ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -13 2003 • 1 original scientific article UDK 582.26(282.24 Dragonja) received: 2003-01-25 ALGAE IN DRAGONJA RIVER Aleksandra KRIVOGRAD KLEMENČIČ SM 290 Grosuplje, Čušperk 51 Danijel VRHOVŠEK l.imno5 d.o.o., SI-1000 Ljubljana, Podlimbarskega 31 E-mai!: Gora/.d KOSI Nacionalni inštitut ra biologijo, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Večna pot \ 11 ABSTRACT Between 1998 and 2000, peryphytic algal communities were sampled and analysed at five sampling sites on the Oragonja river and at a single site on the tributary Pinjevec. Altogether, 238 algal tax a were registered, with prevail-ing Bacillariophyceae (170), while 38 taxa belonged to Cyanophyceae and 17 to Chlorophyc.eae. Of all 238 taxa, 65 were recorded for the first time in Slovenia, 13 belonging to Cyanophyceae and 52 to Bacillariophyceae. Most of these 65 taxa ware recorded in the Oragonja estuary. Key words; algae, streams, springs, brackish waters, southwestern Slovenia ALGHE NEL FIUME DRAGOGNA SINTESI Tra il 1998 ed il 2000 sono state campionate ed anaiizzate comunita perifitiche algali in cinque stazioni di cam-pionamento nel fiume Dragogna ed una stazione nel tributario Pinjevec. Sono slati trovati 238 taxa algali. II contribute) maggiore proviene dalla famiglia delle Bacillariophyceae ()70 specie); 38 taxa appartengono alle Cyanophyceae mentre 17 alle Chlorophyceae. Tira i 238 taxa, 65 sono nuovc segnalazioni per la Slovenia, tra le quali 13 Cyanophyceae e 52 Bacillariophyceae. La maggioranza di questi taxa £> stato campioriata nell'estuario del fiume Dragogna. Parole chiave: alghe, corsi d'acqua, sorgenti, acque salmastre, Slovenia sud-occidentale 8.3 ANNALfcS • Ser. hist. rtat. • 13 • 2003 • 1 Aleksandra KRiVOOlAO KIEMEnCiC «t iI.: AlGAt In DRAGONJA RIVER, 8v90 INTRODUCTION The biodiversity of algae in Slovenia is relatively high, as more than 2000 different algae species have been recorded so far (Kosi & Vrhovsek, 1996). The issue of ¡he endangered algal species, threatened by the endangered water ecosystems, has not been clarified as yet due to the lack of investigations. Drastic changes usually occur during the regulation of rivers and streams, when the fundamental ecological conditions are changed (the substrate, water current, light); the consequences are of course reflected in the species' reduced diversity. Similar results can be seen in polluted waters, where the number of species decreases from the sources towards estuaries of the water courses (Vrhovsek et a/., 1983). Most of the Slovenian water-streams are already polluted (Vrhovsek et a!., 1983, 1994; Krivograd, 1997: Krivograd Kie-meniiC, 2001; Smolar, 1997). The Dragonja is one of the very few unpolluted Slovenian rivers. The water at its estuary is brackish, The algae occurring in Slovenian brackish waters have not been studied so far. With a view to protect its natural ecosystems with all its constituent parts, including algae, the Dragonja river valley is planned to be given the status of a landscape park. It is necessary to conserve the high diversity of algal species, and the rare species, which cannot be found in other Slovenian rivers due to the Dragonja's very special ecological conditions (flysch landscape., brackish water). The purpose of this research was to determine the species