VESTNIK 2022 | VESTNIK 2022 | 223 VESTNIK 2022 | 225 VESTNIK 2022 | 227 Pavel sam je bil zacuden nad presenetljivo Izaijevo izjavo in piše Rimljanom: »Izaija si celo upa reci: Našli so me tisti, ki me niso iskali, razodel sem se njim, ki niso spraševali po meni«. Apostol se je tega mocno zavedal, kajti njegovo življenje je bilo na poseben nacin zaznamovano z vdorom Boga samega, ki ga je »držal v pesti», »ga osvojil«, kot se izpoveduje priljubljenim Filiplja-nom (3,12), Poklicanje, ki je danes skoraj »nadaljevanka« v štirih kratkih pripovedih, ima v bistvu prav božje delovanje: v zacetku je Beseda, ki raztrga vsako mracnost, da zasije svetloba, ki zareže v preteklost in odpira nova obzorja. Prvi prizor je poklicanje Elizeja, ucenca in pomembnega nasle-dnika preroka Elija. Plašc je znamenje preroškega daru: s tem je bil ogrnjen cez ramena kot znamenje posebne vrste nastopa službe. Od tega trenutka naprej je bilo življenje Elizeja - tega kmeta iz Abel Me-hole, vasice v Transjordaniji - postavljeno na glavo. Pušceno mu je bilo samo še toliko prostega casa, da se je lahko uradno poslovil od svoje rodovine z obedom slovesa, skuhanim prav s tistim jarmom, ki je bil znamenje njegovega prejšnjega poklica. Potem pa se je pred Elizejem za vedno odprlo novo obzorje preroškega poslanstva. Kot nasprotje tega Luka predstavlja drugi prizor poklicanja. V središcu je izrek: »Nihce, ki je položil roko na plug, pa se ozira nazaj, ne more biti moj ucenec.« Plug, znamenje opravila, ki ga je zapustil Elizej, postaja znamenje novega delovanja apostolov; ko je Jezus po-klical prve ucence, je govoril o 'ribarjenju' ljudi. Med obema prizoro-ma o poklicanosti pa obstaja še drugacna razlika, ki je še bolj znacil- na. V klicu za božje kraljestvo, ki ga predlaga Kri-stus, ni prostora za »slovo od domacih«. Preteklost je zelo jasno odrezana, ni vec kompromisov. Kdor vstopi v božje kraljestvo, mora biti pripravljen na korenito in dokoncno izbiro. Tretji prizor se vrti okrog potrebne razdalje do stvari in gmotnih navezanosti. Kristus nima niti svojega kamna, ki bi ga podložil pod glavo, on je bolj ubog kot lisice in ptice neba, ki imajo vsaj br-log in gnezdo. Cetrti prizor o poklicanosti pa izpo-stavlja potrebno razdaljo do custev. Ceprav so upravicena in dragocena, se ne smejo postavljati kot ovira. Glede tega izrazi Jezus svojo misel s trdi-tvijo, ki se zdi nelogicna saj uporablja mocne izra-ze: »Pustite, da mrtvi pokopljejo svoje mrtve.« Tri evangeljske poklicanosti Luka vpelje z izja-vo, ki je v zgradbi tretjega evangelija odlocilna: »Ko so se dopolnjevali dnevi, v katerih naj bi bil Jezus vzet v nebesa, se je tudi sam odlocil iti v Jeru-zalem.« Luka ima tu v mislih dolgo Jezusovo pot naproti Jeruzalemu, ki se bo koncala samo deset poglavij naprej (pogl. 19) in tako pomeni srciko celotnega Lukovega evangelija. Gre za opis poti, ki ni le zemljepisen in prostorski, temvec duhoven in teološki, naproti Mesijevi poslednji usodi. Jezus to-rej izvršuje svojo poklicanosti in vabi ucenca, ki mu sledi, da posnema ucitelja. Pomemben je še zapis o slavi vstajenja, ki zapecati (Lukov) evangelij in ce-lotno Jezusovo zemeljsko potovanje: grški izraz, ki ga prevajamo kot »vzet s sveta«, »povzdignjenje« v Boga. Torej ima tudi Kristus svojo posebno poklica-nost, tisto glede križa v Jeruzalemu. Na to pot vabi tudi vsakega ocenca. Toda Jezu-sovo romanje nima koncnega cilja na hribcku, ki se imenuje Golgota. Luka nas spominja, da je posled-nji cilj Oljska gora, kraj vnebohoda, to je kraj slave. Naš poklic ni toliko v odpovedi, da bi izgubili, temvec v izgubi, da bi našli; ne gre za neko fanatic-no prepustitev usodi, temvec gre za izbiro poti na-proti upanju in znotraj nacrta, ki ga je Bog zarisal. (Prim. Oznanjevalec - leto C_2006/7, štev. 4) 13. NEDELJA MED LETOM 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 26/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 26.6. 