i sciendo Zdr Varst. 2019;58(1):40-46 10.2478/sjph-2019-0005 Ferrao AC, Correia P, Ferreira M, Guine RPF. Perceptions towards healthy diet of the Portuguese according to area of work or studies. Zdr Varst. 2019;58(1):40-46. doi: 10.2478/sjph-2019-0005. PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS HEALTHY DIET OF THE PORTUGUESE ACCORDING TO AREA OF WORK OR STUDIES DOJEMANJE ZDRAVE PREHRANE PORTUGALCEV GLEDE NA NJIHOVO PODROČJE DELA ALI ŠTUDIJA Ana Cristina FERRAO1*, Paula CORREIA2, Manuela FERREIRA2, Raquel P. F. GUINÉ2 1Instituto Politécnico de Viseu Escola Superior Agraria de Viseu, Departamento de Indústrias Alimentares, Quinta da Alagoa, Estrada de Nelas, Ranhados, Viseu, 3500-606, Portugal 2CI&DETS/CERNAS Research Centres, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Campus Politécnico, Repeses, Viseu, 3500-606, Portugal Received: Jun 14, 2018 Original scientific article Accepted: Jan 3, 2019 ABSTRACT Keywords: food areas, healthy diet, nutrition knowledge, perceptions, survey, Portugal Introduction: A healthy diet is crucial for the maintenance of health. Therefore, the aim of this work is to evaluate the perceptions towards a healthy diet among the participants with work or studies in areas related to diet and nutrition and those who did not. Methods: Anonymous questionnaire data was collected in a cross-sectional study on a non-probabilistic sample of 902 participants living in Portugal. Results: The results showed that the participants' perceptions were, in general, compliant with a healthy diet. However, significant differences were found between gender (p=0.004), between the different civil state groups (p=0.016), between the participants who were responsible for buying their own food and those who were not and also regarding the living environment. The variable area of work or studies also showed significant differences (p=0.001), so that people who had work or studies related to agriculture obtained a higher score. Regarding this variable, the mean values of nutrition and agriculture areas were not statistically different between them, but were statistically different from the mean values of psychology and health areas. The participants who had work or studies in areas showing diet and nutrition-related issues achieved a higher mean score (0.72±0.35) when compared to the participants who did not (0.58±0.30). Conclusion: However, despite the results, it is important to continue developing campaigns that better communicate nutritional aspects, so that people can increase their knowledge on this subject. IZVLEČEK Ključne besede: področje prehrane, zdrava prehrana, znanje o prehrani, dojemanje prehrane, vprašalniki, Portugalska Uvod: Zdrava prehrana je ključnega pomena za ohranjanje zdravja. Zato je cilj te študije oceniti dojemanje zdrave prehrane med v raziskavi sodelujočimi zaposlenimi in študenti, ki so profesionalno povezani s področjem prehrane, in tistimi, ki to niso. Metode: Anonimni podatki iz vprašalnika so bili zbrani v medsektorski študiji z verjetnostnim vzorčenjem 902. sodelujočih, ki prebivajo na Portugalskem. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da je dojemanje zdrave prehrane med sodelujočimi v študiji na splošno v skladu z zdravo prehrano. Pokazale pa so se izrazite razlike med spoloma (p = 0,004), med različnimi skupinami glede na zakonski stan (p = 0,016), med sodelujočimi, ki so odgovorni za nakup lastne hrane, in tistimi, ki to niso, ter glede na bivalno okolje. Različna področja dela ali študija so prav tako pokazala izrazite razlike (p = 0,001), kar pomeni, da imajo osebe, ki so zaposlene na področju kmetijstva ali študirajo kaj v zvezi s prehrano, na tem področju boljše rezultate. Na podlagi te spremenljivke se povprečne vrednosti iz področja kmetijstva statistično ne razlikujejo med seboj, vendar se statistično razlikujejo od povprečnih vrednosti s področja psihologije in zdravstva. Sodelujoči, ki so profesionalno kakorkoli povezani s prehrano, so dosegli višje povprečne rezultate (0,72 ± 0,35) v primerjavi z ostalimi (0,58 ± 0,30). Zaključek: Kljub tem rezultatom je pomembno, da nadaljujemo s promocijo zdrave prehrane in ljudi izobražujemo in ozaveščamo o pomenu zdrave prehrane. Corresponding author: Tel. + 351 232 446 640; E-mail: acristinaferrao@gmail.com Z National Institute © National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia. 40 of Public Health This work is licensed under the Creative commortet65), which accounted for 5.5% of the sample. Concerning the level of education, 71.6% of the participants had a university degree, 28.4% had completed secondary school, and none had the primary school as the highest level of education achieved. Regarding the civil state, most of the participants were married or lived together as a marital couple (63.3%), 23.5% were single, 7.0% were divorced or separated and 6.2% were widowed. As for the living environment, 88.9% of the participants lived in an urban area, 6.5% lived in rural areas and 4.5% lived in a suburban area. Regarding the profession, most of the participants were employed (77.7%), 10.8% were students, 4.3% were working students, 4.0% were retired and 3.2% were unemployed. Table 1. Sociodemographical characterization. Sociodemographic Percentage data (%) Age 18y< age <30y 23.9 31y< age <50y 47.3 51y< age <64y 23.2 Age>65y 5.5 Gender Women 63.1 Men 36.9 Highest level of education Primary school 0.0 Secondary school 28.4 University degree 71.6 Living environment Rural 6.5 Urban 88.9 Suburban 4.5 Civil state Single 23.5 Married/Living 63.3 together Divorced/Separated 7.0 Widow 6.2 Profession Employed 77.7 Unemployed 3.2 Student 10.8 Retired 4.0 Working student 4.3 Area of studies or work Nutrition 3.7 Food 5.3 Agriculture 2.9 Sport 1.0 Psychology 1.2 