composition of algal communities in the Dragonja river, from its source to estuary and in its tributary Pinjevec. The only data on the algal species concerned the lower part of the river at Kastel (in "The research of the quality of surface waters in Slovenia in 1992", Zupan (ed., 1994)), where the sampling site of the Hydro-Meteorological Institute of Slovenia is situated, However, no research has been carried out concerning the algae of the upper part of the Dragonja river and its tributaries. At the sampling site iri the Dragonja estuary, the water is brackish. On this occasion let us add that no investigations concerning the brackish waters of Slovenia had been carried out prior to this research. MATERIALS AND METHODS Description of sampling sites The sampling sites are presented in figure 1 and their description given in Table 1. The sampling sites C, D and F: are located close to each other. They differ mainly in the speed of the water current. The sampling site B is located In the tributary Pinjevec, just before it joins the Dragonja river. Tab. 7: Description of sampling sites on Dragonja river and its tributary Pinjevec. Tab. 1: Opis vzorčnih mest na reki Dragonji in pritoku Pinjevcu. Sampling sites Shading of the riverbed Speed of water-current Riverbed width (m) Co-ordinates (after Gaus-Kriiger) A-source shaded fast 1 X--5039250 Y=5412000 B-Škrline partly shaded changing 15 X.-- 5037125 Y=5402750 C-pool parlly shaded very slow 10 X.--5 39682 5 Y=5034175 D-slow current shaded slow 12 X^SO34000 Y=S?pt>7 50 E-strong current not shaded fast 7 X-539682S Y-5034175 ¡-estuary not shaded slow 20 X-5390625 Y= 50372.-J0 The samples were collected seasonally during the years 1998, 1999 and 2000 (10. 7. 1998, 18. 7. 1998, 23. 8. 1998, 20. 3. 1999, 29. 7. 1999, 18. 10. 1999, ¡7. 1. 2000) at all sampling sites. Five per phyton samples were taken at each sampling site for qualitative analysis by scratching the surface of gravel, rocks, macrophytes, wood and other submersed materials (glass and plastic bottles, iron sticks, etc.) The phytoplankton was sampled using the plankton net with mesh size 25 pm at the estuary. The fixation of the samples was done in situ with 4% formalin concentration. For diatom determination, samples were ¡ire-treated with saturated HNOj (APHA, 1985). Fig. 1: Map of the river Dragonja and its tributary Pinjevec. Legend: A - source, B - Škrline, C - pool, D -slow current, F- strong current, F - estuary. SI. J; Zemljevid reke Dragonje In pritoka f'injevca. Legenda: A - izvir, B - Škrilne, C - tolmun, D - počasi tekoča, E - brzica, F - izliv. 84 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. - 13 • 2003 • 1 Ateksanctra kftiVOGRAO UEmEnOC ettL AlCAE In DRAGONJA RIVER, 6J-90 The algal samples were determined in the laboratory using the light microscope (magnification 1000*). The relative frequency of most common species was evaluated using the numbers from 1 - single. 2 - rare, 3 -common, 4 - frequent and 5 - dominant. The algae were determined using the following identification monographs: Lazar, 1960; Starmach, 1966, 1972, Hinclak et a/., 1978; Krammer & Lange-Bertalot, 1986, 1933, 1991a. 1991b; Popovsky & Pfiester, 1990; Cvijan & Blazencic, 1996; Hindak, 1996. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION At the five sampling sites on the Dragonja river and at the single site on its tributary Pinjevec, 238 (Tab. 2) algal taxa were established (with their composition presented in figure 2). In view of the number of species, Baciliario-phyceae dominated at all sampling sites, followed by Cyanophyceae. A similar situation was recorded in the river Branica flowing on flysch ground (Smolar, 1997). Cyanophyceae were followed by Chlorophyceae at sampling sites A, C, D and F, and by Zygnematophyceae at sampling sites B and £. Zygnernatophyeeae were riot, found at sampling site A. Euglena sp. was recorded at sampling site D. The species Peridinium umbonatu/n was found at sampling site B, and Peridinium bipes at sampling site F. The species Dinobryon sertularia was found at sampling sites B, C, D and E. All four species are pfanktonic. The species Batrachospermum vagum was registered at sampling site E, and Audouinella chalybea at sampling site F. The total number of different taxa at sampling site A was 62 (Tab. 2). In all live periphyton samples taken at sampling site A, the following species were found: Ach-nanthes minutissima, Amphora ova Us, Dipioneis ellip-lica, D. oblongella. Gomphonema angustatum, G. an-gustum and Nitzschia linearis var. linearis. The most common species were Achnanihes minutissima and Gomphonema angustatum. Achnanthes flexella, Cym-bella amphicephala var. amphicephala, Dipioneis eilip-tica, Gomphonema angusturn and Cymbeila descripta are characteristic oligotrophy water species. Surirelia spiralis is a widespread species, characteristic of the river springs and lakes with limestone ground, containing mid-to high levels of electrolytes (Krammer & Lange-Bertalot, 1988). The species Caloneis alpestris, Cymbeila ehren-bergii, C. tumidula and Nitzschia angustatula are widespread and characteristic of karst waters rich in calcium (Krammer & Lange-Bertalot, 1986, 1988). At sampling site B, the total number of different taxa was 116. at sampling site C 105, at sampling site D 89, and at sampling site C 94 (Tab. 2). Although the water current was quite different between the individual sampling points, the composition of the algal species did not differ much. MO ,120 = 100 I 80 i 00 I 40 20 0 A B C D E F sampling sites O Zygrwmaiop hyceae BChtorophyceae □ Eugtenophyccac BDmophyceae □ Bacillariopliyceae ElChrysopliyccae □ Fioritlcophyceac El Cyanophyceae Fig. 2: Algal community structure in the river Dragonja and its tributary Pinjevec during the years 1998, 1999 and 2000 (A - source, B - Škrline, C - pool, D - slow current, E - strong current, F - estuary). SI. 2: Sestava algne združbe v reki Dragonji in v pritoku Pinjevcu v letih 1998, 1999 in 2000 (A - izvir, B -Škrline, C - tolmun, D - počasi tekoča, E - brzica, F -izliv). The changes in biornass along the current occurred mainly because of the differences in the pH values, temperature, water level and the nitrate concentration (Sza-rek, 1994). Light has a greater impact on the composition of periphyton than the water current, level and nitrate concentration (DeNicola & Mcfntire, 1990). In all five periphyton samples taken at sampling sites B, C, D and F., the following species were found: Achnanthes flexella, A. minutissima, Anomoeoneis vitera, Cymbeila afflnis, C. cymbiformls, C. microcephaia. Den-ticula kuetzingii, Eunotia arcus, Fragiiaria biceps and Gomphonema angusturn. The