HAPPY NEW YEAR! ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 1 JANUARY, 1974 VOLUME 46 ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 1 JANUARY, 1974- VOL. XLVI Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne št«vilke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno Fcr Social members. $4.00 — za družabne članice $4.00 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd.r Chicago. Ml. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 On the Cover... - BELLES OF THE S.W.U. Meet Zarja's "cover girls”, who typify the membership of Zveza, v/omen of varied professions, interests and fields of endeavor. We proudly salute them and hope to continue shining the spotlight on some of our outstanding officers and members from time to time. To do this we need the help and interest of our reporters and contributing officers. You know your members, we’d like to knew them, loo. Send us information and photos cf the professional and non-prc-fessional women in your communities who are members of Zveza. We'd like lo meet them. We want to meet the lady alderman frcm Sheboygan, the physician from Chicago, the radio an.iouncer from Pittsburgh, the publisher from Chisholm, and on and on. Let's not be too modest let's put them in the limelight. And new, our three S.W.U. Belles: MAYOR LUCiLLE J. REED of Bedford Hgts., Ohio, a surburban area near Cleveland, has been in cffice since 1966. Under her administration, the city has prospered and citizens are enjoying many fine, new developements such as recreational programs for youth and senior citizens, a top-rated waste water treatment plant, improved city park and pool with no increase in tax assessment! Mayor Reed has been named Woman of Achievement in 1972 and is nominated for Who's Who in America. RUTH HREN MONACO R.N. is an instructor on the staff of Community Education at all five hospitals cf (he University of Chicago medical complex. She is responsible for the continuing education of all nurses on the staff and is highly trained in this profession. She is a graduate of the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minn, and is a native of Chisholm. Her mother is former president of Br. 38, Mrs. Frances Hren. "GERTIE” JORDAN, is a 28{ year employee of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. in Pueblo. She has 9 grandchildren that are also members as weil as a daughter-in-law, a total of 11 members in Br. 3. Her picture was featured in the CF & I magazine as a salute to her veteran status in this job that men often find strenuous. Gertie says she just loves people! HAPPY NEW YEAR. MEMBERS, THEIR FAMILIES AND ALL FRIENDS OF ZVEZA! CONTACT KOILANDER TRAVEL... SOON... if you are planning to travel to Slovenia or Europe this summer. It will be necessary to make prior arrangements at least 3 months in advance, it you elioost: the least expensive, direct charter flights with no land arrangements. You need not belong to any organizational sponsor under this plan, but a :i month prior deadline is required for you to qualify. Those who will be taking tour-packages along with their flights, may make reservations any time up to departure. For either of these two plans, Kollander has scheduled trips from three months to two weeks, so contact the nearest Kollander office for all information. KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL INC. Main office: 589 East 185th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 (216) 692-2225 llt'HiK'h offices: 109 N. Dearborn, Chicago, 332-4721 2032 W. Cermak, 47-6679 31-06 42nd St. As^ia, N.Y^21-1132 5 U'JilJiM BOWLING NEWS The Chicago S.W.U. bowling league moved into the holiday season with Marquette Super Service holding onto first place. As of Nov. 20, they had a record of 26Vi wins and 11% losses. Dr. Grill was in second place again with 24 wins and 15 losses. In third, with 23 wins and 16 losses, was Ze-fran Funeral Home. Stetina's Bakery and K. and K, Market tied for fourth with 20‘/a wins and 18Vt losses. There were quite a few new names added to our list of ‘‘stars” in November. Alice Salvino led them all with a 551 series, which included games of 207 and 201. This was 77 pins over her 158 average. She also had a 508 series. Sharing the honors was a new bowler, Kathy Kozak, also 77 pins over her 122 average, with a 443 series. Bernie Haas’ 507 series was 75 pins over her 144 average; she also had a 506 series. Kathy Cepelak was 71 pins over her 122 average with a 437 series. Ann Fingerhut's 434 was 68 pins over hor 122 average; Pat Mladic's 415 was 67 pins over her 116 average. Other high series during November were: S. Gorka, 551 (202 game), 538 (211 game) and 512; A. Vucko, 521; S. Melissa, 509 and 519 (201 game). Our "stars” would have to include the bowlers who won the Thanksgiving bottles from Townhall. They bowled the most pins over average on their teams Nov. 20. Winners were; K. Cepelak, M. Stuck, M Clement, M. Kra-penc. S. Gorka, M. Golden, A. Finger-hut, M. Persa, A. Vucko, D. Ceska. The list of railroad pickups during the month was unbelievable. The hotshots were: E. Statkus, 5-7-9 and 6-7-10; M. Stuck, 4-7-10 and 5-7; S. Gorka, 3-10 and 5-7-9; L. Golen, 3-8-10 and 6-7-10; P. Robinson, 5-7 and 5-8-10; R. Haas, 5-10 and 5-8-10; M. Zahorsky, 5-6-10 (3 times); D. Ceska, 7-10 and 2-7; B. Haas, G. Niedzielko, H. Drobec, H. Fitzgerald, 5-7; A. Vucko, G. Dellegrazie, S. Melissa, 3-10; J. Muelleman, M. Clement, B. Shiliga, A. Marrazzo, 5-10; D. Sharp, 6-7-10; L.. DiGiacomo, 4-7-10; F. Wrezzes, 5-7-9; A. Hozzian, 5-8-10; J. Ovnik, 3-9-10; K. Kozak, 2-7-10; M. Cepelak, 6-7. Hope your holidays were happy! BARBARA ZUREK from the president. . . Rev- claude okorn' 0 F M': HAPPY NEW YEAR tfearA iHecfitaticn The holidays are over — we can start now concentrating on new business and activities for the S.W.U. Some branches will have newly elected officers and others may have re-elected their past officers again. To all, wishes for a successful year 19 74! It’s up to the officers of each branch to let the members know that we must have them to accomplish anything at all. The requirement of any organization is membership. If you want an active, successful club, you must present programs with proyects that will attract the active women. Make your club sound interesting, friendly, progressive and fun. Women will join ail organization usually to satisfy their need of belonging. They also need to be appreciated and to be recognized. They need the right of self expression and friendliness from the group. The best membership chairman pursues personal contact and a personal invitation to all new members. A good reception on the day of the meeting and a thank you call afterwards while reminding them of future meetings or activities, usually shows that you want them to attend your sessions. Remember, involved members are interested members and that’s how you s;et new members! Congratulations, Rose Kraemer, State President of Wisconsin on your work to reach your goal of over One Thousand Members for the State of Wisconsin. Here is a good example that proves that you can success if you have the will to work towards your goal. A speedy recovery to all our members who may be ill and especially to Fr. Okorn who was on the sick list, too. Fr. Okorn’s special message each month is very rewarding. Extended sympathy to Barbara Rosandicli, our National Auditor, on the loss of her sister, Mary Shikonya, former president of Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Best wishes and good luck to all branches who have anniversary celebrations to plan for this year. And, to al) members with January birthday’s happy birthday to you! May God bless you ail. MARY BOSTIAN IH Q KOI ■■■■■■■■■■■■■QSHtflHHIUSKIBIHBIH COMBINED BRANCHES #E CLEVELAND REPORT On Nov. 28th, our combined branches gathered for the yearly meeting and Christmas Party. Present were branches 10, 14, 15, 21, 25, 32, 42 and 50. We were happy to see president of Br. 14, Pauline Krall, secretary of Br. 21, Stella Dancull and secretary of Br. 50, Irene Jagodnik. Wecome, ladies. Hope to see you again. We had discussions of many interesting subjects, all pertaining to our Zveza. Our meetings are very interesting; we get to heaT what each branch is doing and it is helpful to the others. We share our ideas and we are always willing to learn. We had election of officers and the following is the staff: Sophie Magayna, president, Ann Hočevar, vice-pre-sdent, Stella Dancull, secretary-treasurer, Lois Babnick, recording secretary and auditors, Jane Novak, Josephine Comenshek. Congratulations to all officers; I’m sure we will have a good 1974! We had a nice report from our National President, Rear Adm. Jeremiah A, Denton was a Navy flyer. He spent eight years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. He was shocked by the moral decay he found on his return lo the United States. “Among the prisoners in Hanoi heroism was commonplace”, he told the group of Catholic women in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. “The enemy learned that most of us would take death before dishonor and care-fu'ly avoided presenting us with that choice." Hanoi was aware of progress of social and moral de-csy that had taken place in America in his absence. The decay was evident from the front page news: A Gallup poll showing acceptance of premarital relations, the Supreme Court abortion decision, the young people’s lack of organized religion, "swinging married couples’”, the increase in X-rated films. He considered the Catholic women’s battle for morality and human dignity to be more important “than (he battle I participated in the skies and in the prisons of North Vietnam”. The battle is the struggle to enable charity, the noblest of virtues, to prevail over pride, the capital sin. The key skirmish is the effort to maintain control of the strategic heights which I shall call Orientation Ridge. Orientation Ridge is the condition in which man understands human dignity, thus recognizing his position with respect to God and to his fellow man. He blamed loss of the Ridge on increased affluence end cn neglect of divine law. “Destroy respect for the laws of God pertaining to the family and you destroy the family. Destroy respect for the laws of God as they refer to the nation and you destroy the nation.” According to the Admiral too many of us have become progressively more the victims of pride and less the servants of charity. Yet he is optimistic of regaining the Orientation Ridge. “I believe the tide is starting to change”. “The American system is generally okay”, he said. “It is we men and women who are at fault.” Happif Veu tfear! Mary Bostian who informed us the latest news which we should hear. Mary is trying to help us all she can and we know she is doing a good job. Her instructions always prove valuable. I’d like to congratulate all the branches on their bake sales and other activities they have to enrich their treasuries at home. The Dawn Choral Group had their concert on Nov. 25th, I believe it was one of their best. They were so wonderful — the hall was just filled with the sound of applause. Mr. Gorensek, their director, has done wonders with these gals. Their voices were all so clear and we enjoyed the soloists, Carolyn Budan, Olga Klanchar who were magnificent. All in all, we are very proud of the Dawn singers as their celebrate their 6th year. In closing, may I wish you all a happy and healthy and prosperous new year. To all our National Officers and our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Claude Okorn, may God bless you with good health. SOPHIE MAGAYNA, State President of Ohio-Mich. ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Happy New Year to everyone. May you enjoy happiness, peace and prosperity throughout the coming year. The November meeting was well-attended. Reservaticms were taken for the annual meeting and Christmas dinner. !t was voted on to make a donation to the Wisconsin Lung Association for Christmas Seals. The Memorial cards for the Scholarship Fund were explained to us. After the meeting “B” was enjoyed with coffee and pastry provided by Dorothy Brezonik. She and her husband had a wedding anniversary. Our congratulations to them. There will be no meeting in January. MARGARET FISCHER, Secretary No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Another year is drawing to a close. For some it was the happiest year ever, for some it might have been the saddest. Life is like that — successes mixed with failures, joys intermingled wi+h sorrows. We hope that for you this new year will be a very happy one, that moments of joy will far outnumber the moments of grief. Our big yearly event, the Penny Social, was a success The hall was not as packed as last year, but everyone present seemed to have a good time. There were many lovely gifts and prizes distributed auite evenly among those attending. A sincere thank you is extended to our president, Mayme Muller, in charge of the evening and to all the many good ladies who helped in any way. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rus celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary recently. We congratulate them and wish them many more happy years together. Mr. Rus teaches Slovenian language classes which are sponsored by our organization. Mrs. Rus has been our member for many years while their daughted Marija was just enrolled as a new member. She teaches high-school Spanish and just received her Master's degree in that subject. Congratulations, Marija! Her younger sister Margaret is presently studying in Spain, probably planning a career in teaching. The Christmas party for our children was lovely. When you put organized heads together (Corinne Leskovar’s, Fanika Humar’s, Margie Leff’s) they come up with an organized event. Everything went smoothly, much to the pleasure of all those attending. Thank you, excellent organizers. Thank you Santa, for the lovely gifts which made many children very happy. The January meeting with installation of officers will be held on Thursday, Jan.. 10th, at 7 P.M. in the church hall. See you then, KRISTA ARKO No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. Our regular meeting was held at St. Mary’s church hall. We had a verylarge attendance this month which was very good. The monthly meeting date was change to the first Thursday instead cf Wednesday. This takes effect with the new year. Olga Mesojedec acquainted the ladies with candle-lighting for our deceased members. The funds to go to the Scholarship Fund were discussed and some ladies bought cards. The Christmas Party was also planned. We have several new members, Emma Novak and Elsie Masser, daughters of deceased member, Mrs. Sker-janic. We all welcome you both to our group. The sick members were: Mary Zupančič, Frances Babich, Mary Tekavic, Frances Mramer and Catherine Ercul. A speedy recovery is wished to all. The deceased members were Frances Gacnik and Mary Gabjan of Long Beach, Calif, a former member of our group. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. ROSE KLUNE, Reporter No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO A very happy and healthy new year to all our members. Our meeting in November was a happy one — for one thing, our president Ann Markovič returned after being laid up for months. It was so nice to see her back. Our wonderful member Mrs. John Asseg donated a hand-made afghan to the branch which we will give in March in order to get some money for our home treasury. I hope each one of our members will take one ticket. Please help us, ladies, we really need the money. Our heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Asseg for her thoughtfulness. Last month we signed up seven new members, three adults and four juniors. Many thanks. We 6ure can use more! How about it ladies? Sign up your juniors. It’s only $1.20 a year and I’m sure everyone can afford that small amount. Look what it will do for Zveza! Nov. 12th we lost a long-time member, Frances Grebenc. She was a member for 43 years. She died at the age of 87 and is survived by a son, William and his family of six children and a brother, Charles. Cur deepest sympathy to the family and may our member rest in peace. In December, so many were celebrating their birthdays, we wish a belated Happy Birthday To You! Especially do we remember Mrs. Jennie Koželj, a young lady of 89! May the Lord bless them with many more. You know we Slovenians come from good stock. We also want to remember those in nursing homes. God bless you and return you to good health. In closing, my best wishes for a good year to all especially to Fr. Okorn, Spiritual Advisor and Nat’l Of-f jeers! SOPHIE MAGAYNA, Secretary No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. We weather was wet, but we still had our usual loyal members attending the November meeting and that’s really heartening. The entertainment committee outdid themselves because as we walked in, our eyes beheld a beautiful table setting, all in the Thanksgiving season, and it looked so colorful and inviting. This pleasant welcome sight put us in a good mood and the meeting went on in good form with the usual prayers, reports and discussions on the card party that month and the approaching State Convention next Sept. 22nd, 1974. Plans will have to start right after the December business. Hope there are more in attendance as we will need you all in the new year. At the Dec. meeting we planned the Christmas party and election of officers as well as discussion of new ideas and proposals for the good of the lodge. It was also decided to send a card with a small donation to ail our "shut-ins” in the Nursing Homes or confined to their own homes. We only wish that we do not miss anyone as it is not our intention; so, please get in touch with the "Sunshine Girl”, Marv Evanich, if you know of anyone! Mrs. Alpner was hospitalized and because no one told us until after she DAWN SINGERS RATE The Dawn Choral Group of Cleveland put on a fabulous concert, Sunday, Nov. 25th at the Rechar Hall. They were directed by Mr. Frank A. Gorensek accompanied by Chuck Navi-gante. From beginning to end, the program was fast-paced. The ladies, every one of them glowing with pride, sang heartily and won applause from the audience of a full house. The first part of the concert was presented in a regal manner, the ladies dressed in their long pink gowns. Second part followed with all the singers in traditional Slovenian costumes. The wide ranging selection of songs was put together with a fine feeling of joy and expressiveness., Ten of the seventeen songs presented were arranged especially for the women’s chorus by Mr. Gorensek and certainly they were beautiful and melodious. The Dawn Choral Group is one of our best singing groups. They performed at the last National Convention In Chicago May 20th and won gasps of astonishment for their fine performance. This is all possible because of having a wonderful director who keeps them well-trained and by their voluntary weekly prac- got home, she herself called me to donate to the Card Party which she had missed because of her illness. She has always been a most generous member and is very much missed at the meetings. She was a loyal “regular! Let’s pray that she may one day be able to enjoy the meeting? again and if you dc have time, you might pay her a visit as well. Thank you, Rose. The meeting ended with prayer and we all joined in the feast donated by Stavia, Mary Starich and her mother, Mrs. Novak. Both mother and daughter had November birthdays so we sang in their honor. Thank you for the very good meal! Happy birthday to all other members who were not in attendance and to all shut in members or hospitalized ladies — a good and speedy recovery! Thanks again to those who put in the extra time preparing and taking care of our good lunches. As usual we played several games of "Z" so we would be able to have tice and well-discipiined routine. We hope oilier branches siari singing groups to touow tneu example. ihe program was composed of group singing, solos by Carolyn budan and O.ga Klanchar, duets by Rosemary Marn and Mary Gerl and Albina Techar and Ann Kristoff. Because Ann Kristoff was indisposed that day, Mr. Gorensek filled in for her and the audience round that besides being a very fine director, he is an accomplished tenor. He also sang with Olga and Carolyn. After the performance, Johnny Pecon and Lou Trebar orchestra played for dancing that lasted into the night. We were al! very proud of our girls and happy that all Cleveland branches participated. It seems each branch was represented and I hope this kind of cooperation will continue. My special compliments to the Dawn group president, Olga Klanchar for her wonderful work in seeing that the group is making progress and to Mr. Gorensek for his effort and sincere desire to make them into a fine women’s chorus. We hope to be able to enjoy many more concerts like this in the future. MARY BOSTIAN Nat’l President extra goodies for Christmas and those who wished were asked to bring gifts for the Christmas exchange. Remember to pay dues if you haven’t already done so for 1973! MARY DEZMAN No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Our December meeting was a combination of Yearly Election meeting and Christmas Party. Our president, Pauline Krall and the officers were so happy and pleasantly surprised by such a large number of members that attended this meeting. Our elections were held and al! officers remain the same as 1973. We now also have a sentinel, this is our efficient Frieda Miller. The meeting closed at 8:45 P.M. with prayer, we then proceeeded to have our Christmas Party. The Kitchen Committee set the tables with colorful placemats, little cups of mints and Christmas candy and plenty of food. Mrs Mary Ger! baked the fresh ham which was served and members donated a large assortment of salads, baked goods and liquid refreshments. Thank you to all the ladies who donated the goodies for the party. God Bless All of You. Thanks also to Mrs. Mary Bostian for the candy she sent us for our party. Instead of having a gift exchange the members donated money to be given to the Mary Mavec Euclid Opportunity School for Retarded Children and the Holy Family Cancer Home. Thank you members for being so generous. Our Sunshine Committee will visit some of cur members who are at the Slovene Old Age Home on Neff Rd. and remember them with a gift from our branch. On the sick list are Mrs. Molly Legat & Mrs. Jennie Domastja, both at Euclid — General and Mrs. Smerke at Euclid Manor Nursing Home. Get well soon. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fajdiga who recently celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. May you have many more happy wedding anniversaries. Thank you to all the members who donated to our Sunshine and Goodtime Funds, and to our branch Treasury. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC, Reporter No. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Discussion at our November meeting centered on our Christmas plans. At this writing, the children’s party had been held on December 2nd. Ann Lustig, with the help of Gladys Buck, again worked hard to buy the gifts and prepare refreshments. Barbara Maggio entertained the children with cartoon movies. Many thanks to the workers and to the members who gave donations for the success of the party. Alvina Sreboth made arrangements to have the adult Christmas dinner catered with members furnishing dessert. Mary Priesol took charge of reservations and Anne Ksiazek handled the gift exchange. Marge and Sylvia Spretnjak planned the table decorations. At the November meeting, members present to celebrate their birthdays were Frances Grotkowski and Katie Triller. Many happy returns. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are sent to Elsie Maggio, Millie Skul and Julia Vrlich who were all hospitalized recently. A letter was read from Mt. Assisi •: Marie Prisland: unci J4ecMy T/ew IJcctr to Vjou jM(! Mrs. Frances Raspet, a hard working pioneer member of branch 3 5 in Pueblo, Colorado, and the founder of branch 92 in Crested Butte, 5 •: where the state convention was held last year, sent me a very interesting ■: new cookbook entitled “The Crested Butte MELTING POT.” The book lists recipes of five nationalities living in Crested Butte \ i together with photos and biographies of the ladies who contributed their \ ;= art of cooking and baking. Many members of Crested Butte branch are \ ;j among those represented. Popular Slovenian recipes found in the book \ > are: — Orehova Potica, Ajmoht, Kisla Repa, Klobase, Žganci, etc. > Historical reports enclosed in the book about their Big Mine and i c the area in general are of special interest. The historian reflects: “When I first saw Crested Butte as a ten year old, the place was ;■ I the home of 1,200 people. It was a town of lace curtains and shining ; windows, old ladies visiting on street corners after church, or over the 5 >1 garden fence while pulling weeds. After their fathers came home from | work in the Big Mine in the afternoon, children could be seen carrying \ .ard pails to Eukle’s saloon for beer. (Does that ring a bell? M.P.) \ Crested Butte has changed greatly during the past twenty years, tjj j-: but in one lespec'c it’s still the same — the coal range has not changed, j. •: Considered quaint by tourists, it’s an absolute neccesity to us. ■: People brought up with modern conveniences simply cannot under- ; ■: stand why anybody would keep and voluntarily use old-fashioned stoves i that need so much care and cleaning. Yet it seems that anyone used ■; to them never really likes anything else, especially for baking. The old a>al stove is still an important part of local cooking, and is used by : i nearly all of our contributors. 5 Most of yoii don’t use a coal stove. Neither will you pull up lettuce ; ;= from the garden for supper, and this is unfortunate. It’s also unavoidable, because most people are too restricted by their modern surrounding and ; life styles to have a garden. But if at all possible have one, get fresh •: vegetables from the garden and learn how to make noodles. Then the •: results will be more than good..5 We are most grateful to “The Crested Butte MELTING POT” historian :■ $ for her writeup. ^ c * # # A Slovenian pioneer was working on his farm. A friend came by < ii and said to him: “John, you and the good Lord have certainly done a j-\ wonderful thing with this farm.” The pioneer replied: “You ought to have > \ seen the farm when the Lord was running it by Himself.” J JJ. am L Convent requesting a donation for a new organ in their Motherhouse. The members voted on a sum to be sent them and also on a Christmas donation to St. George's Church. Welcome to new member, Helen Purevich and to juvenile members Shannon Campbell, Thomas and Wendy Ksiazek, Paul Matushek and Joseph Whalen. Best wishes to all for a very happy New Year! MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter No. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Greetings from the Southwest. Since moving to Phoenix last May, we have experienced many delightful, new things, a different type of living and an easier (?) way of life. The newness is pleasant but it is quite a change from the Chicago way of life. It takes a bit of getting "used to”. Christmas isn’t the same in the desert with no snow, but, we are told, this climate, terain and vegetation is the closest to the land of the "First Christmas.” To the officers and members of Branches No. 16 and 95 especially, we want to share with you a Very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year. RUTH and PETE CUBRA No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Wishes for a happy new year to all! We hope for great progress in the year 1974 for all our branches. Congratulations especially to Mrs. Marie Prisland who more than 45 years ago founded the first and largest Slovenian women’s organization in our country. Our commendation to the pioneers who with their efforts built our Union and to Editor, Corinne who each month gives us such a nice issue of Zarja to read. We recommend to everyone the Zarja column Oh, Ta Svet written by Mrs. Prisland. This year we had several meetings, each time coming together as a large family. We lost two members during the year, namely Caroline Oberstar and Gertrude Intihar, our oldest member at age 91. To their families, our deep sympathy. At the Mother's Day party held in May, our young member, Tony Menart seranaded us with lively songs on his accordian and the members enjoyed a big feast, all brought by the members themselves. In July we enjoyed the annual Jugoslav Day held at Veteran Park and bringing together all Slovenians from around the Iren Range. In Sept. the annual Minnesota Zveza Day took place in Chisholm. Much has been written about this memorable day and we know our members look forward to attending each year. To State President, Angelia Karish of Biwabik, our fond wishes for another good year for the Minnesota branches. We are also proud to have our former State Pres. Barbara Rosandich of Ely now serving as Nat’l Auditor. The Chisholm branch is also to be complimented for their excellent arrangements. We are proud that Eveleth was chosen for the site of next year’s Minnesota Zveza Day, in September, 1974. We hope all our members will offer to help in any way they can. My family celebrated a very auspicious day this fall, the birthday of my husband, Tony who was 95 years young Oct. 11th. He is proud to be the senior citizen of Eveleth, as many call him. We extend our best wishes to members who ana in nursing homes, namely Julia Setnikar, Rose Milarsich, Hilda Pogorelc, Mary Mihavc in Hibbing and Mary Yurkovich in Virginia. We “Senior Citizen” of tveleth, TONE LENICH, 95 years young, salutes the crowd at the opening of the city's senior citizen center. Mrs. Lenich is at left. also have Jennie Chapel in the Eveleth Hospital. And recovering at home are Mary Sherse, Agnes Groman, Mrs. Zadkovich and Mrs. Skul. Rose Semolowski became grandma for the first time and members Mary Intihar, Mrs. Sedey and Pauline Shute who also welcome new babies in their families. Our member Julia lllersich was honored for her 50 year service at the Miners Bank. She is very well liked by all. Good luck to her. We also liked to read about the work of our Congressman John Blatnik in Washington. He is a loyal Slovenian. We wish him good luck in all his work. MARY LENICH, Secretarv No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Congratulations to Frances & Anton Kostelec of Paseda Av., Crest Hill on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Son, Robert Kostelec is well-known in our community and was manager of the former Joliet Cadets. Wishes to the jubilarians for many more years. Those in the hospital are Frances Kalcic and Theresa Ancel, both 45 year members. Convalescing at home is Mary Schmitberger. Condolences to the family of Elizabeth Papesh, part owner of the Ste-fanich’s Restaurant who passed away in Florida. She is survived by a sister, Kay Peraud. Marian Ambrose and Ven. Sr. M. Marlene also lost their brother, Stanley Ambrose, age 50 years. He was the son of late member Ursula Ambrose. Rev. George Kuzma former assistant at our pal ish lost his mother, Margaret Kuzma, a long-time Joliet resident. Also surviving are sons Anthony M. and Dr. Joseph who is the health director of the KSKJ; also 16 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews. She was born in Slovenia and lived in Joliet for 52 years. Her husband, son, daughter, Mary Frankovich and sister Catherine Lamuth preceed-ed her in death. Services were at St. Joseph's church to St. Joe’s Cemetery. Fr. Kuzma is the pastor of St. Rose’s in Wilmington for many years now. Another member, Mary Brick, also mourns the loss of her sister Mary Mutz. Our deepest sympathy to all the families of the departed and may they rest in peace. St. Joe’s Parent Aid held a grand affair, "Slovenian Evening” recently. The hall decorations were done by Jonita Ruth and Lynda Hotujec; tickets in charge of Alice Kraus and Agnes Lovatti, all our members. The waitresses and refreshment committee workers did their job to perfection. Every- one was happy and being it was the Slovenian Evening, the hall was decorated in that fashion. The polka dances were played by Bob Dolzak and enjoyed by all. Proceeds will go to the needs of the school. A Thanksgiving pillow case card party was sponsored by the church ladies socieities and co-chairman was Catherine Pavnica. This also was a great success. Our church bazaar included representation of every affiliated society and our Zveza stand was prepared by Olga Ancel. Hand-made booties, gum drops, Slovenian cookbooks, songbooks, candies and other articles were all sold. Helpers were Mary Mihelich and daughter Annette, Carita Ancel, Marie Ancel, Jr. Helen Rozman Jr., Rosanne Ruth and Judy Koren. The bazaar was chaired by Josephine Buchar. Wishes to all for a Happy New Year and hope to see all of you at the next meeting Jan. 20th where movies of Slovenia will be shown by the Erjavec family. They are of the past summer's travels. Josephine Buchar her brother Tom and wife, Ann were in our group that visited the homeland this year. Hope to see you all. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB Plans for the annual Christmas party-social of the Dawn Club scheduled for December 19, were initiated at the November meeting, according to Frances Grahek, president. The party was to be held at Vertin’s Cafe with Mary Folio, Mary Deyak, Frances Mehle and Jeanette Vidmar in charge of the program. The business session will include the election of 1974 officers. Slides of the Reserve Mining Company taconite mining operation were shown at the November meeting at which Ann Stoll, Mary Z. Palcher and Mary Bizam were accepted as new members. Hostesses for the session were Virgie Ivancich, Frances Zupan-cich, Louise Seliga, Catherine Merhar and Mary Scufsa. Gen Erchull won the door Prize. MARGARET SOMROCK, Reporter No. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Our member, Mary Spelich, 93, who lived in Heritage Manor nursing home for the past few years died in November. She was our oldest member and just loved to keep in touch with all the news of LaSalle members by reading the papers and her beloved Zarja. Mrs. Spelich was born in Novo Mesto, Slovenia in 1880 and was married to her husband in 1903. He passed away in 1948. Theirs was the first wedding at St. Roch's church. Besides being a member of our branch, Mrs. Spelich belonged to the Altar & Rosary Society of St. Roch’s and Sf. Barbara Lodge No. 3. She was the mother of a large family, 9 children survive while three died in infancy. Bereaved family includes two sons, Joseph and Rudy Spelich of LaSalle, seven daughters: Marie (Charles) Zubowski, Theresa (Anton) Knafelc, Betty (Emerson) Oh-ligshlager, Edith (William) Siebert, and Agnes (Frank) Turczyn of LaSalle, Sister M. Borgia of Peoria, Dorothy (Edward) Makovic of Joliet, 14 grandchildren and 26 great grandchildren. Fr. Fitzsimmons officiated at the funeral mass and burial was at St. Vincent’s Cemetery. She was the oldest member of our branch and we will keep her in our prayers. Deepest sympathy to the family. Our member, Mrs. Angela Bucar lost her dear husband, Louis, last month. He was born in Austria in 1888 and On Nov. 1st, 1973, we lost a fine officer, wonderful friend and loving sister, Mary Shikonya of Ely, Minnesota. Mary was born Nov. 3, 1914 and was always actively participating in some job or another. At an early age, she went to work as a grocery clerk, later worked as a bookkeeper for her uncle. She never had a problem getting work, as she was a very conscientious girl and concerned about doing the right thing. She worked for the Forest Chevrolet Garage as an accountant for 18 years, leaving them to continue in a similar position at Nordling & Teller in Virginia. This meant having to drive 50 mi'es each way daily in a car pool and it wasn't always easy, especially in the cold weather. She had held this position for 4 years prior to her illness. Because she thought so much of her friends, she was a friend of many. Those who knew she was terminally ill visited her and sent her thoughtful remembrances. One of her good friends was the former pastor, Fr. Dolsina, who attended her funeral mass and gave the homily. Everything he said was so true to her life and those in the church will never forget his words. Fr. Fontaine, another former pastor of St. Anthony's church, was also there for the final services. Mary was a unique person. She prepared everything for her funeral and made arrangements as to pallbearers, her obituary, etc. She lived with sick- .W.V.W^V.W.SW.V.V.V.V.' came to the U.S. in 1913. They were married in 1921 at St. Roch’s and had a family of four sons and a daughter. Mr. Bucar was a member of the Holy Name and other lodges. We pray for his eternal peace and extend condolences to the family. May you all have a Happy New Year and a Healthy and Prosperous one, too. MARY PILETIČ, Pres. No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. I am reporting both our Oct. 17 meeting and last night’s meeting in one article since we had no "special” business on the agenda at either meeting. In October, Mrs. Joseph Gor-nick and Mrs. Joseph Skala were hostesses to the usual group of 20 or 22 members. After the business meeting social hour was enjoyed with pri- ness and was ready to meet her Maker as we all know she did and now rests in eternal peace in heaven. Besides being the president of Br. 23 and a long lime officer in the branch in other capacities, she was a member of the Ely Business and Professional Women's Club, the Women’s Auxiliary to VFM Post No. 2717, Lodge No. 1 AFU, officer of St. Anthony’s parish council and past president of the Ely Development Council. Her sister, Barbara Rosandich, National Auditor and secretary of Br. 23, another sister, Arin Kroger and two brothers, Antony and Bernard survive S3 v.v:ll as nieces and nephews. We know she will be greatly missed by her family and friends and the many folks in Ely who knew her as a fine citizen and neighbor. God bless her with everlasting happiness. C. L. WWVWAWWWWIVWW zes going to Mrs. Joseph Stefanich, Mrs. Louise Chiabotti and Mrs. Joseph Jamnick in "500”, and in SCRIB-BAGE winners were Mrs. Leo Wilson and Mrs. Frederick Myre. Mrs. Anthony Yapel won the door prize donated by Mrs. William Vollendorf. Last night’s (Nov. 14) meeting was presided over by Mrs. John Pahula, our president. Financial report was made by Mrs. Mary Pahula. During the business meeting, members decided to have no meeting in December (dues may be paid directly to Mrs. Mary Pahula). As at other meetings, a social hour was enjoyed with prizes in "500” going to Mrs. John Pahula, Mrs. Louise Chiabotti and Mrs. Joseph Stefanich. COOTIE winners were Mrs. Joseph Mesojedec and Mrs. John Bobence. Mrs. Louise Chiabotti also won the attendance prize donated by Mrs. Anthony Yapel. Mrs. Jerome Rooney and Miss Ann Vesel, two of our newest members, served I k $ From lily, Minn. S7 daily newspaper: I WISH I HAD KNOWN HER. . . So many people had benefited from her charity, her generosity, her love of community. . . everywhere you go someone will tell you of a kindness performed. . . a visit. . . a good word. .. a ride to Church. Mary Shikonya has left us, but even to those of us who didn’t have the joy of X knowing her personally, can, by \ her example, keep her memory $ alive always through similar j*. & good works. ^ a delicious dessert from a table decorated in a Thanksgiving motif. Since no meeting would be held in December, hostesses named for the January 16th meeting were Mrs. May-me Musich and Mrs. John Tekautz with Mrs. John Zavodnick bringing the attendance prize. The death of SWU member of Ely —• Mary Shikonya-brought sadness to all of us who knew her. She was a devoted and enthusiastic member of the SWU and to her "sister” members in Ely and to her sorrowing relatives we extend our sincerest sympathy — may our loving Saviour comfort her dear ones and grant Mary eternal rest and joy in heaven. To all SWU members a Blessed and Joyful Christmas Holiday — may the Christ Child bless you now, and in the new year — 1974. MRS. ANTHONY F. YAPEL, Reporter No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Happy New Year! Hope you had a nice holiday. To start the year, we’ll wish our birthday girls: happy days and many more of them! Pauline Hribar, Lillian Horvat, Antonia Legan