Naslov — Address NOVA DOBA 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio (Tel. HEnderson 3889) 1 (NEW ERA) URADNO GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE — OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC LaTHOLIC UNION N a d r e d e k J. S. K. Jednote ni odvisen samo od splošnih razmer, ampak v mnofo večji meri od naše agilnosti. "— Entered as Second Class Matter April 15th, 1926, at The Post Office at Cleveland, O., Under the Act of March 3d, 1870. — Accepted for Mailing at Special Rate of Postage, Provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3d. 1917, Authorized March 15th, 1925. — — — 11 - — .... — ■ ■ - ........................................................................................................................................................................................... *0. 31 __ gTEV. 31 CLEVELAND, 0., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3D 1932 — SREDA, 3. AVGUSTA 1932 VOL. VIII. — LETNIK VIII. Vpisnik 14. redne konvencije '%:e se v Indianapolisu, Ind., od 25. julija do 2. avgusta 1932. Prva seja 25. julija 1932 dopoldne k Glavni predsednik sobrat Paul Bartel je otvoril 14. redno Oivencijo JSKJ s primernim pozdravnim govorom in s pozi-da zborovalci delujejo složno in prevdarno v korist celome organizacije, ob osmi uri zjutraj. V znak sožalja za vsemi plimi člani JSKJ, ki so preminili od zadnje konvencije, kon-^'ija vstane za eno minuto. soglasju z zbornico predsednik Bartel imenuje sledeče dele-•®v poverilni odbor: Peter Culig od št. 15, Joseph Pogačar i 26, John Lamuth od št. 30, Anton Motz od št. 22 in Anton j^nik od št. 27. Poverilnice članov poverilnega odbora pregleda aVll> nadzorni odbor in jih najde v redu. Pri oddaji poverilnic gotovi, da so navzoči v uradnem seznamku navedeni delegati, c‘n treh; mesti dveh prijavljenih delegatov zavzemata natika, društvi št. 86 in 168, ki sta volili skupnega delegata, ^mata niti delegata niti namestnika na konvenciji, overilni odbor je po pregledu poverilnic poročal, da je dele-' j1 rank Pečnik od št. 42 pozabil ali izgubil svojo poverilnico; >ma glavni tajnik v rokah duplikat, se na priporočilo poveva odbora prizna delegat Pečnik polnomočnim delegatom. 3°Verilnica delegata društva št. 114, sobrata Ivana Tauzella, Po mnenju poverilnega odbora sporna. Po precejšni debati J bil nato sprejet predlog, da je poverilnica sobrata Tauzella v , 11 in omenjeni sobrat priznan polnomočnim delegatom, dokler ,eWde njegova zadeva na vrsto pred odborom za pritožbe in PrS'e. ,,Glede časa, oziroma ur konvenčnega zborovanja se po različni Pojasnilih sklene, da konvencija zboruje od polu devete j '^) ‘ure zjutraj do poldneva in od polu dveh (1:30) popol-,e do šeste ure zvečer; med dopoldansko in popoldansko sejo dovoli 15 minut odmora. Po debati, da-li naj sedijo delegati Jjtevilčnem redu svojih društev ali ne, se sklene, da zborovalci *° sedijo, kakor jim ugaja. I a dnevni red konvencije osvoji zbornica provizorični dnevni m ’ ^ je bil priobčen v uradnem glasilu, z določbo, da iz istega j(Ne točka deveta, tikajoča se čitanja poročil'- krajevnih dru^ Č:° delegatu društva št. 174 predložena resolucija, po kateri lit ^-Slavni, predsednik bil pripoznan p^dgednikQm..ktiiiYanfcije, j .0 ako podpredsednica v svojem činu, ter da razne odbore 1 enuJe predsednik, ker da bi se s tem prihranilo mnogo časa. dobiia dovolj podpore in je bila odklonjena. j\ 6dij0 nominacije kandidatov za konvenčnega predsednika, ^inirani so sledeči: Paul Bartel, Matt Anzelc, Rudolph Ple-Louis'Balant in Louis J. Pirc. Ker so. vsi drugi kandi L''ro odklonili, je bil sobrat Matt Anzelc od društva št. 85 2 ten za predsednika konvencije. l4,a Prvega podpredsednika so bili nominirani: Anton Mahne, °lph Pleteršek in Jacob Muhvich. Sobrata Mahne in Muh-|L odklonila kandidaturo, torej je bil prvim podpredsednici konvencije izvoljen sobrat Rudolph Pleteršek od društva \\ • Za drugega podpredsednika je bil nominiran sobrat Louis 1% .°!ar 0(i angleško poslujočega društva št. 180, in ker ni imel J^ije, je bil izvoljen soglasno. Prvega konvenčnega zapisnikarja se prizna in potrdi so-|Ht .Anton J. Terbovec, ki je za ta posel določen že v smislu |j*|Vil- Kandidata za drugega zapisnikarja sta bila prijavljena Janko N. Rogelj in delegat Jacob Muhvich. Pri glaso-'• J,u z listki, je dobil sobrat Rogelj 91 glasov, sobrat Muhvich sobrat Janko N. Rogelj od društva št. 173 je bil torej L Jen drugim zapisnikarjem. Zapisnikarska plača za drugega ' ^ikarja se določi na $5.00 dnevno, poleg običajnih dnevnic. L 'ede čitanja brzojavnih in pismenih pozdravov se sklene, da i?^a to porabi pet do 15 minut pred zaključkom vsake seje, L-op Je pač potrebno z ozirom na količino došle korespondence. nato prečita pozdravno brzojavko od Mr. William Rusa, L.nega tajnika SSPZ, pismo Indianapolis Convention and Pub-I J Bureau in od društva Triglav, št. 147. I e‘egat društva št. 66 poroča nato, da ima pripravljene za L'begate številke njihovih društev, katere je nabavil sam, L j stroškov za organizacijo, in priporoča, da delegati rabijo Ivpilke mesto vzdiganja rok, kadar se prijavljajo za besedo, k. a bo zelo olajšalo delo obeh podpredsednikov, ki pazita na _ aVe zborovalcev k. besedi, preprečilo možnost, da se tako (j|^° Prezre ali zamenja prijavljene govornike in sploh prepre-i{ J^So zamud in prerekanj. Na tozadevni stavljen predlog y v nica sklenila, da se delegati, ki se prijavljajo k besedi, j^ujejo številk svojih društev, mesto da dvigajo roke. 1^ :em je bil dnevni red dopoldanskega zasedanja izčrpan, in tn'V Je bila ura že čez poldne, zaključi konvenčni predsednik tty Sejo, s pozivom, da naj bodo zborovalci točno na mestu o n dveh popoldne. ANZELC, ANTON J. TERBOVEC, eilčni predsednik. zapisnikar. ^ Druga seja, 25. julija 1932, popoldne ^0°nVenČni predsednik Matt Anzelc zaprične zborovanje ob Popoldne. Poziva delegacijo, da si nabavi konvenčne števil-j)1* delegatu Franku Vranichar-ju. CVerilni odbor poroča, da je dobil poverilnico delegata Franka ka, od društva št. 42, Pueblo, Colo. Se vzame v naznanje. 1^’lien, podpiran in sprejet je predlog, da konvenčni pred-iVh ^nienuje za vsako sejo vratarja. Za popoldansko sejo je ^°van delegat Valentin Murn. 'it^di sugestija, da bi se klicalo delegate v skupnosti po drža-'-ije’ Pri čemur bi se prihranilo precej časa. Od strani delega-■t^^de pojasnilo, da tega ne moremo storiti, ker smo že ItJf na dopoldanski seji konvenčni zborovalni red, ki je bil Cen v Novi Dobi. Zato se preide na čitanje imen delegatov ■°nv, in delegatinj, kakor tudi glavnega odbora. Navzo&i so vsi, razven urednika A. J. Terbovec-a, ki piše zapisnik. Društvi 86 in 168 nista poslali delegata. V odbor za resolucije so sprejeli nominacijojjsledeči: L. J. Pirc, Jos. Sneller, Karčič, Fr. Jerič, Ivan Kapelj, Mahne in Muh-vič. Stavljen, podpiran in sprejet je predlog, da se proglasi vseh sedem izvoljenim v odbor za resolucije naj-14. redni konvenciji. Konvenčni predsednik naznani nominacijo v odbor za pravila. Tajnik, v odboru za provizorična pravila opozaija sejo, da se mora preje porušiti predlog glavnega odbora, ki določuje in nalaga dolžnost temu odboru, da sestavi potrebijia provizorična pravila za konvencijo. Glavni tajnik pojasnuje, da ima ta konvencija|moč in oblast, da razpusti ta odbor ter izvoli svoj konvenčni oqbor, ki sestavi svoja pravila ter jih predloži konvenciji. Poročk nadalje konvenciji, da je sestavil v zadnjih šestih tednih svoja provizorična pravila, katera je predložil vsakemu članu in članici 14. konvencije. Pri tem naglaša, da bi konvenčni odbor za pravila prečital njegova provizorična pravila ter jih primerjal s; provizoričnimi pravili, katera so bila priobčena v uradnem glasilu. Drugi član odbora za provizorična pravila poudarja ponovno, da je glavni odbor izvolil in pooblastil odbor, ki je delal skozi šest mesecev, da je mogel priobčiti provizorična pravila v uradnem glasilu. Zdi se mu neumestno, da bi to teižko delo sedaj konvencija zavrgla. Od strani delegacije se vprašuje, koliko odborov imamo za pravila in če konvencija voli še enega. Delegaciji; se pojasni, da bi bil to nov odbor, ki bi primerjal pravila odbora in pravila glavnega tajnika. Predsednik nadzornega odbora poseže v razpravo tega vprašanja ter kritizira delovanje glavnega tajnika, ki je na svojo roko sestavil provizorična pravila za to konvencijo. Pojasnuje, da so bili izvoljeni v ta odbor trije člani glavnega odbora ter temu odboru prideljena še dva svetovalca, to je gjavni tajnik in vrhovni zdravnik. Da ni potreba novega odbora, dokazuje s tem, da čita točko iz pravil, ki določuje konvenčne odbore. Glavni tajnik v daljšem nagovoru pojasnuje, da je bil ta odbor v resnici izvoljen na seji glavnega odbora, toda je bil meseca januarja tega leta razpuščen, nakar je bil samo odbor enega, ki sestavi ta pravila. Toda na razne proteste ,da ja bil razpuščen prejeomenjeni odbor, so glavni odborniki pristali;! na to, da se zopet pokliče razpuščeni odbor, ki naj gre na delo. Bil je mnenja, da bo ta odbor poslal njemu kopijo provizoričnih pravil, nakar Ijii on lahko ^velctval, in.dp.d&jal popravke, ki so potrebni v sedanjih pravilih. Ponovno apelira na delegacijo, da oh ne bo nič užaljen, ako se sprejmejo v poštev njegova pravila-, in da je pri vsem tem imel le dober namen, da koristi Jednoti ter pripomore do izboljšanja pravil. Tajnik odbora za provizorična pravila poda svoje poročilo, ki se glasi: Cenjena delegacija: Provizorična pravila, katere se bo predložilo konvenciji, je sestavil odbor za provizorična pravila, kateri je bil imenovan na izredni seji glavnega odbora meseca oktobra lansko leto v mestu Chicago, 111. V ta odbor so bili imenovani sobratje: John Movern, William B. Laurich in Anton Okolish. Tajnikom tega odbora je bil imenovan od prvih dveh Anton Okolish. Svetovah cem temu odboru so bili istotam imenovani sobratje: Anton Zbašnik in dr. Arch. Takoj po omenjeni seji se je odbor podal na svoje delo in do prvega januarja letos je bilo izgotovljenih približno polovico provizoričnih pravil. Aktualno delo, to je, sestavo vseh provizoričnih pravil sta izvršila: John Movern in Anton Okolish. Ostali zgoraj imenovani pa so večkrat kaj svetovali, bodisi sami ali kadar se jih j9 prosilo. Na letni seji glavnega odbora na Ely, Minnesota, meseca januarja 1932 pa je bil stavljen in sprejet predlog, da se odbor za sestavo provizoričnih pravil razpusti in da se sestavo pravil izroči izključno glavnemu tajniku. Pojasnilo se nam je, da se namreč misli kopirati za našo jednoto pravila Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice, katera pravila da so naredili advokati in katera da obsegajo vse take določbe, katere bi bile potrebne in primerne za našo jednoto. Jaz podpisani in sobrat Movern nisva bila s tem zadovoljna. Smatrala sva, da ni pravega povoda za razpust odbora za sestavo pravil, posebno še zato ne, ker je bilo takrat že približno polovico pravil izdelanih. Kopiranje pravil za našo jednoto se nam je tudi zdelo sramoten inzult na inteligenco našega članstva, ker na tak način bi jasno in javno povedali, da nima naša Jednota zadosti zmožnih ljudi, ki bi bili v stanu sestaviti svoja pravila, kot se je to delalo že od početka naše jednote. Nadalje sva jaz podpisani in sobrat Movern smatrala, da je v interesu naše jednote, da je poverjena naloga za sestavo pravil več osebam in ne samo eni Sobratu Movernu, kateri je bil navzoč na dotični letni seji glavnega odbora, se je do takrat izdelana pravila, katera je hotel predložiti na seji, enostavno prečrtalo s svinčnikom, brez da se bi jih bilo pregledalo. Naposled je sobrat Zbašnik stavil pismen predlog glavnim odbornikom (ici), da se naj sklep le.tne seje tikajoč se odbora za sestavo provizoričnih pravil razveljavi in da naj ostanejo v odboru za sestavo pravil še nadalje tisti, ki so bili v to pooblaščeni na izredni seji glavnega odbora v Chicago, 111. Predlog je bil sprejet in midva s sobratom Movernom sva se v mesecu marcu zopet podala na delo, katero je bilo vsled omenjenega sklepa letne seje glavnega odbora zaostalo. Delo odbora je bilo otežkočeno tudi vsled tega, ker sobrat Zbašnik, kot se je pismeno izrazil, ne more vsled velikega dela v glavnem uradu pomagati in sodelovati z odborom za pravila. Ravno take in še bolj neaktiven, s par izjemami, je bil tudi sobrat Laurich. Izjema je bil vrhovni zdravnik dr. Arch, kateri je vsekdar rad pomagal in svetoval, kadar se ga je prosilo. Sobrat Zbašnik je sicer poslal svoja priporočila in nasvete, ali to šele takrat, ko so bila skoro že vsa pravila izgotovljena. Ob enem s priporočili je poslal tudi nov načrt, kako sestaviti pravila. Temu se ni moglo ugoditi, ker to bi bilo pomenilo začetek vsega dela zopet od kraja. Delo odbora se je vršilo potom korespondence in je bilo zamudno, ali pomisliti pa se mora, da je bilo na tak način prihranjenih jednoti precej stroškov, ki bi bili nastali, ako se bi bil odbor nalašč za to sestal pred začetkom konvencije, Pravila so zrcalo jednote, katera se po njih kaže ne samo članstvu in da se vedo ti po njih ravnati, ampak tudi vsem tistim, kateri mislijo pristopiti pod okrilje naše matere-jednote. Dobra in zadosti jasna in razločna pravila dosti pomagajo pri agitaciji za nove člane in potreba je, da damo istim več pozornosti, kot je to navada na konvencijah. Odbor za pravila se tem potom zahvaljuje vsem, ki so svetovali in tako pomagali pri delu, katero je nam bilo naročeno po glavnem odboru in katerega smo izvršili, kot je bilo v naši moči in pod danimi okoliščinami. Pred par dnevi sem bil pismeno obveščen po glavnem predsedniku naše jednote, da je sobrat Zbašnik pripravil svoja provizorična pravila, katera da bo predložil konvenciji, in da se ne ve, katera pravila bo delegacija sprejela. Glede tega moram pripomniti, da se mi zdi tako ravnanje očitno varanje članstva in tudi odbora za pravila. Pravila odbora so bila namreč uradno priobčena v našem glasilu, sporazumno z glavnim odborom, in pri sestavi istih so sodelovali člani glavnega odbora, društva in članstvo potom priporočil in nasvetov. Ista je čitalo članstvo, med tem ko nikakor ne bo časa preštudirati pravil sobrata Zbašnika.. Za odbor za pravila: Anton Okolish, tajnik. Drugi član odbora za pravila ponovno pojasnuje, kako se je volilo, odstavilo in zopet postavilo sedanji odbor. Poudarja, da so pravila, ki so bila priobčena v Novi Dobi bolj demokratična, kot na konvenciji predložena pravila po glavnem tajniku. Glavni tajnik zanikuje obdolžitve odbora za provizorična pravila ter dostavlja, da se mu je zdelo zelo potrebno, da se uredi naša pravila tako, kot jih imajo druge organizacije. V sedanjih pravilih so točke in določbe pod različnimi poglavji in odstavki, in če kdo išče gotovo točko, jo ne more najti. Nadalje podčrtava, da je pač glavni tajnik tisti, k! ima največ vpogleda, kjer se mora izboljšati pravila z ozirom na potrebe in preiskušnje, na katere naleti pri tajniškem poslu v glavnem uradu. Potrjuje, da je kopiral iz pravil drugih bratskih organizacij, kakor je tudi kopiral odbor za provizorična pravila. Zopet opozarja konvencijo, da ne sili svoja pravila, da jih sprejme, ampak naj bi pregledala oboja pravila ter primerjala. Po končnem delu naj bi novoizvoljeni konvenčni odbor predložil sedanji konvenciji pravila, ki bi najbolj odgovarjala sedanjim potrebam. -Delegat-, opozarja zborovalce, da naj že Itettttftrs' pregovarjanjem, ki je slično pričkanju, kdo je več zmožen v glavnem odboru. Od strani delegacije je stavljen predlog, da se izvoli pet delegatov v konvenčni odbor za provizorična pravila, ki s sedanjim odborom za provizorična pravila preštudira obojna provizorična pravila ter prinese rezultat pred zbornico. Predlog podpiran. Stavljen je predlog, podpiran in sprejet, da se debatiranje o tem predlogu zaključi. O tem predlogu morejo