FOR Freedom AND Justice NO. 86 /UiERlSK/l DOMOVIIM/I l L i a ? '»i H AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) Friday, November 9, 1984 VOL. LXXXVI Doma in po svetu PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Te vesti so bile pripravljene včeraj popoldne - Reagan ponovno izvoljen - Zmagal v 49 zveznih državah — Demokrati napredovali v senatu, izgubili 14 mest v spodnjem domu WASHINGTON, D.C. - Na torkovih Predsedniških volitvah je Ronald Reagan premagal Walterja Mondala. Reagan je dobil 59 odstotkov vseh oddanih glasov, Mon-dale pa le 41 odstotkov. Od vseh 538 možnih predsedniških delegatov, jih je Reagan dobil 525, Mondale le 13. Splošno mnenje poklic-nih političnih analitikov je, da si je Reagan Priboril prevsem osebno zmago. To trditev utemeljujejo s tem, da so demokrati okrepili svoje vrste v zveznem senatu za dva sedeža' ter da je med novo izvoljenimi demokratski senatorji več liberalcev, ki pa vsi izhajajo iz držav, v katerih je prav Reagan zmagal. Tako bo razmerje v novem senatu, ki bo za-^el zasedati v januarju, 53‘47 v prid republikancem. V predstavniškem domu so pa republikanci napredovali — po zadnjih podatkih - le za 14 sedežev, pričakovali pa so naj-manj 25. Tako bodo demokrati še vedno v večini v spodnjem domu zveznega kongresa. Analitiki tudi dvomijo, da imajo konserva-dvci ideološko večino v tem domu. V zveznem senatu je ponovno zmagal skrajni konservativec Jesse Helms, v Illinoi-su Pa je bil premagan republikanski senator Charles Percy, načelnik odbora za zunanje zadeve. V Kentuckyju je pa republikanec Premagal svojega demokratskega nasprotni-ka. Po mnenju opazovalcev senata, bo novo 1Zvoljeni senat nekoliko liberalnejši od prejšnjega. V tiskovni konferenci preteklo sredo je Reagan dejal, da bo njegova poglavitna na-°ga v novi mandatni dobi postopno zniže-vanje ogromnega primanjkljaja v zveznem Proračunu. Pod nobenim pogojem pa ne bo P0(iprl povišitve zveznih davkov, je nadalje-val predsednik, ker so volivci na torkovih 'jolitvah jasno dokazali, da nočejo višjih avkov. Cilj glede primanjkljaja bo dosegel, Je Pojasnil Reagan, preko rasti ameriškega gospodarstva ter z zmanjšanjem izdatkov 2Vezne vlade. Predsednik je tudi izrazil željo za nova Po8ajanja z ZSSR. Na vprašanje, kaj je prijavljen storiti, da pritegne SZ k obnovitvi Sajanj o omejevanju oboroževalne tekme, j Roagan odgovoril z vprašanjem: Zakaj oramo mi kaj storiti oz. popustiti? Sovjeti • S|J° odgovornost za prekinjena pogajanja j ne ZDA. Zelo odklonilno je govoril o reži-u v Nikaragvi ter dejal, da ZDA niso prijavljene trpeti, da bi bila Nikaragva mogla stati nevarna svojim sosedom. 1^ Walter Mondale je tudi imel tiskovno trd- erenco’ na *(ater' Je mec* drugim zanikal Va/ Ve’ C*a -*e njegovi kampanji zelo škodo-0 ujegovo imenovanje Geraldine Ferraro ^Podpredsedniško kandidatko. Vztrajal je lje sta**Šču, da bo predsednik Reagan prisi-tek POvišati zvezne davke. O sebi je pa da nima več namena postati kandidat akšno politično mesto. v^tost med Nikaragvo in ZDA vedno ~ Spor o tem, ali pridejo letala tipa MiG 21 v Nikaragvo s. MANACVA, Nik. _ v zadnjih c d aj0 Predstavniki sandinističnega reJ Nik ant*rat* vesti, ki prihajajo iz ZDA, d hp a,[a*’Va kmalu dobila več sovjetskih , G 21. Gre za sobodno letalo, ki £ Pot r,L*ceni mnenju, Nikaragva nikako reouje. Ako bi se Nikaragva oborož ■ S \YW’ temi zelo sodobnimi letali, pravi Reaganova administracija, bi postala nevarna svojim sosedom, tega pa ZDA niso pripravljene mirno trpeti. Dobro poučeni viri v Washingtonu celo govorijo o možnosti ameriškega preventivnega napada na nikaragveška letališča, kjer naj bi se nahajala ta letala. Nikaragveški zunanji minister Miguel D’Escoto je trdil v tiskovni konferenci, da pripravljajo ZDA napad na Nikaragvo. Zanikal je, da bo njegova država kmalu dobila MiG 21 letala, trdil pa, da kot suverena država ima pravico, da si nabavlja vso potrebno obrambno orožje. D’Escoto pa ni zanikal, da je Nikaragva dobila 4 sovjetske helikopterje, sposobne za boj zoper gverilce. Takšne helikopterje uporabljajo Sovjeti v Afganistanu z precejšnjo učinkovitostjo. Predstavnik State Departmenta John Hughes je dejal novinarjem, da so ZDA dale Nikaragvi in ZSSR vedeti, s kakšno resnostjo gledajo na možno oborožitev Nikaragve z letali MiG. Sovjetska zveza proslavila 67. obletnico boljševiške revolucije - Obrambni minister Ustinov se slavnosti ni udeležil MOSKVA, ZSSR - Preteklo sredo je Sovjetska zveza praznovala 67. obletnico boljševiške revolucije z vojžsko parado na Rdečem trgu. Sodelovalo je več tisoč vojakov ter civilistov. Zbrani na Leninovem mavzoleju so bili skoraj vsi najvišji voditelji ZSSR z vidno izjemo obrambnega ministra in vplivnega člana politbiroja maršala Dimitrija F. Ustinova. Njegova odsotnost ni bila uradno pojasnjena, član politbiroja Viktor V. Grišin pa je v krajšem pomenku z zahodnimi novinarji dejal, da je Ustinov močno prehlajen. Isto so rekli o Juriju Andropovu lani, ko se parade na Rdečem trgu ni udeležil. Resnica pa je bila, da je bil Andropov smrtno bolan. Zahodni vojaški atašeji so dejali, da med orožjem, pokazanim v paradi skozi Rdeči trg, niso opazili nič novega. Več podatkov o zadnjih urah duhovnika Jerzyja Popieluszkega - Poljski režim poudarja, da bodo storilci kaznovani VARŠAVA, Polj. - Tiskovni predstavnik poljskega relzma Jerzy Urban je povedal zahodnim novinarjem, da so trije uslužbenci notranjega ministrstva priznali, da so sodelovali pri ugrabitvi in umoru Rev. Jerzyja Popieluszkega, vsak obtoženec pa ima drugačno verzijo. Preiskava še traja, je dejal Urban, in se bodo morali obtoženci zagovarjati pred sodiščem. Kot kaže, je bil avto, v katerem so bili trije tajni policisti in Rev. Popieluszko (duhovnik je bil zvezan in v avtomobilovem prtljažniku), ustavljen od prometne policije za na Poljskem nič nenavaden pregled dokumentov. Prometni policisti niso pri avtu našli nič sumljivega, je dejal Urban, in ga pustili naprej. Morilci Rev. Popieluszkega vztrajajo pri trditvi, da niso imeli namena, da bi duhovnika ubili, kar je pa Urban označil za izmišljotino. Tajfun opustošil po Filipinskem otočju - Izgubilo življenje je najmanj 343 ljudi MANILA, Fili. - Ta teden je večji del Filipinskega otočja zajel velik tajfun Agnes, ki je ubil najmanj 343 oseb, več kot 300.000 jih je pa ostalo brez strehe. V pokrajini Ca-piz je bilo poškodovanih ali uničenih kar 90 odstotkov vseh hiš, pravijo reševalci. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Med slovenskimi rojaki v Chicagu Dana Rebrica, »Gospodična Slovenskega dne« v Chicagu, prebira proklamacijo, v kateri je določena sobota, 27. oktobra, za Slovenski dan v Chicagu. Več slik in reportaža boste našli na notranjih straneh današnje (Vse slike: James Debevec) Seja— Društvo Slovenski dom št. 6 ADZ ima sejo v torek, 13. nov., ob 7.30 zv. v SDD na Recher Ave. Peter Markeš okreva— Peter Markeš, dolgoletni sodelavec našega lista iz Toronta, se je vrnil iz bolnišnice in okreva na domu. Želimo mu hitre in popolne vrnitve zdravja! 65-letnica— Slovenski dom na E. 80. cesti praznuje 65-letnico v nedeljo, 18. nov., s sv. mašo ob 1. uri pop. v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca. Po maši bo v Slov. domu večerja s plesom. Vstopnice lahko dobite, ako pokličete 662-2027 ali 341-7540 do torka. Jesenski festival— V dneh 16., 17. in 18. novembra bo v avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu jesenski festival. Pridite! Puranski festival— Fara Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Ave. priredi letni puranski festival v nedeljo, 18. oktobra. Novi grobovi Genevieve M. Poje V ponedeljek, 5. novembra, je v Brentwood bolnišnici na posledicah srčne kapi umrla 61 let stara Genevieve M. Poje z 4101 Princeton Blvd. v S. Eu-clidu, rojena Hebebrand v Clevelandu, vdova po 1. 1980 umrlem Leonardu, mati Jamesa (Texas) in Dennisa, 3-krat stara mati, hčerka Marion Hebebrand, sestra Algerja (Kalif.), Donalda in Roy-a (pok.), zaposlena pri Leaseway Transportation zadnjih 12 let. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152. cesti danes dopoldne ob 10.15, v cerkev Holy Redeemer ob 11. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Albert Batich Dne 31. oktobra je v Hilliar-(dalje na 4. str.) MZA sestanek— Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija vabi na sestanek, ki bo v sredo, 14. nov., ob 7.30 zv. pod staro cerkvijo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Prijatelji misijonov lepo vabljeni! Bogat konec tedna— Jutri zvečer bo v avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu večerja s kulturnim programom in plesom, v SND na St. Clair Ave. prireja Belokranjski klub svoje martinovanje, v SDD na Waterloo pa ima zbor Jadran večerjo s koncertom in plesom. V nedeljo pop. ob 2h bo v cerkvi sv. Vida sv. maša ob 25. obletnici smrti škofa Rožmana, ki jo bo daroval škof Pevec y SDD na Recher Ave. pa nastopa Mladinski pevski zbor. O vseh prireditvah smo v našem listu že poročali. Rojstni dan— Danes praznuje svoj rojstni dan ga. Cilka Košir z Richmond Hts. Čestitke in še na mnoga leta! Prodaja peciva— Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete bo imelo prodajo peciva v soboto in nedeljo, 17. in 18. novembra. V soboto bo začetek prodaje ob 11. dop., v nedeljo pa po vsaki maši in popoldne na puranskem festivalu. Gospodinje prosijo za domače pecivo. Izredna podpora— Ohijska federacija KSKJ društev je darovala $500 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine. Za res velikodušno podporo se iskreno zahvaljujemo! Spominska darova— Catherine T. Perko, North-field, O. je darovala $25 v naš tiskovni sklad v spomin na pok. Anno Jakšič. Ann Legan Lowery, Ft. Myers, Fla. je pa darovala $12 v naš sklad v spomin na pok. očeta Josepha Legan. Obema darovalkama naša iskrena hvala! 2 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA eni St. Clair Ave. — 431-0628 — Cleveland OH 44103 ----------------83------------------ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor — --------------------------------------------------- Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $1 5.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja; $1 5.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES nited States: 28.00 per year; $ 14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months anada and Foreign Countries: 40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $ 1 5.00 for 3 months ydays only: $1 5.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20 I---------------------------------------------------- Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 611 7 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103___________ No. 86 Friday November 9, 1984 ----- .1..- — -------=1--sat;---=------------------- x Zopet Ronald Reagan Letošnje predsedniške volitve so za nami. Pretekli torek je bil ponovno izvoljen Ronald Reagan. Svojega 'demokratskega tekmeca Walterja Mondala je Reagan premagal z veliko večino. Predsednik je prejel okoli 59 odstotkov oddanih glasov, Mondale pa okoli 41 odstotkov. Čeprav velika, Reaganova zmaga ni bila rekordna, prav tako poudarjajo poklicni politični analitiki, da je bila predsednikova zmaga predvsem osebnega značaja. Tako so na primer demokrati celo napredovali za dva sedeža v zveznem senatu, v predstavniškem domu pa so republikanci dobili le 1 4 novih sedežev in torej bodo demokrati imeli v novem kongresu precejšnjo, čeprav ne povsem zanesljivo večino. Razmerje v senatu bo 53 republikancev in 47 demokratov, v spodnjem domu pa 1 82 republikancev in kar 253 demokratov. V 16 zveznih državah so bile guvernerske volitve, tu pa so republikanci napredovali za enega guvernerja, tako da je v 50 državah 16 republikancev in 34 demokratov. Priljubljenost Reagana je bila dokazana z njegovo zmago v kar 49 od 50 zveznih držav (Mondale je zmagal le v domači Minnesoti in Washingtonu, D.C.) ter z dejstvom, da je s tem dobil kar 525 predsedniških delegatov, Mondale le 1 3. Kaj sedaj? Kakšna bo Reaganova druga 4-letna predsedniška mandatna doba? Ali se bo kaj bistveno razlikovala od prve? Kot kaže: Ne. V volivni kampanji Reagan sicer ni hotel biti preveč točen glede svojega programa za dobo 1 985-1 989, odločno pa je poudarjal ob vsaki priliki, da ne bo pod nobenim pogojem pristal na povišitev zveznih davkov. To je poudaril tudi v svoji prvi tiskovni konferenci po volitvah preteklo sredo. Predlagal bo načrt za temeljito reformo davčnega sistema, je dejal, vendar v tem načrtu ne bo nobena povišitev davkov. Njegova administracija bo skušala znižati ogromen primanjkljaj v zveznem proračunu, do tega znižanja bo pa prišlo predvsem preko rasti gospodarstva in omejevanja izdatkov zvezne vlade. Torej nadaljevanje programa, ki je bil začrtan že 1981. leta. Vidnejši premiki bodo menda v zunanji politiki. V volivni kampanji je Reagan zavzemal zmernejše stališče do Sovjetske zveze in to nadaljeval tudi v tiskovni konferenci v sredo. Očitno je, da želi Reagan obnovitev pogajanj ali vsaj rednejših stikov s sovjetskimi voditelji. V Srednji Ameriki pa kaže administracija pripravljenost še aktivneje nasprotovati sandinističnemu režimu v Nikaragvi ter podpirati tako protisandinistične gverilce kot vlado Joseja N. Duarteja v El Salvadorju. Tu bo pa lahko imel Reagan še več težav v zveznem kongresu kot jih je imel letos in lani. Poznavalci predsednika Reagana menijo, da ni pričakovati vidno večjega vpliva desničarskih - tako političnih kot verskih - elementov v administraciji. Konec koncev, trdijo, je Reagan v svoji karieri kazal pripravljenost zavračati skrajneže ene ali druge vrste in bo to storil tudi v prihajajoči mandatni dobi. Kaj pa demokratska stranka? Nek analitik je dejal, da sta sedaj dve demokratski stranki, od katerih je ena bolna, druga pa zdrava. Bolna je tista stranka, ki imenuje za predsedniške kandidate osebe, ki zagovarjajo za večino volivcev zastarel politični program. Tako je bil demokratski predsedniški kandidat premagan v 4 od zadnjih 5 volitev. Zdrava pa je tista demokratska stranka, ki imenuje oz. kandidira za guvernerska, kongresna in senatna mesta. Demokratski Slomškovo kosilo v Clevelandu: Velik uspeli! JOLIET, 111. - V nedeljo, 28. oktobra, je Slomškov krožek v Clevelandu pripravil vsakoletno Slomškovo kosilo v dvorani Sv. Vida. Ker me je pot prinesla te dni v Cleveland, sem bil tudi jaz deležen tega okusnega kosila. Že prav v začetku se je pokazalo, da bo veliko ljudi. Začeti bi morali servirati ob 11.30., a zaradi velikega števila gostov, ki so se zbrali že pred 11. uro, so začeli prej. Skupina delavcev je že pridno delala v soboto, da so vse pripravili, kar se da pripraviti dan prej. Pri tem so celo pomagali otroci Slovenske šole. V nedeljo pa že en sam pogled po kuhinji ti je povedal, da so te ženske pridne kot čebele. Ni bilo nobenega govorjenja, videl si le pridne roke, ki so servirale hrano pri oknu; roke, ki so pekle piščance in pripravljale goveje meso; videl si roke, ki so pridno pomivale posodo, da je ni zmanjkalo. Videl si Frankove roke, ki so dvigale težke lonce. Okoli 11. ure je bilo v dvorani že na stotine ljudi. Po zadnjem poročilu so servirali nad 800 kosil. Neka gospa, ki je gledala ljudi, ki so stali v vrsti, mi je rekla: »Vidiš, gospod, to je pa čudež, ki ga Slomšek naredi vsako leto!« Priznanje je treba dati vsem, onim, ki so organizirali to kosilo, in ljudem, ki so prostovoljno priskočili na pomoč. Pri tem bi omenil le par imen: John Petrič, predsednik krožka, Frank Urankar, Vinko Rozman, Janez Prosen, ki je pomagal s svojim peresom, in dve glavni kuharici - Ivanka Pretnar in Pepca Tominc; zraven tega pa še cel bataljon pomočnic! Med kosilom mi je nek možak rekel: »Taz pridem vsako - IZ FARE SV. ŠTEFANA - CHICAGO, 111. - Baragova dneva v Chicagu v dneh 1. in 2. septembra sta lepo uspela in zbrala mnogo Slovencev iz mesta ter iz bližnje in daljnje okolice. Udeležba v sosednji cerkvi sv. Pavla je bila izredno velika; računajo na 1500 ljudi. Farani so pokazali enotnost in pripadnost slovenski fari v skupnem nastopu cerkvenih in družabnih društev s prapori in zastavami. Slovenci so tudi v tej proslavi pokazali zavzetost in navdušenje za Barago in njegovo zadevo, česar pa -žal - ne moremo trditi za ameriško Cerkev. V naši Ameriški Domovini in v verskem listu Ave Maria smo brali dobre članke o letošnjih Baragovih dneh izpod peresa p. Fortu-nata Zormana. Cerkveni zbor fare sv. Štefana, združen s pevci zbora Slovenska pesem, je vzbudil pri Baragovih slovesnostih za- lete na to kosilo, kajti Slomšek je veliko naredil za slovenski narod!