SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 28/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 9.7. 2023 14. NEDELJA MED LETOM 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ V evangeliju danes prodremo v Jezusovo dušo. Poroča nam o eni od njegovih molitev k Očetu: gre za hvalnico, zahvalo, ki nam odkriva njegova najgloblja čustva: hvaležnost Oče, ki se kaže v vsakem trenutku njegovega življenja. To hvaležnost sproži okoliščina, v kakršni mi nikakor ne bi pomislili na zahvaljevanje; gre za neuspeh v njegovem služenju. Jezus je oznanjal, vendar njegovega oznanjevanja niso sprejeli modri in razumni, ki bi morali z večjo lahkoto odkriti lepoto, resnico in globino tega, kar Jezus govori. Oznanja božje kraljestvo, s pomočjo prilik razkriva njegove skrivnosti, vendar farizeji, pismouki in veliki duhovniki, torej oblastniki judovskega ljudstva, tega oznanjevanja nočejo sprejeti. V teh okoliščinah se Jezus zahvali Očetu, ker je dojel njegov načrt: »Slavim te, Oče, Gospod neba in zemlje, ker si to prikril modrim in razumnim, razodel pa otročičem. Da, Oče, kajti tako ti je bilo všeč.« Zelo res je, da inteligenca lahko zbudi oholost, tedaj pa, namesto da bi služila resnici, postane škodljiva. Jezus spozna Očetov načrt, ki se razodeva preprostim, ponižnim, ne more pa se razodeti okamnelim srcem. Jezus priznava, da je vse dobil od Očeta, tudi spoznanje njega samega; kar pomeni oseben, zaupen odnos z Očetom. Jezus pravi: »Nihče ne pozna Sina, razen Očeta, in nihče ne pozna Očeta, razen Sina in tistega, komur hoče Sin razodeti.» V tem je razodetje življenja Svete Trojice: Oče pozna Sina; Sin pozna Očeta. Gre za zelo globoka razodetja, ki nas silijo k občudovanju, češčenju. Potem se Jezus obrne k nam, ljudem, zlasti k tistim, ki se znajdejo v stiski. Svoje usmiljeno srce razkrije rekoč: »Pridite k meni vsi, ki ste utrujeni in obteženi, in jaz vam bom dal počitek.« Namesto da bi izgubili pogum, ko smo utrujeni in obteženi, moramo čutiti, da nas je okrepil JezuVESTNIK 2023 | sov sprejem, njegovo povabilo, naj pridemo k njemu, da bomo našli počitek, uteho in moč. Jezus dodaja stavek, ki se nam lahko zdi presenetljiv: utrujenim in obteženim ljudem pravi, naj vzamejo nase njegov jarem: »Vzemite nase moj jarem.« Če so ti ljudje že utrujeni, zakaj jim ponuja še dodatno breme, drug jarem? Tukaj gre tukaj za jarem, ki vse stvari naredi lažje. »Našli boste počitek svojim dušam; kajti moj jarem je prijeten in moje breme je lahko.« Jezusov jarem je jarem ljubezni in v ljubezni je vse lažje. »Kjer je ljubezen,» pravi sv. Avguštin, »tam ni napora; in če je napor, je ta napor ljubljen,« in tako postane lahek. Življenjske preizkušnje nas lahko zaprejo. Jezus pa nas vabi, naj vzamemo njegov jarem ljubezni, naj vse sprejmemo povezani z njim in v dobro naših bratov. Tako nas preizkušnje pridružijo Kristusovemu trpljenju in povežejo z ljudmi, ki trpijo. V prvem berilu prerok Zaharija pravi Jeruzalemu: »Glej, tvoj kralj prihaja k tebi, pravičen je in zmagovit, krotak je in jezdi na osličku, na žrebetu oslice.« Ta kralj ne jezdi na konju, ki je žival za vojskovanje, ampak na osličku, ki je miroljubna žival in nima nobene bojevite prevzetnosti. Ta prerokba napoveduje Jezusovo zmagoslavje na cvetno nedeljo, ko se prostovoljno predstavi ljudstvu in jezdi na osliču, da bi pokazal, da ni bojeviti Mesija, osvajalec z orožjem, ampak Gospod, ki je poln ponižnosti in krotkosti, Gospod, ki zlomi bojni lok in naznanja mir. Drugo berilo razpravlja o drugi temi, vendar ima stično točko z evangelijem: »Če kdo nima Kristusovega Duha, ni njegov.« Pod »Kristusovim Duhom« Pavel razume Svetega Duha, ki navdihuje krotkost in ponižnost Jezusovega srca. Sprejeti moramo Duha ponižnega in krotkega Kristusa, če hočemo biti njegovi. Po drugi strani ta Duh obuja od mrtvih. Vstajenje ni dejanje zunanje sile, ampak dejanje notranje moči, ki ustreza Jezusovi krotkosti in ponižnosti. Zato moramo živeti po Duhu Jezusa Kristusa, v krotkosti in ponižnosti. Prosimo za milost, da bomo vzeli nase jarem krotkega in v srcu ponižnega Jezusa, da bi našli notranji mir, tolažbo v težavah in mir v naših odnosih z drugimi. - (Prim.: Oznanjevalec 3, 2008) 306 | VESTNIK 2023 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: I will bless your name for ever, my King and my God. First Reading Zechariah 9:9-10 The prophet visualises the Messiah arriving in Jerusalem and being presented to the crowds as their king – a humble king, seated on a donkey. Second Reading Romans 8:9. 