American in Spirit; Foreign in Language only Serving American Slovenians for 110 years American Home Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 110, No. 15 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 Phone: (216) 431-0628 E-mail: $1.00 Reflection The next issue of the American Home newspaper will conclude 49 years of my continuous service to you. Thanks for allowing me to be your editor and publisher. It has been a profound honor and a genuine privilege. Thanks to all subscribers, advertisers, writers, photographers, and those who made extra donations to keep the paper going for so many years. It was truly amazing. With this independent newspaper (without foreign obligations or any other organizational commitments), I believe the people of Slovenian heritage have something special that no other nationality in the United States or Canada has. I am proud and deeply grateful to every one of you for your loyalty and support and belief in a free press. Sincere best wishes and may God love and protect you and keep you in his loving care. I will miss you all. So long. -Jim Debevec, _________________________________ Editor, Publisher Consul General Recognizes Work of Ameriška Domovina The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland recognizes the American Home/Ameriška Domovina on the occasion of its closing after a century of service to countless Slovenians living outside of Slovenia. Not only has the American Home become a true Slovenian-American and Slovenian-Canadian institution, uniting Slovenians in those countries, but it has also reached Slovenians in South America, Australia and beyond. The Consulate General recognizes and praises the American Home for its many rich contributions to the preservation of Slovenian culture and heritage and for providing news and knowledge of all things Slovenian to Slovenians living abroad. Among the many credits that are due to the American Home/Ameriška Domovina is the promotion of positive relations between the United States and the Republic of Slovenia. Because of the American Home/Ameriška Domovina, Slovenians living outside of Slovenia were informed of student exchange programs, scholarship opportunities and seminars specifically designed for Slovenians living abroad. For these and many other reasons, the American Home/Amcriska Domovina will be sorely missed. Compliments to publishers, owners and English language editors, Mr. and Mrs. James Debevec, to Slovenian editor Dr. Rudolf Šušel and to all previous publishers and editors who gave so generously of themselves to create and maintain what is truly a Slovenian-American institution. We arc grateful and proud of your achievements and wish you great health and success in the future. Finally, I wish to express my genuine appreciation to the American Home for supporting the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland by publishing our press releases and promoting our endeavors. It has been a great pleasure working with you for our shared cause of preserving and promoting Slovenian culture and heritage. Sincerely, Dr. Zvone Žigon Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia Cleveland l'lMl,l,l|||,1,|1.|,,,,|||l|MI|IU,UW»KmK.Jr*4 019*009*****~*************"*S-DtGIT 44081 Marian mcmahon 3933 OHIO ST PERRY OH 44081-9662 2008 Slovenska Pristava Campers John Graf in Western Egypt John Graf Receives Fulbright John Graf, son of Marie vclopment of the World and Mark Graf of Euclid and grandson of Iva and Stane Vidmar of St. Vitus Village, has been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student scholarship to Egypt in Geology. The Fulbright Program, America’s flagship international educational exchange program, is sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Graf is a 2006 honors graduate of the University of Michigan with a degree in geology. He has been working for the University’s Museum of Paleontology since 2002 as a fossil preparatory. Graf spent his summers during high school years volunteering in the paleontology lab at The Cleveland Museum of National History. His project for the Fulbright grant will be the de- Hcritage Site Wadi al-Hitan in the western desert of Egypt. This will focus primarily on aiding in the extraction of new fossil materials from the field, doing initial research of that material, developing proper preparation and storage facilities, and training personnel in how to run the new facilities. Graf spent the fall of 2007 in Egypt doing field work for the University of Michigan and saw the need for developing a standard procedure for protecting fossil materials. The western desert of Egypt is one of the richest sources for prehistoric aquatic mammals - ancient whales. Graf leaves mid September and will return to the United States in June, 2009 to attend graduate school. Be involved, be on the move, and do not give up until the end of your life.” - Leon Štukelj Susanna Music Earns Science Degree - magna cum laude Susanna C. Music, from Kirtland, Ohio, received a Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude, in Psychology at John Carroll University’s commencement exercises on Sunday, May 18, 2008. Music is a member of Alpha Sigma Nu, the Jesuit Honor Society. Susanna is the daughter of Boris and Carolyn Music. John Carroll University, located in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, is a liberal arts university grounded in the Jesuit Catholic tradition. The University has more than 3,000 undergraduates and nearly 700 graduate students. The U.S. News & World Report’s 2008 annual college guide ranks the master’s degree program at John Carroll University among the ton 10 universities across the Midwest. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 ^ AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons'. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir, Paul Hribar NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 15 August 7, 2008 Hooray for Pope Pius XII by RUDY FLIS Recently, after Mass I mentioned to my young pastor I had a private audience with Pope Pius XII. He said, “That’s ancient history.” Perhaps he is right and I should let you youngsters see what this great Pope lived through and a thing or two he did for the world and mankind. What a great man, leader, and head of the church he was. About six months before the Second World War started, Cardinal Pacelli was elected Pope. His picture was always in the hallway of every Catholic school I attended. He was called to lead the Church at a very difficult time in world history. He was a great spiritual leader with love and compassion for all of mankind. After reading the book, “Pius XU” by Ethel Tolansky and Helen Scott, I feel he was the right man at the right time, deeply committed to our Savior and His Blessed Mother. This is the Pope I met, with about 60 other American GTs on a Sunday morning in January, 1954, thanks to my Chaplin Fr. Malloy, a Paulist Father who gave me a letter for the audience. As Pope Pius stepped through the door and greeted us with his smile, allowing all to kiss his ring, and then posing with all for the memorable picture. He said we were lucky to be able to travel as we did to Rome and other parts of Europe. I just could not believe my eyes as I looked at the successor to St. Peter. Until I read this book on Pius XII, I didn’t have a clue what an inspiring man of God I had spent time with. Now I wonder, why me? There are so many more deserving than me to be in the presence of such greatness. Pope Pius XII saved many lives during the war as he had to deal with the Madman Butcher Hitler and the Godless Stalin. Millions died at their hands and many more would have if not for the help of Pope Pius XII and the Church. Many say he did nothing for the suffering through the war. What is said of Pope Pius this day is much different than what was said at war’s end. Who would spread lies of such a holy man as Pope Pius XU? Am I wrong to feel some people dislike Catholics and the Church? The Catholic Church has had bad popes, Piux XII is not among them. SECRET: Something you tell to one person at a time. _________________-Phil Hrvatin LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Please Support ‘Progressive’ Slovenian Museum and Archives I recently read the article, PSWA Women Donate Archives” in the July 10, 2008 A.D. with interest. The PSWA has done many wonderful tings over the years for the Slovenian Homes, Churches, Lodges and the Slovenian Community. Truly, they have been “Progressive” in their work. When I look up “progressive” in the dictionary it defines it as, “An act of progressing or moving forward.” The Western Reserve Historical Society is another fine establishment that serves many interests. From the article, the Slovenian Community is encouraged to donate their photos, archive and letters for safekeeping and study. I also looked up the Western Reserve Historical Society’s website. It is a great website. But honestly I couldn’t find any links under the library and archives section to the Slovenian immigrant Experience. Certainly, items donated there are for safekeeping. But, is safekeeping Progressive? I don’t think so. I remember the first Indiana Jones movie, where at the end, Indiana was at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. There were boxes and boxes as far as the eye could see with archives. Numbers on boxes sitting on dusty racks. This is what I foresee the future of the items donated to the Western Reserve Historical Society. Doesn’t it seem odd and really sad that the Slovenians, numbering 80,000 strong in the Cleveland area, have never built their own museum and archives? The Ukrainians, Hungarians, Slovaks and many other nationalities in Cleveland have wonderful “live and active” facilities. I’m sure they have items at the Western Reserve Historical Society, also. But the pioneers who built their museums did not believe that the Western Reserve Historical Society was progressively where they wanted to store their archives. They progressed and moved forward by building their own museums. This is what we are in the process of doing. Over the last year, a group that represents a true cross section of the Slovenian Community has been working extremely hard to move forward with building the Slovenian Community’s own museum and archive. In just a few months, we have secured funding of over $125,000. Last month the museum was dedicated by the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the United States. The Slovenian Museum and Archives is growing, built by Slovenians to celebrate our Slovenian heritage. The dedication of the Board of Directors and Founding Members is truly “Progressive.” Please support the Slovenian Museum and Archives. Please donate your photos, archives, items and letters to the Slovenian Museum and Archives, 6415 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Phone(216)361-5600. As Slovenians, we need to support each other and continue to move forward in unison. To me, that is the definition of “Progressive.” --Bob Hopkins President Slovenian Museum and Archives St. Mary’s Annual Parish Picnic St. Mary’s Annual Parish Picnic will be at Slovenska Pristava in Harpcrsfield, OH on Sunday, Aug. 17. A chicken/roast beef dinner will be served at Pristava immediately after the 12:30 p.m. Mass donation is $12 for adults and $6 for children. Later in the day there will also be roast pig and lamb and čevapčiči dinners, plus an assortment of other food, refreshments and Bake Sale sponsored by the Altar Society. Veseli Godci will play for your dancing and listening pleasure. Everyone is most cordially invited to attend this fun-filled, pleasant event. St. Vitus Adult Slov. School The St. Vitus Adult Slovenian School will begin its seventh year on Saturday, Sept. 13. It has been operating under the auspices of St. Vitus Parish. Classes will be held at St. Martin dc Porres High School (formerly St. Vitus School), 6104 Lausche Avenue, two Saturdays monthly from 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. Textbooks arc from Slovenia. There will be beginning, intermediate, and advanced classes. The Slovenian School welcomes a new instructor, Dr. Vladimir Rus. Dr. Rus is very qualified with strong academic credentials. He taught the Russian language at the high school level and at Case Western Reserve University. He has also taught introductory Slovenian classes at Cleveland State University. Dr. Rus is also well known in the Slovenian community for his excellent lectures, most recently on Slovenia’s Regions and Dialects, as part of the Slovcnian-American Heritage Foundation’s lecture series. For more information, please call cither (440) 255-1178 or (216)289-7253. For your information, Cleveland State University and Lakeland Community College arc also offering college credit classes in the Slovenian language. Joyce Hribar Fiebig Attorney at Law 440-516-0200 x 204 Continuing the tradition established in 1952 www.lmbai law.coin Thanks to Prof. Lipovec Editor, Readers of the best newspaper, “Ameriška Domovina” wish to thank the many years Editor Professor Vinko Lipovec and his wife, Mara, for their excellent editing the paper each day, five days per week with objective and just news. May the Good Lord bless you and reward you highly, Professor Vinko Lipovec and your wife, Mara, and the present English editor, publishers James V. and Madeline Debevec, and Slovenian editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel. We wish you all a wonderful retirement. With gratitude and z Bogom. —Mary J. Cerer Friendship isn’t a big thing - it’s a million little things. -Ed Turk For Sale Musical Instruments Melodia Button Box CFB Flat. 120 Bass Piano Accordion 3 valve Bell Baritone King. Call (216) 524-8126 Accourdinci & Income Tax Service* 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216; 404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 EnrolM tc Practice Befdte tie Intcna: Revenue Service Servidcg Indmduals Corporations i Small businesses. This and that from Emilee by EMILEE JENKO Hoping that the summer is going fine even though the heat has been horrendous. I hate to think about the air conditioning bills. Get well wishes to Ann Zgonc, resident of Gateway in Euclid. She is a bit under the weather. She is one of a group in the choir at the SHA at Saturday Mass. Speedy recovery. Miss you. Best wishes to Fred and Fran Spelic on their 60th wedding anniversary from all the St. Clair Pensioners. Thanks for the treat. We all celebrated your anniversary. Get well wishes to two lovely ladies Mary Jane Hiti and Esther Podboy. Good luck for a speedy recovery. They are both very active in our Slovenian culture. So hurry and get better. Tony and Dorothy Spendal celebrated 54 years of togetherness. Congratulations and God bless. A few members of the Slovenian American National Art Guild were given a treat by attending the Vatican Exhibit at the Western Reserve Art Museum. It was very beautiful. All that gold encrusted with rubies, emeralds, and diamonds. Ooola, la. We enjoyed it so much by all SANAG members, but the piece de resistance was when Virginia Trivisonno put her hand on the bronze hand of Pope John Paul the Second and she became an instant celebrity. The one millionth person to touch the Pope’s bronze hand. Bravo to Virginia. She was gifted with a multitude of Vatican Treasures, an article and picture appeared in the News Herald. Congratulations to Virginia, what a coup. Happy Birthday to Anne Orlikowski from all your SWU members, especially me. She is forever young, 99 years. Lou Trcbar is now a resident of the SHA. I see him every Saturday