govoriti le oni delegati, ki so priglašeni in zapisani na govorniški listi. Razvije se dolgo debatiranje za in proti, sledi pojasnjevanje in razlaganje, kaj bi bilo boljše. Med tem je tudi stavljen proti-predlog, da se izvoli v ta odbor samo tri člane. Predlog je bil tudi podpiran. Nato tudi tretji član odbora za provizorična pravila poda svoje mišljenje, v katerem dokazuje, da nas ni potreba biti sram, ako kopiramo iz drugih pravil bratskih jednot. Tudi države sprejemajo in kopirajo zakonike drugih držav, če se jim zdijo primerni in pravični. Glavno pri delu je dobro to, da ima človek dober namen ter da dela v korist Jednote. Glavni tajnik izpove, da bi ga nikoli ne napotilo do pisanja njegovih provizoričnih pravil, da ni videl v prvem priobčen ju provizoričnih pravil v Novi Dobi pogreške, katerih ni pričakoval. On je mislil, da bo izvoljeni odbor podal jasna in krajša pravila od sedanjih pravil. Nasprotno pa je videl, da so pravila še večja in bolj zapletena. Le iz tega namena je predložil konvenciji svoja pravila, katera naj novoizvoljeni odbor sprejme ali zavrže. Govorniška lista izčrpana ter se preide na glasovanje. Na glasovanje pride protipredlog, da se izvoli tri člane. Pri glasovanju dobi 42 glasov. Glasuje se o predlogu za pet članov konvenčnega odbora za pravila. Predlog sprejet z veliko večino glasov. Sledi nominacija; sprejeli so nominacijo sledeči: Brezovec. Hiti, Pirc, Vranichar, Eržen, Pogačar, Dremel, Costello, Prevec, Mahne in Kosoglov. Pri glasovanju dobijo sledeče število glasov: Brezovec 50, Hiti 80, Vranichar 64, Dremel 35, Costello 53, Prevec 26, Mahne 52, Kosoglav 55, Pirc 76, Pogačar 69 in Eržen 67. Izvoljeni so v konvenčni odbor za pravila sledeči: Hiti, Vranichar, Pogačar, Eržen in Pirc. Med štetjem glasov je sledil 15-minutni odmor. Takoj!po odmoru je bil stavljen, podpiran in sprejet predlog, da se mora poverilni odbor vselej odstraniti v sobo, kadar šteje glasove. Preide se na odbor za prošnje in pritožbe. Stavljen, podpiran in sprejet je predlog, da se voli v ta odbor dvanajst delegatov. Nominacijo so sprejeli sledeči: Zalar, Kramar, Mertelj, Kosoglav, L. Balant, Porenta, Spolar, Fr. Pezdir, J. Muhvich, Žigman, Korenčič, Orehek, Schutte, Maček, Petritz, Krefel, Benkše, Sneller, Petchnik, Kern, Mauser, sestra Champa, Zunich, Kompare, Klemenčič in Vogrich. Poverilni odbor razdeli in pobere volilne listke ter prosi konvencijo, da odide zapisnikar Terbovec z njimi k štetju glasov. Delegacija dovoli. Stavljen je predlog, da v slučaju, ako bi imel kateri izmed izvoljenih članov odbora za prošnje in pritožbe pri svojem delu opravka z obtožencem ali prositeljem, na katerega ga veže krvno sorodstvo, da v takem slučaju prepusti delo namestniku. Predlog je bil podpiran ter po kratkih pojasnilih tudi sprejet. Stavljen, podpiran in sprejet je tudi predlog, da se odstrani Dalje na drugi strani VSAK PO SVOJE Ko bodo te vrstice zagledale prelestno idilo Pasjih dni, si bo večina slavne delegacije že otresla konvenčni prah s svojih čevljev pred pragovi domačih wigwamov, in le nekateri samotni potniki bodo še predli po-konvenčne misli na mehkih sedežih železniških vozov. Gradivo za list se seveda ne more pripraviti zadnji dan, zato pišem to kolono še sredi konvenčne sezone, ko mi še v glavi šumijo predlogi, protipredlogi, debate in zveneči udarci predsednikovega kladiva. V prerokovanja se spuščati je riskira-na reč, torej bom skušal najti ideje za gradivo te kolone v sodobnem življenju konvenčnega mesta. * Indianapolis je lepo mesto, ki nafn je pripravilo zelo prijazen in gorak sprejem. Prijetna gorkota konvenčnega mesta se vzdiga višje in višje, ne meneča se za kratke plohe in nevihte, ki so od časa do časa na programu. Gorkota, se mi zdi, je v tem času glavni pridelek Indiane. Brez škode bi jo lahko ekspor-tirali nekoliko Zeppelinov na severni tečaj. Le škoda, da ta pridelek ne počaka, ampak se pokvari kot črvive gobe. Z dru-giihi besedami povedano, ta pridelek gre po gobe, če se sproti ne porabi. * Kar se moje malenkosti tiče, nimam nikakih pritožb napram gorkoti. Meni je vsaj za 95 procentov ljubša od mraza. Zdi se mi torej popolnoma v redu, da je konvenčna dvorana prijetno gorka in da so debate mestoma “red-hot,’ saj je’ bilo že Adamu v raju povedano, da si bo v potu obraza kruh služil. In če je bilo prav našemu pra-očancu Adamu, zakaj bi ne bilo nam? * Slovenska naselbina v Indianapolisu je preprosta, toda pri tem tako prijetno domača in prisrčna, kot pogled na tisočere poletne cvetlice, ki krasijo tukaj šne slovenske vrtove. Kjer biva Slovenec, tam so cvetlice, in, če le mogoče, tudi vinska trta, ki je po izjavi pesnika “kraljica zlatih cvetlic in sok nje družica vseh veselic . . .” * Ko smo prišli v slovensko naselbino v Indianapolisu, pozdravile so nas stotere belo-modro-rdeče slovenske zastave v prijateljski družbi z rdeče-belo-modrimi zvezdnatimi zastavami republike Zedinjenih držav ameriških. In kateri ameriški Slovenec, ki je prisegel zvestobo republiki Zedinjenih držav, ki daje vso svobodo našemu jeziku, našim kulturnim in gospodarskim ustanovam in tudi naši belo-modro-rdeči slovenski zastavi, se ne bi počutil srečnega in svobodnega v senci teh dveh zastav! * K temu prištejmo skoro nepopisno prijaznost, prisrčnost in gostoljubnost rojakov v Indianapolis, ki ne vprašujejo kdo smo, odkod smo in kakšno je naše prepričanje, ki so nas sprejeli kot rodni bratje in sestre in ki bi nas na rokah nosili, če bi bilo treba, pa bomo prišli do prepričanja, da ne bi bili mogli izbrati boljšega kraja za 14. konvencijo naše organizacije. Prišli bomo do prepričanja, da je bilo vse res, kar smo lepega i jčuli o tej slovenski naselbini in * (Dalje na 2. strani) “JSo-Oa Doba” GLAjlEQ JJJGQ3LOVANSKB KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE Lastnina Jugoslovanske Katoliške Jednote. IZHAJA VSAKO SREDO Cene oglasov po dogovoru. Naročnina es člane 7te letno; ta nečlane $1.60, ta inozemstvo $2. OFFICIAL ORGAN " of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION, Inc., Ely, Minn. Owned and Published by the South Slavonic Catholic Union, Inc. ____________ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDA Y Subscription for members $0.72 par year; non-members $1.50 Advertising rateB on agreement Naslov za vse, kar se tiče lista: NOVA DOBA, 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. VOL'. VIII. .1 NrsFIir NO. 31 ZAPISNIK. 14. REDNE KONVENCIJE (Nadaljevanje iz prve strani) vsakega člana prejeimenovanega odbora, ki bi raznašal sklepe tega odbora med delegati in drugod, dokler ni bilo poročilo odbora podano celotni delegaciji. Bila je tudi sugestija, da sovražniki obtožencev tudi ne smejo biti člani odbora za pritožbe in prošnje. Stavljen, podpiran in sprejet je predlqg, da se pošlje pozdrave iz 14. redne konvencije sledečim: Governerju države Indiane, zavarovalninskemu komisarju države Indiane, zavarovalninskiv mu komisarju države Minnesote in županu mesta Indianapolis. Prečita se zapisnik dopoldanske seje ter sprejme kot čitan. Konvenčni predsednik prosi, da bi konvenčni pripravljalni odbor v Indianapolisu sporočil njemu vse želje in prošnje, ki bi bile v stiku s konvencijo, da se jim olajša delo ob času konven* cije. Obenem se konvenčni predsednik na prošnjo delegacije zahvali delegatu Fr. Vranicharju za podarjene konvenčne dele-gatske številke. Konvenčni tajnik čita poslane brzojavke od Slovenske narodne podporne jednote v Chicagu, od Samostojnega društva Slovenski Orel, Pittsburgh, Pa., in od društva št. 2, Ely, Minn. Preide se na vprašanje, kdaj bi zborovali posamezni konvenčni odbori. Sledi sugestija, da naj odbori ostanejo po zborovanju v dvorani ter si sami določijo zborovalni čas. Apelira se na vse delegate, da izročijo odborom dodatke k pravilom, da se jih more uvrstiti. Govori se nadalje, da bi se tem konvenčnim odborom določilo plače. Mnenje konvencije je, da se po končanem delu teh odborov določi nagrade ali honorar, ko bomo videli, koliko in kakšno delo bodo završili. Konvenčni predsednik zaključi sejo ob šesti uri zvečer s pozivom na delegate in odbornike, da naj bodo točno ob 8:30 zjutraj v dvorani. MATT ANZELC, JANKO N. ROGELJ, predsednik. zapisnikar Drugi odbornik izjavlja, da so knjige v glavnem uradu v lepem in vzornem redu, da je vse vknjiženo pravilno in da ni nobenega pogreška. Nered je le pri tem, da jih ni podpisal predsednik nadzornega odbora. Tretji nadzornik poroča, da se pridružuje poročilu in izjavi drugega nadzornika, ki poroča, da so knjige v pravilnem in natančnem redu. Četrti nadzornik poroča, da so tajnikove knjige kakor tudi blagajnikove, vse v točnem in lepem redu. Vprašuje, zakaj nekateri odborniki hodijo tratit čas na Ely, Minn., mesto da bi gledali tajnikove knjige. Na glasovanje pride predlog, če se telegrafira po knjige glavnega tajnika. Na preje podana poročila štirih nadzornikov delegacija odglasuje, da naj knjige kar ostanejo v glavnem uradu, ker so v redu. Od delegacije je stavljen nujni predlog, da se pripozna Anton J. Terbovca, urednika-upravnika uradnega glasila “Nove Dobe’" kot polnomočnega člana 14. redne konvencije z istimi pravicami in dolžnostmi kot jih ima vsak drug delegat. Predlog je podpiran, nakar pride na glasovanje. Sprejet s pretežno večino glasov. Poverilni odbor poda poročilo o volitvi odbora za pritožbe in prošnje. Volitve so izpadle sledeče: Kramar 28 glasov, Zalar 73, Mertel 42, Kosoglav 48, L. Balant 56, Porenta 87, Spolar 75, Pezdir 61, Muhvich 36, Žigman 55, Korenčič 32, Orehek 45r Schutte 66, Maček 35, Petrič 27, Krefel 39, Benkse 7, Sneller 55„ Pečnik 35, Kern 72, Mauser 28, Sestra Champa 51, Kompare 47. Klemenčič 25, Vogrich 56 in Zunich 16. Izvoljeni so sledeči: Zalar, Kosoglav, Balant, Porenta, Spolar, Peždir, Žigman, Schutte, Sneller, Champa, Vogrich in Kern. Poročila glavnih odbornikov Glavni predsednik poda sledečo pisano poročilo: Cenjeni glavni odborniki, delegatje in delegatinje:- Moje poročilo 14. redni konvenciji se bo nanašalo za dobo, odkar sem postal vaš glavni predsednik, to je od 1. novembra leta 1930. Cenjeni delegaciji je znan položaj, v katerem se nahaja ves civilizirani svet. Depresija, kakoršne ne pomni zgodovina, je silno tudi prizadela naše narodne ustanove, naše organizacije. V takih razmerah sem prejel v roke vodstvo JSKJ, da jo vodim s pomočjo ostalih glavnih odbornikov. O pridobivanju članstva v teh razmerah ni bilo govora. Glavni naš namen je bil, da obdržimo Jednoto na enakem številu članstva. Poleg depresije, naselile so se v Jednoto razne druge neprilike, kot bolezen ter smrt sobrata Pishler-ja, smrt pomožne tajnice, sosestre Agnich, bančni polomi, it of ne po starem. , r l0o “Nova Doba,” glasil« jj frj( te, bo v bodoče sprejemala ^ politične oglase. „ g0- i of JSKJ ne bo v bodoče veC ^,e j v5( s o j e v a 1 a denarja na $ ^ vknjižbe (mortgages) ltl ne bo več kupovala , 2ala thr. bondov. Svoj denar bo na ^tne j samo v zvezne, državne, 111 e ^ in šolske banke. . ^ olj; Za nove člane bo s 1. \ \ jem 1933 uvedena nova z „ : ^ rovalninska lestvica “An1^ ’’ ^ Experience Table of M°r^a^jj, asesment bo za nekolik« v j. j toda pri tem so posebne u ^ nosti. i Asesment za vse Jedn° j ^ sklade ostane po starem- ^ 5 Zbornica je odobrila r[S\-vih odškodnin za operacij6» ^ šala je tudi podporo za 2 L « Ijeno hrbtenico na $800. ->1 Uvedlo se je novi razred za 50 centov dnevne I H| pore proti mesečnemu VrlS j , ^ ku 40 centov v ta sklad. ^j. j,J|' Novi člani ne dobijo jjii ške podpore, če še niso •' ^ pri Jednoti. Za prve tri 1 n, e„e (J lezni se ne bo plačalo podpore. . nc- i JSKJ ne bo sprejela 1,0 ^ s ga novega člana, ki j° ^ dolgoval na asesment u cno j J1 drugi Jednoti ali Zvezi. L' > bo JSKJ poslala vsem slovenskim podpornim °1 g\>‘ ^ zacijam tozadevni nasvet v liki resolucije. iž9J» j .°11 Zbornica je zdatno 10fe j (et skoro vse dosedanje v‘1^ p o’ \ glavnih uradnikov, izv«cllli’ p' J1 roštvo glavnega blagajn^3, p\y ; M ko se je tudi precej zniža čo glavnim uradnikom- J Asesment za mladinsk' ^ ; $j0f lek bo opuščen za dva jV Popravek: V zadnji š ^ $ j % je bilo pomotoma poroča^ ’ jii- ^ bo konvenčni zapisnik ^ gjg<>' di v angleščini, kar pa nC()j,jiiv' varja resnici, pač bodo ^IJ Ijcne v angleščini safli° /. važne točke. % A Anton Zbašnik, glavni blagajnik Louis Champa in glavni porotnik Joseph Mantel. Več podrobnosti o tem bo gotovo poročal glavni tajnik. Na vsa pisma ali prošnje, katere sem prejela, sem kolikor mi je bilo najhitreje mogoče odgovorila. Želim vsem zborovalcem 14. redne konvencije J. S. K. Jednote najlepšega uspeha in mnogo koristi za članstvo J. S. K. Jednote. S sestrskim pozdravom, ROSE SVETICH, glavna podpredsednica. Poročilo glavne podpredsednice se vzame v naznanje. (Dalje prihodnjič) ffl ENGLISH SECTION OF® V^ojficialOrg^, of the South Slavonic Catholic Union. AMPLIFYING THE VOICE OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING MEMBERS to f0ftVi Current Thought. NEWCOMERS any of the English-speaking members never attended a ention of our fraternal benefit organization. At the 14th ar convention held at Indianapolis, Ind., were present ^ y delegates who witnessed and partook in the discussions r the first time in their lives. nd what an experience for the youthful delegates. Rubbing with leading fraternalists of our SSCU enabled “begin-s to hear various views and opinions of invaluable assistance e local lodge. Let us hope that some of the splendid ideas u£ht forth at Indianapolis will bear fruit back home. ur convention did have some drawbacks. A few elder ■ Presentatives were anything but a credit to our Union, judg-c by the manner in which they conducted themselves. It be clearly seen that these few individuals came out for a *■* time, and not to work in the best interest of our organiza-n- In fact some were utterly oblivious as to what was going > being satisfied to let the bulk of the work rest upon the er man’s shoulder. ° say that the proceedings were carried on in the most „ erly manner would be false; during the first day it appeared the order of business would never be disposed of. Bitter lngs between individuals ready to jump at each other’s necks dually gave way to a friendly feeling, much of which was ® to the many pleas made by delegates to work in harmony ^ brothers and sisters. Many an English-speaking represent-e Went home retaining that picture of true fraternalism so v displayed by some of the elders. H j hough practically all of the English-speaking delegates Qerstood Slovene, yet a practical working knowledge of our her tongue, so necessary to understand completely the prongs, hindered many from participating in all the issues. °nsequently, many had to be satisfied to take part in what ey Understood. ^ years go on and more and more American-born Slovenes ( form the integral part of our Union, a question arises: Will Proceedings at the convention be continued in the Slovene SUfige, or will both English and Slovene be used? To inter- aU business brought before the floor from Slovene into £hsh means that more precious time has to be consumed. i ° the credit of the delegation, it must be s&id that the value I'ftie was a prime consideration in the deliberations. Useless ^relevant ideas brought before the floor were soon elim- f by the voice of many protests uttered on the convention °or. i ^any of the readers may be under the impression that attend-g a convention is like taking a vacation. We hear so many ^Ur friends say: “I would like to represent my lodge. Just . at the good time I can have.” Quite the opposite, my dear Thrills of staying in a new town soon wear away into Same monotonous routine experienced at home. Eight hours vaily concentration soon puts all thoughts of “just another ^tion” into grim realization of hard and conscientious work. ^ number of changes have been made in the by-laws govern- . the destinies of our Union. Time alone will tell whether changes will prove of material benefit to our organization. Vever> the English-conducted lodges should carry on with 0|. eWed effort, for on the face of what transpired at Indianap- * youth was given consideration; and most of the delegates e of the opinion boys and girls, young men and women, s|)e g'ven encouragement possible. Let us re- to their earnest efforts and show our appreciation by not ^ Justifying their expectations, but also surpassing them. veu We> youth, may surprise ourselves at what can be one. fegul, iian *lb ce6(] As oft: *bd ■Hat- Of ook itig etsV Ross Plans Wiener Roast ^ere we are, folks! Back to 0, y°u that the Betsy Ross will hold a wiener roast aturday, Aug. 6. 