« Res je, ta škof je veliko naredil za naš narod. On ni bil pomoč samo Slovencem svojega časa; prav danes rabimo njegov zgled in moč njegove priprošnje, ko nam preti toliko nevarnosti v nravnem in verskem pogledu. Zato je prav, da delamo z vsemi močmi, da bo Slomšek kmalu prištet k svetim. Istočasno, ko je Slomškovo kosilo združilo toliko Slovencev v dvorani Sv. Vida, je tudi prineslo veliko finančno pomoč. Slomškov krožek je poslal $6,500.00, ki bo šlo k postulatorju g. Jezerniku v Rim za Slomškovo zadevo. Danes mi rabimo Slomška in njegovo priprošnjo, zato se mu zaupno priporočajmo in vneto delajmo za njegov proces. Pokojni g. Varga nam je dober zgled pri tem delu. P. Atanazij strankini strategi morajo, trdijo analitiki, najti kandidata, ki bo zmožen na zvezni oz. predsedniški ravni doseči uspeh, ki ga stranka še vedno najde v posameznih državah in v kongresu. In kratko o lokalnih volitvah. Kot je bilo pričakovati, je kongresnik Dennis Eckart zmagal v svojem okrožju, pri tem pa prejel skoraj dve tretjini vseh oddanih glasov. S podobno veliko večino je v 19. okrožju ohijske zakonodaje zmagal Ronald Šuster. V 24. ohijskem senatnem okrožju pa je Gary Suhadolnik z lahkoto premagal bivšega demokratskega kongresnika Mottlja, v 22. pa je bil Frank Mahnič premagan od Grace Drake. Suhadolnik in Drake sta bila dobro financirana od republikancev, predvsem Mahnič pa ni vodil spretno kampanjo, računajoč, da bo zmagal radi prejšnjega slovesa. V okrožju Cuyahoga so volivci presenetili komišener-ja Vincenta Campanella, ko so z solidno večino izvolili dosedanjo demokratsko poslanko zakonodaje Mary Boyle. Republikanec Virgil Brown je premagal Bennyja Bonnana. Brown, ki je soliden, ima podporo črncev radi tega, ker je sam črnec, zanj pa glasujejo tudi mnogi belci-republikanci - torej odlična kombinacija. Campanella je bil silno presenečen nad izgubo, ker se je videl celo v guvernerski palači čez nekaj let. V okraju Cuyahoga, ki je dala Mondalu večino, so zmagali v veliki večini demokratski kandidati. Torej, bile so volitve. Ker pa Reagan ne more več kandidirati, se bodo začeli pojavljati v obeh strankah osebe, ki bodo kandidirali I. 1 988. Tu na lokalni ravni, bodo prihodnji november županske volitve - pričakujejo, da bo ponovno kandidiral George V. Voinovich -, na katerih bodo volivci Clevelanda izvolili nov mestni svet. Takrat se bo predstavil volivcem tudi mestni sodnik Edmund J. Turk. Zdi se, da so vedno pred nami nove volitve, razumeti pa moramo, da je to tudi prednost našega demokratičnega sistema. - Rudolph M. Susel čudenje nad lepoto in ubranosti petja. Zbora sta pod odličnim vodstvom p. Vendelina Špendova in prof. Janeza Arko. Med dobrimi pevci izstopajo solisti Andrej Fischin-ger, Lojze Arko, Janez Vidmar, John Burjek, Nandi Puc, Fridi Arko. Zelo dobra je organistka Patty Zubek. Ce bi eden ali drugi zbor odpoveda , bi se zrušil steber naše tare in obenem ponos slovenstva. Slovenska šola je pričela z rednim poučevanjem. Nedej ska slovenska maša je s prisot nostjo učencev, učiteljev in staršev močno oživljena 'n klopi niso več tako žalostn0 prazne kakor poleti. Učenci zelo radi sodelujejo pri J11111! striranju, pri branju, Pr' Prl našanju darov. Število učence te šole je letos zelo padlo. a kaj? Ni naraščaja! Učene, višjih razredov so odšli a i n višjo šolo ali na visoko. PraV so bili zadnja leta vsem v ve i ko veselje. Poučujejo: An r Remec, Lojze in Krista Ark • Vodja šole je poizkušal pnd ' biti otroke naših prekmurs i ljudi, pa ni uspel. Vsako njo nedeljo v mesecu naC^ ■* s svojimi sestanki s predna ^ njem uspehov, ki ga u^en,C* šoli dosežejo. Te šolske ses ke bi lahko imenovali slov ske kulturne ure. Poleg š° 5 prireditev, recitiranja, ’ branja iz del slovenskih a kov, se vodja Andrej dotakne vseh perečih vPr^S, a. ki stiskajo nas Slovence. ^ sla mladina in člani zbora teh sestankov poleg st^raV zelo radi udeležujejo, vsak udeleženec desete a ,0. iskreno povabljen in do r šel. Matere tuditukaj ra jj0m, strežejo s kavo m Pe za kajti ves dohodek obrnej tudi šolo. fari Športni klub imamo ^ ri; združuje mladino. (Dalje na str. 4) VBLAGSPOM1* Ob drugi obletnici s^eta našega ljubega rn0Z^' in starega očeta Antona ki je za vedno zatte1" blage oči 9. novem r Za njim žalujejo: Žena - Pavla _ ij0 sin - Tone z ženo hčerke - |inar Pau,ina P0ve^r Rada P°r Ko em Mira por;. M M* ..oriaP Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 639. MISIJONSKI PIKNIK V WINDSORJU, Ont., je 26. avgusta na farmi Ferdota in Mimi Martinčič zelo lepo uspel. Vabila so bila razposlana vsem poznanim v ^estu in okolici, kot tudi misijonskim prijateljem v Detroit, Michigan, za dolgo pripravlje-n' Piknik v Maidstone, Ont. Udeležilo se je letos piknika |19 duš, od teh je bilo dve tretjini otrok, ki zelo aktivno sodelujejo. To je bila doslej naj-večja udeležba. Gospa Martinčičeva je po-* ala 30. septembra vsem poro-1 ° o uspehu piknika, z zahva-°- Dobili so jo vsi, ki so 12. av8usta prejeli vabilo na pik-nik. 6 misijonskih prijateljev ^ Je za pospravo zbralo pri Martinčičevih in izdelali so že Jtečrt za drugo leto ter oblju-1 b da se bodo ponovno sesta-1 meseca pred piknikom. Gdč. Helenca Zupan, bolni-a sestra v bolnici sv. Jožefa °rontu, je prinesla pošto in j *di zanimive vsebine jo ob-av jamo v celoti, v kolikor egne poglobiti misijonsko avdušenje v vseh, ki MSIP v e °vi AD redno prebirajo. akole se glasi: tov, ki so jih bili otroci zelo veseli. Narodna noša punčke je bilo delo moje sestre Francke. Lani, ko je bila na obisku pri sinu Jožetu, je naredila kot dar za naše misijonarje. Lepa hvala Aniti in Milki Martinčič za »štant«, posebej še, ker vsako leto kaj novega iznajdeti, da je bolj privlačno ne le za otroke; tudi odrasli uživajo pri igranju. Nagrade pri igrah so vse njun dar. Za vse misijonarje so darovali: Iz Windsorja, Ontario: Po $5: Steve Benčak, Rezka Cosič, Frank Gregory, Viktor Javornik, Francka Grof, Mary Kajfež, Metka Kalič, Mary Kosi, Florjan Pirih, Janez Rehberger, Bogomil Stark, Milka Štular, družina Tenčič, Matija Tompa in Lojze Žagar. Marica Kolar je dala $7. Po $10 so žrtvovali: inž. Janez Grebenc, Marija Jeraj, Ivan Matos, Janko Orosh, Jože Ročnik, Rudolf Šolar, Maksa Štravs, Vinko Trojan-šek, Martin Utroša, Slavo Vinski in Ivan Vrhovnik. Jože Strniša je dal $15. 30. september 1984 ra8i misijonski dobrotniki! in . °^0 Posprave 12. Misi-l°askega piknika. ^ °gu naj gre prva zahvala ORr iasno vreme; enako, da je žJ.el toliko src za pomoč bli-steJe*u- Lepa hvala vsem, ki galf *(akr^n’kol> obliki poma-Pik '.V darovih, s prihodom na kol • 2 k,esedo» zlasti pa vsa-]C(ie.n*m delavcem na pikni- ^feči"3 Za*lva*a 8re 8e- Anici dejo C Za podarjeno ročno ge Pogrinjalo. Prav tako nenJancki Žagar, ki nas je iz-jjjo 1 a z lepo izdelanim »pa-kljufe^’ 2 ze*j°> da bi bil pri-tna 5J1 k glavnima dobitko-Vef . aodHa je poleg tega še rugih otroških predme- Po $20 so žrtvovali: Frank Gačnik, Lojze Gerkman, Janez Grebenc, Vencel Hrovat, Jože Makše, Peter Mitrovski - z dodatkom 40 oz vodke za bar —, Janez Novak, Jože Omahen in Avgust Zupanc. Družina Perz od cvetličarne »Helen« je darovala $35. Janez Jakše je daroval $400, od česar naj gre stotak o. Tomažinu v Zambiji. Skupaj je bilo teh darov iz Windsorja v kanadski valuti $822. Iz Detroita, Michigan je bilo darovanih $245 v ameriški valuti od teh dobrotnikov: Rezka Gerkman $5; Marija Lunder iz Clevelanda $10; Ele-nich in Zunich in Vihtelič Marie, vsak po $15; Mary in V BLAG SPOMIN 6Vet0 žalostno leto je zatonilo, odkar nas je zapustila Za vedno ljubljena soproga, mama in stara mama ANGELA DROBNICE Preminula je 3. novembra 1975 Vt-V lel le zemlja krije, e™ 8r°bu mirno spiš. B°lečin več ne ipiš. Nam pa žalost srca trga, Rosijo solze nam oči. Dom je prazen in otožen, Ker te več med nami ni. Žalujoči: soprog Joseph, sin Gabriel, vnuki in pravnuki ter ostalo sorodstvo. ■22?/Ohio, g. novembra 1984. Francis Trambush pa $200. O rajni Mary Trambush, ki je 12. februarja umrla v Detroitu, so poročali MSIP 621 v aprilu, kjer smo članek zaključili z besedami njenega župnika ob pogrebu: »Preprosto je živela v skromni sobici, a njene radodarne roke so šle po vsem svetu...« Za bogoslovsko vzdrževalnino njihovega kandidata v Afriki so darovali iz Windsorja: po $5: Anica Novak in Jože Ročnik; po $10: Bill Babinik, Micka Grebenc, Neimenovani, N.N. v spomin ge. Hartman, Ivan Matoš, Marjeta Tompa, Anka Zupanc in Jože Žagar. Frank Kužnik je dal $15. Po $20 so žrtvovali: sestra Vjekoslava Didovič, Rev. Zvonimir Kutleša in Anton Ti-sel. John Bogovič je dal $25; Ante Karin $30; Silvester Grašič $33 in Ferdo Matinčič $50. Skupaj $303 v kanadski valuti. Iz Detroita so darovali $59 naslednji v ZD valuti: Janez Gorše $6; po $10 Ivan Koščak in Amalija Kovačič; Pavla Košir $13 in Ivanka Krek $20. Drugi dohodki so še bili: za srečke po $1 se je nabralo $343; od srečelova $153; na Anitinem »štantu« $119.30; prometa v bari $285.85; v kuhinji $195.80. Skupaj torej $1,096.95. Izdatkov je bilo $225.95 za te postavke: Pijača $101.55; kuhinja $32.75; poštnina za vabila, zahvalo, papir in drobnarije $91.65. Vsa nabirka za naše misijonarje in potrebne v njih misijonih je letos znesla $2,300.00, od tega 435.50 v ameriški valuti. Ves znesek sem poslala duhovnemu voditelju MZA. Midva z možem sva darovala za bogoslovsko akcijo $50, ki naj jo škof najinemu kandidatu da ob priliki nove maše. Midva dnevno moliva za nje- VBLAG SPOMIN OB TRETJI OBLETNICI SMRTI MOJEGA LJUBEGA MOŽA IN ATE JOŽE KRIŽMAN ki je zatisnil svoje blage oči 11. novembra 1981. Pretekla so že leta tri, Kar Te več med nami ni. Črna zemlja Te pokriva. Spomin na Te pa še živi. Tvoji žalujoči: Žena Marija Sin z družino v Clevelandu. Brat in sestre v Sloveniji. Montville, Ohio 9. nov. 1984. govo vero in bova to nadaljevala. Tudi škofu se lepo zahvaliva za pozornost. Tudi v bodoče bi naša skupina rada imela svojega bogoslovca, ki bi ga s skupnimi močmi vzdrževali. Ob tej priliki priporočam v molitev veliko misijonsko dobrotnico go. Mary Trambush in go. Ano Hartman. Na letošnjem pikniku nas je veselo presenetila ga. Marie Vihtelič, stara 97 let. Pripeljal jo je iz Detroita na piknik njen sin, upokojeni major z ženo in so bili vsi trije zelo zadovoljni. Potožila mi je, da je žalostna, ker ni udeležba večja za tak dober namen zbiranja. Osebno pa mislim, da je bila tokrat udeležba od vseh naših piknikov najlepša in tudi uspeh v zbrani pomoči najboljši. Dobitke so zadeli tile: pregrinjalo Anica Koščak iz ZD; deklico v narodni noši Jože Strniša; »pajaca« pa je dobila Alice Belanger iz ZD. Bog naj poplača v veliki meri vsakemu, kar je ob tej priliki dobrega storil. Enako lepa zahvala vsem v imenu Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije, hvaležna Mimi Martinčič.« Martinčičevi so bili poleti na romanju v Frank, Ohio, kjer so se srečali s predsednico MZA Cleveland, go. Marico Lavrisha. Naj Bog blagoslovi napore naših misijonskih sodelavcev in pionirk v Windsorju in Detroitu. Skromno so začeli in lepo sodelovanje razvijajo. Po vzgledu drugih odsekov bi sodelujočim svetovali, da si sčasoma osnujejo lastni odbor MZA iz vrst tistih, ki jim je misijonska ideja res draga in pokažejo to vsako leto, ko organizirajo svojo prireditev. Tako bi bilo sodelovanje bolj kontinuitetno in bi tudi med letom sem in tja kdo misijonsko skušal bolj aktivno ustvar- V BLAG SPOMIN DRUGE OBLETNICE MOJEGA LJUBLJENEGA OČETA ANTON DEBEVC Umrl dne 10. novembra 1982. Miniti sta že leti dve, odkar si Ti zapustil me! Utihnil za vedno je Tvoj glas, a jaz pa mislim na Te ves ta čas. Ostal mi je le grob teman, kjer dom je Tvoj mi ran. Tam Tvoje zlato srce spi, rešen si prav vseh skrbi. Na grob bom položila šopek cvetja lep, ker mi spomin na Te je vedno svet! Žalujoča: Julia Grabelšek - hčerka. Geneva, Ohio, 9. novembra 1984. » 3 jati. Znamke so poslali zadnje tedne: gdč. Doi Kosovel, sestra bivše misij« narke s. Erneste, iz Trsta; s, Anka Luketič iz Belgije; s Jeanne Elizabeth Pogorelc Južne Afrike. V misijonski sklad je dan vala v spomin rajne Mary Va’ potič predsednica MZA Chici go ga. Gizella Hozian. Spon čila je tudi, da za Misijonsk nedeljo pripravlja njen odse misijonsko kosilo. Poslala tudi sv. mašo za zdravje ^ Philipa Feryana, ki se pripore ča našim molitvam za zdravj« Da bi mu ga dobri Bog čimpr« je v celoti povrnil. Rev. Charles Wolbang, Cf 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Nov spomenik na Muljavi V našem listu smo že pon čali o razstrelitvi partizansk ga spomenika na Muljavi, zvezi s tem objavljamo kraji ne preveč viden članek, ki izšel v Delu 20. oktobra: »Spomenik na Muljavi, pt stavljen v spomin na smrt št rih partizanov, ki so ga 8. ol tobra letos razstrelili, bod znova postavili. Občani Mi Ijave in družbenopolitičr skupnosti občine Grosuplje s sklenili, da bodo v nedeljo, 21 oktobra, na istem kraju posti vili enak spomenik in tako ot ločno protestirali proti tal šnim barbarskim dejanjen Preiskava o tem dejanju, ki j zbudilo ogorčenje javnosti, š teče. V BLAG SPOMIN OB ČETRTI OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU PREMINUL NAŠ LJUBLJEN! NEPOZABNI SOPROG, OČE STARI OČE, BRAT, TAST, SVAK IN STRIC Dr. Anthony J. Perko Umrl dne 8. novembra 1980. Si svet Ti zapustil in šel si od nas, pri Bogu pa prosi tam vedno za nas! Zapustil solzno si dolino, se preselil v boljšo domovino, kjer ni žalostne skrbi, kjer vse se večno veseli. Žalujoči: Catherine roj. Grdina — soproga; hčerke in sinovje z družinami; sestri; brata; 18 vnukov in vnukinj ter ostalo sorodstvo. Northfield, O., 9. novembra 1984. Študenti Slomškove slovenske šole pri župniji Sv. Štefana v Chicagu recitirajo v slovenščini na Slovenskem dnevu 27. oktobra letos. Na sliki so (od leve): Franci Puc, Nine Šeme, Karl Remec, Andrej Remec (ravnatelj šole), Susan Rigler, Michael Arko, Mojca Magajna in Marko Magajna. Šolski pouk se začne vsako nedeljo v spodnjih prostorih cerkve sv. Štefana po sv. maši ob 10.30. Slovensko zavedni starši pripeljejo svoje otroke iz več krajev Velikega Chicaga. James in Madeline Debevec sta ob tej priliki govorila o pomembnosti ohranjevanja slovenske dediščine. - IZ FARE SV. ŠTEFANA - (nadaljevanje z 2. str.) pri pevskih zborih, je obiskovala slovensko šolo, njih starši so zavedni slovenski in verni ljudje. Kjer je potreba, ta športna mladina priskoči na pomoč - npr. pri postavitvi KRIŽA MIRU v Lemontu. Predsednik kluba je prav posrečeno izbran: Jimmy Gre-gorich - talentiran in veren fant - iz družine Lojzeta in •Vere Gregorič. So najbližnji sosedi farne cerkve in dvorane in zato seveda vedno nadlegovanj - vendar vselej je vsak dobrodošel. Poleg športnega udejstvovanja so mnogi plesalci skupin S.A.R.C., pomagajo pri postrežbi naših kosil in pri pospravljanju dvorane. Že vrsto let športni klub organizira in izvede Silvestrove večere. Visoko starost je dosegla znana faranka Ančka Ahačič, ki je 29. oktobra letos bila stara 97 let. Vsak dan - poleti in pozimi - v cerkvi (en mestni blok daleč), izredno dobrodelnih rok, bistra v mišljenju in govoru, stalna naročnica Ameriške Domovine in seveda tudi bralka. Ko sta letos za večno zaspala njena sovrstnika v letih g. Stanko Mašič in ga. Mary Vavpotič, je rekla: »Je-mnasta, kaj pa še jaz delam na svetu?