UDK 621.793:542.943:620.18 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni članek MTAEC9, 46(5)439(2012) STUDY OF THE MICROSTRUCTURE AND OXIDATION BEHAVIOR OF YSZ AND YSZ/AI2O3 TBCs WITH HVOF BOND COATINGS ŠTUDIJ MIKROSTRUKTURE IN VEDENJA PRI OKSIDACIJI YSZ IN YSZ/AI2O3 TBC Z HVOF NANESENO ZAŠČITNO PREVLEKO Abdullah Cahit Karaoglanli1, Garip Erdogan2^ Ya°ar Kahraman3, Ahmet Türk2, Fatih Üstel2, Ismail Özdemir1 1Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Bartin University, 74100 Bartin, Turkey 2Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Sakarya University, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sakarya University, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey cahitkaraoglanli@gmail.com, karaoglanli@bartin.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa - received: 2011-11-11; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2012-03-27 A significant improvement in efficiency has been achieved by using thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) in gas turbines and diesel engines. A typical TBC is a multilayered coating system that comprises an oxidation-resistant metallic bond coating (BC) and a thermally insulating ceramic top coating (TC). Under service conditions an Al2O3 inter-layer, the thermally grown oxide (TGO), forms in the interface between the bond and the top coating, by a chemical reaction between the metallic aluminum from the BC material and the oxygen that comes from the environment through the pore channels of the TC. The aim of the present study is to describe the TGO formation on metallic bond coats deposited using the high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spraying technique. Therefore, TBCs that consist of a YSZ top (ZrO2 + 8 % Y2O3) and YSZ-Al2O3 double-layer systems with CoNiCrAlY bond coats were deposited on Inconel 718 super-alloy substrates. The bond coats were applied via HVOF, with the ceramic top coats being applied by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) as well. The oxidation behaviors of the TBC systems were investigated. The oxidation tests were performed at 1000 °C in an air atmosphere for (8, 24, 50) h. The formation and growth of the TGO layers and the microstructural changes during the oxidation tests were scrutinized systematically. The results indicate that the TBC coating with the YSZ-Al2O3 double layer had a higher oxidation resistance and a lower TGO layer growth than that of the traditional TBC system. Likewise, the initial state of the porosity plays a critical role in enhancing or limiting the growth of the TGO scale in the TBC. Keywords: thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), oxidation behavior, thermally grown oxide (TGO), high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF), atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) Doseženo je bilo občutno izboljšanje učinkovitosti plinskih turbin in dieselskih motorjev z uporabo toplotnih zaščitnih prevlek (TBC). Značilni TBC je večslojni varovalni sistem, ki vključuje prevleko, odporno proti oksidaciji, s kovinsko vezjo (BC) in toplotno izolativno keramično vrhnjo plastjo (TC). Pri obratovalnih razmerah vmesni sloj Al2O3 omogoča nastanek oksidov (TGO) na stiku med vezivnim in vrhnjim slojem, s kemijsko reakcijo kovinskega aluminija iz BC-materiala in kisika, ki iz okolice prodira skozi pore TC. Namen te študije je opisati nastanek TGO na kovinskem vezivu, nanesenem z nabrizgavanjem s kisikovim plamenom z veliko hitrostjo (HVOF). TBC, ki sestoji na vrhu iz YSZ (ZrO2 + 8 % Y2O3) ter z dvoslojnim sistemom YSZ-Al2O3 z vezivno plastjo CoNiCrAlY so bili naneseni na podlago iz superzlitine Inconel 718. Vezivna plast je bila nanesena z HVOF, keramični vrhnji sloj pa z atmosfersko plazmo (APS). Preiskovane so bile značilnosti oksidacije TBS-sistema. Preizkusi oksidacije so bili izvršeni na zraku pri 1000 °C, za (8, 