Health 7.8 Others 78.2 Concerning the participants' professional activity or field of studies, the majority of the participants, 78.2%, did not have any professional activity or field of studies related to any of the options suggested (nutrition, food science, agriculture, sport, psychology, activities related to other health areas), 7.8% had a professional activity or field of studies related to other health areas, 5.3% had a professional activity or field of studies related to food, 3.7% had a professional activity or field of studies related to nutrition, 2.9% had a professional activity or field of studies related to agriculture, 1.2% had a professional activity or field of studies related to psychology and only 1.0% had an activity or studies in the sport area. In general, 20.6% of the participants had a professional activity or field of studies related to areas that addressed diet and nutrition-related issues, against 79.4% who did not. When seen by gender, a higher percentage of women, 24.6%, had a professional activity or field of studies related to that area when compared to men (15.3%). Bereitgestellt von National & University Library Ljubljana | Heruntergeladen 23.03.20 10:43 UTC 21.2478/sjph-2019-0005 Zdr Varst. 2019;58(1):40-46 When the participants were asked if they were responsible for buying their own food, 97.2% answered yes against only 2.8% that answered no, having a similar percentage for both men and women, 97.0% and 97.4%, respectively. 3.2 Perceptions Towards a Healthy Diet 3.2.1 Individual's Characteristics For the sample at study, the mean score for the participants' perceptions towards a healthy diet was equal to 0.61±0.31, meaning that, in general, the participants' perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. Table 2 presents the results for the relations between an individual's characteristics and their perceptions towards a healthy diet and, as it can be observed, the mean scores were similar for all age groups and were between 0.5 and 1.0, which means that for those participants the perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. The results of the ANOVA test revealed that there were no significant differences in the perceptions towards healthy eating among age groups. This finding is consistent with another study, in which it was also shown that nutritional knowledge was not associated with age (27). Regarding gender, it was found that both men and women had perceptions compliant with a healthy diet, with a higher mean score for women (0.63±0.33) when compared to men (0.57±0.28). As was expected, there were found to be significant differences between genders. Previous studies also suggested that women tended to have a higher nutritional knowledge than men (28, 29). As for the civil state, all groups had mean values between 0.5 and 1.5, corresponding to perceptions compliant with a healthy diet in all cases. The results of the ANOVA test showed that there were significant differences between the civil state groups. In fact, living arrangements and marital status have been shown to have a significant effect on a person's health and mortality (30) and, generally, married people tend to have better health profiles than other people, including those who are divorced, separated or widowed (31-33). Table 2. Relations between an individual's characteristics and their perceptions towards a healthy diet (scale from -2=perceptions not at all compliant with a healthy diet to +2=perceptions fully compliant with a healthy diet). Variable Mean±SD P Age group 18y< age <30y 0.61±0.31a 0.4851 31y< age <50y 0.61±0.31a 51y< age <64y 0.61±0.33a Age>65y 0.54±0.26a Gender Women 0.63±0.33 0.0042 Men 0.57±0.28 Civil state Single 0.66±0.33a 0.0161 Married/Living together 0.60±0.31a Divorced/Separated 0.55±0.31a Widowed 0.55±0.21a Highest level of education Secondary school 0.61±0.31 0.9522 University 0.61±0.31 Is responsible for buying the food Yes 0.60 ±0.31 0.0002 No 0.88±0.30 Living environment Rural 0.83±0.35b 0.0001 Urban 0.58±0.30a Suburban 0.86±0.29b 1 ANOVA for comparison of 3 or more groups (Level of significance 5%). Mean values with the same letter are not statistically different (p<0.05). 2Student's t-test for independent samples for comparison of 2 groups (Level of significance 5%). Bereitgestellt von National & University Library Ljubljana | Heruntergeladen 23.03.20 10:43 UTC 22.2478/sjph-2019-0005 Zdr Varst. 2019;58(1):40-46 Regarding the level of education, it was observed that there were no significant differences between the participants who had a university degree and those who had secondary school as their terminal education. In both cases, the mean score was equal to 0.61±0.31, meaning that for those participants the perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. This finding is not consistent with the ones obtained in previous studies, where it was found that a higher level of education usually corresponds to a better nutritional knowledge (27, 34). The results of the Student's t-test showed that there were significant differences between the participants who were responsible for buying their own food and the participants who were not, with the participants who were not responsible being the ones that obtained the highest mean score (0.88±0.30). However, in both cases the participants' perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. Concerning the living environment, with a higher mean score came the participants who lived in suburban areas (0.86±0.29), followed by the participants who lived in rural areas (0.83±0.35) and finally the ones who lived in urban areas (0.58±0.30), meaning that for those participants the perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. Furthermore, there were found to be significant differences in the perceptions towards healthy eating among the participants that lived in different areas. 