©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, JUNE 2003 Vol. 11, No. 1: 79-83 NEW RECORDS TO THE CADDISFLY (TRICHOPTERA) FAUNA OF SLOVENIA, E. Gorazd URBANIČ University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology, Večna pot 111, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail:Gorazd.Urbanic@uni-lj.si Abstract - A list of nine first records to the Slovenian caddisfly fauna from different parts of the country is given. Three genera are recorded for the first time in Slovenia. Among them the genus Beraeamyia includes two species, B. schmidi and B. hrabei. The latter was collected in Slovenia at the most western location in Europe. The number of recorded Slovenian caddisfly species increased to 224. Key words: Trichoptera, caddisflies, fauna, new records, Slovenia Izvleček - NOVI PODATKI O FAVNI MLADOLETNIC (TRICHOPTERA) V SLOVENIJI, II. Naveden je seznam devetih novih vrst v favni Slovenije, ulovljenih v različnih predelih države. Trije rodovi so bili v Sloveniji najdeni prvič, od teh rod Beraeamyia vključuje dve vrsti: B. schmidi in B. hrabei. Slednja je bila v Sloveniji ulovljena na najbolj zahodnem najdišču v Evropi. Število vrst mladoletnic, najdenih v Sloveniji, je naraslo na 224. Ključne besede: Trichoptera, mladoletnice, favna, novi podatki, Slovenija Introduction In recent years caddisflies were studied more intensivelly in Slovenia, what resulted in many published papers dealing with them (Urbanič et al., 2000a, b, c; Urbanič & Krušnik, 2002; Urbanič & Waringer, 2002a,b). A Preliminary list of Slovenian Trichoptera with 212 included species was also published by Krušnik & Urbanič (2002). In addition, 3 new records were published after that in works of Urbanič (2001) and Urbanič et al. (2002). 79 Acta entoinologica slovenica, 11 ( 1 ), 2003 During the last year intensive work has continued. Many collected and determined specimens, received also from colleagues, confirmed occurence of many new species in the Slovenian fauna. Results and discussion Nine new species to the fauna of Slovenia were collected in different parts of the country. 3 new species belong to the family Beraeidae, which included up to now only five species in Slovenia. The genus Beraeamyia is new in the Slovenian fauna: B. schmidi Botosaneanu 1960 occurs in Italy, Dinarids and the Carpathians, whereas B. hrabei (Mayer 1937) is central-southeast european species (Botosaneanu & Malicky, 1978; Malicky, 1985). The latter was collected in Slovenia at the most western location in Europe. The third new representative of this family, Beraea maurus (Curtis 1834), is according to Botosaneanu & Malicky (1978) widespread in Europe. Two other species of genus Beraea, B. pullata (Curtis, 1834) and B. dira McLachlan, 1875, are more common in Slovenia, whereas B. maurus was collected only at one location. Two new species belong to the families Leoptoceridae and Limnephilidae, respectively. Both new Ceraclea species were collected at large rivers at lower elevations where also larvae were found (Urbanic, unpublished). It seems that both species occur in potamal stretches of the rivers, which are, especially in western and central Europe, quite polluted or have altered channel morphology. According to the data from Botosaneanu & Malicky (1978) both species are widespread in Europe, but checklists of western and central European countries show that C. riparia is rare in these regions. Both new records from the family Limnephilidae are first representatives of the genus in Slovenia. Acrophylax zerberus Brauer 1867 is a typical alpine species, which occurs in Europe in Alpine mountains (Botosaneanu & Malicky 1978). In Slovenia, this species was found in Julian Alps, wheras second new lim-nephilid representative in Slovenian fauna, Chaetopterygopsis maclachlani Stein 1874, was found in Pohorje. It is widespread in Europe. Among new records, finding of Synagapetus armatus McLachlan 1879 is the most interesting. The species is rare in Europe and according to Botosaneanu & Malicky (1978) occurs in Carpathian mountains and in the West-Dinarids. The present knowledge of its distribution shows that the population in Slovenia is isolated. The species does occur in Hungary, but only in the north-eastern (Carpathian) part (Kiss 2000). All other checklists of our neighbouring countries, eg. Austria, Italy, and Croatia, do not include this species (Malicky, 1999; Cianficconi, 2002; Kucinic-personal communication). All known findings in Slovenia are from subalpine region of north-west Slovenia, from small streams between 400 and 600 m a.s.l., and are according to lilies (1978) parts of the region 4 (Alps). The last new record to the Slovenian fauna, Rhyacophila obliterata McLachlan 1863, is widespread in Europe. According to Pitsch (1993), it occurs in streams under 1000 m a.s.l., at least in central Europe. However, in Slovenia the species was found at a higher elevation. 80 , , ,v , , -©Slovenian Entomological Society, download.unter www.biologiezentrum.at G. Urbanic: New records to the Caddisfly (Tnchoptera) fauna of Slovenia, II. List of new records Rhyacophilidae 1. Rhyacophila obliterata McLachlan 1863 Distribution: widespread in Europe Stream Oplotnica, Jurgovo, Pohorje, 1060 m, WM 24, 28.10. 