Slika 1: Primer značilne strani na Internetu. Poglavja sledijo od 1 do 11. Slika 2: Skicazaprvo stran: naslov, tekst in poglavja s številkami. Examplefor typical page on the Internet. Chaptersfollowfrom Itoli. Sketchfor thefirst page: title, text and chapters with numbers. Slika3: Skica za poglavje s tekstom. Možnost izbire poglavij. Sketch for the chapter with text. Other chapters can be chosen. Slika 4: Skica poglavja z grafiko: risba, načrt, fotografija. Chapter with graphics: drawing, technical drawing andphoto. Yemen 2oo5 Yemen 2oo5 Switzerland 1995, 2oo4 Switzerland 1995, 2oo4 Slika 5: Howd, kamnito zatočišče v gorovju Haraz, Yemen. Howd, thestoneshelterontheHarazMountains, Yemen. Slika 6: Crot /scele, kamnito zatočišče v kantonu Graubuenden/ Grisson, CH. Crot/scele, the stone shelter in canton Graubuenden/Grisson, CH. AR 2oo5/1 Borut Juvanec ODSTAVITEV RAZISKAVE "KAMEN NA KAMEN" MEDIA REPRESENTATION OF THE RESEARCH "STONE UPON STONE" raziskava, research Dejan Jakhel, Maj Juvanec, Domen Zupanèiè povzetek Medijska predstavitev raziskave je postavitev znanstvenih rezultatov na internet. Raziskava Kamen na kamen / Stone upon Stone je raziskovalna naloga, ki je tekla v letu 2oo3, oddana pa je bila na Univerzi v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo 2oo4. Vsebina zaokrožuje začetke in izvore arhitekture v kamnu, konstrukcijo, tipiko in teorijo ter okolje, končuje s problematiko. Posebna poglavja so indeks, viri in literatura ter povzetki v slovenščini, angleščini, nemščini, hrvaščini in v kastilščini. Raziskava je postavljena v formatu 2o x 28 cm in obsega 141 strani teksta s slikami. Slikovno gradivo so fotografije, skice, risbe, sheme, računalniške sheme na fotografijah, fotografirani leseni modeli in računalniške simulacije. Vse gradivo je v barvah. Tu so tudi podatki o avtorju ter tri recenzije. Recenzenti so bili prof Christian Lassure, CERAV, Pariz; prof dr Paul Oliver, Oxford Brookes University; dr Berislav Horvatič, Institut za fiziku RH, Zagreb. Vsebinsko je medijska predstavitev z naslovom The Stone razdeljena na elemente (zaradi Neta je vse tekstualno gradivo v angleščini): teoretièni del, ki vsebuje 10 poglavij abstract, history, construction, typics, theory, objects, environment, problematics, links, bibliography, dokumentacija, v kateri je trenutno predstavljeno 18 tipov kamnitih zatočišč Mediterana, po Evropi, pa tudi v Palestini, na Sinaju in v Jemnu. Vsak tip zatočišča je predstavljen s krajšim tekstom, makro in mikro zemljevidom lokacije in nekaj fotografijami. Zaradi relativno visokega odstotka uporabnikov interneta (do 30% - odvisno od ciljne publike), ki še vedno uporablja 15 palčne monitorje z ločljivostjo 800 x 600 pikslov, je izbrana efektivna širina strani 760 px. Vsa navigacija in bistveni podatki so znotraj te meje, tako da lahko tudi obiskovalci z najmanjšimi ekrani nemoteno brskajo po strani. Strani so centrirane na levi rob ekrana, na desni pa se pri večjih ekranih po širini nekaj grafičnih elementov razširi po vsem ekranu tudi pri večjih ločljivostih (širina 100%). Gradivo je izrazito interaktivno: vsebini lahko sledimo po vrstnem redu od začetka do konca (v celoti ali le s povzetki), dosegljiva so posamična poglavja, objekte pa lahko izbiramo po abecedi (lokalnih izrazov), po deželah ali po karti Evrope (s severnim delom Afrike). doseženi cilji, namen in rezultati Cilj je bil podati celovito informacijo o objektih korbelinga, od teorije do prakse in do stanja objektov v prostoru. Rezultat je digitalna informacija o predstavitvi v vseh ključnih brskalnikih. problematika v arhitekturi, umestitev obravnavane teme v te tokove in njen pomen Arhitektura kamna je najstarejša arhitektura, kar jih poznamo. Vernakularna arhitektura postaja v svetovnem okviru vse bolj pomembna inje umeščena v pedagoške procese vseh pomembnejših šol za arhitekturo (Oxford, Rim, Valencia, Paris, Lausanne, Grenoble, Trento, Milano). Raziskavaje dosegljiva v Knjižnici FA. Naslov: summary The media presentation of the research is placement ofscientific results on the Internet. The research Stone upon Stone was carried out during 2003 and published by the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, in 2004. The content encompasses the beginnings and sources of architecture in stone, structure, typology, theory and environment and concludes with the issues. Separate chapters are: index, sources and literature and abstracts in Slovene, English, German, Croat and Spanish. The layout was done in a 20x28 cm format and contains 141 pages of text with figures. The graphic material contains photographs, sketches, drawings, computer schemes on photographs, photographed wooden models and computer simulations. All is in full colour. Data about the reviewers is added. They were: Prof. Christian Lassure, CERAV, Paris; Prof. dr. Paul Oliver, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford; Dr. Berislav Horvatič, Institute for physics, Zagreb. The content ofthe media presentation, titled The Stone, is divided into elements (because of the web, all textual material is in English): The theoretical part contains 10 chapters: abstract, history, construction, typology, theory, objects, environment, issues, links, bibliography, documentation, which presently contains l8 types of stone shelters from the Mediterranean basin, Europe, as well as Palestine, Sinai and Yemen. All types of shelters are presented by short texts, macro- and micro-maps of the site and several photographs.Because of the relatively high share of internet users (up to 30 % - depending on the goal public) who still use 15 inch monitors and resolution 800 x 600pixels, the selected effective page width is 760px. All navigation and essential data is within this range, thus visitors with smaller monitors can also surf the pages easily. The pages are justified to the left side of the monitor, with wider monitors certain graphical elements expand across the whole screen (width 100%). The material is exceptionally interactive: the content can be followed in order, from beginning to end (comprehensively or only by abstracts), separate chapters are easily reached; buildings can be selected by alphabetical order (local names), country or a map of Europe (with Northern Africa). intentions, goals and results The goal was to present comprehensive information about corbelled objects, from theory to practise and the condition of buildings in space. The result is digital information about presentation in all key browsers. architectural issues, positioning the topic in ongoing debate and its' significance Architecture in stone is the oldest known architecture. Vernacular architecture is even in the global framework becoming increasingly important and is positioned in all pedagogic processes of all important schools of architecture (Oxford, Rome, Valencia, Paris, Lausanne, Grenoble, Trento and Milano). The research is available in the library of the Faculty of architecture. Address: kljuène besede kamen, vernakularna arhitektura, zatočišče, korbeling key words stone, vernacular architecture, shelter, corbelling