and Camille Loas. A get well wish for a'l our sick members. What a lovely 50th Wedding Anniversary dinner party had for the Kas-telic’s, Tončka and Louis! Their children surprised them with lots of nice things, a memorable book of their lives and given to all their guests there., Ladies, next month, we’ll meet to discuss the new year plans. Hope you will all attend. MARY LOU PRHNE No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. With winter greeting us, our Fall Poultry Card Party held at Reberni-nisek's Club 36 was the most successful event that our branch has ever encountered. The committee would like to extend their great thanks to each and every member and friends for all the beautiful gift donations, cash prizes and to the workers and all members and friends who attended. To our sister members of branches 12 and 17 likewise. Space would not permit me to thank each individual for their gracious service in any way that you may have given. One individual must be honored personally, tho, and that is our president, Mary Tratnik who sold loads and loads of tickets and when I stress loads, I mean just that. Thank you "Mitz”, the committee and members really and truly appreciate your hard work. You are no doubt an excellent leader and promoter. Mr. & Mrs. John Rebernisek deserve a big "thank you” for all their cooperation and donations. They have always been extremely generous. Mrs. Amalia Fritzel visited her homeland in Slovenia and relatives and friends. On her return she greeted everyone with a big smile and told us how enjoyable her trip was. We're glad to have you back with us, “Malika". The Kotars were very proud grandparents as a new grandson, Eric, was added to the Palmquist family. Congratulations to the parents and Mr. & Mrs. Kotar. Congratulations to Ceil Puskarich and to her husband, Mr. Renteria who were recently married. We wish you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations also to my daughter Rose Lee and her fiance James Otto who were engaged on the day before Thanksgiving. Elsie Gallun just came back from Florida after visiting her daughter, Margie and then also friends in Ft. Lauderdale. We welcome you back, Elsie, because the bowling team missed you. Mary & Al Tratnik just came back from Las Vegas. It was their second visit this month and Mitz was bound and determined to beat those one arm bandits but, as I understand, they got the best of her. The Rebernisek’s Ann and John, also spent a few days in Las Vegas. From all we hear they enjoyed themselves. Josephine Verbick met with a very serious accident and is hospitalized at St. Luke’s. Mrs. Celia Vachetz is at 5« YEARS WELE DONE! Louis and Antonia Kastelic of 15905 Grant Avenue, Maple Heights celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, November 28 at the 7:30 P.M. mass at St. Wences-las Church. A mass was also celebrated in their honor at 11:30 A.M. on Sunday, November 25 at St. Lawrence Church where the couple was united fifty years ago. A dinner for family and friends was held on the same day at the Slovenian National Home of Maple Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Kastelic were Dorn in Slovenia, coming to this country in their late teens. After establishing themselves in residence and employment in Cleveland, they met and later married on Thanksgiving Day in 1923. The Kastelics set up housekeeping in Maple Heights, where they raised their family of four children, Robert L., Joseph S., Bernadette (Mrs. Joseph Rudolph) and Louis A. and now enjoy nineteen grandchildren as well. Church activities and various Slovenian civic and fraternal organizations have occupied much of their time during the past fifty years and will continue to do so in the future. REPORTER Mrs. Kastelic is president of Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio and other members of her family are members as well. Our heartiest felicitations! Ed. the Trinity Memorial Hospital in Cudahy. Our juvenile member, Ann Gil-boy, 10 years old, had surgery on her ear. She is now recuperating at home. Sincere sympathy to the Albert Tratnik family on the passing of Albert’s sister, Mary Protzman. May God bless her. A reminder of the Midwest Bowling Tourney which will be held in Milwaukee at Kuglitsch’s on March 30-31, 1974. Members, we will need your co- operation again, score markers are urgently needed. If you are available or know of someone who may be, please call 431-7357. To all shut-ins, a speedy recovery. To our Spiritual Advisor, Father Claude Okorn, our very sincere wishes for a speedy recovery. ROSE KRAEMER No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Our officers for 1974 are Viola Pi-soni, Pres., Therese Gabrian, Vice Pres., Helen Skoff, Sec.-Tnes., Jo Prebil, Rec. Sec., and our new reporter Jo Ancel. Congratulations to Terry and Clarice Baum on the birth of a son, Gregory Michael on Nov. 1, to Harold and Marie Gartner on being grandparents for the first time a bey, Thomas James on Nov. 16, to Tom and Ann Prebil on the birth of a son, Thomas Joseph Jr. on Oct. 31. We wish to extend our sympathy to Capt., Michael and Sue Hallemann on the death of their daughter Kathy. Mrs. Hribernik's grandson Jim Moore is doing well after brain surgery. Remember our sick members in your prayers. Thanks to Marie Garther for having our Christmas party. Seasons greetings to all the members of the Zveza. JO PREBIL, Rec. Sec’y. No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO It’s time to thank everyone who helped in any way in our activities and projects we had planned and successfully carried out this past year. Thanks to all members who made our attendance record so rewarding. Thanks to all new members who chose to join our branch for a delightful evening and helped in our endeavors to uphold our Slovenian heritage and culture. Thanks to the members who helped me in any way to make my job a little easier and correct my mistakes. Thanks to the members who baked g * MIDWEST | I iiowijx<; i | TOURNAMENT f I I y MARCH 30-31, 1974 in JS Milwaukee ^ Kuglitsch’s Bowling Alleys R i 4401 W. Greenfield Ave., Social Saturday Evening ^ Room Reservations at: '>< Woods View Inn § w 5501 W. National Ave. £ 5 1 every month. Our three hostesses and sisters, Vicki Pianecki, Ann Kristoff ana Mary Petrich deserve the highest award for their marvelous job each month, decorating the tables, arranging the food and the hard working kitchen assignments, the handcro-cheted gifts given all year and countless other courtesies shown by these generous ladies. "Thank you” is not enough for these sisters for achievements beyond the call of duty. Our Mystery Ride was enjoyed by all who attended. Good food, excellent entertainment and congenial company. Just a little reminder that dues will be coming soon and each member should try to keep up the payments to help close the 1973 books in order. Belated happy birthdays and happy anniversaries to all in the last months of the year and to this month of January, too. Our constant prayers to the sick members specially Josephine Debelak who’s at Highland View Hospital for therapy and to Josephine Plavcan who's home with a serious heart condition. Send them cards of cheer. May your New Year be filled with peace, happiness and contentment. May the Lord guide us thru 1974 at each stop and each month with a glowing light coming from within our hearts and souls. SOPHIE KOPLAN Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 • * . At the last board meeting I asked Mrs. Anne Kompare, our auditor and a super cook to please send me some of her meat recipes. She graciously obliged with a number of her favorites two of which are included for your pleasure: LAMB STEW and LAMB STUFFED CABBAGE ROLLS. Two other delightful recipes are APPLE PUDDING from Mrs Freda Michelitch, president of Branch No. 103; Washington, D.C. and CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW SQUARE from Mrs. Mary Tushar of Branch No. 32; Euclid, Ohio. Mary finds these squares very popular when taken to parties or Pot Luck suppers. She especially wants her dear members of Br. No. 32 to have a copy available. LAMB STEW 2 pounds boneless lamb, cut into cubes 3 tablespoons of shortening 1 to 2 tablespoons of flour Ms teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon pepper 3 chicken bouillon cubes 1 V2 cups of boiling water 1 cup of dry red wine 1 bay leaf 1 clove garlic, chopped 1 medium sized onion, chopped 1 rib of celery, sliced 1 or 2 carrots, sliced 2 tomatoes, peeled and chopped Vi teaspoon of sugar Heat shortening in pan or dutch oven and brown lamb on all sides. Add a tablespoon or two of flour and stir meat and flour; add salt and pepper and cook two or three minutes. Add bouillon cubes, water and wine. Bring to a boil; add bay leaf, garlic, vegetables and sugar. Cover and simmer for about 1 hour or until meat is tender. Stir occasionally while cooking. Serve hot with boiled new potatoes or noodles and French Bread for sopping up the good gravy. LAMB STUFFED CABBAGE ROLLS 8 wilted cabbage leaves 1 pound ground lamb 1 egg 2 tablespoons of pickle relish or catsup 2 or 3 tablespoons of dry bread crumbs soaked in 1/3 cup of milk % teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper Vi teaspoon thyme 1 can (8 oz.) Tomato Sauce Grated cheese About 1/3 cup of water Separate cabbage leaves and boil for 3 minutes.. Drain and dry them on a towel. Mix lamb, egg (slightly beaten), relish, crumbs and seasonings. Stuff cabbage leaves and roll, placing open side down in a baking dish. Heat tomato sauce diluted with a little water and pour over rolls. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake about 1 hour in 350 degree oven. Serves 4. APPLE PUDDING 4 to 6 apples, pare and slice 1/8 inch thick 1/4 cup sugar, if tart apples 2 tablespoons water or lemon juice 1 teaspoon cinnamon or as desired Vi teaspoon nutmeg or as desired Vi cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter or oleomargarine 1 large egg V2 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla Pare and slice apples in 8 inch greased square pan. Sprinkle over Vi cup sugar, if tart. Drizzle with water or lemon juice; cinnamon and nutmeg. Combine and put over above: V2 cup sugar creamed with the butter. Add whole egg, flour, baking powder and vanilla. Mix well and spread evenly as possible over apples. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degress. Good if served with ice cream, cream or milk. CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW SQUARES V2 cup butter or oleo 2 tablespoons cocoa 2 eggs 1 cups sugar 1 cup chopped nut meats 3/4 cup sifted flour (regular) Vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 25 pieces marshmallows (halves) Melt butter and blend in cocoa. Beat eggs well. Add sugar gradually and beat. Stir in first mixture, add nut meats, sifted flour and salt. Mix well, add vanilla. Pour in greased 8 inch pan. Bake 350 degrees for 30 minutes. While baking — cut marshmallows in half and make icing. ICING FOR MARSHMALLOW SQUARES Heat V\ cup canned milk with 2 tablespoons butter Sift 2 cups powdered sugar Vi cup cocoa 3 /8 teaspoon salt When butter is melted add to cocoa and salt, sugar and beat until smooth — keep warm. When cake is done press cut marshmallows gently cut side down in rows. Spread icing with tablespoon. Cut in squares to serve. « * * Ladies, do you have Style Shows with your card parties? My experience as president of our church’s women's Guild is that no other program draws 400 to 450 women and at night. Suddenly all the excuses are forgotten, like: “I don’t drive” or "I don’t like to go out at night”. Most stores featuring women’s clothes are pleased to put on their style show. Models often are our own women. Colorful packets of folded stationary from the Current Inc. were our prizes last month for each table. Six or more cost .55 cents each which sell for $1.00 in the stores plus tax. If you are interested in their brochure write: Current, Inc., The Current Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo. 80941. Happy New Year! Fondly, HERMINE No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Our meeting was again held at the Little Grove. There wasn’t too much of a crowd. The weather was bad and we had our first snow fall that dump-fed about 3 inches that made the roads very slippery. But, in our little community we do have loyal members and they do show up, so we all made plans for our Christmas party, exchange of gifts and smorgasbord. We have a new member, sister Bernice Bonacci. We welcome her warmly and hope she will enjoy being a member. Hope to see more new faces as the year goes on. As they say, the more the merrier. Election time was also scheduled and we will report on the officers next month. Meeting was closed with prayer led by our president, Josephine Oswald. We then participated in the social of the evening, at which time our hostesses, sisters, Laura Mancuso, Theresa Montcalm, Mildred Barbatto and Genevieve Zidarich served a delicious lunch. Games were played with honors to the following: Smear, high Jtennie Crea, Julia Mancuso, low, Ann Roberts, Dorothy Russo; "B”, Mary Lucente, Pauline Germe, Door prize, Margaret Kochevar, Extra prizes, Frances Shega and Gertrude Kochever. We had a very exciting evening and hope to see you all joining us in the meetings of the new year, on the first Wednesday of the month. God bless you all and keep you in the best of health. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR No. 56, HIBBING, MINNESOTA The Slovenian Women’s Union No. 56 held its December meeting in Assumption Hall Clubrooms. Officers elected for the coming year are: President, Rose Maras, Vice President, Agnes Barcus, Financial Secretary, Mary Meadows, Amelia Domen, Recording Secretary; Treasurer, Kay Marolt, Sergeant at Arms, Liz Spolar; Auditors, Mary Babich and Margaret Shelko. Mary Johnson was initiated as a new Member. No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. I am sure everyone made an effort to have seen our Autumn’s beautiful colorama which so gorgeously surrounded us this year. But Autumn does have one shortcoming. It can end over-rite with the first icy blast! This must be the reason why our meeting was well attended on Nov. 13th at Assumption Hall Club rooms. The meeting, called to order by Pres. Maras, was opened with prayer. Sec. Meadows read cards of appreciation from those who lost their loved ones — namely, Barbara Rosandich of Ely who lost her beloved sister, and from the Furin family who lost their beloved mother, Katherine Furin. Mother Furin was a loyal member since 1934, and passed on to her eternal rest on Oct. 15th. May God nest her soul and keep her among the flowers she loved so much on earth. The meeting proved to be very productive with successful discussions on various plans and ideas. The fact that Christmas was cnly weeks away, it was decided to have a smorgaasbord dinner party, and an exchange of Christmas gifts. There was to be an election of officers, and a new "Mom — of — the — Year” will be chosen. We are very happy to know that the members who had been seriously ill are now much improved. Mary Bill, our regular reporter, is looking very good and I am sure she will soon be back to carry on her responsibility as a reporter. Teresa Hattam Looks wonderful after her heart attack. We hope Teresa will remember to curtail her ambitions in Civic and Church activities where her efforts never cease, but always produce. We missed them, and hope they will be joining us very shortly. Every branch has sister-members to be proud of. Well, we too, have several such — amongst whom we direct our admiration to one in particular — Katherine DePetro. Katherine had a paralytic stroke a few years ago which affected the entire right side of her body. To-day, with right leg in Margaret She'ko was honored as Woman of the Year. The Christmas party was also held and a lovely buffet dinner was enjoyed by all. Hostesses were Rose Maras, Sylvia Latick, Dorothy Anderson, Mary Bill, and Mary Johnson. Bridge game was played and Tony Babich played the accordian to provide entertainment for the Christmas sin-galong. —30 Iweuib.rs love Mrs. De Petro, extraordinary artist. braces — her speech impaired — little or no use of her right arm, she proves that disability will not keep her down. For hours at a time her handicap is practically forgotten as she applies herself to creating beautiful works of art. This modest resident of Golden Crest Nursing Home, who shies recognition, was completely beside herself with joy and happiness in receiving the 1st prize award for her beautiful crushed glass mosaic all floral picture at the St. Louis County Fair. And — she received a 2nd prize award for a beautiful painting — a lovely landscape with a complete farm setting. Besides all this, she relaxes her tensions by making lovely original smaller articles of felt and sequins for Christmas Tree decorations. (Her patrons look forward to these articles with eagerness). Now — even in all her discomfort and pain, she gives her all to making a pair of DUCKS — out of clay — and painted to look so very natural — which will be used as a wall decoration. All this and the use of only her left arm! Remarkable, isn’t it? We are very proud of our brave soldier who never shows signs of self-pity, but is thankful to the Almighty for His help and God-given talents, and apply this talent on beautiful artistry for others to enjoy. May God Love and protect our Katherine De Petro always! We wish all our friends in S.W.U. a Blessed and Happy New Year! ANN SELVO No. 57, NILES, OHIO The month of November means elections at our branch so it was unanimously decided that the officers remain in office as they have for quite some time, now. Thank you, girls, we appreciate your support and confidence. Surely glad to hear that Ann Gun-(Continued on page 12) MINUTES OF THE WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION The 1973 State Day convention was held at St. Mary’s Auditorium, Sunday, Sept. 23, 1973 and hosted by West Allis Branch No. 17. The meeting opened with prayer and Pledge of Alle-gience by our State President, Rose Kraemer, at 9:30 A.M. Branch No. 17 Recording Secretary, Rose Schubert was selected to record the minutes of this convention. Rose Kraemer greeted the delegates and guests to our 13th W:sconsin State convention and conveyed her best wishes for a fruitful and successful day. She then called upon our National Vice President, Marie Floryan who greeted the delegates and guests with her wishes for a successful convention after which she asked to be excused to attend to further duties at the banquet hall. Our editor, Corinne Leskovar greeted the delegates and guests and expressed her best wishes for a successful convention. Greetings of congratulations and best wishes were read by our State President, Rose Kraemer from our National President, Mary Bostion, from Br. No. 12 and from Sophie Magayna, State President of Ohio-Michigan. Rose Kramer had all delegates and guests sign a get well card to be sent to Father Claude Okorn who was ill and could not be present. Greetings & best wishes were extended to the members from Elizabeth Zefran, National Treasurer who headed a group of 10 members from Chicago Br. 2. Mary Turk, delegate of Br. No. 1 reported 41 members present at this convention. 267 — Number of members in your branch at present; 12 — Number of members when organized; 81 — Number of deceased members; 15 — Number of members attend your meetings; 13 — Number of new members acquired in this campaign; Projects and activities at present or contemplated: We will play *‘B” following our meetings. A wig specialist will be asked to come and show us how to select a wig and style it. What improvements within the organization is your branch suggesting: New members. This questionaire form should be revised. What do your members especially approve of within fhe organization: Keeping Slovenien heritage strong; Zarja end Scholarships. What do your members especially disapprove of: No complaints. Br. 1 had an annual Mothers Day program, in which they honored the Officer of the Year, Olga Saye, and annual card party. They hosted the Midwest Bowling Tournament. The junior members were invited to a bowling party which the branch sponsored. They would like to recommend a small trophy to be given by the Union to the highest Junior bowler, girl and boy of each Branch sponsoring the Bowling party. Josephine Wilhelm, delegate of Br. No. 12 gave the following report: 215 — Number of members in your branch at present; 12 — Number of members when organized; 8 — Number of deceased members; 15 to 25 — Number of members attend your meeting; 8 — Number of new members acquired in this campaign; Projects and activities at present or contemplated: Tour — Card Party. What improvements within the organization is your branch suggesting: No suggestions. What do your members especially approve of within the organization: Better cooperation. What do your members disapprove of: Yearly convention — Have one every three years Just before the National convention. Marion Marolt, delegate of Br. No. 17 gave the follow- ing report: 149 and 100 Juvenile — Number of members in your branch at present; 21 — Number if members when organized; 129 — Number of deceased members; 20 — 25 Number of members attend your mee* n.gs: 9 — Number cf new members acquired in this rampa.gn; Projects and activities at present or contemplava: W'sconsin State Day convention and combined 45th *r>n versary Banquet; 2 card parties, Mother’s Day Mass, Bowi'ng tournament, adult’s and children’s Christmas party. What improvements within the organization 's your branch suggesting: Headquarters to ge( pens for spiral occasions; honoring officers for 25 years of service: iuven'ie bowling. What do your members especially approve ot within the organization: Socializing of members, scholarship fund and bowling. What do your members disapprove of: Last increase as it is hard to get new members. Suggestion: State President to send two copies of questionaire form to Branch. Fran Widenshek, delegate of Branch No. 43 gave the following report: 304 — Number of members in your branch at present; 13 — Number of members when organized; 52 — Number of deceased members; 20 to 23 — Number of members attend your meetings; 57 — Number of new members acquired in this campaign; Projects and activities at present or contemplated: Bowling, Card party, Chi'dren’s Christmas Party, Lemont, Holy Hill. We will be hcsts for the Midwest Bowling Tournament. Sending of flowers to our members over 75 years of age at Easter, and a food basket to one member. What improvements within the organization Is your branch suggesting: Conduct meetings at the National Convention orderly and properly. Meetings should be strictly business and try to shorten to two days. Very little or no sight-seeing. If meetings must be held 3 days then have sight-seeing the last day. Electing delegates and officers for such work as they may be qualified for. State pre-s'dents reports should be in the Zarja 2 months in advance of the May National Convention. This would eliminate the reading of reports at the National Convention and save time. Members will then have time to study and discuss the reports and relay to their delegate what is best for tho organization. Election of officers should take place In morning, not in the afternoon when every one is in a hurry. We need good leaders for a good, strong organization. Question: What are secretaries to do, when a juvenile transfers from Class A and Class B? Do we follow the new or old assessment? What do your members especially approve of within the organization: Zarja, recipes, bowling tournaments, Father Claude's interesting and educational articles. State conventions and anniversaries combined. What do your members disapprove of: State Presidents not attending Board Meetings, so they may relay information pertaining to the organization what the Board is advising and contemplating to do. Election of officers from ap.egation floor, not just appointing in advance. Elsie Perko, Delegate of Branch No. 102 Willard. 42 — Number of members in your branch at present; 35 — Number of members when organized; 10 — Number of deceased members; 20 — Number of members attend your meeting; 2 — Number of new members acquired in this campaign; Projects and activities at present or contemplated: Easter basket sales. Family picnic. Social hour, Dinner out for members. Helped needy families. Visiting the home for the aged especially during the holidays. Some of our own members helped to promote and also attended Slovenian language classes held at the W'llard Parish Center. What improvements within the orgaization is your branch suggesting: More members. What do your members especially approve of within the organization: Articles and recipes in Zarja. Rotating of conventions. Sociability of the members. What do your members disapprove of: Nothing. Open discussion was held and Marie Prisland spoke of the assessment of A class to 50c. and B Class to 80c. wac necessary because of the increase of so many things at the National Headquarters. Corinne Leskovar told of the problems which National Headquarters is encountering: Not enough new members ana if we did get more new members the 5c. increase wcuid not be necessary. They have an increase in postage, stationary, Zarja costs so much more to print and second class postage goes up periodically without not'ce. Also another factor is that the Death Claims are very heavy. To insure the success of the Union, new members are desparately receded and Corinne stated that the Milwaukee area was a great market for new members. If we think about these things, not just talk and have a bigger heart we will take a bigger step to build up our organization. It was pointed our that the National President duty is to keep our State Presidents informed up to date all times. Our State President spoke to our delegates and guests anc! urged them to get new members. Wisconsin was congratulated on going over the 1,000 goal. We should all get active; mothers and grandmothers were the seeds of this organization, our generation are the stems and our children are the buds, lets open them up and blossom all over. Corinne Leskovar recommended that Parliamentary procedure will preside at the next National Convention. The next Wisconsin State Day convention will be hosted by Branch No. 12 Milwaukee, Wis. The minutes of the 1972 State Convention which was held in Willard we re read by Elsie Perko and approved. Door prizes were won by; A. Bukovic, Sheboygan, Amelia Cirej, B. Radke, Johanna Mohar, Sheboygan, Olga Maynard, Sheboygan, Julia Tratter, Anna Lesar, Willard, Amalia Fritzel. Our meeting closed with prayer at 11:15 A.M. so we could assemble and attend Mass at 11:30 at St. Mary’s Help of Christians Church. Respectfully submitted: ROSE SCHUBERT. III. - Ind. State Convention Report Illinois and Indiana State Convention was hosted by B-. 