ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS VENEZIA GIULIA ❖ THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ft. 4 - 15 October 1945 Published by the Allied Military Government under the Autority of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, and Military Governor. ORDER No. 25 WHEREAS it is considered necessary to 'provide for the control and regulation of goods carrying motor transport operating in or from those parts of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter referred to as the Territory). NOW THEREFORE, I. ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J. A. G.D., Senior Civil A fairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I ESTABLISHMENT OF CENTRO AUTOTRASPORTI ]. A Governmental administrative body, to be known as «Centro Autotrasporti» in hereby created, with its principal office in the Commune of Trieste, and with branch offices in such other Communes as may be designated. 2. This body shall have the duty of regulating, controlling and, when necessary, operating goods-carrying motor transport in the Territory and on journeys outside the Territory. ARTICLE II POWERS OF CENTRO AUTOTRASPORTI The Centro Autotrasporti shall have the following powers : 1. To regulate, control and operate goods-carrying motor transport. 2. To acquire, hold, mortgage and transfer land, or any interest therein, if necessary. 3. To acquire, hold, and dispose of any personal property whatever in connectoon with its activities. 4. To enter into any contract and generally to do any and all other acts and things necessary or proper for the carrying out of the provisions of this Order. ARTICLi III DEFINITIONS 1. The term «Motor Transport»' hereinafter used in this Order includes all trucks, lorry tractors with trailers, auto trains and any other motor vehicles constructed for, or capable of, or converted to the purpose of carrying goods or materials of a capacity of ten (10) quintals, or more. 2. The term «Centre» as used herein shall be construed to mean Centre Autotrasporti. ARTICLE IV REGISTRATION 1. All persons owning, controlling, or possessing any motor transport as defined above will register the same with Centro through its local or communal offices that have been established, within fifteen (15) days of the date of publication of this Order. Provided, however, owners or operators who have registered motor Transport with Ufficio Autotrasporti of Gorizia, under Gorizia Area Order No. 11, dated 23 July 1945, will not be required to re-register same. Until further order Ufficio Autotrasporti of Gorizia will act as a branch office of Centro under the provisions of this Order. ARTICLE V REGULATION AND CONTROL OF MOTOR TRANSPORT 1. TARIFF (FREIGHT) RATES. Centro will publish, subject to the approval of the Allied Military Government, a list of rates to be charged for the haulage of goods and materials by motor transport, and may amend or revise such rates. 2. FUNCTIONS. Centro shall act as an intermediary and clearing agency between owners and operators of motor transport and consignors and consignees and others who desire goods or materials to be transported, from one place to another. 3. PRIORITIES OF MOVEMENTS. Priority of movement shall at all times be given to those organization or agencies which come under the direct or indirect control or supervision of the various divisions of Allied Military Government AND THE MOVEMENT OF FOODSTUFFS SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRST PRIORITY. 4. TRASPORT OF GOODS AND MATERIALS. a. Any person desiring to have goods or materials transported will apply in writing to Centre, or to tlio nearest branch thereof. Such applications will state : (1) The goods or materials to be transported and their weight ; (2) The place of loading ; (3) The place of destination ; (4) Date and hour transport is desired ; (5) Purpose of the movement. b. Centro, to the extent transport is available, will then designate the owner or operator who shall transport the goods or materials requested and will supply him with an Allied Military Government work ticket and the necessary petroleum products (or coupons therefor) for that journey. c. The person having the foods or materials transported will pay to Centro the amount due for the transportation, in accordance with the rates fixed, as aforesaid, and Centro will pay to the owner or operator such amount, after deducting a proportionate amount for overhead expenses, the cost of any petroleum products supplied and any other proper setoffs. 5. PERMITS TO USE MOTOR TRANSPORT. Permits to use Motor Transport will be issued in accordance with General Order No. 2 and only to such owners and operators thereof as agree to carry out the orders and regulations of Centro. 6. WORK TICKETS. a. No person shall operate or allow any motor transport belonging to or controlled by him to be operated without an Allied Military Government work ticket issued by Centro. b. An Allied Military Government work ticket shall be issued by Centro for each specific journey or journeys, which shall specify : (1) The type of goods to be carried; (2) The passenger or passengers, if any, who are authorized to accompany the driver of the vehicle ; (3) The route which the motor transport shall take on such journey or journeys. c. The work ticket will be carried on the motor transport on all journeys, and the motor transport will only be operated in accordance with said work ticket. The work ticket will be returned to issuing authority immediately upon comple-tion of the journey. It is strictly forbidden to carry or consign any passengers, goods or materials not specifically named and authorized to be carried in the work ticket. d. Centro may, under special circumstances, and with the written approval of the transportation Division, Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, issue a special Allied Military Government work ticket to an owner or operator, by the terms of which any or all of the provisions contained in this Order may be waived or new condition* or restrictions imposed. 7. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. a. No petroleum products obtained from Centro through coupons (or other means) shall be used for any other purpose than an authorized journey under this Order or shall be in possession of any person except the owner or operator to whom it was supplied, or authorized employees thereof. b. On the return of the work ticket at the completion of an authorized journey a declaration will be made to the issuing authority of the quantity of unconsumed petroleum products remaining on hand. ARTICLE VI PENALTIES Any person who violates or is a party to the violation or any of the provisions of this Order, shall, on convivtion by an Allied Military Court be liable to punishment by imprisonment or fine, or both, as the court may determine, and in addition to or in lieu of any other punishment any motor transport used contrary to the provisions of this Order and any goods or materials carried thereon may be ordered confiscated. ARTICLE VII EXCEPTING CLAUSE The provisions of this Order shall not be applicable to any motor transport for which a permit to circulate has been issued outside of the Territory on a journey originating from outside of said Territory. ARTICLE VIII MANAGEMENT 1. MANAGING DIRECTOR. The senior Civil Affairs Officer, Allied Military Government will appoint a Managing Director, who is authorized to exercise the powers imposed on Centro, including the power to appoint and remove other officers and employees and to delegate to them such authority as he may, in the exercise of his discretion, determine. 