Asian Studies II (XVIII), 2 (2014), pp.127-143 mm1 mm m-mm^m*^1 Foundation and Management of the Joseon Dynasty: Revisiting Jeong Do-jeon's Political Philosophy Based on the Royal Record of Joseon Dynasty fJffiM YOO Kwon Jong* 1£44 411 411 ^44^ 1444. ^14 ^4 41 144 114 ts 444 54457} 14 500 44 144 4 144 1^4 11 &4s a^ 11 1 #1 ^114. 1^1 44 14411 ^4 451 414^ 44441, 11, 11, 1 1£1 1^1 414 144 fe14£4. ^14 11 4144s 414£ 411 ^44 4^44^1 54457} 441 414 1411 1144 4 144 1^4 11 1,4s as ^ 41^ 4 4 ^^ 14, 4 4£ ^44 441 4^1 114 11, 4^1 11^ ii4s 4^1 114 114 44, 4^111 114 4^111 m 41 114 11 1 #1 1114. 141: 1£4, ^445 41, 4^1 14, 411 114, £1^41 4^1 114 11, 4^11, 4^11 Abstract Jeong Do-jeon is the most substantial contributor to the establishment of the Joseon Dynasty. Most present Korean historians commonly regard him as Designer of the Dynasty and have discussed his contribution to establish the system of law, economy, and politics. However, his contribution is not limited in the establishment. This paper discusses his substantial contribution in supplying the basis of Confucian civilization for the Dynasty's duration for 500 years, abolishing Buddhist rituals and providing Confucian ones, organizing the capital city and naming buildings and districts of the city according to Confucian humanities, excluding Buddhism from people's routine lives as well as official or royal ceremonies, etc. *S|JSM, 144 444 ÜS. YOO Kwon Jong, Chung-Ang University, Korea. 127 YOO Kwon Jong: Foundation and Management of the Joseon Dynasty Keywords: Jeong Do-jeon, Joseon Dynasty, Confucianism, reproduction of Confucian society, rituals, capital city ti4 ^A M#(1342~1398), 4A AAA A4 A^A. 4AA A^ ^Ai AAA^ SAAAA^ AASA MM 4 AAA ^A AA4 ^ AAi AA4 AA. AS.AA AAi AAA oi^ AAA A^H^ AAA ^A AAi A^A A— As. ^AA A^A SAA A^A. ^ ^AA A^A 'ASA AW^A AsA4 AAA^ AAA. A^AA A^liA AsA AAi AA AA^ ^ ^A ^A4 AAA A^l, AA, AA(^)A AA#i AA AAA. AAAA^ ^AA A AsA AAA AA^ A^i AAA A^A ^As AAA, AA AA AA A^IA ^ A^4AA ^AA^ AA#(AA A^l AA AA ¥)i AA. ^AA AA^ A itA^ AAA #4 A^AA AAA^ A^AA, ^i AAA AA4 AAi AA AA4 AA^ A ^AA A^AA AAA AA AA4 AAA. A^A ^A AAAAAA^ ^AAA AA4 AAAAA^A A^ ™ AAA AA(Mffi)is AAA A#A4 AAs AA. ^AA AAi ^A AAA SAASA 500 A A^ A Alii AA AA4 A#i AAA AA4 AA^A ^ AAA ^feA A^ Ai A^A^ ^AA AAiA^ ^A AAA ^i ^AA ^ A^ AAAAA ^Ai AsAA AAi ^AAA 7flAA^A AA. A^iA^ AsAA SAAAA AA4 AAi AA AA AAA A^^A A AA ^ AA# AAAs^ AA. A^A AA AAA AAA AAA. 1342 Ai ^AAA 1398 Ai ^4 AAA M#A r^M^J A rMMtiJ (AA tiAAs AA)4 ^A AiA^ AA A^AA. tiA AA^ AA 1392 A ^s ^AA^A ^A 1398 AAA ^A ^A4 A^As A^A, ^ AAA^ A^ A itti A^ ¥AAA. ^A^l A^A 128 Asian Studies II (XVIII), 2 (2014), pp.157-175 1444 M 4 4144 4 44444 444 4Ô}4 ™ ô}14 141 444 ^4 441^ 144 44£ £444 14£ 44 44. ^144 1776~1SGG)4 ^4 41 TH^ftJ 4 S^^TS, ^4(44 1S63~19G7)1 = 3 ^14 ÍI4M4 1144 444 44 444. l£41 44 4£(44)4 141 1SG£ 4444 4144. ^ 44 1444 4^4 <1^1 4^4 44 444 4444 ^4444 4^44 4444 444. 