ZARJA - THE DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE V AMERIKI_________________________________SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA NUMBER 5 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2001 VOLUME 73 Major 75th Anniversary Celebrations I SLOVENIJA WASHINGTON, d.c. JOLIET BREZJE . September 16th September 22nd December 2nd March 9th, ’02 iN WOMEN’Sili SLOVENIAN “JUBILEJ”! Major 75th S.W.U. Anniversary Celebrations September 16, 2001 At Brezje, in Slovenia, the Basilica of the Shrine of Marija Pomagaj - Mary, Help, a place for prayer and pilgrimage, is the location for our Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving, when we will present the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, to the Patroness of Slovenia, Marija Pomagaj, at her National Shrine. September 22, 2001 At the Manor House at Zemono, near Vipava, Slovenia, a Gala Banquet will take place with finest entertainment and celebration, attended by guests and members of Slovenian Women’s Union attending the 75th anniversary Heritage Tour of Slovenia. Guest of Honor is Mme. Magdalena Tovornik, State Secretary, Head of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry for Slovenians Living Abroad. December 2, 2001 At Washington, D.C., the Capital city of the United States and location of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Mass will be offered in the Slovenian Chapel, which was built through the donations of many of our members. March 9, 2002 Two events will be celebrated! First is the culmination of the 75th Anniversary Year of SWU and second is the 25th Anniversary of the Home Office building in Joliet. We are calling this day “Slovenian JUBILEJ!” and featured will be many events, food, programs and exhibits, all focused on Slovenian Heritage. ZARJA - THE DAWN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to: ZARJA — THE DAWN, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 NO. 5 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2001 VOL. 73 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published six times per year - šestkrat na leto. Annual Subscription for non-members, $15.00 — naročnina $15.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago Si., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Periodicals Postage Paid at Joliet, IL and at additional mailing offices AH communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 Email: CORLESKOVAR@AOL.COM Telephone: (773) 548-8878 - Facsimile: (773) 268-1899 Internet webpage: e-mail: On line newsletter: What You’ll Find in this Issue: President’s Message 1 Nat’l. Secretary 2 Newsletter News 4 Heritage Director 6 Genealogy Search 8 Calendar 5 Our Link Across America 9 Our Members Write 10-11 Heritage Kitchen 12 Activities from Branches 14-23 SWU Survey Report 24 75th Anniversary Raffle Tix Cookbook Order Form 26 Prešeren-Slomšek 28 Membership Application 32 Ancestry Contest and Heritage Gifts (Back Cover) NATIONAL PRESIDENT Kathleen Dorchak if 54788 “Keeping the Faith -- Making a Difference” I came across a poem that I thought would be perfect to share with our members. I hope all of you enjoy it as much as I do. My Recipe I have a recipe for life, the best one that I know, I guarantee the end result... ’Twas taught me long ago! You start by mixing just a dash of humor with the day, And then you add a cheery smile as you go on your way. Love’s never out of season, so you add a large amount, And I never measure sympathy, you don’t with things that count. Toss in a bit of effort, and a lot of nerve and grit, And hope makes all the difference, for a thing improves with it. You stir a bit of kindness in, along with patience, too, And flavor it with gentleness, whatever you may do. And when the sun is setting, you’ll look back in joy to see, A worthwhile produce of your toil, Within my recipe! -Julie S. Rozario This is an exciting time to be a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America. Each of us has been given the opportunity to make a difference. It doesn’t matter if you are an officer of your branch or just a working member. We all have the ability to make a difference by promoting our Slovenian heritage and culture with our friends and family. This will secure our beliefs and values will be there for many years to come. 1 hope many of you are finding the articles in the online newsletter — The New Neighborhood, useful and informative. This is a great tool to get information out quickly to not only our members, but to any one wanting to know more about Slovenia, our heritage and keeping our cultural ideals strong. Please e-mail Lynn Zalokar at with your free subscription and with any information that you want to include in this monthly newsletter. Lynn, our Marketing Director is always looking for unique articles to share with the subscribers. You will also find more and more information continually being added to our website. Please log on to to see the additions. A few of the features are: update information about the Heritage Museum, recipes, and stories from Mary Turvey, “A Granddaughter Remembers.” As the Board continues to make changes and decisions to help make our organization grow, both of these methods of communication will provide you with the latest information to keep our members appraised of what is happening. We are 75 years strong and plan to become stronger. Remember, we are in the midst of a membership campaign to “Keep in the Spirit Alive. This is a great way to... make a difference. Introduce our organization to someone new. You’ll never know if they .are interested until you tell them about us. Our organization has a lot to offer and we always encourage knowledge and participation in our Slovenian heritage activities. Our members and friends are traveling to Slovenia on our Heritage Tour this month. I hope those of you planning to go are as excited as I am. It is going to be wonderful. I can’t wait to share the trip with all of you in the next issue of the ZARJA. Inspire love and laughter and make a difference... arkle Drive ake, Ohio 44224 30) 686-1336 30) 688-6203 : KDORCHAK@NEO.RR.COM Kathleen SECRETARY BONNIE PROKUP SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Celebrating 75 years of American-Slovenian History 1926-2001 Not only are we celebrating our 75th Anniversary, but we are also celebrating the success of the progress we have been making. It’s been a long road, but we are moving onward and upward. In just four months, 43 of our 68 branches have either increased their membership or have stayed the same. The new members are coming in all shapes and sizes. No longer are they from just one branch, but spread out evenly in all of the United States. The two largest increases are from Joliet, Branch 20 and Washington D.C., Branch 103. The new members are coming from the website; from the “The New Neighborhood” - the monthly online newsletter; friends; cookbook sales, and word of mouth. We should all be proud of our efforts and commitment to rebuild the S.W.U.! As of this date, August 1, 2001 we have enrolled 89 new members! This means we are just 111 members short of our goal of 200 new members. Just think how easy it is to reach our goal. Now is the time to let everyone know about the wonderful new look of the S.W.U. There are so many reasons to be a member. Please do all you can to help promote our organization and our membership campaign in effect until December. Tell everyone you know who is not a member all about us. What do we have to offer? * The bi-monthly publication “ZARJA-The Dawn. * The “New Neighborhood” - our free monthly online newsletter. * Local branches and events across the country. * Our Heritage Museum in Joliet, IL with exhibits, libary and merchandise for sale. * Scholarship opportunities for high school seniors and adults continuing education. * But, best of all, let them know about the opportunity to connect and network with other Slovenian-Americans! Keep the Spirit Alive! In the past issues of ZARJA we’ve talked about the progress with the Scholarship Foundation, The Heritage Museum, The Survey, New Volunteers, Cookbook Sales, Heritage Sales, Donations, and the list goes on. To put it in a nutshell we are doing well and starting to look great! But, there is always that “but” - we still have our financial area that needs some improvement. As it stands, our ZARJA publication is, and has always been, our biggest financial burden. What we collect in dues from each member barely, and in most cases, do not pay for the ZARJA that is sent to each home. As 1 stated in the last issue - each ZARJA costs approximately $1.85 to mail out. When you multiply that by 6 it comes out to right under $12.00 a member for the entire year. Depending on your age and when you joined many of our member’s dues do not even cover the ZARJA. We basically have four choices here 1) let things continue to stay the way they are and how about: 2) Review the ZARJA and see what features can be scaled back. 3) cut back on the ZARJA issues to help cover the cost (move to four issues per year rather than six) or 4) raise the dues to cover the cost of the ZARJA. I am not sure what the best route is. I think either way you look at it the S.W.U. will lose. If we stay the same, we jeopardize our finances. If we cut back to four issues of the ZARJA - well then we all lose out on the link to our members. If we raise the dues, everyone knows how that works - no one is happy. It is a hard decision, but one I will need to look at more closely. Our goal is to operate in the black. If you have any feedback on this issue, please send me e-mail, phone or write to me. We met in Joliet in August and worked on ways to improve our finances. I will let you know more later in another ZARJA issue. Be on the look out. DUES I am still missing dues from over 500 members. If you missed the first dues notice, you should have received a second invoice by now. Please fill it out and return with payment ASAP. Anyone not paid up by October 1, 2001 will be removed from our active file. We don’t want this to happen, so pleased send in your dues. DONATIONS I can’t tell you how proud I am of everyone out there who added a donation with their dues. Even if it was only $1.00, every bit helps. This year was phenomenal! As of August 1, 2001 the following has been donated: ZARJA - $3,203.00; Heritage - $1,597.00; Scholarship - $5,858.00. The total of Invoice Donations - $10,658.00. (See listing on page 12) 89 New Members in 6 months! New Member Report January-July, 2001 102 Klancher, Frieda 04/23/01 102 Levesque, Angeline A 07/26/01 103 Burris, Andrea 04/23/01 103 Burris, Andrew 04/23/01 103 Cesnik, James M 05/31/01 103 Mangold, Christine 04/23/01 103 Mangold, Kevin 04/23/01 103 Mangold, Tony 04/23/01 103 Mejac, Nicholas 04/23/01 103 Plautz, George J 04/23/01 103 Thomas, Matthew 04/23/01 103 Thomas, Meghan 04/23/01 105 Thomas, Diane 04/01/01 13 Barbrec, Danielle 07/26/01 13 Brahney, Diane 07/02/01 13 Sefcik, Joan Kurnick 07/26/01 14 Bowman, Joanne 03/04/01 2 Monahan, Patricia 07/31/01 2 Roschay, Louis F. 03/04/01 20 Barbarich, Martin 07/02/01 20 Caneva, Lillian 04/01/01 20 Carter, Diane Bahor 05/31/01 20 Chaloka, Theresa 07/02/01 20 Deed, Albina Rose 02/04/01 20 Farkas, Gloria 07/26/01 20 France, Beverly 05/31/01 20 Gallaher, Haley 07/02/01 20 Gallaher, Keaton 07/02/01 20 Gallaher, Kelly Marie 07/02/01 20 Galle, Dennis 05/31/01 20 Gibson, Taylor P. 07/26/01 20 Hlade, John 05/31/01 20 Horne, Wayne A. 04/23/01 20 Lockwood, W. Scott III 07/02/01 20 Mahalik, Tom 07/26/01 20 Michalski, Pat 04/23/01 20 Niche, Carol 07/02/01 20 PFister, Donald P. 04/01/01 20 Policandriotes, Jim 06/02/01 20 Quillman, Jan 03/04/01 20 Revord, Alexa 07/26/01 20 Sebalj, Gerald 07/26/01 20 Smith, Emma M. 07/26/01 20 Smith, Olivia Ann 07/26/01 20 Walsh, Maureen 05/30/01 20 Williams, Michael 07/02/01 20 Williams, Stephanie 07/02/01 20 Wruk, Shelley A. 07/26/01 20 Yattoni, Mallory 07/26/01 20 Yattoni, Stefanie 07/26/01 24 Collins, Emily Brekan 07/31/01 24 Donahue, Robbie 04/01/01 25 Marin, Patricia 03/04/01 25 Meglich-Sespico, Patti 07/02/01 3 Carter, Margaret A. 02/04/01 3 Gacnik, Jeannie 07/26/01 3 Gacnik, Michael A. 07/26/01 3 Gacnik, Patricia A. 07/26/01 3 Lipich, Laura 03/04/01 3 McCarthy, Patricia 02/04/01 30 Arko, Noreen Z. 07/26/01 30 Chokel, Skye 07/31/01 30 Costello, Anthony 04/01/01 30 Diggs, Carl 05/30/01 30 Draper, Charlotte 03/04/01 30 Gale, Carolyn 05/31/01 30 Hull, Mara Cerar 07/26/01 30 Kostric, A. 04/01/01 30 Koveney, Charlene 05/30/01 30 Križman, Barbara 07/26/01 30 Levanger, Jodi 03/04/01 30 Manjooran, Prince J. 05/30/01 30 Oven, Stana 02/04/01 30 Peterson, Mary E. 07/02/01 30 Qualls, Isabel Urbanz 05/30/01 30 Schimetz, Reid 07/02/01 30 Smith, Marcia Jean 03/04/01 30 Voskresenski, Vassili 05/30/01 30 Zadel, Dolores A. 02/04/01 32 Riddlebaugh, Mary J. 02/04/01 33 Schoen,MaryT. 03/04/01 34 Paulson, Kathleen N. 05/17/01 38 Rupar, Terry J. 03/04/01 43 Delopst, Raymond 05/30/01 5 Cassidy, Sandra 05/31/01 5 Luckett, Lydia Rinani 05/31/01 50 Križman, Margaret 07/02/01 50 Oberman,SaraE. 03/04/01 6 Jensen, Cynthia 07/02/01 Bonnie: LOCAL BRANCH INFORMATION on Have you checked out the website lately? If not, please do so. We have more detailed information on the who/what/where of our local branch network. You can even e-mail directly to a branch representative. If your branch is not up there, please let us know. This is a “silent salesman” for our branches, the website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. DANDELION Thanks to my sister Debbie Pohar who just started her own lawncare business I no longer have dandelions in my yard - 1 only have dandelion stories coming in from all over. Ever since I wrote about eating dandelion salad I’ve been getting many responses. A recent one came in the form of an interesting website to check out- it is: dandeliondishes.html. Can you believe that dandelions are actually good for you? Check out this website and let me know what you think. Maybe dandelions are gone from my yard, but forever are they linked to our Slovenian culinary heritage. Well, enough for now. I have to enjoy what few days left of the summer. So far it’s been a great one. We started off with the 40th Anniversary of my parents John and Barb Pohar of LaSalle, Illinois. We had a small family party to celebrate this occasion. My baseball team - Pohar’s Excavating - came in first place again. This is the team 1 coach for my daughter, Bekki. Once again the girls rule and we brought in our “three peat.” Just like the Chicago Bulls. Now 1 have three trophies on the Wall of Fame in our basement that we just finished. Many other items were added to my Wall of Fame from this summer: pictures from my golf outing with the Chicago Cubs is one but 1 am looking forward to a picture of me up in the Red Baron airplane at this year’s Air & Water Show on August 17th. My friends at the Mayor’s office don’t think I can handle it. We will see! This is one of those acrobatic airplanes. Regardless, I am looking forward to my ride! I will let you know how it went. Until next issue - So long, farewell! Bonnie Pohar Prokup Lynn Zalokar “The New Neighborhood” Newsletter celebrating its first year! Being neighborly has gone from borrowing a cup of sugar to sharing information within minutes over the internet.. .it’s a small world after all. I was appointed the S.W.U. Marketing Director in Spring 2000 and attended my first S.W.U. board meeting last summer in Joliet, Illinois. This was also a trip “home” as my parents, William and Marilyn (Kovačič) Zalokar, live in nearby Tinley Park. Marge Church asked what my first endeavor would be and I said “launching an online newsletter.” Where did I get this idea and how did I know it would work? 1 subscribed to my college sorority’s (Kappa Delta) online newsletter in January 2000. I quickly realized it was something that would work for the S.W.U. - a way to reach our members on e-mail at no cost! The online newsletter is a monthly so it’s a frequent communique and it’s interactive so it’s easy to participate. I knew it was a hit when my sister Lisa (11 years younger) said “This is really good!” If I grabbed the attention of this busy twenty-something S.W.U. member - I knew I was onto something. The online newsletter is one way for S.W.U. members to participate more actively in the organization. I’ve gotten many wonderful, positive comments that I saved. I have PAGES along with interesting stories and anecdotes. I didn’t just get e-mails to subscribe or e-mails that say “I love the online newsletter.” I got detailed explanations of Slovenian backgrounds with lots of pride! Two childhood friends from Ely, Minnesota were reunited when one wrote a story reminiscing about eating too many plums meant for plum dumplings! A young woman researching the Slovenian “unveiling ceremony” for a wedding wrote “ was very difficult to find any information on the internet or in certain books that I researched, and was amazed by the e-mails I received from readers of the newsletter...I am 29 years old, Polish, and now know more about Slovenian wedding customs than Polish ones!” Maurice Cashin wrote the newsletter searching for information to help with his nine-year old daughter’s project on Mount Triglav. I asked for an update when the project was completed which was in the May newsletter. The story