2. LOCAL OFFICES. The Managing Director is authorized to establish local offices of Centro in any Commune within the Territory, and which, when established shall have all of the powers and duties of Centro and shall be managed by a Deputy Managing Director hereinafter provided for. 3. DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR,. The Managing Director of the Centro is authorized to appoint, with the approval of the Area Commissioner, Allied Military Government of the Area in which the appointment is made, a Deputy Managing Director to at for and on his behalf in any specified commune or communes, and the said Deputy, under the supervision and control of the Managing Director and to the extent authorized by him, shall have all of the powers and responsibilities of the Managing Director for such commune or communes. 4. CONTROL OF MOTOR TRANSPORT BY OTHER AGENCIES. a. Centro, and such branch offices as may be established, are the only ageneies authorized to control and regulate motor transport within the Territory. b. The «Consorzio Autotrasporti Triestino» (C. A. T.), heretofore authorized to control such motor transport within the Area of Trieste, shall cease the performance of its function and will deliver or make available, all of its books, records, and equipment to Centro, and will proceed to liquidate its affairs under the supervision of the Transportation Division, Allied Military Government, 13 Corps. 5. CONTROL. The Managing Director, his appointees and employees as to all of their functions are subject to the supervision and control of the Allied Military Government, who may dismiss all or any of them at any time. 6. ADVISORY COMMITTEE. A Committee composed of representative members of civilian agencies, motor transport operator's, and such others as the Managing Director may consider necessary, may be appointed by him to act in an advisory capacity. 7. LOCAL REPRESENTATTVES. The President of each Commune may be appointed by the Managing Directoras the representative of Centro in that Commune in the absence of an Officio. 8. AUDIT. The accounts of Centro will be audited at such intervals and by such persons as may be appointed by the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE IX EFFECTIVE DATE This Order will became effective in the Territory, or in any Area thereof, upon the date of first publication therein. Trieste, 1 October 1945. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT OF VENEZIA GIULIA AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 2 WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide for the continued operation of the Cooperative Operaie, NOW THEREFORE, I, JOHN FRANCIS ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., AREA COMMISSIONER, TRIESTE, hereby _ ORDER 1. A Committee of three persons is hereby appointed with the duties of super vising the operations of the Cooperative Operaie and of preparing new by-laws for submission to and action by the members of the Cooperative. 2. The Committe will consist of the following members : a) Avv. PUECHER Edmondo Chairman b) Dott. TIMEUS Giovanni c) Sig. FERIANCIC Ferdinando. 3. The salaries payable to the Committee will be decided by the Cooperative Operaie, subject to the approval of the Allied Military Government, and will be payable by the Cooperative Operaie. Dated this 25 day of August 1945. F. J. ARMSTRONG LT. COL-AREA COMMISSIONER HEADQUARTERS TRIESTE AREA AREA ORDER No. 3 Whereas - is the absence of its legal governing body - it is considered neccessary to provide for the continued administration of the affairs of the Jewish Community of Trieste. Now therefore. I FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Colonel Area Commissioner Trieste hereby ORDER: 1. a special administration is hereby appointed for the Jewish Community of Trieste (hereinafter called the Community), consisting of a special Commissioner (hereinafter (called the Commissioner), and a Committee composed of 8 members. 2. Ing. Clemente KERBES is hereby appointed Commissioner. 3. The undernamed persons are hereby appointed members of the Committee a) Mrs. Lina Ancona - Via Cesare Battisti, 8 b) Aw. Giuseppe Bolaffio - Via Genova, 14 c) Dott. Gaddo Glasa. - Piazza Unità, 9 d) Dott. Enrico Horitzky-Orsini - Via del Monte, 1 e) Giulio Mayer, Via Valdirivo, 13 f) Armando Misan, Piazza Ospedale, 3 - c/c Zepper g) Paolo Polacco, Via Ginnastica, 35 h) Rag. Arrigo Ravenna, Via Montorsino, 3. 4. The Committee shall be the deliberating organ of the Jewish Community in Trieste. For the execution of all or any act concerning the interests and jurisdiction of the said Community, the majority of the Committee’s votes is requested. 5. The Commissioner shall act according to the advice, the consent and the majority of votes of the Committee for any question concerning the interests and jurisdiction of the Jewish Community in Trieste. 6. The Commissioner and Committee are fully authorized to manage the questions entering into the general order and into the jurisdiction of the Jewish Community in Trieste according to the laws and rules at present in force. They are not however authorized nor empowered to do any act costituting a breach or a violation either of the rules in force or of any proclamation notice or order of the Allied Military Government. 7. In the event of another Committee being appointed at a later date, the above mentioned Commissioner and Committee will deliver to the new Commissioner and new Committee all activities and documents belonging to the Jewish Comm-nity of Trieste which are in their possession. Dated this 20th day of August 1945. JM/MC. F. J. ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col. AREA COMMISSIONER AREA ORDER No. 4 I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste hereby as follows : ORDER 1. As froift the date of publication of this Order, all civilian hotels, restaurants, bars or other places where alcoholic refreshment is supplied, will be closed to the public, both Military and Civilian, by 2300 hrs. 2. Only such persons as are permanently resident are permitted to be on such premises after 2300 hrs. 3. Any person violating the provisions of this Order' shall, upon conviction by an Allied Military Court, be liable to punishment by fine or imprisonment, or both, as the Court may determine. Dated : 13 September, 1945 FRANCIS J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT OF VENEZIA GIULIA AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 5 I,FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, TRIESTE in pursuance of the power (/ranted by Section S of General Order No. 11 hereby ORDER that the local government of the Communes of SESANA, TOMADIO, DUTTOGLIANO, MONRTJPINO, and CORNIALE will - from the publication of this notice - be vested in a single administrative organ to be established for that purpose in the Commune of SESANA. Dated: 13 September 1945. FRANCIS J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner TRIESTE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT OF VENEZIA GIULIA AREA ORDER No. 6 In pursuance of the authority given under General Order No. 10 the following rules and regulations are promulgated for the Housing Committee of the Commune of Trieste and I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER and decree as follows : 1. Owners, (whether individuals, corporate bodies, societies or institutions), caretakers of flats and doorkeepers of buildings situated within the precincts of the Commune of Trieste (inclusive of suburb), within 7 days of the publication of this Order must denounce to the Office of the Housing Committee (Piazza Verdi, 1), any dwellings or apartments that are uninhabited or those the tenants of which, though they continue the payment of rent, have transferred their habitation or removed their families elsewhere. 