11-13 Paul reminds the early Christians in Rome that God has filled them with the life-giving Spirit of Jesus. Gospel Matthew 11:25-30 Throughout Matthew’s Gospel Jesus teaches us that we show that we are true followers of his not so much by our words as by our deeds. “Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.” Illustration An elderly man loved to tell of his most embarrassing moment – how one morning he sent a squirt of hairspray over the few hairs he still had left. Then, a glance in the mirror, and he realised it wasn’t a can of hairspray but of shaving foam that he had in his hand. His first reaction was a bemused smile; his second, a relieved murmur: “Thank goodness no one can see me now.” I suspect we are all a bit like that: a deep-seated pride doesn’t want us to let others see our stupidities and inadequacies, but above all our sinfulness. Gospel Teaching If that’s the way we sometimes feel, the readings today bring us good news. In the Gospel, it’s as though the Lord is saying to us, In the Gospel we meet the humble Messiah king. Jesus is praying, and we are able to eavesdrop on what he says. Five times over he addresses God as “Father” and rejoices in the unique bond that binds together God the Father and God the Son. In particular, he gives thanks that God the Father is revealed not to the learned and clever, those who know it all (or think they do), but rather to those who have the childlike attitude of knowing that they have need of the heavenly Father. Application “Whatever your worries and concerns, whatever your sins, don’t be afraid; come as you are. I understand your fears, your anxieties, your weaknesses, your struggles, the things that get you down. I know your sins, too, but love you no less because of them.” In the first reading, we heard the prophet Zechariah reminding his people of the lesson they should have learned from all that they’d gone through since God rescued them from a life of slavery in Egypt long ago: money and fame, riches and prosperity are not necessarily a sign of God’s favour. In fact, God has a special concern for those who are poor, for those facing difficulties, for those who feel that their only hope rests in the Lord. When the humble Messiah comes there will be none of the display that awaited a king in ancient times: no horses and chariots, no musical fanfares, no runner going ahead to announce the royal progress; instead, he will make his first public appearance before his people riding on a lowly donkey. And yet it is he, not one of the mighty kings of ancient history that were familiar to the people of Israel, whose kingdom of justice and peace will spread to the ends of the earth. If you have that childlike attitude, Jesus says that if you turn to him you will find the deep-down peace you yearn for. In Jesus’ time, it was customary to compare the Law of God to a yoke, the contraption a farmer used to bring the cattle safely home. Jesus says he is like a kind of yoke: a yoke, he explains, that is easy, a burden that is light to bear. The Greek word for “easy” can also mean “well-fitting”. An animal would first be measured for its yoke and then brought back to make sure it fitted well. So Jesus says that his yoke fits well. It may feel like a burden at times; but even if it may appear heavy and demanding, it’s made to measure, and with Jesus’ help, he says, it will never be too much for us. There is a sense of joy running through today’s Mass. “Rejoice heart and soul… Shout with gladness.” This is from the opening verse of the first reading; then, in the Gospel, it’s a joyful prayer that Jesus raises to his Father. The greeting at every Mass, “The Lord be with you,” is