UPORABNIKOVO VREDNOTENJE SPLOŠNIH KNJIŽNIC Rajko Slokar, Goriška knjižnica Franceta Bevka, Nova G orica UDK 027.022 (497.4): 65.011.4 P o v z e te k Podzakonski predpisi v Sloveniji materialno in sicer ne spodbujajo, da bi ravnatelji SIK-ov s sodelavci (delojemalci) družno izboljševali delovanje knjižnic, zlasti kakovost knjižničnih storitev. Medtem ko je ravnateljeva plača odvisna tudi od obsega in kakovosti storitev ter od lastnega (izvenproračunskega) prihodka za­ voda, temelji stimulativni del plače ostalih zaposlenih zgolj na lastnem prihodku knjižnice. To jih seveda sili v zaračunavanje, kar je v nasprotju s proklamirano brezplačnostjo osnovnih knjižničnih storitev. Zato poslovodni in izvajalski del pri izpolnjevanju nalog knjižnice objektivno veslata vsak v svojo smer. Poleg tega za ravnatelja ni objektiviziranih meril za kakovost storitev. Zaradi vsega tega avtor predlaga, da državni upravni organi s podzakonskimi predpisi spodbudijo uporabo tehnik merjenja uspešnosti SIK-ov in s tem tudi uporabniko­ vo vrednotenje storitev z izpolnjevanjem vprašalnikov o uspešnosti knjižnice, o zadovoljstvu z njo in o vrednotenju njenega pomena. S tem se bo tudi pravno spremenil odnos knjižničarja do izvrševanja nalog knjižnice in hkrati utrdil uporabnikov status. UDC 027.022 (497.4): 65.011.4 S u m m a r y Legal regulations in Slovenia do not materially or otherwise stimulate the direc­ tors of public libraries and their colleagues (employees) to strive for better functioning of the libraries, especially for the quality of library services. The director's income depends on the quantity and quality of the services, as well as on the supplementary (non-budgetary) incomes of the library; while the stimula­ tive part of the income of the rest of the staff depends only on the supplementary incomes of the library. In the light of this fact, libraries are compelled to charge for their services which is opposed to the proclaimed free-of-charge basic library services. In carrying out the tasks of the library, the management and the staff therefore pull in different directions. Besides, the director has no objective instru­ ments for the measurement of the quality of the services. The author therefore suggests that the state executive organs shouldstimulate the use of special tech­ niques for the measurement of the efficiency of public libraries with certain legal regulations; the users should be given the opportunity to express their opinions about the efficiency of the library, their satisfaction with it and the significance of the library in the form of a questionnaire. This would change the legal status of the librarian in carrying out the tasks of the library and solidify the user' position. SLOKAR, Rajko: Users' Evaluation of Public Libraries. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 40(1996)3/4,211-220