ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NO. 12 DECEMBER, 1978 VOLUME 50 “BOŽi© - (? HRISTMA§ St. 1/Ylartj 6 Church — / \iehfo, Colorado ZARJA - THE DAWN VOL. 12 DECEMBER, 1978 VOL. 50 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’B Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupen številke za Julij-avgust, Annual Subscription for non-members, $6.00 — naročnina $6.00 letno za ne člane. Happy Birthday in December BRANCH PRESIDENTS: Dec. 6 — Stella Ciccioni, Br. 70, W„ Aliquippa, Pa. Dec. 15 — Victoria Volk, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. Dec. 17 — Fannie Hrvatin, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. Dec. 18 — Victoria Spoils, Br., 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Dec. 21 — Mary Mihelich, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Dec. 30 — Jennie Gerk, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Dec. 31 — Frances Vidmar, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn., SECRETARIES: Dec. 11 — Wilma Franciskovich, Br. 45, Portland, Ore. Dec, 11 — Mary Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Dec. 23 — Mary Meadows, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Dec, 30 — Mary Jermene, Br. 85, DePue, 111. Many Happy Returns of the Day HERITAGE IN ACTION CAMPAIGN First Prize: Trip to S.W.U. National Convention, Duluth, Minn. May, 79 CASH PRIZES FOR ALL WORKERS: For Social Members, .40 per month za družabne članice .40 mesečno Publisher: ŽABJA, 431 No. Chicago St. Joliet. 111. 60432 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo Izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone 847-6679, Area Code 312 Dec. 2 -Dec. 3 -Dec. 4 -Dec. 5 -Dec. 6 -Dec. 6 -Dec. 6 -Dec. 6 -Dec. 7 -Dec. 9 -Dec. 9 -Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 14 Dec. 14 ■ Dec. 15, Dec. 17-Dec. 17-Dec. 17-Dec. 17. Dec. 19 -Dec. 20 - Say ‘‘Merry Christmas” with a book (he gift of a lifetime! “Footsteps Through Time" SWU Home Office 431 N. Chicago St. Joliejt, III. 60432 $6.00 75$ postage DATES TO REMEMBER... Br. 47. Garfield Hgts., Ohio Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O. Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111 Br. 100, Fontana, Calif. Br. 42, Maple Hgts. Ohio Br. 92, Gunnison, Colo. - Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio - Br. 57, Niles, Ohio - Br. 42, Maple Hgts. O. - Br. 45, Portland, Ore. - Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio - Br. 2, Chicago, ill. Adults - Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. - Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Juniors 2:00 p.m. Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Br. 2, Chicago, 111. ANNIVERSARY MASS Br. 20, Joliet, 111. Br. 54, Warren, Ohio Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio A TOOTHPICK CHRISTMAS TREE Williamsburg Apple Cones, copied from an 18th Century print will make a delightful centerpiece for Christmas, or an unusual mantel decoration. For a large centerpiece, you will need approximately 24 apples, stacked in four rows of 9,7,5,and 3 apples to a row. Top the cone with a small pineapple. Use pieces of pine or holly leaves to stick in between apples for color and to surround the cone. If cone is wobbly, use toothpicks stuck descreetly in apples to hold them in place. For two smaller cones for use on a sideboard or mantel, use 16 apples stacked in rows of 7,5,3 and 1 and trimmed with the greens. A lovely variation is to stud the apples with small white candles. Make holes in apples for candles with a paring knife. Before lighting candles, be absolutely sure the apples are steady; if they are at all .shaky, secure with more toothpicks. /l/lerry. C^Lridtma6 Winter is here and “Snow white” wants to show how it feels since it’s been away from us for several months. Let’s hope it won’t be so hard on us this year. A White Christmas is always so beautiful and we in Ohio would miss it, too. The children surely enjoy making snowmen as we all did when we were children. Christmas is a beautiful event. Many branches are preparing for a lot of holiday activities. Be sure to attend and help your branch attain its goals. December is also the month of Elections of Officers. It’s and honor to be asked to serve as an officer of your branch. Don’t refuse. Try and interest younger members to be officers. We need new ideas all the time. Branches should have scheduled meetings and arrange to do something interesting for members so they will always attend. I am very proud to know that many branches are picking up activities but I am not happy enough with the Campaign. The membership must be built up much more. So, please try and try. Congratulations to all branches who celebrated their 50th anniversaries this year. I am sorry I couldn’t attend all your various celebrations. I hope you all remember to send in an ad for the Christmas issue of ZARJA and if you miss it, to do it for the New Year. My compliments to all the Regional Presidents - you seem to have been very successful which makes me very happy. I want to ask you all to remember how important it is to attend the wake and funeral of your departed sisters. Do go and say a prayer for her and don’t forget them in your future prayers. There are members depending on this and this is one of the goals of our organization, to be mindful of this service to our deceased members. Let us remember the good deeds and work she has done when among us and give comfort to the surviving tamily who will miss her. I wish all branches success in your children’s activities, Christmas Parties, etc. To each and every one, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Branch 25 in Cleveland had their 50th anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 22 and I enjoyed it very much as did all the guests in attendance. The ladies cooperated and Worked so hard to make this affair really beautiful and it Was as it should be, with many branches attending. I just can't find enough words for them and it means the older as well as the younger members. I was proud of the Br. 50 Cadets who were present and lead the Procession. The mass was beautiful and we will remember the words spoken by Fr. Joseph Boznar. Our beautiful secretary of Br. 25 was the commentator The cooks outdid themselves and our compliments. Again the complete committee was in action. Give a Gift of Caring! Please remember this when Vour think of your branch and the pleasure you receive from its many activities. Sign up a new member and show you really do CARE! To all celebrating birthdays this month, a very Happy Day and a speedy recovery to all who may be ill. Bless you all and hope you will start the new year in good health! REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: - -S*v. FEAST OF HAPPINESS ^ There is a story told about a boy named John. He was the unhappiest boy in high school. He seldom spoke and when he did, it was usually to complain and gripe. His face was locked in gloom. He had no friends and what he did in the hours after school nobody knew. At the class reunion, even though John was not present, he was remembered. The classmates tried unsuccessfully to solve the mystery of John's enduring unhappiness. Someone had run into him a few years ago and found him still to be glumly silent and almost angry. Though no one said it they all must have sensed how supremely important happiness is. St. Thomas Aquinas said, it is a person's greatest achievement. And, Jesus wants His joy to be ours so that “your joy may be complete”. Jesus is deeply concerned about our happiness. He came among us in order to build a kingdom and community of happy, loving people. When John the Baptist cried out “reform your lives, the reign-of God is at hand,” he did not realize fully what is going to happen. He may not have known that Jesus' days on earth would be dedicated to showing us how to live happy lives, free of grumpiness, spite and selfishness. Jesus' recipe for happy days is often surprising. He tells us that even grief can turn into joy. He urges us to pray for happiness: “Until now you have not asked anything in my name. Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full. ” Jesus can rescue us from the misguided people who try to convince us that happiness is to be found only in fame or power or great riches or such things as sexual excess and drunkenness. In the Holy Scripture of St. Matthew we find the beautiful reading about the words of Christ's Beatitudes. There we read: How blest are the poor, the sorrowing. How blest are they who show mercy. Blest, too, the peacemakers. How encouraging it is to hear: Blest are you when they insult you and persecure you and utter every kind of slander against you because of Me. Be glad and rejoyce for your reward is great in heaven. It is important to start out on the right road when you are young and to be headed straight in the direction of happiness. Actually, it is never too late. It is well to say often this prayer from the Psalms “Show me your way, Lord, teach me your path. Make me walk in your truth and teach me for you are my God, my savior." Renewal at Christmas time can bring us happiness we are looking for. Merry Christmas to you all. MARY BOSTIAN, National President December. 197R MARIE PRISLAND: ^t?5UIC5 f- I, With the election of JOHN PAUL II, as the new Pope, Stalin’s mocking question came up:...“How many divisions does the Pope have?’”...and it takes on a different meaning. The answer probably is: “Quite many.” In Poland, the new pontiff has not only divisions but an army of the faithful. In the rest o Communist Eastern Europe, including not only Czechoslovakia and Hungary but East Germany and others, the temporal and political world of Communism is now probably going to have to deal with the spiritual world of Catholicism in a different way. Time, space and politics as well as religion are bound to be affected by all this. The new Pope is only 59 years old - younger than most political leaders in the world. With luck, he will outlive them all and could even exercise i his influence in the Roman church until the end of this century. In his formal address to the cardinals in the Sistine Chapel, the new Pope said that he wanted to reach out,“ all people and to those who are oppressed by whatever injustices or discrimination - whether it has to do with economy, life in society, political life of the freedom of conscience...” This takes on quite a few people not only in Eastern Europe but iin 'he rest of the world. It did not come across as a challenge to the Communist leaders, but simply as a declaration of persona! faith and duty. Reston N.Y. Times Poland is happy over the selection of the new Pope. In Krakow, the 13 ton 400 year old Bell of Sigmund, heard only on special occasions rang 15 minutes in celebration of the Pope’s installation. THE NEW POPE ACTIVITIES NO. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Our branch sponsored a “Concerned Parents” night on November 2nd with a panel of judges and a moderator. The turnout was good, but we were disappointed in not seeing more of our members. The discussion was quite interesting. We want to offer our congratulations on the Golden Anniversary of John and Albina Grimsich, former Chicagoans now residing in California. Also, to Br. no. 20 in Joliet. Our branch was represented at their celebration and enjoyed the activities. We wish you much success in the future. I hope that you will attend the activities this month, namely, the Christmas party on meeting night; the mass for our living and deceased members on Dec. 17th and of course, the children’s party that day. We have three new members: Maggie and Margie Hujbar and Sandra Muller; also 14 new junior members. WELCOME Among our sick members reported is Mary Markovich. We wish them and all other ailing members the best of health and a quick recovery. Our condolences to Mary Gerdevich on the loss of her husband, John. Our prayers are with you for the repose of his soul. We had election of officers at the last meeting. Because Shirley Melissa lives such a distance away, she asked to be excused from office, therefore, Yours Truly was elected to the Presidency with the following: Vice-president, Ann Mladic, Secretary, Jean Zubek, Recording Secretary, Ann Scieszka, Treasurer, Lil Putzell, Sentinal, Luba Troha, Auditors, Elsie Statkus, Mary Podder and Jean Scianna. Mary Jager and Julie Petrich offered to take care of Roman Catholics under Communist governments: EASTERN EUROPE: Poland, 33,000,000 or 95% Czechs, 8,999,00-32% Yugoslavia, 6,900,000 - 32% Hungary, 6,000,000 - 65% Russia, 4,000,000 -1 % East Germany, 1,700,000-10% Rumania, 1,000,000 - 5% Bulgaria, 59,000 - 6% ASIA: Vietnam, 2,000,000 - 6% China, 2,000,00-.029% North Korea, 100,000 - 7% Laos, 35,000-.01% Cambodia, 14,000 - 29% Cuba, 4,000,000-49% Time chart by N. Holmes. TO YOUR HEALTH! S' WA ys'to help the alcoholic 11 is well understood how the alcoholic can control the family. This is especially true for the wife, husband or mother. The alcoholic drinks and the family cries, yells, pleads, prays, threatens or practices the silent treatment. The family will cover up for the alcoholic to protect him from the damage of his drinking. In order for a person to be of help to an alcoholic, one can attend Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) meetings and Al Anon meetings. Go yourself to help you to understand the problem and hopefully you can get the alcoholic to go with you. Do not try to send him if he is unwilling to go. Here is a list of don 'ts in dealing with alcoholics: 1. Don V allow the alcoholic to lie to you and accept it for the truth, for in so doing you encourage this process. 2. Don't accept promises for this is only postponing pain. If an agreement is made, stick to it. 3. Don’t cover up or make excuses for the alcoholic's absences. 4. Don V put off facing the reality that alcoholism is a progressive illness that gets increasingly worse as drinking continues. Start to learn now, to understand and to plan for recovery. To do nothing is the worst choice you can make. Nežka Gaber, R. A'. Invitation from Duluth As I sil here on Ihis beautiful ‘“Indian Summer” day. the end of October, I realize it will be December by the time you read this and it is time for us to wish each and everyone of you a most “Happy and Holy Holiday Season” from all of us al Br. 33, Duluth. It also brings to mind the “way time flies” for all of you to set your thinking and planning to come to Duluth, an “All-American City” for the National Convention to be held Ma> 20-23, 1979 at the Radisson Hotel. . Each branch has received books from the Home Office and we hope every effort will be made to sell as many as possible as the proceeds go for the benefit of their own particular delegate. We are trying to plan events that will be of interest to all the delegates and the many visitors we hope will be there. This is a special opportunity for you to visit Duluth, (he “Head of the Lakes" and also to the “Iron Range” area of our state. Hope we see you all here! L.P. the kitchen and Anna Gaber will be our Slovenian scribe. All our best wishes to the officers and thanks for a job well done, Shirley. Father Claude, who is our spiritual advisor, gave an inspirational talk regarding our efforts to help each other instead of critizing. His talks are always enjoyed by all. Happy November Birthday, Father. Many more. Members who have donated goodies this last month to our activities are: Jean Zubek, Ann Scieszka, Corinne Leskovar, Mary Jager, Elsie Ciszek, Millie Paisoli, NežlA Gaber, Albie Rasp, Angie Koziarz, Ann Musulewicz and Yours Truly. I wish for each of you the holiest of Christmases and the most joyous of New Years. I hope the Christ Child favors all with His special blessings and makes all the children’s dreams comc ture. Good health and prosperity to you MARY MULLER £r NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO This year has really gone by fast; here we are in the month of December. The leather has been so beautiful and the trees with all their color. Our September meeting was very well attended; it was really so nice to see all the ladies. No meeting in October or November but we will meet in December, in a meeting combined with Section of officers and Christmas Party. Next May is our National Convention and all branches have tickets to sell for OVER 70 CLUB - OVER 70 CLUB OVER 70 CLUB Julia Verbic, 477 Woodlawn Ave., Aurora, III. 60505 Anna Zgonc, 114 N. 8th Ave., Gilbert, Minn. Mary Kalin, 19450 Anniston Rd., Euclid, 0..44117 Eva Majcen, 326 E. 211 , Euclid, O., 44123 Annd Strukel, Sta. B Rt. 2, Superior, Wi.,54880 Mary Miklavcich, Meraba Home, Buhl, Minn.55711 Ursula Skraba, Gheen, Minn. 55740 Kate Brletich, 30 1st Si. N.W. Chisholm, Mil. 55719 Anna Maline, 233 W. Lake St., Chisholm, Mn. 55719 Mary Tomazic, 1730 Broadway, Kennedy Plaza, Box 414, Lorain, Ohio 44052 19 1<>: Dec 1900, Br 40 Anna Bozicli, 382 E. 161 St., Cleveland, Ohio44110 Pauline Kocjan, 426 E. 255 St., Cleveland, Ohio44132 Cecilia Casel, 1027 Indiana Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. 53081 Mary Krainz, 1228 S. 15th Sheboygan, Wis. 53081 Stefania Pelko, 1208 Alabama Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. 53081 Mary Gerdcvich,2505 S.Ridgeland, Berwyn, 111.60402 Mary Grosko, 2737 Melvina Ave., Chicago, 111. 60639 Make sure these lovely ladies finish off the year in a happy way. Remember them with a card, visit or phone call. Make their coming year one to look forward'to because a member of the SWU cared enough to share this happy event with her sister member. Each of these immigrant ladies are to be congratulated on their contribution to the Slovenian-Anierican community which we were fortunate enough to enjoy. ■^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^SSSSSSS 2 Dec 1896, Br 30 28 Dec 1886, Br31 10 Dec 1903, Br 32 22 Dec 1895, Br 32 27 Dec 1907, Br 33 14 Dec 1886, Br35 6 Dec 1898, Br 37 20 Dec 1887, Br 38 10 Dec 1904, Br 38 24 Dec 1895, Br41 13 Dec 1902, Br. 41 13 Dec 1892, Br 1 29 Dec 1903, Br 1 25 Dec 1898, Br. 1 6 Dec 1904, Br 2 6 Dec 1894, Br 2 expenses for delegates, so, ladies, when you send me your dues please send an • extra dollar for donation. I don’t ask very often, so it will be appreciated. At the present time we have two members who are in the hospital: Mary Laurich at Cleveland Clinic and Mary Camloh, former secretary of our branch, at Euclid General Hospital. Please remember these ladies with a card. We wish them a speedy recovery and hope God blesses them. Our condolenses to Olga Novosek and her family on the loss of her brother, Frank Dolgan; also Rose Bizily on the loss of her brother, Frank Klemenčič. We also lost our own member, Frances Martich who was one of our 50 year members. Deepest sympathies to all the remaining members. To the departed, may they all rest in peace. Our state convention was a big success; my thanks to all who attended. Also, we had a lovely time at the 50th anniversary of Br. 25 and no doubt you will be reading all about the Cotillion Ball which was just beautiful. The year is almost up ladies, and we are looking for new members. How about giving me a call. I’m sure you have someone who would like to become our member, a sister, brother, daughter, son, grandchildren..surprise me! Get well wishes to all of you who are’t feeling too well. Happy birthdays, too, to all of you; most of all, Happy Holidays for Christmas. SOPHIE MAGAYNA NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. We were blessed with a good day again and it was very heart warming to walk into our meeting place and see so many smiling faces. The setting was a bit different and as a result, the meeting took on a very friendly informal atmosphere. In the absence of Mrs. Plesko who leads us in prayer, Jo Wilhelm led us to our beginning prayer. All officers were present and reports were given. Edith Kuehn was reported on the sick list, but out of the hospital, so we all wish her a satisfactory recovery. Discussion on our future card party went on with Jo and Stavia volunteering to find a hall where we can accommodate enough people as at our last party we found our present place too small; they will give their findings at the next meeting. Junior activity and the Scholarship Fund was also discussed, but no definite plans were reached, so if you have any ideas on either subject, make it your business to attend the next meeting and make yourself heard. We’re always willing to listen and get new ideas and opinions. After all, this is your lodge. The meeting was closed with Stavia Dobersek leading the prayer and we also said extra prayers for the repose of the soul of John Plesko who was being buried the following Saturday. Our deepest and sincerest sympathy goes out to Frances Plesko and her daughter, June and son, Irvin, and their families, in their bereavement. Attendance prize was won by our Mother of the Year, Tillie Russ. Door prizes and donations were also given by the Misses, Lauer, Trotter, Potisk, Stiglitz, Russ, White, Pesec, Seston, Brekkan and Stavia, so we had a lot of winners. “Happy Birthday” was sung for Evelyn Laurich who brought a cake, Mrs. Trader and Mrs. Brekkan who baked a strudel for the occasion and wine was donated by Stavia and the table settings by Jo who never fails to do a pleasing set up. Thank you all. The day wouldn’t be complete without our favorite games and the ladies all stayed to enjoy it for quite a long while. Let’s keep up the good work, but also, remember that we have books to sell as well as Convention booklets and we NEED new members very badly as our “old faithfuls” are slowing passing on. Remember all in your prayers. MARY DEZMAN NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA. Kranski Hrib has a new Hairstylist to take care of us during the Holidays! HERI, at Kansas and 18th, is a very capable stylist for both men and women. Heri was trained in Europe and is able to do excellent coloring, per-menents and of course, expert cutting and styling. We have a great need for this type of service and are very happy to have Heri with us. Call 621-2605 and ask Heri about the senior citizen dis ount days. Welcome, Heri, we wish you great success on Kranski Hrib. With December coming and election-of-officer-time, I think it would be most fitting for us to have a day to honor our President, Josephine Aiuto, who has worked so hard for these past few years to make Branch No. 13 a success. We should have a breakfast and mass and not allow Jo to lift one finger but to be our “Queen for the Day”! Now is the time for us to add this to our agenda for the year of 1979. Come to the meeting and make this a unanimous decision. We love you, Jo, for all your kindness and for once want to do something nice for YOU...! Katie Plut, one of our Treasures, from years gone by, has been ill for a while. This dear lady worked with me on many, many occasions earning many dollars for our Treasury. Somehow when we can’t get around as well we get the idea we are forgotten. You are well remembered Katie and loved very much. Hope soon you will be able to come and be with us as before. For all our members and friends who are ill we send thoughts of kindness and our prayers. How better to show the feeling of love; a greeting with a smile is worth more than money when you can’t go out to spend it. A call on the phone will take up a few minutes of your time but will give hours of pleasure to the one who is ill. Years ago when very young, my mother told me one act of kindness each day regardless of how small added to your happiness in life more than you could imagine. I have found over the years this is indeed true, it helps defray the mistakes we are bound to make in our daily life. Happiness to All and may you all enjoy a most Happy Holiday the season of GOD’S Birth. FRAN E. CHIODO, reporter NO. