Fagopyrum 36(2):51-65 (2019) 51 Research paper Variation of rutin and quercetin contents in Tartary buckwheat germplasm Je Hyeok YU1, Soo Jeong KWON1, Ju Young CHOI1, Yong Hwan JU1, Swapan Kumar ROY1, Dong-Gyu LEE1, Cheol Ho PARK2, and Sun-Hee WOO1* 1 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju, Korea 2 College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chunchon, Korea * Corresponding author: Sun-Hee Woo, Chungbuk National University, 1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungbuk 28644, Korea, Tel: +82-43-261-2515, Fax: +82-43-273-2242, E-mail: shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr E-mail addresses: Je Hyeok YU- urbanhip@naver.com, Soo Jeong KWON- kwonsj1220@naver.com, Ju Young CHOI- jychoi8519@gmail.com. Yong Hwan JU- joh7598@naver.com, Swapan Kumar ROY- swapankhulna@gmail.com, Dong-Gyu LEE- dongguu00@naver.com, Cheol Ho PARK- chpark@kangwon.ac.kr DOI https://doi.org/10.3986/fag0011 Received: April 29, 2019; accepted: June 15, 2019 Keywords: Tartary buckwheat; seed; sprout; germplasm; rutin; quercetin ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the regional variation and effects of shape and color of seeds and sprouts on the content of rutin and quercetin in Tartary buckwheat germplasm. A total of 44 foreign Tartary buckwheat ger- mplasms were examined and compared their rutin and quercetin contents based on the collected countries, seed shape and seed color using high-performance liquid chromatography and spectrophotometry. The results revealed that rutin and quercetin content varied at different regions. Rutin content in seed (1326.5 mg/100 g) and sprouts (5440.4 mg/ 100 g) of the accession collected from Nepal area was higher than any accession collected from other regions. In seeds, the quercetin content showed the highest value (22.5 mg/100 g) from Pakistan whereas sprouts showed the highest quercetin content (392.0 mg/100 g) from China. However, the quercetin content in sprout was 4~90 times higher than that of seeds. Taken together, the present study suggests that sprouts could be used more effectively than seeds in the case of quercetin, and strains from Nepal, Bhutan, China, and Japan have a high potential material to use seed and sprouts for buckwheat industry in making functional food and medicine. Yu et al. (2019): Rutin and quercetin in Tartary buckwheat germplasm 52 INTRODUCTION Buckwheat, which belongs to the family Polygonace- ae, genus Fagopyrum, has been a popular health food in Asian and European countries for a long time (Kreft, 2003). It has been widely cultivated in Korea since it has abundant nutrients and medicinal efficacy. Buckwheat sprouts are higher in nutritional value than other crops regarding fiber, anthocyanin, and rutin contents (Shin, 2010). Unlike traditional buckwheat, Tartary buckwheat remains in the wild and is most widely grown buckwheat species in the Himalaya region (Golob et al., 2015). The main cultivation areas are Tibet or Chinese mountainous regions, such as India, Bhutan and Nepal (Kreft et al., 2003). However, they are abundant in various nutrients and high in protein (12%) and fat (3.9%) content. Also, oleic acid and linoleic acid account for 80% of total fatty acids (Park et al., 2004). Buckwheat contains many important bioactive com- pounds especially flavonoids that have been shown to exert excessive stress via activating antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), catalase (CAT) and glutathione reductase, (Park et al., 2000; Zhu et al., 1999). These compounds are com- plementary to the lack of enough activity due to envi- ronmental factors, eating habits, smoking and lifestyle habits, and by reactive oxygen species (ROS), and DNA damage (Lee et al., 2011; Park et al., 2011), organ and tissue damage (Shin et al., 1990; Graf et al., 2005). Fla- vonoids found in buckwheat, include rutin, c-glycosylfla- vones (orientin, isoorientin, vitexin, isovitexin), querce- tin, and phenolic acid as chlorogenic acid (Margna