361 Arheološki vestnik 71, 2020, 361–394; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3986/AV.71.12 Dolenjska halštatska skupina. Uvodnik in kratek oris The Dolenjska Hallstatt Group. An introduction and brief outline Biba TERŽAN Izvleček Dolenjska kulturna skupina je ena izmed bolje raziskanih predelov jugovzhodnoalpske halštatske kulture, ki obsega poleg Dolenjske tudi Belo krajino in Gorjance/Žumberak ter Posavje in Zasavje. Solidno osnovo zanjo predstavlja krono- loška shema, ki jo je predložil S. Gabrovec in ki je bila dopolnjena predvsem s strani njegovih učencev. Bistveno nova so spoznanja, ki so jih prinesle raziskave o poselitvi teritorija dolenjske skupine, o njenih naselbinah ter utrdbah ter njeni organiziranosti. Nove vidike so odprla tudi novejša arheološka izkopavanja, zlasti gomilnih nekropol v Novem mestu in Budinjaku. Pogrebni običaji, kot se odražajo v različnih načinih pokopavanja (žgani, skeletni) in v različnih velikostih in strukturiranosti gomil (gomile z majhnim ali večjim številom grobov, gomile s centralnim grobom ali brez, gomile z grobovi v koncentrično razporejenih krogih, gomile z različno usmerjenostjo grobov ipd.) kažejo na kompleksnost hal- štatske družbe, na njeno socialno razslojenost in verovanjske predstave. Hkrati pa se dolenjska halštatska skupina skozi grobne pridatke kaže kot izrazito vojaško organizirana družba v primerjavi z drugimi skupinami jugovzhodnoalpskega halštatskega kroga. Ključne besede: Dolenjska; Bela krajina; Gorjanci/Žumberak; starejša železna doba; kronologija; poselitev; pogrebni običaji; družbena struktura Abstract The Dolenjska cultural group ranks among the better investigated parts of the south-eastern Alpine Hallstatt cul- ture. It incorporates the region of Dolenjska, as well as Bela krajina, the Gorjanci/Žumberak Hills and the Posavje and Zasavje regions. The knowledge of the group has solid foundations in the chronological system that Stane Gabrovec set up and he and his students later enhanced. Substantial new findings came as a result of the study on the settle- ment of the territory of the Dolenjska group, its settlements and fortifications, as well as its organisation. Recent archaeological excavations, particularly of the tumulus cemeteries in Novo mesto and Budinjak, also illuminated new aspects. The burial rituals as mirrored in the different rites (cremation, inhumation) and different sizes and structures of tumuli (containing many or few burials, with or without a central grave, with graves in concentric circles, with graves of differing orientations and so forth) indicate a complex Hallstatt society and tell of its social stratification and religious beliefs, while the grave goods reveal a society with a distinctly military organisation as opposed to some other groups of the south-eastern Alpine circle. Keywords: Dolenjska; Bela krajina; Žumberak; Early Iron Age; chronology; settlement; burial rites; society 362 Biba TERŽAN Kot je bilo napovedano v pretekli številki Ar- heološkega vestnika (70, 2019), kjer so objavljeni prispevki s prvega znanstvenega simpozija, poi- menovanega “Gabrovčev dan”, ki je bil posvečen novim spoznanjem o štajersko-panonski halštatski skupini, želimo v letošnji številki predstaviti sklop prispevkov z drugega takšnega srečanja, v okviru katerega je bil govor o novejših raziskavah na območju dolenjske kulturne skupine. Čeprav se žal vsi predavatelji, ki so z referati sodelovali na znanstvenem simpoziju 19. januarja 2018, niso odzvali našim pozivom, da bi v pisni obliki oddali svoj članek za objavo v tem zvezku, 1 bomo v našem uvodniku vendarle poskušali na kratko povzeti tudi srž njihovih prispevkov. T ako kot je dolenjsko halštatsko skupino geograf- sko orisal Stane Gabrovec, je poleg same Dolenjske zajemala še Zasavje in Posavje vse do Brežiških vrat, proti jugovzhodu so jo zamejevali Gorjanci oz. Žumberak, 2 onstran njih pa je segala tudi v Belo krajino. Gre za razmeroma gosto poseljen, pretežno gričevnat svet s številnimi višinskimi, praviloma dobro utrjenimi naselbinami, ki so obvladovale svojo bližnjo okolico in kontrolirale komunikacije, predvsem vzdolž glavnih rečnih poti, kot so Sava, 3 Krka in Kolpa ter njihovi pritoki 4 (sl. 1). Osrednja študija letošnjega celotnega sklopa je odličen prispevek o poselitvi Dolenjske v starejši železni dobi (Dular), sledijo mu strokovna poročila o novejših arheoloških izkopavanjih v Beli krajini (Mason, Mlekuž Vrhovnik, Udovč; Grahek, Kovač) in Zasavju (Murko, Draksler; Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer) ter o interdisciplinarnih raziskavah železarstva na Cvingerju pri Dolenjskih Toplicah (Črešnar et al.). Posebne omembe so vredne tudi spektroskopske analize sicer maloštevilnih pol- noročajnih mečev, ki odpirajo zanimiv vpogled v tehnologijo in hkrati odstirajo kompleksnost procesov ob nastajanju zgodnje halštatske kul- 1 Z referati so nastopili tudi Lazo Ćučković in Zoran Ćučković (Turska kosa in karlovačka regija v starejši železni dobi), Borut Križ in Petra Stipančić (Novo mesto v starejši železni dobi – nove raziskave in spoznanja zadnjih let), Želimir Škoberne (Budinjak i Sv. Križ Brdovečki – istraživanja zadnjih godina). 2 V mislih imamo predvsem novo odkrito arheološko najdišče Budinjak z gradino in pripadajočo obsežno gomilno nekropolo. O raziskavah je na simpoziju poročal kolega Želimir Škoberne (Muzej grada Zagreba). Glej Škoberne 1999; 2004; Škoberne, Bugar 2017. 3 Glej npr. Dular 2009; Pavlin, Tecco Hvala, Bizjak 2019, 16–17, 24–25, sl. 3; 5. 4 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 57–62. ture v jugovzhodnoalpskem svetu (Turk). Sklop prispevkov o dolenjski skupini zaokrožuje prikaz o postopkih in izsledkih ponovnega proučevanja figuralnih upodobitev na izbranih, nam vsem znanih situlah (Murgelj). KRONOLOGIJA Z bogatimi arheološkimi najdbami je bila do- lenjska kulturna skupina kot sestavni del jugovzho- dnoalpske halštatske kulture izhodišče za številne znanstvene raziskave Staneta Gabrovca. Na njihovi osnovi je zgradil dobro utemeljeno kronološko shemo za starejšo železno dobo in podal kulturno- -zgodovinsko podobo celotnega območja. 5 Seveda je prvotna Gabrovčeva periodizacija v preteklih desetletjih doživela vrsto manjših, čeprav ne povsem nepomembnih dopolnitev in sprememb, s katerimi so on sam ter različni drugi avtorji – predvsem njegovi učenci – poskušali natančnejše opredeliti posamezne časovne stopnje in njihove faze. Tako je npr. za starohalštatsko obdobje, za horizont Podzemelj, pomembna predvsem študija o belo- kranjskih najdiščih izpod peresa Janeza Dularja, 6 za mladohalštatsko pa razprava o certoških fibulah, vključno z analizo gomil iz Dolenjskih Toplic in Volčjih Njiv kot osnovo za nadaljnjo kronološko razčlenitev horizontov kačastih in certoških fibul ter negovskih čelad. 7 Ob tem je potrebno omeniti tudi velikopotezno zasnovano raziskavo Hermanna Parzingerja o kronologiji halštatskih kulturnih sku- pin med jugovzhodnoalpskim svetom in Porenjem oz. med rekama Savo in Moselo. Za izhodišče mu je služila prav Gabrovčeva kronološka shema za dolenjsko skupino, ki jo je še dodatno razdelal ter na ta način poskušal za vsako posamezno regijo posebej, tj. za Belo krajino, vzhodno Dolenjsko in zahodno Dolenjsko, ugotoviti dinamiko spremen- ljivk in kazalcev specifičnosti njihovega lokalnega razvoja skozi čas. Na enak način je obravnaval tudi vse ostale kulturne skupine in zgradil kompleksen kronološki sistem za halštatsko obdobje srednje Evrope. 8 Kot zadnjega, ki je predložil celostni kronološki prikaz dolenjske halštatske skupine, naj omenimo Janeza Dularja. Njegov doprinos je predvsem v tem, da je ob objavi halštatskih 5 Gabrovec 1964–1965; 1966; 1973; 1987; 1999; 2008. 6 Dular 1973; glej tudi Škvor Jernejčič 2011. 7 Teržan 1976, 383–393, 437–443. 8 Parzinger 1988, 27–52, Taf. 33–57, Beilage. Glej npr. recenziji Nortmann 1991; Teržan 1992. 363 Dolenjska halštatska skupina. Uvodnik in kratek oris najdb z manjših dolenjskih najdišč, hranjenih v Naravoslovnem muzeju na Dunaju, dopolnil izbor primernih grobnih celot kot pomagalo pri datiranju posameznih časovnih stopenj oz. faz starejše železne dobe na Dolenjskem. 9 Ker pa se v arheološki znanosti vedno bolj uveljavljajo tudi 9 Dular 2003, 99–150. Sl. 1: Halštatske kulture skupine v Sloveniji in sosednjih pokrajinah. Območje dolenjske skupine (rumeno) in lega kom- pleksnih arheoloških najdišč, ki so obravnavane v prispevkih simpozija. Fig. 1: Hallstatt cultural groups in Slovenia and neighbouring regions with marked area of the Dolenjska group (yellow) and the complex archaeological sites mentioned in the contributions at the Gabrovec Day symposium. 364 Biba TERŽAN naravoslovni načini datiranja, še zlasti s pomočjo radiokarbonskih analiz, smo najprej poskušali vzporejati vodilne grobove posameznih časovnih stopenj dolenjske skupine, predvsem tistih iz Stične, z na radiokarbonskih datacijah osnovano krono- loško shemo za zahodnohalštatsko kulturo na eni strani in italsko na drugi, kar je privedlo do tega, da se je začetek posameznih časovnih stopenj oz. horizontov dolenjske skupine pomaknil za nekaj desetletij v starejši čas. 10 Prav zaradi te problema- tike smo nato izpeljali poseben projekt, v okviru katerega je bilo zbranih večje število radiokarbon- sko analiziranih arheoloških vzorcev iz obdobja bronaste in železne dobe. 11 Ker pa radiokarbonske datacije vzorcev, izvirajočih iz starejše železne dobe, zaradi tako imenovanega “halštatskega platoja” na kalibracijski krivulji niso najbolj natančne in so njihovi verjetnostni časovni razponi razmeroma dolgi, smo pri njihovem ovrednotenju uporabili posebno modelirane vrednosti, ki pa so zgolj približek “absolutni” dataciji posameznih izbranih grobnih celot oz. najdb. 12 Kljub temu lahko brez zadržkov zapišemo, da predstavlja sedanja, splošno sprejeta relativna kronološka shema za starejšo železno dobo dolenjske kulturne skupine zanesljivo osnovo tako za natančno datiranje vsakršnih no- vih halštatskodobnih najdb kot tudi za nadaljnje raziskovanje različnih vidikov halštatske družbe in kulture, zato se zdijo radiokarbonske analize zaradi svoje ohlapnosti nepotrebne. POSELITEV Moderne temelje naselbinskih raziskav na Do- lenjskem, če ne upoštevamo in navajamo izkopavanj pred II. svetovno vojno, je nedvomno položil prav Stane Gabrovec s svojimi mednarodnimi, široko- poteznimi izkopavanji na gradišču Cvinger nad Virom pri Stični. 13 Stiško gradišče je doslej najbolje raziskana železnodobna naselbina na Dolenjskem, ki tako po svoji velikosti kot utrdbi daleč odstopa od številnih drugih doslej znanih dolenjskih nasel- bin iz halštatske dobe. Nedvomno gre za naselbino centralnega tipa, ki je bila načrtno koncipirana v celotnem obsegu, kajti več kilometrov dolgo obzidje, grajeno iz lomljenih kamnov v suhozidni tehniki (tip Stična), je bilo postavljeno v enem 10 Teržan 2008, 275–293, sl. 42. 11 Teržan, Črešnar 2014a. 12 Teržan, Črešnar 2014b, 703–725. 13 Gabrovec 1994; 1999. samem zamahu. Ta gradbeni podvig jasno govori, da gre za enkraten kolonizacijski akt. Datiran je v 8. st. pr. n. št. in hkrati označuje formativno fazo dolenjske halštatske skupnosti. Prav tako obstajajo jasni indikatorji za nastanek še nekaterih drugih naselbin v poznem 9. oz. v teku 8. st. pr. n. št. 14 Te naselbine so ostale povečini poseljene ves čas obstoja dolenjske halštatske skupine vse do njenega konca v poznem 4. st. pr. n. št., ko jo je uničila keltska invazija z vzhoda. Bistvena nova spoznanja o poselitvi pokrajine, ki jo je obvladovala dolenjska kulturna skupina, je doprinesel večletni znanstveno-raziskovalni projekt “Utrjena prazgodovinska naselja na Dolenjskem” , katerega začetek sega v leto 1989 in ki ga je vodil Janez Dular v okviru raziskovanj Inštituta za arhe- ologijo ZRC SAZU 15 (glej tu Dular). Čeprav je bil cilj projekta proučiti predvsem poselitev v železni dobi, so raziskave razkrile, da sodijo prve višinske naselbine že v čas bakrene dobe (oz. v pozni neolitik in eneolitik), kar je za naš prostor presenetljiva in posebne pozornosti vredna novost zgodovinskega pomena. 16 S kronološkega vidika Dular razlikuje med sedmimi vrstami naselij znotraj časovnega razpona od bakrene dobe do pozne antike, a so najštevilnejše, ki so jih raziskali v okviru projekta, vendarle višinske naselbine iz starejše železne dobe. Čeprav na tem mestu nimamo namena povzemati Dularjevega prispevka (glej tu Dular) kakor tudi ne impresivnih rezultatov, ki jih prinaša mono- grafija “Jugovzhodna Slovenija v starejši železni d o b i ”, 17 naj le na kratko opozorimo, kakšna nova spoznanja so doprinesle te odlično zasnovane in izpeljane raziskave in kakšne nove teme so se z njimi odprle. Poleg časovne opredelitve posameznih naselbin, kar je izhodišče za vse nadaljnje raziska- ve, so izredno sistematično obdelane poselitvene strukture na območju celotne dolenjske halštatske skupine, in sicer z različnih zornih kotov (glede na lego naselbin, velikost njihovih površin, tipološko razvrstitev z vidika utrdbenih sistemov, vključno z vhodi, načini gradnje, poselitve notranjosti nasel- bin, določitve gospodarskih območij posameznih naselbin, predvsem tistih središčnega značaja, hierarhične lestvice naselbin itd.). Z zgodovin- sko-družbenega stališča so izredno pomembne ugotovitve o spremembah v poselitvi pokrajine, 14 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 70 ss, sl. 24. 15 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007. 16 Dular 2001; Turk 2018, 16–22, sl. 2, 7–8; Turk,Turk 2019, 104–111. 17 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007. 365 Dolenjska halštatska skupina. Uvodnik in kratek oris tj. pri izbiri prostora za novonastale naselbine, pa tudi glede velikostnih razmerij (v ha) med starimi opuščenimi naselbinami in na novo ustanovljenimi, kar se je zgodilo v prehodnem obdobju med pozno bronasto in zgodnjo železno dobo (pribl. 8. st. pr. n. št.). Do sprememb v poseljenosti Dolenjske je vnovič prišlo v mlajšem halštatskem obdobju, ko je v poselitvi opazen premik predvsem v zahodnejše predele Dolenjske in Zasavje. 18 Vzroke zanj je po vsej verjetnosti iskati v pereči nevarnosti plenilskih 18 Za Zasavje glej tudi Draksler 2007. vdorov nomadsko-konjeniških skitskih in njim pridruženih band iz severnega Pričrnomorja in vzhodne Karpatske kotline (predvsem iz skupine Vekerzug oz. Alföld) 19 ter v prilivu migrantov z območja panonsko-štajerske skupine. Naselbine, ki so bile bodisi kontinuirano poseljene bodisi na novo ustanovljene v začetni fazi zgodnje 19 Glej Teržan 1998; 2010; za problematiko skitskih uničevalnih pohodov glej Hellmuth 2006; 2010; Hellmuth Kramberger 2017; za opredelitev skupine Vekerzug oz. Alföld glej Chochorowski 1998; Kemenczei 2009. Sl. 2: Vizualna mreža med naselbinami dolenjske skupine v mlajšem halštatskem obdobju (po Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 226, sl. 130). Fig. 2: Visual network of the settlements forming the Dolenjska group in the Late Hallstatt period (from Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 226, Fig. 130). 366 Biba TERŽAN železne dobe ali pa v mlajšem halštatskem obdo- bju, so se seveda med seboj razlikovale po številu prebivalstva (ocena glede na število gomil) in po velikosti ter glede svojih gospodarskih potencialov. Na osnovi jasno opredeljenih kriterijev je uspelo avtorjema monografije prepričljivo pokazati na hierarhično lestvico naselbin, na vrh katere sta se uvrstili stiški Cvinger nad Virom in Veliki Vinji vrh pri Beli Cerkvi (oz. Šmarjeti) (glej tu Dular, sl. 11). 20 Vsaka od teh središčnih naselbin je ime- la praviloma dober vizualni pregled nad svojim bližnjim okoljem oz. pripadajočim gospodarskim zaledjem, presenetljivo pa je, da med njimi niso obstajale le ustaljene poti/ceste (glej tu Dular, sl. 13), temveč tudi mreža vizualnih komunikacij. V starohalštatskem času je bilo vizualno povezanih le manjše število naselbin, predvsem tistih središč- nega tipa, medtem ko se je v mladohalštatskem času vizualna mreža izredno zgostila in zajela tako rekoč celoten teritorij dolenjske skupine (sl. 2). 