95 of South Chicago on Sunday, Oct 14, 1973. Mass was said at 11:30 at Sacred Heart Croatian Church, 96th and Escanaba Ave. by Rev. Fr. Zvonko Kut-lasa and sung by the beautiful voices of the Church Choir. After Mass, the ladies took a leisurely walk to the nearby Jovial Club where a delicious dinner was prepared by Joe Spelich and served by Helen Spelich, and Lu No-sich of Br. 95. Fr. Eugene Petrovich was one of our guests and while giving the invocation, he graciously thanked the visiting ladies for coming to mass and making such generous contributions to the parish. Dinner music was played by the Bob Krilich Trio. A welcoming address by our branch President, Mildred James, brought the convention to order. State President, Anna Lustig, opened the meeting with a prayer and welcomed the large group of ladies from West Allis and Milwaukee, Wisconsin and introduced the National Officers and Branch Officers. Corinne Leskovar, our Editor, extended greetings and read the telegrams we had received from our Founder, Marie Prisland, National President, Mary Bostian, National Vice-President, Marie Floryan and State President of Wisconsin, Rose Kraemer. Marie and Rose were responsible for the two bus loads of members from Wisconsin. Sophie Magayna State President of Ohio-Mich. also sent greetings. We were very grateful to be so -emembered on this day. Address by our National Vice-Pres. Marie Floryan and St. Pres. Rose Kraemer included their wishes for a successful State Convention. The Minutes of the last Convention held at LaSalle, III. were read by Pauline Klobučar of Br. 16 who did a great job both writing them and reading at this meeting. Motion was made for acceptance of the Minutes by Albina Sreboth of 16, seconded by Mitzi Piletič, 24. It was then time for the delegates reports and nine branches were called upon. Delegates were introduced together with their groups. Each reported in the activities in their branches. Number of members in each branch was given along with other pertinent statistics, so we got to hear quite a bit information about each one. Deep discussion of various ideas and working projects was held. Br. 20 recommended the following idea brcught to the floor by their secretary Olga Ancel. From their recently published anniversary booklet she read the following: Our Joliet Herald-News said "The members since their May 1973 convention in Chicago have beer, concentrating efforts on preserving their nationality heritages. The women are also collecting objects of dis-t.ncitve Slovenian character to be placed in the American Museum of Immigration located at the Statue of Liberty ;n New York. To preserve Slovenian culture the organization has issued a cookbook, a song book, a history book ano offers a program for scholarship and a newly organized student exchange program.” The Membership Campaign was stressed by many officers and an interesting brief address was given by our Editor. The Convention was brought to a close by the beautiful singing voice of Ann Fandek of Br. 20 who led the entire audience in the singing of "Angelsko češčenje”. MILDRED POROPAT, Recording Sec’y HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JANUARY Branch Presidents: Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 13 Jan. 27 Secretaries: Kay Yuratovac, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O. Agnes Jancar, Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio Mary Stephenson, Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. Mary Polajner, Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore. Jan. 1 — Josephine Gostisha, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. Jan. 5 — Mary Jakovich, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. Jan. 12 — Mary Krall, Br. 37, Gheen, Minn. Jan, 14 — Virginia Zevkovich, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio Jan. 19 — Gabrielle Lustig, Br. 22, Bradley, III. Jan. 24 — Mary Slaney, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jan. 26 — Mary Gerkman, Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore. No. 57, Niles, O: iher is up and feeling fine. Frances Yerman, Amelia Konowski and I had a very nice trip and visit at the home of Angela Gradišek who is recovering from a long-time illness. Several weeks ago, 12 of us had a lovely time in Bessemer, Pa. as Branch 67 invited us to their Banquet and Pennsylvania State Day. We were cordially greeted by Mrs. Snezic and entertained by St. Ann Choir, later by the Veseli Slovenci of Girard, Ohio and to top it off, a dance was held later in the evening. We had a good time, you can be sure. Congratulations to those having anniversaries, George and Virginia celebrated their 25th with open house held by their daughters. George and Frances Stanec had their 34th wedding anniversary and Peter and Ann Tarr their 50th! May you have many more together. Ann Tarr had the opportunity to fly to California. Talk about lucky people, Mary Strah flew to Hawaii and we want to hear all about it, Mary! Frances Yerman, Mary Klobukar and Josephine Perusek along with several others, motored by bus to Florida. They will visit Disneyworld and many other places of interest. John and Jane Logar spent Thanksgiving with friends in Tennessee. Get well wishes to all members, especially my daughter in law, Leona Molar, who was hospitalized for check ups. Happy New Year. MARY MOLER No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HTS., OHIO We wish to take this opportunity of acknowledging the interest of our active members, their families, as well as co-workers if employed, friends, relatives, etc. in aiding our branch to make our charitable projects such a success. We also want to thank our inactive members — Beatrice Hrabak, Angela Gliha, Mary Szabo, for their interest by sending through the mail, coupons and cancelled stamps. Many thanks also to other branch members who have read my articles in the "Dawn” regarding our projects and as a result we have had responses from Mrs. Louis Obreza, Branch No. 6 — Barberton, Ohio; Frances Machek, Branch No. 85 — Depue, Illinois; Theresa S‘enger — member of the West Aliquippa, Pa. Branch; also Mrs. Frank Skraba of Branch No. 6, Barberton, Ohio. I hope I have not neglected anyone in listing their names, groups, etc., but if so, please forgive me. If there should be anyone else who would like to participate in doing charitable work within the confines of your own home, and with no expense to you — just a little of your time, please refer to my article in the ‘‘October” 1973 issue. Again, may the good Lord bless all of you for helping those who are unable to help themselves. Since it would require one whole article to list the names and the help given by active and inactive members in the making of the crib size quilts for the physically handicapped and mentally retarded children of the Hattie Larlham Home, we wish to thank all those who donated new and scraps of new materials, those who took the time for cutting the scraps into appro-piate squares, and especially those members who are sewing the above into finished articles. We estimate that there should be approximately six quilts ready as our Christmas project for the Hattie Larlham Home, and many thanks to all of you. On November 23, 1973, Louise Ep-ley and Jbsephine Turk, drove out to the Hattie Larlham Home taking seventeen bed jackets sewed by these two members, 998 Betty Crocker coupons, plus many discards to be sold in the Guild’s "Nearly New” Shop operated on the premises. Monies gained from sales in this shop is used for necessities in the home, and also the purchase of materials used in the making of clothing and bedding for these unfortunate children. So keep saving all coupons, Betty Crocker coupons, cancelled postage stamps, and all discards, as any amount will be greatly appreciated. Our heartfelt sympathy Mrs. Sally Kunka and family due to the recent death of husband and father John; also to Josephine Turk and family, because of the recent death of her brother Anton Sray. May they rest in peace. We have learned of the serious illness of Helen Kunka's husband, and are praying for his complete recovery. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary No. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. Our annual Christmas Party was a big success. Nineteen families gathered at Krain Hall for the afternoon. Junior members started the afternoon off. They presented a fine program and ended with a community Sing-a-long. Santa's visit topped off their afternoon with gifts and candy for all. The adult members enjoyed visiting with old friends. As a special treat we all enjoyed dancing to the music of the Steirmark Quartet. The pot-luck dinner was wonderful. We all enjoyed a delicious variety of foods. We are saddened by the death of our Social member, Mary Galipo of Summer. May God comfort her family and hear our prayers. There will be a business meeting Jan. 13, 1974 at Mary Kitna's in Auburn. Hope to see the members there. Happy New Year! DOROTHY SLEIGH, Reporter Br. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. REPORT FOR JANUARY Our November meeting was most exciting with 32 members attending. Interesting reports were given on the State Convention by Ann Kompare, Mildred Poropat and Yours Truly. Letters were read from Marie A. Florian, National VicePres.; Rose Kraemer, State Pres, of Wisconsin and a letter from the Sisters of Lemont for a donation toward their new organ. It was motioned and passed that $25 be donated toward their new organ. After the business session, games were played, and as we do each year, three turkey’s were awarded to the lucky winners and they were: Evelyn Driscoll, Mildred Poropat and yours Truly.. Then finally, our ladies were treated with a Wine Tasting Party, by “Wines of Germany” Five wines were presented and we learned how various types of grapes are grown and how wines are made, how and when they should be served. This sort of party was a lot of fun. It is not always that we have the presence of the opposite sex at our meetings, with the absence of Emma Yergovich our refreshment Chairlady, Mr. William Driscoll, husband of Evelyn Driscoll, volunteered to make the coffee and pitch in various other chores. For this we are very grateful for your services. Indeed the coffee was the best ever made. Bill! Refreshments were donated by: Helen Price, Evelyn Driscoll, Michalene Pujdak and Fanny Seabloom. Hostessess were Michalene Pujdak and Helen Price. Cash donated by: ($3) Mary Barsevac, ($2) Manda Nosich, Matilda Stevens, Mary Nicksic, and Antonia Mrkobrada, ($1) Chestra Graczyk. A great big thanks to all of you! January Birthdays are: Sophie Bar-bich, Mary Brozovich, Amelia Cuzella, Manda Yergovich, Anna Yurkas, Anto- nia Mrkobrada, Victoria Rukavina, Ann Sertich, Helen Zeffiro, Helen Marie Yuratovac, Bernice Morrison, Helen Spelich, Stephanie M. N o r I e y and Catherine Kosandich. Vve are very sorry to hear that Antonia Mrkobrada broke her leg, we pray for your quick recovery Antonia! We are thrilled to hear Mary Bar-cevac became a grandmother for the first time, one the arrival of a baby boy and his name is Zack. May we congratulate J'ulie Drzal on her recent marriage to Bill Twohig. We are delighted by the news ana wish both of you a long, healthful life! Our best wisnes to Mr. & Mrs. Marko Yornich wno recently celebrated their outn. vveciuiiig /Anniversary wuh a surprise pany in their honor by their cniiuren. Vve lejuice witn you, and may you both enjoy good health for many years to come and may you continue to give your services to our branch. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Plesha who celebrated their 50th. Wedding Anniversary on November 25 with a celebration in the Jovial Club. It is a privilege for me to extend our heartiest congratulations and happy returns on the occasion of your 50th. Anniversary. May you both continue to enjoy splendid health. In conclusion, don’t forget to attend our February 6th. meeting when we will have on our program, “The Art Of Packing” and slides will be Presented of Hawaii, given by American Airlines. See you then, and "HAPPY NEW YEAR”! MILDRED JAMES, Pres. No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. • About 20 members attended our Vearly meeting. The elections stays as it was other years, no changes. Our Meetings will still be as in the last Vear, March 10, June 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 6- Our 35th Anniversary party will be held with the federation meeting at Renton, Pa., of course, we always have a party in March, but now we Put it off until Oct. There will be more about this is future write-ups. Our Meetings are at 2 p.m. at the Center Club. We celebrated Christmas afler our feting with gift exchange and some Soodies for our appetites. Mrs. Agatha Mozina was present, too; we honored h^r with happy 93rd Birthday greet-In8s. Everyone enjoyed it very much. ^ had the son of Mrs. Kath!een Podobnik, playing nice Slovenian songs P°lkas and waltzes which everyone enjoyed. He is only 1C years old. Thank you, Sonny Podobnik, very, very much for the nice dance party. We are very sorry on the death of Mr. Perrino husband of our dear member, Josephine Perrino. Our sympathy to you all. We said a Rosary before the funeral. Ladies, try to attend our meetings. If Mrs. Mozina can, why can't you? We aiways have some nice games which everyone likes — so try to come, will you? I wish everyone a happy 19/4 with good health to all. PAULA KOKAL, Pres. No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. Now that our card party is an event of ihe past, our next event was to be our