*Corresponding Author THE INFLUENCE OF EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AND PRODUCT QUALITY ON ONLINE PURCHASE Bambang Dwi Suseno* Universitas Bina Bangsa, Indonesia proexchellence@gmail.com Dedeh Rochmaedah City Government's Department of Industry and Trade, Indonesia dedehrochma@gmail.com Solida Firjatullah, Ahmad Munawir Center for Demographic, Employment and Regional Competitiveness Studies, Indonesia firjaadjah@gmail.com, nawwireddin95@gmail.com Irwan Idrus Muhamadiyah University Pare-pare, Indonesia irwanidrus@umpar.ac.id Abstract This study aimed to assess the influence of service and product quality on customer attitudes and subsequent purchasing decisions. Additionally, individuals with no previous experience in online product purchases were targeted in the population of Serang City, Indonesia. A total of 225 participants were selected through a meticulous proportional random sampling method using the Hair formula. The gathered data was rigorously analyzed using SmartPLS 3.3.3 by adopting a comprehensive structural equation modelling (SEM) method. The five proposed hypotheses were substantiated by the collected data to report crucial insights. The results showed that superior service quality significantly impacted customer attitudes towards the respective company or the services rendered. Furthermore, a strong correlation was established between high product quality and positive attitudes. In the context of purchase decisions, commendable service quality increased the probability of a successful transaction. Moreover, customers perceived enhanced value when considering purchases, particularly with increased service quality. The substantial influence of positive attitudes was also reported towards Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 2 company or product on actual purchasing decisions to show the role of sentiment in driving successful transactions. Key Words Service quality; product quality; customer attitude; online purchasing decision. INTRODUCTION The COVID-19 pandemic situation is known to have resulted in a significant change in the global order of life, where health status and people are threatened. To avoid certain risks, social restrictions are imposed by staying, working, studying, and doing various activities at home. This policy certainly changes the behavior of sellers and customers in carrying out purchasing and selling activities (Yein, et al. 2020). Customers are reluctant to visit malls or supermarkets, resulting in new behavior of preferring online shopping with cashless transactions to restrict physical contact (Zabelina et al, 2021). Therefore, these individuals play an important role in making online purchasing decisions (Suleman et al, 2020). Nielsen (2021)) examined more than 30.000 online customers in 63 countries, and the results are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Customer behavior regarding online shopping Behavior Ever Online (%) Offline (%) Online shopping 93 7 Purchasing fashion products 58 42 Traveling Services 55 45% Books, musical instruments, stationery 45 55% Personal care products 38 62% Food 27 73% Packaged Food 24 76% Mean 49.4 50.6 Source: Nielsen (2021). The inclination to shop online, particularly for non-food products, is significantly high. Online shopping dominates offline methods and E- commerce has revolutionized the business world, breaking barriers of time and space, transforming trading methods, facilitating product circulation, and reducing production costs. In Indonesia, 90.18% of business actors use Internet facilities for receiving orders and selling goods and services. The wholesale and retail trade sector accounts for 48.42% of E-commerce businesses, with 90.56% using instant messaging platforms. Food and beverage, groceries, as well as fashion and cosmetics are the top categories for E-commerce transactions. Regarding payment methods, 73.04% of customers use Cash On Delivery (COD) and direct delivery is preferred by 52.81% of E-commerce businesses. Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 3 The survey conducted by Statistics Indonesia in 2020 showed a growing digital trade industry, with 71.18% of businesses starting online sales in the last 3 years. In the food and beverage provider category, online sales increased over the past 3 years. The majority of businesses (90.56%) sell goods through instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and Telegram. Marketplaces, websites, social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter), and WhatsApp are commonly used as online sales channels. Bhargava et al. (2020) found that customers showed interest in online grocery shopping even after the pandemic. Over- the-counter drugs and alcohol were popular items purchased online during the COVID-19 crisis. Table 2 presents a summary of the 2020 Statistics Indonesia survey, including data from 17,063 businesses across all provinces. Table 2: Statistics of E-Commerce in 2022 Province Sales Transaction Total Yes No Southeast Sulawesi 100 0.00 100 North Maluku 100 0.00 100 Riau Islands 99.64 0.36 100 North Sumatra 99.28 0.72 100 West Papua 99.22 0.78 100 Central Java 99.17 0.83 100 Bengkulu 98.8 1.20 100 East Nusa