Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Vol. 109, No. 22 American Home Ameriška Domovina* SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 9, 2007 PhnmvY?. 161 441 -0628 /f* E-mail: aln)@buckeyeweb.net / U S' Cardinal Rode To Visit Cleveland Area Slovenians Cardinal Franc Rode, D.D., will be in the Midwest from Aug. 9-11 because of official duties as Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Men and Women Religious throughout the world. While in the area he asked the Slovenian parishes of St. Mary’s and St. Vitus if he could visit once again with Slovenians in Greater Cleveland. It was then decided: • On Friday, Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Church (Coll.) Cardinal Rode will be the main celebrant at a Mass for the repose of the soul of recently deceased Archbishop Alojzij Šuštar. - All Slovenians are urged to attend. Those who have Slovenian costumes arc requested to wear them. • Immediately following the Mass there will be an open reception for the Cardinal in St. Mary’s parish hall. The ladies of the two parishes are asked to bring baked goods to St, Mary’s prior to the Mass on Friday. The last time Archbishop Rode visited Cleveland was for the Baraga Days in 1998 when he was the Main Guest of Honor. Since then, Pope Benedict XVI has designated Rode a Cardinal in the Catholic Church and appointed him to one of the most important departments of the Catholic Church, which is The Congregation For Men and Women Religious. Vincent Obsitnik Set to be U.S. Ambassador to Slovenia George W. Bush, the President of the U.S. intends to nominate Vincent Obsitnik, of Virginia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Slovenia. Mr. Obsitnik recently served as Vice President of International Development at Litton/PRC Corporation. Prior to that, he served as President of the system Development Division at Unisys/Loral Corporation. Earlier in his career, Obsitnik served as Director of Manufacturing for Latin America in the IBM Corporation. Mr. Obsitnik received his bachelor’s degree from the U.S. Naval Academy and his master’s degree from The American University. -Die JJarian mcmahon 3933 OHIO ST Ef*RY OH 44081-9552 Rev. Victor Cimperman, front, center, celebrates his 90lh birthday in St. Vitus church on Sunday, June 24, 2007 in the company of his family. Father Cimperman is the oldest Slovenian priest to serve in America._____________ (Photo by TONY GRDINA) Primorski Club Picnic The Cleveland Primorski Club cordially invites you to our annual summer picnic on Sunday, Aug. 12 at Slovenska Pristava. The picnic begins with Mass at 12:30 with dinner beginning at 1:30 p.m. Live entertainment provided by Ansambel Stan Mejač. No admission charge. Everyone invited. St. Mary Summer Picnic St. Mary’s (Coll.) Annual Summer Picnic will be held on Sunday, Aug. 19 at Slovenska Pristava. The day will begin with Mass at 12:30 p.m., followed by a chičken/roast beef dinner. There will also be roast pig and lamb later in the day, a bake sale, as well as čevapčiči and other foods and refreshments available throughout the day.. Also featured will be the International Biergarten. There will be a Chinese Auction, Children’s Games, and Music by Veseli Godci Ansambel. Everyone is welcome. SHA Birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road in Cleveland, who were born in the month of August: 8-02 - Victor Shimelo-nis, age 93, born in South-fork, PA 8-06 - Janis Opacich, 59, born in Cleveland. 8-09 - Irene Dulka, 85 8-10 - Flqrian Roberts, 87, bom in Uhrichsville, OH 8-12-Mary Cizel, 104, born in Slovenia 8-13 - Mildred Vondrak, 101, born in Yugoslavia 8-15 - Estelle Bousquet, 89, born in Cleveland 8-15 - Mary Pierce, 86, born in Cleveland 8-19 - John Obat, 86, born in Cleveland 8-20 - Mary Dolinar, 92, born in Cleveland, OH 8-23 - Alexandra Klodetsky, 83, bom in Russia 8-25 - Lillian Yurk-ovic, 80, born in Cleveland 8-31 - Rose Silva, 83, born in Cleveland. New Newspaper Schedule Due to unexpected increases in mailing and printing costs, and very little advertising revenue, beginning immediately, the American Home (Ameriška Domovina) will only be printed twice a month, on the first and third Thursday of each month. Deadline for all copy is a week before publishing date. In August, the next American Home will be printed on Aug. 23. In September the American Home will be printed on Sept. 6 and 20. In October, the American Home will be printed on Oct. 4 and 18. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 9, 2007 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published three issues per month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 22 August 9, 2007 Therese and I by RUDY FLIS My wife, Therese, and I were classmates at St. Boniface High School when we started dating in our senior year. After graduation my new job on the New York Central RR fizzled out during a steel strike, so I went to my Draft Board and volunteered to go into the army right away instead of waiting a few years. In the month of August, Therese and I kissed goodbye. Many cautioned Therese and many cautioned me because of our youth that we would not wait for each other. I listened with respect, knowing they meant well, but I thought they were wrong. Therese and I dreamed of marriage, family and a long life together. We seemed to have much in common, although Therese would not consume klobase, blood sausage or kidney stew. We attended Mass together and received the sacraments and dreamed of our wedding day, the important things in our life. In August, two years later, I was back home, and the following August we were married. Now, a lifetime later, yet married, and with children, it would seem all is well. My wife can be persistent, and there has been an issue for her, not me, which I cautioned could end all our years of wedded bliss. I am in wedded bliss because I’m fed well, and show it, but do enjoy it. She insists wedded bliss will remain “or else.” Well, I finally gave in. Know that I’ve had a bypass, mechanical heart valve and new knees, eyeglasses and now hearing aids. It’s my worry that missing some of the words of wisdom my wife lays on me ever so often might not be all that bad. But here’s what happened. It is like a miracle with these little pieces of technology hanging on my ear how I can pick up so much more conversation. My wife does not gloat that she was correct in her assessment of my hearing problem. And she does not mind when my keen sense of her feelings, senses that she has had her fill of my new keen hearing aids and I just unplug them. Brings more harmony back into our long-lasting marriage. We all win, and in this month of August, we celebrate yet another anniversary, and Therese will whisper in my ear, things I haven’t heard in years, and I’ll hear. Thank you Lord. Remember to smile a lot. It hides the wrinkles. The diesel engine is named for Rudolf Diesel, a German engineer who developed the device in 1897. In 1913, he mysteriously disappeared aboard a ship bound for London. Fairport Marks 60th with Polka Mass, Food, Music The Fairport American-Slovenian Club will be celebrating its 60th anniversary on Saturday-Sunday, Aug. 11-12 with several events taking place at its 617 Third St., Fairport location. The two-day celebration is designed to fit the various interests of the members. On Saturday a cabbage roll dinner will be served from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. That will be followed by a dance to a non-polka band, the Whooz Playin, that does a fine job of relating to its audience, Stan Modic, chairman of the 60-year observation, says. He also said John and Lou Grzely will undoubtedly stop in with their button box accordions for a few tunes from the Old Country. Sunday’s program includes a Polka Mass at 1:30 p.m., celebrated by Bishop Edward Pevec and Fr. Peter Mihalič, of St. Anthony Church. That will be followed by a short program with master of ceremonies Tony Petkovšek of Polka Radio on WELW. Cecelia Dolgan will sing the national anthems of both the U.S. and Slovenia. Fairport mayor Frank Sarosy will speak, proclaiming it Slovenian Week. At 3:30 p.m., there will be dancing to the music of the Don Wojtila Band. Food will be served as some of the old timers reminisce about the old days. Sixty and Going Strong “Who would have thought the organization chartered in 1947 would be still going strong at the age of 60,” says Steve Zalar, Club President. After months of informal talk about the need, the first meeting was held in 1946 at the home of Andy Hervatin on King Street in Fairport. Some 30 men attended starting in motion an organization that would win its charter as a non-profit in Ohio in 1947. The Charter, that hangs in the Club Room, lists Andy Hervatin as the founding president; John Zuzek and John Zalar, as vice president and secretary, respectively; and three Fairporters, Joseph Drobi ick, Herman Kapel and Frank Zalek, as trustees. The current Board of Directors, elected annually, includes: Steve Zalar, president; Tony Satcj, Lou Grzely, Mary “Mitzie” Mahne, Donna Baucher, Lee Jakopin, Tony Shetina, Steve Macck and Rudy Schumcr. “As with any fledging organization, the first order of business was fund-raising,” reports Lou Grzely, longtime treasurer of the Club. “Its first effort was collecting 25 cents from each member who attended the meetings in its formative stage. Our first set of books shows a balance in the treasury of $57,” Grzely said. All Volunteer Help Fund-raising included the making of Slovenian sausages for sale and holding monthly dances at the Plum Street (Finlandia) Hall during the fall and winter months, and picnics at the St. Clair Hunting & Rifle Club during the summer. In 1952, the Club had accumulated enough funds from its activities and loans from its members to buy the property it still calls home at 617 Third St., in Fairport. At the time it included a small house and a three-car garage on three lots. Eventually, using the members volunteer help, the three-car garage was converted into a clubroom complete with a small kitchen, bathroom facilities and a bar. “Painted concrete-block walls and a cement floor greeted visitors in the first days of operation,” recalls Herman and Charles Kapel, two of the four remaining charter members. The other two are Frank Zalek and Frank Modic. Eventually, over the years, paneling covered the walls and carpeting was installed to dress-up the clubroom. “Frank Turek, who at one time owned the Brass Rail bar in Painesville, became the club president and moved the club from a cigar box operation by introducing a cash register,” says Grzely. “Then, under the presidency of Tony Satcj, the Clubroom was expanded to double its size.” More recently, the two balinca (bocci or lawn bowling) courts were covered to permit league play five-days a week, rain or shine. State Representative Kenny Yuko, left, and American Home photographer Phil Hrvatin wish each other a Happy Birthday, Aug. l". The congratulatory occasion took place on Sunday, July 29 at the St. Robert’s Festival in Euclid, Ohio. Music for the fund-raiser was provided by the Joey Tomsick Orchestra. Kenny Yuko sat in on drums for a few tunes, while Phil Hrvatin plays tenor sax for the orchestra. Consul General Zvone Žigon’s Executive Assistant, Johanna Bajc, also celebrates her birthday on August 1*'. Congratulations to all!_______ He who is virtuous is wise; and he who is wise is good; and he who is good is happy. -Bob Mills All Invited to Fed Picnic The Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens (Barberton, Euclid, Holmes, Newburgh, Maple Hts., St. Clair and Waterloo), invite all to their annual picnic on Wednesday, Aug. 29 at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road. Dinner served at 1 p.m. by Julia Zalar. Dancing to Ken Zalar Capt. Crew 2:30 to 5:30. Dinner, dancing and admission is $13.00. For tickets see members or call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784 BEFORE Aug. 22. —Matt Zabukovec, Secretary Joke Where do vegetables go to have a few drinks? The salad bar. Stimbufys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax 'Service* 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 , „ „ taxtMe@en.com nttp://sttmbury scccounting.com EmSnl fc Practce 3t**t (,'e Internal Reserve Sen** Senad/ig Indmdutn Corporator t Small gusioessel_ Cleveland Slovenian Business & Professional Association Update At the initiation of Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Zvone Žigon, a small group of Slovenian-American businesspersons and professionals in Cleveland, from various fields of expertise, met informally in late autumn 2006 to discuss possibilities of establishing an association of Slovenian-Amcrican businesspersons and professionals in Cleveland. An open invitation to participate in such an organization was then published in Slovenian and American media, and a significantly sized group began to emerge. During the first half of this year, the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia hosted a series of individual section meetings, based on the various fields of expertise represented among interested parties. The goal of the Cleveland Slovenian Business and Professional Association (CSBPA) is to foster an environment for frequent and accessible contact among its members who are native Slovenians, descendants of Slovenians or friends of Slovenia; to preserve and celebrate Slovenian culture and heritage in the United States; and to encourage active cooperation between the Slovenian homeland and the United States, for various Purposes. In consideration of the diversity of those who expressed interest in the group, it was decided that the CSBPA would be divided into various “section,” representing the following fields °f expertise: • Food and Beverage • Government and Religious • Healthcare • Industry and Commerce • Media Relations • Professional Services (law, finance, insurance) • Science, Education and Art • Travel, sports and Leisure Over 160 individuals expressed interest in the organization, about 80 of which attended one or more °f the five section meetings. At each section meeting, participants renewed contacts ^ith fellow Slovenians and rr,any met fellow Slovenian Clevelanders for the first ^me. Each section discussed Possible functions it could serve and named its own rep-resentatives, who are: Mi-chael Benz, John Cimper-man, Robert Delchin, Steven olehin, John Hočevar, dwin Grosel, Ken Marvar, ay Marvar, Sylvia Pisom, Andy Ribic, Jennifer Seme, Matthew Tomsic, Dr. David Turk, and Ivana Yuko. In June, 2007, Dick Russ, notable Slovenian Clevelander and member of CSBPA, hosted a meeting of the above named representatives at WKYC Studios. At that meeting, a steering committee was named whose members would coordinate the activities of the organization. Members of the steering committee are Sylvia Pisom, John Hočevar and Ray Marvar. Among other notable members of the CSBPA are Honorable Judge Ronald Šuster, entrepreneur Paul Kosir, Kent State University Professor Joanne Arhar, and others. The main goals of CSBPA are to restore and nurture relationships among its members and across lines of communication between Slovenia and the United States, to be an educational resource for Slovenians in Cleveland and in Slovenia that would include student exchange, to provide a resource for Slovenian youth in Cleveland making career choices, to encourage and coordinate travel to Slovenia for professional and educational purposes, and to host professional guests from DSPB Pilgrimage The annual memorial pilgrimage to the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Frank, Ohio, sponsored by DSPB Vestnik will be held on Sunday, Aug. 26. Memorial holy mass will be held at noon. Bus will leave from Col-linwood Slovenian National Home at 8 a.m., and St. Vitus Village, 6114 Lausche Avenue at 8:30 a.m. For reservations call Viktor Tominec (216) 531-2728 or Frank Šega at (440) 944-0020. Spaghetti Dinner St. Mary (Collinwood) Holy Name Society sponsors a Right to Life Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, Sept. 15 in St. Mary School Auditorium from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children under 12. