ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE « NUMERICAL INDEX TO OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME II - (F. T. T.) ISSUES No. 1 - 36 (11 Jan. 1949 - 31 Dec. 1949) Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. A., -trfoji« - 1950 180 ? 4 ORDERS 1 Legal recognition of establishment of the Parish „Beata Vergine del Rosario“ in Trieste................................... . .......................... 1 2 Provisions concerning bailiffs („Ufficiali Giudiziari“) and their authorized clerks 5 3 Organization of the organic plan of judicial offices and secretariats and of bailiffs 7 4 Increase of bread allowance in favour of specified categories of assisted persons 9 5 „Cantiere Navale Felszegy“ ................................................. 9 6 Appointment of administrator to „Cantiere Navale Felszegy“.................. IO 7 Lifting of restriction of movement of lubricant imports — Repeal of Order No. 80 of 29 November 1947 ...................................................... 15 8 Amendment to Consolidated Text of the Regulations concerning the protection of roads and traffic ..................................................... 16 9 Amendment to the Social Insurance Regulation for personnel employed with consumer taxes contracting agencies....................................... 17 10 Provisions concerning the organization of Popular Banks...................... . 18 11 Amendment to Area Order No. 51 21 12 Cessation of the contribution for the special food allowance in favour of unem- л ployed seamen............................................................... 22 13 Taxes and sales price limit on flints........................................... 23 14 Currency movement control — Repeal of Order No. 336............................. 24 15 Special charge on journeys initiated on 22 January, 6 February and 20 February 1949 ..................................................................... 25 16 Amendment to the Code of P^nal Procedure........................................ 26 17 Recognition of juridical personality of „Società Italiana della Nuova Chiesa“ (Sinch) 27 18 Approval of the new Statute of „Opera di Difesa dei Minorenni“, Trieste......... 28 19 Lifting of control on the distribution of liquid fuels other than petrol (benzina) — Amendment to Order No. 405.............................................. 28 20 Amedment to the Statute of the University of Trieste............................ 33 21 Provisions relating to State duties and inception of an extra-charge on admittance- tickets to performances, entertainments and sport events.................. 34 22 Amendments to fiscal regulations concerning spirits and benzol.................. 36 23 Exemption from turnover tax on unhusked rice and maize imported by Allied Military Government....................................................... 46 24 Establishment of the Zone Administrative Board in jurisdictional office.............. 47 25 Restriction of consumption of electricity ...................... .................... 48 26 Declaration of public utility on the Provincial Rosandra Road............... 51 27 Control of movements of goods into Italy ................................. . . 52 28 Determination of the rate of contribution due for the year 1948 in favour of Pa- tronage and Social Assistance Offices .................................... 54 29 Provisions for the application of the additional frontier duty to imported textile fabrics and for the repayment of excise duty on exported yarns and fabrics. . 55 30 Amendment to fiscal treatment of certain products liable to excise duty..... 62 31 New concessions relating lo temporary imports and exports............................ 69 32 Amendment to Order No. 105........................................................... 71 33 Reconstitution of Communal Administration by Election. .............................. 72 Errata Corrigenda to O. 33.................................................. 106 34 Restrictions of consumption of electricity .......................................... 97 35 Amendment to Order No. 395 concerning the general revision of driving licenses for drivers of motor vehicles............................................. 99 36 Change of name of the Seismic Station of Trieste................................... 100 37 Extraordinary contribution to Supplementary Social Insurance Fund „Fondo di in- tegrazione per le assicurazioni sociali“ ................................. 101 38 Granting of a special allowance to unemployed workers during Christmas Holidays 101 39 Creation of a five year degree in chemistry at the University of Trieste............ 102 40 Termination of „Centro Autotrasporti“ .............................................. 107 41 Modifications to the fiscal treatment of sugar and of sugar composite products. 108 42 Turnover tax on wines . . . .•...................................................... 112 43 Provisions concerning circulation taxes on motor-vehicles and motor-cycles.... 113 z / Number Page 44 Institution of a communal service for the urgent issuance of Registry Office certificates and. identity cards against payment of secretaryship dues..... 119 45 Regulation relating to the payment of family allowances for wives ............ 122 40 Temporary importation of ordinary warm rolled iron and steel („vergella“) for the manufacture of nails and tips to be exported........................... 