most abundant species were Achnanthes minutissima, Cymbeila affinis and C microcephala. The species Rivularia haematites, which can be found in stagnant and running waters on limestone (Starmach, 1966), was present at sampling sites B, C and E. On the same substrate, Amphipleura peilucida, Caloneis alpestris, Cymbeila laevis and Tolypothrix cacullata are also widespread (Starmach, 1966; Krammer & Lange-Bertalot, 1986, 1991a). Batrachospermum vagum, a characteristic oligotrophies water species (Hindak et al., 1978), was found at sampling site E during the summer 1998. At sampling sites B, C, D and E, Dinobryon sertularia was present, while at sampling site B Peridinium umbonatum was established. Both species are characteristic of plankton (Hindak et a/., 1978). The presence of plankton species in the rivers depends on the water retention time in stagnant places. The high species diversity was found at sampling site F - the Dragonja river estuary. The total number of different planktonic and periphyton species was 121 (Tab. 2). By their nature, estuaries are generally eutrophic and dynamic systems. Consequently, the number of species 85 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. - 13 • 2003 • 1 Aleksandra KRiVOCRAD KI.EMENClt el at.: ALGAE IN DRAGONJA RIVER. 83-90 Tab. 2: List of algal species occurring in the river Dragonja and its tributary Pinjevec during the years 1998, 1999 and 2000. Legend: 1 - single, 2 - rare, 3 - common, 4 - frequent, 5 - dominant species; A - source, B - Skrline, C -pool, D - slow current, E - strong current, F - estuary. Tab. 2: Vrstna sestava alg v reki Dragonji in v pritoku Pinjevcu v letih 1998, 1999 in 2000. Legenda: 1 - posamična, 2 - redka, 3 - običajna, 4 - pogosta, 5 - dominantna vrsta; A - izvir, B - Škrline, C - tolmun, D - počasi tekoča. E ~ brzica, E - izliv. Taxon Sampling site A B C D £ F CYANOPHVTA CYANOPHYCEAE * Born j trilocularis Cohn 1 1 i 1 Calolhtis parietina (Naegeli) "fhurel 1 Calothrix sp. ? 1 Daclylococcopsis rhaphidioides 3 Hansg. *G!oeorjpui biluminosa (Bory) Kuetz. i 1 Gloeocapsa monta n a Kuetz. 1 Cloeocapsa turgida (Kuetz.) Holler. 7 1 1 î Lyngbya crypiovaginata Schkorbatoff 1 'Lyngbya peielcgans U-inrn 1 Merisiriopcdia giaitca (Eforen.5 Naegeli l 1 1 1 Meriimopedia punctata Meyen 1 1 1 NosUk paludosum Kuetz. 1 î 1 Nostoc sp. ! 'Oscillatoria heievirens (C rouan) î Comont Oscii/atoria okem'r Agardh \ Oscillatoria subcapital!! Ponomarenko 2 Phormidium arnbiguum Comoul 1 *Phormidium angustissimum W. & 1 3 3 2 O.S. West Phormidium autumnal e (Agardh) Co- 1 2 1 ;> 1 1 mmit *Phormidiurn dimorphum Lemin. 1 Phormidium foveolarum (Mont.) Co- -î mont Phormidium fragile (Menegli.) Co- 2 mont Phormidium retzii (Agardh) Comont \ 1 t 1 Phormidium sp. t 1 1 1 1 1 Plectonema sp. 1 'Pseudanabaena papiltalerminata 3 3 1 3 1 (Kiss.) Kukk "Pseudospirulina amosna Pars ko v. & 1 Jahnke Rhabdoderma //»pare Sdimidle A 1 tauter. Rivularia haematites (D.C.) Agardh 2 3 3 'Schizothrix friesii (Agardh) Comont i 2 Schizothrlx lateritia (Kuetz ) Comont 2 1 1 Schizothrix sp. 1 Spin/Una maior Kuetz. 1 Spiruiina sp. Î "Spinitma tenuissima Kuetz. t Synechococcus cedronun Sauvageau 2 2 1 î 'Synechocy&tis septentrlonalis Skuja 1 *Tolvpothris cucullata )aag 3 1 3 2 EUKARVOTA RHODOPHYTA FLORID LOPHYCEAE Audouinella chajybea (Lyngbe) Fries 1 i Satrachospermum vagum (Roth.) t Agardh HETEROKONTOPHYTA CHRYSOPHYCEAE Oinobryon sertulana Einen. 