21 To nakazuje, da je bil vsaj v mlajšem halštatskem obdobju celoten teritorij dolenjske halštatske sku- pine pod skupno vizualno kontrolo in da je morala biti celotna skupnost med seboj tesno povezana in torej tudi dobro organizirana. Kakšna je bila ta organiziranost, pa je seveda stvar razprav in nadaljnjih raziskav. 22 Medtem ko Dular zagovarja policentrični poselitveni sistem (glej tu Dular), 23 smo mi postavili tezo, da odseva dolenjska kulturna skupina v svojih družbenih strukturah dualistični princip, ki se ne kaže le v strukturiranosti rodbin (kot jih npr. zrcali struk- tura gomil v Stični), 24 temveč v organiziranosti celotne družbe. Ta teza ni izpeljana le na osnovi analize stiških gomil, temveč predvsem na prej omenjenih parametrih in rezultatih o hierarhični lestvici dolenjskih naselbin centralnega tipa, kot sta jih prikazala v svoji monografiji Janez Dular in Sneža Tecco Hvala, le da smo jih dopolnili z distribucijo in kvantitativno zastopanostjo čelad kot značilno zvrstjo prestižnega orožja in hkrati indikatorjev visokega družbenega/vojaškega statusa njihovih lastnikov in posledično njihove srenje. Za zgodnjo železno dobo so nam bile npr. merodajne predvsem skledaste čelade oz. čelade šmarješkega tipa, ki so v večjem številu doslej znane le iz gomil 20 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 191 ss, sl. 113. 21 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 196 ss, 223 ss, sl. 114, 115, 129, 130, 132. 22 Glej npr. Tomedi 2017. 23 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 195. 24 Teržan 2008, 233–272, sl. 15–16, 18–19, 23, 25, 37. iz okolice Velikega Vinjega vrha (Šmarjete) in stiškega Cvingerja nad Virom. To razmerje med vodilnima halštatskima središčema – Šmarjeto in Stično – ter ostalimi dolenjskimi naselbinami oz. njim pripadajočimi nekropolami 25 niso spremenila niti novejša izkopavanja v Novem mestu. Tam je bilo samo na Kapiteljski njivi v 69 doslej raziskanih gomilah odkritih kar 1162 grobov, poleg teh pa še 338 žganih planih grobov 26 ter nadaljnjih več kot 120 grobov v štirih oz. petih gomilah na Kandiji, 27 a je še vedno znan le en samcat bojevnik s skleda- sto čelado, ki ga odlikuje tudi sicer izstopajoča in dragocena bojna oprema. 28 To dejstvo je vsekakor več kot povedno in kaže, da novomeška halštatska skupnost v zgodnji železni dobi ni razpolagala s tolikšnim številom izstopajočih bojevnikov oz. z vojaškim potencialom kot npr. tista na Velikem Vinjem vrhu (Šmarjeti) ali pa na stiškem Cvingerju. Na podobno situacijo kot v Novem mestu lahko zelo verjetno sklepamo tudi za druge, pravzaprav razmeroma maloštevilne srenje, kjer so doslej zna- ne le po ena ali dve skledasti čeladi. Na ta način pridobljena slika o medsebojnih razmerjih med temi naselbinami pa ne pomeni, da niso tudi te predstavljale lokalnih središč, a po številu vodilnih bojevnikov izstopata vendar samo dve izmed njih. Kot že omenjeno, se je situacija v mlajšem halštatskem obdobju bistveno spremenila ne le v poseljenosti in novi organiziranosti celotnega teritorija, kot je možno sklepati po gosti mreži vizualnih povezav za nadzor teritorija (sl. 2), temveč prav tako v militarizaciji celotne družbe, kar se odraža v oboroženosti večine moške populacije, razdeljene v kar pet vojaških razredov z bojevniško elito na čelu, ki je bila opremljena z negovskimi čeladami. 29 Tudi distribucija negovskih čelad v okviru dolenjske halštatske skupine kaže na pre- razporeditev vojaškega potenciala med naselbinami 25 Teržan 2008, 310 ss, sl. 55, seznam k sl. 55. 26 Križ 2019, 13–15. 27 Gabrovec 1960; 1968; Knez 1986. 28 Knez 1993, 23–24, 40–43, t. 16–20; Križ 2019, 71–74, sl. 51 (omenjeni sta še dve sporadični najdbi faler, od katerih je ena zagotovo pripadala skledasti čeladi. Žal ni navedeno, kje točno sta bili faleri najdeni, tj. v okviru oz. bližini katere gomile, kar bi bil za nas ključen podatek). 29 Teržan 1985, 90–96, 101–103, sl. 12–13, 15–17; Teržan 1997, 661–664, Abb. 1, 6–8. Glej tudi Tecco Hvala 2012, 140 ss, sl. 5; Križ 2019, 205–209 (primerjaj sezname orožja, zlasti suličnih osti in sekir v grobovih s Kapiteljske njive v Novem mestu, ki kažejo izjemno povečanje količine v negovskem horizontu v primerjavi s starejšimi časovnimi stopnjami). 367 Dolenjska halštatska skupina. Uvodnik in kratek oris centralnega tipa; zdi se celo, da ne nakazuje le voja- ške moči posameznih središč, 30 temveč okrepljeno varovanje meja teritorija. Na to misel navajajo med drugim tudi najnovejše najdbe iz Zasavja (glej tu Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer) in Bele krajine (glej tu Grahek, Kovač). 31 Skratka, v mlajšem halštatskem obdobju je prišlo do bistvenih sprememb v vojaški strukturi in organiziranosti dolenjske halštatske skupine kot celote, kar predpostavlja usklajeno in enovito vodstvo. Povsem predstavljivo je, da je bila dolenjska skupnost teritorialno podobno organizirana kot npr. venetska, kjer sta Este/Ateste in Padova/Padusa/Padua/Patavium predstavljali glavni središči med sicer petdesetimi mesti Vene- tov (“… e dei Veneti le cinquanta città…”), 32 ali pa morda celo podobno kot etruščanska (kon)federalna liga dvanajstih mest (duodecim populi Etruriae). Predstavniki teh mest, ki so bili v zgodnjem, tj. orientalizirajočem in arhaičnem obdobju, kralji (basileus/rex/lucumo/hegemon/strategos hegoumenos), so se redno sestajali (verjetno vsaj enkrat letno) v svojem osrednjem svetišču, posvečenem božanstvu Voltumna (deus princeps Etruriae) v bližini mesta Volsinii, ter se posvetovali o skupnih političnih in vojaških zadevah, po potrebi pa so združili tudi svoje vojaške sile. 33 Če se vrnemo k naši osrednji temi, naj omeni- mo dva prispevka, ki dopolnjujeta sliko halštatske poselitve v Beli krajini. Posebne pozornosti so vre- dne nove arheološke raziskave zaščitne narave na Kučarju, na osamelem hribčku, pod katerim se vije reka Kolpa, 34 in novoodkrito pripadajoče grobišče, poimenovano Pezdirčeva njiva pri Podzemlju, ki so doprinesle pomembne novosti. 35 Prva je ta, da naselbina na Kučarju ni nastala šele v začetku 30 Teržan 2008, 320–322, sl. 61. Seznam negovskih čelad je treba dopolniti še z dvema novima primerkoma s Kapiteljske njive v Novem mestu (Križ 2019, 74, sl. 52–53) ter z enim s Kovka nad Hrastnikom (glej tu Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer, sl. 7–8; t. 1–2) in eno čelado iz Podzemlja (glej tu Grahek, Kovač). 31 O arheoloških izkopavanjih in o novi najdbi negovske čelade na Pezdirčevi njivi pri Podzemlju je poročala Lucija Grahek na znanstvenem srečanju “Gabrovčev dan” , 16. 1. 2020. 32 Fogolari 1975, 64 ss, 72–73, 108 etc.; Malnati 2003, 15 ss; Balista, Gamba 2013, 72 ss; Gamba et al. (ur.) 2013, 223 ss. 33 Heurgon 1982, 18–19; Tagliamonte 2017, 134–136. 34 Dular, Ciglenečki, Dular 1995; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 185–189, 348, Fig. 107. 35 Na tem mestu grobišča na Pezdirčevi njivi ne bomo obravnavali, ker je bilo šele nedavno odkrito in je obdelava gradiva še v teku. O novih najdbah je Lucija Grahek starejše železne dobe, 36 temveč že v teku pozne bronaste dobe, v času kulture žarnih grobišč, kot kažejo predvsem keramične najdbe iz najstarejšega kulturnega sloja, odkritega s sondiranji na južnem vrhu osamelca (glej tu Grahek, Kovač, sl. 2 in 3). Druga je ta, da je bila naselbina v zgodnji starejši železni dobi obnovljena in utrjena s kamnitim zidom (glej tu Grahek, Kovač, sl. 4 in 6). Tretja novost pa je kulturni sloj z najdbami, ki kaže na ponovno poseljenost hriba v mlajši železni dobi, 37 verjetno v srednjelatenskem obdobju, kar nakazujejo tudi novoodkriti grobovi na Pezdirčevi njivi ob vznožju Kučarja (glej tu Grahek, Kovač, sl. 1). Poročilo o zaščitnih arheoloških sondažah na območju Črnomlja 38 je glede novih podatkov skromnejše, prinaša pa zanimiv napotek iz oko- lice Dragatuša. Z obdelavo podatkov laserskega snemanja so na hribu Nerajski Cirnik opazili obrise preoblikovanja terena, za katere se je pri topografskem ogledu izkazalo, da gre za nasipe, ki obdajajo teme hriba, zato se domneva, da gre za naselbino (glej tu Mason, Mlekuž Vrhovnik, Udovč, sl. 14). Ali sodi naselbina v starejšo žele- zno dobo ali ne, za zdaj ni mogoče trditi zaradi pomanjkanja indikativnih arheoloških najdb. Kot je že opozoril Dular, število in razpored nasipov ne dajeta videza halštatskega utrdbenega sistema (glej tu Dular). Ustreznejši odgovor o starosti novoodkritega arheološkega najdišča bodo lahko dala šele arheološka izkopavanja. Glavne vire prosperitete dolenjske halštatske skupine je možno iskati v železarstvu (zaradi lahke dostopnosti površinskih virov železove rude) in morda tudi v izkoriščanju rudišč drugih mineralnih surovin (baker, svinec ipd.), 39 kar mo- rebiti nakazuje tudi izredno bogat zbir steklenega nakita. 40 Zato se zdi smiselno, da so se ponovne raziskave železarstva začele prav na Cvingerju pri Dolenjskih Toplicah, kjer je bil že pred leti poročala 4.12.2019 v atriju ZRC in na “Gabrovčevem dnevu” 16. 1. 2020. 36 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 72, sl. 24. 37 Glede na to, da so bile raziskane razmeroma majhne površine, se ne da reči, ali gre za kontinuiteto poselitve iz halštatske v latensko dobo ali ne. Na to bodo dale odgovor nadaljnje raziskave. 38 Primerjaj Dular, T ecco Hvala 2007, 186–189, 350, sl. 108. 39 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 50 ss, 212–217, sl. 18, 123–125. 40 Haevernick 1974; Matthäus, Braun 1983, 2 ss, 149 ss, Tab. 14, 17, 19, 21–25, Karte 1–5; Dobiat et al. 1987, 9 ss, Karte 1–3, 6, 10; Kunter 1995, 35–39, Abb. 3, Karte 3, 6, 14, 16; Križ 2006, 118 ss, 172–173,179–192. 368 Biba TERŽAN ugotovljen večji železarski kompleks 41 in kjer sta bila med pridatki enega najbogatejših, knežjih grobov tudi dva železna ražnja oz. palici/ingota, ki kažeta na pomen lokalne proizvodnje železa in trgovine z njim. 42 Dobro zasnovani in usklajeni metodološki pristopi interdisciplinarne narave so dali že prve zanimive rezultate, npr. da je bil potencial proizvodnje železa veliko večji, kot se je dalo sklepati le na osnovi geofizikalnih meritev, saj so bile peči razporejene zelo na gosto in tudi večkrat obnovljene oz. uporabljene. Prav tako je pomembno arheomagnetno datiranje ene izmed peči, ki potrjuje, da gre nedvomno za halštatsko- dobni železarski kompleks (glej tu Črešnar et al.). NAČIN POKOPAVANJA IN DRUŽBENA STRUKTURA Med glavne značilnosti dolenjske halštatske skupine sodita specifična oblika grobišč in način pokopa. V nasprotju s predhodnimi planimi gro- bišči iz časa kulture žarnih grobišč (dobovska in ljubljanska skupina), katerih tradicija se je deloma ohranila še na samem začetku formiranja dolenjske halštatske skupine, pa je v starejši železni dobi povsem prevladal nov tip nagrobnih spomeni- kov – to so gomile. 43 Nastale so obširne gomilne nekropole, kjer so gomile praviloma razvrščene v več skupin, zlasti vzdolž glavnih poti in bolj ali manj oddaljene od utrjenih naselbin. Nekatere skupine štejejo tudi po več desetin gomil, pone- kod jih je celo več kot sto (npr. Stična, Šmarjeta, Podzemelj). 44 Posamezne gomile, v katerih je bilo pokopano večje število oseb – v povprečju nekaj deset, lahko pa tudi več kot sto, kot npr. v Stični 45 in na Magdalenski gori 46 –, predstavljajo grobišča družinsko-rodovnega značaja. Čeprav so bili v začetnem obdobju nekateri grobovi še žgani, je kmalu povsod prevladala inhumacija. Za razumevanje ključnih vprašanj o nastajanju in začetkih halštatskega obdobja na Dolenjskem 41 Mušič, Orengo 1998; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 2015–2017, Fig. 128. 42 Teržan 1976, 401, t. 29: 1–2; Teržan 2004, 175–177, Abb. 11, 20–21; 12. 43 Gabrovec 1964–65; 1966; 1987; 1999; 2008; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 123 ss. 44 Glej npr. Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 157 ss, sl. 89–91, 93, 96, 99–107. 45 Gabrovec 1999; Gabrovec et al. 2006; Gabrovec 2008; Teržan 2008. 46 T ecco Hvala, Dular, Kocuvan 2004; T ecco Hvala 2012. ter o spremembah v pogrebnih običajih in z njimi neposredno povezanih verovanjskih predstav in družbeno transformacijo bi bila nadvse pomembna strokovna objava več kot tri desetletja trajajočih arheoloških izkopavanj na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu. Čeprav so bila že večkrat predstavljena na občasnih muzejskih razstavah, 47 pa razen grobov iz 7 od 69 raziskanih gomil 48 in nekaj žganih gro- bov 49 še niso doživela sistematične objave, ki bi ponudile širše možnosti interpretacij in nadaljnjega raziskovalnega dela. Tudi nova objava leta 2019, ki prinaša shematiziran pregled načina pokopa v starejši železni dobi na Kapiteljski njivi in v katero je bilo gotovo vloženega veliko dela in truda, 50 žal ne daje zadostnega in celovitejšega vpogleda zaradi pomanjkljivega znanstvenega aparata, ki bi moral vključevati vsaj kataloški in slikovni prikaz v tekstu omenjenih vodilnih grobnih celot. Tako ni mogoče preverjanje podatkov in faktov, kar je predpogoj vsakega resnega znanstvenega dela. Borut Križ na poljuden način predstavlja, našteva, datira in si ne zastavlja nikakršnih vprašanj, ne diskutira in ne argumentira; moramo mu verjeti ali pa tudi ne. 51 Žal svojega referata, ki ga je imel na srečanju “Gabrovčev dan”, 52 v pisni obliki ni oddal, zato bomo poskusili sami na osnovi dosedanjih objav skicirati situacijo na Kapiteljski njivi. 47 Križ 1995; Križ 2006; Križ, Stipančić 2016, ipd. 48 Knez 1993; Križ 1997; 2000; 2013. 49 V diplomskem delu na Oddelku za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani je Maja Bricelj obdelala prvih 54 žganih grobov s Kapiteljske njive, žal pa to delo ni objavljeno. Glej npr. Bricelj 2003; Teržan, Bricelj 2019. 50 Križ 2019. 51 T u seveda ni mesto za recenzijo tega obsežnega dela, a želimo vendarle opozoriti na ključne pomanjkljivosti, kot so ustrezen znanstveni aparat, kataloški opis in s črtnimi risbami opremljene ilustracije citiranih grobnih celot, kajti samo lepe fotografije posameznih predmetov brez kontekstov ne zadostujejo! Tudi datiranje posameznih grobnih celot ni vedno najbolj ustrezno, čeprav se zavedamo, da je datiranje grobov, ki jih je možno časovno opredeliti le na osnovi keramike, problematično in je lahko le okvirno. A vendar naj navedemo vsaj dva sporna primera: ni jasno, zakaj je npr. grob XIV/3 datiran v certoški horizont, če pa je med njegovimi pridatki fibula z dolgo nogo s pestičastim zaključkom oz. protocertoška fibula, značilna za stopnjo Stična 2 oz. Sv. Lucija Ic2 (prim. Križ 2013, t. 25: 5 (XIV/3); Križ 2019, 279, 281; in Guštin, Knific 1973, 835 ss, Karta 1), ali pa zakaj je grob XIV/15 datiran v horizont kačastih fibul, če pa vsebuje železno enoplavutasto sekiro, značilno za negovski horizont (prim. Križ 2013, t. 35: 2; Križ 2019, 279, 281, in Teržan 1976, 387; Tecco Hvala 2012, 118 s). 52 Referat je predstavil skupaj s kolegico Petro Stipančić. 369 Dolenjska halštatska skupina. Uvodnik in kratek oris Na Kapiteljski njivi je bilo odkritih doslej več kot 300 žganih grobov, ki so deloma plani, deloma so bili integrirani v gomile, deloma pa kasneje prekriti z gomilami. Pretežno so razporejeni na zahodnem obrobju platoja in pobočju hriba. Ker večinoma niso objavljeni in ker Križ vsak žgan grob označi zgolj kot “KŽG-grob” oz. grob iz pozne bronaste dobe, 53 ni mogoče ugotoviti, koliko so tam stari najstarejši žgani grobovi, ali sodijo morda nekateri že v stopnjo Ha A in kateri v eno izmed stopenj Ha B1–2–3. 54 Tako ostajajo odprta vprašanja, kdaj se začne pokopavanje na Kapiteljski njivi in s tem verjetno tudi naselitev na Marofu ter kakšna je bila dinamika razvoja in prehoda v starejšo žele- zno dobo. Tudi za pet žganih grobov, ki jih Križ izjemoma opredeljuje v starejšo železno dobo, ker so bili odkriti v majhnih gomilah – z izjemo enega, ki je bil vkopan v centralni grob gomile –, 53 Križ 2019, 17 ss, sl. 3, Pril. 1. 54 Glej Križ, Jereb, Teržan 2014, 473 ss, sl. 27: 2–4; Teržan 2014, 258–259, sl. 4. ni mogoče preveriti njihove datacije niti odnosa med njimi prav tako ne do ostalih tako imenovanih skeletnih grobov v teh gomilah. 