Tenggara 98.8 1.20 100 West Nusa Tenggara 98.65 1.35 100 Lampung 98.36 1.64 100 West Sulawesi 98.35 1.65 100 Maluku 98.25 1.75 100 North Sulawesi 98.02 1.98 100 West Kalimantan 97.41 2.59 100 D.I. Yogyakarta 97.26 2.74 100 Aceh 97.22 2.78 100 West Sumatera 97.12 2.88 100 South Sulawesi 96.98 3.02 100 Bangka Belitung Islands 96.59 3.41 100 Riau 96.49 3.51 100 DKI Jakarta 96.39 3,61 100 North Kalimantan 96.33 3,67 100 Jambi 95.55 8.06 100 South Sumatera 95.55 4.45 100 East Kalimantan 95.04 4.96 100 South Kalimantan 93.25 6,.75 100 Bali 93.04 6.96 100 West Java 93.03 6.97 100 Central Kalimantan 92.51 7.49 100 Banten 91.48 8.52 100 East Java 9125 8.75 100 Gorontalo 91.09 8.91 100 Central Sulawesi 90.04 9.96 100 Papua 71.43 28.57 100 Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 4 Source: Statistics Indonesia (2023). Table 2 from the Statistics Indonesia (2023) survey shows that online purchasing and selling activities occur in all provinces, reporting widespread online commerce across the country. This increased competition necessitates sellers to pay close attention to ensure satisfaction and prevent any decrease in customer numbers or disappointment. Service and product quality play an important role in shaping attitudes and influencing purchasing decisions. Sellers must focus on maintaining high levels of quality to effectively attract and retain customers in the competitive online marketplace. Sharma & Lijuan (2015) stated that website quality in commerce was very important as a factor with a certain potential to attract customers, promote first-time purchases, and retain the capacity to repurchase. Website is an important element in determining purchasing choices. In addition, the preferred websites will lead to more revenue for service providers. The practical perspective of Hsiao, et al (2010) showed that trust in product quality recommendations was important in promoting purchase intentions. Information on product recommendations provided by product users or previous customers can strengthen trust. Web practitioners must pay attention to trust, increasing the popularity and quality of the website as a whole and strengthening the legal structure or web protection technology. The quality of goods in online stores is described by showing pictures or videos, and an explanation of the type of goods, materials, and sizes. Concerns about the quality of goods exist due to the inability to obtain the physical items to be purchased (Palma & Andjarwati, 2016). Attitude can be assessed based on the view of customers who pursue hedonic values, pleasure, and entertainment. Exciting, fun, and cheerful experiences are pursued through the shopping process, rather than completing tasks. A website is classified as good when the contents result in pleasure and the value obtained determine shopping behavior in the future. Customers tend to have positive intentions of inviting friends or family due to increased value during online shopping (Shiau & Wu, 2013). The study conducted by Shiau & Wu (2013) presented the results regarding the context of new shopping patterns on platforms such as group purchasing websites. For instance, when perceptions and emotional judgments about sellers’ websites are positive towards the website, the attitude to influence the intention of groups of individuals to purchase becomes very strong. Habits can influence decisions to purchase a product or service and this behavior is based on the lifestyle of the society (Pangestu et al, 2016). Currently, the world is experiencing very rapid changes due to the development of Internet technology. Many discoveries can facilitate human activities and this condition triggers the growth of E-commerce industry (Suleman, 2018). Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 5 Online shopping created several problems and among the efforts to increase the economy during the pandemic, the Indonesian Customers Foundation (ICF) recorded 6.6% of complaints in 2022. Some of the problems in the case of online shopping are reported in Table 3. Table 3: Customer complaints No Type of Complaint % 1 Order was not received 28.2 2 Goods ordered did not match the specifications 15.3 3 Difficult refunds 10.2 Source: ICF (2022). The different problems include materials for improvement to maintain business continuity. The topic also discusses attitude and purchasing decisions by taking the formulation of the problems including: (1) How significant is the effect of service quality on attitude? (2) How significant is the effect of product quality on attitudes? (3) How significant is the effect of service quality on purchasing decisions? and (4) How significant is the effect of product quality on purchasing decisions? Theory of service quality on attitude Service quality is the satisfactory level of sellers’ service to customers. Good quality leads to satisfaction, and dissatisfaction reflects poor service. Therefore, every seller of goods must provide the best service to increase satisfaction. (Chakrabarty et al, 2007). According to Putra et al., (2021) and Praditya, R. A. (2020), sellers must be able to assess satisfaction with the services provided. (Lovenia, 2012) reported that when self-evaluation of satisfaction