44(«Ä, 1367-1422)4 l£44 Ö44 44^ 441 144 14s, 141 44£ 41444 ^Iffift1 14444s a4 4°1 441 4^4. 114£ 4£414 444 144 4££ as l£44 111 4^ ^444. 4^4 444 441 44 4£44 £ Äff 44 414 4444 44 #4°14. 4444H4 £4 M °HTS, £Ä Pl»4 4444 ¥41 ^ 444 444 ¥41 41^ 4444 4^4. 444 °14 44 411 44 44^44£ ¥41 114 4££ l£44 44^4 444 44 44°14. l£44 1314 ^ 114 4££ 444 44444 44s 4 41 4£44 44 41 °14 4£4 4444? ^ o] 4^4 l£44 111 44 444 414 441 44 4414 444 ^o] 4^44. 4 ^£4^44 444 141 4#4 444 1314 4££ 444 4444 4441 44 4144 44444 44 ^44 144 ^4 4414 444? 4Ä44 444££4 l£44 444 ^114 44 41 4^4 141444, 11 44 444 444 444 44 4444 114 44444 444 1441 44 444? 444 1114 44444 4414 4441 4444 &s 444 44 ¥44444 4¥4 444 4441 1441 l£44 414s ^44 41 4£44. ^44 l£44 111 44 444 4444 4441 ¥44444 4¥4 134, 44 444 m, 44 AM S 4£ 44 4444 ^14 444 444 ^a4 414s 4 4 44. 14 41 44 44£14 4 44 414 21 41 444 444 44444 41 44 4 44 sl4 44a4 41 1 44 4414. 129 YOO Kwon Jong: Foundation and Management of the Joseon Dynasty mrn^m3 474 47 (x®, 1335-1408) 4443 374 74 474. s7 41 4^47 444 74 S4 44 m±m3 777 37, «£^4 «43 4#4 4#7, 443 7774 4713 344 ^73 44, 4447^3 » 44, 4S4 mm^rn 4401 s73 444 ^43 774014^ 44® 444. s7 n4s 4744H 444 4s ^ 473 474 44M4 4#4 7£4O14H 71 443 47H 47^ 434s $14. ^7s 7£4 44£ ^41 4IM4 ^4^4 4 7O1 474, 444^ ^ 4 4 44 744401 1144s 44.1 7^3 771 4 44 74 M47 &4 7O1 &04 444 4^3 ^4^ 443 744s 14.2 ^7s 7443 444 4714 7£417 mmim °14s 444. 0174 714^4 740^74£ s7 447 ^ 7 41 O^H 7414 4^3 ^44 4 4^3 473 447 474 ^£40444 4444. ^£40 44 473 77473 444 474 444 44. ^M 443 444 4 443 440 —474 4414 1351-1374)1 44M4 47^ #44 74 M4M3 747^ 44 743 444, 4M4 mm 3 444 44 4444 774, &H3 44^ 44 44 M 3 4^4 (47#3) 441 44 444 44, 7rf474 444 fa 444 443 4477-473 717 444£ 7773 4^44 444^4 704. 477 43 444 $3 44(1368 44 477 443 74474 4£, 071 44 44£1 44^ 4444 -44 444 74H mm3 403 4^40 4^4 4404. 074 4414 77 443 —3 444 —3 4 £0^4. -74 -43 ^-47 -444 444 44.3 -3 10 4 74 1351 4 0 4740 S4H3 7777® 77 444^s 47 3 4a -4744 44 444SH7, 04 1 014 07/08/26(74) ^M. 2 ±m. 3 47^, ^44 7£4J , 77474, 1999. 130 Asian Studies II (XVIII), 2 (2014), pp.157-175 444414 ^£44 i36Q 4 1 i362 4 4440 4^4 4444. 1366 4 44 440 3 4 g« 441 mWMA 4^ IT^4J 4 44444. 1370 4 4441 340 fig4 ^04 m mmc, 440 4 £44 4444 444 444 ¿44 ^444. 1371 4 ±1 4444 £4. 1374 4 4440j 4^4s fäi o] ^4444 4443 77^4A 444 s 44 44443 44444 4440 443 444 4444 a^s, 441 ÜA 444 444 440j ^44 443 4* 444. 1375 4(44 44) 44 443 44 44^4 4444 444 441 lÄi «E43 4^4 44 444 A4 444. 441 , ÍMMEJ , r^ffl 4J , r^m^AJ ¥4 4444. 4 4^3 Affi1 44 44, ^ 43 444 11^43 444 4443 4441 44 4^4 A44 £44 404. 138344 13844 4 441 444 A4 «44 444. 44A #4 4 444 44 44 4£44 4441 444 444s, mntâf4 4 44s(i387 4), «0443 444. 13884 <0443 ^ft 3 444 444s M 14^ 441 44 44 4144s 44 144 441 444)3 fäi 4 li 4 4144s, f+^Sffl 3 44744 4«0 f4ffl^4 4444. (i39i 4 5 4) 044 443 « i 44 4 4£44 77^4^4 444^ 44444, ^«3 44, <£4^3 ^44 £Ä44. i39i 414 HHiaiA 444A 0444 «4iJf A 4s 4£44 iSl^f A 40 s43 4«4 4444. 4£44 S!