55 Da je bil proces družbenih sprememb na prehodu kulture žarnih grobišč v zgodnjo železno dobo, kot se kaže v pogrebnih običajih in načinu pokopa- vanja v dolenjski skupini, veliko bolj kompleksen, dobro ilustrira npr. situacija manjše skupine žganih grobov, ki jih je prekrila gomila III na Kapiteljski njivi (sl. 3). 56 Med njimi izstopa grob 33, označen z veliko kamnito ploščo, ki je morala biti še vidna ob nastanku gomile. V tem grobu je bila namreč pokopana moška oseba, verjetno konjenik, ki je po svojih pridatkih odstopal od drugih žganih planih grobov te in sosednje skupine. 57 Med grobnimi pri- datki so ohranjeni fragmenti roževinastih konjskih brzd in tri posode, ki so tako po obliki kot okrasu 55 Križ 2019, 142 ss, sl. 118–119. 56 Križ 1997, 19, 23 ss; Križ 2019, 260; Bricelj 2003, 78, pril. 7.3; Škvor Jernejčič 2014, Fig. 14. 57 Bricelj 2003, 9 ss, t. 17. Sl. 3: Novo mesto, Kapiteljska njiva. Gomila III, tlorisni načrt žganih in skeletnih grobov (sestavljeno po Bricelj 2003, pril. 7.3; Škvor Jernejčič 2014, sl. 11; Teržan, Bricelj 2019, sl. 9). Fig. 3: Novo mesto, Kapiteljska njiva. Tumulus III, plan of cremation and inhumation graves (drawn on the basis of Bricelj 2003, App. 7.3; Škvor Jernejčič 2014, Fig. 11; Teržan, Bricelj 2019, Fig. 9). 370 Biba TERŽAN drugačne od na Dolenjskem običajne keramike in izvirajo – enako kot brzda – z območja bosutske skupine oz. kulture Basarabi, zato sklepamo na izvor pokopanega v spodnjem Podonavju. 58 Vendar pa grob 33 po načinu pokopa v veliki žari in glede na pridano iglo s stožčasto glavico 59 odseva v lokalni tradiciji zasidran pogrebni običaj. Z njim se tako nakazuje dihotomija prehodnega obdobja (pozno 9.–8. st. pr. n. št.), saj je na eni strani znanilec nemirnih časov in migracij, na drugi pa vpet v lokalno tradicijo. Še bolj pomenljivo se zdi, da je grob 33 in žgane grobove okoli njega prekrila dve ali tri generacije pozneje gomila s koncentrično in tangencialno razporejenimi grobovi. 60 Nastajajoča gomila je namreč ohranjala osrednji del nad s ka- mnito ploščo označenim grobom 33 nedotaknjen, njena sredina je torej ostala “prazna” (sl. 3). Pri pokopavanju v gomilo so torej zavestno ohranjali mesto groba 33 nedotaknjeno, verjetno v smislu čaščenja prednikov, morda celo pradeda rodbine gomile III, in so ga le preplastili. 61 O problematiki centralnih grobov v dolenjskih gomilah že dolgo teče beseda, 62 zato so tem bolj dobrodošli podatki z novih izkopavanj gomil, še posebno s Kapiteljske njive. Pomenljivo je, da je med 69 raziskanimi gomilami le 20 takšnih s cen- tralnim grobom, med katerimi so bili samo trije žgani (sl. 4). 63 Gre pretežno za srednje velike in majhne gomile, od katerih po velikosti in kamniti konstrukciji grobne kamre centralnega groba odstopa velika gomila I. Čeprav je bil ta centralni grob že izropan, pa sklepamo, da je bila v njem pokopana moška oseba, očitno konjenik, za kar govorijo ostanki žrtvovanega konja in konjska oprema. 64 Po radiokarbonski dataciji sodi ta konjeniški grob 58 Teržan, Bricelj 2019. 59 Za iglo, ki sodi v tip V adena po Caranciniju, glej Škvor Jernejčič 2014, 144 ss, Fig. 7 (s citirano starejšo literaturo, kot so študije M. Guština, S. Gabrovca in L. Carancinija). 60 Najstarejša skeletna grobova v gomili III sodita v horizont Stična 1–2 ali najkasneje v zgodnjo stopnjo kačastih fibul, kar kažeta posoda iz poškodovanega groba 9 (Križ 1997, 57, t. 34: 1; prim. z Dular 1982, 42–43, t. 11: 110) in pridatki groba 5, med katerimi je tudi fibula ježevka z modro stekleno oblogo (Križ 1997, 55, t. 29; prim. Dular 2003, 130, sl. 73: 1; Tecco Hvala 2012, 226 ss). Zakaj Križ datira ta grob v certoški horizont (Križ 2019, 258), ni pojasnil. 61 Bricelj 2003, 78, pril. 7.3; Škvor Jernejčič 2014, 148, Fig. 11; Teržan, Bricelj 2019, 92–93, Fig. 9. 62 Glej Gabrovec 1999, 151–154, 178–179; Dular, T ecco Hvala 2007, 123 ss; Teržan 2008, 192 ss. 63 Križ 2019, 113 ss, sl. 93 ss. 64 Knez 1993, 34–35, t. 1–6; glej tudi Teržan 2014a. v sredino oz. drugo polovico 8. st. pr. n. št. 65 in je torej le nekoliko mlajši od prej omenjenega žganega groba 33 pod gomilo III. Križ sicer brez zadržka datira vse centralne grobove v gomilah na Kapiteljski njivi na sam začetek železne dobe, 66 ali to drži, pa trenutno ni možno preveriti. Omembe vredno se zdi, da so grobovi v nekaterih od teh gomil, predvsem v srednje velikih, razporejeni precej neurejeno glede na centralni grob, pone- kod tudi zelo na gosto, tako da skoraj ne dajejo vtisa urejene krožne razporeditve okoli središča gomile, ki bi ga naj označeval centralni grob. Pri večjih, kot sta npr. gomili I 67 in V 68 in tudi gomila III (sl. 3), 69 pa so grobovi praviloma razvrščeni v koncentričnih krogih, kar je značilno predvsem za gomile mlajšega nastanka, od stopnje Stična naprej. Pri večini teh ostaja osrednji del praviloma brez grobov, kot kažejo gomile VI, VII in VIII na Kapiteljski njivi. Te gomile odstopajo od ostalih tudi po svoji razgledni legi na vrhu platoja in po številu grobov, med katerimi je kar nekaj takih z bogatejšimi pridatki, kot so npr. izdelki situlske umetnosti. 70 Takšna strukturiranost gomil je zna- čilna tudi za gomile v Kandiji. 71 Kako te razlike v velikosti, številu grobov in strukturiranosti gomil na Kapiteljski njivi in v Kandiji razumeti in ra- zložiti v smislu družbene razslojenosti novomeške halštatske srenje, pa ostaja odprto vprašanje, dokler ne bodo na razpolago strokovne kataloške objave vseh grobnih celot s pripadajočimi najdbami iz gomil, raziskanih na Kapiteljski njivi, kar bo šele omogočilo preverljive, znanstveno utemeljene raziskave. Podobno nekropolo s planimi žganimi oz. žar- nimi grobovi ter z manjšimi in srednje velikimi gomilami kot na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu so odkrila tudi arheološka izkopavanja na Budi- njaku v Gorjancih oz. Žumberku. Nekropola šteje prek 140 gomil, od katerih je bilo v zadnjih treh desetletjih pod vodstvom Želimirja Škoberneta raziskanih več gomil. 72 Praviloma so bili tudi v 65 Križ, Jereb, Teržan 2014, 477–478, sl. 27.2.5–27.2.7; Teržan, Črešnar 2014, 715–716, sl. 40; Teržan 2014a, 258–259, sl. 4. 66 Križ 2019, 113 ss. 67 Knez 1993, pril. 2; Križ 2013, pril. 1; Križ 2019, 255. 68 Križ 2000, pril. 2; Križ 2019, 265. 69 Križ 1997, pril. 2; Križ 2019, 260. 70 Križ 2019, 147 ss, 268, 270, 271, sl. 121. 71 Knez 1986, t. 62–65. 72 Žal kolega Škoberne ni oddal svojega prispevka, ki ga je predstavil na “Gabrovčevem dnevu” 19.1.2018. Glej Škoberne 1999; Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 24 ss, 99, sl. 10.8. 371 Dolenjska halštatska skupina. Uvodnik in kratek oris teh centralni grobovi bodisi žgani bodisi skeletni. Žgani grobovi, prekriti s kamnitimi ploščami, so bili v središču gomil 6 in 7, enako torej kot grob 33 pod gomilo III na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu (sl. 3). V gomili 6 je bil žgan grob obdan z dvema skeletnima grobovoma, v gomili 7 pa s petimi. Grobni pridatki, kot so keramične posode in igle, kažejo na datacijo teh centralnih žganih grobov v 9.–8. st. pr. n. št., naslednji, ki so skele- tni, pa so starohalštatski (tj. iz stopnje Ha C1 oz. Podzemelj). 73 Centralni grobovi s skeletnimi pokopi so bili odkriti npr. v gomilah 98, 13 in 139, prva z nadaljnjimi štirimi, druga s tremi in slednja s šestimi grobovi. 74 V gomili 98 vzbuja pozornost skeletni grob 1 z iglo s čebuličasto glavico in z vrezi okrašenim vratom, ki kot tip predstavlja značilen element nošnje stopnje Ha A2/B1, 75 kar dovoljuje predpostavko, da segajo začetki inhumacije na nekropoli na Budinjaku že v čas 10. st. pr. n. št. (v kolikor igla ni bila podedovana, skrbno hranjena družinska dragotina). Izstopajoč je tudi grob 6 v tako imenovani knežji gomili 139. Čeprav ga Škoberne ne označi kot centralnega, pa njegova osrednja lega v gomili, neobičajna velikost, izsto- pajoča grobna oprema pa tudi njegovo kronološko mesto v primerjavi z ostalimi grobovi v tej gomili vendarle govorijo za to, da mu je skupaj z grobom 7 pripadalo središčno mesto v gomili. 76 Ob tem se zdi zanimiva in pomenljiva pozicija groba 1, ki ima podobno stransko lego v gomili 139 kot zgo- raj omenjeni grob 1 v gomili 98. Po pridani igli z majhno kroglasto glavico in nasvitkanim vratom 77 je grob 1 v gomili 139 najstarejši – prav tako kot grob 1 v gomili 98, čeprav ne en ne drugi nimata centralne lege. Ostali grobovi v gomili 139 so razen obeh omenjenih grobov 6 in 7 mlajši in sodijo v čas stopnje Stična, kot kažejo posodi z bradavicami na ramenu v grobovih 2 in 4 (v slednjem je še ka- neliran spiralni okras) ter čolničasta fibula v grobu 73 Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 90 ss, sl. 9.5–9.7, T ab. 4 (gomila 6), 103 ss, sl. 11.7–11.8, Tab. 6–7 (gomila 7). Igla iz groba 2 v gomili 7 (ib. 106 ss, Tab. 6: 2) pa ni bronastodobna, temveč ji je mogoče najti dobre primerjave v starohalštatskih grobovih iz Statzendorfa v Spodnji Avstriji, Beilngriesa na Zgornjem Pfalškem in v lužiški kulturi pripadajočem Zaborowem na Poljskem: glej Dungel 1908, 18 s, Fig. 76; Torbrügge 1965, Taf. 53: 21–22; 64: 22; Gedl 1991, 86, Abb. 9: 3. 74 Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 67 ss, Fig. 6.3 (gomila 139), 76 ss, Fig. 7.4, 7.6 (gomila 98), 82 ss, Fig. 8.21–8.22 (gomila 13). 75 Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 78–79, Tab. 1, 2; Blečić Kavur 2014, 72 ss, sl. 40. 76 Škoberne 1999, 43 ss, sl. 26, 37–41; Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 67 ss, Fig. 6.3; 6.15. Čeprav se grob 7 omenja kot najgloblji v gomili, pa je pridana keramika v obeh grobovih – tj. v 6 in 7, predvsem posodi z visokim stožčastim vratom in kaneliranim okrasom koncentričnih krogov ter skodeli, skoraj identična, zato je malo verjetno, da bi bila med obema pokopoma večja časovna razlika (prim. Škoberne 1999, t. 13: 1–2; 18: 1–2). 77 Škoberne 1999, 44 ss, sl. 26, 29–30, t. 1, 2. Za igle s svitkastim vratom glej Teržan 1990, 154 ss, 226, sl. 38, karta 23. Sl. 4: Novo mesto, Kapiteljska njiva. Tlorisni načrt nekro- pole z označenimi gomilami s centralnimi grobovi (izsek po Križ 2019, 113, sl. 93). Fig. 4: Novo mesto, Kapiteljska njiva. Plan of the cemetery with marked tumuli with central graves (a section from Križ 2019, 113, Fig. 93). 372 Biba TERŽAN 5 in protocertoška v grobu 3. 78 Grob 6 ne vzbuja pozornosti le zaradi svoje osrednje lege v gomili, temveč tudi po izstopajoči opremi s skledasto če- lado in bogato konjsko opremo tako imenovanega trako-kimerijskega tipa. Podobno kot žgan grob 33 s Kapiteljske njive v Novem mestu so tudi v opremi tega groba združeni tujerodni elementi z lokalnimi. Poleg železne sulične osti je tujek med njegovimi pridatki še masivna enozankasta ločna fibula, ki jo lahko po tipu in načinu nošnje primerjamo z moško nošo na območju kulture Basarabi v Po- donavju in pa kavkaške kulture Koban. 79 Na drugi strani pa je bila v grobu večglava igla s stožčastim zaključkom, ki je značilen pridatek moške nošnje v jugovzhodnoalpskem prostoru 80 (morda je v tem grobu služila za spenjanje mrtvaškega prta). 81 V grobu 6 gomile 139 je bil torej pokopan elitni bojevnik – konjenik, ki je imel najboljši pendant prav v vrstniku iz Novega mesta, pokopanem v grobu 16 gomile I na Kapiteljski njivi. Slednji je prav tako posedoval skledasto čelado in konjsko opremo, poleg tega pa še ukrivljeni enorezni meč – mahairo, ki je značilno orožje konjenikov. 82 Ob bok jima lahko postavimo še grobova s podobno bojno opremo, znana s starih izkopavanj v Gra- denju pri Šmarjeti 83 in iz Dolenjega Vrhpolja pri Šentjerneju. 84 Te štiri sodobnike, ki so se enako nosili, pa lahko označimo kot izstopajoče pred- stavnike vsak svoje srenje v stopnji Podzemelj 2. 85 78 Škoberne 1999, 47 ss, sl. 31–36, t. 2–6. Za protocertoško fibulo glej tudi op. 51. 79 Teržan 1995b, 628–629, Abb. 2–4. 80 Primerjaj Egg, Neuhäuser, Škoberne 1998; Škoberne 1999, 54 ss, t. 7–16; in Teržan 2015 (glede na tip ločne enozankaste fibule je naša teza, da ne gre za dvojni pokop moškega in ženske, temveč da je bila v grobu pokopana le moška oseba, konjenik, v vzhodnjaški noši, za katero je bilo značilno spenjanje oblačila s fibulo!). 81 Na to navaja njena lega v grobu tik nad oz. na skledasti čeladi: glej Egg, Neuhäuser, Škoberne 1998, 438 Abb. 3, 2; Škoberne 1999, 56, sl. 38: 2. Tudi za veliko večglavo iglo v grobu 16 gomile I na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu je po njeni nekoliko oddaljeni legi, a vzporedni s preminulim, možno sklepati, da je bil z njo spet mrtvaški prt, medtem ko je manjša večglava igla ležala na prsih preminulega in je torej spenjala oblačilo, glej Knez 1993, t. 16; 44. 82 Knez 1993, 23 ss, 40–43, t. 16–20; Guštin 1974; Križ 2019, 61, sl. 41, omenja še dva grobova z mahairami, ki pa sta bila glede na Križev opis bolj skromna. 83 Laharnar, Turk 2017, 34–37, sl. 26, 29–30. 84 Dular 2003, 178, t. 13: 5. 85 Dular 2003, 111 ss, sl. 59–62; Križ, Jereb, Teržan 2014, 478–480, Fig. 27.2.8–27.2.9; Teržan 2014a, 259, sl. 4; Teržan, Črešnar 2014, 715 s, sl. 40. Glede na dosedanje objave se ne zdi sporno, da so majhne in srednje velike gomile na Budinjaku mesta, kjer so pokopani družinski člani od ene do eventualno treh generacij. Začetek nekropole na Budinjaku datira Škoberne na osnovi odkritih, a večinoma še neobjavljenih žarnih grobov v čas 10.–9. st. pr. n. št., medtem ko gomile opredeljuje v časovni okvir od 800 do 620 pr. n. št., najmlajše grobove v njih pa nekje do sredine 6. st. pr. n. št., 86 kar ustreza stopnjam Podzemelj 1–2 in Stična 1–2 ter morda še zgodnji fazi horizonta kačastih fibul na Dolenjskem. Podobnosti med nekropolama v Budinjaku in na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu so tolikšne, tako v strukturiranosti majhnih in srednje velikih gomil kakor tudi glede vrste grobnih pridatkov, tj. v materialni kulturi, da bi težko pritrdili Škober- netu, ki govori o posebni “grupi Budinjak” . 87 Bolj kot za posebno kulturno skupino gre za lokalno skupnost na “sončni strani” Gorjancev/Žumberka, 88 nedvomno pripadajočo dolenjski kulturni skupini. Kljub skromnim, pomanjkljivim in selektiv- nim objavam grobnega gradiva z Budinjaka in Kapiteljske njive v Novem mestu, pa se nam zdi potrebno poudariti, da lahko prav na osnovi teh izkopavanj sedaj bolje razumemo podatke s starih izkopavanj pred I. svetovno vojno in tudi novih, zlasti tistih, kjer gre le za posamezne gomile. Isti tip majhnih in srednje velikih gomil izkazujejo obširna gomilna grobišča v okolici Šmarjete, ki pripadajo utrjeni naselbini na Velikem Vinjem vrhu, 89 ter številne druge gomile na Dolenjskem, kot npr. tiste v okolici Boštanja, Brusnic, Rovišča 90 in novoodkrite iz okolice Drnovega in Mačkovca pri Novem mestu. 91 Prav tako je pomenljivo, da so take gomile znane pod Molnikom pri Ljubljani, torej na severozahodnem robu dolenjske kulturne skupine. 92 Verjetno jih lahko domnevamo tudi v Zasavju, kot bi lahko sklepali na osnovi nedavno odkritih grobov v Zagorju, 93 razporejenih v dve oz. tri manjše skupine očitno ožje družinsko-ro- dovno povezanih članov (glej tu Murko, Draksler, 86 Škoberne 2004, 140 ss; Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 34. 87 Škoberne 2004, 131 ss. 88 Škoberne 1999, 14 ss, sl. 2. 89 A. Dular 1991. 90 Glej npr. Guštin 1974, 87 ss; Teržan 1974, 31 ss; Dular 2003, 90 ss, 157 ss. 91 Pavlovič 2014, 491 ss, Fig. 28.2; Udovč 2009, 8 ss, sl. 9. 92 Tecco Hvala 2017, 34–87, sl. 83, 85. 93 Žal je bil teren ob odkritju grobov zaradi gradbenih del že v veliki meri uničen in preoblikovan. Za situacijo v Zagorju glej tudi Draksler 2007. 373 Dolenjska halštatska skupina. Uvodnik in kratek oris sl. 2), in grobne najdbe s Kovka nad Hrastnikom, kjer je grob bojevnika in njegove družice morebiti prekrivala manjša zemljena gomila (glej tu Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer, sl. 6). Povzamemo lahko, da so bile tovrstne gomile običajne na celotnem področju dolenjske skupine. Ob majhnih gomilah, ki štejejo od 2 do približno 10 grobov, kot kažeta nekropoli na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu in Budinjaku, ter srednje velikih gomilah z do 40 grobovi, pa je dolenjska halštatska skupina znana predvsem po velikih gomilah. Na Kapiteljski njivi je največja že omenjena gomila I tako po premeru kot po številu grobov, ki jih je več kot 80, sledi ji gomila V z okoli 70 grobovi, med velike pa lahko prištejemo še gomile III, VI, VII in XIV z okoli 50 grobovi. 