Leč A/of 7/?e L/g/7/ Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians aoiddo divinsNoo nvinbaois Vol. 105, No. 11 American home Ameriška Domovina* SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 13, 2003 Phone:(216)431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com 70c Bosnians demand prewar deposits from Slovenian bank SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina. - Around 200 Bosnians demonstrated outside the Slovenian embassy on Thursday to demand the return of millions of dollars in deposits they claim a Slovenian bank took with it after the breakup of Yugoslavia 12 years ago. Demonstrators carried banners with slogans including “Give us back our money!” and “Does the EU know that Slovenia robbed Bosnian citizens?” The bank - formerly Ljubljanska Banka, but now renamed Nova Ljubljanska Banka - withdrew from Bosnia in 1991, when Slovenia seceded from the former Yugoslavia. The bank took US SI85 million that belonged to 165,000 Bosnian depositors, according to the protesters, who say they have been trying to get their money back ever since. “We have waited long enough,” said Ale Lizalovic, who heads an association of Bosnian depositors. “They have cheated us for years.” The demonstrators also presented a letter to the embassy and asked the Slovenian government to take action to return their deposits. They also called on Bosnians to boycott Slovenian products. The Slovenian government has so far refused to pay the Bosnian depositors. The demonstrators said they will launch legal proceedings against Slovenia at the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Chamber if no action is taken in their favor in the next two weeks. Slovenia - Amazingly Diverse What is really wonderful is that Slovenia is never boring. Here the Alps descend abruptly through thick woods to the Adriatic, and the world changes with every step. Warm southerly winds constantly blend with fresh fragrances of mountain forests, which is not only good for health, but also adds some extra rain. The farmers, therefore, dry their hay in thatched wooden structures, scattered all over the country, not to be found anywhere else. The word is untranslatable, too: “Kozolci” -resembling big harps on which the winds play their song. As there is so much forest here, people know how to make almost anything - from footwear and spoons to clocks and carriages - from wood. As there is also no small amount of clay, you can also find a lot of local ceramic work, black and brown, just like the local clay, plus artisan blacksmith work. It is worth spending a little time looking around. If anywhere, it is in Slovenia that in a single day you can trudge through timeless snow in the morning and bathe in the warm waters of the Adriatic in the afternoon. The Slovenian national sport is skiing, but this is also home to first-class navigators and sailors, capable of sailing around the world solo. In- the east, Slovenia gradually descends towards the fertile grain plains and oak forests of Pannonia, across a smiling, undulating countryside with or without orchards and vineyards clinging to its agreeable slopes. Slovenians are incorrigible individualists and their painstakingly tended houses are spread out on all sides. Indeed, each one of them must have enough air and space around, at the very least, a little garden with flowers and if possible, a vineyard. Come see for yourself. In parts of England it was once believed that a knife kept under a windowsill kept the Devil out of the house. With its sails adorned with red carnations, the Kranjska Klobasa (Sausage from Slovenia) competes in various regatta events in Koper, Piran and Izola. Information about the boat and sailing team can be found at http://www.kraniskaklobasa.com/proiect.asp Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for this news Slovenians in Northern Michigan by FRANK R. BARTOL and EMMA KNAUS Before beginning the story of the Slovenians in Alger County (Michigan), it is necessary to locate Slovenia on the world map, because one of the great frustrations of early immigrants (and their descendants, for that matter) occurred when “outsiders” assumed it was part of Czechoslovakia, Russia, or some other Slavic Country in the central or eastern part of Europe. It was indeed part of a country: Yugoslavia (before 1991), a federated republic formed after World War I and located across the Adriatic Sea from Italy. Slovenia was the northern-most republic within that federation. Bounced by Austria on the north, it was under the domination of that country until 1918, and to this day many of Alger County’s Slovenians are called Austrians by members of the non-Slovenian community, and even by some of the Slovenians themselves. Because the population of this small republic is less than two million, some misapprehension about it is understandable. It is very likely one of the smallest ethnic groups. Slovenia is generally considered the most scenic part of the former Yugoslavia, attracting thousands of tourists yearly. And today it is also highly industrialized. But shortly after the turn of the century, when much of the out-migration to the United States started, it was a poor, largely rural area and its natural beauty could not be translated into a living for most of its people. Even before the general movement to America began, it was common practice for Slovenians to find work outside the country, usually on a temporary basis, with the men going off alone, leaving the family behind to tend the animals and maintain some semblance of family life. This was especially true of the area from which most of Slovenians migrated. They came from Loški Potok, a collection of villages about 30 miles south of Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital. Here many of the men were skilled woodworkers, who spent the wood cutting season in neighboring Croatia, Hungary or Rumania, and returned home to spend the spring and summer working their land and re-establishing home ties. It was this wood-working talent which was much in demand in the United States at the time and workers were lured by promises of wages larger than they could earn in the old country. The four families which more or less formed the nucleus of the community that was later to develop, came initially to Pennsylvania, and it was from there that they were recruited to come to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan by the Clevcland-Cliffs Iron Company, based in Cleveland, Ohio. (To Be Continued) Thanks to Elizabeth Delene of the Bishop Baraga Association for this article. Slovenian School Family Sunday St. Vitus Slovenian Language School will have a Family Day celebration after the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, March 16. There will be a short program performed by the Slovenian school children in the church. Immediately after the program, there will be a social in the church basement. Everyone is welcome. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 13, 2003 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $165 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Foreign: $45 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $165 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 11 March 13, 2003 mmctmm by mm The Problems of Lent by RUDY FLIS What do I give up for Lent? Many of us face this dilemma each Lenten season. This is not like a New Year Resolution, made to last at least a year, but forgotten in a week. This is a 40-day promise. It can be kept -usually with difficulty. You don’t give up exercise, medication or work. You give up something you enjoy, you love. Get the idea? My granddaughter Rachel was asked by her dad and mom, “What are you giving up for Lent, Rachel?” -“Milk.” Why would Rachel give up milk for Lent? Does she love drinking milk? No; she hates the stuff. Her diet during Lent will include milk. Probably all Jesus wants from Rachel during Lent is a smile as she gulps down her glass of milk. Another granddaughter Ashley asked her dad, “What are you giving up for Lent, dad?” - He said, “You, Ashley.” Then he said, “1 must give up something I love, and I love you Ashley!” Ashley was stunned by her dad’s answer. It was a while later when Ashley went up to her mom and asked, “Can I call Aunt Monica and see if I can live with her during Lent?” Her Dad has not been able to give up his youngest daughter for Lent. I sure hope he had a plan “B” for Lent. When Easter Sunday finally arrives, we’ll know how good our word to Jesus was. The important first step, the promise has been an experience for my grandchildren. Will it become better for them next year? Stay tuned. Before you renew... ... take a look at the new 2- and 5-year fixed annuities from KSKJ, with rates that'll make you do a double take! Minimum Deposit $1,000 jgMg. Call Sandra Green at iP (440) 946-2500 Underwritten by American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) CDs coming due? Too many wish to be happy before becoming wise. 2-Year 3.75% 5-Year 4.75% 7-Year Bonus for first 12 mos. 6.00% Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec We saw “6ig Fat Greek Wedding,” a few weeks ago at a local movie show. Being good Slovenians, we paid a measly 50 cents to get into the theater. And to further enhance our nationality, while viewing the film, it occurred to us they could have easily substituted the word “Greek” for “Slovenian.” It was a movie in which just about any nationality could identify. It was more than well worth the price of admission. Glad to see we are not the only ones who care about keeping old-world traditions alive here in America. Speaking about Slovenians, what a hearty bunch we are! We went to the Slovenian school dinner at St. Vitus auditorium a couple of weeks ago on a cold, snowy Sunday morning. It was snowing so heavily, we saw white-outs on the freeway. There was only one lane of traffic open, the rest were deeply enmeshed in snow. Yet, when we safely arrived, weaving through the maze of cars strewn every which way, some people were already having their meal, and folks kept coming until the cook, Linda Plečnik, proudly announced all 550 home-cooked meals were completely sold out. What a remarkable achievement for the Slovenian school patrons and the dinner workers. I remarked to some persons in attendance about the bad weather, they smiled knowingly, enjoying their meal, but indicated they were hardly waiting to be out-in the winter snow skiing, sledding, ice skating, and tobogganing. Slovenians have brought their hearty culture to America and this country has become a better place because of it. But as far as the cold and snow is concerned, I’ve had enough of it, thank you. Right about now I’m anxiously awaiting the time when I’ll see the green grass again, watch the rapid growth of daffodils, and see Tony Štepec marching up and down his front lawn behind his trusty lawn mower. Ah, yes, some of us Slovenians seek a big, fat snow melting. And at this time we ask God to guide and protect our military personnel throughout the world! ********** DID YOU KNOW SLOVENIA by JOSEPH ZELLE ********** The financial standing of Slovenian railroads is in serious trouble this year already. McDonalds of Slovenia, however, reported a 9 percent increase of gross income over last year. The fast food restaurant service officials said they were satisfied despite the poor economic conditions existing in Slovenia. This year Dobma is observing its 600Ih anniversary. Dobma was first mentioned with the arrival of Sigmund and Andrej Dobma to the famous hot springs there. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina THE COST OF RAISING A CHILD (Sent by a reader, author unknown) The U.S. Government has a calculation for just about everything. It recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to age IS. A grand total of S 160,140 - college cost not included. Expensive? Not really! Here is what parents get in return: □ ‘‘Naming rights: First, middle, and last. □ Glimpses of God every day. □ Giggles under the covers every’ night. □ More love than your heart can hold. □ Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs. □ Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds and warm cookies. □ A hand to hold, usually covered with peanut butter. □ You get a front row seat to history to witness the first step, first word, first bra, first date, first time behind the wheel. □ You get another branch added to your family tree. □ You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, aud pastoral care that no college education can match. □ You get to he immortal. □ You have all the power to patch a broken heart, police an overnight party, coach their team that never wins, laugh with them and cry with them. □ You can mold them to be like you - to love and not consider the cost involved.” ENJOY YOUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS ! Happy Birthday Ray Mlakar 7 I O .1 Q 1T1 -A V\ < t£T ^ Life in the Refugee Camps by ANTON ŽAKELJ translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ Wednesday, Aug, 28,1946 This morning, I went to the stores in the city and sold 180 Shillings worth of bobbin lace, but didn’t get any new orders and couldn’t find anyone with thread to sell. This afternoon, I interviewed new arrivals at our camp to determine how we could help them with employment. Saturday, Aug. 31,1946 For 4 hours this afternoon, I worked with Dr. Erman on a list of our adult refugees, organized by job skills. We will use this to help fill jobs that become available. Sunday, Sept. 1,1946 Pavel Kokelj got into an argument with Weber during a game of balinca. Pavel grabbed Weber’s jaw with such force that he knocked out two teeth. Monday, Sept. 2, 1946 I did more work on our list of job skills of each refugee in our camp. I visited the new UNRRA work office. I received mail from Slovenia - a card from my priest brother Stanko and a letter from my mother, and 1 wrote back to both of them. The Yugoslav government censors mail from Slovenia and other parts of Yugoslavia, so I know that my relatives probably leave out many things that they would like to tell me. The communists punish people who write anything that might make them look bad. Tuesday, Sept. 3,1946 I was at the UNRRA work office again. They want us to provide 6 workers for a company in Zeltweg, but we are refusing because the working conditions there are intolerable. Wednesday, Sept. 4,1946 This afternoon we had a big meeting of the camp leadership from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Est, Pip and Podhorsky got into an argument. We concluded that the new UNRRA work office cannot force refugees to accept jobs regardless of working conditions. Thursday, Sept. 5, 1946 I went to Fohnsdorf and sold 200 Shillings worth of bobbin lace that our women had made. Franc Demšar went to Graz and completed his driver’s test. He brought back electric bulbs and heating elements for electric stoves, which we need very badly. Saturday, Sept. 7, 1946 I sold 500 Shillings worth of lace, but still couldn’t find anyone who would sell me thread. Monday, Sept. 9,1946 Cilka’s brother-in-law Mire received his first letter from his cousin, Eleanor Kolenc in America. It was in English, so I had to translate it for him, which took about 2 hours. This evening, the refugees performed the play, “Triglav Rose” in the camp hall. Tuesday, Sept. 10,1946 We had a second meeting with the UNRRA director to discuss the authority of the camp’s refugee leadership. He said the president of our camp board has authority to hire and fire the refugees who are employed to run the camp (Dr. Est, Dr. Erman and 3-4 others are paid to run the camp). Dr. Est was not happy about the director’s statement. Wednesday, Sept. 11,1946 The camp’s refugee board met from 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. We argued about the dictatorial way that Est runs the camp. (To Be Continued) Indoor Soccer and Tennis An evening of indoor soccer and an afternoon of tennis are among the upcoming spring events of the Slovenski Športni Klub. Slovenian Soccer Night will be held at Lost Nation Sports Park on Sunday, March 23. The women’s game will begin promptly at 5 p.m., followed by the men’s game at 6 p.m. The cost is $5.00/person and participation is limited to 20 men and 20 women. A doubles tennis tournament for May 17 has tentatively been set for Gordon Park in Cleveland. A men’s and women’s division will be featured. Pre-registration is required for both events. For more information e-mail the Slovenski Športni Klub at kocanija@yahoo.com or call (216) 881-2105. Slovenians “R" Us Bishop Uran holds Lenten Renewal Bishop Alojz Uran, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Ljubljana, will conduct a St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Parish Lenten Renewal, beginning the week of March 23rd. Spread the word to Slovenian-speaking readers and friends, especially those who are not members of the parish community. All are welcome! FOR RENT 2 Bedrooms. Double House. Up. 20426 Lake Shore Blvd. Call 216-481-2419 For Rent E. 200 & Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 a better way... (800) TAX REFUND 6507 ST. CLAIR AVE. CLEVELAND Professional tax preparation with Call: 216-361-0303 FREE Electronic Filing - www.B00lnxrefund.com ________LOW, LOW PRICES! Travelers Welcome If you want hassle free travel-allow our expereienced travel agents to do all the hard work for you! EUCLIDI&41S& TFIAX/E#*™ 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 1-216-261 -1050, travel ©euclidtravel com SNH Serves Fish Fries 3 The Club of Associations of the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland announces they will be serving Fish Fries during the Lenten season including Good Friday, April 18th. The Fish Fries will be served in the club room (rear building), lower level, 6409 St. Clair Avenue. Luncheon will be served from 12 noon to 2 p.m., and dinners will start at 5 p.m. and continue until 8 p.m. Menu choices will include fish, shrimp, pierogi, soup, home fries, french fries, coleslaw, and dessert. The lighter lunch menu is $6 and the evening menu cost begins at $8 which includes soup, dessert and coffee. If you have not tried one of our Fish Fries, please treat yourself to one of our delicious dinners. We look forward to seeing you. Cautious Buffett preaches prudence Famed investor Warren Buffett says in his latest shareholder letter that stocks are still too pricey and CEOs still lack proper oversight. Buffett, the world’s second-richest man, Forbes magazine says, also cautioned about rampant use of complex financial instruments called derivatives and fat CEO pay. Buffett is famous for being perennially cautious, but his comments released Saturday to investors of his Berkshire Hathaway holding company were especially sobering this time. With stocks down three consecutive years, some investment pros anticipated a market rebound this year and were hoping Buffett would finally start seeing bargains. Instead Buffett said, “Despite three years of falling prices, which have significantly improved the attractiveness of common stocks, we still find veiy few that even mildly interest us.” Supports Troops Last Sunday morning, March 2, Therese and I went to the Nautica on the banks of the Cuyahoga River in the flats of Cleveland, Ohio. There was to be a “Support our troops rally,” and we wanted to be there. People from near and far attended. I spoke with them. I am now aware many Americans feel as I do about the USA and our men and women in our Armed Forces. May God bless us, and may God bless the United States of America. I am yet allowed to mention God, aren’t I? —Rudy Flis Everybody likes a kidder, but nobody lends him money. —Arthur Miller In 1995, residents at Okhura Village, Japan, built a snowman that measured 96 ft., 7 in. in height. The project took ten days to complete. Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gas fumace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient - compared to around 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fracUon of its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the Freedom 90's lifetime limited warrant)’. So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90) and give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder about. WWJj AMERICAN M STANDARD Buill To A Higher Standard GORJAN (440)944-9444 * jRfc ♦ T■ 2^7 Alpha Park “S3™3 Highland Hts, OH 44143 i:u in:! A Namr For All Srasons* AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 13, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 13, 2003 Growing Ud Slovenian in Collimvood - Photographer, Friend Bill Meyer by JOE GLINŠEK W. J. ‘Bill’ Meyer didn’t even live on the. east side, but he belongs in my Col-linwood life all the same. He was a ‘character’ in the most flattering sense of the word, and influenced widely separated periods of my life. 1 met him in my teens, resumed our acquaintance for a while in my thirties, and became close friends in my late forties. Even after I retired to Florida, we corresponded frequently until the courageous octogenarian died in March of 1986. My dad got me hooked on photography and the basics of darkroom work before 1 was 10. It became a serious hobby when I joined the Camera Club in high school, and met weekly to discuss techniques and critique our photos. Most members had more advanced cameras than my “Kodak Hawkeye,” so I did more listening than talking. Reading just about everything written on the sub-jec:, I became knowledgeable, but lacked funds to expand my practical experience. Mr. Prentke in his photo shop near school, was more than patient as I examined equipment I couldn’t afford, quizzed him for free advice, and then spent a few dimes for packets of developer. 1 first met Bill Meyer at Dodd’s, probably Cleveland’s largest photo supply store. Coming downtown on a streetcar to buy contact paper and a safe-light bulb, quite a minor purchase, I was pleasantly surprised by his helpful manner. On future shopping trips I always waited until Bill was free, because he was so gracious and generous with his advice and never hurried me out, though I had little to spend and a lot to learn. His patient fatherly ways made a lasting impression on me, and though somewhere in his 40s, to my young eyes he was an ‘old man.’ Later, when I was working and could afford more equipment, I’d visit him at the store and hear about the activities at the Cleveland Photographic Society, an eminent organization of which he was a member. Founded in 1887, it had a downtown clubroom and a fine reputation. He entered his black and white nature photos in most of the club and inter-club competitions. He used an old Rolleicord camera and chose to work in black and white long after color was common. Bill and Ruth Meyer lived in a small house off West 143r,i, where he worked in a makeshift darkroom in the laundry-room. There he enlarged and dry-mounted his 11 x 14 prints.on 16 x 20 Bristol boards. In numerous competitions, he was a frequent ribbon winner with his nature studies. He remained dedicated to black and white, although Ruth, also a member of the club, worked exclusively in 35mm color slides. Bill tried to persuade me to join the club and I attended a few meetings as his guest, but it was a long way from where we now lived in Euclid, and I already belonged to a club near home. Hoping to change my mind, he put me on the mailing list-for their club publication, Through the Darkroom Door. On my visits to the club, I observed the way they conducted their print or slide competitions and learned about the elements that distinguish a nice picture from a prize-winning photograph. It was also readily apparent that Bill was loved by one and all. One evening in the late 1960’s, he generously made the long trip to our local Euclid Camera Club to give an instructive demonstration of dry-mounting prints. Bill was a diabetic with very limited vision, and was getting more thin and frail every year. He displayed a lot of grit and never allowed his ailments to interfere with his work or fun. A decade later, in the last few years before I retired from Industrial Engineering in what was then called Terex, a division of G.M., I worked at our Clinton Road plant in Brookly, just a short drive from Bill Meyer’s house. I persuaded the photographer at our main plant in Hudson, some 40 miles away, that I could save him time and travel in exchange for a camera. He sent me some basic equipment and I became the plant photographer, in addition to my regular duties. This worked out to everyone’s advantage, and when a major plant expansion created the need for weekly progress photos, it also gave me a welcome respite from my office routine. 1 called Bill to see if he might enjoy some relief from his retirement boredom, and make some extra money. He was interested, and I went to his home to discuss arrangements. I met his wife, we chatted about old times at Dodd’s, and had a nice reunion. He seemed very pleased to be useful again and agreed to do all our black and white film processing and printing. I would deliver the film and pick up the work at his home. His service was faster and his prices lower than any commercial lab - everyone was pleased. Now feeling like a family friend, I really got to know Bill and Ruth Meyer: he had enjoyed a very interesting life. Not married until he was nearly 50, they had no children, only a cat named Josh. We laughed at this coincidence, since our son was also called Josh. During the next couple of years I visited every week on photo business, sometimes joining them for lunch, and always cementing our friendship with good conversation. He displayed his exhibition prints, many of which were ribbon winners, and presented me a few before I re- tired. I also saw his older photo albums, which led to some interesting stories about his early years. He had enjoyed a very interesting life. Sometime in the 1920’s, Bill and a friend drove a Model T west and down into Mexico, back up into western Canada and home to Cleveland. He claimed to have driven very few hundred miles of paved road west of the Mississippi at the time. They’d worked and saved enough money to ' make this adventurous grand tour, and traveled the better part of two years. Intending to follow the sun, they started out with six spare tires, a complete set of tools, and camping gear. He showed me pictures of their Ford that only a team of horses could rescue from its quagmire, and they walked many miles finding farmers who would help. The spare tires were used up, plus several more they bought along the way. They did a complete motor overhaul outdoors under a canvas shelter. Parts were bought in the nearest town - there was much walking and borrowing of horses. It seemed like they might have made it faster on foot. Bill and his friend had learned enough Spanish to get along, but Mexico was apparently a harrowing experience and they didn’t go very far south. They circled back through the rugged northwest country into Canada during the summer months as planned. Most nights they camped out or in the car, and on lucky nights, a liiendly fanner’s barn. 1 encouraged Bill to write about this odyssey, but he just laughed. To him, it was just a long vacation that would be of no interest to others. I wish I had taken notes or made tapes, because I’ve forgotten many of the details. Bill was wrong - a journal of this trip would have made a good read. After he got this wanderlust out of his system, I believe he worked at a factory job for a while before opening a candy store on the west side of town. This would be the late 1920’s and into the Depression, When he evidently lost the business and started looking for new horizons. Always.the adventurer, he worked his way to Hawaii aboard a freighter and found work with the Brown &, Williamson tobacco plantation. In his free time he pursued his love of nature, hiking and photography: he showed me an album of Hawaiian photos taken in the 1930’s. He was there for Pearl Harbor, and apparently spent the war years in Hawaii before working his way back to the States. After getting his job at Dodd’s, he joined the Cleveland Photographic Society and met Ruth, all at about the same time. I can’t vouch for the accuracy of this sequence of events, but it’s what I remember from conversations and viewing the photo al--bums. This fills in the years before I met Bill at Dodd’s in the late 1940’s, and his marriage to Ruth in 1950. (To Be Continued) Lilija presents The Wicked Widow On Sunday, April 6, Drama Club LILIJA presents a comedy, “The Wicked Widow” at Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue beginning at 3:30 in the afternoon. Everyone welcome! 8396 Mentor Ave Mentor, Oh 44060 Office 440-951-2123 Fox: 440-255-4290 n1 Realty One as www.rMttyone.com "The Lucas Team" Roger Lucas v.m. 440-974-7207 Donna Lucas v.m. 440-974-7217 email: r.lucas@realtyone.com d.lucas@realtyone.com 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? Well then, St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV and much much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any question on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. :/ Frank Ažman Sr. - Frank Ažman Jr. Story of Ažman Grocery and Butcher Shop Frank Azman & Sons is a small, independently owned grocery and meat market business that has served the Slovenian Community since the 1920’s. The wavy surface of an ancient butcher-block behind the counter stands testament to years of knives cutting meat. Ažman’s offer services and products that are rapidly becoming a thing of the past in this age of mass production and mega-supermarket convenience. The store has been in continuous operation until a fire had forced a closure for 18 months. The open sign is back on the door at 6501 St. Clair Avenue and the Azman’s once again look forward to serving your needs. —Phil Hrvatin Help Wanted If you are interested in cleaning homes, please call Bina at (216) 321-9393 (not Saturdays). Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119- (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http'J/stwnburysaccounting. com Enrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Servicing Individuals Corporations & Small Businesses. Slovenian Spring Buffet Friday, April 11 at Sherwin-Gilmour Party Center 5947 Mayfield Road, Mayfield Hts., Ohio $18. - Featuring: Buffet by Albie Somrak -Breaded Chicken, Roast Pork w/Sauerkraut Slovenian Oven Baked Potatoes, Ajmoht, Green Beans w/Kohlrabi, Sweet Rolls, Beverage - Coffee, Tea, Apple Strudel MUSIC BY JOE NOVAK & FRIENDS ^ Doors Open 5 p.m., buffet 6 p.m., dancing 7 - 9 Call for Reservations: Corrine 440-449-2555 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 St. Mary’s Lenten Fish Fries Every Friday during Lent, beginning March 7, from 4 to 7 p.m., a fish fry will be held in. St. Mary’s school auditorium, 15519 Holmes Ave., sponsored by the Parish Council. Cost of fresh ocean perch, home-fries, salad, dessert and coffee is $7.00 for adults and $3.50 for children. Shrimp/fish combo dinner or all shrimp dinners are $7.50. Macaroni and cheese dinners are $3.50. All are welcome. WCPN Radio Fund Raiser 5 Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM is in the midst of its spring fund raiser. Included in this fund raiser is the Slovenian Hour hosted by Tony Ovsenik on Saturday evening, March 15 between 9 and 10 p.m. If you are interested in supporting this effort of Slovenian entertainment and news program, please call during the program at 1-888-629-3636 with your pledge. The call is toll free from wherever you may be calling. St. Mary’s Alumni Meets St. Mary’s Collinwood Alumni quarterly meeting will be on Thursday, March 20 at 1:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. Doors open at 1 p.m. Everyone welcome. Grilled Marinated Tuna Steaks 4 fresh tuna steaks (1 '/«inches thick) or substitute swordfish or salmon 3 This, soy sauce juice of‘A lime 1 This, rice vinegar 1 This. Oriental sesame oil pinch dried red pepper flakes 6 thin slices peeled fresh ginger 2 garlic cloves, crushed Place tuna in a shallow non-aluminum pan and add all remaining ingredients, turning steaks to coat. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour, but no more than 6 hours. Turn once or twice to marinate. Bring fish to room temperature. Grill on a preheated charcoal fire, or broil in a preheated broiler on a rack placed 4 inches from heat. Baste once or twice and turn, until golden, about 5 minutes on each side. (Note: Be careful not to overcook; fish should be just firm when pressed in center, but interior should still be very juicy.) Transfer to serving plates, ladle with broiler-pan juices and serve immediately. Coming Events Saturday, March 15 Slovenian Man and Woman of the Year Banquet at SNH, St. Clair. Sunday, March 16 Meeting SWU #25 at 1:30 p.m. St. Vitus Social Room, Cleveland. Friday, March 21 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80th, Cleveland, Fish Fry - Walleye or Shrimp or Pierogi or Mac & Cheese $8, serving 5-7 p.m. Friday, March 28 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80th, Cleveland, Fish Fry - Walleye or Shrimp or Pierogi or Mac & Cheese $8, serving 5-7 p.m. Music 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. by Wayne and Joe. Sunday, March 23 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School breakfast 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Sunday, April 6 Super Button Box Bash XXI at Slovenian Society Home, both halls featuring 15 button accordion bands. Sunday, April 6 Drama Club LILIJA presents a comedy “The Wicked Widow” at Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave., beginning at 3:30 in the afternoon. Everybody welcome! Saturday, April 12 Jadran Singing Society dinner (5 p.m.), concert and dance featuring Fred Ziwich Orchestra at SWH, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland. For tickets $20, call (216) 481-3187 or (440) 951-1694. Sunday, April 13 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Palm Sunday 9:45 a.m. blessing of butare and procession. 10 a.m. Mass. Sunday, April 13 Annual benefit dinner for Seniors Program at St. Vitus Auditorium sponsored by Holy Name Society, KSKJ Lodge No. 25, and Altar Society. Tuesday, April 22 St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Dinner (Reverse raffle). Tickets $40.00. $2,500 total cash prizes. Contact Rich Mott at (216) 531-4556. Saturday, April 26 Zarja Singing Society Spring Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid. Dinner before concert; Jeff Pecon Orchestra provides music for dancing after concert. Saturday, April 26 Slovenian Fest, hosted by UWM Slovenian Arts Council (Milwaukee) AMEIRŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 13, 2003 IVAN ŠTUHEC, Ljubljana KOMENTAR Odločitev za NATO, potrditev plebiscita Referendumsko odločanje Slovenije in Slovenk o vstopu v EZ in NATO se hitro bliža, domača javnost pa je močno razdeljna, predvsem glede vprašanja obrambne povezave. Od 11. septembra naprej, oziroma še natančneje od Busheve izvolitve, poslušamo in beremo v slovenski javnosti predvsem izjemno čustveno in ostro kritiko Busha in njegove administracije. Ker je Amerika reagirala najprej v Afganistanu in se sedaj pripravlja za napad na Irak, je njena zunanja politika dobila predznak napadalnosti in postala sinonim za svetovno agresivnost. Na to politiko se odzivajo različna mirovniška gibanja, katerih cilj je vedno večje demoniziranje Amerike in njenih voditeljev. Ker pa je Amerika najmočnejši dejavnik v čezatlantski zvezi NATO, prihaja do popolno izkrivljene podobe o tem, za kaj se bomo odločali 23. marca: proti Ameriki ali za zvezo NATO? Kar zadeva odnos do Amerike, bi bilo pričakovati, da bi se slovenski in evropski protiglobalisti in mirovniki s transparenti postavili na gradbenih parcelah vsepovsod tam, kjer se katerakoli domača ali tuja velika trgovska hiša loti zdrave nakupovalnega centra. Ti so namreč posnemanje ameriške "shopping" kulture. Prav tako bi bilo treba protestirati pred trgovinami, ki prodajajo zgoščenke z angleško in ameriško glasbo, saj je ta že zdavnaj kolonializirala slovensko mladež. Da ne govorimo o poneumljanju množic, ki prisegajo na ameriške nadaljevanke, za katere vsaj komercialnim televizijam nikoli zmanjka ne časa ne denarja. Tudi proti “fast foodu” še nihče ni protestiral in po možnosti bodo protestniki nosili kavbojke. Razni mirovni in drugi inštituti se ne branijo dolarjev od stricev iz Amerike, da lahko doma, pod krinko razvoja demokracije in civilne družbe, vpijejo proti sedanji ameriški oblasti. Nimajo pa toliko ponosa, da bi rekli hvala globalno umazanemu denarju. Tudi med univerzitetnimi profesorji bomo našli anti-ameriško razposajene kritike, ki pa s pridom izkoriščajo ameriško širino, ko gre za objavo njihovih knjig ali člankov v ameriških revijah, kajti to se obrestuje pri nabiranju kariernih točk za napredovanje. Še bi lahko naštevali paradoksalnost antiamerika-nizma, ki ga je pri levičarjih predvsem vzpodbudilo dejstvo, da so z Bushem na oblasti republikanci in ne demokrati. Kakor da je Clintonova Amerika bila tako drugačna in Clinton bistveno bolj pohleven od Busha. Očitno je, da se je duh evropskega anarhizma in levega liberalizma ujel v znano formulo razrednega sovražnika, ki je tokrat onstran oceana, pooseblja pa ga Bush. V prid temu govori tudi velika os med Schraderjevimi socialisti (ki bi danes v Nemčiji pogoreli na vsej črti, če bi bile volitve), Moskvo, Pekingom in tradicionalno drugačnimi Francozi, ki pri svojem izgubljanju vpliva na svetovno politiko storijo vse, da ostajajo v igri. Končno so bili Francozi tudi vneti zagovorniki Miloševiča in velike Srbije, kar danes anti-amerikanci pozabljajo. Mirovniški pohodi pa med bodo prepričali, ko bodo z isto vnemo protestirali po Iraku in zahtevali, naj Husein neha z diktaturo, svojemu ljudstvu pa da hrano in svobodo ter spoštuje zahteve Varnostnega sveta OZN. Pesmi "rv . • • m Melodije iz Naše Lepe Slovenije Radijska Družim Cleveland ED MEJAČ Vodja Radijske Družine WCSB 89.3 FM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 IT.L/FAX web: www.wcsb.org Glasovanje o Evropski zvezi in NATU Slovenski ameriški svet opozarja slovenske državljane in volilce, da bo v Sloveniji v nedeljo, 23. marca, potekala glasovanje o pristopu Slovenije k Evropski zvezi in k Severnoatlantski pogodbeni organizaciji (NATO). Na tem referendumskem glasovanju moreoj glasovati tudi slovenski državljani, ki stalno bivajo v tujini in so prijavljeni volilci. Slovenski ameriški svet poziva slovenske volilce, da se tega zgodovinsko važnega glasovanja udeležijo. Slovenija mora ostati oziroma postati del Evrope in zahodnega sveta, kamor je pripadala v svoji zgodovini razen dobe komunističnega totalitarizma. O geopolitičnem položaju Slovenije ni nobenega dvoma. S tema dvema pridružitvama bomo Slovenci dovoljno in primerno poskrbeli za svojo varnost in stabilnost ter izpolnjevali svoje narodno poslanstvo. Da bi Slovenski ameriški svet olajšal to važno glasovanje slovenskim volilcem, bo v petek zvečer med sedmo in deveto uro, to je 21. marca, v sejni sobi Slovenskega doma na Holmes Avenue v Collinwoodu nudil volilcem notarsko uslugo, ker mora biti identiteta volilca oziroma glasovalca notarsko potrjena, in pa uslugo kurirske dostave zaprtih kuvert glasovnic na Republiško volilno komisijo v Ljubljani v predpisanem kratkem času. Slovenski ameriški svet In če se bomo v tej zmedi morali odločati za NATO, potem je prav, da vemo, da je NATO skupnost držav, ki jih združuje spoštovanje demokratičnih vrednot in pravni red, kar je veliko širša osnova kakor pa vojaška solidarnost v boju proti skupnemu sovražniku. Je pa seveda tudi zveza medsebojne kolektivne varnosti in obrambe, v primeru kateregakoli možnega dejavnika nestabilnosti demokratičnih družbenih ureditev zaveznic. Mednarodni terorizem vsekakor pomeni takšno nevarnost. Odločanje za NATO je dejansko odločanje za stabilnost demokratične družbene ureditve, ki je zavarovana s pravnim redom, katerega temelj so človekove pravice. Ker sta tako demokracija kot pravni red neprestano ogrožena od znotraj in od zunaj, je, žal, potrebno skrbeti tudi za varnost in obrambo. To je na prvi pogled nesimpatično in, če hočemo, tudi proti tistemu evangeljskemu načelu, da je treba nastaviti še drugo lice. Je pa realistično, glede na dejstvo, da so različne oblike družbene destabilizacije vedno na delu in da pač nekaterim skupinam ljudi vedon bolj ustreza nered kot red. Svetovno mirovništvo je vsaj takšna utopija, kot je bil komunizem, saj nam oba ponujata rajsko družbo, ki bi bila dosegljiva samo v primeru, da bi iz tega sveta izginile vse oblike nasilja. Najprej seveda tiste v družinah, šolah, ulicah, lokalih in na delovnih mestih. Ko bomo torej v naši domovini spali pri nezaklenjenih vratih in brez skrbi pozabljali denarnice v javnih prostorih, takrat bomo imeli tisto legitimnost, ki nam bo dala ustrezno moralno kritje za svetovni pacifizem. S tem pa nikakor nočem reči, da si ni potrebno z vso močjo prizadevati za mir in da vojna nikoli ni prava rešitev. In če, žal, ne gre drugače, se do miru pride tudi s pomočjo vojske in policije. Ko se bom odločal za NATO, se bom odločal za mednarodno stabilnost in varnost tistega, za kar sem se odločil na plebiscitu. Veliko laže se odpovem suverenosti na področju obrambne in varnostne politike kakor kulturne. Slednje nam nihče noče vzeti, pač pa jo zapravljamo sami. Kakor zapravljamo svojo vitalno suverenost s politiko, ki ni naklonjena večjemu številu otrok in socialni varnosti mladih družin. DRUŽINA, 23. febr. 2003 Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanji v Sloveniji in tudi med nami samimi Zahvala Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu CLEVELAND, O. - Kosilo Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu 23. februarja je lepo uspelo. Prav lepo se zahvaljujemo vsem, ki so pomagali pri pripravi kosila, dvorane in vseh drugih podrobnosti. Vsako delo in vsaka pomoč je bila zelo upoštevana. Naj lepša hvala ge. Mariji Cugelj, ge. Štefi Zam-len, ge. Pepci Manfreda, in Stanetu in Meti Kuhar za nesebično pomoč v kuhinji. Ga. Linda Plečnik, ki je nosila najtežje in najodgovornejše delo pri pripravi kosila, pa naj Bog obilo poplača. Prav tako se lepo zahvaljujemo g. Matiju Plečniku za njegovo požrtvovalno delo. Istočasno se zahvaljujemo g. Jamesu A. Slapniku ml., cvetličar, za lepo cvetje, ki je krasilo mize pri kosilu. Končno pa hvala tudi vam vsem, ki ste se kosila udeležili in s tem podprli našo šolo. “Bog-lonaj”! Odbor V LJUBEČ SPOMIN 15. OBLETNICE NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA OČETA, STAREGA OČETA, TASTA, BRATA IN STRICA ALOJZ FERLINC roj. 15. junija 1927 umrl 16. marca 1988 In še in še in vedno bolj prši sneg, naletava in sam sem sredi večnih pdU in noga se mi pogrezava. Kje tihi si mi dom, ti sreča moja prava?... Nocoj kedaj te videl bom ti sreča moja prava?... Prostrane dalje mrak molČ>> prši sneg, zamrzava... ah, v srce, zdi se, naletava- Jos. Miirn-Aleksandr° Žalujoči ostali: Christine Bartolotta, hčerka Robert Bartolotta, zet Matthew, vnuk; Jill, vnukinja ter sorodstvo v Sloveniji. Zavod za oživitev civilne družbe Svetovni slovenski kongres Radio dva (Celovec) Ljubljana, 10. marec 2003 Na slovensko, avstrijsko ter mednarodno javnost naslavljamo ODPRTO PISMO Zavod za oživitev civilne družbe in Svetovni slovenski kongres (SSK) v Ljubljani, izražata podporo slovenski narodni skupnosti v Avstriji pri njenih zahtevah za uveljavitev človekovih in manjšinskih pravic. Še posebej izražamo podporo uslužbencem radijskega programa “Radio dva” v Celovcu, Avstrija, ki so se nedavno (ega odločili za gladovno stavko zaradi na-niere avstrijskih oblasti, da ukinejo to manjšinsko slovensko radijsko postajo. Radijska postaja “Rauio dva" je edina radijska postaja, ki ima' celodnevni slovenski Program za slovensko manjšino, ki živi v Avstriji. Manjšinski radijski program je zakonsko utemeljen z Zakonom o avstrijski radioteleviziji in je v skladu z Evropsko konvencijo o zaščiti narodnih manjšin, ki j° je Avstrija ratificirala 31. marca 1998, in z Listino ° regionalnih in manjšinskih jezikih, ki jo je Avstrija ratificirala 28. junija 2001. Temeljne pravice slovenske manjšine v Avstriji so določene v Avstrijski državni pogodbi iz leta 1955, ki Pa jih je Avstrija v povojnih letih v večini njenih določil dosledno ni uresničevala in je v zadnjem vladnem obdobju dosledno prezirala celo dve tozadevni razsodbi avstrijskega ustavnega sodišča. Poleg tega, da krši Avstrijsko državno pogodbo iz leta 1955 o spoštovanju manjšinskih pravic, avstrijska vlada krši tudi druge listine OZN, med drugim Deklaracijo o pravicah pripadnikov narodnih ali etničnih, verskih in jezikovnih manjšin, ki jo je sprejela Generalna skupščina OZN z resolucijo št; 47/135 z dne 18. dec. 1992. Kršenje Avstrijske državne pogodbe iz leta 1955 predstavlja negiranje pravnih temeljev Avstrijske države. Narava teh kršitev je še toliko bolj zaskrbljujoča, ker je bila slovenska manjšina v Avstriji, obenem z vsem slovenskim narodom, podvržena genocidu in et-mčneinu čiščenju med drugo svetovno vojno. Zelo zaskrbljujoče je tudi dejstvo, da protimanjšinski ukrepi Izhajajo po večini od koroškega deželnega glavarja dr. 