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 Slovenia who are visiting Cleveland. The Healthcare section already conducted such a reception when it recently hosted well known Slovenian cardiologist from Ljubljana, Dr. Igor Zupan, who, with his family, made a personal visit to the United States. The first objectives of CSBPA are to coordinate the first whole-group reception in November with a guest speaker(s) and to electronically publish a Directory of Slovenian-American Businesspersons and Professionals in Cleveland. All interested native Slovenians, Slovenian descendants and friends of Slovenia are invited to participate in this informal association. As The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia will temporarily provide logistical support to the CSBPA, those interested in joining or volunteering their talents as active members should contact Johanna Bajc, Executive Assistant to the Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia at 55 Public Square, Suite 945, Cleveland, OH 44113, by phone: (216) 589-9220; fax: (216) 589-9210; or email: Johanna.baic@gov.si Old Quizes, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II REAL OLD QUIZ: Who was the model for the original Mr. Monopoly? ANSWER: J. P. Morgan. Only correct response supplied by Genevieve Drobnič of Cape Coral, FL. OLD QUIZ: What was the name of the 1955 movie starring William Holden and Kim Novak, that centered around a summer-time activity? ANSWER: Picnic. Right replies came from Lena Bullis of Strongsville, OH, Daniclla Schultz of Euclid, OH, John Žnidaršič of New York City, Stephanie Polutnik, Elyria, OH, and Jeannette Ruminski of Euclid, Ohio. NEW QUIZ: In October, 1961 singer Patsy Cline sang a song written by Willie Nelson about a self-proclaimed mentally challenged person. It rose to #9 in the pop charts. What is the name of that love song? Send your answer to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Rev. Victor Cimperman, left, cuts the ribbon for the “solid gold” handrail dedicated in his honor on the altar of St. Vitus Church on Sunday, June 24. At right, is pastor Rev. Joseph P. Božnar. (Photo by TONY GRDINA) Thousands Of Tasty Ways To Enjoy A Fiber-Rich Diet With Apples by Elizabeth Pivonka, Ph D., R.D.. Produce for Better Health (NAPS)—Apples are the most varied food on the planet. The list of colorful apple varieties tops 7,500, including more than 2,500 varieties grown in the U.S. All are an excellent source of dietary fiber. This tasty, portable fruit contains 80 : calories and approxi-! mately five grams of ! dietary fiber per medium apple, j Recent studies «qrishow apples may ;f jo. promote weight loss; : Y especially good news Pivonka f°r over 60 percent of the population that is either overweight or obese. Studies show eating a high fiber diet can promote post-meal “satiety.” As a result, dieters may feel full for longer. Research also shows eating a high fiber diet can reduce total caloric intake and, as a result, contribute to overall weight loss. Aim for about 14 grams of total dietary fiber for every 1,000 calories you consume, or about 28 grams for women; 35 grams for men. Along with fiber, diets including 5 to 9 daily servings of colorful fruits and vegetables help insure a wide variety of important nutrients and phytochemicals. Eat at least one or two servings from each color group (red, yellow/orange, white, green and blue/purple} every day. Each colorful apple variety has its own unique flavor and best uses. Some, Fuji, Gala, McIntosh, Pink Lady and Red Delicious, excel as snacks. Others, Golden Delicious. Granny Smith, Jonagold, Jonathan and Rome Beauty, are better for cooking. The quick and colorful recipe. Apple Chicken Stir-Fry, calls for baking apples. Sotc to Editors: Eighty-first in a series of monthly 5-A-Dav columns. More stories at unnr.napsiwt.com. and search: "Pivonka." For more recipes and information, visit www.usapple.org and www.5aday.org. Apple Chicken Stir-Fry 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, cubed 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 'Ji cup onion, vertically sliced 1 eup (2 medium) carrots, thinly sliced 1 teaspoon dried basil, crushed 1 cup fresh or frozen Chinese pea pods 1 medium baking apple, cored and thinly sliced 2 cups cooked rice Stir-fry chicken cubes in oil in nonstick skillet until lightly-browned and cooked through. Remove from skillet. Stir-fry onion, carrots and basil in same skillet until carrots are tender. Stir in pea pods and 1 tablespoon water; stir-fry 2 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in apple and cooked chicken. Serve hot over cooked rice. Makes 4 servings. Nutritional Information pnr serving: calories: 323, total fat: 8.5g, saturated fat: l.lg, % calories from fat: % calories from saturated fat: 3ri . protein: 29 g. carbohydrates: 31g. cholesterol 66 mg, dietary fiber: 2.8g, sodium: 102 ng. If you don’t have freedom of the press, then all these little fellows will be weaseling around and doing their monkey business and they never get caught. -Harold R. Medina PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 9, 2007 ŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 9, 2007 4 News from Polka Hall of Fame Gift Shop Any time is a good time to add polka music to your music collection, but sunny skies and summer in bloom especially calls for some cheerful refrains. New polka albums are now available at the Polka Shop, 605 E. 222 St., Euclid, Ohio www.nolkafame.com (216) 261-3263) • toll free 1-866-POLKA. Johnny Koenig, who appeared on Awards Show 19 with a host of younger gen-E eration guests, released a ^ new album with quite a splash. His “New Kid in Town” CD was premiered at Sneakee Pete’s club in East-lake, Ohio. The Cleveland Plain Deader newspaper wrote a feature story on Johnny, 19, in its Friday entertainment magazine. The story reported that Johnny has been booked for several playing jobs, including the “Happy Dog Saloon.” Joe Novak of Medina, Ohio, has come out with a second album, “It’s Polka Time Again.” His wife, Nancy, sings on several of the vocals. Joe and Nancy both serve as trustees of the Polka Hall of Fame. Stan Mejac usually is identified with Alpine polka sounds when playing at dances and socials. Mejac, who is a regular solo act at Sterle’s Slovenian County House restaurant in Cleveland, said he has fulfilled a life’s dream with his new recording “Sincerely Yours.” He plays all the instruments on all original songs that he wrote, and recorded the album. The CD has a sound of its own due to the deft touch of Mejac’s playing. “Memories of My Dad” by Ray Machulsky is the first recording by the accordionist. Hank Haller almost could start a recording of the week club, with his prolific output of albums. In his latest venture, Haller calls on his former saxophone player, Fred Ziwich to tap out some Slovak and Czech songs on the button box. The album is titled “Crooked River Button Box Club plays Slovak-Czech Favorites.” Polka Hall of Fame and Museum and Gift Shop is open from noon until 5 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday • Closed Sunday and Monday. ‘Slovenian Youth Organization’ picnic An exciting new group called the Slovenian Youth Organization has been formed by young Slovenians in the Greater Cleveland area with the intent of building and strengthening bonds among Slovenian youth. This organization responds to the issue that there is a sizable number of culturally active young Slovenians in Northeast Ohio, and in neighboring states; however, there existed no one organization that unified them. Many Slovenian youth actively participate in their local parishes, clubs and organizations, but many times do not have an opportunity to meet and interact with young Slovenians from other groups and from other areas. As its first event, Slovenian Youth Organization has decided to host a picnic which will be centered around Slovenian youth and celebrate its vibrant culture and various active communities. The Slovenian Youth Organization cordially invites Slovenians, near and far, of all ages, the young, as well as the young at heart, to attend an all-day celebration of its heritage and culture at Slovenska Pristava on Saturday, August 11. The picnic will begin at 1:30 p.m., with a prayer service at the chapel, followed by games and sporting events from 2-7 p.m., which will include basketball, soccer, volleyball, a corn-hole tournament, bocce ball, and children’s games and activities. . Dinner will be served from 4 - 6:30 p.m., with the choice of grilled chicken or pork ribs. Tickets may be reserved by calling Kati Dempsey at (440) 864-9237, or Lauren Calevich at Lcalevich@gmail.com. In addition to dinner, there will also be an Old World Style Cafe where desserts, ice cream, and coffee will be sold. Come and enjoy these sweet treats in a romantic setting with music provided by Johnny Srsen. At 7 p.m., there will be a cultural program featuring the performances of young Slovenian artists, dancers, and musicians. Veseli Godci will also perform for your listening and dancing pleasure. The Slovenian Youth Organisation warmly welcomes you to come out and support their new and exciting endeavor and enjoy a beautiful day at the picnic grounds of Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield, Ohio on Aug. 11. For more information, or for those interested in volunteering, contact Lauren Calevich Lcalevich@gmail.com. or Franci Sever at (216) 280-0617 or francsever@gmail.com Origin of word ‘Coach’ The little village of Kocs in northwestern Hungary is responsible for the word coach in all its senses of the word “carriage” and for academic and athletic coaches as well. In the 15th century an unknown carriage maker in Kocs devised a larger, more comfortable carriage than any known at the time. It was called a Koczi szeter, a wagon of Kocs,” which was shortened to Kocsi. Copied all over Europe in the next century, it eventually became a cache and then coach in English. From the name the English horse-drawn coach came all stagecoaches, motor coaches, and finally air coaches. Coach, for “an instructor,” arose as college slang - a coach was a figurative carriage whose coaching would “carry” you through exams. The same idea was applied to athletic coaches, who were, however, known as coachers up until the late 1880s, when they became coaches. Joke An elderly gentleman, very well dressed, hair well groomed, great looking suit, flower in his lapel, smelling slightly of a good after shave, walks into an upscale cocktail lounge. Seated at the bar is an elderly lady. The gentleman walks over, sits alongside her, orders a drink, takes a sip, turns to her and says, “So tell me, do I come here often?” -Emma Pogačar Fried Okra 1 lb. tender okra Vi tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1/3 cup yellow corn meal V* cup bacon drippings Wash the okra well and cut off the ends. Slice okra into 14 inch rounds. Combine salt, pepper, and com meal. Toss the okra in the com meal mixture. Heat the bacon drippings in a large skillet. Add okra slices and saute until they are tender and golden. Makes 4 servings. —Brother Richard Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring ► tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. On a hot Summer day, it’s real cool to be Slovenian 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina You are getting old when... (Sent by a friend, author unknown) • You have a party and the neighbors don’t know it • Your best friend is dating someone half their age, and isn’t breaking the law • You turn out the light for economic reasons • You regret all those mistakes you made resisting temptation • Your children begin to look middle-aged • You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of police • It takes longer to rest than it did to get tired • You sing along with the elevator music • You’re asleep, but others worry you’re dead • You start hollering at the computerized voice on the phone • You answer questions with.. .Because I said so! Saturday, November 17, 2007 Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue New Time! Doors open 4:00 PM Concert at 5:30 PM Dinners, Sandwiches and Beverages Available for Purchase Dancing at 7:30 PM to the Wayne Tomsic Orchestra Adults: $12.00. Children age 12 and under: $6. For Ticket Reservations Call Lori Sierputowski (440) 449-5643 (Tickets will also be on sale at the Polka Hall of Fame or at the Door) Glasbena encourages new singers to join our group' First rehearsal 7:15 PM, Monday August 27, 2007, at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Avenue. Come share your pride in our Slovenian-American Heritage! Call Lori Sierputowski at (440) 449-5643 DiDonato FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH (216) 5277 Jeff DiDonato, owner Tom Corrigan, Danielle Dolan, Rick Tolley 5 Story of St. Mary’s Parish (Coll.) by Rev. Thomas W. Tifft, Ph.D. Rector, Professor of Church History, Borromeo College St. Mary Parish (Collin-wood). I would like to talk about the foundation of your parish, St. Mary Church in Col-linwood. As I mentioned, the Slovenes were part of what are called the “newer immigrants” - immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe who began to come into the United States in great numbers after 1880. They would continue to come in great numbers until the First World War. In the 1920s the restrictive 'mmigration legislation limited their numbers. The Slovenians began to settle in Cleveland in 1880 and immigration from Slovenia to Cleveland was heaviest from 1890 to 1914, from 1919 to 1924, and then from 1949 to around 1960. Prior to the First World War the people came from Slovenia primarily in the hope of economic better-nient. These were people from the most underdeveloped parts of Slovenia. Many of them came to this country not really intending to stay, but to return to their homeland. In the post World War II Period the Slovenians who came to Cleveland were Mainly political refugees and there was a larger proportion °f well educated and profess-s*onal individuals than had been part of the previous •nimigrants. For the earlier immigrants, Cleveland was attractive because of its rapidly expand-'ng industrial base which demanded large numbers of unskilled and semi-skilled 'Vorkers. Word about Cleveland and its attractiveness spread rap-'dly in the homeland