« Sama želi in drugi z njo, da bi dočakala sto let. Škofa Rožmana komemora- cija je bila v Lemontu 4. novembra s sodelovanjem mladine iz Chicaga in Jolieta. Na vsakoletnem spominskem dnevu se Slovenci spominjamo vseh padlih med revolucijo v Sloveniji, že mnogih umrlih duhovnikov in zaslužnih kulturnih delavcev in delavk tukaj v novi domovini, ter vseh naših dragih pokojnih. Letos je bil naj večji poudarek na 25. obletnico smrti ljubljanskega škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana. V fari sv. Štefana so rojaki s sodelovanjem domačega g. župnika izdali podobice s slovenskim besedilom v spomin škofa Rožmana - več tisoč komadov -, katere so nato razposlali skupinam in posameznikom širom Amerike. Slovensko božičevanje v Museum of Science and Industry je določeno od uprave za nedeljo, 9. decembra, ob 2. uri pop. V prostorni veži bomo videli med mnogimi božičnimi drevesi tudi slovensko z originalnimi domačimi okraski. Skrb zanj imata Metoda Fischinger in Adi Kranjc. Program izvedejo farani sv. Štefana: slovenska družina in navade o Božiču, zbor Slovenska pesem, folklorni plesi skupin pri S.A.R.C. in, po želji mnogih, morebiti Mladinski orkester. % - Ana Gaber Na Slovenskem dnevu v Chicagu 27. oktobra Na sliki vidite Staneta Simrayha, podpredsednika Slovensko-ameriškega radio kluba v Chicagu, ko pozdravlja goste, zbrane v avditoriju pri Sv. Štefanu 27. oktobra letos ob praznovanju Slovenskega dne. Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s 1. str.) du, Fla. na posledicah več možganskih kapi umrl 63 let stari Albert Batich, mož Marie, roj. Miklavčič, oče Kennetha, Kathleen, Patricie in Alberta ml., sin Henryja in Jennie Batich, Cleveland, O., brat Elsie Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 PrijateVs Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLOVAR'S DEPT STORE TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica Cars! Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Zaletel (Highland Hts., O.). Pogreb je bil v Hilliardu, Fla. Antoinette M. Skok V torek, 6. novembra, je umrla Antoinette M. Skok, sestra Anthonyja F. in Rose, teta Marguerite, Anthonyja, Freda, Grega in Martina. Pogreb bo iz Brickmanovega zavoda na 21900 Euclid Ave. danes, v petek, v cerkev sv. Feli-cite dopoldne ob 9.30. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. MALI OGLASI Apartments for Rent 1 bdrm. Utilities inc. No pets or children. Near St. Vitus. $150.00 a month. 431-7297. Small 2 bdrm, up. Stove, refrigerator and carpeting. No children and no pets. $120 a month. 431-7297. (86-87) For Rent 2 apt. 3 rooms and 7 rooms. E. 45 St. No pets. Call 338-3616. (86-87) Going to Slovenia? Taxi, Chauffer, Guide Service, very reasonable rates. Call Joseph at 951-7544. (84,86,88,90,92) For Sale Euclid. 2 bdrm. bungalow. Garage. Fenced-in yard. Basement. Attached family room. High 40s. Call 449-4145. (85-87) ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa zidarska in tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike itd-Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 486-5545 For Rent 5 rooms down. Furnace. No pets. St. Vitus area. 391-9453. NAPRODAJ Dve hiši na eni parceli. 5, 5 spredaj in 1-družinska hiša zadaj. V okolici sv. Vida. Kličite 391-9453. Stanovanje v najem 4 sobe s kuhinjo. Opremljeno. $ 100 na mesec. Kličite: 531-7131. ROJAKI POZOR Izvršujem zidarska in nnizar ska dela, pleskam sobe, izvr šujem električnojn vodno na peljavo, popravljam strehe. Kličite 881-5439 po 5. uri pop- Sem moški, star 50 let-nealkoholik. Želim spoznati dobrosrčno žensko, staro ° 40 do 50 let, za skupno življenje. Prosim samo resne ponudbe. Tel. (312) 425-3715. (85-88) GARAŽO IŠČEM V Euclid, Wickliffe okolici. Kličite: 944-2417. (86-87) FOR SALE One double home and one single home; both houses on the same property. Nice street, close to all conveniences. St. Vitus area. Asking mid thirties. Call: 391-6093 (86-89) ST. MARY’S. Aluminum sided. Income. 5 and 3. $325 a month income. 2 car garage. Across from St. Mary’s school. $31,900. Janatorial Work Part-time, days. Euclid-Ohio. Must have experience in transportation. Good PaV' Call 461-8920. (84-86) For Rent Single 3 bdrm. home. GroV'6 wood area. Call 331-54 ■ (84-87) Investment Property Nottingham area. 2 fa1^ ^ house. Newly decorate • car garage. $39,900-come $475 a month. Use tax shelter. 951-3225 ^ g7) Rooms For Rent HOLY REDEEMER. 3 bdrm colonial. Natural woodwork. Excellent condition. $29,900. Manak Realty 486-9083 (86-87) Bonna Ave^ up-Call 431-2814 ^ Button Box Melodija. C-F-B flat, cellent cond. 261-2225 For Rent 5 rooms up. Nottingham area. New decorating & Carpeting. Garage. $225 per month. 951-3225 after 6 p.m. (86-89) Wanted: Cleaning 'Vo",“"e. 2 times a week, in a r ^ nahl home. Call after 268'416°- (84-87) T.K. General Contractors, Inc* Predelujemo kuhinje, kopalnice, delamo strehe, »driveways«, nove garaže in vsa potrebna gradbena dela na hišah ali poslovnih stavba Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj in tapeciramo-Zidamo tudi nove hiše in poslovne stavbe-- Vprašajte za brezplačen predračun! " - 831-6430 - i i i i ] i i ( s t s ti t; o ir rr o 'v T D D Di C AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 9, 7 984 0) r- 0) OC Michael Boznar, brother of 0Q ^ev- Joseph Boznar, pastor of 2 Vitus Church, died in > Toronto, Canada, recently. 0 He is also survived by one 2 daughter, parents, and two < s'sters- He was buried in 2 Oshawa from St. Mary of the n ^P1« Church. Fr. Boznar of-^ ‘ciated at the funeral. 0 Q JOSEPH JUHANT <1 ^oseph Juhant, 79, died after ^ 3 short stay in Euclid General J 0sPital early in the morning in 0n Oct. 23. § He was the husband of °sephine (nee Gerkman); the ather of Andrew in Jugoslavia, John (dec.), and rank; the brother of Frank u8oslavia), and others who are deceased. Tor 25 years he worked as a ^achine operator at Morrison Products. The Funeral Mass was Fri-ay* Oct. 26 at St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Grdina Funeral Home handled the burial arrangements. ELSIE SIMCIC Elsie Simcic (nee Marn), 66, died in Euclid General Hospital on Friday, Oct. 18 after a long illness. She was born in Mulberry, Kansas on Sept. 25, 1918 the daughter of John Marn (dec.) and Mary (nee Svigel) Poklar (Marco Is., Fla.). She came to Cleveland in 1920. She was employed for 40 years at Simcic’s Tavern on E. 260 St. Elsie was the wife of John M., the mother of Madelyn Zuber, John R., and Frank, sister of Olga Marn and Mildren Hoernig. Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., handled arrangements. Interment was in All Souls Cemetery. Family suggests memorials to the American Cancer Society. MARY KALIN Mary Kalin (nee Sarj), 86, died at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Monday, Oct. 29. Mary was born in Metulje, občina Bloke, pri Postojne, Slovenia, Yugoslavia. She came to the United States in 1920. She was a resident of Parkgrove Ave. for 8 years and a former resident of Holmes Ave. She was a resident at the Home for four years. She was a member of KSKJ No. 162 and SNPJ No. 142. She was the widow of Philip, the mother of Mary Vida Kalin and Virginia Siskovic; grandmother of Julie Leslie and David; sister of Helen Gobec and Thomas (Canada), both deceased. Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., handled arrangements. Funeral Mass was at St. Mary Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Contributions to the Slovene Home for the Aged and St. Mary Church (Holmes) would be appreciated by the family. In Memoriam Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. — Ambulance Service Available — 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families.\ Roy G. Sankovič, director____ BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Grdina Funeral Homes 1053 East 62 Street 431-2088 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 Grdina Furniture Store 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 Editor; 1 am donating $1< meri3ka Dom< anedmT0ry of my Par( and Jennie Sever. Ve been away Thank You f. ,n October 14 the St. Vitus jts ^Narne Society celebrated the ^ anniversary. One of theeVents on this occasion was tifi Tfesentation of Cer-HoiJ1!? of Appreciation, and f0 y ^ame medallions, to the ^ t^le SL Vitus Holy "te Society. Wish °ne founders, I this J0 t^an^c t*le Society for '“■Kid™” ““-odni.ion. 1 serv . . u a privilege to have *n the organization. Stanley J. Frank Anniversary Greetings 1209 Pand Mrs- Ted Jana their ; 71 St- wil1 celeb sary0Sl Ver wedding anni f°r at ,N°V- 7th‘ Best wi health CaSt ^ more haj °nes' Best wishes f their CrS ^dela and Tam ahd (hS°n'*n'law, grand: the n 6 1Tlany customers f 0PerataUty Stop Ted use< Hichis* 6224 St. C 1S POW Emilee’s. * Glair Pensione H News ‘tg {o'Sxv‘ftly the year is c a*readv ^ end’ Novem ttonth • es’ ancl this is 0fficers1j w*1'cl1 we elect 0n T,0r tbe coming ye T? boldan^’ N°V' 15 n ere win ue,ectl0n ineet K^etiiber be,n° meetin U|>iner ’ 0nly a Christ The J.'h. ^ .e,etln8 will be at C,airsu annex of the o Ventan Home. S anley J- Frank, St Slovenian community more years than I’d like to admit, but look forward to the Friday edition each week. My husband and I have been your readers for about a year and a half now. Because of your paper, we’ve been to Slovenia, and occasionally are back in Cleveland for some event. As a matter of fact, we did attend the A.D. function at Slovenska Pristava in September and had a most pleasant time. Thanks for keeping this widespread community together. Mrs. Dorothy (Sever) Kraft Harper Woods, Mich. * + * Marge Maslar of Lake Shore Blvd. donated $25.00 to the American Home Printing Fund in memory of the 18th anniversary of the death of her husband, Steve Maslar. Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361 - 3112 — tel. št. 361-3112 • No Branches nor Affiliations • Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director FREE FOR OPENING NEW ACCOUNT 0.14% passbook Effective Annual Rate $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. 8 24% checking Effective Annual Rate $100.00 Minimum. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge 6 Month to 36 Month, Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. NDEPENDENI ►/WINGS (One Bear per Customer) 1515 E. 260th. Euclid. Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th. Cleveland. Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Sum < tr. Rd., Willoughby Hills. Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 t hardon Rd.. Richmond Hts.. Ohio 44143 944-5500 A Suhsidiarv ol Independent Share ( orp R Dakin & Company In Loving Memory Of the Third Anniversary of the Death of our Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Father-in-Law, and Brother Stephen Opalich Feb. 22, 1911 Nov. 9, 1981 He left us his smile and his sweet memory, That the passing of time just endears. He left us his laughter to ring in our hearts, And comfort us thru the years. He left us his faith in the goodness of life And his courage to see it as such And tho we are grieved that he left us, We are grateful he left us so much. Sadly missed by: Alice Opaiich - wife George Opalich - son Dorothy Bryan and Patricia Chiappetta -daughters and Families Cape Coral, Fla., Nov. 9, 1984 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 9, 1984 6 Memo from Madeline By Madeline Debevec Jim and I along with the entire “Vesele Slovenci” (Duke Marsic’s Orchestra the “Happy Slovenians) and a congenial group of friends enjoyed a culturally rewarding weekend in Chicago on Oct. 27 and 28. We left Euclid City hall at 7 a.m. on a bright, clear Saturday morning. We were all anxious to get to Chicago to do some sightseeing and shopping as our hotel was in the “fantastic” downtown area near the Water Tower Place (seven floors of various exclusive stores). The Ohio State troopers had other ideas as they gave our driver a ticket for exceeding the speed limit. Around 6:30 p.m. local time we were escorted from the Continental Hotel to St. Stephen’s Hall by Bogdan Judnič. Since our bus driver was unfamiliar with the territory, he followed Judnič all the way in. Judnič is a full time airplane pilot and we were delighted to discover he was a classmate of Richmond' Height’s Mark Celestina who is now employed by NASA here. They received their degrees from Parks College of St. Louis University. Corinne Leskovar, Director of the Slovenian American Radio Club Folkloric Dancers, graciously welcomed us to the Slovenian Day Festival. Stane Simrayh, vice president of the Radio Club, introduced us to the crowd and Jim congratulated the Chicago Slovenians for their continued efforts to preserve the Slovene culture. Henry Grosel, national president of KSKJ and wife, Anne, were also present. Ronald Zefran of Zefran Funeral Home and National Officer of the Holy Family Society of the U.S.A. received an award for his many years of advertising support to the Chicago radio program. All the beautiful persons we met are now part of our treasured memories. I enjoyed conversing throughout the evening with Sister Rose Agnes Stražišar who teaches 3rd and 4th grade at Holy Trinity School (Croatian). Her sister, Sister Ewalda Ann, a teacher at St. Stephen’s School and she were reared in the St. Vitus area of Cleveland and both entered the convent of the Sisters of St. Francis, Le-mont Motherhouse in 1927. They send their regards to everyone in Cleveland. They are proud of their Slovenian heritage. These gracious Sisters left such a wdnderful impression on me that I will never forget them. The program began with the Mladinski Orkester and Ensemble, directed by Dr. Rev. Vendelin Špendov, OFM offering a few musical selections. The mini symphonic orchestra had a strong command of their music and in- Chicago Slovenians Are Perfect Hosts struments. The short program by the Veseli Slovenci of Cleveland and the comic stories by August Pust delighted the receptive audience. The SARC Dancers thrilled the audience with their intrinsic dance steps. Throughout the evening Dana Rebrica, Miss Slovenian Day, warmly greeted the many guests and proved she was most deserving of the title. It was very interesting conversing with many of our A.D. subscribers and advertisers throughout the rest of the evening. Some of these persons came to Chicago after the war and are leading successful and productive lives and contributing much to the field of science and engineering, and other industries. Hopefully the A.D. will elaborate on these Horatio Algier stories in future articles. I was also pleasantly surprised to see many high school and college students present. Mr. Ludwig Yelenc took us in tow and introduced us to literally hundreds of persons of first, second, third, etc. generation of Slovenian background. Slovenians of various beliefs attend this event and it was interesting and heart-warming to meet so many culturally conscious individuals. The next morning some of our tour group from Cleveland went back to St. Stephen’s Church for 10:30 a.m. Mass and were extremely delighted to listen to the outstanding Slovenian singing at the Mass. Millie and A1 Ringenbach of Cleveland remarked, “The singing of the Slovenian Choir made us feel as if we were in heaven.” Following the Mass we were all treated to a lovely brunch at St. Stephen’s hall. After the brunch we were invited to the St. Stephen’s Slovenian School classes where principal Andrej Remec was conducting a program with the older students. The students spoke beautiful Slovenian and as I spoke to them afterwards, I related how proud we are of them and how important it is for them to continue and pursue their studies. All the parents are also to be congratulated for the many hours of volunteering their time and demonstrating strong perseverance to uphold their principles in striving to continue the Slovenian language. Jim gave a short talk about the Ameriška Domovina, inviting them to send in their articles and photos and talked about the new subscription campaign. A Special thanks to everyone for your wonderful, warm hospitality shown to all of us from Cleveland. As the saying goes, “There’s love in all SLOFEhians and it was very pronounced here. Millie Bradač, National Secretary of Progressive Slovene Women of America, and Cirila Kermavner, National Officer of the Slovene Women’s Union also traveled aboard the bus from Cleveland. The tour was presented by Kollander World Travel Inc., with Duke Marsic as the friendly host. * * * Slovenes on the Move Up... Dr. John L. Mihelich is Vice President and Director of Research since 1979 at Amax Inc. He joined the company in 1970 as Manager of High Strength Steel Development where he specialized in the technology and marketing of molybdenum containing H.S.L.A. steels and in 1976 was named Manager of Metallurgical Development and later named Director. Located