1 1 ! 1 SACILI.AR10PHYCEAE Achrranthes de tica tula (KtietZ.) Grun. ! Achnanthes flexella (Kuetz.) Brun 1 3 3 2 1 Achnanlhes laevis Oestrup i 1 Achnanthes fanceoíota ssp./anceoiata 1 var.Lviceolata (Rreb.) Grun. Achnanthes ininutissims Kuetz. 5 5 5 5 4 3 TAchnanthes septals A. Cleve 3 Achnanthes sp. 1 1 1 AnifMpteuni peltucida (Kuetz ) Kuetz. J 1 fAmphora angusta (Greg.) Cleve j Amphora coffeaefotmis (Agardh) 1 3 Kuetz. Amphora Irbyca Ehren. 1 1 Amphora montana Krass. 1 1 i Amphora ovalis (Kuetz.) Kuetz. 1 1 1 1 1 Amphora pediculusÍKuetz.) Ctunow 1 Anomoeoncis vitrea tCrim.) Ross 2 3 3 3 1 Autacoseira granúlala (Ehren.) Simon. 1 *ßaciüaria paradox a Gflslin T 1 Caloñéis alpcitrii (Grun.) Cleve 1 1 1 1 3 1 Caloñéis baa'¡him (Grun.) Cleve 1 'Caloñen mol aus (Grun.) Kramm. 1 1 Ca toneis putchra Messik. 1 Caloñéis schutnanniana (Grun.) Cleve 1 Caloñéis silicuia i. silicula (Ehren.) 1 Cleve Caloñéis tenuis Greg. 1 Cocconp'ts pedicvltts Ehren. j . Cocconeis píaf.ej!Íu/a Ehren. 1 3 Cychte/1,7 ocellata Panto. 1 t Cycloieila sp. i 1 1 1 1 rCytmtopieura solea var. apiculata 1 1 (W.Srnith) Ralfs Cymbella a ¡finis Kuetz. 1 '1 S 5 S 1 Cymbella amplucephala var. amphi- 1 2 i l 1 1 ccphala Naegeli 'Cymbella caespitosa (Kuetz.) Brun 1 Cymbella c.esatii (Raben.) Grün. 2 3 3 2 Cymbella cisluía 1 Ihren.) Kirch. 2 t 1 1 Cymbella cymbiformis Agardh 2 2 1 1 Cymbella delicaluta Kuetz. 3 1 1 1 *CymMls descripta (Husl.) Kramin. & 1 ! 2 2 1 Lart.-Bert. Cymbella ehrenbergii Kuetz. I Cymbella helvetica Kuetz. J 1 Cymbella incerta (Grün.) Cleve 1 Cymbelh iaevis Naegeü 2 1 1 Cymbella microcephala Grun. 3 3 3 4 3 1 Cymbella prostrata (Berk.) Cleve 1 1 1 1 "Cymbella pusilla Grun. 1 1 1 1 3 86 ANNALCS • Ser. hist. nal. • 13 • 2003 • 1 Alatcsawfc» KR'VOGRAU M.EMCNOC er ! Cymbeila tupicola Grun. 2 S I 1 1 Cymbeila sihsiaca Sieisch 1 2 2 1 | Cymbeila smuata Greg. 1 ! \ | Cyrnbella subaequalis Grun. 1 ! 1 3 1 1 Cymbeila túmida (S3reh ! Van Heurcfc 1 'Cynibella ruinidula var. lancettula 1 'J 3 3 2 Kranwi. Cymbeila tumidula var twnidula 3 2 3 3 1 ¿. Grun 'Dentículo kucUingii Ctun. 3 3 3 t 1 "Denticula subtilis Grun. Dentículo tenuis K.uetz. 3 1 1 1 1 'Diatoma ehrenbergii Kuetz 1 1 Diatoma tenuis Agardh 3 1 3 3 Diploneis elllptica (Kueiz.; Cleve ! } 1 1 1 Diploneis obic-ngelta (Naegeli) Cleve- 1 Í 2 1 2 Euler Éuriotía arcus Ehren ! 2 2 2 1 £> 1 Eunotia exigua (Breb l Raben. \ 'fragilaria bíceps (Kuetz.) Lan.-ßert. 1 3 3 3 2 Fragila'>a capucina Dcsm. 1 1 1 1 1 Fragitaria ronstniens Ehren. 1 Fragilaria fasciculata {Agardh) Lan.- 3 1 3 3 1 Bert. 'Frngihma montana ( j 1 an.-Bett 1 Fragilaria teñera (W.Smitli) lan.-Bert. 4 4 5 3 l Fragilaria ulna var. actis (Kuetz . Lan.- ! Bert. i a ulna var. nina (Nftzsch) 1 1 Lan.-Bert. Frustuiia rhomboides (Ehren.) De Toni 1 'Frustuiia spicula Amosse 3 1 frustuiia vulgaris (Thwait.) De Toni 1 1 1 Gornphonema acuminatum thron. 1 1 Gornphonema angustatum (Kuetz..) 4 2 3 7 1 1 Raben. Gornphonema angusium Agardh 3 3 3 3 3 1 Gomphonema davatum Ehren 1 i 1 1 1 Gornphonema olivaceum (Horn.) 1 t 1 Breb. Gornphonema parvulum Kuetz. 1 1 \ 1 Gornphonema truncaium Ehten. I 1 Gyrofignia acummaluin (Kuetz.) ! 1 1 Raben. Gyrosigma attenualum (Kuetz.) Raben. 