at Mass attended with his daughter Ann. Belated 88th birthday to Lou from all his fans. Condolences to the family of Frances Spech, wife of Dr. Tony Spech. Arrangements by Cosic Funeral Home on Chardon Road. Rest in peace. Kenny Novak of Green Valley, Arizona had a record played on TP’s program. My friend Sophie Krane lives in Green Valley. I know she loves to polka. I wonder if she attends any of his dances. Bumped into Gwen Slapnik Washington at Waterloo Poorman’s Raffle. She looks great. We chatted a bit and then dad Jim Slapnik came and took her home. I’m glad she is up and about. Many thanks to Frankie Mullec for the polka tape he sent me. To wife, Terry, a speedy recovery. Luv ya. Get well wishes to Marie Kotar who had surgery as did Ann Arhar. Florence Jaksic is on the mend and up and about. Mimi Struna is looking great. Saw her at the Waterloo Raffle. And Angie Žabjek is up and running. Also saw her at the raffle. All these good friends need cheering up so give them a jingle or a card. Help Wanted Housekeeper: English speaking; Experienced, and dependable. East side suburb. Flexible hours and days. (216) 570-6161 Watched Dick Fcaglcr on WVIZ. One of his interviews was with Les Roberts. He is a novelist and writes a lot about Milan Jacovich, a Slovenian (his character in the books). A movie script (maybe) with his character is possible. Lcs Roberts was a good friend of Mitzi Jerman, a lovely lady and a good friend. He said he visited with her at her bar on East 39th and St. Clair Avenue many times. The interview with Lcs was short but very interesting. More wedding anniversaries, 59 years to Jim and Vickie Kozel. Congrats and bless you. Happy birthday wishes to Regina Burja from family and friends. Very happy birthday wishes from all the St. Clair Pensioners. Best Wedding anniversary wishes from all to Peter and Jeanette Ruminski. Many more happy years together. More quips from Ch. 22. How do you repair a broken tomato? Tomato paste. What did the hamburger name her daughter? Patty. Till we meet again I will leave you with this thought: Happiness is not only a destination, it is a pathway to live. As always, I remain your friend. —Emilee Hugs and kisses xxoxoxo To love and be loved is the greatest happiness. Why do we say “God Bless You” when people sneeze? Depending upon the culture of the blesser, it was believed that a sneeze either was caused by demons leaving the body, or else left one vulnerable for demons to enter the body. By calling for God’s blessing, one was theoretically protecting the sneezer from harm. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 Slovenian Women’s Union of America SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Financially assisting students since 1949 Applications are available - Donations welcomed or 1.815.727.1926 # Celebrating 85 years # # of giving you the world # Thank You to all our friends at the American Home that have printed our message of travel over the Generations! Exploring our Roots and Vines in Slovenia with the Slovenian Genealogy Society Conference in Slovenia ~ September 10-19, 2008 Staying in Portorož and Ljubljana Featuring: Expert guided tours including Piran & Maribor, SCSI events and presentations, and the opportunity to leam about Archive research. Tour and SCSI Conference: $1993 per person (limited availability!) KSKJ - Slovenia & Croatia Enjoy this 13 night fully escorted tour featuring: Ljubljana, Lake Bled, Goriška Brda, Škocjan Caves Istrian Peninsula, Opatija, Plitvice Lakes, Portorož 4 star hotels - Buffet Breakfast, Dinner and expert guided sightseeing daily, Music, wine tasting, great local foods - KSKJ Celebrations - all included! September 10 -23, 2008 Tour Cost: $2695 per person ^ Grand Canyon bv Rail & Sedona ^ Kollander Travel's own Judy Koblentz escorts this first class, inclusive tour featuring the breathtaking South Rim; Sedona, The GC Railway Hotel in Williams, Az. Maswick Grand Canyon Lodge, 3 nts Flamingo in Las Vegas First class hotels, Old West BBQ Dinner, guided tours, private coach, local expert sightseeing. $1549from Cleveland Oct. S - 15,2008 Kollander World Travel 971 E. 185th St-Cleveland OH 44119 (800)800-5981 - (216)692-1000 OMng You The World Since 1923 Hospitality is Highlighted in Slovenia Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. -Izaak Walton The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. _________ -Augustine How’s Your KOOT f Re-Roofs -dl*Tear-Offs -Jfc-Gutter Cleaning Ice Back-Up ^ Gutters -itt Siding General Repairs Butch Klimek Roofing FREE ESTIMATES For More information Contact Us Ah (440) 392-0060 or Cell (216) 324-8919 Licensed » Bonded • Insured Are you looking for... Golub Funeral Home 4703 Superior Ave. Suburban facilities available (216) 391-0357 Karla Golub Sodnikar "Service to Render a More Perfect Tribute" • Additional Life Insurance between $2,000 and $25,000 ? • A Simple fit Easy to Understand Application ? • Payments designed around your needs ? Has got a plan for you! To speak with a representative near your, call 1-800-THE-KSKJ Proudly serving American-Slovenians since 1894. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2UU8 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 Make a ‘Zupie’ - The Bread of Life by JOHN MERCINA “Once upon a time...,” so the story begins, my grandmother, living in a small village in Slovenia, used a wood-fired masonry stove to create, from a round ball of dough, a masterpiece that she simply called BREAD. On the days that she baked, the kneading, rising and the actual baking aroma of the fresh bread (and the escaping smoke from the stove), permeated the whole farmhouse. Yours truly, as a child, and the extended family as well as visiting friends and neighbors, enjoyed the bread. On some days it was the only food that the family could afford... in addition to home-grown potatoes. Through the succeeding years, the bread that was available to me in stores simply did not meet my expectations; even the savory Italian and German breads did not satisfy my taste. Yours truly craved this simple masterpiece, a hearty farmhouse bread, with crust and blackened crunchy base resulting from its direct contact with the firebricks in the stove’s hearth. In late 2006, an article in the New York Times described a new no-knead method of creating bread. Within a year, articles appearing in the Vogue magazine, Mother Earth News and on the Internet blogs peaked my interest. Using the basic ingredients of flour, yeast, salt and water AND A PROMISE OF THE LEAST AMOUNT OF WORK was the catalyst that prompted an attempt on my part to bake bread. After researching the Internet for additional ideas and much experimenting, the enclosed bread was bom and named “ZUPIE’S ARTISAN BREAD” or “ZUPIES,” for short. Using neighbors, friends and complete strangers as human guinea pigs, and receiving their “professional” opinions regarding changes to be made to the “ZUPIES” brought yours truly another idea: Since most people in the world eat bread, why not share home-baked bread to meet new people and maybe even make friends for life. Individuals can hope to change the world for the better, but as a group of people we can have a better chance to make a difference. A simple gesture of baking a loaf of bread every few weeks and giving it away just may be the way to unite all of us and get us through the differences that divide us. By enclosing a copy of this article with the attached recipe and detailed instructions, whether you are 5-years-old (with some assistance from your parents) or 100, you can make loaves of bread with the almost-no-knead method. Kitchen tools needed: • Dutch Oven (Lodge brand cast-iron, glazed, 3 qt. size from or S'/z qt. are the best and least expensive, or check garage sales for a used Dutch Oven). • One 10-inch used or new stainless steel / glass / pottery / Pyrex bowl. • One spatula • 1 measuring cup with 1 'A cup designation (for water), and 1 cup designation (for 3 cups of flour) • 1 teaspoon and 14 teaspoon measuring spoons • Plastic wrap, parchment paper, PAM spray Ingredients for One Loaf of “Zupies” • 3 cups of unbleached allpurpose or bread flour • % teaspoon active dry yeast • 1 teaspoon salt • I'/z cups of warm (85 to 95 degrees) water Details: • In a 10-inch bowl, mix flour, yeast and salt with a spatula • Add water and mix the ingredients with spatula, enough to get almost all flour mixed in • Cover bowl with plastic wrap to let dough rise undisturbed • Place bowl with dough in kitchen stove oven with only oven light on for 6 to 8 hours • Remove from bowl and place on flour dusted cutting board/tray/table top, fold over and punch and knead for 30 second. • Place in same (cleaned) bowl, after lining bowl with parchment paper sprayed with PAM, return to oven and let “rise” for two hours, loosely covered with allcotton cloth. Remove from oven. • Place covered “Dutch Oven” into the stove oven and preheat to 475 degrees; remove the Dutch Oven cover, remove the wrap and lift dough with parchment paper, place it in Dutch Oven and replace the cover. Set timer for 31 minutes and bake at the preheated 475 degrees. • Open the oven door after 31 minutes, remove the Dutch Oven cover and let bake uncovered for another 3 minutes. • Remove Dutch Oven from the oven, remove the bread and let cool down for 30 minutes. Wrap in an allcotton cloth to preserve. NB: Ingredients for one loaf of this bread cost less than 60 cents. If you belong to a church group, social club or live in a retirement community, group home or campus housing, share the expense of buying a Dutch Oven. Already in your kitchen inventory are probably a mixing bowl, spatula, measuring cups and measuring spoons, all-cotton cloth and PAM. ENJOY! If you have a “Professional” opinion / suggestions / questions, or criticism, please send an e-mail to: I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do for any fellow being, let me do it now... as I shall not pass this way again. - William Penn______________________________________ 100 Words More or Less by John Mercina WHO IS JOHN MERCINA? Since April Fool’s Day, 1991, yours truly has tried to bring you a sense of sanity and uplift through weekly columns in American Home. Judging from hundreds of letters that I have received during the 6,353 days of Mercina’s existence, I have failed miserably in some of my observations but also scored points in uplifting the spirit of the Slovenian readers. If I made you laugh or cry through my ramblings, you gave me a high. If I upset you, I can only say “Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. ” So, who is John Mercina? Do you remember the stranger who said “hello” to you on the street? How about the person who stepped aside to let you go in front of him in the grocery line? Do you remember the person sitting next to you in church who gave you a warm “sign of peace?” Have you heard about “St. Nicholas” who visits the Slovene Home for the Aged and St. Vitus Village? The truth is that each and every experience with goodness could be an encounter with John Mercina. Mercina never expected Ameriška Domovina to have a “final edition.” With that in mind, Mercina even prepared his own obituary to be published in American Home wherein Mercina’s true identity would be revealed. Now he is asking each one of you to be a John Mercina by keeping the spirit of American Home alive, doing something positive for complete strangers. Mercina, utilizing a format of a “Heavenly Fax,” will continue to contact grieving families of selected individuals, in an attempt to brighten their day with a message from heaven sent by the beloved departed. John Mercina, utilizing nom de plum of Abe Zimmerman, will also continue with an uplifting column in another weekly newspaper as well as hold used book sales using the format of “Books for Bambini,” with all proceeds to assist families whose children have incurable disease. John Mercina wishes to thank Jim and Madeline for the opportunities given to me through the columns. May you enjoy your retirement surrounded by family and friends. If you have any positive or negative comments regarding me, please send e-mail to: or send snail mail to John Mercina c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Avc., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692._________ ...I would like to sell my REAL ESTATE in SLOVENIA, but how ? We are here to help YOU to sell (or buy) your real estate in SLOVENIA • Land, house, Apartcment • Flat, Farm, holiday house,... CALL US, send a fax or c mall 1 Ifer have family tradition_ PALAČA NEPREMIČNINE d.o.o. Ul. 6. Junija 12A SI-1295 Ivančna Gorica GSM: 00 386 41 56 00 68 Tel/fax: 00 386 1 78 78 040 c mail: Slovenian Professor to Teach Slovenian at CSU & Lakeland In early August, Professor of Slovenian language Luka Zibelnik will arrive in Cleveland from Slovenia to begin preparing for his courses at Cleveland State University and Lakeland Community College. At Cleveland State University, Professor Zibelnik will teach Beginning Slovene I on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 p.m. to 5:50 p.m. For those who already have an elementary knowledge of Slovenian, a more advanced course, Intermediate Slovene I, will be conducted on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. The 15-week courses will begin August 25 and end December 5. For information and to obtain an application, call Cleveland State University at (216) 687-5411 or go to is- sions/guest/nondegree.html. You may also call the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland at (216)589-9220. Professor Zibelnik will also conduct a course at Lakeland Community College on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. the 15-week course will ^egin Aug. 26 and end Dec. 9. For information and to. obtain an application, call Lakeland Community College at (440) 525-7100 or go to /apply/. You may also call the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia at (216)589-9220. There is a possibility that students enrolled in the language courses will be eligible to receive a scholarship. More information regarding scholarships will be available once the number of enrolled students is known. This is possibly the last such opportunity to learn Slovenian in a traditional college setting in this area. So apply immediately and tell your children and grandchildren about this precious opportunity. A popular Slovenian proverb says, “A missed opportunity never returns.” If Professor Zibelnik does not have students to teach, he will be forced to return to Slovenia. This would be an especially unfortunate scenario for those eager to learn Slovenian, as it would be difficult to fathom that the Slovenian government would be willing to find and send another Slovenian language professor to Cleveland in the future. Goulash, Polenta at SNPJ Farm Do you like goulash and polenta? Then you are in luck because on Sept. 7,h the Ladies Auxiliary of the SNPJ Farm will be holding its annual goulash and polenta dinner at the SNPJ Farm, 10946 Heath Road in Kirt-land, Ohio. Goulash will be served along with roast beef and klobase from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Dinners are only $8.00 - admission is not included. After dinner stick around to dance to the music of the Bob Kravos Orchestra from 3:30 to 7:30. The usual lineup of beverages will be available as well as “Kranjski klobase,” hot dogs and those oh-so-delicious krofe. For more information please call Barbara Elersich at (440) 257-2540. As with all other groups in the Cleveland Slovenian Community, it is with much sadness and great appreciation that we say good-bye to the Ameriška