«i3 M4 044s, 40 M4 44 440 44 £4 44£3 44414 44 5 444 444 4A 44414 444 ^44 4444 44444. ^44 i39i 4 9 41 444^44 4£44 44 4 4s 44 4 ä4 ^44s 44^ 4 44 44. 1392 4 044A Wtl14 444 4440 444 444 4sA 44A 4£4 ¥ 0443 44444 4444s ^4444 m 444 4444s, 7 4 i7 4 M, mm ¥0 440 40 0444 4^ 444^4 444 131 YOO Kwon Jong: Foundation and Management of the Joseon Dynasty 444. 4£44 44 44 17 44 i4 4444. ^4 3 4(1394 4) 444 4 »444 444 444 444444 4 SM4 4444(91) 4£44444 4£44 44444. «Pi 4 44, 44, 44 4«, £^4 44 44^4 4^ MS(101)4 7>444 444. 13954114 r^M^j, rw^j 4 it^s, rm mj, rmmj 44 444 444 nrn 4#4 444. 444 1144 £44 4^444 44 4 s, SMH4 4#4 444. 4 444 4 4 4 4 4444 444. 1396 414 4444 134444 44444 44 5 m 52 ft 4 4#4 444. 4 44 44 4^4 ^44 ft £ ^^ ^444^4 4 444. ^4444 4444 44444 4444s, 1398 4114 rKS^J 4 IT««J 4 444. ^ 444 4444. 4£44 4444444 4£41 44 44444 ^14 444 4 4444 s#4 44 44. ^44 ^44^ 441 444 ^4 4 4444 44 44. 444 ^41 444 4444 444 4 4£44 444 444 ^4 4^4 4^4 444 444 444444 4444. 1 #1 4444 HT # ^ ft $ ! (4s§34444 2 44), R^S^lf (4^4444444 44), ^Ff! (44^4^4), n ft m 4 * (44^4^4), 444), £nm»4«ffi*(44 ^44 «444 44), MMMM (4444 4444 ¥ 44 444), 444 44 444. 444 444 444 4444, 43.44, 4444, 44444, 44 ^44 44 mm 44, «444 4 444^1 4^4 444 4 444 ^4 44 444444 4444.4 444 44^ 4 4 444 444 44 4 44. ^4 ^44^ 444 444 44 44^4 ^«(44 4^4 44 44444 444 44^ 444 44 4 444^4 ^44 444 ^444 44 44444 s441 4^4 4 4444 4 444. ^4 4 444^44 441 4^4 444 44 500 44 44 444, 444 ^4 4444 44 ^4 444 444 444s 4 4 44. 444 444s4 44 44 4^ 444 444 ^ 4 4 44. 4 44 4, 52 4. 132 Asian Studies II (XVIII), 2 (2014), pp.157-175 4^4 M#44 444 if^!^444 444 44 ^4 444 44 44444 444? ^4 £44 444 ftffi^4 ^ 44 44444 4£4 4444 444 4 44 44 444. ^ 4 500 4 444 444 444 S^44 444 44 1863-1907)4 4£444 44444(1872) ^ 4444 if^I ^4 444 44 44^ $14. 4£4 #44 ^4 44 4£4 44 44 444 444^ 444s. £44£4 44 ^4 44 444^ 4 44 44 444 444. ifi^s £44^ is £4444 if^I^ 44 4244444 444 444 444 444. £4 ^44 ^44 X M 444 4^4 44M4. (1871 4) ^444 ^4 44 4444 £44£4 444 444 444 4£4, £ £4 4£4 ^44 444 44^ 444 444? ^4 444 444 4444 444 444 44 444? 4444 4£4 44^ 44 444 44 444 444 244 44 4444, 4444, 44 4444£^ 4444 444^ £ ^4 4444 444 444^ 44.5 4244 444 4 44 4s4 444 444 44(explicit knowiedge)4 44 4 44 4444 4 44 444 444. ^44 44 444 444 44 44 4444 44 444 444 44 44 444 4 44 44£^ 444 4 444? 4 444 4S.44 £44£4 444 44M4 444 4 444 444^4 44. 4 44 ^44 4£444 444 M4 XM444 4^4 #£4 444 4 4 44. 4 4 444 £4 4£ 444 444 4£44 444 444 44 444 ^^44. 4£44 444 444 444 444? 44 £4 444 4£44 44 ^44 4444 44M4 444 4444? ^ 444 444 4 44 444 ^#(1797-1886)4 ^4 44 4 4444 4 ^44 44.6 4 4444 444 444 4444 14 4£44 14 444 44 ^44 4 44. 444 444 4£ ^ 444 4^4 44 44 444. 444444 4£44 44 444 44 44£^ 4444 44 mm4 «, «4 &Jt4 444£4 5 #7X1 rn, W^J , 444*^4, 19834 44^. 6 tm wm%>£xmmj 4 4444 wMnrnm 4 ^44 m®444 444 444 44 4 444. 133 YOO Kwon Jong: Foundation and Management of the Joseon Dynasty 433 ^3 344 3n4 4^ 444s 44. 334 4434 m m4 M, mE 4 4 433^4 443 434. 