1 1 Í 1 "Gyrosigma nodiferum (Grun.) Reimer I 'Gyrosigma tenuissimuni (W.Smitli) 1 Cieve "Gyrosigma wansbeckii (Oankin) 1 Cleve Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehren.) <_>¡uii. ! 1 1 Mastogloia stnithii Thwait. 1 •y 3 2 'Melosira moniliformis (Muelt.) 1 Agardh "Melosiia nummuloides (Diitwyn) Agardh Melosira varían; .Agardh 1 'vteridion circulare (Gtev.) Agardh 1 1 'Navícula accomoda Husi. \ 1 1 Naw'tvia baciltum Ehren. 1 2 "Navícula bryophila Pet. 5 2 Í Navícula capitatoradiata Germ. 1 1 7 2 Navícula contema Grun. 1 Navícula ervploeephala KueU. 2 1 1 1 1 <>(.: AI.GA1 IN DRACON.IA RIVER. 8J-TO Navícula cryptotenella Lan.-Bert. t t t 1 Navícula aispidata Kuetz. 1 'Navícula duerrenlxrrgiana Husl 3 Navícula eigriiens/s (Greg.) Ralfs 1 'Navícula gregaria Donkin ! "l i Navícula halophila ¡Grun.) Cleve 4 'Navícula fncertata lan.-ßert. -i £ 'Navícula libonensis Schoeman J 'Navícula margalithii Lan,-Bert. 2 Navícula mutica var. m«t Navícula véneta Kuetz. I 2 2 1 i ! No vie uta vilioía Schíman. 1 Neidiut» affine vai. affine (Ehren.) 1 Pfitzer *Neidium bi'sulcatum ¡Lagerst.) Cleve } *Neid/um ladogensis (Cleve) Foged i Neidium producium (W.Smitli) Cleve I Nitzschia amphibia f. amphibia Grun. 1 t Ntlzschia angustata fVV.Smith) Grun. I 2 t 1 l *Nitzschia anguslaiula Lan.-Bert. -t ! Nitzschia brevissima Grun. 1 *Nitzschia cocnpressa var comprensa 1 (Bailey) ßoyer fNitzschia constricta (Kuetz.) Ralf? 1 1 1 NiUiChia dissipata (Kuetz.) Grun. 1 1 i ! 1 I Nitzschia dubia W. Smith 1 Nitzschia fonticola Grun. I i 1 ^ ! I Nitzschia imstulum (Kuetz.) C^rtin. 1 'Nitzschia granúlala Grun. 1 *NtUichia levidensis var. salinarum 1 Grun. Nitzschia linearis (Agardh) W.Smitli t Nitzschia linearis var. linearis I 1 t 1 1 t (Agardh) W. Smith 'Nitzschia longissima var. genuina A. 1 Cleve 'Nitzschia lorenziana Grurt. 1 Nitzschia microcephalia Grun. 1 'Nitzschia naviculars (öreb.) Grun. I Nitzschia palea (K'uetz.) W. 5mitl> I 5 5 1 J I Nitzschia panvla Lewis 1 Nitzschia recta Hani. i 1 Nitzschia recta var. recia l-lant. 1 *Nitzschia scalpelliformis Grun. I 'Nitzschia sigma (Kuetz.) W. Smith Nitzschia sp. ) "Piimularia dive/gens W.Smith 1 Pinnutaria interrupts W. Striith 1 Pinnularia mai'or(Kuetz ) Raben. 1 t 1 1 Í Pinnularia microstauron var. mí- 1 2 1 1 t crostauron (Linen.) Cleve 'Pinnularia rupestris Hant. ! t 87 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 13 • 2003 • 1 Alokfandrn KRIVOGRAD KLCMWCIC ef ni: AI.CAF IN DRAGON|A R!VFR. 83-90 'f'nmularia subcapitata var, hilseana 1 1 1 1 (Jan.) Muell Pinnularia subcapitata vac subcapitata 1 Greg. Pinnularia viridis (Nitzsch) Ehren. 1 1 rPk:timsigma salinarum Grun. 3 "Pleurosigma strigosum VV. Smith 1 Rhoicospbenia abbteviata (Agardh) 1 1 i 1 Lan.-Bert. *Rhopalodia brebissonii Krammer 1 "Rhopalodia constricta IW. Smith) 1 Kramm. Rhopalodia gibba (i hren.) O. Muell, 1 1 1 1 Stauroneis aneeps Ehren. 1 Stauroneis phoeuicenteron (Niizsch; ( Fhren. Siaurorieis smithii var. smithii Grun. 1 Surirella angusla Kuet*. t Surirella bit'rons Ehren. ] Surirella biseriata Breb. 1 'Surirella brebissonii Kramm. & Lan.- 1 3 Bert. 'Suriiella constricta W. Smilh ! Surirella spiralis Kuetz. 1 1 DINOPHYTA DiNOPHYCEAE Peridinium bipes Stein 3 Pendinium umbonatum Stein 2 EL'GLENOPHYTA EUGLENOPHYCEAE Emglena sp. 5 CHLOROPMYTA | CHLOROPHYCEAE Eulbocbaete sp. 1 1 Cladophora Sracta Kuetz. 