Jesus welcoming us into his presence; the bread and wine that will become his body and blood are a living icon of all that Jesus has done for us and an assurance that he will ease our burdens and make them light. Finally, the moment of Holy Communion is a moment when Jesus assures us that if we search for genuine, everlasting rest and joy, then we shall find them in him alone. We may make many embarrassing mistakes in life, but there could be no greater mistake than to imagine that anything less than God could ever bring us the joy and happiness for which God created us. VESTNIK 2023 | 307 Don Bosco and Confession By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB I just made a good confession on my annual retreat and am grateful for being in the state of grace. It’s a very freeing thing. It’s so good just to confess everything in a transparent manner and receive the absolution of the priest. Thank God for confession and for this particular confession last week. But I know… I know… and you know, too… it’s hard to stay away from sin. The devil is a weasel who will try like crazy to have me mess up with selfishness, anger, pride, lust, greed. There’s only one solution that Don Bosco would recommend – keep fighting him off with frequent confession! What did Don Bosco think about confession? How much emphasis did he put on it? Let me just tell you this – it was HIGHLY recommended as the number one tool in an aspiring saint’s toolbox. Don Bosco made his first confession when he was 7 years old and never stopped going to the sacrament his entire life. From his memoirs: “I still remember how my mother (Mama Margaret) prepared me for my first confession. She went to the church with me, then she confessed first. She helped me make a good confession and to do the penance and thanksgiving afterward. What an example she was for me. Since that day I have tried earnestly to keep a very regular confession.” (Mem Oratory:21-22) Here is a quote from Don Rua about how often Don Bosco promoted confession: “If Don Bosco gave a goodnight on two consecutive nights, one of them would be about confession.” In the middle of the little biography Don Bosco wrote about the life of Mickey Magone, he inserted a parenthesis in chapter 5: SOME HINTS ON HOW TO MAKE A GOOD CONFESSION. 1. Make sure all serious sins are confessed. 2. Have great confidence in your confessor. Remember he is a father who seriously desires to help you. 3. Do not be afraid that a confessor will think less of you because you reveal to him serious faults. 4. Do not be afraid that he will speak of these faults to others. 5. Ask your confessor to help you if you have difficulties expressing yourself. 6. Follow the advice he gives you. 7. Go to your confessor regularly. 8. Have a regular confessor – he is a friend for your soul. To be continued 308 | VESTNIK 2023 Slovenian Summer Day Camp Aug. 15-18 2023 Our Slovenian Summer Day Camp is back! After a bit of a break, I am happy to announce that we will again be hosting our Annual Summer Day Camp! PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATE! Because of a conflict in dates, our camp will be held one week later than usual. Parents, Grandparents, Friends this is a great opportunity to get your kids involved in our Slovenian community. For those who already have many friends, let’s re-connect and for those who may be a little new to our parish, come out and meet other children your age and get ready for a week of Crafts, Sports and a little culture! Mark your calendars Tuesday August 15-18 And remember to book off your Friday evening for our annual SSDC BBQ and campers vs. parents Soccer Game! Stay tuned - More information to follow! Contact Heidy Novak or 905-317-6002 VESTNIK 2023 | 309 What was forecasted as a weekend of rain turned into 2 days of fabulous sunshine and only 1 day of rain as Slovenski Park celebrated Canada Day and the long weekend. On Friday June 30th members started arriving at the Park early to enjoy the sun and beautiful natural swimming area. Committee members and volunteers began preparing pigs and