and a photo also appeared in the July-August ZARJA. Maurice sent an e-mail “We received ZARJA on Saturday and saw that Sabina’s article was included. Sabina was jumping around for five minutes! Thank you for all of your encouragement and assistance throughout the project. I hope that Sabina’s efforts will encourage other children to explore and discover their Slovenian heritage.” As the S.W.U. continues to add programs and services, like the online newsletter, and our members believe more strongly that they belong to a worthwhile organization, then everything else will follow. I will be more excited to go to a branch meeting or event and it will be that much easier to get people to join and volunteer! Here are a few highlights from the first year: * To get the newsletter off to a good start and to be sure everyone understood what it looked like, how it worked, etc. - a copy was mailed last fall to each branch president. The stamp affixed to each envelope was designed by Mateja Prunk of Piran, Slovenia. This was the winning design from the United Nations “Olympic Peace Flag Contest” described in the November-December 2000 ZARJA. I hope each branch president kept her envelope and showed her branch members the stamp. (The U.N. stamps can only be purchased and mailed from the United Nations in New York City, Geneva and Vienna!) * There are some perks that go along with being the newsletter editor and it’s been fun! In December I was invited to a reception for Slovenia’s Independence Day at the U.N. (United Nations) Plaza Hotel where I met Dr. Davorin Kračun, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia and Mrs. Kracun. Mrs. Kracun now receives the newsletter as do several other people I met at the event. This spring I was invited by LaMaMa Experimental Theatre Club in New York City to the opening night performance of “Silences” by Theatre Mladinsko of Ljubljana, Slovenia. In June I attended a reception to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the independence of Slovenia in the United Nations Delegate’s Dining Room where I met the Consul General of Slovenia in New York, Mr. Andrej Podvrsic and Mrs. Mateja Podvrsic. Left photo: Lynn (center) meets Slovenia’s Ambassador and Mrs. Kracun, and, later (lower photo) the Slovenian Consul General and Mrs. Podvrsic chat with Lynn (left). * Perhaps the biggest surprise was getting some native Slovenians on the newsletter. It all started with an e-mail from Ksenija Batic last fall “A friend from America sent me a few issues of your online newsletter and I liked it so much that I would like to subscribe to it.” In December a small tour group from Slovenia was at the Slovenian church in New York City and I got a few more e-mail addresses. This spring a 26-year old native Slovenian who has been in the States for a few years paid me the greatest compliment “I admire what you’re doing. You’ve managed to bring two worlds together. I don’t feel so alone here.” The newsletter readership grew when Bonnie Pohar Prokup sent the S.W.U. dues statement out to members with the question “Are you interested in receiving the online newsletter?” The newsletter is close to 500 subscribers and will continue to grow, but where does that leave our members who are not on computers? I do not want to see anyone left out and I offer the following suggestions: a) Learn how to use e-mail! Libraries all across the country offer free or inexpensive classes on how to use e-mail and surf the internet. Most libraries offer computer time with a library card. Please check with your local library and see what they have to offer. b) Find someone to help you. I taught my parents to use e-mail with a few lessons (if they can do it, anyone can). They check their e-mail at their library. After just a few lessons, they told me a staffer at the library said: “Here come the experts!” This is a great opportunity to involve our younger members who have grown up with computers - ask them to “show you” - what a switch for them to be the teacher. This could be a great goal for each branch - to get as many members as possible up to speed on e-mail and knowledgeable about how to navigate the website! Please let me know if you make plans to set up training for your members. c) Ask a child or grandchild to receive the newsletter for you. The recipient can print out the newsletter and mail it to you. This is one way to expose another family member to the S.W.U. They may get curious and read the newsletter too! Native Slovenians describe Slovenia as being very small, a country of only 2 million. I told a native Slovenian “But I grew up the same way” - with people who never heard of Slovenia, feeling small/unknown with more recognized ethnicities like the Irish, German, etc. But there is a large Slovenian population in the United States; there is a Slovenian population in Canada, Australia and South America. There are Slovenian populations in the neighboring countries of Slovenia. Should we really think we are “so small” when you can find those of Slovenian descent all over the world? Thanks to everyone who has made the first year of the online newsletter a success - by subscribing, submitting a message or story, or just by telling someone else about it. We are all learning so much from each others contributions so please continue to support this endeavor! Past issues of the newsletter are posted on the website. To subscribe send an e-mail to me lzalokar-@y We hear from our Members! Letters to our E-Mail newsletter “The New Neighborhood” Just a line to let you know that my mother (Anna Jelinek, Branch 12) and I enjoy reading your SWU E-zine, The New Neighborhood, very much. Many of the articles take mom back to the days when she was growing up as a daughter of immigrants, Anna and John Gorishek, to the USA. I can “connect” to many of the things my mother and grandmother told me, when I was a child, about life in the heart of one of the Slovenian “colonies” in the Milwaukee area. Thank you. Al Jelinek, Branch 12 stric@mail .gmtcom. com •0+0+&+0+&+0+& “All for one-one for all!” Hello Bonnie, I do want to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed your efforts to update SWU. I have always liked reading the ZARJA and usually make it a point to sit down and read it as soon as it comes. The recipes are favorites and I have enjoyed reading about the immigrants and their stories. Having been to Slovenia several times, I can relate to alot of the things that are being written about their lives in the “old country.” I also really treasure the articles regarding customs and traditions of the Slovenian people. My Slovenian heritage is very dear to me, so these items are most appreciated. It always was a source of distress to me that the “active” membership was almost exclusively elderly women. The meetings are held during the day, when many of the younger women are working. Then, too, the spirit of friendship and the need to get out of the house to be with other women has changed so much. The lives of the women of today are so much different than that of our mothers and grandmothers. I know the strength of an organization is a result of the people who are willing to commit and work for the good of everyone. But, as our membership ages, this is harder and harder to achieve. It was most pleasing to see the enthusiasm of the present officers of our National organization. Your youth works for you in bringing new ideas and life to SWU. Hurray for you!!! Your hard work is recognized and we, the members, are most thankful for your efforts. Keep up the good work! I would like to receive the on-line newsletter. Would you tell me how I can sign up. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Judy Delopst Richlitz (Hi Judy, you can get the newsletter free! Just go on your email screen, write in LZALOKAR@YAHOO.COM and Lynn will do the rest. Bonnie) Reza Rozman Lockwood, Heritage Director: LIVING H W T T ow! Things are happening in Heritage! I am so excited to be able to tell you some wonderful news! Everyone knows that this is the 75th anniversary of this wonderful organization. But did you know that our home at 431 North Chicago Street in Joliet was dedicated 25 years ago as of this coming March? It is so exciting to see what we, as the Slovenian Women’s Union, have done and where we have to go? Onward and upward! We have some wonderful plans for the Heritage Museum in the coming months, not only to celebrate our anniversaries, but also to preserve our history as a legacy to generations to come. We are in the process of getting our library moved to the first floor of the museum from the basement. Thanks to Branch 24 for their generous $1,000 donation and Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dvornik of Clearwater, Florida who donated $2,000 in honor of his late mother, Cecilia Dvornik. We are able to move ahead and order the shelves and get the ball rolling. The Museum has a treasure trove of books written in both English and Slovenian and we are proud to open our doors to share them with you. There are stories of whim and of war, poetry and prose, personal biographies and religious writings. We have many rare gems that were printed at the turn of the last century (1900’s). The books collected in our library are a delight for historians, genealogists, scholars and just about anyone! If you are interested in browsing the selections or are looking for something specific, give us a call at (815) 727-1926 or email me at and I will see what is available for you. Also, if you have Slovenian books or even English books that pertain to Slovenian life, history, culture or heritage, we would gladly accept any donations and add them to the collection. In addition to our library, we are looking to update our reading area with a new chairs and lamps to make your visit to our Library more comfortable. If you know of any business or institution that is giving away a “conference room set,” please keep us in mind. If you have visited the museum in the past, get ready for a transformation! Pretty soon you may not recognize the place! According to the survey results, you want change, you want availability, you want history, and you want MORE! Well, over the next few months, we are embarking on a renovation an revitalization of the Heritage Museum. You can expect to hear about and see: • Library Improvements • Reading Room • New and Different Displays • Historical memorabilia and artifacts • NEW! Promotional Video • ...and more! E R I T A G E One of the projects that we are currently working on is to change the displays. Our mannequins have been carefully dressed in the same outfits for many years. We are looking for costumes from each of the different regions of Slovenia. Most everyone has seen the Narodna Noša also recognized as being the Gorenjska noša, but there have been requests for more detail on the dress of the different regions of Slovenia. If anyone has men's or women’s costumes (complete or pieces) that you would be willing to loan or donate to the museum for this project, we would be extremely grateful for your help, and excited to get this project moving. If you have any information, either written (book, brochure or pamphlet) or recollection that might help us with accuracy, please send me a copy so that each display will have an accurate story presented with it. If you or someone you know has items that could help represent Slovenia and its wealth of culture and history, please consider donating or loaning them to the museum. It is only through the generosity of the membership that the museum has some wonderful resources on display. We can’t do it without you! Slovenian national costumes are beautiful and although it’s difficult to And an authentic costume outside of Slovenia itself, collectors are able to buy ceramic dolls that show various costumes, as seen here. The lady’s dress represents one from Ljubljana and the fellow is a “stevadore” in work clothes! !N^ot only are your donations of materials important to our museum, but your time is a great value as well. If you or members of your branch have the willingness to spend a few hours helping us with our restorations, your labors would be a blessing. We are looking for members who have an interest in preserving our old photos and memorabilia by creating and organizing photo-safe scrapbooks. If you are a gifted artisan, (carpenter, electrician, seamstress/tailor, etc...) please consider giving of your time to help us renovate and preserve our museum. Our plans for the future depend on your generosity. We have so much to offer to students, young and old, that it can’t remain hidden any longer. Every time I go into the storage areas, I find another piece of history waiting to be shared. We cannot preserve our history without your donations. Your financial help to the Heritage Fund would help us greatly. As a special feature of our anniversary celebrations this year, we are offering all heritage items available for sale at a 10% discount to all members! We offer t-shirts, totes, books, flags, hankies, dress patterns for the national costume, tapes, CD’s, a variety of aprons, cooking utensils and more. Contact us for a catalog or visit the website: SWUA.ORG. All of this work and effort will culminate in a gala to “end” our anniversary year. Mark your calendars now for MARCH 9, 2002. Take a trip and join us in Joliet while we celebrate our SLOVENIAN JUBILEJ! We will have an open house with live entertainment and demonstrations, feasting and dancing, and we’ll get to preview our NEW SWU promotional video! This will be an event that you will not want to miss. We have much to celebrate and be thankful for. So, please "pardon our dust” while we work to make changes and improvements in the museum to allow the future to experience the past. Make your plans to visit us in March. You won’t be disappointed. See you soon! Reza Rozman Lockwood National Heritage Director«» (815) 727-1926 Donations to Heritage Museum \ ) The following donations were sent to support the Slovenian Heritage Museum in Joliet: Our heartfelt thanks. $50.00 from Agnes Drstvensek in memory of husband, John F. Drstvensek. $25.00 from Carol Goergen in memory of Ann Kambick $10.00 from Michelle Papesh in honor of Ann Dragovan, Mother of the Year of Br. 20, Joliet, IL. Heritage Museum has 2000 reasons to say THANK YOU! God has placed angels in each of our paths and I recently received word that the Heritage Museum has a very special one, Mr. Donald Dvornik. Just when we were looking for a way to get our library shelves, Mr. Dvornik sent in a $2,000 donation to the Heritage Museum. This generous gift, combined with other recent contributions, has allowed us to start work on the installation of the Library, moving it to the first floor of the museum. Mr. Dvornik writes: “My late mother, Cecilia Dovmik was a proud member of the SWU from it earliest days. This check for $2,000 is in her memory for the Slovenian Heritage Museum. She emigrated from Majšperk in 1921 to Milwaukee and was a member of Br. 43. She was as proud of her heritage as I am.” Thank you, Mr. Dvornik, for your very generous gift! Hvala Lepa! Museum Magic Month Watch for it! In the next issue of ZARJA, the museum magic month raffle calendar will appear for the annual heritage museum fundraiser. (Remember last year?) Besides your own chance to win big money, this will be an opportunity for you to get a few Christmas gifts for your family and friends. It’s a gift that increases in value day by day in January, 2002! Look for your calendar to appear in the next issue! Marge Nat’I. VP rgTrrmrirmnrTOTrinnnrreirrrin^^ ATTENTION, PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES Capturing Our Heritage -Our Link Across America! Learning more about our heritage was the most popular request on the survey - “we should all stress heritage to the younger generations... we have a lot to proud of.” To promote the benefits of membership in S.W.U. a promotional video is being undertaken. This video will be 12-15 minutes in duration - it will be fast-clipped to capture the essence of our Slovenian heritage. Members, we need YOUR HELP to make this happen. The promotional video is about a national sisterhood that is 75 yeas old and we would like the video to include YOUR: • still pictures • video • music / instrumental and choral The areas that we want to capture are: Membership Conventions Branch/Local Meetings Available to be presented to 50 year members are S.W.U. Emblem Pins, signifying their distinguished 50 years of membership in the Slovenian Women’s Union. They are free of charge. Other items that we have on hand are memorial plaques and prayer cards. Please write or call: Slovenian Women’s Union Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432, or on the internet, Jonita Ruth, National Treasurer #9 b o?„ **.. 