122 47 Temporary importation of cellulose and cotton linters for -the production of arti- ficial fibres and goods manufactured therefrom. ........................... 123 48 Provisions relating to taxes of government concessions........................ 124 49 Temporary importation of wool and other textile materials for conversion into manufactured goods and garments ............................................. 134 50 Repayment of duty on salt for exported salted foodstuffs ................... 134 51 Organizazion of Allied Military Government •— Amendment to Order No. 308 136 52 Limitations of speed of traffic on coast road from Trieste to the frontier...... 137 53 Provisions relating to the restitution of surnames ............................. 147 54 Increase of rents .............................................................. 149 Errata Corrigenda to O. 54..........................................»......... 518 55 Special Section of the Zone Administrative Board — Amendment to Order No. 24 of 7 February 1949 and to the Law of Local Finance...................... 152 56 Provisions concerning the changing of surnames (Amendment to R. D. 9 July 1939, No. 1238) ............................................................. 154 57 Displaced Persons Centre — Declaration of public utility ....................... 154 58 Amendment to Order No. 397 — Driving licences for drivers of motor-cycles.. 155 59 Establishment of Administrative Appeal Council.................................. 161 60 Restrictions of consumption of electricity..................................... 163 61 Electoral Rolls ■—■ Amendment to Order No. 345 ................................. 164 62 Amendment to Order No. 33 ...................................................... 164 63 Amendment to the Social Insurance Regulations for employees of direct tax collecting agencies.......................................................... 166 64 Provisions concerning the collection of direct taxes............................ 169 65 Special provisions concerning the payment of the’turnover tax for 1949 in respect of certain categories of receipts .......................................... 174 66 Amendment to Orders No. 105, 105 B and 67....................................... 187 67 Temporary appointments for instructions in junjor high schools (Scuole medie) 195 68 Establishment of a Popular School for elementary instruction ................... 197 69 Modifications to Metric Inspectors’ compensations ............................ 199 70 Modifications of testing and verification fees ....................... . ..... 200 71 Provisions concerning control of the title of precious metals .................. 202 72 Amendments to Order No. 30 of 15 February 1949 concerning amendments to the fiscal treatment of certain products liable to excise duty ................ 203 73 Re-establishment of fiscal privileges in favour of firms operating Air Transport Lines........................................................................ 206 74 Extension of temporary suspension of licence dues on pit coal and coke imported into the Zone etc............................................................ 207 75 Special provisions concerning the payment of the turnover tax on proprietary medicines ................................................................... 208 76 Rules for the importation under the European Recovery Programme of goods and services for British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste... 211 Errata Corrigenda to O. 76 .................................................... 292 77 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of expro- priation of certain lands at Barcola ............................•......... 214 78 Amendment to General Order No. 114.............................................. 215 79 Termination of activities of the Territorial Medical Commission ................ 216 80 Amendment to Order No. 77 ...................................................... 217 81 Fixing the date of the communal elections..................................... 218 82 Increase in family allowances and respective contributions payable in Commerce, Professions and Arts ........................................................ 225 83 Increase of fees for the urgent issuance of certificates of penal records....... 227 84 Recovery and utilization of abandoned or unlawfully acquired motor-vehicles and relics ................................................................ 228 85 Employment and placing of workers ............................................ 228 Errata Corrigenda to O. 85 ..................................................... 351 86 Use of foreign words in designations of firms and in various publicity forms.... 236 87 Extension of lease and sub-lease contracts................................... 237 88 Amendments to laws concerning registration and*mortgage taxes................... 239 89 Fiscal privileges for loans to artisans ............................................. 243 90 Amendments to R. D. 23 May 1924 No. 827 regulating the administration.of the State property and the State General Accountancy, so far as concerns the acceptance of guarantees .................................................... 244 91 Increase in royalties due to the State and Local Government Bodies.................. 