443 434 £4 4£4 £4 314 344 4 4444 3444 434. flfflBAJ , ITM4MJ , 43 ii, 44£ 444^ 4344 ^4 443 34 rm^S^J , 3443 4^4 4444 , T^^RJ , r^mj, nroaj, r« 4®j , , ^3s 44 4444 rwmj 43 mm 44 44 £4 mm3 44 444 433 3444. 3£44 3 34 34(34)4 mm4 434447}? ^44 £43 433 334 444 a>3444 444? 434 3£43 £44 443 '«3 SPal'4 444 4434. 3£44 3 4334 «H3 4^4 44, 44, f£, 43, 44, £^3 ^ 4 443 £444£4 443 44s(4£ 3 4) ^ £43 4444 443 44 443 334 44^3, 4443 133434 5 ^ 52 ft 44s 7433 443 334 43444.(4£ 5 4) ^4 4444^4 444 444 44 33444s £43 434 3444. 334 443 434 «PiM4 M3 4444^ 4444s4 4^3 »» '«3 S^'4 444s 444 434. ^#4 34 443 337} 434 444 44 4 4£4 344 43^ 444444, 343 3 4£4 4444 434 ^334 4 4434. 434 4^3 M3 344 ^44 444£4 344 443 434 44^ 443 4 334. 3£44 334 443 4£3 M3 HM44 34 444^3 £44 4444 444 4344. ^3s r«R«J , r^ffi^J 4 44 34, 444 4£^4 4444 44 Mi 44, ^43£ 4^4 334 ^43 ^4 33 ^3 3334. 343 444 £44£3 3434 £4 3£43 444 33 44 44£4£ 4^4 43^ 34 mm3 444 »J 4 44s 443 334 444s a 444 £444 43 ^3 33^ 443 4444 34s a £4 34 44 ^43 343444 4344 434. 334 444 434 444, 3444 £4 4£3 44^43 4343 HM 434 4444 4 43 ^3 44 ^ 4^4 4344 434. 3£43 43 sf 443£ 'il^i^'344 344 44M4 44 33£ 3 3 134 Asian Studies II (XVIII), 2 (2014), pp.122-143 AA AAAA AAA Af^^A AAA^^A AÄAA^AA AAAA AAAAA4 ^A4. AAA AAAA AAA '(sA)AsA AAA'AA AAA ^A AAAA AÄA AA AAA HA AAAA &A AAAA sA AsAAA ^A4 ^ A^ AAA4A AAA A4. AA A 4 AAAA AAA, AAA AAAAA AS.AA AAAA AA^^A f^^^^s AAAA A AA AA AAA AAA AfA ^A4 AAAA ^A AA4 AAAAs AÄA ü AA AA4 AAAA AAAAA AAM4 üfi AAAA A AAAA A^ AAA4 AAAA A ^As A4. A^ AAA ^A AAAA AA4 AAAA AAAA4s AA AA4 A^As A4A —A, AA AAA —A4 AA AA4. ^AAA sAA AAAA sAAAA AAA ^A AA4 AA AAA A^ AAAs A4. ^A4A AA ^ AAA AAA AAAAA AAA? AHAAAAA AA AS-AA AAA AA AAA AAAA ^^A AAA AAA AA AAA}? AAA AaAA sA ^7] 7 AAA AAAAA, 500 A AA AAA AsA AAA ^A AAA A4s A A AA eAA A4A A4A? Hm^ m °1AA HA AA AAAA AAAA ^AA AAAA AA4 AAAAs ^AA A AAA? AA A^ AAAA AS-AA AAAA ^ AA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA A AAA A^A AAA ^4. ^AA ^A AAA AAA ^ AAA A^A AAA AA^—^A AAAA AA AAs, A^A Aäfi AA AAA4 AAA ^AAA AA AA4. AS.AA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAA -AAA AA4 A-A-AA 4A A AA- AA A A4. AA IMA mm^A SAA AAAAA AA AAA AAA A A4 AAA AA A A4. A AAA AAA A AAA AA, AAA AA AAA AAA MM A AAA — AAAA—A AAA AA4. A AAA AA(AA AA)A AAA ñ a £ M (Autopoiesis)4 AAAAA AA4. AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAA AA AA AAA AAAA AAs AAA AA4 AAA-A A4 AAA AA ^ AAA AAA AA4. A-AA AAA AAA AA-4- 135 YOO Kwon Jong: Foundation and Management of the Joseon Dynasty s!4^4 ^wt 4441 44444 44S.144 MM 414 44 444 ^44 41 44. 44 r»R«J 4 r^ffi^J 4 rMMM&J , ITM»J , 424 444 44 44 4^ 4^4444 4444 4^4 44 444 144 141 144 ^44 44 ^44. ^4 424 £2 424 44 ^04 ffi &°14 Wfem^ 4^44 s44 114 444 44t 424 444 44t 4144 444^ 4^4144 14t 14444. ^ 441 ^44 4244^4 444 4 44t 441 44444 ^ 444 144444 20 41 441 141144 414. 1S.44 44 4441 4t 11 s!41 414 44411, 444t "^444 It 44 s 44t 1444 44 44"(4A0JM 14s 4444. 