was sub-optimal, online and offline sellers must improve the quality of service. Customers who are satisfied with the service received must maintain the level of satisfaction to enable a strong bond between sellers and customers (Iswahyudi, 2009). According to Novitasari et al. (2021), satisfaction and rating are influenced by emotional value and service technology, respectively. Meanwhile, high- innovating technology provides a higher level of satisfaction than old technology. Service quality reflects a comparison between expectations and the level of satisfaction obtained. The expectations met by sellers can also lead to a high level of satisfaction (Lovenia 2012: 13). According to Kotler & Keller, (2012) a product needed will be purchased by comparing the quality of the service rendered by a store to another (Lovelock et al., 2007). There should be a narrow gap between the quality of service expected and received. Service quality influences attitude, serving as the difference between expectation and reality. In the context of marketing, this variable is associated with the extent of satisfying and meeting the expectations of customers, as well as achieving competitive differentiation in the mortgage sector. Service quality is very important as a competitive weapon to survive in the industry. Therefore, this variable is the core of attitude and satisfaction Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 6 factors which improves company image and promotes a favorable attitude. The relationship between service quality and attitude in a marketing context should be discussed according to the effects of a product or service, which has an impact on the decision to repurchase or reuse. The better the service quality, the more positive the attitude, and the greater the probability of repurchasing the product or service. Service quality positively influences attitude and company image . The variable is determined and created by feelings and experiences. Meanwhile, attitude will be determined through a continuous process and become part of customers’ personality, such as assessing company services. H1: Service quality has a significant positive effect on customer attitude. Theory of product quality on customer attitude Company can recognize brands, and promote the purchase to increase revenue by ensuring product quality. The product is stated to have a good quality when there is an increased level of satisfaction with the service. Therefore, the marketing department should first assess and analyze the needs before making quality judgments based on the data collected (Lewis et al, 2021). According to Lewis (2021), quality products are preferred and the commitment may be explicit or implicit in the case of a written contract or terms of quality management's expectations of the average customer. Product performance relates to the final functions and services provided. Product is stated to be quality after fulfilling the various criteria of service and time factors. The same quality of physical performance should be provided in a reasonable time, as a necessary aspect of quality. Quality is the conformity between expectation and the actual reality. The market is determined by company, the type of customer, and the quality of service. Therefore, quality decisions are based on various marketing considerations of production, labor, and technology constraints. In this context, quality decisions do not rest with a single functional manager since the process includes strategic decisions for operating the business (Lewis et al, 2021). Putra, R. A., Hartoyo, H., & Simanjuntak, M. (2017) found that attitude was influenced by product and service quality. Product quality that met expectations certainly led to satisfaction. The conformity with the description is checked when ordered products are received, starting from function, condition, color, and size. Therefore, the quality of the product determines the repurchasing power of customers in the future. In the study conducted by Yu, H., & Fang, W. (2009), product quality would determine perceptions, where after customers purchased a product, an assessment would appear based on expectations and reality. The conformity with the expectations would certainly have an impact on customer attitude regarding the assessment. This is shown in the Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 7 application ratings, represented by stars or perceptions. H2: Product quality has a significant positive effect on attitude. Theory of service quality on purchasing decision According to Kotler & Keller, (2012), a product is purchased by comparing the quality of a store's service to another (Lovelock et al., 2007). There should also be a narrow gap between the quality of service expected and received. Service quality offers services experienced and the variable is a very important aspect of satisfaction and trust (Taghipoor et al, 2014). The variable can describe the condition of customers by comparing the service expected and received. Good service quality is a determining factor in purchasing decisions and this can be stated to be good when customers are satisfied (Wibowo & Soedjono, 2014). The level of satisfaction will