'th only a few days left be-Q G the big day, I would like ■ii this opportunity to in-the Boosters, George Wash-i!j °ns and the outsiders to e affair. Being the first )g- roast this year, Betsy e *s planning to make a success of it. I know it 1 ^Urn out all right (at least it will), because I told a £0vv that I wouldn’t drink. eJOrtle on, Betsy Ross, help \ ^his affair through; dej, °n’t want to lose a mem-you? Please get in io with me before Saturday, 4^ I can get enough food % Asportation for every- > °n, folks! The admis-S be 50 cents per per- >ee> e will meet at Bro. Jaz- V home at 18003 Neff Rd„ 6en 7:30 and 8 p. m. Victor Jazbec, No. 18G, SSCU. In , — o------------ j °tivity. has been injuri-0 niore than one lodge. el] or, viti Mi EXTEND SYMPATHY In behalf of the members of the George Washington Lodge, No. 180, SSCU, and myself, 1 extend deepest sympathy to the family of Sister Mary Markovich. At the age of 21 years, Sister Markovich passed away on Aug. 1, after an illness of about 14 months. The best medical care and nursing were given her, but all these efforts proved fruitless, and while to human thought, it may seem that the life of a young lady at the promising age of 21 was nipped in the bud. Sister Markovich was an organizing member of the George Washington Lodge and the first to pass away of that group of fellow-sister organizers of the lodge. In the lodge circle, she was very active, and could always be counted on for help whenever needed. Sister Markovich was well liked by all, and her fellow-members of the George Washington Lodge will certainly miss her presence as they did during her period of illness. At one time Sister Markovich was also a member of the George Washingtons girls basketball team of the In-ter-Frat League and this league A Varied Program of Entertainment Held Each Day for Delegates Indianapolis, Ind. — Words cannot express the cordial greeting and accomodations given to the delegates of our SSCU upon arriving in Indianapolis. After many weary hours of tedious train riding, the delegates were thankful for the accomodations. The committee in charge of the arrangements here in Indianapolis had every detail and plan completed in a systematic way. After the delegates were escorted to the school auditorium where they registered for their rooms, they were taken to the various homes, and then accompanied back to the convention headquarters to 'make acquaintances with fellow delegates. The beautifully decorated arch outside the hall and welcome signs in every window and automobiles, the banners suspended in the air welcoming the delegates of our SSCU made an impressive sight. It was not until they entered the hall that even a greater surprise awaited them. Flags, bunting in red, white and blue, and more large welcome signs, both in Slovenian and in English were placed artistically about the walls of the convention meeting hall. On Sunday evening, July 24, a large parade was held with lodges of many different organizations participating. Beautiful cars decorated in flags were used for accomodating the supreme board member? and the city officials during the parade, while the rest marched in front. Mayor Sullivan of Indianapolis in presenting the key to the city to Supreme President Paul Bartel gave a short address. Speeches were also given by Mr. Fritz, secretary of labor of Indianapolis, Supreme President Bartel and Supreme Secretary Anton Zbašnik. Each day entertainment was provided for the delegates. Dances, concerts and plays were held in the school halls. On Wednesday, July 27, a sight-seeing tour was sponsored by the SSCU lodges of Indianapolis. Delegates were shown the state capitol, monuments, parks and most interesting of all the auto race tracks which are known the world over.. Visitors were given a ride around the Indianapolis race track. What a thrill it was to go speeding around this track where so many records were broken. Only this year an American won the 500-mile race and made a new record. Our delegates well deserved such recreation after a day of hard thinking and debating. Words of thanks are not enough for the SSCU members here in Indianapolis. All the delegates have been . well pleased with preparations made by Slovene people of Indianapolis and when they get home, will have only good words and thoughts for them. Fannie M. Kolar. also extends sympathy to the family. To you, Sister Mary Markovich, who passed away at the budding age of womanhood, may you rest in peace. Your spirit of grit and enthusiasm and activity will live in our hearts forever. Joseph Jaklich Jr., President George Washington Lodge, No. 180, SSCU. ATHLETIC BOARD OF S. S. c. u. Chairman: F. J. Kress, 201 — 67th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Vice chairman: J. L. Zortz, 1657 E. 31st St., Lorain, O. Joseph Kopler, R. 1). 2, Johnstown, Pa. J. L, Jevitz Jr.. 1316 Elizabeth St., Joliet, 111. Anton Vessel, 819 W. Birch, Chisholm, Minn. • • • Louis M. Kolar, Athletic Commissioner and Editor of English Section, 0117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. A telegram of congratulations and best wishes was to be sent to Anne Govednik, member of the U. S. Olympic swimming team, by the delegates to the 14th convention held at Indianapolis. Anne, who hails from Chisholm, Minn., broke the world’s record for the breast stroke and has every chance of finishing as a point winner. Three aldermen, comprising 50 per cent of the Ely (Minn.) City Council, are present at thr 14th SSCU convention at Indianapolis. They are Steve Ba-novetz, Lodge No. 1; Ivan Tav zelj, No. 114, and Joseph Ko-schak, No. 184. Delegate Ko-schak represents Lodge Arrowhead, an English-speaking unit. Delegate George Matekovicb of Keewatin, Minn., representing lodges Nos. 109 and 123, was unexpectedly called home from the SSCU convention din' to the death of'his brother. A telegram was received from him later in the week asking the delegation to consider a proposal to increase assessments from 2 to 5 cents in order to help members unable to pay Carmen Barth is the only Cleveland fighter on the U. S. Olympic team. He is a middle weight and earned his right on the team after winning four battles. Among the many greetings sent to the SSCU convention was one from Mr. F. J. Kress, Pittsburgh, Pa., chairman of the National SSCU Athletic Board. Pathfinders Lodge, No. 222, of Gowanda, N. Y., will hold its first annual picnic on Sun day, Aug. 14, at Mentley Grove, at Hidi. A varied program has been prepared by the committee in charge, which will assure all guests of a good time. Public is invited to attend. Seeking the “pen” for a home, an Ohio State University student recently approached Warden Thomas of the State Penitentiary with a request that he be permitted to “lodge’' at that institution while attend ing the university. The erstwhile “jailbird” ascribed hi? plight to the fact that his funds would merely cover his board and tuition expenses. His request is now under consideration. Plans for Interlodge Day at Mervar’s, Aug. 14, are being speedily formulated, with big' ger and better ideas coming to the foreground. “Heinie” Martin, one of the many “Washingtons,” is plugging along, with all his might, to make it a big day. Let’s help him make it a push-over. The Olympiad is on in full force and progresses each day Colorful Parade Includes Many Fraternal Organizations Indianapolis, Ind.—A grand parade, headed by Mayer’s band, opened the program of entertainment Sunday, July 24, prepared for delegates to the SSCU convention by members of Indianapolis. The local papers reported that approximately 3,000 people participated, that included delegates, supreme board members, Mayor Reginald Sullivan, members of 40 local lodges that belong to the following denominations: SSCU, KSKJ, SZZ, SNPJ, SHS, SSPZ, Hungarian Arpad Sick Benefit Society, and various independent lodges. A message extending a welcome to the city was given by the mayor, followed by greeting from Adolph J. Fritz, Indiana Secretary of Labor in behalf of the labor organization. Supreme President Paul Bartel and Supreme Secretary Anton Zbasnik accepted the welcome in behalf of the SSCU. Committee on arrangements consisting of Frank Velikan, chairman (who is also a delegate from lodge No. 45), Frank Krefel and Louis Žnidaršič certainly accomidated the delegates. Upon arriving in Indianapolis Sunday preceeding the convention, each delegate was provided with .transportation to the school auditorium, headquarters of the convention. Next each visitor was orovided with sleeping quarters. Meals were served in the school basement. Heated Meteorites Scientists believe that all meteorites which fall from space to the earth are raised to high temperature by their passage through the atmosphere. It has not been proved, however, that all meteorites are actually hot when they reach the ground. The subject has some bearing upon the theory that the earth may have received its animal and plant life from germs brought to it from space by meteorites. with more color and more brilliance. The world is looking to ward new marks, new record? and new names to be emblazoned upon the plaque of the victorious. For the first time in history has this event been brought to our country, to Los Angeles, Cal. When the sun sets upon the final day of friendly rivalry among contesting nations and their representatives, much will have been done to further the spirit of true sportsmanship among the peoples of all nations. Annual air classic will take place at the Cleveland Airport the latter part of this month. The annual national air races are expected to do much for Cleveland by promoting increased business turnover through increased sales of commodities and services which will be required to care for the thousands of visitors, local and out-of-town, who will attend this attractive classic. The St. Clair Merchants’ Improvement Association’s outing at Conneaut Lake Park, Pa., last Sunday was a big success. A large Cleveland delegation enjoyed the train journey and day at the park. Let’s make our Interlodge outing as great, if not greater, a success than Sunday’s excursion. We’ll all be there, won’t we ?, CONVENTION COMMITTEES CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE Peter Culig, Pueblo, Colo. Anton Tratnik, Diamondville, Joe Pogačar, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wyo. Anton Motz, Soth Chicago, 111. John Lamuth, Chisholm,.Minn RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Ivan Kapelj, Cleveland, O. A. Mahne, Chisholm, Minn. Louis J. Pirc, Cleveland, O. Jakob Muhvich, Gilbert, Minn. Joseph Sneler, Pittsburgh, Pa. Frank Jeric, Ely, Minn. Matt Karcich, Trinidad, Colo. PETITION AND GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE John Zalar, Cleveland, O. Anton Kosoglav Mary Champa, Chisholm, Louis Balant, Lorain, O. Minn. G. J. Porenta, Puyallup, Wash. John Zigman, Strabane, Pa. Andrew Spolar, Chicago, 111. John Schutte, Denver,-Colo. Joseph Sneler, Pittsburgh, Pa. John Pizdir, Reading, Pa. Math Vogrich, La Salle, 111. Joseph Kern, Hibbing, Minn. BY-LAWS COMMITTEE Joseph Pogačar, Pittsburgh, Joseph Hiti, Barberton, O. Pa. Frank Vranichar, Joliet, 111. Louis J. Pirc, Cleveland, O. Anton Erzen, Turtle Creek, Pa. CONVENTION CHAIRMAN Matt Anzelc, Aurora, Minn. First Vice-Chairman Second Vice-Chairman Rudolph Pletersek, Bridge- Louis M. Kolar, Cleveland, O. ville, Pa. American Experience Table of Mortality, Additional Sick Benefit, Twenty-Year Endowment, and Members 65 Years of Age, Are High Spots of Convention HOME OFFICE BUILDING TO BE ERECTED Indianapolis, Ind.—The 14th regular convention of our SSCU came to the assistance of many members unable to meet assessments by providing a new Class AA death benefit certificate subject to American Experience Table of Mortality. Tht^se who are insured in the present Class A death benefit may transfer to the new class. Further particulars about transfers will be published in subsequent issues. The AA class certificate will have a cash reserve value recognized by actuaries, which our members can use in payment of assessments. The amount of cash reserve value is directly proportional to the number of years’ membership, but a minimum of three years’ membership is necessary before any reserve is possible. Present Class A certificates based on National Fraternal Congress Table of Mortality have no recognized cash reserve value, and for this reason it was necessary to switch to the AA certificate. Although this new policy will have a higher rate of assessment, ranging from 16 to 30 cents on each $1,000 of insurance, it will enable members to draw on the cash reserve, and further, such an arrangement will put our Union on a stronger foundation of solvency. Those who wish to retain their present Class A certificates need not make the transfer. SICK BENEFITS To take care of members and future candidates for membership who do not wish to insure themselves in the $1 a day sick benefit, requiring an assessment of 75 cents a month, con vention agreed to institute an additional sick benefit of 50 cents a day, covered by assessments of 40 cents a month. Because the $2 a day sick benefit fund has been automatically eradicated, delegation felt duty bound to provide more than just one class of sick benefit. These two sick benefits will have a common fund and not separate, as has been the case of the $2 and $1 classes in the past. SPORT FUND Sport fund clause in the bylaws has been retained, with the added stipulation that the Supreme Board could utilize such funds for needy members during periods of economic depression. Many delegates were under the mistaken impression that 5 cents of each member’s monthly assessment went into the sport fund. Only 2 cents each month per member goes into the sport fund. NEW HOME OFFICE BUILDING Many delegates were surprised to hear that our Union did not own its own home office building, but was paying $70 a month rental for quarters. All delegates, with no exception, were of the accord that immediate plans should be made to start work on a new home office following the convention. It was agreed that up to $20,000 could be used for this purpose, the money to be taken from the Juvenile death benefit fund, since this class has a high surplus. It was further agreed that an architect should be consulted so that a building worthy of our Union, with its membership of 20,000 and a reserve of $1,500,000, would be erected. MEMBERS OVER 65 YEARS OF AGE What to do with the older members unable to meet assessments? Those who have been members of our Union at least 10 years and are over 65 years of age, and who further have exhausted a reserve cash value on their Class AA certificate (a transfer would have to be made first by such members having Class A certificates into Class AA), would be entitled to a $250 death benefit, the assessments of which would be paid by our SSCU. JUVENILE AGE EXTENDED Age limit of juveniles has been extended to 18 years before a transfer must be made to the adult division. No doctor’s examination will be necessary for those insured up to $500 death benefit .and sick benefits. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT To meet the many demands of membership made in recent (Continued on page 4). Delegates Honored at Banquet Convention Highlights Indianapolis, Ind.—At some time or another during the progress of a convention, a banquet is held. It would be unusual for such an affair to be omitted since it brings together all the delegates and friends to a meeting place where they get in contact and hear speeches of notable men and women. At our 14th regular conven tion held ‘in Indianapolis, Ind., such a banquet was held in honor of our supreme board, official visitors and delegates Wednesday, July 27, 1932. The hall was filled to capacity and many had to be turned away from the door. For those who have never attended a fraternal banquet it was a sight for the eyes, the hall being especially decorated for the occasion. Rows upon rows of tables were neatly set and decorated with gladiolas. Our supreme board members and the many noted visitors were seated at the executive table. As these people marched in after all others were seated a loud applause was given them, but when our Supreme Secretary Anton Zbasnik made his entrance, the crowd became wild and cheered. The waitresses who served the many people were dressed in the Slovene costume of their ancestors. In their gay colored cretonne skirts and black vests they went winding among the tables and made a pretty picture. Each wore a ribbon on her head in red, white and blue with JSKJ on it. Food was plentiful and wholesomely prepared by the women members of SSCU lodges in Indianapolis, Ind. While the dinner was being served a picture was taken and the Slovene singing society of Indianapolis entertained with several songs. Many were surprised when Mr. John Germ from Pueblo, Colo., accompanied the male group and sang several solos. Returning from the KSKJ semi-annual meeting of the supreme board in Joliet, 111., he made this visit to the convention on his route home. He is also a member of our SSCU. After the appetites were satisfied, chairman Anton Bernish of the Indianapolis SSCU committee gave a short speech and then announced the Speakers. Secretary to the Governor of Indiana, Harry G. Leslie, gave the governor’s regrets of his inability to attend and wqI-comed the delegates to the State of Indiana. Dr. G. Kolumbatovich, from Chicago and General Counsel of Yugoslavia, Mayor Sullivan of Indianapolis, Mr. Fritz, secretary of labor of Indianapolis followed with addresses. Supreme President Paul Bartel, took the opportunity of thanking all the members in Indian-‘ apolis for their hearty welcome, and, especially, the cooks who Mr. Bartel said, were the most important of all. The guests were indeed surprised by the speech given in English by Supreme Secretary Zbasnik. He brought out that the duty of our organization was to retain and protect members in our Union and do everything and anything to do so. Mr. Vatro J. Grill of Cleveland, 0., who is supreme president of SSPZ and editor of Enakopravnost, addressed the group in Slovene. He, too, gave encouragement and the best wishes of progress for our Union. Among the many other highlights: who were present and introduced was Senator Bensaw. Engage yourself in the tvork of the lodge, and thus help increase the interest. Monday and Tuesday, July 25 and 26 Indianapolis, Ind. — Much heated debate characterized the first day of the convention, but gradually diminished on the second day. As in every gathering of this nature, the fire of enthusiasm slowly gave way to common sense and logical discussions. A few personal items brought to the floor (which were all out of order)' contributed most fuel toward the almost ungovernable delegation. Time and again the convention chairman pounded the gavel on the table as delegates became unruly. Only after each and every delegate expressed his or her views on matters before the floor were the “hungry and bloodthirsty” satisfied. In some instances as many as 25 members were listed to speak in order, delegates being referred to by lodge numbers and not by names. Chairman Anzelc certainly was “the man of the hour,” for on many occasions his unusually strong and impressive voice was called upon to exert itself to the utmost. And when the chairman raised his voice each and every delegate could no< help but pay strict attention tc the proceedings. Endowed with a strong physique, Chairman Anzelc made “them” listen and take noticR If telegrams and letters of greetings are an indication ol outside interest in our Union, we can rightfully and proudly say that our SSCU is one of the leaders in the fraternal field, for twice each day many such messages were read by the convention secretary, Anton Zbasnik. <• Supreme Secretary Zbasnik always commanded attention when he arose and expressed himself. The crowd was with him, and on several occasions he was given rounds of applause. Following the customary procedure to send telegrams, convention sent greetings to: Governor of Indiana, Mayor of Indianapolis, Secretary Federation of Labor of Indiana, Insurance Commissioners of Indiana and Minnesota. Anne Goved-nik, competing on the U. S. A. Olympic team at Los Angeles, was also sent a telegram of greetings. Editor-manager of Nova Doba, Anton J. Terbovec, wa? given due recognition as having the same rights of a delegate or a Supreme Board member. And then came the seemingly endless reports of Supreme Board members. One by one were disposed of rather smoothly until the report made by the chairman of Supreme Board oi Trustees, that hit a snag. Approximately an hour and a half was consumed by this reporl and 30 minutes more for comments. However, later in the day all reports were accepted as read except one, that re-quired alteration. That the reading public may not receive the wrong impression all delegates did not come to the convention with fire and hatred in their eyes. Majority were in favor of party harmony, some making pleas to keep in mind the fraternal spirit and to act as brothers and sisters. Many an English-speaking delegate looked up to such exponents of brotherly and sisterly love with more than passing admiration. Upon the splendid suggestion of Editor Terbovec, the ex cerpts of the convention were to be published both in the English and the Slovene sections of Nova Doba. Minutes of the convention are to be published in Slovene both in book Pathfinders’ Picnic Gowanda, N. Y.—Pathfinders, No. 222, SSCU will hold their first annual public picnic and gala day Sunday, Aug. 14 at Mentley’s Grove at Hidi. A big program of dancing, games, races, prizes and with music of the best is now under way to make this affair the biggest and best affair ever to be undertaken in Gowanda—an affair that you will always remember. Come with your friends and relatives and enjoy a good time. The Pathfinders baseball team made it two in a row over the strong Villanova Chautauqua County baseball team by a score of 8 to 4 on last Sunday afternoon at the Tannery diamond. Not long ago the Pathfinders defeated this same team in a hard struggle by a score of 9 to 8. The Pathfinders softball team is now also making itself known in the American Legion Softball League. As the next few games are against the strongest in the league, Pathfinders will have to go some in fighting to come out at the top of the heap. Twelve teams make up the league, with the teams scheduled to play until the middle of September. This softball team is being sponsored by the Wallace’s Man's Store of Gowanda, N. Y. Come on, Pathfinders, you’re fighting for the SSCU so get out there and show us that you are real fighters. Ernest Palcic Jr., Pathfinders No. 222. Convention Blah Are you using your influence to increase the membership of Itour lodge. form and in the official organ. When Supreme Secretary Zbasnik made a report of the two dollars-a-day sick benefit fund, a number of comments were made because of an evident misunderstanding; how-ver, Mr. Zbasnik enlightened the matter to the satisfaction of all. A question arose as to why a license had not been procured-in the state of Wisconsin to establish lodges belonging to our SSCU. Here again the convention secretary shone with his characteristic b r i 11 i a n.c e by pointing out to the delegates the exorbitant demands made by the state law of Wisconsin, which, if accepted, would involve considerable outlay of money and considerable expense. It is most unfortunate that our Union did not secure a license before this stringent law was passed. Pity the poor convention committees. Most every evening special meetings were called by various chairmen. Petition and grievance committee had by far the largest number of members—12 in all. It was necessary to call attention of one delegate that if he would not follow the accepted rule of order befitting a convention that he would face whatever punishment was due him. Already bids were made for the SSCU convention in 1936. Two telegrams from Pittsburgh urging the delegates to select that town for the next gathering were received on Tuesday, the second day of the convention. A visitor in the person of Supreme Vice President John Germ of KSKJ, who lives in Pueblo, Colo., expressed the good wishes and greetings in behalf of Supreme President Frank Opeka. Dr. Kolumbatovich, Yugoslav consul at Chicago, gave a short talk in the Croatian language on the Yugoslav nations, and also sent his best wishes and greetings to the convention. (Continued in Next Issue) Indianapolis, Ind.—In this week’s issue you see more or less of the serious side of the convention—if it were possible that it should ever be taken very seriously. I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartiest congratulations to the George Washington lodge for sending to this convention Louis M. Kolar. We owe to him and indirectly to the Geo. Washington lodge our sincere thanks because he aided the English Speaking delegates to understand the important questions at the convention. When I first heard of Louis, I pictured him as single, but when I saw him standing in the Cleveland Terminal Station, holding an umbrella, I knew I was wrong. It was his duty to see that delegates who wished to speak at the convention were given the floor. Louis M. Kolar was accused of not being able to see half of them, because he was looking at his wife in the corner most of the time. Oh, well. I don’t blame you, Louis. I didn’t know whether or not he wished to run for some office at the convention or not. Nevertheless, as I happened to be in his company from Cleveland to Indianapolis, I soon became aware that he was passing out cookies. I knew right away that he was trying to bribe us. Of course, I didn’t let on that, I knew Louis’ game. Then when the convention came, he was chosen second-vice chairman. Gee, they certainly were good cookies even if I had to vote for him. Then to the Betsy Ross lodge owe most of my pleasant stay in Indianapolis. It was my good fortune to find that its delegate, George Kovitch, and I were roommates. One night George was standing in front of the convention hall when someone came up and asked him for a cigarette.^ George stroking his chin, asked the would-be-cigarette chiseler if he could see something white on his chin. When the reply was in the negative, George promptly said that he thought that this chiseler mistook him for Santa Claus Math a white beard. Of all the dumb fellows, I guess we took the front rank. With Indianapolis known for its many fair sex, George Kovitch and I had to take Paul Yaklish of Cornwall, Pa., home one night. I didn’t kiss him good night, but I don’t know about George. On the first day of the convention Paul didn’t know many of the delegates and so when their names came up for election to committees, he had an ideal scheme. He would first go through and pick out the easiest pronounced names and then he would sort of fill in the rest that were needed. That’s probably why Louis M. Kolar got elected, too. (That is, besides the women votes, because he got all theirs on his beautiful curly hair). One thing, however, that I have to complain of is why in the case of Andrew Spolar. weighing in the neighborhood of four hundred pounds or less, and representing three English-conducted lodges, he has not given at least three votes. Come to think of it though, Chicago would get too many votes then because Bill Laurich also is no plaything. When Bill first introduced himself to me, he said he was the biggest man in the convention (but I found out that it was only hi size). I noticed also that almost without exception all the members electcd to the Union offices were at least six footer and weighed at least two hundred pounds. Wherefore, if you wish to have someone from your lodge as the head ones of this Rangers Have Annual Outing The annual outing of the Rangers, which was held last Sunday at Sandy Point, was a success beyond expectations. The committees found their work gratifying and wish to thank all the Rangers and theii friends for their appreciative participation. Our regular meeting was held before matters of a lighter vein were indulged in. Joseph Muhvich, alias “Dock Muck,” was elected “Chief Ranger” to assist Joseph Mantel Jr., who is unable to remain at that post because his pursuit of knowledge will take him away from Ely. We all wish Joseph Mantel Jr. a lot of luck at college. We appreciate the loyalty and perseverance of our illustrious ex-pilot. So long, Joe. Joseph Spreitzer Jr. came out second in the race for the helm, which made him Vice-Chief Ranger. After the meeting, the clan was entertained by a “Kangaroo Court.” Many side-splitting remarks were furnished. Jimmy’s antics and wit surely furnished a gold mine of laughter. After many stomachs were upset, they were arighted by a regular Old Country feed. We admire the co-operation used in consuming the food. The stomachs were no sooner righted than they were again upset by the violent shuffling, hopping and skipping on the dance floor. The Rangers White-Caps Orchestra kept the dancers busy until 9:30 p. m., when the lighting system went on the “blink.” A few could not be consoled over this misfortune. ’Stoo bad that our capering was cut short like that. Our next meeting "will be held at the Community Center Wednesday, Aug. 24, at 7:30 p. m. We’ll have another surprise in the bag for you. Joseph Spreitzer Jr., Chairman Rangers Publicity Committee, Ely, Minn. Collegians to Hear Convention Report August 7 Canonsburg, Pa.