94 Še veliko večje in mogočnejše so gomile iz okolice Stične, ki pripadajo naselbini na Cvingerju nad Virom, 95 in tiste v bližini gradišča na Magdalenski gori. 96 V nekaterih izmed njih je bilo pokopanih tudi več kot 100 ali celo do 200 grobov. Moderno izkopane gomile v Stični (gomili 48 in 5) ter na Kapiteljski njivi in v Kandiji v Novem mestu 97 kažejo, da je njihova notranja struktura praviloma strogo normirana. V središču je grob ustanovitelja rodbine ali pa je osrednji del prazen, kot neke vrste kenotaf ali spominski kraj na mi- tičnega prednika. Tangencialno na centralni grob ali mitično “praznino” so v koncentričnih krogih razporejeni vsi naslednji grobovi, generacija za generacijo, kar je še bolj poudarjalo pomen in status prvo pokopanega – prednika oz. mitičnega začetnika rodu. Seveda so te gomile le postopoma pridobivale na svoji velikosti in višini, pač glede na obstoj in mogočnost posamezne rodbine oz. rodu. Natančna izkopavanja velike gomile 48 v Stični so pokazala, da je bila gomila z nasipavanjem dokaj debelih zemeljskih plasti večkrat povišana, verjetno ob pokopih pomembnejših članov rodbine, ali pa, ko se je sklenil en krog in se začel nov; grobovi so bili namreč deloma vkopani, deloma pa le prekriti z novim nasutjem. 98 A lega in usmerjenost posa- meznih grobov ni sledila le logiki koncentričnih krogov, temveč je bila odvisna tudi od nebesne sfere in strani neba. Na osnovi primerov stiških gomil 48 94 Križ 2019, 252 ss, pril. 1. 95 W ells 1981, 45 ss; Gabrovec et al. 2006; Gabrovec 2008. 96 Hencken 1978; Tecco Hvala, Dular, Kocuvan 2004; Tecco Hvala 2012. 97 Knez 1986. 98 Gabrovec 1999; Gabrovec et al. 2006, 14 ss, pril. 2; Gabrovec 2008, 36 ss, sl. 19–20. in 5 smo ugotovili, da so bile glede usmerjenosti grobov praviloma razdeljene na pol – na vzhodno in zahodno ali severno in južno polovico, odvisno od tega, kje je potekala (za nas sedaj le navidezna) razmejitvena linija med usmeritvijo grobov v smeri urinega kazalca oz. obratno. 99 Ta linija ni bila do- ločena poljubno, temveč po vsej verjetnosti glede na nebesno konstelacijo, posebno lune, kot je to pred nedavnim pokazal Allard Mees 100 za nekatere gomile v zahodnohalštatskem krogu, npr. slavno gomilo Magdalenenberg. 101 Dodaten faktor vpliva na lego posameznega groba v stiški gomili 48 so prestavljali tudi spol, starost in status pokopanega glede na hierarhično lestvico znotraj rodu. Gomile odražajo torej izredno kompleksno strukturirano družbeno skupnost, organizirano po dualističnem principu, kar najbolje ilustrira velika gomila iz Stične. V njej so bili na vzhodni strani, na strani vzhajajočega sonca pokopani bojevniki – konjeniki s spremstvom (sl. 5) in ženske najvišjega ranga, medtem ko so bili v zahodni polovici pretežno grobovi ženskih pripadnic ostalih kategorij v okviru rodu in moških pripadnikov nižjega družbenega položaja. 102 Takšna obredna pravila pogrebnih običajev pa verjetno niso veljala le v Stični, temveč tudi drugod, zlasti pri pokopih v velike gomile. Podobno strukturiranost je mogoče slutiti, če si ogledamo tlorisne načrte gomil s Kapiteljske njive v Novem mestu, na katerih so grobovi označeni glede na njihovo usmeritev, spol in datacijo. 103 Poskusili smo preveriti usmerjenost grobov v gomili III in ugotovili, da izkazuje v usmerjenosti grobov bipolarno strukturo. Frapantno pa je, da se razmejitvena linija med obema polovicama gomile III skoraj povsem sklada s smerjo, ki jo označujejo v ravno vrsto razporejeni žgani grobovi 38, 33, 37 in 31 (sl. 3 in 6a). 104 Ali gre zgolj za naključje ali pa morda vendarle ne, ostaja odprto vprašanje. 99 Teržan 2008, 233 ss, sl. 15–16. 100 Mees 2012; Mees, Deiss 2013; Mess 2017. 101 Velika gomila Magdalenenberg pri Villingenu v Črnem lesu izkazuje namreč zelo podobno strukturo kot jo ima gomila 48 v Stični, na kar smo že večkrat opozorili, tudi v objavi stiških gomil: glej Teržan 2008, 236–237; Meyer-Orlac 1983, 12 ss, Abb. 1; Teržan 1992, 73 ss, Abb. 3–7. Eno izmed zgodnjih poročil o izkopavanjih na Magdalenenbergu je objavljeno tudi v Arheološkem vestniku: glej Spindler 1973. 102 Teržan 2008, 238 ss, sl. 17–19, 23–24. 103 Križ 2019, 255, 260, 265, 268 itd. 104 Pri tej sliki nam gre izključno za prikaz usmerjenosti grobov glede na urni kazalec, pri čemer so nam za osnovo služili načrti objavljeni pri Križu. Vendar je potrebno opozoriti, da opredelitev usmerjenosti na sl. 6a ni povsem 374 Biba TERŽAN identična s Križevo in Meesovo predlogo (sl. 6b). Namreč, v grobovih v Novem mestu skeletni ostanki niso ohranjeni in so zato edini indici o legi pokopanega v grobu grobni pridatki. Izhajali smo sicer iz istih kriterijev kot Križ, tj. da so bile posode praviloma pridane ob nogah pokopanih oseb, da nakit, predvsem ogrlice in fibule, označujejo lego zgornjega dela telesa, in da so sulice položene vzporedno s pokopanim v smeri glave, medtem ko so sekire praviloma za pasom, itd. Tam, kjer je bilo premalo grobnih pridatkov in podatkov o njihovi legi, je ostala smer groba neopredeljena. Strukturne lastnosti bipolarne zasnove stiških gomil 48 in 5 (sl. 5 in 7) ter nakazane podobnosti v zgradbi velikih novomeških gomil dovoljujejo predpostavko, da so bile družbene skupnosti dolenjske kulturne skupine organizirane po duali- stičnem principu. Oba pola izvajata svoje poreklo iz skupnega realnega ali mitičnega prednika, ki ga označuje bodisi centralni grob bodisi “praznina” sredi gomile. Kot kažejo velike gomile, so določene Sl. 5: Stična, gomila 48. Tlorisni načrt z označenimi grobovi glede na njihovo usmeritev. Označeni so grobovi bojevnikov s priloženo konjsko opremo in/ali žrtvovanimi konji (sestavljeno po Teržan 2008, sl. 15 in 19). Fig. 5: Stična, Tumulus 48. Plan with graves marked according to their clockwise and counter-clockwise orientation and with specially marked warriors buried with horse gear or sacrificed horses (drawn on the basis of Teržan 2008, Figs. 15 and 19). 375 Dolenjska halštatska skupina. Uvodnik in kratek oris Sl. 6: Novo mesto, Kapiteljska njiva, gomila III. Tlorisni načrt z označenimi grobovi glede na njihovo usmeritev v smeri urinega kazalca in v obratni smeri (a: osnova povzeta po Križ 1997, pril. 2; – b: Mees 2017, sl. 15; prim. op. 104). Fig. 6: Novo mesto, Kapiteljska njiva, Tumulus III. Plan with graves marked according to their clockwise and counter- -clockwise orientation (a: base of the plan taken from Križ 1997, App. 2; – b: Mees 2017, Abb. 15; cf. Fn. 105). 376 Biba TERŽAN rodbine vanje pokopavale več generacij, nekatere skoraj vso halštatsko dobo, kar priča o genealoški, visoko segmentirani strukturi in tudi o njihovi mo- gočnosti znotraj posameznih družbenih skupnosti. Hkrati pa – če sledimo interpretaciji Allarda Me- esa – so bili pokopi v eni in drugi polovici gomil izrazito simbolnega pomena. Razmejitvena linija med grobovi v smeri urinega kazalca oz. obratno bi naj bila določena glede na pozicijo luninega obrata in zvezdno konstelacijo (sl. 6b in 7). 105 Gomile kot take so torej izraz strogega verskega obredja, religioznih predstav o kozmosu in vero- vanja v ponovno rojstvo. Ta teza pa predpostavlja tudi zelo kompleksno astronomsko znanje, ki so ga morali imeti vsaj izbrani posamezniki halštatske družbene elite, 106 tudi v dolenjski kulturni skupini. Na tem mestu se zdi potrebno še enkrat spomni- ti, da se kaže dolenjska halštatska skupina skozi pogrebne običaje kot izrazito vojaško organizirana družba v primerjavi z drugimi skupinami jugo- vzhodnoalpskega halštatskega kroga. Napadalno orožje (meči, sekire, sulice, puščice) je sodilo med obvezne pridatke moških grobov, 107 prestižna zašči- tna oprava (oklepi, čelade) 108 ter žrtvovani konji 109 in/ali konjska oprema 110 pa so označevali vodilne bojevnike – konjenike, torej vrh vojaške elite. V tej zvezi so ne le zanimivi, temveč tudi pomenljivi rezultati spektroskopske analize bronastih mečev s štirih najdišč dolenjske halštatske skupine (glej tu Turk). 111 Pokazale so namreč, da sta bila dva od teh – antenski meč iz Podzemlja, tj. eponimnega najdišča za najstarejši horizont dolenjske skupine, in meč iz slavnega groba z oklepom v Stični, tj. enega najbogatejših bojevniških grobov na Do- lenjskem – večkrat popravljana in da sta jima bili rezili zamenjani, kar dokazuje njuno intenzivno in dolgotrajno rabo, a tudi podedovano dragocenost. Skupaj z antenskim mečem iz šmarješke nekropole pod Velikim Vinjim vrhom sodijo ti meči med 105 Moja posebna zahvala velja Allardu Meesu, ki mi je dovolil objavo rezultatov izračunov svojih raziskav za novomeško gomilo III in stiško gomilo 5. 106 Mees 2012, 43; Mees, Deiss 2013, 83; Mess 2017, 78–92. 107 Glej. n.pr. Teržan 1985, 77 ss, sl. 1–2, 5–7, 12–13, 15–16; Peterle-Udovič 2011; Tecco Hvala 2012, 109 ss. 108 Gabrovec 1960;1963–1964; 1985; Egg 1986; Born 2008; Teržan 2008, 311 ss. 109 Dular 2007; glej tudi Teržan 2011; Teržan 2014b, 114 ss, sl. 8–11. 110 Gabrovec 1960, 46 ss; Guštin, Teržan 1975; Guštin, T eržan 1977, 77 ss, Karte 1; T ecco Hvala 2012, 157 ss; Škvor Jernejčič 2017, 100 ss. 111 Glej tudi Laharnar, Turk 2017, 30–33, 44–47. značilne tipe predvsem za mlajše obdobje kulture žarnih grobišč, zato sklepamo, da njihova prisotnost v prestižnih bojnih opravah veljakov iz zgodnje železne dobe priča o močni tradiciji, 112 ki so ji bili zavezani, na simbolni ravni pa o legitimnosti njihovega visokega družbenega, morda vladarske- ga položaja. Stiški meč, za katerega je Peter Turk ugotovil, da je povsem enak primerku iz ene od gomil v Strettwegu ob zgornjem toku reke Mure, pa kaže na frapantne stike med bolj oddaljenimi aristokratskimi “hišami” , ki so segali daleč preko meja dolenjske skupine (glej tu T urk). T orej se tudi v oborožitvi vodilnega sloja halštatske družbe s tradicionalnimi bronastimi meči kaže kompleksnost procesov v času formiranja dolenjske halštatske skupine, še zlasti, če te grobove soočimo s prej omenjenimi grobovi z ukrivljenimi enoreznimi meči – mahairami, novim tipom železnih sulic in sekir ter konjsko opremo, ki pomenijo novo vrsto orožja, v kateri odsevajo vplivi konjeniških ljudstev vzhodnjaške provenience. Kot že omenjeno, je v mladohalštatskem obdobju prišlo do opaznega prestrukturiranja dolenjske družbe. Na osnovi tipične sestave orožja je mogoče sklepati, da se je moški del populacije razslojil celo v šest razredov, kar petero od njih pa je bilo obo- roženih; to kaže na izrazito vojaško organiziranost družbe, na čelu katere je stal konjenik – poveljnik – knez. 113 Te spremembe so se po vsej verjetnosti vršile po zgledih in pod vplivom italskega, pred- vsem severnoetruščanskega in estenskega sveta. Najbolj evidentni arheološki dokazi za te vplive so široka razprostranjenost različnih vrst/različic certoških fibul, kar zadeva nošnjo, 114 in negovskih čelad, kar zadeva orožje. 115 Ob tem je frapantno dejstvo, da se je širjenje teh čelad proti vzhodu v smeri zahodnega Balkana ustavilo prav na vzhodni meji dolenjske halštatske skupine, torej do tja, do koder je segala etruščanska interesna sfera. Zaho- dni Balkan je bil namreč, kar se orožja tiče, pod močnim grškim vplivom, to najbolje ilustrira prav karta razprostranjenosti sočasnih ilirskih čelad. 116 Edini izjemi na prostoru dolenjske halštatske sku- 112 Glej npr. Tomedi 1996; Baur 2019. 113 Glej opombe 29, 107–110. 114 Teržan 1976. 115 Gabrovec 1965; Egg 1986, 41 ss., Abb. 17. Seveda obstajajo različne variante oz. izvedbe negovskih čelad, za jugovzhodnoalpski prostor je značilen tako imenovani “slovenski tip” negovskih čelad (istotam, 66 ss). Glej tudi tu Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer. 116 Teržan 1995a, 85 ss, Abb. 5–9, 11–12; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012, sl. 7, 14. 377 Dolenjska halštatska skupina. Uvodnik in kratek oris pine sta čeladi ilirskega tipa, obe odkriti v enem samem grobu na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu. 117 Verjetno gre za enega ali dva bojevnika, ki se je oz. sta se kot najemnika udinjala nekje na Balkanu, kar je bilo verjetno bolj izjema kot pravilo. Poleg povezav s severnoetruščanskim prostorom so v 117 Egg 1999, 317 ss, Abb. 2–10; Blečić 2007, 79 s, 105, Fig. 4; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012, 50 ss, sl. 5–7; Križ 2019, 73–74, sl. 54–55. Poudariti želimo, da čeladi pripadata tipološko različnima tipoma oz. variantama, ki nista sočasna, zato se poraja vprašanje, ali sploh gre za dvojni grob. Glede na zapis Križa (2019, 77, sl. 58), da manjša situla ne sodi v grob 19 gomile VII z ilirskima čeladama (Egg 1999, 339 s, Abb. 16: 2), temveč v grob 16 gomile VI, bi kazalo preveriti, ali je do zamenjav prišlo morda tudi pri kakšnih drugih pridatkih groba VII/19. Sl. 7: Stična, gomila 5. Tlorisni načrt z označenimi grobovi glede na njihovo usmeritev in vrisanimi osmi mesečevih obratov, kot jih je izračunal in predložil Allard Mees (2017, 87–91, Abb. 17; osnova načrta povzeta po Teržan 2008, sl. 15). Fig. 7: Stična, T umulus 5. Plan with graves marked according to their clockwise and counter-clockwise orientation that include the axes of the lunistices calculated by Allard Mees (2017, 87–91, Abb. 17; base of the plan taken from Teržan 2008, Fig. 15). mlajšem halštatskem obdobju opazni obnovljeni tesnejši stiki z venetskim prostorom, kar npr. dobro ilustrira novoodkriti grob na Kovku nad Hrastnikom, v katerem poleg čelade izstopa bogata pasna garnitura, njeno provenienco pa gre iskati prav v estenskem umetnostno-obrtnem krogu (glej tu Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer, sl. 9; t. 4; 5: 1–12). Ob zaključku naj omenimo, da je bila na simpoziju kot posebna tema obravnavana tudi situlska umetnost. Markus Egg je predstavil re- stavratorsko delo na situlah iz Novega mesta, ki so ga opravili v restavratorskih delavnicah Rim- sko-germanskega centralnega muzeja v Mainzu (Römisch- Germanisches Zentralmuseum). Vse te situle so bile žal v zelo slabem stanju in le z veliko muko in mnogo truda jim je pri nekaterih 378 Biba TERŽAN uspelo izluščiti njihov figuralni okras. 118 Egg je posebno pozornost posvetil doslej neznani sceni v situlski umetnosti, ki so jo uspeli razbrati pri ponovnem poskusu restavriranja na situli iz gro- ba 33 gomile III v Kandiji. 119 Nenavaden prizor prikazuje dve nasproti si stoječi bojeviti osebi s sekirama v rokah, ki morda izvršujeta eksekucijo nad drobno osebo – ujetnikom (?), ležečo med njima na tleh, ali pa bijeta boj za truplo padlega junaka, kot je npr. opisano pri Homerju ali pri- kazano na upodobitvah na grški slikani keramiki in torevtičnih izdelkih. 120 Tako prva kot druga možna razlaga tega prizora pa dobro dopolnjuje sliko dolenjske halštatske družbe, kot smo jo po- skušali orisati v tem pregledu na osnovi pogrebnih običajev in grobnih pridatkov, to sta bojevit značaj in vojaška naravnanost kot njeni glavni vrednoti. 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TERŽAN, B. 2014a, Prvi med prvimi – o centralnem grobu gomile I na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu / First among the firsts – the central grave of tumulus I at Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto. – V / In: S. T ecco Hvala (ur. / ed.), Studia Praehistorica in Honorem Janez Dular, Opera Instituti Arcaheologici Sloveniae 30, 251–270. TERŽAN, B. 2014b, O konjskih dirkah sredi 1. tisočletja pr. Kr.: konj in kotel v situlski umetnosti. – V / In: P. Štih (ur. / ed.), Varia, Razprave 1. razreda SAZU 28, 104–138. TERŽAN, B. 2015, Ein Reiterkrieger in kaukasischer Tracht vom Rande der südostalpinen Hallstattkultur. – V / In: I. Szatmari (ur. / ed.), An der Grenze der Bronze- und 382 Biba TERŽAN Eisenzeit. Festschrift für Tibor: Kemenczei zum 75. Ge- burtstag, 445–457, Budapest. TERŽAN, B., M. BRICELJ 2019, Danubian Horseman from Novo mesto ? – Archaica 7, 79–100. TERŽAN, B., M. ČREŠNAR 2014a, Absolutno datiranje bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem / Absolute Dating of the Bronze and Iron Ages in Slovenia. – Katalogi in monografije 40. TERŽAN, B., M. ČREŠNAR 2014b, Poskus datiranja starejše železne dobe na Slovenskem / Attempt at an absolute dating of the Early Iron Age in Slovenia. – V / In: B. Teržan, M. Črešnar (ur. / eds.), Absolutno datiranje bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem / Absolute Dating of the Bronze and Iron Ages in Slovenia. – Katalogi in monografije 40, 703–724. TOMEDI, G. 1996, Nochmals zur Fabel von den “Tra- ditionsschwertern”. Weitere Randbemerkungen zu den Schwertgräbern des Südostalpenraumes und zur “Schwertgrabchronologie” . – V / In: Th. Stöllner (ur. / ed.), Europa celtica. Untersuchungen zur Hallstatt- und Latènekultur, V eröffentlichungen des V orgeschichtlichen Seminars Marburg, Sonderband 12, 167–188. TOMEDI, G. 2017, Siedlungen und politische Strukturen in Mittel- und Oberitalien sowie im Südostalpenraum. – V / In: E. 