SLOVENIAN SINGERS, DANCERS AND MUSICIANS AT CHICAGO’S INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19. 1926 in Chicago, 111. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois, ■k ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription S2.00 — Naročnina S2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ SI.20 letno Publisher'. ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd.. Chicago 8. 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office ut Chicago, Illinois, under the Act oj August 24. 1912. SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. ★ * Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Žettshe Zveze v Amerilii Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. MANY CHICAGO MEMBERS IN TRADE FAIR SHOW Good-looking youthful smiles by members of the cast: left to right, Maria Martinčič, Dušan Škamperle, Joseph Arko, Frieda Logonder and Ann Marie Gonia. For the second consecutive year, Chicago Slovenians performed for thousands of patrons at the International Trade Fair held in Chicago at the huge McCormick Place Exposition Center on the lakefront. Their colorful, lively presentation received cheers from the audience which filled the Ivittle Theatre to capacity twice on the evening of June 30th. The crowd gratefully responded with applause to the music of the Frankie Kovacic orchestra and singing by nine young men of the St. Stephen's Mladinski Zbor. They were delighted by the dances of the Slovenian American Radio Club folk dancers who performed spritely steps to polkas and waltzes. They loved the specially staged numbers featuring solo, duet and group dancing including the lovely “Moj rodni dom” sequence with singing by Miss Ann Marie Gonia and dancing by the folk dancers. Kovacic and his orchestra of So. Chicago, gave the modern version of some of the favorite Slovenian folk songs such as Terezinka, Židena mare-la and Oj, Marička peglaj; they also sang lyrics in both Slovenian and English. Changing the pace from singing and dancing, the Mladinski Zbor, directed by Prof. Alfred Fischinger brought forth a program of classical Slovenian songs such as "Ko so fantje proti vasi šli”, ‘‘Nebo žari”, and “Slovenec sem.” To acquaint the audience with a bit of Slovenian history and to narrate the sequence of the show were Lild and Corinne Leskovar who also undertook the direction of the two programs. They called upon the best material in Chicago for this show and really sought to present the finest type of musical talent. Twinkle-toes, Anita Wipotnik with her ever popular toe-dance polka! The audience was treated to an hour of fast moving dancing, harmonious singing and melodious orchestrations which ended in an appropriate finale. Here a touch of folk-lore was brought into the picture by the enactment of the song "Delaj, delaj dekle pušeljc” by the ensemble of twenty-live boys and girls in national costume. The final strains of the concluding polka had faded away before the applause ended and theatre emptied. Two dancing dolls performed their Židena marela polka: Margie Leff and Janet Pierog. ZARJA *• D AWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXV. — NO. 8 AUGUST, 1963 LETO XXXV. — ŠT. 8 Rev. Claude Okorn, O. F. M. FOLLOW THE GOOD EXAMPLE St. John Gualbert was born in Florence, Italy, as the son of a nobleman. His eldterly and only brother was murdered by a man reputed to be his friend. John conceived it to be his duty to avenge his brother. The code of family honor, according to the tradition of the time, demanded revenge. Even his own father had commanded him to seek retribution of the men who had slain his brother. One day he came upon the murderer in so narrow a passage that it was impossible for either to avoid the other. John drew his sword and advanced upon the defenseless man, who fell on his knees, his arms crossed on his breast, cringing in fear and begging for mercy. But at the very moment his sword was raised for the kill, John Gualbert recalled the image of Christ, praying on the cross for his murderers. His heart was touched. He put away his sword, embraced his enemy and they parted in peace. John went on his road till he came to a benedictine monastery where going into the church, he offered up his prayers before a crucifix. And as he continued his prayer, the crucifix miraculously bowed its head, as it were to give a token how acceptable were the sacrifice of his revenge and his sincere repentance. Divine grace so took possession of his heart that lie went to the abbot and asked to be admitted to the religious habit. The abbot was apprehensive of his father’s displeasure; but after a few days John cut off his hair himself and put on a habit which he borrowed. John devoted himself to his new state in the disposition of a true penitent, so that he became entirely a new man. He lived to see popes making pilgrimages to his monastery to consult with him on the affairs of the church. He became the champion and the reliever of the poor, a prophet, a miracle workler, a man renowned as a saint in his own lifetime. All these were the achievement of the long hours of penance and prayer, of relentless war to kill the pride and self-love bred into him by family tradition. Only through the grace of God he could have carried through this relentless struggle with himself. His humbleness would not allow him to be a priest. When he died, it was said about him that he was a man of exceeding meekness above all men that dwelt upon the earth. The story of this man tells us that everybody can be a saint if he wants to be and cooperates with the grace of God. INTEGRATION FOR REFUGEES Father Farkas of Bridgeport has ! taken care of 500 of his countrymen By Robert O. Gaudet, S. J. (This interesting story was sent to the Editor’s office by the Catholic Digest who will print it in their August 1963 issue. We think our members will enjoy it.) It was a familiar story: destruction or their home by the Communists, years in a DP camp, and final arrival in the U. S. But the family's name was Us. So from coast to coast, headlines said, “Us Family Comes to U. S.” Waiting in New York that day in 1952 to welcome the 14 members was a burly Slovenian priest, Father Andrew Farkas, himself a refugee. For Father Farkas this family was the largest but only one of many he took care of in Bridgeport, Conn., during his “refugee decade.” For the Us family it was the beginning of a new life. He had a house ready for them, markets sent food, neighbors brought clothes and furniture. One of the children recalls, "Food, furniture, and clothes were piled up so high on the front porch that we could hardily open the door.” In the years since, Father Farkas has settled more than 500 refugees in his parish, mostly Slovenians, with some Croatians and German expelees. He cared for Serbian Orthodox and Bosnian Mohammedans as well. But integration into American life is not a one-day event, it is a process. Settling a refugee family is only the beginning. Finding jobs for them is the immediate necessity. Father Farkas has tracked down such jobs in Bridgeport industries. Father Farkas, a heavy-set man, speaks energetically, articulating his words with a slight Eastern-European accent (a combination of the ten languages he speaks). His black hair falls carelessly over the side of his forehead, and his tired dark eyes are steady as he recalls families that he has helped. "In 1952—that was the time of the Korean war—jobs were very hard to find, especially for foreigners who couldn’t speak English. Sometimes I ran around for a month looking for a job. “The first job placement came through Mary Hull at the Apex store, but the real breakthrough came through John Smey, one of my parishioners and foreman at the Dictaphone Co. He used to call me when he heard a man would be leaving. Sometimes I was at the employment office even before they heard of the opening themselves.” But local industries welcomed him as his Yugoslavs proved to be good workers. "Warner Brothers( sewing) and the Dictaphone Co. have been excellent sources of jobs,” Father recalls. “Eugene Zakrzewski, of the Heim Co. in Fairfield, was an outstanding benefactor. Herman Beach, at the Bridgeport Metal Goods, em-polyed dozens of our people, and the Heppenstall Co. has been outstanding, too. One of my parishioners, a tavern keeper, introduced me to the bosses at the Heppenstall Co., and now 30 men from my parish work there.” Special legislation after the Second World War made the arrival of the refugees possible. Of the 8 million poeple displaced from their homelands at the end of the war, 7 million returned on their own to their homes. That left 1 million homeless, unwilling to return because of threats or fear of persecution. The U. S. Congress passed, in 1948, the Displaced Persons bill which sidestepped the national quota system and admitted 400,000. Amended in 1950, it provided for any person who was in a DP camp or who resided in the U. S.-occupied zones of Germany, Austria, and Italy, unwilling to return to his homeland. Some 36,000 Yugoslav refugees poured in during the next ten years, (Continued on page 152) LUCKY “FIVE” FOR WISCONSIN! On May 5th, Wisconsin’s five branches gathered for their 5th State convention meeting. At 11:00 A. M., the Mass was celebrated by our Spiritual Advisor, Father Claude. St. John’s Church was filled to capacity and among the group were three supreme officers; namely our Honorary President, Marie Prisland, Editor, Corrine Le skovar, and Vice-President, Marie Floryan. With the editor were her two lovely children and her husband. Father Claude Okorn gave a very interesting and educational sermon. After Mass, everyone assembled in the lower St. John’s Hall, for a delicious turkey or ham dinner. There were approximately 175 guests. A short program followed with greetings from Father Claude, Marie Prisland and Corrine Leskovar. An accordion solo was given by two juvenile members. At 2:00 P. M. the meeting followed. Minutes for 1962 were read by Mary Staut, 102, a very capable recording secretary. She did an excellent job covering the 19G2 state convention. For 19C3, Vickie Sporis was appointed as recording secretary. She is the recording secretary for Br. no. 13. There were 7G members at the meeting, which was opened with invocation by Father Claude. Greetings were given by the supreme officers, followed by the reports from the five delegates. As soon as the reports were read, an open discussion followed. There were questions asked by members, and answered very thoroughly and de tailed by our supreme officers. Membership drive was stressed. Ilr. no. 43 suggested that no state convention be held in 1961 due to our national convention in Chicago. All branches were in favor of the Idea. The Zarja (asking for an earlier delivery date) was discussed. Our editor, Corrine, gave all the details clearly; she says certain things beyond her control occur. The five mothers of the year and the oldest member, who were very deserving of the honors were presented with gifts. These were the high-lights of the 1902 state convention meeting which adjourned at approximately 4 P. M. In conclusion, I wish to thank Br. no. 12, our host, for making this event possible, also, Father Claude and Father Thaddeus, our supreme officers, members and delegates of all branches, and an extra big “Thank you” for the busload group from Br. no. 1 of Sheboygan. Rose Kraemer, State President of Wise. ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Hoping all of the members of our organization are having a pleasant summer so far. Surely is good to open doors and windows and forget about the weather when one goes out. A reminder for our branch members to finish and return the aprons to president, Mary Go-dez so she can display them before our card party on Sept. 4th. Keep plugging with the tickets, members, as that date will soon be here. Our condolences to the Mary Zore family on the loss of their mother and to the Frances Znidarsick family on the loss of her husband. May God grant them eternal rest. We also extend wishes to all our sick members and birthday greetings to the gals that will have or did have birthdays during the vacation months — also, wedding anniversaries. Till we meet again. Mary Vertacic SYMPATHY TO FAMILY OF MRS. MARY ZORE. The members of no. 1 extend deepest sympathy to the family of member, Mary Zore, who died at the age of 81 years. She was a native of Slovenia and settled in the United States at Milwaukee in 1906. She married Martin Zore the same year. They were Sheboygan residents since 1908 and pioneers of the community and church. Surviving them (Mr. Zore died in 1925) are a son, Frank, three daughters, Mary, Ann, and Julia and other relatives. The members offer prayers that their beloved sister will be granted eternal happiness. M. V. No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. State Day held in Fontana was not attended by San Francisco due to the fact that sickness and death were with us on the days which should have been a happy time with a visit with our sister Branch here in California. It seemed as if God took a hand and made it virtually impossible for any of our members to travel. Quite a few of our travel members had sickness and State President Rose Scoff was twice visited by misfortune. Rose slipped and broke her wrist and with much pain still tried to go on with plans for State Day only to have her husband, Joe, pass away on May 31st. Despite his long illness, his death was rather sudden. We extend our sincere sympathy to Rose and her family. Tls often said the best laid plans of mice and men can go assunder and truly this was it! Better luck next time. Joe Scoff's passing came as a shock to many. He had been in the hospital a number of times and his illness was wearing on Rose and for this reason he will be missed twice as much. When we have an ill one in the house we come to know many hours of work and worry and when it stops, it becomes too quiet to bear. Joe will also be missed by his son Joe (JR.) and his daughter, Rose Marie, plus his friends and family. Ann Stark has been fighting quite a bout with her leg and now we hear she is Improving. We miss you, Ann; hurry and get well. Louise Angin broker her leg but Is now on the mend. Hope it won’t cause too much inconvenience to you, Louise. Mary Slanec called to say she had a trip to see Bara Orehar and that Bara is much improved and hopes soon to be wearing her artificial leg. Can’t keep those Kranske Zenske down, eh? Make you a little ashamed when you hear that Mary, who has been ill for so long herself, will take time out to visit the sick; and, we who are well and able just can’t seem SINCERE THANK YOU Deeming it impossible to thank all in person, we take this means of expressing our sincerest thanks for the many kindnesses showered upon our dear mother and sister during her illness the past year and following her passing. Each kind thought helped immeasurably to ease our burdens. May we offer our humble thanks. Clare Sever Christine Menart Margaret Winchell The Glavich Family Vandling, Pa. ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION AUGUST 25, 1963, CHICAGO, ILL. Br. 2, Chicago, III. will host this year’s Illinois—Indiana State Convention on Sunday, Aug. 25, 1963. A cardial invitation to all branches of Illinois and Indiana to attend this event and make it a success! The following program of the day has been set up: 11:30 a. m High Mass at St. Stephen’s church 12:30 p. m. Dinner at St. Stephen’s hall, W. 22nd Place and Wolcott St. 2:00 p. m. Convention meeting Because of the dinner preparations, it is important to know how many will attend from each branch so, we are asking each group to contact Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary, at the Home Office, Bishop 7-2014 or Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer at her home, Virginia 7-6891. You may also contact me by mail, 10727 Ave. M., Chicago 17, 111. May all of us who are now interested in the progress of our branches draw inspiration from our proud heritage as we face a rapidly changing world with honor, integrity and dignity and join us as individuals and as a group to exchange deas which will enable each of us to take back to our own home branches, new ideas and new enthusiasm for building an even stronger S. W. U. It is my prediction that each year will see increased attendance at these meetings. Please accept this invitation and join us, Aug. 25th in Chicago. Mildred James, State President to take the time. Mary, you have always been such a thoughtful person, it is natural for you to do the right thing. God bless you and make your troubles a little easier to bear. We are all thinking of you. Kinda happy to inform those interested that iny neck is much improved and now I’m released from the doctor’s care. Guess mine is a case of old age. Bara Kramer has been having a rough time, but you have never seen a gal put up the fight she has. She refuses to complain only to say “it’s life!” She is under the doctor’s care and knowing her, she will lick her illness. Good luck to you, Bara, from all of us! A visit from Mr. John Bartol informs us that his granddaughter, Loretta, has entered the Sacred Heart Convent of the Sisters of Mercy in Belmont, North Carolina. Loretta will be called Sister Antoinette. Her Dad. John Jr. has retired from the Navy after 20 years duty and is now living in McLean, Virginia. Grandpa, mother Sabina, sister Mary, brother Mike and dad John are very proud of this young lady and with very good cause. Good luck to you, Sister Antoinette! Mr. Bartol also told us of Rev. Louis Tomtz, who formerly served with Father Doherty in Los Gatos. Father Doherty, now deceased, was the brother-in-law of our Secretary Betty Doherty. Father Tomtz is now working for the Slovenian Parish in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. We hear Cleveland was most generous with a large donation to Father Tomtz so he can further his effort to build a Slovenian Church in Hamilton. Good luck to you, too, Father in your venture. We are planning a little surprise for our September meeting so, ladies, let’s all be present and see “What’s Up!” Blessings to you all — see you at the September meeting for sure. Fran Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio — Well, the travelling season must be in full swing, as another one of our sisters embarked for a European visit. Mrs. Margaret Tomazin and her husband are visiting her brother, Joe Malovich, in Jugoslavia. They plan on spending two months seeing all of this country. We had a pleasant surprise at our June meeting, as Mrs. Rose Leskovec, a member of our branch and who now resides at Pompano Beach, Florida, attending this meeting, and was joyously entertained. Sister Antonia Suster brought a new member to our May meeting, Mrs. Frances Grcar. Through an oversight, I neglected to mention this in the June report. Sister Mary Iskra, our treasurer, and her husband flew to Hawaii for a two week vacation .starting July 21st. We all wish that they have a very enjoyable time. Congratulations, FOIST AN A! Dear Officers and Members: Due to difficult circumstances, it was Impossible for myself and members of Branch no. 13 of San Francisco to attend State Day at Fontana, no. 100, California. My congratulations to Slovenian Women’s Union of Fontana Branch no. 100 on their first “ZVEZA DAY”. My deepest appreciation and best wishes. Sincerely, Rose Scoff, State President We wish to extend birthday felicitations to the many sisters of our branch whose birthdays occur during this month. On our sick list, wre have Mrs. Mary Koren, who spent ten days at Mary-mount hospital and is now recuperating. Sister Ann Perko has been laid up at home during the past five weeks and is improving now. Sister Anna Marolt has been ailing for three weeks with a virus and will very shortly en ter Euclid-Glenville Hospital for observation. Also just received a report that sister May Vidmar is now in Euclid-Glenville Hospital ,but have been unable to receive details at this writing. Donations to our Good Time Treasury were made by the following: Sisters, Mary Klun, Jennie Podbor-sek, Rose Leskovec, Alice Kausek and Molly Sodja. Many thanks to the a-bove. At this moment the temperature outside is 92°, so we know you will excuse me for terminating this report. Until next month, I remain, Molly Sodja, Secretary No. 15, Cleveland, Ohio. Our June meeting was well-attended and brief. We did not have much to discuss after our recent banquet. But, a reminder to all members that there will be no meeting in August — we meet again in Sept. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Skufca, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 16th. May they celebrate many more! Vera Skufca was the mother of the year from our branch in 1962. After a successful surgery, sister Anna Blatnik is now recuperating at home and we wish her a speedy recovery. I hope you all enjoy yourselves on your vacations and above all, keep healthy, so that we are all together at the Sept. meeting — then, I can report in the Oct. Zarja. Frances Novak, Sec’y. No. 20, Joliet, III. Our trustee, Mrs. Josephine Muster, has been given a special honor in being named “Lady of the Year” by the Republican party of this area. She achieved much progress and is very active in this group and as such, deserved this special recognition. Our congratulations, Jo! Mrs. Muster is the past secretary of Br. 20 and was also Supreme Treasurer for many years. When we have sadness it seems it comes in doubles, as again for the third time it happened that two members passed away. We mourn the passing of an old-time member, Amelia Gregorich who died at the age of 82 on June 21, 1963. She was the proprietor of a grocery and meat market on Ruby St. After several months of VICKI’S COMPLIMENTS TO A “QUEEN” illness in the hospital, she died leaving two sons and two daughters, also grandchildren and a number of rela tives. She was a widow. Mrs. Gre gorich was bom on Aug. 10, 1881 and that was at Crnolog, Croatia. She joined Br. 20 on May 21, 192«. Fun eral was at St. Mary’s Nativity church and burial at St. Mary’s Cemetery. Another pioneer member, Mrs. Mary Stark also passed away at the same time, at the aga of 85 years. She did not look her age, however, as she was always very cheerful and pleasant. She was born on Dec. 26, 1876 at Metlika, Slovenia and joined on Dec. 26, 1928, recommended by Mrs. Mary Golobitch, while Mrs. Gregorich was recommended by Mrs. Mary Šinkovec. Mrs. Stark donated many times and was also in the earlier years, hostess to the Supreme Officers as was her sister, Mrs. Jontes, who passed away some years ago. She is survived by two daughters and four sons, 18 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Both members belonged to various organizations. Mrs. Stark was buried from St. Joseph’s church to St. Joseph’s Cemetery. Our condolences to the bereaved families. Our member, Mrs. Barbara Ivec lost her husband, Martin. Survivors include five sons and two daughters and 10 grandchildren. Member, Mary Plankar mourns the loss of her husband, Frank, who died in an auto accident on his way to Waukegan. He is survived by three sons and two daughters. In this same accident, Mrs. Plankar suffered a broken arm and was confined several weeks in the hospital and later removed to her son’s home. Mrs. Frances Koncar is also confined to the hospital for the past several weeks. She is the sister of Mrs. Ann Mahkovec. Our best wishes to all ailing members. During the past weeks, a tour by some of our members was made to the Illinois Youth Commission Home (Boys’ Reformatory). We found this institution to be very clean and in many cases perhaps better than the original homes of some of the boys. Later in the week we visited our well-known Stateville Prison near Joliet, where over 4000 inmates were seen at their chores. Many trades were being worked and we saw many interesting sights. The dining room and the prison cells were well worth seeing within the oval buildings. These tours were taken to show our visitors, Mrs. Mili and Katja Koracin from Ljubljana, the well-kept prisons and management here in Illinois — U. S. A. Our branch celebrated its 35th anniversary on June 23rd. A picnic was held at the home of Mrs. Kun- Mary Kolegar of Br. 25 No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio —• At Br. 25 we have many members so it makes it difficult to extend best wishes for someone’s birthday; or, if a member is ill to express our fondest desire for them to feel young and chipper again. Taking this opportunity, 1 would like to say to our President of Br. 25, Mrs. Pauline Stampfel, good health and loving regards from all the members. Pauline had a short stay in the hospital and we missed her very much; glad to have you back with us. In the photo we have a pair of “queens”. In the background our own Heavenly Queen and from Br. 25 chosen at the May meeting, our wonderful long time member Mrs. Kolegar, 7004 Hecker Ave., Mary is her name also. stek in Yorkville. All the many families who attended found it to be a pleasant place to spend a few hours of leisure by the river and its beautiful surroundings. Our Zveza choral club also participated. The history of our branch was printed in the local newspaper with the picture of our officers. It was a grand idea to bring together our members on this important day. Many thanks to Mrs. Kun-stek for the generous use of her resort. Also, thanks to those that worked and of course, to those who were present to make it a memorable day for the branch. On June 29th, the members received Holy Communion in a group at St. Joseph’s church, offered for the living and deceased members. Best wishes to all. Josephine Erjavec No. 28, Calumet, Mich. Fifty-seven members attended the dinner in May commemorating Mother’s Day and honoring Theresa Sustarich, our mother She makes a fitting queen for her smile beams with such brightness and she has the gentleness of a fine lady. To meet and speak with her will add sparkle to your day. Come to our meetings and enjoy the company of a good group. (Julie Telban, one of our newer members, took this grand picture of the queens.) Campaign Contest is over, it ended June 30tli. Hoping your branches signed in quite a few new members to swell the S.W.U. organization and enable to increase its membership. By the way — do you know we are having a brand new, 'thick-with-plenty-of-pages," cook book issued — for your pleasure, soon to be released at a very reasonable fee? Vicki Faletič of the year. Everyone spent a very pleasant and enjoyable evening. Our congratulations to Joan Mahaf-fay, our member, who received the SWU scholarship grant. Joan entered our branch as a junior member and is now in the adult class. We are all very happy and proud that she was the recipient of this award. We have three members who were hospitalized recently; Anna Maurin, Antonia Swetich and Anna Hrebec. Our prayers and best wishes for their speedy recovery. We are planning to have a guest party at the Sept. meeting. Members are asked please to keep this in mind. Our sympathy is extended to Caroline Ozanich and Josephine Peschel whose husbands passed away. May they rest in peace. Hope you will all have pleasant summers and until next time, God bless you all. Anne Heinemann, Pres. Student’s Thank You I want to express my sincere thanks to each and every member of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Through their thoughtful generosity, I am the appreciative recipient of a $200 scholarship to continue my studies here at Northern Michigan University. During the coming year with every new fact I learn at this institution, I will always remember and be grateful for your help in keeping me here. Again, I sincerely say . . . Thank you, ladies of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Respectfully yours, Joan Mahaffay Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Vacation and picnic time is here. Warm weather has finally reached us, after a long, cold winter. Everyone is taking advantage of the sunshine at beaches, picnicing at parks. Speaking of picnics, our branch hosted our juveniles with a picnic at Birch park. Food galore which is always so good in the woods, races and games with lots of nice prizes were some of the treats. Each child who was a member of the branch was given an extra special treat of goodies prepared by our juvenile directors, Thera Rukavina and Mrs. Burger and their committee. Much credit is to be given them for a wonderful job. All who attended enjoy-it very much, especially because it was the first warm day amid rainy and cold weather. So, the picnic was a success! No meeting was held in July, but we shall have a meeting on Aug. 7th at 7:30 p. m. as preparations will be made for Minn. Zveza Day at Hibbing on Sept. 8th. Reservations must be made for the chartered bus and banquet tickets. I’m sure wre won’t have any trouble filling our bus as everyone loves to go on our one day trips, when we greet our sister members from throughout Minn. So, be sure to come to the meeting or you may not get a chance to come on the bus. Cards and lunch will be served after the Aug. 7th meeting. Recently, we lost by death, a long time member, Mrs. Boben. Even though she was not able to attend meetings because of sickness, she always participated and made donations to the branch of her own accord. May her soul rest in peace and our condolences to her wonderful family. Also, sadness struck the Lopac family. Mrs. Lopac, our long-time member, lost her husband, Mark. The angel of death just comes and snatches when we least expect it. Mrs. Lopac has been ill for a long time and we know this loss is hard on her and her whole family. The only consolation we have is that someday we shall meet again in heaven. May his soul rest in peace. We have many sick members too numerous to name, sorry to say. But, we hope and pray that they shall soon be well again and out to enjoy the sunshine. God bless you all. We hope Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Novak, our Supreme Officers, and all the members who are vacationing a-broad, will enjoy themselves and return safely. God willing, we shall see many of you in Chicago, Illinois for Illinois State Day on Aug. 25th and Minnesota members in Hibbing on Sept. 8th, when we know we will have a grand time. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 43, Milwaukee, Wise. Our June meeting was more or less of a social affair, instead of a business meeting. Many of our members attended communions or graduations. No meeting to be held in July or August, but on Sunday, Sept. 8th we are looking forward to a large group. Plans for the Chicken and Sausage Card Party are to be completed and also our Pall Rummage Sale. The Card Party will be held at the Public Tavern, located at 922 So. 2nd St. on Sunday, Oct. 27th. Everyone and their friends are welcome. Card playing will start at 2 P. M. The Public Tavern and Hall is operated by Mr. and Mrs. Siehafer. Mrs. Siehafer (formerly Olga Kiel) is a member of our branch and her mother, Celia Marolt, a charter member is our champion ticket seller. We have several members on our sick list. Kate Spende, who had surgery is now recovering gradually at home. Ann Rebernisek, who was at St. Luke’s hospital, had a serious injury by falling, and is now convalescing at home. Mary Kiel, too, met with a neck injury, was hospitalized and now at home. Mary Ribbich, one of our very active members also is in the hospital. To all our sick a very speedy recovery. If any other members are hospitalized, please inform me. Congratulations are extended to all communicants, graduates and birthdays. Wedding bells for two of our members — Judy Delopst became the bride of James Rechlitz and Judy Mikolac-zalc the bride of Ronald Dybul Wishing you both the best of luck, greater joys and blessings. The fam'ly of Eddie Gallun and Christine Rebernisek are vacationing in Florida. Elsie was the brave gal and drove with her three daughters and Christine; later her husband, son and other daughter followed. Wishing them and all other vacationists a pleasant relaxation, pleasant trip and safe return. Recently, in the front page of the green sheet of the Milwaukee Journal, an article headed “Case of the Traveling Convict Solved by Company Policeman” wras an article very interesting and complimentary about Josephine Verbick’s husband, Jim. Josie, as we call her is a long-time member of our branch and a very diligent and co-operative worker. In all our branch undertakings, Jim and Josie help. In the write-up, James John Verbick, was cited recently in Chicago for 40 years of service with the R. E. A. Express (Formerly the Railway Express Agency). He also acts as security chief and is responsible for 10 states. Jim, our heartiest congratulations on your wonderful work. To all our new members, warm and welcome wishes and to anyone who is behind in their S. W. U. dues, please pay up. In conclusion, sincere congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Floryan, on their 25th wedding anniversary. Marie is our supreme vice president. Several hundred friends surprised Marie and Tony on Saturday night, June 29th at St. Mary’s Hall in West Allis. May your future be blessed with health and happiness. Until the next time— May God bless you all . Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. No. 50, Cleveland, Oh!o. Our June meeting was another exciting one as usual with discussion about our summer trips. This meeting was closed with a prayer for the safety of our members. We enjoyed a brief luncheon and hostesses were Sophie Kaplan and yours truly. Frances Seitz got her dream and wish to go to Europe and this happened in June. She is visiting her son in Germany. I know he was hardly waiting to see his mother. Traveling with Fran is her young daughter, Donna. They also had the opportunity to visit Slovenia and other countries. We hope she has a very wonderful time. Get-well wishes to Sophie Posch, who is recuperating at home now from her long stay at the hospital. We hope she will be able to attend our meetings — she is one of our charter members. No vacation for us this year. Our girls decided to keep working and prepare things for the big bazaar in October. We’ll see how good we can do this year! Last year, everyone was happy with the successful outcome of the event and we must work hard for the bazaar again. I wish each and everybody an enjoyable summer. Bless you all. Mary Bostian, Reporter 150 ACTIVITIES OF OUR BRANCHES No. 54, Warren, Ohio. Summer is hot upon us and we have no meetings until Sept. We wish to offer our congratulations to recent graduates who are: Dolores Yurtin, a teacher from Kent State; Dennis Persin, pharmacist from Ohio Northern Univ.; Carol Persin and Gary Persin from high school. Good luck in .all you choose to do! Wedding bells rang for Roslyn Zu-ga and Charles Jackson. Our congratulations and best wishes for a happy future together. The Mother’s Day banquet was held on May 9th with all having a lovely evening. I’m sorry I was not able to attend, but wish to thank all the members for the lovely corsage they sent me as Mother of the Year. Thanks a million for this honor! On our sick list is Angela Petrich, who is recovering from major surgery. Get well quickly, Angela! Our Secretary-treasurer has asked me to please remind the members to get their dues paid up. In case you don’t know her address, it is, Joanne Ponikvar, 1040 Meadowbrook S. E., Warren. Please take care of this and help make her job a little easier. The meeting coming up is Sept. 12th. Let’s see a big group there, especially some of you who don’t come very often. Jeanne Ponikvar, Reporter. No. 55, Girard, Ohio. Here it is meeting night and no meeting! Hope all you good members are enjoying your vacations. We have lovely weather and with good weather and good health, life can be rosy! On our sick list, we are sorry to report, is our Past President, Theresa Lozier. She was bumped by a car and thrown to the ground, suffering a dislocated shoulder. A get-well card was sent to her with our wishes for a speedy recovery. The next meeting will be Sept. 12th and a covered dish dinner in the Slovenian Home is planned. Mrs. Mary Svesko, chairman, has the following on her committee: Mmes Anna Strouss, Mary P&cic, Kristen Crnic, Victoria Penksa, Angeline Bernard, Anna Babich and Miss Christine Crnik. Each member Is asked to bring a covered dish and table service. There will also be a White Elephant Sale so, round up those little things that once were treasures that you have grown tired of! Let someone else buy and treasure them for a while. Bring along all you can spare, wrap and mark the price on the package. This is a good way to build the treasury while having an enjoyable time opening up unseen purchases. Make plans to attend this event — it will be fun! Now, back to business! The members that pay monthly should please send dues in to me promptly, so I will have monthly report payments filed at the Home Office on time. We just can’t expect them to give us a vacation — the law demands regular monthly payments for our member’s insurance. This summer, have fun and get a nice coat of tan! Mary Ann Mehalco Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo I SEPTEMBER DATE SET | No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. At the Q June meeting, final plans were X made for Minnesota Day which © will be held in Hibbing, at Br. X No. 56, on Sunday September 8. © The program is as follows: x Coffee hour — 10 to 11 a. m. g at the Assumption Hall. Q High Mass 11 a. m. at the © Blessed Sacrament Church — X (Convention meeting will follow © Mass). X Banquet & program 1:00 p. m. 8 Hope to see many of you there. © Elizabeth Draskovich, Reporter 2 4XJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Greetings! We extend our deepest sympathy to M!ary Chesnick and family on the death of her husband. Much patience and sorrow had been hers as he had been ill for a long period of time. She also became ill and we hope the future will be brighter as time goes on. Also, our sympathy to another member, Freda (Laurlski) Triano, living in Washington, who lost her husband when he suffered a sudden heart attack. He is also survived by two children. Our congratulations to Anna Bandi and husband, who celebrated their golden anniversary in June and are now vacationing in Ohio with their son, Fr. Bonaventure visiting relatives. Patricia Legan also on vacation in iowa, is visiting her sister, Arlene Busch, who is recovering from surgery. A speedy recovery, Arlene! Mary Ann Starika is on vacation to visit her son and family in the south. We are happy to see Anna Riegler a-round after so much illness, too. To all our sick members, we wish a speedy recovery and many blessings. Cecile Adamic, Sec’y. No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. Back again with a little news. No meeting until Sept. 9th at Mrs. J. Turk’s back yard for our annual picnic. Be there about 6:30 p. m. Believe it or not, we are one month closer to winter! 90 degrees today, as I write and wonderful weather for vacationers. Have fun, but be careful! Mrs. Tim Dusek had her baby — a boy. Congratulations and hope both are fine. Our Communion Mass at St. Jude’s is passed now and we wish to thank all our members who attended. There were 25 of them: K. Yuratovec, B. Bayus, L. Lubanovich, M. Daniele, L. Epley, M. Bartholomew, A. Yane, F. Duale, A King, C. Wisnieski, A. Statuta, M. Culkins, M. Rivacuk, R. Spre-mulli, J. Turk, D. Vidic, A. Modic, C. Eble, I. Chase, S Chase, N. Kainec, L. Liska and S. Goya. All our members who have birthdays during July and August are wished very happy returns of the day. We are very happy to report two new members, Jane M. Fortuna and Julia Drsek. Welcome to our organization and hope you have fun. Betty and Ed Kotko and children spent a week in Florida. Betty and George Adler and children are spending a week at Cedar Point. On our anniversary list are Steve and Helen Dusek, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on July 9th and Helen’s folks, Mr. and Mrs. L. Madney celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on the same day. They all had dinner at Quinn’s. God bless you all and many, many more years of happy life together and good health! Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 89, Oglesby, III. Our June and July meetings were well-attended. It is hoped that the members keep on coming — we like seeing the ladies who can’t come out during the winter months attending the summer sessions. After the business meeting, we have a lunch and games so all should come. A hamburger fry was planned for July but due to the sudden change in weather that day, we had a Bar-B-Que inside. Nancy Kleczewski was named delegate to the State Convention with Mary Kernz as alternate. It is hoped that other members will attend also. The date is Aug. 25th. Mrs. Frances Nemeth has returned from Mayo Bros. Clinic and we wish her good health along with Mrs. Mary Slogar and all our sick members who have not been reported to the Sunshine Chairman. The financial secretary wishes everyone to chcek her books to see if she may be delinquent in dues payments and urges you all to get paid up. Mary Kernz, Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Much fun and pleasure was enjoyed at our June meeting when the Taylor School mothers’ group of models zoomed things up with their hilarious and zany creations ; all the models would be ap-plause-winners with any audience, but they were particularly effective with our members. Attendance-wise, the meeting was very poor. We will have them back to present their fall fashions at the Oct. 2nd meeting at 7:30 p. m. — so, plan to attend! Our wonderful members, Mary Jurko, Rose Krneta and yours truly surprised the members with delicious treats after the last meeting. Thanks, ladies. Again, we are heartened by the kind and generous Cecelia Isek, who has donated $5 to our treasury. Cecelia, we are deeply grateful for your generosity and cooperation. Get-well wishes are extended to Mildred Dean and Sophie McNulty who have been hospitalized. Congratulations and best wishes to the following August birthday celebrants: Rose Ballock, Louise Bogo-vich, Florence Cuzella, Sr., Rose Do-sen, Ann Kompare, Anne Kuehl, Bernice Golden, Matilda Martin, Marj’ Matijevich, Anna Nagoda, Ella Nosicli, Anna Plesha, Mildred Poropat, Genevieve Ross, Katherine Rukavina, Mary Ugarkovich, Mary Zelenika and Matilda Stevens. What a difficult task it is to have to write the following lines such as these. Our dear member, Matilda Sa-bljak of 9628 Exchange Ave. passed away. She served our branch with distinction and honor and deserves to be remembered with special gratitude. In today’s fast-moving world, we are sorely in need of the wisdom, maturity and experience of ladies like she was. Her passing is a great loss to us because it was through her efforts that we made progress of a measurable kind in bringing the experience of our branch closer to its ideals. Despite her handicap, she was always