66 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI – teorija in praksa urejanja prostora Št. 9 / 2021 ARTICLE ČLANEK WORKSHOP DELAVNICA PROJECT PROJEKT COMPETITION UVODNIK NATEČAJ PREDSTAVITEV RAZPRAVA RECENZIJA EDITORIAL PRESENTATION DISCUSSION REVIEW DIPLOMA MASTER THESIS »A-PLA(Y)CE« – A STUDENT WORKSHOP: PLACEMAKING BY PLAYMAKING »A-PLA(Y)CE« – ŠTUDENTSKA DELAVNICA: USTVARJANJA PROSTORA SKOZI IGRO Ljubljana, Slovenija 2020/2021 TIP DELAVNICE TYPE OF WORKSHOP urbanistično-arhitekturna delavnica MENTORJI MENTORS UL FA: prof. dr. Tadeja Zupančič, doc. dr. Matevž Juvančič, znan. sod. dr. Špela Verovšek prostoRož: Maša Cvetko, Naja Kikelj ŠTUDENTJE STUDENTS Emirhan Alp, Lavinia Calinescu, Matija Cvikl, Aleksandra Čobeljić, Milica Doderovič, Eva Dužnik, Tereza Fenykova, Gašper Gre- benšek, Pia Groleger, Anja Konatar, Hana Kyzlinková, Tatjana Marjanovič, Yago Martin, Clara Melchert, Emilija Meserko, Jascha Moors, Jan Nebec, Petar Rakočević, Margerita Voulissa Stell Pičman, Leonie Straub, Jo Zornik. ORGANIZATORJI ORGANISED BY Fakulteta za Arhitekturo, Univerza v Ljubljani DRUGI SODELUJOČI OTHER PARTICIPANTS prof. dr. Matija Svetina [UL-FF], dr. Maja Simoneti [IPOP], Slavko Rudolf [Modus]; Nejc Matjaž [FABRIKAID] skupnost prebivalcev Bežigrajski dvor; vzgojiteljice in otroci vrtca Mladi rod NAROČNIK CLIENT Delavnica je bil izvedena v okviru evropskega programa Creative Europe, v okviru projekta A-PLACE DATUM IN KRAJ RAZSTAVE DATE OF THE EXHIBITION PROSTOR V OBLAKU; virtualna razstava Fakultete za Arhitekturo 2019/2020 GRADIVO PRIPRAVILA MATERIALS PREPARED BY znan. sod. dr. Špela Verovšek P ARTNERJI V PROJEKTU PROJECT PARTNERS School of Architecture La Salle Barcelona (Spain), prostoRož (Slovenia), KU Leuven Brussels (Belgium), Alive Architecture Brussels (Belgium), City Space Architecture Bologna (Italy), LOOP Barcelona (Spain), Urban Gorillas Nicosia (Cyprus), New University of Lisbon Lisbon (Portugal) 67 THE CREATIVITY GAME – Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning No 9 / 2021 Figure 3: Teachers and children from kindergar- ten Mladi rod were invited to explore the alleys with students (photo credit: Maša Cvetko). Figure 1: Workshop poster. The student workshop A-Pla(yc)e was initiated and organised by the Faculty of Architecture (University of Ljubljana) and prosto- Rož, in frames of the A-PLACE project (Linking Places Through Networked Artistic Practices), co-funded by the European pro- gram Creative Europe. The workshop challenged the location of the pedestrian alleys in the residential area of Bežigrajski dvor. Although the alleys reflect the transitional character, they also embody the most vibrant part of the neighbourhood. This is where people pass, meet, chat, where children play. In this aspect, the alleys offer great potential for placemaking practices and for further building the identity of the neighbourhood, by also engaging families in activities related to children play. 0The activities of the workshop comprised of an exploratory and enactment phase with students of the Faculty of Architec- ture and The Academy of Fine Arts and Design Faculty (both University of Ljubljana). The first phases of the workshop were supported by a rich knowledge brought by the invited lecturers and consultants, creating a learning podium for discussion, and generation of professional and tacit knowledge, by also arranging the dialogue with invited representatives of the local community, residents and teachers from the local kindergarten. The workshop process encompassed an insight into a place morphology, its dynamics and its social context by also introdu- cing observation, surveying and interviewing techniques. After a series of lectures, debates, site visits, observation analyses and interviews with the potential users and stakehol- ders, students proposed temporal and semi-temporal inter- ventions to attract the targeted public groups. Four final place interventions were proposed by students and presented to the community representatives. The event was followed by a lively discussion among the residents, students, and mentors, who deliberated the design solutions and discussed the possibilities and options for implementation. The ideas and proposals gain- ed much attention and interest, raised questions, some doubts, as well as excitement. The exhibition of the proposals was followed by the elective process taken by the interested public to select the most suita- ble intervention proposed for the implementation. IZVLEČEK Semestrska študentska delavnica A-Pla(y)ce, ki je bila organizirana na Fakulteti za arhitekturo Univerze v Ljubljani, je potekala v sklo- pu projekta A-Place (Program Kreativna Evropa) v sodelovanju s članicami iniciative prostoRož. Lokacijsko se je delavnica osredo- točala na prehodne in intervencijske poti v skupnosti Bežigrajski dvor, tematsko pa na ustvarjanje prostora skozi omogočanje igre in varnega druženja na danih prehodnih poteh. Študenti so skozi proces raziskovanja prostora, spoznavanja s potrebami potenci- alnih uporabnikov in poglobljenega opazovanja otrok in drugih obiskovalcev prostora razvili idejne projekte, ki iz prostorov prehajanja ustvarjajo prostor sobivanja, igre in druženja. Figure 2: Students’ proposals were presented to the community representatives (Beži- grajski dvor) and interested public to pick their favourites (photo credit: Naja Kikelj). Figure 4: Interested public were invited to vote and select the favourites among the student’s proposals. The winner intervention will be implemented in the neighbourho- od in the next months.