Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Serving American Slovenians for 110 years Vol. 110, No. 7 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X American Home Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 10, 2008 Phone: (216)431-0628 «1 OH E-mail: ahn@buckeveweb.net Important Notice The last edition of the Ameriška Domovina (American Home) newspaper will be printed on August 21, 2008._______________ Newspaper Schedule The American Home (Ameriška Domovina) newspaper will continue to be printed twice a month. Deadline for all copy is a week before publishing date. In April, the next American Home newspaper will be dated April 24. In May, publishing dates are May 8 and 22. In June the American Home will be dated the 5th & 19. July publishing dates are July 10, 24. The last two Ameriška Domovina’s (American Home) newspapers will be dated Aug. 7 and 21. Treasure of Holy Week Holy Week is a very busy time for me, as I am sure it is for many others. I spend my evenings after church services decorating St. Vitus church, in preparation for Easter. The hours can be long, as there is so much to be done in such a short period of time. Thank God for my faithful helpers who give their time to help accomplish this task. I find that in spite of the hustle and bustle, I can still sneak in some quiet time to reflect on the meaning of Holy Week. Tenebrae service on Wednesday evening creates a mental scene of Christ praying in the garden when the lights are turned off in the church and the only light is a multitude of flickering candles during prayers and song. Prayer hours after Holy Thursday Mass are also quite moving. To listen to the ladies from St. Vitus Altar and Rosary society pray together make me realize how lucky we are to have such an organization. They are a spiritual rock of our parish. At the same time, members of our Catholic War Veterans take turns standing guard at the side altar, creating a pic- ture of protecting Christ. They have been continuing this custom for many years, and each year it still gives me goose-bumps to watch them parade ever so reverently and salute with the changing of the guards at half-hour intervals. You can almost envision what they must have looked like in their uniforms in their early years in the armed forces. We are so fortunate they keep this tradition alive. Good Friday service, with the men from our 9:00 a.m. Sunday Choir chanting the story of Christ’s passion, and the veneration of the Cross by all in attendance, truly makes one feel like you are there with Christ through his ordeal. Holy Week services at St. Vitus can be compared to valuable treasures that are only displayed once a year. You have to be there to experience it and truly appreciate its value. If you have never attended St. Vitus during Holy Week, I hope you will come to share the experience next year. It is one you will treasure for a lifetime. —LPS 018*010*’>******************5-DiGiT 44081 MARIAN MCMAHON 3933 OHIO ST , -PERRY OH 44081-9652 Phil Hrvatin took this photo of the Goričan Family on Palm Sunday in St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.). Pictured are Dr. Michael Rowane, Dr. Barbara Rowane, Barb’s father Janez Goričan, Barb’s sister Lea, and children: Maria, Nada, Juliana, Anja and Cilka. A Little Night Music at Korotan Concert The 1984 Academy Award winning film Amadeus presents a powerful scene between the genius Wolfgang Mozart and his desperate rival Antonio Salieri. Mozart, from his deathbed, dictates the “Lacrimosa” for his Requiem to Salieri who is having difficulty keeping up with the rapid-fire delivery of musical innovations Mozart is dishing out. Dramatically the point is reached when the two composers arc portrayed as communicating in music: not talking about music, not reading music, not thinking about music. In their minds they share the music which has never been performed but which they were “hearing” between them. They were thinking in music. The making of music is an amazing art. Musicologists can transcribe it, musicians can read it, performers can practice it. But at some point music has to happen. At some point, the performers must enter simultaneously that part of their brains where art happens. Conscious thought ceases and music takes over. It is that moment that music makers enjoy the most. It’s why jam sessions are so popular, why choral groups abound. Yet music cannot be limited to the inside of the composer’s head nor to the rehearsal room. That moment must also be shared with an audience. Every performer knows the contribution an audience makes to a performance. The music communicated among singers, instrumentalists, and audience creates art at its highest level. Now, the members of the Slovenian mixed chorus Korotan have been preparing for their annual spring concert very diligently. They have been learning some new songs, polishing some older ones; reviewing, repeating, rehearsing all in search of that moment when their individual voices blend into that communication of music. OK, they may still have to work on it a bit, but by concert date they’ll have it. What they really do need is you. The audience is vital, so please come to the concert to help make that moment of music happen. The concert will be held on Saturday, April 19 at 7 p.m. in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Tickets are $12.00 but grade school students are admitted free. Call Sonja Kolarič (440) 256-1546 to learn more about tickets and table reservations. After the concert, the Stan Mejac Trio will provide music for dancing. Here, too, your participation is vital. Though there might not be a Salieri, let along a Mozart, present at the Korotan concert on Saturday, April 19, together you and the singers will certainly make wonderful music happen. --Mojca Slak AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 10, 2008 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 7 April 10, 2008 Edward Mathias Cerer, Jr. debuts Edward Mathias Cerer, Jr. was bom on February 13, 2008 at Pitt County Memorial Hospital at Greenville, NC. He is the son of Mrs. Kimberly Renee and U.S. Army Captain Edward Mathias Cerer, recently returned from service in Germany and Afganistan. Edward is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. James Victor Stephens and Mrs. Agnes Cerer and Mr. Anthony Mathias Cerer. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Maria and deceased Mr. Mathias Hočevar and Mrs. Mary L. and deceased Mr. Anton M. Cerer. Heartfelt congratulations and May God bless you. —Cleveland, Ohio Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HA IR SA L ON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. | Slovenian woman lives life fully by Shannon Crawley-Serpette Putnam-Marshall Bureau ____________Chief___________ LACON, IL - Antonia Hoefferle has seen the worst human nature has to offer in her 100 years, but even the horror she has witnessed has not stopped her from smiling and praying daily. “Toni,” as she is called by her friends, was bom Dec. 20, 1907 in Slovenia, one of 11 children. Her first husband, Louis died in World War II. Although some of the specifics are fuzzy for Hoefferle, she clearly remembers that her husband was taken out of his home and killed. “Her first husband was killed in Slovenia,” her friend Olga “Ollie” Kitts of Lacon, who served as a translator, said. “They took him overnight.” The next day her husband and other men who also were taken at that time, were shot and killed, Hoefferle told Kitts. Hoefferle also had two brothers who were killed, Kitts said. Hoefferle is the last one living of her siblings. During a five-year stay in a concentration camp in Yugoslavia, Hoefferle met her second husband, John. Hoefferle said the men and women were kept separate in the camp. The women were forced to sew, wash clothes and do other chores. They were allowed to eat twice a day, she said. When asked by Kitts what she was given to eat, she replied, “Stale bread. It was rotten.” She escaped from the camp and traveled to Italy where she waited for John who had gone to the United States. Sponsored by the Rev. Michael Železnikar, pastor of St. Roch’s Catholic Church in La Salle, she emigrated to the United States. She married John, now deceased, in Colorado. She worked at Electrical Utilities in La Salle for 18 years before retiring. A former resident of Pern, Hoefferle has resided at St. Joseph Nursing Home in Lacon since 2003. These days, she enjoys playing cards and bingo. “She’s faithful about her bingo,” Harriet Cowell, a social rehabilitation worker at the nursing home, said. Sister Justine who often visits with Hoefferle - the Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi own the nursing home - said Hoefferle has had a very hard life. “She had to walk miles and miles without shoes in the old country,” Sister Justina said. “That’s what she told me when she came here.” Sister Justina said Hoefferle’s strong faith has been important to her during her life. “She always has her rosary,” Cowell confirmed. “She’s always saying her prayers.” Hoefferle attends Mass daily at the nursing home. She recently celebrated her 100th birthday with a party at the nursing center. It is a day she remembers well. The Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation invites all to attend the second talk in our 2008 Lecture Series. The Foundation is extremely pleased that Dr. Vladimir Rus will discuss the regions of Slovenia and their various dialects. The program, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Tuesday, April 15 at 7 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Rccher Ave- She uses her hands to estimate how big her birthday cake was. Well wishers came to see her. Hoefferle, who attributes her long life to eating well, working hard and praying every day, said she received more than 100 cards. “(At the party) we sang songs in Slovenian,” Kitts said. Even after decades in the United States, Hoefferle enjoys hearing songs and reading newspapers in Slovenian. The fact that Hoefferle still can smile after everything she has been through amazes Cowell. “How can someone after all she’s gone through, still smile?” she asked. Thanks to Rev. Bernard Horzen of Peru, IL for submitting this article. Slovenia Recognizes Kosovo On Wednesday, March 5, Slovenian Parliament voted to recognize independent Kosovo. This makes Slovenia the first former Yugoslav republic to recognize the independence of the new Republic of Kosovo. Slovenia is the 27th state to formally recognize independent Kosovo. Slovenia currently holds the rotating EU Presidency, nue in Euclid, Ohio. A coffee and strudel social will follow the lecture. The Slovenian language is distinguished by a surprising number of dialects and subdialects. In his lecture, Dr. Rus will present an overview of the developments of Slovenia’s regions and their distinctly unique dialects. The lecture will be conducted in the English language. -Anthony W. Hiti, President Slovenia’s Regions & Dialects Talk by Dr. Vladimir Rus Concert at St. Mary’s Jordan Family from St. Jernej 3 On Friday, April 11 Radio Slovenia will host an evening concert/dance in St. Mary’s (Coll.) parish hall. Ansambel Veseli Svatje from Slovenia, as well as some local talent, including Korotan, our own Slovenian Choir, will perform. Radio Slovenia is highlighting the cultural life of our Slovenian communities in the United States and Canada. The program will be broadcast in Slovenia. Donation is $10. Food and refreshments will be available. For tickets contact the rectory office at (216) 761-7740. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The Merry Wedding Guests ensemble is a very young group. In August, 2005 five boys and one girl gathered because they wanted to produce some good folk music and to spread some positive energy to the audience. The name “Merry Wedding Guests” comes from one of Avsenik’s first compositions with the same title, because the Avsenik brothers ensemble is a role model for all members. Furthermore, this polka group is merry, cheerful, and full of temperament just like the members of the Merry Wedding guests ensemble. The headquarters of this ensemble is in Šentjur near Celje where the ensemble gathers and practices once a week (usually on weekends). Two members come from Gorenjska, Blaž (Mlaka pri Kranju) and Klemen (Preddvor), Jaka comes from Oplotnica, and Anita, the singer, comes from Štore. Since the beginning, all members of the ensemble have been wearing Camiola’s national costume because it is the most perfected among all Slovenian national costumes; furthermore, it shows a merry and cheerful folk temperament. Great attention is given to dressing, wearing and respecting the national costume. Since the beginning, two good friends, brothers Matej Mastnak (a great trumpet player and a singer in the Igor and zlati zvoki ensemble), is the main mentor, and Mitja Mastnak (an excellent musician and pedagogue who upgrades his knowledge with the help of Minister Vilko Ovsenik), takes care of the rhythm section. The ensemble is very proud to be able to cooperate with an excellent music writer, Igor Podpečan and with a great text writer, Vera Šolinc. They are both authors of the majority of the group’s compositions. The accordion player and the head of the group, Blaž, has also started writing texts and has already contributed one polka, “Šenkana polka.” The following is only one example of the contributions of immigrants from Slovenia and their numerous descendants to the enrichment of the American nation. The large Jordan family from St. Jernej, Slovenia may be viewed as an example of the heavy emigration from Slovenia to other parts of the world. The father, Joseph Jordan was the town’s police chief who married Frances Baznik from another large local family. They had 12 children, the first died as a baby and was followed by Ignac (Nace), Maria/Mara (Rus), Franc, Frances (Legan), Antonia (Kastelic), Josephine, Justi (Ruzic), Karel, Martin, Josip (Jože), and Betty, the youngest. Both parents died fairly young, and the orphaned children were entrusted to the care of a guardian, the town’s mayor (Krhin) who dispersed the children mostly to the care of relatives. Mara lived with Aunt Baznik (Married Bezlaj) in Ljubljana. After World War I Mara married Franc Rus (whose mother Maria was a Baznik) and settled in Ri-jeka/Fiume, now part of Croatia. Mara’s brothers Ignac and Karel joined her following the end of the war, were married and raised their families in the Rijeka area. In the 1930s Ignac moved his family to Slovenia, to his wife’s native village of Jama (Dvor pri Žužemberku), Franc, Martin, Josip, and Justi were sent to Zagreb, Croatia. They married and raised their families there with Franc moving to a farm in the Zagorje region, north of Zagreb. Frances (Legan) and Antonia (Kastelic) were given a home in “Amer’ka” by their Uncle Baznik in Bedford/Maple Heights before World War One with Josephine and Betty joining their sisters in 1921. While Josephine died some years later, Frances, Antonia, and Betty married and raised their families in Maple Heights and the St. Lawrence Church neighborhood. But for the stormy events of World War Two and its postwar turbulent years, this could have been the complete story of the Jordan Family’s migration from Slovenia. Franc died before World War Two while Ignac and Martin and Josip were killed during the war. Karel, who