determine the survival and sustainable development of the business. There are many models, scales, and observed variables to assess service quality. In this context, the service quality model is applied by many studies because of the academic and practical value (Kotler, 2011). Several factors are considered in deciding to make a repurchase at the same online store, one of which is the quality of service provided. In addition, the alertness of sellers in responding to any questions or complaints will greatly affect customer perceptions. Consequently, customers may decide to become loyal customers who will repurchase in the future. Wahyuni, S., & Praninta, A. (2021) found that brand and service quality had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. According to Tarigan (2021) and Suseno et al. (2019), good service quality was prioritized before looking at product quality on the Shopee online store. Customers tend to visit stores with good service quality and when a particular product is unavailable, other alternatives are preferred rather than searching elsewhere. H3: Service quality has a significant positive effect on purchasing decision. Theory of product quality on purchasing decision According to Kotler & Armstrong (2017), product quality refers to how well a product meets customer needs, as well as fulfills objectives and industry standards. In evaluating product quality, businesses should consider several key factors, including the ability to solve a problem, perform efficiently, or meet objectives. Company can also evaluate product quality based on various perspectives showing the perception of different groups regarding the usefulness of a product. Customer, manufacturing, product- based, value-based, and transcendental perspectives, which analyze product value concerning the cost should be considered. Based on certain perspectives, company can determine product quality including intended performance and function, reliability in a certain period, compliance with Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 8 specifications, durability and lifespan, serviceability and physical features as well as customer perceptions. Suseno (2019) and Chaerudin and Syafarudin, A. (2021) reported that product quality determined and had a significant effect on purchasing decisions. The variable can also influence marketing, which is closely related to value and satisfaction. Product quality refers to a characteristic related to the ability to meet customer needs. This determines the ability to purchase a product or look for an alternative. In the study conducted by Ernawati, (2019), the purchase of products whose quality had been tested was higher with unknown quality. Therefore, customers are more inclined to purchase products that have shown quality and meet the needs in terms of durability and functionality. Kaharu & Budiarti (2016) also confirmed the results that promotion and product quality had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. In some cases, many customers were reluctant to repurchase when the quality of the product received did not match expectations. The consumptive behavior towards online shopping presents an opportunity for online business actors. However, this does not imply that sellers can disregard product quality. Fierce competition and the ease of finding other online shops make customers easily switch to other places. These conditions must be considered by online sellers to continuously maintain trust (Suseno et al.2023). H4: Product quality has a significant positive effect on purchasing decision. Theory of Customer Attitude on Purchasing Decision Customer attitudes are a combination of feelings, beliefs, and reactions. Attitude refers to the way customers perceive the service received when products are purchased online and offline (Parimala & Suruthi, 2021). According to Parimala (2021), attitudes will adjust the service delivered by sellers and this leads to a good response. Customers who need product information should obtain the service from sellers with a good response. Agyeiwaah et al., (2021) explained the components of a good attitude, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. A good attitude is determined by knowledge, and understanding will also appear when sellers understand the attitude delivered to customers. Conative attitude refers more to the behavior of sellers towards customers. According to Ahn (2021), attitudes are closely related to expectations and the service received during the process of purchasing a product. A good attitude is expected when purchasing due to the reciprocity between customers and sellers. Miauw, K. Y. H. (2016) found that the motivation and attitude statistically had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. Attitudes formed through belief in product and service quality lead to good perceptions. Repurchasing can only be carried out to obtain fulfillment of needs rather than looking elsewhere. This must be maintained by sellers, where attitude and trust are important factors that determine purchasing decisions. In Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 9 addition, maintaining trust is also an effort to attract new customers. Sulistiono (2019) confirmed the results of a similar study, where attitudes had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. The decision- making process in purchasing a product is subjected to several stages, such as need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchasing decisions, and the stage of behavior after making a purchase. Attitude influences purchasing decisions, which is a complex and comprehensive factor. This is the main culture impacting the uniqueness of each group or social class, including those from lower levels, as well as a reference group (Suseno and Mukhlis, 2023). Therefore, the final stage of purchasing process is the behavior and sellers are expected to provide the best service and product quality to satisfy customers. Customers will consistently return to repurchase when the previous purchase process meets expectations. H5: Customer attitude has a significant positive effect on purchasing decision. Figure 1: Empirical model METHODS The method applied in this study was quantitative with a causality descriptive design. The population included the residents of Serang City who had not purchased goods online. Samples selected in inferential statistical study using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method were 5 times the number of indicators. This study used 2 exogenous, 1 intervening, and 1 endogenous variable, with 45 indicators. Based on Haire's opinion, the sample size required was 5 X 45 or equal to 225 respondents in Serang City. The survey method was applied in primary data collection. The questionnaire was developed based on the theory, dimensions, and indicators delivered by several experts. Service Quality H4 H5 Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 10 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Validity test was conducted by using the loading factor presented in Table 4. Table 4: Loading factor Purchasing Decision_(Z) Service Quality_(X1) Product Quality_(X2) Customer Attitude_(Y) X1-1 0.849 X1-10 0.886 X1-2 0.838 X1-3 0.889 X1-4 0.888 X1-5 0.865 X1-6 0.877 X1-7 0.826 X1-8 0.847 X1-9 0.850 X2-10 0.885 X2-11 0.904 X2-5 0.860 X2-6 0.846 X2-7 0.942 X2-8 0.890 X2-9 0.936 Y-10 0.924 Y-11 0.920 Y-12 0.861 Y-13 0.865 Y-14 0.950 Y-5 0.719 Y-6 0.925 Y-7 0.903 Y-8 0.875 Y-9 0.948 Z-1 0.876 Z-10 0.911 Z-2 0.879 Z-3 0.911 Z-4 0.832 Z-5 0.863 Z-6 0.785 Z-7 0.850 Z-8 0.880 Z-9 0.881 On average, each manifested variable had a Loading Factor value of > 0.7, as shown in the output data. Therefore, the manifest in this investigation met the criteria of being reliable and could be used for future examinations. The discriminant validity was applied to ensure that each concept of the construct or latent variable was different from other variables. The results of the discriminant validity were reported based on the cross-loading value. Table 5 presents data related to AVE, AVE root, and correlation values between variables. Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 11 Table 5: AVE, AVE Root and Latent Variable Correlation AVE AVE Root Purchasing Decision_(Z) Service Quality_(X1) Product Quality_(X2) Customer Attitude_(Y) Purchasing Decision_(Z) Service Quality_(X1) Product Quality_(X2) Purchasing Decision _(Z) 0.753 0.566 1,000 0.719 0.307 0.368 Service Quality _(X1) 0.742 0.551 0.719 1,000 0.178 0.208 Product Quality _(X2) 0.802 0.643 0.307 0.178 1,000 0.492 Customer Attitude _(Y) 0.795 0.632 0.368 0.208 0.492 1.000 The mean AVE root was higher than the correlation value between constructs, showing that each construct in the calculated model met the criteria of discriminant validity. Composite Reliability and Cronbach's alpha values for each variable are reported as follows: Table 6: Composite reliability and Cronbach’s Alpha Cronbach's Alpha rho_ A Composite Reliability Average Varianc e Extracte d (AVE) Purchasing Decision _(Z) 0.963 0.964 0.968 0.753 Service Quality _(X1) 0.961 0.964 0.966 0.742 Product Quality _(X2) 0.959 0.964 0.966 0.802 Customer Attitude _(Y) 0.971 0.980 0.975 0.795 The data analysis test obtained composite values of reliability and Cronbach's alpha for all variables by >0.7, hence, the questionnaire items for all variables were reliable. The following Figure 2 shows the calculation results of PLS-SEM model using the algorithm. Figure 2: PLS Algorithm Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 12 Validity refers to the extent to which studies and results are true or support the hypothesis (Tavakoli, 2012). Test for each relationship was conducted using a simulation with the bootstrapping method to minimize the problem of abnormal study data. The results with the bootstrapping method using SmartPLS software are reported as follows: Table 6: Path Coefficients Original Sample (O) Mean Sample (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistic (| O/STDEV |) P Value Service Quality_(X1) -> Purchasing Decision_(Z) 0.663 0.659 0.063 10.556 0.000 Service Quality _(X1) -> Customer Attitude_(Y) 0.124 0.121 0.058 2.157 0.031 Product Quality _(X2) -> Purchasing Decision_(Z) 0.099 0.100 0.043 2.309 0.021 Product Quality_(X2) -> Customer Attitude _(Y) 0.470 0.475 0.070 6.716 0.000 Customer Attitude_(Y) -> Purchasing Decision_(Z) 0.181 0.181 0.051 