'hlrga Haiderja, čigar politična stranka je bila osnovni Povod za evropske sankcije proti Avstriji in ki ponov-n° sestavlja vladno koalicijo. •• Dr. JOrg Haider je znan P° svoji naklonjenosti in po prijateljskih zvezah s se-^mijhn režimom v Iraku in s Saddamom Husšeinom *er združenji desnega ekstremizma v Evropi. Generalni sekretar OZN Kofi Annan je 7. aprila 1999 v Ženevi dejal: “Kar se pojavlja počasi, ampak Verjamem, da zanesljivo, je mednarodni normativ pro-h nasilnemu zatiranju manjšin, ki bo in mora dobiti Prednost pred državno neodvisnostjo.” Mislimo, da se stoletja trajajoče kršenje človekovih pravic in manjšinskih pravic s strani avstrijskih vlad z ozirom na Avstrijsko državno pogodbo lahko kvalificira kot Pasihio zatiranje”. dokumentirano je, da so avstrijske vlade na svo-Jem suverenem ozemlju kršile lastno Avstrijsko držav-P° pogodbo ter druge nacionalne in mednarodne akte. 2ato mislimo, da je čas, da se te kršitve predložijo Mednarodnim sodiščem, zato, da se s pravno prisilo VzPostavi mednarodni pravni red v Avstriji ter da se P°Pravijo vse krivice in povrne škoda, ki je bila pov-2r°čena slovenski manjšini v času zadnjega pol stoletja. Pozivamo OZN, EU, ZDA. in vse organizacije civil-ne družbe, da uporabijo vsa pravna, diplomatska in Moralna sredstva za to. da bodo mednarodna sodišča °bravnavala kršitve mednarodnih obveznosti, ki jih je prejela Avstrija, z ozirom na pravice slovenske naro-ne manjšine, ki živi v Avstriji. ^r«*nci Eeltrin, podpreds. etovni slovenski kongres Dane Z^jc, predsednik Zavod za oživitev civilne družbe Marjan Pipp, predstavnik Radio dva ? AMERIŠKO domovino ste vedno na tekočem SLOVENIJA, MOJA DEŽELA v posnetkih Foto kluba Anton Ažbe, Škofja Loka Posnetek z dne 23. februarja 2003, ob otvoritve razstave v SKC v Lemontu. Z leve proti desni so: Marta Pečarič, Peter Pečarič, Jožica Gombač, Marija Vlašič in Milan Pečarič. WHEATON, 111. - Naslov je za novo razstavo v Slovenskem kulturnem centru v Lemontu. Otvo-ritev je bila 23. februarja. Posnetki bodo na ogled več mesecev. Doslej so bile vse razstave v SKC dela umetnikov, ki se izražajo z ustvarjanjem na platnu, papirju, steklu, bronu in lesu. Tokrat imamo na stenah prvič fotografije. Foto klub Anton Ažbe Škofja Loka obstoja že 18 let in ima okrog 40 članov. Prirejajo redna društvena fotografična srečanja in se udejstvujejo pri razstavah v Sloveniji in po svetu. Posamezni člani so že prejeli veliko visokih nagrad. Dolgoletni član kluba Tone Hiršenfelder, ki je bil lansko spomlad z zborom Lubnik v našem SKC, se je tedaj zanimal in spraševal o možnosti fotografske razstave v našem Domu in potem aktivno posredoval za ta dogodek. Tako se sedaj foto klub prvič predstavi rojakom v Ameriki s to zelo lepo, pestro, zanimivo in profesionalno razstavo. Udejstvuje se sedem članov z 91 fotografijami. Ti so: Marjan Gantar, Tone Hiršenfelder, Tatjana Jeram, Peter Jeram, Izidor Jesenko, Boštjan Pleško in Peter Pokorn. Vsi fotografi so tudi hribolazci, smučarji, na splošno povezani z naravo, z lepoto Slovenije. Za razstavo so izbrali predvsem pokrajinske posnetke, ker je njih namen pri obiskovalcu obuditi spomin na “stari kraj" in vzbuditi ponos, da imajo rojaki svoje korenine v enem najlepših delov sveta. Gotovo se vsi strinjamo, da je naša Slovenija resnično edinstveno lepa! Razstavo Foto kluba Anton Ažbe so sprejeli obiskovalci SKC z velikim navdušenjem in so fotografije obujale spomine ter vodile do razgovorov in pogovorov. Zelo smo veseli nad uspehom in smo umetnikom iz Slovenije hvaležni za pripravo razstave, rojake po ZDA pa vabimo, da si razstavo ogledajo, če oz. ko se ustavijo pri SKC v Lemontu. Erika M. Bajuk fa, tU kčf**'*^ Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS SEZNANJAJTE NAŠE BRALCE O AKTIVNOSTIH VAŠIH DRUŠTEV! V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN Ob trinajsti žalostni obletnici odkar si odšel v večno življenje 13. marca 1990. ERIK A. KOVAČIČ “Kako lepo je tukaj” si povedal... Na svidenje v Raju Tvoji žalujoči žena Nika in hčerka Bernardka z družino, sestra Jerica Pesek v Ljubljani in ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji Silver Spring, Maryland, 13. marca 2003. Spremembe slovenske ustave začele veljati Ljubljana (Delo fax, 8. marca) - Poslanci so na včerajšnji (tj. petkovi) izredni seji razglasili ustavni zakon o spremembah prvega poglavja ter 47. in 68. člena ustave, s čimer so omogočili, da so ustavne spremembe, ki jih je državni zbor sprejel, začele veljati. Navzočnost v dvorani je prijavilo 58 poslancev. Za ustavni zakon je glasovalo 54 poslancev od 58 nav- zočih, trije (iz Zmago Jelinčičeve, op. ur. AD) SNS pa so bili proti. Ustavni zakon vzpostavlja ustavne temelje in zagotavlja pogoje za vstop Slovenije v mednarodne organizacije in obrambne zveze, omogoča, da lahko Slovenija prenese izvrševanje dela suverenih pravic na mednarodne organizacije, sprejete rešitve pa veljajo tudi za že razpisana referenduma o vs- topu Slovenije v EU in NATO, ki bosta 23. marca. Oba bosta zavezujoča, ob morebitni ratifikaciji pogodb o vstopu ju ne bo mogoče ponovno razpisati, neveljavne glasovnice pa v primerjavi z drugimi referendumi ne bodo vplivale na ugotavljanje izida. Z ustavnim zakonom je državni zbor vnesel v ustavo nov, tako imenovani evropski 3. a-člen. V prvem odstavku tega člena, ki govori o prenosu pristojnosti, ustava V ZAHVALO IN LJUBEČ SPOMIN Globoko užaloščeni sporočamo, da je 22. januarja 2003, šest let po smrti drage žene Zalke, nas zapustil naš dragi oče, stari oče, brat, stric in boter 1916 2003 JERNEJ ZUPAN Pokojni je bil rojen 3. septembra 1916 v Lomu pri Tržiču. Pokopan je bil 24. januarja na pokopališču Vernih duš (Section 14, lot 1681). Leta 1945 je odšel iz Slovence v negotovost in v Vetrinju slenil zakonsko zvestobo z Zalko Račič. Ta božji žegen ju je spremljal preko petdeset let v Ameriko in iz te ljubezni so se ustvarile štiri družine. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo župniku Sv. Vida, č.g. Jožetu Božnarju, za vsostransko pozornost skozi leta, za tolažno evharistijo, za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu, za darovanje pogrebne maše, in za obrede na pokopališču. Naša zahvala gre tudi č.g. Victor Cimpermanu za dolgoletno prijateljstvo in prisotnost pri pogrebni maši. Zelo smo hvaležni cerkvenemu zboru pod vodstvom Janeza Sršena za lepo petje pri sv. maši, ter njegovi vnukinji Kristen Sršen za tolaž^jivo pesem “Pie Jesu”. Enako smo hvaležni pevskemu zboru Korotan za žalostinke v pogrebnem zavodu. Našo iskreno hvalo naj prejme g. Frank Šega za molitve in poslovilne besede v imenu društva Kristusa Kranja. Hvala članom Pristavskih upokojencev za molitve ob krsti rajnega, kakor tudi članom društva Najsvetejšega Imena fare Sv. Vida. Hvaležni smo Tonetu Ovseniku za objavo, tolažilne besede in žalostinke na njegovi radijski oddaji. Toplo zahvalo naj prejme Ameriška Domovina za objavo smrti in spominski govor. Najlepša hvala pogrebnemu zavodu Zak za vso naklonjenost in vodstvo pogreba. Topla zahvala gre č.g. Louis Trivisonu in sr. Helen Therese Scasny, VSC, iz Light of Hearts Villa, ki sta vsa zadnja leta stala nam ob strani in nam bila v tolažbo. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo sr. Maiy Avsec, SND, za redne obiske in podaritev evharist^e. Naša najtoplejša zahvala gre vsem, ki ste v tako lepem številu prišli kropit, se udeležili sv. maše, in ga spremili na i^jegovo zadnjo pot. Prisrčna hvala za vsako molitev ali darilo v njegov spomin: daritve za sv. maše in misijone ter druge dobre namene, za mašni plašč, za cvetlice, za pecivo in hrano, za sožalna in tolažilna pisma in vse drugo. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice. Če smo koga pomotoma izpustili, naj nam oprosti in naj »prejme to javno zahvalo kot posebej njemu ali njej namenjeno. Dragi ata! Kadar pride smrt v družino, pride vedno prezgodaj in je boleče, Vedno si bil za nas ljubeči in skrbni oče. Ohranili bomo tebe v naših srcih v najlepšem spominu. V Božjem miru počivaj in v nebesih rajsko srečo uživaj z mamo, svojim staršem, bratom Francetom in brati, ki so bili žrtve druge svetovne vojne: Andrej, Tone, Janez in Jože. Tvoji žalujoči otroci: Marija Burgar, Jernej Zupan ml., Zalka Sršen in Ivan Zupan zet: Tone Sršen snahi: Marija Zupan in Diane Zupan sestre: Marya Hochegger (Argentina) in Helena Smolej (Kanada) brat: Stanko Zupan (Slovenija) 13 vnukov in vnukii^j ter ostalo sorodstvo po svetu. Cleveland, Ohio 7. marca 2003 določa, da lahko Slovenija z mednarodno pogodbo, ki jo ratificira DZ z dvotretjinsko večino glasov vseh poslancev, prenese izvrševanje dela suverenih pravic na mednarodne organizacije, ki temeljijo na spoštovanju človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, demokracije in načel pravne države, ter vstopi v o-brambno zvezo z državami, ki temeljijo na spoštovanju teh vrednot. Drugi odstavek 3. a-člena pravi, da lahko državni zbor pred ratifikacijo omenjene mednarodne pogodbe razpiše referendum. Preaiog je na referendumu sprejet, če zanj glasuje večina volivcev, ki so veljavno glasovali, državni zbor pa je vezan na izid referenduma. Če je bil referendum izveden, glede zakona o ratifikaciji take mednarodne pogodbe referenduma ni dopustno razpisati. V skladu s tretjim odstavkom novega 3. a-čle-na se bodo pravni akti in odločitve, sprejete v okviru mednarodnih organizacij, na katere Slovenija prenese izvrševanje dela suverenih pravic, v Sloveniji uporabljale v skladu s pravno ureditvijo teh organizacij. V četrtem oziroma zadnjem odstavku 3. a-člena pa je zapisano, da vlada v postopkih sprejemanja pravnih aktov in odločitev v mednarodnih organizacijah, na katere Slovenija prenese izvrševanje dela suverenih pravic. sproti obvešča državni zbor o predlogih takih aktov in odločitev ter o svoji dejavnosti. Državni zbor lahko o tem sprejema stališča, vlada pa jih upošteva pri svojem delovanju. Razmerja med državnim zborom in vlado glede omenjenih odločitev pa bo podrobneje urejal zakon, ki ga bo državni zbor sprejel z dvotretjinsko večino glasov navzočih poslancev. Državni zbor je spremenil tudi 47. in 68. člen ustave. V 47. členu, ki govori o izročanju slovenskih državljanov tujim državam, je določeno, da državljana Slovenije ni dovoljeno izročiti ali predati, razen če obveznost izročitve ali predaje izhaja iz mednarodne pogodbe, s katero Slovenija prenaša izvrševanje dela suverenih pravic na mednarodno organizacijo. V 68. členu pa ustava po novem določa, da lahko tujci pridobijo lastninsko pravico do nepremičnin pod pogoji, ki jih določa zakon ali mednarodna pogodba, ki jo ratificira DZ. Drugi razdelek ustavnega oziroma njegov izvedbeni del pa določa, da bosta razpisana referenduma o vstopu Slovenije v EU in NATO, W bosta 23. marca, obvezujoča, ob ratifikaciji mednarodne pogodbe neponovljiva in da neveljavne glasovnice ne bodo šteli kot glasovi proti. J. M,, M. A- It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams *- Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185,h St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) _ BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio “Rešuje nas duh skupnosti” Ameriški veleposlanik Johnny Young o etiki v gospodarskem življenju Ameriška podjetja se ravnajo po strogih pravilnikih o poslovanju in etičnih kodeksih, je na okrogli mizi o etiki v gospodarskem življenju Amerike povedal snieriški veleposlanik v Sloveniji Johnny Young O o V večeru, ki so ga 13. februarja v dvorani ljubljanske Teološke fakulte-pripravili Združenje krščanskih poslovnežev Slovenije, Slovenski katoliški izobraženci in Svet katoliških laikov Sloveni-Je> je veleposlanik Young Poudaril vlogo načel svobode, strpnosti, odgovor-nosti in transparentnosti 0z- razvidnosti v ameriških podjetjih in tamkajšnji družbi. Zahtevna pravila niso lo za zaposlene v zaseb-nih podjetjih, marveč tu-^i za javne uslužbence. Ko smo imenovani, naše življenje postane odprta knjiga,” se je slikovito iz-razil veleposlanik in po-Ve(ial, da morajo ob spre-jemu službe javni delavci Predložiti najrazličnejše podatke o svojem premo-^enju, plačevanju davkov, sorodnikih ... Eno izmed “poglavij” piljenja javnega usluž- enca kot odprte knjige S°vori o (ne)sprejemanju ^11 • Pri tem je navrgel Več zanimivih primerov iz Sv°je diplomatske kariere. sta z ženo delo-v bogati zalivski dr-^ Bahrein, jima stroga ^heriška pravila niso do-°ljevala, da bi obdržala draga darila (denimo več kot deset tisoč dolarjev vredne ročne ure) tamkajšnjih oblastnikov. V zasebnem sektorju preprečuje podkupljivost zakon o poslovni praksi. Young zadnje afere v a-meriških podjetjih, kot je Enron, razlaga s tem, da so v devetdesetih letih ta hotela za vsako ceno pokazati, da jim gre vedno bolje, tu pa so se začele težave, saj so zato celo ponarejali dokumente in poročila. Razlog za takšno ravnanje veleposlanik vidi tudi v pohlepu in izjemno hudi konkurenci na trgu. Ta škandal je po Youn-govih besedah pripeljal do velikih sprememb v računovodstvu in knjigovodstvu, saj so po njem sprejeli še strožja pravila. Velika tekmovalnost ima v ameriški družbi svoj korektiv, in sicer v velikem čutu za skupnost, ki se med drugim izraža v prostovoljstvu in daro-valstvu. Bogati lastniki pogosto financirajo delovanje kulturnih ali izobraževalnih ustanov, pomemben pa je tudi delež manjših darovalcev. Prav tako dragoceno kot darovanje denarja je posvečanje časa različnim Sprememba naslova Jc ° se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da ,Jaši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš nov naslov ak°r sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve do-naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 cen-0v> ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne 0stavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredo-anie potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Ime Naslov Mest°, Država, Zip ____________ - ^tar naslov________ Mest0; država, zip Star naslov Fotografija kaže misijonarja v Gomi, Kongo, Vilka Poljanška in Danila Lisjaka skupaj s skupino zidarjev, ki so postavili Don Bosco Center. Na strani 16 današpje AD v MSIP št. 1468 je pismo g. Lisjaka s še dvema fotografkama. človekoljubnim projektom. “Verjamemo, da to pomaga družbi, naši naciji, jo krepi in povezuje,” je dejal veleposlanik. “Rešuje nas duh skupnosti.” Kot je povedal, sta se z ženo v Afriki v prostem času posvečala otrokom z aidsom in ostarelim v domu za starejše. V drugem delu večera - povezovala sta ga novinarka Vida Petročič in Marko Rus iz Združenja krščanskih poslovnežev -je Young odgovarjal na številna vprašanja občinstva - o družinskih vrednotah, odnosu do splava, razmerju med svobodo in odgovornostjo v ameriški družbi, zaporih, skrbi za države v razvoju, razmerju ZDA do okolja ... Čeprav je na začetku povedal, da na vprašanja o Iraku, NATU in Evropski zvezi ne želi odgovar-jati, pa se je vendarle odzval na mnenje udeleženca, da je onesnaževanje največja grožnja za svet. Odgovoril je, da nas terorizem lahko hitreje pokonča kot tanjšanje ozonske luknje. Udeležencu, ki je menil, da NATO z vključevanjem postkomunističnih držav pravzaprav sprejema trojanskega konja nedemokratičnih oblastnikov, pa je Young odvrnil, da te težave sam ne vidi in da bo vstop v NATO pripomogel, da se te države razvijejo v trdne demokratične države z močnim gospodarstvom. Besedilo in fotografija MARJAN POGAČNIK Družina, 23. febr. 2003 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Skupnemu časopisu-tedniku na Koroškem bo ime Novice Celovec - Skupni časopis bo dobil ime Novice, njegov podnaslov pa se bo glasil Slovenski tednik za Koroško. Tako se je odločila šestčlanska imenosledska skupina, družabniki družbe Slomedia pa so se izbiri pridružili. Iskalci imena so iz 206 predlogov izbrali Novice predvsem zaradi tega, ker je ime lahko razumljivo, nevtralno, stvarno, predvsem pa ni nasičeno s stranskimi pomeni in ni obremenjeno z zgodovinskimi sim-bolikami. Ime je izgovorljivo tudi za nemškega bralca, kot enobesedno ime pa je še posebej primerno za spletni nastop. Odločanje je sledilo vsestranskemu pretresanju, ki je osvetlilo pomenskost in zgodovinsko umeščenost predlogov, njihovo izgovorljivost, razumljivost, funkcionalnost in navsezadnje tudi blagozvočnost. V ožjem izboru so bili tudi Novi dan. Obzornik, Osem dni in Sobotno okno, vendar so se na koncu le uveljavile nepretenciozne Novice. Imenosledska skupina si je prizadevala, da bi našla ime, ki ne bo vzbujalo vtisa, kot da Naš tednik prevzema Slovenski vestnik ali obratno. Če bi se odločili za kako kombinacijo iz obeh imen, bi ta vtis brez dvoma nastal, ker bi pač vsi skrajševali Slovenski tednik v Tednik. Naš^ vestnik pa v Vestnik. Zato pa je spojitev Slovenski tednik našla mesto v podnaslovu, ki bo tako hkrati tudi poudarjal kontinuiteto med starim in novim. Zdaj ima uredništvo priložnost, da ime napolni z novim pomenom in novo vsebino. Taki si bodo Novice, zdaj ko so krščene, lahko ustvarile tudi svoje ime. pw (Naš tednik, 28. febr. 2003) Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija (MZA) Catholic Mission Aid (CMA) je javna, nepridobitna, dobrodelna misijonska organizacija. Ustanovil jo je Fr. Charles A. Wolbang, CM. Registrirana je v mestu Columbus, Ohio, ZDA. Za pomoč slovenskim misijonarjem zbira finančno pomoč za njih delo med ubogimi v misijonskih deželah ter za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev za domači misijon. Hvaležni bomo za vsak dar, ki ga boste darovali v ta namen. Spomnite se misijonarjev in ubogih v svojih oporokah. Za vse prejete darove izdamo potrdilo za “Income tax ’. Uradni naslov: MZA - CMA 17826 Brian Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119 Glavni odbor MZA-CMA, Cleveland — ■ --------------------------- Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1468. Iz Konga, mesto Gome, se je oglasil misijonar, salezijanec Danilo Lisjak, ki zelo zanimivo piše o življenju pod ognjenikom. Pisal je v začetku leta: “Dragi bralci Ameriške Domovine, dragi prijatelji v Clevelandu in v ZDA! Prisrčen novoletni pozdrav vsem čez veliko lužo ob jezeru Erie! Naš ognjenik Nyiragongo nam že skoro leto uprizarja čudovite prizore moči narave. Gosti dimi se noč in dan buhtijo iz njega; ob jasnih nočeh pa močno žari nad kraterjem, ki ima v premeru 1 km. Zares še eno leto živimo apokaliptično vzdušje. Verjetno je v nas prav toliko strahu kot nad prebivalci nekaterih mest v ZDA, ki so še vedno tarča zlonamernih ljudi. Tudi pri nas je vulkan marsikaj streznil. Seveda so posledice ogromne in še vedno čaka na pomoč okrog 3000 družin. Vključeni smo tudi sami v akcijo in okrog našega Centra mladih ni več beguncev. Seveda nas vse ogroža vulkanski dim - izgorevanje in notranje eksplozije -, ki ogroža naša dihala. Tako po malem vsi kašljamo, to še posebej ob nizkem zračnem tlaku; dim pritiska na nas, ki smo komaj 6 km od kraterja. Pravijo, da je naš vulkan povezan s samim osrčjem Zemlje. Veliko je bolezni tudi med ljudmi in otroci. Tudi sam sem prebolel pred prazniki hudo malarijo in tifoidno vročino. Solidarnost, ki ni prijetna, pa zna biti duhovno koristna. Mi pa kar brez strahu gradimo naprej tako, da nas nekateri imajo kar za predrzneže. Število naših otrok kar hitro narašča in naših 8 ha zemlje se spreminja v veliko Don Boscovo naselje mladih sirot brez staršev, ’uzmovičev’ s ceste, otrok demobiliziranih vojakov in podhranjenih iz okolice. Vsak dan dvakrat skuhamo 1000 litrov hrane. Okrog 1200 se jih hrani od zunaj in čez 300 internih, ki so zmeraj z nami. Prav za slednje bomo do poletja več kot podvojili zmogljivosti, zgradili novo kuhinjo in obedni-co večje zmogljivosti. V gradnji je še pet razredov za šiviljsko šolo deklet in nove ambulante. Pred mesecem smo sprejeli v naš center sestre domačinke, ki bežijo iz severa, kjer divja vojna, in so morale zapreti štiri skupnosti. Lepo so se vključile v delo in upajmo, da bodo kmalu kaj sezidale in se osamosvojile. Tako Previdnost 'imenuje’ na svoj način tja, kjer je najbolj potrebno. Veliko otrok je pribežalo iz severa. Same drame, da bi človek romane pisal. Skoro vsi naši otroci so travmatizi-rani in ponoči močijo v posteljo. Na družinski način vzgoje dobro blaži in celi njihove rane. Zelo so veseli najmlajši, ko jim pustim, da igrajo v pesku, ki ga ob velikih gradnjah ne manjka. Čez 50 je takšnih, ki jim manjka tople materine roke in očetove hrbtenice. Vsi drugi so tja do 16. do 18. leta starosti. Vsi se šolajo v poklinih šolah in tudi v osnovni. Eno osnovno šolo otrok smo pa sprejeli k nam, ker jim je vulkan vse uničil in jim sedaj tudi pomagamo zidati, da bomo lažje sami dihali. Veliko napora in skrbi bi radi posvetili dekletom, ki so na vsej črti zapostavljena. Šiviljska šola lepo napreduje v dveh letnikih. Mizarje, okrog 70, pridno gladi in formira br. Vilko Poljanšek iz Tuhinja. Izredno so ga vzljubili, ker jim zna tudi z majhnim znanjem jezika veliko posredovati. Moji zidarji-šolarji pa kar piadno pomagajo na gradbišču. V teh dneh smo se poslovili od Jerneje iz Slovenije, ki je prišla v septembru za 100-dnevno pomoč skupaj z Janijem. Jani je pomagal Vilku v mizarski šoli in je podaljšal za en mesec. Odpotuje 25. januarja. Sicer se napovedujejo prostovoljci iz Italije. Tako je naša kuhinja podobna restavraciji. Hvalabogu imamo dovolj hrane, da pomagamo še okoliškim otrokom in družinam. Seveda poskušamo misliti tudi na bodočnost, nekje izven dosega vulkana in lave. Tudi psihološko in iz previdnosti moramo iskati nadomestni prostor. Otroke je treba zavarovati in rešiti, če pride do ponovne erupcije. Predlagajo nam veliko farmo 219 ha 40 km od nas stran, ki bi nam jo pustil bivši belgijski kolon, velik naš prijatelj. Prosil nas je za vsoto, ki je ne premoremo. Tudi zato, ker sedaj rešujemo bolj nujne zadeve. Je pa omenjeno posestvo eon najlepših, ki jih je moč najti, z ogromnimi možnostmi za poljedelstvo in celotno oskrbo z zelenjavo in poljščinami ter tudi z lesom za naše otroke in delavnice. Možnost je še za lasten vodovod in elektrocentralo, zraven je izvir čiste pitne vode. Skratka, Previdnost bo odločila. Varnost je zanekrat še dokaj na majavih nogah in predstojniki so prosili, naj še malo počaka. Otroci potrebujejo polja in motike. Tu smo zares gmajni, ki je ni