75 Years 60 branches Same roots il Our Heritage Forever! i Communication ZARJA On-Line Newsletter WebSite Scholarship Past recipients -pictorial and/or audio story Heritage Our Heritage Museum Food/Cooking Geneology Music Trips Literature and Historical Data The promo will be available to our Branches for your meetings and other promos, it will be featured on our website and will be available in VHS/CD-rom format for personal viewing and most important - will be a featured highlight at the 75th Jubilee Anniversary in March, 2001 in Joliet, IL. The project requries a strict deadline - all materials MUST be sent in to me by December 1, 2001! Mary Lou Voelk 389 Clubhouse Drive #A-2 (this must be included) Gulf Shores, AL 36542 Ottolou@cheqnet. net I can be reached at 1-715-372-8578 After November 1-251-968-4364 & fi.S-8. fl g JIILBJLB JLOJLflJLflJULttJLB-gJLfl_& JI JŽ ggaoooooo SPECIAL COMING EVENTS SEPTEMBER 2 60th Anniversary of Br. 102, Willard, Wl; Mass at 10:30 a.m. and Potluck 19 Annual Picnic, Br. 50, Cleveland-Euclid, OH at Euclid Club House OCTOBER 7 Mass and Breakfast, Br. 5, Indpls, IN 9 a.m. Holy Trinity Church and Bockhold Hall 21 Dinner-Social, Br. 103, Washington, D.C. NOVEMBER 8 Holiday Party, Br. 5, Indpls, IN Slovenian National Home 8 Penny Social, Br. 2, Chicago, IL DECEMBER 2 Christmas Party and 70th Anniversary, Br. 50, Cleveland-Euclid, OH atSNH 4 Christmas Party and Dinner, Br. 14, Euclid, OH Call Jennie: (216)261-1196 16 Christmas Party, Br. 20, Joliet, IL at David's; Call Kathy 727-3177 or Helen 744-1442 Ask Tončka! Ge°e Dear Tončka: I have a question for S. W.U. members from Cleveland, Ohio’s West side. Does anyone know of a Jakob Baraga who married Agnes Baraga? These are the names of my husband’s deceased parents, and a relative who has been writing to us has questioned if we knew of another Baraga with the same names as my husband’s parents but who lived on the West Side. He is anxious to hear about them also. Thank you for any help we can get in this matter so that we can let him know. Sophie J. Baraga Dear Tončka: I had occasion to tour Slovenia June 12th—26th. I met all seven of my father’s living cousins. These people are from the Burger family. I am interested in researching the Sajovic family and believe I found an important clue while I was there. The two other families to which I am connected and would appreciate information are Celesnik and Fircik. I have promised the relatives that 1 would return and hope it will be within two years. The country is beautiful and I can se why my grandfather wanted to return - but, sadly, never did. Patricia J. Koski 1522 East White Street, Ely, MN 55731-1841 Dear Tončka: My house is cluttered with photos, marriage certificates, cemetery and church records. It has been fun gathering all of this but how do I begin to organize this material into a good record keeping system? Hvala! Magda Dear Magda: You are lucky to have found so many genealogical treasures. Now to get them in order to be of additional help to you! Last issue we discussed interviewing and recording information. Tončka STEP TWO: Purchase a multigeneration family chart and fill it in with all of the information you have gathered. Charts can be purchased at the Family History Library (Mormon Church) or through our SWU Heritage Museum as a genealogy packet (ours are four generation). These charts are numbered for each of your ancestors. Your own name, date of birth, marriage will be entered in line number one of the chart. As you continue to enter names on a chart you will find that males are always even numbered and females odd numbered (who devised this system?) Therefore your father’s name will be entered on line 2 and your mother’s name will be entered on line three. Paternal Grandfather will be entered line 4, etc. Genealogists always write dates in this fasion: 12 July 1893 or 12-7-1893. It is universally easier to interpret the dates in this manner. After you have completed the chart with as much information as possible, you can then begin to use it as a guideline for further work that needs to be done. You may note that grandfather has siblings and may want to contact their descendants to see if they have a family historian in their clan. Photographs, original documents, letters, wills, should first be photocopied and the originals wrapped in acid free paper before being stored in a cool dark container which permits some air circulation. Never use pen, paste, paper clips, scotch tape on or in contact with these valuable papers. To identify people or places or backgrounds of your collection, attach a piece acid free paper, with information written in pencil, plastic paper clips used for this purpose. Photocopies of your documents will then be arranged in acid free paper liners in a three ringed binder in chronological order. Begin with your earliest document, a family chart of your first ancestor (also provided in our SWU genealogy packet) and perhaps a map of the region, it’s history, etc. in which this family originated. All other information on that family will be inserted in pages to follow. The second generation will have a chart, and include it’s information, continuing down to the present generation. The charts will follow one surname down to present time, usually it is the name on line 2 on your chart. There will also be charts made for the mothers and grandmothers of those who have married into this same surname and they will be entered at the back of the book or can be made up separately. With the completion of this book you will then be able to begin recording on the computer, or writing yourself a personal history of your family, beginning with the first ancestor known down to present times. To obtain a SWU genealogical packet please send a check for $6.00 addressed to SWU Heritage Museum and mail it to: Tončka, 904 Margaret Street, Iron Mountain, Michigan 49801. For those who are searching for a Slovenian ancestor, please send a query to me and it will be printed in ZARJA. Hopefully our readers can be of help. Happy Hunting! Vso srečo pri izkanju sorodnikov! Tončka Website for Social Security Index: This is a valuable source for obtaining birth and death dates and places. A public library near the place of your ancestor’s death will be your source of finding his or her obituary. TONČKA, 904 Margaret Street, Iron Mountain, Michigan 49801 Our Members Write.. SMALL WORLD INDEED... Notes from the Southland Louise Zelesnik Bagdonas, pictured right, told me she’d been waiting for 13 years to meet a fellow Slovenian in southwest Florida. Her long wait ended recently when I joined the Guild of Our Lady at Sacred Heart parish in Punta Gorda, FL. Louise, a sprightly 88, approached me after learning that 1 was from Illinois. She told me she was from Waukegan and thought perhaps I might be, too. She noted that my last name sounded “familiar” and wanted to know if I had any relatives in Waukegan. I replied that I did but that I’d lost contact a long time ago. In any event, their last name would not have been Gudac since that’s my husband’s name and he's Croatian. I told her that the relatives I was referring to were on my father’s side of the family and that they were Slovenian. She immediately started hugging and kissing me, then proceeded to tell me that she’s Slovenian, too. “You know there aren’t too many of us down here,” she said as she squeezed my hand. She went on to describe how she’d been searching the church and telephone directories inPunta Gorda for years trying to find Slovenian surnames. She had just about given up hope when I came along. Louise explained that she had lost contact with the Slovenian community a long time ago. Her late husband, Charles Bagdonas, was Lithuanian and they retired to Punta Gorda in 1988 after wintering here for years. Charles died several years ago but Louise has remained in Punta Gorda, lives in her own home and keeps quite active. In fact, the day I met her she was getting ready for the Guild’s card party, which she annually chairs. She also serves as the Guild’s First Vice President. This picture was taken at the Guild’s installation luncheon at the Punta Gorda Country Club. Since Louise knows everyone at the church, she takes me around introducing me to her friends. She fondly calls me her “young Slovenian friend.” If there are any other Slovenians living in, or visiting, the Charlotte County area of Florida, please give me or Louise a call. We’d appreciate hearing from you. Deanie Gudac 941-575-5166 (Member, Branch 20) Louise Bagdonas (941) 637-0476 Friends span the world! Ah... it was a bonnie visit to Alouise Epley and Louise and George Brindza... to all of the Epley family at their “Ponderosa” as they affectionately call their “family complex”... when friends, Johan and Lee Eyler from Scotland paid a visit in June 2001... The Epley’s have known the McLennan family for many years... Mrs. Mac would visit with Alouise as their daughters (Louise & Jessica) were pen pals since they were in the 7th grade... Johan is Jessica’s sister... Louise remains in touch with Jessica who lives in Chicago... lots of laughter and memories were exchanged... friends for over 50 years have a lot of catching up... it was a wonderful visit! On the above photo, Louise Epley, standing left and “Babe” and George Brindza, seated, welcomed their friend, Johan Eyler of Scotland, standing right. Nurse’s spirit soars on helicopter By Kevin Harter, Cleveland Plain Dealer Reporter WILLOUGHBY - Maria Podmore traded in her nursing whites and the hospital emergency room three years ago for a blue flight suit and a 47-foot-long yellow helicopter. Each year, three Metro LifeFlight helicopter crews stationed in Cleveland, Solon and Lodi make about 3,200 runs from Canada to Kentucky and Pennsylvania to Indiana. Podmore is there for her share of the flights, operated by MetroHealth Medical Center. The three most common calls are to transport cardiac patients to Cleveland Clinic’s famous heart care center, and trauma patients, including car accident and bum victims. Podmore describes herself as quiet, but her job aboard the helicopter, which flies up to 180 mph, is anything but. “I’m a low profile-type person. I just like to help people,” she said. She added that the job offered plenty of excitement, stress and rewards. Podmore, 33, grew up in Mayfield Heights and lives in Willoughby. She graduated from Notre Dame Cathedral Latin Academy and earned her nursing degree from Bowling Green State University. As a teen, she helped care for her grandmother, who had cancer. “The experience pointed me in this direction,” she said of her reason for becoming a nurse. After returning to Cleveland from a nursing job in Texas, Podmore joined MetroHealth’s emergency department in 1990. Three years later, she became a LifeFlight nurse. The job requires advanced training and a minimum of five years’ experience in critical care, she said. Podmore, who is 6 feet 3, jokingly noted she made the pilots nervous when she showed up for work. “They were worried about the rotorblades,” she said. A normal crew consists of two pilots, one nurse and a doctor. “One of the biggest adjustments is, it’s just you and a doctor,” she said. “You are isolated. There isn't a whole hospital of people backing you up. “You are working in an unstable environment in an emergency room without walls.” Maria is the daughter of Marge Križman, member of SWU Branch 50, and Allen Podmore, and granddaughter of well-known Clevelanders, the late Emery and Louise Križman. Her family and friends commend her and laud her exceptional courage and dedication! Maria Podmore: “You have to contain your emotions to do this every day, but for me, that’s the greatest fear and the hardest part.” ...and baby makes three—?... On Flag Day, June 14, 2001, the Nething triplets celebrated their first birthday! These adorable children belong to Aimee and Randy Nething of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Aimee is a member of Br. 102, Willard and is the daughter of Victor and Mira Staut of Hammond, WI. The triplets also belong to great grandparents. Vitko and Mary Staut of Greenwood, WI and Mrs. Theresa Kotar of Milwaukee, Br. 43. Our best wishes to Alexis Rose, David Randall and Joseph Paul and we think they belong to us all! Their great grandma, Mary tells us they are already walking and keeping mom and dad very busy. Lots of love and hugs take place, she says, when they visit - a special family indeed! j, r Veda Tonikvar: ~ r Trom Our ‘Heritage ‘Kitchens Emaaaggii We all love the long, carefree days of late summer, with numerous activities, traveling visitors, and all sorts of reunions. Most of July was a scorcher in Minnesota, as folks headed for the lakes or just sought relief in available shade. This is Chisholm’s 100th Anniversary year, but any sort of celebration was limited because of a huge reconstruction project of the city’s main street, so our celebration has been postponed to next summer in conjunction with an All Class School grand reunion. Our SWU Branch 39 is making plans for the annual Minnesota Day Convention to be held at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Gilbert, Sept. 9th. See you all there! CHERRY CHOCOLATE SWIRL PIE 1 cup dark sweet cherries 1 9 inch chocolate crumb crust 1 quart vanilla ice cream 2 tablespoons rum or brandy 1 ounce square semi-sweet chocolate 1 tablespoon milk Prepare cherries and chocolate crumb crust. Soften ice cream. Fold in cherries and rum or brandy. Melt chocolate over low heat and blend in milk. Spread ice cream into chocolate crumb crust. Swirl chocolate mixture through ice cream. Freeze until firm. Remove from freezer a few minutes before serving. Garnish with fresh cherries. Chocolate Crumb Crust Crush chocolate wafers to make 1S cups of crumbs. Combine crumbs with 3 tablespoons, soft butter until crumbly. Press on bottom and sides of 9 inch pie pan. Bake at 375 degrees for 8 minutes. CHOCOLATE POUND CAKE 2 cups (12 ounces) milk chocolate chips l,2 cup butter or margarine, softened 2 cups sugar 4 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup buttermilk 2 tablespoons water 2 'i cups sifted cake flour 'i teaspoon salt !/j teaspoon baking soda l'i cup chopped pecans Confectioner’s sugar In a saucepan melt chocolate over low heat. Remove from heat. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Blend in melted chocolate and vanilla. Combine buttermilk and water. Combine flour, salt and baking soda; add to batter alternately with the buttermilk mixture. Fold in nuts if desired. Pour into a greased and floured 10 inch tube or fluted tube pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 !/2 hours or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes; remove from pan to wire rack. Dust with confectioner’s sugar, if desired. CHERRY CREAM DIP Dark Sweet Cherries 1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon powdered sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange peel Dash of salt Blend together all ingredients except the cherries. Chill and serve with chilled cherries as a dip. BUTTER RUM SAUCE (Makes l3/< cups) cup packed dark brown sugar l'i cup (lstick) butter l'i cup dark rum l/2 cup Dijon mustard tablespoons cider vinegar l/2 teaspoon black pepper Combine all ingredients in medium size saucepan. Bring to boiling, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer 20 minutes or until thickened, whisking to make smooth. Refrigerate, covered, for up to 2 days. Pork chops with snow peas Brush sauce over four 1inch thick pork chops on bone. Grill or broil 6 to 7 minutes per side. Serve with sauteed carrots and snow peas. Glaze also good over chicken and fruit. SLOVENIAN -AMERICAN COOKBOOK Popular MORE POTS AND PANS cookbooks are still only $18 per copy postpaid. An order form is on page 26. Or write the SWU Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., 60432. Your mail orders will receive immediate attention. Rest in Peace! Mary Kiel is mourned A member for 55 years, a wonderful reporter in ZARJA for Branch 12 and promoter of Wisconsin SWU events, and an active participant in tour activities that the members enjoyed, our friend Mary Kiel was one in a million! She had a positive attitude and was very engergetic, even when her health diminished her abilities. Mary died in June, very unexpectedly. The members were all shocked and saddened. Many attended her funeral and prayers were offered by the members. We remember Mary as the Mother of the Year of Br. 12 in 1986. She and her husband, Ed had just celebrated their 50th anniversary the year before with a lovely party. They were good travelers, having been to Europe four times and all over the United States including Hawaii. Mary’s great joy was arranging short trips for the members and they called her their “tour director!” These bus tours also included members of other groups she belonged to, such as the church societies and a retirees club. She was our Br. 12 reporter for years and years, never failing to send in a nice resume of their activities. Mary and Ed often visited the Al-vemia Manor in Lemont, IL where they contributed generously to the care of the elderly. We know that all the people whose lives were touched by Mary and Ed will forever remember them as special people. As for SWU, she will be an example of member loyalty and friendship. God grant her eternal rest. Editor Condolences! Clementine G. Spehar, 88, formerly of Morgan Park, died Jan. 31, 2001, in Chris Jensen Nursing Home. She was bom in Duluth and lived here most of her life. She attended Duluth Business Unviersity and had worked as a clerk for Sears and Glass Block department stores. She was a member of St. Joseph’s Church, 55 Club, American Legion Auxiliary, and a 41-year member of Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch 33, Duluth. God bless and reward * our beloved departed sisters! , " Bohte, Mary (63) Gulas, Isabelle (20) Hrovatich, Angeline (28) Kauzlauric, Justine (20) Kemtz, Rose (23) Kikol, Kristine (14) Klein, Frances (25) Prhne, Mary (42) Springer, Josephine (64) Susnik, ANgela (39) Trombly, Rose (52) Budas, Mary (50) Camavacciola, Inez (95) Gainer, Jean (14) Kaus, Christine (91) Peppard, Louise (20) Stražišar, Eleanore (47) Gorenz, Mary (16) Padden, Angeline (20) Raplenovic, Helen (50) Clem was a wonderful mother, grandmother, sister and friend. She truly lived for her family. She also enjoyed working on crafts right up to her death. She was preceded in death by her parents Joseph and Sandie Talerico; husband Joseph J. in 1971; and brothers, Henry and Francis Talerico. Survivors are sons Gerald (Kathy), Richard (Janice) and Michael (Judy), all of Duluth; daughter, Patricia (Robert) Scott of Makinen; sister, Lucille Somin, of Duluth; 14 grandchildren; and 19 great grandchildren. Mass of Christian burial at St. Joseph’s church. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery, Superior. Heritage Annuity Traditional IRA /sgto&z* Competitive Rates Roth IRA Long-Term Growth Tax-Deferred Savings Fraternal Benefits Guaranteed Income Low Minimum A Financial Family That Feels Like Home Home Office: 2439 Glenwood Avenue ♦ Joliet, IL 60435 ♦ (800) 843-5755 E-Mail: KSKJLii e @ AOL.COM Activities of our Branches Reports due first of month preceding publication. IT’S TIME FOR STATE CONVENTION AND CELEBRATIONS! SEPTEMBER 9 OCTOBER 7 OCTOBER 14 MINNESOTA STATE DAY AT GILBERT, MN Hosted by Br. 39, Biwabik, MN ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION AND 75th ANNIVERSARY OF BR. 2 Hosted by Br. 2, Chicago, IL OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION Hosted by Br. 14, Euclid, OH Mass at St. Christine’s Church, 222 Euclid Ave., 11 a.m. Dinner at Recher Hall, 2 p.m. NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Meeting: 2nd Thurs. St. Stephen’s lower hall At this writing, I am thinking of all our members and friends who will be going to Slovenia and celebrating S.W.U. 75th year, as well as, the host country Slovenia’s 10th anniversary as a democracy. We all wish that we could have been there for this wonderful celebration and the fun everyone will have, but we will wait until everyone returns so that we can hear the stories and see the pictures of your travels. “Želim vsakemu varno in srečno pot”. Thanks to everyone who came to St. Mary’s/Lemont- July 15 for the annual “Zvezin Dan Piknik” we were blessed with great weather. No Bees! So we could have an outdoor Mass. Joe Worth sent flowers for the altar. We are always happy to have Father Vendelin’s music and Father Blase to celebrate the Mass. Afterwards, the kitchen workers were ready to offer a delicious menu and this year, since we were also celebrating our 75th year, we changed our menu, so among the usual, we served fried chicken. Everyone we talked to said they thought this was our best picnic ever. We are glad to hear these words. It could not have been a success without the help of so many who put in extra effort for this day. Thanks to Amy Ovnik, who baked and donated 12 large poticas; Marija Rigler for her 4 poticas, 4 strudels and Slovenian potato salad; Millie Paisoli’s strudel; Jean Hrastar’s baked beans; Gen Cer-jak’s sloppy joes; Jen Puhek sourkraut; our angel Jean Gale who always comes to help also baked. Thanks to all the other members who worked in the kitchen especially Katie Buol who is always our bar keep; it’s one of the fun spots and her customers love her. Marie Ovnik and Elsie Wojdula sold tickets; Elsie Ciszek and Mary Puhek ran the hulligan games; J. Puhek, bingo, Irma and Lou Pasdertz, the children’s games. Delores Puhek sold the most chance books, but thanks to all members who participated! Vince Rigler provided the beautiful Slovenian music. Everyone comes to listen and he played a lot of old songs which people like to hear. We were happy that our Heritage Director, Reza Rozman Lockwood and her husband Scott came in Slovene Narodna Noša and talked to members and potential members about the history of Zveza. They had a nice display of pictures and articles that went back to the early days so everyone could get a better idea of our organization. Vince played music and sang while we cleaned the kitchen and the area to make the time go faster. Raffle prize winners: Luggage; -Angelo Parrino; Comforter - Sharon Naudziunas; CD. Boom Box-Dawn Winner; Afghan - Pearl Walski; Cof-feemaker - Charmain Marroquin; Blessed Virgin Statue - Jo Ellen New-bould; Hand Mixer-Irma Pasderetz; Pyrex Portables - Raelyn Nusko; Food Chopper - Our Lady’s Guild; Electric Knife - Joyce Bonder; Tool Set -Judith Ovnik; Pyrex Storage - Deborah Jerry; G.C. Ignotzs Restaurant - Dr. Leopold Seme; G.C. Jedi Garden Restaurant - Kevin Kuca; G.C. Berwyn’s Finer Foods - Ann Palombo; G.C. Wagners Bakery -Gerry Blanda; G.C. Phillips Shoe Store - Dan Bell; G.C. Jedi Garden Restaurant - Dawn Vidmar; G.C. Burdeen Shoes - Michelle Hannon; G.C. Card City - Frank Pristave; G.C. Phillips Shoe Store - Theresa Zumer; G.C. Burdeen Shoes - Charlene Robinson; Small T V. - Pauline Gorski. Congratulations to all!!! ILLINOIS/INDIANA CONVENTION OCTOBER 7, 2001 CHICAGO-ST. STEPHEN’S SHRINE 22ND PLACE & WOLCOTT AVE We all meet in the lower hall. Reception is 8:00-9:30 a.m. Coffee/Tea and Bakery will be served Convention: 9-11 a.m. Mass: 11:30 a.m. Si. Stephen Shrine Dinner: 1 o'clock at Mayfields, 6072 S. Archer Ave., Chicago There will be ample parking at both places. Phone number for St. Stephen's Hall is 773-523-2338 Congratulations to our members: Richard Rakovec and Pamela Storezon their wedding July 28 at St. Paul’s Church — reception followed at the Landmark. Good luck and much happiness to you both. July 14, at the SCC we were entertained by the Mendoza Oktet from one of the Slovenian communities of Argentina; in the group were five young musicians (dressed like gauchos) who played a sampling of Argentinian, Spanish music which is part of their culture. It just blew our minds! They were great! They went to Minnesota after leaving Chicago. They are hoping that we can plan a trip to visit Argen- tina. Sounds like it could be fun. Members, get your Spanish books out! Please remember in your prayers all the sick and shut-ins: Amelia Troha Smith, Frances Kremesec, Ann Sci-eszka, Chris Pirman, Tony and Alma Trinko, Angie Blatnick, Albie Rasp, Mrs. Frances Martinčič, Jo Ann Ferraro. Our condolences to the families of: Sophie Srabameck and Joseph Jagar. They were both long-time residents of St. Stephen’s. Please remember them in your prayers that they will rest in peace. Dates to remember: October 11 - Br. 2 monthly meeting November 8 - PENNY SOCIAL “Life can be a bitter pill you have to take, but Love is the coating that makes it easier to swallow” (Chimes). Love, DAISY NO. 3, PUEBLO, CO Meeting: 1st Tues. St. Mary’s Church Hall Summer is over and now it is time to start thinking about meetings that are coming up. Slovenian Women’s Unioi first meeting will be October 2 at 1:0( p.m. in St. Mary’s Church hall. Senior sociables will meet there October 5 at 1:00 p.m. Let’s make it a good year with good attendance. Congratulations are in order for Daniel Spinuzzi, son of Daniel S. and Bernadette Spinuzzi. He is a graduate of Pueblo South High School where he did well in academic studies as well as in extra curricular and community activities. He is a member of our Branch and received a Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship for 2001. He will be attending the University of Colorado with a major in Biological Sciences and will then apply for entrance into medical school. Danny also received a $1,000 Charter Fund Scholarship. Get well wishes are extended to Lorraine Pechnik and Ann Prelesnik. Ann is missed very much at our meetings. She was always so faithful about attending meetings: Also, let’s remember the home-bound, their caretakers, and the nursing home residents in our prayers. PAULINE PAUCHICK NO. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IN Meeting: 1st Thurs. SND, from May to Dec. Branch 5 will gather for the annual 9:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity Catholic Church on October 7th followed by coffee and Krofe in Bockhold Hall. We hope to see many members in attendance; everyone enjoys this weekend get together. Please remember the annual Holiday Party is on November 8th. It will be held at the Slovenian National Home at 11:00 a.m. Please bring a covered dish and Branch 5 will supply the meat. We know everyone is busy, but please try to take a few hours out of your day to attend. Emma Godby, a long-time active member, passed away on August 2, 2001. Branch 5 will miss her. Our condolences and sympathy go to her family. Holy Trinity Community Day Care and Kindergarten was the beneficiary of a recent, special performance of Swing, Swing, Swing at the American Cabaret Theatre. Everyone who attended enjoyed the show. Holy Trinity CDC is accepting donations for playground equipment. If you would like to donate please send your donation to Holy Trinity Community Day Care & Kindergarten, 902 N. Holmes Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46222. Your donation can be given in memory of a loved one or to give honor to a special person. Member News: Congratulations to Dolores Konechnik. She is the proud great grandmother of triplets, two boys and one girl. All are doing well. (Should we also wish her good luck, for when it is her turn to baby-sit?) Betsy and Sara Fon arrived home on July 30th from Slovenia. They spent the previous month there learning the language. Love from Texas, BARBARA MOHR FRIESENHAHN Visit our Website: WWW.SWUA.ORG NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI Meeting: 3rd Thursday Monthly except July & August St. Peter’s Church Hall It is with great sorrow that we report the passing of Mary Kiel. I couldn’t believe that Mary passed away so suddenly, as she was at our May meeting and appeared to be in good spirits. Ann Grambo called me with the news and I am now sadly informing you, our members. I know we will all miss her very much. Mary was very active. She did a lot for our branch, also was our reporter for many years, took over our attendance lists and had our opening prayer each meeting. She also brought many gifts that she had made herself to raise money for our branch. For a few hours before the funeral mass, we paid our respects at her bier at St. Mary Help of Christians church in West Allis. Our members and many from Br. 43 attended. The funeral procession was long as we went to the chapel at Mt. Olivet cemetery. There I was able to give a short eulogy on behalf of our organization. Mary was also our best trip organizer. She took over the Fireside Tours and enjoyed the trip to Ft. Atkinson to see the shows. Our sincere condolences to the family and we pray for the repose of her soul. Rest in Peace, dear Mary. At our May meeting we honored all the mothers, and had a delicious dinner prepared by Virginia Strukel. Thanks also to all those who worked and spent time preparing the party. We were happy to see Ann Jelinek at the meeting as she missed several meetings due to health problems. Evelyn Laurich had knee surgery and is recuperating at home. Frances Piwoni had her sister, Helen Pizar, who is also our member, now retired from St. Mary’s hospital, with her at the meeting. Louise Schlicht took a trip to California to visit her son and daughter-in-law in San Diego, also to attend the high school graduation of her granddaughter, Carolyn. Theresa Fedran visited her cousin in California with son, Kenneth and daughter-in-law, Sue. They spent 12 days there. Theresa needed a rest. Her husband, Tony, is at the Lin- den Nursing Home in New Berlin for a year already and she visits him 5 days a week, 5 hours a day. Sadly, he doesn’t seem to be getting any better. At our June meeting we had a good showing of members. Virginia had a typical picnic lunch. Ann Morelli brings her delicious pizelles quite often. At the meeting we had a guest from the Virgin Islands, Molly Mact’s daughter, Carol Sidilly, who was here for a week. Our sympathy to Antonia Vodnik and family on the loss of her husband, Tony who was buried June 6th. A safe and healthy summer. STAVIA DOBERSEK NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Meeting: 1st Thurs. Slovenian Hall on Mariposa St. We are looking forward to getting back together in September. It was voted at the May meeting to have a Pot Luck Supper in December. We are hoping to see our members who work and can’t come at noon. Flyers will be mailed out in November. Announcing the publication of a new book, “The Slovenes of Northern California” by Donald Kambic. Don is the son of Matilda Kambic and nephew of Mary Ansel, both deceased, longtime members of Br. 13. The book has a wealth of genealogical data, in addition to oral histories, copies of documents, and many photos, featuring about 200 people. The prominent roles of the Church of the Nativity and Slovenian Hall are also explored. The book is presently available at Don’s home, 4007 18th street. San Francisco, Cal 94114. (415)861-4739. Cost $20.00. Katie Pecavar, daughter, Mary Lahane and grandaughters, Jessica and Isabel just returned from a family wedding in Slovenia, Katie loved introducing her granddaughters to the family. Diana Fir is spending her summer in Slovenia learning the language. This reporter is leaving on a motor trip to Oregon, stopping at all quilt shops and attending the national paper doll convention in Eugene, Oregon. The secret of happiness is finding love through giving love, rather than through receiving it and relinquishing the sense of “I" and "mine." BEVERLY JACKSON NO. 14, EUCLID, OH Meeting: 1st Thurs. Slovenian Hall on Mariposa St. As I write this article at the end of the month of July, it’s difficult to realize that soon we’ll fire up our furnaces instead of our air conditioners! The next couple of months will be quite busy in our Slovenian community. This coming week we begin our big East 185th Street community festival, the largest in the city of Cleveland, with 5 days of polkas and fun and good eats, ending with a parade on Sunday followed by a Polka Mass on the last day. On August 18 we celebrated the 40th year of daily broadcasting for Tony Petkovšek along with his 60th birthday and 20th year with WELW radio. We started with a Polka Mass at St. Vitus church celebrated by Minnesota’s Father Perkovich. A Slovenian dinner at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. followed by a combined Slovenian Choral Program directed by Cecilia Dolgan, then a dance to the music of Joey Tomsick. Tony has been an active participant in the Slovenian community and has dedicated his life to polka radio and our culture. We all certainly wish Tony the best on this big anniversary. We greater Clevelanders have been extremely fortunate in having all this polka activity around us. Following a short stay in Slovenia, I’ll return home to continue our activities on September 13 with the Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame and Museum fund-raising event at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with an historical music event. This “first of its kind” event brings polkas to the Rock Hall with Cleveland musician Eddie Rodick and Orchestra, Eddie Platt, Sumrada Band, Nashville’s Joey Mis-kulin and the Riders in the Sky, and Canada’s Walter Ostanek and the Polka All-Stars. Then it’ll be back to organizing the Big Tony Petkovšek Thanksgiving Day Polka Weekend. On the 24th it’s the Annual Polka Hall of Fame Annual Awards Show at Euclid High followed by our Meet the Winners dance back at the Marriott Hotel. Here’s a date to remember ladies, Tuesday, December 4 at 6:00 for our annual Christmas Party and Dinner. Don’t forget to bring gifts for door prizes. To make reservations for yourself and friends call Jennie Fitzthum at (216) 261-1196 for your reservations. We always know we are assured of a fun evening with some of the best home cooked food available which will be prepared by Sophie Mazi. Hope to see you all there! I hear that Ileene Collins has been back in town for the past month and is preparing for a pleasant trip to Slovenia along with a few friends. Boy Voyage Ileene! We send our deepest sympathy to the family of Kristina Kikol who passed away at the Slovene Home for the Aged on May 31 at the age of 98. May God grant our dear departed eternal peace and comfort. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 6 at 6:30 at Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. Stay well ladies and stay cool as yeu enjoy a restful Labor Day! ALICE KUHAR NO. 16, CHICAGO, IL Meeting: 2nd Saturday, 1 p.m. monthly except Jan.