through family correspondence while ^migrants already in the United States learned about Cleveland through family correspondencc or through the rapidly expanding Slove-Wan language newspapers. The census for 1914 listed M,332 Slovenians in Cleve-land, making it at that time, the third largest Slovenian c’ty in the world. . The first Slovenians settled ln the Newburgh area of s°uthcasl Cleveland and here they found employment in the nearby steel mills. But by the later 1880s and the early i890s a much larger Slove-community began to 0rm along St. Clair Avenue at its greatest extent in the 1920s and 1930s it Cached from East 30th to East 79th, north to the lake and south to Superior Ave. By the early 1900s another sizeable Slovenian community emerged in the Collin-wood area and in Euclid. Relatively few Slovenians settled on the west side although two small communities did develop, one in the West Park area and the other in the Denison neighborhood. As I mentioned before, the arrival of the newer immigrants presented a tremendous ministerial challenge for the church throughout the United States, but especially here in Cleveland. There was the need to minister to these new immigrants and to do that, the bishop of Cleveland, Bishop Horst-mann, would send several of his priests who spoke the-Slavic languages to Europe to recruit priests and religious. Recognizing the need for a priest to minister to the Slovenians of Cleveland, in the late 1880s he sent Fr. Stephen Furdek, the pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Cleveland to Slovenia to find a priest or a seminarian to come to Cleveland. Fr. Furdek was Bohemian by nationality but he spoke several of the Slavic languages. In Ljubljana he encountered a young seminarian by the name of Vitus Hribar who arrived in Cleveland on November 5, 1890. He entered Saint Mary Seminary and was ordained by Bishop Horstmann for service in the diocese on July 29, 1893 in the chapel at the Cathedral school. He was ordained alone. Fr. Hribar’s father came to Cleveland for the ordination and the first Mass which was held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Fr. Hribar was the first Slovenian priest in Ohio and he organized the Slovenians in Cleveland in a parish and held the first services at St. Peter’s school chapel on Superior Avenue. Within a year he bought the property on Glass Avenue where St. Vitus church stands today. Under his direction a frame church, a school and a parish house were eventually built and after some years the church was enlarged. Now as I mentioned, the Slovenian population began to emerge in the Collinwood area in the early 1900s. In part they came because of the crowded conditions in the St. Clair community, but also because of the opportunities for employment in the developing industries in Collinwood and especially the development of the railroad center in Collinwood known as the Collinwood yards. A number of the people came from the region of Camiola and hence called themselves Krainers. The only church in Collinwood was St. Joseph. Slovenians moving into the area would either return to St. Vitus for mass and the sacraments, obviously a rather long trip, or were attracted to St. Joseph because the pastor of the parish, Fr. Anthony Martin, spoke some German which the Slovenian Camiolans could also understand. St. Joseph church was located not where it is today, but on the comer of East 146th and Aspinwall Avenue. But attending St. Joseph’s was not the ideal, and people soon began to petition for a priest of their own. With the recommendation of Fr. Hribar, Bishop Horstmann invited to the diocese Fr. Marko Pakiž who arrived in Cleveland in the late fall of 1905. Fr. Pakiz was ordained in Ljubljana in 1886 and came to the United States in 1893 serving as a priest in the diocese of Marquette. He celebrated the first mass in his own quarters on November 10, 1905 where he would continue to celebrate weekday mass. The first Sunday mass was held on Dec. 10, 1905 at St. Joseph Church on the comer of Aspinwall and Saranac Avenues and here he would say mass for several months. In April, 1906 the church was moved into a hall called Shepherd Hall on the comer of East 152,>d street and Aspinwall Avenue. Fr. Bell, the pastor at St. Joseph was charging a rental fee of $50.00 which Fr. Pakiz felt was excessive. Sunday mass would be said at Shepherd’s Hall until the permanent church was erected. Originally Fr. Pakiz had only a verbal appointment by the Bishop, but he was officially appointed “pastor pro tempore” on January 19, 1906. Your Sunday bulletin for January 15, 2006 gave his letter of appointment which read: “Rev. Father, I hereby send you this letter as your formal appointment as pastor p.t. of the Slovenians at Collinwood whom you will organize as a parish under the title of St. Mary of the Assumption. When you have chosen a site for the church and school purposes, you will please let me know the price, location, etc., and whether the site chosen meets with the approval of your people. You will also have four councilmen The members of Folklorna Skupina Kres (dancers) are pleased to announce they will be hosting their annual performance - along with a picnic - at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield, Ohio on Saturday, Aug. 25. The picnic will begin at 3:30 p.m., followed by a performance at 6 p.m. As a special treat, Kres has invited various cultural groups from Canada, including Folklorna elected according to the law of this diocese. Yours truly in Christ, Ignatius Horstmann, Bishop of Cleveland. Two things are interesting here in terms of this letter. First, although the doctrine of the Assumption was part of Catholic tradition, it would only be in 1950 that the Assumption would be solemnly defined as a doctrine of the church. Yet the parish is named in accord with what was part of the tradition of the church, as part of popular piety. Second, he is named pastor pro tempore - for this time. This was not unusual for priests like Fr. Pakiz, coming from another diocese to do what could be looked upon almost as missionary work. There was a need throughout the country for Slovenian priests, but many did not stay long in a given location. (To Be Continued) Skupina Soča, Pevski Zbor Majolka and St. Gregory the Great’s Women’s Choir. Admission is $4 for both members and non-members of Slovenska Pristava, and free for anyone under the age of 18. After the performance, Veseli Godci will play for your musical enjoyment. Please join Kres and the Slovenian community in making this year’s picnic and performance a success. LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Kres Plan Picnic, Performance The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense Insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800-843*5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. "f used to set a 1099 for my Bank CD, untH I found Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so I would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, KSKJ Life was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near you! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. AUGUST 9, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 9, 2007 Coming Events Where is Land of the ‘Suha Roba?’ by Andraž Kajzer This is Slovenia When you approach the Ribnica Valley in Slovenia on the road from Ljubljana to Kočevje, you are greeted by a traditionally-styled wooden sign which says, “Welcome to the Land of the 'Suha Roba.” A big kind of sieve that Slovenians call ‘reta’ all form a part of this sign. The ladles are still used today by anyone who has ever done some cooking. While a once indispensable farm tool, the ‘reta’ is now a part of history. Suha roba is a term which encompasses wood and clay products. Because this cottage industry primarily developed in the villages of the Ribnica Valley, it has a few hundred years of tradition which is very closely connected to nature. Timber and high quality clay have always been abundant in this area. It is also well known that our ancestors produced everything possible at home, from cloth, linen, clothes, and various kinds of tools to furniture. Specific trades were established in this way, and in time certain places took on the manufacturing of particular products for a larger area while the tradition was handed down from one generation to another. Even back then, the making of woodenware and pottery developed into businesses that enabled many small farmers to survive. Historical sources show that the Ribnica woodenware and pottery were first mentioned in a fair’s charter from the 14th century, although it undoubtedly has roots deeper in the past. An important turning point was the year 1492 when Kočevje and neighboring farmers were issued a grant by the German Emperor Frederick III allowing them to trade freely with their wood crafts throughout the large Austrian Empire. The right to such trade was confirmed in the following centuries and was exempt from taxation. The term “Ribnica suha roba” became in effect a European brand name encompassing wood and clay products from the broad regions of the Ribnica Valley, Kočevska and Lower Camiola. Traveling tradesmen called ‘krošnjarji’ (peddlers) transported the woodenware and pottery to all the Slovenian regions and well beyond the borders of the Slovenian ethnic territory, including Austria, Germany, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Spain Greece and many countries in the eastern Mediterranean, east Africa and even India. The woodenware and pottery craftsmanship continued to develop in the 20th century, and data testifies that in the 1930s the trade employed some 600 traveling peddlers. The Ribnica people were then famous for being competent tradesmen who were warmly welcomed everywhere due to their humor and melodic dialect. The first workshops selling woodenware and pottery were established in larger towns across Slovenia. After the Second World War the woodenware and pottery cottage industry somewhat died out, but it was soon revived because specialized export companies provided new possibilities to sell Ribnica products. The Ribnica people would not be what they have been for centuries if they did not know how to take skillful advantage of political changes. Due Slovenian membership in the EU, the people of Ribnica have the chance to once again trade freely across Europe. Now they can sell their products without mediators in all the EU member states, although their products can also be found in the USA, Canada and many other countries. Original ‘suha roba’ craftsmen were small farmers who worked and lived in the same house. In the 20lh century they moved into workshops next to their houses and hand crafting slowly gave way to machines. Therefore, today, it is difficult to come across a handmade spoon or a ladle and so the prices of the products are much lower. Saturday, Aug. 11 Fairport American-Slovenian Club, 617 Third St., Fairport, OH, cabbage roll dinner 4:30 to 7 p.m., followed by dance to non-polka band the Whooz Playin. John and Lou Grzely will entertain on the button accordion. Saturday, Aug. 11 Slovenian Youth Organization picnic at Slovenska Pristava from 1:30. At 7 p.m., Veseli Godci plays music for dancing. Sunday, Aug. 12 Fairport American-Slovenian Club, celebrates 60 years with Polka Mass at 1:30 with Bishop Edward Pevec and Fr. Peter Mihalič followed by program. At 3:30 dance to music of Don Wojtila Band. Food will be served. Sunday, Aug. 12 Primorski Club picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Begins with 12:30 Mass. Dinner at 1:30 p.m. Live entertainment by Ansambel Stan Mejač. No admission charge. Everyone welcome. Saturday, Aug. 18 St. Clair Hunting & Rifle Club Steak Roast from 5 to 7 p.m. Music by Joey Tomsick Orchestra. For tickets call Richard Beck 440-942-4025. Sunday, Aug. 19 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava, 12:30 Mass followed by chicken and roast beef dinner ($12), and many activities and dancing to music of Veseli Godci. There will be sweet com, roast pig, lamb, and čevapčiči, a bake sale, krofi, International Bicrgarten, and food available throughout the day. Main raffle at 7 p.m. Everyone invited. Saturday, Aug. 25 Folklorna Skupina Kres 3:30 picnic at Slovenska Pristava with 6:00 p.m. performance at the Harpersfield, OH picnic grounds. Admission is $4 for both members and non-Pristava members. Veseli Godci provides the music after the concert. Sunday, Aug. 26 Annual pilgrimage to Sorrowful Mother Shrine, Frank, Ohio, sponsored by DSPB Vestnik. Leaves Col-linwood Slov. Home at 8 a.m. and St. Vitus Village at 8:30 a.m. Reservations call (216) 531-2728 or (440) 944-0020. Wednesday, Aug. 29 Fed. of American Slovenian Senior Citizens picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner served 1 p.m. by Julia Zalar. Music by Ken Zalar’s Captain’s Crew from 2:30 - 5:30. Dinner & dancing $13.00. More info call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784. Sunday, Sept. 9 Annual St. Vitus Altar and Rosary Society benefit dinner in parish auditorium. Friday, Sept. 14 St. Clair Slovenian National Home Annual Social. Tickets $60 each includes appetizer, dinner, cocktails. Additional dinners $20. Doors open 6:15 p.m. For tickets call (216) 361-5115. Saturday, Sept. 15 411' Annual Slovenian Sausage Festival hosted by the Polka Hall of Fame. Vote for your favorite. Dancing 1 to 9 p.m. SNPJ Farm, 11000 Heath Road, south of Char-don Road (Route 6), 3 miles east of Route 306 in Kirt-land. Saturday, Sept. 15 St. Mary (Coll.) Holy Name Society sponsors “Right to Life” Spaghetti Dinner in St. Mary School auditorium from 6 to 8 p.m. Adults $8. Children $12. Sunday, Sept. 16 Vinska trgatev (wine festival) at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Sept. 26 Collinwood Slovenian Home honors Adolph “Stash” Kocin with pork chops dinner served from 5-7 p.m. Cost is $9.00. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 29,30 Bishop Baraga 150lh Anniversary Weekend in Sault St. Marie, Michigan. Oct. 5-7 St. Vitus trip to Washington, D.C. Visit various sites including new WWII Memorial. Saturday, Oct. 6 Fantje na Vasi concert at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. Wednesday, Oct. 10 Opening Concert of City-Music Cleveland, 32 piece chamber orchestra in St. Vitus Church (evening). Social to follow in auditorium. Sunday, Oct. 14 Val Pawlowski’s 6lh annual Bar Keepers Ball at Croatian Lodge 91 & Lake-shore, Eastlake. Sunday, Oct. 14 Koline - Pristava Pensioners at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 14 Collinwood Slovenian Home Music Fcst honoring Paul Yanchar from 1 p.m-until ? Saturday, Oct. 20 Štajerski Club Dinner Dance at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleve-land. Saturday, Oct. 20 St. Lawrence Reunion Dinner Dance. Mass at St-Lawrence Church, 5:30 p d1' Officiated by Bishop Edward Pcvcc. Doors at Nash open nt 6:30 p.m. Donation $1^' i Music by Joe Novak 7:30 • (440) 243-0312 or (21*) 341-6135. Death Notices JOHN J. KOZLEVCHAR John J. Kozlevchar, age 71. Beloved husband of Helen (nee Champa); loving father of John (Vicki) and Mary Jo (Joe) Oppedisano; grandfather of Abby, Anna, Samantha, Michael and Isabella; brother of Frank (FL). Mr. Kozlevchar was president of the Collinwood Slovenian Pensioners Club and also wrote a monthly newsletter about the club. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Tuesday, July 31 from 2-4 and 6-9 p.m., where services were held Wednesday at 9 a.m., and St. Mary Magdalene ' Church at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice, in his memory, would be deeply appreciated by the family. In Memory Thanks to Mary Mramor of Euclid, OH who submitted a $20.00 donation in memory of the 4th anniversary of the death of her wonderful husband, Ernie Mramor. In Memory Thanks to Mary Virant of Peoria, IL who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of her husband, Frank Virant. Donation Thanks to Joseph F. and Kumpok T. Rigler of Kirt-land, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Stanley Mramor of Sheffield Village, OH who paid for a gift subscription and added a $15.00 donation. VILMA FRAILE Vilma Fraile (nee Brdnik), age 81. Beloved wife of the late Michael; loving mother of Wilma (husband Greg) Shantery; devoted grandmother of Scott (fiancee Julie) Shantery. Preceded in death by her brothers and sisters in Yugoslavia: The family received friends at The Jakubs and Son, a Golden Rule Funeral Home, 936 E. 185 St., where services were held Sunday evening, July 22, at 7 p.m. Interment private. Visitation Sunday 4 p.m. until time of service. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. *85 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Frances enko of Willoughby Hills, ^H who enclosed a $10.00 °nation in memory of the one-year anniversary of the oath of her sister-in-law, Marie Gombach who Passed away on April 29, °06. She lived in Lynd-Urst, OH and will be Smatly by all her family and .riends. Frances writes, “I •JJst love the American °me paper. I can hardly ad until the mail comes, ocp up the super job. It’s In Loving Memory of the 5th anniversary of the death of our dear Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Great-Great Grandmother, Sister, Aunt & Great Aunt Alice Opalich Died Aug. 17, 2002 A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One who was better, God never made; A wonderful worker, so loyal and true; One in a million - that was you. Just in your judgment, always right; Loved by every one you knew, A wonderful mother - that was you. Sadly missed by Family Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 ^ Family owned and operated since 1908_ Donation Thanks to Marko Černe of Cleveland Heights, Ohio who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Doroteja Gruntar of Denver, CO who renewed her subscription and added a $35.00 donation! Donation Thanks to Augustin Jokic of Willoughby Hills, OH who donated $30.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. An Ode to Old Age There’s quite an art to falling apart as the years go by, And life doesn’t begin at 40. That’s a big fat lie. My hair’s getting thinner, my body is not; The few teeth I have are beginning to rot. I smell of Vick’s Vapo-Rub, not Chanel #5; My new pacemaker’s all that keeps me alive. When asked of my past, every detail I’ll know, But what was I doing 10 minutes ago? Well, you get the idea, what more can I say? I’m off to read the obituaries, like I do every day; If my name is not there. I’ll once again start -Perfecting the art of falling apart. --Submitted by youngster Phil Hrvatin St. Casimir Annual Picnic St. Casimir annual Alumni Picnic will be held at the Wickliffe Italian American Club, 29717 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OH on Sunday, Aug. 19, rain or shine. Guitar Mass at noon. Hot ethnic food, kielbasa and sauerkraut, hotdogs served from 1 - 4 p.m. Main drawing at 5 p.m. Is1 price: Trip for two to Las Vegas. Friendship., is a union of spirits, a marriage of hearts, and the bond of virtue. -Bob Hopkins *°wm\ Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA a *uii» Directions to Slovenska Pristava Take 1-90 east to the Geneva Exit (Route 534). Turn right at the exit,. You will be going South on Rte. 534. Go for approximately 2 miles until you reach South River Road. Make a right at South River Road and go approximately 1 mile until you reach Brandt Road. Turn right at Brandt Road. Slovenska Pristava is about 'A mile down the road on the right. t -V Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Funeral Director Dignified, Professional arid Personal Service In Loving Memory Father 52nd Anniversary 1 \ |Š5l % Anton Sr. Died July 23, 1955 Mother Helen Moze Died Aug. 15,1982 Brother Louis Died Jan 19,1943 You are always near in our hearts. We love you and miss you. Anton Jr., and wife, Kay A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil - but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small silly presents every so often -just to save it from drying out completely. -Phil Hrvatin Help Wanted In need of a live-in caregiver for a woman. Lovely home, good neighborhood. Excellent family to work with. Call 216 - 524-9625 or 440-915-2812 if interested. Collinwood S. H. Honors Kocin Collinwood Slovenian Home will hold a dinner to honor Adolph “Stash” Kocin our “Man of the Year” on Wednesday, Sept. 26. Dinner will include soup, salad, breaded pork chops, vegetable, potato and dessert. Cost is $9.00. Julie Zalar will cook. Serving will be from 5 - 7 p.m. Cash bar available. Sunday, Oct. 14 Collinwood Slovenian Home will hold their annual Music Fest as we honor Paul Yanchar as our Musician of the Year. Many bands will be there and good food will be available from 1 p.m. until ? —Evelyn Pipoly AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 9, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 9, 2UU/ 8 Remembering Martina Sepaher Oct. 17, 1950-July 9, 2007 Eulogy By Joseph F. Govednik Church of the Nativity, San Francisco, July 14, 2007 Martina’s passing on Monday was a big loss to her family, her friends, and to all who knew her. We extend our deepest sympathy to her children Deny and his wife, Denise; Irena and her husband, Spencer; Nancy, and to her grandchildren, to her brother Louis and sister-in-law Mimi; and in Slovenia to her brother Stane who was here at her death, and her mother Antonia; and to all of her family. The second of three children born to Louis and Antonia Stalcar, like many Slovenians in the San Francisco area, Martina was raised on a farm in a village (Praprot) in the parish of Semic, Slovenia. There she developed her character of honesty, fairness, industriousness, happiness, and faith in the teachings of the Catholic Church. As a teenager, she completed her schooling and began work. Her life took a big turn in the summer of 1968 when Joe Sepaher returned to Slovenia on a visit from America. They met and danced at a veselica. The 32-year-old Joe recognized the fine person she was and claimed the 17-year-old Martina as his bride in August, 1968. Joe and Martina soon moved to San Francisco, living in Joe’s Daly City home. The teenager her family called Tinka and contemporaries called Tina, became Martina Sepaher. Joe and Martina then built Martina’s dream home in the Excelsior District of San Francisco. This was a home she felt could be home forever. During the 1970s, Joe and Martina were blessed with three children - Deny in 1970, Irena in 1972, and Nancy in 1977. Three grandchildren followed in the new millennium. Martina had many things to learn in the new country, and she learned them well. Cooking was different but friends from Slovenia helped with the transition. Joe planned the meals. Each day before going to work he would tell Martina what to cook for supper. It always included soup with an entree, often steak. At first she did not drive, but with a growing family, she needed to get around independently. Joe bought a used car, parked it on the street, gave her the keys, and told her to hire someone to teach her how to drive. She learned well. Joe was a workaholic, working long hours and on Saturdays, so the raising of the children and their activities fell mainly on Martina. In the mid 70s, Joe found a building site in Millbrae and they moved into a big new home in 1977. While we know the Sepaher home in Millbrae as a happy home, Martina was saddened to move from her dream home in San Francisco’s Excelsior District to Millbrae. The transition to the new neighborhood took time. Life literally took a crash when Joe died in a work accident in 1979. Martina became a single mother a month before her 29th birthday. She had three young children. She said that she felt sad because the youngest, Nancy, didn’t get to know her father. Now, Martina had to make all of the decisions. Fortunately, she was endowed with the ability to evaluate people, to think with both feet on the ground, and was willing to try and learn. One of the first decisions was how to dress. In Slovenia, widows wore back for at least a year. She told me that Tončka Udovc counseled her saying, “You have young children and you should dress like any young mother for the good of your children.” That is what she did. Another early decision was which of Joe’s business advisors was suitable for a young inexperienced widow. Again, she selected those with integrity and ability to guide her in transforming the business from one run by a man to one suitable for a young single woman responsible for raising three children alone. As a single mother, the early years were difficult, but it was a challenge that Martina met with the support of her brother Louis and sister-in-law Mimi who moved in for a number of years to support her and help make it a happy, and active home. Some things didn’t change: for example, the selection of the dinner menu. Joe wasn’t there to tell her what to prepare. Her three children did. We all know your Mother was a wonderful cook. Is what she told me true? Did you usually say that you wanted pasta, spaghetti? She took her children on outings in the Bay Area, and on vacations to Slovenia. She always tried to do things that made them happy, even if it sometimes meant going to Mass at a local church in Millbrae instead of the Church of the Nativity in San Francisco. Her business success allowed her to provide college educations for her three children at the colleges of their choice and also for advanced degrees. The beautiful weddings were another gift of love for her children and their new spouses, Spencer and Denise. In addition to raising her children and making a good home life, Martina became very skilled in running the business very successfully. She ran it fairly and squarely. With her children becoming young adults and completing their college educations, Martina found more time to participate in activities in the Slovenian community, both at the Church of the Nativity and the Slovenian hall. At the Church, Martina was very active with the Martinovanje celebration and served as Chair of the event. It was always an evening filled with excellent food and wine, fine Slovenian music for dancing, good friends, laughter, and a happy satisfied crowd. Usually someone would come from Slovenia to celebrate the Mass and participate in the celebration, including Archbishop Uran and Monsignor Petrič on a number of occasions. For Palm Sunday, Martina headed the team that made the large Butara each year. A perfectionist, the cuttings were always fresh, and she orchestrated the team from gathering the materials to crafting the perfect butara for the altar at the Church of the Nativity. In addition, she would have her palm trees pruned to provide palm branches for decorating the Church on Palm Sunday. On potlucks and special occasions, the food she prepared, the entree, other dishes, or desserts, were among the first that were consumed. When working on projects, Martina was constantly tinkering, making improvements in the final production as she strived for perfection. Martina also served several years as a member of the Croatian and Slovenian United Foundation Board of Directors at the Church of the Nativity. At the Slovenian Hall, Martina was active in Club Slovenia. She prepared potica or other Slovenian dishes for all to enjoy at various events. She also participated in the Club’s Slovene Study Group. Liking a good laugh, she was a big hit one year at the Club Slovenia members’ Pust celebration. She came in an outlandish outfit, lots of makeup, and a long blonde wig. She was giggling all evening, and the rest of us enjoyed a good laugh. Enjoying life, she loved dancing, especially polkas. At times she appeared to be dancing on the Lawrence We Ik program. Her eyes sparkled more than the diamonds in her earrings. But she was not the only one who enjoyed the dancing. The gentlemen, both single and married, welcomed a chance to dance with her. Martina had many interests and was always trying to improve her mind, her body, and her soul. She always wanted to learn more about many things. She enrolled in courses and attended seminars. She exercised with early morning walks and hard work. And, she took up golf. She practiced the teachings of the Church, and would sometimes ask, “What would Jesus say?” Martina could be called a peacemaker type person. She disliked dissension or when people were estranged. She wanted to see people happy together. Martina could not sit still. If she didn’t have business or housework or something scheduled, she would call one of her friends. Let’s go shopping, let’s go to Sonoma, let’s do something. If she had a longer time available she would want to travel. On occasion she would call Frances and Aaron and say, “I want to go someplace.” Always, they would go, even to a cowboy wedding in Montana. A gracious hostes, Martina would have been very successful in the hospitality industry. She hosted many visitors in her home even allowing the use of her automobile and cell phone. Guests included many priests and monsignors from Slovenia, students, friends, and even friends of friends. Some called her home, “Hotel Sepaher,” or “Hotel Semic.” To her guests it was simply “Martina’s.” For many, to be a guest at Mar- tina’s was the ultimate. Martina supported many things by her talent and her resources. Religion was very important so it followed that she supported churches here and in Slovenia at Vini vrh and Semic. She also encouraged others to support the bell program in Semic and repair of the Semic Church organ, among other causes. She wore her Slovenian heritage on her sleeve. She was radiant when wearing the National Costume of Slovenia or the Regional Costume of Bela Krajina. It was Martina who got the men’s National Costume of Slovenia for many of us so that there would be greater display of our heritage at Slovenian events. Three-and-a-half years ago Martina entered a new period in her life with her loving relationship with Tony Ravnik. He was the perfect gentleman to bring joy to her. When her cancer recurred, Tony was there to comfort her and support her through her final illness. We will all remember Martina for her love for family and friends, for her hospitality, generosity, her laughter, her hard work, and her insistence on doing things right. In her memory, I call upon the Slovenian community to continue the Martinovanje celebration as a lasting memorial to Martina. And, that we continue to make a Butara for the Church altar on Palm Sundays. We