—Members of the Jefferson Collegians Lodge are reminded that the regular monthly meeting will be held on Sunday, Aug. 7, at the home of Mr. Pete Karme-lowze (the barber) at 11 a. m. All members should be present, as I have the convention report to make before the lodge. It should be considered as a serious matter, and all should bq present to hear it. Louis Polaski Jr., Delegate, No. 205, SSCU. -------o------- Wet and Dry A lady in a railway station with two babes in her arms was trying to get at her purse to buy a ticket. An alert redcap, standing near, offered to hold one of the babies. The ticket bought, the woman relieved him with a smile of thanks. “Are those twin babies?” asked the redcap. “Yes,” replied the woman, “they were born on election day. We named one Smith and the othfer Hoover.” “Well,” said the redcap, “I guess I was holding Smith.” o---------------------- Too great economy as far as our SSCU is concerned, because of the current depression is particularly dangerous to the welfare of growing lodges. Union choose delegates to future convention that have plenty of beef. Indianapolis certainly has made our delegates want tc stay here forever and from the way the meetings progress, 1 believe they will be here forever anyway. Ernest Palcic Jr. Pathfinders, No. 222, SSCU Convention High Spots (Continued from page 3) years the convention voted to accept a 20-year endowment certificate known as Class C, After 20 years’ payment of certain monthly assessments the insured member is entitled to a certain cash withdrawal. ADDITIONAL OFFICERS An assistant supreme secretary, a second vice-president, who will also be athletic commissioner when the Supreme Board decides to reinstate the sport fund into its original purpose, and addition of two offices to the supreme judiciary committee were made. Assistant supreme Secretary and the second vice president will have particular jurisdiction over English-speaking members. A position of attorney for the Union was also created, who will advise the Supreme Board on matters requiring interpretation of legal counsel. However, this position will be covered by a salary of only ?100 a year. DOPISI it * Enumclaw, Wash ZAHVALA.—V tukaj S n J1 “Krajn” dvorani se je vrsl. dne 16. julija veselica v pom^ naši sosestri Josipini Trlep. ^ stega prebitka je prejela $4 Navedenka se prav lepo za v ^ ljuje vsem, ki ste kaj k tem pripomogli. . « Tudi jaz, spodaj podpisanl ^ iskreno zahvaljujem, ker nas ženske tako obložili z ( brimi okrepčili, da smo la ljudem malo postregle, k1 prišli nekateri celo od daleč. Družina Trlep se pa ®e e!g krat prav lepo zahvaljuje in J ^ zelo vesela tega nepričak°v : ^ nega darila. % Z vdanostnim pozdravom, ; Mary Polaynar- seC| ril Vež Joliet, »“• ti,.g že je minulo nekaj časa, feti ^ iz Jolieta prenehali dopis* 1 ^ poročila v Novi Dobi. Kaj .ie, ^ j Ha mu vzrok? Ali morda ni noV*c; ^ Dosti je istih, ker se vedno . i fy zgodi kar bi bilo važno : ^ i nost. Morda' so pa tudi pri %r pisovanju vzrok slabi časi- Up£ veda, ker ni dela, tudi ni ve®. J lj.a, ne korajže do nobene ^vaiQ< I Jaz Svoječasno je bilo opaziti mn j2 go veselja med pridnimi dela ^ dasiravno so težko delali, ^ stalno; zdaj se pa sestajaj0 ; to ^ cestnih vogalih, da preganja^ , ^ dolgočasje. Pri vsakem je tj;, žiti slabo razpoloženje in za°-g ker nihče ne ve, kaj nam b° bodočnost prinesla. K Tako je tudi pri društvih’ U, kor pri enem, tako pri d1*11*’ J*j Vse bolj žalostno kakor veS®. ; Jul Težko je za člane ko ne m01 ; Jo, redno plačevati svojih prisPe^ H kov; še bolj težko je pa za taj društvu sv. Petra in Pav a e„ 68 bilo vsak mesec sprejetih : kaj novih članov; društvo Je.^. &lo daj napredovalo v vseh °zir ,j, j \ žal, zdaj je pa vsak mesec op, ko suspendiranih. So pa se ^ j ni, ki imajo veselje ter P0110®. . V društva. Tako bo tudi ^ še društvo priredilo svoj P1 dne 28. avgusta v zeleni nar ^ To bo zopet dan du'ševnega j® _ t lesnega razvedrila ter za i111 Članom in drugim, ki so P11,1 j0. Iji našega društva! se je ze°.uJly K padlo na našem lanskem P1 j l^] ku; zato se bo nekaj slične.tty, še bolj privlačnega priredij0 j vg. letos. Bolj podrobno bom ze vočasno v Novi Dobi nazm* g ( v nl)i® te Naj pri tej priliki se j„, > naše potovanje iz Jolie^3 0b . dianapolis, Ind. Dne 28. ju ! štirih zjutraj smo zapusti i ^ mesto: br. Anton Nemanj ^ ^ venski pogrebnik, br. ^ ,a Vj!1 ga, blagajnik našega dru* ^jrj. ^ podpisani tajnik. Po JteS'1 ^ ^ urni vožnji smo do*pel!ivoraIie' W anapolis do konvenene d ^ v kjer zborujejo delegat j ° se 2 kol vencije. Pozdravili s01'. j de' v glavnimi uradniki in razm ^ legati. Na njih obrazih hi !o veselo razpoloženje & ^je u voljnost ker se vrši zkOI° Se v lepem redu. Vdeležili ^ ju ^ konyencne seje dopol ^\o popoldne; res isti dan l^o v j zborovanje mirno ter Sjei<#' Dt, vseh stvareh. Vsa čast j>o' o tom in glavnim odbornik0 ^ tem smo si ogledali v_e °e {> po šolsko dvorano kje1 \ konvencija, tako tudi s ° naselbino ter veliko 0pol' ia mesto Indianapolis. ob.. ^ «, dne smo se pa zopet vse« ^ot . netovo karo in se vrni ^ ^ |.1 Jolietu, ob 9. zvečer sm° ^ vsak na svojem domu- ^ Indianapolis nam osta'1^. 0v&\ i jetnem spominu, tako zbrani delegat j e in 0 jskj. y Zveza slovenskih z ^ (Dalje na 5. strfl^ Hooditch Beauty Parlor By F. S. Tauchar SCENE TWO The lodge was already in session when Bro. Hooditch arrived. Brother recorder was reading the minutes of the previous meeting. Bro. Hooditch made some disturbance by walking rather clumsily through the aisle to a chair close to the presidential platform, while most of the members glanced at him unpleasantly for the annoyance at a time when quiet is greatly desired. When reading of the minutes was over, brother chairman asked what is the pleasure ot the meeting as to correctness of the minutes. Bro. Hooditch (raising his hand): “Brother president.” The Chair: “Brother Hooditch has the floor ” Bro. Hooditch: “Crother Chairman, brothers and sisters. I was a little late, so I didn’t hear all of the minutes of the previous meeting. I wish to know if that donation my wife sent for the lodge’s social meeting is mentioned in the official records.” Members look at each other in amusement. The Chair: “Yes, it’s written, in, Brother Hooditch. Thanks—and don’t forget your lodge next time—also try to be here in time, as we always start our meetings promptly. Real brotherhood is exercised by good attendance, dues payment on time, propaganda for fraternalism and self-sacrificing work for expansion of your lodge. You seem to neglect some of the duties ascribed to all front-line fraternalists in this lodge.” The chairman happens to be none other than Bro. Jones himself ... a perpetual candidate for delegate, who already served in this capacity three times straight—and once was almost elected to a minor position on the Supreme Board of the society. The lodge proceedings continue and Bru. Hooditch is very quiet and thoughtful. By the time nominations are made he forgets what he had prepared to say in behalf of his own candidacy. However, he is able to rise and manages to make a short talk, mumbling something of accepting the nomination. He resembled an impersonation of a total miserableness of the century, while Bro. Jones made a much better impression on the audience. He discussed “great problems of the hour” with ease, fluently, and to the point. It appears that only friendship could save Hooditch, which, in matters of lodge affairs, should not be exercized. The Chair (Vice President, as Bro. Jones is a candidate, loudly): “Now the membership will vote—and vote for one only, be It Jones or Hooditch! Our conventions are very important, and urge you to be extremely careful whom you vote for. Vote for the man you believe he will effectively picsent and advocate your demands on the floor of the convention. We want for our delegate a man who possesses courage ability and undisputable leadership! Chair-warmers and nodders are not desired. So, may the right man win!” When the votes were counted by the election committee, Vice President again rapped for order. The Chair: “The result is—Brother Jones 33 votes, Brother Hooditch 13 votes. The Chair, therefore, proclaims Brother Jones legally elected for our delegate to the next convention.” (Applause.) Members: “Speech!” Bro. Jones (rises, bows generously, and begins authoritatively): “I thank you, brothers and sisters, for your great confidence in me. I assure you that I will do my best for the welfare of our organization.” And so on . . . for twenty minutes. Bro. Hooditch couldn’t stand this any longer, slowly rises and goes home. A heartbroken man . . . But that isn’t all. How can he explain to the wife his crushing defeat? . . . (Poor brother Hooditch. He may be home by the next issue . . .) SO DOPISI (Nadaljevanje iz 4. strani) flištev v Jolietu je imela svojo dne 29. julija zvečer. Na-so bili zastopniki vseh dru-ev> in več dobrih točk je bilo Netih. Sprejet je bil tudi Predlog, da se odpošlje 14. kon-jenc'ji JSKJ. v Indianapolis, ,S(*iana, pozdrav, kar se je tudi kršilo. ® Pozdravom skupnemu član-v« JSKJ. Frank Pirc, tajnik. Bear Creek, Mont. Naznanilo.—t e m potom Darjam vse tiste člane naše-društva št. 58 JSKJ, katerim j^0 Posodili denar iz društvene tajile, da za naprej po me-cvu juliju se ne bo nobenemu Posodilo. To pa iz enostav-vzroka, ker je naša društ-blagajna prazna in tako ni nikake priložnosti, da bi kak način izboljšali blaga j- smo storili vse, kar je bi-| v naši moči, da bi ohranili p® Pri društvu in Jednoti. ■Wi pa je, da bo kaj ukrenila zadevi sedanja konvencija. Pa tudi ne morem plačevati ^ svojega žepa za nobenega, j sem sam navaden delavec. Prosim tiste, katerih se , Ce> da izvolijo to moje opo-*‘° vpoštevati, in brez zame-bratskim pozdravom, Ludwig, Champa, tajnik. ^aznanilo IN ZAHVA- I ^Žalostnih src naznanjamo, iJe^ne 23. junija preminul naš jj. ,>l°ni soprog, oziroma oče j 2 Kochevar v naj lepši moški *' star 48 let. Pokojnik je bil §n i V vas* ■ Zamostek, občina . ls- katero ste nam dali ob uri ^osti. Mary Kochevar, žalujoča ^l°ga. Edward, Arthur, Leon, ^ftiond, sinovi. Dolores, hči. j.,.,. Chisholmu, Minn., dne 25. ’V 1932. ^ Ljubljana, 15. julija ’32. ! lagi mi bratje in soaestre, Javilo tako prijatelji in pri-Hiice! . Gl' mi je nemogoče, da bi ji0t mu posebej pisal o mojem °vanju na svojem povratku j. lll'o domovino, se pa poslu-l 8'lasila naše dične Jednote, 0 enem vsem naenkrat spo-lt^*> kako sem potoval na !V u Vulcania in potem na-cilja. i ^Jiačeni parnik je lep in mo-t)tj Motorni parnik, in ima Vj lavljene prostore za vsako-V|,:-.n° zabave za potnike, ki se vsak dan. Da bi vse to Dt‘J Podrobno opisal, bi vzelo I časa in preveč prostora J*u, zaradi tega bom vs~ Površno omenil, j,, 0;!rija je bila zelo lepa; mor-t|j favn0 toliko razburkano, da ^Povzročalo morskega duha. Ml; eile °sebe ni bilo nu par-^ ^a^ero bi trla znana mor-i(j “olezen; vse je bilo zdravo jjeselo do Trsta. C*ik se je šestkrat ustavil. sl 110 smo dospeli v Trst, in v Gibraltarju, Algeriju, es» Napol ju, Dubrovniku, V in naposled v Trstu. Sto Seh teh mestih je parnik ko več ur, da si je šel lah-St0V®akdo ogledat dotično me-" vsakem mestu so bili že ’ kiaV^'eni ^ussi *n avtomobile • 80 nas po mestu vozili, ter !S'G nam izkazovalo vse za-k^j, lv°sti, seveda, za plačilo, ie ,Je bilo pa malenkostno. Kar ^ cX človek videl, je pa velike Wil°mena *n mn°S° vredno. 0 bi o teh mestih človek Sal celo knjigo. '’eč Mi § 'az % tudi Naj pri tem omenim, da se parniki te družbe vedno v teh mestih ne ustavljajo; naš parnik se pa je, ker sO se na njem vozili večinoma turisti. Iz New Yorka do Trsta je vozil 14 dni. V Ljubljano se nas je pripeljalo samo troje odraslih oseb in ena pet-letna deklica. Kar se pa Ljubljane tiče, pa moram reči, da se z vsakim dnem veča in lepša; v resnici zasluži, da se jo lahko nazivlja “Bela Ljubljana.” Kar se tukaj živeža tiče, je jako poceni, da stradati ni treba nobenemu, in tudi dela še ne primanjkuje; če ni enega, je pa drugo; ampak Ljubljančani so jako izbirčni v tej zadevi; vsakemu je pod čast, če bi se lotil kakega drugega posla izven svojega poklica. Kar sem v tem kratkem času tukajšnjega bivanja opazil, moram omeniti, da če bi bile tam v Ameriki take razmere kot so tukaj, ne bi nihče smatral, da je kriza, ampak da se le bolj polagoma dela; to bi bilo vse. Da je pa nekaka nezadovoljnost tukaj, je pa vzrok ta, ker so ljudje res malo prikrajšani, da ne morejo tako razkošno živeti, kot so vajeni. Torej ako še kaj hujšega ne pride, ne bo treba še nobenemu od gladu umreti, posebno letos ne, ker letina tako dobre kaže. V nedeljo, dne 17. julija se pripelje v Ljubljano ena skupina ameriških izletnikov. Časopisje poziva ljudstvo, da jih primerno sprejme, seveda 7 godbo na čelu. Tudi jaz jih pojdem čakat, da bom zamogel kakemu znancu zopet v roko seči. Kakšen bo sprejem, vam bom kasneje poročal. Torej dragi mi vsi! Zdaj vam je znano, da sem srečno prispel v svojo domovino in da se še nimam nič pritožiti. Ce bi tam imel to, kar imam tukaj, bi še ne »šel iz Amerike; kako bo nadalje, bo pa bodočnost pokazala. Zdaj pa pošljem iskrene pozdrave in vam vsem želim, da bi tudi vam kmalu zasijalo solnce izboljšanja vašega položaja. Ostajam vam udani sobrat in prijatelj: Ivan Varoga, Stari trg, št. 21, Ljubljana, Jugoslavia. PLAČAN I°P ATENTI 'V, Vlada Zedinjenih drža.Dept. Dr. št. Dohodki Izdatki Lodge Disburse- No. Income ments 1 ...........$ 867.59 ■$ 397.60 2 ........... 578.43 4' 3 153.93 93.34 4 135.16 184.33 5 181.60 5.00 6 559.03 139.00 9 484.86 756.01 11 177.88 12 266.20 354.00 13 100.01 52.00 14- 47.40 15 330.81 160.00 16 202.56 115.01 18 401.60 751.07 20 379.47 91.00 21 378.66 28.00 22 208.60 11.00 25 490.07 26 524.88 209.67 27 117.22 588.00 28 40.65 29 261.12 46.00 30 666.07 1,246.50 31 223.35 178.67 32 62.27 33 254.39 35 155.26 23.00 36 345.00 37 1,029.00 312.83 39 402.22 ,69.50 40 297.48 146.71 41 73.12 32.00 42 269.75 55.00 43 132.44 44 387.87 45 434.99 370.33 47 151.48 51.00 49 276.25 131.67 50 270.09 51 33.79 43.00 52 , 41.71 53 326.32 205.00 54 92.68 55 144.00 178.67 57 183.57 249.00 58 171.59 61 180.25 63.00 64 26.00 66 421.68 96.00 68 137.89 96.00 69 69.07 62.35 70 250.94 28.00 71 515.89 820.50 72 60.13 75 135.24 76 99.46 77 82.64 521.50 78 210.21 917.71 79 15.70 81 66.88 20.66 82 195.52 130.00 83 55.73 31.00 84 190.91 101.67 85 207.35 123.67 86 85.70 64.00 87 ; 85.44 88 135.72 25.50 89 131.47 90 35.57 92 1^5.91 265.50 94 404.82 1,057.50 99 148.97 34.83 101 96.18 103 247.18 27.00 104 109.98 105 156.89 1,063.50 106 120.08 107 75.37 108 1 162.71 42.00 109 83.96 110 130.42 Ill 145.27 562.00 112 130.97 114 278.14 216.33 116 157.65 117 44.97 118 91.13 74.00 119 66.93 15.00 120 286.02 222.50 121 44.47 122 147.31 301.50 123 62.10 129.00 124 75.57 36.00 125 57.62 64.50 126 31.92 88.00 127 34.56 128 158.24 129 134.91 1,033.00 130 51.01 39.00 131 94.21 34.00 132 237.18 86.00 133 176.71 134 60.54 135 95.72 237.00 136 56.33 57.00 137 216.96 62.00 138 83.48 35.00 139 49.04 6.00 140 118.13 48.00 141 128.78 142 31.00 143 36.30 17.67 144 ; 229.17 78.00 145 24.00 146 ' 31.09 38.00 147 61.45 148 52.46 149 223.41 91.00 150 190.72 295.00 151 42.57 152 63.58 153 15.89 154 83.23 290.50 155 45.46 156 28.67 157 26.88 30.00 158 108.79 44.00 159 45.01 152.00 160 57.83 161 15.00 67.00 162 185.10 163 12.30 164 56.13 165 ' 60.50 166 68.04 19.00 167 87.10 75.00 168 73.94 45.00 169 34.29 170 65.88 171 98.16 172 57.67 31.00 173 85.44 15.00 174 93.07 175 63.25 41.00 176 121.22 62.00 178 46.79 179 15.79 180 129.83 182 87.94 31.0C 183 66.93 35.0C 185 . 36.24 186 104.61 10.00 187 39.23 11.3; 188 41.76 30.0C 190 152.17 37.0C 192 92.28 16.0C 193 46.72 194 53.87 195 23.90 197 51.83 198 35.40 199 23.97 24.00 200 423.36 89.50 201 83.60 15.00 202 99.09 15.00 203 87.08 713.67 204 32.95 44.00 207 51.21 209 37.38 56.00 212 14.76 10.00 213 12.00 214 13.39 45.00 215 14.00 216 39.77 12.00 217 33.39 131.00 220 46.00 221 77.46 1.00 222 78.93 4 Za maj 136.97 5 131.63 25 499.59 33 250.17 37 1,013.55 . 42 288.73 50 210.34 64 30.25 87 85.02 116 134.16 135 30.06 142 51.73 154 86.14 184 152.62 201 105.11 205 57.31 213 68.35 215 79.06 218 46.90 Skupaj-Total..$29,290.32 $20,289.05 PREJEMKI IN IZDATKI ZA MESEC JUNIJ 1932 INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR JUNE, 1932 Mladinski Oddelek—Juvenile Department >r.št. Dohodki Izdatki ,odge Disburse- No. Income ments 1 .......................$ 13.80 2 ........................... 30.00 3 .......................... 3.15 4 ............................ 3.60 5 ............................ 3.60 6 12.00 9 ............................. 5.10 11 ............................ 6.30 12 .......................... 6.75 13 .......................... 7.20 15 ............................ 5.55 16 ........................... 13.80 18 ........................... 