moč obdelovati. Seveda smo vedno bolj potrebni prav v tem okolju, kjer je na obrobju mesta in v mestu toliko bede še posebno po lanski katastrofi. Z veliko hvaležnostjo v srcu pišem te vrstice tudi vsem tistim, ki so se potom Ameriške Domovine in drugače velikodušno izkazali tudi v gmotni pomoči. Za veliki dar pač, za katerega sem vam v imenu naših otrok in sobra- tov zelo hvaležen. Molitve naših otrok naj vam trosijo božjega blagoslova v tem letu, ki smo ga začeli. Čez nekaj minut se jim pridružim v molitvi rožnega venca, ki ga molimo skupaj ob 6. uri zvečer. Naj bo Božje in Marijino varstvo nad vsemi ljudmi Amerike, ki v svoji velikodušnosti pomagate nam slovenskim misijonarjem in drugim ter tako blažite gorje in trpljenje mnogih ponižanih in nesrečnih ljudi širom sveta. Bog naj vam bo za vse bogat plačnik! Nanizal sem nekatere potrebe in skrbi. Verjetno boste brali tudi kaj med vrsticami. Previdnost gradi nas, naše otroke in potrebne prostore. Ona bo vse tudi dogradila. Navdihuje tudi vedno plemenita srca, ki znajo skupaj z Njo 'investirati’. Še naprej računamo na vas. Naj bo zdravje v vaših domovih, optimizem in zaupanje ter veselje v Sv. Duhu, kot bi rekel Don Bosco. On je vedel, da se investicije za mlade najbolj obrestujejo, zato se je zanje dobesedno iztrošil. Se priporočam vašim molitvam, da bi mu bil čimbolj podoben. Večkrat bi človek pobegnil, pa nas otroške oči vedno zadržijo. O, te žareče oči, ki tako osvajajo in navežejo. Gledale bodo Boga! In katera obljuba in upanje zna biti večja na tem svetu? Hvaležen Danilo Lisjak” Bog daj temu misijonarju še veliko let, da bo po Don Boscovih stopinjah vodil mladino, jo reševal in pomagal na njeni poti! Kako so čudovita božja pota, ko v vsako težavo Bog pošlje pravega človeka, da rešuje nastale probleme, nas pa opozarja, naj ne pozabimo na sodelovanje. Zdaj v postnem času nas Cerkev navaja, da pomnožimo našo molitev, dobra dela in pomoč bližnjemu, kar naj ne bo pozabljeno! In še nekaj dobrotnikov se je oglasilo s svojim darom: L Hirschegger $100; Rev. K. Cimerman, New York (farani darovali v spomin fKarla Klesin) $400; J.D. Zupan (v spomin pok. staršev Jerneja in Zalke Zupan) $250; H.M. Zupančič (za Rev. T. Mavrič $100 in za Rev. L. Letonja $100) $200; V. Devine (za s. M. Pavlišič) $100; J. Cozza (za s. Pavlišič) $100; za sv. maše za tJože Koren (F.A. Urankar $30, P.S. Intihar $20, F.I. Pieronek $20, M. Bajc $10, M. Koren $20) $100; G. Germck (za otroke v Albaniji) $50. Iskrena vam hvala za vso vašo dobroto. Bog vam povrni s svojim blagoslovom. Prav iskren misijonski pozdrav v imenu vseh sodelavcev in veliko dobre volje v tem postnem času želi Marija Lavriša 1004 Dillcwood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 7) tis, 16-krat stari oče, 5-krat prastari oče, brat Mario-ta in Vere Steffan. Pogreb je bil privaten, družinski. Diane Prešeren Dne 4. marca je nenadno v mestu Roanoke, Va., U' mrlal 41 let stara Diane Prešeren, rojena McFarlane žena Josepha, mati Lauren, Katherine, Anne in Jose' pha, sestra Ronalda in Carol Davidson. Pogreb je bil 7. marca v Virginiji. Albin R. Majcen Dne 5. marca je nenai dno umrl 54 let stari Albi"' R. Majcen, oče Jamesa i11, Aarona, brat Veann Meyer5-! stric. Pogreb je bil privaten-družinski. V BLAG SPOMIN Ob peti obletnici smrti mojega dragega moža Stanley W. Somm^ kije umrl 15. marca 1998- ^ mam i\ / ‘ri velikonočnem 2002 krstu otrok v Centru Don Bosco. Dvaindvajset jih je bilo. Odšel si tiho in mirnOi meni pa tolažbe ni, ker mislim na Tebe vse Žalujoča žena Jožefa in vsi prijatelji, kateri Te so imeli radi- Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOP 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zav0(* Ambulanca na razp0*^ podnevi in ponoči* CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJE Don Bosco Center mladih v Gomi, na vzhodnem delu Konga. Posenetek je iz FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES 42st. AWARDS BANQUET 24th. SPECIAL EDITION March 15, 2003I Lou Grzely Evelyn Pipoly Anthony Hiti Richard Tontsic Maryanne Osolin Marian Royer Ann Barbish Ruth Shook Mike Pipoly 2003 Honorees Federation of Slovenian Homes -INDEX- Grzely .... ..Pg. 3 Pipoly .... ..Pg. 5 Barberton . ..Pg. 29 Collinwood ..Pg. 7 Euclid .... ..Pg. 17 Fairport .. ■•Pg. 27 Lorain ... Newburgh .. .-Pg. 13 St.Clair .. • Pg. 29 Waterloo .. ..Pg. 19 West Park.. ••Pg. 21 Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 Congratulations to Lou Grzely 2003 Man of the Year From your friends at Lincoln Electric LINCOLN ELECTRIC THE LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY 22801 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44117-1199 • 216.481.8100 • www.lincolnelectric.com Louis F. Grzely Federation of Slovenian Homes 2003 Slovenian Man of the Year In Memory of Uncle Ralph Mack From Aunt Annie & Family r Congratulations Lou Grzely Federation of Slovenian 1 Homes Man of the 3 Year 2003 From 3 Jean & Warren Fabian 3 Congratulations and Best Wishes Federation of Slovenian Homes “2003 Man of the Year” Lou Grzely Ann Barbish and to all Honorees From Spear-Mu Iqueeny Funeral Home Congratulations Lou Grzely 2003 Federation of Slovenian Homes Man of the Year Value Decorating Inc. 12156 Chillicothe Rd. Chesterland, Ohio 44026 440-729-7004 Frank & Ann Skomrock 667 Mentor Ave, 440-357-7514 312 Eagle Street Paincsvillc, Ohio 44077 Kairport Harbor, Ohio 44077 Jim & Arlene Mulqueeny & Son Jay Personalized Service Congratulations to Lou Grzely Federation Slovenian Man of the Year ana Ann Barbish American Slovenian Club Woman of the Year ito Insurance Agency, Inc. ■Homeowners ■ Health ■Life ■ Auto > Business ■ Long Term Core 1378 W. Jackson St. PainesviUe. OH 44077 (440) 334-5631 Fox: (440)334-6148 1240 Smith Court Rocky River. OH 44116 (440) 333-6020 Fax: (440)333-1305 “Exceeding expectations for croer 40 years’' Congratulations Lou Grzely Slovenian Man of the Year 2003 Rocks Farm & Garden 10935 Chillicothe Rd & 306 Kirtland, Ohio 44026 Tom & Elsie Rock Tom & Marilyn Rock 440-256-3630 ■»pi L High Street-Fairport Full Service Catering Dinner Specials Fri & Sat Evenings Come see “Face on Door” r/jvsM/jr/M/JT/jr/mm/M/mmm/Mm/M/* J v >>:> y : v• Congratulations Lou Grzely "2003 Slovenian Man of the Year" Circle Lounge 34598 Lakeshore Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 440-942-1548 "Where Friends Meet" Tony Brunetti Congratulations and Best Wishes To Our Brother and Uncle Lou Grzelv f 2003 l "Slovenian Man of the Year,f From Brother—John Grzely Sister—Mitzie Mahne Nephews—Matt Grzely and Family ’’Jon” Grzely Nieces—Chris Ruuska and Family Cindy Mitchin and Family H d< ol Pi Pi h< re th st cl Lou Grzely “2003 Slovenian Man of the Year” from |9our ^tgters-in -Hato ci bi re c< th se Pi w v\ S h th IT s t( tl E P c a ^ y p : 0 S' ^ F a i ii i t s Congratulations Lou Grzely Slovenian Man of the Year and to all Honorees Rudy’s Qualiaty Meats, Inc 31728 Vine Street 440-953-5490 The Bukovec's Chuck, Tom & Dave jj Congratulations | Lou Grzely From | 5 I Chef Fritz’s Road House CONGRATULATIONS: Lou Grzely Federation of Slovenian Homes 2003 Man of the Year Ann Barbish ASC Woman of the Year In Memory of Mary & Louis Grzely (Grzelj) Kristina, Anton Mahne and Son Tony from Jean Grzely (Wife) & Family John Grzely (Brother) & Family Mitzie Mahne (Sister) & Family Congratulation of Lou Grzely And all Honorees Križman Meats 7276 J»ckion St. Mentor, Ohio 44060 www.krizmanmcats.com 440-266-0202 Mon-Frl 9am-6pm______Sat 9»m-5pm Congratulations Lou Grzely \ Federation Man of the Yeaf \ Pauline & Carl Golinar 3 LOU GRZELY-SLOVEN14 PROUD OF IT The Federation of Slovenian Homes’ Man of the Year has to do more than just wear the label °f Slovenian. He must carry it proudly and work diligently to preserve and promote the heritage and culture it represents. But even beyond that he must be a person of stature in his community and chosen profession. Lou Grzely fits all those criteria. He not only deserves, hot he has earned the right to represent the Slovenian community as its 2003 Man of * e Tear. He is one of the few second generation Slovenes still Proudly canning • our flag wherever he travels. His parents were founders of The American ovenian Club in Fairport arbor and Lou continues in he'r footsteps. He has been a jttember of the American 'ovenian Club since 1959, a °tal of 43 years. For most of 0se years, he has been on its p°ard of Directors serving as resident, Vice President and Currently serves as its Treasurer, ® Position he has held for many -ears. He is also the Board’s 01111 man in directing the ^ration of the Club Room. s n Edition, for the past everal years he has served the ^e Oration of Slovenian Homes j. Assurer and before that on ^ Audit Committee. He has een on the Federation Board ice the Fairport Club joined. i 1968 he was President of and ^rner‘can Slovenian Club re instrumental in its j'S^tion at a time when Ch U|tUrC *1Un® 'n t*ie balance* as theares 'Pavec, who helped in Ev reorSanization can attest. T-pr s'nce taking over as drivaSUrer’ *las been the the cf ^FCe 'n tbe success of inst t U^ S 0Perat>on. He has “Last‘w the high|y successful Steal Saturclay of the Month the an<^ Por^ Chop Dinners”, tEe .annual Clam Bake held on aid rtf ?tUrday in September, °n th ? Sweetheart Dance held He ? 381 ^aturday in February. Baiil* S° beads up the Summer Lea a league, Fall Balina M ae ancl the new Bowling Machine League. three6tT38 dle or8anizer °f the ciUb Ton Box Clubs at the il jJ Vfbich now still operates, Faim °Urtb generation as the and v Polkateeers. Both He hlatinn8 |S°n ' 'm have won the Contes? SNPJ Button Box ^nnsyiva 'n Enon Valley’ Poltem a‘ His list of endles, pnt in *0 C,ub is been u °r b's efforts he has Amerio n°red 88 ^ 1997 Man T1 S,0Venian Club’s active r* SlYear He is also 'l’TiAM'-ALi^W55a"d: fce 22 60,1 is on|y lie tip of ^noftK8^ far 38 th'5 year’s e Year talents go. Early on, Lou formed a family band featuring sons Tim on Accordion and Button Box and Tom on drums. Other members of the band were Warren Fabian on bass and Mike Sutch on the banjo. On occasion, Lou Bajc (cousin) on the accordion and Stan Modic on the sax would join the group for larger playing jobs. For years the Group played regularly at the Chalet DeBonne Winery in Madison, Ohio, as well as weddings, dances and festivals. He is also a sports enthusiast, including baseball as a pitcher, football and bowling. A star pitcher in high school and during a tour of duty with the United States Army stationed at Fort Lee Virginia, Lou had the opportunity to play with such athletes as Lenny Wilkens, fonner coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Jimmy Orr of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Lou Michaels of the Baltimore Colts and other sports notables. During one baseball game on Armed Forces Day, stationed at Fort Leonard Missouri, Lou had the dubious honor of being belted for a home run as he pitched to Roger Maris. As an Army Reserve Officer, Lou was twice called back to active duty during the Berlin Crisis and then again during the Cuban Crisis. In 1979 he was honorably discharged from the military after 20 years of service. Lou graduated from Harvey High School in Painesville, Ohio in 1956. While there, he was active in football, baseball and cross county and won several athletic honors. As a scholar he was no slouch. Lou was a member of the Latin Club, Spanish Club, Student Council and the Key Club. Following high school, Lou attended Fenn College (Co-op) and the ORCO Vocational School sponsored by the Ohio Rubber Co in Willoughby, Ohio. In 1959, he attended Officer’s Candidate School and earned his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. He then returned to Fenn and ORCO and earned is degree in Industrial Management. As an Army Reserve Officer, Lou was twice called back to active duty to serve his country in the Berlin Crisis and the Cuban Crisis. In 1966, Lou resigned his position at the Ohio Rubber Company to join The Lincoln Electric Company in Euclid, Ohio, where he has worked for the past 36 years, Having held several positions over the years, he is currently woricing in the Manufacturing Engineering Department. He has worked as an Engineer implementing new products into Manufacturing, later becoming the Group Leader and currently is in charge of Special Products Development. He is a past member of Lincoln’s Advisory Board. He also was a member of the American Welding Society and the American Management Association. Over the years, Lou has been active in many organizations. He was an officer in the Mentor South Baseball Association and managed several teams. His teams have won several championships with his sons Tim and Tom playing on different teams. He was an officer in the Painesville Men’s Merchant Bowling League. He is also a member and past officer of SNPJ Lodge #355, a member and past officer of AMLA Lodge #30. He is also alfi bated with several other civic, service and ethnic organizations. He and his wife of 43 years, Jean (Orosz), live in Concord, have two sons Tim who resides in Madison, Ohio and Tom and wife Melissa who reside in Perry, Ohio. They are members of St. Gabriels’ Church in Concord. Lou was bom in Painesville, Ohio in 1938. He has a sister Mary (Mitzie) and a brother John, both active in the Club. Lou’s parents, both who came to the United States from Slovenia are deceased. His father, Louis Grzely (Grzelj) passed away in 1983 and his mother, Mary (Rote) passed away in 1982. What drives Lou to the extent that his peers feel he is worthy of the Federation naming him Man of the Year? “This is something that my mother and father and were a part of and instrumental in founding,” he explains. “It is something that my brother John, sister Mitzie and I want to preserve and carry on. It is rooted in our Slovenian Heritage. We want to carry it on in the hope that our sons, daughters and other children of the Club Members will enjoy and will want to carry on after we are gone.” Congratulations To Louis F. Grzely Federation of Slovenian Homes Man of the Year 2003 Fairport Slovenian Retirees Club Lou Grzely Congratulations Loufe! All your hard work and Dedication For The Last 43 Years Has Earned You This Well Deserved Honor! From Your Wife Jean Sons Tim and Tom Daughter-in-Law Melissa "And Last But Not Least" SweetPea Tom IS— A W®l iwinrffli (fti!|p^ wmjMfe Lou Grzely Federation 2003 ’’Man of the Year” from Lowell Lisa Louis A Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 :a Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13, 2003 CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL HONOREES ftatn Mike Polenšek Cleveland Councilman Ward 11 (216)664-4236 CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN PIPOLY FEDERATION WOMAN OF THE YEAR & MIKE PIPOLY COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME MAN OF THE YEAR FRIENDS AT THE COLLINWOOD SLO VEN1AN HOME T 7 CLUBROQM. 7 7 CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN pipolY FEDERATION WOMAN OF THE YEAR & MIKE PIPOLY COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME MAN OF THE YEAR From ST MARYS HOLY NAME SOCIETY OF COLLINWOOD CONGRATULATIONS eVelYm pipolY FEDERATION WOMAN OF THE YEAR & MIKE PIPOLY COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME MAN OF THE YEAR From ST. MARY’S (COLLINWOOD) SENIORS Congratulations Nike & Evelyn Pipoly Karen & Sieve Richard CCNCCAIIJl A ■ IONS HONOREES EVELYN & MIKE PIPOLY Fidelio Lodge # 169 Mary S. Clemente, President Congratulations EVELYN PIPOLY Women Of The Year 2003 MIKE PIPOLY Collinwood Slovenian Home Man Of The Year John & Helen KOZLEVCHAR CONGRATULATIONS Mike & Evelyn PIPOLY YOUR GREAT ‘7%d$£ & (Joyce Segulin Congratulations EVELYN PIPOLY Woman Of The Year MIKE PIPOLY HONOREE BRONKO’S Drive-In Beverage 510 E. 200th St Euclid, Oh (216) 531-8844 Dave Heuer Congratulations EVELYN PIPOLY Woman Of The Year & MIKE PIPOLY Collinwood Slovenian Home Man Of The Year AMLA SLOVENE NO. 22 Officers & Friends To A Deserving, Hard-Working and Loyal Member Of Cleveland’s Slovenian Community CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN PIPOLY FEDERATION WOMAN OF THE YEAR. GOD BLESS YOU From COLLINWOOD’S SLOVENIAN PARISH ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION & FR. JOHN KUMSE 15519 Holmes Ave. Cleveland, Ohio CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN pipoly WOMAN OF THE YEAR & MIKE PIPOLY COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME MAN OF THE YEAR plagues i Paulich Trophies & Awards Specialties 1695 Joseph Lloyd Parkway Willoughby, OH 44094 (440) 954-6600 CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN PIPOLY WOMAN OF THE YEAR & MIKE PIPOLY COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME MAN OF THE YEAR “Always Open” LINCOLN SUNOCO AUTO CARE CENTER 29200 Euclid Avenue Wickliffe, OH 44092 TDnsf CoFitLiA^wza (440) 943-0009 EVELYN BLATNIK PIPOLY "A WONDERFUL WOMAN ON THE GO" Evelyn Blatnik Pipoly was surprised and extremely happy to be chosen as the Federation Woman Of The Year. Service and helping others has been Evelyn’s life. Her activities include, varied listings of groups, organizations and social activities. Evelyn Blatnik Pipoly is an active member of the Eollinwood Slovenian Home, presently serving as President, and serving previously on the Board of Directors for many years. She has been a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America for many years, serving as Membership Secretary for several years. Evelyn was selected as the Mother Of The Year 1995 for the Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch #50 and named Woman Of The Year 1998 from' the Collinwood Slovenian Home. She is also a member of the Progressive Slovenian Women Circle One, SNPJ Lodge #158, St. Joseph KSKJ #169. Other groups ■nclude, membership in The Holmes Avenue Pensioners Club, The Euclid Pensioners Club, and The Euclid Democratic Club. Mrs. Pipoly has served on the Collinwood PTA (President), the Greater Cleveland Federation of Square Dance Clubs (President), and Chairman °f Advertising for the Square Dance magazine. Evelyn and husband Mike Pipoly were selected as the Honor Couple for Greater Cleveland 1989 for the Cleveland Federation of Square Dance Clubs. Evelyn is a long time member of the Italian Sons and Daughters of America and has served as President, Vice-President and a Delegate to the National Conventions. Evelyn was selected Italian Woman of the Year in July 2002. Evelyn and Mike are members of Holy Redeemer Parish. Evelyn’s family had been active in the Collinwood Slovenian Home for many years. Her brother Harry Blatnik, and his wife Mary Blatnik were each selected as the Man and Woman Of The Year by the Organization. Evelyn’s mother, Francis Blatnik encouraged her and her sisters Vida and Justine and brothers Bob, Harry (deceased) and Albin (deceased) to carry on the Slovenian traditions and be active in the organizations. Evelyn has one daughter by her first marriage, Sharon Trivisonno Roberts, and a son-in-law, Dr. John Roberts. Evelyn and Mike Pipoly have been married for 32 years. Mike is an avid golfer and bowler, and was inducted into the Ohio State Former Amateur Boxers Association Hall Of Fame in 1994. Mrs. Pipoly worked as a caterer for many years and as a Line Leader at Antenna Specialist Co. for 20 years. She retired in 1980. Family members are extremely proud of Evelyn’s selection as Woman Of The Year for the Federation Of Slovenian Homes. To her family, ”EV” is known as a loving Mother, Sister, Aunt and Great Aunt and, most of all as a friend who is always there for them. She is a generous person, and is always ready to help. Mrs. Pipoly is known for her wonderful Spaghetti and Meat Balls, Pizza, Strudel and Nut Rolls. She is a very active person, who loves reading, playing cards with friends and being with friends and family. Until recently, Evelyn and Mike traveled to North Carolina each summer with many family members to visit her daughter Sharon. The first day there was always “Aunt Ev’s Spaghetti Dinner. Evelyn is a big sports fan. She has followed her family members in many sports and is a faithful supporter of the Mentor High’s Football Team, following her great nieces and nephews in baseball and basketball and with her husband Mike have been a long time supporter of the Euclid Baseball Tournaments each summer. The Federation’s selection of Evelyn Blatnik Pipoly did not surprise her family; they have always known that she was their “Woman Of The Year”. Evelyn wishes to THANK all the members of the Federation, and also to her faithful husband Mike, daughter Sharon, son-in-law John and all of her family. Hvala, pa se vidimo! Congratulations EVELYN PIPOLY In Memory of Your Brother, Harry Blatnik From Mary Blatnik CONGRATULATIONS Aunt Eve We Love You! Vida, Chuck, Brenda & Family Brad , Char & Family CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN PIPOLY Our Favorite Aunt And Sister-In-Law Mary, Bonnie, & Cathy Blatnik Evelyn Pipoly We Are Proud Of you! Brother Robert, Wife Marlena & Niece Holly Blatnik From Texas CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN PIPOLY CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN PIPOLY FEDERATION WOMAN OF THE YEAR You Have Always Been My “WOMAN OF THE YEAR” ALL MY LOVE! Michael Pipoly CONG RATULATTO N S EVELYN PIPOLY FEDERATION WOMAN OF THE YEAR WE LOVE YOU AND ARE VERY PROUD SAmoh & JoAh RoOertg DaugMar A Son-In-Law Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13, 2003 :a Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13, 2003 CONGRATULATIONS FROM TEXAS TO OUR AUNT eVejlVn pipolY FEDERATION WOMAN OF THE YEAR ycu’re Fabulous! We Love you Dolly & Merle Morrow Holly, Wendy, & Families CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN PIPOLY tWeJjDvegou (/lant jy. We (/tie go (J*mou.d 'Qfypu. Andy & Rosemarie ZPabiidi Maria, Colleen & Bobby GUunn Gloria, Tom, Jeremy, Tommy & Matt Jtawa# Frank, Tammy, Frank Jr., Amanda & Benjamin tDeJKaxia Toni, Mike, Jessica & Bryan fowepA Andy Jr., Nadine & Andrea tfatvic/i Donna & Keith (f*an/iau4/ia& CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN pipolY FEDERATION WOMAN OF THE YEAR & mike pipolY COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME MAN OF THE YEAR FROM YOUR MEMBERS & FRIENDS OF THE HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS. (RECYCLED TEENAGERS) Coming Events Dinner/Dance May 4, 2003 Annual Picnic July 9, 2003 II Dir Bezek, Jean Blatnik, Mary, Bonnie, Cathy Cekada, Dominic & Val Dodich, Sylvia & Bruno Drobnich, Joe & Louise Grace, Dee Dee Grm, John Homar, Frank & Lillian Hoyer, Tedd Hribar, Ruth Intihar, Rose Jansa, Sylvia Kajfez, Matt & Fran Kelmencic, Joe & Frances Knezevic, Pete & Terry Kocin, Adolph Koenig, Louis Kolenc, Ruth Korelec, Frank & Ruth Kozlevchar, John & Helen Kranz, Jim & Megan Lamm, Dorothy Lovšin, Bette Mark, Sara & Devin Mam, A1 Martin, Arky Mikolič, Ray Moze, Kay Moze, Tony Obat, Mary Pavšek, Dan & Helen Penca, Mary & John Perez, Lillian Pipoly, Mike Plutt, John & Alba Podlogar, Mary Poznik, Jane Richard, Karen & Steve Roberts, Sharon Ruttar, Tony Ruzic, Frances Sadar, Frank & Julia Segulin, Joyce & Mike Senger, Millie Silva, Rose Skarbez, Hank & Vicki Spendal, Tony & Dorothy Sterling, Mary J. Tuma, Jennie Urankar, Frank & Florence Vesel, Skippy Vrtovsnik, Charlie & Tillie Wutchiett, Josephine Zabukovec, Matt Zalar, Elsie Zernic, Frank & Eleanor Zitko, Dorothy Congratulations EVbLYti PIPOLY & MIKE PIPOLY James A. Slapnik, Jr. Florist 650 E. 185 St. Cleveland, OH 44119 216-531-7887 Bridal Bouquets, Funeral Wreaths. Cut Flowers CONGRATULATIONS Tederation Of Slovenian I cine* WOMAN Of THE >T \l EVELYN PIPOLY #169 ST. JOSEPH’S KSKJ Spiritual Director - Fr. John Kumse President - Phillip Hrvatin Vice President - Eugene Kogovšek Financial Secretary - Ann Nemec Asst. Financial Secretary - Anton Nemec Treasurer - Helena Nemec Recording Secretary - Sandy Green Auditors - Matt Kajfez, Jennie Tuma, Chris Chermely Athletic Director- John Nemec Sgt-at-Arms - Anthony Tolar Meetings: Third Thursday - 7:30 PM MONTHLY WCMAN Cf TI E TEAR EVELYN PIPOLY CcngraUilaticns YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OUR WOMAN OF THE YEAR! YOU HAVE MADE US SO PROUD. ALL OUR LOVE JOE AND SALLY TRIVISONNO LORI & GEORGE CHAY MARCIA & SCOTT GOODHUE JOE AND SUSAN TRIVISONNO STEVE AND PAM TRIVISONNO AND ALL THE KIDS TOO! PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA. CIRCLE #1 Congratulates Member EVELYN PIPOLY Federation Woman of the Year And All Honorees PSWA #1 meets the first Thursday at 7:00 PM CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN PIPOLY Woman Of The Tear 2CC3 JENNIE TUMA CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN EVELYN pipoly PIPOLY WOMAN OF THE WOMAN OF THE YEAR 2003 YEAR 2003 JOHN & ALBA PLUTT Deanna & Tony Miklich MIKE PIPOLY Collinwood Man of the Year Mike Pipoly was born in Cleveland, Ohio on June 5, 1926 to a very sports oriented family. They had two punching bags in the basement, so Pipoly was encouraged at an early age to take up boxing. When Mike was 17 years old, he began his formal boxing training at the Woodland Bathhouse with trainer, lony Bush. In 1944, Pipoly won the Golden Gloves Tournament in the 147 lbs. welterweight novice division. He had 35 fights before losing a match. Mike was inducted into the Ohio State Former Boxers Hall Of Fame in 1994. This led to a life long love °f most sports, especially bowling and golf, where Mike has been an above average bowler and golfer all his life. Mike presently works at the Briardale Greens Golf Course in Euclid, Ohio as a Ranger. Rain, snow or cold weather does not stop Mike from watching football games -at Mentor, and he takes in many basketball games, especially those of his extended family. Mike and wife Evelyn are regulars at the Euclid Baseball Tournaments. In 1944, Mike was drafted in to the Yankee Division of the U.S. Army. While stationed in Texas, he fought many bouts. He continued boxing while overseas in Austria and fought in many matches sponsored by the Red Cross. After his discharge from the service, Pipoly again participated in the Golden Gloves Tournament and reached the Golden Gloves Semi-finals in 1947 and the Finals in 1948. Mike was employed at TRW and operated a forging press for 42 years. In 1970, Mike married his wife Evelyn. They love their visits with Mike’s stepdaughter Sharon and her husband John who reside in Clinton, NC. Mike is a member of Holy Redeemer Parish and is active in many groups, including Collinwood Slovenian Home Board of Directors, TRW Retirees, St. Joseph KSKJ, Holmes Avenue Pensioners Club, Slovenian Women’s Union # 50, SNPJ Loyalites # 158, and the Knights Of Columbus, Gilmour Council. Pipoly has been the Secretary of his Bowling League at Palisade Palace for 14 years. Mike was thrilled to hear of his selection as Collinwood Slovenian Home Man Of The Year. He THANKS all responsible for his selection. CONGRATULATIONS MIKE PIPOLY HONOREE OF THE YEAR 2003 Deanna & Tony Miklich CONGRATULATIONS MIKE PIPOLY HONOREE OF THE YEAR 2003 JOHN & ALBA PLUTT CONGRATULATIONS To Uncle MIKE PIPOLY We Love You! Skipper & Calee CONGRATULATIONS EVELYN fipolY Woman Of The Year & MIKE PIPOLY Honoree Mary Podlogar CONGRATULATIONS MIKE PIPOLY Honoree 2003 WE LOVE YOU AND ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU. SAmoh & Jotin RoScrts Mike Pipoly CONGRATULATIONS MIKE PIPOLY We Love you Uncle Mike, We Are So Proud Of you. Andy & Rosemarie tPabdck Maria, Colleen & Bobby duinti Gloria, Tom, Jeremy, Tommy & Matt JtawM Frank, Tammy, Frank Jr., Amanda & Benjamin tDeJiavia Toni, Mike, Jessica & Bryan fatepfi Andy Jr., Nadine & Andrea ffiUxic/i Donna & Keith (f*aa/iau4/ia6 Congratulations MICHAEL PIPOLY We ‘re Proud Of you! Mary, Bonnie & Cathy Blatnik >ka Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13, 2' Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13, 2003 COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME THE YEAR 2002 We began the year at our Annual Stockholders Meeting on February 3, 2002. Evelyn Pipoly was elected to chair the meeting. All Board members were introduced. We were sorry to lose Stan Erzen, who passed away. He had been a member of the Board for many years. Dominic Cekada and John Plutt continue to head the House Committee. Lend a Helping Hand Volunteers Lou Koenig, Matt Zabukovec, John Kozlevchar, John Hozjan and Tony Ruttar are always ready to assist as needed. We have a Pensioners Club with John Kozlevchar as President. Attendance at meetings is close to 200 each month. Speakers are on hand for meetings. In February we honor special Birthdays (80-90 years) and anniversaries (25-30-35-50). Matt Zabukovec gets proclamations for the guests. There are about 300 members with about 90 on the waiting list. Our Bi-monthly 50/50 Raffle’s are ongoing and are a big help in supporting our wonderful Slovenian Home. MANY THANKS to the 50/50 Raffle Support Team. Sideboards: Frank Zernic, Lou Koening, and Matt Zabukovec. At the Door: Frank & Florence Uranker Food Preparation: Mary Podlogar, Alba Plutt, Joyce Segulin, Dee Grace, Val & Don Cekada and Mary Blatnik. Bingo Cards Sales Person: Jennie Tuma Bar: John Plutt and Mike Pipoly. Other Helpers: Karen Richard, Steve Richard, Dee Miklich and Arlene Martin, Clubhouse Co-Manager. Norm Kobal was selected as the Collinwood Slovenian home Musician of the Year for 2002. This event was a tremendous success and many musicians attended. Both halls were open to accommodate the twelve Bands. THANKS go out to everyone that attended and made this event a very special and wonderful day. We had the first floor, floor cleaned and polished and are evaluating the results. We THANK Arlene Martin, John Plutt and Alba Plutt for their many hours of work. Without their help we would have had to close the Clubroom. Lou Koenig continues to help us with Repairs. THANK YOU LOU! The Day at the Races was another successful event and well attended by our many members and friends. A Thanks to Charlotte Ferra and her grandchildren for their help and matching funds. We truly appreciate their kindness. Many THANKS to Jim Krann who ran the projector for the Races. We had a very successful Spaghetti Dinner in the Club-room in November. Rich Zarabek was the Spaghetti Dinner Chef. He prepared the Sauce and Meatballs. It was delicious. Our servers were Mary Podlogar, Alba Plutt and Dee Miklich. Michael Pipoly was selected as our Man Of The Year Honoree for 2003. CONGRATULATIONS to Evelyn Pipoly for being selected as the Federation Woman Of The Year for 2003. Board of Directors for 2002 were Evelyn & Mike Pipoly, Joyce Segulin, Alba & John Plutt, Jennie Tuma, Mary Blatnik, Mary Podlogar, Arlene Martin, John Hozjan, Dominic Cekada, Karen & Steve Richard, Dee Miklich, Ann Dagg and Jane Hozjan. We appreciate the support of our members and friends who attend our functions. THANK YOU!!! CONGRATULATIONS to all the 2003 Men and Woman Of The Year Honorees. God Bless all of you and God Bless America. Pa Se Vidmo, Evelyn Pipoly ^CONGRATULATIONS” MIKE AND EVELYN YOUR PARISH IS PROUD OF YOU HOLY REDEEMER CHURCH Congratulations! Nike & Evelyn Pipoly FRITZ’S ROADHOUSE FAIRPOR T HARBOR CONGRATULATIONS Evelyn Pipoly Helen's Beauty Salon 566 East 200th Street Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 531-5240 CC N f3 KA flJ LIT IC N S EVELYN PIPOLY And MICHAEL PIPOLY SNPJ Lodge 142-Mirni Raj ANNUAL PICNIC Sunday August 10, 2003 At SNPJ Farm—Heath Road Music By George Staiduhar Revue ' I ' M ' / I ' ' I ' €ong%atulation± EVELYN PIPOLY MIKE PIPOLY R & D SAUSAGE 15714 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 Owners: (9 (jato/ £uzaA (216) 692-1832 COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONGRATULATES WOMAN OF THE YEAR 2003 Evelyn Pipoly - President Deanna Miklich - Vice President Joyce Segulin - Treasurer Alba Plutt - Financial Secretary Jennie Tuma - Recording Secretary Mary Blatnik - Corresponding Secretary AUDITORS Michael Pipoly, John Plutt, Mary Podlogar ALTERNATE AUDITORS John Hozjan, Arlene Martin HOUSE COMMITTEE Domenic Cekada, John Plutt John Hozjan, Steve Richard - Alternate DIRECTORS Ann Dagg, Karen Richard, Jane Hozjan - Alternate CONGRATULATIONS TO EVELYN PIPOLY Federation Woman of the Year Circle #1 Member And All Honorees From PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA - NATIONAL BOARD Publishers of Treasured Slovenian and International Recipes To Order write: PSWA Cookbook 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL HONOREES Especially EVELYN PIPOLY WirWoman Of The Year*** MICHAEL PIPOLY Honoree Collinwood Slovenian Home a n a a n n Wayne’s auto care General repair 19015 St. ClairAve. Cleveland, oh 44117 (216) 486-3780 ______________j CONGRATULATIONS FROM TEXAS To Our Magnificent Uncle Honoree 2003 WE LOVE YOU Dolly & Merle Morrow Holly, Wendy, & Families COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONGRATULATES MIKE PIPOLY HONOREE OF THE YEAR Evelyn Pipoly - President Deanna Miklich - Vice President Joyce Segulin - Treasurer Alba Plutt - Financial Secretary Jennie Tuma - Recording Secretary Mary Blatnik - Corresponding Secretary AUDITORS Michael Pipoly, John Plutt, Mary Podlogar ALTERNATE AUDITORS John Hozjan, Arlene Martin HOUSE COMMITTEE Domenic Cekada, John Plutt John Hozjan, Steve Richard - Alternate DIRECTORS Ann Dagg, Karen Richard, Jane Hozjan - Alternate Ccn&ratulations MIKE PIPOLY CCLLINWCCD SLOVENIAN Lome man oe tle tear JSNNiE TUMA CONGRATULATIONS UNCLE MIKE We Love You! Vida, Chuck, Brenda & Family Brad , Char & Family CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL PIPOLY ON YOUR SELECTION ASTHE COLLINWOOD MAN OF THE YEAR 2003! We are so proud of you! Love Joe and Sally Trivisonno Lori and George Chay Marcia and Scott Goodhue Joe and Susan Trivisonno Steve and Pam Trivisonno And all the Kids too! CONGRATULATIONS And GOD’S ABUNDANT BLESSING To MICHAEL PIPOLY From ST. MARY’S CHURCH & {ft. Qokn 15519 Holmes Ave. Cleveland, Ohio CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL PIPOLY COLLI NMOOU SLOVENIAN LOME MAN CF THE VI AT #169 ST. JOSEPH’S KSKJ Spiritual Director- Fr. John Kumse President - Phillip Hrvatin Vice President - Eugene Kogovšek Financial Secretary - Ann Nemec Asst. Financial Secretary - Anton Nemec Treasurer - Helena Nemec Recording Secretary - Sandy Green Auditors - Matt Kajfez, Jennie Tuma, Chris Chermely Athletic Director- John Nemec Sgt-at-Arms - Anthony Tolar Meetings: Third Thursday - 7:30 PM MONTHLY CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL PIPOLY PERSON OF THE YEAR COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME AN EXEMPLARY HUMAN BEING AND A STAR BOWLER, TOO. YOUR ITALIAN SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA BOWLING BUDDIES SALUTE YOU. CohQratuCatioHs & Best Wishes All Honorees & Michael Pipoly wpi m 650 East 185th Street |lp? Cleveland, OH 44119 W 216-531-7887 » CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL PIPOLY FROM YOUR BOWLING AMIGOS Grace & Bill Vend Gen Varr Tony Petrarca ii n Bezek, Jean Blatnik, Mary, Bonnie, & Cathy Cekada, Dominic & Val Drobnich, Joe & Louise Grace, Dee Dee Homar, Frank & Lillian Hoyer, Tedd Hribar, Ruth Intihar, Rose Kajfez, Matt & Fran Klemenčič, Joe & Frances Knezevic, Pete & Terry Kocin, Adolph Koenig, Louis Kozlevchar, John & Helen Krantz, Jim & Megan Lovšin, Bette Mark, Sara & Devin Martin, Arky Mikolič, Ray Pavšek, Helen & Dan Penca, Mary & John Perusek, Mary Pipoly, Evelyn Plutt, John & Alba Podlogar, Mary Richard, Karen & Steve Roberts, Sharon Ruttar, Tony Ruzic, Frances Sadar, Frank & Julia Segulin, Mike & Joyce Silva, Rose Skarbez, Hank & Vicki Spendal, Tony & Dorothy Sterling, Mary Tuma, Jennie Urankar, Frank & Florence Vesel, Skippy Wutchiett, Josephine Zabukovec, Matt Zalar, Elsie V. Zernic, Frank & Eleanor 3 Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2' Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 Lorain Celebrates 80th Year in 2003 > 1 o Q SI Despite all the hardships and struggles throughout 2002, Lorain Slovenian Club looks forward to its 80th birthday during 2003. Last year was not kind to us as we suffered the loss of two of our finest members: Louis Kamnikar and our Woman of the Year, Ruth Shook. They were always willing to lend a hand and their love for the club will be sorely missed. However, life goes on and we thank some of the members for their donations and loans to help us continue through this down economy. Our bar, thanks to Susie Kosco, husband Dale and the crew is doing fairly well as of late. Our fish fry’s have fallen off. Every once in a while there is a glimmer of hope that they’ll come back strong again. Joan Rogers continues a supervisor and “our fry is still the best in our area” we are told. Sunday Jam sessions are BEST WISHES TO ALL HONOREES ! I /1 tmiiiiirft, .if-ffli from the perish community ol St. Christine Church 840 East 222nd Street, Euclid, Ohio 44123 " remembering the past, celebrating the present, preparing for the future. Established in 1925 held monthly February through December and are “Jam packed”. People look forward to these Sunday afternoons. We also sponsor golf leagues, softball and dart teams that are enjoyed by our many social members. Browns football is a big Sunday clubroom draw. Susie’s crew always has a delicious spread of good food. Ohio State’s championship game was also a huge night for the club. In honor of the game location the food was a Mexican Tostitos party. We are looking forward to our 80"' party. No plans have yet been finalized. Our stockholders meeting was held on February 23rd, too late for this edition. Our 2002 board consist of: Linda Secular, President; Ted Piškur, Vice President; Donna Snyder, Treasurer; Bonnie Knep-per, Secretary; Jim Muzek, House Chairman; Dorothy Brletic, Auditor; Frank Renusi, Entertainment Chairman; Members, Juanita Upton and Helen Urbas. In closing, we would like to thank all of the honorees and the Federation of Slovenian National Homes for making this day possible. In Memory of RUTH SHOOK Fran & Frank Pavlovčič In Loving Memory of Ruth Shook Sandy Viets Doug Swartz In Loving Memory of Ruth Shook Sue and Dale Kosco In Memory of RUTH SHOOK Agnes & Joseph Serazin Congratulations yind (Best Wishes To JAttTfie HELEN URBAS In Memory of RUTH SHOOK Lee & Raymond Pavlovčič In Memory of (RpmSHOOTf Kfitie and Tony ZaCar % In Memory of ^ § RUTH SHOOK Lorain Slovenian Club Woman of the Year if 3 H Banana Cake for God and His Angels || 4 Helen and Linda Sekular ^ In Memory of RUTH SHOOK Lorain's Woman of the Year Frank Renu.si in Memory of RUTH SHOOK Rose Deleonardis In Memory of Ruth Shook Elyria Polish Club Ladies Auxiliary In Memory of SJfOOX Lorain Slovenian Club In Memory of Ruth Shook Lorain Slovenian Club WOMAN OF THE YEAR Steve and Lori Docs Frances Yurman MEastHlStel-CWaoiOPIIS Ruth was bom on January 26, 1931 on Bender Road in North Ridgeville, Ohio. Her father, Rudolph Novak, was a carpenter and mother, Pauline, was a housewife. Ruth had three brothers, Walter, Arthur and Henry and one sister Helen. Ruth was the youngest of the children. She grew up on a farm in North Ridgeville and often related her experiences to her children of the life she had on die farm. After the early death of their father, he mother remarried a man named Frederick “Fritzy” Guyeske. Fritzy was a farmer and lived in Grafton, Ohio. Some time later, Fritzy gave up farming and became an U.S. Marshall in Grafton. Ruth graduated from Ober-lin High School and soon after graduation met Ray Shook. They were married on April 24, 1948. From that union they had five children: Bonnie, Virginia, Patrick, Richard and Cyrus (Bert). Ray had a son, Jack, from his Previous marriage and he came to live with Ruth and Ray after his mother passed 'l away. Ruth was a homemaker while raising their family. While Ray worked for New York Central as a crew dispatcher, Ruth cooked, cleaned and managed to hold down the fort with five active children. We knew how far to Push her, but we also respected her position. Ruth loved her children as individuals but taught us to reach for our goals. She never loved anyone more than the other. We were all treated fairly in our household. Ruth took a job to provide for her family in 1970 after Ray suffered a heart attack and died. Mom taught the boys to wash clothes and cook. She thought that it was important that everyone in the house knew how to fend for themselves without her being there. Ruth worked at Elyria Value City in the Jewelry Department for 24 years and had the market on greeters before Wal-Mart ever thought of this. People would shop at Value City and stop and talk to Ruth on a daily basis. Her knowledge of the jewelry department and the store was a priceless commodity to that company. Ruth received many awards during her tenure at Value City one of which was “Employee of the Month.” Ruth’s hobbies included teaching first aid at the American Red Cross, private investigator for the courts and attorneys, cooking, candy making and baking cakes. She enjoyed polka bus trips with A1 Battistelli, the Casuals, and casino bus trips. She enjoyed ceramics, sewing, and painting T-shirts and sweatshirts. She loved her polka jams at the Lorain Slovenian Club. Ruth also collected antiques. She and her daughter Bonnie worked 12 years for Don W. Standen, The Auctioneer. But most of all, she loved spending time with her grandchildren, Timmy, Raymond and Chan-non. They were truly the “Apple of Grandma’s Eye.” In IVTemory of Ruth Shook Lorain Slovenian Club Woman of the Vear Sorley IVfissed by All Board of Directors Linda Sekular, President & Fin. Sec'y Ted Piškur, Vice President Donna Snyder, Treasurer Bonnie Knepper, Recording Sec'y Dorothy Brletic, Auditor trank Renusi, Enterainment Chairman Helen Urbas, Historian In Memory of Ruth Shook Paul & Fran Reinoehl In Loving Memory of Ruth Shook Jim and Elsie Bryda During Lent, Ruth baked two cakes a week for the Lorain Slovenian Club’s fish fries. Once a month she baked cakes for the jam sessions. Other cake baking ventures included the birthday cake of the month for the Elyria Value City’s employees United Polish Club, of which she was a member and Holy Cross Church bake sales and her daughter Bonnie’s PSR students. Ruth was also a member of the VFW Post in Elyria and the American Legion Post 12 in Elyria. She also served as acting President of the Lorain Slovenian Club. Ruth will be greatly missed by all of her organizations, dear friends-and family who love her. May Ruth polka her way into heaven, cook the finest meal, and chat with all those who have gone before her and know that with this award she was truly loved by all. ' f ' In Memory of Ruth Shook Lorain Slovenian Club Woman of the Year Dorothy Brletic J_.l ..L I I i I i i Ruth Shook : • 1 - 1 ' 1 1 1 ■ ■ ' ‘ j ' . ' L..L-L. 1. .1. L..1_I In Memory of Ruth Shook 7(/tt6 JtovUtQ 'l&OUq&tA Walter & Dorothy Novak & f In Memory of Our Mother and Grandmother Ruth Shook Lorain Slovenian Club Woman of the Year i7- 1 Bonnie Knepper f Richard, Cindy, Channon and Raymond Shook Bert and Michelle Shook ttt jrn -Tzx TTrm rr i i r t r i i i L' r i' i r-i. i r t.rvr i-r -rrttr.r*rri- r-rT-r H In Memory of 4 rln Memory of Lorain Slovenian Woman ofthe Year 2003 Wi Loving Thoughts of you, The Dean Hastings Family In Memory of RUTH SHOOK RUTH SHOOK Lorain's 2003 Woman of the Year LOKAm SMyPEWJWCLV® ‘Woman ofthe ‘Year Ladies AwoGaiy Jim & Audrey Yurman s Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2( Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 12 NEWBURGH REMEMBERS 2002 2002 was a year of celebration for the Newburgh Community. On Sunday, September 22, 2002, St. Lawrence Church celebrated its 100th year Anniversary beginning with Mass. It was celebrated by Fr. Dominic Mondzelewski, Administrator, and Bishops Pilla, Cries and Pevec. An overflow crowd was in attendance. Afterward, the congregation took a walk down the street to the Slovenian National Home (Nash). The auditorium was the memorabilia room. Flags and banners from lodges and singing societies, as well as the Leader of the St. Lawrence Band Uniform and drum were on display. Also on display were pictures from various years and classes at St. Lawrence School and other societies and functions held at the Church and Nash. Upon entering the main hall, the tables were set for dinner. There were 625 people in attendance! A 'delicious meal was served by KJ Catering. Music for dancing and listening was provided by the Joe Novak Band. A full day of reminiscing and socializing was enjoyed by all! In October, St. Lawrence K.S.K.J. #63 celebrated their 100th Anniversary with Mass and Dinner. This group continues to support the Nash by holding their monthly meetings here. We had many dinners and scheduled events that were all well attended and excellent fundraisers! Our Board of Directors would like to THANK everyone who has attended these events. Without your support, there would be no success and no Nash. Our volunteers continue to keep busy at our hall. They include: Art Zanutic, Frank Hrovat, Frank Sadar, Joe Zack, John Hrovat, and Jim Miklich, to name a few. Their activities currently include painting of the downstairs hallway and clubroom. During the past year, the upstairs Ladies Room was remodeled by John and Dee Hrovat and and Marianne Wensel. Our volunteers continue to keep very busy and provide quality work! Thank you to the Lausche Foundation, the Federation of Homes, A.M.L.A., the N/M Pensioneers and the Ellis Electric Company for their generous monetary donations and/or time and expert services. In this year of 2003, we are honoring Peter J. Ellis, Sr., posthumously, as our Slovenian Man of the Year. Peter Ellis, Jr. will accept this award. Congratulations to the Man and Woman of the Year and all of the Hall Honorees. On behalf of the Board of Directors, a very happy and healthy year is wished to all and thank you to all of our supporters! Na Zvidenje! Anna Mae Mannion Slovenian - East 80th Lanes 3563 East 80th Street A FRIENDLY PLACE TO BOWL Birthday Parties or Special Occasions For Moonlight Bowling Parties call (216)883-2963 FOOD - PRIZES - BOWLING The one & only Slovenian owned Alleys in the drea. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME CO. PRIVATE CLUB OPERATORS OF Slovenian East 80th Lanes 3563 East 80th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44105 (216) 641-9664 (216) 883-2963 Extends CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to all of the HONOREES for MAN and WOMAN OF THE YEAR Especially to the Family of Our Own PETER J. ELLIS, SR. From the BOARD OF DIRECTORS Pres. Anthony Mannion Auditors: Joe Habjan V. Pres. Albin Resnik Florence Mirtel Sec/Treas. Anna Mae Mannion Directors: Thomas Mannion Rec.Secy. Anna Mae Kostura William Mannion House Committee Chairperson: John Kužnik Honorary Members: Alice Arko Ruth Ross St. Lawrence Parish Congratulates the Family of Peter J. Ellis, Sr. i Newburgh Man of the Year 2003 In Proud Memory of Our Grandfather Peter J. Ellis, Sr. Congratulations Peter, III Nicole Kerry Ron, Jr. Kellee Crystal Timothy, Jr. “Jr.” Jacquelyn Kimberly Mark Daniel Christine Kristin Jaymee William Matthew Katie Andrew Shawn Eric Kurt Cassandra We love and miss you very much, Grandpa! Thank you for everything you’ve done! fc* . .xA-L .. *4 A** - “Your Grandchildren” .. -w_»* . > -MK. . W« ■J**'- Peter Ellis, Sr, Newburgh Man of the Year I C11 ‘ _ I . . . . . ...... >■?* Peter J. Ellis, Sr. was born m Cleveland to John & Minnie Ellis. He was raised in the neighborhood of St. Stndhen s Church in the w- St. and Bridge area. Peter graduated from West Tech High School in 1943. While there he learned the electrical trade. He was hired as an electrician at S. K. Wellman, a Wartime factory, located at E- 52nd and St. Clair. It was during the change of shifts at Wellman that Peter met and instantly fell in love with a young Slovenian girl, sie Novak who also worked at the factory. They were Carried at St. Lawrence Ujurch on April 25, 1945. hile Peter completed his e. ectrical apprenticeship, they llVed in Elsie’s family home E. 80lh across from the ewburgh Slovenian National °rne (fondly referred to as he “Nash). ^fter completing his electri-ca! apprenticeship in 1951, eter and Elsie, through long °urs and hard work, built eir home in Parma where Sle still resides. They had lx children, Peter, Jr., 0naId, Gary, Mark, Elsie-arie and Mary Jane. They ^ave twenty two grandchil-en and four great grandchil-tjen (and still counting). Put-en8 to use over 20 years of ectrical experience, Peter tinded the P. J. Ellis Electric ^’Eic. in 1966. th xr°USh *1‘s w*fe Elsie and ca6 0VaE family, Peter be-njf16 'nv°Ived in the Slove-he I* 'festy|e ancI heritage that teu an^ c^er'shed so (ja C ' He could listen and With610 ^^ovenian music atte ^.ut encI- Peter and Elsie Hash e<^ 38 many events at the yea ,as Possible. The New Dance EVC and Hang°ver feu, r, Weddings are just a r0UnHPeter and Elsie sur- graadchdiLheirchildrenand cult mdren with Slovenian .l6', Hour of their children at the k|r Wedding receptions Contj ash The entire family fish frjp68 to enj°y brunches, 6vent 2002 Federation Archive Report writer records the activity of the Federation The election of new officers for the vear ?nfP n rxit? Writer recor^s Me activity of the Federation The election of new officers for the year 2002 HniifT National Homes’ its affiliate member was held. Elected were: President, Robert Hopkins, n'noiir Sloven*ans who have been recog- Slovenian National Home, St. Clair; lsl Vice Presi- - j j—— rvnu nuvc oeen recog- nized for their outstanding achievements to their respective Slovenian Homes and/or for the benefit to the Greater Cleveland Slovenian community. MARCH 2002 On Saturday March 16th, the Slovenian commu-"lty Sphered to celebrate and recognize this year’s onorees at the 41s1 Annual Slovenes of the Year Awards Banquet sponsored by the Federation of I'miuiiai numes. i ne event took pla< »e Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. Indi-p1 ua*s were honored from nine Homes, plus the ederation’s own Slovenian Man and Woman of the Year 2002. th Hjt0rian Footnote: This is the Federations fort-T annual dinner and the forty-first annual awards ignition program. This is noted for a perspective of oricfactfrom actual Federation meeting minutes. 20no k60'3" Society Home, Recher, hosted the g 2 banquet. The home’s representatives, its °ard of Directors and Federation representatives °ordinated the arrangements. On March 18, 2002, the Federation held its annual eeting at the Slovenian National Home on St. • f""' federation President, Robert Hopkins, pre-u „°Ver meeting. Reports were read from lovenian Home, and concluded with com-ents on the awards banquet. Discussion centered e^0und the fact that over 500 people attended and the0^ 3 delicious dinner prepared by Julia Zalar; execution of the program format by co-masters Cl Ce/eniony: Charles F. Ipavec and Patricia Ipavec-ri, e; and the ambiance of Mary Blatnik’s audito-lu£i decorations. a resident Hopkins concluded with comments of res C'at'on t0 ^edow Federation officers and rep-sentatives for their cooperation and team effort ln8 his term of office. dent, Patricia Ipavec-Clarke, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair; 2nd Vice President, Anthony Man-nion, Slovenian National Home No. 2, East 80lh; Executive Secretary, Charles F. Ipavec, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair; Financial Secre-tary/Treasurer, Lou Grzely, American Slovenian Club, Fairport, Recording Secretary, Chris Hammond, Slovenian Society Home, Recher; Cor- Slov • " M K reuerauon 01 Hammond, Slovenian Society Home, Recher; C the c?1'3" Natlonal Homes. The event took place at responding Secretary, Celeste Frollo, Slovenian ovenian National Home on St. C!lair. InHi- Wnrk'm^n’c T-inrrw* „i 1 u--------J 9 — ~ i V/ y v-111ci 1 Workmen’s Home, Waterloo; Auditors: Robert Royer, West Park Slovenian National Home, West 130' ; Anna Mae Mannion, Slovenian National Home No. 2, East 80th.; Edward Gabrosek, Slovenian Independent Society Home, Barberton; Historian, Joseph F. Petrie Jr., Slovenian Society Home, Recher; and John Habat, Slovenian Society Home, Holmes; Ella Samanich, Historian Emeritus, West Park Slovenian National Home, West 130th.; Legal Advisor, Charles F. Ipavec, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. APRIL 2002 An Easter greeting was placed in the American Home newspaper’s holiday issue. lu sucauze. m mis year s event. Norm Kobal wa Waterloo and Holmes Ave. halls have bi-monthly recognized for his years of polka entertainment to poor man s socials where food and hospitability are the Slovenian community, plentiful. Throughout thp Qlr\\/*»r»ia« _____ JUNE 2002 The Slovenian National Home No. 2, held Moonlight Bowling night at the Home’s bowling lanes. A raffle, rummage sale, and monthly dinner helped them remodel the main hall. The Lorain Slovenian Club sponsored a Jam Session on the first Sunday of the month. They also serve an excellent fish fry every Friday. JULY 2002 Fourth of July greetings were placed in the special holiday issue of the American Home. Members and friends gathered at the American Slovenian Club in Fairport for a special recognition dinner in honor of their 2002 Slovenian Man of the Year, John Grzely. John and his brother Lou are very active at this Slovenian Home. The sound heard at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair wasn’t a polka beat, but a rock beat. The Home hosted a Rock/Blues band for its club-room. Both young and old shared a great evening of dancing and socializing. SEPTEMBER 200? Every year, the Slovenian Society Home of Col-linwood honors a polka musician for a wonderful day of dancing, Slovenian food, and an opportunity to socialize. At this year’s event, Norm Kobal was plentiful. Throughout the year, Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo also holds Friday Fish Fries, featuring walleye, shrimp, pork chop and goulash and polenta dinners. MAY 2002 Hall activities include: West Park Slovenian Home’s weekend dances; Slovenian Society Home hosted a Memorial Day Breakfast for the Euclid Veteran’s Club annual memorial salute on the Home’s grounds; and Barberton Slovenian Home hosted a presentation on Slovenia. Another great evening of food and fun was sponsored at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair at its annual fundraising social. NOVEMBER 200? Thanksgiving greetings were placed in the American Home newspaper. The Federation purchased tickets to Tony Petkovsek’s annual “Thanksgiving Polka Party 2002”. The gala event was held at the Cleveland Marriott Hotel. We are very grateful to Tony for his media coverage through the years and his support at our events. Continue on page 21 V Blag IPAVEC /rank 1893-1962 Antonia 1896-1983 In Loving Memory RUTH WAGNER IPAVEC 1924 • 2002 In Liebevolle Erinnerung WAGNER Alfred 1893-1962 Louise 1896-1974 Wife - Parents - Grandparents - Great-Grandparents Charles F. Ipavec Charles T. Ipavec Susan Erica Ipavec and Christina Patricia Ipavec Townsend S. and Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke Elizabeth Sutherland, Patricia Wagner, Katherine Townsend and Shannon Bryan Clarke • A. * *. k" F* *,'*-,* 4' * A.' A.'A'*’A ’ A * * * A* A* AT A» A * A.’A » 4* a.* F* ** Jfc'** A* A» A* A» ** A* A.***«* A » 4/4. «!4J Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 Donna and Bob Helmecy Dorothy Gorjup William Frank Sr. Mary Frank Teenie and Jackie Ulle Carl Zele Esther Ppdboy Steffie Segulin Eleanor Godec Helen Stoneman Ethel Yanchar Bill Kovach Frances Semenik Frances Simončič Pat and Fred Nevar Karen and Tim O’Donnell Ruth and Frank Korelec John and Anna Adams Stephanie Dagg Joe and Sally Stavanja Mike and Joyce Segulin Jeanette Yert Katherine Skully Chris Heintz Raymond Kastelic Fred and Faye Martin Mary Strbac Mimi Stibil Marion Bocian Cathy Costello Ron Bocian Jerry Bocian Rich and Mary Sterle Dorothy Lamm Congratulations Man an4 Woman of the Year An4 3il Honorees Lodge 604 Utopians President- Helen Sumrada Vice-President-Kathleen Trebets Secretary-Gerri Trebets Treasurer-Fran Ogorenc Auditors-Barbara Grzincic, Ed Lipovec, Nancy Trenton Feaium£ & GomUlq -formerly John's Fun & Games- John & Eileen Copic 650 A East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 (216) 531-3500 1-800-374-DICE e-mail: jackpotgames@aol.com I IMm. $ £ X! $ J? X # £ jz £ 13 £ Congratulations Richard Tomsic from Slovenian Singing Society ZARJA JZ M J? JZ. JZ JZ JZ JZ JZ ■JZ JZ JZ JZ Congratulations & Best Wishes All Honorees Truck Sales * Rentals * Leasing * Bodies GAurheys’ TRUCK CENTER www.chumeys.com 20660 Aurora Rd. * Cleveland, Ohio 44146 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦•♦♦» ♦ Tel, 216-475-3322 Mike Churney Fax 216-475-9037 “Cleveland's ONE STOP Truck Center’ Congratulations to Richard omsic SAXON CATERING Large and Small Parties Funeral Luncheons 746 East 200th Street Euclid, OH 44119 Phone or Fax: 216-481-9452 i : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ 4- J- A A. A A A A A. A A A A A A A A A A. A A A A A ,4 PS WA #2 Salutes all the Men and Women of the Year Honorees Congratulations rd nTomsic: James /V. Slap>nil< J r. Florist: 650 East 185th Street Cleveland, OH 44119 216- 531-7887 Bridal Bouquets-Funeral Wreaths-Cut Flowers k/ishes mmo wm/e Mo* oft tie C/mt-StfowntOH Society Home- Madid (/e-terans Association SNPJ Lodge Naprej #5 Congratulates our member RICHARD TOMSIC Man of the Year from Slovenian Society Home and All Honorees Fran Churney Home Style Cooking Terry Kollar Fcwwyy’y Rettcoborcwt A Family Tradition Since 1947 Full Cany Out Seivtce Daily: 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM Sunday 11:30 AM to 7:00 PM 353 East 156th St. Cleveland, OH 44110 Phone (216) 531-1231 CONGRATULATIONS RICHARD TOMSIC Slovenian Society Home Board of Directors Esther Podboy Chris Hammond Marion Bocian Steffie Segulin Mary Frank Donna Helmecy Henry Kapel Frank Korelec Max Jeric Joe Bergoč Ladies Auxiliary of SNPJ Farm Congratulates RICHARD TOMSIC AND ALL HONOREES Support our Fall Picnic at the SNPJ Farm September 14, 2003 At the SNPJ Farm on Heath Road CohQratuCations Richard Tomsic Slovenian Society Home And All Honorees PSWA #3 17 Dick Tomšič • A Man of Many Talents a o Dick Tomsic was born in Cleveland, Ohio on January 20, 1938 to Jack and Mary Tomsic and has one older brother, Stan. He graduated from Euclid Senior High School in 1955 and Case Institute of Technology in 1959 with a bachelor degree *n Physics. Dick’s first job was with North American Aviation in California but making weapons of war was not to Dick’s liking, so he came back to Euclid to attend John Carroll University aiming for a career in Biophysics. At that time President Kennedy started |he Peace Corps and Dick .l°ined and was in the Philippines for two years. When he returned home, he trolled at Kent State University and received a ^egree in Secondary Science Education. While at Kent, Dick v°hinteered to help with some Psychology exPeriments. This work led to his entering graduate j^hool in Psychology at ent where he received his Raster’s Degree. Dick 0 ‘Owed his major professor *° Florida State and received ls PhD. in Experimental Psychology. While at 0rida State, he was the ^ipient of a National cience Foundation eHowship. After §raduation he taught at the ehrend Campus of Penn tate University in Erie, ennsylvania and finally decided to come back to Cleveland to work as an engineer. He’s lived in Euclid ever since. At present; he is manager of the testing lab at Voss Industries. Music has been a passion of Dick’s since youth. In his younger years, he belonged to Mladinski Pevski Zbor at the Slovenian Workingman’s Home for 12 years. In high school and college, he, his brother, Stan, and a friend, Al Pavli had a small polka band. He sang in the Euclid High School Choir and Madrigal Choir, Case’s Men’s Glee Club, North American’s Men’s Glee Club and returned home to join the Singing Society Zarja. He has been a member of Zarja for over 20 years, its musical director for four years and president for the past two years. His volunteering started another significant event in his life. He volunteered to be the “groom” in the first mock peasant wedding at the SNPJ Campsite in Pennsylvania. The “bride” was Karen Turkovich, his wife of 35 years. They have five sons, Matthew, Mark, Michael, Martin, and Milan. Involvement with his sons has made Dick a soccer coach, a soccer referee, a swim meet timer, a swim meet judge and an Assistant Scoutmaster, merit badge counselor and committee member with their Boy Scout Troop, as well as, krofe maker for SNPJ Circle 2 for three years. Dick has been a member of SNPJ since childhood and a member of the SNPJ National Board for 20 years, chairman of the Finance Committee for 12 years, a member of the Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges for 20 years and its Vice President for the past two years. He has also been the SNPJ Convention Chairman twice. During the summer months you can find him most Sunday mornings at SNPJ Farm helping the ladies in the kitchen usually making krofe. Among Dick’s other involvement in the Slovenian community has been his membership on the Board of Trustees of the Slovene Home for the Aged for 17 years and Finance Committee Chair for 7 years, membership on the Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation for 4 years (since its beginning) and 2 years as its president. Dick has always felt that being raised in the Slovenian community has instilled in him a good set of values and ethics. He also feels that this is a good community in which to teach the same values to his children. Congratulations Dick Tomsic & To All Honorees Cleveland Federation SNPJ Lodges Picnic - July 6, 2003 At SNPJ Recreation Farm Best wishes v Vce najboljše To: Richard Tomsic and All the Honorees From: Cecilia and Bob Dolgan DICK TOMSIC 3 Richard Tomsic V V * ¥ * CONGRATULATIONS RICHARD TOMSIC you ate aGways OUR Man of tte yaat Love, Karen Mattfrew, A\ar(i, MicfiaeC Martin & MiCan v v V ¥ ¥ V V V V * ¥ V V V V V V ¥ V V V* V V*?** CongratkCatioHS front your PantiCy, Agnes Doug & 3o06y Sopkie Duane & Bet A Aaron Congratulations! | RICHARD TOMSIC - « JO J3 a n JJ S3 SNPJ Youth Circle #2 Is proud of You Husband, Father, Fraternal Leader, Singer, Friend, and Krofe Chef!! £ S3 fit 3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 3333 S3 S3 S3 i S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 isixsixxnx Congratulations Richard Tomsic Slovenian Society Home Man of the Year And All Honorees LADIES AUXILIARY President, Rose Kinniard Vice President, Marilyn Lazzara Recording Secretary, Valeria Korošec Treasurer, Dorothy Kapel Audit Chairman, Norma Hrvatin Audit Committee: Anna Adams Ruth Korelec 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 4 iška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 Waterloo Pensioners Patron Ads Helen Joca Sylvia Wagoner Al & Grace Marinch Frank & Julia Sadar Jo Ann Heinz William Bayuk Esther Podboy Josie & Cappy Kapla Joe & Paula Kikol Frank & Frances Fred & Jean Skolaris Ogoreuc Frank & Elsie O’Hara Anne Wolf Jerry Pike Dorothy Goijup Eleanor Godec Fred & Pat Nevar Alice Cech Celeste & Joe Frollo Congratulations to MIKE P0DB0Y And All Honorees SNPJ Farm Board May 25-Pancake & Sausage Breakfast June 1 Chicken Barbecue 10946 Heath Road Kirtland, Ohio 440-943-1191 440-256-3243 Congratulations MIKE PODBOY Officers and Members of Lodge V Boj # 53 S.N.P.J. Pauline Barbish, President Fran Mauric, Vice President Pat Habat, Recording Secretary Mimi Struna, Treasurer Martha Meglich, Secretary Auditors, Ann Wagner, Lousia Horvat, Fran Mauric i i i i : Congratulations AU Honorees } ____________ Lodge 126 SNPJ Com Marrach, Vice-Pns. Ed Samada, Sec.-Treas. Ju* EStasoa, See. Sec. Lad Congratulations to MIKEPODBOY Slovenian Man of the Year From the Band of the Year Eddie Rodick orch. Eddie, Kim, Jim, Eddie m Best ofLnck Congratulations to Our Friend Mike Podboy SWH Honoree Grace & A1 Marinch Congratulations Mike Podboy And JUI Honorees Waterloo Pensioners Club Annual Picnic At SNPJ Farm 6/25/03 Meetings 2nd Tuesday Each Month Slovenian Workmen’s Home 1S33S Waterloo Road SWH Patron Ads Dolores Dobida Mitzie Yeray Fred Skolaris Joyce Plemel Jo Ann Heinz Eleanor Godec Ken & Edna Kleinhenz Esther Podboy Joe Samsa Ray Yerak Mimi Struna ' Pauline Barbish All Ulle Jackie Ulle Gordon Luce Pyramid Accounting Frank Grk Harold & Gerry White Big Al Pestotnik Pestotnik Bros. Constr. Tom & Cindy Čebular Celeste & Joe Frollo Congratulations MIKE PODBOY From All the Members Blejsko jezero #27 AM LA Congratulations MIKE PODBOY SWH Man of the Year And All Honorees Ladies Auxiliary Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Road 216-481-5378 We Serve Pish Fries Every Friday 11:30 AM until 8:00 PM TAKE OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE Congratulations Congratulations Mike Podboy SWH Man of the Year Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Road 216-481-5378 2003 Board of Trustees Tom Čebular, President Celeste Frollo, Fin. Sec Eleanor Godec, Rec. Sec Ken Kleinhenz, Sr., Prop. Joe Frollo, Trustee Gordon Luce, Trustee JoAnn Heinz, VP & Audit Millie Bradač, Treasurer Fred Nevar, Audit Dorothy Gorjup, Audit Joyce Plemel, Trustee Phil Čebular, Trustee Chris Chermely, Trustee Hull Fry Every Flriday 11:30 tUI S:00 PM Fake Outs Available ?; : ■ Kalla dc Mooting Rooms Available To Real Call Cos Appointment I____________ .,1 MIKE PODBOY SWH Honoree And all the Honorees For your many years Of service to Friends, Family And Community Sincerely* Wachovia Securities, Inc-Frank Jay Zak Vice President Papa Bear Podboy is SWH Honoree Words do not adequately describe Mike Podboy, Cleveland-Style Polkas’ favorite “teddy bear”. One of the co-founders and former Trustee of the American Slovenian Polka Foundation, Mike has been a tireless promoter and fundraiser for Cleveland Style music throughout his adult life. Starting in his parent’s Sylvia Cafe and Podboy’s Tip Toe Inn and continuing m three locations of his own (Podboy’s Lounge) since 1959, Podboy’s on Lake-shore, in Kirtland and on Lakeland Blvd. His warm friendly manner always made customers feel not only welcome, but loved loo. Customers at the Lakeland Blvd. location said, “His bar was kind of like a Slovenian “Cheers” because of the relaxed atmosphere and feeling of family.” The middle of 3 boys, Mike along with Alvin and Richard (both deceased) Were second generation. His Parents, Mike and Josephine came from Slovenia. They started the Slovenian Home °n Waterloo in 1926. In 1947 they opened the Tip j Toe Inn at 12200 Woodland Wlth Kenny Bass and all the Vadnals perfonning. Over the years he has befriended the “who’s who” of polka music—Frank Yankovic, Lddie Habat, Johnny Pecon, Denny Bucar, Kenny Bass, the Vadnals, Walter Osta-neL, Joe White, Stan Blout, Tony Petkovšek, Eddie Ro-dick and Bobby Kravos, just 1° name a few. The Slovenian Heritage that Mike re-Ce‘ved from his parents is °ne of having sound values, frne friendships and a loving amily It is a heritage he is Prtxid to pass on to his chil-ren and grandchildren. Resides being known as a §reat polka promoter, friendly tavern owner and Sreat cook (his famous tripe stew, “hot-hot” chili, and clambakes) he is also known by hundreds of children as Santa Claus. He has played Santa