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The Mecklenburg grave groups from Hallstatt and Stična. Mecklenburg Collection 3. – American School of Prehistoric Research / Bulletin 33. ZIMMERMANN, E. 2003, Fighten. Faustkampf in der Situlenkunst – Kampf der Fäuste (Boksanje v situlski umetnosti – boj s pestmi). Arheološki vestnik 54, 225–241. The previous volume of Arheološki vestnik (70, 2019) presented the contributions from the first scientific symposium named ‘Gabrovec Day’ , dedicated to the Styrian-Pannonian group, and also announced the proceedings from the second symposium, which are published in the present volume. The subject of the second symposium is evidence from the new research regarding the Dolenjska Hallstatt group. The symposium was held on 19 January 2018 and was attended by a number of scholars presenting their papers, but unfortunately not all of them prepared an article for our publication. 1 This brief overview will attempt 1 Colleagues Lazo Ćučković and Zoran Ćučković (Turska kosa and the Karlovac region in the Early Iron Age), Borut Križ and Petra Stipančić (Novo mesto in the Early Iron Age – new archaeological excavations in the last decades), Želimir Škoberne (Budinjak and Sv. Križ to take into account all contributions, including those only presented orally. Following the geographic definition proposed by Stane Gabrovec, the Dolenjska Hallstatt group comprised not only the region of Dolenjska, but also Zasavje and Posavje all to Brežiška vrata in the east, and across the Gorjanci or Žumberak Hills 2 to Bela krajina in the southeast. It was a fairly densely populated hilly area with numer- ous settlements on hilltops, usually fortified, that controlled their surroundings and the lines of communications below, which largely followed Brdovečki – archaeological excavations in the last decades) also presented their papers. 2 In the Žumberak Hills, we are mainly referring to the recently researched archaeological site at Budinjak, which comprises a hillfort and a vast tumulus cemetery below. About the site, Želimir Škoberne (Muzej grada Zagreba) reported at the symposium. Also see Škoberne 1999; 2004; Škoberne, Bugar 2017. The Dolenjska Hallstatt Group. An introduction and brief outline Translation 383 The Dolenjska Hallstatt Group. An introduction and brief outline the main river ways such as the Sava, 3 Krka and Kolpa with their tributaries 4 (Fig. 1). The con- tributions in this volume open with an excellent main study that presents the Iron Age settlement of Dolenjska (Dular). This is followed by reports on the recent archaeological excavations in Bela krajina (Mason, Mlekuž Vrhovnik, Udovč; Gra- hek, Kovač) and Zasavje (Murko, Draksler; Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer), as well as on the interdisci- plinary research of the iron production centre at Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice (Črešnar et al.). Next, the results of the spectroscopic analyses of several solid-hilted swords offer a valuable insight into the technology of sword production and into the complexity of the processes taking place in the formative phase of the Early Hallstatt culture in the south-eastern Alpine area (Turk). The contributions on the Dolenjska group are rounded off by a paper presenting the procedure and new observations when redrawing the figural depictions on the well-known situlae (Murgelj). CHRONOLOGY Its rich collections of archaeological finds 5 made the Dolenjska cultural group, as a constituent part of the south-eastern Alpine Hallstatt culture, a starting point for a multitude of studies that Stane Gabrovec conducted in the course of his professional career. He established a well-founded chronological system for the Early Iron Age and provided a cultural-historical outline not only of the Dolenjska group, but also of a much wider area. 6 In decades since its conception, Gabrovec’s periodisation has witnessed several minor, but not insignificant adjustments on the part of himself and other scholars – mainly his students – aimed at more precisely defining the chronological divi- sion of phases and/or sub-phases. For the Early Hallstatt period, more precisely for the Podzemelj phase, Janez Dular wrote an important study on the sites in Bela krajina. 7 For the Late Hallstatt period, there is notably the study of the Certosa fibulae that included an analysis of the tumuli 3 See e.g. Dular 2009; Pavlin, T ecco Hvala, Bizjak 2019, 16–17, 24–25, Figs. 3; 5. 4 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 57–62. 5 The main collections of archaeological finds are kept in the Narodni muzej Slovenije, Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna and Peabody Museum in Harvard (USA). 6 Gabrovec 1964–1965; 1966; 1973; 1987; 1999; 2008. 7 Dular 1973; also see Škvor Jernejčič 2011. from Dolenjske Toplice and Volčje Njive as the basis for a subdivision of the Serpentine Fibula, Certosa Fibula and Negova-Helmets phases and/ or horizons. 8 W e should mention as well the large- scale research that Hermann Parzinger conducted on the chronology of the Hallstatt groups between the south-eastern Alps and the Rhineland, i.e. between the Rivers Sava and Mosel. He used the chronological framework that Gabrovec proposed for Dolenjska as starting point, elaborating it and attempting to establish the dynamics of variables as indicators of local development specificities through time for each region of the group, i.e. for Bela krajina, eastern Dolenjska and western Dolenjska. He analysed all other cultural groups in the same manner and constructed a complex chronological system for the Hallstatt period in central Europe. 9 Last but not least, one scholar who also provided an integral chronological overview of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group is Janez Dular. Apart from the publication of the Hallstatt finds from minor sites in Dolenjska kept in the Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna, his main contribution is his proposal of the number of reli- able graves contexts from several archaeological sites in Dolenjska group as references for dating individual phases and sub-phases of the Early Iron Age in Dolenjska. 10 With the advancement and increased application of scientific dating methods, particularly radiocarbon dating, there was a need for correlating the leading graves contexts of in- dividual phases in the Dolenjska group, primarily those excavated at Stična, with the radiocarbon- based chronological system for the West Hallstatt culture, on the one side, and with the one from Italy, on the other. The result of this correlation was the corrected dating of the Dolenjska group phases that was found to have begun a few decades earlier. 11 T o tackle this very issue, a special project was carried out that involved a large number of samples from Bronze and Iron Age contexts sub- mitted for radiocarbon analyses. 12 However, the difficulty with radiocarbon dating samples from Early Iron Age contexts is that a ‘Hallstatt plateau’ on the calibration curve renders them imprecise and their probability ranges relatively long. The results of radiocarbon analyses were therefore 8 Teržan 1976, 383–393, 437–443. 9 Parzinger 1988, 27–52, Pls. 33–57, App. See e.g. reviews Nortmann 1991; Teržan 1992. 10 Dular 2003, 99–150. 11 Teržan 2008, 275–293, Fig. 42. 12 Teržan, Črešnar 2014a. 384 Biba TERŽAN assessed using specially modelled values, but this merely provided an approximation of the absolute dating of individual grave contexts, goods and/or finds, respectively. 13 Disregarding radiocarbon dating, it is safe to say that the present, widely accepted chronological scheme for the Early Iron Age of the Dolenjska cultural group represents a reliable basis for both an accurate dating of new Hallstatt discoveries and for further research of the different aspects of Hallstatt society and culture; because of their imprecision, radiocarbon analyses even seem unnecessary. SETTLEMENT Leaving aside the excavations prior to World War II, the modern foundations for the research of the prehistoric settlement in Dolenjska were undoubtedly laid primarily by Stane Gabrovec with his large-scale and well though-out archaeological excavations at Cvinger above Vir pri Stični that involved an international team of archaeologists. 14 The Stična hillfort is the most extensively inves- tigated Iron Age settlement in Dolenjska to date. It stands out among the numerous other Hallstatt settlements in its size and fortifications. It was a central settlement built according to a well-devised concept, with the several kilometres long drystone rampart (of the Stična type) clearly constructed in a single campaign. This feat of construction is clear evidence of an act of colonisation. It is dated to the 8 th century BC and marks the formative phase of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group. There are also clear indications that several other settlements were established in the late 9 th or the course of the 8 th century BC. 15 Most of these settlements remained inhabited throughout the duration of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group to its end in the late 4 th century BC, when it was overpowered by the Celtic invasion from the East. Significant advances in our knowledge on the settlement in the area controlled by the Dolenjska cultural group came with the scientific research project on the fortified prehistoric settlements in Dolenjska (Utrjena prazgodovinska naselja na Dolenjskem). Beginning in 1989, it was led by Janez Dular as part of the research activities 13 Teržan, Črešnar 2014b, 703–725. 14 Gabrovec 1994; 1999. 15 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 70 ff, Fig. 24. at the Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU 16 (see here Dular). Although its focus was on the Iron Age settlement, investigations revealed that the first hilltop settlements already appeared in the Copper Age (Late Neolithic and Eneolithic); this was a surprising discovery and one of historical importance for the whole area. 17 Dular distin- guishes between seven types of settlements that existed here from the Copper Age to Late An- tiquity, of which those from the Early Iron Age were most extensively researched. The results of the project have been published in the book entitled ‘South-eastern Slovenia in the Early Iron Age: Settlement – Economy – Society’ , 18 the main points also in the contribution for this volume of Arheološki vestnik (see here Dular). In the over- view, I shall only briefly note the new discoveries this excellently conceived and executed project brought and the topics it opened. In addition to a chronological attribution of individual settlements, which represents the foundation for any further research, the project very systematically analysed the settlement structures and pattern across the Dolenjska Hallstatt group by considering a number of aspects (location, size, types of fortifications including entrances, construction techniques, oc- cupation of the interior, economic hinterland of individual settlements, primarily those of a central character, hierarchy of settlements and so forth). Of great historical and social importance are the observed changes in the settlement concerning the choice of location and the size relationships (in hectares) between the settlements of the Urn- field period that were abandoned and those that were newly established at the transition between the Late Bronze and the beginning of the Early Iron Age (roughly during the 8 th century BC). Changes in the settlement of Dolenjska again occurred in the Late Hallstatt period, when the area witnessed a shift of habitation primarily to the western areas of Dolenjska and to the Zasavje region. 19 The reasons for this may very likely be sought in the raids of mounted nomadic Scythians and associated bands coming from the Northern Black Sea area and the eastern Carpathian Basin 16 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007. 17 Dular 2001; Turk 2018, 16–22, Figs. 2, 7–8; Turk, Turk 2019, 104–111. 18 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007. 19 For Zasavje, also see Draksler 2007. 385 The Dolenjska Hallstatt Group. An introduction and brief outline (mainly the Vekerzug or Alföld group), 20 as well as in the influx of people from the region of the Styrian-Pannonian group. The settlements that were continuously inhabited or newly established, either in the initial phase of the Early Iron Age or in the Late Hallstatt period, differed in population size (mostly estimated from the associated tumulus cemeteries), surface and economic potential. Us- ing clearly defined criteria, Janez Dular and Sneža Tecco Hvala proposed a convincing hierarchy of settlements with Cvinger above Vir pri Stični and Veliki Vinji vrh near Bela Cerkev (or Šmarjeta) at the top (see here Dular, Fig. 11). 21 Each of these central settlements enjoyed a good visual control over its surroundings, i.e. its economic hinterland. Surprisingly, the central settlements were connected not only by land communications such as roads or pathways (see here Dular, Fig. 13), but also by a network of visual lines of communication. In the Early Hallstatt period, only some settlements were visually interconnected, mainly those of the central type, while evidence for the Late Hallstatt period suggests a very dense network of visual communications that covered almost the entire territory of Dolenjska (Fig. 2). 22 This is an indica- tion of a common visual supervision of the whole territory of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group that must have been a tightly-knit and well-organised unit. The nature of this organisation remains a mat- ter of discussion and further research. 23 Whereas Dular advocates a polycentric settlement system (see here Dular), 24 we hypothesise that the social structures of the Dolenjska community reflect a dualist principle perceptible not only in the structure of the clans/families (observable in the structures of the tumuli at Stična), 25 but also in the organisation of the society as a whole. This hypothesis is based on the analysis of the tumuli from Stična and on the above-mentioned parameters and results pertaining to the hierarchy of the cen- tral settlements in Dolenjska as shown by Janez Dular and Sneža Tecco Hvala, enhanced with the distribution and quantity of helmets as items of 20 See Teržan 1998; 2010; on this topic see Hellmuth 2006; 2010; Hellmuth Kramberger 2017; for the Vekerzug or Alföld group, see Chochorowski 1998; Kemenczei 2009. 21 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 191 ff, Fig. 113. 22 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 196 ff, 223 ff, Figs. 114, 115, 129, 130, 132. 23 See e.g. Tomedi 2017. 24 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 195. 