eager to make life not a sulking thing but a joy forever. With deep emotion, I join all the rest of her fine family in saying to Matilda Sabljak, a fond farewell! I should like to express my warmest personal thanks to the following honorary pall-bearers: Andrijana Bandera, Marge Rozich, Victoria Rukavina, Manda Sarich, Anna Tumpich and yours truly. To all the loyal members who prayed with us at the bier, many thanks. Special gratitude to Jacob Golich funeral home for his continuous interest, kindness and efficient services. Needless to say, the dinner served at the Jovial Club after the funeral was delicious. Remember all of your beloved departed in your daily prayers. See you all at Sept. -Ith meeting. Mildred James, Pres. Marie Prisland: * * * . * With chicken in such plentiful supply use the broiler-fryer often. It’s a quality food product obtainable year round, fresh or quick-frozen. All sizes can be broiled, fried, barbecued, roasted or cooked in water with equally good results since the broiler-fryer is tender-meated. Why is chicken so abundant the year around? Diseases are lessened. Labor requirements are less because of automatic machinery. Feeding is improved: at one time it took 4 to 5 pounds of feed per pound of chicken, now it requires only 2.21 to 2.3 pounds of feed per pound of chicken. Broiler-fryers used to develop in 12 to 15 weeks; now are ready for market in 8 to 9 weeks. OVEN-FRIED CHICKEN A simple method of frying chicken is to use the oven. Wash and dry well the individual pieces. A coating prevents drying out, aids browning and helps give desirable crispness. For each pound, use % cup flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon paprika and % teaspoon pepper. Shake 2 or 3 pieces of chicken at a time in a paper bag containing the flour, salt, paprika and pepper. Place in large shallow pan (or jelly roll pan) and cut in about h of a quarter pound of butter. Bake one hour at 375°. Do not turn nor cover. CRUSTY-CHIP “FRIED” CHICKEN Combine: 1 (40 oz.) pkg. potato chips (2 cups) % teaspoon garlic salt (optional) % teaspoon pepper Have ready: 1 (2*4-3 lbs.) disjointed frying chicken Dip chicken in: & cup butter, melted (or V3 cup honey). Roll in crushed chips. Place pieces, skin side up, in greased shallow pan. Bake in moderate oven (375°F) 1 hour. Do not turn. Uncover last 10 minutes to crisp. (Aluminum foil can be used for cover). The chicken can be prepared ahead of time, then quickly reheated to serve. With apples soon to be on the plentiful list, you may want to try this old-fashioned, tasty and economical apple cake which will serve 10 to 12 people. APPLE CAKE 6 tablespoons butter (room temperature for easy creaming) 1 % cup sugar 2 unbeaten eggs 1 % cup flour 1 Ms teaspoon soda % teaspoon nutmeg % teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon salt. 3 cups finely chopped apples % cup chopped nuts Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in thoroughly 1 egg at a time. Sift flour and spices together and add to mixture. Then fold in the chopped apples and nuts. Bake in 12 x 8 x 2 greased pan at 350° for 35 min. Top with the following sauce: % cup butter % cup brown sugar % cup white sugar 3 tablespoons flour Add 1 Ms cups water to above sauce ingredients and cook slowly until it thickens. BREAKFAST TIME Are you the dutiful kind of wife who gets up every morning to make breakfast for your husband, or do you believe that strong men should be able to take care of themselves in the morning. I know a friend who just hated to get up in the morning. Most of the time hubby made the breakfast for himself and also for her. One day her husband said: "Why get up at all, darling? Stay in bed all curled up, comfy and cozy: I'll grab a bite at the coffee shop.” One morning after he had gone to work, she realized she wanted him to exchange a blouse for her on his lunch hour. She threw on an old storm coat, slipped moccasins on her feet, tied a kerchief around the pin curls, and hopped in the car bound for the coffee shop where he said he’d be. She found him there alright, looking especially handsome in his new shirt. He was sharing the table with the good looking blond®, daughter of one of the new neighbors. And she was buttering his toast! The wife suddenly lost her desire for sleeping late, and her husband isn’t forced to eat at the restaurant any more. 152 INTEGRATION FOR REFUGEES Irene Elizabeth (Continued from first page) each of them sponsored by an American resident or organization. The 1960 census reported that in Bridgeport (poplation 366,654) there were 1,249 residents, with another 315 in suburban Fairfield. Coming to America gave the refugees new life, but they in turn gave new life to a dying parish in Bridgeport. Just past exit 25 of the Connecticut turnpike, the red shingle steeple of their Holy Cross church rises out of the dour west end of Bridgeport. * :j: * The end of a long road from Slovenia to Italy to California to Bridgeport left Father Farkas in the right place at the right time when the refugees arrived. He had always been a teacher, and the life as a parish priest came as an abrupt change. After his ordination in 1934 he taught at the Salesian seminary of Ljubljana. At the same time he received his Ph.D. in theology and M.A. in philosophy from the State university of Ljubljana. In 1947, while in Italy as a professor at the Pontifical Salesian University of Turin, he received a second doctorate, this time in political science from the University of Padua. In America in 1947, Father Farkas traveled from coast to coast before landing in Bridgeport. He taught with the Saleisian Fathers for three years in Newton, New Jersey, and Aptos, Calif. When the pastor of Holy Cross, Father Michael J. Golab, died, Slovenian Catholics and friends begged Father Farkas to come to Bridgeport to replace Father Golab. Father Golab had named Holy Cross parish after his former chureh in Križevci, Slovenia, where in 1908 he had baptized Andrew Farkas. The two men met again on American soil 39 years later. “I thought. I could be of service to my people, so I submitted an application to Archbishop ®’Brien of Hartford," says Father Farkas. * * * Heavy work still remains for Father Farkas. Integration is economic, social, political, and religious. The refugees integrate most quickly at the economic level. Homeless for so many years, their first objective is to buy a house. "We work like Americans but live like Europeans,” said one refugee. They spend very little money on entertainment; go to the movies rarely, never eat in restaurants. One mother said, “I think that an American family throws away more food in one day than we eat.” Joseph Krause, his wife, and two sons were in Bridgeport only six months before they bought a vacant lot in the city and had their own two-family house built. Within ten years of their arrival, three-fourths of the refugees own their own homes. John Zele, another refugee, built his house with his own hands. His doctor suggested a move to the suburbs because of his son’s asthma, so he bought a piece of land outside Bridgeport in Munroe. Munroe has since become an attractive suburb. John Zele's ranch-style home, complete with two-car garage, is right in the midst of a fashionable residential area. Few refugees will buy on credit. They prefer to pay cash, even for larger items such as TV sets, cars, and houses. They have been penniless for so long that thrift comes easily. Integration at the social level has been brought about through parish activities. A Slovenian club produced plays in the parish hall. Another group of folk dancers and singers gave concerts throughout the city. Teen-agers made few friends at the special dances at Christmas and Valentine’s day. Every month there was a picnic, dance, or dinner. In no time the refugees made friends with the other parishioners, with the result that refugee boys in many cases married American girls and refugee girls in most cases married American boys. Of the refugees today, 95% are American citizens. Three-forths have voted. Integrating at the political level would have been aimless and unstable without him; with him it has been secure and solid. He translated forms and helped the refugees to fill them out; he gave recommendations and filed applications to bring relatives in the old country to America. Yvonne Razdrih was one of these relatives whom Father helped in a special way. She was not able to make the journey with her parents when they left Yugoslavia and was left behind with her grandparents. In this case and in several others Father FROM THE EDITOR HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Floryan of West Allis, Wise., who have celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary. To Marie, our Supreme Vice-President and secretary of Br. 17, fondest wishes for a continued happy life and good health for her and her husband, Tony. May they celebrate many, many more! DEEPEST SYMPATHY to State President, Rose Scoff of San Francisco, Calif., who has been a very loyal and industrious officer both state-wise and with Br. 13, sincere condolences on the loss of her husband, Joe, who passed away May 31, 1963. Kose has never been without a host of friends who love and respect her. May these precious friendships ease her sorrow and give her some measure of comfort in her bereavement. We will pray for everlasting rest for her beloved, Joe. Condolences also to her son and daughter. AUGUST IS CONVENTION TIME — In Illinois and Indiana, officers and members will have the opportunity of meeting to discuss some important business matters at the State Conven tion Aug. 25th. The approaching year of 19G4 means National Convention time for our organization and Chicago, III. is the site. We shall call upon all diligent and conscientious members to help us plan it as the biggest, and finest convention ever held in the history of the S. W. U. The Supreme Officers who will be meeting for their semi-annual session beginning Monday, Aug. 2(ith, will be on hand for the Illinois State Convention. We urge all branches to send a representation to contribute constructive and thoughtful ideas and suggestions which will make the National Convention a worthwhile and vital experience for all who attend. A complete schedule for the 111.-Ind. State Convention appears in this issue. Consult it and send in reservations to the State President, Mildred James or to the President of hostess branch, no. 2, Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer. secured a private bill in Congress to enable the individual to be admitted to the country legally outside the quota. When Father first came to the parish in 1951 religious fervor was at a low ebb. “There were so few people at the 10:30 Mass on Sundays,” he recalls, “that the people used to joke that there was room to lie down in the pews.” Today two out of three Sunday Masses draw to seating capacity; weekday Masses have a regular attendance; and during Lent there are well over 100. (Conclusion on page 160) JANEZ JALEN OGRAD Z dovoljenjem cerkvenega oblastva (Nadaljevanje) Pavla bi morala prav za prav oditi naprej po opravkih in se pobrigati za valeče koklje. Spet se je spomnila Benetk ln svojega prvega dneva v zakonu. Oblak golobov na trgu svetega Marka naj bi pomenil srečo. Filip je kar uganil. Res mora biti sedaj hvaležna sestri prednioi, da jo smejo po njeni naklonjenosti v zapuščenosti obletavati golobje in da se more pogovarjati z nemo belo golobico. Kako pa naj bi bilo drugače, če je pa takrat v Benetkah krmila golobe za tuj, nepošteno pridobljen denar. Pavla si ni mogla več tajiti, da se z možem čimdalje bolj razhajata. Obiskat je ne pride nič več. Piše ji na redke čase in še takrat vselej na kratko in hladno. Priznati je morala tudi sama sebi, da je za Filipa nekako omrtvela. Včasih se ji je celo čudno zazdelo, da je doktor Andrejčič njen mož. Po kratki pripombi očetovi, ki ji je bil pisal za božič obširno, uvidevnosti in ljubezni polno pismo, je pričela otopevati. Tata je bil omenil, da je srečal Flilpa v Gorici z Olgo Staničevo. Ni se jima izmikal, pa ga nista opazila. Bila sta preveč zaverovana drug v drugega. Pavli se je takrat prvi hip zameglilo pred očmi. Spomnila se je, da je Olga Staničeva pred in tudi še po zakonu njenega moža rada videla. Ona pa jo je pogledovala od vrha navzdol, češ: Lovila si ga, pa sem ga le jaz dobila. Mene ima rad, tebe pa ne mara. Sklonjena nad očetovo pismo je z vso grozo spoznala, da bi doktor Andrejčič nikoli ne bil poročil nje, če bi se bil nadejal v Gorici pri Staniču lolike dote, kakršno je upal dobiti pri Gradišniku v Brdih. Vsa ponižana se je Pavla za drugi dan javila na raport k sestri prednici, trdno odločena, da Filipa izda, obnovi proces, se sama vrne v svobodo, on naj pa gre za Winkelniayerjem v Gradiško. Kdo se bo potem komu zasmehijivo smejal Olga njej ali ona Olgi? Za gnojiščem na drugem koncu dvorišča je zakokodaj-sala kokoš. Odzvala sta se ji dva petelina hkrati. Pred sestro prednico Pavla ni vedela kaj reči. Uvidevna nuna je pa sama uganila, zakaj je prišla. Velela je Pavli sesti in se je zazrla v njen izmučeni obraz. Pavla je povesila pogled. V pisarni je bilo vse tiho, le ogenj je prasketal v peči. Pavli je bilo žal, da se je prijavila na raport, pa je materinsko čuteče spregovorila sestra prednica: “Kaj ne, draga moja, pripomba o Olgi vas je zabolela?" Pavla je molče prikimala in se spomnila, da je sestra prednica prej brala očetovo pismo kakor ona sama. Da že skoraj tri lota pozna vse njeno dopisovanje in da ji ne more ničesar prikrivati. “Sedaj pa premišljujete,” je povzela sestra prednica, "da bi vrgli raz sebe breme, ki ga nosite.” “Da, prečastita.” Pavla je z zasolzenimi očmi hvaležno pogledala sestro prednico in razbrala iz njenih oči, da govori z njo bolj prijateljica kakor predstojnica. Brez obotavljanja se ji je vsa razodela, bolj odkrito, kakor bi se tačas mogla materi. Pričeli sta se pogovarjati. In sta pretehtavali in preudarjali, kaj bi bilo bolj pametno in bolj prav. Vmes je prišla sestra Genovefa. Hotela je poročati ob redni uri o gospodinjstvu v kuhinji. Pa jo je sestra prednica odslovila in ji velela, naj se oglasi kasneje. Prav nič nejevolje ni pokazala obilno zaposlena sestra Genovefa. Prijazno se je nasmehnila Pavli, se priklonila svoji predstojnici in tiho odšla. Pavlo je vedenje obeh nun vso pridobilo. Pozorno je poslušala, ko jo je sestra prednica