24 in 50) h. Med preizkusi oksidacije so bili sistematično preiskovani nastanek in rast TGO-plasti ter spremembe v mikrostrukturi. Rezultati kažejo, da ima TBC-prevleka YSZ-Al2O3 z dvojnim slojem boljšo odpornost proti oksidaciji in manjšo rast TGO-plasti v primerjavi z navadnim TBC-sistemom. Videti je, da ima začetna poroznost ključno vlogo pri pospeševanju ali zaviranju rasti TGO-plasti na TBC. Ključne besede: termični varovalni sloj (TBC), vedenje pri oksidaciji, termična rast oksida (TGO), kisikov plamen z veliko hitrostjo (HVOF), atmosfersko plazemsko nabrizgavanje (APS) bond coat is deposited conventionally by LPPS, HVOF, 1 INTRODUCTION plasma and also cold gas dynamic spray: a method re- , , , ... cently preferred to avoid complex oxide formation as Many attempts have been made to understand the wgll5-8 role of TGO, formed at the interface between the bond coat and the top coat during elevated-temperature service Generally, the forming of a dense, homogeneous, conditions, which strictly governs the lifetime of the «-Al2O3 oxide scale is preferred as it is relatively stable, TBC. The thickness, the roughness of the TGO, the chemically and thermally, which means the degradation adherence quality of the bond coat to the substrate, the of the a-Al2O3 is negligible and also has a low ion type and shape of the oxides present in the vicinity of the diffusivity, which causes a slow growth rate and prevents TGO during oxidation are the main issues in controlling further oxidation911. Oxidation-based damage, which is the degradation of the TBC1-4. Likewise, the oxidation the result of stresses developed at the interface of the top behavior of the TBC is strongly linked to the bond coat coat and the bond coat during TGO growth, is a common properties, which affect the durability of the TBC. The failure of TBC since these stresses result in the spallation-induced failure of the topcoat. In order to retard or avoid such a failure in the TBC, i.e., better oxidation resistance, any methods employed should facilitate the slow growth of the TGO scale, which favors good adherence of the TGO12-14. To achieve this, apart from employing several kinds of methods to deposit the bond coat, a thermal barrier thin film deposited by EB-PVD, CVD, etc. was employed over the bond coat in order to inhibit the formation of undesirable mixed oxides as they have a fast growth rate leading to accelerated TBC failure15-17. In addition, the introduction of alumina powders to the YSZ might possibly reduce the inward diffusion of oxygen from the topcoat and thus make it difficult to have rapid growth of the TGO. It was claimed in studies that AlaOs present in the topcoat exhibited better oxidation resistance compared to the YSZ without AlaOs powders1819. In this work, the YSZ topcoat with a conventional composition and with YSZ/AlaOs double-layer systems were applied on Inconel 718 super-alloy substrates to investigate and compare their oxidation behaviors. The oxidation results for the traditional TBC that has the YSZ system was compared with the YSZ/AlaOs double-layer TBC system. The microstruc-tural differences and the formation and growth of the TGO layers in the isothermal oxidation resistance of these TBC systems are discussed. 2 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 2.1 Materials and coating-deposition methods The Inconel 718 Ni-based super-alloy, in disc-shaped coupons, was used as the substrate. Co38Ni32.5Cr21Al8Yo,5, ZrO2-8 % Y2O3 and AlaOs powder were used as the starting materials. A Microtrack S3500 laser particle-size analyzer was used to determine the powder size distribution. The mean diameters were determined to be Table 1: Spraying parameters for deposition of the coatings Tabela 1: Parametri nabrizgavanja pri nanašanju prevlek HVOF CoNiCrAlY Bond Coatings APS YSZ Top Coatings APS Al2O3 Over Top Coatings Combustion medium Voltage (Plasma) Voltage (Plasma) O2 (880 L/min) and kerosene (25 L/h) 70 V 70 V Powder Carrier Gas Current (Plasma) Current (Plasma) Argon (15 L/min) 650 A 600 A Powder Feed Rate Carrier Gas Carrier Gas 50 g/min 3 nlpm 2.5 nlpm Powder feed gas flow H2 (Plasma) H2 (Plasma) 12 L/min 13 L/min 13 L/min Stand-off distance Argon (Plasma) Argon (Plasma) 330 mm 45 L/min 45 L/min Spraying Distance Spraying Distance 100 mm 120 mm Traverse Speed Traverse Speed 300 mm/s 300 mm/s d50 = 33 pm, 38.52 pm, 33.36 pm for the CoNiCrAlY, ZrO2-8 % Y2O3, and Al2O3 powders, respectively. Half of the TBC samples consisted of a CoNiCrAlY BC and a ZrO2-8 % Y2O3 TC and the other half of the TBC samples were composed of a CoNiCrAlY BC, a ZrO2-8 % Y2O3 TC and an Al2O3 top coat over the YSZ. The HVOF technique was used to produce bond coats and the ceramic top coatings were produced by the APS method using a fully automated MultiCoat System from Sulzer Metco. All the spraying parameters are shown in Table 1. 2.2 Microstructural Characterization The microstructures of the TBC systems were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Tescan VEGA II, SBU Bruker EDX, Czech Republic). The porosity of the bond coatings was measured using optical image-analysis software (Olympus a4i). The coating microhardness (HV0.3) was determined using a microhardness tester (Shimadzu, Japan) with a load of 300 g for 15 s from the bond coats and the top coats. The oxidation tests of the TBC system produced were conducted by means of a high-temperature furnace (Nabertherm, Germany) with an air atmosphere. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microstructure of the powders and the coatings Two types of TBC were prepared using the HVOF method to produce bond coats that included CoNiCrAlY. The APS method was used to produce ceramic top coats, which included traditional YSZ and a double layer of YSZ and Al2O3 in which the Al2O3 was a top coat over the YSZ in a second system. The thickness of the bond and the top coats of both systems were about 100 pm and 300 pm, respectively. The YSZ top coat used in the first system was 300 pm. The YSZ and Al2O3 ceramic top coatings used in the second system were both 150 pm. The type, components, thicknesses and spray systems of the coating layers are shown in Table 2. Table 2: Type, components, thicknesses and spray systems of the coating layers Tabela 2: Vrsta, komponente, debelina in sistem za nanašanje prevlek Type of TBC system Component Thickness of layers, pm Spray system 1 CoNiCrAlY 100 HVOF YSZ 300 APS CoNiCrAlY 100 HVOF 2 YSZ 150 APS Al2O3 150 APS Figure 1 shows the morphology of the as-received ZrO2+Y2O3, Al2O3 and CoNiCrAlY powders. As can be seen from this figure, the CoNiCrAlY powder has a spherical morphology, while the Al2O3 is angular. Figures 2a and b show the cross-sectional microstructure of traditional TBC and Al2O3-YSZ gradient double layer TBC system. The HVOF-CoNiCrAlY bond coats have relatively less porosity and cracks in the TBCs. The ceramic top coats contain porosity and some crack-like discontinuities during the spraying process. A smaller amount of porosity for the BC of both TBC systems was measured to be approximately 1.0 %. On the other hand, like for the top coat the porosity values were not significantly different from each other. The porosity level of the top coat was found to be approximately 5.0 % in both TBC systems. But as is clear from Figure 2, the size and distribution of the porosity in the TC of the two-layer YSZ/Al2O3 TBC are quite different from the traditional values. 