245 92 Provisions concerning Local Finance . . . ........................................ 247 93 Extension of time-limit for the bottling of pure spirit destined for retail sale. . . . 251 Errata Corrigenda to O. 93 ................................................... 292 94 Fiscal exemptions in respect of goods and documents lost by reason of the war etc.................................•...................................... 251 95 Increase of fines provided for by fiscal and financial laws (Amendment to Order . No. 107) .................................................................. 253 96 Increase of contribution due by ship-owners in terms of Laws 7 April 1941, No. 266 and 11 April 1941 No. 267 ...................................'................ 254 97 New valuation of remunerations paid in kind for computing contributions for social and sickness insurance and family allowances ....................... 255 98 Provisions concerning bailiffs („ufficiali giudiziari“) and their authorized clerks -Amendment to Order No. 2 .................................................... 2$6 99 Examinations for Procuratore Legale for 1949 .......................................... 257 Errata Corrigenda to O. 99 ................................................... 376 100 Settlement of permanent works of anti aircraft protection, formerly built by the State or through Local Bodies ............................................. 258 101 Inscriptions and epigraphs in cemeteries ...................................... . 260 102 Development of the Zaule Industrial Port — Fiscal provisions and others.... 265 103 Zaule Industrial Port — Declaration of public utility ................................. 266 104 Coordinating body for the development of the Zaule Industrial Port ................. 267 105 Suspension of State examinations for qualification to practice the professions of en- gineer and of economy and commerce ........................................ 274 106 New provisions concerning the turnover tax ............................................ 274 .107 Amendment to statute of „Ente Fiera Campionaria Internazionale di Trieste“.. 286 108 Abolition of the Committee for Forestry and reconstitution of the Agriculture and Forestry Section at the „Consulta Camerale“ of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Trieste ....................................... 295 109 University fees and contributions ..................................................... 296 110 Extension of duration of Co-operative Societies.............................. 297 111 Tariff rates of, and contributions due to, „Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“ for 1949 ............................................... 298 112 Provisions relating to wrecked merchant vessels, salvaged and restored to efficiency 299 113 Value to be attributed to cotton contained in manufactured products exported in the first half-year of 1949 ............................................ 304 114 Restitution of duties paid in respect of manufactured cotton products exported in the first and second half-year of 1948 ................................. 304 115 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the works for the construction of the „Duty free timber-yard Triêste-Prosecco“ . . 806 116 Provisions for the application of additional frontier duty to imported textile fabrics and for the repayment of excise duty on exported yarns and fabrics ........ 307 117 Provisions concerning the resumption of the construction of buildings ..........316 118 Establishing of a Duty-free timber-yard at Prosecco ........................... 319 119 Amendment to Order No. 104 — Coordinating Body for the development of the Zaule Industrial Port ..................................................... 325 120 Cessation of the efficacy of law 7 April 1941, No. 266, and subsequent amendments 326 121 Amendment to Order No. 3 —• Control of movement of goods into and from the Zone ..........................................................i........... 331 122 Time-limit for lodging of application for repair to war-damaged houses......... 331 123 Appointment of Director General, Civil Affairs ................................ 332 124 Provisions relating to the hunting season of 1949-1950 ........................ 337 125 Communal Commissions for the issue of commercial licences and licences for hawkers and the issue of work-books to craftsmen.......................... 338 126 Classification of „Distressed Area“ to the Commune of Sgonico.................. 339 127 Temporary importation of wood, hair and rags etc. for the manufacture of fabrics etc......................................................................... 340 128 State labels for receptacles containing liquors or non-denatured spirits...... 341 129 Amendment to Order No. 337 concerning the granting of extraordinary subsidies to workers enrolled to work abroad ......................................... 342 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 Provisions regarding tK4 temPorary teaching personnel inscribed in the special roll ^ the assessment of Regime Profits................... .extension of the limit m ® \ j *. . гч j хт' 259 dated 25 June 1948 .......................,...... Amendments to Order No. . . . .. , Extension of Order No. 448 ~ Provisions relating to marriages. ........... . , „ , , .