opozorila, da je obnovitev procesa tvegan poskus. Najprej da je ona sama predobra in premalo odločna, da bi z vso drznostjo kakor s trdo stisnjeno pestjo pred sodniki in porotniki in pred poslušalci, ki bodo, kakor je že skusila, odlična goriška gospoda, udarila po glavi svojega lastnega moža. Saj nič ne reče. Utegne se pa zgoditi, da se bodo sodniki modro držali, se delali nepristranske, v resnici pa samo razmišljali, kako naj sučejo pravdo, da bodo mogli oprostiti veljavnega doktorja Filipa Andrejčiča. Njej, kot brezčastni kaznjenki, bodo pač verjeli, kolikor bodo hoteli in kakor jim bo bolj kazalo. In potem advokati, mogočni govorci! Nazadnje pa še nerazsodni porotniki. Saj morebiti bodo sodniki, advokati in porotniki vsak zase prepričani o njeni nedolžnosti, pa bodo znali svojo povest, kdor je kaj ima. potolažiti z izgovorom drug na drugega. O seveda, če bi bil oče še tak mogočnjak, kakor je bil svoje dni. “Da nas ni zadela nesreča, bi mene nikoli tukaj ne bilo.” Pavla je sunkoma prekinila prednico. “Morebiti je za vas bolj prav, da ste prišli. Vaše življenje je bilo na laži zgrajeno in bi ostalo najbrže do smrti.” Sestra prednica se je prečudno zresnila. “Pa saj Filip —” je skušala ugovarjati Pavla. Sestra prednica ji ni dala izgovoriti do konca: “Če prav sodim, bo že Olga poskrbela, da ne bo več maral prevzeti svoje lastne krivde nase. Branil se bo in se bo tudi ubranil. Vi boste pa ostali zaznamovani za vse življenje in se nikdar več ne boste mogli vrniti k njemu. Prazno je bilo potem tudi vsako upanje na pomiloščenje. Tako vas bom pa skušala čimprej rešiti.” Pavla si je pritisnila robec, ki ga je že dalj časa mečkala v rokah, na oči, omahnila z obrazom na mizo in bridko zaihtela: “O Bog! o Bog! o Bog!” “Le razjokaj se, otrok moj.” Sestra prednica je vstala, se sprehodila po pisarni, stopila k oknu in si naskrivaj tudi sama brisala solze iz oči. Potrpežljivo je čakala, da se je Pavla umirila. Potem je pozvonila. Hitro, kakor bi bila držala že za kljuko, je vstopila sestra Genovefa. Hotela je poročati, pa jo je prednica spet ustavila: “Kasneje, ljuba sestra. Prinesite prej za Andrejčič kavo in nekaj peciva.” “Takoj,” se je spet priklonila sestra Genovefa in odšla. Pavla se je zravnala. Vstati še ni mogla. Preveč so se ji tresle noge. S široko odprtimi očmi je gledala sestro prednico, ki se ji je dobrohotno smehljala. Rada bi bila povedala, da se nobenega, tudi najdražjega darila svojega moža ni nikoli tatko razveselila, kako te, pravkar za kaznjenko, naročene kave, čeprav ni bila nič lačna. Pa ni našla prave besede. V pisarni je bilo spet vse tiho. Še ogenj v peči je dogorel in ni več prasketal. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . August 25—lllinois-lndiana State Convention, Br. 2, Chicago, III. Sept. 4—Apron Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 8 — Minnesota Zveza Day, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Sept. 12 — Cover D;sh Dinner, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio Sept. 29—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17. West Allis. Sept. 29—35th Anniversary, Br. 25, Cleveland, ©liio Sept. 29 — Penna. - N.Y. State Convention, Br 71, Strabane, Pa. Oct. 6—35th Anniversary of Br. 17, West Allis, Wis., High Mass at 7:30 a. m. followed by Breakfast Oct. 13—Bazaar and Style Show, Cleveland, Ohio HAPPY BIRTHDAY W AVGUST Branch Presidents: Aug. 1 — Emma Tomse, Br. 30, Aurora, 111. Aug. 7 — Mary Krogulski, Br. 24, LaSalle, III. Aug. 8 — Mary Oblak, Br. 53, Cleveland, Ohio Aug. 18 — Frances Lindich, Br. 15, Cleveland, (Newburg), Ohio Aug. 22 — Mary Habich, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Aug. 29 — Rose Racher, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Oct. 27 — Card Party, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wise., 2 p. m. Nov. 3—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, P. Claude Okorn, O. F. M. DOBROTA Stari so večkrat rekli: IJobrota je sirota. Kljub temu je še vedno bolje biti dober kakor ne. Pravijo, da ima dobrega človeka vsakdo rad. Dobra beseda dobro mesto najde. Vedno rajši vidimo, da vlada dobrota kakor pa resnica in pravica. Kako se to pokaže v življenju vidimo iz raznih zgodb raznih pisateljev, ki skušajo na svoj način pokazati moč dobrote. V grški literaturi je posebno znan pisatelj Aesop po svojih poučnih zgodbah. Velikokrat ga porabljajo razni govorniki, da bližje prinesejo misel ali veljavo raznih čednosti, ki si jih naj človek pridobi, da bo mogel izhajati s sočlovekom in dosegati namen, ki ga ima od svojega Stvarnika. V naslednjem bomo videli tako poučno zgodbo. Nekega dne sta imela sonce in veter velik razgovor. Beseda je nanesla tudi na to kdo je močnejši. Veter se je bahal, da je bolj močan kakor sonce. Seveda sonce ni mogel nikakor tega dopustiti. Zmenila sta se, da bosta tekmovala, da ugotovita, kdo bo močnejši. Povabila sta gospo luno, da naj bo njihova priča in končni sodnik v njihovi tekmi. Gospa luna je bila tista, S kavo je prednica Pavli postregla, kakor bi bila njen gost in ne kaznjenka. Celo njen glas je bil ves domač, ko je vprašala: “Pavla! Vi radi berete, kaj ne?” Pavla je pritrdila. “Pa poznate Linhartov Veseli dan ali Matiček se ženi?” “Poznam.” Pavla je prenehala jesti. Sestra prednica se je narejeno hudomušno smehljala in hotela vedeti, če se Pavla še spomni stavka: “Pravica ljubi gospodo in sovraži siromaka.” Sedaj se je tudi Pavla nasmehnila: “Razumem, prečastita.” Premišljeno je zanikala z glavo in zatrdila: “Ne bom obnovila procesa.” Sestra prednica ni nič prikrivala svojega zadovoljstva. Skrila je roke v široke rokave svoje redovne obleke: “Take zamotanosti, v kakršne ste vi zašli, se srečno razpletajo le v romanih. V resnici redkokdaj." “Uvidim.” Pavla je posrebala zadnje kaplje kave in postavila skodelico nazaj na krožnik. “Torej ste sklenili, ostati radovoljno še naprej pri nas?” Sestra prednica je pogledala Pavlo, kakor bi še vedno dvomila o njeni volji. Razbrala pa je z njenega obraza trdno odločnost, ki jo je Pavla koj potrdila še z besedo: “Ostanem. Četudi do konca; vseh sedem let!” “Ne bo treba.” Čez obraz prednice se je razlil izraz prepričano verne pobožnosti. S pritajenim glasom je zaprosila: “Pa še to urediva, da ne bodo pri nas preživeti dnevi za vas prazni, ljuba moja Pavlica.” “Prosim.” Bolj kakor ves čas se je Pavla sedaj zavedala resnosti razgovora. Kakor bi brala iz Tomaža Kempčana Hoje za Kristusom, Je bivša grofica, sestra Gabrijela, prednica in predstojnica kaznilnice v Begunjah nasvetovala za krivdo svojega moža zaprti gospe Pavli doktor Andrejčičevi: “Prenašajte vse nevšečnosti, ki jih morate prestajati in s katerimi vam ne moremo in ne smemo prizanesti, iz ljubezni do Boga — za spreobrnjenje grešnikov, med katerimi je tudi vaš gospod soprog.” Vesela solza je zalesketala v Pavlinih očeh: “Častita sestra prednica! Gospod kurat vas je prehitel. Že davno me je speljal na to pot. Saj drugače bi morala — znoreti.” Ugledna in daleč čez meje domače zemlje spoštovana usmiljenka grofica Lazarini se ni mogla več premagati. Z obema rokama je segla Pavli v roke: “O, kako sem vas vesela, gospa!” Pavla ni bila nikoli častiželjna, a za nagovor z gospo bi se prednici najrajši na kolenih zahvalila. Sesti a prednica je pa Pavlo še bolj odlikovala. Očitno, da so vsi videli. Sama jo je spremila prav do hlevov med ki je odločila, da naj bo zemljski popotnik predmet njihove tekme. Kdorkoli ga bo prisilil, da bo slekel suknjo, tisti bo spoznan za močnejšega. Veter je poskusil prvi, da dokaže svojo moč. Ko je potnik potoval je veter vedno bolj močno pihal, čim bolj se je veter trudil, da bi prisilil potnika, da bi slekel svojo suknjo, bolj se je popotnik trudil, da bi se trdneje zavil v svojo suknjo. Veter je bil vedno bolj močan. Končno bil že tako močan, da je povzročil točo. Potnik se je pa le še bolj potrudil, da bi se zavil in obvaroval mraza. Končno je čas potekel, ki ga je določila gospa luna. Veter je ustavil svoj poiskus in potnik je še vedno imel svojo suknjo. Potem je prišla vrsta na sonce. Ko je milo sijal na potnika, je ta vedno bolj čutil njegov blagodejen vpliv. Najprej je nekoliko zrahljal svojo suknjo, toda ker je sonce vedno bolj pripekalo, ko je dan napredoval, je vročina postala skoraj neznosna. Že po nekaj minutah je potnik slekel svojo suknjo in sonce je tako postal zmagovalec v tekmi. Tudi mi bomo dosegli večje uspehe z dobroto, razumevanjem in prijaznostjo kakor pa z mrzloto, trdoto ali silo. Da je to res tako nam potrjuje tudi star pregovor, ki pravi, da se na kapljico medu ujame več muh kakor pa na cel sod jesiha. kuretino in golote in se gredoč z njo pogovarjala. Prav na istem mestu, na katerem Pavla sedaj stoji, sta se ločili. Pavla sl je zaželela, da bi bila tudi tokrat dobra sestra prednica poleg nje. Poprosila bi jo, naj reši samotnega zapora njeno prijateljico, ciganko Kati. Gotovo bi jo uslišala. Od goščav za Svetim Petrom je vzdolž Blatnice v zraku piskajoče prizvenelo. Hrumotno so se dvignili s tal zadnji golobje in se urno zaleteli v golobnjak. Bela golobica na slemenu pa je obsedela. Tiho se je spustil k njej rdečkasto-modrikast golob. Zagrulil je vse drugače, kakor znajo domači: “IIu, hu hu.” Osamela golobica se je premaknila k njemu in se pustila pokljunčkati. Da ji pokaže nenavaden par, je Pavla pohitela v hlev klicat sestro Izidoro, kateri je bil razposajen teliček pravkar umazal boli kornet. Pohorskega lovca hči je brž ugotovila, da si je belo golobico izbral za družico divji golob duplar in da bosta vselej drugod gnezdila. Pavli se je storilo hudo. Vedela je, da sedaj prijazne bele golobice ne bo mogla vzeti s seboj v Brda. Zvečer na oddelku jo je pa minila vsa žalost. Ponosno vesela jo je pozdravila samotne celice že oproščena prijateljica ciganka Kati. “Lob, lob, lob.” Potočnikov Tinček je mahal v Pavlinem naročju z zdravo okroglo zalitimi rokicami in se smejal golobom, ki so prhutali okrog njegove glave. Njegova mama Minca ni vedela, koliko veselja je napravila svoji bivši scšollti, ko ji je prinesla pokazat prvorojenca in ga ji pustila, čeprav kaznjenki, pestovati. Sama je ogledovala s sestro Izidoro prašiče. Pavla se je vsa vživela v otroka. Pozabila je celo na bridkost, ki jo je glodala od včeraj. Zdravnik je bil odredil, da mora kaznjenka Defoelarlč takoj v bolnišnico. Lotila se je je bila sušica. Dolgo se ne bosta videli, če se bosta sploh še kdaj, čeprav bosta stanovali v istem poslopju. “Loba kupil,” je bil podjeten Tinček. “Seveda ga boš. Par tistih dobiš, ki jih izvalita bela golobica in udomačeni duplar. Lej! Pravkar sta se pre-menjala na gnezdu.” Bela golobica je zadnje čase čimdalje bolj poredko pri-1(5 tal a k Pavli. Danes bi ji bila sedla na teme, pa se je zbala Tinčka v njenem naročju. Odletela je na sleme lileva. Snežnobelo je blestela v soncu. Pavle se je pričela lotčvatl spet otožnost. Ne zavoljo golobice. Dušo ji je stiskala misel, da sama svojih otrok kar gotovo no bo nikoli pestovala. (Nadaljevanje prihodnič) DOPISI VABILO NA ILL.-IND. DRŽ. KONVENCIJO Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Zopet se bliža naša letna prireditev, kartna zabava, ki bo dne 4. sept. v cerkveni dvorani. Ruth Shek in Mary Turk, načelnice za card party, apelirajo na vse članice ,da bi se potrudile in razprodale vstopnice, katere ste prejele ter predpasnike, katere šivate, da bi jih gotovo vrnile vsaj dva tedna pred prireditvijo, ker jih bomo imele razstavljene v izložbi glavne ceste 8th Street. Iskreno prosimo za sodelovanje in dobro voljo, da se izpelje uspešno tudi ta prireditev. Ker ni gotovo če pride Zlarja pred datumom naše party in naša seja bo 8. sept., zato je to naš zadnji apel, da se potrudimo in pripeljimo svoje kartne klube in prijatelje. Vsak bo dobrodošel. Imele bomo številne "door prizes” in vse kar je v navadi za take prilike. Zopet smo se tužno poslavljale ob rakvi naše pokojne dolgoletne sestre, Mary Zore, ki je preminula 13. junija v starosti 81 let. Zapustila je 3 hčerke Mary Ann in Julia, sina Franka in številne sorodnike in prijatelje. Zelo jo bomo pogrešale na naših prireditvah in izletih. Bila je vedno prijazna in vesele narave. Njene hčerke so tudi naše ugledne članice. Pokojno Mrs. Zore bomo ohranile v blagem spominu. Molimo za njeno dušo. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo tudi so-sestri Frances Znidarsich ob izgubi dragega soproga Martina. Za dobrim očetem žalujeta tudi sin in hčerka. Naj mu sveti večna luč. Molimo za pokoj njegove duše. I>epo pozdravlja, M. Godez, poroč. Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Upam, da se je ined tem ze večina sester srečno vrni- lo iz počitnic. Nastopil bo zopet čas društvenih aktivnosti in vesele bomo, če se boste v velikem številu udeležile naših sej. Na septemberski seji boste slišale važno poročilo delega-tinje na drž. konvenciji, Frances Skul. Sporočam, da je preminul naš pri-jatel, John Zaletel. Njegovi soprogi, naši dobri članici, Mary, in družini, želimo globoko sožalje. Zelo globoko me je zadela vest o smrti naše prijateljice, Mary Kogovšek, ki je preminula za srčno napako, 6. jun. Bila je vedno lepa In zdrava, dobra mati G otrokom, stara komaj 46 let. Njen sin Frank ima samo še 3 leta do nove maše. Študira za duhovnika v St. Thomas Seminary v Denverju. Neizmerno si je želela dočakati tisti čas, ko bo njen sin zapel Glorio pri oltarju na dan svojo nove maše. Pa prišel je konec na pragu poletja, ko je vsa narava v zelenju in cvetju, je ona za vedno zatisnila svoje blage oči. Draga prijateljica, mati in sestra, vedno bo naš spomin poln Št. 2, Chicago, III. — DRŽAVNA KONVENCIJA ILL.