UDK 621.785.616: 620.178:004.032.26 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni članek MTAEC9, 48(3)409(2014) PREDICTION OF THE HARDNESS OF HARDENED SPECIMENS WITH A NEURAL NETWORK NAPOVED TRDOTE KALJENIH VZORCEV Z NEVRONSKIMI MREŽAMI Matej Babic1, Peter Kokol2, Igor Belic3, Peter Panjan4, Miha Kovačič5 6, Jože Balič7, Timotej Verbovšek8 1Ph. D. Researcher, Slovenia 2University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia 3Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 4Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 5Štore-Steel, d. o. o. , Železarska 3, 3220 Štore, Slovenia 6University of Nova Gorica, Laboratory for Multiphase Processes, Vipavska 13, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia 7University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia 8University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Aškerčeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia babicster@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa - received: 2013-11-05; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2014-02-20 In this article we describe the methods of intelligent systems to predict the hardness of hardened specimens. We use the mathematical method of fractal geometry in laser techniques. To optimize the structure and properties of tool steel, it is necessary to take into account the effect of the self-organization of a dissipative structure with fractal properties at a load. Fractal material science researches the relation between the parameters of fractal structures and the dissipative properties of tool steel. This paper describes an application of the fractal dimension in the robot laser hardening of specimens. By using fractal dimensions, the changes in the structure can be determined because the fractal dimension is an indicator of the complexity of the sample forms. The tool steel was hardened with different speeds and at different temperatures. The effect of the parameters of robot cells on the material was better understood by researching the fractal dimensions of the microstructures of hardened specimens. With an intelligent system the productivity of the process of laser hardening was increased because the time of the process was decreased and the topographical property of the material was increased. Keywords: fractal dimension, laser, hardening, neural network V tem članku je uporabljena metoda inteligentnih sistemov za napovedovanje trdote kaljenih vzorcev. Uporabljena je matematična metoda fraktalne geometrije v laserski tehniki. Za optimiranje strukture in lastnosti orodnega jekla je treba upoštevati vpliv samoorganizacije strukture z lastnostmi fraktalov. Fraktalna znanost o materialu raziskuje odnos med parametri fraktalne strukture in disipativnimi lastnostmi orodnega jekla. Članek opisuje uporabo fraktalne dimenzije pri robotskem laserskem kaljenju vzorcev. Z uporabo fraktalne dimenzije se lahko določi sprememba v sestavi, ker je fraktalna dimenzija pokazatelj kompleksnosti oblike vzorcev. Orodno jeklo je bilo kaljeno z različnimi hitrostmi z različnih temperatur. Učinek parametrov robotske laserske celice na orodno jeklo se da boljše razumeti z raziskovanjem fraktalne dimenzije mikrostrukture kaljenih vzorcev. Z inteligentnimi sistemi je bila povečana produktivnost procesa laserskega kaljenja, ker se zmanjša trajanje procesa in se povečajo topografske lastnosti materialov. Ključne besede: fraktalna dimenzija, laser, kaljenje, nevronske mreže 1 INTRODUCTION maintained with all the magnifications and is, therefore, well-defined but, in addition, it also reveals the comple- Of all the microscopic methods, electron-microscopy xity of the fractal. In general, we cannot calculate the images give the best resolution, the most accurate infor- fractal dimension for the above-mentioned procedure, as mation of the distribution of crystals in a building, the this is possible only for purely mathematical constructs best morphology of various structural types and the best and not in reality. In practical terms, to determine the structural surface topography. Fractal geometry provides dimensions the most used method is that 'of counting the a new approach in describing the structures of various boxes' (the box-counting dimension) that studies a frac- irregular facilities. Fractal theory is also used in the field tal cover using a square grid, which is then reduced and of materials science. Models of fractal lines and surfaces the change in the number of the squares needed to cover are created to describe the properties of the microstruc- the entire crowd is observed. The result is, of course, an tures of materials. The subject of fractals can be used to approximation, which is calculated using the desired assist in an analysis of the surfaces encountered in robot number of places. In this research, a fractal analysis is laser hardening. It should be noted that the morphology used to determine how the parameters of robot laser of a surface will change if the material is hardened with hardening affect the hardness of a hardened material. robot laser cells. An analysis of fractal dimensions is a Robot laser surface-hardening heat treatment3-6 is com- method used to study