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL In the absence of Phyllis Perko, our recording secretary, Andrea Krall read the minutes at the October meeting. Gladys Buck, our delegate, gave a report on the Illinois-Indiana State Convention hosted by Br. 24 LaSalle, III. on Oct. 8th. We had a beautiful trip through the autumn scenery on a bus we, twenty-seven members shared with Br. 95. We arrived in time to enjoy the delicious home made coffee cake and coffee before the meeting. Most of the discussion centered on the involvement of the younger members and the 1979 National Convention. After the meeting, we attended the 50th anniversary mass celebrated by Fr. Bernard Horzen, O.S.B. His many Slovenian anecdotes, both poignant and humorous captured the hearts of the congregation. A delicious buffet dinner was served in the church hall and we enjoyed the program which followed. Father Michael Železnikar, pastor of St. Roch’s church, gave an inspiring talk on the role of Slovenian women in today’s society. St. Roch’s choir members entertained us with a melodious selection of songs. We were sorry our bus was scheduled to leave which the Starlites were performing. Most of our ladies left the hall dancing to the Slovenian tunes. Our member, Mitzi Klobučar, had an especially delightful time visitng with all her relatives at the dinner. Her aunt is Mary Piletič who was on the program committee and was dressed in Slovenian costume. In keeping with suggestions made at the State Convention, our members discussed holding a children’s Christmas party this year if the younger mothers would handle the affair. A guest at the meeting was Mary Toporis, sister in law of Elaine Tinsley. The sunshine prizes were awarded to Helen Gornick and Zinka Shesek. At the meeting, Andrea Krall, Dorothy Perko, Millie Skul and Edna Winters celebrated their October birthdays. In addition, Edna Winters planned a little suprise party for her aunt, Katie Triller, who celebrated her 90th birthday on November 25th. We had a light supper of sandwiches and a beautifully decorated cake. President, Marge Prebil furnished the wine to toast our nonagenerian and all the other celebrants. Še na mnoga leta, Katie. Anna Lustig took reservations for our trip to West Allis, Wis. on Oct. 29th. We had a total of thirty-eight members and guests travel by bus on a beautiful autumn day to attend the 50th anniversary celebration of Br. 17. After high mass at St. Mary’s church, we walked to the auditorium for the banquet and program. The highlight was the Triglav Folk Dance group of Milwaukee who gave a professional performance. On the way home, our bus made a stop at Greenfield, Wis. for a short reunion with Father Jerome and Father Bonaventure who formerly served at our St. George’s church. Prayers for improved health go to Marg Vrhovnik and Jennie Andolsek. Frances Grotkowski is convalescing after eye surgery and Dorothy Perko is hospitalized with a broken leg. May all soon be well. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to Marge Monok whose brother, Michael Evans died in October and to Mary Maricich on the death of her daughter-in-law, Helen. We hope to see a big turnout at the Villa Cosenza for our Christmas party on Thursday, Dec. 14th. Ann Lustig is in charge of the reservations. To all our members, best wishes for a Blessed and Happy Christmas season. MARGE SPRETNJAK ' ’i' I ¥* ’ NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. We are having ideal weather for this season, winter and Christmas just around the corner! Members make a note on your calendars that our annual meeting will be on Sunday, Dec. 17, 1978 at 2:00 p.m. at the Baraga Room of St. Mary’s church hall. Please use the rear door. It is important that every member attends this meeting as we have business to discuss, election of officers for the coming year, also. We will have a Christmas Social after the meeting with distribution of Children’s Christmas gifts, exchange of gifts among members ($1.25 value) amd lunch and coffee will be served. Make it a must to be present. Best wishes for a speedy recovery is extended to Helen Kodrich and Julia Tael. Helen is at home convalescing and Mrs. Tael is at St. Luke’s Hospital with a broken hip. Congratulations to Bonnie and Louis Wagner on the birth of a son and also our deepest sympathy to her and her family on the sudden death of her father, Ted Ludwig. Her parents were former owners of the Graf’s Bowling Alleys in Milwaukee. Those of you in arrears with dues are kindly asked to bring them up to date as I must bring my books. For you at Christmastime: V May you have a Merry Christmas With the love that Christmas brings. May you celebrate the New Year While the bells of gladness ring. May your joyful ness be twinkling /Is a diamond diadem. May your days each be as shining As the star of Bethlehem. A blessed Christmas, a joyous and prosperous New Year, MARIE FLORYAN NO. 20, JOLIET, ILL. October was a busy month for the members. On Sunday October 8, twenty-nine members, two Millies from Br. 95 and three husbands, Joseph Erjavec, Ed Stonich and Frank Vraničar travelled by bus to LaSalle to attend the Ill-Ind State Convention and to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Branch 24. Thank you, all, for such a friendly and relaxing day. After the dinner and program, in the late afternoon, we proceeded to St. Bede's High School where Rev. Bernard Horzen gave us a guided tour of the Natural Museum and the beautiful new multi-purpose chapel. This side trip was •both educational and informative for us all On Sunday October 29, 26 members, three husbands, Joseph Erjavec, Steve Malnerick and Ed S tonitch, 3 members and 1 husband from LaSalle, 1 member from DuPue and 1 member from Oglesby joined us to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Br. 17 West Allis, Wisconsin. We were honored to also have with us Rev. David Stalzer and his mother, Margaret. Father concelebrated the anniversary mass with Rev. M.H. Setnicar, pastor of St. Mary’s Church. Thank you, ladies, for your gracious hospitality. The changing colors on the trees and bushes was just beautiful. This was an extra treat offered us as the bus rolled on. Secretary Agnes Lovati was in charge of the bus reservations for the two trips we made. At least two phone calls are made to every member who made reservations for the trip. Thanks, Agnes, for a job well done! Many members attended the 28th anniversary of the Slovenian American Radio Club Slovenian Day Festival in Chicago, Illinois on Saturday evening October 28. Congratulations to Lud and Corinne Leskovar for presenting an evening of beautiful Slovenian culture. The 52nd Anniversary of our beautiful Rialto Theatre, an historic showplace in downtown Joliet was celebrated on the weekend of October 21 and 22 with show tunes by the American Legion Championship Band and performances by the Joliet Ballet Society. It was a night to remember for all of us. Through the Joliet Park District Halloween Program, two of the Home Office windows were painted. One was awarded second prize in the 8th grade category. In the 7th grade category, Angela Kraus, of St. Joseph School, was awarded the second prize. Angela is the daughter of Art and Alice Kraus. The following is an excerpt trom EARLIER DAYS IN THIS AREA which appeared 25 years ago on October 5, 1953 in the Joliet Herald News. “Commended for its outstanding accomplishments of the past quarter of a century, the Slovenian Women’s Union, Joliet Branch No. 20, which marked its silver anniversary yesterday, was challenged to carry on an even more extensive program during the next 25 years, especially for the Slovenian youth of the community. More than 500 persons gathered at St. Joseph’s Hall yesterday to pay tribute to the Joliet lodge and to review its many achievements.” This column is prepared by our member Bea Kostelc. Many thanks for this precious remembrance. Congratulations to our new mother, Jessie Cambic, on the birth of a son, Christopher Robert. Also best wishes to Mary and John Rudman on celebrating their 52nd Wedding Anniversary. Get-well wishes to Mary Haggerty and Mary Heintz of Ardale, Wis. formerly of Joliet. Our deepest sympathy to Mary Juricic and Antonia Tijan who lost their sons recently, and to Judy Derlinga on the loss of her mother. To celebrate the final month of our 50th year, a Christmas Party will be held after the December meeting to be held on December 17 at 1:30 P.M. a 1.00 gift exchange will take place. All of the Junior members are invited to the Christmas Party. Santa will be there, too! Many special surprises and gifts are being planned for you. So do come! May your Christmas Holidays be filled with love of family and friends and good health be with you throughout the coming year. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC MAKE YOUR OWN WREATH Start with a stiff wire, foam or card board circle. Leaves can be made from two tones of green felt cut for a holly effect with scalloping shears held upside down. Mount overlapping leaves with white glue, decorate with tine red ornaments and top with a red satin bow. Or use ribbon curls instead of leaves. Make your own design by choosing ribbons of all different plaids, or plaids and solids, all colors in gingham, etc. Form curls from 4 inch pieces of ribbon looped and pinned to the base. Crowd curls close together to hide base and enjoy the bouncy effect LARGEST NUMBER OF CHARTER MEMBERS FETED Joliet Branch’s founding day was June 11th, 1928. Thus, our 50th Anniversary was marked in a unique way, the second Midwest Slovenian Heritage Day, which took place on Sunday, June 11th. An occasion such as a golden anniversary requires a special celebration. And, so for over a year plans were in the making for Sunday, Sept. 17. The lime chosen was the fall season, colorful and picturesque with its rust and golden tones, which colorings consequently were carried out in the church and hall decorations. In readiness for our important day, our 50 year members, past national and present branch and bowling officers came together to have their pictures taken for our program book. The ads, patrons, history and makeup of the book were under the supervision of Agnes Lovati, Mary Marolt, Mildred Pucel and Olga. Ancel. Our program book served as a tribute to our past fifty years, an expression of appreciation and as a souvenir of the day’s celebration. Brought to our attention was an ommision. In the 1949 bowling tournament held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Mahkovec Tavern of Joliet won first place. St. Joseph park hall was readied the day before. The layout was All Lovati’s idea. He was in charge of the bar with Michael Vidmar as his assistant. Involved in preparing the hall were Agnes Lovati, Mildred Pucel, Ed, Olga and Andy Ancel. During this time, Mary Marolt picked up our National President, Mary Bostian at Chicago’s airport and brought her to Joliet. Special help for the dinner was given by Frances and Ed Stonitch, Emma Nosse and Theresa Marentich. 50 YEAR MEMBERS OF BR. 20 Sealed: Barbara Ancel, Josephine Erjavec, Anna Ancel, Mary Ambrozich, Mary Mutz, Johanna Krall, Mary Kunslek, Frances Grego rich and Anne Jerisha; Standing: Frances Kalcic, Josephine Muster, Ann Papesh, Mary Terlep, Frances Bottari, Anne Kunich and Mary Rozich. Charter members unable to be present: Theresa Ancel, Dorothy Chepuran, Anna Horvat, Mary Kolar, Mary Maichin, Margaret Muha, Josephine Muster, Mary Nemanich, Theresa Pasich, Helen Pluth, Mary Spreitzer, Helen Strojin, Antonia Tijan, Frances Ukovich, Mary Vertin, Josephine Zelko, and Theresa Zlogar. A total of 33 charter members is a unique honor for Br. 20. For many, our Home Office was a first time visit. National President, Mary Bostian and the Joliet committee greeting the out-of-towners, the 50 year members, Junior dancers and our own members and guests. Coffee and rolls were served and corsages pinned. During the procession, as well as for the recessional, the St. Joseph’s church organist, Anthony Rozman playing exhilarating processional music. The church choir provided spiritual significance to the most important segment of our celebration with Slovenian religious and Marian songs. The concelebrated mass was offered by the spiritual director of forty years, Msgr. M.H. Butala, our pastor, Rev. Thaddeus Trpin and associate pastor, Rev. David Stalzer, who also gave the Homily. BOWLING LEAGUE OFFICERS Sgt. at Arms, Ann Sternisha, President Betty Fassiotto, Vice-President, Kay Sukle; Standing, Reporter and Joliet Representative, Midwest Bowling League, Mary Rudman, Social Chairman, Jo Mlakar and Sunshine Chairman, Agnes Verbiscer. Absent, Secretary, Marjorie Wajchert and Treasurer, Bernice Plankar. BRANCH 20 OFFICERS Standing: Vice-President, Mildred Pucel, Secretary, Agnes Lovati, Sgt.-at-Arms, Theresa Muhich, Treasurer, Mary Marolt; Seated: Auditors, Frances Stonich and Theresa Marentič, President, Emma Planinšek, Recroding Secretary and Reporter, Josephine Erjavec, Auditor, Emma Nosse. PRETTY WAITRESSES SAY: “IT WAS A PLEASURE!” Diane and Mary Ann Hrubos, Carita Girman, Kathy Lovati, Pauline Ster-nisha, Lupe Ancel and Elaine Koncar. Those not on the photo are Aline Kraus, Joan Lesnik, Sue Mihelich, Judy Williamson and her daughter, Tina. Lectors were Mary Marolt and Mildred Pucel; offertory gift bearers were charter members, Josephine Erjavec and Mary Kunstek, 50 year member Mary Ambrozieh and Sgt.-at-Arms, Theresa Muhich. A short trip to St. Joseph Park Hall on Raynor and Theodore Sts. after mass and the guests were greeted by the delightful music of Ken Juricic and Debbie Behrens. Hostesses were former Cadets, Joe Goron, Bertha Hofer, Dorothy Mahan and Mildred Pucel who escorted everyone to their tables. A delicious catered dinner was served by our young smiling members, namely, Kathy Lovati, Diane Hrubos, Mary Jane Hrubos, Elaine Koncar, Aline Kraus, Pauline Sternisha, Sue Mihelič, Joan Lesnik, Judy Williamson and daughter, Tina, Carita Girman and Lupe Ancel. The invocation prior to the dinner and the benediction at the close of the program were prayed by Msgr. Butala and Rev. Trpin, respectively. Holding the record for longevity of presidents in our organization, our president of 42 years, Emina Planinšek, welcomed and expressed her thanks to all who came to help us celebrate. Our national treasurer, Mary Marolt, introduced •he 50 year and charter members who were presented gifts from the organization. Of the original fifty, co-foundress, Past national secretary and recording secretary for fifty years,, Josephine Erjavec and past branch officer, Mary Kunstek, expressed their sentiments on this occasion. The Joliet branch was indeed honored to have Zveza’s Pounder and Honorary President, Marie Prisland of Sheboygan present at the anniversary. Deepy appreciated 'vere her greetings as well as those of national president, Mary 8ostian and our top-notch Editor of ZARJA, Corinne Leskovar of Chicago and inspirational and heritage-minded Vouthful Rev. David Stalzer. John Jevitz, well-known Slovenian and the branch’s program coordinator, spoke as a December, 1978 representative for thf great number of men in the branch’s life. Many greetings came in the form of cards and telegrams. Personal greetings came from past national officers: Marie Floryan, vice-president, Midwest Sports Director, our own Jo Sumic; treasurer Liz Zefran of Chicago; regional presidents Mary Muller of Chicago, Ann Lustig of St. Chicago and Mildred James of So. Chicago and current National Officers, Vice-President Nežka Gaber of Chicago, Auditors Ann Kompare of So. Chicago and Marian Marolt of West Allis, Reg. President Ann Vucko of Chicago and Sports Director, Lil Putzell of Chicago. Zveza members came from Sheboygan, Chicago, Milwaukee, South Chicago, West Allis, LaSalle and Oglesby and of course, our own members and guests. A grand sight was the buses and the cars as they “spilled out” the passengers at the doors of the Home Office. LaSalle and Oglesby members came in Slovenian costumes. Fraternal societies’ representation came from KSKJ, American Slovenian Catholic Union, Holy Family Society and the American Fraternal Union. Others of importance present included the branch’s faithful worker of 50 years, Joseph Erjavec, associate pastor. Rev. Joseph Purpura, our 41st Dist. State Representative Leroy Van Dyne, Township Auditor, Stanley Marolt and Dean of the Will County Board, Frank Plankar. From So. Chicago Br. 16, president, Marge Prebil and secretary, Gladys Buck presented, by special request, an original and rib-tickling humorous skit: “Half in ’pol”. Soloist Anna Mae Lukančič played an important role in the program by her lovely renditions of patriotic songs at the opening of the program, Schubert’s “Ave Maria” during the memorial service for 291 deceased members and in the community singing of songs popular fifty years ago such as “Happy days arc here again” and “Bye, Bye Blackbird.’