GEOLOGIJA 36, 69-74 (1993), Ljubljana 1994 UDK 56.02:551,761(497.12)=863 Epigondolella abneptis and E. spatulata in the Lower Norian in the central Kamnik Alps, Slovenia Anton Ramovš Katedra za geologijo in paleontologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani, Aškerčeva 2, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Abstract Epigondolella abneptis (Huckriede, 1958) and E. spatulata (Hayashi, 1968) from the Lower Norian (Upper Triassic) deeper marine micritic limestones with chert nodules and lenses in the locality Sleme, central Kamnik Alps, are pre- sented. Introduction In the locality Sleme south of the Skuta Mountain well bedded dark gray micritic limestones with chert nodules and lenses contain very rich holothurian skeletons and individual conodonts with Epigondolella abneptis (Huckriede, 1958) and ramiform elements. Conodont samples contain also fish teeth, Nurella sp. and remains of floating crinoids (R a m o v Š & Jamnik, 1991; Jamnik & Ramovš, 1993). Conodonts Genus Epigondolella Mosher, 1968 Type species: Polygnathus abneptis (Huckriede, 1958) Epigondolella abneptis (Huckriede, 1958) PL 1, figs, la-d, 3a-c 1958 Polygnathus abneptis n. sp. - Huckriede, 156-157, pi. 11, 12, 14. 1980 Metapolygnathus abneptis abneptis (Huckriede, 1958 - Kovács & Kozur, 562-565, pi. 3, figs. 2, 3, pi. 4, figs. 1, 3 (cum syn.). 1989 b Epigondolella abneptis (Huckriede) - K o z ur, pl. 18, fig. 5 (from Kovács & Kozur, 1980, pL 3, fig. 3). Material: 6 specimens. Age: E. abneptis A.-Z., Lower Norian, Upper Triassic. 70 Anton Ramovš Fig. 1. Locality Sleme in the central Kamnik Alps with the Lower Norian deeper marine beds with conodonts and holothurian skeletons (after Jamnik & Ramovš, 1993) Type species: Epigondolella spatulata (Hayashi, 1968) Epigondolella spatulata (Hayashi, 1968) PI. 1, figs. 2a-c, 4a-c 1968 Gladigondolella abneptis var. spatulata var. nov. - Hayashi, 69, pl. 2, fig. 5. 1980 Metapolygnathus abneptis spatulatus (Hayashi, 1968) - Kovács & Kozur, 565-569, pi. 3, figs. 4, 5, pi. 4, fig. 2 (cum syn.). 1989a Epigondolella spatulata (Hayashi) - Kozur, 402. 1991 Epigondolella spatulata (Hayashi) - Koike, Kodachi, Matsuno & Baba, pl. 2, figs. 36-39. Material: 10 specimens. Age: E. abneptis A.-Z., Low^er Norian, Upper Triassic. Emended diagnosis: A subspecies of Metapolygnathus abneptis with nodes and sometimes ridges on the posterior part of the platform, which is commonly broadened in a spatula-like manner in adult specimens (Kovács & Kozur, 1980, 568). Remarks: The juvenile forms from Sleme show a small denticle in the middle part of the platform and which is characteristic for juvenile stage of E. spatulata (cf. Kovács & Kozur, 1980, 565). In adult stage the specimens from Sleme are characterized with ridges on the posterior part of the platform. Epigondolella abneptis and E. spatulata in the Lower Norian... 71 Fig. 2. Lower Norian limestone with chert on Sleme and sites of conodont samples 6/1-4 (after Jamnik & Ramovš, 1993) Photo A. Jamnik A - limestone, B - chert Acknowledgment This work was carried out partly at the Institut of Geology and Paleontology (Fachbereich Geowissenschaften), University Marburg/Lahn. The author was kindly recieved at the Institute. Photographs were taken with Cam Scan by K. Fecher, and the prints prepared by J. Kirsch, Institut of Geology and Paleontology, University Marburg/Lahn. The work was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. Warmest thanks are extended to all. 72 Anton Ramovš Plate 1 Lower Norian conodonts Epigondolella abneptis (Huckriede, 1958) and E. spatulata (Hay- ashi, 1968) on Sleme in the central Kamnik Alps 1 Epigondolella abneptis (Huckriede, 1958). Sleme, 6/3; la upper view, lb, le lateral views, X 100; 1 d lower view, x 140; adult form 2 Epigondolella spatulata (Hayashi, 1968). Sleme, 6/2; 2a upper view, 2b lateral view, x 70, 2 c lower view, x 90; adult form 3 Epigondolella abneptis (Huckriede, 1958). Sleme, 6/3; 3 a lateral view, x 135,3 b upper view, 3 c lower view, x 180; juvenile stage 4 Epigondolella spatulata (Hayashi, 1968). Sleme, 6/1; 4a lateral view, 4b upper view, 4c lower view, x 160; juvenile stage Epigondolella abneptis and E. spatulata in the Lower Norian... 73 74 Anton Ramovš References Huckriede, R. 1958: Die Conodonten der mediterranen Trias und ihr stratigraphischer Wert. - Pal. Z. 32, 141-175, 5 pis., 1 tab, Stuttgart. Jamnik, A. & Ramovš, A. 1993: Holoturijski skleriti in konodonti v zgomjekarnijskih (tuvalskih) in norijskih apnencih osrednjih Kamniških Alp /Holothurian sclerites and conod- onts in the Upper Carnian (Tuvalian) and Norian limestones in the central Kamnik Alps/. - Geologija 35, (1992), 7-63, Ljubljana. Kovács, S. & Kozur, H. 1980: Some remarks on Middle and Upper Triassic platform conodonts. - Ree. Res. Geol. 6, 541-581, Dehli. Koike, T., Kodachi, Y., Matsuno, T. & Baba, H. 1991: Triassic conodonts from exotic blocks of limestone in northern Kuzun, the Ashio Mountains. - Sci. Repts Yokohama Nat. Univ., ser. II, 38, 53-69, Yokohama. Kozur, H. 1989a: Significance of events in conodont evolution for the Permian and Triassic stratigraphy. - Courier Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 117, 385-408, Frankfurt. Kozur, H. 1989 b: The taxonomy of the gondolellid conodonts in the Permian and Triassic. - Courier Forsch. - Inst. Senckenberg 117, 409-469, Frankfurt. Ramovš, A. & Jamnik, A. 1991: The first proof of the deeper marine Norian (Upper Triassic) beds with conodonts and holothurian skeletons in the Kamnik Alps (Slovenia). - Rudar. - metal, zbornik 38, 365-367, Ljubljana.