et al., 1978; Watanabe et al., 2002), however, the content of rutin in Tartary buckwheat is much higher than that of common buckwheat and other crops (Wang et al., 1995; Park et al., 2005a; Park et al., 2005b). However, it has been only a few years since the culti- vation of buckwheat in Korea has started, and basic eco- logical studies have not been systematically established yet (Park et al., 2004; Lim et al., 2009). With growing de- mand for food and functional foods, interest in sprouting vegetables is increasing. In the United States, Europe and Australia, sprouting vegetables account for about 30% of the vegetable stores. In Asia, interest in sprouting vegeta- bles is increasing, mainly in Japan. Sprouting vegetables account for 10 to 20% of the market. It is estimated that the sprout vegetable market in Korea is about 2 billion won in 2005 (Lee, 2007). In recent years, buckwheat sprouts have been developed in Korea and Japan (Kim et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2007), and sprouting vegetables (Hokkai T9, Hokkai T10) were registered especially in Japan in 2007 (Suzuki, 2008). In addition, the content of quercetin, as well as rutin, was also higher in Tartary buckwheat sprouts than in common buckwheat sprouts. Thus, the consumption of buckwheat sprouts as a source of rutin is increasing (Jeon, 2012). Rutin, which is more abundant in sprouts than seeds in Tartary buckwheat, and compared than common buckwheat and has been reported to be effective against various diseases, including antioxidant activity (Lee et al., 2000), diabetes (Lee et al., 1994), antioxidative effects (Kwon et al., 1995) and the prevention of cardiovascular disease (He et al., 1995; Wojcicki et al., 1995). Previous study was conducted with buckwheat genetic resources for rutin, the comparison was made by the color of seed coat, seed type, and country of collection (Park et al., 2005). Quercetin is a flavonoid substance belonging to the flavonol family. Quercetin is mainly found in fruits and minerals, especially in onions (Formical et al., 1995). In the United States, quercetin is also known to be a rep- resentative flavonoid (Park et al., 1991), as it is known to consume 25 mg per person per day (Lamson et al., 2000). The pharmacological effects of quercetin have been extensively studied both in vivo and in vitro models and have been shown to be associated with reduced lipid peroxidation (Cavallini et al., 1978) and decreased activ- ity of carcinogens (Edenhader et al., 1996), hypotension, (Daniel et al., 2003) and antimicrobial effects (Kimura et al., 1984). In recent years, attempts to search for natural anti- oxidants harmless to the human body have been stud- ied in various ways (Halliwell et al., 1992; Lee, 2007). Recently, Korean people have much interest in using of Tartary buckwheat because of its higher rutin content and bio-active compounds than common buckwheat that has been traditionally utilized in Korea. However, there are no cultivars of Tartary buckwheat in Korea. So, it is urgent to develop the promising cultivars with high yield of seeds and herbs and good quality with high rutin con- centration. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Materials collection and plant growth condition The experimental materials were collected from 7 countries, including China, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Japan, Fagopyrum 36(2):51-65 (2019) 53 Pakistan and Slovenia. A total of 44 kinds of Tartary buckwheat genetic resources were stored at Chungbuk National University (4°C, 30-40% RH). The genotypes used in the present study were 28 specimens from Chi- na, 5 specimens from Nepal, 3 specimens from Bhutan, 2 specimens from India, 2 specimens from Japan, 2 spec- imens from Pakistan, 2 specimens from Slovenia. How- ever, the seed size of the genotypes were 6 specimens of notched, 22 specimens of round, 16 specimens of slen- der, and seed color were identified as 8 brown, 12 dark- brown, 15 dark-gray, and 9 