during the war was the Mayor of St. Jernej, succeeded in escaping from Communist Yugoslavia with his family, first to Trieste, then to Argentina, from there to Cleveland and California. His wife, Emilia and son Edo died before his own death in 2001 at the age of 102. Daughter Liliana and son Darko survive. Mara Rus was not so fortunate. She suffered in Communist Slovenia’s prisons with daughter Neda, while husband Franc, daughter Tilly (married to Joze Velikonja), and son Vlado, after some years in Trieste and Italy, emigrated to America, were welcomed with open arms by the Legan, Kastelic, and Košak families. Mara miraculously survived the terrible years in prison and was finally reunited in Cleveland with her family in 1954 but died in 1957 from a cerebral hemorrhage. Neda stayed in Europe, married and raised her family in Opatija, Croatia. Justi Ruzic, married in Zagreb, visited with her sisters in Cleveland in the 1960s and died not long afterward, leaving a married daughter who resides now in Belgrade, Serbia. Franc Jordan’s son Vlado and his sister Branka also emigrated and settled in California. --Dr. Vladimir Rus There is no wilderness like a life without friends. Friendship multiplies blessings and minimizes misfortunes; it is a unique remedy against adversity, and it soothes the soul. —Rudy Flis Notice of Annual Meeting of Members The annual meeting of members of the Slovene Home for the Aged To be held on Friday, May 16, 2008 in the LAURICH ROOM of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland, Ohio Registration 6:00p.m. - Meeting 6:30p.m. Members are cordially invited to attend this important meeting. Members, as defined in the Bylaws, are those individuals and organizations who have contributed a minimum of $25 during the preceding year. For the 5/16/08 meeting, this is the pciiod from 4/1/07 through 3/31/08. NY Cultural Program Honors Prešeren A program honoring France Prešeren was performed at St. Cyril’s Church in New York City on Sunday, Feb. 17. After poems and prose were recited, there were musical highlights presented by outstanding jazz musicians, Lenart Krečič and his jazz ensemble consisting of Peter Schwcbs, bass; Nick Anderson, drums; Wei Siang Tan, piano with Lenart Krečič on the tenor sax. It was truly amazing that Mr. Krečič made a most unusual arrangement of two Slovenian folk songs. They were “Ncdc Mi Vec Ras’la” and “Odpiraj Dekle Kamr’co,” and were arranged in jazz style in a most beautiful manner which did not destroy or distort the melody line. The jazz ensemble played as a team, yet each musician was able to show his solo expertise when it was called for in the musical com positions. Lenart Krečič played with virtuosity and exhibited a legato line which displayed the beauty of the melodies in both compositions. These musical highlights were enjoyed by all, and I would recommend that Lenart Krečič make an extended performance of this type .j available to Slovenian communities throughout the U.S. and Europe. Mr. Krečič is a native of Ljubljana and has been living in New York City for the past five years. After receiving his Bachelor of Music Degree in Jazz Performance last year, he is currently teaching and pursuing his Master’s Degree in Jazz at New York University. He has performed in the top jazz clubs- in New York City and major cities in the U.S. —Rosalie Olinski Music Critic ; AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 10, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 10, 2008 4 More About Zarja Concert (Continued from last week) For their Annual Spring Fling, Slovenian Singing Society “Zarja” presents a Slovenian Soap Opera entitled “Slamnati udovc” (the Grass Widower), to be performed on Saturday, April 26 in the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. In the last edition we left Stefancek, a dealer in chickens, geese, and ducks, with Lisjak, a merchant in sour turnips from Cerknica, planning their escapade for the coming evening. As Stefancek approaches them, Lisjak asks, Gospod Gostilničar, could you tell us the best place around here, where we could party. This rich merchant across from me would like some... ah... female companionship, you understand. Kokosar adds, we must be discreet in this. My wife would not understand any of this and I would be in deep trouble if she should ever find out. Stefancek states that he understands and assures them of a pleasant evening, and as he leaves the two patrons, he thinks to himself, “What an opportunity to make money. They both have money, which I would love transferring from their pockets to mine. I know what, I’ll call my nieces down; they’re both pretty, know how to dance, and can be very entertaining.” After hearing their names called, Sonja, Ida, and Vinko meet with Stefancek and ask, “What’s going on?” Stefancek tells them that two rich gentlemen have arrived and will be staying overnight and would like to be entertained, “So I want you two to provide plenty of entertainment. Make them spend money. And you, Vinko, I have a special job for you.” (To Be Continued) A family-style dinner will be served from 5 to 6 p.m., program at 7 p.m., dancing to the Jeff Pecon Orchestra after the performance. Tickets obtainable from Zarja members or at the Polka Hall of Fame, 605 E. 222 St., or phone (216) 531-5542 or (440) 257-2740. For a donation of $23 per person, $10 for children under 10, $10 at the door for dancing only. —Jim Kozel KSKJ Project Helps Mine Victims The problem of landmines is one that affects men, women and children throughout the world. Civilians who remain in areas devastated by conflict and war are left to deal with the aftermath when the fighting has ceased. Specifically the problem of undetonated landmines is a large one. Landmines are left strewn throughout former conflict regions. It is civilians who walk in this area - mostly children - who lose life and limb day after day. Nicole Mihalič, Youth Activities Director, Lodge #226, KSKJ, and president of her Baldwin Wallace College Rotaract Club (a division of Rotary International), a group that is strongly dedicated to the service of others, is heading the drive to collect funds for the International Trust Fund for Demining and Victim Assistance. Lodge #27 Blejsko Jezero Notice Due to weather conditions and cancellations, Lodge #27 Blejsko Jezero April 10 meeting will be at Mary Sands Home, 36595 Garrets Cove Dr. The May 8 meeting will be at AMLA Home Office. Both at 1:30 p.m. Call (440) 943-3784 for more information. All You Really Need is SLOVEnia Slovenian Ambassador to the United States, Samuel Žbogar has walked in many marathons to also raise money to help land mind victims. He will be the keynote speaker at the benefit banquet which will be held on Friday, April 11 from 7 -10:30 p.m. at the Baldwin Wallace College Ballroom in Berea, Ohio (20 minutes south of Cleveland). The Walking Without Fear Benefit will include a full dinner, entertainment and silent auction. Ticket prices are $15 for a single, and $25 a couple. Any questions or for tickets please contact Nicole Mihalič at (440) 552-1583 or email her at nmihalic729@aol.com. or Marc West at 440-826-2456. This is a matching funds benefit project for Lodge #226 and the KSKJ. Stimburys Accounting Accouniina & Income Tax Servian 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 laxtime@en.com http:llstimburysr.ccounting.com EmM to Practice Setrte tie Internal Re\eatie Service Servicing Indmduals Corporations S Small fulnesses. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon gives a homily in St. Mary’s Church, Cleveland on Saturday evening, Feb. 2 to a full church including parishioners dressed in Narodna Noša (Slovenian National Costume.) (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Bedspread from Fatima Winner: St. Vitus Altar Society would like to thank all who bought raffle tickets for a bedspread from Fatima. Winner was Ivanka Košir from St. Vitus Village. Thanks also to Zele Funeral Home for printing the raffle tickets. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, April 12 in the auditorium. Folks dressed in Slovenian National Costumes at the Resurrection Mass on Easter Sunday at St. Vitus Church... the tradition continues. Are you looking for... • Additional Life Insurance between $2,000 and $25,000 ? • A Simple & Easy to Understand Application ? • Payments designed around your needs ? Has got a plan for you! To speak with a representative near your, call 1-800-THE-KSKJ ___________Proudly serving American-Slovenians since 1894._______ Support America - Support American Made Products Catholic Cemeteries Association announces a new program The Catholic Cemeteries Association and Rock of Ages Corporation have combined forces to introduce the American Value© program. This program offers high quality American made grave markers, an outer burial container and the grave of your choice to Catholic families at an exceptional value. If you have considered acquiring a burial package for yourself or a family member don’t miss this special opportunity. Name______________________________ Add ress__________________________ City___________________State________ Zip______ Phone ________________________________________ Stop into your Catholic Cemeteries Office or mail coupon to: Catholic Cemeteries 10000 Miles Avenue 2008 © Catholic Cemeteries Cleveland, Ohio 44105 Our Blessed Land — Slovenia (Continued from last issue) by MIRA KOSEM DVD Becomes a Reality Not very often in our lives do events occur that lead us to “seize the moment” and go along with the fate - or God’s hand - feeling we are being led in a positive direction. Marjan and I felt such a moment present itself when plans evolved for Korotan’s visit in our homeland, where we were invited to participate in celebrating the 60th anniversary of our exile and postwar massacres. Both Maijan and I were keenly aware of the approaching anniversary of those tragic events when the first coincidence occurred. Two well known Slovene journalists were coming to our town to interview the survivors of the massacre in Kočevski Rog. The two were supposed to be guests of Rudi and Vika Kolarič, but -unexpectedly Vika took ill and Rudi asked us if we could “take over” the guests instead. And why not? Rudi waited for them at the airport that evening in March, but they did not show up. They were stranded in Cincinnati because of bad weather. So Rudi asked us the next morning to go and meet them. We did, even though we had no idea what they looked like. I wrote their names, Možina and Jagrič on a piece of paper and we waited at the luggage merry-go-round in the basement. (I remembered Možina’s name from the documentary on the ‘Damned.’ Sure enough; they spotted their names and so we met. The problem was they had allotted only three days to be in our town and they wanted to interview Milan Zajec, Dr. Tine Meršol, Branko Pogačnik, and France Kozina even though he actually lives in Niagara Falls, Ontario. We had to act fast. Luckily, we knew Kozina. We met at Pristava, where he and his wife, Anica, came to Tabor’s celebrations and we invited them to stay overnight with us. France is my compatriot from our area and after the war he was hiding for a time at his aunt’s house, next door to us in Sodražica. - So on the same day we took off for Niagara. During the travel we made better acquaintance. I remember asking Možina: “How is it that a young man like you undertakes such an action which cannot be very popular in today’s Slovenia?” “Well,” he replied “as a journalist and as a human being, I am searching for the truth. The truth must prevail.” - Yes, they both made a very good impression. So, that Friday they recorded the interview with France Kozina. They wanted to show the falls also and so they went there and Marjan later told me he was “acting” as a technical assistant. The rest of the interview was recorded later at home in the living room. We then slept overnight at Kozinas and left the next morning after a splendid breakfast. As we were leaving, France told us he and Anica were planning to go to Slovenia once more to pay homage to his fallen comartyrs. They went there for the 60lh anniversary to attend the ceremonies at Kočevski Rog, arriving at their niece’s house in Ljubljana at the beginning of June. That very day France was stricken by a massive stroke. He was left paralyzed, can say a word or two with great effort, but it is obvious that his reasoning is as sharp as ever. He was brought back to Niagara by a special “rescue plane,” so he is back with his family. His condition remains unchanged to this day. I visited him last October and he recognized me and tried to participate in conversation. As Možina later wrote, “God’s will was with us: we caught Kozina’s and Zajec’s testimony at the last possible moment.” (Kozina’s condition has deteriorated since then; visiting him March 18th, he was unable to verbalize anything and did not recognize me.) I could not get Korotan’s approaching mission out of my mind and, coming back from Niagara with the two journalists, I asked them: “Is there any possibility - if the singers agree - that a documentary could be prepared about our participation at the solemnities this summer?” Before they left, they gave us a positive answer and Marjan took over the coordination, being experienced in management and technical work. Korotan’s singers agreed to the documentary but the choir has been heavily burdened by the expenses for the trip. Marjan conceived that an unusual opportunity of historical significance was opening up, turned for help to friends and acquaintances and they covered the expenses of the DVD production. Everything was ready for the commemoration. We came to Ljubljana and the two journalists accompanied us to most of the events. At Teharje Marjan himself took over the videography. Let me mention here that Marjan’s illness first appeared at the time the plans for the DVD were launched. But those first indications were very favorable. Before we left for Slovenia he received first hormone therapy, causing him to sweat profusely. Upon return home two sessions of radiation were scheduled and we did not even think anything really ominous could occur. That fall we were in active contacts with Možina in preparing the DVD. At the same time Marjan prepared a short brochure to be included. Here, too, he was given a welcome help by all he invited to participate. Maruša Pogačnik came forth with a short overview of history of Slovenia and Korotan’s existence; Kathy Likozar Cup with the help of her mother Zalka produced a masterful design. Zalka also helped in editing the text. Maijan thought it was very important that everything be presented in both languages, so everyone would understand the text. But, who to ask for translations? Why not those who wrote the originals themselves? Thus, we asked Musi Pogačnik Coffelt to translate her speech in Cankar’s Hall, and Bernardka Jakopoč Waid for translation of her father’s poem “Naša pesem.” And whom should we ask for the translation of “Our Blessed Land?” We did not know Pavle Borštnik all that well, but I took it upon myself to ask him as I knew him “a little better.” Anxiously I called him that October Sunday and he was willing to translate his poem without any hesitation. And he continued to help us after that. He wrote an introduction for the brochure in both languages and when some DVD buyers mentioned they would