Domovina after so many years. Their service to our community has been absolutely priceless. To all those over the years who made the paper one of the leading Slovenian periodicals we say, najlepša hvala za vse!” To Madeline and Jim Debevec for their untiring efforts to promote our Slovenian groups and keep our community informed, you have our undying gratitude, thank you and God bless. All You Really Need is SLOVEnia PERKIN'S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Latest Holmes Ave. Pensioners News 5 All came together nicely for our HAP (Holmes Ave. Pensioners) picnic on Wednesday, July 9lh: great food and drink, great music, great people, and the weather cooperated to make it a GREAT afternoon. Upstairs, downstairs, and the pavilion was bustling with HAPpy members and friends, enjoying pulled BBQ pork and roast beef sandwiches, two kinds of sausage, and plenty of liquid refreshments. Fred Ziwich was keeping the upstairs dance floor filled with lively music, and Bill Zabukovec made sure the sound carried everywhere. With two (air-conditioned) floors of activities, lots of help was needed. And our people came through. Downstairs, Ruth and Ed Morel, with their helpers, captioned the food court. Ruth and Frank Jerkich and helpers ran the 50/50 raffle; and Vicki and Hank Skarbez took care of the 250 split raffle. Upstairs, Bake Sale table, which was overflowing with a large variety of goodies, was ably run by Terry Kne-zevic and her team. Jenny Tuma sold refreshment tickets, and Adolf “Stash” Kocin and Lou Koenig manned the bar along with their helpers. If I try to name everyone who worked. I’ll get in big trouble for I’ll surely miss somebody by accident. All you HAPpy members, take a bow. You know who you are, we salute you. Have to mention all-day parking attendant was, of course, Matt Zabukovec. He could not be persuaded to take a break. He must be happiest greeting the myriad of his friends, or else he’s a glutton for punishment. Anyhooo, everyone had a great time. All the food and pastry was sold; the only thing left was a lonely pitcher of beer. Now how can that be, with all the thirsty Slovenians around? Pete Knezevich had to be the best-dressed guy at the picnic. Sharp. He sort of kept an eye on the ladies near the sweets table, so they would not “overindulge” in the goodies. They should thank him for helping them stay trim and slim. Our president, John Kovelan, had his “running” shoes on; he must have gone up and down the stairs a hundred times, meeting and greeting everyone. We won’t know how well we did until Bill Zabukovec tallies all the bills. He’ll let us know next meeting, Aug. 13. We’ll catch up on birthdays and anniversaries then, too. Matt Z’s sister Louise Fuj-da and husband Ed are still beset with serious health problems. We wish them both well. Keep them, and any other sick member in your prayers. —Arej Alim Labor Day Weekend at Pristava Yet another holiday weekend is coming soon and Slovenska Pristava is ready for it. Starting the weekend on the right foot, Friday, Aug. 29 we are featuring another excellent band from Slovenia, Veseli Begunjčani from Begunje, Avsenik’s village. The band has seven musicians including two vocalists, male and female, and was incepted in 2007, but all the performers are professionals and played for other bands in the past. This year, the first full year, the band will entertain at over 30 events or “veselica ’5.” The veselica at Slovenska Pristava will start with the dinner from 6 - 7:30 served by Joe Tavčar and his staff. Reserve your excellent meal by calling Elizabeth Zalik at 440-537-1941. After dinner Veseli Begun-jeani will be entertaining us late into the night. Members and friends are invited. --Milan Ribič President Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HA IR SA L ON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. . V_OAlC Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Director Proudly Serving the Slovenian Community Support America - Support American Made Products Catholic Cemeteries Association announces a new program The Catholic Cemeteries Association and Rock of Ages Corporation have combined forces to introduce the American Value© program. This program offers high quality American made grave markers, an outer burial container and the grave of your choice to Catholic families at an exceptional value. If you have considered acquiring a burial package for yourself or a family member don’t miss this special opportunity. State Name________________ Address_____________ City________________ Phone________________________________________ Stop into your Catholic Cemeteries Office or mail coupon to: Catholic Cemeteries 10000 Miles Avenue . Cleveland, Ohio 44105 ________________________ 2008 © Catholic Cemeteries AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 St. Clair Pensioners Club News Just a reminder to mark your calendar for Monday, Sept. 15. That is the date for our trip to Mountaineer Casino in West Virginia. We will be leaving Orr Euclid Arena on Babbitt Road in Euclid at 8 a.m., and the St. Clair Slovenian National Home at 8:15 a.m. The cost is $20.00 and the money must be in no later than August 21. If you have not paid for the trip, please make your check payable to St. Clair Pensioners Club and mail promptly to Jeanette Ruminski, 25801 Zeman Avenue, Euclid, OH 44132. Phone (216) 261-1667. Do not forget your advantage card number, license or state issued identification card in order to get your bonus or winnings if it exceeds $1200. Also, another reminder about our “Picnic in the Park” which will be coming up on Thursday, Sept. 18. Further details to follow at our meeting next month. Hope to see you there. —Sylvia Plymesser Two cool dudes enjoying a pleasant afternoon at St. Vitus Summer Picnic on Sunday, July 20 at Slovenska Pristava are (left) trumpeter Duke Marsic, and comedian at past St. Vitus Variety Shows and lead singer in the Four Feathers quartet, Ken Tomsick (father of bandleader Joey Tomsick and husband of cake baker Ann Tomsick.) (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) ^ ^ _ ___ St. Vitus Parish Cerkev sv. Vida 6019 Lausche Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 (216) 361-1444 Sept. 14 - Annual Altar Rosary Society Benefit dinner in parish auditorium. Oct. 19 - Tentative joint benefit dinner with St. Ignatius HS Marching Band. Portion of net proceeds for repair of church organ. 9.00, 10:30 a.m. and noon Masses. Oct. 26 - Annual Alumni All-Class Reunion Day honoring Father Vic Cimperman. Nov. 9 - Parish Volunteer Appreciation Day. One allparish Mass followed by Brunch in parish auditorium. Nov. 14, 15 and 16 - Annual Eucharistic Devotions. Nov. 23 - KSKJ Lodge Christ the King #226 Annual Corporate Mass and luncheon. Dec. 7 - Annual presentation of St. Nicholas performance by Slovenian School. Dec. 13 - Christmas Gathering and Fellowship of parish and affiliated fraternal organizations in parish auditorium. Dec. 21 - Parish and community Gathering to observe 65lh Year Anniversary of ordination to priesthood of Father Vic Cimperman. All parish Mass followed by social in parish auditorium. Dec. 28 - All Parish Mass followed by annual Concert of Sacred Songs in St. Vitus Church. Social and fellowship follow in parish auditorium. Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - Presentation of Franz Schubert’s “Mass in G" and Little Stabat Mater" performed by CityMusic Cleveland, 32 piece chamber orchestra and Choir Cleveland, 24 voice choral ensemble. Other compositions by Charles Ives. Concert in St. Vitus Church followed by social and fellowship in parish auditorium. Coming Events Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZZES: 1) Which former Cleveland Browns football player had a feature role in the movies “The Dirty Dozen” and “Ice Station Zebra?” 2) Connie Francis starred in the movie and sang the song, “Where The Boys Are.” The youths liked to hang around at what Fort Lauderdale beach bar? ANSWERS are 1) - Jim Brown, and 2) - Elbo Room. Submitting correct responses were Rudy Sterk, manager of St. Vitus Village, Stan Žakelj of Broadview Heights, OH, Marie Kebe of Euclid, OH, Florence Urankar, Richard Cesen of Euclid, and Sylvia Pisorn. LAST QUIZ: 1) In the 1941 classic movie “Citizen Kane” what was newspaper publisher Charles Foster Kane’s dying last word? 2) What object did it refer to? BONUS: What was the first quiz question in the American Home that took readers about 3 months to discover the correct answer? Hint: A vehicle. Send your answers to or regular mail to: Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627.____________ Snyder Family Hoedown & Fundraiser On Sept. 20, the Snyder Family will hold its 3rd Annual Hoedown. This year’s hoedown will be a Matching Funds Event sponsored by KSKJ Life St. Lawrence Lodge 63. Proceeds from this event will go to the Salvadorian Missions. The particular project is to fix up the local medical clinic in Teotepeque, El Salvador. The mission team from St. Barnabas Catholic Church in Northficld, Ohio will use this project as the focus of the church’s first mission trip to El Salvador in February, 2009. The group will paint the clinic, provide the doctor with new laptop computer equipment, office supplies and bring medical supplies for the office. KSKJ members Joscttc Snyder and Fran Jurccki arc part of the St. Barnabas mission team. It’s Cool To Be Slovenian Sunday, Aug. 10 Fairport SNPJ 355 Picnic Dance at SNPJ Farm in Kirt-land, OH. 12 noon. Gate fee is $5. Roast beef and sausage dinners $8 served at 2 p.m. Bob Kravos and Boys in the Band from 3:30 to 7:30. Many activities throughout the day. Sunday, Aug. 17 St. Mary’s (Coll.) Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Mass at 12:30. After Mass, Chicken/roast beef dinner is $12 for adults and $6 for children. Later roast pig and lamb and čevapčiči dinners, plus an assortment of other food, refreshments and bake sale, children’s games, Chinese Auction. Talented Veseli Godci plays music for your enjoyment. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this pleasant and relaxing event. Wednesday, Aug. 27 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Wed., Aug. 27 Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner at 1 p.m. by Julie Zalar. Music by Wayne Tomsic Orch 2:30 -5:30 p.m. Admission, dinner, and dancing $13.00. For tickets call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784 BEFORE Aug. 20. Friday, Aug. 29 Ansambel Veseli Begunj-cani at Slovenska Pristava. Sept. 7 Goulash and polenta dinners by Ladies Auxiliary at SNPJ Farm from 2 to 3:30 p.m. @ $8. Admission not included. Saturday, Sept. 13 Folklorna Skupina Kres Dance at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Full-length performance followed by social with music by Veseli Godci. Sunday, Sept. 14 Baraga Court 1317 COF 100lh Anniversary with noon Mass in St. Vitus church followed by banquet in Slovenian National Home. Call Bob Mills at (216) 431-9492 or Angelo Vogrig at (216) 531-2662. Sunday, Sept. 14 Annual St. Vitus Altar Rosary Society benefit dinner in parish auditorium. Thursday, Sept. 18 St. Mary’s Alumni meeting. Saturday, Sept. 20 Snyder Family Hoedown and matching KSKJ Life funds for benefit of medical clinic in El Salvador. Sunday, Sept. 21 Vinska Trgatev at Slovenska Pristava. Friday, Sept. 26 Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, Annual Social. Saturday, Sept. 27 Sausage Festival at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio sponsored by National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame. Saturday, Sept. 27 Baraga Day Mass at 6 p.m. in St. Joseph Church, Joliet. Evening reception at St. Joseph Park ($5 to attend). Saturday, Sept. 27 St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club annual clambake on club grounds. Call Richard Beck for tickets (440) 942-4025 Sunday, Sept. 28 Bishop Baraga Day Mass at 2:30 p.m. Baraga Park, Lemont, Illinois. Banquet following Mass at the Slovenian Cultural Center. Ticket $25 in advance. Sunday, Oct. 12 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Fall Corporate Communion, 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Sunday, Oct. 21 Koline - Pristava Pensioners at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 19 Salute to Paul Yanchar at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair - Cleveland. Sunday, Oct. 19 Annual Meeting of Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Oct. 25 Štajerski-Prekmurski Klub Martinovanje, 50th Anniversary celebration featuring Slovenian performers “Klobuk.” Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Sunday, Oct. 26 St. Vitus Alumni All Year, All Class Reunion honoring Rev. Victor Cimperman. Noon Mass and “Luncheon.” Saturday, Nov. 1 Klobuk Slovenian Ansambel performs in Captain John’s Harbour Boat Restaurant in Toronto. Sunday, Nov. 2 Zarja annual Fall Concert, Rcchcr Hall, Euclid, OH. Saturday, Nov. 8 Belokranjski Club celebration at Slovenian National Home. Sunday, Nov. 9 Circle 2 SNPJ 70,h Anniversary Program in Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Saturday, Nov. 15 Glasbena Matica concert at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, Cleveland. Wednesday, Nov. 26 Jam Session at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Thursday, Nov. 27 Tony Pctkovsck’s annual Thanksgiving Polka Party in Marriott Hotel, downtown Cleveland. Call Kollandcr World Travel for further information. Death Notices | JOHN SLOSAR John Slosar, age 86. Beloved husband of Elea-nore (nee Hansh) (deceased). Loving father of James (Barbara), John (Patricia) and Ellen (Dale) Lunder. Grandfather of Lauren, Jordan and Rachel Lunder. Brother of Vera and Mary Clark. Uncle and great uncle. WWII U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, serving in the Pacific Theater. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152nd Street on Friday, July 25 from 2-8 p.m., where services were held on Saturday at 9:15 a.m. and at St. Francis Church (E. 71 and Superior) at 10 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Donations in his memory to St. Francis Educational Fund, 7119 Superior Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 would be appreciated by the family. In Memory Thanks to Daniel Siewio-rek of Pittsburgh, PA who renewed his subscription and added a $82.00 donation in memory of his parents, Frank and Lena Siewiorek who were very active in the St. Clair community. Dr. Dan writes, “Thank you for keeping the Slovenian traditions and stories alive.” In Memory Thanks to Joe and Maggie Starcic of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $40.00 donation in memory of parents, Frank and Carol Starcic. They write, “Looked forward to receiving the paper and enjoyed reading it from cover to cover. It will be greatly missed by many.” Donation Thanks to Mia and August Hollander of Mayfield Village who renewed their subscription and added a $27.