gray-brown (Table 1). The above-mentioned genetic resources were cultivat- ed in Chungbuk National University Farm in 2015 and planted on July 31, 2015, maintaining planting density at 30×10 cm. Other cultivation management was pro- vided in accordance with the crop cultivation guideline from Rural Development Administration. A total of 44 seedlings were transferred to a seedling tray (5.1 cm × 4.7 cm), and grown for 7-days in a controlled (25°C, 14 h day/10 h night, 150 µmol.m-2.s-1 light intensity) growth chamber (GC-300 TLH, JEIO TECH). Shoot cotyledons and hypocotyls of buds which were watered twice daily and grown under conditions of 10 hours of dark condi- tions. Prior to analysis, the collected buds were drying using freeze-drier (FDU-1200, EYELA). After freeze-dry- ing for 3 days, the samples were ground into fine powder with a pestle in liquid nitrogen, and stored in a cryogenic freezer (DF8517S, Ilshinbiobase, 4°C, 30-40% RH) for rutin and quercetin analysis. 2. Rutin and quercetin analysis methods 2.1. Pretreatment for rutin and quercetin analysis A portion (0.5 g) of Tartary buckwheat seeds and buds powder stored in a cryogenic freezer (DF8517S, Il- shinbiobase) was weighed into 15 ml tubes (BD, Falcon™). 10 ml of ethanol (96% Germany, MERCK) was added to each of the weighed tubes, and vortexed vigorously. The tubes were sonicated using an ultrasonic clearer (SD- D300H, Seongdong) for 60 minutes at 80°C and then cooled in a refrigerated shell (IBK-1400RFD, Infobiotech) for 60 minutes at 4°C. The mixture was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min at 4ºC. 2 ml of the extracted sam- ple was filtered using a 0.45 µm PVDF membrane syringe filter (Whatman, USA) and analyzed by HPLC (Agilent 1200 series) instrument with 3 repetitions. The contents of rutin and quercetin were expressed on dry weight ba- sis. The content of both investigated compounds was ex- pressed in mg/100 g DW. 2.2. HPLC analysis method Methanol, acetonitrile, and water (Honeywell B & J) used in HPLC analysis were HPLC grade. For the solvent A, 0.05% TFA buffer (Sigma) was added to a total volume of 100% water. The solvent B was prepared with 60% of methanol, 40% of acetonitrile, 0.05% of TFA buffer re- spectively. All analyses for rutin and quercetin were performed on a HPLC system (HPLC 1200 series manufactured Origin Seed shape Seed color Notched Round Slender Total Brown Dark-brown Dark-gray Gray-brown Total China 5 14 9 28 5 7 8 8 28 Nepal N/A 4 1 5 N/A 2 3 N/A 5 Bhutan N/A N/A 3 3 2 N/A 1 N/A 3 India N/A 1 1 2 N/A 1 N/A 1 2 Japan N/A 2 N/A 2 N/A N/A 2 N/A 2 Pakistan 1 N/A 1 2 N/A 1 1 N/A 2 Slovenia N/A 1 1 2 1 1 N/A N/A 2 Total 6 22 16 44 8 12 15 9 44 *N/A=Not applicable Table 1. Country-wise number of Tartary buckwheat germplasm based on seed shape and seed color used in evaluation of rutin and quercetin contents Yu et al. (2019): Rutin and quercetin in Tartary buckwheat germplasm 54 by Agilent), equipped with a column used YMC-pack OSD-AC18 (4.6 mm ID × 250 mm, S-5 µm, YMC Co., LTD., Japan). The flow rate was 1.0 ml/min, the column temperature was 25°C, the injection volume was 10 µl, and the detection wavelength was set at 359 nm. The detailed HPLC analysis conditions are shown in Table 2. For the quantitative analysis of rutin and quercetin, the standards were made according to the protocol of Sig- ma, and the concentrations used in this analysis were 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 ppm. The pattern and retention time of rutin and quercetin observed in HPLC apparatus are shown in Fig. 1, and the equation of line- ar regression of rutin and quercetin y=14.993x-62.119 y=32.943x-19.09 respectively while the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.9989 and 0.9999 in rutin and quercetin respectively. 3. Statistical processing analysis Analysis of variance was performed using SAS soft- ware (SAS Institute Inc., ver. 9.2). The significance test for the rutin and quercetin content of each country, seed shape, and seed color was performed using Duncan’s multiple range tests. Also, the correlation between rutin and quercetin content was investigated within the seeds, within the shoots and between the seeds and sprouts. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4. Variation of rutin and quercetin content in seed 4.1. Content, distribution and resource selection of rutin and quercetin in seed Among the 44 kinds of Tartary buckwheat genet- ic analyses, the average content of the two components (sum of rutin and quercetin) was 815.4 mg/100 g, and the all investigated genetic samples ranged from 308.3 to 1337.0 mg /100 g. In terms of each component analysis, the average content of rutin was 808.4 mg /100 g, the in all genetic samples ranged from 304.5 to 1326.5 mg/ 100 g. On the other hand, the average content of querce- tin was 7.0 mg /100 g, and in all genetic samples ranged from 2.0 to 22.5 mg /100 g. However, the results obtained from the present study revealed that the content of rutin was higher compared to quercetin regarding all investigat- ed samples. The distribution of rutin and quercetin contents in the tested buckwheat samples is shown in Fig. 2. The highest distribution of rutin (16 germplasms) was observed in the range of 600~800 mg/100 g followed by 12 germplasms in the range of 800~1000 mg/100 g, 7 germplasms in the range of 600 mg/100 g and 6 ger- Gradient Time (min) Mobile phase condition A (%): water + TFA (0.05%) B (%): MeOH (60%) + ACN (40%) + TFA (0.05%) 0 90.0 10.0 5 85.0 15.0 50 60.0 40.0 60 50.0 50.0 61 90.0 10.0 Table 2. Analytical conditions of HPLC Figure 1. HPLC chromatogram patterns and retention time of rutin & quercetin Fagopyrum 36(2):51-65 (2019) 55 mplasms in the range of 1000~1200 mg/100 g respec- tively. However, the lowest distribution (3 germplasms) of rutin was observed in the range of 1200 mg/100 g. In the case of quercetin, the highest (19 germplasms) was observed in the range of 5~10 mg / 100 g, followed by 15 germplasms with less than 5 mg/100 g, and 9 ger- mplasms with the range of 10~15 mg/100 g. Table 3 summarizes the rutin and quercetin content, seed shape and seed color properties among the test- ed resources. The highest content of rutin (1326.0 mg/ 100 g) was found in CBU408 (Collected from Nepal), whereas the highest content of quercetin (22.5 mg/ 100 g) was observed in CBU456 (Collected from Paki- stan). Taken together, the results obtained from the present study revealed that the quercetin exhibited the highest CV among the component tested in this study. 4.2. Country-wise variation of rutin and quercetin content of seeds The total amount of the two components in seeds was measured and compared in this study. The high- est total amount of the tested components (sum of ru- tin and quercetin) was 1002.6 mg / 100 g, followed by 854.0 mg/100 g, 838.9 mg/100 g, 813.6 mg/100 g, 802.6 mg/100 g, 715.0 mg in the order of the following man- ner Nepal> Bhutan> Japan> China> Pakistan> Slovenia> India. But no significant difference was observed among the germplasms (Table 4). Rutin was also found to be in the same order as the total amount of the two compo- nents. However, the total amount of rutin was in the or- der of 995.1 mg/100 g in Nepal, 845.2 mg / 100 g in Bhu- tan, 835.7 mg/100 g in Japan, 806.9 mg/100 g in China, 788.3 mg/100 g in Pakistan, 396.0 mg/100g in India. The data shown in Table 4 showed that there was no sig- nificant difference among the data examined. Quercetin showed different results compared than the rutin find- ings; however, the quercetin contents were 14.3 mg/100 g, 8.7 mg/100g, 7.5 mg/100 g, 7.4 mg/100 g, 6.7 mg/100 g, 3.12 mg/100 g in the order of the following manner; Pakistan> Bhutan> Nepal> India> China> Japan> Slove- nia (Table 5). However, the quercetin exhibited the high- est CV among the components tested in this study. Park et al. (2005) reported that rutin content was in the order of Bhutan> Slovenia> China> Pakistan> Nepal> Japan> India. Taken together, the obtained results sug- gest that the various concentrations of components may provide important insights regarding the development of functional components in buckwheat. 