chickens for roasting, decorating with flags and generally getting things ready. Thanks to a grant from @Participaction, a lively and informative Line-dancing event was held on the patio on Friday evening with a great turn-out. Early Saturday morning, with the sun shining brightly SP held it’s first ever fishing Derby. Youngsters gathered to register, receive guidelines, and then pick their spots. It turned into a fun event with many parents commenting that this is a great addition to the activities held at SP. During the evening Veselica, the winners were announced, and the result was a tie! Danica Muhic and the team of Lucas and Marcus Muhic were each awarded a trophy and all participants received a prize bag. With the sun shining and temperatures rising, conditions were perfect for the giant water balloon fight held the soccer field. All the children that participated gave a thumbs-up and asked if we could do it more often. Parents enjoyed the activity as much as the youngsters taking lots of great photos and videos. 310 | VESTNIK 2023 The sun continued to shine and at 5:00 PM the kitchen was open with lots of great food for dinner. Our special guest band from Slovenija, Ansambel Prava Stvar took to the stage at 7:00 PM for a real Slovenian style Veselica. The food was delicious, the band outstanding and everyone in attendance had a fabulous time. At 10:00 PM everyone in the Park was treated to spectacular fireworks display that delighted young and old. With music continuing into the wee hours, members and guests enthusiastically celebrated Canada Day and enjoyed everything the Park had to offer. Sunday morning dawned dark and dreary and once the rain started, it did not stop. Holy Mass was moved indoors and despite the miserable weather, attendance at Mass was good. As always Father Drago inspired with his sermon, encouraged with his words and of course made everyone laugh. We can never thank Fr. Drago enough for everything he does for the Slovenian Community. After Mass, the kitchen was open with a fantastic lunch for members to enjoy. Despite pouring rain, many people stayed and enjoyed each others’ company. There are a few photos of the weekend attached to this email. For more photos, please visit our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram! VESTNIK 2023 | 311 The Executive Committee would like to thank each and every person who volunteered their time and energy over the course of the weekend. Without their dedication Slovenski Park would be a much different place. Prisrčna hvala vsem in “nasvidenje 15. julija na Pečenkafest«! Magda Razpotnik, President Slovenski Park Executive Committee 312 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 313 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV ZAHVALA - July 9, 2023 - Lipa Park - Summerfest Picnic - July 15, 2023 - Slovenski Park Pečenkafest - July 23, 2023 - Bled - Proščenje, Mass: 12:30 p.m. - August 4 - 7, 2023 - Slovenski Park - Civic Holiday Weekend Sunday, August 6, Mass 1:00 p.m. - August 6, 2023 - Lipa Park - Music in the Park Picnic - August 13, 2023 - Breslau - Sava Maša in Picnic - 1:00 p.m. The family of Max Pavličič would like to thank everyone who attended funeral services and expressed their condolences during this difficult time. Your support is sincerely appreciated and we are forever grateful. Special thanks to Gospod Drago for his beautiful funeral Mass on June 30th, the choir and their lovely voices, Nancy for her delicious cooking at the reception, and to all those who made a donation to St. Gregory the Great in honor of our deeply loved husband, father, and Papa Max. READER - BRALEC Sidonia Poppa CLEANING OF THE CHURCH July 22nd - Gosgnach team Aug. 5th - Jozica Vegelj and team Aug. 19th - Lojska Novak and team VELEPOSLANIŠTVO REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE V OTTAWI 150 Metcalfe Street, Suite 2200 Ottawa, ON, K2P 1P1, Kanada Posamezniki, ki potrebujejo konzularno pomoč prosimo, da nam interes sporočijo na 1-613-565-5781 ali na e-mail: Kontaktna oseba: - Blaž Slamič, prvi svetovalec - Margerita Potocco Drakulić, konzularna asistentka. 