-’ Especially meaningful songs in Slovenian - “Tam na vrtni grede” and Mrs. Prisland’s favorite, “Gor čez jezero” were sung beautifully by Ann Fandak. Both soloists sang without any accompaniment, a fete in itself! The PAST—PRESENT—FUTURE, a special Ritual, involved 50 year member, Frances Kalcic, secretary, Agnes Lovati and junior, Elaine Koncar. A golden anniversary, besides being a celebration, is also an occasion to reminisce. The junior folk dancers under Kathy Lovati’s direction, reminded us that the costumes worn were sewn some forty years ago. Delighting the audience were Karen Cabay, Gina DeNardi, Jennifer Higgins, Lisa and Daniel Horwath, Lynda Mahan, Mary Mihelich, Janet Lambert, Krissy Ogary, Lorraine Ruth, Donna and Penny Stonich, Elizabeth Ziesmer and Juliann and Jerry Zukoske. Further reminiscing speaks of the many years of work with young girls who were cadeis in our drill teams. Those who came to be a part of today’s “reunion” are: Jo Mahkovec Goron, Bertha Planinšek Hofer, Gen Schmidberger Klainsek, Dolores Boštjančič Krsziak, Edith Kunstek, Agnes Schmidberger Lovati, Dorothy Govednik Mahan, Eileen Hrvatin Plese, Mildred Erjavec Pucel, Rosemary Hrvatin Rogel, Jonite Erjavec Ruth, Marie Popek Schiedt, Bernice Metesh Zobel. Bernice Kuzma Kostelec and her husband, Bob, who was the drill team manager. Our program book included words of appreciation and acknowledgement for the past and for our Golden Day. May all of us hope and work for the future with the “courage” Father David spoke of in his Homily. And, may our Golden Anniversary always be a most pleasant and memorable event. To be a part of the planning and program was a most gratifying task and I. loo, was happy to reminisce in my drill team uniform. Within a couple of days after our celebration, fifty-year members who were unable to attend because of sickness or other important reasons, were personally visited and presented with pots of golden mums and gifts from the organization by Olga Ancel, Josephine Erjavec, Mildred Pucel, Emma Planinšek, Jo Goron, Agnes Lovati and Mary Marolt. ~' Toastmislress, OLGA ANCEL ON THE COVER r\ \ Beautiful is the word for St. Mary's Church in Pueblo, Colorado, built in 1954 at 217 East Mesa Street. The church is the embodiment of all that is dear to the parishioners in regards to their past history and present loyalties. Rev. Blane Bebble, O.S.B. has exerted strong and meaningful leadership during his pastorate. He is the successor to pioneer Slovenian clergy who founded and kept the parish going for the past 83 years. The first pastor was the well-known, revered Fr. Cyril Zupan. He came from St. John's Benedictine Affey in Minnesota in 1894 where he had been a missionary to the Indians. He raised funds and acquired property on Clark Street for the church which was called, Mary, Help of Christians, “Marija Pomagaj”. The flood of 1921 did extensive damage to the "Grove” church so that new property had to be found which was done soon afterward with the acquisition of the Eiler's Smelter land. A former stable and carriage house became a chapel in 1922 and a school was built in 1924. Fr. Cyril was the mentor of Fr. Daniel Gnidica, a native son of the parish who is responsible for the building of the present church and convent. He served as pastor for 27 years. A memorial plaque is seen in the vestibule as a constant reminder of the work and sacrifice of this beloved priest. Fr. Blane has carried out, in the reconstruction of the rectory and in the maintenance of the church, his appreciation for the history of the parish and its Slovenian pioneers, in that many items from the old church are still visible and in use. One of the most interesting is the original main altar of St. Mary's which was restored and wired electrically so that now it serves in the new church as the main focal point at all masses. On special occasions it is lighted from within to show softly outlined scenes of the life of Christ. For Christmastime, it becomes the background of the annual creche as we see it on the cover this month. We wish St. Mary’s and all its parishioners a very Happy Holiday season and much fulfillment and success in parish life. Our Branch 3 there serves as an important affiliate to its activities. EDITOR HOMILY ON THE 50th JUBILEE OF BR. 20 By Rev. David Stalzer If we may label dccades, for (heir significance, we might call this decade “The Ethnic Renaissance” - a rebirth of heritages, cultures and languages, the retelling of the IMMIGRANT EXPERIENCE. Even our ZARJA has an Immigrant series recalling the adventures of the early pioneers to America. I have just completed reading a book dealing with one such immigrant experience. It was written in 1932 by Ivan Molek. The book is entitled “Dve svetova" - Two Worlds.It is a common story of a many named Tony Plesetz who lived in one world, the old country, but who heard about and longed for the other world, America. Often Uncle Krupetz, the village story-teller, who lived and worked in America for a few years, then returned with his hard-earned fortune to Slovenia, would delight the village people with his stories about the New World. One day Tony recalls of sitting and listening to Uncle Krupetz, a day he would never forget. It changed his entire life. “If you really want to get rich, go to America,” said Uncle Krupetz. “What 1 part of America is the best?” Tony Plesetz asked. “Not the part you come to first. New York, Forest City or Steelton, but Colorado, Montana or Arizona. There are mountains of gold. There is no night there, gold shines nights like the sun in the day.” i, “And, whose gold is it?” someone asked. “God’s and yours,” said Uncle Krupetz, “God,s and yours, if you have courage.” That was the key for much of the immigrant experience: It’s God’s and yours, if you have courage. Fifty years ago, women with ideals, goals, objectives had the spirit of the pioneers, the spirit of all people who succeed in reacing their goals. They had courage amid obstacles and faced the difficult times with faith and hope. They know “it’s God’s and yours, if you have courage”. They traveled not looking for gold and riches, but for something much more priceless and enduring: a preservation of a culture and heritage. They went about uniting and providing women with a voice, a vote and the recognition of a God’given right. They had respect for the beauty and joys of womanhood. That is the story of Slovenian Women’s Union. That is the history of Br. 20. The Immigrant experience is over. The story has been told and retold. Today, we look back on the fifty years of history of Br. 20. Fifty years in which many of their goals and ideals would after have been reach. But just like the pioneers before us,we leave the old world and adventure to the new. A new experience is about to be had. A new history is about to be written. A new story is about to be told. Bui time waits for no one. A third world is on the horizon. We pray that there will be another fifty years and that these will be still greater than the past. The challenge will be just as demanding for Womenhood and Sisterhood. The next fifty years will be far different from the past. A new world is opening up now. Branch 20 of the Slovenian Women’s Union will be there. How do we know? Because we still have women who believe and trust, “It‘s God’s and yours, if you have the courage.” Yes, ladies, you are courageous! The past tells us this and the present testifies to this, while the future awaits us. Let us begin our journey. We congratulate Br. 20 for fifty years service and ethnic contributions to the church and community and thank them for the opportunity to retell their proud and valuable “Immigrant experiences”. The World is here and everything in it is "God’s and yours, if you have courage." May God grant to all of us that courage - to believe, to hope and to work for the good of one another. May God bless us all! r I/* _ THc HAWN REPORT ON THE FIFTH S.W.U. JUNIOR LEAGUE COTILLION BALL Just about everybody related to the junior Debutantes turned out Saturday night, Oct. 28th for the Presentation of seven debs, daughters of our Slovenian families. It was held at the Slovenian National Auditorium on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. The Ball was the 5th S.W.U. event sponsored by our organization and this one was arranged by the Junior League, made up of former Debutantes. It was, for the first time, their responsibility to make all preparations, decisions, etc. and they did it alone, with the help of their parents and couselors of the Union. Over 300 guests assembled at the Auditorium and watched the t raditional debutant picture unfold. White gowned debs, carrying red and white and blue colonial bouquets of carnations and baby mums, took the long walk down the length of the stage with their fathers and escorts. The presentation, the bows, the applause and the first waltz with happy dads, then their escorts, was beautiful to see. The color scheme of red and white was chosen by the Ball Committee president, Carol Globokar, Mary Ann Globokar, vice-president and Carol Kozan, secretary of the Junior League. It was carried out in a garden style setting with fresh green ferns and white garden trellis archway in the center with large fresh baskets of mums. They were given mementoes of the event, charms. Kimberly Ros. Kathy Kapel DECEMBER, 1978 by Mrs. Jane Novak. MC for the program was well-known Tony Petkovšek. They were surprised bv the presentation of a basket of red carnations by the former SNPJ debs of Cleveland. Thank you to them for their thoughtfulness. They then danced to music by Jeff Pecon’s orchestra, music to fit any mood - fast or slow. A cocktail hour was held from 6 to 7 p.m. followed by the ceremony promptly at 7. Dinner was served at 8 o’clock by our capable cook, Julie Zallerand her staff. The helping committee were Mary Bostian, Nat’l President, Sophie Magayna, Regional President, Frances Sietz, Nat’l Youth Director, members and mothers, Mitzi Globokar, Ann Trcek, Irene Jagodnik, Ann Cooke, Marie Azman, Jo Sieworek, Phyllis D’Amico, Ella Skoda, Vincent Globokar, Charles Trcek, John Milakovich, Marie Beck and publicity, Madeline Debevec. Former Debs acted as hostesses, namely, Marilyn Kuhar, Betty Novak Young, Rose Nosse, Laura Kapel, Chris Jablonowski. The Debs and their parents were as follows, SHARON GLOBOKAR, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Globokar, escorted by George Martinez, DEBRA HREN, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Hren, escorted by Michael Kostecko, KATHY KAPEL, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kapel, escort, Jim lacompo, VICTORIA OSWALD, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Oswald, escort, Timothy Pokorny, MARIA PODMORE, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Allen Podmore, escort, Dan Zagorc, KRISTYNE GRDINA, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James Grdina, excort, Tom Svete, KIMBERLY A. ROSS, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ross, escort, James Allen Jones. fefiSriasit'Sii!:,.; Victoria Oswald The program books were made thru the courtesy of Cleveland Envelope Company, General Manager, Joseph Novak, Jr. 2154 W. 117th St. and Kol-lander World Travel, Inc, 971 E. 185th St. We are grateful to them and to the American Home Publishing Company, and Madeline Debevec for publicity. The S. W. U. Junior League wishes to thank all who helped and attended our Cotillion Charity Ball. The Calvery Assembly Church on Chardon Rd. gave us the stage decorations and Vanish Roofing Co., transported all equipment needed. The secretary, Frances Taucher and custodians, Mr. & Mrs. Perkins of the National Home. Your help was deeply appreciated To all our S. W. U. National Officers, for sending out Congratulatory messages to the Junior League for the success of the Cotillion Ball held October 28th, the Youth Board extends sincere thanks for your good wishes. Thank you all to: Mrs. Marie Prisl and, Olga Ancel, Anne Kompare, Sophie Magayna, Mary Marolt, Corinne Leskovar, Barbara Rosandich, Mary Bostian, Hermine Dicke, Lucille Smith and Frances Simonich. It shows you care for the young adult members and our organized groups. Thank you again! Frances Sietz Sharon Caleb Kr.styne Grdma Katherine Kapsch Mary Gornik Katherine Slogar ELY CELEBRATES 50 WITH GALA PARTY The Br. 23, Ely, Minnesota members celebrated their 50th Anniversary with Mass and a Banquet at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall on October 3rd. Pictured here are the Chater Members. Congratulations and best wishes! NO. 22, BRADLEY, ILL. Our spirits are high as we are enjoying a most beautiful, colorful, and exhilerating fall season; compensating for a fall-less, long winter of the past year. My thoughts are full of pleasant memories of the recent convention and we all want to congratulate Br. 24, LaSalle for a memorable and very successful day. The arrangements were ideal, the food delicious, the speakers delightful and the program very entertaining. The deletion of branch reports was a welcome alteration permitting more time for constructs suggestions for improving the Zvezj There was much discussion on juvenile membership to assure our future. My idea after much thought would be to promote more attention on the young mothers who are more settled and have a greater understanding with the mothers at this age and especailly good for branches that have a limited treasury for activities. To bring this idea across, a Mother-Daughter banquet would be held in May as we celebrate the Mother of the Year. This type of socializing could have successful returns in our fraternal spirit. At our October meeting, held at the home of Mollie McIntyre, plans were made for our December party. Instead of the usual gift exchange, the monies collected will be given to a worthy cause, “The United Parents”. Our hostesses will be Helen Sabastiani and Mayme Drassler. Items will be given out at the meetings each month to build up the treasury. A delicioous lunch was served by Mollie and Ann LaMontagne. Though I was absent, much to my regret, I hearsay it was a very progressive and enjoyable meeting. Happy birthday to Rose Barothy, Elizabeth Kinder, Gabrielle Lustig and Yours Truly in January. Happy day and a very good year. Anna Jamnik and Mary Rittmanic are mending very well after both of them broke their wrists. Won’t be long before they’ll be making strudels and potica for the holidays. Wishing you all a Christmas merry and bright and a New Year that’s happy and right. The parents of Jimmy, aged 5, were listening to his bedtime prayers. “God bless dad, God bless mom and grandpa and grandma, but please take care of yourself, God, because if anything happens to you, we’re all sunk. A closing thought - we can always rely on the Lord who is never changing, for love and help. The Lord be with you all. MARGEPLANTON Reporter NO. 23, ELY, MINN. A most memorable occasion was held by Br. 23 of Ely on Oct. 3rd at St. Anthony’s Hall. Our 50th Anniversary celebration began with a special Mass at 6:00 P.M. with Fr. Ken Jackson as celebrant. Following the Mass, a superb dinner was held and program with members from Br. 34, Tower-Soudan as our guests. The program featured Dr. J.P. Grahek, Mayor of Ely, who delighted and charmed the ladies with his wit and reminiscences of “the good old days”. Mrs. Victoria Bobence, newly elected Regional President of Minnesota, spoke of our heritage and the importance of keeping that heritage going with our young people. We were honored and proud to have our charter members present. They are Mmes. Helen Mam, Katherine Kapsh, Katherine Slogar, Mary Gornik, Mary Vidmar and Ann Lunka are 49 year members. The women were surprised and very well pleased with the gifts each received from the Union, sent to us from the Home Office, wallets or purse organizers. Thank you. Mary Zgonc, our Mother of the Year was also introduced. Our delightful program was then turned over to Mary Hutar who organized and directed the following group which sang many selections of Slovenian songs: Roslyn Perko, Mary Zgonc, Maryann Starkman, Pauline Ferderber, Barb Rosandich, Rose Pucel, Molly Zupancich and Darlene Nemanich. Following the renditions, we all participated in community singing. Darlene Nemanich as Mistress of Ceremonies kept the program going in her charming manner! A vote of “thanks” to Margie Persherin and Darlene (her daughter) for an outstanding job in preparing for and putting across this most memorable 50th Anniversary party and also to everyone involved in preparing the banquet which was indeed “fit for a king”. On Oct. 18th the Dawn Club held the meeting at the Church Hall. President, Angela Mobilia opened the meeting with prayer. Whether or not to have the Christmas Party in December (or January) was the main discussion and the ladies finally decided that it’s better to have ii in January since December is such a busy month with banquets and holiday preparations. The time and place will be decided later. A uelicious lunch was served- by Ann Lunka, Margie Gornik and Rose Novak. Door prize was won by Mary Tomsich. The November lunch and entertainment was to be handled by Mary Palcher, Olga Feroni, Rose Ferderber, Mary Shikonya and Mary Zgonc. Deepest sympathy to mm Camiash and family whose husband died. May Joe rest in peace. To the members that are ill and shut-ins, a speedy recovery. God bless all. Happy holidays to all! MARY ZGONC NO. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Dear members of the S.W.U. and especially, our branch. Thank you to each and every one of your for contributing your time and efforts for the success of our 50th anniversary celebration — our day — a big success. To our Reverend Fathers, distinguished civic leaders, national officers, charter member and members and guests. Thank you! Your talks were as they should be, brief and good. Our mistress of ceremonies, Wanita Helmer, was a wonderful emcee, helping the event run smoothly. We enjoyed our performers and thank them for putting so much time LA SALLE IS HOST FOR STATE CONVENTION AND ANNIVERSARY SPORTING THEIR SLOVENIAN HERITAGE National and Branch Officers are seen in their Slovenian national costumes at Br. 20’s Golden Anniversary celebration. They also attended the lllinois-Indiana State Convention and 50th Anniversary of Br. 24 in LaSalle, dressed in their favorite garb. The smiling faces belong to Mary Piletič of Br. 24 and Mary Ann Samuel-son of Br. 89, both ZARJA Sunday,Oct. 8, was a memorable day for members of Br. 24, Slovenian Women’s Union of LaSalle, Illinois. That day they marked their 50th anniversary and were also hostesses to the SWU State Convention. About 150 members and delegates attended the morning session of the State Convention wich was conducted by Ann Vucko, Regional President of Illinois and Indiana. Junior membership was stressed and discussion followed on how the program could be improved. Among suggestions was that the lodge send juniors to the National convention in Minnesota next May. Attending the state convention and anniversary party were national officers: Olga Ancel, Corinne Leskovar, Ann Kompare and Mary Marolt. Rev. Bernard Horzen, O.S.B. officiated at Mass held at St. Roch’s church for the living and departed members that morning. George Helnier was commentator and readers were mother and daughter, Wanita and Kristin Helmer. Music was furnished by the St. Roch’s junior choir with Anne Marie Wangler, organist. Gift bearers were Mary Gramc, president of Br. 24 and Nellie Mocnik, vice-president. The dinner at 1 p.m. attended by 250 members and guests was a fraternal celebration. Wanita Helmer served as toastmistress of the afternoon session. Joseph Piletič led in the singing of the National Anthemn. Congratulatory letters were read from Marie Prisland, Founder of the organization,Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. Spiritual Advisor and Mary Bostian, National President. A memorial service was conducted for all deceased members of the Union. reporters, Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Nežka Gaber, Vice-President, and Millie Pucel, Vice-Pres. of Br. 20. Mary Ann points out one of the life-sized wall murals depicting a couple in Slovenian national dress which graced the St. Joe's Park Hall in Joliet on their day. page 32. Frank Uranich, Jr. and Audrey Burgess sang the hymn, “Mother, at your feet is kneeling”. Rev. Richard Fitzsimmons of St. Roch’s and Fr. Horzen gave the prayer and benediction. Mrs. Wangler was pianist. Uranich directed the St. Roch’s choir in three numbers and then sang a solo and duet with Marianne Schweikert. Musical ni mbers were presented by the Starlites: Germaine, Mary Kay and Greg Pangrcic and Tim Ajster, grandchildren of Br. 24 member, Mary Ajster. The book, “Footsteps Through Time”, a story about the Slovenian immigrants and their first years in America was presented to St. Bede’s Academy Library in memory of the deceased members of S. W.U. Among speakers were A1 Gunia, mayor of LaSalle, Rev. Michael Železnikar, pastor of St. Roch’s church and Corinne Leskovar, Editor of the publication, ZARJA - THE DAWN. Mary Gramc and Emma Shimkus were co-chairmen. On their committee were Frances Baznik, Josephine Foley, Helen Gorgal, Wanita Helmer, Agnes Kastigar, Fannie Kobilsek, Mary Piletič, Ann Serri, Anne Marie Wangler, Matilda Swietek, Josephine Spayer, Kristin Helmer, Mary Gornik and Theresa Savnik. Husbands who were helpful to the ladies were Frank Kastigar, George Helmer, Dominic Serri, A1 Spayer, Clayton Baznik, also Karl Helmer and Joseph Miklavič. Members of the following branches joined in the State Convention and anniversary: Br. 2, Chicago, Br. 20, Joliet, Br. 16 and 95, South Chicago, Br. 22, Bradley, Br. 89, Oglesby and Br. 85, Depue. A very special thanks to all the Clergy, National Officers, members and friends who took part in the day. The committee, those who donated gifts or helped in any way to make the Convention and 50th Anniversary a happy occasion, deserve our warmest thanks. It was a very happy day filled with good wishes. We hope that the celebration will help us to bring many new members to Br. 24. EMMA SHIMKUS & MARY GRAMC Co-Chairmen NO. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Continued: and effort into its preparation. Grandmother, Mary Ajster, who is 93 years old was surely proud of her family, the Starlite band players, children of Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Pangrcic. We noted that some of the children of our deceased charter members attended the event in memory of their dear mothers. Thank you. To all it was a grand turn out of members and friends. Thanks to those who appeared in Slovenian national costumes — especially our National Officers. We are sorry that the pictures taken by our newspaper reporter did not turn out for publication. Prize winners were Ann Ganich of Br. 95, So. Chicago and John Dinoto and Mrs. Rooney of LaSalle. Thanks to all donors and patrons. The will of God was seen in the passing of our member’s brother, Joseph Komacar, who died at St. Margaret’s Hospital. Sympathy to Frances Baznik. Member, Agnes Ostowski’s husband, Charles, is ill and confined to St. Mary’s in LaSalle. We extend our best wishes for recovery. Best luck in the future to all branches celebrating their anniversaries, especially to Br. 20 whose party .we attended in September. We enjoyed the bus ride and hope there’ll be another time. Happy holidays to one and all. MARY PILETIČ * -’^T’ ^ FOR HOLIDAY GLOW, form a ball with chicken wire to fit around the light fixture. Use florist wire to attach branches and twigs of selected greens (holly, boxwood, pine, etc.) to ball. Add red bows. Attach to ceiling fixture. This is very festive when the light shines through, especially in the entrance hall of your home. December Combined Branches Report CAMPAIGN FOR CHRISTMAS We have had a wonderful year so far. I want to thank all the ladies of the branches that attend our meetings at St. Clair Ave. Recreation Center. Thanks also to our National President, Mary Bostian for all her reports and we are happy to have National Youth Advisor, Frances Sietz with us again. Frances hasn't been feeling too well but she seems to be o.k. now. Our Ohio-Michigan State Convention was wonderful. Thanks to Br. 55. Girard, Ohio and the committee, headed by President, Veronica Dolsak and officers. You deserve a big hand for all your work! Branch 25 celebrated their 50th anniversary with a big crowd in attendance. The food was delicious and the program wonderful. The ladies of Br. 25 are a pillar of strength to St. Vitus Church, the Slovenian community and this organization. Congratulations to them. We all had a lovely time. The Fifth S.W.U. Cotillion Ball was “Something Else!" Thanks to Carol Globokar, president and her committees. They did a wonderful job! Thanks also to Julie Zalar and her staff of cooks for a wonderful meal. AH in all, everyone had a good time. Thanks also to Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Globokar for all their help. Get well wishes go out to Jennie Pugelj of Br. 47; we wish her a speedy recovery. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmasi SOPHIE MAG AYNA, Regional President NO. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Our October meeting opened with prayer for our deceased member, Eva Majcen, who passedaway in Oct. and we remembered also young Dr. Jacob Gustinčič, son of Mr.& Mrs. Gustinčič. He was one of the 151 persons aboard the jet liner that crashed in San Diego, Calif on Sept. 25th. Dr, Gustinčič, who lived in Los Angeles, had taken the plane to deliver an antenna to San Diego. They discovered his car in the parking lot in Los Angeles International Airpot and it was then realized that he was a passenger. He received his doctorate from Case Institute of Technology in 1963. He joined the University of Los Angeles as an assistant professor. During the 5 years he was with the University, he did research in electrogenetics and in 1968 founded the Radyne Corp., and antenna design firm. He was the president until 1971 when he went to Goteborg, Sweden, as a visiting research professor and stayed there three years. Since 1971 he was a consulting engineer. He worked for organizations in European Space Agency and NASA. 1 could go on and on describing his laleni, etc. But, Dr. Jack Gustinčič became a victim at the age of 39. He is survived by his wife, Ruthann in Marina Del Ray, Cal. Our sympathy to the family including parents, two sisters and a brother, David who lives in Texas. 1( was in the newspapers and we can’t imagine what a loss it is to the parents and family to lose such a wonderful son and husband. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Eva Majcen, may she rest in peace, was our fine member. Our condolences to the family. Our president, Alma Eppick just made it in time for the meeting but she was tired and woozie from her trip. Missed our vice-president, Ceil Znidar, who couldn’t make it to our meeting. We hope she is feeling much better. Our president had a letter from Frances Sietz concerning the Cotillion Ball in October. National President, Mary Bostian helped her out. Br. 32, congratulates Br. 25 on their recent 50th anniversary celebration. It was a great success and the food delicious. They had a full house. Pres., Alma talked about our Bake Sale in November and we hope it was a success. Phyllis D’Amico is accepting taking charge of the Twirlettes. They practice every Monday. Jean McNultry has a sick father in a nursing home and he is 90 years of age.'s pray for him and all our sick. Helen and Frank Kovacevich are the' grandparents for the first time as their daughter, Connie had a baby girl. They live in Columbus, Ohio. The Kovaceviches made a trip there to see their granddaughter. Congratulations to them Josephine Novak relumed from Minnesota from their granddaughter’s wedding. Louise Kallister Once again, we are going to celebrate Christmas and this year is an important one because it’s the big holiday before the National Convention of Slovenian Women’s Union. The best gift that all the present members can give to the organization is enrolling a new member! The Youth Board is very anxious to see a high count of new Juniors and Young Adults come on the list of members! Come on, let’s pin a lot of envelopes with new members names in them, on the Home Office Christmas Tree! Ask your aunts, cousins, daughters and granddaughters to sign up right now so they can be a Christmas present for the S.W.U. We have branches all over the states. Start today to send in your membership “gift”. Please help our branches increase their memberships! In your Christmas parties, be sure to include all your juniors. Remember the National Headquarters sends you .30 for each junior participating. This is for your expenses or treasury. Don’t worry about how to entertain your juniors. Have a few contests, such as drawing, and let the children dance and sing. Let them show you how much they can do. Let them cut out colored papers as Christmas ornaments. Let the juniors trim the Christmas tree. Have them bring guests who might be prospective new members. Let them blow up colored balloons, tie them and toss them around for fun. Children love to feel someone cares for them and this bit of attention will pay off in big dividends! Happy holidays and best wishes for good health in the new year of 1979. God bless you all. FRANCES SIETZ T* and her sister and husband came from Johnstown, Pa. and then to the southern slates including stops at Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tenn. After they return home they will go to visit friends in LaPort, Ind. and Chicago, 111. They surely have a long vacation! Sat. Oct. 28th, Cleveland paid tribute to our former U.S. Senator, Frank J. Lausche. This occasion was the dedication of the Frank J. Lausche Slate Office Building on Superior Ave. We lake pride in giving this well-deserved recognition to a man, as we all know, proud of his American-Slovenian ancestry. A truly great man, our Sen. Lausche. Ar. is page souvenir edition of the American Home newspaper “Ameriška Domovina” was published in this tribute. Our congratulations. In closing, we wish to each and everyone a very Merry Christmas, also special wishes to Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. our National officers, Editor Corinne and all the Board. How time flies! Christmas already! Check your dues. God bless you all. ANN TEKAVEC Reporter NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. On a beautiful Indian Summer evening, Nov. 1st, twenty-five members of Br. 38 of Chisholm gather at the Slovenian National Home for their regular meeting. The first order of business was the initiation of new member, Edith Dolinar. We are happy to have you with us, Edith, and are hopeful that many more new members will be enrolled in the next few months. Frances Zalec reported that 3 of our members had been hospitalized: Mmrs. Mary Urbanich, Mary Cvar and Anna Ruparcich. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to these, our sisters. Our sincere sympathy to two members, Agnes Meados and Frances Janezich, who recently lost their husbands. Our church assures us that all the souls can be truly helped by our prayers and masses. During November, the church invited us to remember those who have preceded us to eternity (2 Machabees 12,46); “It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead...” Our members prayed together at the meeting for all members who died since January of 1978. They are: Augustine Baraga, Kate Brletich, Jennie Novak, Mary Tomsich, Anna Trdan. As this month new officers must be voted in, a nominating committee was appointed: Rose Niemi, Jo Zupancich, and Edith Dolinar. Also the Mother of the Year for 1979 MUST BE SELECTED NOW AND ON THIS COMMITTEE ARE: Mary Mlachnik, Rose Faras and Sophie Tiburzi. Our next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 6th at 6:30 p.m. After a shori business meeting, members will participate in the annual Christmas party. This is a pot luck affair, and you are asked to bring a gift if you wish to exchange. You can be assured that (he entertainment will be fun-filled because our own Ann Bradach has consented to be chairman and she hasn’t failed us yet as far as a good program is concerned. We hope all members will come...start the festive Christmas season with this Dec. 6th party at the Slovenian National Home. ANN NUSICH NO. 33, DULUTH, MINN. At our Oct. 4th dinner — meeting at Elde’s Supper Club, a report was given by Delores Heski, president, on Minnesota Day at Aurora. Special comment was made about the terrific program with singing of Slovenian songs by the choir. Each member is to bring a dollar gift for the Dec. 6th Penny Social and meeting. We are continuing to make plans for the National Convention to be held in May in Duluth. We are concentrating on lining up a program and entertainment for delegates and visitors to our area. We are also waiting for more information from the National Officers for whatever details we need to complete formulation of our plans for a complete and interesting program for all. Books from the Home Office were distributed with proceeds from sales to go for the benefit of our local delegate. Our prayers to members who have been on the “sick list”: Ann Podgoršek, Lucille Somin, Mary Skender and Katherine Broten. Also, for any others we have not heard about. We take this opportunity to extend our Holiday Greetings to our members and all members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. LOIS M. PELANDER, Reporter NO. 34 SOUDAN, MINN. Our meeting on October 18 was attended by only 12 members. Because of illness many could not attend—this is the season (he flu bug is around in many different forms. Mary Vollendorf presided in (he absence of our president, Theresa Pahula. During the business meeting it was decided that all members would donate two dollars into the treasury, in lieu of a money making project to help replenish the treasury. Members recalled the pleasant time they had in Ely on the evening of October 3rd, when we were guests of Ely Branch No. 23 of the SWU at their 50th Anniversary Celebration, commencing with 6 P.M. Mass in St. Anthony's beautiful Church, followed by a sumptions Smorgaasbord Dinner and program in the Parish Hall. It was a lovely evening, full of fun and friendship and we wish to thank Branch No. 23 for inviting us and letting us share their warm hospitality. May God bless you and all the activities of your great Branch of SWU. A social hour followed the meeting with prizes going to Barbara Yapel, Ann Stefanich, Angela Planton, Mary Vollendorf and Mollie Wilson. Barbara Yapel also won the attendance prize, donated by Mary Pahula. Named to the November 15 Hostess Committee were Mayme Musich and Agnes Tekautz and Therese Pahula will donate the attendance prize. Let us all count our blessings this THANKSGIVING DAY and ask God to continue His goodness to all! BARBARA YAPEL, reporter NO. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Our October meeiing was fairly well attended - but we do wish more new faces would show up.Come on, ladies! We have a nice evening and it is a good chance for a change in the scenery. The ladies celebrating birthdays and serving a delicious lunch in this celebration were Jean Yelenc, Frances Tilosanec, Mary Ploszay, Frances Russ and Theresa Rajker. A big thank you (o Angela Smith, Agnes Tomazin and Mary Matos for donating prizes. Hello! And best get well wishes lo all our sick members. It’s hard to imagine snow and Christmas, but both with soon be here and with it plans for our Christmas party on Dec. 13th at 6 p.m. Bring a covered dish and a $2 gift for exchange -also a $1 door prize. Won’t you please come and enjoy this especially nice gathering with your lodge sisters? We are looking toward to a good attendance. I saw this little poem in a gift shop and was so taken with its sheer simplicity that I had to jot it down and share it with you. Don’t walk in from of me -I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me -1 may nol lead. Walk beside me - and jusl be my friend. Closing with a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! MARY PLOSZAY WISHING EVERYONE A JOYOUS SEASON AND A HEALTHY HOLIDAY and SATISFACTORY NEW YEAR w Sf 9 if v 9 9 9 9 v PHONE- 542 n 12 Linoleum Tile s Carpet Co., inc. 3-16 SO. SANTA FE AVE. PUEBLO. COLORADO 61002 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________I X H a X X H X x . . y * Sf X Sf X Sf X sf x sf x 5? X 1 SO LO DISCOUNT FOODS \ sf k 9 x Sf X Sf X sc x Sf V, X Sf --- -- ■* - g Sf « sf ^ « Sf PUEBLO COLORADO m • * Sf « Sf ^ x sf f x Sf Pueblo Creager Stores, Inc. x Sf * Sf fi Sf X Sf ft Sf X & * V x Sf « 8 * Sf n ^2.'*2<2j2.2,2.2,2i2i2i2i2i2,2.2,2,2,2.2.2<2<2i212,2.2i3,»(2(2.2,2,242,2,2i2.2 C Iriihncii ^T1 I lew 'l/fvai ! 1245 Spruce ■^€>€'€ K Sf Sf Sf s>' Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf ‘4?«S«ei6««■«* « S-S « a a a 9 9 a Sf » » 9 9 9 9 9 y Sf V 9 9 9 Sf 9 s I I f čliriitmai (Sfeiiing! KLAMM’S SHELL Chinese Food — Fried Chicken Steaks — Chops — Seafoods — Beer Mixed Drinks Orders to go 564-8595 RESTAURANT - BAR 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. 7 a.m. - 2 a.m. 564-8595 Closed Wednesday 564-9812 424 West Northern Ave. Pueblo, Colo. Sie;?,ai2.2,2<2.2<2<2,2i2.s,9i2i2i2c2.2>2i2i2<2.2.2<9.2ia12>2,2,2i2,2<2.2i2i2i2 14 x Q x d« .« X X R X X X X X X X X X A X & X M X X X /S A A X X X X X X X X X X X X X $ Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf Merry C.lnislmas /nul Itesl W ishes Id nil out Friends Sf Sf Sf Sf V y v » Scotts Lawn Products Fishing Tackle, Guns & Ammunition. Sherwin Williams Paints, Armstrong Rugs and Floor Covering, Model Airplane Supplies Phone: 564-5638 320-322 W. Northern Ave. PUEBLO, COLORADO x « X 2>2i2l2i2»Si&S.2,5:i2i2<2(2:2i2!2)2'(2,2,2i2i»i3i2<2i2i212,2,9,2./i Best to you this Happy Holiday Season! PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO. 1900 SOUTH FREEWAY - BOX 2040 PUEBLO, COLORADO 81004 Happy Holidays!... from PUEBLO’S BIG LITTLE BANK C J Minnequa rW® Bank Northern and Evans Pueblo, Colorado 81004 Member FDIC * - v •#. TO ALL MEMBERS OF SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION! HAPPY HOLIDAYS I Georcje F. McCarthy I r PUEBLO • 401 6ROADWAV I The merriest Christmas ever! \ / L 15 TONY AND MARY BOSTIAN S.W.U. National President Cleveland, Ohio ° ANNA PACHAK Častna državna predsednica VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Season’s Best Greetings and Wishes! ROSE SCOFF State President of California - Washington -Oregon 1“Thanks... and a Merry Christmas to all my members and friends of the Range who voted for me as State Presdient. I love you all! ROSE MARAS, Pres. Br. 56 am/^ č/m (yMw Jet to Ljubljana, Zagreb or Beograd for Christmas! FROM CLEVELAND: $488 F-ROM CHICAGO: $504 FROM PITTSBURGH: $520 Departures to Ljubljana, Beograd: December 20 to January 3 and December 20 to January 10 Departures to Zagreb - Beograd: December 22 to January 5 and December 22 to January 12. For information and reservations, write or call us: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. MAIN OFFICE: 971 East 185th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119, tel. (216) 692-2225 CHICAGO OFFICES: 5685 No. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, II. 60659 (312) 878-1190 2032 W. Cermak Ftd., Chicago, III. 60608(312)8476679 PITTSBURGH OFFICE: 77 Universal Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa. (412)241 -2425 CHARTER DEPARTURES FROM CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH TO LJUBLJANA FOR THE SUMMER OF1979: June 18 - August 23 June30-July 30 June 28 - July 30 June 25-July 15 July 14-July 29 July 29-August 18 The Best to All This Happy Holiday Season! B & A BOOTERY “For the Brands you know!” Women’s Shoes FLORSHEIM NATRUALIZERS LIFESTRIDES MISS AMERICAS Men’s Shoes FLORSHEIM ROBLEE PEDWIN Children’s Shoes PUEBLO, COLO. 520 N. Main 423 W. Northern FRANK & JENNIE BOLTEZAR I i I H 9 9 9 i s I I a 1 * GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR CHRISTMAS AND IN THE NEW YEAR I FORTUNA FUNEltAL HOME 5316 Fleet Ave. — Cleveland, Ohio Ml 1-0046 £3«'StC'«,e'C!C't '*.sc««***-'*« Z Itf >«<€•.«!*«*«'*>CSCiCla»ia.s,s.Si2i2.3,Siaa«»iS,so.žn8,a;>,a(31»<2,2j»*,a,a:a!2.S;2.'a^a*3-‘! ZARJA—THE DAWN NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS. OHIO Hello, ladies! Busy, busy this month for all of us! Best wishes for their birthdays to Mary Yemec, Frances Zakrajšek, Donna Stubljer, Frances Glavic and our Florida gal, Julia Lipnos. Congratulations and best wishes to our Ann Perko who became Mrs. Sam Odell on Oct. 20th. They were married at St. Laurence’s church. Helen Lipnos and husband, Ed, were in Florida for their October vacation. Frances Glavic and husband, Al, were visiting their daughter in Bryan, Ohio. Glad to hear Millie Rizzo’s husband, Russ is getting along well. Sorry that Jennie Intihar was in the hospital again. Hope you are better these days, Jennie. Hear that Mrs. Antonia Legan is getting along well at the Nursing home. To all the ill members, get well wishes. Our Rummage Sale was a success. Thank you all - wonderful ladies - who helped to make this possible and brought the nice donations from other members. Thanks to Mrs. Theresa Simončič who made her favorite apple strudel for all to enjoy that day. Lud and Lillian Hrovat’s son, Leonard was married Sept. 9th. Congratulations Gail and Leonard! Welcome to two new members, Joan Jaycox and her daughter, Joy Ann. They are daughter and granddaughter of Nellie Chapas. Our afghan project is going well. Thanks to Mrs. Simončič and Joanna Perko for donating them. Also, a crocheted cap was made by Mrs. Perko. It will be given to some lucky person at the Christmas party on Dec. 12th. Remember the time, 6 p.m. for the party. Let us know if you plan to come. It’s for members only. There is also going to be a children’s party on Dec. 9th. Will keep you in touch. So, darlings, come! Santa will be there. Members only also. Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. MARY LOU PRHNE NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. The October meeting was short. The main discussion was the Card Party, Adult Christmas Pot-Luck Supper and the Children’s Christmas party. The Pot-Luck Supper will be on Thursday, Dec. 14th at John’s Hall, 35th and Lincoln Ave. Please contact Fran Widemsek as to what you intend to bring. Meeting and election of officers. Important meeting so please attend. Also the attendance awards will be given to those who attended 10 meetings thru the year. Doris Frahn also gave us the details on the last USPEH meeting. Connie and Terry Gilboy spent a week in Florida, taking in the beautiful warm weather. Grandma Rebernisek had to baby-sit for the four Gilboy girls which she enjoys doing. Tomorrow, Ann and John Rebernisek are leaving for their Florida home. They will spend a few weeks there and come back to Milwaukee for a couple of weeks to cool off, then back to Florida for the winter. They are really traveling and enjoying their retirement. Carol Tratnik was hospitalized but is now at home. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mary Bushnik is on a tour to Australia. I am sure she will have plenty to tell us. To all our sick and shut-in members; a speedy recovery. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ROSEKRAEMER NO. 45, PORTLAND, ORE. Members are asked to note that it is that time again, coming to the end of the year. We have lost a long time member, Ivka Javoric, 90 years old. She will be missed by all of us as she was a very faithful member who rarely missed a meeting. Members in nursing homes are Olga Kunz and Mrs. Jeko. Member, Anna Barta is recovering from a broken ankle. Let us remember our shut-in members with cards or visits. Justina Misetich, also a long-time member and her husband, George, celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary this year in April. They had all family members present for this wonderful occasion. The Christmas Party will be held the second Tuesday in December at the home of Alice Vidan, 2017 So. Marigold St. The usual presents will be exchanged and home made pastries enjoyed. We hope a good number of members will be present. Wilma Franciskovich, financial secretary, asks that all dues be brought up to date by the end of the year. Your reporter, ALICE VIDAN NO. 47,GARFIELD HGTS., O. We held our October meeting on the 15th of the month. The meeting was well-attended with one exception. Our wonderful and faithful secretary, Jennie Pugelj, was not with us. She was ill and we are all praying for her fast and complete recovery. We planned our Christmas party and annual meeting which will be on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 2nd at the Maple Hgts., Slovenian Home. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to the family of Mary Benes who died recently. May God give her eternal rest. Any member of our branch who has any news, weddings births or deaths in families, is asked to please let me know. You can call me at 886 2961 most anytime. I can’t write about it if I don’t know about it. In closing, I would like to share with all of you this prayer to the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, help me to know what you want me to do and then give me the grace to do it. Enlighten my mind with your Divine Wisdom, warm my heart with your Holy Love. Move my will with your Divine Grace so that your will may be done. A men. May God bless and love and guide and keep you in His tender care. JENNIE R. PRAZNIK NO. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Two new members, Mary Lunder and Loretta Zust, as well as guest, Paula Suhay, were introduced at the meeting in October. Also, welcome back to Sentinal, Jean Tomsic who had been hospitalized for several weeks and is now recuperating. Our deepest sympathy to Millie Pike,. (Mother of the Year ) who lost her husband, Edward; to Theresa Supancic who lost her sister, Ann Domsic and to Bea Tome whose sister-in-law, Jean Trezeciak passed away. The State Convention in Girard, Ohio V' *>« t? ■€ 'g «4 « 'S'«’« « «'& •(''€« '«>€X’Z« « VeX '*, <€’S ««<« ’«>€ ’« *£ «!€ «'«'€ 'Z '€ '€ «’€’€ '€ ’«’«’€ 'f :g'«« V« Jf V se v v a S' if Sf w W Sil HKAHTIKST SKASONS GHKKT1NGK GORNICK FURNITURE l) 12-516 West Northeiw Ave. PUEBLO. COLORADO Southern Colorado’s Leading Furniture Fashion Center IN M E M O R IA M Autumn foliage has covered the grave o/Zveza’s wonderful worker, Mary Polajner Her ninety year life ended on September 24, 1978. She was a charter member and president over 40 years of Br. No. 4, Oregon City, Ore. Since they have a small Slovenian community, the branch would probably have withered long ago, if it were not for Mrs. Polajner's efforts to hold the members together - and the branch members were true to her. May she rest in peace and may the good Lord reward her for all the good deeds she performed in life. Our deepest sympathy t o her family and friends!. * * * A not her friend has left us, a great donor and supporter of our Scholarship Fund: Frank Ermenc We were friends for many years, both interested in the advancement of the Slovenian nationality. Frank and his wife, Mary, loving children and trying to help them, donated over $300 to Zveza 's Scholarship Fund. Mr. Ermenc was an outstanding Slovenian businessman in Milwaukee, beloved • and respected. Memories of this gentle and generous man will Unger on. May he rest in peace and may the good Lord reward him for the many wonderful deeds for Slovenian societies and nationality. Our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Ermenc and their relatives and friends.__________/V'- pi_ on Sept. 24th was a-success. Our Marie Prisland Cadets had the honor of opening the meeting with a parade and pledge of allegiance. They also participated in the deceased members’ ceremony. They carried lighted candles which represented deceased members from each of the branches present. It was a beautiful and very touching ceremony. Cadets were under the direction of the VP, Dorothyann Winter, since Frances Seitz was seated at the head table. Our president was unable to attend so Irene Jagodnik presided in her place. It was a beautiful occasion. Congratulations to Br. 25 on their 50th Annivesary. May you have many more! Every month we take a volunteer list for baking. Also, we ask for 3 volunteers for Hostess Helpers. These ladies help our Mother of the Year prepare our desserts in the kitchen, help set up the table, etc. We hope to see many more Hostess Helpers in the future lending a helping hand. All cookbooks are sold, but more will be available at the next meeting. Our annual Christmas party will be on Sunday, Dec. 10th at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave., time, 1 p.m. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. John F. Celesnik on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Antoinette is one of our charter members. Belated Wedding anniversaries: Mr. &Mrs. Frank Laurich (Gertrude) 41 years on Oct. 9th; Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zaller (Nellie), 39 years on Oct. 14th;Mr. &Mrs. Peter Rdm (Mary Jo), 22 years on Oct. 6th;Mr.& Mrs. Stanley Gercar (Jean), 39 years on Oct. 24th; Mr. & Mrs. John Muhic (Ann), 40 years on October 8th; Mr.& Mrs. Joseph Novak (Jane, 32 years on Oct. 26th; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scigliano (Frances), 29 years on Oct. 8th; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Winter (Mary), 43 years on November 29th; Mr. & Mrs. Louis Winter (Ann), 37 years on November 2st and Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Nosan (Vera), 40 years on Nov. 4th. Congratulations to newlyweds, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rom! Karen and Mark were married on Oct. 7th. He is the son of Mary Jo Rom. With all the holidays coming up, I found this little prayer appropriate called “Morning Prayer”. Father, we thank Thee for the night, and for the pleasant morning light; for rest and food and loving care, and all that makes the world so fair. Help us do the things we should, to be to others kind and good. In all we do in work and play, to love Thee better day by day. MAEFABEC Reporter NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. We have to get busy and get some new members into our branch. We would like to see some of our young members get in and take over. It’s hard for the older ones and we are losing many. We need some new faces. It’s that time of the year again, to start thinking of the officers and elections. The year goes by so fast. Please keep these things in mind. Hostesses for the October meeting were Frances Rapovich, Mary Techar, Florence Techar and Shirley Spinelli. Honors were awarded to sisters Frances Russ, Margaret Kochevar, Theresa Montcalm, Frances Jerkovich in Smear, Mildred Barbatto and Julia Mancuso in Bridge and Ann Roberts and Frances Carozza in B. Door prize went to Margaret Andrican. This year our Christmas party will be held at the Saban’s in Chisholm and everyone is welcome to attend. Elections and selection of Mother of the Year is on the agenda. We also would like to see a few new mepibers. Please join us. We are all as sisters and we’d love to see you all. So, please mark the date on the calendar and make it a point to attend. We will look for vou! Wishes to all our members who are ill, Gods speed to a rapid recovery. May God bless you all and keep you in good health. And, to all dearly beloved friends who have lost their loved ones, our prayers and condolences. We concluded our meeting with prayers by our president, Rose Trombly. Hostesses were sisters Genevieve Ziaarich, Theresa Montcalm, Mildred Barbatto and Laura Mancuso who served a delicious lunch. Cards were played with honors going to sisters Alice Baratto, Frances Jerkovich, Gertrude Kochevar, Frances Russ for Smear, Mary Techar, Julia Mancuso for Bridge and Frances Carozza and Mary Lucenti in B. Door prize went to Gertrude Kochevar. A wonderful time was had by all. Remember our Christmas Party will be at Saban’s and a $2 gift for exchange is optional. We will be looking forward to seeing you all. God bless you. Yours truly, GERTRUD.' KOCHEVAR GARDEN CORNER: * You can keep your special varieties of African violets and share them, too. Just start a set of leaf cuttings. * Cut off leaves, retaining one inch of stem. Plant several in a tray filled with half sand, half potting soil. Water well-Tent the tray with dean plastic to hold in humidity. When roots form, transplant to three inch fabric covered plastic pots. Plantlets will form at bases. *When you present tender, young dieffenbachias to your friends, advise them that they'll soon have three-foot plants. To get these plants growing, cut stem of an old plant above the base. Cut off top of old plant and root it-Section stem in between the plant each separately in five-inch black plastic pots trimmed with checkerboards of white plastic tape. IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lan« Reston, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT MARY jProm. ril uče (C) Irene Planinšek Odorizzi, 1978. This photo of John Korošec was taken in 1902 at the age of nineteen. He was living in Jesenice, Slovenia, where he was employed as a carpenter, assisting his father in the construction of homes. PART III Johanna and I left Tribuče on April 20, 1912, for a memorable journey io America. Our uncle look us by horse and buggy lo Črnomelj where we visited wiih a sister from father’s first marriage and an uncle who lived in a nearb> town. After tearful goodbyes, we were taken to the railroad station and boarded a train to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, where we were delighted to finally see such a large city. We stayed overnight and after freshening up in our rooms, went for a walkin the afternoon. Two events remain in my memory: first, we visited at least four churches and secondly, observed a regiment of fine young soldiers in beautiful blue uniforms marching through the town singing Slovenian songs. They were stationed at the castle on the outskirts of Ljubljana. The next morning, our group boarded a train and we arrived in Antwerp, Belgium, only to discover that our steamship had already departed. We were obliged to take an old tub of a ship, the “Antwerpen”, and spent 14 miserable days at sea. Just four months before our departure we had read about the supposedly unsinkable Titanic which was doomed in the Atlantic; knowledge of this tragedy combined with the poor condition of our ship made for a more than average amount of anxiety. We found it impossible to eat the food served and felt fortunate to have brought in with us some home—smoked ham, sausages, walnut potica and sharklin (very delicious cake-like delicacy served at weddings and other special occasions). Our parents had prepared a fine dinner for us and our friends the day before we left, and had packed food for our long lourney. We were overjoyed to finally arrive at Ellis Island where we were first given a physical examination, and then sent by train to Chicago. There we boarded another train to Duluth, Minnesota, arriving at 7:00 a.m. During our wait for the third train, we became acquainted with another lady iravele who was also going to Ely, Minnesota, and we enjoyed het companionship. During the three-day train ride across country from New York to Ely, I kepi asking myself, “Is thi America?” If I had know it wnuld be like this, ! would neve have come. Our homeland was much lovelier. If I had th money, I would have turned around and gone right back a once. This photograph was taken on July 18, 1920, the day of Mary’s second marriage to John Korošec. They are both standing for this picture. We arrived in Ely on May 12, 1912 and saw the immigrant men who worked in the mines walking'home in their dirty, iron ore-stained clothes carrying lunch pails. Most of the houses were in disrepair, and my first glimpse of America was disillusioning! To think 1 had left my clean home amidst the fruit orchards for this — a country where 1 even found bedbugs! Within three weeks, my brother, John took me to St. Mary’s Hospital in Duluth where I was treated for the same eye infection that 1 had in Europe when I was twelve. I remained in the hospital for two weeks; the doctor told me I would have most certainly gone blind had 1 wailed any longer to seek medical care. When 1 returned to Ely, Johanna was already married. 1 worked as a housekeeper and nursemaid for $15.00 a month. There were twenty-four boarders to feed; and, I cooked, baked fourteen loaves a bread every other day, scrubbed floors, washed clothes by hand, ironed, prepared lunch pails, and even milked the cow. Since this was a Slovenian immigrant community, it was much like living in Slovenia. People spoke Slovenian and they retained their habits of self-reliance. On July 4, 1914 I married Joe Poglajan who had come to America from Novo Mesto. I was 22 and he was 29. We were married by Father Buh, a Slovenian missionary who had spent a considerable number of years teaching Christianity among the Indians in addition lo being our parish priest. He was not accepted by the Indians at first, and his life was in constant danger until they learned to trust him. He befriended the Indian children by bringing them candy and playing games with them. For the old men, he brought tobacco and medication for routine ailments. All the people of Ely were touched by the fine character and humanitarianism of Fathet Buh. He retired in 1917, and went to live in Duluth where he continued to be active saying Mass and doing some writing. It was extremely difficult to find housing at this lime. There were no building contractors and what was available was not very attractive. Joe and I were finally able to find an apartment where we lived for three very happy years. He worked in the mines and I did domestic work since we had no children. On the weekends I helped Johanna with her children and household chores, while Joe spent his time hunting and fishing. We were industrious and thrifty, but our happiness was short lived. Joe was stricken with kidney disease and our savings were beginning to dwindle with the heavy medical bills. Aboul ihai time, a fellow Slovenian losi his wife and was leti wiih ihree small children. Knowing our plight, he asked that we move in with him so that I could care for the small children and do the housework. This was in September of 1917. Joe and I discussed it and decided that perhaps it would be best. Shortly thereafter, stricken with influenza, I lay in bed for two weeks, my condition worsening each day. People were dying like Hies all over the city. The local doctors gave no medication. They wore masks and stood in the doorway of the bedroom - that was the extent of the treatment. Finally, someone brought in a doctor from a neighboring town. He gave me three green pills to swallow, and miraculously I began to show signs of improvement. I recovered quickly and look up my chores again as nurse and housekeeper. As a matter ol Iact, I never slept; my friends predicted that I would die before Joe, who was completely bedridden the Iasi nine months of his life and suffered a great deal. On Ociober 19, 1919, Joe died at the age of thirty-four. Following the funeral, I didn’t know what to do. My sister. Ana, who was married and living in Oklahoma, invited me to come there, but Johanna persuaded me to stay in Ely, so I went to slay with her. On July 18, 1920 I married a fine man, John Korošec, in Duluth, Minnesota, at Si. Elizabeth’s church. John had come to Ely from Kranj, Slovenia in 1911 and he might have relumed lo Slovenia if World War 1 hadn’>t intervened. He was 35 and I was 28 when we were married. Housing was still hard to find in Ely, but we managed ai last to find an apartment and our son, John, was born July 4, 1921. In April of 1922, we purchased a small house where our daughter, Amelia Stephanie was born on November 29. My husband worked at the Zenith Mine and I was continually busy with house work, minding the children, fetching water from the well ( this area of town did not have indoor plumbing at the lime), lending to a vegetable garden and raising two pigs. A pig was butchered in the fall when smoked meal, lard, blood and smoked sausages were made. We kept up I he same self-supporting system that we had learned from our parents. My husband had assisted his father in building houses in Slovenia, so he was able lo make all repairs on the house. Making patterns out of newspapers, I sewed my children’s clothes, knitted or crocheted sweaters, afghans and whatever else seemed to be in vogue at the lime. My work was never done. In 1924 after having a tooth extracted, I once again hovered between life and death. Blood poisoning resulted. Every inch of my body was swollen and my face was covered with blisters. For two days, my life hung by a thread. Dr. McCarthy ordered medicine from Duluth and came lo give me a shot as soon as it arrived (which happened to be midnight), fearing that it might be too late and that the poison would have spread throughout my body. Early the next morning he came to check on me and uttered the good news, “1 think you will be all right.” The medicine had arrived in the nick of lime. Thereafter, whenever he saw me downtown he came over to shake my hand and marvel that I was still alive. This was a doctor who truly cared aboul his patienis. That year, John and I attended night school and became American citizens by the fall of 1924. We bolh regretted the fact that we were unable to continue our education, but the demands of making a living were too great. Just before the crash of 1929, wc bought a house in town, next lo ihe park. It was a large, old house with indoor plumbing and we were able to make ii very comfortable. It was located on a very nice lot and I enjoyed growing flowers and vegetables. Ely remained pretty much an immigrant community all through the depression when our children were growing up. Half of the town was Slovenian, and the other half, Finnish. Even though the mines were not operating full lime during the depression, wc always had plenty of food. Bolh my husband and 1 were active in Slovenian lodges and subscribed to the Slovenian newspapers. I have been a member of Slovenian Women's Union since 1934. In the summer of 1972, my daughter-in-law and 1 visited Slovenia. It was interesting to return to my birthplace after sixly years, and also for my children to sec where my husband and I had been born. Bui, how disappointing it was lo see the great change in whai had once been our land. In some ways life in Tribuče and Novo Meslo is belter now. Industry has come to the cities and the young people no longer want lo work on I he farms; they prefer to work in factories. I was heartwarming to see relatives; my step-sister, Magdalena, was eight years old when I left for America. Wc kepi up a correspondence all through the years and I had sent many Care packages after the war. Three members of my original family remain. John is eighty-eight, Peter is eighty-four and 1 am eighty-six. My husband and I were fortunate enough to cclebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary in August of 1970 when our children invited friends, neighbors and relatives to our home. Wc sang Slovenian songs, ate delicious food and enjovei good fellowship. Ten months laier, on June 9, 1971, my husband died ai the age of eighty-eight, after enjoying over twenty years of retirement. My husband also corresponded with his family in Slovenia because he was the only one who had come lo America and reamined here. We also visited with his relatives and I was happy to see all the places aboul which he had told me. I fell that his pari of Slovenia, Lake Bled, Postojnska Jama, Kranjska Gora, Portorož, Metlika and Ljubljana, were more beautiful than my area. John had recalled many times during our life together, the places which he had seen while in I he military service and when lie was employed in Jesenice on the Austrian border. Looking back on a full life, I am grateful that God has given me these many years to enjoy my children and grandchildren who are successful and are my pride and joy. Whatever life had in store for me, I was always sustained by qualities that were a part of me since childhood- daily prayer, love of work, love of singing, love of people and a sense of humor. The End Many lhanks to Ms. Stephanie Ford of Edina, Minnesota, for interviewing her mother. V V V V v » V y v * S# 9 k S w 9858 So. Commercial Avenue SEASON'S GREETINGS from EDWARD F. KOMPARE FUNERAL HOME South Chicago, Illinois, 60617 Phones: 768-1111 — 768-8800 3i3i&»i3i3.3i3i3)3i3i>'313i3i»i3i3>3>3>3i3.3<3i3>3i3>3i3!3>3i3:3;3i3t3)3.3i3iSi3i3i».3.3j3i3i2<»i2.