are confident that God has granted Martina Eternal Salvation, and that she is in the room he has prepared for her. I am also confident that it will be furnished with a complete kitchen so that she can welcome us as only Martina can when our time comes. I know there are some fine Slovenian musicians up there who will play polkas for her. We ask Martina to save a dance for us. Martina: Srečno pot. Z Bogom. Hospitality is Native to SLOVENIA Slovenian Women’s Union of America SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Financially assisting students since 1949 Applications are available - Donations welcomed http://www.swua.org or 1.815.727.1926 The Chronicle of Louis R. Erste by Louis C. Erste, ____________son_____________ (Continued) Louie Leaves the Old Country Part of life in the Austrian Empire involved two years of compulsory service in the army, which could be extended in time of war, or whatever moved the hierarchy. Louie’s father had been in that army and was wounded in his right shoulder, leaving him unable to lift his arm above his head. That, along with all the other horror stories of war in the 19th century, left Louie with a burning desire to avoid the army obligation at all costs. So, when he turned 18 years of age, which was draft age, he became consumed with the thought of going to America and starting a new life there. July 24, 1906, Louie migrated, alone, to the USA through Bremen, Germany, ironically on the ship “Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse.” He wasn’t completely alone in his escape from serving in the army; it was a common practice that wasn’t a very well kept secret. Coming to the U.S. alone at such a tender age was very difficult for Louie and besides that he had somewhat of a strange experience on his voyage to America. In order to be admitted into the country , you had to have at least $ 10 to prove you Wouldn’t be a pauper and a burden on society. Well, someone picked Louie’s Pocket while on that boat so when they got to Ellis Island he was pulled out of line and told to sit in the waiting area and expect to be shipped back to Europe because he didn’t have the required $10. He sat all afternoon, traumatized and worried, until the employees shut off the lights and went home for the evening. Alone in the darkened waiting room, Louie looked out the window and saw people who had been on bis boat standing around Waiting for a ferry or a train. He did the enterprising thing: he climbed out the window, Caught up with them, and ended up on a train going to Cleveland, Ohio. Two curiosities came out of this story. First of all, he gained entrance to this country illegally. Secondly, the question arises: was this a procedure Ibc employees used when there was only one person to Process through the return boat and they didn’t want to other with the paperwork? ^fter all, they had already 0ne the paperwork for him to enter the U.S. Cleveland, Ohio was the destination for Louie Erste in 1906 and for good reason. He knew of some people from his village who had moved there and he had a name and address on the east side of Cleveland. Unfortunately, the name and address is now lost to history. Evidently, he had a train ticket as part of his passage to America because he had no money to buy one, yet he rode the train from New York to Cleveland. He was welcomed by those mostly unknown people and set up to live in a boarding house with other young men from his old hometown who had emigrated to the New World. Boarding houses were common in that age of poverty and they were segregated for single men only. They ate together and the lady who ran the boarding house packed them lunches to take to work. Practically the only thing Louie ever told about boarding houses was all the bedbugs they had. In those days, it was common to live in ethnic ghettos and that’s what Louie did. The men he lived with, the lady who ran the boarding house and the people he associated with all spoke Slovenian and followed the Old World customs. Life in Cleveland was not much different than in any other big city in the northern parts of the U.S. The ethnic ghettos butted right up against each other and rivalry between ethnic groups was often intense. The Slovenian area had Croatians to the west of them, Germans to the south, Lithuanians to the east, and Lake Erie to the north. There were also Italian, Irish, Slovak, Finnish, Bohemian, Polish, Lebanese, Hungarian, Blacks, and many other settlements around the Cleveland area. The Slovenians had a love / hate relationship with the Germans which included the Austrians, many of whom were interrelated with the Slovenians. They not only resided south of the Slovenians but somewhat to the east and west as well. In fact, the Germans had inhabited Cleveland before the Slovenians and most of the Slovenian ghetto had previously been a German ghetto. As the Germans improved their lifestyle, they moved to better locations. Each settlement (ghetto) usually had its own ethnic church. Ghetto was probably a more accurate term because there were often several ghettos of any particular nationality. Louie came to the Slovenian stronghold ghetto, which was centered around St. Vitus church on Glass Avenue, near St. Clair Avenue and E. 61st Street in Cleveland. In that day and age the church was the stronghold of a ghetto, where the people spoke the same language and banded together in good times and bad. It was the churches that provided guidance to people who were in a strange land with strange customs. Churches distributed potatoes donated by farmers to its congregations during economic depressions, when no other source of food was available. The churches of that era created a comfort zone for lonely and frightened immigrants, which was something that most of them needed badly since life in the New World was dramatically different from the world they had left behind in Europe. In conversation, Louie was once asked why he hadn’t taken the opportunity to see more of the Cleveland area when he was young and he said they (the young fellows) didn’t go out much because there was always someone looking for a fight. This was one of the disadvantages of isolated ghettos where people looked upon others with different heritages as being enemies, especially when those attitudes were brought with them from the European continent. Louie is Lonely in the New World Those early years in America were often overcome with loneliness for Louie. Still in his teens, he had left all his family and friends behind and come to a land of unknowns. Learning to speak the English language was very difficult for a boy with little formal education. Louie was bom in a land that was completely void of modem appliances. There was no such thing as electricity or toilets, and water came from a well. Summers were spent working the fields with horses and hand tools, while winters were spent doing fami maintenance work. Central heating was unheard of in that forlorn place, as were most of the things we now take for granted. But that upbringing was an excellent foundation for a young lad coming to the land of plenty. There was plenty of work to do and Louie was ready for it. Somehow he got a job at Chisholm & Moore Foundry, eventually learning the Molder’s trade. Chisholm & Moore was known as a sweat shop but compared to work on a farm in Central Europe it didn’t seem too bad to Louie. It must have agreed with him, he worked there for 17 years. The company was run by a fellow with the last name of Kidd who was the son-in-law of one of the owners (it may have been Chisholm), and a man named Chapelko who was the “Bull-of-the-Woods” straw boss. Mr. Chapelko was Hungarian but he spoke Hungarian, German, and Slovenian well, which was important at that time and place, since immigrants were coming over to the USA in boatloads and they couldn’t speak English. In fact, it was common for a company to employ people from two or three European countries only because they would work well together. Louie said he saved every penny he could, living a spartan life in a rooming house with a bunch of other bachelors, and, as he said, “Turning over every nickel several times before allowing himself to spend it,” so that when he felt loneliest he would have money to send back home to his parents on the farm, which helped him overcome his loneliness. The people back in his old village were amazed and thought he was becoming wealthy in that new land of his. Two of His Brothers Arrive Then, in 1909 Louie got a great big surprise. When he came home from work one night, who was standing in the doorway leaning on the doorframe but two of his brothers from Europe: John and Tony (Janez and Anton)? John was 25 years old and Tony was 17. Exactly what brought them to America (besides the “streets paved with gold”) is not entirely known, but John apparently had a brain tumor or aneurysm and died that June 22nd. Louie was in the hospital at the time and St. Alexis hospital wasn’t much more than a big house with surgery performed upstairs. Louie snuck up the stairs and watched as the surgeon took tools that looked exactly like a hammer and chisel to Louie, and tapped on John’s head. Louie said that puss squirted out from the wound and hit the wall and floor. John was dead. Once the bad news got to the old homestead in Slovenia, no other member of the Erste family ever traveled to the New World again. (Later in the 20lh century when air travel became common, some cousins, etc., came to America with one of them, Robert Sket, settling here.) Louie and Tony were here to stay because they both left the Austrian Empire to avoid the draft and had they returned, they would have been shot before a firing squad. Neither one of them ever saw their parents or other siblings again. When their father died in 1919, Louie, being the oldest son and the rightful heir to the family farm, refused to return to Europe and told the family (by mail) to do whatever they felt best with it. Today, that farm is no longer in the family, but is still referred to as the “Erste farm” in the area it sits. Strangely enough, neither Louie nor Tony wanted to serve in the Austrian army, Tony served in the American army in World War One. (To Be Continued) It's Cool To Be SLOVENIAN Northwoods Grille 16381 Chillicothe Road (Rt. 306) Bainbridge, OH 44023 (440) 708-1474 - Fax (440) 708-1479 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 9, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 9, 2007 10 Wonders of the Cool Caves of Slovenia With over 7,500 registered caves, Slovenia is very much a land of underworld wonders. Postojna Cave Slovenian words such as karst, dolina, polje, or ponor have been accepted as international terms to describe distinctive landforms that have been created by water dissolving and eroding rock. The karst region covers 44% of Slovenia and over two-thirds of it consists of limestone. Apart from caves, karstic phenomena include rivers that disappear underground only to resurface many kilometers away and intermittent lakes, such as the well-known Lake Cerknica. Most caves can be visited all year round, but we believe there is no better time to see them than in summer. Let us have a look at some of the most distinctive Slovenian caves and what you can do there. Postojna Cave The Postojna Cave is by far the most frequented tourist attraction in Slovenia. Drop after drop, this natural miracle has been shaped and carved by water for millions of years. “Nature’s most wonderful gallery,” is how the renowned British sculptor Henry Moore described it. Explore this 20-kilometer long underworld system with its unique karstic structures of astonishing beauty during a 1.5-hour train ride through the cave. Your eyes will feast on spectacular underground halls with organshaped curtains of colorful stalactites and stalagmites. Lurking in small pools of water, you will find strange creatures with fingers and pink skin said to be human fish (Proteus anguinis). Multimedia presentations introduce you to this creature and 129 other species in the recently opened Proteus Complex. If you suffer from respiratory problems, try speleo-therapy, which uses the unique atmospheric conditions of caves and mines to cure respiratory and other medical conditions. Pregnant women with asthma can use the therapy without endangering their unborn children. The air in Slovenian caves is usually very low in dust and high in vaporized calcium and magnesium, with a relative humidity of 90%, and a constant temperature of 10 to 12°C. Supporters of the therapy tell us that eliminating the sources of irritation gives the body a chance to heal itself and improve the immune system. The therapy in the cave works without any sort of medical treatment. Škocjan Caves After visiting the Postojna Cave, you can’t afford to miss the other great underground wonder, the Škocjan Caves Regional Park, which lies in the major karst region of southwestern Slovenia. Covering 413 hectares, this is the largest and best known natural phenomenon within the classical karst area and comprises a network of 11 caves with hollows, swallow holes and natural bridges. Their outstanding natural features and cultural importance prompted UNESCO to add it to its World Heritage Sites list and Ramsar to put it on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International importance 99 as the world’s largest underground wetlands. The Škocjan Caves invite you to visit them year round and learn about the Karst region (Krasin Slovenian) and karstic features. Visit the Škocjan village or enjoy a 1.5 hour walk along the Škocjan Education Trail that takes in the Velika dolina and Mala dolina (collapsed valleys). If you are interested in archaeology, there are several sites from various periods in history that will be of interest to you, including protected settlements, burial grounds and cave sites. Kostanjevica Cave Kostanjevica Cave is a karst cave rich in flowstone formations and the largest in the Dolenjsko karst region. If you are afraid of walking under low ceilings, you will be delighted to know this is one of Slovenia’s most easily accessible tourist caves. The lights will reveal to you unusual flowstone sculptures appropriately named the Rainbow, Christ, the Saber, Teddy Bear and Santa Claus. Along the 300-m path you may also encounter horseshoe bats, endemic snails and other fascinating yet harmless cave dwellers. The Paradana ice Cave Paradana is located near the village of Predmeja above the Vipava Valley. A ten-minute walk will bring you to a cold hollow that then extends into the world famous Great Ice Cave, which is 385 m. deep and 1550 m. long and also known as Paradana or Ledenica. If nothing else, its ancient yet pristine beauty will surely send a chill down your spine. Just imagine, the wealthy of Gorizia, Trieste and even Egypt used to have huge blocks of this ice sent to them to cool their drinks. Today, the Paradana Ice Cave is listed as a natural heritage site. The Pekel Cave Just a few kilometers from a Roman necropolis, there is a karst cave with a sinister name - the Pekel Cave (Hell Cave). Before you flee in terror, no witches have been burnt here and no souls lost trading for eternal youth. However, the name comes from the caves intriguing entrance, which looks like