< i, vourabie balances derived from the monetary Transfer to Company s capital la „ „„, , i . -j j * v. W k °- 237 of 19 August 1948...................... revaluation provided for by Uruor 14 ° „ r Unte raw silk and of „toussah silk for man- Temporary importation of white or ve,.low r A . .■ r . ■ j . , or conversion into ingots or semi-fm- ufacturing purposes, of iron and steel serAPj1 , , ., . . , . , . i . , „ j j * nun t seeds for the manufacture of ished products and of „corozo and dum-™1- buttons......................................." \ \..........7, ’ V........1 Contributions to expenses for Government superVÌ»ì**.n on Pu Ic r^nspor services subject to concession or authorization.......> :....................■' Amendments to Order No. 83 ...............................» ! ' •••••• • ■ ■; ■ ’ Amendments to the table of fees due to tax-collectors for execute* У ac s re a ln® Temporary exportation of cinema colour films for development and pfift lng> as well as of reversible cinema colour films and of colour-sensitized photogrf P IC films for development .................................................... ' Prize competitions and operations ...........................................- Time-limit for the request of documents of identification for non -residents having their temporary abode in the Zone......................................... Control of the production of cereals for the year 1949........................ Further appointment of Assessors for the Court of Assize of Trieste........... Examinations for Procuratore Legale for 1949 ......................... Amendment to Order No. 395 —Revisions of driving licences for drivers of motor- vehicles ................................................................... Amendments to provisions regarding rents................................... Provisions concerning the sequestration of news-papers and other publications Engagement of seamen............................................................. Amendments to Order No. 41 —- Fiscal treatment of sugar and of sugar composite products ................................................................... Suspension of certain contributions to „Cassa per il trattamento di richiamo degli impiegati privati“ ......................................................... Determination of the rates of contributions in agriculture due for the year 1949 Oath by Mayors................................................................ Determination of the contribution payable to the „Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato“ ........................................................... Repeal of Order No. 56 dated 25 March 1949.................................... Constitution of a consultative Commission for infractions of currency regulations Inscriptions in the Register of the permanent population —- Amendment to Order No. 64 dated 19 December 1947 .............................................. Amendments to rates of compensation due to trustees in bankruptcy............. New professional tariff for engineers and architects.......................... Restrictions of consumption of electricity.................................... Dénaturation of benzol for duty-free uses..................................... Additional commission due to tax-collectors................................... Extension of time-limits relating to indirect taxes on business transactions. . .. Publication of decrees relating to cancellation of instruments of credit...... Procedure and terms of payment of the unified contributions in agriculture for the year 1949 . . .............................................................. Provisions concerning Local Government Finance ................................ . Provisions concerning the appointment of arbitrators for the settling of disputes relating to contracts of public works....................................... Extension of special procedure facilitating the filing of documents with public offices .................................................................... Dissolution of „DITERAL“ ..................................................... Raising of limits concerning the value of cases within the competence of „Conciliatori“ and of „Pretori“........................................................ Restrictions of consumption of electricity ................................... Council of the Profession of Engineers and Architects ........................ Provision concerning Mayors ............................................... Grant of a supplementary contingency allowance to pensioners of „Previdenza Soc'ale“ ............................................................... Amendments to the Consolidated Text of the Law on Communes and Provinces 343 344 353 355 355 357 358 360 361 362 363 364 364 36 S> 367 368 368 369 371 379 ’ 379 380 382 391 392 392 393 394 395 396 401 403 407 407 410 410 411 412 413 419 420 421 421 422 424 175 Amendments to the Statute of „Istituto Autonomo per le Case Popolari“........ 432 176 Restrictions on consumption of electric energy ..................................... 433 177 Authorizations for motor transport of goods on behalf of thud persons................. 436 178 Provisions relating to social insurance of personnel of public transportation services 439 179 Surtax on transfer of shares .............■.................................. 