3.583 0.000 After the bootstrapping process was performed on the measurement model, the results of the hypothesis test were reported as follows: H1: The effect size of service quality on customer attitude. The results obtained a beta coefficient value of service quality on attitude of 0.124 and t-statistic of 2.157. The t-statistic was significant since the value was >1.96 with p-value of 0.031 or <0.05, hence, the first hypothesis was accepted. H2: The effect size of product quality on customer attitude. The results obtained a beta coefficient value of product quality on attitude of 0.470 and t-statistic value of 6.716. The t-statistic was significant since the value was >1.96 with p-value of 0.000 or <0.05, hence, the second hypothesis was accepted. H3: The effect size of service quality on purchasing decision. The results obtained a beta coefficient value of service quality on purchasing decisions of 0.663 and t-statistic value of 10.556. The t-statistic was significant since the value was >1.96 with p-value of 0.000 or <0.05, hence, the third hypothesis was accepted. H4: The effect size of product quality on purchasing decision. The results obtained a beta coefficient value of product quality on purchasing decisions of 0.099 and t-statistic value of 2.309. The t-statistic was significant since the value was >1.96 with p-value of 0.021 or <0.05, hence, the fourth hypothesis was accepted. Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 13 H5: The effect size of customer attitude on purchasing decisions. The results obtained a beta coefficient value of attitude on purchasing decisions of 0.181 and t-statistic value of 3.583. The t-statistic value was significant since the value was >1.96 with p-value of 0.000 or <0.05, hence, the fifth hypothesis was accepted. DISCUSSION The first hypothesis shows that service quality has a significant positive effect on customer attitude. The quality of the services provided by online store is directly proportional to attitude. In contrast, a poor quality of service would lead to poor attitude. Incompatible services provided by sellers can also cause complaints or dissatisfaction. The result is relevant to Hartoyo, H., & Simanjuntak, M. (2017), where service quality has a significant positive effect on attitudes. Even though the order is not consistent with the description, customers do not immediately tender a hard complaint when the service is friendly and good. Therefore, attitude also depends on the quality of the service delivered by sellers, and in some cases, a feeling of dissatisfaction may be reported. Sellers’ unfriendly attitude makes customers upset and reluctant to repurchase at the store. Moon, Y., & Armstrong, D. J. (2020) presented that the service quality model reflected the characteristics of sellers. Meanwhile, sellers who provided the best service quality were preferred by customers, specifically when the product ordered was in line with expectations. In many cases, there is a discrepancy between expectation and reality, for example, the size or the color may be different. This leads to complaints, and sellers are expected to provide a detailed explanation (Suseno and Basrowi, 2023). At online store, service quality is very important for the sustainability of business. The process must be performed comprehensively starting from the ordering, wrapping, and shipping stages, where goods must be in good condition, maintained, and have normal functions. The second hypothesis shows that product quality has a significant positive effect on attitude. The quality of the product purchased is directly proportional to attitude. Therefore, a good attitude towards sellers is determined by the conformity of the products purchased. Putra, R. A., Hartoyo, H., & Simanjuntak, M. (2017) found that the variable was also influenced by product quality in providing satisfaction. The conformity of the product with the description is checked when products are received, starting from function, condition, color, and size. The quality of the product determines repurchasing ability, or looking for other places to meet expectations. Yu, H., & Fang, W. (2009) reported that product quality would determine customer perception. After purchasing a product, an assessment is conducted based on expectations and reality. The conformity of the product with the expectations certainly has an impact on good attitude. The Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 14 assessment is shown in the application ratings, which are represented by stars or in the form of perceptions. This can be interpreted that sellers need to be able to inform product specifications clearly regarding color, size, and function. The information can be considered for customers to decide on purchasing or searching for other products to avoid purchasing goods outside expectations (Mustofa, et al. 2023). The third hypothesis shows that service quality has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. The quality of the service provided by sellers is directly proportional to the tendency of customers to repurchase. In deciding to make a repurchase at the same online store, several factors are considered, such as the quality of service provided. In