3.2 Oxidation tests The TBC specimens were subjected to oxidation tests. These oxidation tests were carried out in an air atmosphere at 1000 °C for (8, 24 and 50) h. Typical SEM microstructures of the whole TBC-systems are shown in Figures 3 and 4. As shown in these figures, the TGO was formed at the ceramic/bond-coat interface due to oxygen penetration through the ceramic layer. Various formations of Figure 1: SEM micrographs of the morphology of: a) ZrO2-8 % Y2O3, b) Al2O3 and c) CoNiCrAlY powders Slika 1: SEM-posnetek morfologije: a) ZrO2-8 % Y2O3, b) Al2O3 in c) CoNiCrAlY-prahov Figure 2: SEM micrographs of as-sprayed thermal barrier coatings: a) APS YSZ with HVOF bond coat and b) YSZ/Al2O3 with HVOF bond coat system Slika 2: SEM-posnetek nabrizganega sloja toplotne prevleke: a) APS YSZ z HVOF vezivno plastjo in b) YSZ/Al2O3 z HVOF vezivno plastjo Figure 3: Cross-sectional microstructures at the bond coat/ceramic layer interface for YSZ top coats with CoNiCrAlY coatings after oxidation at 1000 °C for (8, 24, 50) h Slika 3: Mikrostruktura prereza vezivne plasti/keramične plasti z vrhnjo plastjo YSZ za CoNiCrAlY-prevleko po oksidaciji (8, 24 in 50) h na 1000 °C Figure 4: Cross-sectional microstructures at the bond coat/ceramic layer interface for YSZ/Al2O3 top coats with CoNiCrAlY coatings after oxidation at 1000 °C for (8, 24, 50) h Slika 4: Mikrostruktura prereza vezivne plasti/kerami~ne plasti z vrhnjo plastjo YSZ/Al2O3 za CoNiCrAlY-prevleko po oksidaciji (8, 24 in 50) h na 1000 °C discontinuities between the bond layer and the ceramic top layer can be clearly seen in Figures 3 and 4. When the oxidation properties of the two different TBC systems are compared, it was clear that the oxidation in the conventional TBC system (CoNiCrAlY bond layer with YSZ top coat) developed faster than that of the YSZ/Al2O3 double-layer TBC system, and the TGO growth rate in the former system was found to be higher. As seen from the interface microstructures given in Figure 5, the TGO structure in the YSZ/Al2O3 double-layer TBC system is more uniform and is mainly composed of Al2O3, which was confirmed by an EDX analysis. In the conventional YSZ system, due to the increasing oxidation process, complex oxides developed in the TGO layer and affected the growth behaviors of the TGO. This was caused by the prevention of the oxygen penetration to the bond coat from the surface due to the Al2O3 layer and hence a slowing down of the oxygen attack in YSZ/ Al2O3 coating systems. As a result, the decrease of the Al2O3 content in the TGO layer caused by bond-coat oxidation is delayed, the degradation of the uniform structure is retarded and in this way an increase in the volume of the TGO occurs at Figure 5: Microstructures at the bond coat/ceramic-layer interface after oxidation at 1000 °C for 50 h; a) TGO in traditional YSZ coating; b) TGO in YSZ/Al2O3 coating Slika 5: Mikrostruktura stika vezivne plasti/kerami~ne plasti po oksidaciji 50 h na 1000 °C; a) TGO in navadna YSZ-plast; b) TGO in YSZ/Al2O3-plast a lower rate. Similar results showing an increase in the oxidation resistance of the coatings due to the Al2O3 layer depending on the temperature and the time exist in the literature18 20-25. Figure 6 indicates that the thickness of the TGO layer increased with increasing exposure time for both Figure 6: TGO thickness measurements as a function of oxidation time at 1000 °C, respectively (• YSZ top coatings with CoNiCrAlY bond coatings, ■ YSZ/Al2O3 top coatings with CoNiCrAlY bond coatings) Slika 6: Debelina TGO v odvisnosti od ~asa oksidacije pri 1000 °C (• vrhnja plast YSZ z vezivno plastjo CoNiCrAlY, ■ vrhnja plast YSZ/Al2O3 z vezivno plastjo CoNiCrAlY) kinds of TBC specimens. The specimens with the YSZ top coatings with CoNiCrAlY bond coatings show a higher rate of TGO thickness growth than the samples with YSZ/Al2O3 top coatings with CoNiCrAlY bond coatings. This difference could be attributed to the initial porosity state of the as-sprayed TBC samples and/or the Al2O3 layer acting as a diffusion barrier due to its low diffusion coeficient for oxygen ions. This effect has been observed in many other studies20-25. Therefore, the greater the increase of the TGO thickness of the specimen with traditional YSZ top coatings with CoNiCrAlY bond coatings at the same exposure time compared to the specimen YSZ/Al2O3 top coatings with HVOF-BC could be attributed to this mechanism. After increasing the exposure time the TGO layer thickness increased to higher values. 