ISSN 1580-2949 MTAEC9, 48(6)953(2014) STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF EN AW 6082 ALUMINUM ALLOY PRODUCED BY EQUAL-CHANNEL ANGULAR PRESSING STRUKTURNE IN MEHANSKE ZNAČILNOSTI ALUMINIJEVE ZLITINE EN AW 6082 PO STISKANJU SKOZI ORODJE S PRAVOKOTNIM KANALOM Miroslav Greger1, Michal Madaj1, David Žacek2 1VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre, Czech Republic 2Honeywell Aerospace Olomouc s.r.o., Nadražm 400, 783 65 Hlubočky - Marianske Üdoli, Czech Republic Prejem rokopisa - received: 2013-09-30; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2014-01-30 At the VSB-TU Ostrava a piece of equipment was installed for verifying the equal-channel-angular-pressing (ECAP) technology, used for investigating the effect of deformation on the evolution of the structure and mechanical properties of alloy EN AW 6082. This alloy was subjected to ECAP consisting of four passes. During the pressing deformation forces were measured and the pressure in the die was calculated. Higher values of strain hardening were found and a higher pressure was measured in the matrix with smaller radii of the curvature of the edges. After the third pass, the tension in the matrix with a diameter of 0.5 mm reached the values of up to 1560 MPa. As a result of the extrusion, a grain refinement was achieved resulting in the development of a substructure. The ultimate strength of alloy EN AW 6082 was determined to be in the range from 220 MPa to 230 MPa. Moreover, a penetration test was performed, determining the values of the mechanical properties to be from 250 MPa to 260 MPa. The investigated samples were then subjected to light microscopy and to a SEM analysis. Numerous deformation slip bands were observed. Fracture surfaces resulting from a transcrystalline permanent ductile failure manifested indistinctive shearing borders, and they contained numerous pits with small particles. Keywords: microstructure, properties, aluminum alloy, ECAP Na VSB-TU Ostrava je bila postavljena naprava za preverjanje tehnologije stiskanja skozi pravokotni kanal enakih prerezov (ECAP), uporabljena pri preiskavi vpliva deformacije na razvoj strukture in mehanskih lastnosti zlitine EN AW 6082. Ta zlitina je bila štirikrat stisnjena skozi orodje (ECAP). Med stiskanjem so bile merjene deformacijske sile in izračunan je bil tlak v orodju. Višje vrednosti napetostnega utrjevanja osnove so bile ugotovljene pri višjih tlakih pri manjših radijih krivin na robovih. Napetosti v osnovi so pri premeru 0,5 mm dosegle po tretjem prehodu vrednosti do 1560 MPa. Kot rezultat ekstruzije se je pojavila udrobnitev zrn in razvila se je podstruktura. Za natezno trdnost zlitine EN AW 6082 so bile določene vrednosti od 220 MPa do 230 MPa. Izvršen je bil tudi preizkus vtiskovanja, ki je pokazal, da so vrednosti za mehanske lastnosti 250-260 MPa. Vzorci so bili preiskani tudi s svetlobno mikroskopijo in vrstično elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM). Opaženi so bili številni deformacijski trakovi. Površine preloma kažejo transkristalni žilavi prelom, ki se kaže v nejasno izraženih strižnih robovih, in imajo številne jamice, v katerih so drobni delci. Ključne besede: mikrostruktura, lastnosti, zlitina aluminija, ECAP 1 INTRODUCTION Extrusion with the ECAP method enables obtaining a fine-grained structure in larger volumes. The products made with this technique are characterised by high strength properties (Figure 1)1 and they have the potential to be used during the subsequent superplastic forming. The magnitude of deformation, the development of the structure and the resulting mechanical properties achieved with this technique depend notably on: homologous temperature Th, size of the grain dg, deformation speed £°, homologous tension in the die (o/E), the density of structural failures, the purity, etc2. Obtaining the required final structure depends primarily on the geometry of the tool, the number of the passes through the die, the obtained magnitude and strain rate and the temperature. The influence of the magnitude of the plastic deformation on the properties of metallic materials is asso- t vT W Ü) E ■5 I <- gram size - 1 um 100 nm 10 nm Ö, = + kdg-^'" 1 . 1 1 1 ! , 4..... 1 ......... ! 1 1 X 1 yC y\ k 1 1 I i I i 1 1 me 1 ufg [ nc 1 nc (grain size)' ,-1/2 Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the variation in the yield stress as a function of grain size for: mc - coarse-grained materials, ufg - ultra-fine-grained materials and nc - nanocrystalline metals and alloys1 Slika 1: Shematski diagram spreminjanja meje tečenja v odvisnosti od velikosti zrn: mc - materiali z velikimi zrni, ufg - materiali z ultra drobnimi zrni in nc - kovine in zlitine z nanokristalnimi zrni1 ciated with the increase in the internal energy3-5. Internal energy increases right to the limit value, which depends on the manner of deformation, purity, grain size, temperature, etc. As a result of the non-homogeneity of the deformation caused with the ECAP technique, the internal-energy gain differs between different places of the formed alloy. For example, the value of internal energy is different in the slip planes, at the boundaries and inside the cells. It is also possible to observe a higher internal energy in the proximity of precipitates, segregates and solid structural phases. For the usual techniques, pure metals, the medium magnitude of the deformation and temperatures, the value of stored energy is said to be approximately around 10 J mol-1.6 During cold extrusion, the density of dislocations increases with the magnitude of the plastic deformation. The density of dislocations depends linearly on the magnitude of the plastic deformation in accordance with the well-known equation7,8: P = Po + K ■ 6 (1) where po is the initial dislocation density, K is the constant, e is the magnitude of the deformation. The flow stress necessary for the continuation of the deformation is a function of a number of lattice defects9: r = r 0 + k ■ G ■ b ■ p'/2 (2) where ro is the initial flow stress, k is the constant, G is the modulus of elasticity in shear, b is the Burgers vector, and p is the dislocation density. The objectives of the experiments were a verification of the deformation behaviour of the given alloy and a determination of the resistance to deformation, the for-mability and the change in the structure during the extrusion of the alloys. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The AW 6082 alloy was used as the initial material. The amounts of individual elements in the alloy are given in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical composition of the AW 6082 Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava zlitine AW 6082 Amounts of elements (%) Mg 1.10 Si 0.88 Mn 0.92 Fe 0.45 Cu 0.09 Zn 0.20 The experiments were made with an apparatus, the diagram of which is shown in Figure 2. Two types of matrices were used for the extrusion: with larger radii of the edges' rounding, Rv= 2 mm and Rn = 5 mm, and with smaller radii of the edges' rounding, Rv = 0.5 mm and Rvn = 2 mm. Rv is the inner rounding radius and Rn is the outer rounding radius of the channel angles. During the process a metal billet is pressed through a die consisting of two channels with equal cross-sections, intersecting at the ß angle. Essentially, the billet undergoes a simple shear deformation, but it retains the same Figure 2: Schematic illustration of a die used in the present investigation, with ß = 90° and