at St. Jerome’s Elementary School, American Mutual Life Assn., Navy League children’s Christmas parties and Gale’s Garden Center in Willoughby Hills. For Gales and the Navy League he arrived by helicopter for added interest. He has also played Santa at the Slovene Home for the Aged. While running the tavern business, he also worked third shift as a heavy crane operator in a steel mill and numerous other locations for the Operating Engineers, Local 18. The local presented him with a 50-year pin on August 18, 2002 when Recher Hall honored “Iron” Mike Podboy, America’s Polka Promoter. “Iron Mike” suits Podboy because he always worked two jobs while he and his former wife Sophie raised seven children. Mike has received many honors through the years. Bob Kravos honored him as Slovenian Man of the Year on January 16, 1994 at Collin-wood Slovenian Home on Holmes, declared Mike Podboy day by former Governor George Voinovich. Likewise, former Euclid mayor David Lynch named December 5, 1992 Mike Podboy Day. He was also commemorated with a resolution of congratulations from Euclid City Council on the anniversary of Podboy’s 50lb year in the tavern business. When Mike owned Podboy’s Lounge on Lakeland Blvd., Mayor Paul Oyaski said of the tavern, “It has become a staple of the Slovenian community in Euclid.” He served 10 years as vice president for the Navy League and is a life member of that organization. During that tenure, he Congratulations All Honorees Especially to out “Slovenian Santa” Michael Podboy Love - the "Kokomos" Bob. Susie, Michael, Christopher, Timothy And Daniel Coan Congratulations Grandpa Mike Jer» * Joe SQrQh 4 Jason Andrew Alex Katie We Love You Cody Brandon Amanda Nicky Frankie David Jessica Alyssa Joey Jason Christopher Zachary not only played Santa, but also hosted and cooked for sailors from the U.S. Navy ships that visit the port of Cleveland each year. They loved that he served Slovenian sausage instead of traditional hamburgers and hot dogs. Of course, his tape player was also playing his favorite polkas. He also sponsored Reverse Raffles, which were the Navy League’s primary fundraiser. Mike has been a member of AMLA for over 70 years. He was inducted into the Trustee’s Honor Roll in 1996 by the Polka Hall of Fame and also received the award for “Support and Promotion of Cleveland-Style Polka” on November 27, 1999. Upon receiving this award Mike said, “This is the highest award you can get from the polka community. And that’s more than I could ask.” Mike’s family has always been his priority and his greatest source of joy. His children are Linda (Bob) Leskovec of Willoughby Hills, Michael (Nancy) of Concord Township, Jimmy (Pam) and Sandy (Rick) Tami, both of Euclid, Susan (Bob) Coan of Willoughby and Charlene (John) McAuley and Lori (Jim) Stanicki, both of Chardon. He is proud the grandfather of 15 and 3 step-grandchildren. He and his fiancee, Fran Schmidt have been together for 22 years. He has been a loving “dad” to Fran’s four children and Grandpa Mike to her 15 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Although battling complications from diabetes, numerous surgeries and arthritis, Mike’s love of the Slovenian Style Polkas is as strong as ever. Keep the polkas playing and when he can, he will be there “dancing” in his wheelchair. Michael Podboy Congratulations To the Love of My Life Mike Podboy Slovenian Man of the Year I'm So Proud of You Love/, frcMV Congratulations Dad! Mike Podboy, Sr. kiCcha&l/čr Wo/rvcy Podboy, Jr. Stacy £r Bob Ja40tv£r AmarnsLa/ Congratulations Dad & Grandpa MICHAEL J. PODBOY You Have Always Been Our “Man of the Year” Love, The McAnley’s John, Char, Stacey, Patrick, Kelly & Meghan ________________! — Congratulations Congratulations Mike Mike Podboy We Love You Our Dad of the Year!! L(u*rcu £r Bew Rob- £ Joxmv SutcLrvčr BUi MCcheU&Q-VaA/es We Love You!! JVwv, Lori/, JOnvnyy Stephanie'&r Kevin/ ! Congratulations Dad As Slovenian. Man of the Year Lovei JCttv (vnxb Pcvrrv J0m>a*id, Angie* s Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,21 Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 SWH 2002 UPDATE The year 2002 was very good for the hall but as always we are looking for ways to increase our rentals. We continue to have our Bi-monthly raffles, which are very successful chaired by Vice President JoAnn Heinz. It’s always nice to seeing new faces and young folks there. Our hall has fish fries every Friday. They continue to be well attended and a big asset, both as a fundraiser but also as a place where friends, old and new, can meet and socialize as well as enjoy a good meal. A big thank you to the ladies and gentlemen who work so hard to keep it intact. Thanks to Auxiliary President Pat Nevar (2002) and JoAnn Heinz (2003) for a job well done. We express our sympathy to the family of Martha Meglich on the passing of her dear husband, Albert. A1 was on our board for 25 years. He was an outstanding worker and a great ticket seller. A major project in 2002 was that we had the roof over our main ballroom repaired. Our hope is to have it painted this year. In February, our Board hosted a Spaghetti Dinner. It was well attended and everyone who came said the meal was very delicious. Our congratulations to board member Pam Ruma. She became Mrs. Paul Plunkett this year. She and her husband are now living in Georgia. Celeste Frollo, Joyce Plemel and Ken Kleinhenz, Sr. are still hard at work updating the certificate holder’s list. Every year they think that this is the one when they will reach their goal to have an accurate membership roster. But this project is still a work in progress. In March, the Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges sponsored a concert featuring the Lesna Oktet from Slovenia. What a musical treat! We have indoor balinca courts that are well used in the winter months. Waterloo Balinca Club continues to oversee these activities. Current president of this organization is Vi. Rupena. Many thanks are due to our House Committee, Joe Frollo, A1 Marinch, Gordon Luce and Fred Nevar. Whenever possible, they try to do various jobs around the hall to keep costs down. Get well wishes are sent to A1 Marinch who has been ill for a number of months. We hope to see his smiling face soon. Pat Nevar and Celeste Frollo oversaw activities in our public bar during 2002. Their patient husbands, Fred and Joe also provided invaluable help. Because of them our bar is in the black. Many thanks to the four of them. Our Potica Bake Sale took place in early December. Many people worked very hard to make this an extremely successful event for the hall. Our crew of dedicated volunteers made over 200 loaves of potica as well as the famous Slovenian Krofe Bread. Several were there as early as 5 AM and stayed till the end. Thank you to our Sunshine Lady, Eleanor Godec. Eleanor sends cards to board members and others who need a little “sunshine in their lives.” Our annual Certificate Holders meeting took place on Sunday, January 19, 2003. In spite of it being a cold winter day we had a nice turnout. The following people will again serve as Trustees for 2003: Millie Bradač, Celeste Frollo, Tom Čebular, Joe Frollo, Ken Kleinhenz, Sr., JoAnn Heinz, Gordon Luce, Eleanor Godec, Joyce Plemel, Dorothy Gorjup and Fred Nevar. New to our board are Phillip Čebular and Chris Chermely. In conjunction with this meeting we again had our annual meeting raffle. It was very successful and we also received some nice donations from our members. Ken Kleinhenz, Sr. took care of all the details pertaining to this event. We would be remiss if we didn’t hank all the fraternals and other organizations that rent from us throughout the year. We appreciate your business and support and wish you all a wonderful year - 2003. Best Wishes Congratulations to MIKE PODBOY Lake Shore Insurance Agency “For All Your Insurance Needs” Auto, Home, Commercial, Health, Life and Disability 735 Beta Drive Cleveland, OH 44143 Dan Wajahn Bill Rodgers 440-446-1600 FAX 440-446-0405 Email bill@lakeshoreinsurance.com Mike Podboy From JoAnn Heinz »-------------------------------------------------------------------------------— Mike Podboy Congratulations to A Great Dad! We Love You So Much!! Congratulations to All the 2003 honorees SNPJ Lodge #147 - Vodnikov Venec Join us for our Picnic & Raffle Sunday, June 8th at the SNPJ Farm - Heath Rd. Fred Ziwich & the International Sound Machine Love, Rick and Sandy Congratulations & Best Wishes Best Wishes Mike Podboy Fran Churney Rita and Milan Mihelich Michael Podboj/ & All Honorees 650 East 185th Street Cleveland, OH 44119 216- 531-7887 Congratulations To All Honorees Jadran Singing Society Jovy\/ Cty for Our Spring/Dinner/Dance/Program - Saturday, April 12, 2003 Fred Ziwich and the International Sound Machine Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Road 1 on W; Jus gra hat ria doi ag riei Congratulations to Mike Podboy SWH Honoree Celeste and Joe Frollo Congratulations To All Honorees for 2003 & Mike Podboy, SWH Honoree Dick Tomsic, SSH Honoree A Pyramid Accounting, Inc. Albert Sprout Janet Marcus 38083 West Spaulding Street Suite 206 Willoughby, Ohio 44094 440-953-5835 evs wh Fr£ the vei Ch Pre % “Si she cej Th W| dir Wa Ci, leg dui cel am Ell CHEERS ARON MIKE" WE LOVE YOU Either Podboy and/ favyuly Congratulations All Honorees SNPJ Cleveland Athletic League Picnic SNPJ Farm August 24, 2003 CONGRATULATIONS TO A WONDERFUL DAD & GRANDPA MICHAEL J. PODBOY LOVE, THE LESKOVIC FAMILY BOB, LINDA LORI & MATT BOBBY & ANN TOMMY Congratulations MIKE PODBOY SWH Honoree Modern Crusaders No., 45 AMLA J WEST PARK HONORS MARIAN ROYER Marian was bom in Gowanda, New York, ^October 18th 1934. Her parents, Joseph algus from Warsaw, Poland, and Jennie Just (Zust) from Jesenica, Slovenia, immigrated to the United States in 1914. They . four children. Joseph Jr. (deceased), GIo-r'a (deceased), Robert and Marian. History °es repcat itself as Joe Jr. married Barbara, a girl from Warsaw, Poland. They were mar-r,ed for almost 34 years. The family came to Cleveland in 1937 eVentually settling in the St. Casimir area P ere Marian attended St Casimir and St rancis schools through the 9th grade. She en went to east high school where she was ^ry active in Gym Leader s Club, Latin p u , Teachers Club, and as Homeroom ^resident. Marian was inducted into the pres-4g'0Us,National Honor Society and was the P*rit of the induction ceremony. When c 6 graduated from high school, she was ac-®Pted at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. \y,ere s*le majored in Science for two years. ^ de there, she was in the Glee Club and fttor ot the dorm swimming program. VVa ar'am met her future husband while she as working as a secretary at the University leg0 ^ M C A. After she went off to col-^ ge, he went into the Navy. When his tour of ce] \,WaS 0Ver’ married and they are now an ,eRrat'n8 forty nine years together. Marian Ell \°k ^ve children: Robert Jr. (wife eri)) Michael (deceased), Steven (wife Colleen), John (wife Beth) and Teresa (husband David). Their children blessed them with ten grandchildren: Danielle, Robert III, Molly, Joseph, Veronica, Jennifer, Christine, Alexander, Elise and Michael. The family moved to Brook Park in 1961 and still live in the same house. As the children grew, Marian was involved in their many activities and education. She was a Den Mother for three years and taught 6th grade Confraternity classes for a number of years. Bob and Marian were part of the founding families of Saint John Bosco Catholic Church to which they still belong. Marian and Bob have been following and dancing to the Slovenian bands for fifty years at the Homes, Clubs, SNPJ farm, and SNPJ Camp Grounds so it made sense to become involved with the West Park Slovenian National Home to make sure that the music would continue. Marian has been an Auditor and is currently Recording Secretary of the hall. She is also a Representative to the Federation of Slovenian Homes. Prior to her current illness, she was active in the planning and assisting with the Friday dances at West Park for the last ten years Marian retired in 1999 from Parma Community Hospital after 23 years employment. She worked both in nursing and materials management. Marian’s family, friends and the Slovenian community are very proud of her today and every day. CONGRATULATIONS MOM everyone's woman of the year STRIKE UP THE BAND AND DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! LOVE BOB AND ELLEN Wjiy Togo gXJLMDMJL MJWTJUV DANIELLE BO MOLLY JOSEPH VERONICA JENNIFER CHRISTINE ALEX ELISE MICHAEL Marian Royer Mother and Woman of The Year We are all very proud of you Love, Hugs and Kisses Steve And Colleen CONGRATULATIONS MOM Our Woman of The Years LOVE ALWAYS John and Beth CovigrcztulortZcrrib' Marian Woman of The Year With All Our Love Tom and Kathy Chees And Family Congratulations Marian Royer Westpark Slovenian Home Woman of the Year 650 East 185th Street Cleveland, OH 44119 216- 531-7887 Bridal Bouquets-Funeral Wreaths-Cut Flowers 4 Marian Royer TO MY MARIANNA WITH LOVE, PRIDE AND THANKS BECAUSE OF YOU I AM WHAT I AM LOVE ALWAYS, BOB CONGRATULATIONS MOTHER On Being West Park's Woman of The Year " You Always Were Ours " May God Bless You and Keep You LOVE YA Teresa And Dave Congratulations To West Park’s Woman of The Year Marian Royer And All Past and Present Honorees From Rudy and Marie Pivik Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13, 2003 UtetPaik-TlieZestofttieM West Park Slovenian National Home enjoyed a fairly successful year in 2002. Located on the west side of Cleveland, we are able to offer a place for entertainment, food and friendship to a great many people of ethnic diversity. The Friday dances provide a chance to present some of the finest polka music in town. The wonderful dancers, faithful friends and volunteer staff make for a fun-filled evening. This makes our hall a favorite meeting place. We hope to be able to continue this twelve-year tradition for many more years. Along with the music we CONGRA TULA TIONS MARIAN ROYER “WOMAN of THE YEAR" West Park Slovenian Home 4583 West 130th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Phone: 216-941-3224 Club Room Hours 11 AM till 1 AM Daily Food Served Every Day Fish Fry Every Friday Dancing To Your Favorite Polka Bands Every Friday Congratulations to West Park Honoree ,Yo.'0>roYj WUfiam Isaac Insurance Agency, Inc. BILL ISAAC 216-524-5588 FAX 216 524-3512 6505 ROCKSIDE ROAD, SUITE 300 * INDEPENDENCE, OHIO 44131 Congratulations Marian Royer West Park Slovenian National Home’s Woman of The Year Love and Friendship Bill and Helen Zmrazek r. have Fish and Perogi dinners on Friday and delicious meals all week long. Our small but dedicated Board of Directors was further burdened by the passing of Joseph Lach. Joe took care of the day today operations of the club along with the necessary maintenance. He was loved by all and is very much missed. Thanks to the fundraising activities of the club, we were able to make some needed repairs to the hall. A new heating and air conditioning system was installed for the upper hall and the dance floor was given a top dressing. Our goal this year is to be able to re-surface the parking lot and further upgrade the hall decor. We wish to thank the many groups that support our home including The West Park Ladies Auxiliary, A.M.L.A. Lodge #26, S.N.P.J. Lodge # 257, Happy Timers Button Box Club and The West Park Vets. Without their help, it would be hard to survive. I would also like to thank my staff of the Board of Directors: Vice-President, Chuck Gove; Treasurers, Rudy Pivik and Michelle Bartunek; Recording Secretary, Marian Royer; Auditors, Theresa Krisby, Ruth Lach and Marie Pivik. Marie is also our Social Chairperson. Thank you all! Congratulations & Best Wishes Marian Royer West Park Woman of the Year A Well Deserved Honor Helen & Linda Sekular Congratulations and Best Wishes Marian Royer West Park Woman of the Year Dorothy Brletic l Congratulations Marian Royer West Park Woman of the Year Frank Renusi CONGRA TULA TIONS Marian Royer WEST PARK’S WOMAN OF THE YEAR RUTH LACH STEVE & THERESA KRlSB'i CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WEST PARK HONOREE Mrs. Marian Royer FROM The Happy Timers Introducing our latest release MORE HAPPY MUSIC Cassettes $10.00 and CD’s $15.00 For information and personal appearances CALL 216-520-1531 MARIAN ROYER WOMAN OF THE YEAR FROM THE WEST PARK SLOVENIAN HOME 4583 West 130th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Phone: 216-941-3224 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Royer, Pres. Chuck Gove, VP Michelle Bartunek, Club Treas. Rudy Pivik, Hall Treas. Marian Royer, Rec. Sec. Marie Pivik, Social Dir. Auditors Marie Pivik Ruth Lach Theresa Krisby Congratulations Marian Royer West Park Honoree KUFNER TOWING 216 529-3320 216 433-9999 Garage 103 15316 Brook pa rV Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 L ■ ■ ■ ■ Local/Long Dls**^ 24 Hour Wheel Uft/FI**P IJi M Ih ■ d ■ ■1M1 Continued from page 15 The Saturday prior to the Awards Banquet, Tony : interviews the Federation’s Man and Woman of the Year live on his WELW radio prodani. Thank You Tony! 11 The Slovenian National Home on St. Clair hosted a ^am Session on Thanksgiving eve. A record number of attendees danced the evening away to the Polka music of several bands and musicians, j ^ ^ Barberton Slovenian Home, a Polka Ap-: Preciation Night was hosted to recognize the various musicians that have played at the Home over the past years. It was a wonderful day of music, °od and camaraderie. The Federation of Slovenian National Homes announced its honorees for the year 2003. They chose °uis Grzely and Evelyn Pipoly. Congratulations o both who are very active at their respective onies and in the community. DECEMBER 2002 An invitation from the Slovenian American Heri-a8e Foundation was received for the December 6"’ annual St. Nicholas Mass celebration at Borommeo ominary. The Most Reverend A. Edward Pevec, 'shop, celebrated the mass and liturgy. This annul event gathered members of the Federation a °ug with members of the Slovenian American eritage Foundation and the greater Slovenian community to commemorate the tradition of “Sveti Miklavž”. Slovenian carols were sung by the Glasbena Matica Chorus. After the mass Slovenian hospitality was shared by all. The Federation has participated in this event for several years. An annual contribution of $100.00 from the Federation is offered during the Presentation of Gifts. These gifts benefit one of the Bishop’s many charities - a local food shelter for the needy. Season Greetings were placed in the American Home newspaper. Federation President, Robert Hopkins, hosted the Federation’s Annual Christmas dinner party.at the Slovenian National Home St. Clair. The holiday menu prepared by Joe Tavčar was delicious. President Hopkins introduced the 2003 year honorees; Federation Woman of the Year, Evelyn Pipoly; Federation Man of the Year, Louis Grzely; West Park, Marian Royer; East 80th/Newburgh, Peter Ellis; Sr. (posthumously); St. Clair, Anthony Hiti; Recher, Richard Tomsic; Waterloo, Michael Pod-boy; Lorain, Ruth Shook (posthumously); Fairport, Ann Barbish; Holmes, Michael Pipoly; Barberton, Maryanne Osolin. A standing ovation was given to all the honorees. Our annual Christmas donation to the Slovene Home for the Aged was collected from attendees. The Federation matches the amount collected. The ^ total amount was over $700.00. We encourage everyone to become a subscriber | to the American Home newspaper. Sign-up today ~ and give your support to this Slovenian weekly, and patronize the loyal advertisers. We thank the media for its coverage of this Annual Awards Banquet and all Federation events throughout the year: Tony Petkovšek, Ed Bucar; A.M.L.A., “Our Voice”, K.S.K.J., “Glasilo”, S.N.P.J., “Prosveta”; and local newspapers in the Cleveland metropolitan area. The host of the 2003 banquet is the Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Thanks to its President Tom Čebular and his Board of Trustees for their hard work and hospitality. Let us pause for a moment to remember all our dear departed members. Their accomplishments sustained their respective Slovenian Homes: Alice Arko, Federation Woman of the Year 1987; Marie Shaver, Federation Woman of the Year 2000 and A1 Meglich, Man of the Year from the Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Through their examples and encouragement, future generations will be able to perpetuate their Slovenian heritage and culture through our Slovenian National Homes! Na Svidenje! By Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Congratulations West Park's Woman of The Year MARIAN ROYER / InThe Memory of Joseph Lach From the Family of Joe And Ruth Lach ^orn & Marty, Larry, Cathy and Grandchildren Congratulations Marian Royer Automotive West “The Problem Car Specialists” Complete Automotive Repair Disk Brakes - Exhaust Systems - Transmission Repairs Engine Replacement - Air Condition Service Towing available Tires - Batteries - Accessories 216-251-8782 4700 West 130lh Street Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Ask For Joe Tomazic Congratulations to West Park Honoree MARIAN ROYER BROKEN WHEEL AUTO PARTS - WRECKING Guaranteed used auto parts Foreign CLEVf!EaST 130th STREET CVEUND, OHIO 44135 DOMESTIC (216) 941-4488 FAX 941-5004 Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. -James M. Barrie m i_i I si t i o r~i s IVI ^ ri si n F^oy^r F17 rom D s? n n y B si r Catch Me On WE LW 1330AM Saturday 2:00 P.M. till 3:00 P.M. or _______247 POLKAHEAVEN.COM___ Congratulations MARIAN ROYER FROM The Ladies Auxiliary of West Park Slovenian Home President: Joan Cifranic . Congratulations West Park Honoree MARIAN ROYER FROM Car Parts Warehouse Inc. "The Import Specialist" Full Line of, Import & Domestic Parts Tony Di Fiore- President Tel. 216-676-5100 EXT 201 1-800-247-2886 Fax 216-676-5516 Cell Phone 216-496-4370 5200 W. 130 St. Brook Park, Ohio 44142 I hank You Dr. Vincent Anku and Staff Congratulations Marian Royer A.M.L.A. Lodge # 26 Soca President - Ruth Lach 1 st Vice Pres - Marie Pivik 2nd Vice Pres. - Dorothy Latino Secretary - Eleanor Simcic Record Secy. - Theresa Krisby F.A.C. Co-ordinator. - Mimi stibil Auditors Ann Lekan & Julia Sustersic Congratulations Marian Royer Our Woman of The Year We Love You Alan & Martha White and Gene & Gerry Stermole WEST PARK PATRONS JOAN CIFRANIC JANET LACHOWSKI STEVE & THRESA KRISBY RUTH LACH DONNA OHMAN MARY GORŠEK ZINA SESEK EDA GARSTECK MIMI STIBIL ANN LEKAN ELLA SAMANICH GEO. & MARIE MEISTER LEE HONAN JULIE SUSTERSIC BILP'& HELEN ZMRAZEK CHUCK & HELEN GOVE JOEPERSUTTI JULIE SWINDLEMAN .ka Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 (?, on J Mai gre> Frai leat :d Froi for and then receive the Cultural/Heritage ra^ Award at the Polka Hall of Fame Ceremony stl' oft due the con ope Sic on November 30, 2002. Jean Križman, Federation Woman of the Year 2002, presented the award to Bob and Gerri Hopkins who were representing The Friends of the Slovenian National Home. The three were thrille(l and speechless. We want to thafnk everyone who supported us with their votes. The award sits proudly on our mantel in the office. On December 27, The Friends of Slovenian National Home held an intimate post holiday party fundraiser. This classy event helped raise nearly $30,000.00. Currently, plans are in the works for 2003, which includes the purchase of the property adjacent to our parking lot for further expansion of the present parking lot. We started the refurbishing of the second floor office spaces overlooking St. Clair Avenue. We hope this project will prove attractive for future tenants use. Our working board is looking forward to keeping the Slovenian National Home a focal point in the Slovenian community. sch, Sky cle Pla; acci kur a cl ^ni Bar gro spo cen Slovenian National Home FISH FRIES _ Lunch & Dinners Fish, Shrimp, Pierogi 216-361-5115 Greetings Honoree of the Year Chris & Joan Chermelv Anthony Hiti Slovenian National Home Man of the Year 650 East 185th Street Cleveland, OH 44119 216-531-7887 CONGRATULATIONS, TONY ON YOUR F/kSr “MAN OF THE YEAR” AWARD! Joyce and David Fiebig joii troi Ski Best Wishes & Congratulation-^ Tony Hiti & All Honorees 'Ut Pej ‘hr c0l /Ital °P| toiti IHONO! Friends of the Slovenian National Dedicated to the Preservation f of The Slovenian National Home ^ Invites You to Become a Member k Membership Per Year LifetiFjJ $15.00 $10°0-£n $25.00 $120noC $40.00 $15°n oh 1 $50.00 $1500U Single Family Organization Business Donation 'Pj! Name: 'Address: City: Po< State: Mail to: 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Oh. Zip.