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Veronica Maria and Archer Lloyd Blood of Shaker Heights, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Dr. Virginia Olga B. Emery (Kennick) of beautiful Bow, NH who sent in a $60.00 donation. Throughout the years Dr. Emery has presented gift subscriptions of A.H. to many of her relatives and friends. Donation Thanks to Angela Musil of Solon, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $29.00 donation. Angela writes, “So sorry to see the end of this wonderful publication. You are to be applauded for your untiring dedication to the Slovenian community. Hvala lepa.” Donation Thanks to Jeannette and Peter Ruminski of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $24.00 donation. They write, “Thanks again for your dedication all through the years for your past publication printing, but please use the balance of the check for a bottle of champagne for a job well done. Enjoy your well deserved retirement. Thanks a million.” Donation Thanks to Josie Horvath and Mary Hovancsek of Gates Mills, OH who donated $100.00 to the American Home newspaper. They write, “Thank you for being given the opportunity to have our article published in your wonderful paper. We are forwarding a check in the amount of $100.00 to assist with printing costs along with an autographed copy of our first book, Burgess and Marie Bear. “We will surely miss reading the American Home.” —Josie Horvath 3 Women from Cleveland Donation Thanks to Joe and Maria Kosir of Kirtland, OH who paid for a gift subscription and added a $21.00 donation. They write, “Thank you for your many years of service to the Slovenian community. We will miss the A.D.” Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. -Robert Frost Everyone can master grief except those who have it. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 Donation Thanks to John M. Hutar of Troy, MI who renewed his subscription and added a $14.00 donation. The Detroit MGM hotel manager writes, “Best of luck to you. We will miss the publication a lot! All the best.” Renewal Renewal. Thanks to Lillian Horvath of Bethlehem, PA who renewed her subscription and added this note, “I will really and truly miss your paper. Thanks for everything.” Renewal Thanks to Diane Kastelic of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added this note, “Thank you for all the news you gave us through the years. We really enjoyed reading our Slovenian paper.” Thanks All of the member of the St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club say “Thank You” to the American Home for all the years of helping our club through the American Home newspaper. You will be missed. May God bless you. —Richard A. Beck President Donation Thanks to Henry and Vicki Skarbez of Euclid, OH who sent in a beautiful card with their subscription renewal and a $47.00 donation. They write, “It took a lot of precious time to make so many of us so happy by keeping us informed of all the news. We sure will miss the American Home and your special helpers and photos. May you enjoy your retirement with good health and happiness. God bless you all. Thank you” Thanks Thanks to Lee Jackopin of Wickliffe, OH who renewed his subscription and added this note, “Thank you for your service, support, and help to the many Slovenian communities, organizations, groups, peoples, and individuals.” Good luck Thanks to former Ohio Representative Ed Jerse of Euclid, Ohio, who renewed his subscription and added this note, “Good luck and God bless.” Love never dies as long as there is someone who remembers. Donation Thanks to Helen Drozin 7 of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $22.00 donation. Helen writes, “You will surely be missed.” Happy Retirement Thanks to the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation who paid for an ad and wrote, “Wishing you a wonderful retirement. Thank you for all those years of printing a great paper.” In Loving Memory Of Our Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Father-in-Law Frank A. Zitko Died Aug. 15,1994 Sadly missed by: Dorothy - Wife Frank J. - Son Susan - Daughter Ann - Daughter-in-Law Grandchildren: Frankie and Mary In Loving Memory Of the 6lh Anniversary of the death of our dear Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Great-Great Grandmother, Sister, Aunt & Great Aunt Alice Opalich Died Aug. 17, 2002 A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One who was better, God never made; A wonderful worker, so loyal and true; One in a million - that was you. Just in your judgment, always right; Loved by every one you knew, A wonderful mother - that was you. Sadly missed by Family In Loving Memory John David Slosar August 18, 1921 - July 22, 2008 My beloved Ivan, I never will forget what the Lord did for me when He gave me you for fourteen precious and wonderful years. Knowing you, loving you, being with you has changed me forever for the better. Thank you for loving me as well. Thank you for all the memories. Thank you, my proud and always faithful Marine, fellow American and Slovenian lover of music (especially polkas), dancing, good food, telling stories and jokes, lover of St. Francis Church (E. 71st and Superior), lover of family, parents, children, animals, lover of life, lover of God. I miss you terribly, but I’m counting on seeing you again with all the angels, saints, and our loving God. Until then, you are forever in my heart and prayers. Love always, Your punca - Yelka AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUOUM /, zuu» AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 Donation 8 Thanks to Betka Modic of Wenatchee, WA who sent in a $25.00 donation in a beautiful card with the following note, “News of the paper’s closing brought heavy sadness to my heart. It is one of the few publications I highly regard and look forward to. “The Ameriška Domovina has been a welcome friend and fond part of my family for many years. My Ata (Jakob Modic, Sr., - born in Slovenija) was such a hardworking man devoted to caring for his large family, and it comforted me to see him take some quiet time for himself behind the open pages of the Domovina, which he so enjoyed reading. “Thank you for keeping the Slovenian community informed and connected, for enriching our lives with each issue, and for your faithful service. You will be greatly missed. “Blessings on your retirement that you may enjoy good health and happiness. -Love, Betka Modic.” Saddened Editor, I will truly miss your newspaper and saddened that it is shutting down. It was unique in so many ways and I and many others looked forward to receiving it. I personally especially liked Ray Mlakar’s column and all the other jokes and “pearls of wisdom” I found there. Thank you so much for the great gift you gave us all these years and may God bless you with a happy retirement and many blessed years to come. - Love, Yelka Janez Cleveland, OH Donation Thanks to Lori Logerfo of Middlefield, OH who renewed her subscription, and added a $15.00 donation. Lori writes, “I am very sad that American Home is no longer going to be printed. I loved the many stories, learning about my family heritage, and about coming events. “Have a happy and wonderful retirement. “P.S. - My grandfather is Wcnccl Frank. He is suffering with Alzheimer’s Disease. He would be sad, too. My grandmother is Helen Frank.” Miss Paper A big thank you to Ernestine Jevec of Eastlakc, OH who wrote, “I am going to miss the Ameriška Domovina very much. It was enjoyable to me. I am donating $50.00. - Best wishes on your retirement. God bless you.” Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Ivan and Mary Horvat, Fairfield, CT - $4.00 Frank and Antonia Urankar, Concord, OH -$4.00 Karl Rudl, Richmond Hts., OH -$14.00 Viktor Tominec, Richmond Heights, OH — $4.00 Rudolph and Zita Knific, Madison, OH -$19.00 Mary Mejac, Potomac, MD -$10.00 Jerilyn Zust, Lakewood, OH -$16.00 Jean Sega, Wadsworth, OH -$10.00 Sonja M. Mosquin, Bay-ville, NY -$10.00 Steve Režonja, Healds-burg, CA — $14.00 Maria Ovsenik, Cleveland, OH - $7.00 Memories Thanks to Ann (Cimperman) Stražar of Parma, OH who sent in a beautiful card with the following handwritten note: “My deepest thanks to you for having made my dream come true. Way back when I first learned to write in the first grade, I wished someday to be able to submit an article for publication in the American Home. I’m now a greatgrandmother whose hands will forever hold that wonderful memory which came true. God bless you both as God keeps you safe in a much deserved retirement. May He hold you all in the palm of his hands.” In Memory Thanks to Jean Fabian of Willoughby Hills, OH who sent in a $20.00 donation in memory of her recently deceased husband, Warren Fabian. Jean also writes, “Good luck on your retirement.” Donation Thanks to Stanley Mramor of Sheffield Village, OH who renewed a subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Stanko and Ivanka Vidmar of Cleveland, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $12.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Nick A. Hotujac of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $17.00 donation. They write, “Thank you for the nice memories. Wishing you the best.” Donation Thanks to John F. and Diane Lekan of North Olmsted, OH who sent in a $50.00 donation to the Ameriška Domovina. Best Wishes Thanks to Mrs. Teresa Wright of Fontain, CO who renewed her subscription and wrote, “Best wishes to you. Thank you for an enjoyable paper.” Sorry Thanks to Patricia Walton of Mentor, OH who paid for a memoriam for her wonderful father, John Kovacic, and added this note, “Wish you well in the future; sorry to lose you.” Donation Thanks to Boris and Carolyn S. Music of Kirt-land, OH who sent in a $25.00 donation. Thanks Thanks to Joyce Fatur of Sagamore Hills, OH who renewed her subscription and wrote, “Thanks for everything.” Donation Thanks to Terri (Grdina) and George Koch of Durham, NC who renewed their subscription and added a $44.00 donation. In Loving Memory of Mirko Vombergar There is LOVE in SLOVEnia It is with deep sorrow in our hearts that we announce the passing of our dear husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, uncle, and brother. We all miss him, but he will always be with us, in our hearts, and in our memories. We were all so very blessed to have such a wonderful man in our lives. Mirko was laid to rest in All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio. Mirko passed into eternal sleep on Monday, November 5,h, 2007, at his home in Euclid, Ohio. Mirko was a patient at Euclid Hospital for approximately six weeks, recovering from hip surgery. He returned home and passed away three days later. Mirko was born on May 8, 1923 in Cerkle, Slovenia to the parents of Verne and Jerica Vombergar. His sisters are Zofka and Cilka of Buenos Aires, Argentina and his brother Ceril (deceased). He was a machinist who worked for Cleveland Twist Drill for over 40 years. He also painted houses as a part-time job. Mirko enjoyed painting for St. Vitus Church and illustrated several backgrounds for the Christmas Nativity scenes. Besides painting, Mirko was fluent in several languages including English, Slovenian, Spanish, Croatian and German. He loved to read whenever he could, as well as discuss politics. His other pastimes were nature, fishing, and gardening. Following WWII, Mirko was sent to Argentina where he lived for 5 years. He married his wife, Justina (Cvajnar), whom he met at the Austrian concentration camp, and kept in contact with her through the mail. They were married in Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 19, 1956. Afterwards, they moved to the St. Vitus neighborhood in Cleveland, Ohio. Mirko was a member of the Baragov Dorn and Tabor. Sadly missed by his loving wife, Justina, his son, Mirko and wife, Donna (nee Stefančič), daughters Louise and husband Ken Dagg, Irene and husband I David Fox. Grandchildren include April (Kevin) Kale, Krystina Fox, Michael Fox, Ana, Kati, Lexi, and Vince Vombergar. Great grandchildren arc Dylan and Alayna I Kale. God has you in his keeping We have you in our hearts. Your soul is now free to JJy And you won V rely on open eyes to see. The family of Mirko Vombergar wishes to thank everyone who came to the visitation at Dan Cosic Funeral Home. It helped to ease the pain, to have all the love and support of all our family and friends. A special thank you to those who joined us at Mass at St. Vitus Church for the funeral services. The family also wishes to express their deepest appreciation to celebrants Rev. Joseph Boznar of St., Vitus Church, and his beautiful homily, and to Rev. John Kumse of St. Mary’s in Collinwood for the celebration of the funeral Mass. We are sincerely thankful for the readings by Donna Vombergar and April Kale, and the respon-sorial response by Bernadette Muc, to Krystina and Michael Fox, Ana, Kati, and Lexi Vombergar for bringing up the offertory gifts. Thank you to the pallbearers, Kenneth Dagg, David and Michael Fox, Kevin Kale, Vinko Stefančič, and Tony Fir. We would also like to thank the choir who sang at the service, to the organist, for all the beautiful songs and the memorable performance. We are especially grateful to everyone who joined us at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio. Thank you to everyone who were there for us, for all your support, your concern, to those who gave donations, the beautiful baskets of flowers, cards and perpetual novenas. A big thank you to Joe Zevnik and staff of Cosic Funeral Home for their careful and courteous attention to the funeral details. We are also thankful to everyone who remained with us at Sterle’s restaurant; thank you for being there for us. To Slavka Jereb, Toni and Slavi Fir, Bernadette Muc, for their long journey from Canada to be with us in our time of sorrow, we truly appreciate your support and love. To Rev. Joe Boznar, Rev. John Kumse, Rev. Bill Jerse, and to everyone who visited Mirko at the hospital while he was ill, we sincerely appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness. Thank you. We would like to thank the American Home for their support and prayers. If by chance we missed anyone, please accept our apology, and thank you. Family of Mirko Vombergar Photos from the A.H. Archives 9 ! Stani and Matt Grdadolnik of Euclid, Ohio enjoy a dance at the Slovenian National Home in Cleveland. Left to right, Vicki Skarbez of Euclid, OH and Ruth Hribar of Mentor-on-the-Lake, OH volunteer at the Fish Fry Dinners in St. Mary’s (Coll.) Auditorium. (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Lenka Lah Chauby at Pristavska Noč in the Slovenian National Home. In the background arc Victoria and Rudy Kolarič. I always turn to the sports section first. The sports page records people’s accomplishments; the front page has nothing but man’s failures. -Earl Warren_____________ A few years ago at a St. Mary’s parish picnic at Slovenska Pristava, Rev. Joseph Božnar, pastor of St. Vitus Church, left, and Rev. John Kumše, pastor of St. Mary’s parish, offer a toast to a beautiful day and En Starček, the old man in the painting. This year St. Mary’s summer picnic will be on Sunday, Aug. 17 at the same place. Everyone invited (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) This is the last group picture taken with Senator Frank J. Lausche in Washington, D.C. in May of 1987. The Pensioners Club of Slovenska Pristava of Greater Cleveland are in the lompany of Lausche and Dr. Ciril Žebot. (Photo courtesy of Stane Šuštaršič) Gerri Hopkins celebrates an anniversary of the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. with a cake and giant sparkler. Frank Kogovšek, center, enjoys a dance with his sister Rezka Rus, as Josef Lah, left, looks on. (Photo by MADELINE) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 io St. Vitus Church: Roofs & Improvements Project St.Vitus Church: Roofs & Improvements Project Donations From Oct 2003-to-Dec 31, 2007 Diamond Level: $4.000 or Greater Anonymous: Class 1939-Honor of Bp Pevec $4,000 William Vidmar $4,000 Brad & Chris Morsch $4,050 Anonymous (RA) $4,125 Frank Lovšin $4,200 Anthony Čolnar $4,500 Estate of Terezija Klemmen $4,500 Slovenska sola sv vidu $4,500 Benefit dinner-Palm Sunday 2006 $4,555 Stephanie Avsenik* $4,750 Anonymous-(MBC) $5,000 