4.3. The content of rutin and quercetin in seeds regarding seed shape Table 5 summarizes the rutin and quercetin contents in seeds regarding seed shape. The highest total amount Figure 2. Frequency distributions of rutin (A) and quercetin (B) contents in seed of Tartary buckwheat germplasm Statistics Rutin (mg/100g) Quercetin (mg/100g) Total (mg/100g) Tartary buckwheat germplasm (Seed) Max. 1326.5 22.5 1337 Min. 304.5 2 308.3 Mean 808.4 7 815.4 ±SD 243.4 3.9 245.2 CV (%) 30.1 55.9 30.1 Table 3. Statistical analysis of rutin and quercetin content in seed of Tartary buckwheat germplasm Yu et al. (2019): Rutin and quercetin in Tartary buckwheat germplasm 56 Location Statistics Rutin (mg/100g) Quercetin (mg/100g) Total (mg/100g) Bhutan (n=3) Max. 911.5 10.2 920.3 Min. 753.8 7.2 764 Mean 845.2 8.7 854 ±SD 81.8 1.5 80.8 CV (%) 9.7 17.2 9.5 China (n=28) Max. 1247.5 13.7 1259 Min. 364.2 2 374.3 Mean 806.9 6.7 813.6 ±SD 236.9 3 238.6 CV (%) 29.4 45.2 29.3 India (n=2) Max. 487.5 10.8 498.4 Min. 304.5 3.9 308.3 Mean 396 7.4 403.4 ±SD 129.4 4.9 134.4 CV (%) 32.7 67.2 33.3 Japan (n=2) Max. 902.4 3.77 906.2 Min. 769.1 2.47 771.5 Mean 835.7 3.12 838.9 ±SD 94.3 0.92 95.2 CV (%) 11.3 29.4 11.3 Nepal (n=5) Max. 1326.5 10.5 1337 Min. 583 3 586.3 Mean 995.1 7.5 1002.6 ±SD 321.5 4 325.1 CV (%) 32.3 53 32.4 Pakistan (n=2) Max. 901.3 22.5 923.8 Min. 675.2 6.2 681.4 Mean 788.3 14.3 802.6 ±SD 159.9 11.5 171.4 CV (%) 20.3 80.3 21.4 Slovenia (n=2) Max. 798.6 3.5 802.1 Min. 625.4 2.6 628 Mean 712 3.1 715 ±SD 122.5 0.6 123.1 CV (%) 17.2 20.7 17.2 p-value 0.1593 0.0508 0.1659 Table 4. Statistical analysis of rutin and quercetin content in seed of Tartary buckwheat germplasm based on country of origin Fagopyrum 36(2):51-65 (2019) 57 of the sum of these two components were 831.2 mg/ 100 g, followed by 822.8 mg/100 g, and 745.9 mg/ 100 g in the order of Slender> Round> Notched. The rutin contents were the similar as the total amount. However, the highest rutin (824.8 mg/100 g) was observed from slender shape seed followed by round shape (816.0 mg/ 100 g), and notched shape (736.8 mg/100 g). In the case of quercetin, pronounced results were observed from notched shaped seed (9.1 mg/100 g) followed by round (6.8 mg/100 g), and slender (6.4 mg/100 g) respectively in the order of Notched> Round> Slender. However, the quercetin exhibited the highest CV among the compo- nent tested in this study. A previous study reported that seed shape played a crucial role in the variation of rutin content in the Tar- tary buckwheat genetic resources (Park et al., 2005). However, they found that the rutin contents were in the order of Slender> Notched> Round, wherein the results showed differences compared than that of the present study. 4.4. Variation of rutin and quercetin content regarding seed color Table 6 summarizes the rutin, quercetin and total amount of these two components in grain seeds consider- ing seed color. The total contents of the two components were measured according to their seed color. However, the highest content was exhibited from the dark-gray (865.3 mg/100 g), followed by dark-brown (806.3 mg/100 g), gray-brown (778.7 mg/100 g), and brown (776.5 mg/ 100 g) respectively. Rutin content showed the simi- lar results as the total amount of the two components. However, the pronounced rutin content was observed from the dark-gray (858.6 mg /100 g), followed by dark-brown (799.0 mg/100 g), gray-brown (771.5 mg/ 100 g) and brown (769.7 mg/100 g). The highest content of quercetin (7.4 mg/100 g) was observed from dark- brown, followed by gray-brown (7.2 mg/100 g), gray- brown and brown (6.7 mg/100 g) respectively. However, the quercetin exhibited the highest CV among the com- ponents tested in this study. Seed shape Statistics Rutin (mg/100g) Quercetin (mg/100g) Total (mg/100g) Notched (n=6) Max. 1028.7 22.5 