-d 44103-1 All Donations are Tax Deductible and Gratefully ac' ceP 5 Anthony Hiti Young and Active Anthony W. Hiti was born June 8, 1963 to Frank and J' Mary Jane (Milavec) Hiti and grew up with his older brother Is rank and younger sister is- Janette (Weber) in Euclid. :ed r°m an early age Tony’s Parents and grandparents in->y st'^ed in him the importance :d- his Slovenian heritage, in-id " uding a fluent command of e Slovenian language. This, e- c°inbined with boyhood trips led 0 the “old county,” devel-ie ®Ped his lifelong interest in Slovenia. During his elementary ^ ool years, he joined the ovenian Junior Chorus, Cir-;.eNo. 2 of SNPJ and began ^ aying the diatonic button Ccordion and studying the jPuipet. In 1978, he became c arter member of the - Bnited Slovenian Society and and served as the ^r°ap s Slovenian language c 0^esinan during their concur of Slovenia in 1981. ollowing his graduation ° S? ^Jholic High 1 inti,001 'n 'D Tony enrolled attl 6 ^c*100* °J Architecture Pat' e University of Cincin-, ^fter completing his A e)(lr ^ar there, he chose to ^Pand his interests in both .°Venia and Architecture J\0ry hy continuing his • • ,les at the University of Yro 'jana with a scholarship ska \ 6 ^*ovens^a Izseljen-atica and Progressive ;0 Vene Women of America. Tony im-cult ^ ^lmself in the rich ina !lral llfe of Ljubljana dur-c|U(jee *980’s, which in-apD ec* the rediscovery and c chitrec'at'0n of Slovenian ar- I S J0Ze Plecnik‘ joined!!6 in LJub|jana, Tony Arou I 6 stuc*ent folkdance ^kac*emska Folklorna l^he lna ~ ^rance Marolt” butJ6 ^6 Per^orme she is quick to note that all five Siti tCrS be*d tbe'r wedding receptions at the ^ildr*16 Center. In all, she has 15 grand- tematyanne reHred from the Akron school sys- Profe 'n 1971 Where she was a Para' essional. She spent seven years working with special Ed and visually impaired children and kindergarten programs. Her last 13 years were employed at Kenmore High School where she served as an aide to the school principal. She retired in 1996. She and Don’s experience organizing the Homeland Boosters Club came in handy when a student Madrigal group was having difficulty raising money for a 21-day trip to Europe. “We used the same model as we did in Barberton, but limited it to just six month‘,” Maryanne explains. “As a result, 40 kids were able to make the trip.” Now that she’s retired, Maryanne enjoys attending theater shows in Cleveland and travel. Among destinations, her trips have taken her to Slovenia, Australia and the Fiji islands, plus stateside stops at Myrtle Beach, Las Vegas and other points west. She also volunteers two days a week at the Interval Brotherhood Home in Akron. “It’s a rehab center for drug and alcohol addicts, she says. ‘I do office work one day and help out in the men’s on the other day.” In all, Maryanne estimates she has been volunteering at the Barberton Slovene Center for some 35 years. It’s obviously been a labor of love, although it is just not the same now without her husband. She and Don were married more than 47 years. He died in February 2001. Maryanne Osolin Slovenian Independent Society Home, proprietors of the Barberton Slovene Party Center, congratulates all honorees and Maryanne Osolin Slovene Center Woman of the Year She and her late husband, Don, helped raise funds to support critical facility improvements. Barberton Home Had Strong Business Year The Barberton Home was a beehive of activity this past year, according to President Art Doney. “Our hall operation was busy with wedding receptions, banquets and parties, while the private club launched a number of new activities designed to bring members into the club,” he says. In the bowling center, the first steps were taken for a major upgrade of the AMF pin-spotters, plus an aggressive marketing program to promote 16-week bowling leagues. “The program is designed for people who cannot commit to the typical 30 and 32 weeks favored by most bowling houses,” Doney says. Despite the tough, economic times, two of the three business operations had a good year. Hall revenue set a new record, while the private club managed a slight increase over the previous year. The bowling center had a tough year, principally because of a change in management. Safety was a major focus of facility upgrades. Special emphasis was put on ensuring that exit lights and fire extinguishing equipment were operable. New emergency exit stairs were installed at the rear of the annex and additional storage space was constructed in the private club. “Our marketing program was focused on promoting the hall and bowling operations,” Doney says, “and included newspaper and radio advertising and a direct mail campaign to businesses, churches, clubs and other organizations in Barberton and neighboring communities.” Perhaps the most successful project in 2002 was the “Polka Musicians’ Appreciation Night” which drew more than 250 people. Co-chaired by Joseph Gabrosek and Edward Shega, the event honored three living and three deceased local musicians, Doney says. Another important action by the membership was approval to increase the individual value of two student scholarships from $500 to $1,000. The scholarships are awarded each year to children or grand children of members. Congratulations All Honorees ika Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 Congratulations | Lou Grzdy And Ann Barbish And / \ FAIRPORT ENJOYS BANNER YEAR AH Honorees ! Fairport SNPJ #355 | Congratulations Lou Grzely \ Federation Man of the j! Year ! & i Ann Barbish \ ASC Woman of the { Year 5 J Poppy and Stan Modic \ Congratulations Lou Grzely Federation 2003 Man of the Year and to all honorees Betty's Candles & Gifts 9853 Johnnycake Ridge Rd. Concord, Ohio 44040 A banner year! That’s the best way to describe 2002 at the American Slovenian Club in Fairport Harbor, Ohio. After a long-time in coming, the Club’s Board of Directors decided to go ahead with building an Annex to include a new office/meeting room and storage area. The building was designed by Board member Joe Barbish in an Alpine style and went up with voluntary help, most of it provided by the Board members along with regular and social members. The Annex will be ready for occupancy by March. It will be used for ASC Board meetings and for the regular meetings of the local AMLA and SNPJ Lodges that call the Club home. At the same time, the Board built a walkway along side of the Balina Courts, again completing a long talked about improvement. An Ann Barbish American Slovenian Club 2003 Woman of the Year And Evelyn Pit> lov Federation of Slovenian Homes 2003 Woman of the Year From Lou Grzely Thank You Federation for the Honor! Congratulations To Lou Grzely 2003 Federation Man of the Year And Ann Barbish 2003 ASC Slovenian Woman of the Year “ We yre proud to say you are part of our Team preserving our Slovenian Heritage” The Officers, Board and Members of The American Slovenian Club 617 Vi Third Street Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077 440-357-5046 auxiliary air conditioning unit was also installed to insure member comfort. Heading up the projects were Board Members Stan Modic, President, Carl Golinar, Vice President, Lou Grzely, Treasurer, Ann Barbish, Secretary, Auditors Joe Barbish, John Grzely, Frank Sajn and Sgt. at Arms Joe Meglen and Lee Jackopin. Several membership activities kept the Club humming throughout the year. There was record interest in the summer Balina League that featured 17 teams and kept the courts busy every night of the week. Following that was the Fall Balina League with 8 teams that kept the courts in use until the end of November. The Last Saturday of the Month Steak/Pork Chop Dinners continued to bring record crowds. The Annual Clam Bake brought in well Congratulations Lou Grzely Ann Barbish Club Rm. Mgr. Angie Diven W/Jr/M/W/Jr/M/M/M/M/W/M. J Congratulations Lou Grzely j! 2003 Federation of 5 Slovenian Homes \ Man of the Year \ From \ Mary Jo and Tony Bertone Congratulations " Ann Barbish American Slovenian Club Woman of the Year 2003 From John Grzely American Slovenian Club Patron Ads Mary Ann Jackopin Lee Jackopin Donna and Stan Baucher Poppy and Stan Modic Gabrielle and Matt Zalar . Vicki and Dick Herman Kapel Joe Barbish Josephine & Charles Kapel John Kutie Helen Holly John Kovaly Wilma Kovaly Joe Meglen Carol Satej Tony Satej Esther Podboy Lloyd Cross Doris Racz Dorothy Nemura Angie Diven Bob Patrick Dolores and Frank Sajn Tim Grzely Tom Grzely over a hundred takers, as did the Bar-B-Q Picnic honoring the Club’s 2002 Man of the Year, John Grzely. For the first time, the Board held a special informational meeting for the Club’s Social members encouraging them to get more involved and providing them a channel through which they can voice their opinions. As the year ended, the annual membership party in November went over big, as did the annual Christmas Party in December. Earlier in the year, our Sweetheart Ball had the Club jumping, the Polkateers, the Button Box Band affiliated with the American Slovenian Club continued to head up jam sessions every other Friday. The Polkateers made several appearances including playing at the Octoberfest and Tony Petkovsek’s Thanksgiving Day weekend event. The Board decided to turn in the puck-bowling machine, which was suffering fro111 lack of interest. It was replaced with a bowling machine using real pins and balls. The interest in the winter bowling season perked up and attracted some sixteen teams. By Stan Modic Congratulations Ann Barbish ASC Woman of the Year Carol & Tony Satej L"' ■pr/M/W/W/M/W/M/JV/M/M/M/M/M/W/M. Congratulations Lou Grzely Ann Barbish Bob Patrick ^ Congratulations Lou & An1 Colony Lumber 1083 Mentor Ave. Paincsvillc, Ohio 44077 440-352-3351 1.800-633-442, Congratulations & Best Wishes Lou Grzely & Ann Barbish CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Tom Borris (440-352-7177) Dale Babic (440-259-2076) 112335 Concord-Hambden f _________Conrord. Ohio 44° Congratulations Slovenian Man of the Yeaf Lou Grzely And all Honorees 7V43 Doty Rd. - IVtudison, Ohio 44057 r^halct _ - t *6^3*85 Bonne-Vri ney aRgis Producer of Fine Win The Dobove FamM, Tony. Boso, Tony and Beth Congratulations To: Slovenian Man of the Year 2003 ASC Woman of the Year 2003 oVSIffO From your Fairport Harbor Neighbor Western Reserve Yacht Club Lou Grzely Federation Slovenian Man of the Yea*” and Ann Barbish 2003 ASC Woman of the Year Free Estimates Insured C & S Tree & Stump Removal Chris Edwards Stan Baucher Sf- 440-254-1313______________________440-352-6489^ They say that behind every successful man is a woman. The same can be said for Slovenian Homes— behind every Slovenian Home there is a woman— perhaps several—that help keep things moving. The woman currently behind much of the success the American-Slovenian Club in Fairport Harbor enjoys is Ann Barbish, a long-time member—along with her husband Joe-of the Club’s Board of Directors ar>d this year’s Slovenian Woman of the Year. “Ann's role at the Club is multi-faceted and the contribution of her time touches many of parts of the operations,” claims Stan j^lodic, Club president. She’s the recording secretary, is in charge of the membership roles, is one of the point people making the monthly steak fries such a success, bakes all the desserts, handles the kitchen chores in our other functions, and plants and keeps trimmed and watered, throughout the summer, the beautiful flowers that adorn °ur yard,” he added. In addition, you can find her playing the Button Box every other Friday at the Club’s jam sessions. She’s the leader and handles the hooking for the Fairport Polkateers Button Box group. Ann’s an old time Collinwood resident having been born on Holmes ^venue across from St. fury’s Church 76 years ago. She was the third, and last, child of Frances and Louis Opara who ^emigrated here from Slovenia. The family moved to Euclid just before the Great Depression, which she says hit them hard. “Oh boy! were we hungry and didn’t even have a coat to keep warm in the winter,” she remembers reluctantly. “I think 1 was the first to invent the ‘layered look’ just to keep warm,” she says. The family returned to Collinwood for a few years and then moved back to Euclid. During those years Ann attended Noble School in Euclid and Memorial school and Collinwood High. Fifty-three years ago she married Joe Barbish, who she describes as a “good man” at St. Mary’s Church on Holmes. The couple has three children, Ron, Janette and Gary. The oldest, Ron, lives in California; daughter Janette lives in Texas. Both are single. Gary stayed in the area and married Linda. They produced two grandchildren—Sarah and Meagan both “great children”--for Ann and Joe. Three years after their marriage they moved into a home in Euclid and have lived there ever since, although it has been remodeled several times by Joe, an expert wood art carver and a self-taught carpenter. ‘That’s where 1 learned to be make mortar, haul bricks, stones, dig footers, and work as a laborer,” Ann says, claiming they were the “good years” that followed a youth when “many bad things happened that can’t be forgotten. In addition, Ann worked for 26 years in the food service and catering business for several organizations before starting her own catering business. She kept that going for seven years handling everything from baking to complete dinner parties. These too were good years and I loved it all,” she says. She now lists her hobbies as sewing, cooking, and baking and “I love working in the garden with the flowers.” The couple has traveled extensively to Europe, Indonesia, Bali, Australia, Singapore, the Fiji Islands and Alaska. They also have camped throughout the United States and most of Canada. Suffering from the usual aches and pains that come along with age, Ann keeps a positive attitude and outlook on life. “I’m grateful for every day God has given me as I am a cancer survivor. Since I have been blessed with this great favor from God I try to be good to others and help them in any way I can. Just working with the Board members at the Club is the best. The activity just keeps me going waiting for the next project. God truly has been good to me,” she says. “And fortunately we at the Slovenian Club are the beneficiaries of that goodness that Ann tries to spread,” said the Club’s president in announcing Ann’s choice as Slovenian Woman of the Year'.” BY: Stan Modic Congratulations Lou Grzely & Ann Barbish from Helmuth Ferenz Karaoke and DJ 440-352-2202 Cojicfr&ftrf&tions # Beirt WishQ$ Ann Barbish Fairport's Woman of the Year 1 650 East 185th Street g k Cleveland, OH 44119 I 216-531-7887 (Son^i4^Mfatia4v^ Grandma, on being J' ^ Woman of the Year!!! !! We Love You Lots !! Gary, Linda, Sarah, Meagan Barbish American Home Publishing Slovenian Morning Newspaper One Year Subscription at $35.00 Address] ------------------------------— City; —-------------- phone~# State: Zip:. To: 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleve., Ohio 44103 ^bank mheA deration of Slovenian National Homes ^ ne American Home for the printing of this publication Ann Barbish American Slovenian Club Fairport Harbor Woman Of the Year Ann Barbish Congratulations Ann An Honor-Well-Deserved. Husband Joe Congratulations to my Mom, Ann Barbish, Woman of the Year For Fairport! ... Janette ... Way To Go Mom! 2003 Fairport Woman of the Year You’re always Woman of the Year to me #lSon Ran Barbish Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Home: :a Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13, 21 o •-PEARSON TROPHY & SALES 32433 VINE ST. WILLOWICK, OH 44095 TROPHIES - PLAQUES - MEDALS RIBBONS - GAVELS CUSTOM & PRACTICAL AWARDS ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES 24 HR. ENGRAVING SERVICE AVAILABLE PHONE 440-585-0170 FAX 440-585-1530 ESTABLISHED 1973 MON 4 THUH. 10AM - 8PM TUES. WED FRI. 10AM - 6PM CLOSED SATURDAY rv J 1 ! I i — Lou Grzely 2003 Federation of Slovenian Homes “Man of the Year” Ann Barbish American Slovenian Club 2003 “Woman of the Year” “Thanks for helping keen our Slovenian Heritage Alive” Officers & Members of Grand River Valley Lodge #30-AMLA \ I 1 \ I i Congratulations Lou Grzely "Northeast Ohio thanks you for your Dedication." Jtooopti V. Struuri Senior Vloo I’rwotdunt McDonald Investments MoDcaonld InwMtmuats A KajyCxwp Ccrnngicaay M4MnlMnr N«nv York Stock Bxieltnn^u McIJXjnnld Invostmunt Centur Otkt OOO S\ii>orlor Avenue Cleveland. Ohio <24114-2603 Tali 216 263-5376 Tal* OOO 553-2240 Free 216 443-2912 Congratulation Lou and Ann—We are Proud! | ^airport ^arbor Beer - Wine • Liquor 200 THIRD STREET ^ FAIR PORT HARBOR, OH * Lottery ■ Specialty drink mixes c-; - Ail at State minimum "sččč “tyo-ccsi T-^lecuM^eA.'1 11am-8pm Mon.-Sat- WzYl Photography and FramaCantor ( ongiadulaiioiiN to All Homines Award Winning Photography * High School Seniors * Families, Children, Weddings and more.. Owned and operated by Ron Kotar and Bob Kunesh •Nmiifwt •Cuafom mailing •Poaieni "Coin* *.\NI) MORE Located at v 36495 Vine St., Willoughby Cali 953-1600for more information - Congratulations | | Congratulations Ann Barbish | | Ann Barbish ASC Woman of the Year | | ASC Woman of the Year Pauline & Carl Golinar | | Warren & Jean Fabian \ Congratulations Lou Grzely Federation of Slovenian Homes “2003 Man of the Year” & Ann Barbish American Slovenian Club “2003 Woman of the Year From your ASC Friends Elda & Andy Pillar j Congratulations Federation's Slovenian 4 Man of the Year_ Lou Grzely & American Slovenian Club Woman of the Year Ann Barbish From VFW Post #7754 g 26 Gold Stars ® Fairport Harbor, Ohio I VM/M Congratulations Lou Slovenian Man of the Year H. M. Reed & Associates, Inc. Massotherapy 3951 Erie Street, Suite 104 Willoughby, Ohio 44094 ' 440-975-0462 § mA •* -m ••• STEPHANIE HENISON, LMT Pain Banishment Clinical & Relaxation Massape Congratulations Ann Barbish ASC 2003 Woman of the Year From Mitzie Mahne & Annie Mack . r j Congratulations Ann Barbish 2003 American * Slovenian Club } \ Woman of the Year \ \ From *t Mary Jo and Tony \ Bertone I r/mw/jr/M Congratulations To Ann Barbish American Slovenian Club Woman of the Year 2003 Fairport Slovenian Retirees Club Congratulations Slovenian Man of the Year-2003 Lou Grzely And ASC Woman of the Year Ann Barbish From Dolores and Frank Sajn Congratulations Lou Grzely ^ Federation Man of the Year Carol & Tony Satej \ t/M/m'jr/jr/dr/M/M/M/jr/w/M/w/M/dr/mdrmjr/jp/w/M/jrA O.nenm.hiions L„„ HIGHWATER : 'FAVEKN “•TSSsir” Op»» 7 0ay» a We*k Congratulations—Lou Grzely Federation Slovenian Man of the Year D SI ui r /v r>i c: Dan Snyder, Jr. Vice President 9229 Mentor Ave * Mentor, Ohio 44060 Phones 440-255-6774 * 440-946-4557 * Fax 440-255-1408 Custom Designed & Personally Escorted Specialty and Polka Tours for 2003 In 2003, travel with your Slovenian Home friends to Slovenia. Bob & Gerri Hopkins (St. Clair Hall) on another GOSTILNA (PUB) TOUR Highlights of Slovenia with ^ Austria and Croatia June 21 - July 5 3*6 Stan Modic and Tony Potkovsok (Fairport Harbor Hall) HIGHLIGHTS OF SLOVENIA September 3 -10 Frankie Spetich (Barberton) Slovenia Highlights II September 29 - October 11 All Arrangements by yom Slovenia Specialists since 1923! Kollandcr World Travel 971 E 1S5 St / C1cvc1and O11 44U* v (S00) 800-5981 (216) 692-1000 www.kollandcr-trnvcl.coin "Around the World with Kollander Travel in 00 Years J irairairaiS i Congratulations TO Hi honorees S\ovei,y-Xv ^ Ann Barbish ^0111211 of tie Yi ^Sjov«,^ atio*, V o ^ 3° I Anthony Hiti V Sl° ve*, ^ V ^ i Marian Royer ❖ Peter Ellis, Sr. -vM ork»jj jylan of the Y Louis Grzely Michael Podboy Slove/,. Maryanne Osolin ^ Soc/e^ Richard Tomsic c,\oven^ -o V o $ CD Ruth Shook CA Sloven. ,Ow Aa •5* Michael Pipoly ■•<■ . V. > -ž. a-: .;<;'■ .J ••■ ,‘4 . < ■ v •r'- .'t . 452 East 152nd Street Cleveland, OH 44110 216-481-3118 ■/ %t ■, 'v- ( ■ M ■-yi * • •> -.''.f • *- » T- t.'., >V; ; *c ! i i i ;a Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 13,2003 In Memory of Senator Frank J. Lausche \ America's Greatest Slovenian An Inspiration to All! The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation James V. Debevec, President; Madeline D. Debevec, Secretary-Treasurer; John M. Urbancich, Trustee