2022 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Naše srce je prostor za Boga 222 | VESTNIK 2022 224 | VESTNIK 2022 226 | VESTNIK 2022 228 | VESTNIK 2022 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: You are my chosen por-tion, O Lord. First Reading 1 Kings 19:16. 19-21 Elisha leaves behind his parents and his farming lifestyle and follows the itiner-ant prophet Elijah as his servant. Second Reading Galatians 5:1. 13-18 We are called to be free, not to a life of selfishness and sin, but to one of gener-ous service of others. Gospel Luke 9:51-62 Following Jesus requires a wholeheart-ed commitment. “Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no-where to lay his head.” Illustration We all need a place to be ourselves, where appearances don’t matter and we can indulge in at least a few minutes of peace and quiet, briefly forgetting responsibilities and the “to-do” list. There’s a difference between a “house” and a “home”. The community coun-cil of an exclusive celebrity housing estate on the south coast of England forbids the use of lawn mowers between midday Saturday and nine o’clock on Monday morning. Garden fences and hedges must be a minimum 2.4 metres high. Because accounts at the local supermarket are anonymous, delivery drivers cannot identify the householders whose gro-ceries they carry. Security guards patrol the estate where residents hide from celebrity-spotters and fans. Is this the price of fame and fortune? When does a home become a prison? By contrast, we remember seeing the turmoil, heartbreak and tragedy last summer as many thousands of people abandoned their homes in search of peace and stability away from Afghani-stan and the perceived threat to everything they held dear. We also remember other refugees and migrants who risk everything in search of a new home. We think of their anxiety and fear as, crav-ing homes they can call their own, they face an unknown future in a strange land. What did Jesus mean in speaking of the homelessness that he and his followers knew? Are his followers to downgrade their loved ones in opting for a life of uncertainty? Are we to be afraid of the unknown or confident in following Jesus? Gospel Teaching Jesus declared that he had nowhere to call his home. Were there moments when he wanted to escape to a place of his own? Having been eject-ed from Nazareth, he made Capernaum his base and occasionally visited his friends Martha, Mary and Lazarus in Bethany. He was “at home” but the house wasn’t his. Might he have liked occa-sionally to shut the front door and make the world go away, even for a couple of hours? Apart from his times of solitary prayer, Jesus made him-self available to others, known and unknown, at every hour of the day and night. Jesus wanted people to see and know him. He didn’t want his disciples to prevent access and didn’t gravitate towards people according to their bank balance and high status in society. Was Jesus, the source of love, unloving when he said that the dead should be left to bury the dead? He ap-peared to stop someone from saying goodbye to his family before following him. He promised his followers no fixed abode, hard work, tiredness, inconvenience and criticism. If that’s love, it’s tough. Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel do not make for easy reading. They are hard-hitting. He was blunt and uncompromising in saying that to follow him requires wholehearted commitment and determination to give until it hurts. Today’s Gospel is about putting others before self. That’s what it means to lay down one’s life on behalf of others. Application Most of us have, at one time or another, walked past a huddled sleeping bag in a shop doorway, spread out beneath a bridge or across a park bench, perhaps with a sign asking for money. We might worry that it’s money to spend on drink or drugs – but then perhaps the per-son might use it to find a bed for the night, or to buy a hot drink and a sandwich. We’re afraid of being conned by someone’s hard luck story that might or might not be true. Yet we should remember that few people are homeless