2. No owner as above mentioned nor any other person shall let any premises whatever for dwelling or any other use without having obtained previously a written authorization so to do from the said Housing Committee. This authorization is also obligatory in all cases of sub-letting and for contracts which have been made before the execution of this order, provided the said contracts have not yet been completed. 3. Any transfer of ownership or letting by any means whatsoever of such premises referred to without the written authorization prescribed under Para 2 above shall be null and void, and the premises will remain at the disposal of the said Committee. 4. Applications for dwellings shall be made out on a special form obtainable from the lodgings office and shall be presented by such persons only as are usually resident within the Commune of Trieste and who have been deprived of their abode and belong to one of the following categories : 1) Bomb damaged persons 2) Politically persecuted persons 3) Refugees 4) Persons formerly resident in houses or flats now occupied by political or military authorities. 5. Allotment of dwellings will be effected by the Lodging Office on the approval of the President of the Housing Committee. A written appeal against the decision of the Lodgings Office may be filed - with the Housing Committee on the prescribed form only - within 3 days of the receipt of the decision from the Lodging Office. 6. Any person violating the provisions of this order will be liable to punishment either under Art. 650 of the Italian Penal Code or under Procl. 1 - Art. 5 - Sec. 42 of the Allied Military Government. Porters may in addition have their police licences withdrawn. Dated : 13 September 1945. FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Trieste ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT OF VENEZIA GIULIA TRIESTE AREA AREA ORDER No. 9 I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRON6, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner of Trieste, hereby ORDER the Professor PEPEU Francesco of Via Bonaparte, 6, Trieste, be appointed in charge of the «UfBcio Stralcio» of the Italian Military Hospital in Trieste, such appointment to take effect as from 15th June 1945. Bated 28 September 1945. F. J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Allied Military Government of Venezia Giulia AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 10 In pursuance of General Order No. 11, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER that as from the date of publication of the order, the following appointments shall take effect for the administration of local Government, in the Commune of Ronchi: President of Commune : TABARIN Antonio Chairman : CANCIANI Venturino Council Members : FULIZIO Libero MINIUSSI Aldo BOSCAROL Elio TREVISAN Antonio Substitutes Council Members : FUMIS Fiore VISINTIN Antonio DE FABRIS Umberto Allied Military Government of Venezia Giulia AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 11 In pursuance of AH. 3 General Order No. 13, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER 1. That Avv. Mario STOCCA, viale XX settemlbre 39, Trieste, be appointed as from the date of publication hereof to fulfill the office of Custodian of the Rolls referred to in the said General Order. 2. The said Avv. Mario STOCCA, immediately upon his appointment shall take charge of the Rolls of all the Professions and Arts, and shall conserve them awaiting a reorganization of the Profession or Art, which will be made under the authority and orders of the Allied Military Government. 3. The address of the office of the Custodian of the Rolls will be Via Imbriani No. 5 - Trieste. Rated : 22nd September 1945. F. ,/. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste Allied Military Government of Venezia Giulia AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 12 In pursuance of General Order No. 11, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby that as from the date of publication of this order the following appointments shall take offect for the administration of local Government in the Commune of Grado : ORDER MARIN Giacomo - via L. Da Vinci 4 - Grado MARIN Giacomo - via L. Da Vinci 4 - Grado ROSSI Biagio - Riva Scaramuzz 6 - Grado MAROCCO Romano - Campo S. Rocco 4 - Grado DOVIER Giusto - via Z. Gregori 20 - Grado TOMASIN Daniele - Via Manzoni 9 - Grado OLIVOTTO Giacomo - Campo Porta Nuova 7 - Grado MARICCHIO Silvio - Piazza Oberdan 6 - Grado President of Commune : Chairman : Councilors : Reserves : AREA ORDER No, 14 In pursuance of the power contained in Section 4 of General Order No. 13, I, FRAN-CIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER: 1) That the undernamed persons are hereby appointed to form the Profession Epuration Committee referred to in the said order for the Area of Trieste : 1) Avv. Braun Ernesto 2) Avv. Leban Edoardo 3) Dott. Pincherle Bruno 4) Ing. Caligaris Giusto 5) Dott. Furian Egone - via Beccaria 6, Trieste — President. - Piazza S. Giovanni 4, Trieste - Galleria Protti 3, Trieste - via Udine 29, Trieste - via Donota 2, Trieste 2) The offices of the Profession Epuration Committe will be situated at room N. 17 (1st floor) the Prefettura, Trieste, to which address all communications should be forwarded. Dated: 28 September 1945 F. J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste AREA ORDER No. 15 In pursuance of General Order No. 11, I, FRAN CIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER: that as from the date of publication of this order the following appointment shall take effect for the administration of local Government in the Commune of Trieste : President of Commune : Chairman : Councilors : MIANI Michele PORTI Bruno BAK Carlo CATALEN Giovanni CATTELANI Eugenio DA ROSA Bruno FLOREANI Guido FORTI Aldo LAGO Oreste FRESCA Romeo RINALDINI Teodoro RIVOLTISI Vittorio SCIOLIS Narciso VISINTIN Raimondo Dated : 21 September 1945 F. J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste AREA ORDER No. 16 In pursuance of General Order N. 11; I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER that as from the. date of publication, of this order the following appointments shall take effect for the administration of Local Government in the Area of Trieste : AREA COUNCIL Chairman : Ing. GANDUSIO Fernando Trieste Members : BRACCI Giovanni „ BUDA dott. Giorgio „ BUGATTO dott. Giuseppe Grado COLOTTI prof. Francesco Trieste CONTE Erminio Ronchi DEGRASSI Giovanni Trieste GENTILI Pietro MISLEY Giordano Bruno ,, MONTI Giorgio PERESSONI Luciano PESANTE dott. Giovanni „ PICCOLI avv. Sergio ,, PINCHERLE dott. Bruno „ PURINI Paolo Muggia ROBBA Pietro Trieste SUBAN Ettore ,, TROMBA avv. Antonio „ Substitutes : GASSER avv. Edoardo ,, GEROSA Enea LAURI avv. Ferruccio ,, RITOSSA dott. Tullio Dated : 21 September 1945 F. J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste AREA ORDER No. 17 In pursuance of Sec. VII of General Order 1Vo. 11, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER that COSULICH Antonio is hereby appointed to be President of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and of the Office of Industry and Commerce. Dated : 22 September 1045, F. J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT OF VENEZIA GIULIA AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 18 /, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., hereby ORDER Area Commissioner, Trieste, that Avv. TREVISINI UGO is appointed President of the ’’Commissione Vigilanza della Stanza Compensazioni” in place of Avv. SADAR GUIDO, the latter relinquishing the office of President under the terms of this Order. Dated : 25th September 1945. F. J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste Allied Military Government of Venezia Giulia AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 19 In pursuance of General Order No. 11, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby O R D e r that as from the date of publication of this order the following appointments shall take effect for the administration of Local Government in the Area of Monfalcone : AREA COUNCIL : President of Commune : ROVATTI Riccardo President of Council : Council Members : Substitute Council Members : TOCIGL Amato PETRONIO Italo CALLINI Alfredo BOSCAROL Andrea RIOSA Daniele BORTOLUZZI Arnaldo DRIUS Vito Dated : 27 September 1945 F. J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste Allied Military Government of Venezia Giulia AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 20 I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste ORDER that Mr. Raffaele CANTARONE is from the date of publication thereof appointed Managing Director of ’’Opera Nazionale per gli Invalidi di Guerra” in Trieste Area in place of Angelo FRANCESCHIN, the latter relinquishing the Office of Acting Managing Director under the terms of this order. AREA ORDER No. 21 1, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER as follows : 1) Area Order No. 18 published on 27 September 1945 is hereby revoked. 2. Avv. SADAR GUIDO is appointed President of the ’’Commissione Vigilanza della Stanza Compensazioni” in place of Avv. TREVISINI UGO, the latter relinquishing the office of President under the terms of this Order. Dated : 30 September 1945 F. J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT OF VENEZIA GIULIA AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 22 In pursuance of General Order No. 11, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER that as from the date of publication of this order the following appointments shall take effect for the administration of Local Government in the Area of Staranzano : AREA COUNCIL: President of Commune : OLIVO GUIDO President of Council: BOSCAROL GIUSEPPE Council Members : GALOPIN VIRGIGLIO PIN GIACOMO MARTINELLI FERNANDO MINIUSSI LUIGI Substitute Council Members : BIASIOLI GIOVANNI Dated : 1st October 1945. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 5 I, ALFRED 0. BOWMAN, 'Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil. Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER 1. Cav. Giorgio KRECIC, Dott. Aurelio GAYA and Rag. Giuseppe DEMEL are hereby appointed as a Committee to audit tlie books and records of Ufficio Provinciate Statistico-Economico dell’ Agricoltura di Trieste located at Via Roma 20. 2. Said Committee shall have access to all of the books and records of said organization and may question any official or employes with respect to same or on any matter in connection therewith. 3. The Committee will within 10 days after the completion of its audit file a report thereof with me. Trieste 20 day of September 1945. ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT VENEZSA GIULIA - 13 CORPS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 6 I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.O.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, of ihost parts Venezia-Giulia which are administered by the Allied .Military Government do hereby order that each of the persons hereinafter named be and, he hereby is, temporarily and provisionally appointed and direct as follows, viz : MURARA Candido, is appointed to act as Inspector of the Istituto Nazionale per P Assicurazione contro gli infortuni sul Lavoro for the Allied Military Government Territory of Venezia-Giulia and serve until the further order of the Allied Military Government. POGASSI Giuseppe is appointed to act as Inspector of the Istituto per 1’ Assistenza eli Malattie ai Lavoratori for the Allied Military Government Territory of Venezia-Giulia, and serve until the further order of the Allied Military Government. FARCI Luigi is appointed to act as Inspector of the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale for the Allied Military Government Territory of Venezia-Giulia and serve until the further order of the Allied Military Government. MARCON Giovanni Aldo is appointed to act as Inspector of the Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza per i Dipendenti Statali for the Allied Military Government Territory of Venezia -Giulia and serve until the further Order of the Allied Military Government. SIMONE Pasquale is appointed to act as Inspector of the Uffici Prov. Contributi Unificati in Agricoltura e per i nominativi degli elenchi dei lavoratori for the Allied Military Government Territory of Venezia-Giulia and serve until the further order of the Allied Military Government. This Order shall be effective on, from and after the date upon which it is signed by me. Dated in Trieste the 20 day of September 1945. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 7 1. Pursuant, to tlie provisions of General Order No. 11, Avv. EDMONDO PUE-CHER is hereby appointed Area President of the Area of Trieste and Dott. GINO PALUTAN is hereby appointed Area Vice-President of the Area of Trieste, and each shall possess all of the powers and be subject to all of the duties set forth in Section 2 of safd General Order. 2. The aforesaid appointments shall become effective immediately and shall be operative until further order. Trieste, 22 September 1945. ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer HEADQUARTERS ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 8 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 8 I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J. A. G. D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, do hereby ORDER 1. Dott. Attilio INCORDONA is hereby appointed Managing Director of Centro Autotrasporti with all powers and duties placed upon that official pursuant to the terms of Order No. 25. Dated at Trieste, this 2 day of October 1945. ALFRED C. BOW MAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS VENEZIA GIULIA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 9 I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel, J. A. G. D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer of those parts of Venezia Giulia which are administered by the Allied Forces, do hereby confirm and appoint to their present office and grade and with all the allowances granted by law including the «Indennitd di Rappresentanzan to the persons hereinafter named as follows : First President (Court of Appeal of Venezia Giulia), Grade III. Proouratore Generate (Court of Appeal of Venezia Giulia), Grade III. Grade V. Grade V. Grade V. Grade V. Grade V. Grado V. ZANOTELLI Giuseppe DE RUBEIS Gaetano BAKATTI Umberto ILLINI Bruno PELLEGRINI Ennio ROCHELLI Attilio FERLAN Francesco NACHICH Lodovico CE CO VINI Manlio SALIS Aldo FRANCO Franco ROMANO Mario - Counsellor of Appeal - Counsellor of Appeal - Counsellor of Appeal - Counsellor of Appeal - Counsellor of Appeal - Counsellor of Appeal - Judge of the Tribunate - Grade VIII. - Judge of the Tribunate - Grade VIII. - Chancellor - Grade X. - Chancellor - Grade X. Dated in Trieste the 4th day of October, 194,5. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer DISTRIBUTION : Officials above named. Chief Finance Officer, AMG 13 Corps. Chief Legal Officer, AMG 13 Corps. Area Commissioner, Trieste. Area Finance Officer, Trieste. Area President, Trieste. Intendenza di Finanza, Trieste. Court of Appeal, Trieste. Procura Generate, Trieste. AREA NOTICE No. 1 EPURATION COMMITTEE I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Colonel, Area Commissioner, Trieste, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by General Order No. 7 of the Allied Military Government, HEREBY APPOINT the undermentioned citizens of Trieste Area to form the Commission of first instane» referred to in the said order. 