25 T eržan 2008, 233–272, Figs. 15–16, 18–19, 23, 25, 37. prestige and indicators of the high social/military standing of their owners and their communities, respectively. For the initial part of the Early Iron Age, the Šmarjeta type disc helmets (Schüsselhelm) appear to be most indicative, thus far only known in higher numbers from V eliki Vinji vrh (Šmarjeta) and Cvinger above Vir pri Stični. This distinction between the two settlements as leading Hallstatt centres (Šmarjeta, Stična) as opposed to other set- tlements in Dolenjska with associated cemeteries 26 has remained unchallenged even after the recent excavations in Novo mesto. There, the site at Ka- piteljska njiva has yielded as many 1162 burials in 69 tumuli, as well as 338 flat cremation graves, 27 while further more than 120 burials came to light in four or five tumuli excavated at Kandija; 28 in all these graves, a single one contained the remains of a warrior buried with a Šmarjeta type disc helmet as part of an otherwise outstanding and rich military outfit. 29 This fact is certainly indica- tive and shows that the Novo mesto community in the Initial Early Iron Age did not include the same number of outstanding warriors, i.e. did not possess the same level of military capability as the community living at Veliki Vinji vrh (Šmarjeta) or Cvinger above Vir pri Stični. We may infer a similar situation for other, actually rather few (or several smaller) communities that have yielded only one or two Šmarjeta type disc helmets. This relation does not, however, exclude the possibility that these less powerful and smaller settlements represented local centres; it merely signifies that only two settlements stood out in the number of leading warriors. As already mentioned, the situation changed drastically in the Late Hallstatt period, not only in terms of the settlement pattern and the organisation of the territory as suggested by the dense network of visual communications (Fig. 2), but also in military structure and militarisation of the whole society, as most of the male population was now armed and divided into as many as five warrior classes with the military elite distinguished by their 26 Teržan 2008, 310 ff, Fig. 55, List to Fig. 55. 27 Križ 2019, 13–15. 28 Gabrovec 1960; 1968; Knez 1986. 29 Knez 1993, 23–24, 40–43, Pls. 16–20; Križ 2019, 71–74, Fig. 51 (two other stray finds of phalerae have been reported, one of which certainly belonged to a Šmarjeta type helmet; the publication does not give the exact position of the finds in or near a tumulus, which would be very important information). 386 Biba TERŽAN Negova helmets. 30 The distribution of the Negova helmets within the Dolenjska Hallstatt group also shows a redistribution of military power between the settlements of the central character; moreover, it seems to indicate not only the military might of individual centres, 31 but also a reinforced pro- tection of the common borders. The latter is also suggested by the most recent finds from Zasavje (see here Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer) and Bela krajina (see here Grahek, Kovač). 32 This reveals considerable changes in the military structure and organisation of the Dolenjska group as a whole in the Late Hallstatt period, which presupposes an effective and uniform leadership. It is quite imaginable that the Dolenjska Hallstatt group was territorially organised similarly to the V enetian Este- culture (Veneto), where Este/Ateste and Padova/ Padusa/ Padua/Patavium functioned as the main centres among the fifty cities (‘… e dei Veneti le cinquanta città…’), 33 or similarly as the Etruscan (con)federal league of twelve cities or city-states (duodecim populi Etruriae). The representatives of these twelve cities, which were kings (basileus/ rex/lucumo/hegemon/strategos hegoumenos) in the early, i.e. Orientalising and Archaic periods, held regular meetings (probably at least once a year) at their federal sanctuary dedicated to Voltumna (deus princeps Etruriae), near the city of Volsinii, where they would discuss common political and military matters and, whenever necessary, joined their military forces. 34 To return to Dolenjska, we should mention two contributions that provide further insight into the 30 Teržan 1985, 90–96, 101–103, Figs. 12–13, 15–17; Teržan 1997, 661–664, Figs. 1, 6–8. Also see Tecco Hvala 2012, 140 ff, Fig. 5; Križ 2019, 205–209 (cf. the lists of weapons, particularly spearheads and axes in the graves from Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto, which point to a substantial increase in the Negova phase in comparison to earlier phases). 31 Teržan 2008, 320–322, Fig. 61. Two Negova helmets from Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto (Križ 2019, 74, Figs. 52–53), one from Kovk above Hrastnik (see here Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer, Figs. 7–8; Pl. 1–2) and one from Podzemelj (see here Grahek, Kovač) should be added to the distribution list of the Negova helmets in the Dolenjska region. 32 Lucija Grahek presented the archaeological excavations and the new find of a Negova helmet at Pezdirčeva njiva near Podzemelj on 16 January 2020 as part of Gabrovec Day. 33 Fogolari 1975, 64 ff, 72–73, 108 etc.; Malnati 2003, 15 ff; Balista, Gamba 2013, 72 ff; Gamba et al. (eds.) 2013, 223 ff. 34 Heurgon 1982, 18–19; Tagliamonte 2017, 134–136. Hallstatt settlement in Bela krajina. One concerns the settlement on Kučar, an isolated hill above the River Kolpa, 35 and the associated cemetery newly discovered at Pezdirčeva njiva near Podzemelj. 36 The recent rescue archaeological investigations have brought important new insights for the understanding of the site: particularly the pottery recovered from the earliest cultural layer that came to light in the trial trenches on the south summit of the hill, have shown that the settlement was not established at the beginning of the Early Iron Age, 37 but already in the Late Bronze Age, in the Urnfield culture pe- riod (see here Grahek, Kovač, Figs. 2 and 3). They have also shown that the settlement was renovated in the Initial Early Iron Age and fortified with a drystone rampart (see here Grahek, Kovač, Figs. 4 and 6). Furthermore, the upper cultural layer with associated artefacts indicates a reoccupation of the site in the Late Iron Age, 38 probably in the Middle La Tène period, which is corroborated by the newly found burials at Pezdirčeva njiva, a site at the foot of the Kučar hill (see here Grahek, Kovač, Fig. 1). For the other contribution on Bela krajina, the rescue trial trenching in the area of Črnomelj 39 has brought less new data, but provided interesting findings in the vicinity of Dragatuš, while the analysis of the laser scanning data for the hill Nerajski Cirnik revealed artificial features in the terrain. Subsequent topographic survey found the features to be the remains of earthworks enclosing the summit of the hill, i.e. a settlement (see here Mason, Mlekuž Vrhovnik, Udovč, Fig. 14). The lack of archaeologically diagnostic finds does not provide any information as to a possi- ble Early Iron Age dating of the settlement, and Dular already noted that the number and layout of the earthworks are not those characteristic of Hallstatt fortification systems (see here Dular). A clearer picture of the age of this newly found site must await serious archaeological excavations and further investigations. The prosperity of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group is believed to have largely rested on the produc- tion of iron (due to an easy access to surface iron 35 Dular, Ciglenečki, Dular 1995; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 185–189, 348, Fig. 107. 36 The cemetery at Pezdirčeva njiva has only recently been discovered and its finds are still under analysis. 37 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 72, Fig. 24. 38 The relatively small excavation area has not provided conclusive evidence of a continuous habitation from the Hallstatt to the La Tène period. 39 Cf. Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 186–189, 350, Fig. 108. 387 The Dolenjska Hallstatt Group. An introduction and brief outline ore) and possibly also on the exploitation of other mineral deposits (copper, lead and others); 40 the latter may be reflected in a very wide variety of glass jewellery. 41 Recent investigations into iron production took place at Cvinger near Dolenjske T oplice, which is a logical choice as the site already revealed a large ironworking complex 42 and as the goods in one of the richest princely graves included two iron spits or rods/ingots indicating the significance of the local iron production and trading. 43 Appropriately conceived and coordinated methodological and interdisciplinary approaches of these investigations have already provided first interesting results. One of these is the observation that the potential of iron production was consid- erably greater than what could be estimated on the basis of geophysical measurements alone, as furnaces were located very close to one another and also renovated or reused several times. Also significant is the archaeomagnetic dating of one of the furnaces, which confirms that the ironworking complex was in use in the Hallstatt period (see here Črešnar et al.). BURIAL RITE AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE The main characteristics of the Dolenjska Hall- statt group include a specific form of cemeteries and a specific burial rite. In contrast with the flat cemeteries of the previous, Urnfield culture period (Dobova and Ljubljana groups), the tradition of which partly survived into the initial, formative phase of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group, a completely new type of burial markers appeared in the Early Iron Age – burial mounds or tumuli. 44 These formed vast cemeteries in which tumuli were usu- ally arranged in several groups, particularly along the main pathways, and at a certain distance from the hillforts. Some groups comprise several tens 40 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 50 ff, 212–217, Figs. 18, 123–125. 41 Haevernick 1974; Matthäus, Braun 1983, 2 ff, 149 ff, Tabs. 14, 17, 19, 21–25, Maps 1–5; Dobiat et al. 1987, 9 ff, Maps 1–3, 6, 10; Kunter 1995, 35–39, Fig. 3, Maps 3, 6, 14, 16; Križ 2006, 118 ff, 172–173, 179–192. 42 Mušič, Orengo 1998; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 2015–2017, Fig. 128. 43 T eržan 1976, 401, Pl. 29: 1–2; T eržan 2004, 175–177, Figs. 11, 20–21; 12. 44 Gabrovec 1964–1965; 1966; 1987; 1999; 2008; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2007, 123 ff. of tumuli, even over a hundred (for example at Stična, Šmarjeta, Podzemelj). 45 Individual tumuli contained a large number of burials, on average several ten, but even more than a hundred, as is the case at Stična 46 and Magdalenska gora. 47 They represent the burial ground for families or clans. Some early graves still held cremations, but inhumation soon prevailed. The key issues concerning the beginnings of the Hallstatt period in Dolenjska and concerning the changes in the burial ritual as a reflection of the religious beliefs and social transformation would certainly be clearer if the results of the archaeological excavations taking places over the last three decades at Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto were analysed and made available to the professional public. The excavations have been presented only at temporary museum exhibitions on several occasions, 48 but most still await a systematic publication with the exception of the graves from 7 of the 69 tumuli excavated 49 and several cremation graves. 50 In spite of the 2019 publication, which offers a general schematic overview of the burial rite in the Early Iron Age at Kapiteljska njiva and surely involved a great amount of effort, 51 it does not provide any exact and comprehensive presentation of the site would require and lacks an appropriate scientific apparatus, precise comprehensive descriptions and illustrations of the leading grave contexts men- tioned in the text. It is thus not possible to verify the information and the interpretations, which is the basis of any serious scientific work. Borut Križ presents the site in a lay manner, enumerates and dates without asking questions, discussing or presenting arguments; we are obliged to believe 45 See e.g. Dular, T ecco Hvala 2007, 157 ff, Figs. 89–91, 93, 96, 99–107. 46 Gabrovec 1999; Gabrovec et al. 2006; Gabrovec 2008; Teržan 2008. 47 T ecco Hvala, Dular, Kocuvan 2004; T ecco Hvala 2012. 48 Križ 1995; 2006; Križ, Stipančić 2016 and others. 49 Knez 1993; Križ 1997; 2000; 2013. 50 Maja Bricelj analysed the first 54 cremation burials from Kapiteljska njiva in a graduate thesis at the Oddelek za arheologijo, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani; her work has unfortunately not been published yet. See e.g. Bricelj 2003; Teržan, Bricelj 2019. 51 Križ 2019. 388 Biba TERŽAN him, or not. 52 He did participate at Gabrovec Day, 53 but did not submit a written contribution to this volume of Arheološki vestnik. I shall therefore at- tempt to outline the situation at Kapiteljska njiva based on the available publications. More than 300 cremation burials have been unearthed at Kapiteljska njiva so far, some of them flat, some integrated into tumuli and others subsequently covered with the tumuli. Most of them came to light along the western edge of the plateau and on the slope of the hill of Kapiteljska njiva. They are largely unpublished and Križ merely marked them as ‘a Late Bronze Age grave’, i.e. from the Urnfield culture period. 54 It is therefore impossible to find out the dating of the cremations at the site and whether some date as early as the Ha A phase or to one of the Ha B1–2–3 phases. 55 The question of the beginning of burial remains open, with it also the questions of the first oc- cupation on nearby Marof and of the dynamics of development during the transition to the Early Iron Age. Of all cremation graves, Križ dates only five to the Early Iron Age because they were found under small tumuli – with the exception of one dug into the central grave of a tumulus – though it is not possible to verify either their dating or 52 This is, of course, not an appropriate place for a peer review, but we should nevertheless draw attention to some of the key shortcomings of this extensive publication, namely the absence of an appropriate scientific apparatus, detailed descriptions of the finds and precise drawings of the objects from the leading grave contexts should be added as photos of select objects without the information on their context are insufficient! Admitting that the chronological attribution of graves based on pottery alone is problematic and can only be broad, the dating of individual graves in this publication still leaves one wanting. As an example of wrong dating I shall mention only two graves: One is Grave XIV/3 attributed to the Certosa phase in spite of its goods including a fibula with a long foot with an anther-like terminal or proto-Certosa fibula, such as are characteristic of the Stična 2 or Sv. Lucija Ic2 phase (cf. Križ 2013, Pl. 25: 5 (XIV/3); Križ 2019, 279, 281; and Guštin, Knific 1973, 835 ff, Map 1). The other is Grave XIV/15 attributed to the Serpentine Fibula phase in spite of an iron one-sided winged axe among its goods that is typical of the Negova phase (cf. Križ 2013, Pl. 35: 2; Križ 2019, 279, 281, and Teržan 1976, 387; Tecco Hvala 2012, 118 f). 53 The paper has been presented by him and his colleague Petra Stipančić. 54 Križ 2019, 17 ff, Fig. 3, App. 1. 55 See Križ, Jereb, Teržan 2014, 473 ff, Fig. 27: 2–4; Teržan 2014, 258–259, Fig. 4. their relationship amongst each other and to the inhumation burials under the same tumuli. 56 The burial customs in the Dolenjska Hallstatt group reveal that the process of social change taking place at the transition from the Urnfield culture period to the Early Iron Age was more complex than previously thought. This is illustrated, for example, by the small group of cremation burials covered over by Tumulus III at Kapiteljska njiva (Fig. 3). 57 Standing out among these is Grave 33, marked with a large stone slab that must still have been visible when the earthen mound was created. It was the burial of a man, probably horseman, who stood out from the other burials in this and the adjacent group of flat cremations in its goods. 