by choice. Some opt for opulent luxury but mistakenly believe that fame and fortune are their own reward. Instead of a home, they create a gilded cage. Others are physically homeless because circumstances force them into a desperate search for the basics of sur-vival for themselves and their families. Yet others may, in a sense, describe themselves as having no fixed abode simply because they have chosen to accept Jesus’ call to follow him. Just as his home was nowhere because it was everywhere, so can the same be said for his followers. They do not occupy a mindless routine that restricts their minds and activities, because their hearts are alive and sensitive to the beauty and intricacy of the people around them. The proverb tells us that “home is where the heart is” – and so they find Jesus everywhere and in everyone. Jesus told us to make our home in him just as he makes his home in my heart, your heart, our hearts. That requires self-sacrifice Toronto City Hall June 24 2022 dvig Slovenske zastave OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS - July 1 to 3 2022 - Slovenski park - Canada Day Long Weekend - Mass on Sunday, July 3rd at 1:00 p.m. - July 10, 2022 - Lipa Park - Summerfest pic-nic - July 23, 2022 - Slovenski park - Pecenkafest - July 24, 2022 - Bled - Prošccenje, picnic - July 29, 2022 - Slovenski park - Civic Holi-day Long Weekend: July 29 - Aug. 1st; Mass on July 31, 1:00 p.m. - August 7, 2022 - Lipa Park - Music in the Park picnic - August 14, 2022 - Breslau - Sava - Mass - 1:00 p.m. - Picnic - August 28, 2022 - Bled - Summer picnic - September 3-4, 2022 - Toronto - Brez-madežna - Baraga Days CIŠCENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH July 9th - Gosgnach team July 23rd - Groznik, Erzar, Lukežic DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $100 - Julija Sagadin - $100 - Martina Les - $75 - CWL-KŽZ v spomin na pokojno Ma-rijo Bregar - $100 - Kathy Prša z družino v spomin na pokojno Marijo Bregar - $50 Paul in Gabrijela Zugic v spomin na pokojno Miro Špiler Za misijone in v spomin na pokojne farane je $300 darovala Angela Kobe. - Hvala Vam vsem za vaše darove. POKOJNI - DECEASED V soboto, 18. junija 2022, je v 90. letu starosti, zaspala v Gospodu naša faranka Marija Bregar. Po-kojna je zadnja leta preži-vela v Clarion Nursing Home. Od nje ste se lahko poslovili v Markey Der-mody Funeral Home v sredo med 4. in 8. uro zvecer, ob 4h popoldne pa smo imeli molitev. Pogrebno sveto mašo smo darovali za pokoj njene duše v cetrtek, 23. junija ob 11h dopol-dne, nato pa jo položili k vecnemu pocitku na Our Lady of the Angels pokopališcu. Iskreno sožalje družini, pokojna Marija pa naj uživa vecni mir in pokoj. V Londonu je,16. junija 2022, odšla k Bogu po vec-no placilo Vera Stopar (nee Slavec). Pokojna je dopolni-la 98 let januarja letos. Slo-vo in pogrebna maša je bila v petek, 24. junija v St. Mi-chael's Church in nato po-greb na novem delu pokopališca St. Peter's. Iskreno sožalje vsem domacim pokojni pa vec-ni mir in pokoj. VECNA LUC V mesecu juliju bo vecna luc gorela za po-kojnega Ivana Žižek po namenu sestre Ancke in družine. PRVI PETEK Ta teden je prvi petek v mesecu juliju. Ob 6h zvecer bo priložnost za spoved in molitev pred Najsvetejšim. Ob sedmih pa sveta maša. POLETJE V mesecu juliju bom odsoten, ker grem na obisk domacih v Slovenijo, obenem pa tudi na letne duhovne vaje. V tem casu me bo nado-mešcal g. Branko Balažic. Gospod Branko pride v torek 28. junija, jaz pa odhajam v sredo 29. zvecer. Nazaj pridem 3. avgusta, g. Branko pa se vraca v Slovenijo 5. avgusta na novo župni-jo Sevnica. Pastoral Emergency Calls at Hamilton Health Science sites – McMaster, General & Juravinski Effective June 29, a new system for contacting a Catholic Priest to attend the dying for each HHS site comes into effect. HHS switchboard will no longer contact the Priest on-call in case of pastoral urgency at General, McMaster or Juravinski Hospitals. In-stead, a self-governed call-forwarding system has been established by the Hamilton Deanery. Each HHS site will have a telephone number that can be accessed through the nurses’ station and used by Hospital staff, or patient families, to call for a Priest to offer the Anointing for the sick and dying in ur-gent need. For all other spiritual needs while in hospital – counselling, reception of Holy Commun-ion, or other needs – please contact your own Par-ish. NOTE: this change does not impact Saint Jo-seph Hospital. It’s always a good idea to let the Par-ish know if you anticipate a hospital stay so that arrangements can be made for a pastoral visit. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 DON BOSCO 13. NEDELJA MED LE-TOM 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 26. JUNIJ CIRIL, ŠKOF - UCITELJ J.M. ESCRIVA, UST. OPUS DEI †† † † † †† † † † †† † † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Frank in Slavka Mramor Ann Božnar Ljubica Hribljan Janez Kosednar Frank in Slavka Mramor Irma Dorencec Frank Mramor Branko Temlin Frank in Slavka Mramor Marija Špiler Franc Novak Marija Rogelj Ivan Žižek Bruno Drus SLOVENIAN MASS 9:30 A.M. ENGLISH MASS 11:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - Družina Štadler John Božnar z družino Družina Majzelj Žena Hema z družino Družina Kosednar Milka in Franc Zadravec Toni in Marija Franc Družina Volcanšek Agata Doma Družina Volcanšek Sin Frank z družino Hci Lojzka Novak z družino Jože in Marija Magdic Rozina Petek z družino V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Nedelko Ana June 28, 2019 Zupancic Anton Tony June 29, 1999 Doberšek Ema June 29, 2007 Carey Alojz July 1, 1980 Ferencak Ana July 2, 2021 Vuk Joseph July 2, 1974 Vrenjak Josephine July 3, 1968 Simoncic Martin July 3, 2020 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 27. 6. 2022 - 3. 7. 2022 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 27. JUNIJ Ema Krška, vdova Bog v zahvalo 7:00 P.M. Ivka Pašalic TOREK - TUESDAY 28. JUNIJ Irenej (Hotimir), škof-muc. † † Ivanka in Annamarie (US) Silva Kundih in Pavel Verhovšek 7:00 P.M. Rose Žižek z družino Julija Sagadin z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 29. JUNIJ Peter in Pavel, apostola †† † † Pavel in Paul Richard Novak Milka Ferko Mira Špiler, 30. dan 7:00 P.M. Helen Špiler Marija Hocevar Ivica Burgar CETRTEK - THURSDAY 30. JUNIJ Prvi rimski mucenci † Po namenu Za srecno pot Marija Bregar 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadic Dragica Đundraš Marija Korošec z družino PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY 1. JULIJ Estera, svetopisemska žena † † † †† † † Zoltan Gergyek Jože Raduha Frank Mramor Jože in Marija Zelko Maja Saje Slavko Jesenik 7:00 P.M. Družina Dragaš Ana Gergyek Štefan in Francka Antolin Bernarda Milosavljevic Bernarda Milosavljevic Bernarda Milosavljevic SOBOTA - SATURDAY 2. JULIJ Ptujskogorska Mati Božja Francišek Regis, redovnik † † † † † † † †† † †† Adolf Košir Marija Bukvic Karel Volf Štefan Prša Jože Vuk, obl. Frank Pinter Ana Ferencak, obl. Vinko in Katarina Antolin Milka Ferko Stanko in Marija Ferencak 5:30 P.M. Marija Košir Anton Bukvic z družino Žena Marija Volf Sestra Marija Volf Marija Hocevar Žena z družino Albina in Jože Antolin z družino Jože in Albina Antolin z družino Marija in Jože Magdic Brat Lojze 14. NEDELJA MED LETOM 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3. JULIJ TOMAŽ, APOSTOL IZSELJENSKA NEDELJA † † † † † †† † †† †† † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Marija Špiler Martin Simoncic, obl. Martin Simoncic, obl. Martin Simoncic, obl. Maks Pavlic Pok. iz družine Štefanec Milka Ferko Pok. iz družine Berkovic-Škof Pokojni clani društva Slov. Park Frank Zabukovec Jože in Marija Kuzma Frank Zabukovec MASS 10:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. - - - - - - - - Mož z družino Žena Kathy Družina Pinter Audrey Hawthorne Marina Štefanec Marina Štefanec Mirko in Irena Kolmanic Zlatko Berkovic z družino Maša na Slovenskem parku Jože Pust Družina Kuzma Kristijan Razpotnik