ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE <3 OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME VII No. 4-11 February 1954 Published by the A. M.G. F.T.T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces, Free Territory of Trieste. La Editorial« Ubrarla S. p. A., Trieste - 1954 A.M.G. OFFICIAL GAZETTE PUBLICATION : on 1st, 11th and 21st of each month. (lii the month of January it is published only on 11 tli and 21st, whereas in the month of December it is published also on 31st). Edition „bis“ (Civil Insertions) on 1st and 15th of each month. PRICE: one copy, 60 Lire. SALE: Office of the Zone President, „Economato“, „Prefettura“ Palace, 2nd floor, room 60, daily from 10.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs. SUBSCRIPTIONS: only half-yearly; subscriptions are accepted at the Directorate of Legal Affairs, Public Works Building, Via del Teatro Romano N° 17, room N° 10 groundfloor. a) for the three bound versions of the Gazette................. 3.240.— Lire b) for one version only, either English, Italian or Slovene.... 1.080.— Lire c) for one copy of „bis“ issues (civil insertions) either in Italian or in Slovene ...................................... 720.— Lire Payment through postal order or bank-check to the name of „Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“. INSERTIONS : must be drawn up on 200 Lire stamp-paper or on stamp-like paper for those which, pursuant to law provisions, enjoy the privilege of exemption from stamp-duty. Price oi insertions : 7 Lire for each word or figure excluding punctuation. Payment through bank-check to the name of “Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“. Presentation of insertions : Directorate of Legal Affairs, A.M.G., Public Works Buildinv, Via del Teatro Romano N° 17, groundfloor, room N° 10 ; Tel. 83-33, 78-88, ext. 76, daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. NOTE : Insertions must be presented five days and notices for the convening of Meetings three Working days prior to the date of publication of the Gazette. Complaints or researches concerning insertions must always refer to the number of the insertion concerned which corresponds to that of the receipt issued. GAZETTE OFFICE: A.M.G. Headquarters, Room N° 196. Telephone: 29701, 29794 ext. 110; daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hra and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. CORRESPONDENCE; Directorate of Legal Affairs, Gazette Office. A.M.G., Trieste. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Administrative Order No. 5 AUTHORITY TO PERFORM NOTARIAL ACTS, ETC. WHEREAS Order No. 171 dated 29 October 1951 makes provision for the designation by name of the Director of Legal Affairs and such other officers of the Directorate of Legal Affairs as I may designate for the purpose of administering oaths, etc., all as provided for in said Order, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, OB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: 1. — Administrative Order No. 47 dated 27 June 1953 is hereby annulled. 2. —- Colonel R. McDonald GRAY, JAGC, U. S. Army, Director of Legal Affairs, Allied Military Government, Mr. R.C.S. ELLISON, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs and Lt. Col. Robert W. REYNOLDS, Legal Officer, Directorate of Legal Affairs, are hereby empowered to perform the functions set out in Order No. 171 dated 29 October 1951. 3. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29th day of January 1954. H. R. EMERY Colonel GS Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref.: LDfBI54f6 Zone Commander Administrative Order No. 6 APPOINTMENT OF A JUDICIAL AUDITOR WHEREAS the Judicial Auditor Dr. Sergio SERBO has been placed at disposal of the Allied Military Government and may be assigned to the Pretura of Trieste, for the purpose of serving the prescribed period of judicial apprenticeship, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: 1. — The Judicial Auditor Dr. Sergio SERBO is hereby assigned to the Pretura of Trieste, to serve the prescribed period of judicial apprenticeship. 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th day of February 1954 H. R. EMERY Colonel GS Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LD/B/54/9 Zone Commander Notice No. 12 APPOINTMENT OF THE TECHNICAL - ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AT THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES 1. — Notice is hereby given that, by a measure dated 14 January 1954, the Chief, Department of Public Works and Utilities, Allied Military Government, has provided, in conformity with Articles III and IV of Order No. 138, dated 9 December 1953, for the appointment of a Technical-Administrative Committee at the Department of Public Works and Utilities. The Committee shall consist of the following persons : a) Dr. Vincenzo CAFFARELLI, Chief, Department of Public Works and Utilities — President b) Prof. Alfredo BORGHI, Deputy Chief, Department of Publio Works and Utilities, -—• Member c) Dr. Alceste SILVT ANTONINI, Deputy Director of Finance and Economics ■— Member d) Avv. Marcello TRAVAN, Lawyer of the State — Member e) Eng. Aldo ANDREOCCI, Inspector General, „Genio Civile“ and „USVS“ — Member f) Dr. Eugenio ZICARI, Chief, Budget Control and General Accounting Section — Member g) Eng. Massimo LEVI, Chief Engineer of „Genio Civile“ Office — Member h) Eng. Giuseppe TRIVELLATO, Chief Engineer of „USVS“ — Member 2. -— The functions of Secretary of the Committee shall be carried out by „Ing. Princ. di Sezione“ Costantino GIACCHETTI with the assistance of „Rag. Geom. Princ.“ Cesare GAETANO. Dated at TRIESTE, this 10th day of February 1954. Dr. VINCENZO CAFFARELLI Chief, Department of Ref.: LDfCI54IG Public Works & Utilities Errata corrigenda The date of signature of Order No. 73 mentioned in Article III of Order No. 2, published in Gazette No. 2 dated 21 January 1954, should read „21 February 1946“ instead of The date of signature of Order No. 3, published in Gazette No. 2 dated 21 January 1954, „22 February 1946“. The date of signature of Order No. 3, published in Gazette No. 2 dated 21 January 1954, page 14 should read „15 Januaray 1954“ instead of „15 January 1953“. * CONTENTS Administrative Order Page No. 5 Authority to perform notarial acts, etc.......................... 49 No. 6 Appointment of a Judicial Auditor ............................... 49 Notice No. 12 Appointment of the Technical-Administrative Committee at the Department of Public Works and Utilities ................................... 50 Errata Corrigenda ...................................................... 51