at Ann Arbor Laboratory, he is responsible for Amaxs’ product-oriented research on molybdenum, nickel, tungsten, and specialty metals. Dr. Mihelich has several patents and published a number of papers on high strength steel technology. Dr. John Mihelich is the son of Joseph F. Mihelich and Helen Lavrich Mihelich, who presently is at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. John is named after his uncle John L. Mihelich who also was a lawyer, Cleveland City Councilman, and member of the Civil Service Commission. John’s brother is a lawyer who has offices in downtown Cleveland. John Mihelich graduated from Benedictine and received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Metallurgical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University, and his Ph.D. in Metallurgy from the same institute in 1964. Dr. Roger F. Šebenik has been promoted to Manager of Chemicals and Processing. He will direct research aimed at identifying new chemical products for the Amax Metals Group, as well as developing applications for these chemicals and the processes to produce them. Dr. Šebenik joined the Ann Arbor laboratory in 1977 as supervisor of process research. Before that he was employed by Toth Aluminum Corporation in New Orleans as Director of Process Development. Prior to that he worked for Exon Research Laboratories in Baton Rouge, La. Now he will report his findings to Dr. Mihelich. Dr. Šebenik has 15 patents and published a number of papers in extra-active metallurgy related areas. He is the son of Frank and Vera Launch Šebenik of Euclid, formerly of Cleveland’s St. Vitus Parish. Vera is the reporter for the Dawn (Zarja) magazine Corinne Leskovar Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 50. His father was the proprietor of a grocery and meat store in Cleveland at Eddy Rd. He later held a security position at General Electric, but is now retired. His only brother, Allan E., earned a M.S. degree in Marketing and Sales after serving in the Engineers Corps in Vietnam as First Lt. He came back home safely in 1967, but three years later, at \age 27, was killed in an accident coming home for Christmas from Boston. Dr. Šebenik graduated from St. Joseph High School, and received his B.S. Engineering degree from the University of Dayton, plus a minor in Mathematics, and his M.S. and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering Iowa State Ames, Iowa. in 1968 from University in More Slovenians iFe All Are Proud of Several Slovenians are serving on the Executive Board ot the Ohio Fraternal Congress-Among them are John Tan o of American Fraternal Union, Anna Mae Mannion 0 American Mutual L* e Association, and John Sp 8 of Catholic Order 0 Foresters. Meeting Slov. Dom No. 6 AMLA^ having a very imP0^aat meeting Tuesday, Nov. 7:30 p.m. al the Sloven.« Society Home on Recher A Dr. Roger F. Šebenik, and Dr. John L. Mihel*c^ ^ ^ AL PLANTAN’S Genuine Old-Fashioned Slovenian Klobase’ WE SHIP ANYWHERE! 5 lbs. • $14 plus $3 Parcel Post 10 lbs. - $26 plus $4 Parcel Post Order Now - P.O. Box 304, DePue, IL 6134 for f PHONE (815) 447-2538 23rd Thanksgiving Polka Party Set at St. Joseph On Thursday, November 22, Thanksgiving Day, the Cleveland Slovenian ^.adio-TV Club is sponsoring the 23rd anniversary of Tony Petkovsek’s broadcasting on local radio and cable TV, with the annual celebration this year again at St. Joseph High School auditorium, E. 185 St. and Lake Shore Blvd. The annual holiday extravaganza will feature a number of great polka bands: ^arkic-Zagger, Al Terček, °lf Band, and Frankie ankovic featuring Joey Miskulin and Lou Trebar. Out-of-state bands include: ■ttsburgh’s Sam Pugliano, ecl Zalac of Youngstown maturing Johnny Krizancic of aron, the Bob Doszak Orkestra of Illinois, and 'y'sconsin’s Don Gralak on Concertina, plus California’s Cary Seibert Orchestra. p.m. there will be a sPecial presentation of the col-°rful Cleveland Junior Tam-Ur'tzans followed by the Fair-P01^ Ensemble with their but-°n accordion specialties. Joey 0msick and the Euclid Slove- nian Squeezeboxers will be entertaining arriving guests in the front lobby. Tony Petkovsek’s show features old favorites and the newest in polka albums along with community news of ethnic activities in the surrounding area every afternoon at 4 p.m. and Saturdays from noon until 3 p.m. direct from Tony’s Polka Village at 971 East 185 Street in Cleveland on WELW (1330 AM) and simultaneously on NBN (cable TV audio). Recently a new Sunday show on Public Radio was added from 1 until 2 p.m. on WCPN - 90.3 FM stereo. A portion of the dance proceeds will go towards support of the new 50,000 watt community channel. Complimentary flowers and albums will be given at the door at the 6 p.m. opening. Tickets in advance for the Polka Party are $4.50 and are available at Tony’s Polka Village, 971 East. 185 St., telephone 481-7512. Tickets at the door will be $5.00. John Pestotnik, Chairman ^Coming Events Saturday, Nov. 10 Belokranjski Klub observes Martinovanje” at 6:30 p.m. Slovenian National Home n St. Clair with roast beef or °rk dinner. Music by Veseli °venci and Tony Klepec rch- For tickets call 481-3308 0r 289-0843. Saturday, Nov. 10 ^ adran Fall Concert-Dinner-^ance at Slovenian ^0rkman’s Home, 15335 Praterloo Rd. Dinner 5:30 - 7, to°8ram at 7:30, dancing at 9 H .^IT Pecon Orch. For 53! 3979 Cal1 481 ~3187 °r Saturday, Nov. 10 t)an ' ^*tus parish Dinner-f '^Culture program Kres lng fantje na vasi and tickets Cal1 361',444 for Friday., gatM Sun., St. v ,Nov*16’17’ 18 ltus Fall Festival. Saturday, Nov. 17 Barn 0ra*n Slovenian Home Clubyard & Steak Fry in the L, 3.r®0m> 3114 Pearl Ave. at °n I>9o! *n Lorain (Rt- 57 exit ^ )■ $10 per person. Serv- ing from 6-9 p.m. Dance with music by the Eddie Buehner Orchestra 9-1. Call 277-8101 for reservations. Sunday, Nov. 18 St. Mary Thanksgiving Festival from 3-9 pm. in Baraga Hall (old church). Thursday, Nov. 22 Tony’s Thanksgiving Polka Party at St. Joseph High School, E. 185 St. and Lake Shore Blvd. from 6 to midnight featuring 10 bands. Saturday, Dec. 1 PSWA Circle 2 sponsors Annual Bazaar and Pork and Dumpling Dinner at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair, lower hall from 5 to 7 p.m. Price $6.00. Sunday, Dec. 2 KSKJ LodgesSt. Lawrence No. 63, St. Joseph No. 146, and St. Ann No. 150 Christmas Party party at 3:00 p.m. at Slovenian National Home on E. 80 St. Saturday, Dec. 8 St. Mary Magdalene Lodge No. 162 KSKJ adult and youth Christmas party at St. Vitus Social Room at 2 p.m. Prešeren Singing Society CHICAGO, ILL ~ Presents NEW ALBUM °ngs by Slovene Singing Society Prešeren •n Variety. Celebration of 56 years. ar^*01' ^on9s by Slovene Singing Society Prešeren y0e *7.00 each (if mailed $8.00). For an additional $3.50 ^ receive one more album “Memories of Slovenia b Fantje Zapojo". (Two albums for only $11.50). An excellent idea for a Christmas gift Please call (312) 457-1431 or write Con ^aki rad Novak, 4227 N. Sayre, Norridge, IL 60634 e check payable to Prešeren Singing Society Capitals of Europe (Continued) By JOE GORNICK Prague After a delicious self-serve breakfast on this 19th of July, we discover it’s raining. Prague, the Capital city of Czechoslovakia has a population of 1,200,000. With their monetary system we received 11 krona for one dollar. On a sightseeing tour of the old town we left the bus near Wenceslaus square. In the vicinity stands St. Vitus Cathedral, construction of which began in the 13th century. It was finally completed in the 20th century. Built here in Prague is the “Skoda” automobile and “tatra” trucks. Mystical Magical Prague has reigned for more than one thousand years. Under the rule of founder Charles IV, the Holy Roman Emperor made it the cultural center of Europe. Prague was built on seven hills and spans the Vltava River. Legend has it that Lady Circle 2 Poticas Progressive Women of America Circle No. 2 will bake poticas on Tuesday, Nov. 27 at the Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Annex. Place your orders now by calling Ann Filipič 732-7058 or Josephine Turkman 531-3595. Pick up time is after 5:00 p.m. PSWS Circle 2 is holding its Annual Bazaar and Pork and Dumpling Dinner on Saturday, Dec. 1 at the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., lower hall. Serving will be from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Price is $6.00 Entertainment will be by the West Park Button Box Club. Ella Samanich, publicity Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to these residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged: Frances Sadar, 87 Mary Mesojedic, 82 Mary Žnidaršič, 89 Sylvia Turk, 74 Martin Vogrin, 82 Anna Zaler, 88 Mary Fink, 86 Mary Progar, 98 Louise Simon, 93 Kati Tisovec, 102 Louise Smerdel, 70 Mary Hrovat, 96 From Slovenia Maps of Slovenia and Yugoslavia Records and Cassettes Books: Slovenia the beautiful Slovenia Art Treasures of Slovenia 1985 wall calendars with beautiful pictures. For more information write or call: Tivoli Enterprises 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-5296 Libuše, the Prophetess of Czech tradition, stood looking with her husband, Premysl, the first Czech ruler, on a rocky precipice overlooking the Vltava. Transfigured with inspiration, she stretched her hands and cried, “1 see a great city whose glory will touch the stars. The town you will build here shall be called Praha (threshold). Honor and praise shall be given to it, and it shall be renowned throughout the world.” And so Prague came into being on the site where Slav tribes used to cross the river where it was the most shallow — where Charles Bridge stands today. Travel to learn. Learn to travel. Southbound, with the sun shining we left Prague the next Editor: We are shocked at the irresponsible remarks made in Kuhar’s Komer October 12 concerning a possible relocation of our Central National branch. Since both he and publisher James Debevec of American Home attended the St. Clair Business Association meeting on October 9 when the possible future of that site was commented on by Executive Director Joe Woods, it is unpardonable to give such a rumor further publicity. We have received many calls and visits from customers and In Memory Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. donated to the American Home Printing Press $50.00 in memory of Victoria Poljšak for her many years of devotion and work with the cultural and social organizations of the Slovenian Community. m morning. We see flat plains 3 and change of vegetation with ^ great forests. On our next stop > we visited the town of Jihlava O with a population of 70,000. O Here we visited St. Ignatius g Church, dating from 1625. < After strolling along the center jj? of town, we continued on the > bus through the city of Zmo- z jno. o We then stopped at the < border in Czechoslovakia. ^ After a thorough check of our CD passports we continued on to 3 lower Austria. Now we see jq lush green farmlands with an " abundance of wheat fields, ^ vineyards, and corn. After a 00 brief stop for shopping in Hollabrunn, we see more wheat fields and arrive in Vienna. (Next, Vienna) (To Be Continued) friends expressing concern over the article. First of all, the North American branch is located at Addison Rd. and East 65th St., not East 66th St. More importantly, the bank recently renewed its lease at the present location for an additional five years. Since Mr. Kuhar is also a banker he should know full well that with the announced merger of our bank with Society National Bank, any plans for relocation, remodeling, etc. are definitely on hold. Richard J. Mott A.V.P. and Branch Manager Sincere Thanks Deepest thanks to the Ohio Federation of K.S.K.J. Lodges which donated $500.00 to the American Home Publishing Co. Printing Press Fund. We certainly appreciate this overwhelming contribution. hair design 5235 Wilson Mills Road Richmond Heights, Ohio F 461-8544 — 461-8545 Letters V.-.'.'.v, Central Stays Put Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 9, 1984 On Saturday, Oct. 27 the Slovenian American Radio Club of Chicago presented their annual Slovenian Day Festival at St. Stephen’s Center. The pictures on this and other pages show some of the activities that took place. The officers and members of the club are to be commended for keeping alive the culture of their Slovenian heritage. The Chicago group under the direction of Corinne Leskovar were perfect hosts. Guitarist Emil Benegalija (left) is amazed at the wit of comedian August (Božo) Pust. (All Photos by James and Madeline Debevec) Eddie Mejač sings a soulful melody backed by Duke Marsic (left) and Marjan Tonkli of the Veseli Slovenci orchestra. Terry Rihtar and Blanka Tonkli provide perfect harmony the Duke Marsic Orchestra. Bertha Dovgan (left), Mary Dolšak (center) and Millie Bradač enjoy the social festivities in Chicago’s St. Stephen auditorium. In background (right) are Millie and Al Ringenbach. Frances and Adolph Kotnik dance the night away into the early hours of Sunday. Family Gathering. Tony Ovsenik (center) a member of the Veseli Slovenci Orchestra of Cleveland enjoys a chat with his nephew John Vidmar (right) now of Chicago who holds son Michael while his wife, Dawn, carries son Joey. Sunday Brunch at St. Stephen’s hall was served to (left to right) Corinne Leskovar, Kef Al and Mildred Ringenbach, Frances and Adolph Kotnik, Mary and Dušan Marsic« 1 mavner, and Otmar Tasner, treasurer of the SARC. 1919 - Commemorative Edition - 1984 SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio Sixty-Fifth Anniversary _____Slovenian Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 1984 pg. 1 Slovenes find meeting place at hall Fragment of History, Euclid Village - Nottingham Village Pioneer Days 1907 - 1920 By James Rotter Translated from the book Slovenian Day - Euclid 'Nottingham,” on the occa-s^>n of honoring IVAN ZOR-AN, Slovenian Society °me, Recher A venue. On Palm Sunday in 1901, we took our first ride with a ^Ireetcar to Nottingham Road. e gathered at the corner of ase Avenue (now E. 40th treet and St. Clair Avenue) in r°nt of Frank Pajk’s tailor * °P- Our tour guide was rank Pylick, a salesman for an DeBoe Hager Company, a real estate developer. Although the weather was P°or for an outing out in the °Pen, we went to look at lots at were being offered where j.e c°uld establish new homes 0r ourselves and future ^aerations. Many of our ends purchased lots some 'Veeks prior to the visit, so ^rosswise all were talking that ls are would be the future a Ljubljana, which, after *ny years, became a reality. forPln'°nS amonSst us var>ed; w SOrTle >t was pleasing, some ij^re uncertain, as was noticed j^ea Bosnian named Simon. Pegan persuading me to him lnCe ot*lers t0 accompany and that he would pur-ase two gallons of wine for epJ.eS^ment> 50 ail happily ac-'P''d Ws plan. iviill n t0 t^le ^arm ^°*in located °n Est" as ^ street, presently known fromeWanee Avenue, across ^oad^ Street, then Cut Wer • ^ short walk and we the k'0 t^le I101116 as well as in tabie ll as usual, our re to open the tr._S°n®‘ we struck up tunes s'nKin Frank Birtic con^L ^ass* Mike Luknar se-ten0r aS$ ^ar* ^°tter second tenor’ nnd dames R°tter first fr0m ’ ^ course we had help hou J^any others, as the salesni OUdly resounded. The Were .an’ recognizing that we Was n^n 8ood spirits, knew it deais u,dme to c'°se up some and c_.hen a Person is happy Pitre^ ntenl' he is also ready to horSe Se’ an elephant as a regret’ ^ich he would later such and D . ’VVe aH purchased lots Sale. a S5.00 option on s the deals were closed, other agents also showed up selling lots to other Slovenians. During the summer months most would visit their lots, envisioning the construction of their humble homes. In the fall of that year, 1901, we had our first merrymaking festival at the home of Joseph Drugovich, now. known as Mohican Avenue. Roasted lamb was served and, as was the custom, singing prevailed. The next spring a home was being erected for Jacob Lenarčič, while Frank Pajk was having a home and store front built at the corner of Mohawk and E. 200th Street for a tailor