addition, the alertness of sellers in responding to any questions or complaints will greatly affect the perceptions. These factors influence the decision of customers to become a loyal customer who will shop again. The result is relevant to Wahyuni, S., & Praninta, A. (2021), where brand and service quality has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. This variable is very decisive in attracting customers to purchase products or not. Tarigan, R. J. (2021) on Shopee online store confirmed the result of a study where good service quality was prioritized before looking at products. Products are preferably obtained in stores with good service quality, and when unavailable, other alternatives are followed to meet the needs at the shopping place. Fatimah, H. N., & Nurtantiono, A. (2022) stated that the quality of service had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. The increase in online purchasing and selling service providers makes sellers more competitive in attracting customers. This leads to the decision to purchase a product for the first time or make a repurchase at the same place when satisfied with the services. The fourth hypothesis shows that product quality has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. Product quality is directly proportional to the decision to repurchase. The results can be interpreted that customers are very selective in choosing products. In addition, products with good quality specifications and functions are more in demand. Proven quality influences the decision to purchase new products. Chaerudin, S. M., & Syafarudin, A. (2021) stated that product quality had a significant effect on purchasing decisions and also served as the main factor in marketing. This variable refers to a characteristic related to the ability to meet customer needs in considering to purchase the product or looking for another. Moreover, Ernawati, D. (2019) reported that products with tested quality were highly purchased. In this context, customers are more likely to purchase products with proven quality in terms of strength and function. Kaharu, D., & Budiarti, A. (2016) and Suseno, et al. (2021) stated that promotion and product quality had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. In some cases, many customers were reluctant to shop again when the quality received did not match expectations. Meanwhile, the consumptive behavior toward online shopping is an opportunity for business actors. Fierce competition and the ease of finding other online shopping places make customers easily switch to other places. This condition must be considered by online sellers to Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2024 15 continuously maintain trust. The fifth hypothesis shows that attitude has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. The decisions to purchase a product are carried out without deep consideration when trust the service and product quality. In this context, attitude refers to evaluation, emotional feeling, and the tendency of actions towards certain objects or ideas. Based on needs, the pleasure of the product can also be a reason for customers to make purchases. Miauw, K. Y. H. (2016) reported that motivation and attitude had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. Attitude formed through trust in product and service quality serves as the basis of perceptions inherent in the minds. In addition, customers will repurchase from the same store when satisfied with the provided service. This must be maintained by sellers, where attitude and trust are important factors in determining purchasing decisions. The level of trust should be maintained to keep customers from switching to other places (Suseno, et al. 2023). Cool, K., & Sulistiono, S. (2019) and Mahpudin & Suseno (2022) also confirmed the results of a similar study where attitude had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. The decision-making process is subjected to several stages including the recognition of needs, information search, alternative evaluation, purchasing decision, and behavior after making a purchase. Therefore, sellers are expected to provide the best service and product quality in determining the attitude and behavior after making a purchase. Repurchase can be conducted when the previous process is assessed as expected. CONCLUSION In conclusion, service quality was reported to have a significant positive impact on attitudes. Therefore, customers had a more favorable perception of the service provided by online sellers. The product and service quality had a significant positive impact on customer attitude and purchasing decisions. Product quality had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions, showing a direct proportionality between the variables. Attitudes significantly influenced purchasing decisions, hence, a positive attitude toward sellers increased the probability of making purchase. REFERENCES Achmad, G. N., & Rahmawati, R. (2020). Effect of Advertising Message and Customer Trust and Attitudes Customers on Purchase Decisions Services and Customer Loyalty in Using Services Pertamina Hospital in Balikpapan. 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