1038.7 Min. 420.1 2.6 422.7 Mean 736.8 9.1 745.9 ±SD 216 7 220.6 CV (%) 29.3 76.8 29.6 Round (n=22) Max. 1326.5 13.7 1337 Min. 364.2 2.5 374.3 Mean 816 6.8 822.8 ±SD 258.9 3.3 260.4 CV (%) 31.7 48.2 31.6 Slender (n=16) Max. 1247.5 11.5 1259 Min. 304.5 2 308.3 Mean 824.8 6.4 831.2 ±SD 240.8 3.2 242.8 CV (%) 29.2 49.8 29.2 p-value 0.7447 0.3587 0.7608 Table 5. Statistical analysis of rutin and quercetin content in seed of Tartary buckwheat germplasm based on seed shape Yu et al. (2019): Rutin and quercetin in Tartary buckwheat germplasm 58 A previous study reported that seed color played an essential role in the variation of rutin and quercetin con- tent in the Tartary buckwheat genetic resources (Park et al., 2005). Taken together, the results obtained from the present study revealed that seed color may provide insights in the variation of rutin and quercetin content in Tartary buckwheat. The variation of the content of ru- tin in Tartary buckwheat samples showed in the order of Dark-gray> Dark-brown (Dark)> Gray-brown> Brown. 5. Variation of rutin and quercetin content in sprout 5.1. Contents, distribution and resource selection of rutin and quercetin in sprout The amount of rutin (3362.9 mg/100 g) was observed from the sprout with the total genetic resources ranges from 328.8 to 5440.4 mg/100 g whereas the average content of quercetin was 143.2 mg/100 g with the total genetic resources ranged from 53.5 to 392.0 mg/100 g. The results revealed that the content of rutin was over- whelmingly higher than that of quercetin. Considering the genetic resources between seed and sprout, rutin was increased by 0.5~10.5 times and quercetin was increased by 3.7~90.7 times. The distribution of rutin and quercetin content in the sprouts of 44 buckwheat genetic resources is shown in Fig. 3. The highest distribution of rutin (16 germplasms) was observed in the range of 3000~4000 mg/100 g fol- Seed color Statistics Rutin (mg/100g) Quercetin (mg/100g) Total (mg/100g) Brown (n=8) Max. 1184.9 11.3 1196.2 Min. 364.2 2.6 374.3 Mean 769.7 6.7 776.5 ±SD 308.4 3.3 309.4 CV (%) 40.1 49 39.8 Dark-brown (n=12) Max. 1326.5 22.5 1337 Min. 304.5 2 308.3 Mean 799 7.4 806.3 ±SD 239.6 5.5 242.1 CV (%) 30 75.1 30 Dark-gray (n=15) Max. 1275.1 13.7 1285.3 Min. 583 2.5 586.3 Mean 858.6 6.7 865.3 ±SD 180.1 3.1 181.9 CV (%) 21 46.8 21 Gray-brown (n=9) Max. 1247.5 11.5 1259 Min. 419 2.3 421.5 Mean 771.5 7.2 778.7 ±SD 302.6 3.6 305.1 CV (%) 39.2 49.5 39.2 p-value 0.7974 0.9704 0.8029 Table 6. Statistical analysis of rutin and quercetin content in seed of Tartary buckwheat germplasm based on seed color Fagopyrum 36(2):51-65 (2019) 59 lowed by 8 germplasms in the range of 2000~3000 mg/ 100 g, 7 germplasms in the range of 4000~5000 mg/ 100 g and 6 germplasms in the range of 1000~1200 mg/100 g, and 3 germplasm in the range of 1000~2000 mg/100 g respectively. However, the lowest rutin fre- quency distribution (1 germplasm) was observed from less than 1000 mg/100 g. In the case of quercetin, the range of 100 ~ 200 mg/100 g showed the highest fre- quency (30 germplasms), followed by less than 100 mg/100 g (9 germplasms), and more than 300 mg/100 g (3 germplasms) respectively, while the lowest frequency (2 germplasms) was observed in the range of 200~300 mg/100 g. Table 7 summarizes the rutin quercetin contents of the sprouts regarding location, seed shape and seed color. The highest rutin amount (5440.4 mg/100 g) was obtained from CBU460 in Nepal with round shaped and dark-gray color seeds while the lowest amount (1462.4 mg/100 g) was obtained from CBU302 in China with round shaped brown color seeds. On the other hand, the highest quercetin contents (392.0 mg/100 g) was ob- tained from CBU302 in China with round shaped brown color seeds CBU302 and the lowest amount of quercetin (268.0 mg/100 g) was obtained from CBU460 in Nepal. 