shop. Soon after, others came to erect their homes: Frank Kos, Darovec, John Kracker, A. Tischler, J. Svigel, and Tom Russ. Kracker cooked some of the finest gin and by 1903 he was well known for his product all around. Tom Russ, with heavy horses, plowed many early settlers’ gardens. Nearby settled the John Kren family, whose wife was known as Jernikovka, also a midwife. (Delivered Mrs. Kern the translator.) Peter Andolsek located on Miller Ave. Charlie Frank later developed a grocery store, James Rotter erected his home — his basement being dug on Sunday, August 15, the day the Sokols had an outing in Lorain. That evening Professor Zima gave his card performance in Knause’s Hall. On Nelson Ave. (today Shawnee Ave.) was erected the homes of Frank Žnidaršič, and later Frank Zagar, a very active man, who excells in brotherhood fraternalism. After that came Vincent Badalic, Jacob Banko, Louis Zdešar. With the quick expansion came Andrew Gerl, John Fabec, Karl Rotter, J. Mevsek and others. Aided by the New York Central R.R. which opened a new shop in 1903 providing many of us with employment beginning day after Labor Day. For us, the new arrivals, began a genuine bifurcation or crossway. We’d work a 12-hour day in the shops, arrive home exhausted, but by evening we’d be in our gardens, breaking lumps of clay dirt, as well as those building new homes. No matter the dwelling, each prized living under his own roof, living as proper neighbors, furnishing each home as well as possible, and developing that community spirit that continues to this day. In those days we did not have conveniences. We had no running water, lights sewers or sidewalks. For watei in summer, we paid 25 cents a barrel; but in the fall, winter and spring, we had full basements which we could have rowed a boat in, or raised ducks. As my home burnt down in 1906, the firemen delivered 3 barrels of water from the lake. They saved only the chimney. All went into ashes. At that time our senior Chief, Felix Novinc, was with us. He and his wife, who celebrated their 50th anniversary in 1941, were very good friends and excellent neighbors. The year of 1907 we gathered together to organize a civic club for the purpose of gaining improved services. Meetings were held in a local real estate office, and I being the first recording secretary, had a very difficult time writing under a vibrating light. We did not accomplish much, but whatever we did helped. At the last meeting seven showed up, and with our treasurey of $1.25 which we consumed that evening, that was the end of the club. Those days of fraternal life were soporific, filled with day dreaming. We belonged to lodges located in Cbllinwood and in the spring of 1907, many of us got together and organized Lodge Austria, purchasing land from Charles Mix, where today stands the Slovenian Society Home. This lodge built a church named Mary of Perpetual Help, consecrated in 1908. Its name was very appropriate, although that compassion was not attained elsewhere - other than what we achieved with our our great effort. Although it was quickly completed, gathering the monies together was difficult, as debts were increasing, and interest had to be paid. There were no funds anywhere, leaving us in poor financial standing. We turned to Bishop James Horstman, who requested our delegation give him the record books; he would not accept verbal evidence. To get the matter cleared, we asked Joseph Cerne if he would accept, but he declined. John Kracker and John Kern asked me if I would accept. After a little hesitation, 1 did. Going to visit Kracker, where I met many acquaintences, amongst them Louis Recher, I arranged all necessary papers to the best of my ability and when it was completed we celebrated with a barbeque pig roast watering it with white wine. If they received the loan, it is not known. Heading home that • night a torrential rain poured down on us. John Kren and I almost drowned on Miller Ave. To make us look good, we were sober at that. Unfortunately the church was not successful. On Sundays almost everyone had work at home with a hammer and saw. Even later it had little chance of success. In summer Reverend Paul Hribar was killed in a tragic accident by a locomotive train at a railroad crossing about East 208th Street and St. Clair Ave. Also killed in that accident was his sister Anna Hribar on October 18, 1916. That was the tragic end of the first Slovenian church in Euclid. When the bishop announced there would be no more religious services, the church fell into neglect. People began to appropriate and usurp from the building. Only a few pews remained for recollection in the Society Home of the previous years. To fully describe all the events would take too much space. In 1909 began the period of forming societies. We organized lodge (Zavedni Sosedji) Conscientious Neighbors No. 158 S.N.P.J. Much of the merit belongs to the late Anton Kos. After its creation, others transferred from other lodges and soon we were a large group. The meetings were held at Brother Kos’ and Mrs. Lucille Kos who offered the premises free of charge, as well as cleaned them after the (Continued on page 3) Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 198' The Best To You Now And For Always. I (216) 943-6588 — Home (216) 531-1277 — Office Vesel’s Rebuilders Specialized Rebuilding — Die Cast Machines • Molding Machines o C/) JOHN VESEL Director of Operations 21730 ST. CLAIR AVE. Euclid, Ohio 44117 Congratulations On Your 65th Anniversary Bee Clean Auto-Van Wash 21250 Lakeland Blvd., Euclid, Ohio Owner: JOHN ATTWOOD 216-692-3233 Here’s To Great Years! We the SIMCIC’S have enjoyed many good times and warm Slovenian Hospitality at our Slovenian Society Home. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! John Sr. — John Jr. — and Dolores SIMCIC 1080 East Two Hundredth - Sixtieth Street, Euclid, Ohio Congratulations & Čestitke from the “Little People of Slovenian Society Home where young and old friends meet at CIRCLE 2 SNPJ - Slovenian Junior Chorus Join us each Thursday at the Home. Olympic Musical & Dinner-Dance Sunday, November 11 Cecilia Dolgan, Director; Agnes Turkovich, Assistant Circle Director Congratulations On Your 65th Anniversary KATANA AMOCO 613 East Two Hundredth Street, Euclid, OH 44119 — 216 —- 486-3780 Paul Katana - Owner • 15 Years in the Business We honor credit cards of Sohio - VISA - Master Charge THE EUCLID DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS Congratulations on the 65th Birthday of S.S.H. Joseph Paik, Euclid Democratic Leader — John Molnar, President Joseph Osborne, Vice-President — Rudy Lokar, Treasurer Ann Azman, Corresponding Secretary — Nanette Ditomaso, Recording Secretary Slovenian place (Continued from Page 1) meeting. Thanks to her for the sacrifices and good humor. Soon on the 16th of December 1911, we organized Lodge No. 6 S.D.Z. now A.M.L.A. in the home of John and Lucille Fabec, 766 East 200 St. The name of the new lodge was Novi Dom, but later changed to Slovenski Dom, and it is.still active. The first picnic we held was in a green tent made from tree branches. Thanks to Joe Drugovich for providing the Property and to Frank Zagar and others for all their sacrifices. In 1908 we were annexed to Cleveland; soon we received city water on six streets, as well as sidewalks. Soon after, everything ceased for us, with the passing of Mayor F. B. Johnson who had provided the above benefits. From 1914 to 1918 during the irst world war, it was impossi-le to request anything ecause all was being utilized or the war effort. When the world drudgery ended, we began to be more ^ourageous, demanding what slonged to us. We organized a v'gor.ous club, comprised of a °ur neighbors. We received 'y at we demanded, but from en on did not request any services. |n this club also were Joseph evnik, August Kausek, rank Vesel, Frank M°cilnikar, Rudolf Perdan, among others. Plevnik and aUsek and Joseph Drugovich Were the first to build more Modern homes. The club is still in holds existence, though it no regular meetings. T^es Rotter dent. was its Presi-o - Anton Vehovec, ecretary. Other officers Frank Zagar, were 1^. A. Kirshner, J118« Lena Hill, A. Shepard, a"d c- D. Wise, to 1 ^had been suggested so ere.Ct a hall, where the ^Cloties can hold their lack'085’ but moans were Fin 'i"18’ anc* sPace to° large-th 3 ^ a^ter mnny debates, rilernhers approved the of-chu t0 purchase the vacant niu^°r the PurPoso of the Ch C needed hall. The pur-wh,se ^as closed for $2500 Char|h Was arranged hy Hech CS ^Iassal% 'o CO I > o C/D Zarja Project c/o Jennie Mraanr, Secretary 2M East 204 Street Euclid. OH M123 Thank you for your order, you made a good Invest-ment In Slovenian tradition 4 culture that will last for year* to come. Quantity Two Tradltloral Slovenian Customs 2«. »3 «a. Packaging, Insurance, pu»i«g* Add In the continential U.S.A. 1.30 Packaging and postage non-lnsured Add outside the continential U.S.A. 2.00 Total Amount Due OB 65 LETNICI OBSTAJA, NAŠEGA PRILJUBLJENEGA DOMA NA RECHERJEVI ULICI; VAM ISKRENO ČESTITA PEVSKI ZBOR “ZARJA” ‘A Friend" Friends from Euclid Square Mall NATIONALITY DAYS October 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 1984 Irene Nowicki Frank Kokal Amelia Hakala Ann Kokal Doris Sadar Mr. & Mrs. Frank Drobnick Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Lewis Mr. & Mrs Al Mecoli Mary Žnidaršič Mr. & Mrs. John Nosse Mr. & Mrs. John Bozich Irene Kelley Vicki Kozel Joseph Petrich Josephine Turkman Louis Kobal Frank & Mary Krainz James Mochan & Family Pataričia J. Carson Joseph J. Palcic Mr. & Mrs Frank Pavelich Mildred Lonchar Julie & Ray Quade John & Alice Cech Audrey Brncic Atherton Paul & Annie Zupan John L. Habat Joan A. Green Richard Hochevar Edward R. Novak Joseph Zuzek Rose Zuzek Dorothy Posavad Richard Kosteinshek Helen Drozin Michael E. Turk . Joe & Ann Parker John Yakos Cyrie Povansek Elmer Perme Eleanore A. Rudman Bill Zmrazee Anna Mae Mannion Eleanor Simcic Ray & Lil Novak Mary L. Šinkovec Alice Arko Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Hinko Jean Križman FLorence Gizzo Stefanie Potichny Stan Slijko Marion Slijko Rezko Simuls Laura Ann Puleo Ruth Jerala Marie Dimitrijevic Albert Fatur Mr. & Mrs. Carl Zele Frank & Vera Baka Anna Marie Matlinch Jack & Mary Tomsic Andrew & Beth Elerich Jack & Frances Zorc Joe & Jennie Zaman Frank Slejko Jane Slejko Bob & Elsie Himes Sylvia Močnik Harold & Alma Volpe Jean & Elmer Prdell Mr. & Mrs. John Zarnick Victor J. Turk Nancy Tremalio Bill & Marge Koss Susan Muscatello Gloria Brock-Sustarcic Mike & Vern Perme Vincent & Jane Krawsir Michael R. Perme Tony & Ann Svelc Fran Kulwin Sheldon Hendershott Ann Kenzic Josephine Gliha Louise Jagodnik Vince & Emily Laporte Bernie & Darlene Novotny Dan & Penny Sustar Rich & Kay Krakowski Bob & Judy Liszkowski Emma & Frank Cesen Jr. Ray & Edith Bradač Edwin & Stephanie Polšak Ed & Rosemary Marn Orelia Meden Doris & Don Mulec Ann & Frank Kokal Elmer & Jean Proell Pauline Mohorish Kate Skully Helen & Ed Zaller Mary & Bill Elersich Doug & Barbara Elersich Sophie & Frank elersich Jim & Vicki Kozel Jennie Mramor . Rene Kelley Fran Kulwin ____________ m Best and Warmest Regards for a Great Relationship Joseph F. Petrie Jr. CONGRA TULA TIONS Northeastern Ref. Corp. 38274 Western Parkway Willoughby, Ohio 216 — 942-7676 'wts' RESTAURANT BAR SUPPLIES • BULK FOODS • BAR MIXES • CHINAWARE • FOOD SERVICE • FLATWARE • PARTY SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT • GLASSWARE • PAPER GOODS • COOKING & CLEANING SUPPLIES ^ VISIT OUR NEW SELF SERVICE BUILDING 361-5587 7000 EUCLID AV CLEVF OPEN MONDAY -SATURDAY Hank Zalar Charles Ipavec Steve Shimits Lou Champa Ed Bradach Dan & Helen Pavšek Mary Kobal Marica Lokar Danica Hrvatin Ann Kutcher Jennie Wick Norma Hrvatin Mary Golobic Kristina Kovach Mary Prelc Josephine Nahtign Anna Rozman Paula Burja________ FRIENDS OF SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME Frances Močnik Josephine Trunk Kay Salopec Mary Leskovec Olga Ozanic Martha Koren Betty Matwig Marge Koss Joseph Petrich Mary Ster Emily Sturman Stefania Smolič Al Mam Warren Fabian Helen Urbas Helen & John Konkoy Joe & Stephie Pultz Marija Demitrijavic Mr. & Mrs. John Hrovat Ann Mrak Tony Mrak Pauline Stepic Tom & Betty Meljac Mary Dolšak Ella Samanich Millie Bradač Tony & Anne Železnik Tom Slak Frank Koss Maria Pivik Slovenian Society Home Annual Balina Club Dinner September, 1984 Elmer Nachtical Fran & Jo Anne Spisak Charles & Anna Cesnik Lennie & Jean Zdanowicz Frank & Ruth Korelec Marge & Al Gayer Rose & Bill Fulton Thomas Ashcroft Bill Juresko Stanley L. Vesel Steve Ugrinic Molly Mauer Al J. Sadar Pete & Dolly Lingis Polly Ulle Stella Simcic Harry & Mary Brule Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Woda Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marolt Bill Joe Baynic Theresa Tekancic Katherine Klemcic Ray J. Stražišar Yak & Alice Cercek Stella Bajkovec John & Louise Hrovat Joe & Mary Stražišar John Kausek John Striska Ann Filipič Ann Sudan Hočevar Josephine Trunk Tom Hammer Al & Millie Ringenback Anne Manning Hank & Mary Visnauskas Joe Manning Mary Novinc Sam Papesh Helen Furlan Mary Kovelan Mildred Wicai Frank A. Tifort Frank & Stella Kostick Ann Rerasldt Eddie Novak Albin Peček Olga & John Leskovec Helen Stoneman John Doganier Jo Novak Joe & Mary Kokal Fran Cinkole Frank Raletic Joe Cinkole Fran Nemanich Vic Melle Louise Fabec John Yakos Jack Parson Jack Kuret Peter Stanič Jr. Bill Kovach John & Anne Adams Alma Kovach Anna Čebulj Joe Petrie Jr. Frank Jakse Bill Jansa Ann & Charlie Terček Jean Jansa Bill Jansa Mary Petrie The Second Generation of Ulles Servicing Slovenian Society Home “Where Everything Runs WELL!” & 'tVccUiKQ RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL ^ 10o Lake Land Blvd. EuClid. Ohio 44 1 19 (216)731-6913 1 V.V. j II ‘•y. I i II ■] iii II Greetings and Best Wishes S.N.P.J. Lodge No. 604 “Utopians” Tom Luzar, Pres. Dwight Gabriel, V.P. Gerri Trebets, Sec’y. Fran Ulle, Treas. Ed Lipovec, Auditor Ron Luzar, Auditor Peg Lipovec, Auditor Helen Sumrada, Patron Joe & Peggy Lipovec Frank Pucel George Trebets HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Compliments of DSH Machine Co. 216-946-4311 1 ::: .v.\* ::::::: SS il II .••v.’ X’X* III II Xvl* !yX* x’x* ISKRENO ČESTITA AMLA Slovenski Dom No. 6 J216) 585-3505 W,ckliffe Lanes, Inc. ^315 Euclid Avenue Wlc|diffe, Ohio 44092 ^arnes Gierman sneral Manager ill III: Hi:: illi: llll iiii $£ llll i iin im L & M Tobacco and Candy Co. "Ohio’s Most Modern Jobbing House” Wholesale Jobbers of Cigars • Cigarettes • Tobaccos - Confections JOHN E. LOKAR, Prop. 784 E. 185 St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 llll: Progressive Slovene Women of America Circle 2 We members congratulate you on your 65th Anniversary "JUST A LITTLE BIT BETTER' 4,5fr*T, m George Knaus Real Estate, Inc. 819 E. 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Computer Multiple Listing Service 481-9300 m •iii •:::x llll :::x:: •x*x ;gx •X’X '.V.\ x’-x: •Xv! 1 i :::x: x*x X’X iiii •Xv .’.’.V illi llll: 1 ' llll :lll: Congratulations on your 65th Hank Beljan In Memory of Vincent (Swiz) GRDOLNIK Wife: Julie Best Wishes Mary and Bill FRANK Treasurer S.S.H. iiii iiii . IIII llll llll :!!!: ;X;X •X’X I iiii iiii: iiii :ll|: .V.*.* :• llll iiii: iiii III: II TOWING PHONE 731-5416 Lakeland Auto Repair, Inc. Carburetor and Ignition Specialists Automatic Transmission Specialists Air Conditioning • Clutches • Brakes Front End Repairs and Alignments Four Wheel Drive Repairs — Over 35 Years of Experience — FRANK MAHNICK 1310 E. 260 St., Euclid 44132 NAPREDEK LODGE No. 132 A.F.U. CONGRATULATIONS! Lodge Napredek No. 132 AFU was organized December 26, 1920 and at that time became a member of the Slovene Society Home. It has been a long and wonderful association and we wish you continued success on your 65th Anniversary, and also for the future. Officers and Members of Lodge Napredek No. 132 AFU are: Present Officers: John F. Tanko President, Charles Delsanter V.P. Sec’y Frieda Miller, Treas. Rose Intihar, Rec’d Sec’y Gin-ny Braddock. Auditors: Frank Dremel, Lillian Delsanter, and Mary Drobnick CONGRA TULA TIONS Slovenian Society Home Zele Funeral Homes ZELE and GIROD FAMILIES ian Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 19i Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 1984 Happy 65th Anniversary The Lapuh Family Slovenian Society Home Clubroom Manager 216-531-8348 'M m v.v. •.v.