441 180 Extension of time-limit for fiscal privileges in respect of advances and loans con- nected with operations of assignment of credit's or of transfer of same as security 442 181 Regulations for entry into the Free Territory of Trieste.............................. 445 182 Bringing up to date of the list of Assessors of the Court of Assize of Trieste. . 447 183 Use of Slovene language ............................................................. 449 184 Increase of indemnity due to witnesses summoned to give evidence in civil and penal matters before judicial authorities ................................. 449 185 Sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks in health, holiday and tourist resorts. . 450 186 Declaration of presumptive death of persons who disappeared in the period from 1940 to 1945 .............................................................. 451 187 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of construc- tion of a line for the transmission of electric energy at S. Colombano of the Commune of Muggia ......................................................... 459 188 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of construc- tion of a line for the transmission of electric energy at Muggia........... 461 189 Amendment of laws relating to eviction orders.......,........................ 463 190 Regulations concerning active electorship and the keeping and annual revision of the electoral rolls .................................................................... 464 Errata Corrigenda to O. 190 ................................................ 575 191 Extension of lease and sublease eon'racts — Amendment to Order No. 87.............. 485 192 Provisions concerning tbe service of authorized clerks of Bailiffs ................ 485 193 Amendment to Article 130 of the Communal and Proviciai Law............................ 487 194 Lifting of control on the distribution of petrol („benzina“) ......................... 488 195 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the conJ struction of a railway-line Trieste Campo Marzio-Aquilinia ................ 495 196 Economic assistance to workers involuntarily unemployed............................... 501 197 Modification of the authority’s competence to order payment of indemnity for expropriation for reasons of public utility................................ 506 198 Supplement for assessment expenses of unified contributions in agriculture for the year 1949 ................................................................. 507 199 Apportionment of funds for the financing of Patronage Offices.. ...................... 519 200 Provisions concerning holidays ....................................................... 520 201 Increase of economic benefits in favour of the Clergy entitled to receive „congrue“ 521 202 New tables of official values for the products included in items 658, 661 and 767 of the customs tariff............................................................... 523 203 Guarantees for the collection of the war profits tax, of the relative expropriated profits and of profits from speculation ................................... 529 204 Amendment to Order No.. 181 —• Regulations for entry into the Free Territory of Trieste ....................................................................... 531 205 Provisions in favour of the press . .................................................. 533 206 Immunity of Government .............................................................. 534 207 Special regulations for the payment of the turnover tax on cod and stockfish trade 549 208 Extension of agricultural contracts .................................................. 555 209 Amendment to Order No. 108 .......................................................... 557 210 Loan Agency — Amendment to Order No. 380 ............................................. 558 211 Granting of an extraordinary unemployment subsidy to workers in industry and commerco and to seamen disembarked owing to rotation of employment......... 558 212 Exemption from payment of customs duties in respect of certain goods sent as gift from abroad by parcel post ........................................... 560 213 Modification of time-limit relating to the regularization of stamp duty on cheques unpaid owing to lack of funds.............................................. 561 214 Selling price of State quinine preparations etc. and allocation to Public Bodies 561 215 Extension of Order No. 224 — Granting of fiscal privileges in order to promote the development of fishing craft ................................................. 562 216 Provisions facilitating the distillation of wine and amendments to certain pro- visions regarding excise duties ........................................... 563 217 Communal Commission for Local Rates .................................................. 571 218 Increase of supplementary allowance of pensions to personnel of public trans- portation services „in concessione“ ........................................... 572 219 Authentic interpretation of Order No. 200 — Jurisdictional immunity of Govern- ment ........................................................................... 573 220 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the construc- tion of the permanent seat of „Ente Fiera Campionaria Internazionale di Trieste 577 221 Liquidation of fees due to civil engineers and architects for professional services relating to the construction of popular houses built with State contributions 578 222 Provisions concerning further construction of buildings......................... 