ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME II No. 33 - 1 December 1949 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Ediforiale Libraria S. A., Trieste - 1949 CONTENTS Order Page No. 208 Extension of agricultural contracts........................................ 555 No. 209 Amendment to Order No. 108................................................. 551 No. 210 Loan Agency — Amendment to Order No. 380 .......................... 558 No; 211 Granting of an extraordinary unemployment subsidy to workers in industry and commerce and to seamen disembarked owing to rotation of employment 558 No. 212 Exemption from payment of Customs duties in respect of certain goods sent as gift from abroad by parcel post............................................ 560 No. 213 Modification of time-limit relating to the regularization of stamp duty on cheques unpaid owing to lack of funds ............................................. 561 No. 214 Selling price of State quinine preparations etc. and allocation to Public Bodies 561 No. 215 Extension of Order No. 224 —- Granting of fiscal privileges in order to promote the development of fishing craft............................................... 562 No. 216 Provisions facilitating the distillation of wine and amendments to certain provisions regarding excise duties..........:.............................. 563 Administrative Order No. 70 Authority to „Chiesa Parrocchiale della B. V. del Soceorso“ in Trieste to accept a donation.......................................................... 566 No. 71 Authorization to „Ente Fiera Campionaria Intemazjonale of Trieste“ to purchase irmnovable property........................................................... 566 No. 72 Authority to change the surname............................................. 567 Notice No. 36 Restriction of consumption of electric energy............................... 568 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 21.7 COMMUNAL COMMISSION FOR LOCAL RATES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to modify the composition of the Communal Commission-for Local Rates in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United' Slates Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army,. Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article 278 of the Consolidated Text 14 September 1931, No. 1175, as amended by Art.. XXIV of General Order No. 57, dated 24 May 1946, and by Art. XVI of General Order No. 105, dated 25 June 1947, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The Communal Commission shall decide on appeals in first instance. The Commission shall be composed of 45 members for the Trieste Commune and 15 members for tho other Communes of the Zone. The Commission shall be constituted by an appropriate order issued by the Mayor : one-third of the members shall be appointed by the Communal Council, one-third by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture from among the represented categories and fter hearing the Provincial Agriculture Committee, and the remaining third by the Zone President from among tax-payers not included in the said categories. In ease of proved necessity, the Communal Council, by a resolution subject to approval, by the Zone Administrative Board, may increase the number of members of the Commission, provided the same is divisible by three. However, the number of members of the Commission may not exceed seventyfive for the Commune of Trieste and thirty for the other Communes of the Zone. Only such persons as possess the requisites prescribed for the election to Communal Councillor may become members of the Commission. The Commission shall appoint from among its members, by a majority vote and by secret ballot, the President and one or more Vice-Presidents. The Communal Secretary, or another communal employee designated by him, shall act as Secretary of the Commission ; he shall be responsible for the keeping of the documents and for the regular keeping of tie register of decisions and, in addition, shall provide for the fulfilment of any other task required by the Commission’s works.“ ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 18th day* of November 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LD/AI49I215 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 218 INCREASE OF SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOWANCE OF PENSIONS TO PERSONNEL OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES „IN CONCESSIONS“ WHEREAS the provisions of Article IX of Order No. 178, dated 8 March 1948, as amended by Article VI of Order No. 178, dated 26 August 1949, have been considered; and WHEREAS the earnings of the personnel of public transportation services „in concessioner have been increased., during the period 1 January 1947 - 31 December 1947, at a rate higher than 25%, and it is therefore considered necessary to increase the supplementary allowance of the pensions to said personnel, in that pwrt of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The supplementary allowance of the pensions to be borne by the Special Insurance Fund for the personnel of public transportation services „in concessione“, as resulting from the application of Article VII of Order No. 178, dated 8 March 1948, is hereby increased by 70% with effect as from 1 January 1948. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of November 1919. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LDfAf49f231 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 219 AUTHENTIC INTERPRETATION OF ORDER No. 206 — JURISDICTIONAL IMMUNITY OF GOVERNMENT WHEREAS Allied Military Government, British-United States Zone, Free Territory of Trieste (hereinafter referred to as „the Zone“), in administering said Zone pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Italy has and is entitled to have all immunities recognized under international law ; and WHEREAS, as a further step toward normalization, the purpose of Order No. 206, dated 26 October 1949, was to provide for the waiver of the jurisdictional immunity in meritorious cases which from time to time may not be amicably disposed of by agreement; and WHEREAS the said Order No. 206, has given rise to misconceptions as to -its meaning and purpose and therefore an authentic interpretation is considered necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article I of Order No. 206 dated 26 October 1949 shall be interpreted to mean that any claim or demand against or involving Allied Military Government, its departments and agencies, as well as against any of its officers and dependents for acts performed in .their official capacities, may be adjudicated by the judicial authorities of the Zone, provided that consent to institute such proceeding be first obtained in writing from the Director General, Civil Affairs. In the absence of the said written consent, the judicial authority of the Zone shall have no jurisdiction or competence to receive, hear or determine any claim or demand against or involving Allied Military Government, its departments and agencies, or against any of its officers and dependents for acts performed in their official capacities. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of November 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. :LDjA\i9l241 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 73 APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION FOR THE GRANTING OF SUPPLEMENTATION OF WAGES TO WORKERS IN INDUSTRY WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to substitute a member of the Commission contemplated in Article VIII Section 1 of Order No. 67, dated 28 November 1947, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F. A. Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — Mr. DeodatQ DECOLLE is hereby appointed member of the Commission for the granting of supplementation of wages to workers in industry as representative of the workers in industry, in substitution of Mr. Nicolo ZACCARIA formerly appointed by Administrative Order iso. 36, dated 10 December 1917, who has resigned. 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 21st day of November 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colo'nel F. A. Executive Director to Ref. : LD/B/49/72 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 74 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS Mr. ROSMAN Antonio born at Trieste on 31/811894 and Mr. ROSMAN Claudio born at Trieste on 25/11/1920, both residents at Trieste, Via Udine No. 26, have complied with the law formalities required to obtain the change of their surname into that of ROSSMANN, according to the authority granted to them by Director of Legal Affairs on 18 August 1949, and WHEREAS said persons have now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected, and WHEREAS the provisions of Titolo VIII chapter I of R. D. No. 1328 of July 9, 1939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Givil Status have been complied with and no objections having been raised, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F. A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The surname of the interested persons Antonio and Claudio ROSMAN is hereby changed into „ROSSMANN“. 2. — The applicants will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at foot of the deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th day of November 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel, F. A. Executive Director to Ref. : LD/B/49/75 Director General, Civil Affairs Errata corrigenda Order No. 190 •—• Regulations concerning active electorship and the keeping and annual revision of the electoral rolls, published in Gazette No. 26, dated 21 September 1949, page 464. Article XLVIII, first line : the figure „XXX“ is cancelled and substituted by „XXXIII“. CONTENTS Order: No. 217 Communal Commission for Local Rates ................................. 571 No. 218 Increase of supplementary allowance of pensions to personnel of public transportation services „in concessione“ ......................................... 572 No. 219 Authentic interpretation of Order No. 206 — Jurisdictional immunity of Government ......................................................... 573 Administrative Order : No. 73 Appointment of a member of the Commission for the granting of supple- mentation of wages to workers in industry .............................. 573 No. 74 Authority to change the surname ........................................... 574 Errata corrigenda................................................................... 575