\ P © ^ °LčtpVe*^ ^ .FF. WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" — OHIO S MOTTO Representative RONALD J. SUSTER LEGISLATIVE OFFICE: Statehouse, Columbus, 43215 (800) 282-0253 DISTRICT & LAW OFFICE: 1027 East 185th Street. Cleveland. Ohio 44119 (216) 531-5500 Congratulations on your 65th Anniversary FROM THE OHIO FEDERATION OF A.F.U. LODGES Nos. 6, 37, 44, 71, 103, 132, 173, 180, 186, 188 Pres. Frank Penca, V.P. Sophie Matuch, Sec’y. Treas. John F. Tanko Auditors: Agnes Bucher, Agnes Mahnič, and Jennie Zupec r-•.•••• v.v. ss i •.W. .v.v .V.V AW WA V.V. WA WA V.V. 11 ;w Happy 65th Birthday the Petrie Family Slovenian Society Home Hall Managers 216-531-9309 CONGRA TULA TIONS AND BEST WISHES ON YOUR 65th Year DAWN CHORAL GROUP 215 E. 328 ST., Willowick, OH 44094 OFFICERS AND MEMBERS A. Zabukovec, Sec’y. — 216-943-1546 Mr. & Mrs. IN MEMOR Y OF Charles and Frances Vrtousnik Sophia Glazer Happy 65th from your Party/Wedding Bartenders JOHN BOZICH STAN BENCIN GILDOBRIDA BILLJANSA BILL KOVATCH JACK PARSONS ELMERPROELL BOB SLEDZ Xvv Ivlv .v.v. A S:!:? ; II ■ .V.V AW .V.V WA i * ::AA :s: liS Si :S:S •.v.*. :-:-x il : M In Memory of PETER STER Sadly missed by Mary Ster In Loving memory OF Frank Zgonc Sadly missed by Francis Zgonc X*X ix IvX; •X*!*. W::i l-!-X XX: i :AA :W: AA: ■j:;:;: :W: x*x :S: .V.*. ■Ai Av i Congratulations and Best Wishes on your 65th Anniversary FROM s.w.u. Branch 14 Euclid, Ohio 44119 Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Collins Mrs. Rose Rodgers Frances Erzen Lucille Korencic Mary A. Fakult Mr. and Mrs. John Gerl Mrs. Mary Mršnik Alice E. Kuhar Josephine Klanora Mary Stragisar Donna Tome Agnes Tome Vera Bajac Mrs. Ann Cekada Mary F. Petrie CONGRA TULA TIONS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY STAN F. MEZIC INSURANCE 22021 Euclid Ave., Euclid, Ohio 44117 216 — 531-3223 N* , i c- 4; STAN SIMS CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 65th ANNIVERSARY With the Sims Bros. You Can Count on Low Prices and , Good Service Sims Buick Andy Sims Buick 21601 Euclid Ave., Euclid, O. 481-8800 Lake Co. No. 357-8496 8000 Broadview Rd. 5^6-1^ Open Mon. and Thurs. till 9 P- Mickey Sudan’s Euclid CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 20941 Euclid Ave. 692-3900 Congratulations from all of us at Euclid Chrysler Plymouth In Memory of our Parents Anna & Frank Cesen Sr. Son: Frank Jr. Daughters: Ann Roberts and Agnes Henderson M: In Memory of Joseph Louis PETRIČ Wife: Mary Son: Joe Daughter: Jo-Ann Happy 65th Anniversary Logar Dry Goods Owners Harry and Sue Faint 65th Anniversary genian.Society Home of Euclid, O. Euclid Veterans Club Salute to “Recher Hall” — Our First Official H.Q. OFFICERS Pres. Jack Waschura V.P. Joe Samsa Sec’y. Frank Takacs Treas. Frank Balash Serv. Officer Bill Tomko Sgt.-at-Arms Ray Kosten Judge Advocate Lou Svetlic Historian Tom Marino TRUSTEES Pres. Bob Niccum Sec’y. Gerry Tarr Bob Baughman, Vince Bove Ed dicker, Jeff Morris Stan Penko, Ray Spagnola Mike Tucci, Sr. P*tal Palace, Stic, OUR CONGRATULATIONS i "Silk Plovers For Every Occasion” Silk Corsaoes • Center Pieces Complete Wedding Arrangements 692-0044 tfanet RUiiui president 778 East 200th St. CLEVELAND. OHIO 44110 RES.: 481-4158 In Loving Memory of MAX KOBAL SR. Wife: Mary Kobal Jb drum (Jnsuranre ED GRUM 26100 BRUSH AVENUE EUCLID. OHIO 44132 PHONE: 586 7700 “In Unity and Harmony There Is Progress” Klub Društev - 1984 Roster of Representatives "^»366 *1% s. •sutj,,. John Chutney bon Brewer Ai- ?ick Burr°ws, Pres lt~Bob Brewer borothy Lamm ®ob Lamu pauline Krall Koren Caroline Lokar Miklavič Prank Fable M*e Fabec Josephine Arko A1 Raffle Jamnik lt~Prank Fabec bill Juresko Joe Maire Joe Plesevlc 27140 Juller-44132 961 Stevenson-44110 21301 S. Lake Shore-44123 21600 Bruce-44123 20316 Linda-44117 20316 Linda-44117 20740 Tracy-44123 30213 Robert-Wickllffe-44092 250 E. 262-44132 21701 Fuller-44123 6015 Cedarwood-Mentor-44060 6015 Cedarwood-Mentor-44060 19351 Nautnann-44119 121 E. 217-44117 6015 Cedarwood-Mentor-44060 18700 Shawnee-44119 26890 Drakefield-44132 18702 Shawnee-44119 731-5735 383-1647 289-8220 731-8655 486-2034 486-2034 531-0250 585-4227 731-8373 731-5633 942-3785 942-3785 481-4030 261-7977 942-3785 481-3640 261-2160 486-1073 Napredic-AFUtfl32 Progresesslve Women-Circle 3' S.W.U.-Branch 14 S.W.U.-Branch 32 S.W.U.Twirletts Slovenski Dotn-A.M.L.A #6 Zarja S.S.H. Board of Rosa Intihar Frieda Miller Pauline Ross Josephine Kostelnshek Alt-Dorothy Lamm Ann Cekada Celeste Frollo, Tteas. Esther Garblncus Jo Jevec Jan Clinton, Sec’y. JoAnn Vehar Sandi Burrows, V.P. Marie Hosta Louise Fabec Francis Kulwain Al Rovlna Elmar Nachtagel 294 E. 222 2114 Rockefeller-Wickliffe-44092 20950 Wllmore-44123 4875 Swetland-44143 20316 Linda-44117 20131 Nicholas-44123 17621 Crestland-44119 664 E. 250-44132 86 E.267-44132 22001 Wilmore-44123 15501 Parkgrove-44110 21301 S. Lake Shore-44123 19601 Cherokee-44119 20250 Fuller-44123 400 E.270-44132 20251 Ball-44123 P.O.Box 19232-44119 261-9716 943-1068 731-6276 731-6276 486-2034 692-2846 486-6288 731-2892 261-2374 289-1112 486-2185 289-8220 *1-3757 486-1078 731-1848 261-5881 731-9284 ian Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 191 Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 198‘ Klub Ljubljana dedicated to Home and Slovenians Klub Ljubljana, yesterday and today is an honest effort of this writer to present to our readership a brief history of the birth, rise and continued living of Klub Ljubljana for the past 55 years. From meager notes and bits of information collected from various individuals, this story should reveal quite accurately the highlights of Klub Ljubljana. Through all these years the club has toiled and planned to preserve our Slovene heritage | with cultural, civic and social £ participation in and about the ° city of Euclid and mainly in behalf of our Slovenian Society Home in particular and the Euclid Slovene community in general. Klub Ljubljana was organized early in 1929 by 23 outstanding Slovene businessmen, civic and cultural leaders and Euclid citizens. They met at the Josip Plevnik home on Kildeer Avenue. Faced with financial dificulties befalling our Slovenian Home, these solid citizens had the foresight to plan an attack on the problems confronting the financially plagued institution by organizing a “Bela Ljubljana” celebration to raise the necessary monies to save the so-called sinking ship. Elected at this meeting were Anton Vehovec, President; Mike Jalovec, Vice-President; Frank Rupert, Secretary; Frank Vesel, Treasurer; and John Sesek, Recording Secretary. On June 1, 1929 the planned three-day extravaganza was launched to raise the necessary monies to save our troubled home, with a gigantic colorful parade which took the par-ticipents to the beginning of the parade at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue. They continued along Waterloo Road, Lake Shore Blvd., Bliss Road and on to Recher Avenue, the site of our Slovenian Home. It was estimated that upwards of 7,000 persons participated in this three-day jubilee which also included a Miss Ljubljana contest and a “Semenj” or what is known today as a flee market. Heading the parade was Josip Plevnik, Marshall; Frank Mocilnikar, Mayor; and Anton Vehovec, President. Frances and Frank Rupert were the first “Teta and Stric’. After Frances’ passing, Angela Barkovic became the new “teta.” On June 1st, a public wedding was held in the Home. United in marriage were John E. Ivancic and Helena Kollar by the Mayor of Euclid, Charles R. Ely who officiated. During this extravaganza the cooks were preparing food, day and night to feed the hungry. On the last day of the “Semenj” live farm animals and country items were auctioned and sold. Yet later on there was a public christening of the Ogrinc baby. Pauline Burja held the child and all members present were the honorary God-parents. With the mortgage problems solved, and the Home on firm financial ground, this club was officially christened Klub Ljubljana in September, a name we are so justly proud to proclaim. With the passing of Frank Rupert on July 1, 1978 the sole remaining living charter member is Molly Legat. The entire Slovene community was saddened by Mr. Rupert’s passing. He was active with us up to the very end. He would lead our membership in singing ‘Stoji Stoji Ljubljanca” to officially adjourn our meetings. Only one surviving past president is with us and he is Tony Mekjlan. Tony Jerak at age 91 is still very active with us and is our oldest member on the rolls. Our hats are certainly doffed to memories and names of the above leaders and let us never forget the following names of the esteemed families which contributed to the survival of our Home, such as Plevnik, Mocilnikar, Rotter, Kuhar, Kolar, Roic, Rogelj, Turk, Ivancic, Starman, Bajt, Golic, Žagar, and Golob, and many, many more that escape this writer at this time. Yes, this was YESTERDAY, only a thumbnail sketch of the Klub Ljubljana past, which seems like yesterday with its enriched past. TODAY as we leave the past... Klub Ljubljana with its limited membership of 175, is proud to put on the pedestal, the first woman president in its history, Christine Kovach who has led us for 11 years with a stern hand and motherly guidence. Our monthly meeting attendance numbers 100 or more. The other officers are Steffie Jamnik, vice president; Mae Fabec, secretary; Frank Fabec, treasurer; Jane Novak, recording secretary. Auditors are’ Joseph Mateyka, Ceal Znider and Rudy Lokar. Tour directing is in the capable hands of Stan Laurich. Six of our members are serving on the board of directors of the Slovenian Society Home. They are Bill Jansa, John Hrovat, Josie Trunk, Ed Novak, John Bozich, and Rudy Lokar. Much of our after-meeting entertainment is donated to the club by Hank Kersman and his button accordion. Besides our after meeting socials this active group holds an annual picnic at the Fair-port Slovene Home every July, a number of bus tours, and the annual dinner-dance every October. . —Rudy Lokar Circle Three Nears 50 years \ our annual picnic weJ^uy and surprise five mem er giving them carnatl0nnartjes sages. Our Christmas p are always a gala event'ffjcers We are happy to have o and a board who are dediča to meeting the challenge o ^ ing the right thing for a members. wh() Finally, to the *adieS % started the circle, we com . i you for your fine wor J establishing the mea rJ principles for the generations to follow. ^ —Helen Vukc Napredek Lodge 132 Functions at Hall Progressive Slovene Women of America Circle Three was organized by two women on October 29, 1936 in Euclid, Ohio. They were Frances Goryanc and Gusti Zupančič. Thirty-six ladies attended the first meeting. Of the original number, only three charter members are with us today. They are Frances Julyia, and Mary Noch at the Slovene^ Home for the Aged, and Mary Dodich. This group dedicated themselves to fraternalism and benevolence of others in the ethnic community. To make money they held raffles and had bake sales. To this day, the bake sales prevail. The original meetings were conducted in Slovenian, but as the younger generation joined they felt more comfortable speaking in English. In October, 1986 we will be celebrating our 50th anniversary and will be honoring our 50-year members as guests at a dinner-dance. Our projects include entertaining residents at the Slovene Home for the Aged with bingo games; and we pay dues for the members residing there. At Napredek Lodge No. 132 of the American Fraternal Union holds all of its social functions at our “Home”, the Slovenian Society Home. Lodge Napredek has been associated with the Slovenian Society Home since its infancy, and we have seen it grow from its small humble building to the present multi-purpose modern facility. On this 65th anniversary of the hall, we members and officers of Lodge Napredek No. 132 AFU wish you continued growth and success in your future endeavors. * * * Late in 1920, a group of Slovene friends gathered to discuss the merits of organizing a fraternal lodge in their community, which still maintained a rural atmosphere and was known officially as the Village of Euclid. Some of the residents were members of St. John the Baptist Lodge No. 37, affiliated with the South Slavonic Catholic Union, headquartered in Ely, Minnesota. Since the lodge met at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. in Cleveland, which at the time was a considerable distance for them to travel from Euclid, they felt it would • be advantageous to form a new branch of th? society in their immediate area. The newly dedicated Slovene Society Home in Euclid was an added attrac- their lodge “Napr^, meaning “ProgreS English. • i There were soC'a bovVling baseball teams an ^ teams to keep the nam ^ Within the PaS of forefront. tion; it offered them convenient and adequate facilities to carry on their social and fraternal functions. On Jan. 8, 1921 that new lodge was originated with the following charter members: John Korencich, Ivana Žagar, Andrew Bozich, Theresa Kor-nicnik, Vincent Peskar, Julia Peskar, Vincent Peskar, Mary Peskar, Anna Peskar, Rudolph Strah, Anton Strah and John Zust. They called Branch 32 of S. IV. U. j Meets at Society Hotne t We now have a piuj of 206 insured years, a spirited re fraternal inter«. A program was our youthful metn^e!Sr th£'f endeavors to f-rll«' education. The Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 32 was organized on August 25, 1929 at St. Christine’s Church. We had meetings at the school hall. We now meet on the third Wednesday of the month at the Slovenian Society Home. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in October, 1979 with a dinner-dance. It was catered by our member Mary Ster and her crew, with the Vadnals playing for dancing. 'ifv socials and junior tne^ The present President, DoroW , Co0'' Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Ann aecrcuii j, J° C JoA^ aeuciay, tary, J f(,( Recording Seer tjve ' Weglarz; ReP^esen fd za'a, Eslda ^ ^ auditors are Barn and Hermine Strai History of Slovenski Dom ^0' ^ Presently, the President: Mar a sylv.> Secretary/Treasurer. Banko. ^ The meeting5 a oI1[t,*i quarterly, at the Ho^ ^ second Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. A.M.L.A. Lodge Slovenski Dom No. 6 began in March of 1916. It was one of the founders of the Slovenian Society Home. The officers at that time were: President: Andrew Gerl, Secretary: Joan Korencic, Treasurer: John Faber. Ethnic culture, tradition at Society Home By Tom Breckenridge Louis J. Recher, 83, had met the future, and the future was winning. Recher — grandfather and one-time boxer, weightlifter, bartender and railroad conductor — sat on a couch in grandson Kevin Kahl’s home and sparred with a telephone answering device. “Kevin, this red light went off!” Recher yelled, pointing at the machine. Exasperated replies from his bulking 6-foot-4 grandson didn’t bend Recher’s fighting spirit. “That’s my grandson that talks like that,” Recher said, grinning. “I could belt him one.” Recher has lived on this street, Recher Avenue, for 26 years. The street is named after his father, Louis E., a [eal estate agent who sold lots io the area for $50 back in 1910. Recher’s uncomplicated, ^grudging view of life is common here. The aging, mostly Slovenian neighborhood is an-cbored by the cavernous Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., north of interstate 90 on the city’s west side. Also called Recher Hall, the borne has entertained four Senerations of Slovenians and °ther ethnics since 1919. The neighborhood is a testament to fhe Post-World War II hous-lng boom — one- and two-story homes, small yards, lower beds, driveways and Unattached garages. The homes are small, uniform, often sided with a uniinum or sporting an add-°n room for once-bulging Utnilies. The neighborhood is r'fe with blue-collar retirees, SUch as Recher. They say I’m as old as ethuselah,” Recher said, aughing. “i never thought I’d e here this long.” Recher has attended 40 or lQ»re ^unerals yearly since • . _ He shows no sign of fining the departed — he is a ^ etime exercise fanatic.' ^Uarish, bordering on Pugnacious, Recher ticks off aast feats of strength. He was winning amateur mid-UncT^ht h°xer (one black eye two bloody noses in eight co ^ .