5.2. Country-wise variation of rutin and quercetin content in sprouts Table 8 shows the rutin and quercetin amount in sprouts and their statistical analysis regarding different countries of the world. Nepal showed the highest amount of rutin (4205.0 mg/100 g), followed by Slovenia (3684.3 mg/100 g), Japan (3662.9 mg/100 g), Pakistan (3402.3 mg/100 g), China (3337.7 mg/100 g), Bhutan (3108.8 mg/1682.3 mg/100 g). In the case of quercetin con- tent, Slovenia showed the highest amount (191.1 mg/ 100 g), followed by Nepal (165.4 mg/100 g), Japan (161.5 mg/100 g), India (145.1 mg/100 g), Bhutan (130.9 mg/100 g), Pakistan (130.9 mg/100 g) in the order of Nepal> Japan> India> China> Bhutan> Pakistan. How- ever, no significant differences were observed among the components. 5.3. Variation of rutin and quercetin contents in sprouts regarding seed shape Table 9 shows the rutin and quercetin contents from sprouts according to their various seed shape. The slen- der shaped seeds showed the highest amount of rutin (3890.2 mg/100 g), followed by round (3399.8 mg/ 100 g), and notched (2871.9 mg/100 g) in the order of Slender> Round> Notched. In the case of quercetin, the highest amount of quercetin was observed from the round shape seed (158.1 mg/100 g), whereas the lowest amount of quercetin (125.8 mg/100 g) was observed from the slender shaped seed. However, the amount of quercetin was in the order of Round> Notched> Slender. 5.4. Variation of rutin and quercetin contents in sprouts regarding seed color Table 10 shows the rutin and quercetin contents of the seeds in the sprouts according to seed color. The highest rutin content (3565.0 mg/100 g) was obtained from the dark-gray color seed, followed by dark-brown Figure 3. Frequency distributions of rutin (A) and quercetin (B) contents in sprout of Tartary buckwheat germplasm Line number Location Seed shape Seed color Rutin (mg/100g) Quercetin (mg/100g) Total (mg/100g) CBU 460 Nepal Round Dark-gray 5440.4 268 5708.4 CBU 302 China Round Brown 1462.4 392 1854.4 Table 7. Accessions with highest total content of rutin and quercetin in sprout Yu et al. (2019): Rutin and quercetin in Tartary buckwheat germplasm 60 Location Statistics Rutin (mg/100g) Quercetin (mg/100g) Total (mg/100g) Bhutan (n=3) Max. 3160.2 140.3 3300.5 Min. 3039.3 121.6 3170.1 Mean 3108.8 130.9 3239.8 ±SD 62.5 9.3 65.6 CV (%) 2 7.1 2 China (n=28) Max. 5214 392 5273.5 Min. 328.8 53.5 633.9 Mean 3337.7 139.3 3477 ±SD 1048.5 70.1 998.2 CV (%) 31.4 50.3 28.7 India (n=2) Max. 1822.7 176 1998.7 Min. 1542 114.1 1656.1 Mean 1682.3 145.1 1827.4 ±SD 198.5 43.8 242.3 CV (%) 11.8 30.2 13.3 Japan (n=2) Max. 3825.7 228.7 3919.9 Min. 3177.2 94.2 3405.9 Mean 3501.4 161.5 3662.9 ±SD 458.5 95.1 363.5 CV (%) 13.1 58.9 9.9 Nepal (n=5) Max. 5440.4 268 5708.4 Min. 3313 122.8 3435.9 Mean 4205 165.4 4370.4 ±SD 841.2 59.6 893 CV (%) 20 36.1 20.4 Pakistan (n=2) Max. 4088.6 102.6 4191.3 Min. 2716.1 83.6 2799.7 Mean 3402.3 93.1 3495.5 ±SD 970.6 13.4 984 CV (%) 28.5 14.4 28.2 Slovenia (n=2) Max. 3603.8 317.9 3700.5 Min. 3382.6 64.3 3668.1 Mean 3493.2 191.1 3684.3 ±SD 156.4 179.3 22.9 CV (%) 4.5 93.9 0.6 p-value 0.1406 0.8467 0.1038 Table 8. Statistical analysis of rutin and quercetin content in sprout of Tartary buckwheat germplasm according to country of origin Fagopyrum 36(2):51-65 (2019) 61 (3558.1 mg/100 g), brown (3141.6 mg/100 g) and gray- brown (2962.3 mg/100 g) in the order of Dark-gray> Dark-brown (Dark)> Brown> Gray-brown. On the other hand, brown color seeds exhibited the highest amount of quercetin (156.0 mg/100 g), followed by gray-brown (147.4 mg/100 g), dark-gray (140.9 mg/100 g), and dark- brown (134.5 mg/100 g) in the order of Brown> Gray- brown> Dark-gray> Dark-brown. Seed shape Statistics Rutin (mg/100g) Quercetin (mg/100g) Total (mg/100g) Notched (n=6) Max. 3781.6 179.4 3919.4 Min. 2242.1 83.6 2378.5 Mean 2736.6 135.2 2871.9 ±SD 537.6 37.2 536.5 CV (%) 19.6 27.5 18.7 Round (n=22) Max. 5440.4 392 5708.4 Min. 328.8 64.3 633.9 Mean 3241.7 158.1 3399.8 ±SD 1058.7 79.2 1024.1 CV (%) 32.7 50.1 30.1 Slender (n=16) Max. 5214 317.9 5273.5 Min. 1542 53.5 1656.1 Mean 3764.4 125.8 3890.2 ±SD 930.2 60.7 912.7 CV (%) 24.7 