579 223 Creation of a degree course in civil engineering (Architectural Subsection) at the University of Trieste .......................................................... 584 224' Establishing of areas for restocking of game etc................................. 585 225 Repeal of the Law concerning penal provisions relating to currency exchange and trading in gold ............................................................. 58(1 226 Juridical and economic treatment of zemporary- personnel serving with Local . Public Bodies.................................................................. 589 227 Juridical and economic treatment of temporary sanitary personnel serving with Local Bodies and transitory provisions for sanitary competitions............. 591 228 Issue and possession of documents of identification - Amendment to Order No. 193 of 9 April 1948 etc........................................................ 593 229 Extension of the provisions concerning temporary professional licences and Univer- sity contributions............................................................. 595 23 ' Establishment of Finance Guards................................................. 596 231 Provisions governing public posting and kindrec^ publicity..................... 599 232 Provisions concerning the importation and the transit of plants, seeds, fruits. vegetables and greens in general ............................................ 605 . 233 Determining the limit of the conventional average daily'salary for the purpose of the insurance against occupational accidents for porters assembled in Co-operatives, „Carovane“ and Associations............................................. 609 234 Repeal of Order No. 220 dated 29 May 1948 ................................ 610 235 Amendment to Order No. 403 - Financial powers of the Zone President .... 61o 236 Increase of Provincial rate levied in addition to the Communal rate on industrial and commercial enterprises, arts and professions............................... 611 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS 1 Appointment of Dr. Nicolò . Nardi as Primo Pretore Dirigente of the Pretura of Trieste ................................................................. 1 2 Appointment of Dr. Guido Ruggeri as Deputy State Attorney.................. 2 3 Authority granted to „Seminario Vescovile Diocesano“ of Trieste and Capodistria to accept a donation ................................................... 12 4 Authority granted to the „Casa Famiglia della Giovane Mater Dei“ to accept a donation.......................................................!......... 12 5 Appointment of the Board of Directors of „Magazzini Generali of Trieste“... 13 6 Cessation of judicial functions by Dr. Glauco Modugno....................... 103 7 Appointment of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies....... 139 8 Appointment of a Commission for the Protection of Natural Beauties'......... 141 9 Legal recognition of Paveglio Pierina Caterina.............................. 142 10 Legal recognition of Tossut Cesare Nicolò Raffaele.....<................... 143 11 Authority to „Associazione San Giusto fra Sordomuti di Trieste“ to accept a legacy 144 12 Authority to Marine Insurance Company Ltd., London, to' carry on insurance business ................................................................. 156 13 Promotion of Dr. Paolucci Eugenio, Dr. Amodeo Fulvio and Dr. Zenari Franco from grade X to grade IX ................................................ .. 156 14 Appointment of members of the Zone Commission for taxes.................... 188 15 Appointment of members of the Special Section for disputes regarding taxes on transfer of shares and on capital of foreign Companies................... 190 16 Appointment of members of the Territorial Appeal Commission for disputes and appeals relating to the assessment of regime profits..................... 190 17 Authority to „Istituto dei Ciechi Rittmeyer di Trieste“ to accept a legacy .... 191 18 Appointment of substitute members of the Special Committee of fund for supple- mentation of wages to workers in Industry .....*........................ 192 19 Authority to change the surname........................................... 218 20 Authority to change the surname........................................ 219 21 Appointment of dott. Aldo Lonciaii as acting Secretary General of the Com- mune of Trieste ......................................................... 238 22 Recognition of juridical personality of „Rifugio Cuor di Gesù“ and authorization to purchase immovable property ........................................... 260 23 Authority to change the surname .......................................... 287 24 Authority to change the surnair e ........................................ 287 25 Appointment of new Committee members to „Opera Orfani di Guerra“ Trieste -— Amendment to Order Ko. 345 ........................................... 288 26 Authority granted to „Chiesa Cattedrale di San Giusto“ of Trieste to accept an inheritance............................................................... 289 27 Appointment of the President and of the v iee-Presidents of provisional consultative Committee of the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“ 290 28 Authority to change the surname........................................... 