°^ boxing and '25 years a aching the sport, he claims), CoS*?r'nter, a weightlifter who ^ rip apart three decks of JUd S at °nce anc* a l00®'!'016 ge for the U.S. Weightlif- 6 Committee. for 6 Worhecl on the railroad ]\j ah°ut 40 years, leaving ^0rk Central in the late °Pe S as a conductor. He gaJatec* a gym for 25 years at Ave ^11C* ^,reet an CD o' D o > 3 CD S ? a o 3 o p 2 o Slovenian Society Home’s 65th Anniversary By Jacob Strekal The times have past, since our home was built, From the briars has risen the bloom, Its intent was thus, to serve our people, For everyone’s happiness. Cordial it was, to its members, To us Slovenes, this was well known, The immigrant was learned, and not weary, Courage to the artists, the founders gained. The members in the blizzard, solidly stood, From thunder, lightning, not afraid, They accomplished by his offspring, With labor, sweat, but without pain. They sowed the grains, amongst the thistle, To awaken our brothers and sisters of the theme, To celebrate like did many others, Our humble and pride, SLOVENSKY DRUŠTVENI DOM. Loyalites Ready for Big 75 Year Celebration The Euclid Loyalites, Lodge No. 158 of the Slovenian National Benefit Society (SNPJ) currently hold their meetings at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. The original Lodge No. 158 was called the Pioneers. Around 1954-55, they merged with Lodge 590, the Loyalites, who met at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. The number 158 was retained, but the merger resulted in calling Lodge 159 the Loyalites, due to the fact there were so many other Lodge Pioneers in existence at that time. Current Lodge 158 functions are run by a very able and dedicated group of officers beginning with Don Gorjup, President; Mary Muharsky, 1st Vice President; Mario LaMacchia, 2nd Vice President; Dorothy Gorjup, Secretary; Dorothy Kapel, Treasurer; Karen O’Donnell, Recording Secretary; Chris Conway, Publicity; Auditors: Betty LaMacchia, Jack Moore, Marcia Erbeck, Ed Anderson, alt., and Henry Kapel, Sgt.-at-Arms. Some of the events that are held annually are a summer picnic at the SNPJ Farm on Heath Road, a Clambake and the members’ Christmas par- ty.. But what would a group be without its members? Current membership consists of 1051 adults and 266 juveniles. Being a very active organization, our members belong and support many other organizations around the area. These members are found working in groups such as the Cleveland Athletic League, Klub Drustov, Farm Board, Cleveland Federation of Lodges, Progresssive Women, bowling leagues, and many other organizations too numerous to mention. The lodge has also been instrumental in contributing to many local city organizations as well as donations to the SNPJ Farm for farm improvement. The Loyalites encourage their youth membership whenever possible. In the past, they have sent representatives to the SNPJ Young Adult Conferences, Youth Conventions, Miss SNPJ Contest and the Debutante Ball. They have also purchased several pieces of playground equipment for the SNPJ Farm specifically geared to the young child. In 1986 the Euclid Loyalites will be celebrating their 75th Anniversary. It promises to be a gala event. Hope to see you there. ’ C . • Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 198‘ Congratulations on Your 65th Anniversary Klub Slovenskih Upokojencev Euclid Slovene Pensioners I CO Euclid, Ohio PREDSEDNIK......... 1. PODPREDSEDNIK... 2. PODPREDSEDNIK... TAJNIK............. BLAGAJNICA......... ZAPISNIKARICA...... ČASTEN ZAPISNIKARICA FRANK ČESEN JR. ..JOHN KAUSEK .....ANN MRAK ..JOHN HROVAT ...EMMA ČESEN HELEN LEVSTICK ..JENNIE FATUR NADZORNI ODBOR MARY KOBAL — JOSEPHINE TRUNK — MAE FABEC m CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES ON YOUR 65TH ANNIVERSARY CLUB 59ers CONGRATULATIONS Ron Žele Co. LPA BRUSH BUILDING 26111 BRUSH AVE. EUCLID, OH 44132 BEST ALWAYS Waterwash Hardware Co. 345 E. 200 St. Euclid, OH 44119 Best Wishes from Lou Jr. Bill Jr. Frank Jr. AZMAN & SONS MARKET 6501 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216 — 361-0347 y.*\ X\\ Xv! vX* I •Xv v.v .V.*. .V.*. .V.*. •Xv Wi: m m m xx :::::::: .V.*.* :::W X’X* :::W II IvX* II » X\\* ■ ss I s? •Xv v.v :::x: :::x: x;::: ::x:: I •:•:•:• BEST WISHES EUCLID MENS CLUB Officers and Members \vX II •:•:•:•: v.v. v.v. v.v. *:*: ::x::: •x*x •IvX ;.•••.;. IvX* •IvX •X-X x*x* IvX* •Xvl IvX* •XX * •x*x I! :X*X •::::iv v.*.v *.•.•.*. IvX* I*Xv •X*X •Xvl ■XX •••.•.•. X*X‘ x*x* x:x: ■x*x •X*I* •Xvl :•!•:•:•: .v.v vXv ri:i::*i .v.v .v.v •:•:•:•: •:••• • si x-x i i X-X vlv vX* •:•:•:•: Xvl* Xvl- •x-x •••.v jxjx ::SS Ivlv •X*X v.*.*. Xvl* :i:i i:S: M m 11 II ■ II I .v.v m te R. H. DREIS SAXON’S Distinctive Catering 848 E. 200 St., Cleveland, O. 44119 216/481-9452 531-7775 Fish Fry Every Friday, Lunches Daily Two Cro’s Lounge 731 E. 1*5 S‘-Cleveland, O. 4411 Nick and Elsie Suda The Officers and Members of the Loyalites No. 158 SNPJ Wish the Slovenian Society Home Continued Success Don Gorjup, President Mary Muharsky, 1st Vice Pres. Mario LaMacchia, 2nd Vice Pres. Dorothy Gorjup, Secretary Dorothy Kapel, Treasurer Karen O’Donnell, Rec’y. Sec’y. Chris Conway, Publicity Henry Kapel, Sgt.-at-Arms Auditors: Betty LaMacchia, Jack Moo . Marcia Erbeck, — Ed Anderson, a Gospodinjski odsek SDD — Zgodovinski oris Prva seja Gospodinskega odseka se je vršila 16. februarja 1931. Na tej prvi seji so bile izvoljene sledeče odbornice: Lucija Leskovec - preds. Mary Strekal - podpreds. ga. Žele - tajnica Mary Mišič - blag. Uršula Rotar - zapis. Nadzornice so pa bile ga. Škerjanec, Mary Japel in Josephine Henikman. V prvih 20 letih (1931-1950) 50 se menjavale v različnih od-horniških mestih pri odseku sledeče: Centa, Kuhar, Staran, Trebeč, Zdešar, Julyila, Kovačič, Ogrin, Levar, Med-VeSek, Ster, Tomšič, Bajt, Uorjanc, Barkovič, Slejko, Japel, Bašel, in še veliko drugih. Tista leta je odsek prirejal 3 ali 4 prireditve letno, med njimi kartno veselico, tombolo, maškaradno veselico, šaljivo pošto. Za vinsko trgatev in Silvestrov večer je odsek sodeloval z direktorijem SDD. Vsi so delali prostovoljno in še marsikaj darovali. Vsa čast in priznanje našim prednikom za njih požrtvovalna dela, ker so mogli tudi med Veliko depresijo tridesetih let ohraniti nas Slov. društveni dom, v katerem se še danes prirejajo slovenske prireditve in se ohranjajo slovenske tradicije. Leta 1950 je bila Mary Ster izvoljena za tajnico odseka. Isti dan sta k odseku pristopili Marica Lokar in Mary Kobal. Maja meseca so priredile »Open House«, pomagale so tudi novo pristople članice. Mary Kobal je bila izvoljena jan. 1954. leta v nadzorni odbor, 1. 1955 pa za predsednico, Marica Lokar pa za zapisnikarico. Obe sva še vedno v odboru. Leta 1950 se je seje odseka udeležil takratni predsednik SDD Joe Nagode. Prav lepo se je zahvalil članicam za vso pomoč, priporočal pa je, naj bi gospodinjski odsek imel v oskrbi vse tri kuhinje. Frances Gorjanc je predlagala, naj se predsednikovega priporočila sprejme in naj vprašamo za 5 delnic. Predlog je bil soglasno sprejet. Plačale smo $50 za delnice. Od takrat imamo svojo blagajno. L. 1959 smo začele ob petkih s »fish fries«, jih opustile, 1. 1963 pa ponovno začele. Poleg rib imamo še druga jedila. Med drugimi so od takrat sodelovale J. Henikman, Fr. Gorjanc, F. Zgonc, A. Kutcher, J. Mihalich, M. Vodičar, M. Ster, M. Golobich in Mary Leskovec, katera še danes s svojimi pomočnicami uspešno vodi delo v klubovi kuhinji. Ob izrednih prilikah imamo tudi prodajo peciva tj. »Bake Šale«. Od 1. 1950 do danes je odsek plačal sledečo opremo pri SDD: Vse 3 kuhinje prenovljene in opremljene z najnovejšimi pripomočki za hitrejše delo, zavese v dvoranah, prenovljena stranišča, prispevki z direktorijem za nakup stolov in miz. Dalje je odsek plačal za vse prte in kuhinjske brisače ter za vso posodo in popravila v kuhinjah. Še vedno delamo članice skupaj z direktorji ob izrednih domovih priredbah. Vse priznanje vsem zavednim članicam Gosp. odseka, za ves njih doprinos SDD! Mary Kobal, preds. (Izčrpki iz zapisnikov) Čestitke Slovenski Dom CO O i I £ 1 “Sixty-five years of working - sacrificing - sharing - friendships -building - together for the future and futures of the American Slovene.” M. Kobal Construction Custom Quality Design in Building President Max Kobal 216-946-9188 38338 Apollo Pkwy. Willoughby, Ohio 44094 Congratulations to the Slovenian The Ameriška Domovina newspaper is devoted to covering the activities of the Slovenian communities not only in Cleveland, but throughout the United States and Canada. We are in a campaign for new subscribers. The Tuesday and Friday edition is $28.00 for one Society Home on your 65th Year year. The Friday only edition (with half English) is $15.00. For a free four-week trial subscription call 431-0628, or write: American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. We also have recipes, local travel reports, a calendar of events, and historical data to make you proud to be Slovenian. 1 i:;:::;: 'M m ■ "'Čestitke ob 65-letnici ’ ’ Smolič Machine Co. Turret Lathe Specialists 216 — 946-1747 JOE SMOLIČ 37127 Ben Hur Ave. Willoughby, OH 44094 CONGRA TULA TIONS FROM ^osan’s Slovenian Home Bakery St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 216 — 361-1863 Congratulations on Your 65th Anniversary Dr. Frank A. Mršnik and Staff Jo-Ann Medical Bldg., 848 East 185th, Cleveland, OH 44119 216 — 481-0117 The Best on your 65th! Dvg Enterprises Inc. electrical contractors 216 — 398-3350 page 4217 *.v.v .-.w V.V • ’.V.V '.V.V i .V.V. V.V. .V.V. V.V. V.V. xW V.V. w: .V.V V.V. w;:-. P i si 11 it XvX .v.v. •x-xi •.v.v \v.v v.\v P Clubroom Patrons Chuck Delsanter Frank Tanko John Cesnik Mr. & Mrs. John Cesnek Bob Brewer Rudy Strnad Dominic Luzar Mike Marich John Fifik Geo. Carson Curley & Jo Jeran Matt Strumbly Walter V. Frank James Yert Jan Karr Len & Evelyn Salminer Carl & Lucille Vorlicek Robert Schmidt Max Kobal Jr. Rudy & Carol Lokar Mr & Mrs. James Ferry Shirley Lapuh Emil Vesal Vic Kokal Tony Casar Lou Trebar Irish Stefonac (216) 946-3855 D M. MACHINE COMPANY DUANE MclNTIRE 38338 Apollo Pkwy. Willoughby. Ohio 44094 1 I y £H»b JQtoZ ^ Phone: Cleveland 9Sl-Ol23 MENTOR 255-0123 JIM KOTNIK 8000-2 PLAZA BOULEVARD MENTOR MALL 1 1 i II .-.v. i * 1 ill i ! I m A Subscription to the American Home Makes a perfect year-round gift! Call 431-0628 ion of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 1984 Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 198' “Sincere Congratulations on your Sixty-Fifth Anniversary’9 and a Prosperous Future. Ladies Auxiliary - Slovenian Society Home Honorary Members Mary Golobic Anna Kutcher Olga Ozanich Paula Ross Anna Rozman Josephine Trunk Jennie Wick Frances Zgonc Officers President: Mary Kobal Vice Pres.: Kristina Kovach Sec/Treas.: Mary Ster Recording Sec’y.: Marica Lokar Auditors: Kristina Kovach, Norma Hrvatin, Danica Hrvatin Friday Fish Fry / Home Cooked Specialties Serving from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio Active Members Mary Leskovec Kay Salopec Martha Koren Loretta Frank Betty Matwig Margaret Koss — Best Wishes — Slovenian National Art Guild President: Justine Skok V.P.: Mary Batis Secretary: Molly Raab Treasurer: Bill Jansa Auditors: Stan Gulick John Habat Jean Križman John Streck POZDRAV Slovenski Dom! Sterle’s Slovenian Country House Proprietors Frank and An?ka Sterle Congratulations!!! John F. Tanko National Board Member AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION Congratulations to our HALL! Cecilia & Bob Dolgan Josie & Joe Valencie Joseph Valencie A Friend” .v.v. CONGRA TULA TIONS from S.N.P.J. LODGE COMRADES NO. 566 TIVOLI ENTERPRISES 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 - 216 — 431-5296 Original graphics from Slovenia all beautifully framed. Books in Slovenian: Umetnostni Zakladi Slovenije, Lepa si Zemlja Slovenska, Album: Slovenskih Pisateljev, Slovenska Ljudska Naša, Zgodovina Slovencev, Sanjska Knjiga. Books in English: Slovenia, Treasures of Yugoslavia, Ljubljana, Slovenia the Beautiful. Slovenian Dictionaries, Records and Cassettes, Herbal Teas, Seeds (garden), Radenska Voda Mail services available all over the country. Proprietor — Jennie Zaman Assistant — Louise Vovko Memo to Slovenia Travelers — Our Bi-lingual Dictionary may be helpful. Congratulations to our Slovenian Society Home Marica Lokar - Mary and Clarence Doles - Daughter and Son-in-Law Happy Birthday SHARPEY’S SOCIAL CLUB OFFICERS AND MEMBERS In Memory of Anton Bostian Wife: Mary •: ■'t •: :■ :: :■ :: :• : : • CONTINUED SUCCESS from the Clubroom Golfers Bill Duff Al Sadar Joe Kastelic Steve Simcic Pete Lingis Matt Sore Al Milnar Herman Stupica Jack Parson Stan Zakas Congratulations and Sincere Wishes for Continued Progress — JOSEPHINE TRUNK — WOMAN OF THE YEAR 1983 BEST WISHES! Slovenian Women's Union Twirlettes -.i : ;■ • :• • : :: : £ •: : Jv • :: : In Memory of Albert G. KOKELY Wife: Helen Daughter: Shirley Lapuh and Grandchildren :: •: :■ ■: •: : 1 Congratulations on your 65th The Joey Tomsick Orchestra Music for AH Occasions Joey Tomsick, Leader Tel.: 531-2745 Best Wishes to the Slovenian Society Home JAMES D. RICHLAK CO., LPA Individual Corporation and Partnership Tax Planning and Preparation, Estates, Trusts, and Probate 25900 Chardon Road, Richmond Hts., OH 44143 — 216 — 261-3333 — Best Wishes — Federation of Slovenian National Homes OFFICERS: President — Charles Ipavec 1st Vice Pres. — Joseph F. Petrie Jr. 2nd Vice Pres. — Tom Meljac Financial Sec’y- — Bill Jansa Recording Sec’y- — Robert Kastelic Executive Sec’y. — Frank Mahnič Historian — Ella Samanich Corres. Sec’y. — Pauline Stepic AUDITORS Stephie Pultz, Dan Pavšek, Steve Shimits and representatives 24th Annual Slovenes of the Year Award March 17, 1985 Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave. CONGRATULATIONS Michael R. Perme ATTORNEY AT LAW J6/261-0200 A. M. Pena Building 801 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 I*1 Memory of Our Parents John and Margaret JAMNIK From: Johnny and Frank Josephine Jamnik-Gornik Esther Garbincus MT. CARMEL PLAYERS — 1985 PRODUCTION — 4Tunny Girl” j- Ljk March 22, 23, 24, 30 and 31 at e and Community College, Rt. 306 & 1-90, Mentor is OT: .w. ••X*. I ii: 1 I I !$! iig; ili *' S* I; ::i # II V.*.- :::x: Xx: :::x: •••.•.• *.v.* x-: x:x .W. .*.v. •I’M* wv •*"*•*• ::::::: Xv: •Xv ::-x: x*x :::x: •Xv ,vX 1 •ss vX: x*x •X*!* vX; X*X X;X X*X •Xv SŠ x;x :x!:; !**''* ::::::: ,\\\ x*x iS:: •••X* ::::::: M X;X ;X\; Xv! ::::x X*!*! Congratulations and Best Wishes on Your Sixty-Fifth Year in the Euclid Community PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN — CIRCLE 3 — Euclid, Ohio Pauline Durjana - Sunshine Lil Silicic - Sunshine Fran Jarincic - Bingo Caroline Lokar - Sgt.-at-Arms Helen Vukčevič - Pres. Sophia Skopits - V.P. Johanna Weglarz - Rec. Sec’y. Fran Marn - Treas. Jean Petrick - Reporter • Mickey Frank — Cookbooks Dorothy Lamm - Auditors Josephine Škabar - Auditor Pauline Ross — Auditor • Meetings - 2nd Wednesday of each month at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid The Cleveland East Suburbanaires (THE ADOPTED SLOVENIANS) Happy Birthday to Our Home! % Fraternal Greetings From The Supreme Board, Lodge Officers and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION irWkw^if f 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone: 531-1900 Thank you for 65 Years of Community Service HAPPY BIRTHDAY Knific Insurance Service, Inc. Rudy 216-481-7540 820 East 185 Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Don 216-481-8918 ian Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 19; Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 1 © 'g I > o C/D Best Wishes on Your 65th Anniversary and Continued Success FROM OFFICERS AND MEMBERS S.W.U. BRANCH 32 Euclid, Ohio Congratulations on Your 65th LAKE OFFICE SUPPLY CO. 1430 Lloyd Road Wickliffe, Ohio ELEANORE KADO 216—944-5324 i $ II I Si v.w v.w II Si::;: ill :::::::: II 5 II ši W::: ... Best Wishes! C. PEARSON Trophy & Sales Co. 32433 Vine St. Willowick, Ohio 44094 216-585-0170 CARL PEARSON In Memory of Frank & Josephine ŠKABAR Children: Josephine Millie Frank, and Families i ! 