1 I 1 Oadophora sp. ! Coelaslrum reticulatum (Dang.) Senn. t Zntcromorpha sp. 4 Microspora anioena (Kuetz.) Raben. 1 Microspora paehyderma (Wille) 1 Lagerh. Oeoogoniuin sp, 3 1 1 ä t t Oocystis pusilla Hansg. 1 Oocystis sp. t 1 I Pediastrum integrum Naegeli 1 Scenedesmun brasiliensis Bohl. 1 1 5«>ncrfesn}üs serratus (Corda) Bohl. 1 Trente.pohlia aurea (Li Martius 2 1 5 ! Ulothrix tenerrima Kuctz. 1 Ulothrix zonala (Web- & Mohr.) 1 Kuetz. Uronema contervicolum Lagerh. I ZYGNEMATOPHYCEAE Closterium couiu Einen, 1 t Cosmarium ochtodes Nordit. 1 1 ¡ t Cosmarium sp. 1 ? 1 1 Mougwto parvula Hassal. 1 Mougeotia sp. 1 ? \ 1 I Spirogyia sp. 1 1 j Zygnema sp. 2 1 3 1 | Total No. of species 62 116 105 89 94 121 * Algae first recorded in Slovenia in the flora is variable and sometimes high {Kiiham & Mavuti, 1990). However, Remane & Schlteper (1971; in Kies, 1997) discovered just the opposite, that the lowest number of species occurs in brackish waters. The number of species increases with the distance from brackish water towards fresh and salty water. Planktonic algae entering the estuary from upstream reach their upper limit of salt tolerance at approximately 5 %c, while marine planktonic algae entering the estuary from the sea approach their lower limit in the salinity gradient at about the same point, f resh water, brackish and marine algal species were present in the Dragonja river estuary. In the Warri/Forcados estuary in Nigeria, the phyto-plankton community was composed of fresh-water, brackish and marine species as well. Fresh water species mainly belonged to Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Cyanophyceae, brackish species mainly to Bacillariophyceae, and marine species mainly to Bacillariophyceae and Dinophyceae (Kiiham & Mavuti, 1990). Chindah & Pudo (1991) found similar results during their research on algal communities in the estuary of the Bonny river in Nigeria, where Bacillariophyta constituted more than 50% of fresh water and brackish species. Fuglenophyceae and Chlorophyceae occurred mainly in those parts of the river estuary, were fresh water was predominant. In the Dragonja river estuary, the marine and brackish algae were almost exclusively diatoms as well. In the Dragonja estuary, the following marine species were present: Achnanthes septata, Amphora angosta, Gyrosigma tenuissimum, G. wansbeckii, Nitzschia longissima var. genuina, Pleurosigma strigosum and En-teromorpha sp., and the following brackish species: A1e-losira moniliformis, Denticula subtilis, Navícula duer-renbergiana, N. halophila, N. iricertala, IV. receris, Pleurosigma salinarum, Nitzschia compressa var. compressa, N. granulatei, N. lorenziana, N. levidensis var. salinarum, N. naviculars, N. sigma and Khopaladia constricta. Very similar brackish and marine species were found in the estuaries of other rivers around the world (Freese, 1952; Hendey, 1958; Wood, 1968; Kiiham & Mavuti, 1990). This indicates a cosmopolitan nature of the majority of the above listed algal species. Diatoms predominated in the estuary of Dragonja river, which is similar to the findings by other authors from rivers' estuaries (Chindah & Pudo, 1991; Kies, 1997). In all five periphyton and phytoplankton samples taken at sampling site F, the following species were present: Achnanthes septata, Cocconeis pediculus, Gyrosigma acuminatum, Navícula mutica var. mutica and Nitzschia frustulum. Achnanthes septata and Nitzschia frustulum were the most frequent species. 