the surface properties of materials. plementary to the conventional flame or inductive A fractal dimension12 is a property of fractals that is hardening. The energy source for laser hardening is a laser beam that heats up very quickly achieving the metal surface area of points up to 1.5 mm and a hardness of 65 HRc. Laser hardening is a process of projecting the features such as non-controlled energy intake, high performance constancy and accurate positioning process. A hard martensitic microstructure provides improved surface properties such as wear resistance and high strength.7,8 A fractal analysis9,10 is useful when classical geometry cannot be sufficiently useful to precisely describe the results of irregular facilities. A profound feature of fractals is the fractal dimension D11'1^ providing an important view of the physical properties of various materials. This article describes the fractal structure14,15 of robot laser-hardened tool steel. Fractal patterns were found in different mechanical properties of hardened materials (Mandelbrot 1982, Feder 1988). Fractal features were also observed in a mechanical computer simulation, which can be explained with Gauss-Marc fractal random fields. In this work, we have used a scanning electron microscope (SEM)16,17 to search and analyse the fractal structure of the robotic-laser-hardened material. The aim of the research is to ascertain how the robotic-laser-cell parameters for an optimum tempering affect the fractal dimension of the hardened material. 2 MATERIAL PREPARATION AND EXPERIMENTAL METHOD 2.1 Material preparation The study was undertaken using the tool steel of DIN standard 1.7225. The chemical composition of the material included 0.38 % to 0.45 % C, 0.4 % maximum Si, 0.6-0.9 % Mn, 0.025 % maximum P, 0.035 % maximum S and 0.15-0.3 % Mo. The specimen test section was in a cylindrical form with the dimensions of 25 mm x 10 mm. After hardening the test specimen was cut into smaller parts. The tool steel was forged with laser at different speeds and different powers. So, we changed two parameters, speed v G 2,5 mm/s with the steps of 1 mm/s and temperature T G (1000, 1400) °C in 50 °C steps. In all these tests we recorded the microstructure. Figure 2: SEM image of a hardened specimen Slika 2: SEM-posnetek kaljenega vzorca We recorded the hardened surface area as well as the deep hardened zone of the clips. Of interest to us was whether the robotic laser-hardening parameters for different fractal structures resulted in microparticles. Also, we wanted to understand or ascertain the fractal structure of the optimum hardening parameters. Figure 1 shows the longitudinal and transverse cross-section of the hardened tool steel. Figure 2 shows the microstructure of the hardened tool steel. Prior to testing, the specimens were first subjected to mechanical and then to electrolytic polishing18 in H3PO4 + CrO3. After polishing the micro-structure was examined with a light microscope and with field-emission scanning electron microscope, JEOL JSM-7600F. Irregular surface textures with a few breaks, presented as black islands, are seen in Figure 2. 2.2 Experimental method The porosity was determined from the SEM images of the microstructure. It is known that in a homoge-nously porous material the area of the pores is equal to the volume of the pores in specimens. The SEM pictures were converted to binary images (Figure 3), from which we calculated the areas of the pores for all the pictures using the ImageJ program (ImageJ is a public domain, a Java-based image processing program developed at the National Institutes of Health). The area of the pores on each picture of the material was calculated and then the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation of the porosity were determined. To analyze the possibility of an application of the fractal analysis11-16 to the heat-treated surface, we examined the relation between the surface porosity and fractal dimensions depending on various parameters of the robot laser cell. In fractal geometry, the key parameter is fractal dimension D. The relationship between fractal dimension D, volume V and length L can be inHicateH as follows: V ~ Td (1) Figure 1: Hardened specimen Slika 1: Kaljen vzorec Fractal dimensions were determined using the box-counting method which has been proven to have a higher Figure 3: Calculation of fractal dimensions with the box-counting method Slika 3: Ra~unanje fraktalne dimenzije z metodo rezanja {katel calculation speed and better accuracy by Dougan19 and Shi20. To analyse the results we used one method of the intelligent system: the neural network.21 Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are simulations of collections of model biological neurons. A neuron operates by receiving signals from the other neurons through the connections called synapses. A combination of these signals, in excess of a certain threshold or activation level, will result in the neuron firing, i.e., sending a signal to another neuron, to which it is connected. Some signals act as excitations and others as inhibitions of neuron firing. What we call thinking is believed to be a collective effect of the presence or absence of firings in the