&£;3i3;3)»t»2ia>3<3i3i3<3i3i2,3<3.3i3<»<3l313j:»l3i3l2)&»>* Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wisconsin 53711 ‘‘It’s a special red letter day on 57th Street in Pittsburgh with Branch No. 26 of the Slovenian Women’s Union celebrating its 50th Anniversary”, these were the welcoming words of Father Ferdinand B.Demshar, pastor of St. Mary Assumption Church before the Polka Mass on Sunday, October 29th. This was followed by a super buffet dinner, a program and dancing. It was my privilege to attend the festivity and extend greetings on behalf of National President, Mary Bostian who was unable to be there. On the following day, I enjoyed a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Mary Slaney, secretary, with Helen Cesnik, Antoinette Jaketic, Ann Lokar, Theresa Los and Anna Trontel, president. We talked about Christmas dinners.I thought you might like to know the menu most frequently served: white wine as an apertif, fresh fruit cup (nice in stemmed glasses), turkey, ham, klobase and-or pork chops (several kinds of meat are served for the nonturkey eaters), bread stuffing, giblet gravy, mashed and sweet potatoes, boiled cauliflower with cheese sauce, cole slaw, cranberry sauce, relish tray of celery and carrot sticks, olives, radishes and sliced unpeeled cucumbers, potica, Christmas cookies, vanilla ice cream topped with about one to two teaspoons Liquore Galliano (“if more, no one will feel like doing the dishes”) and coffee. Helen Cesnik, who works with food at the Veterans Administration Hospital was most thoughtful by bringing a number of special recipes for the holiday season. They are absolutely scrumptuous. CHICKEN ELEGANT 1 whole chicken Celery tops, salt, pepper, onion, rosemary and bay leaf Simmer chicken with above until tender. Cool, Save broth. Skin and debone chicken. Tear into small pieces. 1 pint sour cream 1 can or fresh mushrooms chopped into small pieces 1 can cream of mushroom soup 114 cup butter l cup chicken broth 1 7oz. package Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Stuffing Mix Mix cream, mushrooms, soup and cutup chicken. Put mixture into a greased two quart casserole. Top with melted butter to which has been added chicken broth and stuffing mix. Add l teaspoon salt, if desired. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes covered with foil. Remove last 10 minutes. Note: Left over turkey and turkey broth can be used. Helen’s daughter-in-law, Pat, sent the recipe from Spain. BROCOLLl AND CAULIFLOWER SCALLOP 2 packages brocolli or fresh 1 package cauliflower or fresh 2 tablespoons oleomargarine 2 tablespoons flour l 112 cup liquid - milk and juice drained from a 4 ounce can of mushrooms 1 cup American cheese, grated Sate as desired 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup bread crumbs Cook brocolli and cauliflower as directed on package or until almost tender. Drain. In sauce pan melt 2 tablespoons margarine; add the flour. Mix into paste, add 1 1/2 cups liquid -juice from mushrooms plus milk. Cook until it comes to a boil and thickens. Add the grated cheese and mushrooms. Salt if desired. Arrange brocolli and cauliflower in layers in a greased shallow baking dish. Top with cheese sauce. Melt butter,add bread crumbs and stir until golden brown. Spoon around edge of mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes until bubbly. CHOCOLATE ECLAIR DESSERT Tastes like chocolate eclair. 2 small packages French Vanilla Instant Pudding (3 3/4 ox.) 1 medium (4 1 / 2 oz.) Cool Whip 1 pound box Keebler Graham Crackers Butter a 9x13 pan. Make pudding as directed but using only 3 cups milk. Fold Cool Whip into pudding mixture. In pan, layer graham crackers, part of pudding, another layer of crackers followed by remaining pudding, then another layer of crackers over which spread the icing: 3 tablespoons softened butter 1 1/2 cups confectioners’sugar 3 tablespoons milk 1 tablespoon vanilla 2 packages Choco Bake 2 teaspoons white Karo Syrup Blend butter and sugar. Stir in milk and vanilla. Add Choco Bake and Karo Syrup. Beat until icing is smooth and of spreading consistency. Add water if needed. Rcfreigerate for at least 12 hours. LEMON DELIGHT 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons flour 1 / 2 cup oleomargarine 1 8oz. package cream cheese, room temperature 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 9 oz. carton Cool Whip 2 packages Instant Lemon Pudding (3 3/4 oz.) 3 cups cold milk Mix Hour with oleo until size of small peas. Press on bottom of 9 x 13 pan. Bake 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Let crust cool. Mix thoroughly the cream cheese and sugar. Fold in 1/2 of Cool Whip. Spread on top of cooled crust. Blend pudding with cold milk, beat together for 2 minutes or until thick. Spread on top of cheese mixture. Top with remaining Cool Whip. Refrigerate. STUFFED MUSHROOM WITH SAUSAGE f 'r New Year’s Eve - an hors d’oeuvre 2 nounr1 fresh mushrooms 1 1/2 pounds. Jimmy Dean Sausage or bulk sa sage 3/4 cup read crumbs Garlic s'-'t to taste Clean mushrooms and remove stems. Mix sausage, bread crumbs and garlic salt. Stuff mushrooms. Fit into baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 1/2 hour. Drain grease. Sauce: 2 small cans tomato sauce (8 ounce) 2 cans white wine (cooking wine) Make sauce from tomatoe sauce and measure wine into cans. Pour over drained mushrooms. Bake in oven lor about 20 minutes or simmer on top of stove. A Merry and Messed Christmas and a Happy New Year V,v HKKMINK Ov Merry Christmas NO. 54, WARREN, OHIO Our plans are made for the Christmas meeting to be held at Betty Vadas’ home on Dartmoor Dr. NE at 6 p.m. Bring a covered dish, your tableware and a $2 gift exchange, if you want. Remember, too, a plate of cookies packaged nicely for us to sell. Please be on time. Our branch will furnish the meat and beverage. Several of us went to a lovely wedding last week. Helen Koklis’ son, Charles, was married to Christine Rechar at Assumption Church in Geneva, Ohio. It was a beautiful fall day and my mom was well enough to travel, so pa, ma, my husband, Harry and I went. It was so nice to see all our relatives and old friends. We wish Charlie and Chris all the best and we hope they’ll have many years of happiness together. Charlie is very, very Slovenian and had a wooden replica of a Slovenian home made in Europe and delivered here, a music box and a beautiful “Auba” for his wife. These were his wedding gifts to her. Very touching! Get well wishes to Andy Kassan, husband of our president, Josie, who was at the Cleveland Clinic for a week. Andy is a great guy and hates to be taking it easy. Happy Holidays to all! JOANNE PONIKVAR Sec.-Treas. NO. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Our October meeting was short. Usual business was held and tentative plans made for the December meeting and supper to be held at 6:30. Members will be called by phone as to donations. The secretary has the book “Footsteps Through Time” and anyone interested can contact her. We had a surprise visitor at our meeting. Mary Bill is out of the nursing home and is now at home. Best of health, Mary. Frances Tobey donated the white elephant for the meeting. Following the meeting, cards were played and winners were Hilda Pogerelce, Mary Putzel, Mary Sikich, Angeline Passino, Agnes Barkis and Mary Drobnick and a special prize winner was Mary Putzel. Hostesses were Frances McGraw, Ann Kemp and Mary Massich. Seeing this will be the December issue, best wishes for a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your reporter, ANNE B. SATOVICH NO. 57, NILES, OHIO It’s back to normal again, with vacations behind us to be relived during winter. And now for the raking of leaves, glorious sunsets, and bringing in the last rose of summer. How time does fly. Our October meeting was held at the home of our president, Frances Yer-man, and the meeting was well-attended. Plans were made for the Christmas party to be held Dec. 11th at the Slovenian Home in Girard. The lunch committee, Mary Molar, Viola Logar, and MaryAnn Leonard served a lovely lunch. Happy Birthday wishes to, Rose Spirko, Mary DeCapua, and Mary Visnosky who were a year older in October and for November, Frances Stanec, Rebecca Trotagot, and Julia Yakob. A few of the members are a bit behind in their dues so please pay up as soon as possible. Our deepest sympathy to Florence Nevins and family on the loss of her husband. Let us pray for him and may God in His love, bless and keep him. ANN PEASE Reporter That’s it for the happenings. MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone, from Santa and me. ROSEMARY ORENCHUK NO. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Hi, all! As I write this there is a chill in the air and I won’t be surprised if by the time you read this, we will see a blanket of snow covering the ground. And, too, with a blink of the eye, Santa and his reindeers will be flying high over our homes. Yes, folks, it will be Christmas. Pres. Frances Korošec opened the Oct. meeting with the Lord’s Prayer and minutes were then read by Hilda Montequin, our recording secretary. Fannie Sage’s sister, Mrs. Maroll from Chicago was a guest for the evening. The special prize brought in by Elsie Ferbežar was won by her sisters, Jenny Ferbežar and Frances Korošec. Elsie won the “pig 'n poke” that Kimberlee Orenchuk brought. Mitzi Lawrence was to bring the November special. Fannie Sage and Sharon, her daughter-in-law flew to visit Sharon’s parents in’Arizona. Hope you enjoyed the trip, Frances. Apple strudel and a Texas sheet cake was served by the committee: Josephine Ferbežar, Ann Sechan and Fannie Sage. tg Ig tg 'g Ig ’€ 'g ’g ’-g ’g ‘g <€ ’€ '€ :S;g ,JS. «g '« <6 <€ >g he gi iom, is a member of our brani n and the parents of the bride are Mr & Mrs. William Bruce. A wedding ; >: >: ■*; >; SLOVENIAN ENGLISH DICTIONARY Purse size, $8.00 postage .50 '1 SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE MANUALS Gobetz-Loncar Vol. 1, $7; Vol. 2, $8.50, post..50 HERITAGE BIB APRONS (Unisex) “It’s in every Slovenian” Red-White or Blue-White $7.00, postage .50 SLOVENIAN CHRISTMAS RECORDS Slovenski Božič (9.00) Christmas with the Slovenian Oktet ($8.00) Božič pri nas doma (8.00) Christmas and Easter Songs ($8.00) Ely Slovenian Chorus, ‘Božični pesmi - Hvala Bogu (each $5.00) Send to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION 431 No. Chicago St., JOLIET, ILL. 60432 ^ Missing Something In Your Life?; Subscribe to the American Home newspaper and become better Informed on the latest news : about the people and events In the Slovenian Ameri- : can communities In the greater Cleveland, north- : eastern Ohio, throughout the U.S. and Canada. You’ll . be proud to be a Slovenian. English Friday section, $10.00 per year. Send Vv check or Money Order to: Weekly American Home, 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103. RESNIČNE ZGODBE ŽIVLJENJA IMIGRANTOV V KNJIGI “FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME ” Ta nova knjiga opisuje resnično življenje priseljencev predno so zapustili rojstni kraj v Sloveniji, kakor tudi življenje v Ameriki okoli leta 1900. Slovenci so bili izvežbani v industiji in dobri obrtniki, zdravi in neustrašeni narod. Ko so zapustili rojstni kraj, je bila tedaj Slovenija del Austrije. Vladali so Habsburžani. Ljudje so šli iskati boljše življenje in srečo v svobodno obljubljeno deželo Ameriko, kjer vsak kdor dela zasluži za vsakdajni kruh in prihrani še denar za stara leta. Irene Odorizzi želi, da bojo otroci in vnuki poučeni o živeljenju in težkem delu Slovenskih naseljencev. Želi, da bodo vedeli resnično zgodovino kaj so njih predniki naredili za ameriško kulturo in napredek. Potrebno je, da je zapisano v knjigah; ustmeno izročilo ni dovolj, se vse pozabi. Tako bodo naši potomci lahko ponosni da so njih starši bili Slovenske korenine. Mrs. Mary Omajts, tajnica od podr. št. 100 v Fontani, je sporočila, da njena podr. bo darovala to knjigo F'ontani Public Library. To bo poročano v časopisu s sliko Mrs. Kurilich, preds. in Mrs. Horzen, žene slovenskega župana v Fontani, ko bojo knjigo izročile. Upam, da bodo še druge podr. posnemale to idejo in darovale knjige v njihovih naselbinah knjigarnam in univerzam. Slovenski študentje bodo veseli ko bodo imeli priliko izposoditi to knjigo ko delajo raziskavo slovenskih im’igrantov v šoli za izpite. Mrs. Anna Pachak, častna preds. podr. št. 3 v Pueblo, Colorado se je izrazila takole ko je prečitala knjigo: Ta knjiga je posebno dobra za našo mladino. To je bilo ogromna delo z pisanjem. Upam, da bodo naše članice kupile knjige za sinove, hčere in vnuke. Knjiga bo našim otrokom lepo darilo za rojstni dan, ob graduaciji ali za Božič. To bo lep spomin na zgodovino staršev. Knjigo lahko naročite pri tajnici podr. h kateri spadate ali pa pišite na gl. urad S.Ž.Z., 416 No. Chicago St., Joliet, III. 60432. Knijiga stana s poštnino vred $6.75. Happy Holidays! SOPHIE MAGAYNA Ohio-Michigan Slate President MARIE PRItLAND OH, TA SVET KAKO JE ZVEZA NASTALA? John Blasovich, prijatelj družine Ane Kompare, Zvezi ne gl. nadzornice je svetoval naj v ZARJI povem, kako se je mogla ustanoviti Ženska Zveza pred 50 leti, ko takrat žene niso imele nobene veljave in v pomoč jim ni bila kaka WOMEN'S LIBERA TION MOVEMENT! Ustanoviti našo Zvezo je bilo lahko, ker so slovenske žene spoznale, da je čas za to. V boljše razumevanje takratnih časov naj navedem članek, ki je bil v dnevniku Amerikanski Slovenec priobčen 30. oktobra 1926: “Slovenska Žena” je ime knjigi, ki jo je letos izdalo v Ljubljani ‘‘Splošno žensko društvo”. Knjiga vsebuje zanimive članke, ki se bavijo z ženskimi poklici od preproste delavke do visokošolke. Knjiga lepo opisuje slovensko ženo v davni zgodovini, njene žrtve za družino in dom, njen doprinos k narodni veličini, trpljenje v turških časih, borbo in boj za obstanek skozi stoletja do danes. Knjiga je vredna, da jo prebere vsaka ameriška Slovenka že radi tega, da vidimo kako se zavedno gibljejo naše sestre v domovini ter da spoznamo kako zelo odzadaj smo ameriške Slovenke, kar se tiče narodnega in kulturnega vprašanja. Res je: Ženska v rodni domovini imajo priliko priti do boljše izobrazbe, ker so jim na razpolago višje šole. Lahko se izobražujejo v svojem jeziku; kar -nas je starejših v Ameriki imamo le izobrazbo, ki smo jo prinesle iz domače ljudske šole. Slovenske visokošolke iz stare domovine so v Ameriki redka prikazen. Imamo lepo Število mladih deklet, ki pohajajo v ameriške višje šole, a nam bodo sčasoma v angleščini utonile, zato bi bilo dobra rešiti, kar se rešiti da s tem, da bi se pričela brigati za skupno žensko stvar. Urednica "Slovenska Žena” toži, da je prosila ljubljanske liste naj bi priobčili poziv za gradivo nameravani knjigi, a ni našla mnogo razumevanja. En dnevnik sploh ni hotel poziv priobčiti. V tem oziru smo veliko na boljšem. Naši listi bi z veseljem priobčili ženske članke, a jih od nikoder ni. Vsi naši listi bi nam šli na roko, a med nami za pisanje ni zanimanja. Bojimo se stopiti v javnost. Kako zanemarjamo lepo priliko spoznati in organizirati se. Pri tem menda velja največjo vlogo sramežljivost, češ, saj ne znam napisati tako, da bi se lepo bralo. Prazen izgovor! Napišite po svojem, kar vam srce veleva. Urednik bo slovnico popravil; drugič bo že boljše. Korajže je treba in zavednosti pa zaspanost otresti, pa bo šlo. Sicer se ne moremo meriti z našimi sestrami onkraj morja, priznati pa moramo, da bi lahko mnogo več storile kot storimo. Vzamimo v pregled, kaj imamo skupnega? Le eno stvar! To so naša ženska podporna društva a še teh ni v vsaki naselbini. Poleg teh po moji vednosti nimamo nobene, izkljčno ženske skupine. Žene drugih narodnosti v Ameriki, Poljakinje, Slovakinje, Čehinje imajo svoje zveze in jednote. Imajo svoje liste, a kaj imamo Slovenke? Niti ene skupne 1 stvari nimamo in zakaj ne? Ne radi nezmožnosti, temveč radi brezbrižnosti in nekoliko tudi radi nevoščljivosti, kar izhaja odtod, ker nam majnka ■ zadostne izobrazbe in širokega vpogleda. Same ste že gotovo doživele, kako se vas je oviralo pri delovanju, posebno če ste bile uspešne. KAJ BOŠ Tl? Metalo se je vam polena pod noge, kadar ste kazale kaj doseči. In če ste res kaj dobrega storile, kdo vam je dal priznanje? Plačilo za dobro delo je navadno krivična kritika in to od takih ljudi, ki bi dotično delo niti pričeti ne znali, kaj še le dobro izpeljati. Ženski napredek ima dva sovražnika, moški le enega. Mož ima večinoma moške nasprotnike; če se pa žena hoče malo višje povspeti, zašumi tako na moški kot na ženski strani, zato je marsikateri ženi upadel pogum. Poštena kritika je vedno na mestu, a naj pride od osebe, ki stvar res dobro razume. Navadno se med nami kritizira le radi osebnosti. Če se ta ali oni komu zameri, mu dotični ne bo dal priznanja pa četudi bi svet odrešil. To je napačno, krivično! Bodimo vsaj toliko resnicoljubni, da priznamo kar je dobrega neglede na prijatelja ali sovražnika. Veliko energije se je med nami porabilo za spletkarije, ki niso nikomur koristile, škodile pa veliko. Ako bi to energijo in talent za spletkariti porabili narodu v korist, bi se lahko pred svetom pokazali kot najbolj napreden narod. Ker pa imamo več smisla za razdiranje kot za zidanje, smo ostali majhni med slovanskimi narodi in bomo menda takšni tudi zanaprej, ako ne bo več sloge in bratstva med nami. Vkljub vsemu bi se dalo med slovenskimi ženstvom veliko doseči, ako bi skupno nastopile. Pozamezne lahko ovirajo skupina bi bila uspešna. Treba nam je nekaj, kar bi nas družilo, s čimur bi se lahko pred svetom postavile, češ, to je naša Ženska Zveza, naša slovenska ustanova! Od 9. do 13, oktobra je v Milwaukee zborovala Zveza katoliških žena Amerike. Zbranih je bilo skoraj 2000 odbornic in delegatk iz vse dežele, med njimi tudi jaz. Prijetno sem bila presenečena nad lepim redom, ki je vladal na zborovanju. Nehote sem si predstavljala, kako bi bilo, če bi katerakoli slovenska jednota imela tako ogromno število delegatov na konvenciji. Že pri 200 delegatih se je včasih streha dvigala od hrupa, tu pa dva tisoč žensk in vse je tiho poslušalo. Nihče ni motil govornic, vse je bilo prijazno in vljudno. Dobro sem se v taki družbe počutila. Dva škofa, Milvvauški in Clevelandski, sta imela krasne govore in oba sta povzdigovala mesto, ki ga ima žena in mati v družini, v državi, v svetu. Ni čudno, da Amerikanke razvijajo tako širno delavnost, ker imajo zaslombo na vseh krajih. Sicer mora biti nekaj nevoščljivosti tudi med njimi, a je ne pokažejo, da ne škodi organizaciji. Svoje odbornice spoštujejo in jim dajo priznan/e. Ko sem poslušala poročila delegatk se mi je v glavi ponovno rodila misel, ki jo že dalj časa nosim v srcu, namreč, kako lepo bi bilo če bi Slovenke imele eno takole organizacijo. Sicer bi ne mogle pričakovati kaj tako velikega, nekaj svojega bi pa vseeno lahko imele. Kaj pravite? Ali bi se ne bi dalo na kak način organizairati nekako žensko zvezo ali kakoršno ime bi že bilo. Pomislite malo in se v časopisih oglasite. Taka zveza bi naj imela nalogo zbližati in seznaniti nas. Poslovala bi v izobraževalnem, narodnem in verskem duhu. Ako pa ne bo zadostnega zanimanja med ženstvom, se pa ne izplača pričeti. Ostanimo kot smo! čez 50 let bo slovenska govorica v Ameriki redka. Ko se bo pisala zgodovina ameriških Slovencev se o slovenski ženi ne bo vedelo