121 ^opasta ~aplja Ardeola ralloides Squacco Heron – one caught on 8 Apr 2007 at Velo blato, Pag Island (UTM WK01, Dalmatia, Croatia), and observed catching European Mole Cricket Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa in shallow water Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola ^rna prosenka – dne 26.10.2008 opa`en en osebek na otoku Olibu (UTM VK81, Dalmacija, Hrva{ka) Quite a few data have been recently published on the occurrence of Grey Plovers in the coastal areas of Croatia (Rucner 1998). This species appears regularly in the Dalmatian region during the spring and autumn migrations and may even overwinter there in small numbers (Kralj 1997). The threatened overwintering population in the northwestern coastal areas of the northern Dalmatian wintering area is estimated at about 50−80 individuals (Radovi} et al. 2003). On 26 Oct 2008, one Grey Plover was observed in a barren wetland area with marshy soil somewhat inland from Slatina Bay, Olib Island (UTM VK81, Dalmatia, W Croatia). It is interesting to note that there were no other waders in the area, but we found plenty of empty shotgun cartridges in the 10−20 m wide land strip extending between the salty marshland and the bay area. This observation suggests that the site is probably well known among hunters. Considering that little is known about the avifauna of Olib, it is important to record the occurrence of the Grey Plover. The island of Olib is located in the northern part of the Zadar island region, which forms part of the Croatian “National Ecological Network − areas important for birds in Croatia” (Radovi} et al. 2005). The research was co-funded by the Hungarian-Croatian Intergovernmental S&T Co-operation Programme for 2007−2008, project No. CRO−17/2006. Jenő J. Purger, University of Pécs, Institute of Biology, Ifjúság útja 6, H−7624 Pécs, Hungary, e−mail: purger@ttk.pte.hu Eduard Klete~ki, Croatian Natural History Museum, Demetrova 1. HR−10000 Zagreb, Croatia, e−mail: eduard.kletecki@hpm.hr Gull–billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica ^rnonoga ~igra – dva osebka opa`ena 26.10.2008 in 29.10.2008 v bli`ini otoka Olib (UTM VK81, Dalmacija, Hrva{ka) At 10.00 a.m. on 26 Oct 2008, two Gull-billed Terns, both occupied with catching fish, were observed about 0.5 km southwest from the harbour of Olib Island (UTM VK81, Dalmatia, W Croatia). Once again, three days later (29 Oct 2008), two Gull-billed Terns were spotted along the eastern coast of the island in Samotvorac Bay (it is possible that these were the same birds that had been recorded previously). There are only few published data on the occurrence of Gull-billed Terns in the region of Dalmatia; mostly solitary specimens were observed during autumn and spring migration (Kralj 1997). In addition to the fact that this species is a rare migrating bird, our observation is important also because of its location, since the area of Zadar islands (Premuda, Silba, Olib, [karda, Ist, Molat etc.) Slika 16 / Figure 16: ^opasta ~aplja / Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides, 8.4.2007, Velo blato, Pag. Foto: D. [ere Dne 8.4.2007 sem obro~kal ptice na Velem blatu na otoku Pagu (UTM WK01, Dalmacija, Hrva{ka). Ob obali sem imel na ~istini postavljeno mre`o za lov ptic, in ko sem se ji po dolo~enem ~asu za~el pribli`evati mre`i, sem pred seboj na poplavljenem travniku zagledal dve ~opasti ~aplji. Ena je zletela naprej mimo mre`e, druga pa je pristala tik pred mre`o in s kljunom za~ela nekaj vle~i iz plitve vode. Ko sem se ji bolj pribli`al, je zletela s »plenom« naravnost v mre`o. Zelo sem bil presene~en, ker se je ~aplja ujela v mre`o, saj ta sploh ni namenjena za tako veliko ptico. [e bolj pa sem bil presene~en, ko sem opazil, da ji je iz kljuna padel v mre`o plen, to pa je bil bramor Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa. Nato sem v mre`i slikal bramorja, v roki pa tudi to ~apljo, ki sem jo {e prej ozna~il z obro~kom ZAGREB LA 2801 (slika 16). Potem sem tako bramorja kot ~opasto ~apljo izpustil. Podatek pomeni, da se lahko ~opasta ~aplja prehranjuje tudi z bramorji. Postavlja pa se vpra{anje, ali lahko bramor `ivi tudi nekaj ~asa pod vodo, zlasti takrat, ko so travniki poplavljeni, in ali se takrat tudi ogla{a. Na tem obmo~ju `ivi namre~ tudi zelena krasta~a Pseudepidalea viridis, ki se ogla{a zelo podobno kot bramor in ju zato lahko po »petju« zamenjamo. Dare [ere, SCOP, Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Pre{ernova 20, SI−1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e−mail: dsere@pms−lj.si Acrocephalus 29 (137): 111−126, 2008