1 I I II 1 1 ■:S i;: s;;: i I « ••.v. 1 ii Killen-Kaucnik Insurance Agency 26250 Euclid Ave. — Suite 425 Euclid, Ohio 44132 CONOR A TULA TIONSU Happy 65th Slovenian Society Home ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR STRAH ELECTRIC 23990 Glenbrook Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44117 LICENSED BONDED — INSURED Bill (Willie) Strah (216) 486-3464 * • Congratulations to the Slovenian Society Home of Euclid “65th ANNIVERSARY” FROM THE CITY OF EUCLID ELECTED OFFICIALS OF THE EUCLID INDEPENDENT COALITION MAYOR Anthony J. Giunta • JUDGE Robert F. Niccum MICHAEL KOSMETOS ... President of Council WILLIAM L. DeMORA — Ward 1 Councilman DONALD A. MALONE — Councilman-at-Large GEORGE D. CARSON — Ward 3 Councilman ^AY MILLER — Councilman-at-Large NICK MARINO — Ward 4 Councilman EDWARD Sustarsic — Councilman-at-Large PAUL OYASKI — President EUCLID INDEPENDENT COALITION CLUB August & Maia Kollander Tony Petkovšek and staff of Est. 1923 Kollander World Travel Salute the Slovenian Society Home IvX* x>::: :::::::: Sll: i m m m on it’s 65th Anniversary Located in the same building as TONY’S POLKA VILLAGE 971 E. 185 Street ::S:: Sis SI SS Sx SS S: Si: I: m M II] 1 i ( SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY 1904 - EIGHTY YEARS OF TRADITIONAL SERVICE - 1984 . . . Lite Insurance . . . Accident and Health Insurance . : . Retirement Annuities . . . Special Benetil lor Aged . . . Humanitarian Endeavors . . . Cultural Activities . . . Weekly Newspaper . . . Youth Circles . . . Scholarship Program . . . Youth Publication . . , Youth and Young Adult Conleiences . . . Athletics ■. . . Membership Awards . . . Ethnic Heritage Center . . . Recreational Complex ... A Future With Opportunities SNPJ ... The Society That Benefitb FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE TO: SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY 166 SHORE DRIVE BURR RIDGE, It 60521 (312) 887-7660 1 CONGRA TULA TIONS SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME ON YOUR SIXTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY FROM KLUB LJUBLJANA — OFFICERS — PRESIDENT: KHRISTINA KOVACH VICE PRESIDENT: STEFFIE JAMNIK SECRETARY: MAE FABEC TREASURER: FRANK FABEC RECORDING SECRETARY: JANE NOVAK AUDITORS: JOE MATEYKA — CEAL ZNIDER — RUDY LOKAR — MEMBERSHIP — ^'orence Petrick Jseph Petrick Batis M. Safred Al Videtič Carolyn Budan J' Pecek . e'en Stoneman ean Pierman ^0|ly Maver n9ie Shine &Delost Ann & Charlie Terček John Skopitz Sophia Skopitz Jack & Marie Selan Tony Zagar Frank Vranekovic Tillie Vranekovic Frank Skoda Ella Skoda Frank Giegg Josephine Giegg Hubert Silva Rose Silva Frank Jamnik Stella Kostick Frank Kostick Frances Cinkole Joseph Cinkole Carolyn Lokar Rudy Lokar Frank P. Debevec Jane Novak Joseph Novak Eddie Novak Tony Somrak Josephine Somrak Vera Šebenik Frank Šebenik Mitzi & Lefty Miklavčič Alice Graben Sox & Jessie Girod Sutty Jo & Tina Girod Mae Fabec Frank Fabec Jo Lokar John Hrovat Louise Hrovat Hak Kersman Emilie Kersman Joe Plemel Joyce Plemel ‘John Barkovich ‘Angela Barkovich ‘Frank Segulin ‘Joseph Durjava ‘Frank Durdich ‘John Gerl ‘John Troha — HAPPY 65th ANNIVERSARY — CEBARS EUCLID TAVERN 595 East 185 St. • Euclid, Ohio 44119 “WHERE GOOD FRIENDS MEET” — Polka Music Every Second And Last Saturdays — Proprietors: Tony M. Cvelbar • Frank J. Cebuly • Tony F. Cvelbar .V.V :.v::: Congratulations on your ..... .V.V. H BEST WISHES ON YOUR 65th Anniversary 65TH ANNIVERSARY :■ :■ y.v Rosemary *.v.v .V.V. iši EUCLID JALOUSIE and 490 E. 200 St. John Euclid, Ohio 44119 Toth ti n 216 — 486-1112 Phone orders gladly accepted Bus. 531-7447 Model Meat Market FRESH MEATS Home Made Ouality Sausage Smoked Meats and Cold Cuts of All Kinds Florian & Marie Končar — Owners 610 East 200th Street — Euclid, Ohio 44119 “Cestike dragi orjaki prijatelji z Slovenski Narodni Dom” SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 5050 STANLEY AVENUE, MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO 44137 CITY OF EUCLID GEORGE D. CARSON COUNCILMAN - WARD 3 Tel. 289-11 1 1 A City of Superior Services C°nn. Best Wishes From All of Us Da'vnl&r»B0b Schu,Z Sa,ly & Ed Furlich ®ave Harris Dan & Darlene Schulz Have • Ken • Maureen Furlich Tribute To My Husband JOHN GORNIK ^ AND HIS MOTHER mARY gornik jevec Prom: Jo Jamnik-Gornik Happy Birthday vMv! : • TRUE VALUE • XvX .V.V. EAST 200TH . It:: HARDWARE 673 E. 200th St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 ■.•X'X 216 — 481-8448 .\w m m •V.V V.vl \*.v. :::::::: » i iis « i ii OUR WARMEST WISHES!! FRANK’S CAFE 800 East 200 Street Euclid, Ohio 44119 • PROPRIETORS • CIGOY FAMILIES Ohio Senate Statehouse Columbus, Ohio 43216 BEST WISHES Lee I. Fisher • 25th District • Congratulations on Your 65th Anniversary ALBINA MRŠNIK 1 M V.V. 1 ill ..v.y Fritz’s Tavern Congratulations to the Slov. Soc. Home 991 E. 185 St., Cleveland — 481-9635 Noon Day Lunches Fish Frys ■ Fridays Fritz and Ruthie Hribar, proprietors ian Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 1984 Society Home Section of Ameriška Domovina, Nov. 3, 1 S Zarja Perpetuates Musical Culture Squeezeboxers are latest club at Society Home Zarja Singing Society was organized in April of 1916, and was based at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. It was comprised mostly of women but has evolved into one of the top Slovenian Mixed choruses in Cleveland. Perpetuating Slovene culture was and is its main train of ex^ pression through music, dramatic musicals, and now its every popular “Spring Frolics,” an annual produr'- tion. They also hold an annual Fall Concert. This society is well traveled across the country and to Slovenia spreading the songs and words of our mother tongue. Presently there are 40 members who hold rehearsals every Wednesday evening at the Slovenian Society Home at 7:30 p.m. Director is Dick Tomsic. —Jennie Mramor Euclid Vets began at ‘Recher’ hall On Sept. 8, 1945 the 1st meeting of the “Euclid Vets” was held at Recher Hall. _ Six World War II combat vets: Joe Sustarsic, Tony Sustarsic, Ed Stoch, Hank Sinkovish, Rudy Pesec, and Ed Wess decided to meet at Recher Hall and invited all returning Euclid vets to give and share comradeship of fellow veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces to unite together for the mutual benefit and welfare of the community. Ed Stoch was named the first president. Sunday after lunch was established as their meeting date. In less than six months, their treasury grew to over $1,000. Membership exceeded all expectations, and on one occasion Mayor Ken Sims delivered the principal address at Recher Hall during the initiation of 125 new members. It wasn’t long before the Vets became identified as Euclid’s No. 1 charitable group, assisting in Red Cross, Disabled Veterans, March of Dimes, “Blue” Baby Fund, Youth Programs, Euclid General Hospital, YMCA, Euclid Opportunity School, to name a few. And today, 39 years later, and indeed thanks to the many friends at Recher Hall, the Euclid Veterans Club now enjoys a home of their own at E. 260th St., publicly identified as the Spanish Manor. Private Club Rooms are now available for the exclusive use of the Vets and their Auxiliary. Present membership is 255. And for the past 39 years the Euclid Vets proudly don their uniforms to march with their fellow Veteran organizations to observe in a very meaningful way Memorial Day. SWU Twirlettes march in 20 parades a year In 1965 Mary Bostian was responsible for starting the Slovenian Women’s Union Twirlettes. Ann Cooke became the first director of a group of 100 young girls. Her daughters, Kathie and Carol Cooke became the first youth leaders by teaching the girls how to twirl a baton. They marched in many parades and traveled as far as Washington, D.C. Now beginning its 20th year, the Twirlettes are the only twirling group left in the S.W.U. They have traveled all over Northeastern Ohio participating in approximately 20 parades a year. They have won many trophies and awards. Past directors have been Antoinette Zabukovec, Sandi Burrows, Phyllis D’Amico, Barbara Grzincic, and JoAnn Vehar. It is presently being directed by Dorothy Hod-nichak. Among the youth, Joyce Zabukovec and Mary D’Amico Gentile began as very young girls, came up through the ranks and eventually became the youth leaders. All the girls eventually moved on in different directions; however, the twirlettes are very fortunate in having one of the original leaders back with the group. Mary Gentile, a young mother herself, has been teaching the girls for the past two years. All twirlettes become members of Slovenian Women’s Union. The headquarters originate in Joliet, Illinois. Branches of S.W.U. are scattered throughout the United States. —Dorothy Hodnichak The latest 1984 innovation of the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. was the organization of the Euclid Slovenian Society Home Squeezeboxers. The formation of the club was met with great enthusiasm from the entire Board of Directors. The officers agreed on appointing former director of Cecilia Dolgan’s Circle 2 Button Box Club, Joey Tom-sick as their director. Bill Janša and Joe Petrie were assigned as moderators. Joey Tomsick is currently a student at John Carroll University, a Button Box instructor at Tony’s Polka Village, leads his own orchestra, and recently has a 15-minute segment on Tony Petkovsek’s popular Polka Show on Saturdays on station WELW called, “The Button Box Beat”. Charter members of the Slovenian Society Squeezeboxers are Tony Vardian, veteran Button Box maker. Hank Ker-shman also of Button Box fame, Frank Doblekar, leader of his own band, Anne Poje secretary of the Squeezeboxers, Dale Ragazinskus of TRW who plays for his own enjoyment, Frank Brinšek, veteran button box player, Bob Smerkal, the brother team of Jimmy and Jeff Loiko, and nationally famous banjo player George Cook. The group has been together since March of 1984. The Squeezeboxers, who range in age from 19 to 65, enjoy once a week rehearsals at the Slov. Soc. club room on Monday evenings at 7:30. The music is arranged and all members participate in the pre-production and creative arrangements in order for the Squeezeboxers to become a proud asset to the Slov. Soc. Home in Euclid. All button boxers in the area are welcome to join in the fun. The rehearsals are enjoyed by the patrons in the club room Art Guild contributes ‘Splashers’ to heritage Since the Slovenian National Art Guild now holds its meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. and has been accepted as part of the “family”, it has been asked to share some history Utopians Strive for Fraternalism Lodge 604 Utopians hold their meetings on the second Monday of the month at 7:30 at the Slovenian Society Home. We originated in 1927 under S.S.P.Z. until its merger with S.N.P.J. in 1943. Our home base was Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd. Two of the original organizers of our lodge were John Bohinc and Frank Pucel. A few charter members include Albina Gruden, the Bohincs’, the Tekaucics’, and the Svetinas’. Lodge 604 has always taken an active part in the bowling and golfing events, but our main objective is to strive for fraternalism among our fellow men. Our big event will be our 58th Annual Anniversary Dinner-Dance to be held on March 9, 1985 at Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue. Music will be by the Sumrada Brothers. —Gerri Trebets Dawn Choral Singers formed from SWU Branches The Dawn Choral Group of the Slovenian Women’s Union was established on August 14, 1967 by Mary Bostian. The first meeting was with a group of 15 women from Branches 10, 14, 25, 32 and 50. The first concert was held on March 9, 1969 under the direc-. tion of Mr. Frank Gorensek. The group performed at functions of the Slovenian Women’s Union whenever they were requested to, such as branch anniversaries and conventions. By 1971 they had a membership of 36 women. Dawn Choral Group celebrated their 15th Anniversary with a concert in 1982. The choral group held one concert a year until 1983 when illness and family commitments cancelled their activity for the time being. and background information with the readers of this special 65th anniversary edition. Chartered in 1973 as a nonprofit organization by the state of Ohio, founded through the efforts of John Stuchal, Fran Bezdek, August B. Pust, the Art Guild has estalished itself as a part of the community through constant effort and determination to follow the basic goals and guidelines of its by-laws and constitution: to expose and promote the wealth of artistic talent; to make the public aware of the richness of Slovenian culture; to bring together peoples interested in the arts; to stimulate interest through meetings, workshops, speakers, exhibits, field trips; to be involved as a Guild in community and public events. The Art Guild is proud of its artists, persons of talent and art education who form the core of the group. Art works are reasonably priced, and hang in many of the homes and businesses throughout the area. Shows are held during the year to provide for the display and exhibiting of arts, as well as the items created by the craftspersons. An ongoing project of the Art Guild is the collecting of “Splashers” or “Stenski Prtiček”, cloths that date back to the early 1900 decades, embroidered wth pictures and proverbs in Slovenian, which has been declared to be “folk” art, or art of the peoples. The Ohio Arts Council has recognized and determined the splashers are worthy of a grant, and an exhibit with the support of O.A.C. will be held at Notre Dame College, So. Euclid in March, 1985. and already there seems to be a regular contingent ° squeezebox boosters. This innovative club has entertained at Great Northern, Great Lakes, Euclid, an Richmond Malls. Most recen ly they appeared at the Slo« nian Workmen’s Home the Ljubljanski Oktet h0111 Slovenia. . One of the highlights o Slov. Soc. Home Squeezeboxers was the invitation r0 Tony Petkovšek to perform his 23rd Anniversaryj Thanksgiving Polka Party , Nov. 23. Club 59’ers Does Charitable Work in Euclid The Club 59'ers was org®“ edin 1959 by a handful o m who wanted to get togeth and have a good time- . The afore-mentioned handf of men are Joe Brodnik, Žnidaršič, John Buatz’ risC, Rasunic, Chuck Znidah* among others who are charter members. _her- Since that time our mem* ship has grown to 35 me The main idea behind^ Club 59’ers is to promo ^ piness and g00 |t throughout the cOtIinluunc|0ve' is based in Euclid at t e nian Society Home. a We hold iwo funcl^, year. One is a Dinner ^ February. The other is a bake in August. The money raised t0 two functions is donaanizfl' different charitable orsNlaVec tions. They are Mary rded Home, Euclid Rew alsO School for children'V(,ts a1 donate food bas ^ee£jy Christmas time t0 families in Euclid, History Slovenian Pensioners C of Euclid By Frank CeseJ’%ersl The Slovenian ^ niZed Club of Euclid was 45 March 3, 1961 0fficerS members. The f'rs gtok^’ were President KrlS job11 Vice President Barkovich; Secretar. Levstik; Treasurer jjug Okorn; and Sr. Secretary Frank hjs Clu The purpose of nelp always has been s o alleviate the lone ^ jng leC our retirees by sf,°n uerit1^5' tures, social ga‘h^ J outings and trips, ** ndP, various other activU I make life more p e, This club members^ 2 grown from 45 me^ years ago to almos ^ the present time. iiav Every second mo ^ sandwich«, »ns« „ hj dion music, ua#,