Samuel & Connie Frankino Foundation $5,000 Anthony Jelenič $5,000 Anne Kern (+) $5,000 KSKJ Nat’l Board $5'000 Don (+) and Nancy Slapnik $5,020 Martha and Alan Glazen $5,050 Robert & Marci Mills Sr $5,200 Mary Sevčnikar (+) $5,200 Greg & Lisa Dolinar $5,600 Slovenian Cultural Club-Clev., Ohio $5,704 Rudi and Vika Kolarič* $6,150 Mrs. Stella Rupe $6,150 Anonymous (ETK) $8,120 Angela Bolha $9,621 Paul & Cilka Kosir-PAKO Inc* 1.000 Romano & Jožica Vitulich* $14,000 Anonymous (RJ) $19,000 Frances & Jane S Lausche Foundation* $20,000 Anonymous (NR) $20,010 Progressive Match Grants (Four families)* $20,267 Zele Funeral Home* $22,600 Anonymous-Matching Grant: Organ $25,000 Peter & Sue Ames Charitable Trust Fund** $25,500 St Vitus Altar and Rosary Society* $39,000 Estate of NJ Gregorich#2 $50,000 Estate of Rose A. Leskovec $50,000 Estate NJ Gregorich #1 $100,000 Anonymous-Memory of Msgr LB Baznik $100,000 Diamond Level Total: $646,372 Gold Level: $2,501-to-$3.999 Anonymous (DO) $2,540 Stane & Marge Kuhar-spomin,L&J. Kuhar* $2,635 Various Donors-Jim Logar* $2,675 Mrs. Frances Grignon $2,850 Anonymous (Kl) $2,940 Stanely Ferkul, Clev. Ohio* $3,000 Ed & Anne Arhar $3,010 *portion for organ repair **portion for sound system Mary Lunder $3,020 Marilyn Karpinski $3,050 Anonymous (MAR) $3,450 Joseph & Josephine (+) Baškovič* $3,500 Anonymous(CFM) $3,525 Metod & Michelle lie $3,525 Josephine Misic* $3,540 Carol & Paul Dare $3,651 St.Vitus Lodge #25-KSKJ* $3,800 Gold Level Total: $50,711 Silver Level: $1.001-to-$2.500 Memory Of Pep Baškovič $1,015 Jože & Cvetka Gabrič $1,020 John & Ann Žakelj $1,020 Robert & Gerri Hopkins $1,025 Mrs Paula Dolinar $1,030 Zofi (Sofi) Kosem $1.040 Thomas & Sonja Kolarič $1.050 Mario & Helena Percic $1,050 Josephine Tome $1,050 Ivan & Zdenka Zakrajšek $1.070 Ron & Marilyn Genovese $1,095 William & June Adler $1,100 Dr Valentin & Pat Mersol* $1,100 Ms. Majdi Percic $1,100 St Anne Lodge #4 AMLA* $1,100 Wallace Obrochta $1,150 Janez (+) and Sylvia Klopcic $1,160 Eric & Antonia Snyder $1,175 Peter & Maryann Domenko $1,180 Memory of Josephine Ambrosic $1,195 Jim and Mary Hurley $1,200 Stane & Frances Mrva $1,200 Dr Uros & Ljudmilla Roessmann $1,200 Dr Anthony & Frances Spech $1,210 Anthony Baznik $1,220 Tony & Betty Grdina $1,250 John & Toni Sršen $1,250 Mrs Frances Zidan $1,250 Matevž & Ivanka Tominec $1,289 Anonymous (DNT) $1,300 Tom & Ann Goresnek-spom.Teta $1,300 Ivanka Pretnar $1,320 Dr Dan & Mrs Siewiorek $1,325 Ron & Mrs. Supancic $1,330 Anton & Mary (+) Vogel $1,340 Mr & Mrs Frank Luzar (FI.) $1,395 Carmen Ivans $1,400 Mrs Ivanka Kosir $1,400 Silver Level (Continued! Mrs Jennie Woods $1,400 Miro (+) and Ljudmilla Odar $1,410 Anonymous (OS) $1,500 Anton Evanetic $1,500 Josephine Gerlach $1,500 Jacqueline Hanks $1,500 (Capt.) John Krik $1,500 Honorable Judge & Mrs Theodore Klammer $1,500 Joseph Marinko $1,500 Mr & Mrs John Turek $1,500 Mary Urbančič (+) $1,530 Charles Gliha $1,550 Memory of Julia Mejac-Family $1,550 Eric & Mitzie Stransky $1,570 Stane & Karolina Kodrin $1,580 Victor Kovacic $1,600 Anton & Vida Oblak $1,620 Frank Zamlen Jr $1,640 Anonymous (KRC) $1,750 Agnes Koporc $1,775 James and Madeline Debevec $1,780 Joseph Evanetic $1,800 Hinko and Marija Zupančič $1,805 Mark and Maryanne Zakrajšek $1,820 Rudi and Antonia Klammer $1,850 Various donors-Mem John Hočevar $1,885 Gabriella Kuhel $1,960 Sacred Heart Lodge #172-KSKJ $2,000 Memory Miro Odar-Odar Family $2,000 Anonymous (JMK) $2,000 Mirko (+) and Leonora Longar $2,050 St.Vitus Alumni $2,050 William Skerl $2,135 Mrs Mary Petelin (Clev,Oh) $2,195 Milena Stropnik $2,200 Anonymous (Kl) $2,250 Sunset Industries Inc $2,250 Various donors-Mem Matija Plečnik $2,380 Alfred & Terezija Žitnik $2,490 Mr & Mrs John Dejak $2,500 Dr Paul Ferkul $2,500 St. Joseph #169 KSKJ Foundation $2,500 Al and Kathy Zupan $2,500 Silver Level Total: $124,779 Bronze Level: $250-to-$1.000 Anonymous (RF) $250 Dr Janez & Marija Arnez(Sloveniaj) $250 Joseph Bokar $250 Frank & Lisa March Cicha $250 Genevieve Drobnič $250 Fantje Na Vasi $250 Folklorna Skupina KRES $250 Veronica Hlad $250 Frank & Kathy Jančar $250 Mrs Ernestine Jevec $250 Joe & Ute Kaucnik $250 Victor & Anne Kmetich $250 Anton & Mary Kocjan $250 Mike & Becky Kosir $250 Mrs. Erika Kurbos $250 Mary Ann Muzi (Wl) $250 Pensioners Slov Pristava Klub $250 Perpar Family $250 Greg & Andrea Plassard $250 Mike & Jeanette Polomsky $250 Final Report St. Vitus Parish Proj ect by STANE KUHAR It is with a sad heart that this will be the final report for the St. Vitus Parish capital improvements project to be published in the American Home/Ameriška Domovina (AD). The AD will cease to be published after the end of August, 2008. My personal thanks to both Jim and Madeline Debevec for their continued support to me the past two + decades on activities and events of St. Vitus Parish that I have had the privilege to inform the readership of AD. We have traveled on a long journey together with many fond memories. The work involved consistently publishing a daily, weekly, or bi-weekly publication for over 100 years is an intense process, a calling rather than a job. Jim and Madeline, the parishioners of St. Vitus and the broader American Slovenian communities’ thank you for your dedication in this noble and demanding work. God bless you for all that you did and accomplished on behalf of our respective communities. The enclosed report is from October, 2003 to Dec. 31, 2007. The report lists names of those who donated more than $50 that enabled the means for the capital improvements of the parish church, rectory, school, auditorium, and parking lots and how the raised funds were used. Direct donations as of the end of business day on Dec. 31, 2007 amounted to $1.0 million. Nearly $277,000 was also raised from other sources including bingo, net proceeds from parish summer picnics, etc. An additional $208,000 was provided by sale of real property from an estate settlement solely for the use to complete work for the interior of the parish rectory. Final sources of funding came from two loans: a bank loan in dollar amount of $300,000 and an internal parish loan in dollar amount of $400,000. The outstanding principal bank loan balance as of Dec. 31, 2007 was $90,000 with a maturity date of June, 2009. The internal parish loan is to be (Continued on page 11) 11 St. Vitus Church: Roofs & Improvements Project Michael & Ann Presley $250 Jerry & Donna Rudolph (TX) $250 Mr & Mrs Frank Rupnik $250 St.Vitus Adult Slov.School $250 Rudy Sterk $250 Dr. Michael & Lisa Stinziano, Ph D $250 Louise Strauss $250 Jim & Betty Svekric $250 Anne M Turk $250 Edmund & Sue Turk $250 Matt & Kristina Vugrince $250 John & Ann Žakelj $250 Tom Zakrajsek-Mem-J. Mejac $250 Ivan & Diane Zupan $250 Frank (+) and Stefi Zamlen $255 Anonymous (SI) $257 John & Dana Leonard $260 Albina Pozelnik (+) $260 Ken & Anne Tomsick $260 Robert & Fran Mills Jr $270 Mirko (+) Charlette Orel $270 Various donors:Mem Bertha Richter $271 Dr Matej (+) & Marija Roesmann $280 Al & Dorothy Tušek $285 Paul & Chris Cevasco $295 bronze Level (Continued) Mr& Mrs Frank Agh $300 Mrs Mary Blatnik $300 John Brentar $300 Dr Edi & Milena Gobetz $300 Mrs Joži Jakopič $300 Milka Jerem $300 Mr & Mrs Frank Kogovšek $300 Paul V Kosir Jr $300 Nick & Elizabeth Kosir $300 Prancka Kristanc $300 Decilia & Paulinca Lubey $300 Anna Lunder $300 Memory of Milke Pogačnik Benke $300 Robert Pruchnicki $300 Dr Vladimir Rus $300 St 'gnatius HS Marching Band $300 John (+) and Ana Štempihar $300 Olga Valencic(+) $300 Anonymous (KJ) $301 Francka Piletič $310 Marija Cugelj $315 Various donors-Mem-V.Habjan $315 Mr & Mrs John Monter $325 Veronica Janezic & Family $330 Daniel Launch $330 Josephine Valencie $335 Anonymous (CA) $349 Mrs Anotonia Dolenc $350 Mike & Veronica Krainz $350 Mike & Maggie Milakovich $350 Scott & Maria Yaecker $350 Roger & Carol Mallik $355 Frank Kornik $360 Caroline Perusek $360 Various donors-Mem of F. Forsythe $360 Dou & Mary Petelin $370 Prof. Vinko & Mara Lipovec $375 Various donors-Mem of Helen Zak $375 Linda Zabka $375 Mrs Jean Rochon $390 Mrs. Slavica Črnic $395 Mr & Mrs John Adamission $400 Stephen Delchin $400 J°seph & Marta Futey Jr $400 Joseph Klepetz.Jr $400 olix & Anna Kurbos $400 Robert & Cecilia Kusold $400 Stefan Marolt $400 Various donors-Mem Rich Strauss $400 John Oblak (FI.) $400 ^Iex & Jena Prelog $400 ev John C Retar $400 Jjrs Milena Zaper $400 arioijs donors-Mem of M.Rantasa $405 J/Ste Shine $410 ^atija (+) & Linda Plečnik r® Dorothy Stanonik ^hrist The King-KSKJ-#226 $413 $415 $425 ,r Cavid & Mrs Neja Turk $440 Ohnis & Sandy Eckart VjJ SonJa Mejac ^ Emily Sleme $450 $450 $450 Various donors-P.Marchetta $450 Frank Korenchan $456 Erik & Nadia Kobal 5470 Mrs Mary Prijatel 5475 Vera Hlad (+) 5490 Mrs Rosalia Hočevar (+) $490 Ms. Stephanie Branisel (+) 5494 Anonymous Couple 5500 Anonymous (CA) 5500 Anonymous (APG) 5500 Anonymous- (RA) 5500 Anonymous (SE) 5500 Anonymous (SD) 5500 Anonymous (ETS) 5500 Anonymous (GM) 5500 Ann Arko 5500 Rev Joseph Boznar $500 Club 21 5500 Mrs Judith Crtalic 5500 Rosemarie Duh 5500 Estate Edmund Golinski 5500 Estate of Jane Prijatel 5500 Gordon Goodrich (TX) $500 Robert & Anne Herpak $500 Jody Jordon 5500 Boris Kodrich 5500 Edward (+) and Marie Kotar 5500 KSKJ-Cultural Grant 5500 John & Ivanka Kustec 5500 Anuska Lekan 5500 Rudi & Majda Leksan 5500 Izidor & Josei Manfreda 5500 Mrs Julia Mejač (+) $500 Memory of Greg Hribar-Family 5500 Bronze Level (Continued) Allen Moll $500 Floyd Noonan (+) $500 Maria Ovsenik $500 William & Jennie Pate $500 Dr & Mrs Milan and Barbara Pavlovčič $500 Ms Diane Prijatel $500 Helen Slak $500 Joseph Sojer (+) $500 Vinko & Maria Stefančič $500 Inz. Marjan & Francka Strancar $500 Jan & Vida Thorkelson $500 Ivan and Ivanka Turk $500 Upokojencev Slov.Pristave $500 Various donor-Mem J. Grdina $500 Various donors-Mem J. Štempihar $500 Dennis & Marlene Vidic $500 Dr. & Mrs. Mirko & Dana Vombergar DDS $500 Geneieve Ward $500 Phil and MaryAnne Zak $500 Robert & Rhonda Zakrajšek $500 Mr & Mrs Alojz Kodrich $505 Mr and Mrs Matija Kavas $510 Various donors-P.Ribarich $515 Danilo and Mimi Kranjc $520 Mrs Dorothy Žitko $520 Mrs Mary Cimperman $525 Rudy and Marie Pivik $525 Darrell and Stella Saylor $525 Folklorna Skupina KRES $540 Frank and Nena Bogotay $550 Robert and Mia Graf $550 Ivanka Hirschegger $550 Mark and Martina Jakomin $550 Mrs Emma Simončič $550 Lojzka Feguš $555 Mrs Josephine Stinziano $560 Anonymous (TAR) $575 Various donors-Mem Frank Kuhel $580 Various donors-Mem Jože Sojer $585 Anoymous (RMA) $600 Marija Brodnick $600 Mrs Zalka Likozar $600 Mr and Mrs Donald Rochon $600 Albin and Betty Orehek $605 Mrs Daniella Avsec $610 Frank Markus $630 Helen Belcic $640 Albina Kostansek $640 MaryAnn Vogel $640 Rev. Joseph Boznar, Pastor, St. Vitus Parish (Continued from page 10) paid back by various bequeath donations to the parish. In total, over $1.9 million was raised and spent for the good and vibrancy of the parish. The long term capital improvements project initially concentrated on replacing both original 75-year-old clay tile roofs of St. Vitus Church and Rectory; and those tasks associated with the roof work. This included new clay tiles, new copper metal work, extensive tuck point work on the church, replacement of exterior windows with thermal pane type windows and painting of the exterior wooden frames, improving ventilation, repair of all side steps, total cleaning of the exterior of the church, painting parts of the interior of the church due to water damage, renovation of the lower church hall restrooms, and adding one new restroom on the main church level. Minor work included installing a new railing in the church sanctuary, installing the last stain glass window in the Lourdes Grotto, and replacement of 54-year-old motors and electrical system for the church bells to meet current code guidelines. The main outstanding tasks yet to be completed include upgrading the interior sound system and with approval by Bishop Lennon in 2009, the right to proceed ahead and repair the church’s historic Holtkamp organ. The entire interior of the parish rectory was updated to accommodate the apparent need for presentable administration and meeting space as well as enabling an accommodating place for parishioners and guests to the parish so that personal or business matters can be performed in a positive environment. The parish school and auditorium, exclusive of improvement work completed by St. Martin de Porres High School, the current occupant and tenant of the parish school, auditorium, and two parking lots, received attention including but not limited to replacement of 25+ year- continued on next page) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 Bronze Level (Continued) Anonymous (FJ) $650 Rose Leskovec (+) $650 St Vitus Choir $650 Mrs Frances Zadeli $650 Frank and Ann Zitko $665 Various donors-A. Kern $695 Branko and Maruška Pogačnik $700 Frank and Theresa Rihtar $720 Esther Balay $725 In Memory Bernadette lie $735 Mary Sustersic $735 Memory of Mary Doljack $740 Mr Tony Petkovšek Jr. $750 Frances Petrich (Eastlake) $750 Mr Frank Sega-spom.zena, Tončka $750 Ed and Linda Baznik $761 Various donors-Mem Miro Odar $765 Memory of Robert Spelic Jr $790 Mr and Mrs Fred Spetič $795 Marie Burgar $800 Bemadine Sajovec $800 Esther Turk-Mem.Turk Family $800 Mrs Josefa Strauss $825 Dale and Michelle Zidan $830 Lou and Jennie Antloga $845 AMLA-Board of Directors $850 David Fink $850 Milan and Blažena Rihtar $870 Spomin Dr Matej Roesmann $870 Max Zalodec $870 Anthony Pozelnik $900 Paul and Susan Schumaker $900 Estate of F. Kikel $912 Tom&Theresa Avsec-Memory of Mom $935 Mirko and Maria Kristanc $950 Anonymous-(FVC) $1,000 Anonymous(MM) $1,000 Anonymous-(AR) $1,000 Anonymous(ES) $1,000 Anon:Class 1939-Honor of Bp Pevec $1,000 COF Baraga Court #1317 $1,000 Ivan Berlec-spom, zena $1,000 Helen Bruss $1,000 Mimi Davidson $1,000 Estate of Anton Žakelj $1,000 Estate of Arthur Kozar $1,000 Estate of Marija Goršek $1,000 Ron and Vickie Formanik $1,000 Frantony Construction Inc • $1,000 Raymond Gobec $1,000 Mrs Ann Gornick $1,000 Alenka Hren $1,000 Maureen Huefner-Mem of V. Habjan $1,000 Industrial Energy Sytems-Roofing Co $1,000 Joseph Jarc $1,000 Joe and Maria Kosir $1,000 Carol Ann and Jeanne Kovach $1,000 Ms.Carol Kovach $1,000 Bertha Krug $1,000 Kurbos-Cooper Families $1,000 Paul Lavrisha and Lavrisha Construction Co $1,000 Mrs Arlene Loconti $1,000 Mrs Frances Millavec $1,000 In Memory of Kati Srsen-Various $1,000 St Vitus CWV, Post#1655 $1,000 Mrs. Eleanore Suhadolnik (+) $1,000 Turk Family-Mem-of Anne M Turk $1,000 Various donors-Mem M. Cizel $1,000 Joe and Kitty Vogel $1,000 Mary Wolf $1,000 Z & Z Mfg Inc $1,000 Zak Funeral Home $1,000 Žakelj Family Members $1,000 Marija Žakelj $1,000 Anton Žakelj (+) $1,000 Esther Zipple $1.000 Total Bronze Level: $145,309 Support Level: $249-to-$50 Anonymous(no name, 11/5/7) $52 Anica Benedik $55 Vilma Jamnik $55 Frank Cerar $60 Roger Godič $60 Larry Hočevar $60 Frank Kotnik $60 Krzywicki,Leben,Bortsnick-in memory $60 Greg & Gloria Yarmock $60 Ron & Ann Marie Luzar Sr $70 Kazimir & Josie Peric $70 Dr & Mrs Max Rak $70 Magda Celmer $75 Matt & Stani Grdadolnik Mr & Mrs Mijo Grman John & Cynthia Perego Ken & Cindy Urbič Anthony Žakelj (B.Hts, Oh) Theresa Bauman-ALCOA Bertha Drobnič (S.Euclid) John Košir Mrs Anna Mlinaric Mr & Mrs James Farrell Mrs Mary Persin St Clair Pensioners Club Memory Joseph Okorn John/MaryAnn Semen Anonymous (EO) Anonymous (EIA) Ms. Linda Adams Kenneth Avsec Hugh & June Bailey Arthur & Monica Belviso Gilbert Biblo Marge Bober Helen Brazis Mrs Ron Cappello James and Ana Cisco Ernestine