patterns of the synaptic connections between neurons. In this context, neural networks are not simulations of real neurons, as they do not model the biology, chemistry or physics of a real neuron. The basic building element of the neural Figure 4: General multi-layer neural-network system Slika 4: Splo{ni sistem ve~plastne nevronske mreže Figure 5: Analysis of covariance Slika 5: Analiza kovariance network used is an artificial-neural-network cell (ANN) (Figure 4). The analysis of covariance (generally known as AN-COVA) is a technique that brings together the analysis of variance and regression analysis. Covariance is a measure of how much two variables change together and how strong the relationship is between them. ANOVA can be extended to include one or more continuous variables that predict the outcome or dependent variable. Figure 5 presents the analysis of covariance. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Results Table 1 presents the parameters of the hardened specimens that have an impact on the hardness. We marked the specimens with the codes from P1 to P19. Code X1 stands for the parameter of the temperature (°C), X2 is the speed of hardening (mm/s), X3 is the fractal dimension and X4 is the base hardness (the hardness before hardening). The last parameter, Y, is the measured hardness of the robot laser-hardened specimens. Table 2 lists the experimental and prediction hardnesses of the robot laser-hardened specimens. With the fractal dimension we described the complexity of the hardened specimens. In Table 1, we can see that specimen P11 has the largest fractal dimension, 1.978 4. Thus, specimen P11 is the most complex. Specimen P1 has the highest hardness after hardening, that is 60 HRc. Specimen P17 has the lowest hardness after hardening, that is 52 HRc. Figure 6 shows a graph presenting the measured and predicted hardnesses of the robot laser-hardened specimens. This figure also presents a model of regression. Table 2 lists the experimental and prediction data. The first column gives the codes of the hardened specimens. The column for Hardness (experimental data) gives the experimental data for the hardness after hardening. The predictions with a neural network are presented in the column for Hardness (prediction with NN 36 %); in our case we Table 2: Experimental and prediction data Tabela 2: Eksperimentalni in napovedani podatki Figure 6: Measured and predicted hardnesses of the hardened specimens Slika 6: Izmerjene in napovedane trdote kaljenih vzorcev used 12 datasets for the learn test set and 7 datasets for the test set. In the column for Hardness (prediction with NN 52 %) we used 10 datasets for the learn test set and 9 datasets for the test set; and in the column for Hardness (prediction with NN 95 %) we used 18 datasets for the learn test set and 1 dataset for the test set; we used the leave-one-out method. We used program Neuralyst. Neuralyst is a general-purpose neural-network engine that was integrated with Microsoft® ExcelTM in the WindowsTM or MacintoshTM systems. Neuralyst provides a user-friendly interface and a powerful, flexible neural network that is self-programming. A researcher acts as a coach to Neuralyst providing it with data and letting it know the goals it should learn. Neuralyst will then train itself on the data and goals the researcher has set. During its training, it will report on how well it is Table 1: Parameters of the hardened specimens Tabela 1: Parametri kaljenih vzorcev Specimen X1 X2 X3 X4 Y P1 1000 2 1.9135 34 60 P2 1000 3 1.9595 34 58.7 P3 1000 4 1.9474 34 56 P4 1000 5 1.9384 34 56.5 P5 1400 2 1.9225 34 58 P6 1400 3 1.9781 34 57.8 P7 1400 4 1.954 34 58.1 P8 1400 5 1.9776 34 58.2 P9 1000 2 1.972 60 57.4 P10 1000 3 1.858 58.7 56.1 P11 1000 4 1.9784 56 53.8 P12 1000 5 1.941 56.5 56 P13 1400 2 1.9782 58 55.3 P14 1400 3 1.581 57.8 57.2 P15 1400 4 1.965 58.1 57.8 P16 1400 5 1.8113 58.2 58 P17 800 0 1.9669 34 52 P18 1400 0 1.9753 34 57 P19 2000 0 1.9706 34 56 Specimen Hardness (experimental data) Hardness (prediction with NN 36 %) Hardness (prediction with NN 52 %) Hardness (prediction with NN 95 %) Hardness (prediction with regression) P1 60 60.04404 57.66478 56.95868 54.56465 P2 58.7 58.65453 57.60106 57.12015 55.12693 P3 56 56.79983 57.5164 57.37326 55.7891 P4 56.5 56.75793 57.42825 57.5548 56.44594 P5 58 58.21552 57.79482 57.63685 58.04714 P6 57.8 57.48934 57.73722 57.68834 58.5924 P7 58.1 57.72849 57.65605 57.80268 59.27572 P8 58.2 57.478 57.58361 57.85767 59.87651 P9 57.4 59.39293 56.29186 55.42167 53.57422 P10 56.1 57.33137 56.21767 56.71604 54.4561 P11 53.8 56.83125 56.31979 56.76928 54.98285 P12 56 56.89147 56.19585 57.17863 55.67142 P13 55.3 60.36785 56.5345 57.19434 57.12963 P14 57.2 61.11235 57.35906 57.85592 58.46115 P15 57.8 60.55724 56.33986 57.59233 58.43199 P16 58 61.11235 56.2168 57.84021 59.33421 P17 52 61.11235 57.76515 53.96322 51.44111 P18 57 61.11235 57.93535 57.20306 56.67362 P19 56 61.11235 58.0907 57.87076 61.92865 doing. We used a 4-layer network, learning at the rate of 0.6, with the moment of learning being 0.5, the tolerance of the test set being 0.01 and the tolerance of the learning set being 0.3. The neural-network modelling with the 36 % training