12.75 20 16.80 21 ............................ 11.25 22 ............................. 4.20 25 ............................ 14.25 26 ............................ 37.80 27 ............................ 3.30 28 ........................... 1.35 29 ............................ 15.30 30 .......:.................... 18.90 31 ............................. 6.70 32 ............................. .30 33 ............................ 11.40 35 ........................... 8.40 37 ........................... '20.55 39 ............................. 7.80 40 ........................... 7.20 41 ............................. 2.55 42 ............................. 8.85 43 ............................. 4.65 44 ............................ 14.70 45 ......................f$. 21.80 47 ............................. 2.40 49 .......................... 10.65 52 ................................75 53 ............................. 7.C5 54 ............................. 2.10 55 ............................. 6,15 57 ............................. 6.90 58 ............................. 6.15 61 ............................. 8.25 66 ............................ 29.25 68 ............................. 5.40 69 ............................. 1.50 70 ............................. 5.70 71 ............................ 15.75 72 ............................. 1.20 75 ............................. 4.95 76 ............................. 2.70 77 ............................. 4.95 78 ............................ 7.20 81 ............................. 3.90 82 2.10 83 ............................. 1.50 84 ............................. 6.90 85 ............................. 5.55 86 ........................... 2.85 87 ............................. 4.65 88 ............................. 2.85 89 8.10 92 ............................. 7.20 94 ............................ 15.30 99 ............................. 6.45 101 .....................- 2.10 103 ............................. 2.55 104 ............................. 1-95 105 ........................... *3-15 106 ............................. 6.15 107 ............................. 1.35 108 ............................. 7.95 109 ............................ 2.70 110 ............................. 5.40 111 ............................ 10-05 112 ............................. 3.60 114 ............................. 8.85 116 ............................. 7.65 117 ............................. 3.00 118 ............................. 2.85 119 ............................. 3.30 120 ............................. 7-65 121 1.20 122 ............................. 5.85 123 ............................. 3.60 124 ............................. 2.55 125 ........................... 1.80 126 ............................. 2.40 127 ................................90 128 ............................. 4.80 129 ........................... 4.05 130 ............................. 3.75 131 ............................. 1.95 132 ............................. 7.05 133 ............................. 4.65 134 ............................. 6.15 135 ........................... 1.35 136 ............................. 3.45 137 .......................... 138 ............................. 4.20 139 ..................................60 140 ............................... 4.95 141 ............................... 4.05 143 ............................. 2.70 144 ............................... 3.75 145 ............................... 4.20 146 ..................................45 147 ............................... 1.95 148 ............................... 2.85 149 .............................. 14.10 150 ............................... 4.05 151 ..................................15 152 ............................... 1.20 153 ..................................15 154 .............................. 4.20 155 ............................... 3.30 156 ............................... 2.10 157 ..................................45 158 ............................. 2.10 159 ............................... 4.90 1,60 .............................. 1.95 161 ................................. 30 162 ............................... 4.35 163 ..................................45 164 ............................... 1.95 166 .............................. 8.70 167 ............................... 3.30 168 ............................... 4.05 169 ..................................90 170 ............................... 1.95 172 ............................... 5.40 173 ............................... 1.35 174 ............................... 5.10 175 ............................... 3.60 176 ............................... 4.20 178 ................................ 60 180 1.80 182 6.00 183 ............................... 1.50 185 ............................... 7.05 186 ..................................90 187 ............................... 3.00 190 ............................... 5.55 192 ..................................60 193 ..................................15 194 ..................................75 195 ..................................75 197 ..................................15 198 ............................... 1.50 199 ............................... 3.00 200 ............................ 13.05 201 i................................45 202 ..................................75 203 ............................. 1.80 204 ...................................90 207 ............................... 2.10 209 .............................. 2.10 216 ..................................75 221 .................................. 90 222 ..................................75 4 Za maj i 3.60 5 .............................. 3.75 25 L............................ 14.25 33 .............................. 11-40 37 .............................. 20.85 42 ............................... 8.85 50 ............................... 1.05 64 ..................................15 87 ............................... 4.65 116 ............................... 6.15 135 ............................... 1.20 142 ............................... 3.90 154 ............................... 4.20 184 ......................'... .75 201 ..................................45 205 ................................ .75 213 ..................................30 215 ..................................30 218 ............................ 1.05 Skupaj-Total $957.25 0 BOLNIŠKA PODPORA IZPLAČANA MESECA JUNIJA 1932 SICK BENEFIT PAID DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1932 June 10 146 Ivana Martinčič 38.00 150 Mary Ann Pelichnik 75.00 173 Angela Martinčič 15.00 182 Kate Canjar 31.00 199 C. S. Hart, M. D 24.00 212 Joseph Mikula 16.00 214 Mihael Miklič 11.00 215 Louis Valentini 14.00 217 Joe Kraker 28.00 217 Joe Grandovec 75.00 221 Matilda Podobnick 1.00 June 21 2 Joseph Lube 17.00 2 Ignac Cimerman 17.00 2 Louis Škerjanc 25.00 2 Louis Škerjanc 150.00 2 Joe Kvas 35.00 2 Anton Kuzma 34.00 2 Rose Kozar 15.00 2 Margareth Kovali 35.00 2 Frances Perushek 32.00 2 Tony Seme 75.00 2 Robert Merhar 7.00 12 John Simončič 35.00 12 Vincent Arh 9.00 12 Margaret Haas 40.00 15 Nikolaj Starsinic 70.00 15 Joe Culig 16.00 21 Math Jankovich 28.00 22 Anthony Motz 11.00 40 Frank Kren 35.00 40 Joseph Lozar 36.00 41 Jacob Oblak 32.00 42 Mary Paulovec 55.00 45 Joseph Volker 8.00 45 Jacob Sovinjak 37.00 45 William Chibirko 13.00 45 Frank Gradise 17.00 45 George Volkar 35.00 45 Martin Barborich 35.00 45 Joseph Mervar 7.00 45 Amalia Golc 7.50 45 John Perko 20.00 45 Martin Lambert 35.00 45 Angela Brodnik 35.00 45 Louis Mavsar 23.00 45 Mary Ule 14.00 45 John Cendon 28.00 49 George Vraničar 30.00 53 Frank Kolar 31.00 53 John Kolsek 24.00 57 Nikolaj Medved 17.50 57 Mary Slat 35.00 57 Frank Ljubanovich 35.00 57 Matt Pribanich 12.50 57 Frank Biscanin 18.00 57 Mathew Kohosek 7.00 61 John Lukanic 7.00 61 John Lukanic 21.00 61 Anna Krizan 35.00 64 Frances Mihelčič 3.00 68 Peter Plavetich 51.00 68 Elizabeth Pavlich 34.00 69 Anna Zalar 41.00 83 Joe Katovich 31.00 85 Louis Perushek 7.Q0 94 Jacob Gostisa 40.00 94 John Slabe 17.50 118 Joseph Frlan 33.00 118 John Dekleva 41.00 132 Frank Tegelj 24.00 132 Louis Jerse 21.00 132 Edward Cecelic 7.00 132 Frank Skotin 34.00 135 John Blazine 22.00 135 Suzanna Skare 19.00 135 Joseph Stergar 9.00 135 Hellen Zebre 19.00 135 Anna Kmetz 18.00 135 Paul Bozich 4.00 149 Mike Medos 35.00 149 Mary Kolevetz 11.00 149 Josephine Peterneli 149 Frank Rosman 154 Jacob Balah 154 Ilija Sumon 154 Frank Murn 154 John Peloza 167 Stanley Konsak ... 172 John Ljubelsek 175 Josephina Penko 213 John Babyak 214 John Simec 220 Mary Spolar June 25 15 John Zbasnik 40 Mary Slak 45 Mrs. Tomaz Lambert 49 George Turk 51 John Stjepan 51 Joseph Boh 70 John Koren \ 70 Frank Ferenchak 88 Mary Erzen Ill Joseph Hochevar 111 Frank Terchek 119 Louise Kocjan 122 Katarina Kresho 122 Mike Kosic 122 Thomas Kosic 122 John Lisac 122 John Bencik 122 Agnes Klements 124 Frank Štrukelj 124 Johanna Cigolle 125 Joseph Maruszack 125 Jacob Geržina 125 Joe Patrick 125 Joe Mancobelli 129 Mary Pluth 129 Justina Struna 137 Angela Bogolin 137 Genovefa Zupan 142 John Polovina 142 Matt Dobrotinich 150 Barbara Govcdnik 150 Mary Trdan 150 Carolin Gerzin 150 Mary Ann Polichnik 150 Mary Pahule 159 John Vranesic 159 Mary Jaklovich 168 Mary Nucich 176 John Daus 186 Charles Starman 190 Anna Gornik 209 Frank Plasivec June 27 6 Alice Novak 6 Rose Cerne 6 Amalia Ursich 6 Agjes Jancar 6 Frank Mahnich 26 John Ogrinc 26 Anton Valenčič 26 Matt Pecman 26 Joseph Yohovich 26 Marko Cindric 29 Victor Hodnik 35 Frank Primsar 35 Margaret Jereb 1 37 Frank Bojc 37 Anton Stepic 1 37 Dominik Blatnik 37 Victor Krainc 25.00 20.00 35.00 35.00 42.00 17.50 75.00 28.00 41.00 12.00 34.00 46.00 34.00 15.00 17.50 62.00 29.00 14.00 14.50 13.50 25.50 31.00 31.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 22.00 17.50 30.00 29.00 20.00 16.00 13.00 17.50 2.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 33.00 29.00 17.00 14.00 17.00 39.00 26.00 21.00 42.00 35.00 42.00 15.00 42.00 19.00 37.00 36.00 35.00 16.00 8.00 25.00 35.00 24.00 35.00 17.50 35.00 15.00 36.00 8.00 15.00 35.00 9.00 23.00 17.50 I me Svota Dr. št Lodge No. Name Amount 1 Frank Tomsich ...............$ 25.00 1 Louis Glatch ............... 51.00 20 Frances Kern ................ 21.50 26 Frank Ovca .................. 39.00 26 Marko Cindric ............... 16.50 39 Agatha Kauzlarich ........... 21.50 45 Amalia Golc ................. 25.00 53 Albina Wallace .............. 113.00 57 Frank Ljubanovich ........... 51.00 57 Matt Pribanic ..!............ 73.00 71 Edward Bradac ............... 35.00 71 Rudolf Perdan ............... 75.00 71 Anton Krajsek ............... 31.50 77 Dorothy Flanick ............. 21.50 85 Joseph Silc ................. 25.00 85 Josephine Oreskow ........... 28.00 85 Louis Perushek .............. 2!.00 86 Mike Padjen ................. 64.00 105 Edward Simonich ............. 18.50 105 Joseph Potkonjak ............ 45.00 114 John Novlan.................. 43.00 114 George Brajkovich ........... 18.50 120 Anne Benko ................... 29.00 12l2 John Lisac ................... 5C#g 123 Anton Turk .................. 44.(1) 126 Joseph Jaksc .................... 42.00 135 Suzanna Skare ............... 52.00 135 Joseph Stergar .................. 34.00 135 Paul Bozich .................. 49.00 136 Matt Tursic .................. 21.50 154 Ilija Sumon...................... 50.00 154 Parania Skrabski................. 50.00 154 John Peloza .................. 24.00 157 Blaz Drobnič ................. 30.00 158 Karl Lulich ..................... 13.00 159 Mary Jaklovich .................. 75.00 161 Mary Adamicek ................... 67.00 165 Joseph Bon ...................... 24.50 168 Louis L. Vucksinick 14.00 172 John Kobal ....................... 3.00 188 John Palensek ................... 30.00 200 Mike Matesha .................... 36.00 200 John Vidmar ..................... 36.00 200 Matt Vertnik .................... 17.50 202 Mary Mrak ....................... 15.00 June 14 5 Tony Stepan ..................... 5.00 39 Joseph Marinčič ................. 15.00 39 Louis Pasquan ................... 33.00 64 Frances Mihelčič ................ 23.00 84 Mary Smith ..................... 35.00 84 Jacob Pr.unk .................... 26.00 125 Jack Geržina .................... 23.00 130 John Slatner .................... 29.00 140 Frank Vertačnik ................. 27.00 144 Georgs Burcar ................... 10.00 144 John Bernik ..................... 30.00 144 Peter Vincelov .................. 14.00 144 Anton M. Mejers.................. 24.00 37 Anton Kovach .................. 21.00 37 Mary Ulcar..................... 17.50 37 John Zajc ..................... 21.50 37 Rose Ujcich ................... 39.00 37 Ignac Slak .................... 36.00 37 Frank Posar ..................... 48.00 66 Anton Peselj .................... 27.00 66 Joseph Resetich ................. 14.00 66 John Zelko .................... 28.00 66 Frank Pucel ................... 17.00 66 Cecelia Zivetz ................ 10.00 71 Joseph Agnich ................... 35.00 71 Anton Lencek .................... 33.00 71 Rudolf Perdan ................... 33.00 71 Anton Krajsek ................... 23.00 71 Matt Hribar .................. ,35.00 108 Joseph Cigolle ................ 13.00 108 Mary Zlogar ................... 29.00 126 Mike Fink ..................... 10.00 126 Joseph Jakse «................. 36.00 131 John Zupan .................... 34.00 139 Joseph Nikolitch ................. 6.00 158 Martin Gerdenc .................. 10.00 158 Karl Lulich.................... 21.00 166 Agnes Vivoda .................. 19.00 June 29 1 George Barich.................. 31.00 1 Frank Sever ................... 25.00 1 Frances Gašperlin ............. 37.00 1 Frank Tomsich.................. 17.50 1 George Butarac ............: 35.00 1 Gregor Kristian ............ 34.00 1 Louis Glatch................ 32.00 1 Anania Kristoff ............ 16.00 1 Ivan Vene .................. 6.00 1 John W. Somrock............. 19.00 3 Martin Komočar .............. 32.00 3 John Perse .................. 17.50 3 John Tomac .................. 15.00 3 Theodore Drost .............. 17.50 4 Amalija Demshar ............. 15.00 9 Joseph Simonič .............. 12.00 9 George Panjan .............. 20.00 9 John D. Zunich.............. 17.00 9 Nick Badovinac .............. 28.00 9 Joseph Rezek ............... 44.00 9 John Butala ................ 28.00 9 John Turk .................. 19.00 9 Peter Shegina................ 30.00 9 Frank Stih ................. 17.00 13 Jacob Djurdak ............... 32.00 16 John Mlinac ................. 35.00 16 Joseph Rudar ................ 36.00 16 Frank Pressburg ............. 12.00 18 John Škerl .................. 16.00 18 Frank Hafner ................ 2.50 20 Frances Kern ................ 16.50 20 Frank Bojc ................ 12.00 27 John Pavlich ................ 48.00 27 Joe Evezich*................. 40.00 30 Jacob Petrie ................ 11.50 30 John Erchul ................. 35.00 30 Frank Janezic ............... 6.00 30 Louis Kochevar .............. 35.00 30 Joseph Bavetz ............... 25.00 30 Mildred Gudac................ 31.00 30 Anton Poznar ................ 36.00 30 Edward Komidor............... 7.00 30 Jack Phillip Bradach 35.00 30 Anton Samsa ................. 25.00 31 Frank Skrabec ............... 49.00 31 Frank Skrabec ............... 32.00 31 John Rednak ................. 35.00 31 Fany Simončič ............... 33.00 36 Frank Zaletelj .............. 14.50 36 John Britz .................. 16.00 36 John Milavec ................ 28.00 36 Frank Skufca ................ 15.00 36 Mihael Bozic ............... 36.00 36 Mary Shvigel ................ 25.00 36 Frances Jager................ 7.00 36 Anton Tursic ................ 19.00 36 Louis Omerzu ................ 19.00 36 Matt Krebelj................. 