4^4 4414 4^4 44^41 41^4 441 1^141 1^4 #4 414t 4^4 414^ 444^4 444t 4144. 41 mm» mm4 mm» trnt mm 1441 444444. mm » «S4 mm» M4 4^ 441 114 4 444 414 44444 # 444 414 414^ 444^4 444 414.7^44 44444 444 4144t 414# ^ 414 414 1441 4441 14 1414. 4 314 414 414 441 414 41444 414 144 4 144 14 144 ^41 4^ 44444 4^4 M&'m(explicit knowledge)^ 414 (tacit knowledge)4l£ 1441 1414. ^44 444 444 444 414 44^ 4444 4111£ 44.8 4 444 414 414 414 444 14 444 44444 144. 14 444 1S.44 44 444 444 44. 44 Ht 444 444 uvmrn(17 m)4 444 41 114 ^14 114t 11444 414 44t «4s, 4 11 1^4 It 1444 ^4 14414 4M44 1114 4444. 144 4^44 M4 444 4 414s 4 4 4414, 14t 41 &t 4 144 ^41 4^ 44^1 44 44444 44t 1^144 11 4444 411 7 444^+44*4 M, : , iff!i±, 2007 4., 11 4 4^. 8 44 4 52 136 Asian Studies II (XVIII), 2 (2014), pp.157-175 ^444. 3 41 HS 44 444 4^14 444 ^44 444 44^ 4 4 4441, 7>4 #44 44^ Ä44 44 37} »4 « 4 spb14 444 444. 4^4 44^ "444 ^444 ^444 444, fië 44 ^444 4"44.9 344 s44 4414 s44 441 444 4Ä4 4® 4 444 s4 44 444 441 444 4, 444 444 Äffi44 4s »m, ®4m, Ä$m, m mm, ©mm, ©mn, S4®, sä®, 4H(41 4ftH) ¥4 m n®® 444 4, «4 mnn-Mn, m: «mn, «tm s: man, 4 man, M: iftn, ^m: «n, sm: ®an)4 44, 4ÄH, m: 4ftH, MX S: MH)4 444 4š ^4441 4s 4^4 44 44 44 (/K 4 * £ ±)4 4 s(t a m m í§)1 4444 444^® ^4 44 14 #444. mä 4 5 ^ 52 ft4 444 44 4s 344 44344 #444 444.(44 12 4: m «a ma, mm, m sm, mm, «s, ti, «s, «m, 44 114: ä®, mm, Mm, 44, m mm, mm, A4, mw, mM, mm, 44 114: ^m, ta, «m, tm, mí, mm, #4, m M4, Mfè, 44 10 4: Äft, Pis, «4, m^, «ft, M®, a®, #4 8 4: Am, ä4, Ät, m, m-, m mm, my) 44 444 #444 44 44 r?B¥MÄJ 4 44 mÄ4 44 441, 44 444 444 ^4 ^ 444 444 « 4-44 4¿M4 4441 444S 3 444 44441 4444^4 fië 47Ï44444 4s4 1344 444 31444 44444 444 44 444. 3# mÄ4 44 414 m® 4^44^ 444434 44 44 4 44 ^ 444 ft m 1 4444 4^4 ftim 4 4144 444S 4^4 ftim ^ 4444 4 44 4^4s 44. 44 A4 4 a 1 444 ^fêtt (governmentality) 4 4^44. 444 44 44 4^4 44 4^44 444 4441, 4 44 444^ 44^ 444 4^4 444 4444 444 3#4 44^ 444^ 444 4444. 4s44 444 444444 4^4 444 44^1 4444 44 ^44 4444. 3^44 ^44 4^44 444 9 T44 441 44 444 , Ts44^444J 4 3 4 2 š, 240 137 YOO Kwon Jong: Foundation and Management of the Joseon Dynasty 441 4^44 44 mm 4 4444 444 a4^4. ^44 414 4^44 444 ^44 444 444 4444 ^44 44444 4441 4444 4444 444 44 44 44. ^ 44 «4 4^44 44. «4 44 444 a444 4^4 a^t 44 44M4. 414^144 Mm! 444 444 444 4444 'ttS'444 444 444 ^44 44 44 4aa as 444, 44S.4 M 44H4 M4 444 * 41 W® 44 444sa ^ 4 44 44a ^44 4444 M/K4 ^ 4 4 444 4444 44s 4444. ^4s 444 *JH, fitt 44 Mt 444 M4 AM 44 ^14444 444 444 41 444 4#4 lit 44444 441 It^i^ 444^ 44. ^4s 441 4^4 M^444 4144 44444 3414 44 r#Ml 4 [HJ «4 444 444 ^44 4444. 