1. ARAGNI ANTONIO Avvocato 2. APOLLONIO GIOVANNI 3. BLASIZZA TULLIO 4. BUDA EDOARDO Avvocato 5. CASTELPIETRA GIULIO Profes. 6. COVA MARIO 7. FRELLI LUIGI 8. FURL ANI VITTORIO Professore 9. JAUT GIORGIO Prof. Avv. 10. MARI MARIO II. NEDOCH ADELMO Dott. 12. NEDOCLAN GINO 13. PAHOR ERNESTO 14. PAOLETTI ATTILIO Maestro 15. PERSOGLIA LUCIANO Avvocato 16. PITTONI GASTONE 17. PODRECCA EMILIO 18. POLACCO ARNALDO Professore 19. PRESCA ROMEO Avvocato 20. SIRCA GIORDANO Avvocato ARAGNI Antonio is appointed President of the Commission. All personal Schede and other correspondence in connection with General Order No. 7 and 8 must he addressed to : THE EPURATION COMMISSION, FOR TRIESTE AREA, Palace of Justice (3rd floor), Trieste Dated : this 30th day of July 1945 FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG Lt. Colonel Area Commissioner, Trieste via Cesare Beccaria, 6, Trieste via C. Cosulich, 116, Monfalcon* via Commerciale, 88, Trieste via Parini, 9, Trieste via Carpaccio, 16, Trieste via Donato Bramante, 6, Trieste via D’ Alviano, 86, Trieste Via 23 Marzo, 1, Trieste via Torrebianca, 25, Trieste via Alfieri, 12, Trieste via Ruggero Manna, 18, Trieste via Cesare Battisti, 41, Muggia via Mazzini, 42, Ronchi viale XX Settembre, 80, Trieste via Torre Bianca, 39, Trieste via della Pietà, 35, Trieste via Romagna, 22, Trieste via Cesare Battisti, 24, Trieste via Cesare Battisti, 8, Trieste via Tartini, 12, Trieste AREA ORDER No. 2 REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS i No person will remove from any building in the Allied Military Government territory of Pola whether such building be intact or damaged or destroyed any timber concrete stone bricks or building material whatsoever without a permit in writing from the Allied Military Government. No person will dismantle remove or in any way damage any barn shed hut tep-porary building fence or wall in the Allied Military Government territory of Pola without a permit in writing from the Allied Military Government. Any ‘person found disobeying the provisions of this Order may be tried and if convicted punished by the Allied Military Courts. Dated at Pola this 27th day of June 1945. E. S. 0 BP WOOD Lieutenant-Colonel Area Commissioner POLA Area. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER APPOINTMENT OF HARBOURMASTER I, Lieutenant-Colonel E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, hereby appoint Francesco POLONI to be Harbour Master of POLA. Dated 12th September 1945. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT In exercise of the powers conferred on me by General Order No. II, I, Lieutenant-Colonel E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, hereby order as follows : I to be Communal Secretary of the Comune of Pola. 2. I hereby appoint the following persons to be Chairman and members af the Communal Council of Pola : 3. All Officials hereby appointed and the Communal Council shall have such Administrative legislative executive and other, powers and duties as are set out in General Order N. 11. 4. This Order shall become operative from the date of the signing thereof. Dated in Pola, this 10th day of September 1945. FOLA AREA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 1. I hereby appoint : MAGNARIN Albino CHAIRMAN : MEMBERS : CALIFFI Nicolò ARGENTINI Ernesto DE CLE VA Francesco FONDA Vittorio GIACOMELLI Franceses MARTINOLLI Sergio RISMONDO Angelo SEPETICH Remigio VASCO Emilio SOSTITUTE MEMBERS : BELAZ Attilio BRONZIN' Giuseppe DE STRADI Enrico E. S. ORPWOOD Lieutenant-Colonel notice: Change of Names of School Offices 1. The titles «Provveditore agli Studi» («Purveyor of studies») and «Provveditorato agli Studi» («Purveyorship of studies») have been changed and should read as follows : a) «Sovraintendente Scolastico» («Educational superintendent») instead of «Provveditore agli Studi», who, consequently, will be invested with all the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the «Provveditore agli Studi», as specified by the existing law or by every Order or Proclamation of the Allied Military Government. b) «Sovraintendenza scolastica» instead of the «Provveditorato agli Studi», as specified by the existing law or by every Order or Proclamation of the Allied Military Government. 2. This Order shall take effect on the date of my signature. Dated at Fola this 25 day of August 1945. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel AMG notice: PAYMENT OF CERTAIN DEBTS List of municipal bonds or other indebtedness to be retired on or after the date hereinafter set forth; said obligations were selected vy chance at the 71st. lottery held on the 28tli. day of September 1945. from Cor. 100 (Lire 60) No. 30, 51, 330, 442, 477, 496, 547, 553, 565, 736, 836, 882. from Cor. 1000 (Lire 600) No. 32, 99, 298«, 474, 509, 772, 1088, 1156, 1221, 1222, 1307, 1412, 1647, 1770, 2635, 2683, 2757. from Cor. 5000 (Lire 3000) No. 34, 204, 678, 736, 1034, Payable on or after the first day of Jannuary 1946. ISTITUTO DI CREDITO COMUNALE DELL’ ISTRIA ALLIED HEADQUARTERS MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA AREA ORDER No. 3 B It is hereby ORDERED that the President of the District Committee of the District of Gorizia, (the District of Gorizia comprising the Commune of Gorizia), shall have and possess within such District of Gorizia, all the powers hitherto possessed by a Sindaco of a Commune under the Italian Law as was in existence on 8 September, 1943. This Order takes the place of Area Order No. 3, dated 2 July 1945, and shall have effect as from that date, and shall be operative until further Order. Dated : 9 July 1945. E. B. SIM SON Lt. Col. Acting Area Commissioner ALLIED HEADQUARTERS MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA AREA ORDER No. 4 It is hereby ORDERED that BONABDO GIACOMO be and he hereby is appointed Director of the former Military District of Gorizia-Administration of Allowances, with such duties as shall be specifically delegated to him by the Allied Military Government. This order shall take effect immediately and shall be operative until further Order. Dated : 4th July 1945. II. B. SIM SON Lt. Col. Acting Area Commissioner ALLIED HEADQUARTERS MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA AREA ORDER No. 5 It is hereby ORDERED that VISMARA ITALO he and he hereby is appointed Commissario Straordinario of Casa di Risparmi of Gorizia, with all the powers granted to and subject to all the duties imposed upon, a Commissario Straordinario by the Banking laws of Italy. This Order shall take effect immediately and shall be operative until further Order. Dated : 5th July 1945. R. B. 8 I M SON Lt. Col. Acting Area Commissioner ALLIED HEADQUARTERS MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA AREA ORDER No. 6 It is ORDERED that MARZUTTINI CARLO be and he hereby is appointed Acting Director of Ufficio Territoriale dell’ Alimentazione (Ufteal), Sezione di Gorizia, to conduct such office in accordance with instructions and directives of Ufficio Territoriale dell’ Alimentazione, and under the supervision and control of the Allied Military Government. This Order shall take effect immediately and shall be operative until further order. Dated : 7th July 1945. H. it. SIM SON Lt. Col. Acting Area Commissioner AREA ORDER No. 7 Pursuant to an Order made by Nelson W. Monfort, Colonel, U.S.A. Senior Civil Affairs Officer, Headquarters Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, dated 4 July 1945, it is hereby orded as follows : 1. The Courts which are specified in the second paragraph of this Order, in the Area of Gorizia (by Area of Gorizia is meant that portion of the Province of Gorizia under Allied Military Government Control), shall immediately resume their functioning. 