-July-Aug. St. George’s Hall For our June meeting the birthday members for June and July brought treats - Fran Novak, a delicious cake, Helen Battista baked a potica and dear Clara Saviano sent delicious cookies -my treat was ice cream. Vida gave a most interesting talk about the Loretto Chapel in Sante Fe, New Mexico. Thanks, Vida. Four of our members are on the SWU Slovenia tour this month: Gladys Buck, Dolores Franko, Sylvia Spretnjak and Vida Kumse. Remember all of us as you enjoy the trip, especially at Bled - we will be with you in spirit! Mary Brozovich is receiving congratulations on her first great grandson, Joseph David, bom to Amy and Manuel Duran. Her granddaughter, Lauren Kay Brozovich rates super congratulations on her graduation from Harvard University, summa cum laude! Stephanie Golob put on her dancing shoes in June when her granddaughter, Karen Quinn took unto herself a life mate, Keith Gnatt. Congratulations to the newlyweds. In August, Kathy and Tim Mohahan also donned their finery for the marriage of son, Tim, to Susan Treselt, Believe me, I was a proud grandmother at these nuptials. Love you, Sue and Tim. Am sure that most of you have heard of Elaine “Buns” Strubel’s car accident and subsequent move to Minnesota. She and John will be living near their son and now really get to enjoy their grandchildren. We’ll miss Buns who was so generous to our branch in many ways. Will miss you, and thanks for everything! Olga Castiglia is recovering from open heart surgery. You are in our prayers, Olga. Ana Lustig is well on the road to recovery after hip surgery. You can’t keep a good woman down! Stay happy. Ana. Jane Szymonik has had two stays in the hospital and now is home, being taken care of by her son, a fine young man. We missed Helen Pastirik at the meeting and hope she is all better -missed your smiling face! Dear member, Mary Gorenz went to her eternal reward - she was a faithful member. She is survived by son, Ronald, his wife Sharon, also her daughter Janice Alonzo, plus family. We will miss her and pray she will rest in peace. Happy birthday to all - and remember, members, to inform me of your news. Call (773) 646-0705. Sept. meeting is on the 8th at St. George Hall. C’mon down! MARGE NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Meeting: 3rd Tues. except June to Sept. Dear members: First I would like to welcome Theresa Rozman Lockwood, our new Nat’l. Heritage Director for the SWU. I am looking forward to her new ideas in our Museum. Good luck, Theresa! Also, welcome to our new Br. 20 Treasurer, Jean Herbst, who is replacing Marsha Judnik. Marsha and family are moving to Chandler, AZ. Bob and Marsha will be missed as they were both very active in church activities. On Sat. July 14th, in Lemont, IL, we had the pleasure of listening and watching the Slovenian Mendozian Octet from Argentina. It was absolutely fantastic to see these young Slovenian ( ^ Celebrating SWU’s 75th Anniversary Vinska Trgatev Sunday, September 30th! St. Joe’s Park, Joliet, IL The Annual Grape Harvest Festival will be held in Joliet, Illinois at St. Joe’s Park on Sunday, Sept. 30, 2001 from 4 til 8 p.m. Bob Doszak’s Orchestra will entertain. Good, traditional Slovenian Food, and a Cash Bar will be available! Come one and all! Tickets are only $6 per adult and children under 16 are FREE! The drawing will have Cash Awards - proceeds go to Br. 20’s benefit treasury to pay dues for 80 years old members! Plan to attend and bring the family! Children will enjoy the fun of harvesting grapes and candy from the “grape vines”! See you there! boys sing in Slovenian and Spanish and play their guitars and button boxes. Tapes will be available soon at our Joliet Office. Our Grape Dance, held yearly, will be at St. Joseph Park, Sunday, Sept. 30 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Admission is $6.00 - adults; 16 and under are free. Food and drinks available. Congratulations to Paula and Albert Mavec on the marriage of their daughter Metka on May 17th at St. Joseph Church and to MaryAnn McGinnis mother of a new baby boy. On our sick list: Jim Policandriotes, June Vella, Sharon Zelenski, Bernice Nemanich, Benny Papesh. Hope by now you are all better. Sympathy to the family and friends of our departed members as follows: Julia Bregar, Irene Glad, Eugene Goron, Dorothy Horvat, Angeline Pad-den, Michael Papesh and Florence Valli. Well Folks, that’s all the news I have except a little tip. If you need homemade potica, apple or cheese strudel, call Sandy at 723-3505. PS: Our Christmas party will be held at David’s Restaurant on Dec. 16th. Please call for reservations to Chairman, Kathy Stonich at 727-3177 or Helen Minnick at 744—1442. Also, my daughter, Penny will be assisting me. Remember to call me at 727-3177 or drop me a line to give me the news that you wish to share with us. KATHY STONICH, Your Reporter NO. 22, BRADLEY, IL Meeting: 3rd Tuesday every other month Members’ Homes Hope September yielded sweet fruits galore for both body and soul. Now, when you bring in the harvest, remember to give thanks for the Lord’s goodness. Loads of appreciation to Mollie McIntyre and Ann Richards for furnishing family news in writing. Congratulations to Mollie’s grandson, Kevin Metschuleit on his marriage to Tina Barber. The ceremony was performed in Maui, Hawaii. Kevin’s parents, Joe and Lucille live in Bourbonnaise. Mollie had the pleasure of the company of her granddaughters, Lynn Bergstrom and children, Chris and Erica from Hoffman Estates, Lisa Wade from Utah and Mary from Los Angelos. It was not easy for son, Don to drive all the way from Kentucky, but he did, to be with his mother of Mother’s Day. Mollie celebrated her birthday on Aug. 22nd. We wish her and all birthday members of recent weeks, many happy returns: Ann Richards (July), Helen Sebastiani (Sept.). No greater gift than God’s providential care is our wish. Ann is great grandmother again when Braydon David Peters was bom in May to Todd and Marsha Peters. Little Ally-son, age 3, will be a big sister and mother’s helper! Congratulations also to ihe Richards family on grandson, Mark Clutter’s promotion in the Air Force. Mark is a recruiter in Aurora. Our esteemed 50 year member, Anna Jamnik is mighty proud of her great grandson, Austin Grace, a four year scholarship winner at Notre Dame Univ. His parents are Robert and Theresa Grace and grandparents are Louie and Carol Jamnik. Cheer, cheer for old Notre Dame, and another cheer for Austin! Our grandniece, Bonnie Jepson was one of 40 going to the desert area of Juarez, Mexico to work under the auspices of Casa Por Christo. She found the project so rewarding, to be able to help the poor people there by building homes for them. She commented on the precious water supply - delivery only once a week. Leaving you with a thought: Let’s be grateful for what we have! EMMA LUST1G NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL Meeting: 3rd Thurs. Catholic School Library Mar.-Apr.-May-June Sept.-Oct.-Nov. Twenty five members and guests gathered in Barbara Pohar’s beautiful back yard for our June SLOVENIAN picnic on June 21st. Helen Swietek and Barb Pohar and her daughters always treat us to this outing in their back yards and we truly do appreciate this kindness. They are all wonderful hostesses. We were delighted to have Mary Jean Weihman and daughter, Patricia present from Ottawa. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a cash gift from the Branch to Patricia who will attend Illinois Valley Community College in September and is now transferred into the Adult division. There were several guests who we hope to have as new members. The food was WONDERFUL!! After dinner, Bonnie Prokup presented a guessing game which all enjoyed and the prize winner was Florence Smorkol. Our fun evening was cut short by a thunderstorm and all gathered their dishes, etc. and scrambled to their cars—but all considered the evening a great success. I’d like to congratulate my granddaughter, Amy Schweickert, our member, belatedly, as she graduated from Lewis University in spring with a BA in Nursing, she is now employed at Good Samaritan Hospital. More news-Barb Krogulski is a grandmother again! Her son Eric and wife Michele, became the parents of a baby girl on May 18th in Des Moines, Iowa. On May 27th in Omaha, NE, Dr. and Mrs. Karl Haake (Jane Story) became the parents of a son; and on June 20th, Joe Jr. and Debbie Story became the parents of a son at the I VC Hospital in Peru. Congratulations to the new parents and the grandparents, Barb and Ken Krogulski and Loretta and Joe Story Sr. and to the lucky little ones with such loving families. Birthdays will be celebrated in September by: Betsy Ann Klopcic, Justine Anglavar, Wanita Helmer, Minnie Carter, our Vice President, and Twins, Michelle Pangrcic, our Financial Secretary and Wendy Lauer. Those celebrating in October will be Josephine Grabowski, Josephine Savnik, Frances Puetz and Shirley Miller. Best wishes for very Happy Birthdays to all! There were no members reported ill at this time but Janice Mueller’s mother, Anna Bedenko Koskosky fell and fractured a couple of ribs; Theresa Kinczewski’s brother. Stan Furlan fell and suffered a fracture and my husband, Bill Wangler had surgery at St. Francis Hospital in Peoria in June and we had a return trip to St. Francis for additional treatment in July. Please remember our shut-ins and their families with illness in your prayers. May God grant them a return to good health. The weather had been so hot and humid—early Dog Days of summer and we’re all cooped up with our air conditioners in our homes, but we’re looking forward to cooler days in September as we resume our meetings. Janice Mueller and her daughters, Michelle Pangrcic and Wendy Lauer will serve as hostesses on Thursday, September 20, at 7:00 p.m. in La Salle Catholic School. We’ll be discussing the State Convention to be held in Chicago with Branch 2 as hostesses. We hope to have a bus chartered again. Plan to attend our meeting and then make a reservation for the convention. We need your input as we plan for our fall-winter season. Will we have a winner of the ATTENDANCE AWARD? ANNE M. WANGLER Reporter NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Meeting: 3rd Wed. SSH Recher Ave. Am hoping Moms Dads, Grads and families had wonderful celebrations this summer! Wishing you all a bright future! Our June indoor picnic was a very nice evening with some great food and good company. Everyone just laughed and enjoyed each other’s spirit and of course, the jokes by Mary Ann Foster. How good it was to see Ann Rossman from No. Ridgeville with her daughter and how we enjoyed Ann’s potato salad and devilled eggs! Thanks, Ann. The meeting took place and our main topic was the State Convention. Listen up! The theme is “Sunflowers,” The date is October 14, 01; the place is St. Christine’s church, 222 Euclid Ave., for 11 a.m. Mass and then, Dinner at 2p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, known as Recher Hall. More on this from Br. 14, the hosts, and their secretary, Diane Varney. I understand there will be a raffle, too. To our sick members, mainly V-P Alma Eppick, hurry back to us! We need you! We miss you! Mary Sterle, we are so glad you are up and around and doing so well. Mary, too, is special, as are all our members! Get well! Have a sunny late summer - enjoy each day! No meetings until Sept. 19th, the third Wednesday - same place and time. If you need any answers or have questions or news to report, please call our Sec’y Charlotte Perdan, 1-216-287—6316. She’ll help you on all things. Also, please pay up your dues if need be. Take care - stay well and God bless you! DOROTHY LAMM NO. 33, DULUTH, MN Meeting: 3rd Wed. SSH Recher Ave. Beverly Menart, Emily Skull and Lisa McDonell attended a Minnesota State meeting in Eveleth. Minnesota Day will be Sept. 9 in Gilbert, the Biwabik Branch is host. Congratulations to Erin Hart upon receiving a S.W.U. Scholarship. We want to congratulate Linda Hart, her mother; and Helen Mosack, grandmother. Wedding congratulations to Sandra Malmquist, son; Thyra Rukavina, grandson. We have had quite a summer! I have had 90° days 9 times (in complete shade) and many at the 80° mark. For anyone who knows Duluth and Lake Superior - it could go from 85° to 50° with a shift of the wind off the lake. Enjoying all the flowers of summer and hope each of you are, too. Greetings to all especially those homebound or in nursing homes and prayers for these and any sick members. Take care, LOIS M. PELANDER, Reporter NO. 35, AURORA, MN Meeting: 6 per year Community Sr. Center We are finally getting some relief from hot and humid summer. My report will be short since we don’t have a meeting until August and it’s too late for the August 1st ZARJA deadline! I don’t have a computer, so my daughter shares the online newsletter, “The New Neighborhood” with me. It is very interesting. Thanks President Kathleen, all the National Officers, and Lynn Z. for this great new communication! During All Slav Days at Ironworld our SWU Scholarship Director, Mary Turvey of Marquette, MI was to present an interesting lecture on “Beginning Genealogy” in the Research Center. I plan to see her there and hope that many of you will come, too. People across the Iron Range filled the H.S. Auditorium in Ely on July 16th to hear the Slovenski Mendoški Oktet and Los Chanares Quintette perform their beautiful Slovenian and Spanish songs. The young men entertained for 2-1/2 hours with unforgettable music from the region they live in, Mendoza, Argentina. They are the third generation already of our Slovenian immigrants who came there after WWII. A reception was held for them by their relatives, the Bajda family, so we could meet them in person and visit. This was a special evening for everyone. Many of us will be taking part in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in August at the Mesabi East Track Field in Aurora. Volunteers provided music and food for the walkers all night. After dark, all the luminaries are lighted, placed all around the track, a sight to see! Our prayers are with all our members who are ill, especially our Br. 35 President, Janice Grebence and also, member, Mary Noson. Wishes to all for a happy September and October! ANNE ORAZEM NO. 39, BIWABIK, MN 1st Sunday monthly St. John’s Church Branch 39 met in June and July to finalize our plans for our Zveza Day Convention on September 9th. We were fortunate to have a good turnout of willing helpers, as our location plans had to be changed. The Senior Center in Biwabik was deemed to be too small, so all of the events will be held in Gilbert; (the first time ever). Father Per-kovich is happy to have us at St. Joseph’s for our meeting. Mass and banquet. The new elevator makes it easier for our elderly members to go up and down, all under one roof. We are all eagerly looking forward to another wonderful gathering. Even though we are out of the commercial potato business, my husband has been busy twelve hours a day making hay “while the sun shines.” We had almost no rain in July, making it ideal to bring in large numbers of bales. Thank God for an air-conditioned cab tractor and a thermos of ice tea or water. These can be dangerous days bringing on heat-exhaustion or stroke in a short time. We hosted twenty people from our 1983 trip to China and the Soviet Union on Saturday, July 28th. I was busy staining, (deck) painting, (patio furniture and garage door trim) and tending to my flowers for the whole month in order to spruce up the premises. We went on that memorable trip in 1983, and have become close friends with the group and continue to have annual get-togethers. I envy all the lucky travelers going to Slovenia in Sept. I know they will all treasure the memories as Roy and I have since our trip in 1999. My cousins and I continue to get to know one-another through letters, and hope to see each other in person some day. The “fall” season has always been my favorite, and is the perfect time to travel to Slovenia. My best wishes for a wonderful experience in beautiful Slovenia. JEAN KORSMAN NO. 42, MAPLE HTS., OH Meetings: Quarterly, 2nd month of the quarter, 2nd Saturday Maple Hts., Library No sooner did I get the last column off in the mail when word reached me of the demise of yet another long-time member, Mary Prhne, who passed away June 1st. I wrote about Mary and the late Camilie Lao last year and since then they have both gone to their eternal rest. To Mary’s nephew, David Lipnos and the entire Prhne family, we extend our deepest sympathy. I have just returned from a family vacation on Tybee Island, Georgia. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity made possible by my son, Gary, through a job application. I never expected the accommodation to be so elaborate and charming. For one week we called a 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom, beach house home on the coast of the Atlantic. The wrap-around porch of the facility gave us a continuous view of the ocean and we took full advantage of it. What enjoyment! It was probably the only time the aroma of Slovenian smoked sausage cooking on the stove permeated the grounds since the home was built in 1912 by the woman who founded the Girl Scouts. Thank you, Gary, for making it all possible. As if this trip wasn’t enough, I now prepare for my first visit to Slovenia as part of the SWU Heritage Tour Sept. 13th. I will be accompanied by member, Marie Matis Zimmer, my niece. We are both eagerly anticipating this event and hope to connect with some of our relatives while there. Happy September birthdays to: Ann Marie Buehner, Mary Tome, Betty Ann Harr, Dorothy Budimlic and Pat Wolf. Happy October birthdays to: Jeanie Offutt, Marjorie Lustoski, Nancy Thompson, Madeline Yemec, Tracy Jones, Amy Thompson, Dr. Tom Jaras, my sister Frances Tomsic and my daughter, Lynn Kossakoski. As always, get-well wishes to any ailing members and best regards to the shut-ins and those in nursing homes. I’ll have lots to tell you next time after the Heritage Tour. Till then, Zbogom, LIL SADOWSKI NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI Meeting: 4th Wed. St. John Evangelist Rectory In June we had no meeting because on June 27th Lorraine Johnson made arrangements for us for a trip to Elgin, Illinois for some fun and gambling. It was a happy trip even though the air conditioning was out of order on the bus, but we had all of the windows open and enjoyed the fresh air. I sometimes wonder how we existed without air conditioning. Josephine Janezic, our President, with her husband, Slavko and granddaughter, Michelle are visiting relatives and friends in Slovenia. I will give you more details of this trip in the next issue of ZARJA. Frances Cera is doing well at Clement Manor. I know that she would appreciate a visit or a call. Theresa Kotar now has a Pacemaker and Mici Bregant had a hip replacement. Both are doing very well. We lost a very good friend, Mary KielofS.W.U. Br. 12. For many years Mary made arrangements for our trips to the Fire Side, to Baraga Conventions and many surprise trips. Mary was very good in crafts, and she donated many of her articles for our raffles. She is going to be greatly missed. Please keep her in your prayers. We will have an interesting speaker for our September 26th meeting. Mark your calendars so you won’t forget. ANNE E. KONCZAL, Reporter Memories of a perfect day! NO. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OH Meetings: 2nd Sunday in March, Sept. and Nov. Maple Hts. Public Library On June 10, 2001, members of Branch 47, Garfield Hts., OH, celebrated their 70th Anniversary. We were blessed with a sunny, bright, beautiful and warm late spring day. All of the ladies who attended wore their Sunday, ‘going to church’ finery, everyone looked lovely! The church, as always looked beautiful. Sisters, Olga Dor-chak and Elsie Spellacy carried a bouquet of flowers to our Blessed Virgin. We were happy to see so many members of our sister branches not only at church, but also at our lunch at Sterle’s. Benedictine Father Dominic Mondzewleski, Administrator for St. Lawrence, was the celebrant for the mass. His words touched us all! St. Lawrence’s choir did an outstanding job in singing in both Slovenian and English. Many of us wiped away tears of joy as we remembered these beautiful Slovenian hymns from our youth. After services, we drove to Sterle’s Restaurant for a fabulous, delicious lunch. After lunch, Michael Benz, President of Kollander World Travel, showed slides of Slovenia. His presentation was geared to the areas the 75th Heritage Tour group will be visiting in September 2001. To those of us who have never been to the homeland of our fathers and mothers, this was a breathtaking journey. We have all been told by our forefathers of the beauty of Slovenia, but now, I, for one, have actually seen it, if only by slides. We NO. 50, EUCLID, OH Meeting: 3rd Wed. Euclid Public Library except July & Aug. Summertime is nearly over. It surely was a hot one in these parts. Everything grew at record wildness and now is beginning to brown out. Nature is all mixed-up like everything else in this were thrilled to be entertained by many members of the wonderful St. Lawrence choir, under the capable direction of Lois Sever. Again, tears were in abundance as we listened to the harmony that only our Slovenian voices create! Everyone truly enjoyed their singing and some of us even tried to sing along with them (not too well, I might add!). Sister Linda Ford, our photographer, took many pictures of the group. We hope to see them at our next meeting in September. Kathy Dorchak gave out door prizes. Sister Elsie Kahun was not feeling well, and was unable to join in our celebration. We understand she’s doing much better. We were all very happy to see Sister Ann Harsh and Sister Elsie Spellacy, and are delighted they are back doing the things they have always enjoyed doing. v~ Birthday greeting go out to the following September members: Mary Cul-kar, Albina Jordanek, Barbara Nawalaniec, Bernice Novak, Wanda Sever, Barbara Sostakowski, October members: Dorothy Cabot, Kathleen Dorchak, Olga Dorchak, Mary Ann Drobnick, Linda Ford, Josephine Godec, Josephine Klun, Allison Mundson, Mary Skul, Agnes Slak, Elsie Spellacy, Stephanie Spellacy, Ingrid Squire, Paula Squire, John C. Squire III, and Mary Taucher. May you all have a HAPPY, HEALTHY AND BLESSED DAY. Thought for the Day: If you can't see the bright side, polish the dull side! Anon. Remember ladies, our next meeting is September 12th, 2001; hope to see you all there. DOROTHY SQUIRE, Reporter world! Nevertheless, enjoy all the good parts of everything while you can. We are fast approaching our more exciting season but first our Ann’s had their day again on July 26th at Dubrovnik Gardens - 32 ladies named Ann attended. This is the 17th year of arrangements conducted by our able President, Ann Tercek. SWU will picnic at the Euclid Club House is Sept. 19 , 2001. Please attend. And our Christmas Party and our 70th Anniversary will be held December 2, 2001 at the Holmes Avenue Slovenian Hall. Jean Miller, as well as the rest of her family, is enjoying a new granddaughter, Micheara, bom to Julie, Jean’s daughter-in-law and her son, Steve. The baby will join brother, Grant, eight years old, sister, Gabriel, six years old, and sister, Mckenzie, four. Around this time, Jean was hospitalized for a medical adjustment, but she is doing much better now. Of course, she is delighted with the new addition to the family. Another member’s remarkable happening is in our news. Member, Jo Smith and her family celebrated the graduation of grandson, Kevin English from Berea High School in June of 2001. He will be attending Baldwin Wallace College after receiving several scholarships. Kevin was selected as Berea High School’s Male Athlete of the Year, placed 1st in the decathelon - the 100 meter dash, high jump and long jump, javelin and pole vault -what a guy! He also competed in football and track teams. He was a member of the National Honor Society. To top it all - he was voted as the Most Handsome male of his class. WOW! You can imagine how proud of Kevin are his parents, Mary Ann and Jim English, and of course, his grandparents, Josephine (our historian) and John Smith. Sorry to have to report a sick list. Josie Arko is tortured by carpal tunnel syndrome. That is a mean pain until remedied. We usually do this injury to ourselves by trying to excel in repetition. Mary Maxin, our membership recording secretary has undergone back surgery. Evelyn Hrovat is trying her best to get well. We will pray for all to shed these burdens shortly. The Slovenian Home for the Aged is now home for Louise Vovko and Ann Slapnik Petkovšek. No matter what, they just have to be near each other. We also want to include our heartfelt sympathy to Ann Kretic on the loss of her husband, Edward. On the lighter note, Branch 50 wants to add its congratulations to honor our Tony Pekovsek for his 20 - 40 - 60 festivities. He’s an expert in delivering Slovenian enthusiasm to all our compatriots in the Cleveland, Ohio area which is said to be the largest conglam-oration of Slovenians outside of Slovenia itself. Everyone enjoy the well-deserved party for Tony, especially Tony! Let’s look forward to our next get together in September at the annual picnic . It will be good to be in the company of a great group. God-willing, see you there. Na svidenje, VI MORAVCHEK NO. 54, WARREN, OH Meeting: 3rd Wed. Feb. thru May, Sep., Nov., Dec. Our branch will hold the next meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 17th at 12 noon at my home, 4010 Greenmont Dr. Bring a sack lunch and dessert and beverage will be provided. I have to cancel the Sept. get-together since my husband and I are traveling to Europe. Our long-time member, Anne Savor is slowly recuperating from her hip fracture. Hopefully she will make our next meeting. Congratulations to Anne and Martin who are celebrating their 73rd wedding anniversary. And, Martin will be 100 years young! We wish them God’s blessings! They have had a wonderful life together. Traveling to San Diego is Louise Vett and husband; and our daughter, Pat and husband, Mark were here visiting from South Carolina. While they were here, we had our children and grandchildren for a family picnic and it was wonderful. Our sympathy to Anne O’Block and Mary Diana on the passing of their beloved brother, Joe Gladd. He was a very special person and we got acquainted with him when we went together to Slovenia. Our prayers to them Vic Zuga has a fourth great grandchild, Chloe Jackson, in California. Congratulations to her and family. Went to a Polka Mass at our Fran Sainata’s parish in Girard. It was beautiful. Fran is very active at St. Rose Church and she’s to be commended. Have a great Labor Day and enjoy the last days of summer! JOANNE PONIKVAR SWU 75th Anniversary Tour to Slovenia - 2001 In the next few issues of ZARJA we will be anxious to bring you the highlights our passengers enjoyed on the Slovenia Tour that is taking place this month. With the focus on Slovenian Heritage, our 65 passengers are in for a special treat! Read all about it, beginning in November! NO. 73, WARRENSVILLE, OH Meeting: Mar.-Apr.-May-June Aug.-Oct.-Nov.-Dec. Sec’y. Epley’s Home 20294 Emery Rd., No Randall The hot summer is upon us, and for many, it can’t end too soon. Instead of hearing the birds singing outside, it’s the hum of the air conditioners that is prevalent. Trees are shedding their leaves, and there is very little “brown” grass to mow. Oh, how welcome a heavy rain would be! Are you listening, Lord? We don’t need enough to float an ark, but a puddle here and there would be nice. Angie Musil added another grandchild to the family tree when her daughter, “Lil’ Angie” and husband, Dave Rees welcomed Samantha Grace into their lives. The baby arrived on May 30th and weighed in at 8 lbs. 1 oz. Her brothers, Maxwell and Jacob, are pleased to have a sister. Grandma Angie stated that she has been readily accepted by everyone. Congratulations to the Musil Family. On the other end of the life span, the same family lost a family member when Mary Petrich Erlich passed away mid-July. Mary lived in Pittsburgh and her death came rather unexpectedly. Our prayers go out to the family. She was the sister of Angie Musil and Frances Cazin. I attended two sad funerals within a month, one was that of my niece, Lynn Marie (Truce) Daley, who had battled ovarian cancer nine months. She was 60 years old. The second was a class- mate/friend of our daughter, Mary. Linda Piewchowski, daughter of Nancy Thompson (Br. 42) was diagnosed with chronic leukemia at the same time Mary’s diagnosis of acute leukemia was made. Both of these funerals offered much food for thought, reminding us how fragile life really is, and that age is not the only factor to consider anymore. Prayers and sympathy to all. Spoke with Annette Yuratovac, home from Florida for a short time. She advised that her mom, Kay (our president), has been having health problems, trying to recover from a bout of shingles. She is doing well, but a few complications are laying her low. We wish her well, and ask that you keep her tucked in your prayers. Kay recently lost her brother-in-law, Tom Prasek (76 yrs) after a heart attack. Our condolences, Kay. We also learned that Sphie Goga has moved from her apartment at St. Barnabas to the Brentwood Nursing Facility in Sagamore Hills. Her son, Richard, tells us that a need for assistance made the move necessary. We wish you the best, Sophie, in your new surroundings. Personal note: We marked Michael’s anniversary of two years on July 30th. On approximatly the same date, our oldest son, Dr. Steve as we affectionately call him, spent a few days in ICU with some unexplainable symptoms -diagnosis: sudden onset diabetes. He has responded well, and we hope he continues on a healthy track. By the time this article reaches you, we hope that it has cooled down, but sure wish the Indians would heat up. Take care of yourselves, and keep in touch. I can only write about what I know so, give us some news. EVELYN MAJERCIK NO. 89, OGLESBY, IL Meetings: Feb., Apr., May, Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. at Dickinson House 2nd Monday at 7 p.m. Where has the summer gone? Here we are thinking fall and winter. It won’t be long. Please note that we will be meeting at Dickinson House from now on. Har- dees have closed their business so we had to return to Dickinson House. We should be proud to have such a building, as Dickinson House. There are only 10 like it in the United States. It is a monolithic building, very rare building by today’s standards. We have been on hiatus during June, July and August. A few newsworthy happenings have occured. Here are a few: Alice Jean Ebner’s son, Michael Eugene was getting married on Aug. 11th. He is an electrical engineer and is employed in Bloomer. Jose Argubright became a great grandmother twice in 8 days. Granddaughter, Heidi Huber gave birth to a boy on July 6th, and grandson, Bill’s wife, Tammy gave birth to a daughter on July 14th. Congratulations! Marilyn Argubright’s son-in-law, Mike Gunderson was named Illinois Knight of the Year at the 103rd Annual State Convention. First Adam and now his dad! It couldn’t have happened to any nicer people. Congratulations! Rose Ann Prey and her husband, Bill were happy to have their son drop in for a visit on his way from Calif, to attend a transportation seminar in Boston, Mass. It turned to be a very pleasant visit for all. Darlene Wasielewski’s granddaughter, Amy Nosalik is a full-fledged accountant. Keep up the good work, Amy. Anne Batty’s son, William Claudnic received a trip to Mexico for being the salesman of the year for Patton Industries of Oglesby. Anne’s grandson, Patrick Dooley has been transferred from Galesburg where he had been for 5 years; now he is back with the Fastenall Co. where he started. Her grandson, Philip Claudnic was on a trip to Virginia where he played with the L.A.T.H. Band. A good time was had by all. I inadvertently left out a few of Chris’s achievements - sorry. His mother, Mitzi Banich is very proud of him and so are we. Listen to this: He graduated in the top 10 of his class; Illinois State Scholar; James Scholar; L.P. Honor Society; High Scholarship all 8 semesters; Outstanding Senior Business Award; President’s Education Award; Recipient of Rev. L.L. Henkel Scholarship. He is a member of 1. Future business and leaders of America; 2. Scholarship Bowl; 3. Science Club and; 4. Communications Council. He participated in Tennis - Senior Year, Golf- 3 years, Earned N.C.I.C. All conference, all academic status. Our Junior member, Kitty Bruch, daughter of Barbara is making a name for herself. She attends Putnam County High School, was a delegate at the Illinois F.F.A. Convention in Springfield, was a finalist in the F.F.A. Essay contest and will be Putnam County High School Chapters Secretary this year. She is a junior member of the American Legion Auxiliary and sold poppies at school for the auxiliary. She received a trophy for her goat named Tillie, senior champion Doe at the 4 H Fair and a trophy for her Sebas-topal Geese at the F.F.A. Fair. She plays softball at school and is her class secretary. Kitty is a member of the national honor society and wass inducted into Quill and Scroll, the national high school journalism society for her work on the year book and Teen Trib. Celebrating birthdays in Sept. and Oct. are: Rose Kellett, Jo Schmidt, Frances Rolando and Mary Ann Samuel-son; also Rose Ann Prey, Kitty Bruch and Eunice Komater. Those we hold most dear never truly leave us. They live on in the kindness they showed, the comfort they shared and the love they brought into our lives. Bye for now. EUNICE KOMATER NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, IL Meeting: 2nd Wed. Apr.-May-June Sept.-Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 12:30 p.m. Sacred Heart Church Hall Greetings to everyone! We didn’t have a June meeting but instead, a nice luncheon at the Casino. Twelve ladies were there and we had a nice time. Everyone enjoyed it, I think! We lost a dear member, Inez Car-novaciola. She died in May. Olga and John Krmpotic had their 60th wedding anniversary on May 31st. The family gave them a party - a cook-out - and everyone had a wonderful day. Congratulations to you, Olga and John! Ann Marie Hanson graduated from Lewis College in Journalism. Proud mother, Cathy Hanson and grandma, Amelia Cuzella are overjoyed! Best wishes for success, Ann Marie! If anyone is sick and not reported to us, we wish you will do so - our members like to know. I got a thank you note from Violet Furjancic. Her mother, Sophie Barbich received my card of good wishes and she was so happy. She is in a nursing Home in So. Holland. I love sending cards to all ladies that are shut-ins, too. Please remember them in your prayers. Dan and I will be going back to Florida in November. Our next meeting will be in September and we’d love to see all of you. Br. 2 in Chicago is hosting the Illinois-Indiana State Convention in October - the first Sunday of the month. Hope to see you all there! Happy birthday to all in these two months - have a nice Fall! DOLORES HENNELLY NO. 100, FONTANA, CA Our Branch members and families are enjoying a busy summer attending special Slovenian events. These events have not been sponsored by SWU, but our people are so involved in several groups, that the events overlap and are enjoyable for all. Many attended the Temecula Wine Tasting Party sponsored by SNPJ Lodge 786. Quite a few attended a reception at the L. A. Convention Center on July 23rd and welcomed almost 70 craftsmen and businesses from Slovenia who were showing their products at the California Gift Show. It was a very successful venture for them and hopefully this is the beginning of many such shows all over the country. The attendees had a taste of Slovenia through the music of the local Mlakar Brothers Orchestra as well as Frank Vidergar and some of his Button Box Group. They also enjoyed some potica and some very good Slovenian wine. It was a lovely evening and enjoyed by those who had the privilege of attending. Our branch welcomes home, Pauline Buzan who has spent the past two years in Jamaica, serving in the Peace Corps. She had a very successful tour of duty helping to start a carpentry workshop, a goat husbandry project, as well as organizing a literacy program for youngsters who needed help with reading. Pauline feels that she was responsible for getting at least 7-8 boys and girls on the road to reading, and that was her most important contribution. Pauline was honored several times during her tour, not only because she was instrumental in several successful programs, but because she celebrated her 80th birthday during her commission. She has the distinct honor of being the oldest Peace Corps Volunteer during the period, 1900-2001. Pauline Buzan was also in the first class of Women Marines at El Toro Marine Base in Southern California in 1942 and was a special guest at the Marine Corps Ball last November. Now her plans include traveling in her new R.V. and taking a trip to Europe with her daughter and husband this fall. We hope that Pauli will write more about her experiences in a future issue of ZARJA... that is if we can hold her down long enough to write. We wish a good trip to all the members who will be traveling to Slovenia with the SWU in September including our special members, Rosemary Mlakar and Anne Kapel. Na svidenje! JEAN KOCI NO. 102, WILLARD, Wl Meeting: When convenient Parish Center A lot of things are going on in Willard. Our branch 102 is planning an anniversary celebration for our 60 years. It will take place on Sunday, Sept. 2nd at 10:30 a.m. mass, with a short meeting and pot luck lunch in the parish center. Richie Yurkovich was entered into the International Polka Hall of Fame. When he was 5 years old he got his first accordian. Now he has his own band, “Richie Yurkovich Band,” and a recording business. Congratulations. On July 13th, a local boy, Gary Bombach and his wife impersonated Elvis Presley and Patsy Cline at the Willard Athletic Club. The Polka Fest was held July 20-22 at the Willard Athletic Club with many great bands. July 29th was the Slovenian picnic held at the church shelter. Many people A special donation arrived for the ZARJA Fund from our member, Bernadette Rudolph of University Hts., Ohio. As follows: $50.00 in memory of mother Antonia Kastelic, Br. 42, Maple Hts.. OH. Thank you so much, Bernadette! Our sincere thanks for a donation to ZARJA’s Publishing Fund from Miss Danica Adjemovic. She sent $25 in memory of tAna Cemelc, a long time memberofBr. 103, Washington, DC. Thanks also to Jane Yadlosky of Br. 23 for her memorial donation of $10 for tMolly Prebil, Br. 102, Willard, WI. from all over attended, enjoying great Slovenian foods. An afghan, made by Donnell Wolf was raffled off. She has donated an afghan for the past 26 years. Her daughter, Judy, will continue the tradition since her passing, December 31, 2000. Frank and Rose Pakiz and family held a folk dance at the Slovenian Hall in Willard, in memory of their son, Dennis. A lot of people enjoyed the dance and music. We are working on a memorial park in Willard. The land was donated by Francis Zevnik and Walter Heibar. We are asking for articles and memorials of our town of Willard. Bishop Burke of the diocese of La Crosse blessed the Christian Center located near Willard. It is a retreat center for all denominations. Seminars, private and group retreats, work study and sabbaticals are offered. Also available is spiritual guidance, body work, daily meditation and camping. Now as I write, we are planning our annual chicken, ham and potica dinner on August 26th. Our condolences to the families of Ed Perko and Charlie Herrick. Sincerely, from your reporter, AGNES DEBEVEC ZfiRJR donations! The Survey Says... We had a wonderful, overwhelming response to the first ever membership survey included with your January, 2001 dues statement: Over 50% of the membership responded! We’ll give you a brief synopsis of the survey results in the next few ZARJA issues. Question #3 on the survey report: What American-Slovenian heritage events are of interest to you? The following items were consistently chosen. However, this is not to diminish the other topics that were listed. Many circled all of the heritage events, and from reading their comments it is obvious that our readers never tire of hearing of cultural events and traditions. In fact, they want more! These listed were considered the most popular by the membership. And, branches, here are some ideas to keep in mind for your next planning meetings. • Summer Picnics (high favorite of 85° group) • Genealogy (high favorite with the 36° group) • Christmas and Easter Events (all age groups) • Trip to Slovenian (all age groups) A few of your comments from the survey, and how the SWU can help. “Music and words to Slovenian songs” • At the Heritage Museum are songbooks: “Let’s Sing.” This booklet, 164 pages, contains the words to American and Slovenian folksongs. The booklet is $1.00 plus shipping. “Have a Genealogy Page, there is a need to find roots” • See Tončka’s “Genealogy Search,” Page 9 July-August ZARJA and on page 9 in this issue. “Have articles on genealogy family stories.” • See page 4 July-August ZARJA Enter into The Celebration Of Our Ancestry, categories. both children and adult “More Slovenian gift items like dolls, wood carvings, lace curtains: • Page 25, the SWU’s 75th Anniversary Raffle. Opportunity to win a beautiful hand made queen size quilt with the Red Carnation Design, crafted by SWU national auditor Beverly Menart. • Page 3, July-August ZARJA Keep the Spirit Alive membership campaign Enroll ten new members and win a prize hand-crafted in Slovenia. Thanks for your INVOICE DONATIONS! This Invoice Donations report is for May-July 2001. It shows the wonderful loyalty of many members. We thank them for the free-will donations sent with dues for the year 2001. Sincere thanks to each and everyone! Donor Zarja Heri- Schol- tage arship ($) ($) ($) Cesnik,JamesM(103) 25 Delopst, Raymond 'hon or 10 Gertrude Delopst (43) Galle, Dennis (20) 34 Govednik, Jean (20) 10 Grayson, Angeline 'mem. of 25 dec. husband Edley 8/23/00(40) Hervatin, Edith (68) 10 Ivons, Jean (10) 10 Klabe, Katherine (23) 2 Manjooran, Prince (30) 5 Novince, Anne (14) 5 Paulson, Kathleen N. (34) 16 15 Phillips, Antonia (43) 5 Princ, Rose Marie (2) 2,000 Sporis, Victoria (43) 5 5 5 Todd-Fellows, Mary Alyce (2) 5 5 5 Tranbarger, Theresa (95) 5 5 Voskresenski, Vassili (30) 5 Voelk, Mary Lou (23) 7 Barbrec, Danielle (13) 10 Bell, Daniel C. (2) 10 5 Djubenski, Mary (102) 7 Gacnik, Michael'in honor of 100 Frank& Katherine (3) Harr, Betty Ann (42) 10 Hull, Mara Cerar (30) 5 Plečnik, Maria (25) 20 Voiovich, Rose Marie (35) 5 Wruk, Shelley (20) 10 10 10 TOTALS:: 3161 1582.50 5713.00 89 New Members! only 111 to go to meet our quota for 2001! »#+###+»#*#»»»»####« New Members are welcome - $15.00 per year - with ZARJA subscription KEEP THE SPIRIT ALIVE Membership Campaign is on now! There will be a prize for everyone who enrolls ten new members: a sourvenir plate, or other wooden-ware item FROM SLOVENIA! These are beautiful and hand-painted items! Get involved now to bring in the new members you are thinking about asking to join! See Application form on page 32. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN SEPTEMBER National Officers: Sep. 29 - Theresa Rozman Lockwood, Heritage Director, Joliet,IL Presidents: Sep. 5 - Ann Kapel, Br. 100, Fontana, CA Secretaries: Sep. 2 - Joanne Ponikvar, Br. 54, Warren, OH Sep. 22 - Rosemary Mlakar, Br. 100, Fontana, CA Sep. 28 - Patricia Adamic, Br. 105, Detroit, MI HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN OCTOBER National Officers: Oct. 9 - Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Chicago, IL Oct. 11 - Jonita Ruth, Nat’l Treasurer, Joliet, IL Oct. 26 - Kathleen Dorchak, National President, Silver Lake, OH Presidents: Oct. 5 - Rose Ann Prey, Br. 89, Oglesby, IL Oct. 10 - Angeline Hietala, Br. 39, Biwabik, MN Oct. 13 - Olga Dorchak, Br. 47, Garfield Hts., OH Oct. 15 - Rose Bradach, Br. 68, Fairport Harbor, OH Oct. 17 - Charlene Kobe, Br. 20, Joliet, IL Secretaries: Oct. 11 - Mary Jermene, Br. 85, Depue, IL Oct. 22 - Mary F. Mohr, Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Our Cookbook: Great food, love and memories! Dear Ladies, This letter is to let you know how happy you have made my mom, and myself. I kept your ad at Christmas time advertising your cookbook, “More Pots and Pans,” but I was unable to purchase it at that time. I made arrangements in April to send in my check and I enclosed a card to my mom to be placed with the cookbook order. My mom was visiting my home one day talking about a recipe her mom made but she couldn’t remember what all the ingredients were. I thought, “Wait till she gets the book.” Well, it couldn’t have arrived at a more perfect time, the Saturday before Mother’s Day! My mom called me and was so thrilled and surprised. She said she opened the book and the first recipe she saw was some kind of donut she said her mom made for every Slovenian party. She couldn’t believe it was in there. To all the ladies involved in submitting recipes, organizing, printing and mailing and all the other jobs of putting a cookbook together, I personally want to thank you for your hard work. You are passing along your heritage, great food, love and memories. From the Heart! Joanne Puleo Thanks, Joanne and we hope others take a hint and purchase our fabulous cookbooks! Slovenian Women’s Union 75th Anniversary Raffle Win a beautiful, hand-made, queen-size QUILT, crafted by SWU National Auditor, Beverly Menart You still have time to buy tickets! Drawing for the quilt will take place on Dec. 2,2001 at the 75th Anniversary event in Washington, DC. RED CARNATION DESIGN We will fill out your tickets, and place them into the Raffle for you. You will not receive any tickets. Tickets, $1.00 each, available by mail. Use coupon below. Make your checks to S.W.U. Send to SWU National President, Kathleen Dorchak, 3088 Markle Drive Silver Lake, Ohio 44224 Telephone (330) 686-1336 Email: KDORCHAK@NEO.RR.COM Name: _________ Address: ______ City, Zipcode: Number of Tickets: Amount Enclosed: SLOVENIAN HERITAGE RECIPES in a new collection called MORE POTS AND PANS A perfect gift for any occasion! Enjoy it and share it with your family and friends The PERFECT gift for all occasions Features of the NEW cookbook include: 600 Great Recipes with easy formats 171 NEW recipes from our members Place your order now -$18.00 per book, postpaid Cookbook Order Form “MORE POTS & PANS» Please send me ______ copies at $18.00 per book including postage and handling. Name _______________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City _____________ State __________ Zipcode _________ Make check payable to and send order to: Slovenian Women’s Union 431 North Chicago Street Joliet, IL 60432 noRTfoTS^FMS K/O'T/H'# SLOVENIAN -AMERICAN' COOKBOOK AUTHENTIC SLOVENIAN RECIPES: Favorites of three generations Detailed Instructions Origins of regional recipes Historical Information Maps and notes of interest! Heritage illustrations by renowned artist, Nancy Bukovnik Gospodinjski tečaji v Repnjah Kdo ne pozna znamenite knjige Slovenska kuharica s. Felicite Kalinšek. Velikokrat sojo že ponatisnili in posodabljali. Bogato izročilo kuharske umetnosti nadaljujejo šolske sestre v Sloveniji tudi danes. Poslanstvo šolskih sester sv. Frančiška Kristusa Kralja pa ni samo kuhanje, že od vsega začetka se ukvarjajo tudi z vzgojo deklet - gospodinj. Organizirale so prave gospodinjske šole, ki so trajale več mesecev, pa krajše tečaje v samostanskih hišah in drugje. V Repnjah na Gorenjskem imajo gospodinjski tečaji že dolgoletno tradicijo. Od 1971 do 1987 so potekali tudi večmesečni tečaji, v katerih so se dekleta poleg šivanja, kuhanja in ročnih deTučila tudi drugih osnov gospodinjstva: vrtnarstva, shranjevanja in konzerviranja živil, nege otroka itd. Najprej jih je vodila s. Vendelina Ilc, nato so ji pomagale tudi druge sestre. Sedaj imajo poletne gospodinjske tečaje za srednješolke in študentke. Na teh tečajih imajo dekleta poleg pridobivanja strokovnega gospodinjskega znanja možnost za poglabljanje duhovnega življenja, saj je to temelj uspešne in srečne krščanske družine. Dnevni red tečaja se začenja z jutranjo mašo oziroma jutranjo molitvijo. Po zajtrkuje najprej teoretični del pouka, razlaga receptov in drobnih skrivnosti kuhinje, nato pa delo v delovnih skupinah, ki se nadaljuje tudi popoldne. Večeri so namenjeni pogovorom. (Družinska Pratika) Cooking School at Repnje We are all familiar wtih the cookbook called, Slovenian Cook by Sr. Felicity Kalinsek. The Sisters of St, Francis in Ljubljana (nearby town of Repnje) carry on her mastery of the culinary arts at their school. They are especially fond of their young ladies, high school age students, some of whom are completing a full schedule of classes, in various homemaking arts, cooking, sewing, fine embroidery, music, etc. The school has been in operation for many decades and is very renowned and admired... The Sisters take a few students for special classes from time to time, and so they will accept some of our Slovenian Tour passengers for a class there at their beautiful school on Sept. 22nd. We are all anticipating a wonderful lesson and will come home knowing how to make some very special and authentic Slovenian dish. More about the Sisters. It is their mission to give their young lady students a very well-rounded Catholic education. The day’s schedule begins at morning holy mass in their chapel, and after breakfast they begin a serious study of nutrition, learning recipes, how to combine foods, etc. Actual kitchen experience follows, in groups, all afternoon. Free time is used to further learn their various crafts. On the above photo Sr. Nikolina show her students how to make fancy pastries. Will we learn something like that, too? We'll see how patient she will be with us and how obedient we will be!!! Heritage Annuity Traditional IRA Competitive Rates Roth IRA JbPtNRL Long-Term Growth Tax-Deferred Savings Fraternal Benefits Guaranteed Income vfyEkpr low minimum A Financial Family That Feels Like Home Home Office: 2439 Glen wood Avenue ♦ Joliet, IL 60435 ♦ (800) 843-5755 E-Mail: KSKJLife @ AOL.COM SREČANJE MED POETOM IN SVETNIKOM P in s, RESEREN gLOMSEK — Frank Zebot — Pogledi Odnosi Srečanja — Nadaljevanje — Abecedni boj Slomškeva vloga v alrabetskom sporu je mnogo bolj pomembna kot mu literarna zgodovina priznava. S problemi slovenskega črkopisa se je ukvarjal dolgih 23 let, od onega dne v jeseni leta 1824, ko je leto dni pred izidom Metelkove slovnice dobil v roke njen prvi krtačni odtis pa vse do leta 1847, ko je na njegov predlog Študijska komisija na Dunaju priznala gajico. Ob pojavu metelčice je bil Slomšek njen zagovornik. 