17.50 36 Milka Liljak ................ 35.00 36 Mary Zupančič................ 31.00 36 Mary Butara ................. 13.00 36 Mary Grosnik................. 14.00 36 Jennie Widmar ............... 15.00 47 Mike Paulich ................ 31.00 49 Anton Kramar ................ 9.00 49 Mrs. Mike Novak.............. 25.00 50 Ignac Zajc .................. 11.00 50 Mary Kelly .................. 48.00 53 Frank Homovec ............... 37.00 55 Martin Kodrich .............. 31.00 55 Katherine Rupar ............. 10.00 55 Frank Barbich ................... 38.00 55 Mary Hrvat ...................... 18.00 55 Mary Hrvat ...................... 15.00 55 Rosie Stipic .................... 35.00 78 Frank Cerov ..................... 27.00 78 Frank Blenkus ................... 37.00 82 George Gergich .................. 22.00 82 George Gergich ...............n 15.00 82 Joseph Finst................. 36.00 82 Joseph Finst ................ 7.00 82 Joseph Smrke................. 23.00 82 Andrej Stokelj .............. 17.00 92 Joseph Šuligoj .............. 15.50 99 John Arh .................... 17.50 99 Martin Urankar .............. 6.00 103 Johana Valencich ............ 27.00 114 John Gašperlin ............. 23.00 114 Mary Camaish ............... 61.00 114 George Brajkovich ........... 17.50 114 John Skubitz ................ 35.00 114 Annie Stukel ..............a. 7.00 120 Maria Grebenc ...!............... 31.00 120 Maria Koschak ................... 13.00 120 Frances Jerich ..................... .50 120 Anna Grahek ...................... 38.00 120 Maymie Kotchevar ................. 15.00 120 Angela Janezich .................. 41.00 120 Anna Loisel ..................... 35.00 120 Rose J. Lobe....................... 9.00 123 Josephine Guderman ............... 14.00 123 Anton Turk....................... 34.00 123 Filip Bunjevcevic ................ 37.00 136 Anton Rudolf ................... 10.00 136 Justina Tauzelj .................. 8.00 136 Matt Tursic...................... 17.50 138 Frank Bozich .................. 35.00 150 Mary Pahule ................... 75.C0 154 Simon Mataja.................... 20.00 154 John Sadosky ................... 17.00 165 Joseph Bon...............■........ 18.00 165 Mary Spollar .................... 18.00 168 John B. Ferri.................... 16.00 171 Anton Novak ..................... 31.50 171 Louis Mausar ..................... 19 00 171 Ivan Basic ....................... 18.00 171 Johanna Bozich .................... 7.00 183 Frank Sedminek ................... 35.00 192 Rudolph G. Maurine 16.00 201 Jennie Tanko ................... 15.00 203 Frank Progar .................. 150.00 203 Frank Progar ................... 17.00 203 Louis Pgdbcvsek ................ 35.00 204 Frank Kinkela .................. 44.00 216 Johana Fink ...................... 12.00 Z\1 Joe Kraker ....................... 28.00 Skupaj-Total..................$9,772.50 (Dalie na 0. sttaal) E URADA GL. TAJNIKA (Nadaljevanje iz 5. strani) PODPORA IZPLAČANA IZ SKLADA ONEMOGLIH MESECA JUNIJA 1932 DISABILITY BENEFIT PAID DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1932 7 7 > ) ) J cel 33102, Tony Klemensich 33103. Društvo št. 218: Guido Zucco 33104. Pete Cherelli 33105. Društvo št. 222: Evelyn Brown Ster-nischer 33106, Anthony Rizzo 33107. Zopet sprejeti — Reinstated Društvo št. 2: Mike Lekac 21036, Paul Lekatz 30934, Matt Strucel 27448. Društvo št. 5: Julia Morin 28060. Društvo št. 9: Matt Stubler 31813. Društvo št. 16: Milica Povich 28034, Rose Povich 29697, Stanko Vojkovich 18806, Stana Vojkovic 18808, Martin Banic 23694, Mary Tome 8594, Mary Becaj 15583, Joseph Becaj 1,2324. Društvo št. 22: Polona Kopernik 8851. Društvo št. 25: Peter J. Butalla 23885, Peter Malesh 19038, Joseph Pe rich 11484, Mary Perich 11558. Društvo št. 26: Anton Penko 19825, Leonard Tiso 31078, Jovan Vukšič 25500, Tony Pugel 26798, Mary Pugle 23445, Michael Koss 22535. Društvo št. 31: Frank Zetko 18697. Društvo št. 33: Vincent Ursich 20464. Društvo št. 35: Frank Svelc 5833. Društvo št. 37: Jera Petrič 8750, Mary Jurglic 9375, Marie Krsul 24039, George Humar 17788, Anton Bajt 14165, Anthony Bajt 29989, Amalia Bohte 18302, Mathias Arko 24233, Frank Budic 4183, John Gorencic ^1 19553, Anton Grdina 13569, Steve Lovrin 25707, Frank Kranjc 29988, Joseph Krall 19953, Joseph Loushin 10485, Louis Oswald 21205, Joseph 1 i Petrič 1445, Peter Srnovrsnik 15975, Ivan Tratar 11195, Anton Zigman 17794, Frank Cerkvenik 19405, Rozalij Zupančič 28606, Anthony Zigman B371. Društvo št. 40: August Dermota 23079. Društvo št. 70: Marie Peich 21006 Društvo št. 71: Alois Tolar 1932, Ivana Tolar 9021, John Urh 28932, Christina Urh 27692, Stanley Zupan 21503, Laurence Zupon 24769, Frank Grdodolnik 15520, Louie Hitty 27800, Joe Perusek 11400, Matilda Smrdel 10329 Frank Jerman 15754, Joseph Te-kaucic 20530, Frank Trepal 17811, Antonija Trepal 23174. Društvo št. 77: John Butina 32607, Frank Stempfer 18462, Helen Stempfer 18531. Društvo št. 78: Victor Struna 29592-Angela Struna 14995. Društvo št. 82: John Mervar 14040, Theresa Mervar 30143, Anna Mervar 32221, John Prhne 11262, Marjeta Prhne 11654, Jošephine Pcrhne 28078. Društvo št. 85: John Plevel 20173 Društvo št. 88: Anna Roni 9845. Društvo št. 94: Stanley Varsek 31170, Jbhn Habrle 32336, Frances Govekar 28234. Društvo št. 103: Mary Agnich 8256, Anna Markovich 24279, Mary Pajk 31042, Mary Jene 17334, Louise Rob erts 24753, Helena Pernush 18143. Društvo št. 104: Ivana Schaefei 21214, Anton Semonelich 20532. Thomas Korakaš 24222. Društvo št. 107: Marko Sertich 22959, Josephine Sertich 22953, Anton Janchar 30378. Društvo št. 110: Joe Mohar 24818. Društvo št. 114: Anton Gradisher 16109, Anton Hribar 17547. Društvo št. 116: John Havranek 11252, Albina Bebar 21723, Mary Pre vic 23153, Frances Previc 28050, Edward Previc 30628, Matija Primozicb 2182, Mary Primozich 9263. Društvo št. 122: Steve Galovicb 21727, Katarina Mlinarich 20610, Jos Mlinarich 18977. Društvo št. 123: Matt Stefin 29796. Molly Stefin 27613. Društvo št. 128: Rudolph Chernicb B644. Društvo št. 131: Elizabeth Simon 30869. Društvo št. 132: Julia Gorenc 22431. Društvo št. 133: Mary Karish 31922. Teresa Tomsich 21263, Mary Tomshich 29852, Anna Tomshich 31757. Društvo št. 135: Peter Lalič 25545, Katarina Lalič 25544, Daniel Kordich 21323, Anna Kordich 24189, Mary Novosel 21337, Joseph Kubitza B515, Dana Kubitza B514. Društvo št. 138: Ivan Kolic 22372, Društvo št. 140: Joe Falagrady 31141. Društvo št. 144: Joseph Misics 27215, Anna Mišica 28713. * Društvo št. 151: Anna Logar 15681. Društvo št. 154: John Arch 31932, Frank Skrabski 24875, Anton Rahne 25079, Nikolas Kenčec 24876. Društvo št. 175: Joseph Boštjančič 26588. Društvo št. 186: George Opalich 32723. Suspendirani — Suspended Društvo št. 1: John Elioff 28140, Anna Elioff 29478, George Ban 14912, Frank Bartovich 16629, Maria Barto-vich 16792, Tony Bartovich 32807, Mary Bartovich 27008, Josephine Bartovich 30592, Rico Bottiani 32808, Frank Chernivec 28372, Mary Cherni-vec 30593, Adolph J. Dolenshak 26109, Frank Debeltz 32678, Louis Fink 24678, Mary Fink 28058, Rose Fink 32380, Frances Gašperlin 22785, Joseph Grahek 17961, Joseph J. Grahek 32299, Agnes Jandrej 27168, John Horvat 164 Mary Horvat 14171, Rudolph Horvat 28139, Joe Gami 32811, Anthony Jericn Jr. 26107, Jack Iličič 25631, Rose Lah 31435, John M. Lobe 32876, Peter Mau-rin 20068, Joe Majerle 21428, John Ma jerle 22945, Matt Majerle 25523, Frank Mayerla 27815, John Movrin 27081. James Maddern 32677, Angela Miklav cich 30446, Frank Miklavcich 32180, Jim Nickoloff 29136, Joe Rojakovich 32850, Joseph Smuk 296, Frank Smuk 121747, Stanley Smuk 32300, Stefan Špehar 23849, Fred Skube 26208, Mary Stalcar 31466, Mary Fcrderber 29577, Peter Ferderber 31860, Frank Zgonc 1518, Mary Zgonc 9957, John Zgonc 22031, Frank Rozman 21363 Društvo št. 2: Ludvik Babich 18112, Rozalia Babich 18«32, Frank Delak 27557, Mary Delak 27770, Jenie Gorshe 27051, Mary Gorshe 30832, Tony Mi-kolich 29398, Frank Mikolich 31368, Anton Pechek 24592, Frances Pechek 29250, Frank Sekula 19195, Teodor Vesel 540. June 10 Dr. št. Ime Lodge No. Name 4 Jacob Shifrar 81 Jacob Bartoncel 85 Frank Derganc June 14 84 Mike Kokotovich 84 Louis Shain 130 Alojzija Juvan 140 John Bozich June 21 1 Asesment za T. Habjan... 12 Frank Janezich 12 Frank Janezich 15 Frank Starec 15 Jernej Simonich 40 Math Regina 40 Vincent Seslar 40 Jacob Winslow 45 John Hribernik 45 Amalia Golc 68 Filip Leskanac 69 Anton Knafelc 135 Millan Bozic 143 Tom Rihtarich June 25 Svota Amount 9.33 42.67 .. 20.00 .. 20.67 .. 10.00 .. 21.00 .. 8.10 .. 10.67 9.33 .. 20.00 ,, 20.00 .. 10.66 .. 11.67 .. 10.33 .. 10.00 3.33 .. 11.00 .. 11.60 .. 11.00 17.67 122 Mary Lisac .. 10.00 176 Matt Jurancich .. 10.00 176 Mary Tencich ... 10.00 209 Tony Rigler ... 20.00 June 27 6 Rudolph Kosten .. 10.00 6 Peter Rohotina ... 10.00 26 Frank Gerlovich ... 23.00 26 Marko Cindric ... 4.67 29 Thomas Sifrar ... 10.00 37 Louis Mahne, Guardian... ... 45.33 69 Asesment za John Suder. ... 9.69 71 Gregor Rajer ... 20.00 187 John Sivec ... 11.33 June 29 1 Steve Banovetz ... 20.00 1 Anna Sadler ... 20.33 1 John Tomsich ... 20.67 3 Frank Kuhar ... 11.34 4 Jacob Shifrer : ... 11.33 9 Stefan Lakner ... 20.34 9 Matt Fabec ... 20.67 13 Anna Arh ... 10.00 13 Martin Zapkar ... 10.00 16 John Tegelj ... 11.34 16 Gregor Hreschak ... 20.67 18 John Berce ... 19.00. 18 Frank Hafner ... 9.00 18 John Petrovčič ... 6.00 20 Joseph Novak, Guardian. ... 20.33 20 Frank Kozelj ... 20.67 31 Katherine Germ ... 29.67 36 Jennie Strmec ... 20.00 36 Agnes Gall ... 20.(X) 47 Jera Križman ... 20.00 49 Anton Kramar 55 Thomas Magdič ... 11.67 55 John Švigelj ... 20.00 81 Jacob Bartoncel ... 11.33 82 Joseph Starich ... 10.00 99 Vincent Urbanja ... 11.33 114 Anton Bolka ... 11.33 120 Frances Jerich ... 11.00 171 Tony Bozich 171 Joseph Bukovac ... 11.33 203 Slavia Sokol Skupaj-Total PREMEMBE V ČLANSTVU ZA MESEC JUNIJ 1932 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP JUNE, 1932 FOR Odrasli Oddelek—Adult Dept. Novi člani — New Members Društvo št. 1: Helen Milkovich 33065. Društvo št. 4: Louise Dolinar 33066. Društvo št. 13: John Žabkar 33067, John Resnik 33068. Društvo št. 18: Arthur Taucher 33069. Društvo št. 20: Tony Kushlan 33070, Louis Barle 33071. Društvo št. 21: Mary Marolt 33072. Društvo št. 25: Frances Nemgar 33073. Društvo št. 31: Anna Bayuk 33074. Društvo št. 36: Dorothy Butara B681 Društvo št. 37: Mary Unetič 33075, Društvo št. 39: Dolores Klarich 33076. Društvo št. 41: Ignac Vidmar B682. Društvo št. 53: Jane Kauchich B683. Laddie Logar 33077. Društvo št. 66: Julia Marie Adamich 33078. Društvo št. 77: Christine Chelan 33079. Društvo št. 82: Angeline Blazich 33080. Društvo št. 84: Mary Kruitz 33081. Ivana Logar 33082. Društvo št. 88: Joseph Banovetz Jr 33083. Društvo št. 92: Mary Yagodnik 33084. Društvo št. 108: Mary Stephanie Tursic 33085. Društvo št. 114: Julia Meden 33086. Frank Glavan 33087. Društvo št. 119: Marie Jeray 33088, Društvo št. 120: Margaret Moravitz 33089. Društvo št. 132: Mary Korencic 33090. Društvo št. 159: Frank Pavlesich 33091. Društvo št. 172: Mary Ulan 33092. Društvo št. 186: Frank Karda 33093. Društvo št. 190: Noella Rainville 33094, Alice Skubitz 33095. Društvo št. 192: Eddie J. Kern 33096, Frank A. Erchul 33097. Društvo št. 195: Frank Valenčič 33098. Društvo št. 199: Viallie Tozzie 33099. Društvo št. 200: John Miklaucich 33100, Frances Fink 33101, John Stru- j Društvo št. 4: Mike Barbisch 22360. Društvo št. 5: Tony Stepan 26130, Victor Chiaboiti 27736. Društvo št. 6: Joseph Kosten 22228, rMihael F. Tomazin 6242. Društvo št. 9: Mary Fink 26152. Jacob Benchich 25675, John Toth Jr 32213. Društvo št. 13: John Fradel 30656. Društvo št. 16: Frank Slabe 20982, John Slabe 22427, Joseph Fink 27943, Katherine Fink 32460, Frances Pešic 31005, Mary Pleskovič 24373, Rudolph Pasic 29980, Mike Pesic 25914, August Pleskovič 23839, Frances Fink 30522, Stanley Pejack B544, Carl Slabe B573. Joseph Brunskole B264, Bernard Brun-skole B379, Molly Berunskole B67. Društvo št. 20: Louis Verbich 30604. Louis Zgonc 27270, Anna Zgonc 8077 Društvo št. 22: Anton Milavcich 18524, Martin Vlatkovich 18714, Joseph A. Dolac 24512. Društvo št. 25: Edward J: Petrovčič 25183, Gabriela Masel 20490, Mary Masel 30755, Louis Oberstar 27195, Frank Oberstar 28528, Mary Oberstar 31075, Frances Kozar 32462, Frances Phillips 23986, Frances Ochis 21348. Jennie Turk 27062. Društvo št. 26: Mary C. Kocsis 28844, Stephen Kocsis 31152, Joseph F. Kobe 28631, George Sodetich 16878, Helen Sodetich 20620, Geo. Sodetic 27408, Anton Scurk 23369, Frank Smr del 28840. Društvo št. 30: Frank Sterle 32689. Društvo št. 31: Joseph Kosher 7106. Frances Kosher 17511, John Stipanic 19133, Mihael Segina 19235, Agnes Se-gina 27582, Mike A. Segina 30399. Društvo št. 32: Andrew Primozich 22687. Društvo št. 35: Frank Lesica 19331. Mary Karosic 20638. Društvo št. 36: Jacob Bevc 2233. Anna Bevc 9904, John Beltz 29715, Albert Beltz 31817, Anton Beltz 11276, Tony Beltz 22488, Frank Jančar 24377, Tony Kusher 29143, Mary Kushei 27107, Frank Prosen 31082, Stefani? Pucel 30282, Frances Petrich 18217 Angeline M. Rovanšek 31818, Meth odius M. Rovanšek 27619, Frank G Rovanšek 29589, Julia Sekirica 15098. Anton Zakrajšek 4989, Albin Gačnik 7767. Društvo št. 37: Frank Tonija 15257. Charles Sega 24036, Ivan Strekalj 2300, John . Strnisha 18465, John Pekol; 13970, Frank Kolenc 5990, Mike Ovsek 18145, Vladimir Žagar 17220, Luka Žnidaršič 18950, Ivan Zerovnik 5067. Frances Oštir 9400, Agnes Hiti 28666 Ivana Zakrajšek 11781, Ljudmila Cimerman 17677, Anna Novosel 16608 Johana Urankar 23913, Marko Volčan sek 20599, Frank Kranjc 22575, Frank Kolenc 18829, Jernej Mohar 19544. Ivan Novosel 6496, James Požar 32693, Louis Skube 16434, Anthony Zimmerman 32630, Jack F. Ambrose 25711. Društvo št. 39: Paul Drazic 6095. Društvo št. 40: Mary Hren 23324, Anna Zurman 9567, Frank Zurman 2388. i Društvo št. 42: Joseph Sterle 13485 Društvo št. 44: Franic Gorjup 27826, Mary Mesich 25446. Društvo št. 45: Sophie Sebanc 31890. Anna Somrak 31190. Društvo št. 49: Nick Hotujec 30537, Katie Horvatič 29085, Martin Krai 20519, Tony Mercel 21717, Mary Mercel 21716, Jftcob Pozek 2930, Alojzija Po-žek 25115. Društvo št. 52: Jernej Jerina 5632, Ritddic Krosel 30465, Victor Krose) 31649. Društvo št. 53: Jennie Zorce B393 Društvo št. 57: Rose Martinsek 31491, Nick Negich 24021. Društvo št. 61: Martin Papič 28157, Agnes Papich 28153, Matija Kukar 19368, Barbara Kukar 21026. Društvo št. 66: Frank Fernečak 25406, Rose Vidmar 31094, Adolph Kramarich 27603, Katarina Pozek 27018, Henry Bluth 30408, Frank Kozlevčar B381. Društvo št. 69: Anna Marie Korošec 28925. Društvo št. 70: Paul Cerar 20140 Joseph Šimenc 19914, Johana Šimenc 21650, Frank Peshnik 29535. Društvo št. 71: Ignac Fortuna 14930. Andy Rutar 28363, John Kness 18795 Antonija Kness 19169, Angeline Kness 30953, Joseph Mustar 20529, John Omerza 6450, Jacob Trček 6839, Frank Urbas 25363, Anna Urbas 25379, Anton Brzin 12967. Društvo št. 75: George Kuntz 26731, Antonie Cermak 30468, Jerry Cermak 32401, Frank Velkovrh 13697. Društvo št. 77: Matilda Lisac 30002, Mike Lisac 30781, Frances Cerk B622. Društvo št. 78: Mary Irvin 16145. Društvo št. 81: William Dahm 30190, Mcholas Dahm 31287, Anton Zefran 2T383, John P. Weiler 30191. Društvo št. 82: Frank Rebolj 24718, J os. Povseh 17940. Društvo št. 83: Frank Taucher 29734. Društvo št. 84: John Marčen 27962. Anton Turko 20649. Društvo št. 85: Joe Turk 30005, John J. Turk 28049, Louise Jamnik 24098, Vincent Lesar 11342, Neža Lesar 11337, John Miklavcich 20992, Johanna Miklavcich 30469, Frank J. Zakrisek 24523. Društvo št. 92: Frank Muha 21088. Društvo št. 99: Valentin Koritnik 31905. Društvo št. 103: Mary Nahtigal 24754, Roza Kaporc 24939, Fannie Jarc 20096, Augusta Jarc 24104, Frances