2. The Courts referred to are as follows : Tribunale of Gorizia; and the Pre-tura Courts of Gorizia, Gradisca d’ Isonzo, Cormons, Comeno, Tolmino and Canale d’ Isonzo. a. The name of the Pretura of Comeno is hereby changed to the Pretura of San Daniele del Carso and such Court shall have its seat at San Daniele del Carso. b. The name of the Pretura of Tolmino is hereby changed to the Pretura of Caporetto and such Court shall have its seat at Caporetto. 3. The territorial jurisdiction of such Courts will remain as before with certain exceptions, however, whose purpose it is to limit such jurisdiction to the territory under Allied Military Government control, namely : a. The territorial jurisdiction of the Tribunale of Gorizia will comprise all that portion of the Province of Gorizia under Allied Military Government Control. b. There will be excluded from the Mandamento of Gorizia (Pretura of Gorizia), certain Communes and/or parts of Communes as beyond the line of demarcation, which will be.indicated to the proper authority by the Area Legal Officer. c. There will be added to the Mandamento of Gorizia (Pretura of Gorizia), for jurisdictional purposes, that portion of the Commune of Rifeinbergo, formerly part of the Mandamento of Aidussina (Pretura of Aidussina), which is under Allied Military Government Control, such portion to be indicated to the proper authority by the Area Legal Officer. d. There will be excluded from the Mandamento of Comeno (Pretura of Comeno, to be changed to the Mandamento and Pretura of San Daniele del Carso), a portion of the Commune of San Daniele del Carso as beyond the line of demarcation, such portion to be indicated to the proper authority by the Area Legal Officer. e. There will be added to the Mandamento of Comeno (Pretura of Comeno, to be changed to the Mandamento and Pretura San Daniele del Carsl), for jurisdictional purposes, that portion of the Comune of Cernizza Goriziana for-mely part of the Mamdamento of Aidussina, (Pretura of Aidussina), which is under Allied Military Government Control, such portion to be indicated to the proper authority by the Area Legal Officer. f. There will be excluded from the Mandamento of Tolminio (Pretura of Tol-mino), to be changed to Mandamento and Pretura of Caporetto, certain Communes and/or parts of Communes as beyond the line of demarcation, which will be indicated to the proper authority by the Area Legal Officer. g. There will be added to the Mandamento of Tolmino, (to be changed to Mandamento and Pretura of Caporetto), for jurisdictional purposes, that portion of the Commune of Plezzo, formerly part of Mandamento of Plezzo (Pretura of Plezzo), which is under Allied Military Government Control, such portion to be indicated to the proper authority by the Area Legal Officer. h. There will be excluded from the Mandamento of Canale d’ Isonzo (Pretura of Canale d’ Isonzo), certain Communes and/or parts of Communes as beyond the line of demarcation, which will be indicated to the proper authority by the Area Legal Officer. 4. All Judges and personnel of the Courts above specified will commence to perform their daties at the earliest possible date. 5. To carry out the declared policy of rhe Allied Militaeey Government to maintain strict impartially in the administration of the territory under control and to avoid all possibility of discrimination in the administration of justice, it is provided as follows: a. There shall be created a special section of the Tribunale of Gorizia containing at least one Judge, ordinarily resident in the territory under Military Allied Government Control, of Slovene origin, and such Judge shall always sit when a Slovene is a party to the proceedings before the Court, the iutent being that such Slovene Judge shall be one of the members of the Collegio of Judges for such case. In the event that such Judge dissents from the decision of the majority of the Collegio on a particular case regarding a point other than a purely technical point of law, the Slovene party to the proceeding, if dissatisfied with the decision, may file an appeal in the customary way either to the Court of appeal of Trieste or to the Area Commissioner of the Area of Gorizia. When such Slovene party has made his election to file his appeal either to the Court of Appeal of Trieste or the Area Commissioner; no further appeal will be permitted except that when the appeal has been made to the Area Commissioner and decided by him, the Senior Civil Affairs Officer may, upon proper application, permit a further appeal to himself from the decision of the Area Commissioner. b. The Pretura Courts of Tolmino (to be changed to Pretura of Caporetto), Canale d’ Isonzo, and Comeno (to be changed to the Pretura of San Daniele del Carso), shall, if possible, be staffed by Judges who, being persons ordinarily resident in the territory under Allied Military Government Control; are of Slovene origin. Such Judge will receive recommendations inthat regard from any responsible person or authority. 6. When an appeal has been taken to the Court of Appeal of Trieste, the decision of that Court upon such appeal shall be final and there shall be no further right of appeal, as formerly, to the Court of Cassation at Borne, or to any other Court in Italy. 7. The following provisions shall apply to all Courts as above enumerated in the Area of Gorizia : a. Penal cases must receive priority in comparison with civil cases. b. These penal cases in which the accused is under arrest or in custody must be disposed of as far as possible in preference to those in which the accused has not yet been arrested or is in custody. c. No civil case shall be disposed of when one of the two parties cannot appear before the judge for reason of war events. d. If civil cases can be disposed of, those having a character of urgency shall take precedence, as for instance the following cases : (1) Appointment of administrators pendente life (for dead persons and creditor). (2) Declarations of absence and presumed death. (3) Legal separation of Consorts. (4) Provisions intended to protect the interests of minors. (5) Bights of wives. (6) Detention or release of persons of weak mind. (7) Provisions concerning destroyed or lost titles. e. The Senior Civil Affairs Officer is empowered to repeal or modify any sentence passed by an Italian judge. f. Everybody has the right to file an appeal to the Senior Civil Affairs Officer, in order to have a review of any sentence imposed by an Italian Judge, when it is stated to the Allied Military Government or to some of the Government of the United Nations. g. Any Officer of the A. M. G. is entitled to assist at any stage in the hearing of an Italian Judge. h. Every Italian Judge shall forward weekly to the Area Legal Officer a list of all penal cases tried by him during the previous week showing the following data : (1) Name of the accused. (2) Address of the accused. (3) Description of the accused including racial origin. (4) Sex of the accused. (5) Age of the accused. (6) Charge. (7) Sentence. 8. This Order shall take effect immediately and shall be operative until further order. d Bated : 11 July 1945. H. B. SIMONS Lt. Col. Aeting Area Commissioner HEADQUARTERS ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA AREA ORDER No. 8 It is ordered that the stocks, warehouse and administration of the organization NABAVLJALNI ZAVOD (NAVOD) GOKIZIA be, and hereby is, placed under the competence of the Acting Director of Ufficio Territoriale dell’ Alimentazione (Ufteal), Sezione di Gorizia, under the Supervision and Control of the Allied Military Government. This Order shall take effect, immediately. Dated : 12th July 1945. H. B. SI M SON Lt. Col. Acting Area Commissioner AREA ORDER No. 9 1. It is hereby ordered that all hotels, inns, boarding houses, rooming houses and other establishments which provide sleeping accomodations to the public within the Commune of Gorizia and the fractions thereof shall maintain a register in which will be recorded the names, addresses and identity card numbers of all persons who receive lodgings at such establishments. 