314 | VESTNIK 2023 DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $250 - Mihael in Marija Fabina - $100 - Toni in Marija Franc v spomin na pokojnega Štefana Črnko V spomin ali namesto cvetja za pokojnega Maksimiliana Pavličič so darovali za gradbeni sklad: - $500 - Jožica Novak in Helen Špiler - $300 - Rose Marie Gage - $100 - Družina Erzar - $100 - Družina Groznik - $75 - Harry in Susan Arena - $100 - Mary Bradica - $50 - Društvo sv. Jožefa in za 5 svetih maš Hvala vsem za vaše darove, prav tako hvala vsem, ki redno vsako nedeljo darujete za potrebe naše cerkve. Molitev za nove duhovne poklice Gospod Jezus, Božji Pastir duš, ti si poklical apostole, da bi postali ribiči ljudi. Pritegni tudi danes k sebi goreče in plemenite fante iz naših družin ter jih naredi za svoje učence in služabnike. Zbudi v njih željo po odrešenju vseh ljudi, za katere na naših oltarjih vsak dan obnavljaš svojo daritev na križu. Pokaži jim, Gospod, vse pokrajine, kjer toliko naših bratov in sester prosi za luč resnice in gorečo ljubezen. Naj odgovorijo tvojemu klicu, postanejo sol zemlje in luč sveta. Na zemlji naj nadaljujejo tvoje delo odrešenja in gradijo tvoje skrivnostno telo, ki je Cerkev. Tudi številna in velikodušna srca deklet milostno pokliči, Gospod. Vlij jim hrepenenje po evangeljski popolnosti in zbudi v njih željo, da se bodo službi za tvojo Cerkev ter za uboge in bolne žrtvovale z vsem žarom in vso močjo tvoje ljubezni. - Amen. (po papežu Pavlu VI.) Svet e maše - Masses 14. NEDELJA MED LETOM 9. JULIJ Avguštin Z. Rong in kitajski mučenci DON BOSCO †† † †† † †† † †† †† † Sunday Masses from July 2 nd to Sept. 17 th at 10:00 a.m. Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 7. julija 2023: - $167,806. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Berkopec Uduč Žvan Knaus Hull Kolmanič Joseph Joseph Janez Angela Irma Katarina Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 A.M. Paula in Franc Pelcar Julijana Sagadin Pokojni iz družine Zelko Janka Mihelčič Katarina (obl.) in Vinko Antolin Za zdravje Franc Raduha Štefan in Terezija Marinič Bratje in sestre Marinič Max Pavličič Friday, July 11, 1980 Sunday, July 12, 1981 Wednesday, July 12, 2006 Thursday, July 14, 1994 Sunday, July 15, 2012 Thursday, July 16, 1998 ------Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Družina Kisner (Slovenija) Matilda Bratuž Ančka Jože in Albina Antolin z družino Sue Augustin Žena z družino Družina Raduha Družina Raduha Žena Jožica z družino SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 315 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 10. JULIJ † Jože Gačnik † Eileen MacKanezie 7:00 P.M. Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino N.N. Na čast sv. Antonu † Ivan Doma 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadić Društvo sv. Jožefa (4) SREDA - WEDNESDAY 12. JULIJ † Ivan Žižek † Jože Uduč, obl. 7:00 P.M. Žena z družino Žena z družino ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 13. JULIJ † Jože Tompa † Maks Pavličič 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Marija Košir PETEK - FRIDAY 14. JULIJ † Vinko Skale 7:00 P.M. Hči Elizabeth Lukežič z družino † † †† †† † †† † † 5:30 P.M. Mihael in Marija Fabina Družina Groznik Zora Hull Marija Košir Sestri in brat Jože in Marija Magdič z družino Martin in Regina Nedelko Terezija Prša z družino Amalija, redovnica TOREK - TUESDAY 11. JULIJ Benedikt, opat Mohor in Fortunat, muč. Joel, prerok Božidar, škof SOBOTA - SATURDAY 15. JULIJ Bonaventura, šk-uč. Vladimir, knez Matija Vlašič Mary Hochevar Irma (obl.) in Ludvik Hull Pok. iz druž. Doberšek Jožef Tompa Ivan in Norma Tompa Jože Zadravec Ana Feigel Za žive in rajne župljane †† Magda in Stane Udovč 15. NEDELJA MED LETOM †† Bratje in sestre Štefanec Za zdravje 16. JULIJ † Maks Pavličič Karmelska Mati Božja † Maks Pavličič Karmen † Maks Pavličič † Maks Pavličič 316 | VESTNIK 2023 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Levstek & McLean Families Sestra Milena Pavlič Sue Augustin Rose Marie Gage English Choir Helena Špiler Družina Erzar