like to understand the speeches at Cankar’s Hall, he translated them as well. He added the story “On the Path of the Martyrs,” poems by Karl Mauser, France Papež and Vladimir Kos, all of which are included in the “Addendum” that Marjan compiled a month before his death. Around Christmas 2005 his pain returned and at the same time the ‘master disc’ arrived from Ljubljana. We listened to it on our machine and then let it go to production. Then the problems appeared as many of our friends could not play the disc on their machines. Marjan then discovered the disc was printed in PAL format and he knew that many machines here in the States would not accept it. Realizing this and suffering progressively worse pain depressed him to a degree I never before observed in our married life. And then: lo and behold, a solution offered itself. Striving to alleviate his pain, we took off for a vacation in Arizona. Before the departure, our son Tim tried to soothe his father: “Ati, I am accepting this as a personal challenge. We’ll fix it.” They continued their conversation by phone and decided for three different ways to transfer the DVD to NTSC format: one sample was to be made by “professionals,” another by Ivan Hauptman who is well versed in this kind of work, and the third was to be made by Tim himself, well qualified in computer technology. Interestingly enough, the “professionals” were least successful. Prevailing was Tim’s technology, but Hauptman’s was not far behind. So the discs had to be printed anew and the old ones had to be returned. Finally: at the beginning of February the new discs arrived but so did the surprising and depressing new diagnosis: Marjan’s cancer was not stopped, but was now attacking the bones, mainly in the spine. Thus, the source of pain became clear. Despite that, Marjan, the eternal optimist, firmly believed the planned therapy will stop the illness. We went to rehearsals knowing full well our participation at the concert in 2006 was in God’s hands. Marjan lived through it, though he needed stronger and stronger narcotic painkillers to control the pain. Any physical work exacerbated the pain. That added to emotional pain. With all of that we also had to promote the DVD. We received orders from different places. “Our Blessed Land” went as far as Japan; from there Vladimir Kos, a missionary and a poet, thanked us for the donated DVD with “May God thank you for the CD about our martyrs, who are really being celebrated by Korotan’s magnificent singing.” -Mrs. Pirc wrote from Argentina: “At long last, we paid homage to our Home Guard men last night in local hall in Carapachay. The hall was overcrowded and we all enjoyed your DVD. The people were enthusiastic about pictures and quality of the publication and, of course, over your beautiful singing.” Bernarda Fink, world renowned singer thanked us for the donated DVD: “I was overjoyed to receive Korotan’s DVD. It is of top quality, beautifully arranged, expressing our feelings. I listened to it as soon as I got it, just before Palm Sunday, 2006. Your husband also gave me one copy for my parents and one for my brother, so we all have an indelible remembrance of that unique sojourn in our Homeland at the celebration of another anniversary of our exile.” Furthermore: old acquaintances and their relatives kept calling. For Marjan these calls and e-mail messages were a source of moral revival. One such memorable call came from pilot Frank Ovnič, a friend from the refugee camp. “Is this Marjan Kosem from the ninth barrack?” He and his wife, Joanne, came to visit him from the far away Alabama on the day Marjan asked for the sacrament of healing. We still maintain the contact. Another order came from Denver. Krista Arko wanted to receive three copies. Marjan inquired whether she was related to Arko boys from Chicago. She was - the widow of the late Lojze, a scientist who succumbed to leukemia three months before. Marjan expressed his sympathies to her and a few more messages were exchanged. An unexpected and for that reason so much more effective was Krista’s letter of sympathy after Marjan’s death. (She saw the notice in the “American Home.”) Only a recent widow could write about such feelings, of a fresh pain, but that was exactly what I needed at that particular moment. I put the letter aside and answered it some weeks later. I have never met this thoughtful woman, who is my friend. Since then we have been exchanging e-mail messages, consoling one another. Her messages are the best possible remedy in my mourning. (To Be Continued) Slovenian Library Meeting April 20 The members of the Slovenian Library (Čitalnica) located in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland will have a very important meeting on Sunday, April 20, at 2:00 p.m., in the library. This meeting is rescheduled from March 9; that meeting had to be canceled due to a snowstorm. Franc Kovacic, for many years the librarian and secretary of the Čitalnica, passed away earlier this year and the future of this now century old institution will be the main topic of discussion. President Joseph Valencie will chair the meeting. Individual members and the representatives of lodges and organizations that support the library are urged to attend. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 10, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 10, 2008 « Monica is expecting Coming Events by RUDY FLIS April 1st early morning, temperature 60 degrees, and I’m out for my morning walk. How soothing a walk through mild air, even if a bit gusty. After a mile or so, I walk my street before heading into my house. I never stop, once on my walk, except for traffic. No traffic this day, but I stopped. I had to stop, or miss a feature of God’s beautiful creation known as a “rainbow.” And what a beauty, full in vivid color and almost half a rainbow. It allowed me to look for many minutes as it entranced me completely until I started to feel a moist spray which turned into rain. It may be the mist that was the rainbow that was now upon me; a totally happy soul, one destined to enjoy his God given day, started in a most colorful way. A rainbow start, what a gift and departure from winter. In the past few weeks we have had some very nice people join Our Lord in Heaven. I’m happy for them, but a little selfish in my empty feeling for the loss of friendships I shall miss. It’s a part of life, but not an easy part. I do accept it and I do move on, and I do enjoy my blessing I receive from God, each and every day of my life. The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia would like to inform its citizens living abroad about certain changes regarding the acquisition of Slovenian citizenship as well as certain responsibilities, such as: the obligation to report any changes in location of permanent residence in connection to the voting rights records, as well as notification of registry facts, such as changes in marital status, birth of a child, or death of a family member, etc. A recent and very dear blessing from my God is Therese and I are to be grandparents once more. It has been more than 10 years since we last experienced this special event. Monica, our youngest has been praying that she be blessed with a family. Thank you, Lord. Monica has many nieces, and was forever painting their toes and fingernails. She would have them pick a color and put the little ones on the table, cotton between their toes, and daba daba adoo. It was a Sunday ritual that drew aunt Monica and nieces close to each other that seems will last a lifetime. This gift Monica has for people captures the very young all the way to the very old. The very young were always here in our home for her to enjoy every weekend, and the very old she dealt with in the nursing home where she cared for the elderly for five years, four as an aid and one as a nurse. Monica and her husband, Ray, will be fine parents from what I have noticed. Please include them in your prayers that all will be well. I’m happy to share this news with you. Forgive me if I seem to boast or brag, and a big hug and kiss to my expectant daughter, Monica. Citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia can be obtained by birth, by subsequent registration for Slovenian descendants between 18 and 36 years of age, or by a process of Naturalization. Applications may be submitted at the Slovenian Embassy or General Consulates of Slovenia. For forms and instructions call (202) 386-6613. You may also direct inquiries directly to the Ministry via email Drzavlianstvodunz.mnz@no v.si. Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: In the Sherlock Holmes adventures, what is Inspector Lestrade’s first name? ANSWER: It is never given, just the letter G. Out of dozens of entries, Marie Dular of Cleveland, Gene Kogovšek of Highland Hts., OH, and Daniella Schultz of Euclid, are the only three giving the correct answer. BONUS: Whoever gets this one will be proclaimed, “Grand Quizmaster.” What do these words have in common: 1. — Banana 2. - Dresser 3. - Grammar 4. - Potato 5. - Revive 6. - Uneven 7. - Assess ANSWER: Take the first letter, put it at the end of the word, spell it backwards and you have the original word. “Grand Quizmasters” are: Rudy Sterk, manager of St. Vitus Village, Stan Žakelj of Broadview Heights, OH, Anthony Goršek of Cleveland, Arlene Martin at the Collin-wood Slovenian Home, and former florist James A. Slapnik Jr., of Cleveland. -Another possibility — James V. Debevec II says if you take out the first letter, the remainder is the same forward or backward. NEW QUIZ: What other Scotland Yard inspector did Sherlock Holmes admire even more than Lestrade? Send your answers to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Joke A man went to a dermatologist with a rare skin disease. The doctor recommended he try a milk bath, so he went to the grocery store and told the dairy manager he needed enough milk to take a bath. The dairy manager asked, “Do you want that pasteurized?” - “No,” the man replied, “Up to my chin should do it.” -Phil Hrvatin Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater. The longest one-syllable word in the English language is “strengths." Friday, April 11 Radio Slovenia from Ljubljana will host an evening of music and fun in St. Mary’s parish hall. Ansambel “Veseli Svatje” will entertain. Events of the evening will be recorded and broadcast in Slovenia. The group will then travel to St. Catharine’s and Toronto. Donation $10. Tickets at rectory. Friday, April 11 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St, dance featuring Wayne Tomsic. Friday, April 11 St. Joseph Lodge #146 KSKJ Meet and Greet at the Quaker Steak and Lube, Canal Road, Cleveland at 5:30 p.m. Open to new and existing members. Friday, April 11 Dinner and Silent Auction to benefit the International Trust Fund for Demining and Victim Assistance hosted by Baldwin Wallace Rotaract Club and Christ the King Lodge #226 KSKJ from 7-11 p.m. at Baldwin Wallace College Union Ballroom. Special guest speaker Slovenian Ambassador to the U.S. Samuel Žbogar. $15 person, $25 couple. For tickets call (440) 552-1583. Saturday, April 12 St. Joseph Lodge #146 KSKJ Hockey game at the Q with Lake Erie Monsters. Call Mike at (216) 881-1040 for information. Sunday, April 13 Prekmurske Koline (Krvavice, pork roast, homemade repa), at Slovenian Catholic Center, Le-mont, IL. Proceeds to renovation of Holy Cross Church in Crenšovci, Slovenia. Tickets $20 adults. Tel.(630) 243-0670 for reservations. Tuesday, April 15 Slovenian American Heritage Foundation lecture “Slovenia’s Regions and Dialects” by Dr. Vladimir Rus, lower hall of Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH, at 7 p.m. Friday, April 18 Night at the Races at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., in joint effort with St. Vitus Slovenian School. Friday, April 18 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Jeff Pccon. Saturday, April 19 Korotan Concert, Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Glair Ave., Cleveland. Saturday, April 19 St. Joseph Lodge #146 KSKJ Matching funds din-ner/dancc with Laurentian Athletic Club at Slovenian ome on E. 80,h St. Tickets required. Call Josič Kmet at (216) 267-4866. Sunday, April 20 St. Joseph Lodge #146 KSKJ - 50 year member celebration. Mass at 10 a.m. in St. Lawrence Church, followed by luncheon. Friday, April 25 Introduction of book “Slovenian Exodus 1945” in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) parish center at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 26 Zarja Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. “Slamnati vdovec” (The Grass Widower). Dinner 5 p.m., Program: 7 p.m. Dancing to Jeff Pecon Orchestra at 8 p.m. For tickets ($23) donation, visit Polka Hall of Fame, or call (216) 531 -5542 or at the door. Wednesday, April 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Friday, May 2 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring A1 Battistelli Friday, May 9 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Fred Ziwich. Friday, May 16 Annual Meeting of members of Slovene Home for the Aged in Laurich Room of the Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Rd„ Cleveland, 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 16 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Stan Mejac. Sunday, May 18 St. Vitus Slovenian School graduation, during 10:30 a.m. Mass in church. Sunday, May 18 Maksim Gaspari Print “Mother Slovenia” will be raffled off at a special event in the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Tickets $10; or 3 for $25. Drawing at 1:45 p.m. Sunday, May 18 Spring Spaghetti Dinner, Slovenian National Home, 11:30 to 1:30. Donation $5 includes salad, rolls, spaghetti, dessert. Come view and use new parking lot. Sunday, May 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Memorial Mass, 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Sunday, May 25 Memorial service Mass for all victims of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, at 1? noon at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio sponsored by DSPB Vestnik. - At 3:30 p-111-Slovenian Memorial service at All Souls Cemetery! Chardon, Ohio. Wednesday, May 28 Slovenian National HomCi 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. —Johanna Bajc HuntersHaven Hunting and Fishing Club Steak Dinner -- $20.00 Donation 18 oz. Porter House Baked Potato, Salad, Bread and Butter Vi BBQ Chicken Available $10.00 Saturday, May 31st, 2008 Serving 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Held at Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio 44119 —Take Out Available - Call Kevin Booth 216 - 990-4076 or 440-886-2695 Raffle Tickets Available 50/50 - Only 200 Sold - $500 Prize_ Slovenian Citizen Info Death Notices DONALD L. MOČNIK Donald L. Močnik, age 79. Beloved husband of Patricia (nee Larko). Devoted father of Don, Marie Simms (husband Ron), Joe (Judy Hen-schel), Fran Cunningham (husband Jamie), Joanne Vila (husband Gregg), Tom, Betty Hočevar (husband Jim) and the late Rosemary; loving grandfather of Brittany, Anthony, Matt, Jenny, Grace, JJ, Meghan, Gabbie and Kristen; cherished brother of Marion Croak (husband Phil), John Marinko (wife Kathy) and Frank (deceased) (wife Millie). Funeral Mass at St. Margaret Mary Church Monday, March 31 at 12:30 p.