2. A list of new daily arrivals will be prepared daily and delivered before 1200 noon to the Questura building in Gorizia City. 3. The proprietor or operator of any such hotel, inn, bearding house, rooming house or other similar establishment who fails to comply with the provisions of this order or who makes an untrue or incomplete report thereunder shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction by an Allied Military Court shall be liable to punishment by such fine or imprisonment or both as the Court may determine, and, in addition to any other lawful punishment, the Court may on such conviction revoke or suspend the license to operate: such establishment. 4. This order shall take effect immediately and shall be operative until further order. Dated : 27 July 1945. J. C. S MU T S Lt. Col. Area Commissioner HEADQUARTERS ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA AREA ORDER No. 10 It is hereby ordered that MACHERA BARTOLOMEO be and he hereby is appointed Ispettore per il Servizio di Razionamento of the Gorizia Area with all the powers hitherto possessed by an Ispettore degli Uffici Communele di Razionamento under the Italian Law as was in existence on 8 September 1943, and under the supervision and control of the Allied Military Government. This Order shall take effect immediately, and shall be operative until further order. Dated: 20th July 1945. J. G. SMUT S Lt. Col. Area Commissioner AREA ORDER No. 11 MOTOR TRANSPORT It is hereby ordered as follows : 1. There is hereby created for the Area of Gorizia a motor transport administrative body to be known as the CONSORZIO AUTOTRASPORTI GORIZIANO (C.A.G.), hereafter referred to in this order as the Conso'rzio, with the powers and functions hereinafter stated. 2. The term «motor transport», as used in this order, shall include all trucks lorries, lorry trailers, road tractors with trailers, autotrains and all other motor, vehicles constructed for, capable of, or converted for the purpose of carrying goods and materials, except vehicles of a carrying capacity of 10 quintali or less. 3. The Consorzio Autotrasporti Goriziano is empowered to control, regulate, and, when necessary, to operate all motor transport within the Area of Gorizia and is further empowered to regulate and control all motor transport trips from and into such Area. 4. The Consorzio is further authorized to do any and all things necessary or proper to carry out the above function including the power to enter into necessary contracts and to acquire, hold, encumber, dispose of and otherwise deal in real and personal property and any interest therein. o. All persons in the Area of Gorizia owning, controlling or possessing motor transport as above defined, are required to register the same with the Consorzio within seven (7) days from the date of the publication of this Order. No motor transport which is not so registered shall transport goods or materials within or from the Area of Gorizia. 6. The Consorzio shall act as an intermediary and clearing agency between owners and operators of motor transport and those who have need for the transportation of goods and materials from one place to another. 7. The Consorzio shall immediately prepare and publish a schedule of rates for all motor transport; to be approved by the Allied Military Government, and no other rates shall be charged. 8. All persons having need of motor transport to carry goods and materials shall apply in writing to the Consorzio stating (a) the goods or materials to be transported and their weight; (b) the place of origin; (c) the place of destination; (d) the purpose of the transportation; and (e) when such motor transport is desired. 9. Upon receipt of such application, the Consorzio, to the extent that motor transport is available, shall designate the owner or operator of the motor transport to carry such goods and material and for that purpose shall supply him with the work ticket, described in the following paragraph of this order, and the necessary petroleum products (or coupons therefor) for the particular trip. Priority shall be given to the transport of food and other necessities of life. 10. No person shall operate or permit any one else to operate motor transport owned or controlled by him without a work ticket, as above provided, issued by the Consorzio. Such work ticket shall be issued for each trip and shall specify (a) the route or routes to be used by such motor transport; (b) the type and quantity of the goods or materials being transported; (c) the name and address of the driver; (d) the names and addresses of the passenger or passenger, if any, who are authorized to accpmpany the driver; (e) the starting time of the trip and the probable date of return; (f) the type and quantity of petroleum products alio ted for the trip. Such work tickets will be carried on all trips and the motor transport will be operated strictly in accordance with the limitations therein specifically stated. Work tickets will be returned to the Consorzio immediately upon completion of the transport. 10. No petroleum products obtained from the Consorzio or through coupons supplied by the Consorzio, shall be used for any purpose except for authorized trips under this order and all such petroleum products shall remain at all times in the possession of the owners and operators of motor transport to whom such petroleum products have been consigned by the Consorzio. A return will be made on all work tickets at the completion of authorized trips stating the quantity of petroleum products unconsumed. 11 a. Permits to use motor transport shall be issued only to such owners and operators of motor transport as agree to carry out the orders and regulations of the Consorzio. 12. The persons for whom such goods and materials are transported shall pay to the Consorzio the charges for such transport in accordance with the schedule of rates referred to above, and the .Consorzio shall pay such sum to the owners or operators of the motor transports first deducting five (5) percent of such amount for overhead expenses of the Consorzio, and the cost of any petroleum products supplied by the Consorzio and all other proper set oils. 13. The Consorzio shall be under the active management of a Director to be appointed by the Allied Military Government who is authorized, subject to the approval of the Allied Military Government, to appoint and remove other officers and employees and to delegete to them such authority and duties as he may determine. The Director shall be assisted by a Committee of five owners or operators of motor transport to be elected by the owners or operators of motor transport in the Gorizia Area at a meeting to be called for that purpose by the Director. The function of such Committee shall be advisory only. 14. The Consorzio shall at all times be under the supervision and control of the Allied Military Government. 15. The Accounts of the Consorzio shall be audited at such intervals as the Allied Military Government shall direct and the person or persons to make such audits shall be designated by the Allied Military Government. 