the Devil. Are you ready to test your faith and enter the cave? If you do, you will follow a tunnel that continues to narrow before emerging into a series of caverns with small lakes and waterfalls. Among them is the highest underground waterfall in Slovenia (4 m). Pekel Cave Numerous stalactites and stalagmites of all shapes and sizes can be seen during a walk around the cave’s two levels. Mines and Underground Biking Slovenia has a rich mining tradition, though most mines were abandoned well before the end of the 20lh century. Some mines have turned their buildings into muse- ums, and the Coal Mining Museum of Slovenia at the Old Pit in Velenje was presented with a special award at the European Museum Form in 2001. The people of Idrija are also committed to preserving their mining tradition and cultural heritage. If you are interested in how miners used to work and live in the past, a collection of restored mining facilities and historical sights that testify to the town’s extraordinary past is a must see. A 1.5 hour tour, which is preceded by an informative multi-vision slide show, takes you along a well-maintained 1,200-m section of the mine. If you have a more adventurous spirit, try underground biking at the Črna mine buried into the side of the Peca Mountain in the Koroška region. Legend has it that deep within the bowls of Peca, King Matjaž sleeps, his long beard encircling the table on which his head rests. Stopping silently in the darkness of the shaft, you might be lucky to see the frightful creature called “bergmandelc” or hear the sounds of hammers being welded by the souls of lost miners welcoming you to the mysterious underground world. Five kilometers (out of 800) of abandoned mine tunnels, converted into a unique biking trail await you. The ride is quite challenging; it runs along safe tunnels and rises only 15 meters, but the potholes and bumps, which remained after the mine’s rail tracks were removed, ensure it is a bumpy ride. You could also take a 3.5 km long train ride through the mine, go on a guided walking tour and/or visit the Mining Museum. A guide will demonstrate how the mine was worked using authentic mining tools and the bravest among you are welcome to try your hand at it. (H.M.) Rudy Pivik brandishes his hat in front of the West Park Slovenian National Home on Sunday, April 22 as he was recognized for his 40 plus years of staunch support, along with his wife, Marie, of the West Park Slovenian Home. _____________________________(Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 Zele & Zele Co., L.P.A. Ronald Zele, Scott J. Zele, Zachary’F. Zele Attorneys-at-Law 38106 Third Street ________Willoughby, Ohio 44094 FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USES 0241 00) Thursday, August 9, 2007 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Volitve za novega presednika Slovenije bodo v nedeljo, 21. oktobra - Volilna opravila se bodo začela z 20. avgustom Predsednik Državnega zbora dr. France Cukjati je odločil, da bodo volitve predsednika Slovenije v nedeljo, 21. oktobra. V odloku, sprejetem na slovesen način, je tudi sporočil, da sc bodo volilna opravila začela 20. avgusta. Tako bodo imeli kandidati dovolj časa za svoja sporočila volilcem in slednji, dovolj možnosti, da se seznanijo s kandidati za najvišjo predstavniško funkcijo v državi. Volitve 21. oktobra bodo četrte v samostojni Sloveniji. Za kandidate je znano in pomenljivo, da se najbolj obračajo na volil-ce in prosijo za njihovo podporo oz. glas, dejansko pa bodo, vsaj tisti najbolj znani, uživali pokroviteljstvo in pomoč političnih strank. To velja zlasti za Lojzeta Peterleta, ki je deležen podpore svoje Liste za Slovenijo, a tudi strank vladne koalicije. Danila Tiirka podpirajo Socialdemokratska stranka. Združenje Zares in Demokratična stranka upokojencev. Le nekdanji guverner Banke Slovenije Mitja Gaspari za zdaj uživa zgolj podporo novega vodstva LDS. Predsednika Slovenske nacionalne stranke Zmaga Jelin-čiča-Plemenitega je kandidirala stranka in uživa njeno popolno podporo. Pojavilo se je še nekaj drugih kandidatov. Tako so kandidaturo napovedali tudi predsednica stranke Glas žensk Slovenije Monika Piberl, predsednik Stranke mladih Slovenije Darko Kranjc ter podjetnika Marjan Beranič in Jože Andrejaš. Kandidaturo slednjega so napovedali, ob njegovi prisot- nosti, kar na neki zabavni oddaji TV Slovenije. Za nastop na volitvah bodo morali kandidati zbrati najmanj tri tisoč podpisov volivcev, če gre za podporo strank, oziroma najmanj pet tisoč, če jih imenuje skupina volilcev. V političnih strankah so skoraj soglasni v oceni, da noben kandidat za predsednika ne bo dobil dovolj glasov za izvolitev v prvem krogu volitev. Potreben bo torej drugi krog, v katerem se bosta soočila kandidata, ki bosta v prvem krogu prejela največ glasov. Če bi pa kateri od sedanjih kandidatov imel kakšno možnost izvolitve v prvem krogu, bi to bil, kot sedaj kaže, Lojze Peterle. KRAJŠE VESTI Protikadilski zakon - V veljavo je prišel novi protikadilski zakon, ki prepoveduje kajenje na delovnih mestih in v javnih prostorih. Za kršilce so določene visoke kazni. Rekordna sezona - S slovenske obale in iz drugih turističnih krajev poročajo o domačih in tujih turistih, ki jih je več kot prejšnja leta. Zato pričakujejo, da bo turistična sezona ugodna in boljša od pričakovanj. Istočasno pa se pritožujejo natakarji, kuharji in drugi gostinski delavci, da imajo izredno nizke plače. Pravijo, da bo začeli o tem obveščati same turiste. 91-odstotno zadovoljstvo - Evropska statistična ustanova Eurobarometer je presenetila z ugotovitvijo, da je kar 91% Slovencev zelo zadovoljnih s svojim življenjem. Dejansko so Slovenci sploh najbolj zadovoljni s članstvom v EU od vseh novih članic. ŽE DEVETNAJST LET OD TEH DOGODKOV! - Ko pomislimo nazaj, ko smo začeli slediti procesu demokratizacije in osamosvajanja Slovenije, se spomnimo, da je veliko vlogo v procesu igral tako imenovani proces proti “četverici” oz. afera “JBTZ”. Začela se je 31. maja 1988, ko sta bila sicer sedanji premier Janez Janša in bivši ofi-cer JLA Ivan Borštner aretirana, štiri dni pozneje sta se jima pridružila še David Tasič in Franci Zavrl, takratni urednik tednika Mladine. Proces proti njim je razburil slovensko javnost, povzročil masovne proteste in vodil do ustanovitve posebnega odbora zaščito osnovnih človečanskih pravic. Zgodba je dolga, zapletena, na koncu pa smo se mogli srečati z večstrankarskim demokratičnim sistemom in še neodvisno Slovenijo. Na nedavni komemoraciji 19. obletnice afere JBTZ so se spet zbrali bivši “aretiranci”: * leve Ivan Borštner, Franci Zavrl, David Tasič in Janez Janša. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kardinal Rode na obisku— Ta konec tedna se bo v našem mestu mudil kardinal dr. Franc Rode, sicer od danes, četrtka, do soboto, 9. do 11. avgusta. Župnika Janez Kumše in Jože Bož-nar vabita rojake in rojakinje na sv. mašo zadušnico za pok. bivšega ljubljanskega nadškofa dr. Alojzija Šuštarja ta petek, 10. avg., ob 7h zv. v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Maševal bo dr. Rode. Po maši bo v župnijski dvorani sprejem za dr. Rodeta. Tudi na ta sprejem ste vabljeni rojaki in rojakinje, po možnosti v narodnih nošah. Obvestilo z vsemi podrobnostmi najdete na str. 15. Kardinalu Rodetu, ki je naše mesto že obiskal v času, ko je bil ljubljanski nadškof, pozdravljamo in mu izrekamo dobrodošlico. Spominsko romanje— Spominsko romanje za žrtve komunizma, nacizma in fašisma bo v nedeljo, 26. avgusta, k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, Ohio. Prijave sprejemata Viktor Tominec (216-531-2728) in Frank Šega (440-944-0020), dopis najdete na str. 12. Primorski klub vabi— To nedeljo ste vabljeni na piknik Primorskega kluba, ki bo na Slovenski pristavi. Ob 12.30 bo sv. maša, po njej se bo pričel piknik. Igral bo ansambel Staneta Mejača. Vabljeni! Novi grobovi Joseph F. Braddock Umrl je 83 let stari Joseph F. Braddock, mož Virginije, roj. Chesnik, oče Kathleen, Karen Burns, Joyce White, Susan Christopher in Josepha, 7-krat stari oče, brat Vincenta, Mildred Schurr in že pok. Jamesa, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški pehoti kot medici-nec na Filipinih ter prejel tri bronaste medalje. Pogreb je bil 6. avgusta v oskrbi Že-letovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla. John J. Lorek Umrl je 89 let stari John J. Lorek, mož Anne, roj. Tomko, oče Kennetha, Julie Jerdonek, Jerryja, Lee Knox in Johna, 13-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, brat Walterja, Helen Holovach, Anne Tomsick ter že pok. Franka, Josepha, Stanleyja in Angele Marzolo. Pogreb (Dalje na str. 16) Spremembe— V angleškem delu lastnik navaja novi spored naših izdaj. Tako bo naš list zopet izšel čez dva tedna. 23. avgusta. V tem delu bodo kakor doslej najprvo objavljeni primerni izvirni dopisi in članki, glede na prostor so pa pisci naprošeni za krajše in bolj jedrnate tekste. Piknik fare M. Vnebovzete— Ta bo v nedeljo, 19. avgusta, na Slovenski pristavi. Pričel se bo s sv. mašo ob 12.30 pop. Sledilo bo kosilo (kurja ali goveja pečenka s prikuho), pozneje si boste lahko naročili na ražnju pečenega prašička ali jagnjeta, tudi čevapčiče in druge dobrote ter osvežilne pijače. Letos bo zopet še znani “biergarten”. Popoldne bodo razne otroške igrice, kitajska loterija, za ples in zabavo bodo poskrbeli Veseli godci. Lepo ste vsi vabljeni! Novo združenje— V ustanavljanju je novo združenje podjetnikov, strokovnjakov in drugih oseb. O novi organizaciji in njih namenih lahko obširneje berete na str. 12. Združenje vabi k sodelovanju oz. članstvu. Slov. mladinski piknik— To soboto prireja “Slovenska mladinska organizacija” svoj prvi piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Začne se ob 1.30 pop. z molitvami pri kapelici na Orlovem vrhu, sledile bodo razne športne dejavnosti, večerjo bodo servirali od 4. do pol sedmih, ob 7h zv. se začne kulturni program. Vabljeni! Podpora našemu listu— G. Avguštin Jokič z Willoughby Hillsa, O. je daroval $30 v podporo našemu listu. Ga. Mary Mramor, Euclid, O., je darovala $20 v spomin moža Ernieja. G. Stanko in ga. Marija Vlašič iz Chicaga, lil., sta darovala $15, v spomin njunih staršev. Ga. Doroteja Gruntar, Denver, Colo., je darovala $35. G. Joseph in ga. Kumpok Rigler, Kirtland, O., star darovala $25. Ga. Mary Virant, Peoria, 111., je darovala $10, v spomin na moža Franka. Ga. Frances Penko, Willoughby Hills, je darovala $10, ob 1. obletnici smrti svakinje Marie Gombach. G. Marko Černe, Cleveland Heights, O., je daroval $25. Ga. Rezka Zupančič, Euclid, je darovala $22, v spomin moža Leopolda. Vsem darovcalcem gre naša iskrena zahvala! NAŠE ROMANJE CLEVELAND. O. - Kar hitro se približuje dan: 26. avgusta. To je zadnja nedelja v mesecu, ko se vsako leto podamo na romanje k svetišču Žalostne Matere božje v Frank, Ohio, da jo poprosimo za pomoč v naših tegobah in žalosti, ki je še vedno tako prisotna. In da poprosimo še posebno za milost resničnega odpuščanja vsem. ki so povzročili našo tragedijo. Imamo pa tudi dosti prejetih darov, ki so vredne prisrčne zahvale. Za vse to bomo imeli lepo priložnost v nedeljo, 26. avgusta ob našem romanju. Spored pri svetišču bo kakor vsako leto: Sv. mašo ob dvanajstih bo daroval č. g. dr. Pavle Krajnik. Po maši bo kosilo. Druge pobožnosti bodo ob pol treh popoldne. Na romanju se bomo zopet srečali s prijatelji od Windsorja. Kanada, ki vsako leto pridejo, da skupno obhajamo te pobožnosti. Cena za vožnjo je ista kot lani - $18.00 na osebo. Odhod od Slovenskega doma na Holmes Ave. bo ob osmih zjutraj, od St. Vitus Villagea pa ob osmih in pol. Za prijavo, pokličite Franka Šega na 440-944-0020, ali pa Viktorja Tominca: 216-531-2728. Iskren pozdrav in nasvidenje! Za odbor: v t Svet za Slovence po svetu CLEVELAND, O. - Prejel sem gradivo od g. Johna F. Kamina, člana omenjenega Sveta (skupaj z g. Milanom Ribičem) o prvem sestanku tega novega telesa, ki je bil 3. julija v Ljubljani. Svet sestavlja trinajst članov, od njih sta gg. Kamin in Ribič predstavnika ameriške slovenske skupnosti. Deloma zaradi preobilice gradiva in tako kratkega roka kakor tudi radi spremembah pri AD. ni bilo mogoče vsega gradiva objaviti v tej številki. Sledi pa seznam članov Sveta in tudi povzetek iz pisma oz. poročila državnega sekretarja Zorka Pelikana tem članom o osnutku programa dela Sveta. Člani in članice Sveta za Slovence po svetu: TONE MIZERIT - Buenos Aires, Argentina MARTIN ČRNUGELJ - Sao Paolo, Brasil IVAN KAMIN - Middle Village, New York. ZDA MILAN RIBIČ - Willoughby Hills, Ohio, ZDA STANE J. KRANJC - Bolton, Ontario. Canada MARIJA GRBIČ - Banja Luka. Bosna in Hercegovina MILAN BREBERINA - Novi Sad, Republika Srbija JOŽE ZDRAVIČ - Freyming-Merlebach, Francija JANEZ PUCELJ - Munchen, ZR Nemčija PETER MANDELJ - Macleod. Victoria, Avstralija FLORJAN AUSER - Sylvania, NSW Avstralija URŠKA KUPEC - Prebold, Slovenija Izvlečki iz poročila Zorka Pelikana: Glede na določbo 23. člena Zakona o odnosih RS s Slovenci zunaj njenih meja (v nadaljevanju: zakon) Svet za Slovence po svetu (v nadaljevanju: svet) sodeluje pri oblikovanju in izvajanju politike ter strategije Republike Slovenije na področju skrbi za Slovence po svetu. Na osnovi sklepa z ustanovnega sestanka sveta, ki je bil 3. julija 2007 v Ljubljani, je Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu zadolžen za pripravo osnutka programa dela sveta. Urad predlaga sledeče aktivnosti tega posvetovalnega telesa in pri tem izhaja iz pristojnosti, ki jih svetu določa zakon: 1. - Sodelovanje v zaključni fazi priprave strategije odnosov Republike Slovenije s Slovenci zunaj njenih meja, ki jo Urad pripravlja v sodelovanju z Inštitutom za narodnostna vprašanja iz Ljubljane. 2. - Določitev prioritetnih aktivnosti in sodelovanja (programi in projekti) med Slovenci po svetu in Republiko Slovenijo za 5-letno obdobje. Gre za določitev tistih aktivnosti, ki so temeljnega pomena za ohranitev in razvoj slovenske skupnosti. 3. - Oblikovanje mehanizmov za preverjanje u-činkovitosti porabe sredstev. ki jih RS preko Urada namenja Slovencem po svetu. Pri določanju kazalcev učinkovitosti se izhaja iz strategije in sprejetih prioritet. 4. - Razvoj novih oblik sodelovanja in aktivnosti za mlade, potomce slovenskih izseljencev. Slovenske organizacije in društva se bodo morali pri svojih aktivnostih opirati predvsem na svoje mlajše člane, saj ni pričakovati novih priseljencev iz RS. 5. - Pripraviti predloge za oblikovanje in delovanje kulturno - informacijskih centrov v prostoru z večjo prisotnostjo slovenske skupnosti s posebnim poudarkom na ohranjanju in razvijanju slovenske identitete med pripadniki skupnosti, povezovanju z RS in promociji slovenske kulture v državi, kjer centri delujejo. 