1989 , \S, leg. I. Sivec Glossosomatidae 2. Synagapetus aimatus McLachlan 1879 Distribution: Carpathian and West-Dinarids Stream Češnjica, Rudno, VM 32, 07.05. 1991, 1$; stream Jernejčkov graben, Setnik, VM 40, 18.06. 1991 4$, leg. B.Horvat & I. Sivec Limnephilidae 3. Acrophylax zerberus Brauer 1867 Distribution: Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathian, Subalpin mountains Koča pri sedmerih jezerih, 1683 m, Triglav National park, 21.07. 1983, 1$; 05.07. 2000 1(3\ 1?, all leg. I. Sivec 4. Chaetopteiygopsis maclachlani Stein 1874 Distribution: widespread in Europe Pesek, Pohorje, 1340 m, WM 24, 28.10.1989, iS, 1?, leg. I. Sivec & B. Horvat Leptoceridae 5. Ceraclea annulicomis (Stephens 1836) Distribution: widespread in Europe River Mura, Srednja Bistrica, 09.06. 2000, 1$, 1?, leg. G. Urbanič 6. Ceraclea riparia (Albarda 1874) Distribution: widespread in Europe Kostanjevica na Krki, 07.07 1994, 12.07. 1994 1$, 28.07. 1994 2$, 1$, all leg. S. Gomboc (light-trap) Beraeidae 7. Beraeamaurus (Curtis 1834) Distribution: widespread in Europe Slovenska Bistrica, WM 44, 22.06. 1989, 1leg. I. Sivec & B. Horvat 81 Acta entoinologica slovenica, 11 ( 1 ), 2003 8. Beraeamyia hrabei (Mayer 1937) Distribution: central and south-east Europe Stream Skrednica, Brezovica v Podbočju, WL 47, 05.07. 1990, leg. M. Černila & B. Horvat, stream Črni potok, Žerovnik, VL 50, 05.07. 1995, l6\ leg. I. Sivec & B. Horvat; stream Grabnarica, Bormes, VM 50, 05.07. 1995, \S, leg. I. Sivec & B. Horvat; stream Rečica, Lipnica, 10.07.2002, 1 VM33, leg. G. Urbanič 9. Beraeamyia schmidi Botosaneanu 1960 Distribution: Balkan, Carpathian mountains and Italy River Reka, Zabiče, VL 53, 14. 05. 1992, 1<$, 1$, leg. B. Horvat & I. Sivec, river Idrijca, Bača pri Modreju, 13.06.2002, 1$, VM01, leg. G. Urbanič Acknowledgement The author thanks all those named collegues who collected the specimens. References Botosaneanu L., H. Malicky, 1978: Trichoptera. in lilies J. (ed.): Limnofauna Europaea, 2. Auflage, Gustav Fischer Verlag - Stuttgart - New York - Sweets & Zeitlinger - Amsterdam, pp. 333-359. Cianficconi, F., 2002: The third List of Italian Trichoptera (1990-2000). Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Trichoptera, Potsdam. Nova Supplementa Entomologica 15: 349-358. Blies, J., 1978: Limnofauna Europaea, 2. Auflage, Gustav Fischer Verlag - Stuttgart - New York - Sweets & Zeitlinger - Amsterdam, 521pp. Kiss, O. 2000: Re wie v and results of Trichoptera research in Hungary up to the turn of the millenium. - Journal of the Hungarian hydrological society 80(4): 241-246. Krušnik, C., G. Urbanič, 2002: Preliminary list of Slovenian Trichoptera. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Trichoptera, Potsdam. Nova Supplementa Entomologica 15: 359-364. Malicky, H., 1985: Die Verbreitung der Arten der Gattung Beraeamyia (Insecta, Trichoptera, Beraeidae) mit Beschreibung des Männchens von B. christenseni. Ann. Musei Goulandris 7: 325-331. Malicky, H., 1999: Eine aktualisierte Liste der österreichischen Köcherfliegen (Trichoptera). Braueria, 26: 31-40. Pitsch, T., 1993: Zur Larvaltaxonomie, Faunistik und Ökologie mitteleuropäischen Fliesswasser-Köcherfliegen (Insecta: Trichoptera). Landwirtschaftsentwicklung und Umweltforschung-Schrieftenrheihe des Fachbereichs Landschaftsentwicklung-Sonderheft S8, 316 pp., Technische Universität Berlin. Urbanič, G., 2001: Contribution to the knowledge of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the reservoir Ledavsko jezero, NE Slovenia. Acta Entomologica Slovenica, 9(2): 129-134. 82 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at G. Urbanic: New records to the Caddisfly (Trichoptera) fauna of Slovenia, II. Urbanid, G., C. Krusnik, 2002: The female of Chaetopteryx irenae Krusnik & Malicky 1986. - Acta Entomologica Slovenica, 10(1): 21-24. Urbanid, G., J. A. Waringer, 2002a: The larva and the life cycle of Potamophylax pallidus (Klapalek 1899) (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae). Lauterbornia 43: 101109. Urbanid, G., J. A. Waringer, 2002b: The larva of Beraea dira McLachlan 1875. Aquatic Insects 24: 213-217. Urbanid, G., C. Krusnik, H. Malicky, 2000a: Rhyacophila schmidinarica, a new species of the philopotamoides group (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) from northern Balkan peninsula. Braueria, 27: 17-18. Urbanid, G., C. Krusnik, M. J. Toman, 2000b: New Records for the Caddisfly Fauna of Slovenia (Insecta, Trichoptera). Acta Entomologica Slovenica, 8(1): 43-48. Urbanid G., M. J. Toman, C. Krusnik, 2000c: Downstream changes in caddisfly fauna (Insecta, Trichoptera) in relation to environmental variables in the River Scavnica (NE Slovenia): a multivariate approach using a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Acta biologica Slovenica, 43(4): 21-35. Urbanid, G., C. Krusnik, H. Malicky, 2002: Drusus slovenicus (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae), a new species from Slovenian alps. Braueria, 29: 35. Received /Prejeto: 8. 11. 2002 83