524 Zdrav Vestn | julij – avgust 2011 | Letnik 80 UVodnik/EditoriaL University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb Korespondenca/ Correspondence: ratko.magjarevic@fer.hr Key words: biomedical engineering, health care, BME education, clinical engineering, patient safety Citirajte kot/Cite as: Zdrav Vestn 2011; 80: 524–5 Biomedical Engineering ratko Magjarević Biomedical Engineering (BME) is a relatively new field of engineering originating from an interdisciplina- ry background of different engineering sci- ences and principles, as well as from study of biology, medicine, behavior and health. BME aims to improve human health and quality of life. Research in biomedical engi- neering creates knowledge from molecular and cellular level to the level of organs and the body as a system, resulting in new devi- ces, materials, processes and software. New technologies are implemented in preventi- on, prediction, diagnostics and treatment of disease, patient care and rehabilitation. It is difficult to enumerate all successful achievements for patients and health care ri- sing from biomedical engineering research and development in such a short article, but a visits to the Hall of Fame of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engine- ering (AIMBE),1 reminds of many devices which we today take for granted in our healt- care: from X-ray imaging devices, artificial kidney, cardiac pacemaker,2 antibiotic pro- duction technology and others from the ear- ly days up to genomic sequencing & micro- -arrays, positron emission tomography and image-guided surgery from previous deca- des. Different technologies will continue to develop as a result of research in basic and applied sciences. For example, in 2009, No- bel Prize for physics has been awarded to Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith for the invention of the charge-coupled device (CCD), which is used in most digital came- ra sensors and has a spread medical appli- cation for imaging the inside of the human body, in diagnostics and for microsurgery.3 The technology will develop also due to the altered needs of the health care.4,5 In Euro- pe, population projections show dramatic changes: those aged 65 years or over (17.2 % in 2009) will account for more than 30.0 % of the EU’s population by 2060.6 The impact of ageing populations will cause increased social expenditure related to healthcare whi- le at the same time, population will expect high quality care that is both readily availa- ble and reasonably priced. Technological ad- vances will enable the industry to meet these conditions. Healthcare industry will intensi- fy efforts for solutions of the long-term tre- atments for chronic diseases in the aging pa- tient population. One of the challenges will be how to achieve healthcare services and healthcare quality. Health care will transit to patients home, patients will use e-health and m-health services much more.7,8 Intelligent, autonomous devices that communicate with the experts in the health care system will be set in use in a large number of private envi- ronments. These devices will to a much large extent, as compared to today, provide visits to virtual MD’s office, enable remote access to medical devices, remote diagnostics and therapy, include implantable devices that can detect physiologic changes and transmit data to physician or other health care pro- viders, or clothing with embedded sensors that will enable monitoring of a wide ran- ge of physiologic conditions for patients at risk…. However, the idea of enhanced use of advanced and emerging technology also rises the questions of patient safety and se- curity of data. In case of European legislation, the mat- ter of safe medical products is regulated by the Medical Device Directives. They state that all parties in the chain of using medi- cal devices are responsible for the safety of patients, operators, environment and data. The industry and the clinic need experts for engineering aspects of medical devices and processes. Zdrav Vestn | Biomedical Engineering 525 UVodnik/EditoriaL necessary for successful outcome of the re- search goals alone. Once the devices are installed in clinical settings and procedures clinically accepted, there is another group of engineering pro- fessionals taking care of them: clinical en- gineers. The American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE)10 defines a clinical en- gineer as “a professional who supports and advances patient care by applying engine- ering and management skills to healthcare technology.” Clinical engineering became a distinct profession in the 1960s when an increased use of medical devices and tech- nology in healthcare called for proper ma- intenance and servicing, following the sa- fety model of commercial aviation.11 Since that time, clinical engineers have become a part of the healthcare delivery system12 and a regulated profession in many countries,13 providing safe and effective application of contemporary medical technology and in- troduction of new medical technologies into clinical practice.14 References 1. AIMBE Hall of Fame. Dosegljivo na: http://www. aimbe.org/aimbe-programs/aimbe-hall-of-fame/. 2. Magjarević R, Ferek-Petrić B. Implantable Cardi- ac Pacemakers-50 Years from the First Implanta- tion. Dosegljivo na: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_ prizes/physics/laureates/2009/press.html. 3. Andrade JD. Medical and Biological Engineering in the Future of Health Care. Salt Lake City: Uni- versity of Utah Press; 1994. 4. Madhavan G, Oakley B, Kun L. Career deve- lopment in bioengineering and biotechnology, Springer 2008. Dosegljivo na: http://epp.eurostat. ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/. 5. Istepanian RSH, Pattichis CS. M-health: emerging mobile health systems. Berlin: Springer; 2006. 6. Štern A, Kos A. Mobilni telefon kot orodje na področjih varovanja zdravja. Zdrav Vestn 2009; 78: 673–84. 7. Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko. Dosegljivo na: http://www.fe.uni-lj.si/studij_na_ fakulteti/2_stopnja/ 8. American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE). Dosegljivo na: http://www.accenet.org. 9. Miklavčič D. Letalske nesreče in sodobna bolni- šnica Zdrav Vestn 2011; 80: 433–4. 10. World Health Assembly. Resolution WHA 60.29 Health Technology of the WHA. 11. Nagel JH. The Regulation of the Clinical Engine- ering Profession as an Important Contribution to Quality Assurance in Health Care. IFMBE Proc 2009; 25: 376–8 12. Terio H. Procurement of medical equipment in Sweden. Zdrav Vestn 2010; 78: 156–63. The best way to get expertise in a field is proper education. Therefore, there is a need, worldwide, for biomedical engineering uni- versity programmes that meet the needs of all parties: industry, vendors, and patients. In 2009, a group of European Universities started working on a project with the aim to deliver recommendations for harmonisation of Biomedical Engineering Programs (pri- marily) in Europe. The harmonized guideli- nes defined BME topics which should be co- vered as basic in development of new BME programs and in renewing those ongoing. The guidelines stressed also the importance and value of strong research background of biomedical engineering groups offering co- urses and programmes in BME. The group from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, has developed a new Biomedical Engineering Programme at Master level according to the guidelines and the BME programme obtained all necessary accreditation documents to start in the aca- demic year 2011/12.9 In health care, building a safer system means designing processes of care to ensure that patients are safe from accidental injury. When agreement has been reached to pur- sue a course of medical treatment, patients should have the assurance that it will proce- ed correctly and safely so they have the best chance possible for achieving the desired outcome. Biomedical engineers, as all other engi- neers, have the ability to design and produce, in their case medical products, devices and systems. BME is small, but growing, compa- red to the traditional engineering fields, like electrical or mechanical engineering, but the number of BM engineers working in rese- arch and development is rapidly growing. Most of the BM industry still relays on elec- trical and electronic engineering including the currently fastest developing industries of active implants and mobile health services. New opportunities open in engineering the organisation of large datasets from biology combining computer based approaches. On this edge between engineering sciences and biology, an opportunity for new studies and applications open. Research in general is so complex today that hardly any research in- stitution can cover all knowledge and skills