321' 29 Fees and conditions for publication, sale and subscriptions of the Allied Military Government Gazette ....................................................... 322 30 Appointment of the President of „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“.... 326 31 Authority for the addition of a surname . . .'............................ 327 32 Change of denomination of „Ente di Culto Casa del Fanciullo Marianum“ and authority to purchase real estate ........................................ 333 33 Substitution of a member of the Administrative Board of the Astronomical Ob- servatory of Trieste ..................................................... 334 34 Authority to change the surname ........................................... 334 35 Authority to change the surname.......................................... 335 36 Authority to change the surname .......................................... 345 37 Authority to change the surname .......................................... 345 38 Examinations for Procuratore Legale for 1949 ............................. 372 39 Legal recognition of Carlo Čermelj ......................................... 373 40 Authority to change the surname.............................-............. 383 41 Appointment of members of the Turnover Special Section of the Zone Commission ■ for taxes .................,............................................ 384 42 Authority to change the surname ............................'............. 384 43 Authority to change the surname .......................................... 385 44 Appointment of Prof. Antonio Andri as Chief of the Education Office.......386 45 Appointment of the Board of Directors of „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“ 386 46 Authority granted to the University of Trieste to accept a donation......... 398 47 Authority to „Casa Famiglia della Giovane Mater Dei“ of Trieste to purchase immovable property ....................................................... . 398 48 Authority to change the surname........................................... 414 49 Appointing of Civilian Chief and Deputy Chief, Department of Labor.......... 415 •50 Appointment of Rag. Ferdinando Somma as Reggente of the „Ufficio Contributi Unificati in Agricoltura“ of Trieste................................... 434 51 Examinations for Procuratore Legale for 1949 ............................... 453 52 Authority to the Parish Church of S. Antonio Taumaturgo in Trieste to purchase immovable property ...................................................... 454 53 Authority to change the surname ......................................... 481 54 Authority to change the surname .......................................... 481 55 Authority to change the surname ......................................... 482 56 Authority to change the surname.......................................... 496 57 Authority to change the surname .......................................... 496 58 Appointment of the new Custodian of Notarial Archives of Trieste............ . 497 59 Authority to change the surname ......................................... . 507 60 Authority to change the surname .......................................... 508 61 Appointment of joint sequestrators of „Mittelmeer Reederei“ ......... 509 62 Authority to change the surname ......................................... 509 63 Legitimation of Vescovo Odinea ............................................ 510 Errata Corrigenda to Adm. O. 63 ......................................... 587 64 Authority to authenticate signatures ....................................... 534 65 Delegation of authority as to confirmation of sentences and as to grace and cle- mency ................................................................... 535 66 Appointment of Dott. Romolo Zimatore as Manager of „Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza e Crédita delle Comunicazioni,— Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato“ of Trieste ................................................. 550 67 Authority to „Seminario Vescovile Diocesano di Trieste e Capodistria“ to pur- chase immovable property ................................................. 550 68 Authority to addition of surname ......................................... 551 69 Authority to addition of surname......................................... 552 70 Authority to „Chiesa Parrocchiale della B. V. del Soccorso“ in Trieste to accept a donation ............................................................... 566 71 Authorization to „Ente Fiera Campionaria Internazionale of Trieste“ to purchase immovable property ...................................................... 566 72 Authority to change the surname ............................................ 567 73 Appointment of a member of the Commission for the granting of supplementation of wages to workers in Industry * . . ................................... 573 74 Authority to change the surname............................................ 574 75 Authority to change the surname ............................................ 597 76 Authority to „Istituto delle Suore di N. S. della Carità del Buon Pastore“ in Trieste to accept a donation ................................................. 