebno odločiti zaradi več razlogov. V mesecu maju je bilo več drugih prireditev in povsod smo vedno ene in iste za delo in udeležbo. Poročati moram žalostno novico, da nam je smrt ugrabila že drugo članico v tem letu, sedaj sestro Mary Kau-sek, ki je bila prva in dolgoletna bla-ganičarka naše podr. V dec. si je šla iskati zdravja v Calif, k svoji hčerki Mary Starek, pa ni nič pomagalo, umrla je 12 aprila in njeno truplo je bilo prepeljano nazaj. Pogreba se je u-deležilo veliko članic. Zapušča 2 hčeri, enega sina in več vnukov, katerim ra mamica. Mr. in Mrs. Donald Grgič, sta tudi dobila prvo hčerko, tako sta Mr. in Mrs. Peter Gergič zopet stara starša in enako tudi Mr. in Mrs. John Anziček, ko so pri Mr. in Mrs. Jos. Podrebarec dobili hčerko. Vsem staršem in starim staršem naše čestitke in novorojenčkom obilo sreče in zdravja. 1. maja so dekleta naše župnije imele lepo procesijo po cerkvi in so prepevale tisto lepo slovensko Marijino pesem: "Spet kliče nas venčani maj . . Marijino soho so nosile: Theresa Vesel, Sandra Springer, Victoria Stampfel, Terry Petrina in Theresa Wolf je nosila zastavo, a Marijo je s cvetjem kronala Bernadett Rezovieh. hčerka Mr. in Mrs. Mike Hezovich in vnukinja letošnje naše častne matere Kate Modirčin. Po :! tedenski bolezni je umrl Roman Cop, soprog naše dobre blagajničarke Regine Cop. Zapušča tudi sina in hčer in v starem kraju 3 brate in 2 sestri. Isti dan je mirno v Gospodu zaspal po enotedenski bolezni. dolgoletni faran, Anton Vodopivec, ki zapušča I sinove in 3 hčere, 2 brata tukaj in enega brata ter 2 sestri v stari domovini. Imel je tudi 11 vnukov. l!og daj obema večni mir in pokoj. Družinam obeli pokojnih, naše iskreno sožalje. Najlepše pozdrave vsem članicam Zveze. Antonia Kostelec Št. 100. Fontana, California. - Naša seja v Aprilu je bila še kar precej dobro obiskana. Naša Predsednica nam je prinesla dobre potice in vina, tako smo se kar dobro okrepčale po seji. Hvala lepa, Mrs. Vidergar! Poro-čano je bilo že v Zarji, da bomo imeli “Zveza Day" tuk’aj v Fontani, June 8th in 9th. Iz San Frančiška bodo prišli z busom v soboto June 8th. V nedeljo, June 9th bo sv. Maša pri Father Horvath cerkvi v Etiwanda, potem bo pa Banquet v K. S, K. J. Hali v Fontani. Vsem Vam, iz San Frančiška in okolice, ki nameravate priti k nam za te dneve, kličem: Dobro do-šle, Srečno pot. in Nasvidenje, June 8th. izrekamo naše sožalje. Darovale smo cvetlice in za sv. mašo. Hvala vsem članicam, ki so v tako lepem številu udeležile pogreba in šle moliti pred večer pogreba. Drage sestre, vidite, kako je lepo biti članica SŽZ, kjer vlada sesterska ljubezen v življenju in tudi na zadnji poti, ko sprejmemo sosestro k večnemu počitku. Potrudimo se, da pridobimo kaj novih članic, da nadomestimo vrzeli. Anna Strle je prejela žalostno novico, da je umrl soprog njene sestre za srčno hibo. Živijo v Stump Creek. Pa. Sožalje! Lepo pozdravljene in ne pozabite priti na sejo dne 12. junija. Mary Tomsic, pred. Upam, da bodo prišle vse naše članice praznovat z nami “Zveza Day” ki živijo okoli Fontane, Los Angeles; in druga bližja mesta. Sedaj ko to pišem, je šele April, ali predno boste brale ta dopis v Zarji bo že June. To-rej je čas, da se pripravljamo za te dneve in pripeljite svoje prijatelje za “Zveza Day" ter se bomo spoznale ena z drugo. Imele smo u Aprilu Rummage Sale in smo še kar precej dobro napravile za našo Blagajno. Hvala gre vsem tistim, ki so delale, vozile skupaj, in prispevale z oblekami čevlji, i. t. d.. lTpani, da boste pomagale še tudi za naprej. Naše seje se vršijo vsak prvi Četrtek v mesecu v K. S. K. J. hali ob 7:30 zvečer. Prosim Vas da si to zapišete na kolendar ker se rado pozabi. V’ maju smo imele potluck večerjo in o-benem počastili Pat Videgar ki je bi la izvoljena za “Mother of the Year". Naše iskrene čestitke to Pat in vsem ostalini Materam, ki so bile izvoljene za Mother of the Year. (P. S. Pat Videgar is our President's Daughter-in-law.) Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubo zdravje, druge ki ste pa zdrave, Vas pa prosim da pridete redno na seje. nebo Vam žal, glavno je pa to, da vse skupaj delamo za napredek društva in tako nebo prišlo delo vedno samo na par članic. Pozdrav vsem, East in West! Jean Kurilich, Poročevalka ON THE COVER . . . JUVENILE BOWLING LEAGUE OF CLEVELAND, OHIO, which is comprised of juniors from branches and 50, have held a grand bowling season under the capable leadership of Mrs. Pauline Vegal, seen here with her young champs, center top row. The enthusiasm they have for the sport is something to behold — as anyone who has ever been a Saturday morning spectator at Grdina Lanes can vouch! We wish them another great season of bowling next fall when they’ll all be veterans of this popular sport. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois H. GRDIMI & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 59 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar In dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio J0S.ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AVE AFELY 013 East 18 0th Straat 2SOOO Euclid A vanu« 0230 St. Clair Avanua ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Einbalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin gaaRw« SLOVENIAN WOMENS UNION OF AMERICA SUPREME PRESIDENT'S MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Oct. f, 1902 lo Junt 19*3 Nakaznica KAMPANJA GLAVNE PREDSEDNICE! Članska kampanja je na čast naše delavne in navdušene Glavne Presednice, Antonia Tanko Turek! Kampanja ho zaključena 30. junija, 1963. Cilj predsednice je 500 novih članic v tej kampanji! Prejele boste vaše denarne nakaznice ob vpisu nove članice * brez čakanje * hranite nakaznice do konca kampanje * potem jih zamenjate za denar! ENO DENARNA NAKAZNICO (25c) za vsakega novega člana mladinskega oddelka DVE DENARNI NAKAZNICI (50c) za vsako novo članico razreda A! ŠTIRI DENARNE NAKAZNICE ($1) za vsako novo članico razreda B! Denarne nakaznice bodo nagrajene za VSAKO novo članico, ki jo boste pridobile! Campaign Closes June 30th, 1963!