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. The family received friends Sunday, March 30 from 4-8 p.m. at Maher-Melboume Funeral Home, 4274 Mayfield, South Euclid. The family suggests memorial gifts to St. Margaret Mary Church, 4217 Blue-stone Rd., South Euclid, OH 44121. JOSEPH CENDOL Joseph Cendol, age 40. Loving son of Joseph (deceased) and Mary “Mimi” (nee Pust). Dear nephew of Frank, Ann Golop, Albina, Vera Ivancic and Rozalia Slack. Cousin of many in Cleveland, Canada and Slovenia. Joseph was an avid soccer fan as well as a soccer player. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Thursday, April 3 from 2-4 and 6-9 p.m., where services were held on Friday, April 4 at 9:15 a.m., and St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. ANNA JERSE Anna Jerse (nee Globočnik), age 93. Dear wife of John (deceased). Loving mother of Leanne (Robert, deceased) Fialko and Linda (David) Benner. Grandmother of seven and great-grandmother °f nine. Sister of Julia Ho-kavar and Louise Ogrinc (both deceased). Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland, on Monday, March 17 for a 10 a.m. ehapel service. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations to Hospice House, 300 E.185 St., Cleveland 44119 JOHN N. OBAT John N. Obat, “Always a Marine,” age 86. Loving husband of Mary (deceased); wonderful dad of Lois Brocketti and Linda (Greg) Williams; grandfather of Kristina Summers, Jeff (Julie) Brocketti, Cam and Alexa Williams; great grandpa of Kelsey and Hailey Summers and Jacob Brocketti. Mr. Obat was a combat veteran having served in Okinawa, Tarawa, New Caledonia, and six other islands in the Pacific Theater of Operations as a highly decorated member of the United States Marine Corps during World War II. Mr. Obat was also an officer of KSKJ St. Joseph Lodge No. 169. For many years he was in charge of calculating the results of their annual national bowling tournaments. He was also active with the Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges, volunteering his services at the annual picnics. Friends were received at the Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Tuesday, March 18 from 3-8 p.m. where services were held Wednesday, March 19 at 9:15 a.m. and St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations to Slovene Home for the Aged or Hospice of the Western Reserve, in his memory, would be deeply appreciated by the family. DOMINIK JANEZ Dominik Janez, age 79, of Cleveland passed away on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at the Slovene Home for the Aged. Beloved brother of Darinka and Joseph, both of Slovenia; dearest first cousin of Elmer Perme; loving uncle of Yelka, Rose, Anthony and William; great-uncle of Cynthia and Joseph. Preceded in death by his brother Karl Janez and sister-in-law Erika Janez. Dominik loved to dance, loved good music, loved children and a good laugh and he was very proud of his Slovenian heritage. Mass of Christian Burial was at 9:30 a.m. Friday, March 28 at St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland. Friends called from 8:30 -9:15 a.m. Friday morning at the DiDonato Funeral Home, 21900 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. Donations Thanks to the following persons for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Joseph I. Rustya, South Euclid, OH -$10.00. Marinka Skubitz, Willoughby Hills, OH - $5.00 Anonymous, Michigan — $50.00 Valentin and Zdenka Kavcic, Kirtland, OH — $10.00 Pete and Sheila Mrva Madison, OH — $7.00 Ernest and Zdenka Pavsic, Ridgewood, NY — $7.00 Milan and Blažena Rihtar, Willoughby Hills, OH - $5.00 Jerry Zupan, Putnam Valley, NY - $7.00 Agnes Gaber, Chicago, IL -$12.00 Cathy and Ed Cup, Ches-terland, OH -$14.00 Ann Benedik, Richmond Hts., OH -$19.00 Julia Smole, Cleveland, OH - $9.00. In Loving Memory Of the 5,h Anniversary of the death of our beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister and sister-in-law Valerie Baznik (Nee: Per) Died April 14, 2003 In Life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place No one can ever fill. Sadly missed by: Anthony J. Baznik, husband, Margaret Hetz, Barbara Stevenson, Elizabeth Smith, daughters, Sister Margaret Mary Per, sister, five grandchildren, a brother-in-law, and three sons-in-law In Memory Thanks to Poldi Bojc of Cleveland who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of Jože Bojc. Donation Thanks to Ivanka and Lojze Brumen of Madison, OH who paid for a memor-iam and added a $52.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Judge Ronald Šuster, of Euclid, Ohio who renewed his subscription and added a $79.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Christine Zak Edmonds of Peoria, IL who renewed her subscription and added a $32.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Victor G. and Anna M. (Zalar) Kmetich of Highland Heights, Ohio who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Joe and Jožica Majer of Mentor, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $29.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Thomas F. and '7 Vida J. Scheid of Wil-lowick, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Sylvia Kodromaz. In Memory Thanks to Frank Dolence of Mentor, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of Boggie and Mitzi Dolence. In Loving Memory 1888-1951 No dearer father ever lived. You left a family so sad. We’ll miss you always, Dad. Sadly missed by son John Jr. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 ^ Family owned and operated since 1908_ In Memoriam Betty Kosak Gawor Betty Kosak Gawor, nee Jordan, a KSKJ and AMLA member and a lifelong subscriber to the American Home, entered into eternal rest on March 22, 2006. Born on Nov. 11, 1912 to Joseph Jordan and Frances (nee Baznik) in St. Jernej, Slovenia, Betty joined her sisters in ihe U.S.A. in 1921 and later lived on East 80lh Street in the St. Lawrence Church neighborhood with her husband, Frank Kosak and their children Bettyann, David, Marjorie, and Daniel. After the death of Frank and her second husband Stanley Gawor, Betty went to live in Summerfield, near Greensboro, NC with her daughter Bettyann and son-in-law Walter Harr. The wake was on Friday, March 24, 2006 at Fortuna Funeral Home on Fleet Avenue with burial on Saturday from St. Lawrence Church to Calvary Cemetery. The youngest of 12 siblings, Betty was preceded in death by son David and his wife, Janice, Dan’s wife, Joanne, sisters Josephine, Maria Rus, Frances Legan, Antonia Kastelic, Justi Ruzic, and brothers Ignac, Franc, Karel, Martin, Josip and an infant baby. Betty will be missed dearly by daughters Bettyann Harr (Walter), Marjorie Lostoski (Edward), son Daniel and a large number of nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and other relatives and friends in the U.S.A., Slovenia] Croatia, and Serbia. For all who mourn Betty, Daniel Kosak, son Vladimir Rus, nephew AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 10, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 10, 2008 8 This and that from Emilee by EMILEE JENKO Here’s hoping everyone had a Blessed and Happy Easter. Belated March birthday wishes to John Kirk and American Home editor Jim Debevec. A very good Samaritan, Joe Rozman of St. Martin de Porres High School. He was so great when we had the ice storm on election day. I worked at the poll booth that day. My car was loaded with ice and good guy “Joe” scraped and scraped the ice off my car. The freeway was treacherous, but I arrived home safe and sound. Thanks so much, Joe. You are a lifesaver. God bless you. Happy 59th wedding anniversary to Milan and Marie Dular. To Frank Sadar and Evelyn Pipoly, Happy Birthday wishes. To Ann Stefančič, Thanks so much. It was no trouble at all to provide you with a ride. Mr. and Mrs. (Jennie Gorjanc) Gene Kogovšek appeared on channel 5 for the Lourdes Chapel on Chardon Rd. Sister Rochelle did the narration March 7. Miracles do happen. Interview by T.P. of August Pust Man of the Year for the Federation of Slovenian Homes. Gus, assistant to past Mayor George Voinovich, and assistant to past Governor Voinovich was an interesting interview. Gus told of his many cultural activities. He is a member of the Slovenian American National Art Guild. Congratulations. Congratulations to all of the honorees. Pauline Debevec, Woman of the Year, talked about all her work with Slovenian children in their cultural activities. She is still very active. Good luck. The Man and Woman of the Year awards affair was held on the 9lh of March instead of the 8th due to the inclement weather. I did not attend. I was stuck with a driveway full of snow up to my waist. The St. Clair Pensioners took a bus to Presque Isle to do some gambling. We had a few winners and much fun on the bus going and coming. On the bus was Lou Stromsky who is celebrating an April birthday. Best wishes from all your fellow gamblers. I attended the St. Paul Croatian Credit Union affair March 9th held at the Croatian Center. Many money prizes were raffled. The dinner was excellent. The piece de resistance was the delicious cake which concluded a wonderful afternoon. No, I wasn’t a winner. The Slovenian American Heritage Foundation had Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman as a guest speaker on March 11 at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. He spoke on the Cleveland Planning Commission which was very interesting as to what is going on in Cleveland. The Kucinch-Cimpcrman election took place on March 4th. Joey, “you did good.” I approve this message. Rosemary Jisa of the Genealogy group spoke. She handed out flyers about the group. Meetings are held at Recher Hall the second Tuesday of March, May, Sept., and Nov. Join them. Mr. Frank Cesen and daughter said they enjoyed Joe’s speech very much as did Regina Burya and son Joe. See you both later when we attend a lecture about shingles. Thanks to CWV Danny Reiger for the invite to St. Vitus Mass and dinner. It was delish and the company was enjoyable. Dober tek. Condolences to the family of Albina Pozelnik. She passed away on March 20. Survivor is a brother, Tony, and many nieces and nephews. Arrangements by Zele Funeral Home. A long time resident of SNH office was Dr. Cyril L. Von Savage. He passed away in Florida after a short illness. Had many patients in the St. Clair area. He will be missed. Thanks so much to Professor and Milena Gobetz for their gift to all the residents at Easter Time to the Slovene Home for the Aged. Each and every resident, volunteer and staff member are so very grateful. God bless. Saw Gwen Slapnik Washington at the raffle on Waterloo Slovenian Home on March 20. She looks terrific and is happy to be out and about. Lots of courage from one tiny gal. You are a great1 example of Slovenian “pogum” (courage). Keep it up. The CWV P:ost 1655 reverse raffle was a lot of fun. I won a little bit. The food, was catered by Julie Zalar and her very capable staff. The desert was my favorite -ice cream. We all scream for ice scream. My dinner companions were Sammy and Kathy Reiger and Kathy’s mom, sister Maryann and Anna Mae Mannion, son Tony. Joe Baškovič did the number calling. Very clear and very precise. Belated March birthday wishes to Alex Spinos, Joanne Fordyce, Dorothy Lamm, Millie Logar, Mimi Stibil. Congratulations. April birthday wishes to Emma Marczis, resident of SHA, Anne Tomsick (our terrific cake baker and a terrific lady), Jeannine Rovanšek, Sophie Mazi (who does a great catering job), Bishop A. Edw. Pevec, Emma Yama, Ashley Rovanšek, Debbie Davidson, and Jean Rypka. Best wishes from yours truly. A few quips from Ch. 22. What do you do with a blue whale? Try to cheer him up. What two days start with the letter “T”? — Today and Tomorrow. What has four eyes and can’t see? -- Mississippi. Harrah’s -Slovenia Casino Deal on Hold Harrah’s Entertainment, the world’s largest casino company, and Slovenia’s Hit Group halted a planned 750 million euro ($1.17 billion), project to build a casino complex in Slovenia due to disagreements about the management structure. Talks on the project to build a casino, hotel and spas in Nova Gorica near the border with Italy, are “frozen,” and may continue with another company. The project should have been completed this year, according to original plans. This news came from Phil Hrvatin. Your Bank’s Rate Our Rate* 2.50% 5.10% Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for representative agent near you! *Rate guaranteed for 12 months on a 7-Year plan. Rates may change without notice. What do you take before you get it? Your picture. Get well wishes to Marie Orazem. She spent some time in the hospital, and she is now recuperating. Mimi Struna. Hope to see her at her post at the Waterloo Fish Fries. Miss you. Until the next time, I will leave you with this thought. - “A smile can brighten up the darkest day.” So long for now; luv ya. Hugs and kisses. As in the case of wines that improve with age, the oldest friendships ought to be the most delightful. Seeks Old Photos The St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club is looking for old photographs to display at the celebration of their 80th anniversary. Call Richard Beck at 440-942-4025. Slovenian Exodus’ book featured at St. Mary talk Slovenian-American Congress invites all Slovenians in greater Cleveland to join us for the introduction of the book, “Slovenian Exodus 1945” by Dr. Jože Rant on Friday, April 25 in St. Mary (Holmes Ave.) parish hall at 7 p.m. Dr. Joze Rant has for many years gathered material about Slovenian refugees and the reasons for their anti-Communist fight during the Second World War. The key question: “Why did my parents and grandparents, sometimes even great-grandparents, have to leave their homeland in Slovenia in 1945?” is of paramount importance. Within this question the children of the refugees seek answers in their quests for their roots and history of the Slovenian nation. With this question Dr. Rant began in 2004 to write the book in the Slovenian language: Slovenski eksodus leta 1945 (Slovenian Exodus 1945). There is only one answer to the question: If they would not have moved across the border, they would have been mostly killed, as Dr. Rant writes in his book. Stated also are other questions, the whole length of the first chapter, where Dr. Rant tries to clarify the cause and effects of the anti-Communist resistance, decisions of individual organizations and parties, justification of self-defense and the Vetrinje tragedy. The remaining chapters present the history of Slovenian people and political arrangements before the Second World War, time during the war and organizational works along with differential views of individual ideas and convictions. The contents of the book give good insight into how Slovenians viewed the fight against the Fascist and Nacist occupiers on one hand, and the fight against the revolution and Communist with terror during the war within Slovenian borders on the other hand. The bdok in the Slovenian language was issued last year and can be purchased at Slovenska pisarna on Lausche Ave., in Cleveland. With this translation, the Slovenian American Congress is making available to our children and grandchildren, whose Slovenian language is no longer their primary speech, as well as all those who do not speak it -even the non-Slovenians who are interested in the history of the Slovenian people, - a valuable and easily comprehensive background account of one of the