3.3 Mechanical properties The microhardness value for the bond and top coats were taken from the average value of all the measurement points. Figures 7 and 8 present the Vickers micro-hardness measurements before and after the oxidation tests for the bond and the top layers. The bottom and top limit lines in the graph show the maximum and minimum hardness values. The microhardness of the substrate Inconel 718 super-alloy was in the range 310-340 HV. The mean values of the bond and top-coat micro-hardness changed before and after the oxidation tests with increasing time. The microhardness of the bond coats decreased with increasing time at 1000 °C for traditional and two-layered coatings. The decline in microhardness of the bond coatings was possibly linked to the decrease in the density of the bond coats. The Figure 7: Microhardness values of bond coats for two kinds of TBCs, respectively (0 CoNiCrAlY bond coats with YSZ top layer, • CoNiCrAlY bond coats with YSZ/Al2O3 top layer) Slika 7: Vrednosti mikrotrdote vezivnih plasti za dve vrsti TBC, (0 vezivna plast CoNiCrAlY z vrhnjo plastjo YSZ, • vezivna plast CoNiCrAlY z vrhnjo plastjo YSZ/Al2O3) Figure 8: Microhardness values of top coats for two kinds of TBCs, respectively (□ YSZ top coats with CoNiCrAlY bond layer, • YSZ top coats with YSZ/Al2O3 top layer and CoNiCrAlY bond layer, 0 Al2O3 top coats with YSZ/Al2O3 top layer and CoNiCrAlY bond layer) Slika 8: Vrednosti mikrotrdote za dve vrsti TBC, (□ vrhnja plast YSZ z vezivno plastjo CoNiCrAlY, • vrhnja plast YSZ z vrhnjo plastjo YSZ/Al2O3 in vezivno plastjo CoNiCrAlY, 0 vrhnja plast Al2O3 z vrhnjo plastjo YSZ/Al2O3 in vezivno plastjo CoNiCrAlY) decrease of the microhardness in the HVOF bond coats is related to the thermal relaxation of the residual stress present in the as-sprayed coating due to the high temperature. The fact that the decrease in microhardness after 8 h is higher while the decrease after 24 h is lower and no change is observed after 50 h should support this theory, i.e., thermal relaxation occurs very quickly, and since almost no change in microhardness is observed after 8 h it can be concluded that this initial change is due to thermal relaxation. The microhardness of the top coats increased with increasing time at 1000 °C for the traditional and two-layered ceramic coatings. According to the literature, the situation mentioned above is caused by the decreasing density of the porosity and the increasing density of the ceramic top coating depending on increasing time26. 4 CONCLUSIONS Traditional YSZ and YSZ/ Al2O3 double-layer TBCs were produced using the APS technique and bond coats were deposited using the HVOF spraying technique. The following results were obtained: During oxidation of the TBCs, the TGO layer was formed along the interface of the BC/TC layer. The thickness of the TGO in the traditional YSZ coating is higher in comparison with the YSZ/Al2O3 coating after oxidation at 1000 °C for different oxidation times. According to the TGO growth in both TBC systems, the TGO thickening became steady state in the YSZ/Al2O3 two-layer system and, on the other hand, the TGO thickness in the traditional TBC system was still increasing. The different formations of the discontinuities between the bond and the ceramic top layers were observed. The ceramic top coats contained porosity and some crack-like discontinuities for both kinds of TBC. After a prolonged oxidation time the number of cracks was much larger in the traditional YSZ ceramic top coat with the CoNiCrAlY bond coating system. 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