3.2.2 Professional Characteristics Table 3 presents the relations between professional characteristics and the perceptions towards a healthy diet and, as can be observed, the scores obtained for the perceptions towards a healthy diet according to the professional status were 0.62±0.29 for students, 0.61±0.31 for employed participants, 0.61±0.36 for working students, 0.59±0.39 for unemployed participants and 0.56±0.26 for retired, which means that the participants in all of these professional groups had perceptions compliant with a healthy diet. However, no significant differences were found. According to scientific evidences, an unhealthy diet and adverse effects on health are generally associated with lower incomes, lower education or working in lower status (35, 36). Others studies suggested that students are only slightly aware of nutrition issues and their knowledge and attitudes are average (37). The results also revealed that the participants who had work or studies in areas where diet and nutrition-related issues are addressed had a higher mean score than the participants who did not have (0.72±0.35 and 0.58±0.30, respectively). As it was expected, significant differences were found between these two groups concerning the perceptions towards a healthy diet. Nevertheless, in both cases the participants' perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. Table 3. Relations between professional characteristics and the perceptions towards a healthy diet (scale from -2=perceptions not at all compliant with a healthy diet to +2=perceptions fully compliant with a healthy diet). Variable Mean±SD p-value Professional status Employed 0.61±0.31a 0.8781 Unemployed 0.59±0.39a Student 0.62±0.29a Retired 0.56±0.26a Working student 0.61±0.36a Work or studies related to food areas Yes 0.72±0.35 0.0002 No 0.58±0.30 Area of studies or work Nutrition 0.83±0.33b 0.0001 Food 0.80±0.28ab Agriculture 0.84±0.37b Sport 0.63±0.36ab Psychology 0.56±0.40a Health 0.55±0.32a Others 0.58±0.30ab 1ANOVA for comparison of 3 or more groups (Level of significance 5%). Mean values with the same letter are not statistically different (p<0.05). 2Student's t-test for independent samples for comparison of 2 groups (Level of significance 5%). Bereitgestellt von National & University Library Ljubljana | Heruntergeladen 23.03.20 10:43 UTC 23.2478/sjph-2019-0005 Zdr Varst. 2019;58(1):40-46 As for the area of studies or work, the participants who had work or studies related to agriculture were the ones obtaining the highest score (0.84±0.37), followed by the participants who had work or studies related to nutrition (0.83±0.33), the participants who had work or studies related to food (0.80±0.28), the participants who had work or studies related to sport (0.63±0.36), the participants who had work or studies related to other areas (0.58±0.30), the participants who had work or studies related to psychology (0.56±0.40) and finally the participants who had work or studies related to health areas (0.55±0.32). Nevertheless, in all cases the participants' perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. Furthermore, significant differences were found among the areas of study/work. More specifically, the mean values of nutrition and agriculture areas were statistically different from the mean values of psychology and health areas. Kris-Etherton et al. (38) reviewed the status of nutrition education for healthcare professionals, namely physicians, in the United States, United Kingdom, and also Australia. They concluded that most healthcare professionals are not adequately trained to address diet and nutrition-related issues with their patients. On the contrary, according to the results of the study by Alissa et al. (39), most medical students are aware about the importance of a healthy diet. In another study by Peltzer et al. (40), it was observed that there was no association between risk awareness and health risk behaviour among health science students and there was an inverse association among non-health science students. 4 CONCLUSION This study allowed for the obtaining of important results about people's perceptions towards a healthy diet in a sample of the Portuguese population, namely, in general, the participants' perceptions were compliant with a healthy diet. There were no significant differences in healthy diet perceptions' scores regarding age group, level of education, and professional status. On the other hand, there were significant differences among gender, civil state, the fact that the participants were responsible for buying their own food or not, the living environment and the area of studies or work. Regarding the area of work/studies, the highest score achieved was for the participants who had work or studies in agriculture areas and the lowest for the ones who had work/study in health areas. The mean values obtained for nutrition and agriculture areas were not statistically different between them, but they were statistically different from the scores obtained for psychology and health areas. Overall, the results suggested that the participants who had work or studies in areas where diet and nutrition-related issues are addressed are more aware about some nutritional aspects of their diet than the participants who did not. However, there were no mean scores equal or higher than 1.50, which means that in none of the cases the participants' perceptions were fully compliant with a healthy diet. Therefore, it is crucial to continue developing health promotion projects that allow for increasing people's nutrition knowledge. 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