most tragic stories in the history of the Slovenian nation. The book will be introduced by the translator Jerry Zupan. Other speakers will also be present. -Mara Cerar Hull Book Review Escape from Despair by Katarina Tepesh Reviewed by Mary Grabar, Ph.D. Katarina Tepesh’s harrowing and engagingly straightforward account of her family history in communist Yugoslavia, on the territory of present day Slovenia and Croatia, and then in the United States after fleeing an abusive and alcoholic father in 1968 should be added to the shelf of memoirs of such family legacy, both for the new information it adds, as well as for the story it continues to tell. This is the familiar story of the legacy of family trauma, alcoholism, and abuse - and as old as Original Sin. Since the mid-1990s, there has been a rise in the literacy and cultural accounts of growing up under the dark shadows of alcoholism and mental illness. Mary Karr’s poetic rendering of her East Texas upbringing, The Liars ’ Club, is credited with the resurgence of memoir writing. In Angela's Ashes, Frank McCourt captured the frame of mind of a child growing up under an Irish-romantic-alcoholic father who staked his frustrated dreams and inflicted an amazing amount of suffering on his brood. Tepesh’s spare and repor-torial account of her family living in Rogatec, Slovenia adds much-needed cultural perspective. The memoir introduces her family’s history (a marriage initiated by a rape) with this straightforward connection: “My turbulent family history mirrors the history of two countries, Croatia and Slovenia. For centuries, Croatia and Slovenia have been caught in turmoil between powerful empires or invaded by aggressive neighbors. Just as Croatians and Slovenians always wanted to gain their freedom from their conquerors and live in peace, my own family was abused and sought freedom.” And therein lies the paradox: how to obtain peace and freedom? Does “escape” from political and patriarchal tyranny by the channels leading to green cards and citizenship promise escape from its legacy? Tepesh, significantly, reports that this is often not the case. Tepesh’s Poor long-suffering mother and six children save their lives by emigrating to New York. However, the family rcmains haunted; the book could have been subtitled “No Escape from Despair.” Tepesh points out the irony of having a family protector, ber oldest brother, who tried to fight off their father as a boy but grew up to become the tyrant of the house himself. Her mother, from whom one would expect signs of affection and happiness once removed from the daily physical and emotional beatings, remained emotionally cut off. Tepesh and her sisters find themselves in parallel situations with men, although it appears that Tepesh has now escaped by setting up an independent existence and by working on behalf of worthy causes, like the rape victims of the recent Yugoslav war. How we carry our family and cultural legacy around in the land of the free, where the rule of law and protection of rights (ideally) hold sway, is the question that remains to be investigated. This is also where I have the only quibble with Tepesh’s thesis: in a couple of places an overly facile political, specifically feminist, connection is made. She makes it clear that what kept her mother in her situation was a blind obedience to the dictates of the Catholic Church, whose teachings permeated every aspect of village life in Slovenia and Croatia. It was a church whose priests and nuns ignored the savage beatings her father inflicted on his wife and children. In New York Tepesh recounts, “The biggest discovery in America for me was the women’s rights marches. Even though I didn’t fully understand the details, I grasped the overall idea and saw it as the solution to our family’s problems, as well as the way women were treated in my old country.” (126) Tepesh rightly calls our attention to the use of rape as a means of terror and torture, both on the battlefield and in the home. However, she provides too simple a connection - and therefore a solution - between the “personal” and the political. The solution, I would suggest, is not entirely political. Nor can such abuse be traced in a straight line back to “repressive” institutions, whether political or religious. Surely, for as many alcoholic brutes as Tepesh’s father, there were many devout Catholics that exhibited bravery, kindness, and responsibility toward their families under the most trying circumstances of war and poverty. Conversely, some men that grow up in affluence and freedom, in a secular Eden with “liberated” mothers, can grow up to be abusive toward women. I have personally known both types of men. (Moreover, abuse, although more commonly perpetrated by men, is of course not limited to men.) However, these are minor points in a narrative that flows along at a rapid pace. I would have finished the book in one sitting after its arrival in my mailbox if other duties had not called me away. As it was, I allotted a period of time for reading the next day and finished it, with many insights and provocations to thinking about my own history as a Slovenian immigrant, albeit at the tender age of two. I was particularly drawn to Tepesh’s descriptions of village life. The memoir deserves wide exposure. Given the attention to multiculturalism in schools, it could be added to reading lists as a contribution from an immigrant community hitherto overlooked. (Nonetheless, based on my own experience in academia, I can see the political correctness censors clucking in approval of the author’s embrace of feminist causes yet consternated by her realistic picture of life under “Dictator Tito,” with descriptions of luxurious accommodations for the communists while villages lived in squalor. Accounts of communism by those that actually live under its rule, like Solzhenitzyn, are often presented as manifestations of delusional neuroses, i.e., a belief in freedom or God. However, this is another essay.) In the name of true multiculturalism and free speech, Tepesh’s memoir should be read because it offers insight into two realms: the culture of Slovenia and Croatia, and the pattern of family abuse. In terms of the latter, it can give hope and healing to those that have found themselves in similar circumstances. Indeed, Tepesh’s father, like most abusers, was able to find himself another woman willing to be his victim. Solace can be gained from seeing the pattern: that it is a pattern - that it is not something inherent in the victim that invites such abuse. So, in this way, reading this book can help break the chain of the victim blaming herself and thereby justifying the abuse. It can also help break the cycle of religious and government authorities looking the other way while the weakest are abused. I know that Tepesh’s memoir will enjoy its permanent place on my bookshelf tucked between Mary Karr’s and Frank McCourt’s. To learn more, visit www.katarinatepesh.com and www.tepeshbooks. com Mary Grabar was born in Slovenia and earned her Ph.D. in English from the University of Georgia and teaches in the Atlanta area. A Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and published fiction writer, she is shopping her novel manuscripts, “Dancing with Derrida, ” a satire on the postmodern academy and sexual revolutionists, and “The Secret of Little Sister," a literary mystery. Visit her website and get on her mailing list at wvvh1. marverabar. com Reprinted with permission from Journal of the Society for Slovene Studies 30.1 To order Escape from Despair send a $15.00 check (includes postage) payable to Katarina Tepesh, Gracie Station, P.O. Box 486, New York, New York 10028. The Honey of Slovenia Bled, Slovenia, March 14 - The Wall Street Journal published an article on Slovenian honey. “On a hot summer afternoon at a sidewalk cafe here, it is often a bee, rather than a fly, that alights the writer. “The indigenous on the rim of your coffee cup or beer glass,” notes Carniolan gray bee thrives amid the diverse vegetation, pristine Alpine environment and forests that cover 60% of the country. “The result is a mouthwatering variety of honeys, including fir, spruce, sweet chestnut, lime, maple and wild cherry - plus honey liqueurs and wines, and even beehive art - available everywhere from the stalls of Ljubljana’s Cenntral Market to typical grocery stores and gift shops, as well as from the beekeepers themselves.” (More in the on-line edition of The Wall Street Journal.) --Henry Stalzer (From Embassy of Slovenia newsletter) Slovenian Women’s Union of America SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Financially assisting students since 1949 Applications are available - Donations welcomed http://www.swua.org or 1.815.727.1926 ttill We Make House Calls ... A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! GSBRJANC HEATING-COOUNG- PLUMBING 440-449-4411 www.gorjanc.com Norths rt Ohio 2003 Heating $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service yv May not be combined with other ditcoumr ' Plumbing $25 OFF Drain Cleaning May not be combined with other diacounta. Eapitta 3/31/05 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 10, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVI Medical Research in Slovenia 1970 - 1980 Slovenian Class in Melvindale, Michigan with the Butarice they made as part of the Slovenian Class on Saturday, March 15, 2008. Their teacher is Anita Koščak. -Dori Kregar Fooy St. Mary’s Slovenian School Reverse Raffle Everyone is cordially invited to attend a Reverse Raffle on Saturday, April 26 sponsored by St. Mary’s Slovenian School. All proceeds will benefit St. Mary’s Parish. The raffle will be held in St. Mary’s Parish Center. Doors and sideboards will open at 6 p.m. tickets for the event are $75 per couple and $50 for a single ticket which includes dinner, open bar, music by Veseli Godci, and a number on the Main Board. The Main Board prize is $2,000. For tickets or more information, please contact Mary Ann or Erik Krevh at (440) 833-0311 or Maria Sedmak at (216) 692-0186, or email at stmarvslovschool- @vahoo.com by Richard A. Terselic Conclusion) Several FDA medical/scientific staff agreed to serve as project monitors. Dealing with the intricacies of collaborative efforts in a then-Communist country, with differing cultures and languages, complicated their task. In 1972, Dr. Christian Klimt, a drug epigemiology specialist (of Austrian heritage) was designated as senior coordinator of the medical projects in Yugoslavia. Prior to joining FDA, he directed a large multi-clinic study of oral and antidiabetic drugs. The author of this article served as the FDA administrative/management coordinator of the three projects that will be discussed. This required making several trips to Yugoslavia. Ljubljana, Slovenia The principal investigator on the Ljubljana project was an obstetrician/gynecologist. Dr. Lidija Andolsek. In addition to directing the maternal clinic at which the study was conducted, she also held positions of responsibility at the University of Ljubljana, and the University Hospitals. She was a “world class” scientist/physician and was actively involved with the World Health Organization (WHO) and international professional societies. The project studied the possible effects of oral contraceptive use on cervical cytology, with specific concern for development of pre-cancerous and cancerous changes. It required collecting thousands of cervical cell samples and having them evaluated by pathologists. The initial lead FDA medical officer on the project was Dr. Ridgely C. Bennett, the bio-statician was Dr. Charles C. Anello (later Mr. Bertram Litt), and the pharmacologist was Dr. K. Jule Lamar. The level of competency of the Slovenian physicians and scientists was very high, as was the level of successful collaboration between FDA project staff. An important problem in the project involved finances. In addition to PL 480 funds directly allocated by the government of Slovenia, Dr. Andolsek’s clinic and the University Hospitals had to share in funding the work. During the late 1960s and 1970s, Yugoslavia experienced rampant inflation and the funds originally budgeted quickly became insufficient. It became necessary to secure supplements to the original PL 480 budget and a U.S. dollar-funded contract was issued to permit completion of work of special interest to FDA. the project was successfully completed, and technical paper were published in reputable journals, and presentations made at major scientific meetings. A conclusion stated in the abstract of a paper published in a ■ Slovenian journal (1) noted “Detailed analyses revealed increased incidence of mi-croinvasive carcinoma in both (oral contraceptive) user groups, the finding which is explained by faster progression from carcinomas in situ to invasive carcinoma.” Another paper published in 1980 in the US journal CONTRACEPTION, was awarded a “Best of the Year” prize by the Slovenian Scientific Society. Zagreb, Croatia The principal investigator of the Zagreb project was also an obstetrician/gynecologist, Dr. V. Pribicevic, and the project was conducted at a major hospital in that city. As in the Ljubljana project, Drs. Bennett and Anello were the FDA medical/scientific project monitors. The project sought to observe whether undesirable changes in biochemical parameters occurred among long term oral contraceptive users. One particular concern involved whether glucose metabolism changes among users versus non-users suggested a greater risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes was an important public health problem in Croatia. The Zagreb project was of a smaller scale than those in Ljubljana and Sarajevo. One or more publications resulted that can be attributed to the FDA collaborative effort. One coauthored in 1979 by Dr. Pribicevic, was entitled: “Influence of Oral Contraceptives on Changes of the Carbohydrate Metabolism.” Sarajevo, Bosnia The project in Sarajevo was interesting for a variety of reasons: the location and subsequent events affecting its conduct; the project staff; the makeup of the study population; and related management challenges. Dr. Bennett, Dr. Lamar and Mr. Litt were the FDA medi-cal/scicntific project monitors. Sarajevo and Bosnia were at peace at the time. As in Ljubljana, this project sought to observe changes in cervical cytology among oral contraceptive user and non-users. Because of the similar focus of the Ljubljana and Sarajevo studies, FDA encouraged collaboration between the investigators. However, the Sarajevo investigators were reluctant to collaborate, for unexplained reasons. While the makeup of the study populations in Slovenia and Croatia were quite homogeneous, the population in Bosnia included a mix of Roman Catholic Croats, Orthodox practicing Serbs, and Muslim Bosnians. A clinic located in Sarajevo participated, as well as about two dozen others in outlying Bosnian towns and villages. Attitudes toward family size differed greatly between Muslims and non-Muslims, and the standards of living and quality of health care also differed between Sarajevo and the outlying locations. All the pap smears and other samples collected were read by a single pathologist working in Sarajevo. The principle investigator, Dr. Gruica Zarkovic, was the director of an institute that was engaged in a variety of health related activities. Dr. Zarkovic had served