Informatica 44 (2020) 183–198 183 Hybrid Bees Approach Based on Improved Search Sites Selection by Firefly Algorithm for Solving Complex Continuous Functions Mohamed Amine Nemmich and Fatima Debbat Department of Computer Science, University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara, Mascara, Algeria E-mail:, Mohamed Slimane Université de Tours, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale et Appliquée de Tours (LIFAT), Tours, France E-mail: Keywords: optimization, bees algorithm, firefly algorithm, memory scheme, adaptive neighborhood search, swarm intelligence, bio-Inspired computation Received: July 25, 2018 The Bees Algorithm (BA) is a recent population-based optimization algorithm, which tries to imitate the natural behavior of honey bees in food foraging. This meta-heuristic is widely used in various engineering fields. However, it suffers from certain limitations. This paper focuses on improvements to the BA in order to improve its overall performance. The proposed enhancements were applied alone or in pair to develop enhanced versions of the BA. Three improved variants of BA were presented: BAMS- AN, HBAFA and HFBA. The new BAMS-AN includes memory scheme in order to avoid revisiting previously visited sites and an adaptive neighborhood search procedure to escape from local optima during the local search process. HBAFA introduces the Firefly Algorithm (FA) in local search of BA to update the positions of recruited bees, thus increasing exploitation in each selected site. The third improved BA, i.e. HFBA, employs FA to initialize the population of bees in the BA for a best exploration and to start the search from more promising regions of the search space. The proposed enhancements to the BA have been tested using several continuous benchmark functions and the results have been compared to those achieved by the standard BA and other optimization techniques. The experimental results indicate that the improved variants of BA outperform the standard BA and other algorithms on most of the benchmark functions. The enhanced BAMS-AN performs particularly better than others improved BAs in terms of solution quality and convergence speed. Povzetek: Za reševanje kompleksnih zveznih funkcij so razvili nov pristop na osnovi hibridnega čebeljega algoritma (BA) in algoritma Firefly. 1 Introduction Metaheuristic algorithms generally mimic the more successful behaviors in nature. These methods present best tools in reaching the optimal or near optimal solutions for complex engineering optimization problems [1]. As a branch of metaheuristic methods, swarm intelligence (SI) is the collective behavior of populated, self-organized and decentralized systems. It concentrates specifically on insects or animals behavior in order to develop different metaheuristics that can imitate the capabilities of these agents in solving their problems like nest building, mating and foraging. These interactions have been effectively appropriated to solve large and complex optimization problems [2]. For instance, the behaviors of social insects, such as ants and honey bees, can be patterned by the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [3] and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) [4] algorithms. These methods are generally utilized to describe effective food search behavior through self-organization of the swarm. In SI, honey bees are one of the most well studied social insects. Furthermore, it is in a growing tendency in the literature for the past few years and it will continue. Many intelligent popular search algorithms are developed such as Honey Bee Optimization (HBO), Beehive (BH), Honeybees Mating Optimization (HBMO), Bee Colony Optimization (BCO), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and the Bees Algorithm (BA) [5]. The Bees Algorithm (BA) is one of optimization technique that imitates the foraging behavior of honeybee in nature to solve optimization problems [6]. The main advantage of Bees Algorithm is has power and equilibrate in local search (exploitation) and global random search, (exploration), where both are completely decoupled, and can be clearly varied through the learning parameters [7]. It is very efficient in finding optimal solutions and overcoming the problem of local optima, easy to apply, and available for hybridization combination with other methods [5]. The BA has been successfully applied in many different engineering problems, such as supply chain 184 Informatica 44 (2020) 183–198 M.A. Nemmich et al. optimization [8], production scheduling [9], numerical functions optimization [5, 6, 7, 10], solving timetabling problems [11], control system tuning [12], protein conformation search [13], test form construction [14], Placements of FACTS devices [15], pattern recognition [16], robotic swarm coordination [17], data mining [18, 19, 20], chemical process [21], mechanical design [22], wood defect classification [23], Printed Circuit Board (PCB) assembly optimization [24], image analysis [25], and many other applications [26]. The BA has attracted attention of many researchers in different fields since it has been proved to be efficient and robust optimization tool. It can be split up into four components: parameter tuning, initialization of population, exploitative neighborhood or local search (intensification) and exploratory global search (diversification) [26]. However, despite different successful applications of the BA, the algorithm has some limitations and weaknesses. The algorithm efficiency is much influenced by initialization of the different parameters that need to be tuned. Additionally, the BA suffers from slow convergence caused by many repeated iterations in local search [5]. Many different investigations have been made to improve BA performance. Certain of these studies focus on the parameter tuning and setting component [27, 28]. Others developed different concepts and techniques for the local search neighborhood stage [5, 7], or global search stage [9] or for both the local and global stage [29]. Nonetheless, limited interest has been given to the improvement of the initialization stage. In order to deal with some weaknesses of BA, this paper considers different improvements based on other strategies and procedures. Hybridization of different techniques may improve the solutions quality and enhance the efficiency of the algorithms. The present work is an extension of the methods presented in [30]. The Firefly Algorithm (FA), which is swarm intelligence metaheuristic for optimization problems that based upon behavior and motion of fireflies [31], is applied to initialize the bee population of Basic BA for a best exploration of research space and start the search from more promising locations. FA is also introduced in the local search part of Basic BA in order to increase exploitation in each research zone. As a result, two BA variants called the Hybrid Firefly Bee Algorithm (HFBA) and Hybrid Bee Firefly Algorithm (HBAFA), respectively. We also investigate the behavior of local search and global search of the BA by introducing two strategies: memory scheme (local and global memories) to overcome repetition and unnecessarily spinning inside the same neighborhood and avoid revisiting previously visited sites, and adaptive neighborhood search procedure to jump from the sites of similar fitness values, thus improving the convergence speed of the BA to the optimal solution. This improved variant of BA is called, Bees Algorithm with Memory Scheme and Adaptive Neighborhood (BAMS-AN). The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a description of Basic BA, FA and three improved variants of BA with different strategies. Section 3 presents and discusses the computational simulations and results obtained on benchmark instances, while Section 4 presents our conclusions and highlights some suggestions and future research directions. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 The standard bees algorithm The Bees Algorithm (BA) is a bee swarm-based metaheuristic algorithm, which is derived from the food foraging behavior of honey bees in nature. It was originally proposed by Pham et al. [6]. The BA starts out by initializing the population of scouts randomly on the space of search. Then the fitness of the points (i.e. solutions) inspected by the scouts is evaluated. The scouts with the highest fitness are selected for neighborhood search (i.e. local search) as “selected bees” [6]. To avoid duplication, a neighborhood called a “flower patch” is created around every best solution; furthermore the forager bees are recruited and affected randomly within the neighborhoods. If one of the recruited bees lands on a patch of higher fitness than the scout, that recruited bee turns into the new scout and participates in the waggle dance in the next generation. This step is called local search or exploitation [7]. Finally, the remaining of the colony bees (i.e. population) is assigned around the space of search scouting in a random manner for new possible solutions. This activity is called global search (i.e. exploration). In order to establish the exploitation areas, these solutions with those of the new scouts are calculated with a number of better solutions being reserved for the succeeding learning cycle of the BA. This procedure is repeated in cycles until it is necessary to converge to the optimal global solution [5]. The Bees Algorithm detects the most promising solutions, and explores in selective manner their neighborhoods to find the global minimum of the objective function. When the best solutions are selected, the BA in its basic version makes a good balance between a local (or exploitative) search and a global (or exploratory) search. The both develop random search [7]. The pseudo-code of the Standard Bees Algorithm is given below in Figure 1. A certain number of parameters are required for the BA, called: number of the scout bees or sites (n), (m) sites selected for local search among n sites, (e