Debolt Freida Delaat Mary Doljack (Col.Oh) Rosemarie Duh Mr & Mrs F Foy Susan Geroff (VA.) James Goral Mrs Julia Gorensek Miroslav & Kathy Gorjup Dr Robert Grasselli Craig and Maria Hebebrand Bob and Lillian Hlabse Francka Hočevar(+) Mr and Mrs Holecek Mrs Pat Howard Pavel and Sylvia Intihar Jaffe Family-Memory John Raddell Irene Jarosewich Virginia Jernejčič Frances Kikel (+) Mihela Kolarič (+) Mr and Mrs Anton Kompare Dorothy Kovacic-Bogovich Barbara Krakowski Frank Krašovec Verena Kristoff Anton and Marge Lavrisha Andy and Janes Leksan Dr Greg and Ruth Lis Robert Lockner Mike McGarry & Sons Painting Co Memory of Maria Mrva Jeanette Mencin Tony and Christie Mihelich Mrs Mary Mlinar William Modic Marie Newman (Sterle) Mr and Mrs Farnk Novotny Marie Orazem Dorothy Papes Mrs Mary Papp Park Ohio-Memory of Peter Sterk Mr and Mrs Jeff Pecon Raymond Pensin (#1) Raymond Persin,((2 donation) Michael Peters Monica Pintur Family Louis Prijatel Mr & Mrs Joe Radisek (Euclid) Occassion of Wedding of Suzy Rihtar Catherine Roessmann (OR) Mr & Mrs Gary Rudolph Mrs France Rusnak Albert Schempp Serra Club Walter and Jean Smrekar Dr Robert and Mrs Spech Robert Spelic (+) Mrs Rosalia Sremec Edmund Stransky Margaret Švajger Teskac Family Members-V Spomin Ata Vladica and Irene Toljana Richard and Mery Beth Tomsick Mr and Mrs John Turk Various Donors-Milka Kmetic Various Donors-Stan Batis $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $80 $80 $80 $80 $82 $85 $85 $95 $95 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 St. Vitus (Continued from page 11) old roofs, new catch basin, water proofing at various parts of the school basement, new drain tiles, and like kind work. This work is ongoing and should be completed sometime in 2010-2011. Two new gas stoves and one new oven were installed in the auditorium kitchen plus a new fire alarm and suppression system, new ice maker, two new stainless steel sinks, and a new hot water tank. The kitchen “plexiglass roof windows” were replaced with new automated windows that now allow for better air circulation in the kitchen. The kitchen was also painted. It is with great gratitude that this work was accomplished but only through the efforts of many people and organizations who consistently donated to this long overdue work. The parish has remained in this same city of Cleveland neighborhood location, operating for the good of the local and broader community for 115 uninterrupted years. Stane Kuhar $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 The purpose of capital improvements for a parish is to provide for the continued development of spiritual i welfare of parishioners as i well as for the temporal and j corporal needs of a parish. : Does the general public ' know of the many opportuni- i ties provided so that all may grow individually as well as a community in our spiritual lives. This included availability of the Sacraments, the opportunity to attend Mass on a daily basis, liturgical services ranging from Novenas, recitation of the Rosary, Stations of The Cross, singing of Marian litanies, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Eucharistic Devotions and other devotions that have and continue to be provided fo{ all. (Continued on next page) In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on. ____________—Robert Frosty St. Vitus Church: Roofs & Improvements Project i3 Support Level (Continued) Velesic Family Ms Nada Videgar Vinko (+) and Marija Vrhovnik Mr and Mrs Wier Vili and Rela Zadnikar Phil and MaryAnne Zak Mrs Frank Železnik Dr and Mrs Adolph Žnidaršič Frances Zolar-Washington DC Mrs Josephine Zakrajšek (+) Elsie Belaska Memory Richard Ivancic Janez Podgorelec (+) University Hospitals-Mem R. Strauss Mark and JoAnne Celestina Mark Kuhar-gratitude for education Josephine Zajc (Ret.) Col. Joseph Kovacic, Frančišek Kuhar John (+) and Jennie Legan Rose Cimperman Greg and Andrea Lovicaides Mrs Julie Plavan Sergio and Maria Rus Scancar Family Dominik and Emily Stupica Janez and Ann Bratkovič Mr and Mrs Tony Goršek Mrs Ann Ljubi Lillian Vidmar Jim and Carol Szymanski Marion and Rita Vrtačnik Various Donors-Memory of F. Kikel Anton and Margaret Martinčič Joe and Anna Cooper Mary Febbo Hall Family Trust Maria Hrwatzki Mr and Mrs David Kern Anton Marinčič Mr and Mrs Dan Mcquire Anthony and Dolores Mihelich Stefan (+) and Ana Nemec Mr and Mrs William Pevec Laura Scaffine Slov.School Grade 8 Graduates Evelyn Strauss Mary Tominc Ray Yartz Rose (Verbič) Zalneratis Various donors-Mem Vickie Spelic Lillian Ribarich Bart Slak David and Anne Bloom Mr and Mrs Maria Lees John (+) and Josie Siewiorek Various donors:Mem F.Nemanich Marie Pavli Mrs Jurkovič Tony and Bernie Ovsenik Robert and Andrea Mace Joseph Cancic Mr and Mrs Richard Pangonis Anonymous( (BDW) AMLA-Lodge #4-St.Anne Jennie Arko (+) Mrs Danica Chemas Josie Condello Mrs Milena Dakic George and Donna Fornadley Joe and Martha Gaser Godic Family-Mem. Of Bonnie Simmons Edward Godic-Memory of deceased parents Mrs Rose Godic (+) Lt. Col. Robert Jevec Margaret Koons-Mem Karel & Maria Mauser Joseph Kosir (LSBIvd) Matt and Breda Lončar NJ Gregorich Trust Gavid Osenar Susan Porter 'van and Josie Rus Janez Sever Wayne and Francine Snyder $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $104 $105 $105 $105 $105 $110 $110 $110 $115 $115 $115 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $125 $125 $125 $125 $128 $130 $135 $145 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $155 $160 $160 $165 $165 $165 $165 $169 $175 $180 $190 $195 $199 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Larry Sterk $200 Stane Šušteršič (+) $200 Martin Tominc $200 Dr Frank Toplak DDS $200 Daniel and Antonia Uzl $200 Stane and Ivanka Vidmar $200 Mirko (+) and Julka Vombergar $200 Hlenea Wolstoncraft (PA.) $200 P.Tom and Marge Žnidaršič $200 Mr and Mrs Stephen Mills $205 Mrs Ann Cendol $220 Mrs Ann Wojcik $220 Various donors-Mem Milan Zudic $220 Marie Urban $222 Various donors-Mem S. Vrhovec $225 Josephine Perpar (+) $225 Mr and Mrs Frank Vidmar $225 Mr and Mrs Wencel Frank $230 Ann Mihelič $230 Columbia Fun Fund-Refund (LP) $234 Ivanka Matic $240 Franc and Lojzka Sever $240 Support Level Total (Oct 2003-to-12/31/07): $27,180 Memory/Participating Total(10/03-to-12/31/07): ($50-to-$1) Note: "+" means deceased ("+" pomeni pokojeni). $7,485 Summary By Category-Direct Contributions 10/2003-to-12/31/2007) Total Diamond Level $646,372 Total Gold Level $50,711 Total Silver Level $124,779 Total Bronze Level $145,309 Total Support Level $27,180 Total Memory/Participating $7.485 Total Direct Contributions 2003-2007 $1,001,836 As of 12/31/07: 356 households (Aver.HHLD donation 2007=$537) $191,166 As of 12/31/06: 318 households $142,039 (Aver.HHLD donation 2006=$447) As of 12/31/05: 256 households $150,179 (Aver. HHLD donation 2005=$587). (Continued on next page) (Continued from page 12) Does the general public know that since 1977 over 18,000 bags or baskets have been served to indigent people by St. Vitus Food Bank-Pantry. Does the general public also know there are two “12 Step” programs provided to have people overcome the problems related to alcoholism. Does the general public know of the often unnoticed work of individuals of an organization such as St. Vincent de Paul Society who personally meet with those in need, a one-on-one basis, to ascertain the true needs of the poor and how to best meet those needs; and that this type of work has been ongoing for over 50 years in a quiet but effective manner. Does the general public know of the distribution of hot meals at Thanksgiving time as well as food baskets and other items at Christmas time to the shut-ins, the home-bound and those currently residing at assisted living residences? These few examples denote that with a good and continuing spiritual life, parishioners of good will at St. Vitus and any other parish continue to do the work as stated in Old and New Testaments and are a source of acknowledgement that such a parish does merit the continued support it has been receiving the past 115 years. Thank you everyone. Mr. Kuhar is Finance Director of St. Vitus Parish. He can be reached at (216)361-1444. Faith is an asset of the mind and a consent of the heart, consisting mainly of belief and trust. For Bishop Baraga Days the front pews of St. Vitus church were reserved for persons dressed in Slovenian National Costume. (Photo by lONY GRDINA) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 7, 2008 St. Vitus Church: Roofs & Improvements Project Summary Page: Sources Of Funds Directly Raised Oct 2003-Dec 2004 Directly Raised Jan-Dec 2005 Directly Raised Jan-Dec 2006 Directly Raised Jan-Dec 2007 Directly Raised: Estate NJ Gregorich Directly Raised:Anon.-Mem Msgr LB Baznik Parish summer picnics 2004,05,06,& 07: Net Bingo (2003, 1/2 year 2004) Distribution: Endowment Trust 2004 Reimbursement: Insurance Proceeds Reimbursement: Blueprints Sale: Estate real prop-FL. (For Rectory) Bank Loan Parish Internal Loan Less: Bank loan repaid Total sources of funds: Use of Funds Roof &Capital lmprovements:Church Roof &Capital Improvements.Rectory Capital lmprovements:School/auditorium Miscellaneous work: Other Restrooms(lower church hall/new, upper)-2007 Church Bells work/new motors-2007 Electric work:restrooms/bells/motors/etc-2007 Miscell#2:New railing/stain glass window-2007 Church Organ-consulting/analysis-2007 Total Source Funds Used: Total Source of Funds to date: Total Use of Funds to date: Difference to date (12/31/07): Less: Funds allocated for organ work Less: Funds allocated for sound system Net variance ‘Does not include interest paid to pay (Loan to mature June 2009 based on principal payment of $15,000 PLUS interest each quarter). For 2007 only Funds raised for the roof work: Funds rasied for proposed organ repair Funds raised for proposed sound system Total funds raised in 2007 Summary Page: Use Of Funds Dollar Amt Detail Use: Church/ $267,452 (Izdatki, Cerkve) $150,179 Printing-Campaign $142,039 Postage-Campaign $191,166 Publishing Costs/Advertising $150,000 CPP-Cover:outside electric wires $100,000 Copies-blueprints $81,000 Moving & Storage $66,100 Roof/Metalsmith $100,000 Exterior/Interior $29,500 Painting-Art Work $200 Exterior Windows $208,000 Exterior Church Cleaning(bricks.etc) $300,000 Masonry Work $400,000 Misc.Supplies/rental /$210.000) Physical Engineer: Testing Work $1,975,636 Worker Supplies Miscellaneous expensesxarpentry Wood Repair/Supervision,etc. ($1,062,412) Church Work Total: ($495,041) Detail UselRectorv:Izdatki Župnišča) ($243,823) Architect ($45,000) Asbestos Removal ($48,111) Carpentry/Walls/remove plaster walls/ ($32,093) Drywalls/dumpster/lift work ($9,969) Exterior Painting ($12,358) Floor Rework ($1,784) Floor tiles ($1,950,591) Furniture Repair Furnitur/Appliac/Cabinets/Fixtur. $1,975,636 Interior Painting/Wallpaper ($1.950.591) Light fixtures/ $25,045 Moving/Storage ($91,237) Postal ($16,000) Roof/MetalSmith(copper,lead,etc) Rectory Work Total: ($82,192) Detail UsetMisc.Work/Izdatki.Razno) Drain tile work-church DrainTile-School/Auditorium Fencing/Park Lot Front/Back Entrances Painting Work Miscellaneous Work Asphalt paving and sealing work $83,929 Plumbing $91,237 Repair-auditorium/garages $16.000 Roof work: auditorium/car garages $191,166 Roof: Upper barrell,auditorium School roof Boiler Room Roof Miscellaneous Work Total: Dollar Amt $1,749 $592 $640 $4,500 $767 $200 $716,373 $74,484 $28,775 $34,478 $91,853 $857 $250 $1,605 $28,057 $77.232 $1,062,412 $5,850 $1,480 $133,615 $6,675 $15,134 $1,658 $425 $55,746 $63,953 $24,074 $999 $98 $185.334 $495,041 $4,800 $31,150 $13,145 $23,086 $9,628 $2,692 $8,147 $16,748 $15,347 $60,880 $32,250 $21,050 $4,900 $243,823 Upper sanctuary religious art work, left, facing altar of St. Vitus Church are three prominent individuals in the parish and community. They are Frank J. Lausche (center), to his right is Msgr. Bartholomew J. Ponikvar (pastor when current St. Vitus Church was built (1930-32)), and Auxiliary Bishop A. Edward Pevec. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 0241 00) Thursday, August 7, 2008 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Predvolilna kampanja v polnem teku -Vladajoča koalicija naj bi v zadnjih štirih letih izpolnila 80% svojega programa Čeprav bodo parlamentarne volitve šele 21. septembra, je Državni zbor sredi julija končal štiriletni mandat, sestajal se bo do volitev le na izrednih sejah. Menda bo ena osrednjih tem v predvolilni dobi in tudi za sedanjo vlado obravnavo o slovenskih tajku-nih in o ukrepih zoper nje, ki jih baje pripravlja vlada. Iz vladnih oz. koalicijskih krogov trdijo sicer, da je tekom štirih let koalicija izpolnila kar 80% svojega programa ali, drugače rečeno, zavez iz sporazuma, s katerim je bila koalicija leta 2004 ustvarjena. Vse pa kaže za te volitve na primer, da zaveza med Janez Janševo Slovensko demokratsko stranko in Andrej Bajukovo NSi ne obstaja v takšnem smislu, kot je pred štirimi leti. Močna trenja so tudi med SDS in SLS. Vse torej kaže, da bodo volilni izidi posameznih strank ključ do vzpostavitve nove koalicije z večino v novem parlamentu. Nekateri opazovalci zato menijo, da ni mogoče izključiti, da bi se Janez Janša oz. njegova SDS prišel v zavezo s kakšno levičarsko stranko kot glavni partner v večstrankarski koaliciji. V nedavnem intervjuju za list Dnevnik, je Lojze Peterle menil, da niti ne gre izključiti možnosti, da bi Bajukova NSi sploh ne mogla priti v novi Državni zbor. V zadnjem času je postal precej aktiven s svojimi izjavami bivši predsednik Milan Kučan, ki govori zelo ostro zoper Janševo vlado. Za sebe je sicer dejal, da on ne bo kandidiral za poslansko mesto. Za mandatarja nove vlade po volitvah se je Kučan opredelil za Boruta Pahorja iz SD in to z besedami, “da je on gotovo človek, ki upravičeno kandidira na položaj predsednika vlade”. Za Janšo sta bili ključna dosežka njegove koalicije nizka brezposelnost in znižanje javne porabe. Pomemben dosežek je tudi bil vstop v območje evra. Vladna politika naj bi vodila do nastanka 37.000 novih delovnih mest, predvsem v gospodarstvu. Stopnja brezposelnosti je 6,5%, kar je najnižja stopnja v zgodovini neodvisne Slovenije. V štirih letih se je bruto domači proizvod na prebivalca povečal iz 18.400 evrov na 22.400 evrov, povprečna plača je bila januarja 2005 715 evrov, maja letos pa 883 evrov. Opozicijske stranke seveda zanikajo, da je Slovenija občutno ekonomsko ali drugače napredovala v zadnjih štirih letih. Drugo vprašanje, ki je zopet prišla na površje v državi, je tisto o statusu tkim. “izbrisanih”. -Gre za 18.305 oseb, ki so bile iz različnih razlogov izbrisane iz seznama tujcev, prebivajočih v državi. Zaradi tega posamezniki od države zahtevajo odškodnine, ki v nekaterih primerih segajo do več kot pol milijonoa evrov, že najmanjši zahtevek pa znaša 41.729 evrov. Tudi o tej problematiki še tečejo hude besede med raznimi strankami. V Idriji dokončno zaprli rudnik živega srebra - Bil je drugi največji na svetu V juniju so praznovali 500. obletnico rudnika živega srebra v Idriji, ki je zdaj dokončno zaprt, čeprav v njem je še vedno kar precej živega srebra. Rudnik je svojčas bil drugi največji na svetu, za tistim v Al-madenu v Španiji. Iz rudnika v Idriji je vsega skupaj prišlo 147.000 ton živega srebra, to pa pomeni 13% vsega živega srebra, kar ga je bilo doslej uporabljeno za človeške namene. Ameriški veleposlanik v Sloveniji g. Ghafari obiskal Cleveland Veleposlanik Ghafari je bil 22. julija gost gen. konzula Zvoneta Žigona, ki ga je peljal na ogled raznih krajev in na srečanja z raznimi skupinami. Med drugim je obiskal novi center za slovenske študije na univerzi Cleveland State in se srečal tudi z novo organizacijo slovenskih poslovnežev in profesionalcev. Poudaril je, da je Slovenija zelo privlačna za morebitne investitorje. Od predsedovanja EU do identitete - To je bila javna tribuna, ki je bila v Caankarjevem domu pretekli mesec in posvečena vprašanju identitete in samobitnosti Slovenije na današnjem evropskem prizorišču po končanem predsedovanju Evropski uniji. V razpravi so sodelovali številni vodilni delavci iz kulturnega in tudi političnega vrha, med njimi trije, ki so igrali ključne vloge v procesu nastajanja neodvisne slovenske države pred skoro dvajsetimi leti ter tudi sedanji predsednik države Danilo Turk. Na fotografiji so z leve zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel, premier Janez Janša, bivši premier in sedanji poslanec v evropskem parlamentu v Strasburgu Lojze Peterle (pravkar je bil praznoval svoj 60. rojstni dan), in Danilo Turk. Splošna ocena na tribuni je bila zelo pozitivna za Slovenijo, urednik Nove revije Niko Grafenauer pa je posvaril, da Evropa ni talilni lonec tako kot ZDA, ampak je domovina starih narodov. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Piknik župn^e Marije bovzete— Vabljeni ste na letni piknik župnije Marije Vnebov-zete, ki bo v nedeljo, 17. avgusta, na Slovenski pristavi. Ob 12.30 pop. bo sv. maša, takoj po njej bo servirano kosilo (piščanec/goveja pečenka). Dar za kosilo je $12 za odraslo osebo, $6 za otroka. Pozneje popoldan bo tudi pečen odo-je, jagnje in čevapčiči, kakor tudi druga hrana in seveda tekoča okrepčila ter prodaja peciva pod vodstvom članic Oltarnega društva. Za ples in zabavo bo igral ansambel Veseli godci. Odločite se in pridite! Spominsko romanje— DSPB vabi na svoje letno romanje v Frank, Ohio, ki bo v nedeljo, 24. avgusta. Dopis o tem je na str. 16, prijave za avtobus ($20) pa so željene čmipreje! Novi grobovi Joseph R. Stradiot Dne 25. julija je umrl 81 let stari Joseph R. Stradiot s Highland Hts., rojen 16. decembra 1926, mož Jeanne A. (r. Zaletel), oče Dale-a in Marka, 7-krat stari oče, brat Michaela in Josephine McCracken, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški mornarici, bobnar in pevec pri znanih orkestrih Johnnyja Vadnal in Eddieja Stanfil, leta 1998 izvoljen za člana Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame. Pogreb je bil 2. avgusta. John Slosar Umrl je 86 let stari John Slosar, vdovec po Eleanore, roj. Hansh, oče Jamesa, Johna in Ellen Lunder, 3-krat stari oče, brat Vere in Mary Clark, veteran 2. svetovne vojne. Pogreb je bil 26. julija v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Frna-čiška na Superior Ave. s pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Molly Škufca Dne 27. julija je umrla 94 let stara Molly Škufca, vdova po Sylvestru (Jack), sestra Ed-a, Jennie, Mary, Stelle, Anne, Irene, Helen in Josepha (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je bil 31. julija s pokopom na pokopališču Mentor. (DALJE na str. 20) Baragovi dnevi 2008— Letošnji Baragovi dnevi bodo letos v Jolietu in Le-montu konec septembra. Avtobus iz Clevelanda bo odpeljal 27. septembra zj. in se vrnil 29. sept. zvečer. Vsi podatki in rezervacije za avtobus dobite, če pokličete go. Ivanko Matič, 1874 Braeburn Park Dr., Euclid, OH 44117, tel. 216-481-1514. Pozor: plačano mora biti do 8. sept. Gl. dopis na str. 16. Veselica na Slov. pristavi— Bliža se nam Delavski dan praznik, ki je letos zelo zgodaj. Odbor Slov. pristave pripravlja posebno veselico za ta vikend, ki se bo pričel v petek, 29. avgusta z nastopom še ene skupine iz Slovenije. Tokrat gre za godbo iz Begunj na Gorenjskem, vasi torej, kjer je doma Slavko Avsenik: Veseli Begunjčani. Veselica se bo pričela z večerjo, servirano med 6.-7.30 zv. Rezervacije sprejema Elizabeta Žalik na 440-537-1941. Po večerji bo nastop Veselih Begunj čanov, ki bodo igrali nato tudi za ples. Člani in prijatelji SP lepo vabljeni! Naši dobrotniki— Dr. Vladimir Rus, Pepper Pike, O., je daroval $22 v podporo našemu listu. Ga. Marija Cugelj in družina iz Clevelanda je podarila $25, v spomin moža Ivana ter dodala lepe besede na naš račun. G. Stanley Mramor, Sheffield Village, O., je daroval $20. Gdč. Vida Kalin iz Clevelanda je darovala $35. Ga. Enika Zulič, Euclid, O., je darovala $16. Iskrena hvala vsem našim zvestim dobrotnikom! Joseph Cimperman tarča— Zgodaj zjutraj 28. julija je bil mestni svetnik Joe Cimperman z ženo in komaj tednom staro hčerkico tarča požigalca, ki je zanetil požar na njegovi hiši v soseščini Tremont. Hiša je bila zelo poškodovana Cimperman in družina ter tri ženske, ki so imele stanovanje na pritličju v najem, so se pa rešili, veliko po zaslugi sosedov, ki so požar opazili in jih zbudili. V soboto je pa neznanec poš-koval avto Cimpermanove žene, ki je bil parkiran v garaži ob zdaj neuporabni hiši. Policija zadevo preiskuje, Cimperman in družino sedaj pazijo policisti. Glede storilca(-ev) ob tem poročanju menda ni še nič konkretno znanega. Baragovi dnevi 2008 CLEVELAND, O. - Ker so Baragovi dnevi letos v Jo-lietu in Lemontu, v državi Illinois, se bomo podalo na pot v soboto, 27. septembra, že ob šestih zjutraj iz parkirišča Euclid Ice Skating Arena, ki se nahaja na Babbitt Rd. v tem mestu. Če vozite od 1-90 po Babbitu proti severu (v smeri proti jezeru), je to parkirišče nedaleč od Babbitt na levi strani, na križišču z ulico Milton Ave., na desni pa je poslopje Euclid Family YMCA. Zjutraj ob 6.15 se nam bodo pri St. Vitus Village pridružili še ostali romarji in skupaj se bomo podali na pot v Joliet. Tam si bomo med drugimi zanimo-vostmi ogledali urad in zgradbo KSKJ (po starem: Kranjske slovenske katoliške jednote), naše največje katoliške organizacije v Ameriki, in urad ter muzej Slovenske ženske zveze, največje slovensko ameriške ženske organizacije. V soboto ob šestih zvečer bomo pri angleški sveti maši v prelepi slovenski cerkvi sv. Jožefa v Jolietu, v nedeljo pop. ob 2.30 bo pa slovenska sv. maša v Baragovem parku pri očetih frančiškanih v Lemontu. Dvakrat bomo prespali v udobnem motelu in sicer v nočeh med soboto in nedeljo in med nedeljo in ponedeljkom. V ponedeljek, 29. septembra, pa se bomo polni zaupanja, da nas vse z nebes blagoslavlja naš svetniški misijonar škof Friderik Baraga, ob prijateljskih pogovorih, molitvah in petju vrnili domov in se potem poslovili drug od drugega pri St. Vitus Village ali na parkirišču Euclid Ice Skating Arena. Cena za avtobus, dvakratno prenočišče, dva zajtrka in banket znaša samo $210 od osebe. Pomembno: ta vsota mora biti plačana do 8. septembra! Informacije posreduje in prijave sprejema: Ivanka Matič 1874 Braeburn Park Drive, Euclid, OH 44117 tel. 216-481-1514. Odbor DSPB — Frank Šega ... SPOMINSKO ROMANJE Sporočilo Generalnega konzulata RS Slovenijje v Clevelandu: Volitve v Državni zbor Republike Slovenije Volitve v Državni zbor Republike Slovenije bodo 21. septembra 2008. Tisti volivci, ki bi radi volili po pošti, morajo izpolniti posebno zahtevo in jo poslati na sedež Državne volilne komisije najpozneje do 22. avgusta. Slovenski državljani, ki imajo stalno bivališče v Sloveniji, a začasno živijo v tujini, lahko zahtevek za glasovanje po pošti posredujejo neposredno Državni volilni komisiji najkasneje do 22. avgusta ali na DKP. Slovenski državljani s stalnim bivališčem v Sloveniji, ki bi radi glasovali na diplomatsko-konzu-larnem predstavništvu, morajo prav tako sporočiti to željo Državni volilni komisiji in bodo vpisani v poseben volilni seznam. Volivci, ki sicer volijo v tujini, pa bi tokrat radi to opravili v Sloveniji, morajo to svojo namero sporočiti Državni volilni komisiji najkasneje do 18. septembra/ Vse zahteve pošljite na naslov: Državna volilna komisija. Slovenska cesta 54, Ljubljana, ali po faksu na štev. 011-386-1-43 31 269, ali po elektronski pošti: (v zadnjem primeru velja zgolj prošnja s skeniranim lastnoročnim podpisom). Vloge oziroma zahtevke najdete na spletni strani Državne volilne komisije ali na di-plomatsko-konzularnem predstavništvu. Na diplomatsko-konzularnih predstavništvih je že razgrnjen volilni imenik. Vsak državljan ima pravico vpogleda v volilni imenik in pravico podati zahtevo za popravek volilnega imenika (morebitno nepravilno zapisano ime, naslov, že pokojne osebe ipd.). Vpogled in podaja popravkov sta možna do 6. septembra 2008. Tisti slovenski državljani, ki niso vpisani v volilni imenik, pa bi radi volili, lahko napozneje do 22. avgusta vložijo zahtevo za vpis v evidenco volilne pravice. Volivci lahko do vključno 27. avgusta 2008 tudi predlagajo svoje kandidate za poslance in sicer vsakdo največ po enega kandidata. Obrazec s podporo lahko izpolnite na diplomatsko-konzularnem predstavništvu. CLEVELAND, O. - Neverjetno, kako čas hiti! Že zopet smo v mesecu avgustu in sredi poletnega časa, v času vročih in soparnih dni, kar je sicer normalno za naš se- V BLAG SPOMIN 27. OBLETNICE SMRTI očeta in starega očeta ,4r LUKA KUHAR Umrl 6. avgusta 1981. Sonce naj na trato sije, kjer počivaš dragi Ti. Duša pa naj srečo uživa, tam v rajski večnosti. Žalujoči: Lojzi, Frančišek, Stane, Bogomir - sinovi Metka, Marcy - snahi Uršula Marija - vnukinja Marko, Niko, Benjamin in Andrej - vnuki in ostalo sorodstvo v Argentini, Ameriki in Sloveniji. Cleveland, Ohio, 7. avgusta 200K verni del države Ohio. Vsem, ki vas doseže ta dopis, iskreno želim veliko mero veselja, užitka, počitka in zadovoljstva v vseh ozirih. Ko berete to številko Ameriške domovine naj se spomnimo, da je bil mesec avgust, ko že od zgodnjih 1960ih let DSPB prireja spominsko romanje k svetišču Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, O. Že vsa ta leta je naš namen in tradicija, da se v Spoštovanju in molitvi spomnimo naših mučencev, ki so za svoje krščansko in narodno pre- Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS pričanje ter v ljubezni do svojega naroda darovali svoja mlada življenja na oltar domovine, to v upanju za pravo demokratično in svobodno domovino, kjer bo vsakdo imel enako pravico do svojega prepričanja in eksistenco. To so bile iskrene želje velike večine našega naroda, ki bi z malimi žrtvami preživel gorje 2. svetovne vojne, kot se je to zgodilo na Češkem. Na žalost smo imeli v tistem času malo skupino ljudi, to je s sovraštvom prepojenih komunistov, ki so izrabili stisko naroda za edini cilj komunistične partije in sicer prilastiti si oblast za vsako ceno, brez ozira na človeške žrtve. Po zaslugi in zaslepljenosti naših zahodnih zaveznikov med in po koncu vojne ter z masovnim pobijanjem (genocidom) narod ljubečih rojakov, se jim je ta cilj popolnoma posrečilo doseči. Človeka obide groza, če se zamisli v zločine in trpljenje našega naroda, ki so ga povzročili komunisti v času trojne okupacije. Širili so propagando, da žrtve morajo biti in to zato, da bi si prisvojili oblast. Dejstvo pa je in vedno bo, da radi medvojne aktivnosti OF in deset in deset tisočev žrtev slovenskih komunistov, ni bil niti en dan prej konec druge svetovne vojne. Namen našega tradicionalnega romanja k Žalostni Materi božji je, da se zamislimo in spomnimo nepopisnega trpljenja številnih dobrih in vernih rojakov, ki so v ječah in po taboriščih trpeli mučenje in teror OFarjev. V naših prošnjah k Večnemu Očetu in žalostni Materi božji se bomo spomnili vseh naših mučencev in rojakov, ki so kot nasprotniki komunizma, fašizma in nacizma darovali svoja življenja v želji za pravo in resnično svobodo. Naše iskrene želje so, da bi po božji dobroti in milosti naši mučenci za nesebično ljubezen in žrtev za domovino in vero prejeli zasluženo plačilo ter večni mir in pokoj pri Očetu v naši večni domovini. ❖ Datum našega romanja je nedelja, 24. avgusta. Sv. maša bo ob 12. uri, opravil jo bo naše že dolgoletni prijatelj dr. P. Krajnik. Odbor DSPB lepo vabi, da se nam pridružite, da se hvaležno poklonimo in spomnimo naših dragih mučencev. Prijave za avtobus sprejemajo sledeči: Viktor Tominec: 216- 531-2718 Frank Šega: 440-944-0020 Slovenska pisarna (g. Srečo Gascr): 216-361- 0300 Cena za avtobus je $20 in prosimo, da si nabavite vozovnice čimpreje, za kar se vam že v naprej zahvlajujcmo! TABOR se zahvaljuje CLEVELAND, O. - Prijetno vreme nas je pozdravilo, ko smo se napotili na Pristavo 15. junija. Hvala in čast vsem zavednim Slovencem, ki so se od blizu in daleč zbrali v lepem številu na Orlovem vrhu. Filip Oreh je pozdravil vse navzoče in se v nagovoru tudi poklonil spominu pok. generala Leona Rupnik, pok. škofa Gregorija Rožman in pok. dr. Valentina Mer-šol, katere lahko prištevamo našim mučencem. Z molitvijo in pesmijo smo počastili spomin vseh naših padlih in pomorjenih žrtev komunizma, ter se zahvalili Bogu za naše žive in pokojne očete. Hvala č.g. Franciju Kosem za tako lepo pridigo! Hvala pevkam in pevcem za ubrano petje med (dalje na str. 18) ejisfefr Saturdays 9-I0pm Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 3I73I Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills. Ohio 44092 Phone: I-440-944-2538 e-mail: f ll|| CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LjUBLJANA MILAN RIBIČ - Intervju za tednik Demokracija (17. jul. 2008): Slovenska pristava pri Clevelandu Milan Ribič je zadnjih sedem let, skupaj pa deset let, predsednik Slovenske pristave, “koščka Slovenije zunaj Slovenije”. Na pristavi se ob športu družijo številni mladi ameriški Slovenci, ki, če je le priložnost, zelo radi obiščejo Slovenijo. poroča LUCIJA HORVAT O Ob neki priložnosti ste rekli “Pet Slovencev - pet političnih strank”. Kako vam kot dolgoletnemu predsedniku Slovenske pristave toliko časa uspeva presegati razdeljenost in povezovati interese Slovencev? Ko sem drugič postal predsednik Slovenske pristave, smo začeli menjavati člane odbora, ki je precej velik, ima kar 50 članov, izvršni odbor pa 6. V odbor smo vključili več mlajših ljudi in več žensk. Starejši člani so bili bolj zaprti vase, mlajši pa so podprli moje ideje, da se mora Slovenska pristava odpreti navzven. Mladih ameriških Slovencev je veliko. Kaj vse jim lahko ponudi Slovenska pristava? Koliko je mladih članov? V zadnjem času je spet bolj zaživel šport, predvsem odbojka in tenis, imamo tudi plavalni bazen. Skoraj vsak konec tedna prirejamo srečanja in zabave. Imamo tudi nove počitniške hišice, ki so zgrajene z investicijami staršev, da lahko mla- di preživijo noč v njih in se jim pozno ponoči ni treba vračati domov. Mladi radi prihajajo na pristavo prav zaradi druženja. Koliko je mladih članov pristave, bi vam težko odgovoril, saj imamo družinsko članstvo. Imamo več kot 700 članskih izkaznic, kar gotovo pomeni več kot 2000 članov. Ocenjujem, da je članov mlajših od 35 let, od 25 do 30 odstotkov. V čem so potrebe mladih Slovencev, izseljencev druge, tretje generacije, drugačne od potreb prvih slovenskih priseljencev? Slovenci so po prihodu iz Slovenije v začetku potrebovali le prostor, kjer bi se lahko srečevali. Potrebe druge in tretje generacije pa so drugačne že v tem, da želijo preživeti konec tedna v udobju, ki ga v začetku, ko je Slovenska pristava zaživela, ni bilo. To se je zdaj spremenilo, zdaj imamo dvorano, igrišča in hišice. Že na začetku pa so delovale folklorne skupine, ki so člane med seboj povezale, da se še po več letih vračajo na pristavo. Lansko leto ste odprli novo dvorano, ki se imenuje po slovenskem senatorju Frenku Lauschetu. Kaj to pomeni za vas? Imamo novo dvorano in kažejo se prvi rezultati, tudi obisk v slabem vremenu. O novi dvorani smo se na pristavi pogovarjali dolgo časa, še preden sem postal predsednik. V začetku je bilo nekaj trenj glede tega, naj bi jo postavili ali ne. Toda stara dvorana je bila majhna, temna, s cementnim podom in neogrevana, tako da se je jeseni in pozimi ni dalo prav uporabljati. Da zgradimo novo, smo se odločili pred tremi ali štirimi leti. Organizirali