6. - Pripraviti predloge za ustanavljanje in delovanje poslovnih klubov v prostoru z večjo prisotnostjo slovenske skupnosti oziroma slovenskih podjetnikov, ki bi v povezavi z drugimi podjetniki tistega prostora spodbujali gospodarsko menjavo z gospodarstveniki iz RS. 7. - Razvijati nove oblike učenja slovenskega jezika (in raziskovalnega dela) kot spodbudo med mladimi potomci slovenskih izseljencev za ohranitev slovenske identitete in povezanosti z RS (primer Centra za slovenske študije v Clevelandu). (DALJE na str. 13) ^ong&Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia .Sfowttbn Rjrfio Airmlp CD MB4C ADC Pnpan Dtnatr WC3U HP J FM RAOKI IIDUCE Suilliv P-tO (OKI Wednndiy 6-r pm 2«US JoRUtdi Priv* Willouftor tuuiOH MO-PJJ-IWTOAM turn www.wob.oiB Slovensko združenje poslovnikov in strokovnjakov v Clevelandu CLEVELAND, O. - Na povabilo Generalnega konzula Republike Slovenije dr. Zvoneta Žigona se je pozno jeseni lani v Clevelandu zbrala manjša skupina clevelandskih poslovežev in strokovnjakov z različnih pod-ročijj in na neformalnem srečanju preučila potrebe in možnosti ustanovitve “Slovenskega združenja poslovnežev in strokovnjakov v Clevelandu”. Po objavi vabila v slovenskih in ameriških medijih se je začela oblikovati “zajetna" skupina in v prvi polovici letošnjega leta je konzulat organiziral celo serijo uvodnih srečanj različnih "sekcij”, razdeljenih po vsebinskih področjih. Namen združenja je spodbujanje rednih mesebojnih stikov med člani poslovneži in strokovnjaki, ki so Slovenci, potomci Slovencev ali prijatelji Slovenije, gojenje in nadgrajevanje pripadnosti slovenski kulturi in slovenski skupnosti v ZDA, pa tudi dejavno sodelovanje z matično domovino Slovenijo in z ameriško družbo na različnih področjih. Glede na svojo raznolikost je bilo združenje razdeljeno na več sekcij: - zdravstvena nega - javne službe (pravo, bančništvo, zavaro- valništvo,...) - vladne službe (politiki, sodniki,...) - industrija in trgovina - potovanje, šport, zabava - stiki z javnostjo oz. mediji - znanost, kultura, izobraževanje, religija - področje prehrane in pijače. Na seznamu se je doslej nabralo več kot 160 imen, okoli 80 oseb pa se je dejansko udeležilo petih uvodnih srečanj, na katerih so udeleženci vzpostavili nove vezi (nekateri so se srečali prvič!) in načrtovali možne oblike delovanja združenja oziroma sekcij. Med drugim so v vsaki od sekcij imenovali svoje predstavnike, ki so: Michael Benz, John Cimperman, Robert Delchin, Steve Delchin, John Hočevar. Edwin Grosel, Ken Mar-var, Ray Marvar, Sylvia Pišorn, Andy Ribič, Jennifer Seme, Matthew Tomšič, dr. David Turk in Ivana Yuko. Ti so se v juniju 2007 sešli v prostorih Channel 3 kot gostje TV voditelja Dicka Russa. prav tako Slovenca, in izmed sebe izbrali še ožji iniciativni odbor, ki bo usklajeval dejavnosti združenja, člani pa so Syl-vija Pišorn, John Hočevar in Ray Marvar. Tudi sicer je med člani še kar nekaj znanih imen, med njimi denimo sodnik Ron Šuštar, podjetnik Pavle Košir, prof. Joanne Arhar (Kent State univerza) in drugi. Glavni cilji in oblike delovanja so vzpostavljanje in negovanje medsebojnih vezi, vezi s slovensko skupnostjo v ZDA, z ameriškimi ustanovami in s Slovenijo, spodbujanje študentskih izmenjav in sploh povezav s slovensko študentsko populacijo v ZDA, spodbujanje potovanj v Slovenijo v poslovne, strokovne ali zgolj zasebne namene, izobraževanje in medsebojno informiranje v obliki predavanj, srečanj z gosti iz Slovenije in ZDA itd. Sekcija za zdravstveno nego je že imela prva tovrstno srečanje in sicer z znanim srčnim kirurgom iz Ljubljane doc. dr. Igorjem Zupanom, ki se je z družino mudil na zasebnem obisku v ZDA. Prvi dve večji konkretni nalogi sta organizacija večjega sprejema z gostujočim govornikom za člane vseh sekcij skupno (november 2007), izdelava načrta predavanj oziroma srečanj v letu 2008 ter izoblikovanje spletne strani s seznamom in kontaktnimi informacijami članov. Vsi zainteresirani Slovenci, potomci in prijatelji Slovenije so vabljeni, da se pridružijo temu neformalnemu združenje. Ker bo dejavnosti zaenkrat tehnično usklajeval Generalni konzulat, naj zainteresirani takoj, ko je mogoče. sporočijo svoj interes za aktivno sodelovanje ali zgolj članstvo asistentki Generalnega konzulata Johanni Bajc na elektronsko pošto iohanna.balc@gov.si ali na telefonsko številko 1-216-589-9220. Živ spomin na dr. Janeza Janeža Ljubljana - Od 9. do 18. julija 2007 se je skupina Slovencev skupaj z ljubljanskim pomožnim škofom msgr. dr. Antonom Jamnikom odzvala vabilu redovnikov kamilijancev, da obišče kraje milosti, kjer je v letih 1952 do 1990 deloval prvi slovenski laiški misijonar—zdravnik dr. Janez Janež. * Nova bolnišnica dr. Janeza Janeža (leva stavba), bolnišnica sv. Marije (desna stavba) v Lotungu na Tajvanu Predstavitev zdravnika dr. Janeza Janeža Dr. Janež, ki je bil leta 1913 rojen v Dolskem, je študiral medicino v Ljubljani, Zagrebu in Gradcu, kjer je diplomiral in nato kot zdravnik delal na 1. kirurškem oddelku javne bolnišnice v Ljubljani. Tam je ob slovitem kirurgu dr. Robertu Blu-mauerju specializiral kirurgijo, na Dunaju pa je opravil še specializacijo za transfuzijo, s katero se je kot pionir spoprijel v ljubljanski bolnišnici. Maja 1945 je izvedel, da ga je tedanja oblast nameravala ubiti, zato se je umaknil iz domovine, ki ga je zavrgla. Pred komunisti je skupaj z deset tisoči beguncev pobegnil na Koroško. Tam je ob dr. Meršolu in dr. Kozini organiziral zdravstveno oskrbo Slovencev v begunskih taboriščih. Ko so začeli Angleži begunce vračati pod pretvezo, da jih peljejo v Italijo, je bil med prvimi za transport določen tudi dr. Janež. Pri Pliberku se mu je uspelo rešiti, saj so prav na tej postaji Angleži begunce izročali partizanom, ki so jih od- peljali v mučeništvo in smrt v domovini. Dr. Janež se je na to s Koroške umaknil v Rim, od tam pa v Argentino. od koder je odpotoval v misijone. Štiri leta je kot zdravnik deloval v Čaotungu na južnem Kitajskem. Komunisti so 1952 iz Kitajske izgnali vse tujce in dr. Janez Janež se je z redovniki kamilijanci umaknil na Tajvan. Tam so mu ponujali ugledne službe v bolnišnicah v Tajpeju, on pa je odšel z redovniki v najrevnejše področje otoka in v majhnem kraju Lotung začel iz nič. Vrgel je mrežo ljubezni med najbolj revnimi in pomoč potrebnimi in jih ni nikoli več zapustil. Kot zdravnik kirurg je v Lotungu zdravil, operiral in reševal življenja 38 let brez plačila. Bolnišnica je iz skromnih začetkov z desetimi posteljami pod vodstvom kamilijancev prerasla v znano in moderno opremljeno bolni- Svet za Slovence po svetu (Continued from page 12) 8. - Razvijati sistemske oblike povezav z znanstveniki slovenskega porekla. Pričakujemo, da se bo prav na področju znanstveno raziskovalnega dela ohranilo določeno gibanje slovenskih izseljencev. V RS moramo zato izoblikovati pogoje, ki jim bodo omogočili vrnitev in tudi nadaljevanje strokovne poti. 9. - Da bi se približali potrebam slovenskih izseljencev in njihovih potomcev, je potrebno razširiti ponudbo izobraževalnih programov (seminarjev Urada) tudi z njihovo organizacijo v tujini in to združiti z obiski u-glednih gostov iz RS. 10. - Promovirati vedenje o Slovencih po svetu v RS. 11- Urad izvaja aktivnosti v zvezi z oblikovanjem medresorske komisije, ki bo delovala v smeri lažjega vračanja izseljencev in njihovih potomcev v RS. Ur. AD: Na koncu tega teksta so člani in članici sveta naprošeni za pripombe oz. dopolnitev predlogov. V SPOMIN Ostali so spomini, bolečina, ostala je praznina in pogled v nebo, kjer, upamo, da ti je lepo. V nedeljo, 12. avgusta 2007 Angelca Luzar Hvala vsem, ki se je spominjate, zanjo molite in obiskujete njen grob! Vsi njeni - Urankarjev!, Lužarjevi in Robinetovi. šnico, kamor so vozili bolnike tudi od daleč, saj je v njej delal “sloviti zdravnik, ki je s svojim nožem delal čudeže in reševal življenja tudi tistim, nad katerimi so drugi obupali". Nikoli ni zavrnil nikogar, ki je potreboval njegovo pomoč. Če ni bilo krvi, je odprl svojo žilo in nemalokrat kar med operacijo dal svojo kri v žilo pacienta, da ga je rešil. 24 ur na dan je bil med bolniki, ki jih je zdravil bodril. Opravil je preko 80.000 operacij vseh vrst, o čemer so kamilijanci zbrali zajetno dokumentacijo. Ko je leta 1990 umrl. je njegovo delo prevzelo 5 kirurgov v novi moderni kliniki, ki so jo ob pomoči dobrotnikov dogradili istega leta. Blagoslov bolnišnice dr. Janeza Janeža in drugih objektov na Tajvanu Letos so dokončali še eno kliniko, moderen II-nadstropni kirurški blok, ki so ga poimenovali po dr. Janezu Janežu. Bolnišnica je opremljena z najmodernejšimi aparaturami in deluje že nekaj mesecev. 14. julija 2007, na god sv. Kamila, redovnega ustanovitelja kamilijancev, so pripravili veliko slovesnost inavguracije. Novi kirurški blok je blagoslovil škof Jamnik, pri blagoslovu pa sta bila navzoča tudi škof Thomas iz Tajpeja in msgr. Ambrozij iz Indije - posebni odposlanec nuncija za Tajvan, dva duhovnika iz Slovenije ter patri kamilijanci s Tajvana, Tajske, Filipinov in Makaa. Vodstvo bolnišnice in samostana je za goste iz Slovenije pripravilo bogat spremljevalni program. Ogledali so si še inštitucije, ki jih vodijo kamilijanci. Vez med Tajvanom in Slovenijo postaja zaradi nesebičnega delovanja slovenskega misijonarja, zdravnika dr. Janeza Janeža, vse trdnejša. Njegov doprsni kip, delo slovenskega kiparja Evgena Guština, stoji v avli nove bolnišnice in pričuje o njegovi dobroti in ljubezni. Vez med oddaljenima domovinama misijonarja dr. Janeža bo zagotovo še trdnejša, če se bodo uresničile molitve, da bi ga mogli kdaj tudi uradno častiti kot svetnika. O iskanju te možnosti je tekla beseda med sprejemom pri tajpejskem nadškofu Čengu. dr. Andrej Saje tiskovni predstavnik Slovenske škofovske konference ^Ameriško Domovino pokrivamo slovenski svet V BLAG SPOMIN! Ob deveti obletnici naše drage in nepozabne žene, mame, stare mame, sestre in svakinje Umrla 6. avgusta Po volji Večnega Očeta odšla od nas si k Očetu v večno domovino nam draga in ljubljena Ti žena-mati. Močno pogrešamo dobroto in ljubezen tvojo, miloba in veselja poln značaj - to bili so nam sončni žarki, ki ogrevali so nam naš dom, da vedno nam je bilo lepo. Naj On, ki naš je dobri Večni Oče, poplača Ti ljubezen in dobroto tvojo! Žalujoči: Družina Šega in sorodniki. Ohio, Indiana, Idaho, Slovenija in Argentina. Kdo vse in kako se v Sloveniji ukvarjamo s Slovenci po svetu JANEZ ROGELJ, Ljubljana Združenje Slovenska izseljenska matica (Revija MOJA SLOVENIJA (Julij 2007, št. 7) V Državnem zboru Republike Slovenije deluje Komisija za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu, ki spremlja in obravnava problematiko avtohtnih slovenskih narodnih manjšin v zamejstvu in Slovencev po svetu ter s tem povezano usmerjanje finančne podpore prek Urada Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, ki je samostojen vladni organ. So- deluje s Službo za mednarodno sodelovanje in evropske zadeve v okviru Ministrstva za šolstvo, ki vključuje podeljevanje štipendij Slovencem po svetu skupaj z Ministrstvom za znanost. Je glavni vladni organ, ki skrbi za uresničevanje omenjene resolucije, in skrbi, da je peti člen Ustave Republike Slovenije kar najbolj izpolnjen. Vlada Republike Slovenije Uresničuje ustavno obvezo o dolžni skrbi za Slovence po svetu prek svojega organa - Urada Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, ki je samostojen vladni organ. V okviru Ministrstva za šolstvo pa posebna Služba za mednarodno sodelovanje in evropske zadeve skrbi za podeljevanje štipendij Slovencem po svetu. v ustreznem delu tudi skupaj z Ministrstvom za znanost. Ministrstvo za šolstvo namenja pozornost in tudi finančna sredstva za pouk slovenščine med Slovenci po svetu. V letošnjem letu pa imamo v Sloveniji na osnovi določil Zakona o odnosih Republike Slove- nije s Slovenci zunaj njenih meja tudi dva nova sveta. Prvi je Svet za Slovence v zamejstvu, ki je stalno posvetovalno telo Vlade Republike Slovenije. Sestavljajo ga predstavniki državnih organov, inštitucij in političnih organizacij ter organizacij civilne družbe iz Republike Slovenije oziroma zamejstva. Drugi svet. Svet za Slovence po svetu, pa je stalno posvetovalno telo Vlade Republike Slovenije. Sestavljajo ga predstavniki državnih organov, inštitucij in političnih organizacij ter organizacij civilne družbe iz Republike Slovenije oziroma zdomstva ter izseljenstva. Ostali V okviru svoje osnovne dejavnosti in letnih programov pa se s problematiko Slovencev ukvarjajo še naslednje inštitucije oziroma ustanove: - Sklad Republike Slovenije za ljubiteljske kulturne dejavnosti: - raziskovalne organizacije: Inštitut za izseljenstvo pri Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti: - Visokošolske ustanove. kot na primer Filozofska fakulteta v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta v Mariboru, Fakulteta za družbene vede v Ljubljani ter ostali. Nedvoumno je pouk slovenskega jezika in vse, kar je s tem v zvezi, glavna naloga, kjer prednjači Filozofska fakulteta oziroma njen Center za slovenščino kot tuji jezik. Pri poučevanju slovenščine za vse generacije se ji pridružujejo tudi osta- V blag spomin Ob 27. obletnici smrti našega dragega ata in starega ata ALOJZIJ RUS Umrl je 14. avgusta 1980. V božjem miru zdaj počivaj, dragi, nepozabni nam; v nebesih večno srečo uživaj, do svidenja na vekomaj. Žalujoči: Francka, Marja, Ivanka, Tončka - hčere z družinami; France, Ivan, Stanley, Joseph, Tony - sinovi z družinami. Willoughby Hills, O.. 9. avg. 2007. le pedagoške inštitucije po Sloveniji. Informiranje Slovencev po svetu Obveščanje o dogodkih doma in na drugi strani informiranje Slovenije o aktivnostih Slovencev po svetu sta bili vedno glavni nalogi Slovenije za izseljence. Zato ni naključje, da smo do pred kratkim imeli kar dve specializirani, njim namenjeni reviji ter revijo v angleščini. Že dolga desetletja pri nacionalnem radiu deluje pomembna redakcija za Slovence po svetu. Galerije in muzeji nacionalnega pomena Skupaj z regionalnimi in občinskimi, so to mesta, kjer se zrcali tudi umetnost, ustvarjena deset, petnajst in več tisoč kilometrov izven Slovenije. V bodočnosti bo tega verjetno še več. Asimilacija in s tem izguba znanja slovenščine Slovence sili v druge oblike izražanja čustev do domovine svojih dedov, kot je pisana beseda. Poleg vladnih organov se s Slovenci po svetu ukvarjajo tudi nevladne organizacije Poleg zgoraj omenjenih vladnih organov pa se s skrbjo za Slovence po svetu ukvarjajo še nevladne inštitucije civilne dru- žbe. Te so zaradi svoje enostavnosti, neformalno-sti in odprtosti velikokrat bolj dovzetne za potrebe Slovencev po svetu. In ker smo ugotovili, da je večina slovenskih izseljencev tujih državljanov, ti raje sodelujejo z nevladnimi kot pa z vladnimi organizacijami. Štiri desetletja, od leta 1951 pa do 1991, je bilo Združenje Slovenska izseljenska matica edina nevladna organizacija, ki je v Sloveniji skrbela za Slovence po svetu. (Ur. AD: Tu bi pripomnil, da je bila SIM “nevladna" le na papirju.) Navkljub dejstvu, da je kritična masa Slovencev premajhna za nastanek novih društev in s tem v zvezi z zelo jasnimi opozorili, da je Slovencev po svetu premalo za delovanje novih sorodnih inštitucij, podobnih Slovenski matici, je slovenska država zavestno, s ciljem večje politične pluralizacije prek sistema financiranja v minulih letih omogočila nastanek ter obstoj še treh sorodnih organizacij: Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa. Iseljenskega društva Slovenija v svetu ter Rafaelove družbe. Te so v zadnjih desetih letih našle svoj obseg in program dela ter zaživele v našem prostoru. (Dalje na str. 16) V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN JOŽE in JOŽEFA ŠTEPEC 33. OBLETNICA 14. OBLETNICA umrl 5. avg. 1974 umrla 6. feb. 1993 Gospod, daruj jima mir, naj večna Luč jima sveti; ker si dobrote vir, uživajta raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: Tone, sin, z družino Pepca, Vida in Ani, hčere, z družinami in ostalo