Izbor novosti v knjižnici Urbanističnega inštituta Source: Urbani Izziv, No. 12/13 (junij 1990), pp. 81-83 Published by: Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44180556 Accessed: 10-09-2018 06:55 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at https://about.jstor.org/terms This article is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Urbani Izziv This content downloaded from on Mon, 10 Sep 2018 06:55:47 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms URBANI ÌZZÌV informacije š?12J3^S0 Namen te delavnicc je bil najti od- govor na vprašanjc kako holj učin- kovito in strokovno náčrt ovati in urejati podc?elski prostor. Z zaklju- čki bodo vodje delavnice seznanili tudi nova ministra za urejanje pros- tora in /a kmetijstvo. Naslcdnja dclavnica i/ lctncga pro- grama usposabljanja bo v začetku septembra. (M.P.) Izbor novosti v knjižnici Urbanistične- ga inštituta ÄHLBY, Lena: Compression/ ab- sorption cycles for large hest pumps: System simulations / Lena Ählby. - Stockholm : Swedish Council for Building Research, 1989. -117 str. ; (SCBR ; D 1 : 1989) ANAS, Alex: The economics of a regulated housing market: Policy perspectives and modeling methods / Alex Anas, Goran Cars, Joong Ree Cho, Björn Harsman, Ulf Jirlow, Folkc Snickers, - Stockholm : Swe- dish Council for Building Research, 1987. - 1 14 str. ; (SCBR ; D 17 : 1987) ARGON, Guiliano Carlo: Arhteku- ra i kultura / Giulio Carlo Argon ; Prijevod Smiljka Malinar ; izbor tekstova Jaša Denegri. - Split : Lo- gos, 1989. - 231 str. : ilustr.; (Stilovi i razdoblja ; knj.4) Agriculture in the planning and management of peri-urban areas. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1979. Analiza razvojnih možnosti Skup- nosti za ceste Slovcnije za obdobje 1991-1995 - Dclo je spremljala in usmcrjala posebna delovna skupina, vodil Prešcren Boris; naročnik Skupnost za ceste Slovcnije ; izva- jalec : Delovna skupnost Skupnosti za ceste Slovcnije, tisk Inštitut za ge- odczijo in fotogrametrijo, Ljubljana, Birografika BORI Ljubljana, 1(>89. - 183 str. : graf. prikazi. Arhitekt Jožc Plcčnik 1 872-1957 : Katalog ob spominski razstavi v Narodni galeriji v Ljubljani 1%8, avtor razstavc Lojze Gostiša. Drugi natis ob razstavi arhitekta Jo/eta Plečnika v Ljubljani na Gospodar- skem razstavišču 1986, avtor ji raz- stave : Boris Podrccca, Damjan Prclovšck, Francois Burkhardt, Lojze Gostiša. - Ljubljana : Delavska enotnost, 1986. - 84 str. : ilustr. 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COST-EFFICENCY in custom de- sign - The swedish factory-crafted home : A SWEBCO report, spon- sored by SCBR and Swedish build- ing and energy export agency (SWEBEX). - Stockholm : Swedish Council for Building Research, 1989. - 20 str. ; (SCBR ; D 6 : 1989) Curk, Iva, Mat ja? Puc: Varstvo naše dediščine. - Závod SR Slovenije za varstvo naravne in kulturně dediš- čine, Ljubljana, 1989. - 69 str. : ilustr. DICZFALUSY, Bo: A model for the assessment of the profitability of new energy technologies in buildings /Bo Diczfalusy, Birger Rapp. - Stockholm : Swedish Council for Building Research, 1988. - 32 str. ; (SCBR ; D 22 : 1988) DUDLEY, James W.: 1992 - stra- tegies for the single market / James W.Dudlcy. - London : Kogan Page Ltd in association with the Char- tered Institute of Management Ac- countants, 1989. - 400 str. DURABILITY of concrete : As- pects of admixtures and industrial by-products : 2nd international se- minar, June 1989 /at the Chalmers University of Technology in Göte- borg, June 26-27 /. Etnologija in domoznanstvo/ uredili Slávko Kremenšek, Ingrid Slavcc, Tatjana Dolžan. - Ljubljana : Slo- vensko etnološko društvo, 1989. - 154 str. - (Knjižnica Glasnika Slo- venskega etnološkega društva; 19). Fabiani Maks: O kult uri mesta: Spisi 1895 - 1960; uredil in uvod napisał Marko Pozzetto. - Trst : Založništvo tržaškega tiská, 1988 - 187 str. : ilustr. - (Knjižna zbirka Kulturna dedišči- na). (Iz vsebine: poročilo k náčrtu 81 This content downloaded from on Mon, 10 Sep 2018 06:55:47 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms C^ļ]F^O št. 12,13/1990 občne regulacijc dcželnega stolnega mesta Ljubljana. - Pojasnila k náčrtu za osnovo in preosnovo scvernega dcla mesta Ljubljana. - O umetnosti Jožcta Plečnika. - Maks Fabiani med nami / Braco Mušič.) 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