drugega, kot da je živela, bila obložena z delom za družino in "borderji" ter se k večjemu zavarovala za bolniško podporo in posmrtnino, za kako kulturno ali narodno ustanovo pa ni imela smisla...” Dva meseca po gornjem priobčenem članku se je Zveza rodila. Ta mesec praznuje 52to leto. Nekateri so ob rojstvu prerokovali, da bo nova zveza le muha -enodnevnica. Milena Soukal: BOŽIČNA LEGENDA Betlehemske poljane spe nemirno spanje. Iz tal diha utrujena milina, v noč se glase čudežni klici, ki so tihi, skoraj šepetajoči. Vendar v srcu odmevajo glasno. Pastir Jakob je zadrema! ob ognju. NapoI ugaslo žerjavico razpihava veter. V polmraku, ki osvetljuje od časa do časa zgubano obličje in osivelo brado, je videti Jakob kakor kip. Roka se trdno oklepa palice, kajti še v spanje mora biti buden. Ob vsakem najmanjšem šumu prisluhne: “Ali ni zablejala ovca? AH niso zaškripala vrata staje? Nenadoma se zdrzne in plane kvišku. Kakor dih smrti in kakor dih življenja je šlo mimo. Po poljani - glej - je razlita velika svetloba. Nebo je odprto. Jakob vidi trumo angelov, ko pojo slavo Bogu. Eden se je odtrgal od te nebeške množice in hiti k njemu. Ne ve, kdaj je padel za zemljo, ne ve kdaj so izzvenele besede: "Oznanjam ti veliko veselje. Rodil se je danes v mestu Davidovem Zveličar, ki je Kristus Gospod!” Ko je zopet pogledal, je svetloba ugasnika. Le nekje iz daljave je odmevalo kakor ton skrivnostnih gosli. Jakob je pohitel, da najde Dete v plenice povito in v jasli položeno. ' V , ■ 4i" ; ■ * '• 1 * * * Poslanka Smrt je stopila pred Boga Očeta. Blago je njegovo obličje. Danes ne sme v Betlehemu nihče umreti. - V Betlehemu naj se danes vse veseli življenja. Poslanka Smrt je vedela za ta ukaz. Pastir Jakob je tisto noč - ravno opolnoči - doslužil. Ali v hipu, ko je Smrt hotela ugasniti slabotno lučko, je angelsko petje naznanilo rojstvo božjega Sina. In poslanka je morala umakniti roko. Sedaj vprašuje Boga Očeta, kdaj mora umreti stari Jakob. Bog Oče določi naslednjo polnoč. Jakob se vrača. Videl je dete - lepo kakor rosno jutro -nežno in milo kakor lilija - videl je njegovo deviško čisto Mater, ki se s sklenjenimi rokami in čudovitem smehljajem ni mogla načuditi sreči, ki jo je napolnila v hipu, ko se je Dete esele ^PrazniL oziČTie Srečne j]/ovo Ječo / rodilo. Videl je ob njej moža, ki je z žalostjo pogledoval Dete in Ženo. S skrbijo in žalostjo; kajti tako bornega težišča nima niti najrevnejše dete v Betlehemu. V jaslih leži - Kralj - in vendar se smehlja in smehlja. Kaj je Kralju to ubogo ležišče: ves svet nosi v svojih rokah - mogel bi se roditi v zlatu in sijaju - toda On hoče biti reven. Ubožnejši kot vsi pastirji, ubožnejši kakor vsako človeško bitje. Jakob premišlja vse, kar je videl. Zdi se mu kakor pravljica, ki je do sedaj še ni nikoli slišal, kakor napoj, ki ga dosedaj ši nikoli okusil. Jakob je pijan. Pijan od zamaknjenja v drugačno življenje kot ga je bil dosedaj navajen. V srcu mu poje na tisoče harp, v duši se mu zlivajo besede, ki od same sreče vro in vro, pa nobena ne more povedati tistega kar bi hotela. Jakob bi najrajši jokal - od sreče. Čisto je pozabil, da se je že naredilo jutro. Glasno blejanje ovc ga prebudi iz sladke omame. Saj res, čas je že, da jih izpusti na pašo. Ovce se vsujejo na travnik in ga pobelijo kakor snežinke. Za hip se Jakob pomudi pri svojih ljubljenkah. Potem poišče najboljši les. Že teše. Neprenehoma. Ne zmoti ga zvečer niti blejanje ovc, ki silijo v stajo. Jakob ničesar ne vidi, ničesar ne sliši. Ura se bliža polnoči, ko se nasmehne. Pred njim stoji zibelka, lepo rezljana. To bo lep dar Kralju. Jakob hoče dvigniti zibelko na rame, da jo ponese Detetu. Pa glej! Ne bo mu treba hoditi tako daleč. -Pred njim se v zibelki smehlja Detece, Mati Marija nalahno pozibava in poje uspavanko Sinku. Varuh Jožef ni nič več žalosten. Dete leži v tako lepi zibelki, da bi še sam lepše ne stesal, čeprav je tesar. Jakob je srečen. Le eno željo še ima. Tako bi rad še on zazibal Detece in mu zapel. S tresočim glasom poprosi: "Žena, naj še jaz zazibljem Tvojega Sinka, naj mu še jaz zapojem, veš, tako, kot mi je pela moja mati, ko me je zibata. ” Marija se starčku dobrohotno nasmehne. Za korak odstopi od zibelke, ko Jakob ves srečen ziblje Dete in poje: “Aja, tutu, aja-tutu, Detece!” 'risti hip je minila polnočna ura. n ' V * k - ’ n ■' p. klavdij okorn, ofm: ZGREŠENA POT Janez je bil dijak. Domov je prinašal dobra spričevala in starši so bili z nijm zadovoljni. Na roditeljske sestanke niso prihajali. Ni se jim zdelo potrebno. Sinu so zaupali. Nekaj mesecev pred končnimi izpiti je le oče stopil k razredniku, da vidi kako zadeve stojijo. Nemalo se je začudil ko so mu povedali, da se Janez že dve leti ni prikazal v šoli. Janez je doma priznal da je že v drugem letniku padel in od takrat naprej namesto v šolo je hodil k prijatelju, spričevala pa ponarejal. In če te ne bi odkrili. Ponarejal bi še naprej. Pa te ni nič pekla vest? Priznaš da si goljufal, lagal in zlorabil moje zaupanje? Priznam toda v, tem ne vidim nič slabega. Zakaj ne bi če se da. Janez hudo mi je ker si zapravil dve leti, huje mi je, da si naju z mamo tako dolgo varal, najhuje pa mi je da stopaš v življenje brez spoštovanja resnice; da ti poštenost nič ne pomeni. To je Janezova zgodba. Na dan po usmrtitvi Alda Moro so ugrabitelji med drugim sporočili, da ne priznajo nobene morale razen tiste, ki jih vodi k njihovemu cilju. Kaj to pomeni? To pomeni, da ne upoštevajo nobenih pravil vedenja, ki jih ljudje v splošnem priznavamo in ki nam omogočajo sožitje. Resnice je le to kar prinaša korist, laž je le to kar škoduje, prav pa je le to kar mi ustreza in narode je le to kar mi ne gre v račun. Tako je tudi s pravico, zvestobo in vsemi drugimi vrednotami. Če bi to postalo splošno pravilo, bi ljudje svojih medsebojnih odnosov ne uravnavali več po notranji vrednosti osebe niti po splošno priznanih moralnih pravilih ampak po tem, kar ima kdo pod palcem in kakšno mesto zavzema. Pred bogatimi in mogočnimi bi se pripogibali, če pa bi bili mi bogati in močni bi se morali drugi pred nami pripogibati in pretvarjati. Če bi zanikanje splošnih moralnih načel postalo pravilo, bi nas to sčasoma propeljalo k samouničenju. Vsi bi se pehali le za častem, denarjem in užitki vsakdo bi hotel uveljaviti le svojo voljo čeprav na škodo drugega. Nihče bi nikomur ne verjel, ne zaupal, nihče bi ne bil pred nikomur varen in vsi bi trepetali pred vsemi. Ugrabljali in pobijali bi se kar počez. Te vrste ljudi ni nikaka posebnost. Vsi jo nosimo v sebi. Tajni glas nas ščuva da vrzimo od sebe vsa pravila da se znebimo vseh ozirov. Hvala Bogu da nam vera pomaga, da se držimo v oblasti. Z verovanjem priznamo da si moralnih načel nismo določili samo zato tudi ne smemo početi z njimi kar se nam zljubi. Bog nama jih je dal da bi mogli živeti človeka vredno življenje. Božji Sin je prišel na svet in nam pokazal pot kako ravnati ko gre za biti ali ne biti. Zahvalimo se mu za njegov prihod. (Posnelo po Družini). Vesele božične praznike vsem. *$L & DOPISI PODR. ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL Z jesenjo začne lepota narave umirati in ljudje se umaknemo v notrajnost hiš. Družabno življenje se oživi in svoje prijatelje radi poiščemo na sestankih in družbenih prireditvah. Srečne slovenske skupnosti, ki niso mrtve; bolje rečeno, ki imajo požrtvovalne in sposobne ljudi, ki nočejo in ne morejo mirovati. Na zadnji oktoberski seji smo že planirale delo in prireditve za prihodnje leto 1979. Najpomembnejša za celotno Zvezo bo konvencija v Duluthu meseca maja. Srečanje v Milwaukee, West Allis, 29. oct. je za nami. Letošnji oktober je nam Čikažanom prinesel nepozabna doživetja. Mašniško posvečenje in nova maša Jacka Ziberta sta segla vsem faranom pri Sv. Štefanu do srca. Kakšni ganljivi in dostojanstveni obredi so bili to! Vsem prisotnim so zaigrale solze v očeh, ko sta oče in mati sina obleka v duhovniško obleko, in, ko je novomašnik pristopil k stari mami Mr'. Zibert in ji izročil v roko diakonsko ?tolo. Škof-posvečevalec in vsi duho* .jki so z objemom pozdravili novega duhovnika v svoji sredi. Po novi maši 1. oktobra je pa novomašnik vsakega posebej - bila nas je ve;ika množica - blagoslovil’ in prisrčno pozdravil. V stari domovini so ljudje novomašni blagoslov posebno cenili in prišli več ur daleč, da s ga prejeli. Konec oktobra smo imeli v naši naselbini velik slovenski praznik. 28. oktober je bil v Chicagu proglašen kot slovenski dan po naredbi čikaškega župana Michael Bilandiča in illinoiskega guvernerja James Thompsona. Slovensko-amerišk' radio klub je proslavil svojo 28. obletnico z veliko prireditvjo pod vodstvom dr. Ludvika in Corinne Leskovar. Dan je bil pravi praznik slovenske mladine. Nastopila sta dva priznana pevska zbora, otroška rajalna skupina ter odrasla folklorna plesna skupina. Vsa mladina je nastopila v slikovitih narodnih nošah iz vseh pokrajin Slovenije. Čudovito! Pod sponzorstvom naše podr. je 2. novembra imela skupina sodnikov iz Circuit Court of Cook County sestanek v naši dvorani, kjer so govorili o problemih in mladinskih prestopkih ter o delu in prizadevanje sodišč. Vesela novica: priglasile so se štiri nove mlade članice. Te se naše veliko upanje, ker bodo sposobne izvesti razne oderske nastope. Med njimi je talentirana Patricia Zubek, ki je že pri svojih 17 letih farna organistinja. Njena mama je naša tajnica. Pozdravljene mlade članice! Volitve: Le malo sprememb. Mary Muller, predsednica: Ann Mladic, podpredsednica; Lili Putzell, blagajničarka; Jean Zubek, tajnica; Ann Scieszka, zapisnikarica; Jean Scianna, preglednica; Shirley Melissa, poročevalka v angleščini; Ana Gaber, poročevalka v slovenščini; Patricia Zubek, voditeljica mlade skupine; Mary Jager in Julia Petrich, oskrbnici kuhinje; Luba Troha, paznica pri vratih. Duhovni vodnja seveda ostane isti, Fr. Klavdij, župnik pri sv. Štefanu. On se vsem odbornicam zahvali, da so sprejele mesta in s tem delo in odgovornost. Članice naj jim pomagajo po svojih močeh in tako bo zagotovljen uspeh. Prihodnji mesec imamo Božičnico 14. decembra in ne pozabite dne 17. dec. bo naša letna sv. maša za vse članice ob 11:30 zutraj, in skdi božičnica za mlad. članice ob 2. pop. Na svidenje! Vesele praznike voščim vsem. ANA GABER ZLATO SLAVLJE ŠT. 25 PODR. ŠT. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. Naša državna konvencija je za nami. Gostiteljica je bila podr. 3 v Pueblu. Udeležba je bila bolj skromna, jedila in postrežba pa je bila zelo dobra. Hvala Minnequa Club. Drž. preds. F. Simonich je prebrala pismene čestitke častne preds. Marie Prisland, gl. preds. Mary Bostian, častne pred. za Penna. Mary Tomsic. Hvala Mr. & Mrs. Starika iz Colorado Springs za vašo navzočnost. Pozdravile so tudi podr. 71, dalje št. 64. 66 in 92. Hvala vsem za spominske vrstice. Father Elane, naš župnik je opravil zaključne molitve in odpravile smo se na svoje domove, da se zopet snidemo drugo leto. Skromni poset naše drž. konvencije je pokazal, da slovenski duh med nami ni močan, da je slovenska narodna zavest v našem mestu upadla. Upamo, da se zopet dvigne. Temu moramo pomagati vsi! Vsem, katere ste se me spomnile s karticami za moj rojstni dan, Bog lonaj in prisrčna zahvala. Spomnite se tudi naše kuharske knjige zazlična darila. Sožalje vsem, posebno tudi Rose Schwartz ob izgubi brata Joe Strumbel. Smrt je ponovno obiskala sorodnika naše članice, Jennie Lukanik, Joe Novak. Njegova žena, Tillie, čaka odrešenja v bolnici za umobolne. Umrla je tudi sestrična Mamie Pugel, Margaret Snider je posegla v družino dobro poznane Frances Raspet. Sin, Louis R. se je nenadoma odločil od te naše solzne doline. Naša molitev spremlja vse, ki so nas za vedno zapustili. Vsi jim bomo sledili. Moja sinaha Elsie P. je tudi smrtno izgubila v enem letu mater in očeta. Naša podr. je se spomnila svojega dobrotnika Mike Occhiato ob priliki njegovega 100 rojstega dneva. Samo Mike in jaz vema koliko je Mike daroval Pepsi Cole za naše nekdanje parties. Bil je vedno dober, čeprav taljanske narodnosti, je vedno nam rad pomagal. Hvala mu in želimo, da bo še mnogo let med nami. Ob priliki njegove 93 rojstne obletnice sva še zaplesala poskočno polko. Res je: “Včasih je luštno b’lo, sedaj pa ni več tako”. Naša čla. Angela Meglen je posebno ponosna na svojega nečaka, Bruce A. Kolbezen, ki je dokončal študije za odvetnika ali attorney at law. V dijaških letih je bil vedno na seznamu odličnih študentov. Mlademu pravniku čestitamo in mu želimo obilo uspehov v njegovem poklicu. Spomnite se starega pravila: “Svoji k svojim.” Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hiza sta obhajala dne 16. okt. svojo zlato poroko. Mrs. Hiza je hčerka pionirske Anzikove družine. Mnogo njihovih svojcev je že pomrlo. Slavljencema s čestitkami, želimo še mnogo srečnih let med nami! Gotovo bo 400 udeležencev slavja 50 letnice ustanovitve naše podr. se strinjalo z menoj, da Bog ljubi našo podr., saj nam je v nedeljo dne 22. oktobra poslal najlepše sončno vreme. Slavnosti so se pričele s sv. mašo ob 11:45 dop. v cerkvi Sv. Vida. Kadetke Marie Prisland so vodile procesijo v cerkev. Č.g. Fr. Jožef Božnar je daroval sv. mašo. Taj. Roseanne Piorkowski in njen soprog,Steve sta bila bralca. Darove so nesle k oltarju gl. preds. Mary Bostian, drž. preds. za Ohio, Sophie Magayna in preds. št. 25, Ann Maver. Maša je bila v angleščini, toda cerkveni zbor pod vodstvom organista Martina Košnik, je prepeval slovenske nabožne. Ob enih pop. je bilo slavnostno kosilo v dvorani sv. Vida. Molitev je vodil g. Fr. Joseph Simčič. Po kosilu je preds. Ann Maver pozdravila goste in predstavila drž. preds. Sophie Magayna, ko je vodila program. Mrs. Tillie Ramos je zapela narodno himno. Predstavljeni so bili častni gostje: Rev. Jožef Božnar, gl. preds., Mary Bostian, mladinska direktorica, Frances Sietz, mestni odbornik John Milakovich ter 4 ustanoviteljice: Dorothy Sterniša, prva Blag. Mary Brodnik, prva Tajn. Mary Modic in Eila Zupančič. Omenjenim so bili poklonjeni šopki svetlic in kopija resolucije mesta Clevelanda. Me še imamo 14 članic vseh 50 let in navzoče so bile naslednje: Mary Brodnik, Mary Modic, Dorothy Strniša, Ella Zupančič, Mary Otoničar, Mary Makovec, Ann Kosec in Josephine Perpar. Odsotne so bile: Rose Bizjak, Mary Hočevar, Frances Kotnik, Angela Novak, Pauline Strnad in Agnes Zadnik. .Dv§ mladi plesalki Lisa Baughman in Lee Ann Gorgan sta pričele prograrfi. Tillie Ramos in Allyne Koporc sta bili solistinje v angelščini in slovenščini. Mary Jo Zipple je igrala harmoniko ob spremljavi Ray Buehner na boben. Sveto-vidski oktet nas je zabaval z venčkom slovenskih pesmi. V oktetu pojejo: Martin Košnik, Dan Pestotnik, Vinko Rožman, John in Tom Sršen, John Hočevar, Joseph Marinko in Jernej Slaj. Frances Nemanich je podala šaljivi prizor: “Cleveland half in pol!” Spominski obred za 937 umrlih članic podr. št. 25 so izvršile kadetke Marie Prisland s svečkami ob petju Allyne Koporc. Naj vse pokojne sestre počivajo v miru. Ves program je bil deležen lepega priznanja. Naša zahvala pokroviteljem: Želetov Pogrebni Zavod, Zak Pogrebni zavod, Dr. Anthony Spech, West. 148th St. Painting Co., Councilman John Milakovich in članice, ki so darovale. Bilo bi preveč vse našteti, toda smo hvaležne vsem! Vesele smo bile obiska mnogih klevelandskih podružnic, ki so bile zastopane: št. 10,14,21,32,41,42,47 in 68 iz Fairport Harbor, dalje Mimi Willis, bivša zapisnikarica in Ann Brancel iz Floride. Prisrčna zahvala našim prijaznim natakarjem: Frank Glavan, Steve Piorkowski in Adolf Kotnik. Najlepša zahvala našim častnim gostom: Mary Bostian, Sophie Magayna in Frances Sietz za vso Vašo pomoč, da je naša proslava tako lepo uspela. Izredno smo bile vesele, da se je osebno udeležila slavnosti naša priljubjena Mary Otoničar. Ona je vseh 50 let odbornica in še vedno naša podpreds. Ona živi in diha za našo Zvezo. Čeprav sedaj ni pri najboljšem zdravju, vendar pomaga kar le more. V 50 letih je pridobila 1200 članic. Nihče ne more premagati tega rekorda. Poleg tega je ona vedno pripravljena moliti rožni venec, ali se udeležiti pogreba naših pok. sester. Naj ji Bog da moči in zdravja, do bo zopet redno prihajala na seje. Dorothy Strniša je 90 let mlada in naša ustanovna članica. Tudi ona je bila odbornica skoro vseh 50 let pri št. 25, ali pri skupnih podr. in se še vedno udeleži vseh sej podr., skupnih podr. in državnih konvencij. Bila je z nami v Girardu in hodi redno vsak dan k sv. maši. Naj jo Bog blagoslovi z dobrim zdravjem! Nekaj naših gostov je moralo oditi zgodaj, ker so se udeležili banketa na čast 25 letnice mašnistva Rev. Francis Rebola v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Čestitke, Fr. Rebol, od podr. št. 25, S.Ž.Z. Naše članice so opravila odlično delo, bodisi s prodajanjem vstopnic, okrasitve, organiziranja programa, pomaganja kuharici Ivanki Pretnar in njenim pomočnicam. Brez sodelovanja vas vseh, bi ne mogel biti tako lep uspeh. Prisrčna zahvala. Posebna zahvala tudi kadetkam Marie Prisland. Naslepša zahvala vsem udeležencem. Upamo, da bomo Vam vrnili Vašo naklonjenost. JENNIE FEMC A s z D n A V J Nasveti za to bolezen ^T- Dobro na je znano kako alkoholik razdira duržino. To je še posebno res kar se tiče tene, moža ali matere. Alkoholik pije in ostala drutina joka, kriči, prosi, moli, grozi ali prakticira molčečnost. Drutina tudi večkrat krije ali zagovarja alkoholika in ga s tem ščiti pred izgubo ugleda v drutbi. Alkoholiku lahko pomagamo s tem, da se tudi sami udeležimo sestankov Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) ali B7 sestankov Al Anon. Polom svoje udeležbe tah sestankov upiivam o na alkoholika, z upanjem da se nam tudi on pridurži in gre na sestanek. Ne smemo pa uporabljati sile, ako se oseba noče udeleževati teh sestankov. Nekaj nasvetov pri ravnanje z alkoholikom: 1. Ne dopusti alkoholiku, da bi se lagal in da bi sprejeli njegov govor za resnico, ker s tem bi samo spodbujali ta postopek. 2. Ne sprejemati obljub, ker se tem samo preložimo svoje bolečine. 3. Ne zagovarjamo alkoholika ali prikrivamo njegovo obnašanje, ali da bi za njega delali opravičila rado odsotnosti v službi. Ne< o pogledati resnici v oči da je alkoholizem bolezen, katera se postopoma slabša, medtem ko se pijančevanje nadaljuje. Sedaj je čas da se sami seznamo s posledicami t bolezni in pomislimo o njenem ozdravljenje. Najslavše bi pa storili, ako nebi ukrenili prav nič. NEŽKA GABER, R.N. E Ne pozabite decembrske seje ko bo volitev odbora ter običajno razvedrilo in prigrizek. Želim vsem blagoslovljene Božične praznike in polno božega žegna v novem letu. Ne pozabite: nove članice so najlepše darilo podružnici. ANNA PACHAK •: . V-. _ PODR. ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, O. Drage članice: kot boste čitale ta dopis, bomo se že bližale konecu leta. Kako hitro je minulo to leto. Sedaj ko to pišem imamo lepo vreme, listje pada po mojem vrtu, sonce lepo sije in narava je res lepa, tako bi tudi rada prinesla vsem članicam dobro voljo, da bi bile vse zdrave in vesele. Za veseljem pride tudi žalost. Zadnji mesec smo zgubile članico Frances Martich. Lansko leto za našo 50 letnico nas je še vse prijazno sprejela ko smo ji prinesle darilo iz gl. urada, čeprav je že takrat bila bolna. Kaj hočemo ko pridejo leta, pa nas ljubi Bog pokliče domov. Članica Olga Novosel je zgubila brata Frank Dolgan in Rose Bizily pa brata Franka Klemenčič. Vsem skupaj naše globoko sožalje. Naj blagi pokojni počivajo v miru. V bolnici imamo našo prejšnjo tajnico, Mary Camloh. Nahaja se v Euclid General- Hospital. Dobro poznana Mary Laurich je pa v Cleveland Clinic. Upamo, da so bodo kmalu vrnile na njune domove in da jim ljubi Bog čimprej nakloni ljubo zdravje. Naša konvencija v Girard, Ohio je kar lepo uspela. Imele smo lepi voz ali auto-bus za vožnjo na obe strani. Na busu smo imele prav dobre glasove, da smo zabavale s petjem. V Girardu pa so nam odlično postregle z okusnim kosilom. Hvala vsem članicam št. 55. Pri Sv. Vidu v Clevelandu je tudi bilo vse v najlepšem redu ko je podr. št. 25 praznovala 50 letnico delovanja. Lepi program, okusno kosilo. Enako je bilo tudi vse prav lepo ko so bila predstavljena lepa mlada dekleta, naše članice na Cotillion Ball. Tako vidite, da smo vedno dobro zaposlene. Več o teh prireditvah boste brale v Zarji. Vse lepo pozdravljam in želim Vam Vesele praznike, da boste imele zdravja za leta naprej. Vaša tajnica, SOPHIE MAGAYNA PODR. ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Seja 3. okt. še ni bila preslabo obiskana, čeprav je bilaslabo vreme. Več naših članic se je udeležilo OHIO-MICH. konvencije v Girard, Ohio in tudi banketa pri št. 25 v Clevelandu, ko so obhajale 50 letnico obstoja. Prav dobro so nas postregle v obeh krajih. Čestitke št. 25! Mary Stražišar is Arrowhead in Mary Stražišar iz Keewane so postale prastare mamice. Častitke obema! Bolnih je več naših članic in upam, da ko to berejo, da so na poti okrevanja: Albina Tichar, Josephine Lapuh, Josephine Kovach, Molly Legat in Jean Folio. Njim in tudi tistim članicom, ki ne vem imen, upam, da jim ljubi Bog zdravje vrne. Vse jim želimo ljubo zdravje. Bolan je tudi Maks Gerl, mož od Mary Gerl, organistka pri sv. Kristini. Umrle so 2 članice, Jennie Golic in Frances Hočevar. Umrl je brat od Anne Škufca, ki živi v Kaliforniji. Naše sožalje vsem družinam in pokojni naj v miru počivajo. Želimo vse članice od št. 14 vesele božične praznike in srečno, zdravo leto 1979 vsem članicam S.Z.Z. po Ameriki in drugod po svetu. MARY ISKRA, poročevalka PODR. ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Že smo v decembru. Božični prazniki se kar hitro približujejo in skoro smo na pragu novega leta. Vse tako hitro mine. Decembra nas spomni na gl. društveno sejo, na katero vse članice vljudno vabim, da se udeležite v velikem številu. Volile bomo odbor za leto 1979 ter skušale urediti kaj dobrega in uspešnega za prihodnjost. Poročalo se bo o delu in uspehih tega leta. Pridite! Po seji bomo imele Christmas party, božičnico, kakor ponavadi in tudi izmenjavo Božičnih daril. Torej, prinesite darilo v vrednosti $1.25. Katera pa noče, nič zato pridite vseeno, da se pozabavate z nami. State konvencija in proslava 50 letnice naše podružnice je za nami. Ne bom natanko opisovala ker to boste brale v angleškem delu Zarje. Mislim, da lahko rečem “Bilo je sijajno.” Prišrčna hvala vsem, ki ste pripomogli tako lepega uspeha. Rev. Dr. Math. Setničarju, našemu vrlemu odboru, organistki, Josephine in sploh vsem, ki ste tako pridno delale v kuhinji, servirale na mize in pridnim ženam, ki so darolvale veliko dobrega peciva. Častitke ustanovnim članicam. Bog Vas živi še mnogo let. Hvala plesalkam kluba TRIGLAV, ki ste nas tako izvrstno zabavale. Bolane so Helen Kodrič ter Julia Taci. Želimo jima hitrega okrevanja ter stalnega zdravja. Vsem članicam, katere bolehate enako želimo zdravje in Bog Vam daj božjega potrpljenja. Sedaj pa želim sosestram širom Amerike “Vesel Božič ter Srečno Novo Leto.” MARY MURNI '.' •PODR. ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Mesec oktober je bil prav zaposlen za naše članice. V nedeljo dne 8. okt. je 29 članic, dve iz So. Chicaga se z busom odpeljalo na državno konvencijo v LaSalle. Z nami so bili tudi trije soprogi: Joseph Erjavec, Edward Stonich in Frank Vraničar. Na drž. konvenciji za Ill.-Ind. se je zbralo veliko članic tudi iz drugih držav, da skupno praznujemo tudi zlati jubilej podr. 24. Po dobrem kosilu in izbranim programom, smo se podale v St. Bede’s višje šolo, kjer nam je Rev. Bernard Horzen razkazal šolo, muzej in krasno kapelico. Ta obisk je bil za vse zelo podučen. Dne 29. okt. pa se je nas 26 članic podalo na 50 letnico podr. št. 17 v West Allis. Zopet so bili z nami 3 moški, Joe Erjavec, Edw. Stonich in Steve Malnerich. Med gosti je bil tudi Rev. David Stalzer z njegovo materjo, Margaret. Mašo je daroval Rev. M. H. Setničar, župnik fare Matere Božje. Ko smo se vozili proti West Allisu smo na poti občudovali krasno jesensko naravo, posebno spreminjajoče se barve listov na drevju. Kosilo in program pri podr. 17'je bil zelo dober v veselje nas vseh. Posebna hvala prijaznim članicam, ko so nam stregle in nas veselo pozdravile. Vesele smo bile zopet videti in slišati našo ustanoviteljico, Mrs. Prisland, ki nam je orisala zgodovino podr. Enako tudi Mrs. Schlosar in hčerka, Mrs. Nimmer. Pozdravile smo poznano Mrs. Mary Petrich. Preds. Marion Marolt nas je iskreno pozdravila. Bilo je zanimivo slišati šaljivost župana Jack Barlich, dalje govor Olge Ancel, gl. taj., nakar so bile predstavljene vse bivše gl. odbornice ter Marie Floryan, taj. podr. 17. Nastopile so plesalke kluba Triglav v lepih Slovenskih narodnih nošah, ki so prejele mnogo ploskanja. Ves dan je bil zelo dobro pripravljen ter velja podr. št. 17 čast in priznanje ter naša zahvalo z željo za napredek v bodočnosti. Veliko članic iz Jolieta se je udeležilo tudi proslave 28. letnice slovenskega radija v Chicagu. Med udeleženci sta bila tudi Rev. Stalzer in župnik Rev. Tadej Trpin. Čestitke zvezini čla. Naomi Trinko, ki je bila izbrana kot odlična Slovenka in “gospodična” Slovenskega dneva. Posebne čestitke Lud in Corinne Leskovar, ki sta nam podala tako krasni kulturni program. Brez njunega prizadevanja, bi kaj takega ne mogli videti. Veseli nas, da se oba trudita za Slovenski narod. Zaslužita priznanje nas vseh. Na svidenje drugo leto, ako nam Bog da nadaljno zdravje. Za 52 letnico ustanovitve našega najlepšega teatra, “Rialto”, je 21. in 22. okt. igrala naša mestna godba AMERICAN LEGION CHAMPIONSHIP BAND in nastopile so baletne plesalke. Bil je nepozabljiv večer. Ob priliki Halloweena, je jolietski Park District izvedel program rizanja mladine po oknih v mestu. Tako je Božične sanje Stala mala je vasica v snegu belem pod goro, ponosno lepa kot kraljica je cerkev čuvata nad njo. Oh, zvonovi z lin zvonika zadoneli so nocoj; ljudstvo k cerkvi se pomika, bakelj sveti je nebroj. Oh, sveta noč, kako si lepa tam v vasici pod goro; pa pretekla mnoga so ie leta, kar videl zadnjikrat sem njo. Nocoj pa misli v sveti noči mi zopet plavajo nazaj; tja kjer sem molil boije Dete, kjer užival sem mladosti raj. Mary Murn učenka osmega razreda naše šole, napravila lepe slike na oknih gl. urada Zveze. Učenka Alice Kraus je prijela drugo nagrado. Članica Bea Kostelec je v članku “Earlier days in this area” v HERALD NEWS tako-le opisala proslavo 25 letnice naše podr. dne 5. oktobra, 1953: “Več kot 500 ljudi se je zbralo, da čestita podr. ob tem jubileju”. Hvala ses. Kostelec za pozornost. Čestitke naši novi članici Jessie Cambič ob rojstvu sina Christofer Robert. Dalje čestitke Mary in John Rudman ob 52 letnici poroke. Želimo boljšega zdravja Mary Haggerty in Mary Hrintz is Ardale, Wis. prej v Jolietu. Sožalje Mary Juricic in Antonia Tijan ob izgubi sinov. Sožalje Judy Derlinga ob izgubi martere. Naj vsi v miru počivajo. Naša zadnja seja v tem letu bo dne 17. decembra ob d pol treh. Spominjale se bomo zakljčka leta naše 50 letnice, zato ste vse članice lepo vabljene, posebno tudi mladinske članice. Članice odraslega oddelka ste prošene, da prinesete za $1 vrednosti dobitek (prize). Prišel bo tudi Miklauž. Pridite v polnem številu. Ob koncu velja naša zahvala vsem članicam, ki ste pomagale k uspešnemu letu, posebno za našo 50 letnico. Bog vam povrni. Prosim vse, ki ste v zaostanku s prispevki, da poravnate ob konca leta. Želim Vam vsem vesele Božične praznike, da bi jih obhajale v božjem miru. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC PODR. ŠT. 21, CLEVELAND, O. Dne 8. oktobra sta obhajala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Prišel. Zlata nevesta je naša ustanovna članica. Prisrčne čestitke in najboljše želje! Dne 3. decembra bo naša Božičnica. Pričetek ob 2 uri popoldne. Lepo je priti parkrat v letu skupaj, da se srečamo in bolje spoznamo. To velja še prav posebno pred božičnimi prazniki. Božji blagoslov in srečo za bližajoče se praznike in mnogo zdravja in sreče v Novem letu. ANNA JESENKO PODR. ŠT. 24, LA SALLE, ILL Drage članice SŽZ: Najprej želimo izreči našo prisrčno zahvalo vsem, ki ste z nami slavili lepo 50 letnico delovanja naše podružnice. Bil je res lep dan in smo hvaležne za številno udeležbo od blizu in daleč. Našim pokojnim članicam je bila posvečena sv. maša, katero so darovali naši duhovniki pri Sv. Roku. Z nami so bili č.g. Bernard Horzen, ki je z našim župnikom č.g. Mihael Železnikar daroval slovesno sv. mašo ob asistenci č.g. Rev. Charles Burgess, naš novi mladi pomočnik, ki izhaja iz naše fare, dalje č.g. Rev. R. Fitzsimmons. Omenjeni so tudi imeli častno mesto pri glavni banketni mizi. Z nami so bile tudi častite sestre: Ses. Louise in Ses. Karen. Posebno smo bile tudi počaščene, da se je slavja udeležil naš župan'mesta LaSalle g. Gunia in njegova soproga, Anna, ki je Slovenka. Seveda smo vedno vesele pozdraviti v naši sredi naše gl. odbornice: Corinne Leskovar, urednica, Olga Ancel, gl. tajnica, M. Mary Marolt, gl. blagajničarka in Anne Kompare, gl. Nadzornica, ter Ann Vučko, drž. predsednica. Program je bil v rokah Ann Marie Wangler. Nastopil je mladinski pevski zbor. Za ples so igrali mladi Pangrsič-evi fantje, ki lepo igrajo kakor Frank Jankovič. So vnuki naše Mary Ajster, ki je 93 let mlada. Nastopili so tudi otroci naše ustanovne članice, da so se poklonili spominu njihove drage matere. Naša podr. št. 24 se prisrčno zahvaljuje vsem podr. ki ste poslale svoja zastopstva in prišle v slov. narodnih nošah. Naša podr. je darovala $185 za maše mjftt if,. v.'4 '■H '■ ■■■»• za pok. članice ter $100 kot dar naši cerkvi. Ostali prebitek ostane v domači blagajni. Vsem še enkrat za izkazano pomoč in delo, najlepši Bog plačaj. Zadjno nedeljo dne 29. oktobra, smo se udeležile 50 letnice sesterske podružnice v West Allis, Wis. Lepo je bilo in se posebno zahvalimo članicam št. 20 v Jolietu, ki so nas povabile, da smo se jim pridružile na posebnem busu. Hvala vsem od nas vseh, iz LaSalle, Oglesby in Depue, 111. V West Allisu so nas lepo sprejele, postregle in imele dober program. Čestitke! Dobitke na naši proslavi so prejeli naslednji: John Dinoto (afghan) in D. Rooney (bond) iz LaSalle, in za drugi afghan je bila srečna Anna Granich iz So. Chicaga. Čestitke! Ko boste čitale te vrstice, bomo že v decembru in Zahvalni dan bo že za nami. Upam, da ste ga lepo obhajale. Smo pred prazniki, zato voščim vsem vesel Božič in srečno Novo Leto. Vaša, MICI PILETIČ PODR. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Pozdrav vsem! Ko boste čitale te vrstice, bo najbrž že bela odeja pokrivala naše kraje in predno se bomo zavedli, bo že možiček z belo brado vozil s srnjaki preko hribov in dolin. Da, Božič je pred durmi! Našo oktobersko sejo je pričela preds. Frances Korošec z molitvijo. Zapisnik zadnje seje je prečitala Hilda Montequin, naše zapisnikarica. Kot gost večera je bila Mrs. Marolt iz Chicaga, sestra Fannie Sage. Posebni dobitek, ki ga je darovala Elsie Ferbežar, je prejela njena sestra Jennie in Frances Korošec. Elsie je zadela darilo, ki ga je prinesla Kimberlee Orenchuk. Mitzi Lawrence bo prinesla darilo za nov. sejo. Fannie Sage in njena sinaha, Sharon, sta poletela z avijonom na obisk staršev od Sharon v Arizoni. 4Jpamo, da sta se dobro imele. NAŠA POROČEVALKA v narodni nogi, MARY ANN S A MUELSON iz Oglesby, III., občuduje veliko sliko slovenskega para v slavnostno okrašeni dvorani za proslavo 50 letnice podr. it. 20 v Jolietu. Naslednji odbor nam je postregel z jabolčnim štrudeljnom in sirovo torto: Josephine Ferbežar, Ann Sechan in Fannie Sage. Prejmite vse najlepša voščila za VESEL BOŽIČ od Miklavža in od meme. ROSEMARY ORENCHUK PODR. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. Tako rada berem našo zanimivo Zarjo, posebno dopise od naših pionirk. Mene je posebno zanimal opis Mrs. Caroline Kozina, ker jaz sem bila v Kočevskem mestu enkrat s svojim očetom, kot lO.Ietna deklica leta 1919. Iz Loškega potoka do Ribnice sva hodila črez hribe ene dve ure in pol, potem sva v Ribnici šla na železnico, ker je vzelo samo ene pol ure do Kočevskega mesta, ki je bilo takrat veliko in čisto mesto, a po trgovinah so govorili samo nemško. Potem sva hodila do Dolgevasi, kjer so stanovali starši Mrs. Mary Grže iz Euclid, Ohio, ki so bili prijatelji mojega očeta in so naselili v Kočevju iz našega kraja. Drugi dan sva šla še napraj do Livold, kjer so tudi tam stanovali eni naši ljudje in sva prenočila pri njih. Tam so oče kupili dve krave, in sva drugi dan celi dan hodila domov s temi kravami po cesti. Mrs. Kozina, na drugi strani tistega visokega hriba proti zahodu je bil moj dom. Vam častitam na Vaši visoki starosti in upam, da bi še dolgo tako zadovolno živeli. Vaš opis Kočevja in vse življenje in zgodovino tistih krajev ste res dobro opisali. Junija meseca je obiskal svoje drage sestre tukaj v Kansas City, Jožef Ozanich. Po 65 letih so se zopet videli seveda je bilo veselje in prisrčno snidenje po tolkih letih. Obe sestre sta članice Zveze: Katie Modircin in Mary Zunich in sestra Ana Bratkovič je pa pred nekaj leti umrla. Mrs. Ozanich je rekel, da se mu je prav dopalo tukaj. On živi v Krajnski Kužel pri kočevju. Julija meseca so potovale v Evropo naše dve članice Mary Hotujec, Julie Golkoski in sestra Frances Springer, njih sestrična Julie Cornish, nje sin Rev. Ronald Cornish in Rev. Michael Mullen. V Rimu sta ova duhovnika v kapeli pri grobu sv. Petra maševala, vsaki na drugi dan, samo en mesec prej kot je umrl papež Pavl VI so ga videli na trgu sv. Petra in dobili papeški blagoslov od njega. Obiskali so Benetke, Florence v Italiji in Lurd ter Pariz. Šli so v Ljubljano, Bled, Maribor, kjer so tudi obiskali sestrčno, ki je nuna in obiskali rojstno vis od Mary in Frances Boslivaloka, župnija Osilnica, in so se razveselili s svojimi bratranci in sestričnami. Obiskali so rojstno vas Julie Cornish, vas Dol pri Starem trgu pri Kolpi. Šli so tudi v Switzerland in na Irsko od kjer so bili starši od Rev. MuIIen. Njegovi sorodniki sojih imenitno postregli. Naša ustanovna članica, Agnes Zakrajšek, je bila tako nesrečna, da si je pri padcu zlomila obe noge, kar se ji je dobro izboljšalo, samo drugače jo precej muči še bolezen. Želimo ji, da bi se vse izboljšalo kakor vsem drugim bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja. Vsem glavnim uradnam in članicam Zveze želim vesele božične praznike in srečno noto leto 1979. ANTONIA KOSTELEC poročevalka V BLAG SPOMIN Druge obletnice smrti mojega nepozabnega sina Bogomir Rick Sustarsic 16, decembra Oh kako gre čas naprej, ko Tebe več med nami ni; v naših srcih in molitvah pa vedno z nami si. Dve leti so minule, kar si nas zapustil; trpljejna Tvojega je konec, ker to še čaka nas. ✓ Resje hudo in pusto, / odkar si za vedno' od nas vzel slovo. Tvoja žalujoča mama, bratje, sestre in sorodniki tukaj in v Sloveniji. KATHERINE SUSTARSIC, Berkeley, Calif. TOU THE YOUNG AT HEART" HI, Boys and Girls! “You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m telling you why, SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!” That’s right! Your Christmas is just around the corner and it’s a very exciting time for all children all over the world. Now, what can you give to your Mom and Dad to make them very happy? Be a good helper around the house, keep the yard clean, keep your room neat and tidy, be sure to pick up your clothes and hang them in closets, maybe even clean the snow from the sidewalks, eat all your food that is placed before you — all this will be the best Christmas present for your parents. Surprise Mom and Dad! Get out your crayons and make a Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, toys like a wagon, a ball, a house, animals, put into an envelope and sign it, “ To my darling Mommy and Daddy, Merry Christmas. I love you. Your loving child, ” And, sign your name. I’m sure they will just love you for it, because you remembered your mom and dad all by yourself. Now, it’s my turn to wish all the S.W.U. Juniors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have a good holiday. FRANCES SIETZ SWU Youth Board P.S. Please send me a note telling about all your Christmas fun. Christmas Day 1. Christmas trees, Chiming bells, What's my present, No one tells. 2. Christmas trees All gay and bright. Decorated -A lovely sight. 3. Go to bed. Turn off the light. It’s Christmas Eve Just one more night. 4. We get out of bed Alt happy and gay. W? open the presents, For, ITS CHRISTMAS DA Y! Ernie’s House December is the month that officially marks the beginning of the winter season. In the midwest where I live, this means cold temperatures and lots of snow. Because of the cold temperatures at this time of year, people have to dress extra warmly before going outside. Mothers especially bundle thier young children before they go outdoors so they don’t get ill. However, if a mother is an expert bundler, like my mom was, winter can be very confusing as well as warm. Through the next few paragraphs I’ll try to clarify this point, so sit back and I’ll try to entertain you as well as make my point. Oh, one more thing. The following paragraphs you are about to read are true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Mom had a few moments of free time so she decided she’d spend them by teaching her child (whom we’ll call Ernie (how to make snow angles.) ’’Ernie, it’s easy, ” mom said. “All you have to do is lay in the snow and move your arms and legs back and forth. When you stand up, there’s a figure that looks like an angel.“ After mom shows Ernie how it’s done,she goes inside to prepare supper. Now it's Ernie’s turn to make snow angels, right? Wrong. Seeing Ernie laying on the wet snow, mom sticks her head out the back door. “What are you doing laying on the ground? Ernie, if you get sick...” Now Ernie’s mom really loves him and doesn’t want him to catch cold, so before Ernie can go outside and play in the snow, she bundles him up. However, because Ernie’s mommy is the best bundle-upper this side of the Grand Canyon, Ernie can’t bend his knees or elbows. Not being able to bend your knees or elbows can be quite a problem if you should happen to fall in the snow. Did you ever try to stand without the help of-.TJ^ur knees or elbows? Obviously, Ernie’s mother hasn’t tried it, because upoon seeing him laying on the ground, she sticks her head out the back door. “What are you doing on the ground Didn’t I tell you to stay off the ground? Now, either you stand up this moment or come in the house.” Poor Ernie. Either way, he has to accomplish the impossible, standing up. When 'one gets bundled up the way Ernie gets bundled up, about the only thing one can do is stand (unless one should fall down). Because of the two sweaters and snowsuit he wears outdoors, not to mention the sweatshirt, T-shirt and undershirt, Ernie’s arms won’t stay down by his sides. With arms outstretched like those of a scarecrow, it can be difficult to make a snowball. I mean, how does one pack snow together when one’s hands won’t meet Apparently, Ernie’s mother knows of a way. “I don’t understand you, Ernie. You practically begged me to let you go out and play in the snow. Then,when I finally give in and bundle you up, all you do is stand around,” mom said as she undid the snowsuit. During the night, a fresh load of packing snow (for those of you living in the warmer climates, packing snow is the kind with enough moisture that it sticks together rather than crumbing away when pressed in your hand) covered the ground. So, naturally, Ernie wants to go out and play. What little boy or girl wouldn’t. “Mom, can I go out and play in the snow. ” Ernie asks. “Yes, if you don’t get your clothes wet,” said mom. Would someone please explain how one plays in cold, wet packing snow without getting one’s clothes wet? It’s impossible. Earlier in this article, I mentioned that winter can be confusing for a youngster. Confusing? It’s plain nutsy. Ain’t it funny though, how it’s these nutsy, head-banging against-the-wall situations that become our best and fondest memories. I hope that this article entertained you and possibly took you adults and older children down memory lane, back to the days when you were possibly like little Ernie. And, to all you children who are the present day Ernies, well, all I can say is hang on, baby, Friday’s coming. And, someday it’ll be your turn to give the nutsy answers. MERRY CHRISTMAS and, till next year, DAVY 3 UUItlAKU Si u N B Union National Bank & Trust Co. Member F.D.I.C. FREE PERSONAL CHECKS FREE CHECKING JEFFERSON & OTTAWA STREETS PHONE: 727-5222 DRIVE-IN BANK — 50 N. Bluff St. JOLIET, ILL. FRED C. DAMES FUNERAL HOME 251 N. Center St. at Campbell JOLIET, ILL. 60435 Telephone 726-5211 Joel L. Dames - Mark L. Dames Michael L. Papesh METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST Company,— 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDIi ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 GEREND-HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53031 Save with ST. CLAIR 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 29001 Cedar Rd. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. 6135 Wilson Mills Rd. 7481 Center St./Mentor 4936 Darrow Rd./Stow Esnc 27801 EUCLID AVE. CLEVELAND, OHIO A. GRDIMA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele In žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovolj- nost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar ln dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd. Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland, Ohio 44119 ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327 4500 Milwukee, Wisconsin NEW ENLARGED & REVISED EDITION! Slovenian-International Cookbook Womans Glory— The Kitchen To order, send $4.50 plus 50c for postage per copy to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION 431 N. CHICAGO ST. JOLIET, ILL. 60432 TEZAK FUNERAL HOME JOLIET, ILL. 'First in service since 1908” 459 North Ottawa Street Phone: 772 0534