58 These include fragments of a bridle bit of horn and three vessels that differ from the pottery usual in Dolenjska in both form and decoration, and originate from the area of the Bosut group or the Basarabi culture, same as the bridle bit; this suggests that the deceased’s origin should be sought in the Lower Danube Basin. 59 On the other hand, his cremated remains were buried in a large urn together with a conical-headed pin, 60 which rather speaks of a burial custom rooted in the lo- cal tradition. The burial as a whole thus indicates a dichotomy of the transition period (late 9 th –8 th century BC), as it is the herald of times of unrest and migrations, while still rooted in the local tradition. What appears even more significant is that, two or three generations later, Grave 33 and the cremations around it were covered over with an earthen mound that held concentrically and tangentially arranged burials, 61 but these avoided the central part, i.e. the part above Grave 33 (Fig. 3). This shows a conscious decision not to disturb the area of Grave 33, probably in veneration of the 56 Križ 2019, 142 ff, Figs. 118–119. 57 Križ 1997, 19, 23 ff; Križ 2019, 260; Bricelj 2003, 78, App. 7.3; Škvor Jernejčič 2014, Fig. 14. 58 Bricelj 2003, 9 ff, Pl. 17. 59 Teržan, Bricelj 2019. 60 For the pin of the V adena type according to Carancini, see Škvor Jernejčič 2014, 144 ff, Fig. 7 (with earlier references including the studies by Guštin, Gabrovec and Carancini). 61 The vessel from damaged Grave 9 (Križ 1997, 57, Pl. 34: 1; cf. Dular 1982, 42–43, Pl. 11: 110) and the goods from Grave 5 that include a Glasbügelfibel or Stachelbügelfibel, with a spiked blue glass overlay (Križ 1997, 55, Pl. 29; cf. Dular 2003, 130, Fig. 73: 1; Tecco Hvala 2012, 226 ff), show that the earliest inhumations in Tumulus III date to the Stična 1–2 or the early part of the Serpentine Fibula phase at the latest. Križ attributes this burial to the Certosa phase (Križ 2019, 258) without offering any arguments. 389 The Dolenjska Hallstatt Group. An introduction and brief outline ancestor, who may even have been the grandfather of the family buried under Tumulus III; his burial was left undisturbed and only covered over with earth to incorporate it into the mound. 62 The issue of central burials in the tumuli of Dolenjska has been under discussion for quite a while. 63 As a step toward illuminating the matter, the new data from excavations in tumuli such as those at Kapiteljska njiva are more than welcome. The 69 investigated tumuli include only twenty with a central grave, of which only three are cremations (Fig. 4). 64 These are predominantly medium-sized and small tumuli; the one that stands out in its large size and stone construction of the central burial chamber is Tumulus I. The central grave had already been robbed before the archaeological excavations, but the remains of a sacrificed horse and horse gear suggest it held a horseman. 65 A radiocarbon date shows that the burial dates to the middle or second half of the 8 th century BC 66 and is thus only slightly later than the above- mentioned cremation Grave 33 under Tumulus III. Križ dates all the central graves of the tumuli at Kapiteljska njiva to the very beginning of the Iron Age, 67 though his claim cannot be verified. It should be noted that the graves in some of these tumuli, particularly the medium-sized ones, seem to be located quite haphazardly with relation to the central grave, in some cases even very densely spaced and giving no impression of a circular ar- rangement around the centre of the tumulus marked by a central burial. In contrast, the graves in the large mounds, for example Tumuli I 68 and V, 69 as well as Tumulus III (Fig. 3) 70 are predominantly arranged in concentric circles, which is especially characteristic of later tumuli, dating from the Stična phase onwards. Most of these later tumuli have an empty central part, for example Tumuli VI, VII and VIII. They also stand apart from the others in their location on top of the plateau and 62 Bricelj 2003, 78, App. 7.3; Škvor Jernejčič 2014, 148, Fig. 11; Teržan, Bricelj 2019, 92–93, Fig. 9. 63 See Gabrovec 1999, 151–154, 178–179; Dular, T ecco Hvala 2007, 123 ff; Teržan 2008, 192 ff. 64 Križ 2019, 113 ff, Fig. 93 ff. 65 Knez 1993, 34–35, Pls. 1–6; also see Teržan 2014a. 66 Križ, Jereb, T eržan 2014, 477–478, Figs. 27.2.5–27.2.7; Teržan, Črešnar 2014, 715–716, Fig. 40; Teržan 2014a, 258–259, Fig. 4. 67 Križ 2019, 113 ff. 68 Knez 1993, App. 2; Križ 2013, App. 1; Križ 2019, 255. 69 Križ 2000, App. 2; Križ 2019, 265. 70 Križ 1997, App. 2; Križ 2019, 260. in the number of graves that include several with rich goods including products of situla art. 71 Such a structure of tumuli has also been observed at Kandija. 72 What is unclear is how to understand and interpret the differences in the size, number of graves and tumulus structure at Kapiteljska njiva and Kandija in terms of the social stratification of the Hallstatt community in Novo mesto. This must remain an open question pending an inte- gral scientific publication that should include a catalogue description of all graves and their goods from the tumuli excavated at Kapiteljska njiva as the basis for further serious studies. A necropolis with flat cremation or urn graves, respectively, and small to medium-sized tumuli, similar to that at Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto, has come to light at Budinjak in the Gorjanci/ Žumberak Hills. The cemetery comprises more than 140 tumuli, several of which have been archaeologically investigated over the past three decades under the leadership of Želimir Škoberne. 73 Most of the investigated tumuli had central graves, either cremations or inhumations. The cremation graves, covered with stone slabs, were excavated in the centre of Tumuli 6 and 7; this is a situation comparable to Grave 33 under Tumulus III at Ka- piteljska njiva in Novo mesto (Fig. 3). At Budinjak, the central grave in Tumulus 6 was surrounded with two inhumations, in Tumulus 7 with five. The grave goods such as pottery and pins indicate a dating of the central cremations to the 9 th –8 th century BC, followed by inhumations from the Early Hallstatt period (Ha C1 or the Podzemelj phase). 74 Central graves with inhumation burials came to light in Tumuli 98, 13 and 139; Tumulus 98 contained further four, Tumulus 13 further three and Tumulus 139 further six graves. 75 Of particular importance in T umulus 98 is inhumation 71 Križ 2019, 147 ff, 268, 270, 271, Fig. 121. 72 Knez 1986, Pls. 62–65. 73 See Škoberne 1999; Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 24 ff, 99 Fig. 10.8. 74 Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 90 ff, Figs. 9.5–9.7, Pl. 4 (Tumulus 6), 103 ff, Figs. 11.7–11.8, Pls. 6–7 (Tumulus 7). The pin from Grave 2 in Tumulus 7 (ib. 106 ff, Pl. 6: 2) does not date to the Bronze Age, but rather has close parallels in the Early Hallstatt burials from Statzendorf in Niederösterreich, Austria, from Beilngries in Oberpfalz, Germany, and from Zaborowo (Lusatian culture) in Poland: see Dungel 1908, 18 f, Fig. 76; Torbrügge 1965, Pls. 53: 21–22; 64: 22; Gedl 1991, 86, Fig. 9: 3. 75 Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 67 ff, Fig. 6.3 (Tumulus 139), 76 ff, Figs. 7.4, 7.6 (Tumulus 98), 82 ff, Figs. 8.21–8.22 (Tumulus 13). 390 Biba TERŽAN Grave 1 that contained an onion-headed pin with an incised neck, a type characteristic of Ha A2/ B1, 76 which raises the possibility that the begin- nings of inhumation in this cemetery date back to the 10 th century BC (presuming that the pin is not family heirloom). Also standing out is Grave 6 in ‘princely’ Tumulus 139. Although Škoberne did not identify it as a central grave, its central position within the tumulus, unusually large size, rich grave goods and chronological place with regards to other burials in the tumulus indicate that it did hold a central place in the tumulus, together with Grave 7. 77 Of particular significance seems to be the lateral position of Grave 1 in this tumulus, similarly as the above-mentioned Grave 1 in Tumulus 98. It is remarkable that neither of them had a central position in the tumulus in spite of being the earliest burial in each of the tumuli. The pin with a small spherical head and discs on the neck marks this burial as the earliest in Tumulus 139, 78 all others (except Graves 6 and 7) date to the Stična phase judging from the two vessels with bosses on the shoulder in Graves 2 and 4 (the vessel from the latter grave also bears spiral grooves), the boat-shaped fibula from Grave 5 and a proto-Certosa fibula from Grave 3. 79 Grave 6 is special not only because of its central position, but also the outstanding warrior’s outfit with a Šmarjeta type helmet and lavish horse gear of the Thraco-Cimmerian type. Similarly as in cremation Grave 33 from Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto, the goods in this grave also show a synthesis of foreign and local elements. The iron spearhead and the solid single-looped bow fibula are foreign elements, the latter comparable in type and manner of wearing with the male costume in the area of the Basarabi culture in the Lower Danube Basin and the Koban culture in the Caucasus. 80 On the 76 Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 78–79, Pls. 1, 2; Blečić Kavur 2014, 72 ff, Fig. 40. 77 Škoberne 1999, 43 ff, Figs. 26, 37–41; Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 67 ff, Figs. 6.3; 6.15. Although Grave 7 is noted as the deepest of the tumulus, the pottery in both graves is almost identical, particularly the vessels with a high conical neck and the decoration of concentric grooves, as well as the two bowls, which makes a considerable chronological difference between the two burials less likely (cf. Škoberne 1999, Pls. 13: 1–2; 18: 1–2). 78 Škoberne 1999, 44 ff, Figs. 26, 29–30, Pls. 1, 2. For pins with a spherical head and discs on the neck, see T eržan 1990, 154 ff, 226, Fig. 38, Map 23. 79 Škoberne 1999, 47 ff, Figs. 31–36, Pls. 2–6. For the proto-Certosa fibula, see Fn. 52. 80 Teržan 1995b, 628–629, Figs. 2–4. other hand, the multi-knobbed pin with a conical terminal is a typical element of the male costume in the south-eastern Alpine area 81 (in this grave, it may have served to fasten the burial shroud). 82 Grave 6 of Tumulus 139 was thus the last resting place of an elite warrior – horseman, whose closest pendant can be identified in the warrior buried in Grave 16 of T umulus I at Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto. The latter was also buried with a Šmarjeta type disc helmet and horse gear, as well as a curved sword – machaira, which is a weapon typical of horsemen. 83 Here we should also mention two other graves with a similar military equipment from earlier excavations at Gradenje near Šmarjeta 84 and at Dolenje Vrhpolje near Šentjernej; 85 the four contemporaries can be marked out as the leading men of their respective communities living in the time of the Podzemelj 2 phase. 86 The published evidence reveals the small and medium-sized tumuli at Budinjak as the burial places of family members of one to three genera- tions. Škoberne dates the beginning of the cemetery at Budinjak on the basis of flat urn graves, largely unpublished, to the 10 th –9 th century BC, followed by tumuli in a span from 800 to 620 BC, while the last burials in the tumuli presumably occurred up to the mid-6 th century BC; 87 this corresponds with the Podzemelj 1–2 and Stična 1–2 phases, possibly also the early part of the Serpentine Fibula phase in Dolenjska. The similarities between the two cemeteries, at Budinjak and Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto, in 81 Cf. Egg, Neuhäuser, Škoberne 1998; Škoberne 1999, 54 ff, Pls. 7–16; and Teržan 2015 (the type of solid single- looped bow fibula suggests that this is not a double burial of a man and a woman, but rather that a single individual was buried – a horseman, in an art of Eastern costume in which garments were typically fastened with a single fibula!). 82 This is suggested by its location just above the helmet: see Egg, Neuhäuser, Škoberne 1998, 438 Fig. 3: 2; Škoberne 1999, 56, Fig. 38: 2. For the large multi-knobbed pin in Grave 16 of Tumulus I at Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto, it is also possible to infer such use from its location slightly further away, but parallel with the deceased, while a smaller multi-knobbed pin lay on the chest of the deceased and fastened his clothes, see Knez 1993, Pls. 16; 44. 83 Knez 1993, 23 ff, 40–43, Pls. 16–20; Guštin 1974; Križ 2019, 61, Fig. 41, mentions two more graves with machairas, but the associated grave goods were rather modest. 84 Laharnar, Turk 2017, 34–37, Figs. 26, 29–30. 85 Dular 2003, 178, Pl. 13: 5. 86 Dular 2003, 111 ff, Figs. 59–62; Križ, Jereb, Teržan 2014, 478–480, Figs. 27.2.8–27.2.9; T eržan 2014a, 259, Fig. 4; Teržan, Črešnar 2014, 715 f, Fig. 40. 87 Škoberne 2004, 140 ff; Škoberne, Bugar 2017, 34. 391 The Dolenjska Hallstatt Group. An introduction and brief outline both structure of small and medium-sized tumuli and the type of graves, as well as graves goods, i.e. in material culture, are such that it is not possible to concur with Škoberne on a special, Budinjak group. 88 Rather than a distinct group, we seem to be dealing with a local community on the ‘sunny side’ of the Gorjanci/Žumberak Hills 89 that forms the southernmost part of the Dolenjska group. In spite of the brief, incomplete and selective publications of the funerary finds from Budinjak and Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto, it is important to note that they nevertheless allow us to better comprehend the data from early excavations, taking place prior to World War I, and also new ones, particularly those of limited scale that only investigated single tumuli. The same type of small and medium-sized tumuli has also been found in the cemeteries in the area of Šmarjeta that are associated with the hillfort on Veliki Vinji vrh, 90 as well as elsewhere across Dolenjska, for instance at Boštanj, Brusnice, Rovišče 91 and the newly discovered tumuli from the area of Drnovo and Mačkovec near Novo mesto. 92 It is also significant that such tumuli came to light below Molnik near Ljubljana, at the north-western edge of the Dolen- jska cultural group. 93 The recently found graves in Zagorje, 94 arranged in two or three small groups suggesting members of several families or clans (see here Murko, Draksler, Fig. 2), as well as the burial from Kovk above Hrastnik, where the grave of a warrior and his female companion may have been covered by a small earthen mound (see here Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer, Fig. 6), indicate that likewise tumuli also existed in the Zasavje region. We can conclude that such tumuli were common across the whole area of the Dolenjska group. Apart from the small tumuli, containing two to roughly ten graves as revealed by the cemeteries at Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto and Budinjak, and the medium-sized tumuli, with up to forty graves, there are also large tumuli, for which the Dolenjska Hallstatt group is particularly famous. At Kapiteljska njiva, the largest in both diameter 88 Škoberne 2004, 131 ff. 89 Škoberne 1999, 14 ff, Fig. 2. 90 A. Dular 1991. 91 See e.g. Guštin 1974, 87 ff; Teržan 1974, 31 ff; Dular 2003, 90 ff, 157 ff. 92 Pavlovič 2014, 491 ff, Fig. 28.2; Udovč 2009, 8 ff, Fig. 9. 93 Tecco Hvala 2017, 34–87, Figs. 83, 85. 94 The construction work had unfortunately greatly damaged the area before the arrival of the archaeologists. For the situation in Zagorje, also see Draksler 2007. and number of burials is Tumulus I with more than eighty graves, followed by Tumulus V with some seventy graves, and Tumuli III, VI, VII and XIV with roughly fifty graves. 