smo se, zbrali več kot 700.000 dolarjev in kar 95 odstotkov vsega dela opravili člani Slovenske pristave, saj so med nami strokovnjaki vseh vrst, ki so potrebni za gradbena dela. Ko smo dvorano gradili, so prišli pomagat tudi V Blag Spomin Frank Smole 11. avgust 2000 Kako srčno smo te ljubili Prezgodaj smo te izgubili Preljubi atiti, naj ti večna luč gori Žalujoči: žena Ivanka hčerka Marie in sin Frank ml. z družinama. člani, ki smo jih poznali samo na papirju. V enem letu smo postavili stavbo in jo dogradili. Prav zaradi dvorane, ki ima zelo dobro ozvočenje, mlajši še radi prihajajo in sodelujejo pri prireditvah. Pristavo dela še zanimivejšo majhna gostila. Pri nas deluje ansambel Veseli godci, ki igra narodnozabavno in popularno glasbo, in ansambel Staneta Mejača. Slovenskih rokovskih skupin ni, čeprav bi bilo tudi to zanimivo. Ali organizirate obiske mladih v Sloveniji? Kako so organizirani? Obiskov je kar precej: lani je bil organiziran obisk učencev obeh šol slovenskega jezika. Vzgoja v slovenskem duhu se tako začne že pri otrocih. Sicer pa v Slovenijo prihajajo tudi mladi odrasli, da bi se seznanili z življenjem v Sloveniji. Sicer pa so ti obiski postali nekoliko dragi. Želim si, da lahko organizirali tudi daljše bivanje za mlade v Sloveniji, in sicer s programom, med katerim bi lahko spoznali vse sfere življenja v Sloveniji. Seveda obstaja tudi možnost, da bi kdo v Sloveniji ostal za zmeraj. Zanimanje za obisk Slovenije je med mladimi veliko. Letos je na primer Slovenija v svetu organizirala odbojko. Škoda le, da je bilo vse skupaj za našo ekipo prepozno, saj so nekateri zaposleni ali pa študirajo in tako dolge poti ni mogoče organizirati v 14 dneh. Naslednjič bodo naši odbojkarji zagotovo prišli! Slovenci v Clevelandu ste ta čas dobili slovenski muzej in slovenski lektorat. Kaj to po vaše (DALJE na str. 18) V SPOMIN Ostali so spomini, bolečina, ostala je praznina in pogled v nebo, kjer, upamo, da ti je lepo. V nedeljo, 12. avgusta 2008 Angelca Luzar Hvala vsem, ki se je spominjate, zaiyo molite in obiskujete njen grob! Vsi njeni - Urankarjevi, Lužarjevi in Robinetovi. V BLAG SPOMIN! Ob trinajsti obletnici naše drage in nepozabne žene, mame, stare mame, sestre in svakinje 1925 1998 ANTONIJE (TONČKE) SEGA Umrla 6. avgusta Po vo^i Večnega Očeta odšla od nas si k Očetu v večno domovino nam draga in ljubljena Ti žena-mati. Močno pogrešamo dobroto in ljubezen tvojo, miloba in veselja poln značaj - to bili so nam sončni žarki, ki ogrevali so nam naš dom, da vedno nam je bilo lepo. Naj On, ki naš je dobri Večni Oče, poplača Ti ljubezen in dobroto tvojo! Žalujoči: Družina Šega in sorodniki. Ohio, Indiana, Idaho, Slovenija in Argentina. ...Rad bi prodal svojo NEPREMIČNINO V SLOVENIJI, ampak kako ? Mi vam bomo pomagali, da prodate svojo nepremičnino • Zemlja-parcela, hiša, stanovanjc • Apartma, kmetija, počitniška hiša Pokličite nas, pošljite fax ali c mail ! Imamo družinsko tradicijo PALAČA NEPREMIČNINE d.o.o. Ul. 6. Junija I2A SM295 Ivančna Gorica GSM: 00386 41 56 00 68 Tcl/fax: 00386 1 78 78 040 e mail: Slovenska pristava pri Clevelandu (nadaljevanje s str. 17) pomeni za slovensko identiteto? V Ameriki, v Clevelandu, do sedaj ni bilo nobene slovenske organizacije, ki bi temeljila na zgodovini priseljevanja Slovencev v ZDA, ter bi povezovala in zapisovala delovanje vseh slovenskih organizacij, ki jih je v Ameriki več kot sto in so med njimi ene bolj, druge manj žive. V svetu muzeja, ki je bil odprt na St. Clairju, kjer je bila dolgo časa zelo živa slovenska naselbina - zdaj ni več, ker smo se večinoma vsi preselili - nas je kar nekaj vodilnih iz različnih slovenskih organizacij. V sklopu muzeja delujeta tudi slovensko rodo-slovno društvo in knjižnica, čitalnica. Da bo muzej zaživel, bo moralo preteči še precej časa. Gradiva je veliko, do sedaj so ga deset- letja zbirali in hranili predvsem slovenski duhovniki. Upamo, da bomo prišli do več gradiva, ko se bo razširila vest o muzeju. Mislim, da bo v muzej marsikaj prišlo iz družinskih zakladnic, starih več kot 100 let. Dobro bi bilo zapisati tudi zgodovino in osebne zgodbe ameriških Slovencev. Zgodovina bo zapisana predvsem na zgoščenkah. Slovenski muzej in arhiv bosta tudi priložnost in možnost za zapis širše zgodovine Slovencev v Ameriki. Skupnost Slovencev v Clevelandu je bila zelo velika, vendar je bila vedno zelo razcepljena in raztresena ter se nikoli v preteklosti ni združila, da bi se napisala celotna zgodovina. Obstajajo le drobci, zato je slovenski muzej dobra priložnost, da bi to popravili. V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN JOŽE in JOŽEFA ŠTEPEC Gospod, daruj jima mir, naj večna Luč jima sveti; ker si dobrote vir, uživajta raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: Tone, sin, z družino Pepca, Vida in Ani, hčere, z družinami in ostalo sorodstvo v ZDA, Kanadi in Sloveniji PERKIN'S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Ali je slovenščina, ki živi med izseljenci v Ameriki, kaj drugačna od tiste, ki jo slišite, ko obiščete Slovenijo? V Ameriki živim 37 let in slovenski jezik se je v tem času v marsičem spremenil, zlasti pogovorni jezik. Slovenijo obiščem vsako leto in vsakokrat zasledim kakšno besedo, ki je ne poznam. S tem da se je v Clevelandu odprl lektorat slovenščine, bomo gotovo veliko pridobili. Poskušali bomo navdušiti čim več mladih, da bi ga obiskovali. Tudi sam se ga nameravam en semester udeleževati, predvsem zato, da izpopolnim svojo slovenščino. Med slovenskimi izseljenci so se ohranila tudi slovenska narečja: dolenjsko, gorenjsko, prekmursko: če se na primer srečamo s prekmurskimi iz- seljenci, se z njimi pogovarjamo v pogovorni slovenščini, ko pa začnejo govoriti med seboj, smo nekateri izgubljeni. Tudi v družinah starši z otroki navadno govorijo v slovenskem narečju. ■ TABOR... (nadaljevanje s str. 16) mašo in zaključno domobransko koračnico. Hvala tudi ge. Sophie Mazi in njenim pomočnicam, ki so pripravile tako okusno kosilo. Kljub številni udeležbi je bilo hrane za vse dovolj. Še dolgo smo se pomudili v prijetnem ozračju in lepi naravi. Še bomo obhajali naše spominske običaje, žal pa ne bo več obveščanja v Ameriški domovini. Ta naš priljubljeni časnik odhaja na “trajen pokoj”. Hvala urednikom, ki so vsesko- zi objavljali naše novice in obvestila. Imamo le še to priliko, da vse Taborjane in druge Slovence povabimo k udeležbi pri sv. maši v nedeljo, 21. septembra, ob lOh dopoldne pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Darovana bo za pok. gen. Leona Rupnik, katerega truplo trohni neznano kje v Sloveniji. Mnogo grobišč je že bilo in še jih bo odkritih: tudi njegov grob ne bo vedno skrit... Zapišite si tudi datum: nedelja, 16. novembra, ko se bo darovala sv. maša za pok. škofa Gregorija Rožman, prav tako ob lOh dop. pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v Colllinwoodu. Bog vas živi! MD Mirko Vombergar - v ljubeč spomin 1923 2007 Z globoko žalostjo v srcih sporočamo, da nas je 5. novembra 2007 zapustil naš ljubi mož, oče, stari oče, stric in brat, Mirko Vombergar st. Zelo ga bomo vsi pogrešali, a vsi ga bomo ohranili tudi v trajnem, ljubečem spominu. Rodil se je 8. maja 1923 staršem Jerneju in Jerici. Oče Jernej je bil znan kot odličen soboslikar, a tudi kot zaveden slovenski katoliški prosvetni delavec, igralec, režiser in odličen pevec. Kot takega so ga komunisti umorili 4. oktobra 1944. Seveda je bil tudi pokojni Mirko zavzet za kulturno delo in odločen nasprotnik komunizma. Z drugimi katoliškimi rojaki je postal najprej begunec na Koroškem in potem v Buenos Airesu, Argentina, Iyer se je leta 1956 poročil z Justino Cvajnar, znanko iz taboriščnih let. Po poroki sta se preselila v Združene države. Kot toliko drugih rojakov je pokojni Mirko našel zaposlitev v tovarni Cleveland Twist Drill, zelo rad pa je - podobno kot njegov oče — delal tudi kot soboslikar. Tako je z velikim veseljem pomagal tudi pri preslikavanju slovenske cerkve sv. Vida. Skupaj z ženo Tinco je vzorno skrbel za vedno lepo urejeni dom, kadar pa je imel malenkost prostega časa, je najbolj užival pri branju knjig. Izjemno dobro je poznal ne le dela slovenske književnosti, ampak tudi stvaritve tujih klasikov, med njimi Tolstoja in Dostojevskega. Največji udarec zanj je bil, ko je na stara leta izgubil vid in ni mogel več prebirati knjig in časopisov. Zelo rad je imel tudi jezike. Poleg slovenščine je govoril hrvaško, nemško, špansko in angleško. Skupaj z ženo Tinco je bil ponosen na svoje otroke: sina dr. Mirka, znanega zobozdravnika, in snaho Dano (roj Štefančič) in na hčerki Lojzko ter zeta Kena Dagg ter Ireno z njenim možem Michaelom Foxom. Z veseljem se je spominjal tudi svojih sorodnikov in soimenikov Vombergarjev, med njimi znanega dramaturga (kdo ne pozna igre Voda?), arhitekta, urednika argentinskega Duhovnega življenja in drugih. Ime Vombergar je zapisano v slovenski kulturni zgodovini! V starosti pa so mu bili v največje veselje zlasti številni vnučki in vnukinje. Mirko je bil zvest faran sv. Vida in član več organizacij, med njimi ZSPB Tabor, KSKJ in Baragovega doma. Starost je poleg izgube vida, ko ni mogel več brati, prinesla še druge tegobe, operacijo na kolku in potrebno rehabilitacijo, po odpustitvi iz bolnice pa mu je omagalo še srce. Umrl je v krogu domačih na svojem domu. Hvaležni smo vsem, ki so blagega pokojnika obiskovali v času njegove bolezni, ter vsem, ki so ga obiskali v Cosicevem pogrebnem zavodu, se udeležili sv. maše in pogrebnih molitev v cerkvi sv. Vida in ga pospremili na pokopališče Vernih duš. Posebno zahvalo izrekamo vsem za molitve, kartice in darove v njegov spomin. Zelo smo hvaležni za obiske in molitve gg. župnikom Jožetu Božnarju, Johnu Kumšetu in Billu Jersetu in Cosicevemu pogrebnemu zavodu za lepo urejeni pogreb. Najlepša hvala tudi radijskim programom in Ameriški domovini, ki so poročali o njegovi smrti. Če smo morda koga pozabili omeniti, prosimo oproščenja. Naj dobri Bog obilo poplača vsem, pokojni Mirko, ki je iskal mir na treh kontinentih sveta, pa naj si spočije v ljubečem božjem naročju! ZDRAVKO NOVAK Ob stoletnici rojstva Pokojni pisatelj in neumorni kulturni delavec Zdravko Novak je bil rojen 12. januarja 1909 v Ljubljani. Če bi v januarju še izhajala Ameriška domovina, ki je vanjo tudi on tako rad dopisoval, bi se ga takrat hvaležno spominih v tem priljubljenem časopisu ameriških Slovencev. Zaradi prenehanja pa naj nam bo oproščeno, če se že zdaj s krajšim, strnjenim dopisom ustavimo ob njegovi bližajoči se stoletnici. Otroška leta je preživljal pri Devici Mariji v Polju, v bližini Ljubljane, kjer je kot izvrsten študent končal štiri leta klasične gimnazije. Ker so starši imeli trgovino, se je potem vpisal na trgovsko šolo. Kmalu je postal samostojen trgovec v Spodnjem Kašlju, pozneje pa je sprejel vabilo in se zaposlil kot občinski tajnik v Križah na Gorenjskem. Leta 1935 se je poročil z Milko, roj. Trpin, in v zakonu so se jima rodili štiri otroci: Magda, Zdravko, Mojca in Jože. Kot je poročal njegov rojak prof. Janez Grum, se je Zdravko najprej navduševal za krščanske socialiste kot učence velikega Janeza Evangelista Kreka, a ko so se v njihove vrste vse bolj vrinili levičarji in celo komunisti, je zastavil vse sile v pre-poroditeljskih katoliških društvih, z jasnimi protikomunističnimi načeli. Začel je izstopati kot neutrudni kulturni delavec, prosvetar in spreten organizator. Po nemški zasedbi Križ se je vrnil z Gorenjske v domači kraj k Devici Mariji ob Polju, kjer se je že leta 1942 s pristopom k vaški straži uprl komunističnemu nasilju, leto pozneje pa je postal domobranec. V usodnem letu 1945, ko so po sovjetskem vdoru v Jugoslavijo zmagovali po komunistih vodeni partizani, se je tudi Zdravko z družino in soborci umaknil na Koroško, od koder se je leta 1949 izselil v Ameriko in si v Clevelandu ustvaril nov dom. Poleg garanja v tovarnah, zlasti pri Ohio Gear, in skrbi za družino, se je povsem žrtvoval za koristi slovenske skupnosti. Čeprav ob smrti 28. novembra 1971 še ni dopolnil 63 let, je za sabo pustil izredno bogato kulturno žetev. S pisanjem se je začel že v Sloveniji, nadaljeval v taboriščih v Avstriji in potem dosegel nov razmah in uspehe v svobodni Ameriki. Napisal je nad 200 leposlovnih črtic in vsakovrstnih člankov, ki jih je objavljal v taboriščnih, zamejskih in predvsem še v izseljenskih časopisih, revijah in zbornikih. V LJUBEČ SPOMIN 12. OBLETNICE NAŠEGA LJUBEGA MOŽA, OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA WILLIAM ZIDAR ki nas je zapustil 6. novembra 1996. Dvanajst let je, ko Te med nami ni. Lepo počivaj v miru, Večna Luč naj Ti sveti. Ti se pri Bogu veseliš in v srcih naših še živiš. Lepo počivaj v ameriški zemlji! Žalujoči ostali: Žena Štefka, roj. Kotar Hčerki Stephani in Maria Zeta Les in Philip Vnuki Peter, Philip, Dylan in Logan Vnukinja Joy Pravnuka Austin in Ethan ter ostali sorodniki Willoughby Hills, O., 7. avg. 2008. Uveljavljal se je tudi s pisanjem ljudskih povesti kot Cilka, Pota božja in Utrinki in z lepo uspelimi dramatizacijami. Med slednje spadajo Rožni venec, Grče in Ustoličenje karantanskega kneza zadnji dve je igrala tudi Lilija v Clevelandu. Že v taboriščih je skrbno zbiral v glavnem razmnožene taboriščne liste in jih prinesel s sabo v Ameriko. V novi domovini je postal neumoren zbiratelj begunskega tiska iz vsega sveta, ne le časopisov, revij, koledarjev in zbornikov, ampak tudi knjig, ki so izšle v izseljenstvu in zamejstvu. Kolikokrat je kupoval in plačeval iz svojega žepa! Tako je skozi leta nastajala njegova velika ljubezen, Slovenska zamejska knjižnica. Leto za letom je v argentinskih Zbornikih svobodne Slovenije objavljal preglede teh izdaj, nanje pa je opozarjal tudi v časopisih kot Ameriška domovina, v glasilu Tabor in drugod in seveda v svojem preglednem razmnoženem listu Slovenska knjiga. Leta 1963 je v AD z zadoščenjem poročal: "Trenutno izhaja izven mej Slovenije po svetu 92 slovenskih periodičnih tiskov in sicer v Argentini 24, v Angliji 3, Avstraliji 7, Belgiji 2, Beneški Sloveniji 1, v Braziliji 1, v Gorici 4, v Indiji 2, v Kanadi 5, na Koroškem 10, v Nemčiji 1, v Venezueli 1, v Trstu 15 in v (dalje na str. 20) OB DRUGI OBLETNICI V ljubeč in nepozabljen spomin naše ljube hčerke Stephanie Zidar Petroff ki nas je zapustila 3, avgusta 2006 Dve leti le že zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mirno spiš, srce tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Gospod, daj ji mir in naj ji večna Luč sveti, Počivaj v miru! Žalujoči: Mama - mož Les - očim sestra Mari z možem Otroci Peter, Phil, Joy Vnuki Ostan - Eten Your Bank’s Rate Our Rate* 2.50% 5.10% Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for representative agent near you! ♦Rate guaranteed for 12 months on a 7-Year plan. Rates may change without notice. POZOR: Izšla je nova knjiga “SMILING SLOVENIA” s politično nestrinjajočimi dokumenti, urejenimi po VLADISLAV-u BEVC. Založnik je PETER LANG PUBLISHING USA. Knjiga obsega 362 strani/cena $82.95 / 978-1-4331-0344-5 May 2008. VLADISLAV BEVC je dobil doktorat (Ph.D.) iz elek-tro-inženirstva na University of California, Berkeley. Natančen opis nadaljnjih postdoktorskih študij in profesorskih nastavitvah je naveden v angleškem oglasu. O Knjiga se lahko naroči za 60 dni na vpogled; ako jo želite obdržati, plačate zanjo, sicer jo v ovitku vrnete. (Peter Lang Publishing USA) 0 Prosim, pošljite mi _____ kopij knjige “SMILING SLOVENIA”, urednik VLADISLAV BEVC, cena $82.95. Plačilo je možno: 0 Check 0 Visa 0 Mastercard 0 AmEx Expiration Date (Mo/Yr) Credit Card # Signature Name Address (no P.O. boxes) City, State, Zip Telephone (for credit card customers) *’Shipping: $4 per book, $1.50 each additional book. 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