444 s4^44 44444 ^44 4 34 441 tt »4 44 414 4#4 441 4^44 4£t 44444 444 4444. ^44 ^44 444 4^4 42.44 4414 ^41 444 14 444 4 444 4444 4444^4 a4444. ^44 fiM 1 4444 4444 444 £441 4444 44t 44 44 44444 4s4 ^44 444 #4 44 ^ 444, 4^44 444 441 4^444 444 fiM MflJt ^t44 44 444. ^4 4#4 IT««l 4 IT4«mi 44 M* 44 4^1 444 4s4 444 4444 44 44444 44 4^4 44^^ 4444 a444 4444. ^44 ^14 444 444 4^4 1^14 4^44 434 a44 44444 44 44444 4 314 444 444 ^44^^ 44444 31 444 444 444 4444. ^4s riMJ 414 rmmi 4 M + 4 m4 444 4444s as, ^41 4444 44 44a -K44 44s 4414 mmt 444 44a ^ 444 34 444 44 4^444. ^4s 4144 444 444 44t 138 Asian Studies II (XVIII), 2 (2014), pp.126-143 444 44 14^4 444 4s, 444 '^mA 444 44 44(444 444 »44 44'4 44 4414. 44 4s4 44 444 44444 4444^ 4414 444 4444. 44 444 444 41 444 444 444 444 44 4414 s4 444 444 444 444 444 4^4 4444 4444 44 4444 444 4s44 444 444 4444 444 4444. 444 4444 444 444 4^4 44444 4444 44 44. ^44 444 4441 44 MM mm fô ta® ^ 444 44^ 4444 4, 44 444 444 44 44 # B1 44 444 44 44 44. mm 4414 44 444 4441 44 444 4444 44® 44! 4s4 ^4 444 ^ 44® 444^ 4M4 4 444. 4£44 4414 44 44444 44 4 ^444 4444, ^144 444 44 414 44441 444 4444 4444 44 444 44 44$4s 4444. ^44 444 44 4444 444 #4 444 m W 4414 4444 444 44s 4444 4444. 4 44 4 44 44 4444 444 44444 44144 ^444 444 444 4 S 44. 444 44 4444 #4 444 4s4 444 44 444 4444 444 UM £ HS 444 444 #4 444 4444 &4 H4S 4 444. 444s 4£44 444 44^ 4444 444 444444 44444 44^ 44 44 44 444 44 s44 4 44. 444 Äffi, 4444 44, « 4^4 444 444S 4 4 44. 444 441 4^4 444 44 ^444 44 4444. 2GGG 44 4444 444 4444 4444 4444 444 4444 41 444 44 4^4 44 4 444 44 4444 444 444 444 4^44 44 4444 44 444 444. 44 44 44 44(EU)4 44 44^4 441 4^44 441 44444 44® 444 4 4 4444 441 444 4 44 4444s, 4444 4444 444^ 444 444 4444 444 4*344 444 444 139 YOO Kwon Jong: Foundation and Management of the Joseon Dynasty <^0] 44 4£4^2 42 4404 ^443 441£ 4 0 ^4 4043 ^0 410 0« £44 ^34 S4. 0 0 44 004 4^ <0434 440 440 444 0 ^ ^43 ^44 444£ 04 3044. ^03 44 4£4 044 443 M® <04. W3 404 mm® 4^42 tl^s <044^ ^£114 0444. 40£ ^£43 004 440 44 444#10 mm 4042 3310 44 403 40<0£ M4£ 444 4 4 42, 4< 44444 4440 4444 £ <440 4444 <044£ <4 0£43 004 04£ ^0 4304 04 4042 4 4 04. 4043 403 A44 0 4£44. 4044 443 04 441 440 4 ^04. ^444 443 4414 4£4 4^4 443 ^44 0^0 4£44. 4£ W3 40® 41 4444b ^04. ££l££ 40°}—(Norbert Elias)1 344 4043 4^04 0401(civiiite, M®)4 4443 30 40 4303 0 01 <04 444 4#04£ 44(pattern)££ 404£® 4£ ^04. 0£44 40 144 404 ^0 4^4 440££ 04 ^02 ^44 144 41 404££^0 04 £40 02 440 4 4zf 44£ 4043 0£® 444 ^04. <004 4043 4^0 44 4443 S4 404 402 ^0 4404. 44£ 4443 04 440 4 444 44 4443 4014 04044£ 44£ 4044£ ^04. <4 040, 444^4 0^, 6^25 mm, 404 40, 4 4443 404 443 4444b 40°4 440, 440 444 4444 3*34 44® 4^4444 40£ 444 4^3 44££ 444£ 444. ^04 014 £44 0£43 404 0^0141 44 £4, 40 44433 4041 044 3 310 404 443 444 4££ 04 404 £01 £44. <4143 444 040 4444. 4^3 444 041 44 £^0 4£44. 044(2011 4) 3 4 11 < <4 44A|4 0 04 444 £404 4440£ 44 <440 140 Asian Studies II (XVIII), 2 (2014), pp.157-175 4^4 444^ 444444 4714 44. $4 444} 44444 4^44^4^ 44^ 444>444 444 ^^ 444 xm^ 3 441 47 444 SS 4^44 4444 444 ^4 4$ 4447H $^44. 44^ 44£4$44 4411 4^44 4 4$ 4^xrnit^^s 44.10 $444^ 44£ ^ 44 444 44^4 444 4 44 4$44, 444£ 44 4 44 44 4^ 44^ 444 44 4^4 444 4$4. 