22. septembra 1862, dva dni pred smrtjo, je v svojem vinogradu ob vznožju hriba Sv. Urbana pri Mariboru pripovedoval družbi bogoslovnih profesorjev, kako se je jim je tudi, da je takrat napisal članek v obrambo metelčice. Soditi moremo, da je aprobacija izvirala ne toliko iz navdušenja za Metelkov črkopis, ampak skoraj gotovo iz načelnega odpora do dajnčice. Kmalu pa so se mu jeli pojavljati pomisleki o vrednosti metelčice. Edini razlog, da se že takrat ni obrnil proti njej, je bilo njegovo, kakor je pozneje doznal od Prešerna, zmotno prepričanje, da je metelčica na Kranjskem splošno sprejeta. O tem je Prešeren iz Celovca pisal Čopu 5. februarja 1832: "Hier ist man fiir das idle Alphabet; allein um kein Schisma zu verursachen, hdtte man sich der Metelčica in der Meinung gefiigt, dass ganz Krain an die Sendung des Lettermessias glaube; nachdem aber der Schriftgelehrte Jakon wider den Herrn und Meister aufgestanden, sind sie von der neuen Lehre abgefallen.” Ko je prišel Prešeren v Celovec, je po prvih razgovorih spoznal, da delita s Slomškom v vprašanju pismenk docela isto mnenje. Obema je bil abecedni boj neljub. Prešeren je to nakazal v sonetu ‘Črkarska pravda’ in v članku v “Ilirskem listu". O Slomšku pa pravi dr. Kovačič: “Slomšeku je bil ta boj zoprn, bil pa je nasproten dajnčici in je zagovarjal bohoričico, dokler ni prišla v veljavo gajica". Po nadaljnjih razgovorih in izmenjavi misli pa sta oba modificirala svoje tedanje stališče. Kakor izpričujejo spodaj navedeni zaključki, sta uvidela, da je v najboljšem interesu slovenske književnosti in jezikovne unifikacije, da se vsaj začasno ohrani bohoričica. Približala sta se torej Zupanovemu stališču. Prešeren je že v omenjem pismu nagovarjal Čopa, ki je od vsega početka skeptično sodil o metelčici: “Lasse einmal deine Ansichten iiber die Lettern drucken, ut infirmi corroborentur”. Slomšek pa je, verjetno na Prešernovo pobudo, napisal pod psedonimom ‘Ljubomir' članek, v katerem je navedel razloge, ki velevajo, da se bohoričica ohrani kot vsem skupni črkopis. Članek, ki je bil objavljen 2. marca 1832 v “Carinthiji", je zaključil z odločnim, jedrnatim naznanilom: “Wir bleiben beim alten Alphabet”. S tem je dejansko zadal smrtni udarec metelčici in dajnčici. Tudi Čop se je odzval Prešernovemu pozivu, v "Ilirskem listu” je napisal celo razpravo proti metelčici. Študijska dvorna komisija je potem 6. novembra 1833 prepovedala tiskati šolske knjige v metelčici. V časopisnem prerekanju dajnčica ni bila niti omenjena, tudi Prešeren se je ni dotaknil v svojem sonetu. Vse do današnjih dni se je ohranilo v literarni zgodovini zmotno menje, da je bila dajnčica le nepomembi poskus ambicioznega avtorja. Zgodovinar dr. Josip Mal jo naziva "manjnevarno posestrimo” metelčice, Slodnjak pa pravi, da je bila dajnčica “malopomemben poskus, da se z nekaterimi Vukovimi črkami izpopolni v fonetskem smislu ortografija vzhodnoštajerskega narečja". Pomembnost dajnčice ni v njenih črkah, njena važnost je v nevarnosti, ki jo je predstavljala v svoji namembi. Ker je bila prirejena za vzhodnoštajersko narečje, bi s svojo vpeljavo v šole in s sprejemom v lokalno versko in posvetno literaturo odtrgala znaten kos od slovenskega jezikovnega telesa. Dajnko je bil čezmerno ambiciozen in je storil vse, da bi njegov črkopis bil uradno priznan. Obiskal je župnike mariborskega okrožja in pobiral podpise na izjavo, da so njegove pismenke za jezik, kakor ga govori ljudstvo, najprimernejše. Našel je pri tem polno zaslombo in podporo pri deželnih in cerkvenih oblasteh v Gradcu. Dajnku so tudi pomagali nekateri vplivni osebni prijatelji, med njimi Vid Rižnar, šentlenartski dekan Franc Lajh in lektor slovenskega jezika na graški univerzi Koloman Kvas. Značilno pa je, da se je proti dajnčici izrekel vzhodnoštajerski poljudni pisatelj Anton Krempelj. Glavni nasprotnik dajnčice pa je bil Slomšek. Zavedal se je njene nevarnosti za integriteto slovenstva. Stopil je celo v pismeni stik z Dajnkom. Hotel ga je pregovoriti, da bi se za skupni blagor odpovedal svoji osebni samoljubnosti. Septembra 1837 ga je prav s tem namenom tudi osebno obiskal pri Veliki Nedelji, a Dajnku je bilo očividno neljubo o tem govoriti s Slomškom, zato o stvari nista razpravljala. Na Kranjskem se nevarnosti dajnčice niso zavedali, tudi Prešeren ne. Odkril mu jo je šele Slomšek. Prešeren je doumel Slomškovo bojazen in je o zadevi poročal Čopu: "Nun einen Kniff von Dainko. Die ser hat alle Pfarer des Marburger Kreises besucht und sich von jedem die Bescheinigung geben lassen, dass man die Einfuhrung seiner Lettern allgemein sehnlichst wiinsche. Mit diesen Unterschriften hat er seine Reforming Bill beim Gratzer Gub. iiberreicht und es eurchgesetzt, dass die Schulbiicher Papež moli na Slomškovem grobu v mariboru foto: A. M. mit seinen Krevlje gredruckt wurden. Nichtsdestoweniger strduben sich die Pfarer ge gen Einfuhrung derselben." Šele po večletnih protestih šolnikov, katerim sta se pridružila tudi lavantinski in ljubljanski ordinariat, te Študijska komisija julija 1838 dajnčico dokončno odpravila iz šol. Če bi dajnčica bila res tako "malopomembna", kot jo prikazujejo nekateri literarni zgodovinarji, bi pač ne bilo potrebno boriti se proti njej še celih pet let po prepovedi metelčice. Z odpravo metelčice in dajnčice iz šol je bil abecedni boj zaključen, vprašanje črkopisa pa s tem še ni bilo dokončno rešeno. Čehi so že ob abecednem boju predlagali, da Slovenci prevzamejo njihovo abecedo, s katero se po sodbi slavista Pavla Šafarika radi svoje enovitosti in pravilnosti ne more kosati nobena druga pisava v vsej Evropi. Ko se je obnesla pri Hrvatih, za katere jo je priredil Ljudevit Gaj, je pod imenom gajica našla pot tudi na Slovensko. Uveljavila se je brez vsakega boja. “Novice” so jo začele postopoma vpeljevati leta 1845. Prešernova prva pesnitev v gajici, hudomušni ljubezenski dvospev “Od železne ceste", je bila priobčena v “Novicah” aprila 1845. Leta 1847 je tudi Slomšek sprejel gajico v drugem letniku “Drobtinic”. Kot cenzor šolskih knjig je istega leta pregledoval Močnikovo računico, ki je bila prirejena v gajici. Ob tej priliki je predlagal, da se gajica uvede tudi v šole. Centralne šolske oblasti so njegov predlog sprejele. Tako je gajica dobila splošno veljavo na vsem Slovenskem. NADALJEVANJE A LONELY PLANET TRAVEL BOOK BY STEVE FALLON SLOVENIA Cost is $16.00 ($13.95 plus $2.05 postage and handling) Slovenian Women’s Union is proud to bring our members and friends the availability of SLOVENIA at nominal cost and convenience. Please send your orders to Slovenian Women’s Union 431 No. Chicago Street . Joliet, IL 60432 MW £1 KOLLANDER v'?a'! Since 1923 Proud to be the official agency for the 75th anniversary tour! Featuring the World’s Best! Abercrombie & Kent, Crystal, Cruises, Holland America, Seaborne Cruises, Special Expeditions, Taitck Tours, and many others! Book Airline Tickets at Kollander World Travel 78 Years Since 1923 (800) 800-5981 (216) 692-1000 člootL 5 inch high color lithographed papers Wears a cranberry red cloak, with green/gold trim FDA-approved inks and paper used Cookie Kit (36 papers, “A” tinplate cutter, recipes/instructions .................$10.50 PPE* 36 papers only ......................... 6.50 PPE 96 papers only......................... 11.50 PPE Ohio residents add 7% sales tax. Shipping fees already included. Other holiday designs also available. VISA, MC, AmEx, Check or M.O. accepted Santa Papers by Hunter, Inc. P.O. Box 26016, Fairview Park, OH 44126 Tel.: 1-800-793-0788 * Fax: 1-440-895-9517 Wholesale prices available for stores, schools, churches, and nonprofit organizations. Sveti Miklavž - St. Nicholas Day is December 5th Slovenian children observe St. Nicholas’ special benevolence by leaving their shoes, plates, bowls or what have you, outside but near their home for St. Nick to see and fill with goodies after they have gone to sleep... That’s provided the children have been good all year! Some of the favorite goodies for St. Nicholas or Sveti Miklavž to give are cookies shaped to look like him. The advertisement above offers to help you made these cookies according to traditional ways. THE YEAR 2001 - OUR 75TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR! At Your Service During Life’s Most Difficult Moments Louis “Ron" Zefran Connie Rodriguez Frank J. Zefran Lois M. Zefran Debbie Zefran Jerry 1—800—249—9150 (773) 847-6688 2t^f~7.CUl \3zin£TClf C^/o/?2£, Jltd. 1941 WestCermak Road, Chioago, IL 60608 Marie T. Stelow, MS, LCPC Individual, Couple, Family Therapy 370 Houbolt Road nCČ Suite 201 Phone: (815) 773-2303 Joliet, IL 60431 Fax: (815) 744-1623 American Need A Slovenian Final Expense Catholic Plan? Union Call For A Quote A Financial Family That Feels Like Home HOME OFFICE: 2439 Glenwood Avenue ♦ JOLIET, IL 60435 ♦ (800) 843-5755 E-Mail: KSKJ@Kskjlife.COM CD Release Announcement The Ceferin Brothers, members of Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 2, in Chicago, have just released their first album. They come from a family filled with Slovenian heritage and musicians. Their uncle is Roman Possedi, and they are related to the late Eddie Korosa. The album is packed with button box and accordian polkas and waltzes. There are some Frankie Yankovic songs as well as some original ethnic material. Please show these young and talented musicians some support in keeping the musical tradition alive! To order a CD, please send a check or money order for $15 (this includes shipping) to the following address: The Ceferin Brothers C/o El Wacko Records 6314 S. Oak Park Ave. Chicago, IL 60638 IT’S I INI EVERY s(love)\iiai\i Hi everyone! It’s Julie! Writing to you from a vacation spot at Bass Lake, Indiana. I write my articles in advance, so its still summer when I write this!.' I apologize for not being in last month’s issue. September 20th is my first day of college. 1 have a total of 18 hours of classes a week. It’s a change for me having to sit in one particular class for almost three hours. We get so accustomed to a 40-50 minute high school class, that when college comes it spooks us out! As a piece of information, they recommend no more than 20 hours of classtime a week, and usually they suggest 15 hours as an ideal amount. Things to consider when choosing classes and how many hours to choose are the following: 1. I am staying at home, going to the local community college. 1 thought that 18 hours would be okay because I will be dealing with fewer distractions, leaving me with a little more silence for study time. 2. Also keep in mind - education is first! If you have a job, cut back on hours or if need be, quit working altogether or find a job with fewer hours. 3. If you know what you’re majoring in - try to get in all your basic required classes and take as many classes as possible that are related to your major. 4. If you’re going to a community college and plan on transferring to a university or accredited college make sure that the classes you take are “ transfer ruble." 5. The final tip is DON’T WAIT TIL THE LAST MINUTE. When registering, sign up for anything, scholarships, or even getting admitted to the college. Don’t wait til the last minute! I have plenty other tips, or even answers to any questions you have. Feel free to write me and I’ll be happy to answer your questions, comments, or concerns. Time is about up for me -1 have to get going. Again, I apologize for not being in the last issue. Talk to you all next time! Julie - 2001 Want to write to Julie? Use the ZARJA address, 4851 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615. Send it to the Editor by fax: (773) 268^899; or thru the editor’s e-mail: CORLESKOVAR-@AOL.COM and it will be forwarded to Julie. Comments are welcome! SHEUGA DRUG INC. 7hutl/a2uz. 6025 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-1035 Serving our neighborhoods' daily needs TEZAK FUNERAL HOME “First in Service Since 1908" Licensed Producer's; Richard K. Tezak (815) 722-0524 (Forethought Trust) American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) 459 No. Ottawa, Joliet, IL 60432 * Opening Westside Location, • Plainfield Road, Joliet in 2000 SLOVENIJA MAGAZINE Quarterly issue/$30 USD per year. Personal checks accepted. Send your subscription to: Slovenia Magazine, Cankarjeva 1, P.O. Box 169,1001 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA, Europe It’s truly beautiful magazine! ft?« First Midwest Bank Joliet • (815) 727-5222 ’ * - ... . ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. 452 East 152nd St., Cleveland, Ohio (216) 481-3118 Haberman — Zimmer Funeral Homes TrmUbonal to Contemporary Futmal Sanmm - Cramabon Sarvtcms om- u Pn-Arranqad Formats - T#a 19 Furmal Trusts J55 N 6th EAjcabonai Programs - Sarvng At Faiths 117 N. Wisconsin Dr. Sheboygan dm, Howards Grove 457-7012 Mark S. Zimmer c*e 1111 “Swing Sheboygan A Sheboygan County Sint* lan'OVD—4001 Slovenian Women’s Union of America Slovenska Ženska Zveza v Ameriki Membership Application Yes! I want to join the S.W.U. I want to preserve and promote the legacy of our Slovenian-American heritage. As a member I will receive the publication, ZARJA-The Dawn; I can affiliate with branches and events across the country and best of all, I will come in contact with fellow Slovenes. Please type or print legibly. Choose type of membership: □ Junior (Birth to 18), Annual Dues $5.00 □ Adult, Annual Dues $15.00 Name ________________________________________________________ Street Address ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone/Fax ___________________________________________________ E-Mail ____________________________________________________ Date of Birth _____________________________________________________ Do you speak Slovenian? Please describe your Slovenian ancestry________________________________________________________ How did hear about us? S.W.U. member _________ newspaper website other Applicant’s signature: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: Branch Affiliation No. (if known) _______________________________________________ Location: ________________________________________ Please make checks payable to the Slovenian Women's Union of America and mail to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA, 431 North Chicago Street, Joliet, IL 60432 - (815) 727-1926 e-mail: — Internet webpage: In addition to my dues, I wish to contribute: $ ____________________ For Office Use: Heritage Fund _____________ Scholarship Fund _______ Zarja Fund Date Received: ____________________________ In honor of ____________________________________________________________ Membership No.: In memory of ___________________________________________________________ Branch Affiliate: _ Send acknowledgement to ________________________________________________ □ I would like to volunteer for the S.W.U. My area of interest or expertise is: _________ Tell a Friend! If you wish us to send information to a friend or relative just fill in name and address here: My friend's name Address City State Zip ENTER INTO THE CELEBRATION OF OUR ANCESTRY Prize Opportunities for Every Age Group! Children’s/Teen Categories: A PICTURE DRAWING AND 25 WORDS OR LESS • 5-8 years of age • 9-12 years of age • 13-18 years of age Topics: V Family Traditions V Slovenian Holiday Traditions V Trip to the Homeland Adult Categories: A PHOTOGRAPH AND 50 WORDS OR LESS • 19-40 years of age, BRONZE • 41-60 years of age, SILVER • 61-80 years of age, GOLD •80 + , PLATINUM V Old Time Slovenian Neighborhood V Most Admired Slovenian Relative V Your Choice (but Slovenian-related!) The 75th Anniversary of the S.W.U. presents an opportunity to spend some time talking about family, customs and traditions. Allow your child, grandchild or great grandchild to be the spokesperson for the family, allow them to declare who they are! What a proud moment for them! What a wonderful opportunity to author your family’s special activities and Slovenian moments! Let’s put together a book with countless chapters on the Slovenian-American family for the future members of the S.W.U. Record and submit your joyous and cherished times! All photos and drawings will become the property of the S.W.U. All entries will be stored at the S.W.U. Heritage Museum and will be filed, numbered and logged onto the computer. We hope to scan these entries onto a special 75th Anniversary CD which could be accessed on the S.W.U. website. 75 years is an incredible amount of time! A Few Specifics: • Paper should be no larger than 8-1/2” by 11”. • Limit of three entries per person. • Entries must be postmarked no later than November 16, 2001. • Entrants must be members in good standing of the S.W.U. Entries will be randomly selected for publication in ZARJA and the website throughout the 2001-2002 year. Keep your eye on this new feature! Participants: Fill out the information below and send with your entry to the S.W.U. home office. Entries must be received no later than November 16, 2001. Please print clearly: Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________________________ Topic: __________________________________________________________ Age: Branch #:___________________ Mail to: S.W.U. 75th Celebration 431 North Chicago Avenue Joliet, IL 60432 *(815) 727-1926 - -* PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID JOLIET ILLINOIS MEMBERS, When you move, please let us know! In order to improve our mailing system for ZARJA, any changes in your postal address must be made in advance to our National Secretary, Bonnie Prokup, 3119 Carrie St., Peru, IL 61354. Your ZARJA delivery will be delayed if you send your address change in any other way. Change of address form may be obtained from the Secretary of your Branch. Or just mail in letter form to Bonnie. We are anxious to eliminate heavy postal costs for changes channeled through the U.S. Postal Service, plus, the delays that are caused. Thank you very much! MAIL ORDER TODAY Slovenian Heritage Gifts Merchandise___________ Qty Size(s) Price (ea) Total Cookbook: "More Pots & Pans" $ 18.00 "Slovenians Love to Cook" red, white & blue unisex apron $ 20.00 Ladies' White Lace Apron $ 25.00 'Princess of Potica child’s apron $ 12.00 "From Slovenia to America" Tee-Shirts (S, M, L, XL) $ 15.00 Carnation Embroidered Hankies $ 7.00 Shipping: Under $10-add $2.50 $10 to $25 -add $4.50 $25 to $50 - add $6.50 $50to$100-add $8 50 Mdse. Total: Shipping: Discount: Total: This is only a few of the items for sale in the Heritage Museum. We have a variety of books, tapes, and CD’s; shirts, totes and aprons as well as greeting cards and artwork. Contact the Heritage Museum for a catalog. You can also see the items on our website at For a limited time only, all members receive a 10% discount on all merchandise orders. All items are high quality with satisfaction guaranteed. We accept check or money order. Please allow two weeks for delivery. Slovenian Women,’*? Union 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432