16. Any person who violates any provision of this order shall, upon conviction by an Allied Military Court be liable to punishment by imprisonment or fine or both, as the Court shall determine, and in addition to such punishment; any motor transport which is used contrary to the provisions of this Order and any goods or materials transported therein may be ordered to be confiscated. 17. This Order shall become effective in each part of the Gorizia Area upon the date of its publication therein. Dated : Gorizia, 23 July 1945. J. C. SMUTS Lt. Col. Area Commissioner AREA PUBLIC NOTICE No. 2 WHEREAS, the President of the District Committee of District 4 A (Dolegne, Cosbane), having been threatened with bodily'injury, has offered his resignation which has been accepted, and WHEREAS, it has not yet been possible to select the officials.of Area and Communal Government as provided for by General Order No. 11; and WHEREAS, it is felt inadvisable to appoint a temporary President of the above District pending the selection of such officials under General Order No. 11; and WHEREAS, pending such implementation of General Order No. 11, it has been decided that the government and administration of such District shall be conducted directly by the Allied Military Government; NOW, THEREFORE, Public Notice is hereby given of the above decision and that all the powers of government and administration of and in such District have been vested in the Civil Affairs Officer of the Allied Military Government now and hereafter assigned to such District who has been further authorized to delegate all or part of such powers to any Military Commander of the Allied Forces in the Area of Gorizia. Dated : 30 August 1945. ./. C. S }I UTS Lt.. Colonel Area Commissioner AREA NOTICE No. 3 1. General Order No. 11 providing for the government of Gorizia Area is being implemented. Appointments made by A.M.G. under this Order are being announced, and from time to time will be published in the Press. 2. Those appointments are being made by A.M.G. after wide consultations, so that they will be as widely representative of all classes of the people as is possible in present circumstances. The fact that they are not fully representative, is due to the fact that a large element of the population has, through its leaders, refused to play its part in the government- 3. These leaders claimed that they were elected by the people; that only persons elected by the people could serve in any government; and they stated that they would not be appointed by A.M.G. 4. It has been repeatedly pointed out to these leaders : (a) That the elections they referred to could not have been fair or democratic, since only they were elected, and no other section of the community. (b) That fair elections are not possible in time of war, or in the present circumstances of Military Government. (c) That it is possible to choose representatives of the people by means other than elections, and that A.M.G. was choosing them bv this means. 5. Despite those repeated statements to those leaders and despite repeated requests to them to submit the names of persons desired by the people as their representatives, they have continued to refuse to take their share in the government. 6. In these circumstances A.M.G. has been forced to make appointments without giving representation to this section of the community, and in some areas to carry on the government without any representatives of the people at all. 7. It continues to be the hope of A.M.G. that this section of the people will reconsider the decisions of its leaders. It is the hope of A.M.G. that this group, which was for many years denied representation by Fascism, will not continue to be denied it by their own leaders. 8. A.M.G. will remain ready and willing to welcome this large element of the people to take their just part in the government of this Area. GORIZIA, 8th September 1945. J. C. SMUTS Lieutenant Colonel Area Commissioner GAZETTE No. 4 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS PART 1 HEADQUARTERS TRIESTE Order No. 25 - Establishment of Centro Autotrasporti.............. 3 Administrative Order No. 5 - Auditing Committee of Ufficio Agricoltura.........18 Administrative Order No. 6 - Appointment of Murara Candido, Pogassi Giuseppe, Farci Luigi, Marcon Giovanni Aldo, Simone Pasquale to various Positions ...............................18 Administrative Order No. 7 - Appointment of President and Vice President of Area of Trieste..................................19 Administrative Order No. 8 - Appointment of Manager of Centro Autotrasporti.....19 Administrative Order No. 9 - Appointment of Judges.............................20 PART 2 TRIESTE AREA Area Order No. 2 - Supervising of Cooperative Operaie ............................. 6 Area Order No. 3 - Administration of Jewish Community.............................. 7 Area Order No. 4 - Regulating closing hours of Hotels, bars, etc................... 8 Area Order No. 5 - Commune of Sesana............................................... 8 Area Order No. 6 - Housing regulations.............................................. 9 Area Order No. 9 - Ufficio Stralcio................................................10 Area Order No. 10 - Administration of Commune of Ronchi.............................10 Area Order No. 11 - Custodian of Rolls of Professions and Arts......................11 Area Order No. 12 - Administration of Commune of Grado.............................11 Area Order No. 14 - Epuration Committee of Professions and Arts.................12 Area Order No. 15 - Administration of locai government of Trieste .................13 Area Order No. 16 - Council of Trieste............................................. 14 Area Order No. 17 - Appointment of President of Chambers of Commerce, etc...........15 Area Order No. 18 - Appointment of President of Commissione Vigilanza..............15 Area Order No. 19 - Administration of local government of Monfalcone................16 Area Order No. 20 - Director of Opera Nazionale Invalidi di Guerra................16 Area. Order No. 21 - President of the Commissione Vigilanza della Stanza Compensazione....................................................17 Area Order No. 22 - Council of Starcmzano Area.....................................17 Area Notice No. 1 - Epuration Committee............................................21 POLA AREA Area Order No. 2 - Prohibiting of removal of building material ...................22 Administrative Order - Appointment of Harbour Master.................................22 Administrative Order - Appointment of Communal Council and Communal Secretary.. 23 Area Notice - Schools - Changing the name of the supervisor of schools ... .24 Area Notice - Payment of certain debts......................................24 GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 3 B - Powers of President of District Committee.....................25 Area Order No. 4 - Appointment of Director of Military District....................25 Area Order No. 5 - Appointment of Commissario Straordinario, Cassa di Risparmio Gorizia..........................................................26 Area Order No. 6 - Appointment of Director of UFTEAL, Gorizia......................26 Area Order No. 7 - Establishment of Courts Gorizia Area............................27 Area Order No. 8 - Property of Nabavljalni Zavod, Gorizia..........................29 Area Order No. 9 - Registration of Hotel Transients................................30 Area Order No. 10 - Appointment of Ispettore per il Servizio di Razionamento.....30 Area Order No. 11 - Establishment of Consorzio Autotrasporti........................31 Area Notice No. 2 - Establishment of direct Military Government, District 4, Gorizia. .33 Ai’ea Notice No. 3 - Administration of local Government................................34