612 NOTICES 1 Branches of Italian firms in Trieste.......................................... 29 2 Minimum wage for casual laborers................................................ 30 3 Minimum wage for workers in the service of confectioner’s shop-bakery and candy stalls annexed to catering establishments, not members of Union Organizations 104 4 Minimum wage for the personnel employed by the firm Zemanek & Cavazzoni, contractors of Trieste public lavatories .................................... 145 5 Minimum wage for personnel in the service of craftsmen hairdressers, not members of category associations .................................................... 157 6 Minimum wages for personnel employed with craftsmen-barbers, not members of the category associations ................................................ 159 7 Head Offices’ and branches of Italian firms in Trieste.......................... 193 8 Minimum wages for personnel employed with Bagno Romano, Albergo Diurno, and with similar firms ...................................................... 220 9 Minimum wages for porsonnel employed with the firm Radia not members of the category associations........................................................ 222 10 Minimum wages for the personnel employed with pathological, radiological, medical, gymnastic, odontological and orthopedical Institutes ............................ 261 11 Reduction of normal rate of discount and of interest............................ 262 12 Extension of the legal and conventional terms in consequence of the closure of the Bank of Italy due to exceptional events . . .......................... 262 13 Minimum wages for personnel employed with civil engineers, architects, surveyors and industrial experts .......................................................... 290 14 Minimum compensation for personnel employed with notarial offices............... 291 15 Resumption of construction of buildings (Order No. 117 dated 25 May 1949). . . . 328 16 Minimum wages for clerical workers in the employment of lawyers, attorneys, ac- countants, graduates in commercial sciences, fiscal advisors, house stewards and commercial experts ....................................................... 346 17 Minimum wages for workers employed with Bars, Coffeehouses, and similar shops, not members of category associations ........................................ 347 18 Minimum wages for workers employed in Restaurants, Eating Houses and similar shops, not members of category associations ................................. 349 19 Minimum wage for personnel in the service of „Soc. Cooperativa di Produzione Navale e Portuale“ ............................................................. 373 20 Minimum wages for personnel employed with horseflesh butcheries, not members of category associations .................................................... 387 21 Amendment of minimum wages for personnel employed in private hospitals . . 399 22 Minimum wage for casual laborers ............................................... 415 23 Minimum wage for workers in the service of confectioner’s shop-bakery and candy stalls annexed to catering establishments, not members of Union Organizations 416 25 Minimum wage for workers in the service of building contractors not members of oategory associations.............................................................. 488 26 Instructions concerning the waiting lists for apartments constructed by Co-opera- tive Societies .................................................................... 493 27 Minimum wages for personnel employed with offices of engineers, architects, geo- meters and industrial experts...................................................... 498 28 Minimum wages for personnel employed' with medical, radiological, gymnastic, odontological and orthopedical institutes ......................................... 498 29 Minimum wages for personnel employed with firms operating motor-truck trans- portation of goods on account of third parties ........................■......... 511 30 Minimum wages for personnel employed with firms operating motorbus services under concession not members of category associations ........................... 536 31 Minimum wages for personnel employed with private schools........................... 543 32 Minimum wages for personnel employed with Società Sportiva Yacht Club Adriaco 543 33 Minimum wage for personnel employed with firms operating horse-driven transport services not members of category associations...................................... 545 34 Minimum wage for personnel in the service of craftsmen hairdressers, not members of category associations .......................................................... 546 35 Minimum wages for personnel employed with craftsmen-barbers, not members of the category associations....................................................... 547 36 Restriction of consumption of electric energy...................................... 568 37 Publication of the Official Gazette.................................................. 586 38 Modifications to restrictions on consumption of electric energy...................... 587 39 Restriction of consumption of electric energy ....................................... 612 40 Minimum wage for personnel in the service of „Società Canottieri'1 and of „Società Triestina della Vela“ of Trieste ............................................. 614