65 algal taxa recorded for the first time in Slovenia ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. - 13 • 2003 • 1 AlckiaiKltil KRlVOCtiAD HHMEnOC ALGAE ¡N DRAGONJA RIVER. (H ?>0 were determined in the Dragonja river and its affluent Pinjevec (Tab. 2). 13 taxa belonged to Cyanophyceae and 52 to Bacillariophyceae. "( he highest number of the taxa recorded for the first time (38) was determined in the Dragonja river estuary (sampling site F), belonging mainly to the genus Nitzschia (9) and Navicula (6). Marine and brackish species were predominant, which did not occur at other sampling sites. CONCLUSIONS At the five sampling sites on the Dragonja river (A, C, D, E, F) and at the single site on its tributary Pinjevec (B), the total number of algal taxa was 238, 170 taxa belonged to Bacillariophyceae, 38 to Cyanophyceae, 17 to Chiorophyceae, 7 to Zygnematophyceae, 2 to Florideo-piiyceae, 2 to Dinophyceae, 2 to Chrysophyceae, and 1 to Eugienophyceae. 20 taxa were present at all sampling sites: Phormidium autumnale, P. sp., Achnanthes flex- ella, A. minutissima, Caloñen alpestris, Cymbeila affinis, C. amphicephala var, amphicephala, C. microcephala, C. süesiaca, Diploneis oblonge!la, Eunotia arcus, Fragilaria biceps, Compbonema angustatum, C. angustum, Navícula radiosa, N. venet.a, Nitzschia cl is sipa ta, N. linearis var. linearis, N. palea and Oedogonium sp. Among 238 taxa, 65 were recorded for the very first time in Slovenia. 1.3 taxa belonged to Cyanophyceae and 52 taxa to Bacillariophyceae, The highest number of the taxa recorded for the first time was determined in the Dragonja estuary. Marine and brackish species, which did not occur at other sampling sites, were predominating, As the algal species composition between sampling sites C, D and E (which differed mainly due to their water currents) did not vary a great deal, it can be concluded that the speed of the water current did not have a significant influence on the composition of the species of algal communities. ALGE V REK! DRAGONji Aleksandra KRIVOCRAD KLEMENČIČ 51-1290 Grosuplje, Čušperfc 51 Danijel VRHOVŠEK Limnos d.o.o, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Podlnnbarskcga 31 Ei-mail: info@! Gorazd KOSI Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, 51-1001 Ljubljana, Večna pot 111 POVZETEK V obdobju med letoma 1998 in 2000 smo v različnih letnih časih vzorčevali perifitonske in planktonske alge v reki Dragonji, pritoku Pinjevcu in v brakičnem predelu izliva Dragonje. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti vrstno sestavo in relativno abundanco algnih zdivžb na območju, ki je predvideno za regijski krajinski park. Identificirali smo 238 taksonov alg. Prevladovale so kremenaste alge (170 taksonov), sledile so cianobakterije (38 taksonov) in zelene alge (17 taksonov). Druge skupine alg so bile zastopane le s posameznimi predstavniki. Zasledili smo večje število v Sloveniji prvič opaženih taksonov, ki so vezani predvsem na brakični del izliva Dragonje. Med 65 v Sloveniji prvič opaženimi taksoni je 13 taksonov pripadalo skupini cianobakterij in 52 kremenastim algam. Visoko število teh taksonov je posledica neraziskanosti brakičnih algnih združb v Sloveniji. 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