data shows a 7.7 % deviation from the measured data, the modelling with the 52 % training data shows a 5.2 % deviation from the measured data and the modelling with the 95 % training data shows a 2.3 % deviation from the measured data. The regression model shows a 4.7 % deviation from the measured data. 3.1.1 Model regression Y =48.99076743 + 0.008744915-X1 + 0.641369094-X2 -1.71942784-X3 - 0.034224818-X4 We checked the reliability model with pattern P20 heat treated at 1200 °C at a speed of 6 mm/s. We calculated the fractal dimension of the sample, which had a value of 1.9692. Sample P20 had a hardness of 57 HRc. The data were inserted into the model and we determined the deviations of the experimental values from the model values. Table 3 shows the deviation of the predicted value for sample P20 from the experimental measurements after heat treatment. Table 3: Deviation of the predicted values for specimen P20 from the experimental measurements after heat treatment Tabela 3: Odmik napovedanih vrednosti vzorca P20 od eksperimentalnih meritev po toplotni obdelavi Specimen Hardness (prediction with NN 36 %) Hardness (prediction with NN 50 % Hardness (prediction with NN 95 %) Hardness (prediction with regression) Deviation 4.32 % 2.91 % 1.23 % 3.12 % 3.2 Discussion The hardness structure of the material is an important mechanical property that affects the hardness of materials. We cannot apply Euclidian geometry to describe the porosity of hardened specimens because porosity is very complex. Here we use fractal geometry to describe the hardness of the robot laser-hardened specimens. In this paper we describe how the parameters (speed and temperature) of a robot laser cell affect the hardness of metal materials using a new method, fractal geometry. Hardness has a large impact on the mechanical properties of a material. The fractal approach is more appropriate for characterizing complex and irregular surface microstructures observed in the surfaces of robot laser-hardened specimens and can be effectively utilized for predicting the properties of the material from the fractal dimensions of the microstructures. The fractal analysis of a series of digitized surface microstructures of the robot laser-surface-modified specimens indicated that useful correlations can be derived between the fractal dimensions and the surface microstructural features such as hardness. Specimen P17 has the minimum hardness after hardening, which is 52 HRc. We used two methods of intelligent systems to make a prediction of the hardness of the robot laser-hardened specimens. The neural-network model gave us a better prediction than the regression. 4 CONCLUSION The paper presents the use of the method of an intelligent system to predict the hardness of hardened specimens. We used fractal geometry to describe the mechanical property, the hardness of robot laser-hardened specimens. Fractal structures were also found in the robot laser-hardened samples when viewed under sufficient magnification. The hardening of various metal alloys has shown that when the melting occurs, fractal geometry can be used to calculate the fractal dimension. Using the box-counting method, we analysed the samples of equal-tempered metal, after subjecting them to the robot laser hardening using various parameters. The main findings can be summarized as follows: • A fractal structure is found after the robot laser hardening. • The box-counting method allows us to calculate the fractal dimensions for different parameters of laser hardening robotic cells. • The optimum fractal dimensions of different-parameter robot-laser-hardened tool steel have been identified. • As in the robot-laser-hardening heat treatment of the material, a deformation occurs, which is a self-similar fractal dimension and can be used to describe the level irregularity. • The fractal dimension varies between 1 and 2. By increasing the temperature of the robot laser cell, the fractal dimension becomes larger and the grain size becomes smaller. Consequently, we can use the fractal dimension as an important factor to define the grain shape. • The dependence of the fractal dimension on the hardness was ascertained. This finding is important if we know that certain alloys mix poorly because they have different melting temperatures, but such alloys have much higher hardnesses and better technical characteristics. By varying different parameters (temperature and speed) robot laser cells produce different fractal patterns with different fractal dimensions. • Materials with higher fractal dimensions are less porous than those with lower fractal dimensions. • Specimens with lower fractal dimensions are the hardest. • With the correlation coefficients we show a connection between the hardness and the fractal dimensions of the robot laser-hardened specimens. • For the prediction of the porosity of hardened specimens we used a neural network, a genetic algorithm and multiple regressions. 5 REFERENCES 1 C. C. Barton, Fractal analysis of scaling and spatial clustering of fractures, In: C. C. Barton, P. R. La Pointe (eds.), Fractals in the earth sciences, Plenum Press, New York 1995, 141-178 2 B. B. 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