48.3 23.5 p-value 0.0701 0.3532 0.0686 Table 9. Statistical analysis of rutin and quercetin content in sprout of Tartary buckwheat germplasm based on seed shape The correlation between rutin and quercetin in seeds is shown in Fig. 4. The obtained results demonstrated that the content of quercetin was positively correlated (r = 0.4530, p-value = 0.002) with the content of rutin. As a result, the results suggest that both rutin and querce- tin selection criteria may provide crucial insights for de- veloping varieties. Fig. 5 shows the correlation between rutin and quercetin in sprouts. The content of quercetin Figure 4. Correlation between rutin and quercetin contents in seed of Tartary buckwheat germplasm Figure 5. Correlation between rutin and quercetin contents in sprout of Tartary buckwheat germplasm Yu et al. (2019): Rutin and quercetin in Tartary buckwheat germplasm 62 Seed color Statistics Rutin (mg/100g) Quercetin (mg/100g) Total (mg/100g) Brown (n=8) Max. 4660.4 392 4714 Min. 1462.4 53.5 1854.4 Mean 3141.6 156 3297.6 ±SD 925.4 105.2 830.1 CV (%) 29.5 67.5 25.2 Dark-brown (n=12) Max. 5214 317.9 5273.5 Min. 1542 59.5 1656.1 Mean 3558.1 134.5 3692.7 ±SD 1118.4 65 1112.1 CV (%) 31.4 48.3 30.1 Dark-gray (n=15) Max. 5440.4 268 5708.4 Min. 2245.9 91.7 2355.5 Mean 3565 140.9 3705.9 ±SD 708.1 51.7 730.9 CV (%) 19.9 36.7 19.7 Gray-brown (n=9) Max. 4414.9 305.1 4517.2 Min. 328.8 60.9 633.9 Mean 2962.3 147.4 3109.6 ±SD 1300.9 70.8 1239.8 CV (%) 43.9 48.1 39.9 p-value 0.4204 0.9213 0.4165 Table 10. Statistical analysis of rutin and quercetin content in sprout of Tartary buckwheat germplasm based on seed color in the sprout was high (r = -4110, p-value = 0.0056) com- pared to rutin. The amount of quercetin is decreased as the amount of rutin produced when the seeds germinate, and sprouts come out as a typical quercetin glycoside (Lee et al., 2013). As a result, it would be useful to devel- op a variety containing high content of each component based on the criteria of rutin or quercetin using sprouts. To this end, the present study postulated that sprout would be a great choice to develop a cultivar with a high rutin and quercetin content. Fig. 6 shows the correlation between rutin content in seed and sprouts of Tartary buckwheat germplasm. The rutin content in the seeds was found to be increased with increasing the rutin content in the sprouts (R = 0.3552, p-value = 0.018). However, the content of quercetin in the seeds and the sprouts showed no correlation (R = 0.0169, p-value = 0.9134). However, the use of quercetin would be a potential choice for utilization because it increases 3.7~90.7 times in sprout compared to seeds (Fig. 7). CONCLUSION The present study was carried out to investigate the variation of rutin and quercetin contents in seeds and sprouts of 44 buckwheat genetic resources for the de- velopment of high-quality Tartary buckwheat. Rutin and quercetin content varied at different regions from which each accession was collected. Rutin content in seed and sprouts of the accession collected from Nepal area was higher than any accession collected from other regions. Fagopyrum 36(2):51-65 (2019) 63 Accession collected from Pakistan showed lower rutin content in seeds compared to the accession collected from other regions. On the other hand, quercetin con- tent showed the opposite results in the seeds. 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Vsebnost rutina in kvercetina je bila različna pri vzorcih z različnih obmo- čij. Pri vzorcih iz Nepala sta bili najvišji vsebnosti rutina v zrnih (1326,5 mg/100 g) in v kalicah (5440,4 mg/100 g). Pri vzorcih zrn iz Pakistana je bilo rutina največ 22,5 mg/100 g in v kalicah iz Kitajske največ kvercetina (392,0 mg/100 g). V primerjavi z zrni je bilo v kalicah 4~90-krat več kvercetina. Ta raziskava kaže, da so kalice v primerjavi z zrni lahko pomembnejši vir kvercetina, vzorci iz Nepala, Butana, Kitajske in Japonske so obetavni vir pri pridelavi ajde za funkcij- sko hrano in zdravila.