as the medical director of the Partisans during World War II. Because of funding and logistical problems, a project was completed of lesser scope than initially planned. In 1985, Dr. Zarkovic published a paper entitled: “Alternations of Cervical Cytology and Steroid Contraceptive Use”. This was likely a product of the FDA collaborative project. Concluding Observations The informational product from the Yugoslav projects was useful, but not of significant consequence to FDA. Similar studies were done elsewhere in the world, and the results of the Yugoslav studies simply added to the growing body of data on the safety of oral contraceptives. PL 480 funds in Yugoslavia were depleted by the mid-1980s. U.S. dollars were subsequently invested in work done in Ljubljana. The work done by the FDA medical/scientific staff was crucial to the successful completion of the projects. Outside consultants, such as Dr. Philip Sartwell, also assisted. LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Prevenfive Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 / -v Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Funeral Director Dignified, Professional arid Personal Service FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USES 0241 00) Thursday, April 10, 2008 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Slovenija uspešno prebrodila prvo polovico svojega predsedovanja Evropski unyi - Srežapje na vrhu v Bruslju Dne 14. marca je bilo srečanju na vrhu v Bruslju vseh predsednikov vlad dr-žav-članic in to prvič v času slovenskega predsedovanja. Splošna ocena je bila do Slovenije zelo pozitivna, na srečanju so voditelji držav-članic soglačali o sprejetju novega triletnega ciklusa za razvoj Zveze. Velik poudarek je bil na gospodarskem razvoju, vendar so bila obravnavana tudi vprašanja o ekologiji in varnosti. Dne 12. marca je bil v Bruslju koncert Slovenske filharmonije, na katerem je orkester praznoval svojo stoletnico in to s predstavitvijo Mahlerjeve 2. sinfonije. Skladatelj Gustav Mahler je bil sicer pričel svojo kariero kot dirigent ravno v Ljubljani. Največ skrbi vedno s Hrvaško V slovenskem parlamentu je bil premier Janez Janša vprašan o problemih s Hrvaško. Dne 27. marca je Janša sicer sklical sestanek predsednikov parlamentarnih strank, na katerem so tudi obravnavali odnose s Hrvaško. Na vprašanja v Državnem zboru je Janša odgovoril, da vlada dosledno izhaja iz temeljne ustavne listine, potrditev svojega temeljnega izhodišča pa je dosegla že junija 2005 z brionsko izjavo, s katero sta se državi zavezali, da se bosta izogibali incidentom. “Po tem datumu je Hrvaška nekajkrat kršila dogovor, vendar nobeno enostransko dejanje ni ostalo brez ustreznega odgovora,” je dejal Janša. Slovenska vlada bo branila slovenske interese, je pripomnil Janša, poudaril pa tudi, da v času, ko Slovenija predseduje EU, si želi enotnega nastopa političnih subjektov v odnosu med Slovenijo in Hrvaško. Do najnovejšega incidenta je prišlo proti koncu marca, ko so hrvaški policisti upraviteljici sklada kmetijskih zemljišč in gozdov na Primorskem Sonji Lukin preprečili dostop do slovenskih zemljišč. Naslednji dan pa hrvaški policisti v Sečovljah zavrnili novinarsko ekipo, ki je želela po sicer priznani “evropski poti” priti na sporno ozemlje. Še vedno drži, da brez razrešitve sporov glede slovensko-hrvaške meje ni mogoče misliti na hrvaško članstvo v EU, kar pa hrvaška vlada želi. Gospodarski izgledi za Slovenijo v letu 2008 kažejo na večjo rast in manjšo inflacijsko stopnjo Ekonomski analitiki pri Raffeisen banki so objavili svoje zaključke glede Slovenije za letošnje leto. Predvidevajo, da se bo gospodarstvo povečalo za 5 odstotkov in da bo inflacija na stopnji 3,5-odstotka. Gospodarstvo bo napredovalo predvsem zaradi investicij v infrastrukturi, v prvi vrsti v cestno omrežje. Cene živil se bodo za naslednji dve leti dokaj umirile od sedanje inflacijske stopnje okrog 6 odstotkov. Raffeisenovi analitiki predvidevajo pa tudi upočasnitev v procesu privatizacije gospodarstva v Sloveniji. Uspešno leto 2007 za Adria Airways Lani je poslovanje Adria Airways ustvarilo 180 milijonov evrov prometa, kar je bilo 17% več kot v letu 2006 in še 7 odstotkov nad načrtom. Dobiček pa je bil 425,000 evrov oz. 6-krat več kot leta 2006. Od začetka aprila leti AA tudi do Aten, Bukarešte, Osla in Stokholma. Msgr. FRANCI PETRIČ objavil knjigo o božjih poteh v Sloveniji - Pred nedavnim je izšla ta knjiga velikega formata, saj tehta 3,5 kg, velika je 55 cm. V njej je msgr. Petrič, ki je sicer po številnih obiskih tu dobro znan mnogim našim bralcem, opisal iz zgodovinskega in umetnostnega vidika dvesto pet slovenskih božjih poti, v uvodu pa napisal obširno razpravo o zgodovini in pojavu romanja. Več let že je msgr. Petrič urednik slovenskega verskega tednika Družina. Omeniti je treba še, da je vsako od opisanih božjih poti sam obiskal, dejstvo pa je tudi, da jih je božjih poti v Sloveniji še precej, ki niso v knjigi še opisane. Intervju z msgr. Petričem je bil bil objavljen v velikonočni številki (št. 12) Družine. Iz Clevelanda in okolice VAŽNO SPOROČILO— Kakor je bilo oznanjeno že nekajkrat v angleškem delu, naša zadnja številka bo izšla 21. avgusta letos. Koncert Korotana— Pevci pevskega zbora Korotan toplo vabijo na koncert, ki bo v soboto, 19. aprila, v SND na St. Clair Ave. s pričetkom ob sedmih zvečer. Na razpolago bo prigrizek in pijača. Po koncertu ples ob zvokih godbe Staneta Mejača. Dopis na str. 12. Kosilo na Slov. pristavi— Kosilo za prostovoljne delavce pri gradnji Lausche-tove dvorane bo v nedeljo, 20. aprila, ob 1. pop. Povabila so bila poslana po pošti. Če je kdo ni dobil, naj pokliče Rezko Kosem na 440-256-2661 ali Metko Zalar na 440-943-3844. Novi grobovi Dennis Sušnik Umrl je 64 let stari Dennis Sušnik, mož Dolores, roj. Mocilnikar, oče Michaela, Renee, Johna Frank (že pok.) in Johna A., brat Raymonda in Kennetha, sin že pok. Johna (bivšega lastnika Sušnikove trgovine s pohištvom na St. Clair Ave. in bivši predsednik AMLA ter Mary Sušnik, 5-krat stari oče. Pogreb je bil 9. aprila v oskrbi Zak zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Družine v Parmi in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Dominik Janež Dne 26. marca je v Slovenskem domu za ostarele umrl 79 Dominik Janež iz Clevelanda, brat Darinke, Josepha (oba v Sloveniji) in že pok. Karla, pravi bratranec Elmerja Perme, stric Yelke, Rose, Anthonyja in Williama. Pogreb je bil 28. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Joseph Cendol Umrl je 40 let stari Joseph Cendol, sin Josepha (že pok.) in Mary, roj. Pust, nečak Franka, Ann Golop, Albine, Vere Ivančič in Rozalije Slack, vent nogometaš in ljubitelj tega športa. Pogreb je bil 4. aprila v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču! (dalje na str. 16) Dr. Vladimir Rus o regijah in narečjih v Sloveniji— Prihodnji torek, 15. aprila, bo dr. Vladimir Rus govoril o regijah v Sloveniji in o različnih narečjih po deželi. To bo drugi v seriji večerov, ki jih letno pripravlja Slov. Am. Heritage Foundation v SDD na Re-cherjevi ulici. Pričetek bo ob 7. zv., vstopnine ni, po predavanju in diskusiji bo pa družabno srečanje. Javnost vabljena. Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov in rezancev to soboto, 12. aprila, dopoldne, kot vedno v društveni sobi. Pridite! “Reverse Raffle”— V soboto, 26. aprila, sponzorira Slov. šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti tkim. “povratno vlečenje” v korist župniji. Cena karte je $50, za večerje in “main board” za par pa je $75. Samo za večerjo ali za “main board” je $25. Igral bo ansambel Veseli godci. Za nakaznice in podrobnosti, pokličite ali Mary Ann Krevh na 440-833-0311 ali Marijo Sedmak na 216-692-0186. Predstavitev knjige— V petek, 25. aprila, ob 7. uri zv. v dvorani Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Ave. bo g. Jerry Zupan predstavil knjigo Slovenski eksodus 1945, ki jo je bil prevedel v angleščino. Govorili o knjigi bodo tudi drugi. Javnost vabljena. Parlamentarci prihajajo— Naše mesto bo prihodnji teden obiskalo pet slovenskih parlamentarcev, članov različnih političnih strank, da si naše ustanove ogledajo in srečajo razne voditelje le-teh. Poslanci so povezani s Komisijo za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu. Naši dobrotniki— Frances Kurilich, Los Angeles, Kalif,, je darovala $50, v spomin na mamo Jean Kurilich. Ga. Marija Cugelj, Cleveland, 0.? je darovala $15, v spomin na moža Ivana. Ga. Jennie Mramor, Euclid, O., je darovala $35. Ga. Ann Pau-sic, Euclid, je darovala $10, v spomin na moža Emerica. Romano in Jožika Vitulich, Naples, Fla., sta darovala $25. Ga. Poldi Bojc, Cleveland, je darovala $20, v spomin na moža Jožeta. Iskrena hvala vsem! KOROTAN vas vabi! CLEVELAND, O. - Clevelandski mešani pevski zbor KOROTAN, pod vodstvom Janeza Sršena, bo imel svoj letni koncert v soboto, 19. aprila, ob 7h zvečer v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Orkester Staneta Mejača bo igral po koncertu. Prisrčno vabimo Slovence in prijatelje od blizu in daleč, da podprete naše prizadevanje za ohranitev in pospešitev slovenske zborovske pesmi med nami. Pridno vadimo za čim boljši nastop. Zbor sestavlja lepo število novih, mlajših pevk in pevcev in pa seveda močni temelj večletnih članov zbora. Izbor pesmi je pester - narodne, krajevne, verske, domoljubne, klasične in zabavne. Korotan ima že izjemno zgodovino koncertov v Clevelandu in drugje. Sodeloval je pri številnih pomembnih dogodkih v zvezi s slovensko kulturo v Clevelandu. Ponosni smo na vabila in sodelovanje v Sloveniji ob priliki dveh obiskov sv. očeta Janeza Pavla II. in pa na samostojne koncerte leta 1981 v Avstriji in Italiji, in v letih 1996, 1999 in 2005 v Sloveniji. V ganljivem, prisrčnem spominu ohranjamo sodelovanje in vtise o spominskih prireditvah v Sloveniji leta 2005, ob šestdeseti obletnici begunstva. Hvaležni smo vsem, ki nas podpirate v naših prizadevanjih. Iskreno upamo, da razširjamo in poglabljamo slovensko zavest potom petja in da ohranjamo to dediščino za bodoče generacije. Prisrčno vas vabimo, da s svojim obiskom koncerta daste korajžo in vzpodbudo vsem sodelujočim. Na prijetno svidenje 19. aprila! Milena Stropnik Predstavitev knjige v angleščini Slovenski eksodus 1945 CLEVELAND, O. - Slovensko-ameriški svet vabi vse Slovence iz Clevelanda in okolice na predstavitev knjige dr. Jožeta Ranta v angleščini, ki bo v petek, 25. aprila, v dvorani Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Ave. v Clevelandu. Dr. Jože Rant je dolga leta zbiral gradivo o slovenskem begunstvu in vzrokih za protikomunistični boj slovenskega naroda med drugo svetovno vojno. V tem gradivu je bil ključnega pomena tudi vprašanje, ki ga mnogi potomci številnih Slovencev v zdomstvu zastavljajo svojim staršem: “Zakaj so moji starši, stari starši ali celo prastarši morali zapustiti svojo rodno domovino leta 1945?” S tem vprašanjem se je tudi dr. Rant začel leta 2004 pisati knjigo “Slovenski eksodus 1945”. Odgovor na to vprašanje je samo eden: če se ne bi umaknili, bi bila večina verjetno pomorjena, kot je zapisal dr. Rant v knjigi. Navedena so tudi druga vprašanja in odgovori, pravzaprav celotno prvo poglavje, v katerem razčlenjuje vzroke in posledice protikomunističnega upora, izbiro posameznih društev in strank, upravičenost samoobrambe in, končno, vetrinjsko tragedijo. Naslednja poglavja podajajo zgodovino Slovencev in politične ureditve pred drugo svetovno vojno, čas med vojno in organizacijsko delovanje ter poglede na različna mišljenja in prepričanja. Vsebine knjige dobro podaja vpogled v to, kako so Slovenci videli boj proti fašističnemu in nacističnemu okupatorju na eni strani in boj proti revoluciji in komunistični prevladi ter terorju med vojno na slovenskih tleh. Knjiga je lani (2007) izšla v slovenskem in španskem jeziku. V Clevelandu se slovenski izvod naroči pri Slovenski pisarni. To knjigo je letos g. Jerry Zupan strokovno prevedel v angleščino. Tako bodo tudi tukaj rojeni Slovenci in objektivni Neslovenci lahko segli po tej razpravi v jeziku, ki je bolj kot slovenščina domača našim potomcem. Knjiga bo 25. aprila (ne 18. aprila, kot je KSKJ Glasilo zaradi nepredvidenih okoliščin navedel v zadnji številki) ob 7. uri zvečer predstavljena v dvorani Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Ave. Predstavil jo bo MIRA KOSEM POZDRAVLJENA ZEMLJA III. del - Konec Nastanek DVD plošče Redkokdaj v življenju se primerijo dogodki, ob katerih človek čuti, da mora “zagrabiti trenutek" in sodelovati z usodo - ali božjo roko -, dokler čuti, da ga ta vodi v pozitivno smer. Ta trenutek sva z možem Marjanom čutila takoj ob začetku Korotanovega načrtovanja za obisk domovine, kamor smo bili povabljeni na sodelovanje pri proslavi 60-letnice begunstva in povojnih pomorov. Z Marjanom sva bila oba že prevzeta z duhom obletnice teh tragičnih dogodkov - in glej...pojavila se je prva priložnost. Dva znana slovenska novinarja sta bila na poti v naše mesto z namenom, da snemata pogovor z rešencema iz Kočevskega množičnega grobišča. Namenjeno je bilo, da bi bila gosta Rudija in Vike Kolarič. Nenadoma je Vika obležala v postelji in Rudi se je obrnil na naju, če jima lahko narediva uslugo in prevzameva gosta. Zakaj pa ne! Rudi ju je ves večer, sredi marca, čakal na letališču, toda gostov ni bilo. Zadržana sta bila zaradi vremena v Cincinnatiju. Prosil naju je, če lahko midva greva drugo jutro ponju. Tako sva ju čakala tisto jutro, ne da bi imela pojma, kako izgledata. Na kos papirju sem napisala imeni Možina in Jagrič in sva čakala blizu vhoda do prtljage. Možinov priimek mi je ostal v spominu iz filma o Zamolčanih. Slednjič sta zapazila svoja priimka in srečali smo se. Problem je bil, da sta bila tu v našem mestu samo tri dni in v teh dneh sta morala imeti intervju z Milanom Zajcem, dr. Tinetom Meršolom, Brankom Pogačnikom in Francetom Kozinom, ki je stanoval v Niagara Falls, Ontario. Akcija je bila hitro načrtovana. K sreči sva bila midva med redkimi, ki so Kozino poznali. Spoznali smo se na Pristavi, ko sta z Anico prihajala na Taborove spominske proslave in sva ju povabila, da pri naju prenočita. France je domačin in se je nekaj časa skrival pri tetah, ki sta bili naši sosedi. Še isti dan smo odrinili proti Niagara Fallsu. Med potjo smo se bolje spoznali. Spominjam se, da sem Možino vprašala: “Kaj vodi mladega človeka, kot si Ti, da se zavzame za (v Sloveniji) tako nepopularen podvig?” Odgovoril je: “Kot novinarju in kot človeku, mi gre za resnico; ta mora prevladati!” Dober vtis sta naredila oba gosta. Še isti petek sta posnela intervju s Kozinom. Želela sta, da ga posnameta ob robu Niagarskih slapov. Tako so šli tja in Marjan mi je pozneje pripovedoval, kako sta ga porabila za tehničnega pomočnika. Intervju so nadaljevali v družinski sobi še isti večer. Vsi smo potem prespali pri gostoljubnih Kozinovih in se drugo jutro poslovili po okusnem zajtrku. Ob slovesu nam je France povedal, da bosta šla z Anico še zadnjič v Slovenijo, da se še enkrat pokloni padlim mučenikom. Na pot sta šla za 60. obletnico masovnih pokolov, da bi bila prisotna pri spominski maši v Kočevskem Rogu. V začetku junija sta prispela do doma nečakinje v Ljubljani in še isti dan je Franceta zadela huda možganska kap. Ohromel je in težko kako besedo pove, vidi pa se, da je še bistrega uma. Rešilno letalo ga je po kakem mesecu pripeljalo nazaj v Niagara Falls, da je blizu družine. Njegovo stanje je nespremenjeno do danes. Zadnjič sem ga obiskala konec oktobra in me je