Debeljak 17199, Jennie Škerl 21764, Valerija Fidel 23146, Ljudmila Pajek 24940, Anna Juvan 21718. Društvo št. 104: Christina Harej 21597. Društvo št. 105: Sylvia Baltazar 31907. Društvo št. 106: John Michelitch 28622, Slavka Ujcic .30009. Društvo št. 109: Frank Modec 5869. Društvo št. 1.10: Joseph Bambich 19250, Joe Bombich 26016, Mary Dukič 11106, Ignac Novlan 18893, Katie Nov-lan 20051, Ignatz Novlan 30959, Jennie Boyts 20861, John Bombich 18963, Joseph Ahlin 18962. Društvo št. 114: Matt Cherne 27606, George Eubash 24705, Tony Bubasb 27091, John Petrich 31'840, John Ko-! vach 27806, Joe L. Kovach 31708, Josephine Mizera 271,58, Jos. S. Kocheva*-16106, Katherine Skradski 32779. Društvo št. 117: Angela Rotar 30096. Društvo št. 120: Elsie Arola 22141, Dorothy Cherne 32910, Maria Koschak 18284, Helen Komotar 22615, Mary Lenich 29537, Johanna Palcar 21661. Društvo št. 122: Alfonso Domenickini 21112, Rose Domenick 27027, Leno Domenickini 30015, Nick Vlahovac 18898, Steve Krampotich 29380. Društvo št. 123: Filip Bunjevcevio 23089, George Zauhor B213. Društvo št. 125: Louis Batistig 22976, Mihael Massera 21838, Aretha Massara 30553. Društvo št. 126: John Jurmanovich 19900, Angela Jurmanovich 21419, Marko Jurmanovich 21200. Društvo št. 128: Paul Jurisich 25066. Anna Jurisich 25065. Društvo št. 129: Angela Križnar 24706, Marga Križnar 32646, Angela Križnar 31583, Mary Mlakar 21403, Anna Muhvich 28424, Neža Zallar 23355, Mary Dolenc 22213. Društvo št. 131: Andrew Swartz 30374. Društvo št. 132: Frank Aubelj 31176, Jožefa Bajt 9357, Edward Bajt 21514, John Bolden 21148, Julia Bolden 20791. John Babich 19715, Joseph Pike 21890, Jacob Poklenk 14463, Mary Poklenk 14464, Antonia Strlekar 24865, Berth? Starman 27644. Društvo št. 133: Rozalija Russ 22018, Anna Sertich 32845, Johana Grahek 20921. Društvo št. 136: Anton Susa 23773. Društvo št. 137: Caroline Pluth 8140, Josephine Pujzdar 24280, Mary Pluth 25929, Mary Paus 28656, Amelia Pluth 32007. Društvo št. 138: Steve Janko 21946, Susie Yanko 25425, Mary Gombach 29488, Mary Gombach 30702. Društvo št. 140: Frank Giamarvo 30894. Društvo št. 142: Martin Mavrinac 22571, Frank Sasek 23805. Društvo št. 143: Mary Ribich 22218. Društvo št. 145: Rose Cebran 24071, foseph Cebran 24072, Darnella Cebran 32419. Društvo št. 148: Valery Malihosky 25850, Stefania Malihosky 25849, Edvard Malichosky 29272. Društvo št. 149; Jože Šajn 25619, Frank Tomšič 26482. Društvo št. 150: Jennie Pogorelc 30559. •• Društvo št. 152: Luka Jerman 12696 Društvo št. 157: Joseph Setina 15630 Društvo št. 158: Steve Costa 3,0032. Društvo št. 160: Anton Bubnič 25648, \ngela Zadnik 25(549. Društvo št. 161: Victor Davis 31507, Jennie Davis 25374, Anton Vercek 25376, Annie Vercek 25375. Društvo št. 166:i Adolf Jonta 32014. Društvo št. 167: Steven Kutchar 27247. Društvo št. 171: Mary Grubisa 27404» Frank Mavretich £6834, Dora Mavretich 26833, Anton Marfnich 28284, John Obranovich 28169,; John Pink 24881, Mary Radanic 26840. Društvo št. 173: Anton Grubich 27481, Rose Grubich 27482. Društvo št. 175: Andy Hrvatin 32424. Društvo št. 1*80: Stanley Vesel 28762. Frances Mola B136. Društvo št. 183: Mike Myers 27665, Agnes Flander 29872, Cpcilia Korocip 30209. Društvo št. 184: Blaz Zakrajšek 27187, Joseph Bubash 22480, Gerald P. Cook 32355, Mplly M. Horvat 30267, Rudolph F. Krall 32247, W. Garfield Nicholas 32353, Nester Niemela 32142. Društvo št. 186: Paul Gersin 32298. Društvo št. 188: Frank Krall 29289. Stanley Zupančič 28028. Društvo št. 192: Michael Malkovich 32369, John L. Tomshich 27271, Peter Buncich 32184, Louise Buncich 32671, Joe Mustar B569, Tony Zallar B252. Društvo št. 196: Thomas Antlogar 24626, John F. Enright 33011, Jennie Richtar 25144, Matilda Richtar 27086. Rose Richtar 22764, Geo. Shalamunec Jr. 26203, Sida Shalamunec 30132, George I. Witkovich 30844, John F Golobic Jr. B276. Društvo št. 198: John Banyas 26095. Društvo št. 199: Petro Montepara 30644. Društvo št. 200: Matt Marolt 29599. Društvo št. 201: Jennie Sustersich 23930, Estella Ambrose 26348, John Sustersich B309. Društvo št. 202: Albina Wisniewski 31868. Društvo št. 203: Miroslav Yeric 30171. Društvo št. 204: Dan Zimic 29323. Društvo št. 205: Joseph Curynarskv 32035. Društvo št. 209: Pete Tezza 30740, Louise Tezza 32040, John Surina 30588. Joe Stimac 30587. Društvo št. 213: John Polantz 31366, Mary Jane Beltz 31614, Stanley Bevc 668, Josephine Bevc 28377. Društvo št. 214: John Jerman 32439. Društvo št. 215: Frank Janezich 26728, Matt Vesel 28739, Louis Jane-sich B356. Društvo št. 218: Blažem Merick 32049, Minnie Merick 32868, John Mo- retto 31727, Aurelio Prest 31958. Društvo št. 220: Irene Husarik 32450. Društvo št. 221: Frank Aurednik 27384, William Aurednik 29987, Vencil Oblock 2541-4. Odstopili — Withdrawals Društvo št. 6: Anna Kodelja 26299. Sophie Kodelja 29543. Društvo št. 94: John Lesnak 28448. Društvo št. 120: Frances Tomsich 23521. Društvo št. 193: Vida Grum 29014. Stanley Grum 25348. Črtani — Expelled Društvo št. 25: Stefoma Vehovec 32564, Julia Vehovec 31008, Tony Mu-sich 30497. .- Prestopili — Transfers Od št. 184 k št. 1.: Lou,s z6°nc 29017. > I Od št. 82 k št. 9: John Skorya - 21529. -I Od št. 101 k št. 21: Smilana Bokan r 20019. Od št. 201 k št. 21: Stella Zupančič . ;29684, Jennie Zupančič 29683, Anthony , J. Kastelic B423. Od št. 13 k št. 26: Steve Predavec 26677. Od št. 186 k št. 35: Anna Debevec 29586. Od št. 213 k št. 36: Chas. Koreltz 25918. Od št. 27 k št. 53: Jacob Potočar 1844. Od št. 2 k št. 85: Frank Pucel 31469, John Pucel 32878, Joseph Pucelj 19579. Od št. 42 k št. 101: Zora Cacic B62. Od št. 37 k št. 137: Louisa Straziscer 13379. Od št. 30 k št. 170: Mildred Gudac 24468, Mildred Blazina 28999. Od št. 33 k št. 221: Mary Blasky 32219. Umrli — Died Društvo št. 27: John Volte 1839, Mary Kochevar 8990. Društvo št. 30: Louis Kochevar 5907. Društvo št. 31: Frank Čehovin 21672. Društvo št. 71: Amalija Bombach 8730. Društvo št. 92: John Mihich 29003. Društvo št. 105: John Simonič 14721, Louis Boltazar 6074. Društvo št. Ill: John Yamhick 28202. Društvo št. 129: Frances Mikolich 22643. Društvo št. 144: George Burcar 764, John Bernik 3170. Društvo št. 171: Cecilia Novsek 26242. Društvo št. 203: Anna Progar 12128. Premembe zavarovalnine Changes of Insurance • Društvo št. 2: Iz S1000 na $500, Frank Košir 30052, Alex Košir 27326 Društvo št. 20: Iz $1000 na $250, Mike Potočnik 23216. Društvo št. 25: Iz $1000 na $250. Frank Vehovec 27193. Društvo št. 25: Iz $1000 na $500. Frank Petrovcich 21388. Društvo št. 25: Iz $500 na $250. Anton Masel 28700, John Masel 32216. Društvo št. 82: Iz $1000 na $500. John Prhne 11262. Društvo št. 110: Iz $1000 na $500 Frank Novlan 24245, Rudolph Novlan 30958. Društvo št. 112: Iz $1000 na $500, Vincent Martinich 30092. Društvo št. 114: Iz $1500 na $1000 Angela Dejak 17415. Društvo št. 144: Iz $500 na $1000 John Debenc 29254. Društvo št. 200: Iz $1000 na $250, Rudolph Champa 30645. Društvo št. 3P0: Iz $500 na $250, Mary Champa 26420. Društvo št. 201: Iz $1000 na $250 Mary Kennedy 26592. P REMEM B EV ČLANSTVU ZA MESEC JUNIJ 1932 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP FOR JUNE, 1932 Mladinski Oddelek—Juvenile Department Novi člani — New Members Društvo št. 37: Joseph Sernel 12898 Društvo št. 54: Joseph Wm. Kern 12899. Društvo št. 55: Mary Golcher 12900. Društvo št. 57: Joseph Sever 12901. Društvo št. 84: Johana Logar 12902. Louise Logar 12903, Rose Logar 12904. Društvo št. 89: Marion Widga> 12905. Društvo št. 136: Frank O. Bavdek 12906. Društvo št. 155: Jennie Možina 12907. Helen Romish 12908, Dorothy Kaska 12909. Društvo št. 182: Lawrence J. Ja-versak 12910. Društvo št. 196: John Joseph Furar 12911. Društvo št. 218: William G. Marcelic 12912. Zopet sprejeti — Reinstated Društvo št. 9: Edward Gazvoda 8585 Društvo št. 16: Peter Povich 9230 Mike Povich 9232, Milan Povich 9233, Stephen Povich 9234, Milka Povich 9235, John Povich 9236, Bettie Povich 9237, Katherine Vujkovich 3422, Sofija Vujkovic 6533, Martin Banič 12734, John Thomas Banič 12733, Mary Banich 12795, Frank Becaj 3506. Društvo št. 31: Josephine Sankovič 11287. Društvo št. 37: Justina Gorencic 11934, Slobodan Krsul 6305, Molly Zigman 2418. Društvo št. 77: John Zalich 10769, Mary Zalich 10768. Društvo št. 78: John Struna 5951, Albert Struna 5952, Louis Struna 5955. Društvo št. 85: John J. Plevel 11111, Mary E. Plevel 10528, Florence Plevel 7140, Paulina Ana Plevel 8100, Frank Plevel 12504. Društvo št. 94: Mary Habrle 12227, Mildred Habrle 12228. Društvo št. 116: Martin A. Bebar 8833, Valentina Previc 3162, Helen Previch 4189, Stanislav Previc 5302, John Previc 10973. Društvo št. 128: John Chernich 4227, John Kaplenk 11119, Frank Kaplenk 11120. Društvo št. 171: Mary Mavrovic 8193. Suspendirani — Suspended Društvo št. 1: Margaret Chernivec 1636, Angela Chernivec • 3108, Anna Ferderber 8530, Albert Grahek 4640, John Grahek 7139, Bernard Grahek 9047, Joe Horvat 3764, Margaret Horvat 4914, Mary Horvat 8102, Louise Horvat 9053, Roseline F. Horvot 11095, Amalia Lah 3354, Victorine A. Nickoloff 10569, Florence V. Nickoloff 10570, Frank Smučk Jr. 7057, William Smuk 7059, Hedvika Smuk 7060, Albert Smuk 9049, Edward Smuk 11254, George Elieoff 12335, John Elieoff 12334, James Elieoff 12333, Evelyn Elieoff 12332. Društvo št. 2: Raymond A. Pechek 12809, Mary Sega 12473. Društvo št. 6: Paul Rohotina 12551, Pauline Rohotina 12550. Društvo št. 15: Josephine Lakner 11009. Društvo št. 16: Josephine Bruskitle 2352, Louis 1-. Biunskole 4639, Mary Brunskole 9965, William Plsskuv'c 11270, Agnes Fink 5323, Peter Fink 3912, Helen Fink 10399. Društvo št. 18: Paul Oblak 1117, Joseph Pivik 11993. Društvo št. 20: Anton Verbich 10011, Sophie Zgonc 4192, Rose Zgonc 6535. Društvo št. 22: George Gornik 2190, Frank Dolac. 1891. Društvo št. 26: Milica Vuksich 7745. Društvo št. 31: Joseph Juracic 11296, Irene Juracic 11297, Joseph Segina 7466, Anton Segina 7515, George Segina 7516, Mary Segina 7517, Joseph Košir 1916, Frances !4osher 5160. Društvo št. 35: Mary Vicich 4276, Ivana Vicic 4903, Anthony Vicic 6730. Društvo št. 36: Paulina Beltz 7627, Edith J. Beltz 7628, Annie Bevc 9000, Josephine Bevc 9C02, Margareth Bevc 9001, Jennie Beltz 12153. Društvo št. 37: Milka Braniselj 1660, Victoria Penca 8337, Ivana Urankar 6171, Frances Urankar 7398, Frank Urankar 9819, Joseph Zakrajšek 11709. Društvo št. 39: Ivan Kosanovich 2961. Društvo št. 44: Frank Matko 9582. Društvo št. 45: Joseph Peshat 1163. Društvo št. 49: Anna Pozek 6767. Društvo št. 57: Mary Kos 11336, Anna Kos 11337. Društvo št. 61: Martin Papič 9351, Joseph Papič 9349, John Papič 9348, Anthony Papič 9350. Društvo št. 68: Frank Madjaruh 2850. Društvo št. 70: Mary Baudik 7210. Društvo št. 77: Anna Barich 4572, Angeline Mirt 10669. Društvo št. 81: Anton Zefran 7719, Herman Zefran 7718, Joseph Zefran /717, William Nicholas Dahni 11936, Ralph M. Dahm 11938, Albert Nicholas'-3ahm 11937. Društvo št. 101: John Hren 8064. Društvo št. 103: Sophie Paik 9254, Mary Paik 9255. Društvo št. 104: Chester Harej 6419, Erwin A. Harej 7926. Društvo št. 106: Anton Gruden 4134. Društvo št. 103: Josephine M. Kikel 3007, Dorothy Gene Muster 11912, Beatrice Jane Muster 12498, Bernice May Muster 12499, Adam Penich 5599, Alex Penich 5600, Mary Penich 5667, Matty Penich 7010. Društvo št. 110: Rose Anzelc 9794, Matilda Bambich 5929. Društvo št. 112: Joe Strazishar 5765. Društvo št. 114: Olga Strbenc 8695, Frank Strbenc 8696, Rudolph Sterbenc 10747, Anna Skradski 6919, Barbara Skradski 6920, Jacob Skradski 6921, \malia Skradski 6923. Društvo št. 122: Lena Domenickini 1054, Elsie Domenickini 4637, Emma Domenickini 6474, Joe A. Domenickini 7705. Društvo št. 126: Helen Jurmanovic '205, John Jurmanovich 9044, Mary Jurmanovic 8204, Michael Jurmanovich 3356, Katarina Jurmanovic 10680, Joseph Jurmanovich 12500, Anni Yurma-novic 12873, George Romcevic 10698. Društvo št. 129: Margaret Mary Mlakar 12481, Helen Anna Mlakar 12480. Društvo št. 132: Jozefina Bajt 6728, Edward Bolden 8555, John Bolden 5998, Robert Bolden 11357, George . Cvetic 11492, Edward Strlekar 8614, John Strlekar 9545, Rudolf Strlekar 9544, Stanley Strlekar 6729. Društvo št. 133: Frances Fenda 10061. Društvo št. 136: Anna Susa 9887, Jennie Susa 9886, Stanley Susa 9885, Violet Susa 12683. Društvo št. 137: Štefanija Erbežnik 9547. Društvo št. 138: John Janko 5397, \nna Janko 6281, Frank Yanko 7133, Alojz Yanko 7994,(Rose Gombach 9303. Društvo št. 142: Paul Davidich 10775, Louis Davidich 10776, Beatrice Davidich 10777. Društvo št. 160: Albert Zadnik 7319, Mary Zadnik 7317, Angela Zadnik 7315. Joseph Zadnik 7318. Društvo št. 161: Ida Supančič 7103. Društvo št. 171: Alfred Stephen Koscso 12405, John Obranovich 10716, Agnes Obranovich 10717, Ralph Pink 7797, Nancy Pink 8092, George Rate-sich 11439, Ivan Ratesich 11438. Društvo št. 183: Frank Urbanja 10278. Društvo št. 196: Theresa Rehtar 8827. Društvo št. 199: Livia Montepara 111461, Amalia Montepara ,l45f’^ 1 Montepara 11460, Lena Colizz* Društvo št. 204: Mike Siimish T 'Mary Zimish 10922, Sophie > '10924, Anna Zimish Zimish 10919, Nick Zimish Druitvo št. 205: Tony Fartro w Društvo št. 213: Louis Beuc i Christina Beuc 3512. Prestopili — Tr,ans^rTancabet Od št. 30 k št. 170: Louis lane 6522, Violet Tancebelj 5288. Odstopili — Withdrawals Društvo št. 25: John Oberstar Društvo št. 49: Anna Dercar Mary Dercar 4023. Andrew Društvo št. 193: Stanley Grum 12360. Črtani — Expelled Društvo št. 21: Frank Chik -Društvo št. 66: Atonia Brane Umrl — Died Društvo št. 35: Eron Matičič Prestopili v odrasli odde e Transferred to Adult Depar m ^ Društvo št. 4: Louise Dolinar « DruStvo št. 13: John Resnik John Žabkar 26 74. 1625- Društvo št. 18: Arthur Taucher Društvo št. 20: Anton Kušlan Louis Barle 2415. Društvo št. 25: Frances 6323. . <0211- Društvo št. 31: Anna Bay" ^408. Društvo št. 36: Dorothy Butara Društvo št. 37: Mary Uneticn Društvo št. 41: Ignac Vidma ^ Društvo št. 53: Jennie Kaucic Ladislav Logar 9753. . . 7358. Društvo št. 66: Julia Adamic n h Društvo št. 82: Angeline 7732. R„nove|? Društvo št. 88: Joseph 5238. .k 8248 Društvo št. 92: Mary Jagod ^ Društvo št. 114: Julia Maden Frank Glavan 3117. . Društvo št. 119: Marie Jeral etz Društvo št. 120: Margaret M« 12715. Koreni*1 Društvo št. 132: Mary K°r 4608. pavlesictl Društvo št. 159: Frank 11433. in n 11385- Društvo št. 172: Mary Ula"ič 7426-Društvo št. 195: Frank ,aVcicli Društvo št. 200: John ctrucc'i 8676, Frances Fink 5042, J°nn 3442, Anton Klemencich 282;, 5njk, Anton /J“ah,ninik. gl. taji1 GLAS NARODA NAJSTAREJŠI NEODVISNI SLOVENSKI DNEVNI* V AMERIKI Je najbolj razširjen sI°vlnf#. Ust v Ameriki: donaša v^hni(ja svetovne novosti, riiO o0. Izvirna poročila lz stare a 0(je vine; mnogo šale ln Pr | romanov najboljših pisatelj Pošljite $1.00 ln pričeli ga bomo Vsa pisma naslovite n*‘ GLAS NARODA I i 216 W. 18lh St., Na« 'orK' sWm od najmanjše do največje za društva in posameznike izdeluje lično moderna slovenska unijskatiskarna^ Ameriška Domovin3 6117 ST. CLAI R » CLEVELAND, OHM 5/ m Ji i 1 f EDINA SLOV. BANKA V ZEDINJENIH državah North American Trust banka (>131 ST. CLAIR AVE., CLEVELAND, O. Ima premoženja skoro $6,000,000.00 Jemlje denar na hranilne vloge Iz vseh delov Zedinjenih in tudi iz Kanade ln od drugod. aDl! Kadar pošiljate denar v staro domovino, ali kam ^5flVOda, pošljite ga potom tega varnega in zanesljivega denarnega ki ima izvrstne zveze z vsemi bankami sveta. .. la in Ta slovenska banka ima $200,000.00 osnovnega kapi18 $280,000.00 rezerve, kar garantira hranilne vloge vlagatelje111, SVOJI K SVOJIM! in Vsem Jugoslovanom v Pittsbu e za-okolici se priporočam za vse sivi1 varovanja proti ognju. Zavaruje ,ujCrn pohištvo, avtomobile itd. P°s poleS nakupe ln prodaje nepremični*1’ joh11 tega sem še vedno tudi družabn ^ se Brazso pogrebnega zavoda. B