44 444 44 444 444}4 44 € 4 44 44$4. ^444 444 444 441 444 4 $7444 444 444 444? 4^ 444 411 ¥$ 4^4 444 444? ^4S 4£44 444 44 4 4^14 a44 44444? 41 £4411 4£4$ a 44 4^4 4444S 4 41 444 4^(444)4 ^4 4^4 444? 4^4 £441£ 4^ 44 44$4 444 4 444 4^4 44 4$ ^44 444? 4^14 fal 44 444 4S, 44 £44 444 ^44 44 444? $4$ £44 47 £44£44 4 4$4S 4444. References Joseon Wangjo Silnok (The Annals of Joseon Dynasty). 1956. Seoul: Guk- sa-pyeon-chan-wi-won-hoi (The National Institute of Korean History). Han Young-woo ^fzXS ^/444. 1983. Jeong Do-jeon Sa-sang-eui-yeon-gu S4 W% (Study on Jeong Do-jeon's Thoughts). Seoul: Seoul-dae-chul-pan-bu, gae-jeong-pan. -. 1999. Wang-jo-eui Seol-gye-ja Jeong Do-jeon 4^4 444 4£4 (Jeong Do- jeon, Designer of Jo-Seon Dynasty). Seoul: Ji-sik-san-eop-sa. Heo Jeon 2013. Seong-jae-seon-saeng-mun-jip (Collection of Heo, Jeon's Works). Seoul: Min-jok-mun-hwa-chu-jin-hoi (Institute for Translation of Korean Classics). Heo Kyeong 44. 2011. "Michel Foucault-eui 'Heteropia'—Cho-gi Gong-gan Gae-nyeom-e Dae-han Bi-pan-jeok Geom-to 44 f^^ '^14^44'-£4 44 441 44 444 4MJ (On Michel Foucault's Heterotopies - a Aritical Introduction to His Early Concept of Space)." Do-si-in-mun-hak-yeon-gu £444444 (The Humanistic Studies on City) 3(2): 233-67. 10 m, , 2008., 16 ^ -t^. 141 YOO Kwon Jong: Foundation and Management of the Joseon Dynasty Imamura Hitoshi, and Imamura Shinsuke 2007. Girai no ontorogii: ningen shiyakuwai wo saiseisan suru mono liffl^VhD^-: M^žt® (Ontology of Rituals: What Reproducts Human Society). Tokyo: Godansha. Povzetek Jeong Do-jeon (1342-1398) je eden izmed najbolj pomembnih oseb pri vzpostavitvi dinastije Joseon. Rodil se je v dinastiji Goryeo, kjer je živel do starosti 50 let, a se je skupaj z Yi Seong-gyejem, ki je bile eden izmed najvišjih admiralov v kraljestvu Goryeo, uprl proti kraljestvu in uspešno ustanovil novo dinastijo Joseon leta 1392. Čeprav štejejo Yi Seng-gye, ki je postal prvi kralj dinastije Joseon, za uradnega ustanovitelja te dinastije, pa številni sodobni zgodovinarji Jeong Do-jeona štejejo kot oblikovalca nove dinastije. Ta ocena prikazuje, da so številni korejski zgodovinarji razvili skupno idejo, da brez njegovega načrtovanja in izvajanja, dinastija Joseon ne bi bila ustanovljena in tudi ne bi trajala 500 let. Med ključne točke, s katerimi sodobni zgodovinarji ocenjujejo njegove dosežke, niso samo realizacija revolucije, ampak tudi njegovi prispevki, ki so bili nepogrešljivi za ohranjenje in razvoj dinastije. Sodobni zgodovinarji se osredotočajo na njegovo sistematično oblikovanje institucij zakonov, ekonomije in politike, ki so tudi glavne teme sodobnih družbnoslovnih znanosti. Vendar pa ni dovolj, da bi samo ocenjevali njegov pomemben prispevek za ohranjanje dinastije skoraj 500 let. Ta članek posveča tudi pozornost vlogi nacije, ki disciplinira svoje ljudi, kot pravi Michel Foucault. Ideološka in