annual Christmas party; inai's the time I load up on caiories! That’s when we have delicious desserts, strudels made by our good Slovenian bakers, l-or some reason I just can’t make a good strudel; when I get thru with the dough it lookes like a dirty old torn rag! Guess some lessons are needed from professors Ko-vacn, Mary Vidergar and Susel just to name a few who make that mouthwatering, finger-licking good pastry. Sisters, let’s start a drive to recruit new members into our organization. The more, the merrier. Let us set a goal for the new year with a big membership drive. Birthday celebrants for the month of Nov. were sisters Betty Mohorko, Antonia Kanote, Marie Kurilich, Caroline Kaliope, Mary Morovic and Elizabeth Marinovich. Happy belated birthday. I report with regret the passing of our dear sister, Mary Evanich. Sincere condolences are extended to the family. God bless her and may she rest in peace in the house of Our Lord. Happiness is wished for you and your families during the New Year and good health be yours! God bless all and may He look with favor upon you. EDITH DRAWENEK No. 101, BEDFORD HGHTS., OHIO Now that Thanksgiving & Christmas are over and we're at the beginning of the new year, we would like to thank everyone for their help and support this past year. Our annual Christmas, dinner and gift exchange was held at the Grecian Gardens, Dec. 6th. Elections for the coming year were held at our last meeting and our new officers for the coming year are as follows: President: Rosalie Brown Vice President: Agnes Pederi Treasurer: Florence Mirtel Secretary: Mildred Hetzel Financial Secretary: Dorothy Kastelic Sgt. at Arms: Rita Mertle Auditors: Mary Bradac and Stella Hajek. We would like to wish the above ladies a lot of success in pursuing their new duties. We would aiso like to acknowledge the fact that were glad to see Dorothy Szumski back at the meetings after her recent surgery. Also we understand Barbara uriosKy had been in the hospital and home recuperating. "Get v»eir' to an our oilier memDtsrs who are sick. Don't forget our January meeting at wnicn unit: UuiULiiy buaiK anu riuience ivuriti win De hostesses, “-vpe to s^e mors lames mere. DUkUiHi SirtKK No. 102, WILLARD, WIS. On Oct. 28th we held our annual big event, the social hour. Vve were happy to see such a large turn-out. A lunch of apple strudei, bars and coffee were served. Anna Vaiovsek is back with us after a recovery period from her home accident. We extend our simpathy to the family of Rose Stamcar. She was well known among us. A gift exchange, pot-luck and Christmas party was planned and we'll report on it later. Slovenian language classes are in full swing with John Snedic as instructor. More classes are again being planned if transportation will be available. Happy New Year to all! ELSIE PERKO, Reporter No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Our October meeting was the scene of a busy and enjoyable time as we busied ourselves in making lovely dried flower arrangements for our forthcoming Dinner-Dance in November. Everyone ate heartily of the delicious refreshments prepared by Mrs. Tillie Terselic. Election of Officers was held at our November meeting. The following officers were elected: Freda H. Miche-litch, President; Molly Thomas, Vice President; Mary M e j a c, Secretary; Mary Lou Terselic, Treasurer; Matilda Ausich, Recording Secretary. Program Committee Chairman, Jana Bevec; Committee Members, Mary Lipar and Tillie Terselic. Special Projects Chairman, Molly Thomas; Au- p. Klaude Okorn, ofm: LOČENI BRATJE Kristjane, ki niso zvezani z rimsko stolico imenujemo ločene brate. Bili so namreč krščeni na ime Kristusovo in se zato imenujejo kristjani. Zadnje čase posebno od vatikanskega cerkvenega zbora večkrat slišimo o ločenih bratih in o prizadevanju kako jih privesti pod vodstvo ene cerkve in enega pastirja. Za to nam daje priložnost praznik spre-obrnenja apostola Pavla. Njegova zgodba je znana. Kot vnet jud in zagovornik vere očetov, se je podal na pot, da bi preganjal člane nove sekte, ki je priznavala Kristusa kot Boga in Odrešenika. Dobil je celo pooblastila od svojih predpostavljenih, da to lahko stori. Podal se je na pot. Na poti pa se je srečal s Kristusom in njegovo milostjo. Tedaj mu je Kristus naročil, da mu bo orodje, ki naj ponese njegovo ime pred pogane. Dotedaj je Cerkev sicsr namenjena vsemu svetu živela predvsem med Judi. Jezus ga je poslal, da dopolni delo drugih apostolov, da odpravi obveznost Mojzesove postave za ude nove zaveze krščene po Jezusovem naročilu v imenu troedinega Boga. Za svoje poslanstvo je dobil potrdilo na zboru apostolov v Jeruzalemu kakor je od.očil sveti Duh in oni z njim. Predno pa se je vse to zgodilo, je moral Savel naj-zagrizenejši preganjavec prve Cerkve prestopiti iz tabora njenih sovražnikov med Jezusove apostole. Tako se je zgodilo z njegovim spreobrnjenjem in takrat je tudi dobil ime Pavel. Cerkev v svoji skrbi za duše želi, da bi vsi bili eno v Kristusu. Zato tudi v tem času vzpodbuja k molitvi in razumevanju potreb ločenih bratov, da bi jim tako omogočili lažje sprejeti božjo milost ne da bi moral Bog poseči vmes na svoj poseben način kakor pri sv. Pavlu. Cerkev zelo priporoča, da se verniki spomnijo ločenih bratov za časa molitvene osmine za zedinjene kristjanov. Ta osmina se vrši pred praznikom spreobrnjenja sv. Pavla. V Ameriki so se posebej posvetili delu za zedinjenje fran-čiškovi bratje od zadoščevanja. Prej so sami bili anglikanske vere potem so pa kot skupina prestopili v katoliško vero in si prevzeli za cilj delo za zedinjenje, še mi se jim pridružimo. ditors, Matilda Podborsek, Mara Cho-kel and Mary Lipar. Hostesses, Ana Černelč and Dora Voyatzis. To Matilda Terselic our outgoing Program Chairman, our special thanks for her past cooperation in all activities and for her moral support. Antonia Cigale acting as hostess for the meeting, served us her delicious apple and cheese strudel. Thank you very much. Our Eighth Annual Dinner Dance was held Saturday, November 10th, at our newly chosen site, "The Church of the Little Flower” hall. We hope that our guests found the pleasant surroundings to their liking and that the parking situation was greatly relieved. Mary Mejac and Mary Lou Terselic are to be commended again for their untiring efforts in initiating the planing of this successful event. Excellent support was provided by other members in bringing our plans to completion. The sight of the dinner table loaded with delicious food and beautiful flowers was a treat for all. The lovely dessert table was laden with delicacies and replenished many times. Our organization is truly proud of its members who worked so hard in preparing the food. A debt of gratitude is extended to all of them. We again missed the Antolin children but were delighted to have \!hree lovely young girls assisting us, namely, Maria Mejac, Susan Terselic and Marge Sanders. Many thanks to our former National President, Mrs. Toni Turek for seeing that the "Klobase" arrived from Cleveland. This year as always we enjoyed dancing to the lively music of our Frank Baloh and his trio from Jeannette, Pennsylvania. We are most grateful for his continued interest and loyalty. Returning again this year and adding much to the spirit ol me evening were Diane Mottitt, Kay Parsons ana Mary Paviik with tneir husbanus and menus, rvay s singing was goou to hear. inrougn me enuns 01 Jvir. bean Sustericn, we haa a tine repiesenta-tion in auenuance rrom me immune Alumni Association ot wasniugLun, u. C. uur deepest sympathy is extended to ijtan on me ueam ui his wuiiuei-tui mother in biovema. We are sorry ne couid not be piesent. m gracious tnank you to ail those men wno neipeci trie lauies. Among those were: Jonn Unaerwood, Bogomir choKei, uonraa iviejac, Uicnuiu lerseuc, Joe Yasbec and raul Ivanuša. binceie maims to Iviary Lipar lor so generousiy uonaung me io\/eiy Diue kmueu cape wnicn was auctiuned. It was our pleasure lo have Lydia Bevec now a siuoent at lieoigetown University assist with the prizts. Get well wishes are sent lo those members and triends unable to attend because of illness. Among those were lea Zebot, Mary Lipar, Kussell Thomas, Captain James Launch and the husband of Dora Voyatzis. Farewell time came too soon. It was nice seeing old friends and meeting new ones. We appreciate your efforts to be with us. Wishing all of you a Joyous Holiday Season! FREDA H. MICHELITCH, President DOPISI ST. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Srečno in zdravo Novo leto vam vsem članicam in družinam. Bog Vam daj vsega kar je potrebno v letu 1974. Naša nov. seja, je bila kar lepo obiskana. Imele smo se dobro in posebno smo bile vesele, da se je vrnila naša predsednica: “Dobrodošla Ann Markovič”. Dobra čla. Mrs. Jennie Asseg nam je darovala lepi afgan, ki ga je sama skeklala in bomo dale na listke, katere upam, da boste vse kupile, vsaj vsaka članica en listek, da si bo naša blagajna opomogla. Mrs. Asseg se prav lepo zahvalimo za darilo. Zadnji mesec smo dobile kar sedem novih članic v našo podr. Tri odrasle in štiri dekleta v mladinskem oddelku. Upam, da bomo še katero vpisale. U ■■■•■. 1 ' ' ■ _ ‘1 Dne 12. nov. sme izgubile čla. Frances Grabenc v starosti 87 let. Bila Je naša čla. 43 let. Zapustila je sina Williama in njegovo družino ter brata. Naše globoko sožalje žalujočim ostalim in naša sestra naj počiva v miru na pokopališču All Souls. Vesele rojstne dneve želim vsem članicam, ki praznujejo svoje rojstne dneve v dec., posebno ses. Jennie Gorišek, ki bo praznovala 96 let in Jennie Kozilj, ki bo 89 let mlada. Naše Slovenke so dobrega in trdnega rodu, kakor smo vsi Slovenci. rm>0 — ■ " i~ TJ** ‘ VRT ' Ob zaključku voščim vsem gl. odbornicam, duh. svetovalcu in članicam širom Amerike, zdravo in blagoslovljeno leto 1974. SOPHIE MAGAYNA MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET VoAčila V Novem letu vsem odbornicam in članstvu iskreno želim zdravja, sreče in zadovoljnosti, naši urednici, ki ZARJO tako lepo "rihta, pa:: Da bi vsi dopisi bili spisani korektno in pravočasno odposlani, da ne bi imela v tiskarni nobenih neprilik, da bi se cena papirju ne zvišala in tinta n© posušila. Posebno želim, da bi tiskarski škrat, ki mojo pisavo meša in maliči imena, odšvedral v krtovo deželo in se nikdar več povrnil. TUJCI O SLOVENCIH “Slovenci nimamo dovolj narodne zavednosti, ker nikdar nismo imeli svoje države zato smo preveč boječi...,” je svoj čas zapisal pokojni Zvezin duhovni svetovalec Rev. Matthew Kebe. Ameriški Slovenci smo v več slučajih res preponižni in se ne silimo v ospredje, kar je narodna škoda saj se upravičeno smemo postaviti v isto vrsto z drugimi narodnostnimi skupinami, kar se tiče kulture in narodnih doprinosov. Veseli pa smo, kadar beremo lepo sodbo o Slovencih doma. Novinarka Edith Anderson, po rodu Nemka, piše: '—Slovenci so visoke rasti in niso v ničemur podobni Prebivalcem Balkana. Slovenci sodijo v sam vrh inteligentne lestvice, ker obvladajo več tujih jezikov, šolanje pa zavzema vso generacijo in v Sloveniji nepismenih sploh ni. ^r se tiče gospodarskega razvoja in življenskega standarda Je stopnja Slovencev najvišja v Jugoslaviji in se popolnoma ■shko meri z zapadno-evropskimi normami." Richard Newman, časnikar iz Londona, piše: — "Slovenci delijo skupno s Skandinavi ugled, da so najbolj pis-nien narod na svetu. Na Slovenca pride štirikrat več knjig •'ot na Angleža, Francoza ali Nemca. V slovenskih knjigarnah je več knjig kakor v ostalih petih Jugoslovanskih republikah, ki so po prebivalstvu š‘evilnejše. Slovenci v Preteklosti nikoli niso poznali prave neodvisnosti. Vedno so ®e morali boriti za svoj obstoj, kulturo in besedo. Zaradi tega dobro poznajo tuje jezike in tujo kulturo. Slovenija Pokrajinsko sorodna Avstriji, vendar je mentaliteta in dejavnost Slovencev drugačna. Slovenci so delaven narod, zelo nagnjen k umetniški dejavnosti. Za Slovence je značilno to, da kljub naraščajoči industriji in muji po šolanju najbolj cenijo domačnost in preprostost ter da vedno radi Pomagajo." IZ STARIH ZAPISKOV Odtrgani od rodne domovine, ki nam ni mogla dati kruha, ločeni od sorodnikov in domače hiše, daleč proč °d mile pokrajine, ki nam je bila ljuba domovina smo sl v daljni, nepoznani deželi Ameriki postavili ognjišča, ustanovili družine, društva, fare, jednote, zveze in trgovine. Z tidim delom, varčnostjo in velikim trpljenjem ter občudovanja vredno vstrajnostjo smo dosegli svoj obstanek. ★ Slovenci ne izhajamo iz premožnega ali močnega naroda, temveč iz revnega, a zelo delavnega. V Ameriko JANUARY, 1974 nirmo prinesli bogastva, pač pa pridne roke in pošteno srce. Naši možje in fanti so na glasu kot dobri delavci, ki se nobenega dela ne ustrašijo in so vseskozi miroljubni. Naše žene in dekleta se vedno bolj zanimajo za izobrazbo in skušajo izboljašati svoje stališče. Amerika ima velike koristi od slovenskih naseljencev. ★ Veliko je v Ameriki Slovencev in Slovenk, ki si lahko sprosijo kruh v več jezikih, medtem ko pristen Amerika-nec razume le en jezik. ★ Ali moramo Slovenci res vselej z zamudo priznati svoje voditelje in narodne delavce, ki bi morali najti odmev in posluh pri koreninah naroda? ★ “Kar je stroj ladji, kar je veter jadernici, to je dobro organizirano ženstvo za človeško družbo. Mi možje spoznamo, da ne zadostujemo, da sami ne moremo izpeljati in rešiti neštetih problemov življenja, k: nam jih prinaša naš stan in nalagajo naše dolžnosti, zato blagor deželi, naselbini in fari, kjer deluje skupina dcbrih, zavednih žen!" — Rev. T. F. Berry, Milwaukee, Wis. IVAN CANKAR O PISATELJEVANJU Pisateljevanje