95 Even larger and mightier are the earthen mounds at Stična, asso- ciated with the hillfort on Cvinger above Vir pri Stični, 96 and at the hillfort on Magdalenska gora; 97 some of these contained more than a hundred and even up to two hundred graves. The tumuli at Stična excavated with modern methods (T umuli 48 and 5), and those investigated at Kapiteljska njiva and Kandija in Novo mesto 98 show that their internal structure was predomi- nantly subject to strict rules. The centre was either occupied by the grave of the founder of a family/ clan or was left empty, as a sort of a cenotaph or place of memory of a mythical ancestor. Tangen- tially to the central grave or the mythical ‘void’ followed the other burials arranged in concentric circles, generation after generation, which empha- sized the significance and status of the individual buried first – an ancestor or a mythical person as the beginner of the family/clan. These tumuli only gradually gained in size, depending on the continuing existence and might of a particular family/clan. Meticulous excavations of T umulus 48 at Stična have revealed that the mound received several new, fairly thick layers of earth, possibly when an important individual was buried or when a circle of burials was completed and a new one was begun; the graves were partially dug into the earth and partly covered over with a new layer of earth. 99 The location and orientation of individual graves followed not only the logic of concentric burial, but also took into account the celestial constellation and cardinal points. The study of Tumuli 48 and 5 at Stična revealed that they were divided into halves with regards to the orienta- tion of the graves, the east and west or the north and south half, depending on the location of the (for us merely imaginary) dividing line between the graves oriented clockwise and those oriented counter-clockwise (Figs. 5, 7). 100 This line was not an arbitrary one, but most likely determined with respect to the celestial constellation and 95 Križ 2019, 252 ff, App. 1. 96 W ells 1981, 45 ff; Gabrovec et al. 2006; Gabrovec 2008. 97 Hencken 1978; Tecco Hvala, Dular, Kocuvan 2004; Tecco Hvala 2012. 98 Knez 1986. 99 Gabrovec 1999; Gabrovec et al. 2006, 14 ff, App. 2; Gabrovec 2008, 36 ff, Figs. 19–20. 100 Teržan 2008, 233 ff, Figs. 15–16. 392 Biba TERŽAN particularly to the position of the Moon, as Allard Mees 101 recently showed for some of the tumuli of the West Hallstatt circle, among them the well- known Magdalenenberg tumulus. 102 In Tumulus 48 at Stična, sex, age and status of the deceased within the family/clan hierarchy also influenced the location of his or her grave. Tumuli thus mirror a highly complex social structure of the community, organised according to the dualist principle, as the large tumulus from Stična aptly illustrates. Its east side, the side of the rising sun, holds the burials of warriors – horsemen with their retinue (Fig. 5) and of the women of the highest rank, while the west side mainly revealed the burials of the women of other categories within the family/clan and of the men of lower rank. 103 Such ritual were probably practised not only at Stična, but also elsewhere, particularly in the large tumuli. A similar structure may be supposed if looking at the schematic plans of the tumuli from Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto, where graves have been marked with regards to their orientation, sex of the deceased and dating. 104 In verifying the orientation of the graves in the already published Tumulus III, we established a bipolar orientation for it as well. What is striking is that the line dividing the tumulus III in two halves corresponds almost exactly with the direction marked by cremation Graves 38, 33, 37 and 31 that form a nearly straight line (cf. Figs. 3 and 6a). 105 Is this a mere coincidence or not? Who knows? 101 Mees 2012; Mees, Deiss 2013; Mess 2017. 102 The large Magdalenenberg tumulus at Villingen in Schwarzwald has a structure very similar to that of Tumulus 48 at Stična, as has already been noted on several occasions, also in the publication of the tumuli at Stična: see Teržan 2008, 236–237; Meyer-Orlac 1983, 12 ff, Fig. 1; Teržan 1992, 73 ff, Figs. 3–7. One of the first reports about the excavations of the Magdalenenberg tumulus has been published in Arheološki vestnik: see Spindler 1973. 103 Teržan 2008, 238 ff, Figs. 17–19, 23–24. 104 Križ 2019, 255, 260, 265, 268 and so forth. 105 The figure is only meant to illustrate the clockwise or counter-clockwise orientation of the graves and is based on the plan published by Križ. It should be noted, however, that the orientation as shown in Fig. 6a is not entirely identical with Križ’ and Mees’ template (Fig. 6b). The difficulty lies in the fact that skeletal remains have not survived in Novo mesto and the orientation is based on the grave goods. We used the same criteria as Križ, i.e. that vessels are usually located at the feet of the deceased, that jewellery, mainly necklaces and fibulae, mark the location of the upper body and that the spears were placed parallel with the body with the tip towards the head, while the axes are usually in the waist area. The graves that yielded The structural characteristics of the bipolar concept in Tumuli 48 and 5 at Stična coupled (Figs. 5, 7) with the similarities in the construction of the large tumuli at Novo mesto allow for the hypothesis that the communities of the Dolenjska cultural group were organised according to a dualist principle. Both poles sought their origin in the common ancestor, either real or mythical, marked by the central grave or the ‘empty space’ in the centre of a tumulus. The large tumuli show that certain families buried their dead in family/clan tumuli for generations, some even throughout the whole Hallstatt period, which is evidence of a genealogic and highly segmented social structure, as well as of the power of certain families/clans within their respective communities. At the same time – if following the interpretation proposed by Allard Mees – burial in one or the other half of a tumulus was a highly symbolic deed. The dividing line between the clockwise and counter-clockwise burials is believed to have been determined on the basis of the lunistice and celestial constellation (Figs. 6b, 7). 106 As such, tumuli are an expression of strict religious ritu- als, beliefs concerning the cosmos and a belief in rebirth. This hypothesis also presupposes a complex astronomical knowledge possessed by at least select members of the Hallstatt social elite, 107 also in the Dolenjska cultural group. Here we shall again stress that funerary rituals depict the Dolenjska Hallstatt group as a highly militarised society in comparison with other groups of the south-eastern Alpine Hallstatt circle. Assault weapons (swords, axes, spears, arrows) were obliga- tory goods in male graves, 108 while prestige armour (cuirasses, helmets) 109 and sacrificed horses 110 with or without horse gear 111 marked leading warriors – horsemen, who formed the pinnacle of the military elite. In this respect, interesting and significant results came from the spectroscopic analysis of the bronze insufficient goods or insufficient data on their position have not been determined as to their orientation. 106 I sincerely thank Allard Mees for permission to publish results of his calculations. 107 Mees 2012, 43; Mees, Deiss 2013, 83; Mess 2017, 78–92. 108 See e.g. Teržan 1985, 77 ff, Figs. 1–2, 5–7, 12–13, 15–16; Peterle-Udovič 2011; Tecco Hvala 2012, 109 ff. 109 Gabrovec 1960; 1963–1964; 1985; Egg 1986; Born 2008; Teržan 2008, 311 ff. 110 Dular 2007; also see Teržan 2011; Teržan 2014b, 114 ff, Figs. 8–11. 111 Gabrovec 1960, 46 ff; Guštin, Teržan 1975; Guštin, Teržan 1977, 77 ff, Map 1; Tecco Hvala 2012, 157 ff; Škvor Jernejčič 2017, 100 ff. 393 The Dolenjska Hallstatt Group. An introduction and brief outline swords from four sites of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group (see here T urk). 112 They have shown that two of the swords – the antennae sword from Podzemelj, i.e. the eponymous site for the earliest phase of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group, and the sword from the famous grave with a cuirass from Stična, which is one of the richest warrior graves in Dolenjska – saw several repairs and had their blades replaced, which proves an intensive and prolonged use of the swords that were obviously inherited items of great value, heirlooms. Together with the antennae sword from the Šmarjeta cemetery below V eliki Vinji vrh, these swords are among the types mainly characteristic of the Late Urnfield culture period. This allows us to see their presence in the military outfits belonging to the dignitaries of the Initial Early Iron Age as evidence of a strong tradition these men upheld, 113 on the symbolic level legitimising their high social, possibly ruling position. Moreover, Turk established the sword from Stična to be identical to the sword from one of the tumuli at Strettweg, in the upper reaches of the River Mur/Mura, which shows contacts between the more distant aristocratic ‘houses’ that reached far beyond the borders of the Dolenjska group (see here Turk). The armament of the leading echelons of Hallstatt society that included traditional bronze swords reflects the complexity of the processes unfolding in the formative phase of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group, particularly if correlating these graves with the other, already mentioned ones equipped with curved swords or machairas, with the new type of iron spears and axes, as well as horse gear, all of which are new kinds of weapons that mirror the influence of mounted nomadic tribes of Eastern provenance. As already mentioned above, the Dolenjska society underwent a profound restructuring in the Late Hallstatt period. The typical composition of weaponry allows us to infer on the male part of the population being divided into as many as six classes, five of which were armed. This reveals a distinctly military organisation of society with a horsemen – commander – prince at the helm. 114 These changes were most likely influenced by the new political circumstances in the Italic, primarily North Etruscan and Este culture/V enetic areas. The most compelling archaeological evidence for these influences is the wide distribution of the Certosa 112 Also see Laharnar, Turk 2017, 30–33, 44–47. 113 See e.g. Tomedi 1996; Baur 2019. 114 See Fns. 30, 108–111. fibulae with their different types and variants as part of the costume 115 and of the Negova helmets as part of the prestige armament. 116 It is certainly striking that the eastward spread of the Negova helmets, towards the western Balkans, stopped at the eastern border of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group that was obviously also the border of the Etruscan sphere of interest. The western Balkans was, as far as weapons are concerned, under strong Greek influence, which is most clearly discernible in the distribution of the contemporary Illyrian helmets. 117 The only two exceptions of Illyrian helmets west of the said border, in the area of the Dolenjska Hallstatt group, are two items found in a single grave at Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto. 118 The grave presumably contained the remains of one or two warriors who served as mercenaries in the Balkans, which appears to have been an exception rather than a rule. In addition to the connections with the northern Etruscan area, the Late Hallstatt period also witnessed renewed close contacts with the Venetian area. This is clearly il- lustrated by the newly found grave at Kovk above Hrastnik, which held a Negova helmet, but also a rich belt set, the provenance of which should be sought in the Este artisanal production (see here Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer, Fig. 9; Pls. 4; 5: 1–12). In conclusion, we should also mention situla art, another special topic of the Gabrovec Day symposium. Markus Egg presented the restoration work on the situlae from Novo mesto, conducted at the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz. These situlae were unfortunately in a very poor condition upon discovery and it took a great amount of effort to reveal the figural decoration 115 Teržan 1976. 116 Gabrovec 1965; Egg 1986, 41 ff, Fig. 17. The different variants of the Negova helmets include the Slovenian type characteristic of the south-eastern Alpine area (ib., 66 ff). Also see here Božič, Gaspari, Pirkmajer. 117 Teržan 1995a, 85 ff, Figs. 5–9, 11–12; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012, Fig. 7: 14. 118 Egg 1999, 317 ff, Figs. 2–10; Blečić 2007, 79 f, 105, Fig. 4; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012, 50 ff, Figs. 5–7; Križ 2019, 73–74, Figs. 54–55. The two helmets are of different types that were not contemporary, which raises the question of the possibility of a double grave. Considering the note by Križ (2019, 77, Fig. 58), that the smaller of the situlae does not belong to Grave 19 in Tumulus VII with two Illyrian helmets (Egg 1999, 339 f, Fig. 16: 2), but rather to Grave 16 in Tumulus VI, it is worth verifying if all other goods belong to Grave VII/19 or not. 394 Biba TERŽAN that some of them bore. 119 Egg presented in greater detail the scene so far unknown in situla art, which was revealed during the renewed restoration of the situla found in Grave 33 in Tumulus III at Kandija. 120 The unusual scene depicts two fighting individuals standing opposite each other, axe in hand, and possibly executing a small individual, a prisoner (?), lying on the ground between them, or battling over the body of a fallen hero, the latter motif known from Homer’s epic and also depicted in Greek vase painting and metalwork products. 121 However, both versions of interpretation underline the characteristics of the Dolenjska Hallstatt society as outlined above based on the burial customs and grave goods, i.e. a bellicose nature and military readiness as its main values. Anyway, situla art consistently presents also other aspects of the Hallstatt society, as could be seen in the revision drawings of the scenes depicted on the situlae from Vače, Magdalenska gora and Valična vas (see here Murgelj). 122 The most revealing is certainly the V ače situla, the figural scenes on which tell of a classic ‘situla feast’ with a solemn procession, religious ritual of a drinking and incense burning offering, a symposium, musical performances and sports such as wrestling 123 and horse racing, 124 with the feast concluding with the sacrifice of an animal – a magnificent ram. Or, is it possible that the situla depicts the celebration of the beginning of a new year 125 – the annual awakening of nature, and with it a new beginning of the life cycle? Translation: Andreja Maver 119 Also see Križ 2019, 74 ff, Figs. 56–61; Jereb 2016, Pls. 48–50, 54–55, 59. 120 Also see Knez 1986, Pl. 28: 14–15; Jereb 2016, 55, Pls. 54–55; Egg, Lehnert 2011, 231 ff, Fig. 5. 121 Egg already presented the topic on a previous occasion (Egg, Lehnert 2011), but here offered new data. 122 The literature on situla art is extensive. We should only note the following, still most relevant publications: Lucke, Frey 1962; catalogue of the travelling exhibition (Padova-Ljubljana-Vienna 1961–1962) entitled Umetnost alpskih Ilirov in Venetov (Kastelic (ed.) 1962), in it especially the study by Jože Kastelic; see also Kastelic, Kromer, Mansuelli 1965. Among the most recent popular scientific publication see Turk 2005; Laharnar, Turk 2017, 94–115. 123 Cf. Zimmermann 2003, 225 ff; Lazar 2011, 261 ff. 124 Teržan 2011; 2014b. 125 This is the hypothesis put forward by Elena Di Filippo Balestrazzi 1980, 159, Pl. 18a. Slikovno gradivo: – Sl. 3: (izvedba: Maja Bricelj, ZVKDS, Ljubljana). – Sl. 5: (izvedba: Manca Vinazza, FF Uni. Lj). Illustrations: – Fig. 3: (prepared by: Maja Bricelj, ZVKDS, Ljubljana). – Fig. 5: (prepared by: Manca Vinazza, FF Uni. Lj). Biba Teržan Univerza v Ljubljani Filozofska fakulteta Oddelek za arheologijo Zavetiška 5 SI-1000 Ljubljana ljubinka.terzan@ff.uni-lj.si