sorodstvo v ZDA, Kanadi in Sloveniji OB PRVI OBLETNICI V ljubeč in nepozabljen spomin naše ljube hčerke Stephanie Zidar Petroff ki nas je zapustila 3. avgusta 2006 Eno leto te že zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mirno spiš, srce tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Gospod, daj ji mir in naj ji večna Luč sveti. Počivaj v miru! Žalujoči: Mama - mož Les - očim sestra Mari z možem Otroci Peter, Phil, Joy Vnuki Ostan - Eten t MARTINA SEPAHER Ljubljana - Ni se še posušilo cvetje na grobu Stanke Pečavar. že je smrt zopet kruto posegla v življenje maloštevilne slovenske skupnosti v župniji Gospodovega rojstva v San Franciscu. V ponedeljek, 9. julija, je v večernih urah v tamkajšnji bolnišnici po kratki, a težki bolezni, ugasnila luč življenja Martine Sepaher. ene osrednjih osebnosti župnijskega in družabnega življenja naših rojakov v severni Kaliforniji. Novica o smrti je žalostno odjeknila tudi v Sloveniji, saj je imela tukaj sorodnike in mnoge prijatelje, ki so jo cenili in spoštovali. Sprva nihče ni mogel verjeti, saj je bila še nedolgo tega vsa polna življenjske moči in načrtov, a kruta bolezen je naredila svoje. Martina je bila drugi od treh otrok Lojzeta in Tončke Štalcar. Rojena je bila 17. oktobra leta 1950 v mali vasici Praprot pri Semiču. V toplem družinskem ozračju sta jo starša vzgojila v delovno in pošteno dekle. Trdna vera, ki jo je zajela ob lepem zgledu staršev, ji je bila vse življenje močna opora, posebno pa v težkih preizkušnjah. Leta 1968 se je spoznala z 32-letnim Jožetom Sepaherjem, ki je prišel na obisk v domovino, zaljubila sta se in v avgustu tega leta poročila. Mlada Tinka je šla z njim v Združene države, ki so postale njena druga domovina. Zdelo se je, da so se ji uresničili vsi življenjski Oačrti. Jože je lepo skrbel za dom in družino ter bil pozoren mož, pa tudi uspešen gradbenik. V zakonu so se jima rodili trije zdravi otroci ^enny. Irena in Nancy. Toda v mlado družino ie leta 1979 posegla smrt. ^ri obnavljanju neke hiše Se je Jože smrtno pone-Srečil. Martina je ostala sama z otroki in zdelo Se je, da si ne bo opomogla. Posebno jo je bo-le,o, da najmlajša Nancy ne bo poznala očeta. V tistih hudih časih nJenega življenja so se —______________ PrijatePs Pharmacy St- Clair & e. 68 St. 361-4212 | ■ZhAJAMO tudi zdravila ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR JjjE AGED PRESCRIPTIONS pokazale njena trdna narava, močan materinski čut ter delovne in voditeljske sposobnosti. V težkih trenutkih sta ji bila v močno oporo brat Lojze in svakinja Mimi, ki sta ji pomagala pri vzgoji otrok in delu. Uspelo jim je. Martina je pogumno in z velikim uspehom nadaljevala moževo delo. Pri tem je bila dosledna. Njeno delovno vodilo je bilo: “Delaj dobro ali pa raje ne delaj!" Ob garaškem delu je ostala ljubeča mati svojim otrokom. Njen dom v Millbraeu je bil poln družinske topline, smeha in radosti. Otrokom je s svojim zgledom posredovala ljubezen do Boga in domovine staršev. Večkrat jih je peljala v domovino, da so spoznali Belo krajino in sorodnike. Poskrbela pa je tudi za njihovo temeljito izobrazbo. Tudi potem, ko so šli že vsak na svoje, so se radi vračali k njej, saj je bila izvrstna kuharica. Njen veliki sen je bil izpolnjen, ko je dobila vnukinje. Toda bolezen se ne ozira na čas in okoliščine. Nenadoma se je pojavila tudi v Martininem življenju, in to prav takrat, ko je komaj odložila skrb za svoje otroke. Ni se vdala. Pogumno se je soočila z njo in zdelo se je, da jo je tudi premagala. Z vso vnemo se je posvetila delu za slovensko skupnost v San Franciscu, posebno potem, ko so naši rojaki leta 1997 spet dobili župnijo. Njen dom je postal zatočišče številnim slovenskim obiskovalcem San Francisca. V šali so otroci pravili domu, da je “hotel Martina, hotel Sepaher”. Posebej velikodušno je sprejemala pod svojo streho slovenske duhovnike, med njimi sta bila tudi škofa Uran in Pirih. Bila je velikodušna v vsakršnem dobrem delu. Nikoli ni pomišljala, ko je bilo treba pomagati. To njeno pomoč je posebej občutila njena rodna se-miška župnija in podružnična cerkev na Vinjem Vrhu. Podpirala je vsa dobra prizadevanja za napredek domačih krajev. Njene organizacijske sposobnosti pa so se najbolj poznale v San Franciscu, kjer je znala združiti vse ljudi dobre volje. Z njeno zavzetostjo so nastala tradicionalna martinovanja. ki so povezala naše rojake v severni Kaliforniji bolj kakor vse drugo dotlej. Zadnje leto je postala bolezen vse bolj neizprosna. Ob navzočnosti nekaterih najožjih, dr. Tonija Ravnika, in brata Staneta iz rodnega Praprota, ki mu je bila namenjena njena zadnja beseda, je v ponedeljek, 9. julija, zvečer prenehalo biti njeno plemenito srce. Od nje so se naši rojaki poslovili z molitvijo v pogrebnem domu v petek, 13. julija, in z mašo v slovenski cerkvi Gospodovega rojstva v soboto, 14. julija. Cerkev že dolgo ni bila tako polna kakor takrat. V slovo so ji zapeli pevci slovenskega zbora te župnije in spregovorili prijatelji. Ganljive besede ji je izrekel rojak in prijatelj Joe Govednik. Na pokopališču Svetega križa so jo z molitvijo pospremili tudi štirje slovenski duhovniki, med njimi misijonar p. Lojze Podgraj-šek, ki je Martino dolgo poznal, saj je bila velika dobrotnica njegovega misijona. Njeno izmučeno telo je položeno v grob z vero, da ji je Bog zaradi vsega trpljenja pa tudi številnih dobrih del, ki so prihajala iz srca, dal uživati večno veselje in srečo. mons. Franci Petrič Župnika Janez Kumše in Jože Božnar: Obvestilo slovenskim rojakom CLEVELAND, O. - Slovenska župnika sta dobila sporočilo, da se bo v dneh 9. - 11. avgusta službeno mudil v našem mestu nekdanji nadškof ljubljanski in sedaj prefekt Kongregacije za redovnike in redovnice, msgr. dr. Franc Rode. Ob svojem delu je izrazil željo, da bi se rad srečal tudi s slovenskimi rojaki v Clevelandu. Slovenska skupnost bo seveda z veseljem sprejela tako visokega gosta, in bo poskrbela, da se bo obisk primerno uresničil. Po skupnem dogovoru, župnika Kumše in Božnar vabita vse slovenske rojake na srečanje s kardinalom dr. Francem Rodetom pri fari Marije Vnebovzete in sicer: - v petek, 10. avgusta, ob 7h zvečer v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete za sv. mašo zadušnico za nedavno umrlega nadškofa dr. Alojzija Šuštarja. - Takoj po sv. maši bo sprejem kardinala Rodeta v župnijski dvorani. Ker je časa za pripravo zelo malo, župnika prosita gospodinje za domače pecivo, ki ga naj darovalke prinesejo v dvorano že PRED sv. mašo. Prosita tudi, da se čim več rojakov udeleži tega izrednega obiska, in da ti, ki imajo narodne noše, pridejo tako opravljeni k maši in sprejemu kardinala Rodeta. Župnika želita opomniti slovenske rojake na pomembnost obiska kardinala Rodeta. To bo prvi taki obisk odkar obstoja slovenska skupnost v Clevelandu. Ker se prav v tem času kroji usoda mnogih nacionalnih župnij v našem mestu, je potrebno, da se verni Slovenci pokažejo tudi za “druge oči”, ki bodo ob tem obisku zelo pazile, kakšen bo odziv slovenskih faranov. Pridite, in še druge rojake povabite! Župnik Janez Kumše Župnik Jože Božnar eusk& Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-IOpm .|U ................ i C0NTRIBUT0R TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1*000-843*5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. '7 used to get a 1099 for my Bank CD, until I found Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so I would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, KSKJ Life was the right choice. Call 1-800*THE*KSKJ for an agent near youl pjanrextedfar 12 rrcrtni on ■ /•'»mi pkm. Aatsa nr»« chunfe« •rihni! notar Kako se v Sloveniji ukvarjajo s Slovenci po svetu (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) Problem je le v tem, da so se sredstva, ki so bila prej namenjena le SIM-u, sedaj porazdelila na vse štiri. Vzporedni, največkrat negativni učinki sodelovanja med Republiko Slovenijo in Slovenci po svetu Zaradi pomanjkanja koordinacije med posameznimi inštitucijami oziroma organi, ki se ukvarjajo s problematiko Slovencev po svetu, prihaja do podvajanja posameznih akcij ali nezadostne izkoriščenosti nekaterih programov. Velikokrat so določene aktivnosti v nekem okolju časovno neusklajene. Veliko slovenskih društev in Slovencev po svetu idealizira Slovenijo, slovensko državo, slovenstvo. Kateri koli predlog ali ukrep slovenske države Slovenci po svetu takoj sprejmejo z zanje značilno brezmejno privrženostjo. To idealiziranje se kaže v njihovi naivnosti, nekritičnosti, in kot je ugotovil dr. Dušan Florjančič, dolgoletni predsednik društva Pro cultura iz Švice, je bilo to idealiziranje dolga desetletja gorivo. s katerim so delovale slovenske inštitucije. To se je kazalo oziroma V BLAG SPOMIN 26. OBLETNICE SMRTI očeta in starega očeta v LUKA KUHAR Umrl 6. avgusta 198L Sonce naj na trato sije, kjer počivaš dragi Ti. Duša pa naj srečo uživa, tam v rajski večnosti. Žalujoči: Lojzi, Frančišek, Stane, Bogomir — sinovi Metka, Marcy — snahi Uršula Marija — vnukinja Marko, Niko, Benjamin in Andrej — vnuki in ostalo sorodstvo v Argentini, Ameriki in Sloveniji. Cleveland, Ohio, 9. avgusta 2007. se še kaže v skrbništvu in vzvišenosti do izseljencev oziroma do našega prepričanja, da so Slovenci po svetu “last Slovenije”. Po drugi strani pa smo tudi mi v Sloveniji Slovence po svetu mitizirali. Slovenska skupnost, pa kjer koli v svetu naj živi, je v naši zavesti postala svetel mit. Premalo ali skoraj nič nismo znali te skupnosti kritične? preverjati. Sprememb Vs njenem delovanju in obstoju velikokrat nismo zaznali. Lagodneje nam je bilo še naprej verjeti v neke, v preteklosti veljavne norme, kot pa preučevati in sodelovati pri spremembah v samem izseljenstvu. Med tema dvema poloma pa so se dodobra umestile posamezne kulturne, predvsem glasbene skupine, ki so s trženjem svojih aktivnosti med Slovenci po svetu dodobra okrepile svojo prisotnost med njimi. Ali potrebujemo dolgoročno vizijo sodelovanja med Republiko Slovenijo in deli njenega telesa po celem svetu? Razmere, v katerih živimo v Sloveniji, in pogo- V BLAG SPOMIN 17. obletnice smrti našega ljubljenega moža, očeta starega očeta, brata in strica Otmarja Tašner ki je umrl 7. avgusta 1990 Sedemnajst let je te minilo, odkar te več med nami ni. Smrt ti vzela je življenje, končala tvoje je trpljenje. V božjem miru ti počivaj, dragi, nepozabni nam. Pri Bogu rajsko srečo uživaj, do svidanja na vekomaj. Žalujoči: Anica, žena, ter ostalo sorodstvo tukaj v Ameriki, doma v Sloveniji, in drugje po svetu. Westchester, 111., 9. avg. 2007. ji, pod katerimi živijo Slovenci po svetu, se dramatično oziroma vznemirljivo spreminjajo. Samo s pojavom interneta so kar čez noč Slovenci po svetu postali tako povezani. da morajo vsi ostali obstoječi mediji dodobra prevetriti svoje oblike delovanja. Podobno velja za vse ostale inštitucije, organe, ki. se ukvarjajo s Slovenci po svetu; kje so časi, ko smo rojakom po svetu z organiziranjem turnej prinašali glasbene novosti oziroma dosežke? V avtu smo morali dobesedno naložiti glasbenike, v letalske vreče stlačiti plošče, avdio- in videokasete, zgoščenke ter jih poslati slovenskim radijskim oddajam po svetu. Ne glede na vstop v EU danes ugotavljamo, da ne moremo govoriti o strogi ločitvi Slovencev doma in Slovencev po svetu. Prav tako je skorajda preživeta teorija “treh Slovenij" (manjšinske, izseljenske in matične). Oblike povezav in sodelovanja Slovencev doma in po svetu se in se bodo še spreminjale. Tem spremembam se bomo morali prilagoditi tudi sami, tako da bomo prilagajali inštitucije in njihov delokrog potrebam Slovencev po svetu. Neizpodbitno dejstvo je. da je čas nacionalno romantičnih držav in njihovih inštitucij za vedno minil. V današnjem, še bolj pa jutrišnjem svetu V Blag Spomin Frank Smole 11. avgust 2000 Tiho teče reka našega življenja. Tiho tečejo solze našega trpljenja. Otopi srce ostane bolečina v srcu dragega spomina. Žalujoči: Žena Ivanka Hčerka Marie in mož David ter sinova Matevž in Samuel Sin Frank ml. in žena Kathy ter sinova Andrew in Nathan bo Slovenec nekdo, ki govori angleško, špansko, ki je državljan Južne Afrike in ne zna več slovensko - čuti pa se Slovenca. Dopustimo mu to možnost in celo pravico, še več, vzpodbujajmo ga pri tem. Jutri - v času prostega pretoka ljudi - ne bo več pomembno, kdo je slovenski državljan in kdo ne. Kategorije izselitve oziroma vrnitve bodo zamenjali novi pojmi -kroženje, na primer. Naš način življenja se bo spremenil tako, da se ne bomo več izseljevali, preseljevali. odhajali in se vračali, temveč bomo krožili. Krožili po prostoru, ki bo bolj povezan, prepleten. Ta prostor bo vedno preglednejši, ljudje v njem bomo skupaj s svojo kulturo sobivali in se razvijali. Mislim, da je napočil pravi trenutek, da bi vladne in nevladne, strokovne in pedagoške inštitucije, posamezniki in društva v Sloveniji, skratka vse, ki se jih tiče in jih zanima usoda slovenskega naroda, ki živi zunaj Slovenije, lahko zbrali toliko moči. da bi iz svojih izkušenj in znanj pripravili dolgoročno vizijo delovanja slovenske države do Slovencev po svetu. ■ Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 11) je bil 6. avgusta s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Clare in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Edward B. Zupančič Dne 27. julija je umrl 87 let stari Edward B. Zupančič, živeč v Las Vegasu, Nev., prej živeč v Parmi, O., mož Margaret, roj. Penksa, oče Janice Feld-house, Geralda, Allana in Brucea, 9-krat stari oče, 5-krat prastari oče, strojnik po poklicu, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je slu- žil v 92. diviziji ameriške vojske. Pogreb je bil 2. avgusta v Las Vegasu. Mary Gregorčič Umrla je 94 let stara Mary Gregorčič, rojena Poje, vdova po Franku, mati Joan in Garyja, 4-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati, sestra Frances Lahowe j in že pok. Vince-a. Pogreb je bil 31. julija v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda, kjer so bili opravljeni pogrebni obredi. s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. John J. Kozlevchar Umrl je 71 let stari John J. Kozlevchar, mož Helen, roj. Champa, oče Johna in Mary Jo Oppcdisano, 5-krat stari oče, brat Franka. Pogreb je bil L avgusta v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije Magdalene in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. John VV. Yakos Umrl je 97 let stari John W. Yakos, vdovec po Jean, roj. Marinčič, oče že pok. Joyce Vickers in Jamesa, 2-krat stari oče, brat Jacka Kuret, Josephine Enser ter že pok. Josepha, Franka in Anthonyja Yakos. Pogreb je bil 27. julija s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzetc s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Leone Dornhack Umrla je 90 let stara Leone Dornback, rojena Mauk, mati Roberta ml., Douglasa in Geofferyja, 7-krat stara mati, sestra Leonarda in Gilberta (oba že pok.), bivša članica mestnega sveta v Bratenahlu in mestna uradnica v pokoju. Privaten, družinski pogreb je bil v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s pokopom na pokopališču Crown Hill. A VE MARIA Verski mesečnik izdajajo v Lemontu. Naslov je: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main St., P.O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Letna naročnina je za ZDA $20, izven ZDA pa $25. It's Time for vour eve exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34)