-IND. se bo vršila v nedeljo 25. avgusta, pod pokroviteljstvom podružnice št. 2 v Chicagu. Vse članice so vljudno vabljene k u-deležbl slovesne sv. maše v cerkvi sv. Štefana ob dvanajsti uri dop. Nato bo skupno kosilo za delegatinje, članice in prijatelje Zveze ob 12:30 pop. v svetoštefanski cerkveni dvorani, 1852 W. 22nd Place in ob dveh pop. konvenčno zborovanje. Gostiteljice, članice podr. št. 2 bodo vse lepo pripravile v zadovoljstvo vseh gostov. Po kosilu bo kratek program. Naše spoštovane obiskovalke in častne gostinje bodo zastopnice illi-nolskih podružnic in podr. št. 5 iz Indianapolis, Ind. Pričakujemo zastopnice naslednjih podr. iz 111.: So. Chicago št. 16 in 95, Joliet št. 20, Brad- ljubeznl do tebe. Tvoja materinska skrb za napredek družine ti je bila prva pri srcu, toda mnogo svojih moči si tudi posvetila za druge in nešteto dobrih del je krasilo tvojo življenje. Vsak večer si skupno z družino molila rožni venec. — Naše iskreno sožalje soprogu in družini, kakor tudi ses. Mary Kogovšek in Mimie Pugel, ki so tudi sorodnice pokojne. Prejela sem sporočilo, da je umrl 1)0 dolgi bolezni, Gregory Stajduhar v Crested Butte, Colo. Pokojni je oče ses. Helen Cobai, preds. št. 92. Vsem blagopokojnim naj sveti večna luč. Žalujočim naše sožalje! Imamo tudi nekaj bolanih. Mary Pograjc je v bolnišnici za operacijo. Zdravje se ji boljša. — Mr. John But-kovich St., se po 3 tedenskem bivanju v bolnišnici, sedaj zdravi na domu. — V Glasu Naroda sem čitala, da je pri svoji hčerki v Clevelandu, bola-na moja zvesta prijateljica, ses. Helen Corel. Želim ji, da se čimprej pozdra- vi in s časom vrne na dom v New York. Vsem bolnim hitro okrevanje! Mrs. Mary Poder je bila zelo vesela obiska njene hčerke, in zeta Mr. in Mrs. Robert Bali ter njunega sinčka Jimmie iz Salem, Ore. Mr. in Mrs. Pete in Mimie Pugel sta imela prijeten obisk Mr. in Mrs. Stanley Gerlovich iz Arlington Heights, Chicago. 111. Omenjena sta se tudi lepo zabavala na naši drž. konvenciji in so si ogledali našo gorato Colo. Sesterski pozdrav vsem skupaj! God bless you all! Anna Pachak, preds. št. 6, Barbarton, Ohio. Sonce pripeka, da se kar kuhamo te dni in godrnjamo črez vročino, toda naše članice št. 6 smo bile kar veselo razpo- ley št. 22, La Salle št. 24, Aurora št. 30, Pullman št. 72, DePue št. 85, Oglesby št. 89 in Elmhurst št. 99. Prosimo, da nam vse podr. sporočijo število članic, ki bodo prišle, da bo krajevni pripravljalni odbor, kateremu načeljuje Josephine Železnikar, preds. št. 2, (naslov: 2045 West 23rd St., Chicago 8, 111.) vedel za koliko oseb pripraviti. Kosilo bo po zmerni ceni. Upamo, da bo dan naše drž. konvencije pomenljiv v vsakem pogledu. S cerkvenim opravilom dop., dobrim kosilom in razvedrilom ter temeljitim razgovorom na zborovanju. Vse podr. moramo delati skupno, da bomo pripravile veliko narodno konvencijo Zveze, ki se bo vršila v maju leta 1964. Na svidenje v Chicagu v nedeljo dne 25. avgusta. Corinne Leskovar P. S. Važna seje pripravljalnega odbora bo v pond. 12. augusta v gl. uradu. ložene na pikniku in zabavi zadnji mesec. Tako je prav, in večkrat bi se morale tako sestati, da bi oživljale spomine na preteklo mladost. Čutim za svojo dolžnost, da se v imenu podr. lepo zahvalim vsem, ki so se odzvale povabilu, posebej pa seveda tudi onim, ki so darovale okusne jestvine in okrepčila, da res nismo bile lačne, ne žejne. Posebna hvala članicam, ki so darovale društveni blagajni: J. Hiti, F. Gradisar, M. Nikolas, J. Knaus, F. Franks, F. Lah, F. Žagar, M. Mohar in M. Pavlovič. — Lepa hvala tudi soprogu naše članice, Mr. J. Straub, ki nas je zabaval z lepimi gramofonskimi ploščami, tako da smo se počutile kakor nekdaj. Želeti bi bilo, ba di večkrat prišle tako skupaj in na ta način malo pozabile naše križe in težave ter obujale spomine mladosti. Ta mesec smo tudi dobile dve novi članici: Louisa Strebick in Julia Knaus. Dobrodošle v našo družbo! Ne smem seveda pozabiti naših bolnih sester, ki so: Mary Spetič, Mary Mezina, Jennie Škraba, Mary Nikolas in Jennie Dolez. Obiskujmo bolne in jim tako malo lajšamo težave. — Če sem po pomoti izpustila katero ime. mi prosim oprostite, bom popravila prihodnjič. Sesterske pozdrave naši dični SŽZ. J. Ožbolt, taj. Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. Junijska seja je bila kar dobro obiskana. Na tej seji smo si voščile prijetne počitnice, ker črez poletje ne bomo imele sej. Naša dolgoletna članica Jennie Valenčič in njen soprog Joseph, sta 15. jun. slavila zlato poroko. Slavje se je pričelo s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Ave., katere so se udeležili vsa družina in številni prijatelji, da se skupno s slavljenci Marie Prisland NOVA KUHARSKA KNJIGA Poteklo je 12 let odkar je izšla Zvezina prva kuharska knjiga z naslovom WOMAN’S GLORY — THE KITCHEN. Knjigo je odlično uredila naša glavna tajnica Albina Novak. Dasi je v štirih nakladah bilo razprodanih 20,000 izvodov, je povpraševanje po knjigi še vedno veliko. Glavni odbor je mnenja, da organizacija kot je naša mora imeti kuharsko knjigo članicam na razpolago, zato je odobril ponovno, razširjeno naklado. Materijal za novo kuharsko knjigo je v tiskarni, kjer jo tiskajo ob prostem času. Če bi zahtevale takojšen tisk, bi cena knjigi bila višja. Vsebina knjige — spisana v angliščini — bo sledeča: 1. FOREWORD. (UVODNA BESEDA GLAVNE PREDSEDNICE.) 2. PREFACE. (KRATKA ZGODOVINA SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE.) — Vedno sem bila mnenja, da bi se v širši ameriški javnosti moralo nekaj vedeti o naši Ženski Zvezi, njenemu postanku in razvoju. Ko nas več ne bo, bo požtrvovalno delo naših pionirk pozabljeno; kuharska knjiga pa bo šla med naše članice pa tudi med gospodinje drugih narodnosti, zato je opis Zvezine zgodovine velike važnosti in za organizacijo dobra reklama. Z. A KITCHEN PRAYER. (KUHARICA MOLI.) 4. RECIPES. (NAVODILA — RECEPTI.) — V novi so ohranjena navodila objavljena v prejšni izdaji, poleg tega pa še okrog 100 novih receptov za potice, štrudelne (zavitke), torte, kejke, meso, solate, predjedi (Dips and Appetizers) ter navodila kako uporabiti ostanke jedil. Knjiga vsebuje nekaj gospodijnskih nasvetov, kakor tudi nasvete za dekoracijo mize ob raznih svečanih prilikah, ter navodila za sestavo popolnega kosila (Menu) za poroke, rojstne dneve, o Božiču, Velikonoči in na Zahvalni dan. 5. CHRISTMAS IN SLOVENIA. (SLOVENSKI BOŽIČNI OBIČAJI.) — Ker je v Ameriki Božič največji in najlepši praznik, sledijo navodilu za božično kosilo, kratko navedeni slovenski božični običaji. To so naši nekdajni narodni običaji, katerih se z milobo v srcu spominjamo vse članice, naši otroci pa o njih malo ali nič ne vedo. Opis običajev bo lahko služil kot zgodovinski podatek naši mladini, pa tudi Amerikancem, ki se zadnje čase jako zanimajo za stare, tujerodne šege in navade. Drage članice: Zdaj se vam bo nudila krasna prilika, da si nabavite kompletno kuharsko knjigo, ki bo odlično darilo vašim hčerkam, vnukinjam in prijateljicam. Razpečavo knjige bo imela v oskrbi naša glavna predsednica Antonia Turek. Pošljite naročilo njej, ali pa knjigo rezervirajte pri tajnici vaše podružnice, ki bo Imela zalogo na roki. Glavna tajnica ne bo knjige razpečavala, ker ima s svojini uradom dela čez glavo, z urednico Zarje pa bosta v knjigo uvrstili novo gradivo ter pregledali v tiskarni nastavljene odtise. Lepo se zahvalim odbornicam in članicam, ki so mi poslale navodila za svoja priljubljena jedila, da sem jih v novo knjigo uredila. Podružnice v vseh 14-tih državah, kjer Zveza posluje, bodo v knjigi z recepti zastopane; tudi Zvezin duhovni svetovalec, Rev. Claude Okorn, ima v knjigi navodilo za svojo priljubljeno jed — dunajski zrezek (Wiener Schnitzel). Tako širokega zastopstva menda nima nobena druga kuharska knjiga. Recepti so prvovrstni, preiskušeni in jih smem v dobri veri priporočiti. Tajnice podružnic lahko takoj pričnejo sprejemati naročila za novo kuharsko knjigo, ki bo upamo na razpolago koncem tega meseca. Naj omenim še tole: Neka mlada žena, soproga sloven- skega fanta, je pri meni naročila kuharsko knjigo. Vprašala sem jo kakšen recept jo zanima. Pričakovala sem, da bo rekla, da želi imeti navodilo za potico, ali štrudel, odgovorila pa je, da želi imeti recept za žgance. Njen mož bi rad jedel take žgance kot jih je mama skuhala, ona pa tega ne zna. No, naša kuharska knjiga vsebuje navodilo tudi za žgance. Prva kuharska knjiga S. Ž. Z. katero je uredila Albina Novak, je našla svojo pot v več kot 20,000 kuhinj po vsej Ameriki. zahvalijo Bogu za 50 let srečnega zakonskega življenja. Iz Cal. je prišla njuna hčerka Rose z družino in sin Joe Jr. iz Floride tudi z družino. Zvečer je bila večerja v delavskem domu na Waterloo Rd., kjer so otroci počastili svoje ljube starše. Zaradi njune skromnosti niso hoteli napraviti velikega slavja. — Poročila sta se v starem kraju in po poroki sta prišla v Ameriko. Naselila sta se na Holmes Ave., kjer sta še sedaj. V zakonu sta imela 7 otrok: 4 deklice in 3 sinove. Ena hčerka je umrla v zgodnji mladosti, a najsta-rejfta hčerka, Mary poročena tudi Va lencic je umrla pred par leti. Zapustila je 2 mladoletna fantiča. Nesreča je ubogo mater tako zadela, da je zbolela in dalje časa trpela. Toda čas zaceli tudi hude rane, tako si je tudi ona zopet opomogla. Je zelo vesele narave in priljubljena v vsaki družbi. Vse članice podr. jima želimo zdravja sreče in božjega blagoslova še mnogo let! V družini Mr. in Mrs. Roger Gordon so kupili sinčka prvorojenčka. Dekliško ime mlade mamice je bilo Stephanie Černigoj. Naše čestitke vsem skupaj! — Ravno tako so v družini Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Sežun kupili zalo hčerko-prvorojenko. Čestitke tudi temu mlademu paru! TJpamo, da bo mala Suzy znala tako lepo peti, kakor njen očka. Ko to pišem, sem dobila sporočilo, da je podlegla poškodbam padca pred pol drugim letom, naša dolgoletna članica, Rose Turk. Bog ji daj večni mir in pokoj, naj v miru počiva. Preostali družini naše sožalje! V blagajno je darovala Karolina Raje. Prisrčna hvala. Sesterske pozdrave, Antonia Repic, poročevalka Št. 13, San Francisco, Cal. To leto se nas res drži mrzlo vreme, ki je menda prišlo iz Alaske. Nekateri mislijo, da so eksplozije atomskih bomb vzrok našega čudnega vremena. Našo priljubljeno State President. Rose Skoff je hudo zadela izguba njenega moža, Jožeta, ki je preminul po dolgoletni bolezni. Lotos v maju sta slavila 45 letnico poroke. V Imenu naše podružnice in v imenu slovenskega pevskega zbora cerkve Gospodovega WOMANS Ol.OR V •flTr KIH'hen SIJAJNI USPEH COLO. DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE Bilo nam je v veliko veselje zopet,no snidenje s sestrami ob priliki naše državne konvenolje v Canon City, Golo. Dan 30. junija nam bo vedno ostal v živem spominu. Naš konvenčni dan je uspešno potekel in taki Zvezini sestanki so res nepozabljivi ter z velikimi črkami zapisani v naša srca. Ko smo dospele v Canon City, je bilo že 25 članic zbranih, ki so prišle iz Denverja. Naša skupina je štela HO. Pred cerkvijo smo si segle v roke in se pozdravile s Christine Konte, preds. št. 06, Mimie Kovač, preds. št. 63, Malie Svigel, Jennie Lukezic, M. Cestnik, Agnes Lukman, Johana Krasevich in druge dobre prijatelje naše Zveze. I)an se je pričel s sv. mašo, katero je daroval č. g. Bonaventure Bandi v farni cerkvi sv. Mihaela, kjer je bila pridiga zelo pomenljiva in namenjena nam. Sledil je banket s 160 gosti. Program je vodil Frank Cervi. Sledili so govori; C. Konte je vse navzoče lepo v izbranih besedah pozdravila. Častni gostje so bili: č. g. Bonaventure Bandi, Gerard Gortz in ustanoviteljica št. 66, M. Suzman. Ob 3 uri se je pričelo lconvenčno zborovanje, ki ga je vodila podpisana drž. preds. Skušala sem staviti na dnevni red res koristne predloge za napredek zastopanih podružnic. Izvolile smo zapisnikarico in ugotovljena je bila navzočnost zastopanih podružnic, ki so bile naslednje: Frances Skill, št, 3, Ellen Nortnik, št. 03, Christine Konte, št. 6t>, Kay Stariha št. 92. ©na je bila namestnica za Helen Cobai, ki je bila zadržana zaradi bolezni očeta. Hvaležni smo za voščila in pismene čestitke, katere so poslala naslednje: Častna preds. Marie Prisland, gl. preds. Antonia Turek, drž preds. Pa. Mary Tomsic, ir. daljne Calif. Bara Kramer, Mary Vidmar št. 78, Antonia Kostelec št. 64, Kansas, Fran Chiodo tudi iz Calif. Vsem iskrena hvala! S šopkom cvetja smo bile obdarovane delegatinje in ustanoviteljica M. Suzman. Ne najdem besed zahvale za vse kar je bilo storjeno. Naj omenim tudi vesele in poskočne polke, katere nam je igral Mr. Yermenc tako dobro, da se je vse vrtelo po dvorani. Splošna zahvala vsem in vsakemu posebej! Prihodnja drž. konvencija se bo vršila v Pueblo, Colo. pri podr. št. 3. Naj še enkrat izrečeni prisrčno zahvalo odličnim članicam št. 66, posebno soses. Christine Konte in Cecile Adamich, ki so imele obilo dela in skrbi. Srečne podr., ki imajo tako vrle delavke. Moja osebna zahvala sodelavkam, ki so prodajale tilcete za banket in bus: Frances Simonich, Jennie Lukanic in Mary Stravje. Pred odhodom domov smo bile zopet postrežene z okusno domačo potico in toplo kavo; res imele smo pravo domačo gostijo in najboljšo prijateljsko družbo. G)b zaključku se želim zahvaliti vsem podr. Colorada in občinstvu in vsem za prijazni sprejem, zanimiv sestanek in izkazano prijateljstvo. Vašo gostoljubnost naj vam Bog poplača. Za nadaljne konvenčne podatke čitajte angleški del Zarje. Pozdravlja, Vaša drž. preds. za Colo. Anna Pachak rojstva, ji Izrekamo globoko sožalje! Poleg duševne bolečine se je pridružila tudi telesna, ker je Rose si zlomila roko. Želimo ji hitro okrevanje. Pokojni Jože Skoff zapušča poleg žene, tudi sina in hčerko ter enega brata. Doma je bil iz Rosolnic pri Metliki v Beli Krajini. V domovini je im«l tudi 2 sestri redovnici, č. sestri AVeksija in Barbara. Pogreba sta se udeležile tudi Rosine nečakinje č. ses-stra Richard iz Holy Cross college ter ses. Marija, k-i je v samostanu Dobrega Pastirja v St. Louis, Mo. O-menjena je tudi članica naše Zveze in ji čestitamo na izbranem poklicu. Njen brat Viktor Lampe pa študira za duhovnika pri redemptoristlh v O-regon. Naj še omenim, da so v Rosalnicah, rojstnem kraju pokojnega Jožeta SlMff, tri znamenite romarske cerkve, neprecenljive naravne lepote. Vsako leto se zberejo množice romarjev na božji pet-i pri Mariji Trifarski. Med ljudstvom je razširjena lepa legenda, da so trifarske cerkve prinesli angeli in Jl'h položili eno poleg druge na prelepo dolino belih poljan naše krasne Bele Krajine. Iz Rosalnic je doma tudi naša večletna predsednica in neumorna Zvezina delavka, ses. Mary Slane. Da ne pozabim omeniti tudi nečakinje našega rodoljubnega uglednega Slovenca, g. Johna Bartoljna Njegova nečakinja č. ses. Antonette je v samostanu Sisters of Mercy v Belmont, N. Carolina. Iskrene čestitke! Duhovniki ln redovnice so v ponos ne samo njihovim družinam, ampak tudi vsem Slovencem. Tukaj smo letos praznovali 260 letnico rojstva Father J. Serra, ki je bil Španec iz otoka Majorka. Kot frančiškanski misjanar je ustanovil mnoge prelepe misijonske cerkve v Cal., ki slovijo po svoji lepoti po celem svetu. Kakor mi prosimo, da bi naš Friderik Baraga bil prištet med blažene, tako tudi frančiškanski red mo- li za Fr. Serra. Oba sta zaslužna delavca v Gospodovem vinogradu. Vsem bolnim članicam želim hitrega okrevanja, posebno Mary Slane, ki se pri vsem trpljenju in dolgoletnih bolečinah, še kar dobro drži. Pozdravlja, Poldica Podgornik, poroč. Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Poročilo seje 3. julija. Neznosna vročina je zadrzala večino članic doma. Prišlo jih je komaj dovolj, da smo lahko sejo odprle. Mislim pa, da bi vseeno lahko prišle, ker je potrebno več stvari ukreniti za naš bazar. Če nas je mnogo, potem lahko vsaka kaj koristnega svetuje. Čas gre hitro naprej. Tiketi so sedaj že v prodaji. Mrs. Anna Marold in Mrs. Vidmar sta precej obolele. Želimo jima, da bi se kmalu pozdravile! Mr. in Mrs. Špehar (Tili) z družino sta na potovanju v Sloveniji in ostalih predelih Evrope. Poš;ljajo vsem lepe pozdrave. Drugo soboto v juniju smo imele večerjo pri Globokarjevih na 200 St. ter so nam res dobro postregli z o-kusno večerjo. Mrs. Frances Globokar je naša članica, zato nam vedno prvovrstno postreže. Sejo smo zaradi pičle udeležbe hitro zaključile. Vse članice, zdrave in bolne, iskreno pozdravlja, Antonija Sustar, zapisnikarica St. 15, Cleveland-Newburgh, Oho. Naša junijska seja je bila lepo obiskana. Po seji pa nas je dobro pogostila Antonija Stokar, ki je obhajala rojstni dan in se je obenem poslovila, ko je šla na obisk v Slovenijo s skupino SZZ. Izrekamo ji iskreno zahvalo za vse! Vse ji tudi želimo srečno potovanje in da bi se zdrava in vesela vrnila med nas. Enako želimo vsem izletnicam SŽZ. 16. junija sta slavila 50 letnico zakona Anton in Verona Škufca s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Lovrenca v krogu svojih otrok in ob veliki udeležbi sorodnikov in prijateljev. Popoldne pa je bila gostija z vsemi dobrotami v S. N. Domu na 80 cesti Mrs. Škufca je naša dobra članica in vedno rada pomaga pri naši podr. BiJa je večkrat tudi v odboru. Pred dvema letoma je bila tudi častna mati podr. Vse jima želimo, da bi zdrava in vesela še mnogo let živela skupaj. V soboto 29. jun. se je poročila hčerka naše holane članice, Therese Kostelc. Bilo je res žalostno ko so jo prinesli v cerkev, da je prisostvovala pri sv. maši in poroki njene hčerke. Tudi nevestina stara mati, naša članica. Alojzija Srebrnak je že 19 mesecev bolana in je tudi bila navzoča v cerkvi. Obema želimo ljubega zdravja, a hčerki pa srečo v zakonu. Več članic je bolanih, nekatere že dolgo. Ursula Ulepic je tudi hudo zbolela. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja, da bi se vse zdrave udeležile septem-berske seje. Vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam želim zdrave in vesele počitnice in vse članice št. 15 vabim na septembersko sejo. Prejmite najlepše pozdrave. Frances Llndlch VESELI DOGODEK Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio — Danes poročam le vesele novice, ki se tičejo članic in podružnice št. 25. Najprvo vam bom poročala, da si štejemo v čast, ker imamo v naši sredi toliko zavber deklet, ki jim je ljubi Bog naklonil priliko slaviti s svojimi možički zlate jubileje. Sestra Louise Kožel in njen mož Anton ki živita na 1154 E. Gl St., sta obhajala pred kratkim svojo 60-letnico poroke. 50-letnico zakonskega življenja pa sta obhajala sestra Victoria Bergles in mož John z 1177 E. 71 St.; ter sestra Frances Lekan in mož John z 1105 E. 77 St. Kakor je običaj, so se slavljencev spomnili vsi domači, otroci, njih družine, sorodniki in prijatelji ter znanci, kateri so v iskrenih čestitkah želeli jim obilo zdravja in sreče, da bi uživali dobrote in veselje skupnega življenja še na mnoga leta! Tudi me pri podružnici jim želimo vse najboljše. Bog vas živi! PRI PODR. ST. 25 Ker smo ravno pri veselih obletnicah, naj Vam poročam, da bo tudi naša podružnica, ki je menda med onimi, ki ima največje število članic, praznovala svojo 35. obletnico. Ta dogodek ne bo smel mimo nas brez, da bi ga na primeren način proslavile. Pridne članice so sklenile, naj priredimo velik banket, torej, najele smo lepo dvorano ali avditorij pri Sv. Vidu za nedeljo, 29, septembra. Danes še ne morem poročati kaj vse bomo imeli na sporedu; to vam bo gotovo pozneje poročala naša blagajničarka, sestra Mary Otoničar, ki se že sedaj pripravlja za ta dan, da bo slavnost čim bolj privlačna. Banketne vstopnice bodo po ?1.50, kar je nizka cena, ker na razpolago bodo samo najboljše dobrote, kakršne znajo le naše dobre kuharice pripraviti. Vsaka članica bo prošena, da kupi vsaj eno banketno vstopnico, to bo pomagalo k uspehu prireditve, in pa tudi več, ko nas bo prijetneje se bomo zabavo-le. Kadar je vesela družba, se vsakdo dobro počuti, tako upamo, da bo tudi z nami na banketu. Da ne boste mislile, da je banket samo za nas žene, vas že sedaj opominjam, da prav gotovo nabavite vstopnico tudi za vašega možička, kateri vem, da bo vesel, ko bo videl toliko svojih prijateljev in znancev. Torej, na svidenje! Še nekaj veselega vam želim poročati — to je, da se je iz bolnišnice povrnila naša dobra predsednica, sestra Pauline Štampfel. Zdaj se počuti že bolje in je bila na seji zadnji mesec ter smo se zopet razveselile njene prijaznosti. Upamo, da bo zdaj kar ostala zdrava! Predno zaključim, želim vsem našim članicam dobrega zdravja, ker brez tega, je vse narobe, posebno, kadar bolezen tare gospodinjo in mater. Vsem, katere niste sedaj pri najboljšem zdravju, želim, da bi toplo poletno sonce vas ogrelo toliko, da boste popolnoma okrevale ter se z nami poveselile. S sestrskim pozdravom, Josephine Golinski, tajnica Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. Poročam veselo novico, da sta 29. junija slavila 25 letnico zakona ali srebrno poroko, Mr. in Mrs. Anton Florjan. Slovesnost je njuna hčerka Mrs. Marian Ma-rold na tihem pripravila kot “surprise party” v farni dvorani. Ko sta stopila v dvorano, sta bila ginjena od presenečenja, nato jima je pevski zbor cerkve Marije Pomočnice Kristjanov zapel tisto “Zadoni nam.” Ona sta oba pevca, aktivna pri slov. fari in naselbini ter sta splošno priljubljena. Njuna hčerka je tudi farna pevka. Ponosna sta na svojega vnuka. Tovarišica je bila Mrs. Ustaer (prej Bizjak), ki je prišla na slavnost iz Cal. Tovariš je bil Matija Potokar. Mize so bile obložene z dobrotami in pecivo vse doma narejeno. Dvorana je bila tudi okusno okrašena. Naj še omenim, da je Mrs. Marie Florjan dolgoletna tajnica št. 17, vedno aktivna in z veseljem rada prevzame vsako delo za društvo. Ona je tudi glavna odbornica Zveze. Srebrno po-ročencema iskreno čestitamo! Vsi številni prijatelji jima želimo, da bi v zdravju in sreči obhajala zlato poroko. Bog Vaju blagoslovi! 19. maja se je pročila Fany Medle z Valentinom Strog. Tudi njima želimo vso srečo, da bi Vaju Bog blagoslovil in obdaril z zdravjem in srečo. Tudi Mrs. Strog je cerkvena pevka in zapisnikarica št. 17 že več let. Tudi ona rada pomaga kjer je potrebno za napredek podr. Po 3 mesečnih počitnicah, bomo i-mele našo sejo tretjo nedeljo v sept., to je 15. sept. Vse ste vljudno vabljene, da se gotovo udeležite te važne seje, ker letos G. oktobra bomo praznovale 35 letnico ustanovitve podr. Č. g. Fr. Setnicar bodo brali sv. mašo Ses. Josephine Muster, odlikovana od Republikanske stranke v Jolietu. za to slavnost ob 7:30 zjutraj imele bomo skupno sv. obhajilo. Zbrale se bomo v cerkveni dvorani ob 7 uri. Prinesite s seboj regalije, ker bomo skupno v procesiji šle v cerkev. Po maši bomo imeli skupni zajutrek v dvorani, katerega bodo pripravila dekleta. Odločite se že sedaj, da se boste gotovo udeležile te slovesnosti . Pokažimo, da skupno delujemo za napredek podr. Vsem izletnicam srečno zabavo in veselo vrnitev! Mrs. Josephine Schlo-sar je tudi na obisku Evrope ln ji želimo dober oddih ln zdravo vrnitev! Vsem želim ljubega zdravja ln lipam, da se bomo videli na seji 3 nedeljo v sept. Pozdrav vsem članicam ln uredništvo. Angela Kastelic, poroč. Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio. Predsednica Nettie Strukel, je odpotovala v Slovenijo na obisk k sorodnikom, lipam, da se ima dobro. Na seji smo jo pogrešale, zastopala jo je podpreds. Albina Malovasic. Čeprav ni bila velika udeležba, smo se vseeno kar dobro zabavale. Ses. Rose Glavic, ki rada prihaja na seje, si je pri padcu poškodavala noge in ni mogla G tednov hoditi, toda sedaj je boljša In bo lahko prišla na prih. sejo. Ses. Ana Morel je pa že precej časa v bolnici. Želim njej in vsem bolnim članicam, skorajšnjega zdravja! Vse članice ste vljudno vabljene, da se udeležite prihodnje seje. Igrale bomo priljubljene Igre. Saj je vedno zelo prijetno in veselo, če je lepa u-deležba. Na seji v avgustu bo pa že navzoča preds. N. Strukel. Vem, da nam bo i-mela mnogo stvari povedati o svojem potovanju. V juliju tudi pričakujem z veseljem mojega mlajšega brata, ki bo prišel iz Avstrije za stalno v Cleveland. Lepo pozdravljam vse članice podr. št. 18. Na svidenje. Josephine Grebenc Št. 20, Joliet, III. Naše čestitke, Mrs. Josephine Muster ,ki je pred nekaj tedni prejela zasluženo odlikovanje od Republikansko stranke okraja, kot najbolj zaslužna žena leta 19G3. Ses. Muster je vneta republikanka ter se zelo trudi ln žrtvuje za to stranko, zato gotovo zasluži to odlikovanje. Vse ji želimo še mnogo let zdravja ln delovanja. Ses. Muster je naša nadzornica že precej let. Pred tem je bila dolgoletna tajnica podr. in obenem je bila tudi v glavnem odboru kot gl. blagajničarka. ZAHVALA ZLATOPOROCENCEV LEP ZVEZIN DAN V SEPT. Št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. V torek 4. junija sta se v cerkvi sv. Ambroža pri sv. maši zahvalila Bogu, da sta srečno preživela 50 let zakonskega življenja, Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Rogale, 51 Noster St., Spring Hill. V soboto 1. jun. so pa ju otroci počastili z lepo proslavo 50 letnice zakona. Slavljenca želita na tem mestu izreči svojo prisrčno zahvalo sinovom, sinaham, hčerkam in zetom in vsem sorodnikom, znancem in prijateljem od blizu in daleč, ki so se udeležili proslave. Zahvalita se tudi članicam podružnice št. 77, Slovenske Ženske Zveze za udeležbo in za tako lepe darove. Omenjena sta vzgojila 5 otrok, 3 sinove in 2 hčerki. Imata tudi 4 vnuke in enega pravnuka. Kakor vidite na slikci, še izgledata prav dobro. Vsak drži drevesce z dolarji. Številni prijatelji jima čestitamo in želimo, da bi še dolgo let živela med nami. Naj jima Bog obilno poplača njuna dobra dela. Minka Chrnart, taj. P. S. Članice ne pozabite naše prih. seje v oktobru. Ponovno se je pripetilo v tem letu, da so kar po dve članici preminule. 21. jun. je umrla ses. Amelia Gregu-rich v starosti 82 let. Pred leti je vodila trgovino na Ruby St. Rojena je bila na Hrvatskem in leta 1923 je pristopila k Zvezi, priporočena po Mary Šinkovec. Zapušča dva sinova, ki vodita trgovino ter dve hčerki, več vnukov in drugih sorodnikov. Pokopana je bila iz hrvatske cerkve na njihovo pokopališče. 22. junija pa je umrla ses. Mary Stark v starosti 85 let. Rojena je bila 1876 v Metliki, Bela Krajina in v Zvezo je pristopila leta 1928, priporočena po Mary Golobitch. Pokojna se je kljub lepim letom, urno kretala med mladino, hodila je na naše seje, dokler je mogla. Bila je polna veselja in vedno odprtih rok za podr. Članice jo ne bomo pozabile. Večkrat je pred leti bila tudi gostiteljica glavnim odbornicam Zveze, kakor je to bila njena tudi že pokojna sestra Mrs. Jon-tes. Zapušča dve hčerke in štiri sinove, 18 vnukov ter 13 pravnukov. Pokopana je bila iz farne cerkve na farno pokopališče. Naše iskreno sožalje obema družinama. Pokojnim članicam pa večni mir. Naše sožalje tudi družini Mrs. Barbara Ives, ki je izgubila soproga Martina iz N. Hickory St. Zapušča 5 sinov in 2 hčerke ter 10 vnukov. V automobilski nesreči zadobljenim poškodbam je podlegel, Frank Plankar, soprog Mary. Zapušča tudi 2 hčerke in 3 sinove. V isti nesreči blizu Waukegana si je Mrs. Plankar zlomila roko. V bolnišnici je bila več Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rogale tednov, nato se je preselila na dom sina. V bolnišnici se tudi nahaja ses. Prances Končar, sestra Anne Mahkovec. Sedaj se zdravi na domu. Vsem želimo hitrega okrevanja. Pred kratkim smo se udeležile ture v naših državnih zavodih. Najprej smo bile v zavodu Illinois Youth Commission, pobolševalnici za fante od 4 do 14 let. Našle smo vse čisto in lepo. Naslednji teden smo si ogledale slavno kaznilnico Stateville Penitentiary. Razlagali so nam kaj jetniki delajo, učijo se raznih obrti, slikanja in drugih stvari. Vse celice so okrogle. O-menjeno obiske smo naredile, da vidijo naše obiskovalke iz Slovenije, Mili in Kati Koracin, sistem naših pobolše-valnic. Naša podr. je praznovala 35 letnico ustanovitve s piknikom na Kunstek prostoru v Yorkville. Bilo je prijetno in veselo. Tudi naše pevke so nastopile. Zgodovina naše podr. pa je bila priobčena v naših lokalnih listih s slikami odbora. Bilo je res lepo in pomenljivo slavje. Pozdrav vsem članicam. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. Ker ta mesec nismo imele seje, zato nimam mnogo za poročati, toda tudi med temi novicami je žalostna vest, da je umrl oče velike družine, Anton Hosta. Njegova žena je umrla pred 3 leti. Pokojnik zapuSča sinove: Anton, Frank, John, Martin, Ellert, Louis, Joe in Raymond ter hčere: Mary, Ana, Irene, skreno sožalje vsej družini. Pokojnemu pa naj sveti večna luč. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. ZVEZIN DAN ZA PENNSYLVANIJO SE BO VRŠIL 29. SEPT. V KSKJ DVORANI V STRABANE. Vljudno vabim vse naše podružnice iz Penna., da se udeležite Državne konvencije in Zvezinega dneva. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Vsem podr. in prijateljem Zveze, kličem; NA VESELO SVIDENJE 29. SEPT. V STRABANIT, PA. Lep pozdrav, Mary Tomsic Soprog sestre Kožuh je tudi resno bolan, nahaja se v bolnišnici. Želimo njemu in vsem bolanim hitro ozdravljenje. Marie Prisland lepo piše v našo priljubljeno Zarjo, da vse rade čitamo njene članke. — Vse sestre smo vesele, da se je sestra Mary Nosan srečno vrnila iz bolnišnice. Ob koncu vse najlepše pozdravljam, v upanju da se vidimo zdrave na seji. Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. Na zadnji seji so bili podani šest mesečni računi ki so pokazali kar lep napredek v naši blagajni. Po dolgi bolezni se je preselila v večnost ses. Ursula Ovnik. Tukaj zapušča sina, tri hčerke, ses. Mrs. Mola in več sorodnikov. Vsem žalujočim izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje, pokojni sestri pa večni mir in pokoj. Iz lepe Floride sta prišla na obisk sorodnikov in prijateljev, Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Zakrajšek. Mrs. Zakrajšek je naša dolgoletna članica, ki še vedno se zanima za napredek podr. Ob tem času nam je darovala krasno izdelano ogrinjalo (shawl), katerega bomo dale na srečne listke ob priliki bazarja skupnih podr., dne 13. okt. v dvorani sv. Vida. Najiskrenejša vam hvala, ses. Zakrajšek. Želimo, da sta se srečno vrnila na svoj dom v lepem mestu St. Petersburg. Dobrodošlico kličemo novima članicama, Theresa Kekich in moji mali vnukinji Jennifer L. Anzin. Vesele smo, da se je zdravje ses. Anne Vadnal in Katie Potočnik zboljšalo, resno bolani sta pa še, ses. Anne Stefančič in Tinka Kuzmich. Obema želimo čimprejšnjega okrevanja.— Lepa hvala ses. Katie Potočnik za dar v blagajno. V prodaji imamo srečne listke skupnih podružnic. Vse ste prošene, da pridno sežete po njih, ker boste lahko deležne lepih daril, obenem pa boste tudi podprle našo blagajno. Po seji smo pa praznovale rojstne obletnice ses. Ančke Rebolj, Ančke Kozel in Mary Jenovic. Prisrčna hvala za pogostitev. Želimo vam Se mnogo srečnih obletnic. Vas lepo pozdravlja, Ella Starin, taj. REFUGEES (Cont’d.) Some Slovenians who settled as far away as Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, and Virginia, hearing of Father Farkaš, packed up and moved to Bridgeport. One family had been picking apples for six weeks in Albany when work ran out. Alone in a strange country, without work, they were worse off than they had been in the DP camp in Austria. Word soon reached Father Farkas through friends that the Cukale family—parents and two sons—needed help. He phoned them and told them to come the next day. They came to Bridgeport, and in two days he had a job for the father as a machine inspector. Today the family owns its own home in a good residential section of Bridgeport. Today a threat hangs over the palish. The area is marked for urban renewal in two years. What may become of the parish is not clear. On May 26 of this year Bishop Curtis of Bridgeport celebrated Mass for the golden jubilee. It may well be the last solemn observance in the church. Of the future, however, Father Farkas speaks optimistically. The last ten years have been an exciting chapter in his life, unpredictable, often exhausting, yet consoling. If given the chance he may return to teaching. All he needs for a third doctorate are 15 credits and a thesis, this one in history from Columbia. Yet, in his heart he would prefer to stay with his former immigrants, now properly called Americans of Yugoslav descent. Last August, on the 10th anniversary of the encyclical letter Refugee Family, an international congress met with Pope John XXIII. Father Farkas was invited by the Catholic Slovenian American league to attend with them. More than 20 nationally groups, about 5,000 refugees, were present in St. Peter’s basilica for the ceremonies. Five-year-old Irene and nine-year-old Elizabeth Miklavžina from Bridgeport, daughters of one of Father’s parishioners, were chosen to represent the American Slovenians. From out of the crowd of 5,000 the Holy Father called the girls. They were dressed in traditional Slovenian costume, with billowy-sleeved blouses and embroidered black velvet skirts with matching caps. The Holy Father made the Sign of the Cross on their foreheads and took into his hands their gift from the Slovenian people, a precious chalice. The scene was broadcast throughout Europe and televised in Italy. For the Bridgeport girls it was a moment of nervous joy of which they will be forever proud. For the Slovenian priest, standing unnoticed in the throng, it was a symbol of recognition of his outstanding work in giving a new lease on life to 500 of his homeless countrymen. Financial Report for the Month of April, 1963 Finančno Poročilo za mesec april, 1963 Branch Assesments Membership Branch Assesments Membership No. Total Adult Junior No. Total Adult Junior 1. 78.15 160 39 80. 8.85 19 2 192.05 352 159 81. 8.20 25 3. 144.35 290 162 S3. 11.90 24 5 4. 5.25 23 84. 59.60 69 5 ** 5. 110 44 $ 85. 11.70 29 5 6. 49.05 12*3 16 86. 9.95 20 7. 83.45 132 219 88. 35.40 34 8 8. 62 1 89. 42.(Mi 96 58 9. 43 4 90. 2-2.05 56 17 10. 153.10 378 51 91. 28.85 52 8 12. 219 67 $ 92. 13.80 24 2 13. 55.05 120 21 93. 29.40 68 14. 142 40 321 31 94. 16 -I # 15. 120.55 254 30 95. 103.75 179 44 16. 71.05 140 78 96. 52 12 17. 73.20 165 51 97. 11.90 22 6 18. 24.00 50 99. 9.65 21 19. 61.30 143 45 100. 21.50 42 7 2'0. 180.65 437 129 101. 27.35 44 15 21. 41.90 93 52 102. 17 3 $ 22. 20.60 23 6 & 104. 9.35 24 23. 99.95 221 51 105. 7.72 16 5 24. 79.20 176 81 106. 21 1 25. 536.60 796 2-76 $4,047.43 9022 2743 26. 46.20 109 13 27. 72 6 $ paid in March; & paid for April and 28. 38.80 83 6 May; % paid for Jan.; ** paid for 29. 13.25 34 7 March and April; # paid in Feb. 30. 31. 32. 23. 34. 18.30 53.15 57.66 68.75 20.00 21 110 113 135 43 43 32 74 7 & Income — Dohodki: Assessment from members Rental income in April Interest — obresti $4,047.43 155.00 497.51 35. 60.60 76 41 Total — skupaj $4,699.94 37. 9.50 2« 5 Disbusements — Stroški: 38. 57.85 127 2 Antonia Hlade (1) . $100.00 39. 24.85 67 23 Mary Gainer (10) ... 100.00 40. 42.00 96 6 Mary Kaluza (10) . 100.00 41. 84.05 213 35 Rose Hrovat (10) 100.00 42. 21.80 48 Theresa Jelenc (12) . 100.00 43. 52.35 112 68 Rose Krhin (12) 100.00 45. 60 8 Helen Ujcic (13) 100.00 46. 14.40 31 5 Mary Petsche (15) . . 100.00 47. 49.75 110 26 Anna Wardjan (20) . 100.00 48. 4.55 13 9 Margaret Zelko (20) . 100.00 49. 37 $ Gertrude Kastelic (28) 100.00 50. 118 68 Helen Gruden (29) . . . 100.00 51. 10.30 18 Barbara Stark 100.00 52. 27.30 54 17 Anna Tomsic (40) .. 100.00 53. 18 35 38 9 Anna Saula (57) .... 100.00 54. 37.80 71 66 Rose Shabla (57) “B” 150.00 55. 34.15 78 9 Rose Novak (65) ... 100.00 56. 49.10 113 19 Anna Ribarič (67) ... 100.00 57. 39.35 74 38 Anna Valant (77) ... 100.00 59. 24 9 Ivana Chacata (79) . 100.00 61. 13 Mary Petanovich (95) 100.00 62. .17.10 35 1 April Zarja (32 pages) $1,594.59 63. 64.65 121 64 Salaries and administration 955.00 64. 23.25 56 2 % Secretaries’ awards . 577.25 65. 66. 30.35 65 25 Fuel, water, electric 92.70 25.30 51 17 Printing and office supplies 167.05 67. 45.65 84 Rent Home office .. 75.00 68. 23.80 41 3 Total — skupaj $5,611.59 70. 49.05 14 3 Balance Marich 31, 1963 *482,204.19 71. 105 21 Income in April, 1963 4,699.94 72. 13.05 32 5 73. 49.15 104 48 $486,904.13 74. 23.2*5 44 4 Disbursements April, 1963 5,611.59 77. 25.70 57 33 Balance April 30. 1963 $481,292.54 78. 25 9 79. 18.10 23 21 Albina Movak, Sec’y. JOHN STRAH TRAGEDY BEFALLS THE STRAH FAMILY Niles, Ohio. Our little member, Mary Strah and her brother John were victims of a drowning accident near their home early in June when they went swimming in an unsupervised pond. Grieving after them are their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Strah and three little sisters, Theresa, Barbara and Frances. They also leave their grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Koletich of Toronto and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Strah of Youngstown. O. Mary was 10 years old and a member of Hr. no. 57 as is her mother and grandmother. Johnny was 9. Their aunt Mary is the Treasurer of the branch. The accident happened when the children went swinning at Salt Springs Road pond. It is not used except as a reserve water supply for a nearby factory. They both could swim, but something must have hap-pened that neither Mary or Johnny could cope with, and before the eyes of their two little sis-/ ^ ■. sters, Theresa and Barbara, they were lost. All efforts to revive them failed, when the two little girls This story bears repeating only because it is a very powerful lesson for all children to learn. Swimmnig is fun and in the summertime it is the sport everyone looks forward to enjoying. Take precaution whenever you are in the water, alone or with someone, and never swim without supervision or a lifeguard nearby. The Strah family, to whom we extend our heartfelt condolences, may find comfort in knowing that their tragedy may save the life of another child who reads this story. MARY STRAH HEALTH HINTS FOR YOUNG AND OLD YOUR AMAZING SKIN It's the body's largest organ one of the most ingenious collections of “equipment” on the lace of the earth - yet few people really know how the skin works, why skin problems arise, or what to do about them. If you are average, you have about about 17 square feet of skin which weighs a little more than six pounds. Its thickness ranges lrom l/Sth to 1 /32nd of an inch. The skin has between two and three million sweat glands. Many people think that these glands put out visible perspiration only when the body needs to be cooled, but actually the process is more complex. Most of us are probably always sweating. Scientists call it “imperceptible perspiration" which cannot readily be seen. We also sweat in reaction to emotional situations, like anger or fear or excitement. Sweating caused by high environmental temperatures is more familiar to most of us. When the temperature is high enough, blood in the skin becomes heated, and heads for the tem-perature-regulation center in the brain. There a message is sent to the skin: increase perspiration. And increase it does as the sweat glands go into action. The process is continuous, even though we aren’t always aware of it. Even during the cooler months, our sweat glands perspire about a quart a day. In addition to temperature regulation, the skin performs a variety of other useful functions. Most people, for example, have heard that the top layer of skin is made up of dead cells. But less well known is the great value of these dead cells. They can’t be easily infected, and therefore serve as an invaluable shield against bacteria, viruses and other threats to health. Another little known skin function is performed by highly specialized cells in the skin that produce a pigment — melanin — which is responsible for darkening the skin. Oddly, though many people believe that this darkening is entirely responsible for increasing the body’s resistance to sun. actually the thickening of the skin is also responsible. In fact, a thick skin is an excellent defense against sunburn and for good reason. For the injury the sun can do is remarkable, when you consider how people rush to get a suntan in the summertime. Prominent dermatologists maintain that fashionable women, who regard a deep brown suntan as essential, should be inlormed that sun can cause premature aging. They also blame a dry, coarse, and leathery appearance of the skin, pigmentary changes and wrinkling on too much exposure to the sun. The villain is the sun’s ultraviolet rays. 11' you know your way around the spectrum you know that it is tli" short ultraviolet rays that cause burning, and the long ones that permit tanning. The dermatologists do not recommend carrying a parasol to protect you from sun the rest of your life. Their ad vie:' is: get a suntan gradually, over short periods. And they note that suntan lotions provide considerable safety. A suntan lotion, to be effective, must selectively screen out the short ultraviolet rays and allow the long rays in. A chemical called homomenthyl salicylate, which scientists at The Squibb Institute For Medical Research have incorporated into their firm's product, “Sun 'n’ Surf”, does precisely this. Knowing something of how your skin works and the injury you can suf- fer from too much sun can help you both acquire a tan and prevent being burned. Here’s how: 1. Getting a tan helps — but is not always highly effective. The color of your skin — its pigment — can keep out some of the rays. This is why blondes and red heads and people with freckles, who have light pigmentation, are more sensitive to the sun than brunettes and people with dark skin. Hut even with a tan, many persons must still limit their stay in the sun. particularly when the sun is high in the sky. Use a good suntan agent. 3. Do not over-expose yourself to ultraviolet rays. This is harder than you think. The lays can be completely reflected back to you by water, sand or snow. Clouds can disperse the rays, but they don’t absorb the n, which is why you can get burned on a misty morning. The rays are more potent the higher you are, the closer to the equator you are, the clearer the day, and the more directly overhead the sun is. Give your skin the treatment it deserves. After all, where would you be without it? PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Ccrmak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois R. GRDINR & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 59 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denfir in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AVE AFELY B13 East 188th Str««t 28000 Kuelld Avinui 8238 St. Clair Armut ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAQO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors A Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION, AUGUST 25. 1963! All members living in Illinois and Indiana are cordially invited to attend this year’s ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION which will be held on Sunday, Auk. 25, 1963 at St. Stephen’s Hall in Chicago, III. The members of Br. 2 are the hostesses. They have planned the following program of the day: 11:30 a.m. High Mass at St. Stephen’s Church, 1852 West 22nd Place, Chicago, Illinois 12:30 p.m. Dinner at church hall, W. 22nd Place and Wolcott Ave. 2:00 p.m. Convention meeting. Delegates from the Illinois-Indiana branches will have an opportunity to register before the meeting commences. Guests are welcome to attend all the events of this day. It is hoped that nearby branches will attend in large groups. The committee urges all branches to send in reservations for dinner at your earliest convenience! Mildred James, State President 10727 Ave. M.. Chicago 17, 111. Josephine Železnikar, President No. 2 2015 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, 111. DRŽ. KONVENCIJA ZA ILL.-IND., — 25. AVG. Podružnice Illinois-a in Indiane so bodo zbrale na drž. konvenciji v nedeljo dne 25. avgusta v sveto-štefanski dvorani v Chicagu, III. Vse članice so vabljene k udeležbi. Program se bo pričel s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Štefana, nato bo kosilo in zborovanje ob 2 uri pop. Delegatinje podružnic morajo biti izvoljene na tej seji, da bodo vse podr. zastopane. Vse gl. odbornice bodo navzoč« in razprave se bodo vršile o načrtih za glavno konvencijo, ki se bo vršila v Maju 19G4 v Chicagu.