poznal in poskušal sodelovati pri pogovoru s kako besedo. Kot je pisal Možina: “Božja volja nam je bila naklonjena; Kozinovo, kakor tudi Zajčevo pričevanje, smo posneli takore-koč zadnji trenutek.” Korotanovo sodelovanje pri komemoraciji mi ni šlo iz misli. Na poti domov iz Niagara Fallsa sem se drznila vprašati: “Ali obstoja možnost, če bi bili pevci za to..., da se posnel dokumentarec o našem sodelovanju pri komemoraciji poleti?” Pred odhodom sta dala Možina in Jagrič pozitiven odgovor in po tem je vso koordinacijo prevzel Marjan, ki je imel dosti iz-kušenje v poslovanju (management) in v tehniki. Pevci so odobrili snemanje dokumentarca, le denarno je bil zbor že preveč obremenjen s turnejo. Iz trdnega prepričanja, da je pred nami podvig zgodovinskega pomena, se je Marjan obrnil za podporo do prijateljev in znancev, ki so s prispevki krili vso produkcijo. Vse je bilo v teku za komemoracijo. Prišli smo v Ljubljano in novinarja sta nas spremljala v glavnem povsod, kjer smo sodelovali. V Teharjih je snemal Marjan. Naj bo tu omenjeno, da se je Marjanu pojavila bolezen že ob začetku načrtov za DVD, toda obeti so bili tedaj zelo pozitivni. Že pred odhodom v Slovenijo je dobil prvo, hormonsko terapijo, ki je povzročala neverjetno potenje. Še dve vrsti obsevanj je sledilo po povratku domov in niti pomislila nisva takrat, da se lahko zgodi kaj hujšega. V jeseni je sledilo tesno sodelovanje z Možinom za režijo DVD. Tudi s knji-(DALJE na str. 13) Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoug)iby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: I-440-944-2S38 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RAOiO G'GNJISCE-LJUBLJANA g. Jerry Zupan, govorili pa bodo tudi drugi govorniki. Več o predstavitvi knjige lahko berete tudi v angleškem delu Ameriške domovine (American Home). Mara Cerar Hull POZDRAVLJENA ZEMLJA Aiwa Ojvuvi Midi za Msptni dan Trpljenje vse, preskušnje vse so zlati zdaj spomini na težko pot, ki dal Gospod ti v solzni je dolini. Le On sam ve, kako srce v rdečem “raju” je trpelo, kako zelo preganjalo te komunistov je krdelo. A ti bila si deklica, ki niso mogli je zlomiti! Zdaj svobodna urednica učiš pokončno nas hoditi. Talentov sto ti je nebo dobrotno poklonilo, vnaprej vede, da si dekle, ki jih bogato bo razvilo. Zdaj mamica, umetnica, poti nam nove rišeš, urednica, pisatelj’ca, globoke knjige pišeš. Zahvaljena iz dna srca za tvoja plodna leta! Naj varje Bog te vseh nadlog in z Brezij Mati sveta! Tvoj mož, otroci, sorodniki in prijatelji (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 12) žico je dobil dobrodušno pomoč pri vseh, ki jih je povabil k sodelovanju. Maruša Pogačnik je prispevala obris slovenske in Korotanove zgodovine, oblikovanje je mojstersko izdelala Kati Likozar Cup s pomočjo mame Zalke, ki je tudi pomagala pri popravilu teksta. Marjanu je bilo zelo važno, da je vse dvojezično, da bodo vsi razumeli. Koga naj vprašamo za prevode? Zakaj ne tiste, ki so sami napisali snov? Tako smo Muši Pogačnik Coffelt vprašali za prevod njenega nagovora v Cankarjevem domu, Bernardko Jakopič Waid za prevod očetove pesmi “Naša pesem”. Koga vprašamo za prevod "Pozdravljene Zemlje”? Pavleta Borštnika nisva dobro poznala, pa vendar je to postala moja dolžnost, ker sem ga “bolj” poznala. Trepeteajo-če sem ga klicala tisto oktobrsko nedeljo in takoj je bil pripravljen za prevod svoje pesmi. Od takrat nama je pomagal še in še. Napisal je uvod za knjižico v obeh jezikih in ko so nekateri omenili, da bi radi razumeli govore v Cankarjevem domu, je Pavle prevedel še te, dodal zgodbo “Po poteh mučencev” ter poezije Karla Mauserja, Franceta Papeža in Vladimira Kosa. Tako je nastal Addendum, ki ga je Marjan priredil v knjižico mesec pred smrtjo. Bolečine so se začele oglašati že okrog Božiča 2005 in istočasno je pri- spel “master disc”, ki je bil natisnjen za prodajo tu. Zadovoljna sva ga igrala na najin stroj in ga dala v produkcijo. Problemi so se začeli, ko nekateri prijatelji niso mogli igrati iste plošče na njihovih aparatih. Marjan je spoznal, da je natisnjena plošča v PAL formatu, in vedel tudi, da tu v ZDA dosti aparatov tega sistema ne bo sprejelo. To spoznanje in, povrhu, vedno hujše bolečine, so ga potrle do mere, ki je prej vse najino skupno življenje nisem bila opazila. In glej! Zopet se je pojavil rešitelj. V upanju, da bodo bolečine prenehale, sva se odpravila na počitnice v Arizono. Pred tem je Marjana sin Tim potolažil: “Ati, ta problem bom prevzel kot osebni izziv. Speljali bomo!" Telefonsko sta se pogovarjala in odločila, da se izvede tri poskuse za prevod v NTSC format. Eden bo poslan profesionalcem, drugega bo poskusil znani prevajalec Ivan Hauptman, tretjega pa Tim sam, ki mu je znana računalniška tehnologija. Zanimivo je bilo, da je poskus najslabše uspel profesionalcem. Zmagala je sinova tehnologija, toda Hauptmanova je bila samo za spoznanje manj čista. Na novo je bilo treba natisniti plošče in nesti zaboje neuporabnih nazaj. Slednjič smo pričakali uporabne plošče v začetku februarja in istočasno naju Je presenetila in oba potrla nova diagnoza: rak se ni zaustavil, napadel je kosti, v glavnem hrbtenico. Takrat se je izkristaliziral vir bolečin. Kljub bolečinam pa je Marjan - večni optimist - upal, da bodo načrtovane terapije zaustavile bolezen. Hodila sva na vaje, zavedajoč se, da bo nastop na koncertu 2006 v božjih rokah. Dočakal ga je, četudi je potreboval vedno močnejše opijske tablete proti bolečinam. Pri vsem tem je bila potrebna reklama za prodajo DVD plošče. Dobivali smo naročila iz različnih krajev. Plošča Pozdravljena Zemlja je poromala na daljno Japonsko, od koder je misijonar, pesnik in pisatelj Vladimir Kos odgovoril na dar DVD: “Boglonaj za CD o naših mučencih, ki jim slavni Korotan s svojo čudovito pesmijo dela resnično čast!” Ga. Pirc je pisala iz Argentine: “Končno smo včeraj proslavili naše domobrance v krajevnem domu v Carapachayu. Dvo-ana je bila polna in skupno smo si ogledali Vaš DVD. Ljudje so bili res navdušeni nad posnetki, nad kvaliteto izdaje in nad Vašim ubranim, lepim petjem.” Svetovno znana pevka Bernarda Fink se je takole zahvalila za dar DVD: “Korotanovega DVD sem bila nadvse vesela. Plošča je res kvalitetna, doživeto in v globino obdelana in sem jo takoj ob prejemu pred cvetno nedeljo (2006) z zanimanjem pogledala. En izvod mi je dal Vaš mož za starše, enega pa za brata, tako da imajo vsi neizbrisen spomin na tisti edinstveni obisk ob okrogli obletnici emigracije.” In glej: klicali so stari znanci, ali pa sorodniki znancev. Marjana so ti klici in e-pošta moralno poživeli. Nepozaben je bil klic pilota Franka Ovniča, prijatelja iz taborišča: “Ali je to Marjan Kosem iz devete barake?” Z ženo Joann sta ga obiskala v najhujšem času bolezni iz daljne Alabame. Še vedno smo v stiku. Prišlo je naročilo iz Denverja. Krista Arko bi želela tri plošče. Marjana je zanimalo, če je v sorodstvu z Arkovimi fanti iz Chicaga. Da, bila je žena pokojnega Lojzeta, znanstvenika, ki je podlegel levkemiji tri mesece preje. Marjan ji je izrazil sožalje in še nekaj kratkih dopisov je sledilo. Nepričakovano, zato še bolj tolažljivo, je bilo so-žalno pismo Kriste po Marjanovi smrti (objavo (DALJE na str. 14) Are you looking for... • Additional Life Insurance between $2,000 and $25,000 ? • A Simple & Easy to Understand Application ? • Payments designed around your needs ? Has got a plan for you! To speak with a representative near your, call 1-800-THE-KSKJ ___________Proudly serving American-Slovenians since 1894._______ Sobota, 19. aprila 2008 v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Vstopnina: $12 KONCERT PRIČETEK OB 7. URI ZVEČER Pevskega zbora KOROTAN Po koncertu igra orkester STANETA MEJAČA POZDRAVLJENA ZEMLJA (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 13) je videla v Ameriški Domovini). Edino nova vdova lahko napiše o čustvih, ki so sveže boleča, pa so bila nekaj, kar sem prav tisti trenutek potrebovala. Spravila sem to pismo in nanj odpisala kakšen mesec pozneje. Nikdar nisem osebno srečala te žene, ki mi je postala prijateljica. Skoro tedensko si od takrat izmenjujeva elektronsko pošto in tolaživa druga drugo. Njena pošta mi je najboljša terapija v žalovanju. Zgodbe v zvezi z DVD Korotan in Pozdravljena Zemlja sta bila povod še za druge nepričakovane zgodbe. Sin Jim je takrat z nami potoval “Po poteh mučencev”. Očitno je, da je prav v Teharjih občutil nekaj globokega. Ko sva mu na tistem zadnjem družinskem smučanju v Bad Gasteinu februarja 2006 razodela atijevo usodno diagnozo, si je zadal nalogo, da atiju in stricu Lojziju še zadnjič podari nekaj pomembnega- Za eno od treh podiplomskih nalog na Royal College of Art v Londonu si je zamislil in uspešno predstavil delo Spomenik V DRAG IN LEP SPOMIN Ob 13. obletnici smrti našega ljubljenega moža, očeta, starega očeta in svaka JOŽE VOLČJAK Ki je v Gospodu zaspal dne 7. aprila 1995 Sonce naj na trato sije, kjer počivaš, dragi ti. Duša pa naj srečo uživa, tam v rajski večnosti. TVOJI ŽALUJOČI: žena: Ivanka roj. Kosmač hčerki: Marija por. Štepec in Jožica por. Cerer zeta: Tomaž in Jože vnuki: Joško in Janko Štepec ter Janko in Miha Cerer vnukinji: Kati Štepec in Gabriella Cerer ter ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji / Monument. To je mrežni (network) spomenik. Pravzaprav, so to zanj predstavili njegovi prijatelji in sošolci; ravno pred maturo smo namreč poklicali Jima domov, ker smo se bali, da bo njegov ati umrl, ali pa ne bo mogel več govoriti, če še čakamo. Diploma je prišla po pošti. Ko je tisti dan Marjan zagledal svojega sina, je od veselja na glas zaječal (presenetili smo ga). Ko mu je predstavil še Spomenik, so nama lile solze, toda istočasno sva čutila nepopisen ponos in zadoščenje. Spomenik je namreč njegov poklon vsem žrtvam komunističnega terorja. Slovo od dragega je težko, toda božja milost nam je podelila vse, kar smo potrebovali in kar še potrebujemo. Marjanu je šlo za nekaj časa na bolje in vsa družina je živela mesece nepozabne medsebojne topline. Ti spomini nam sedaj dajejo moči. Jimov projekt Spomenik se razvija še naprej. Rabil je seznam iz Matice mrtvih. Potom DVD sodelovanja smo izvedeli, da Pavle Borštnik vzdržuje seznam. Spet smo ga prosili in ustregel je; seznam je imel vnešen v računalnik, prav torej, kar je Jim rabil. Rabil je nekoga, da bi programiral ta seznam. Spet je Tim svojemu bratu ustregel s svojo tehnološko sposobnostjo. Enkratno razodetje sem doživela ob obisku domačina Jožeta v starostnem domu. Videla sem, da lahko igra DVD na svoj TV. Vedno nosim v torbi vsaj en DVD in mi je prišlo na misel: podarila mu bom enega. Rad gleda domače stvari, večkrat se sliši iz njegove sobe slovenske popularne pesmi. Vtaknila sem ploščo v aparat in začel je igrati. V začetku je gledal z zanimanjem, ko pa scena ’ pokaže grobišče Kočevskega Roga, se Jože zdrzne in tresoč, ves preplašen maha z rokama in kaže na sebi. Jožeta je zadelo že več možganskih kapi. Sedi v vozičku in kot Kozina zgovori le kako besedo. Nisem ga razumela in težkega srca sem šla domov in premišljevala, s čem sem sedaj tega človeka razburila. Klicala sem njegovo sestro, mojo sošolko, v Slovenijo in dobila odgovor: Jožeta so partizani odvlekli. Znašel se je v Rogu ob času masovnih pokolov. Videl je, kako so nakladali z žico zvezane domobrance na tovornjake. Med njimi je zapazil dva svoja brata. Šel je proti njima, da bi jima pomagal, ko je partizan naperil puško na njegova prša, rekoč: “Če se takoj ne odstraniš, boš šel z njima.” Ni si težko predstavljati, kakšne nepopisno razdvojene, obupane občutke je takrat imel Jože. Kmalu za tem je prišel domov s to pretresljivo novico. Takrat petletna sestra je rekla, da se samo spominja, kako so domači kar naprej jokali. Tega joka si ni znala razlagati, bila je predzadnja od dvanajstih otrok. Čudno se mi je zdelo, da ta zgodba nam ni bila znana, saj smo bili še deset let po vojni sami med preganjanimi in zaničevani kot begunčeva družina. Rekla je: "Saj se še doma nismo upali pogovarjati o tem. Polovica vaščanov je bila naklonjena komunistom. Nikomur nismo zaupali.” Očitno je, da je Jožeta ta dogodek zaznamoval za vse življenje. S sestro se ga spominjava kot mladega fanta, ki je imel malo prijateljev, kar je Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 Sl. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESC1PTIONS razumljivo, ker so se mu kruti domačini gotovo posmehovali. Poročil se ni, vedno je bil samo v ozkem krogu znancev. Ko sem pred leti zvedela, da je Jožeta zadela možganska kap (prva), sem ga šla obiskat, toda takrat je tudi mene odvrnil, da nič ne potrebuje, čeprav je bilo očitno, da rabi pomoč. Poražena sem šla domov in mislila: “Čudno, vsi drugi so veseli obiska, domačin me pa odvrača.” Župnik Janez Kumše iz fare Marije Vnebovzete mi je povedal, da odvrača tudi njega. Leta pozneje sva s sestro opazili Jožetovo ime v seznamu Doma za ostarele in ga v strahu obiskali. Zdel se nam je spremenjen. Pogovarjali smo se o mladih letih doma, ko nama spontano privre pesem..."moja mlada leta, niso užila sveta...” Ob slovesu smo bili vsi trije v solzah. Od takrat se Jože vedno razveseli obiska, tudi Kum-šejevega. To so zgodbe, ki bi ne obstajale, če bi Korotan ne bil “zagrabil trenutka” prav pred tremi leti in odobril produkcijo DVD, če bi Metod Milač in Pavle Borštnik ne želela nekaj posebnega za Korotanovo 10. obletnico, če bi ne bilo vodstva, ki je organiziralo in izpelja- lo komemorativno turnejo, če... S ponosom reči smem, Korotanci smo! Slovenci smo! Obogateli smo slovenstvo z idejo, ki se je porodila leta 1961, in upamo, da bo bogatila še mnogo rodov. Naj si drznem v tretje preimenovati Pozdravljeno Zemljo - Blagoslovljena Zemlja! Blagoslovljeni vsi, ki z ljubeznijo delujejo, spoštujejo in čuvajo našo dragoceno izročilo! Da boste videli, da Korotan še pridno deluje in vzgaja mlade pevce in pevke, pridite na naš koncert v soboto, 19. aprila, v Slovenski narodni dom na St. Clair Ave. Pričetek koncerta ob sedmih zvečer. Dominik Janež Oseba, ki jo v gornji zgodbi imenujem “Jože”, se v resnici imenuje Dominik Janež. Ko sem ga pred nekaj meseci vprašala, če lahko objavim njegovo zgodbo, mi je odkimal, ko pa sem ga vprašala, če dovoli, ako zamenjam ime, mi je privolil. Užaloščena sedaj oznanjam njegovo smrt. Dominik, “Jože”, je umrl 26. marca zjutraj v Slo-(DALJE na str. 15) Pesmi inMelodije iz Nase Lepe Slovenije RaJf/ikii Družini* Ckivbmi r.ni meiac Ihfc Jteftirihr Drainu WC5B 8'1.) CM Mnieth 9'IQ am Sredi G-7 pm 2403 Sam rack Drive Willoughby milt, OH 44004 44IW3 JUTO? uivVw vt»: M-ww.wctb.nig V ljubeč in nepozabni spomin naši pokojni ženi in mami MARIJA ANDOLSEK ki je umrla pred osmimi leti, 6. aprila 1999. Že devet let je, Marija, odkar si nas zapustila, in za vedno odšla v večnost. Toda še vedno si v mojem in naših srcih in pogrešamo te vsaki dan bolj. Pogrešamo tvojo ljubezen, pogrešamo tvoj smehljaj, tvoje prijateljstvo. Ničesar ni, kar bi zapolnilo vrzel po tvojem odhodu, ničesar, kar bi ublažilo hudo bolečino. Počivaj v miru, draga, nepozabna mama! Ostala nam boš v nepozabnem spominu vse do konca naših življenjskih dni. Naj ti ljubi Bog povrne za vso tvojo ljubezen in tvojo dobroto. Žalujoči: mož: Pavle hčerke: Mojca, Branka, Yolanda Willoughby Hills, Ohio, 10. aprila 2008. Nova slovenska glasbena revija Glas Glasbene Matice SYRACUSE, NY - V Ljubljani, v centru Slovenije, izhaja že tretje leto glasbena revija Glas Glasbene Matice. Peter Kuhar, urednik navaja naznanja namen revije v uvodnih besedah in na začetku svojega