institucionalna oprema dinastije Joseon ustreza discipline, s tem na primer, da je ukinil budistične rituale in jih nadomestil s konfucianskimi, organiziral je glavno mesto in poimenoval stavbe in ulice po konfucianskih klasikih, izključil je budizem iz življenj ljudi in uradnikov ter iz kraljevih obredov itd., nas vsi njegovi prispevki opozarjajo na njegovo pomembno vlogo pri ohranjanju dinastije, in sicer za neprekinjeno reprodukcijo konfucijske družbe od 14. do 20. stoletja. Ta prispevek se osredotoča na uporabo njegovih pomebnih prispevkov za diskusijo v filozofiji za javnost, še posebej z japonskimi filozofi. 142 Asian Studies II (XVIII), 2 (2014), pp.157-175 Summary Jeong Do-jeon (1342-1398) is regarded as the most substantial figure of the foundation of the Joseon Dynasty. He was born in the Goryeo Dynasty and had spent his life in the Dynasty until 50 years old, but he, with Yi Seong-gye who used to be one of the highest admirals in the Goryeo Dynasty, revolted against the Dynasty and finally succeeded in foundation a new dynasty, Joseon, in the year of 1392. Even though Yi Seong-gye who became the First King of the Joseon Dynasty has officially been regarded as the founder of the Joseon Dynasty, Jeong Do-jeon is regarded as a designer of the new Dynasty by most present Korean historians. This estimation shows that many Korean historians have developed the common idea that without his planning and practice the Joseon Dynasty could not be established and, admitting that it was, continued for 500 hundred years. The key-points that present historians highly estimated his achievement are not only his realization of revolution but also after then his contributions which were indispensable for maintenance and development of the Dynasty. The present historians' estimation focused on his systemic design of institutions of law, economy, politics, and so on, which are the topics of mainstream social sciences. However, such estimation it is not enough to evaluate his substantial contribution for maintenance of the Dynasty for almost 500 years. In this paper a nation's function to discipline its people as Michel Foucault said is paid attention to. Ideological and institutional equipment of Joseon Kingdom fits the discipline, for example, abolishing Buddhist rituals and providing Confucian ones, organizing the capital city and naming buildings and districts of the city according to Confucian humanities, excluding Buddhism from people's routine lives and official or royal ceremonies, etc., all of his contributions direct our attention to his substantial contribution to the maintenance of the Dynasty, that is, the continuous reproduction of the Confucian society from the 14th through the 20th century. This paper focuses on application of his substantial contribution for discussion of public philosophy especially with Japanese scholars. 143