zapisa vključi Friedrich Nietschejevo misel iz svojega dela Somrak idolov. “Brez glasbe bi bilo življenje zmota.” V prvi številki, ki nosi naslov Glasovi, beremo, da je to “prvi, poskusni snopič (...) na ogled, branje in tvorno kritiko”. Kakšni so nameni, vsebina in delovanje Glasbene Matice (GM) povezani z revijo Glas Glasbene Matice, lahko povzamemo iz sekcij “Utrinki iz delovnih skupin” in “Zamisli in pomisleki”. V bogatem programu je govor ohranjanju spomina glasbenih osebnosti, o glasbeni ustvarjalnosti, o otroškem in mladinskem petju, o zborovodstvu, o glasbeni zgodovini, o zao-žništvu, in o gospodarjenju. Za vsako od teh področij najdemo dobro podprto razlago za njihovo vključitev. Novi predsednik GM Ljubljana, Marko Vatovec, poda smernice GM s sle- V blag nepozabljen spomin Ob 14. obletnici smrti našega očeta, starega očeta, prastarega očeta in brata IVAN RIGLER Umrl je 1. aprila 1994 Štirinajst let je že poteklo, odkar si nas zapustil, a v duhu si še vedno med nami. Počivaj v miru, in na svidenje nad zvezdami. Žalujoči ostali: Žena - Frances Sinova - Joseph in Anthony Hčerka - Mary Ann in njih družine Brat - Lojze z družino v Torontu, Kanada Sestra - Joža z družino v Sloveniji ter ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki, Kanadi in Sloveniji. dečim poudarkom: "Ni- smo tu zato, ker bi želeli koga spodriniti ali zamenjati, ne, tu smo zato, ker želimo dopolnjevati, sodelovati, ker želimo soustvarjati slovenski glasbeni kulturni prostor.” Predsednik Vatovec poleg tega poudarja besedo “slovenski” in posreduje vrsto razlogov za to pomembno odločitev. Kot enega izmed zanimivih člankov tega prvega poskusnega snopiča, bi lahko omenil zapis Jasne Novak Nemec, “Šantlove upodobitve slovenskih glasbenikov”. Reprodukcijo te oljnate slike velikega formata, ki visi v mali dvorani Slovenske filharmonije, najdemo na straneh 14 in 15. prvega snopiča. Avtorica Novak Nemec je napisala ta članek na podlagi dokumentov Glasbenega oddelka Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice (NUK) v Ljubljani. Zelo zanimivo branje z mnogimi podatki o stopnjah, ki so privedle do te stvaritve, in o slikarju in akademiku Šaši Šantlu (1883-1945). Ta snopič vsebuje tudi zapis Clevelandčana Josepha Valenčiča “Glasbena Matica Cleveland,” povzetek iz knjižice “Glasbena Matica - 75 Years of Harmony, Diamond Jubilee V BLAG SPOMIN 11. obletnice smrti našega nepozabljenega očeta in starega očeta JOSEPH KLOBASA ki nas je za vedno zapustil 14. aprila 1997 Minilo je že let enajst, odkar si nas zapustil Ti. Smrt Ti vzela je življenje, končala Tvoje je trpljenje. Tvoji žalujoči: Ivanka Brumen - hčerka Lojze Brumen - zet Marjan - vnuk ter drugi sorodniki v Sloveniji. Concert, 19. november 2005”. Naslednje številke - v nekoliko manjšem formatu in z novim imenom Glas Glasbene Matice - sledijo smernicam, ki so bile predlagane v prvem snopiču. Dosedaj je izšlo sedem številk. Revijo odlikuje pomembno slikovno gradivo preteklih in današnjih časov, odličen format in jasno predstavljeno vsebino slovenske glasbe skozi desetletja. Posebna izdaja. Glas 6, februar 2008, je namenjena spominu Jane- POZDRAVLJENA ZEMLJA (nadaljevanje s str. 14) venskem domu za ostarele na Neff Rd. Vesela sem, da sem spoznala tega skrivnostnega človeka in da sva končno imela prijateljske odnose. V poseben privi-legij pa so mi bili obiski zadnje dni in ure njegovega težkega življenja. Z veseljem sem bila povezana z njegovo sestro Darinko (omenjeno v zgodbi) in domačimi v sodraški okolici. Ganljivo mi je bilo biti prisotna z njegovo nečakinjo in oskrbnico Jelko ob truplu njenega strica. To je bil čas, ko se človek zaveda, da je “zagrabil pravi trenutek”. Naj mu Bog podeli mir v večnosti, skupaj z mučenikoma, bratoma Tonetom in Stankom in še ostalimi člani številne družine, ki so odšli v večnost pred njim. M. K. za Boleta (7. marec 1919 - 2. februar 2007), enega najpomembnejših vodij zborovskega petja v Sloveniji. Kulturno društvo Glasbena Matica Ljubljana je že leta 2004 izdala knjižico: 130 let Glasbene Matice: zbornik prispevkov s Strokovnega posveta ob 130-letnici Glasbene Matice v Ljubljani, 14. novembra 2003 (uredil Aleš Nagode). Na 132 straneh najdemo marsikaj o zgodovini GM kakor tudi podrobnosti težav, ki jih je GM utrpela med leti 1945-1947, ko ji je bilo odvzeto njeno obsežno glasbeno delovanje in je bila skrčena na pevski Pred nedavnim je izšla v Sloveniji obsežna monografija z gornjim naslovom in podnaslovom. Avtor knjige je Aleš Nose. Vodja trženja pri založbi Aleš Vesel je posredoval podatke o knjigi in podrobnejšo predstsavitev tako knjige kot avtorja. Ese to je posredovano bralcem, pripomnil pa bi, da je cena knjige 49 evrov in Je treba upoštevati, da je evro danes vreden več kot $1.50, torej je knjiga sorazmerno draga. Ur. O knjigi... O zgodovini druge svetovne vojne na Slovenskem je bilo napisanega že veliko. Največ so pisali udeleženci, tako na partizanski kot tudi na njej nas- zbor. Vse imetje je bilo podržavljeno. Po letu 1991, v novi državi Sloveniji, je GM vzelo dolgih in težkih sedem let za dosego poprave in za njeno na novo načrtovano delovanje v pomoč in vzpodbudo slovenski glasbi. K razširjenemu delovanju doma in po svetu, želimo Glasbeni Matici in njeni novi reviji veliko uspehov. Naslov uredništva: Kulturno društvo Glasbena Matica Ljubljana, Vegova 5, Sl - 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, oz.: http://www.kulturnodrustvo-gmlj.sl. glasbena.matica@siol.net Metod Milač protni strani, ki so predvsem medsebojno polemizirali. Ta knjiga je drugačna, napisal je ni udeleženec vojne niti profesionalni zgodovinar, avtorja je zanimalo predvsem dogajanje v t. i. protirevolucionarnem oziroma protikomunističnem taboru. Opisuje ga na način, ki ne polemizira, temveč predstavlja. Sistematično pred-(Dalje na str. 16) Our Rate* 5.10% KSK144/ Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for representative agent near you! *Rate guaranteed for 12 months on a 7-Year plan. Rates may change without notice. ...Rad bi prodal svojo NEPREMIČNINO V SLOVENIJI, ampak kako ? Mi vam bomo pomagali, da prodate svojo nepremičnino • Zemija-parcela, hiša, stanovanjc • Apartma, kmeti ja, počitniška hiša Pokličite nas, pošljite fax ali c mail! Imamo družinsko tradicijo PALAČA NEPREMIČNINE d.o*o. Ul. 6. .lunija I2A Sl-1295 Ivančna Gorica GSM: 00386 41 56 00 68 Telefax: 00386 1 78 78 040 c mail: palaca@siol.iiet Your Bank s Rate 2.50% Domobranci zdravo-Bog daj Protikomunistične enote na Slovenskem 1942-1945 Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1620. V začetku leta se je oglasila s. misijonarka Mirjam Praprotnik, ki deluje v Albaniji in piše zelo zanimivo o delu med revnimi, ki trkajo na njihova vrata za pomoč. “Draga ga. Celestina! Po dolgem času je prav, da Vas obiščem s prisrčno zahvalo za Vaše drago pismo, ki sem ga nedavno prejela. Pošta do nas še vedno po polževo prihaja, čeprav živimo v internetsko-elektronski dobi. Čeprav sem v molitvi zelo povezana z Vami, nikakor več ne najdem časa za svojo obširno korespondenco. Tako sem letos le redkim uspela napisati dobre želje za že minule praznike. Prepričana sem, da je Jezus mojo nesposobnost nadomestil s svojo milostjo vsem mojim dragim, ki so bili prvikrat deležni mojega prazničnega molka. Preveč je revnih družin, bolnikov, invalidov, ki morajo imeti v apostolskem delu usmiljenk prvo mesto. Drugi pridejo na vrsto šele takrat, če kaj časa ostane. Prosim, ne zamerite mi, ker je uvod tako dolg. Rada bi, da ne bi bili nejevoljni, ker sem Vam in toliko drugim poslala praznične pozdrave po Jezusu. Ta pač ni napisal pisma, ampak je prav gotovo globoko v srca razlil svojih odrešenjskih milosti. To pa je več vredno kot vsa pisma vsega sveta. Posebej Bog plačaj za poslani dar, kar sem v redu prejela. So v fondu Božje Previdnosti v moji celici z namenom, da bom nabavljala za darovani denar živila za najbolj uboge in za nakup zdravil za revne bolnike. Naš g. župnik bo daroval sv. mašo za pokojne dobrotnice sestrice Mlinar in za pokojne: Frank Kuhel, Matt Plečnik, Marjan Kosem in Andrej Cupar tudi. Eno sv. mašo bo daroval za Vaš vse, ki nam stojite ob strani, in za blagoslov Vaši blagajni, vsem dobrotnikom in vsem sodelavcem. S sosestrami hvaležne želimo zdravo in milosti polno leto! V albanskem misijonu imamo vsi misijonarji veliko dela. Najprej s pokristjanjevanjem, ko je prejšnji ateistični režim skoraj uničil korenine vseh verstev. Evangelij oznanjati pa je ljudem, ki so lačni in na robu preživetja, težko. Zato se vsi misijonarji trudimo po svojih močeh ljudem tudi materialno pomagati. Kako hvaležni smo našim dobrotnikom, ki nam tudi omogočajo lajšati stisko naših ljudi. Brezposelnost je nad 60%. Kako hvaležna sem za vsakega dobrotnika, odkar sem že 16 let v Albaniji in čutim kot da je podaljšana roka Previdnosti, kar ste tudi vsi dragi naši dobrotniki člani Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije. Bogu se kar naprej zahvaljujem, da kljub moji starosti še vedno imam moč, vidim, slišim, imam spomin, kar vse čutim, da je velik dar, da še lahko delam za te uboge revne bolnike. Zelo se Vam priporočam v molitev. Prosim, pozdravite vse Vaše, ki imajo odprto srce za revne ljudi. Bodimo trdno povezani med seboj z molitvijo in Evharistijo, da bomo nekoč skupaj vso večnost zahvaljevali Gospodu za ljubezen, ki nam jo je z Evharistijo izkazal do konca. S toplimi pozdravi bo brezjanski Mariji Vaša hvaležna sestra Mirjam s sosestrami!” Kako lepo Bog ureja naše življenje in pošilja vsakega na svoja mesta, da vrši delo, ki ga čaka. Misijonar p. Martin Kmetec se je oglasil Celestinovi: V LJUBEČI SPOMIN ob drugi obletnici smrti drage žene, mame, stare mame, sestre in tete Mary Maršič V luči večni ti počivaj, dobroto, milost božjo uživaj. V duhu vedno smo s teboj in z nami vedno duh je tvoj. Žalujoči: mož Dušan, sin Martin, hčerka Verica snaha Marija, vnuka Niko in Andreja, ter sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji. “Spoštovana! Znova se Vam oglašam iz Turčije, tokrat z iskreno hvaležnostjo za poslani dar, ki je zame znamenje božje naklonjenosti in dobrote. Tukaj v Turčiji tako Cerkev kot posamezniki živimo le od pomoči dobrotnikov. Letošnji dar je res obilen, naj Bog povrne vam vsem s svojo neskončno ljubeznijo Moje življenje tukaj v Samsunu se počasi steka h koncu. Ostali so mi še trije meseci, potem me bo zamenjal italijanski duhovnik g. Giuliano, jaz pa še ne vem točno, kam me bodo poslali. Sedaj sem na razpolago škofu, da grem kjer ni trenutno drugega duhovnika. Najprej si prizadevamo, da ohranjamo odprto cerkev in živo navzočnost, čeprav je ponekod le peščica vernikov. Situacija je zelo težka, saj nas mnogi nimajo radi in mislijo, da je krščanstvo nekaj slabega. Predvsem si prizadevam, da bi živel svojo duhovniško življenje zvesto Bogu, da bi pričeval za evangelij tudi takrat, ko je težko. Bolj ko tečejo leta, bolj se zavedam, da je velika milost biti duhovnik. Bogu se vsak dan zahvaljujem za poklic in ga prosim, da bi mogel še naprej dobro opravljati svojo službo. Danes praznujemo god sv. Cirila in Metoda, ki sta oznanjala evangelij našim dedom. Bog daj, da bi tudi v bodoče bilo dovolj dobrih duhovnikov, ki bodo oznanjali evangelij našemu narodu in Evropi, ki se je zelo oddaljila od Boga. Pa s tem namenom ostanimo povezani. Ob koncu teh vrstic bi se vam še enkrat zahvalil za poslani dar. Bog blagoslovi vas in vašo družino ter vse prijatelje misijonov. Mir in vse dobro. Že sedaj vam voščim blagoslovljene velikonočne praznike, p. Martin Kmetec.” Velikonočna doba je do Binkošti, torej še vedno lahko voščimo k temu velikemu prazniku vse najboljše! Naj se to velikonočno veselje z nami spremlja še naprej od Binkošti— je naša iskrena želja. Prav lep misijonski pozdrav od nas vseh! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 11) Donald L. Močnik Umrl je 79 let stari Donald L. Močnik, mož Patricije, roj. Larko, oče Don-a, Marie Simms, Josepha, Fran Cunningham, Joanne Vila, Thomasa, Betty Hočevar in že pok. Rosemary, 9-krat stari oče, brat Marion Croak, Johna Marinko in že pok. Franka. Pogreb je bil 31. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Margarete Marije s pokopom na Vernih duš V drag in lep spomin ob četrti obletnici smrti JOŽE JURŠIČ Umrl 28. marca 2004 V luči večni Ti počivaj, dobroto, milost božjo uživaj. Oh, grenko je le to, ker si prezgodaj vzel slovo. Čeprav v hladnem grobu spiš, v naših srcih še živiš. Tvoji žalujoči: žena Rezka sinova Jože z družino, in Janez z ženo Kimberly hčerka Marija ter ostalo sorodstvo pokopališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin omenjeni cerkvi na 4217 Bluestone Rd., S. Euclid, OH 44121. Mary F. Hočevar Umrla je 94 let stara Mary F. Hočevar iz Wick-liffa, hčerka že pok. Vincenta in Mary Hočevar, sestra Frances Urankar, Vincenta, Josepha in Franka (vsi že pok.), teta. Pogreb je bil 27. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda. Albina J. Pozelnik Umrla je 86 let stara Albina J. Pozelnik, rojena Perko, sestra Anthonyja in že pok. Mary, Victorja in Mary, faranka celo življenje pri sv. Vidu, graduantka svetovidske farne šole, članica zveze graduantov te šole ter članica AMLA št. 27 in SŽZ št. 25, 42 let je bila zaposlena pri Richman Bros. Pogreb je bil 26. marca v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Darovi v pokojničin spomin fari sv. Vida, 6019 Lausche Ave. bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. Raymond J. Svigel Umrl je 79 let stari Raymond J. Svigel iz Kirtlanda, vdovec po Josephine, roj. Longar, oče Michaela J. in že pok. Paula, 6-krat stari oče, brat Rudyja in Mary Ann Knerr. Pogreb je bil 31. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi Church of the Divine Word v Kirtlandu. Protikomunistične enote med vojno (nadaljevanje s str. 15) stavi vse formacije, poveljniški kader in enote, ki so se v taki ali drugačni obliki uvrščale v protipartizanski tabor. Na 445 straneh velikega formata je objavljenih več kot 1000 fotografij, pečatov, opis tipov in modelov uniform, kap, čelad, odlikovanj, opreme in oborožitve: avtorjev originalen prispevek so raznovrstna identitetna obeležja oziroma znaki teh vojska. Veliko število dokumentov, nekateri so objavljeni v celoti, ne ponazarja le notranje strukturiranosti, temveč tudi vsakdanje življenje legionarjev, vaških stražarjev, četnikov in domobrancev. Predvsem pa nam osebne zgodbe, ki so pogosto edino pričevanje o dogodkih, pomagajo podoživeti vojni čas v vsej krutosti. Pred nami se zvrstijo resnični ljudje, njihove usode v boju (Turjak, Javorovica), njihove parade in pogrebi ter pretresljivo fotografsko dokumentiran umik čez Karavanke v Vetrinj. Avtor je v knjigo vključil gradivo iz javnih arhivov in muzejev ter mnogih zasebnih zbirk, ki je bilo doslej širši slovenski javnosti večinoma neznano. O avtorju Aleš Nose (1968) je diplomiral iz slikarstva na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani. Kot dolgoletni zbiralec vojaških ostalin je soustanovitelj in predsednik Društva za zaščito in ohranjanje vojaške zapuščine na Slovenskem. Predvsem ga zanima obdobje 2. svetovne vojne, še posebno se je usmeril v delovanje protirevolucionarnega tabora. Z Muzejem novejše zgodovine Slovenije je sodeloval pri več odmevnih razstavah. Njegovo desetletno delo obsega zbiranje materiala na terenu in raziskavo arhivskega gradiva v arhivih in muzejih. Naslov založbe: Modrijan založba d. o. o. Poljanska cesta 15 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija in še: www. modrijan .si ales.vesel@modrijan.si