je težavna umetnost. Ko je Cankar izdal svojo prvo knjigo je urednik napisal referat skoro podoben zmerjanju. Urednik pisatelja ni maral, zato mu je dal tako slabo oceno. Cankar je satirično odgovoril: “Vsak ples v Ljubljani, vsaka veselica v zakotni vasi je časnikarjem imenitnejšl kulturni pojav kot pisateljevanje. O plesih in veselicah pišejo s spoštovanjem, z ljubeznijo, z navdušenjem, o pisateljevanju pa komaj spregovorijo. In zakaj bi? Pisatelj — umetnik ni narodna dama in umetnost ni plesna toaleta. Saj ni potrebno, da bi o umetnosti človek dvakrat govoril ter tratil besede, čas in papir.. ŠOLSKA NALOGA O REVMATIZMU Janezek je za domačo nalogo dobil poverilo naj nekaj napiše o revmatizmu. Napisal je takole: Moj stari oče ima revmatizem. Stari oče uporablja revmatizem za napovedovanje vremena, če ga trga v križu, bo dež. Kadar ga trga v levi nogi bo nevihta z grmenjem, če ga trga v desni nogi bo pa vroče in soparno. Stari oče pravi, da so pratiko izdelali potem, ko so Jim revmatičarji povedali, kakšno bo vreme. Stari oče Je tudi moder. Svoj revmatizem porabi za izgovor, da ne gre na društveno sejo, ali da ne more opraviti nekaj, kar mu grandma ukaže. Samo takrat je stari oče neroden, kadar bi rad počepnil. ★ Mož in žena sta se odpeljala na obisk k sorodnikom, ko se žena domisli in vpraša moža: —Tone, si zaprl plin? —Sem. —Kaj pa vodo, si zaprl? —Sem. —In okna si zaprl tudi, kaj ne? —Tudi. .. Joj, zdaj sem se spomnil, vrata sem pa pustil odprta. Fanika Humar: Moje misli v noto leto! ( Pozdravljene in dobrodošle vse odbornice, ki ste bile izvoljene vo- | diti podružnice Slovenske ženske zveze širom Amerike v letu 1974! ( Komaj čakam, da zaorjemo novo brazdo, deloma, da bi z njo po- j krile, kar je bilo bolečega v starem letu in pa tudi, da bi ob novem oranju našle plodna tla, kamor bomo sejale seme našega dela. Iskreno se zahvaljujem vsem, ki ste se trudile, da smo z uspehom prejadrale minulo leto. Posebna zahvala tistim, ki ste v zadnji kampanji pomaga'e vsaj obdržati, če ne veliko pomnožiti naše vrste. Porast članstva in kakovost našega delovanja naj bo največja naloga nrše orpanizacije v tem mladem letu. Do'žnost nas vseh, ki smo včlanjene v S.Ž.Z. jo, da dobro pogledamo okoli sebe za naraščajem, če vam katera odkloni ponudbo, da bi se vpisala, ne bodite užaljene. Poskusite zvedeti, zakaj se noče pridružiti, ker ima vsaka en vzrok. Take vzroke prinesite na mesečne sestanke, pogovorite se o njih in s konstruktivnim delovanjem vp'ivajte, da bomo take odklonilne odgovore rešile ter pribežale delovanje podružnic ljudem, ki jih naj sestavljajo in vodijo. Do sedaj sem na uradnih sestankih zelo malo zvedela o vplivih preteklosti in sedanjosti na naše delovanje in smer. Neprimerno boljšo sliko o vsem dobi človek, ko obišče ljudi, ne da bi nas kdo poslal ali plačal dnevnice. Dragocene izkušnje, ki sem jih dobila tem potom, so me prepričale, da so ljudje zelo voljni podpreti vsako dobro stvar. Zagotavljam vam, da je naša Slovenska ženska zveza — dobra stvar. Nihče noče biti pozabljen. Organizirati se v svoje rodno društvo, pomeni biti del nečesa, kar ni minljivo, ker traja iz roda v rod in bo trajalo, če bomo imele dovolj delovnih udov. Radi tarnamo nad mlajšimi od nas, da ne spoštujejo dovolj, kar so starejši storili. Včasih je res, a ne vedno. Mladi ljudje gledajo po nas za vzgledi in tehtajo ter nas po njjih sodijo. Nedavno smo imele precej razgiban sestanek, na katerem naj bi štiri zelo mlada deklata postreg.a z okrepčili. Š'a sem k njim, naj pričnejo, pa sta me dve od njih zelo resno pogledali ter dejali: “We do not want to serve (hose ladies, they are so mean to us!” Prizor me je ganil. Prosila sem dekleta, naj vračajo neprijaznost z dobrim ter naj si zapomnijo, da se ne bo kdaj ponovilo po njihovi krivdi, kar jih je očitno prizadelo. Storile so, kar sem jih prosila. Hvala dekleta! Ponosna sem na vas! Iz mladih let pomnim tale dogodek: Mlada zakonska žena je skušala ustreči svojem možu, kjer je le mogla. Saj veste tisto: “Ljubezen gre skozi želodec." Mož bi bil rad jedel kašo, kakršno je mama kuhala. Mlada žena se je z vso vnemo potrudila ter pripravila kašo. Mož je jedel, a ne preveč navdušen dejal: Ja, veš, saj je dobra, a ni taka, kakor jo je mama znala skuhati. Nekaj časa je minulo, ko je mož spet prosil ženo, naj skuha kašo. Prizor se je ponovil. Kaša ni in ni bila taka, kakor jo ie mama znala pripraviti. Žena je bila potrta, obupala pa ni. Prebrskala ■e vse kuharske knjige in po dolgem pripravljanju spet šla kuhat kašo. Ko je mož prišel domov, jo je našel vso v solzah. Skozi hlipanje mu je sena povedala, da se ji je kaša prismodila, ko je samo malo šla na vrt po petržilček. Da bi jo mož potolažil, si je nadeval poln krožnik prismojene kaše ter začel jesti. Planil je od mize, objel ženo in dejal: Ja, /idiš, tako kašo je naša mama vedno kuhala. Ta zgodba mi prihaja na misel, kadar se za kakšno stvar zelo potrudim in je po moje uspešna, a v očeh nekaterih je vse zanič. Svetujte mi, kakšen recept naj uporabljam da bo naša “kaša” za vse užitna. ST. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Vse kaže, da bo kratka zima, ker smo že tako blizu novega leta, pa še ni nič pravega mraza. Saj je prav, ko nas tako rado zebe. Na naši decemberski seji smo bile odbornice vesele, ker se je toliko članic zbralo, kakor že dolgo ne. Le tako naprej, pa bo društvo lepo napredovalo. Ta večer je na novo pristopila k naši podr. Jennie Kraves. Dobrodošla. Imele smo tudi glavno letno sejo, trimesečno godovanje in božičnico. Za Club društev so bile izbrane dve zastopnice in te so: Mary Stražišar in Mary Iskra. Za Delniško sejo 20. jan. so bile izvoljene: Paula Krai, Mary Iskra in Vera Bajek Predsednica poda poročilo o delovanju skupnih podružnic. Poročano je tudi bilo, da so Fr. Okorn imeli težko operacijo na nogi. Družabne članice bodo plačevale odslej $4 od tega gre $3.60 za Zarjo, oz. gl. urad in 40c. gre v našo blagajno. Sledila je volitev odbora in je ves odbor ostal po starem. Enako so tudi plače nespremenjene., Vsem resno bolnim članicam se da po $5 kot božično darilo. V kuhinji bodo to leto delale: Frieda Milar, Adi Humphrey in Mrs. Plut. Nadzornice so: Fakult, Plut in Adi Humphrey. Poročevalka v angleščini je Tončka Zabukovec in v slovenščini A. Sustar. Za rediteljico, ali guard (po slovensko "policaj”) bo Frieda Milar. V tem času so bolane Mrs. Der-maski in Molly Legat. Obe sta v bolnici. Molimo za njihovo zdravje. Mrs. Smrka se je šla zdravit v Euclid Manor. Obiskovalke bolnih članic so: Mary Stražišar in Vera Bajek. “članica leta” za leto 1974 bo naša zaslužna delavka, Mary Iskra. K molitvam v pogrebni zavod se bo vozilo 'n enako na dan pogreba k maši, toda če bo katera hotela iti na pokopališče, se bo morala prisesti k drugim. Sporočam tudi, da se bo prihodnja seja v novem letu vršila na prvo sredo v mesecu januarju, ker januar pride na prvi torek. Glavna predsednica, Mary Boštjan je poslala lepo darilo za door prize. Lepa hvala njej in drugim darovalkam, kar bo imenovano na prihodnji seji prvo sredo. Imele smo tudi tri-mesečna godo-vanja in Božičnico s petjem lepih božičnih pesmi. V imenu društva se lepo zahvalim vam vsem, ki ste delale skozi celo leto v kuhinji, na kard party, ali kjerkoli. Prosim še naprej vašega sodelovanja. Želim Vam in vsem Vašim veselo in zdravo novo leto 1974. ANTONIJA SUSTAR ST. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Srečno in zdravo novo leto 1974 želim vsem gl. odbornicam, duh. svetovalcu in članicam. Zvezi pa veliko napredka. Na tem mestu čestitam naši ustanoviteljici, ge. Marie Prisland, ker je pred 45 leti ustanovila prvo in največjo slovensko žensko organizacijo v naši širni deželi, čestitke tudi požrtvovalnim pionirkam, ki so s trudom gradile našo organizacijo in čestitke urednici Corinne, ki vsaki mesec tako lepo uredi našo Zarjo, da jo nestrpno pričakujemo in jo tudi možje radi eitajo., čestitke tudi Mrs. Prisland za lepo mesečno kolono v Zarji. POROČILO O LETNEM POSLOVANJU V preteklem letu smo imele seje v jan., maju in dec. Z veseljem pridemo skupaj kot ena sama družina. Pomenimo se o delovanju, žal ne napredujemo v članstvu, ker mlade so MALA TRGOVKA i Št. 2, Chicago, lil.: Vsi se radujemo praznikov, posebno Božičnih, J toda od vseh najbolj nestrpno pričakujejo Božičnega večera mali otročički. I Zanje je to neko posebno vznemirjenje in veselo pričakovanje. Ali si j radi privoščijo kakih slaščic. In tako želim za našo Zarjo opisati malo resnično zgodbico kako si je moja sedem letna vnukinja Ivannie Zitkus zamislila, zakaj ne bi tudi ona imela kake bombončke. Ali kako kupiti, ko nima na razpolago nobenega centa, a kar ima v pigy banki, ne sme vzeti ven. In tako se ji je porodila mična zamisel. Aha, Ali nekega dne ie njena mama našla pri njej 17c. in jo vpraša, kje si dobila 17c. Ona vsa prestrašena začne pripovedovati: Mami, Ti si mi dala tiste stare T.B. znamke, ki jih nisi več potrebovala za pisma in si rekla, da se lahko z njimi igram. Jaz sem jih pa prodajala otrokom. Ker hodi v plesno šolo, ima več prilike in časa za barantanje z otroci. Seveda je bila potem sobda ob kupčiji: morala je dati vse cente nazaj otrokom. Vprašala sem njeno mamo Ello, kako se je počutila, a mi pravi, da je bila malo žalostna, ker je morala vrniti izkupiček. Torej to je zgodbica o mali Ivannie. Ni Bog ve kaj, toda ta mala punčka nam je naredila izredno vesele praznike, ker se v njeni butici ni porodila j napačna misel. Hotela si je kupiti j bombončke in ker ni imela centov, ! se je odločila za kupčijo. Ali ta mala trgovka ne neha zaslužiti še vedno kak cent. In tako cejo leto vlači na sprehod enega zmršenega kužo, ki je sicer velik in jo včasih butne, da prijoka s krvavimi koleni domov. Toda s takim veseljem nam pokaže j 25c.: “Vidiš kaj so mi dali!" Samo tudi tega buznesa bo enkrat konec, j ako jo bodo ljudje spodili, da ne sme hoditi s kužo po aley. Ona pač j hoče biti trgovka, kakor je bil njen dedek, samo na žalost ga je Bog j preje poklical k sebi, predno je mala zagledala beli dan. j Za Zahvalni dan letos, je pa napisala dadiju in mami pisma in v ! vsako pismo primaknia 36c. z zahvalo, ker ji dajo dom in vse., Samo j mamo ima nekoliko rajši, ker ima več potrp.jenjja z njo in jo nikoil ne ! naklofa, čeprav sem včasih poredna in Ti imaš razumevanje z menoj. ! Jaz Te ljubim mami.” j Mislim, da so to zelo lepe misli male 7 letne deklice, zato sem to j zgodbico zapisala, saj današnji dan mnogi otroci ne prosijo, ampak zahte- j vajo, ali pa si drugače stvari prisvojijo. Ako bi čitali to zgodbico, bi jim j morda bilo v pouk na pravo pot. Vedno prosim Boga, da bi naša mala punčka ki je tudi č.a. št. 2, še za naprej bila nam vsem v tako veselje. * K zaključku želim vsem članicam srečno in zdravo Novo leto. Poz- ! dravljam s spoštovanjem, IVANKA FERJAN I i vse zelo zaposlene, vendar rade plačujejo in so pripravljene darovati. V letu 1973 smo imele dva smrtna slučaja. Prva je bila ses. Carlina Ober-star, ki je več let bolehala v bolnišnici. Nato nas je zapustila ses. Gertrude Intihar v visoki starosti 91 let. Umrla je v nursing home, kjer je še vedno njen mož, Frank. Za obe smo opravile molitve ob krsti in se udeležile pogrebne sv. maše. Za materinski dan smo imele lepo Prireditev takoj po seji. Naš mladinski član Anton Menart nam je igral lepe pesmi in odbornice so nam servirale na krasno okinčano mizo, raznovrstne dobrote, katere so čla. prinesle. V juliju smo sodelovale pri jugoslovanskem dnevu, katerega vsako leto Proglasi naš guverner in ga priredi jug. Klub. Mnogo naših članic spada k temu klubu in to iz vseh krajev Minn. Piknik je lepo potekel v prosti naravi Pri jezeru v znanem “Veteran Park”. Nad tisoč ljudi je bilo zbranih, da se stari prijatelji snidejo. V septembru je bil naš državni Zve-zin dan v Chisholmu, ki je tudi lepo izpadel, kakor so članice lepo opisale v Zarji. Od naše podr. jih je bilo 18, ses. Anna Kastelc iz Biwabika vsako leto preskrbi bus za čla. iz Aurore, McKinley, Gilbert in Eveleth. članice so se odzvale iz celega Iron Range in naš duh. vodja Fr. Perkovich so darovali mašo v krasni in veliki cerkvi v Chisholmu, ki je bila napolnjena do zadnjega sedeža. Zelo lepo je bilo Petje slavnih coralirjev, ki nastopajo na radiju ter igranje naših slovenskih melodij in polk, kar je zopet bilo nekaj izrednega. Tudi banket z bogatim Programom je potekal v zadovoljstvo vseh. Vodile sta gl. odbornica Barbara Rosandich in drž. preds. Angela Ka-rish. Zelo mi je bilo žal, da se nisem mogla udeležiti posebno še ker sva bile s ses. Trdan ustanoviteljice te Podr. št. 38, ki lepo napreduje, čestitam vsem! Na tej drž. konvenciji so izvolile naše mesto Eveleth kot sedež Zvezinega dneva drugo nedeljo v septembru 1974. Že sedaj vabim in prosim članice, da pomagajo, da bomo v slogi uspele in napravile letošnji naš Dan kar najlepši. Posebno vabim mlade članice za Pomoč in nasvete. Moja in Tonetova družina je takrat slavila njegov 95 rojstni dan in zaradi tega misem bila osebno navzoča, toda bila sem z vami v mislih ves dan. Sedaj še vedno občudujemo lepe s|ike, ki so bile posnete na Zvezinem dnevu, kakor tudi slike in filme posnete v domovini Sloveniji, kamor je toliko rojakov potovalo to peletje pod vodstvom Franka Tekautza v izvedbi Kollandrove potniške pisarne. Vsi imajo lepe spomine. Ob zaključku leta, sporočam, da se več naših članic nahaja v bolnišnici in nursing home: ses. Julia Setnikar, Rose Milarsich in Mary Mihavc (v Hib-bing) ter ses. Mary Yurkovich (v Virginia). Njen mož Marko je umrl zadnji mesec. Izrekamo njej in družini iskreno sožalje. Naj mu bo lahka ameriška zemlja. V Eveleth bolnici je že več mesecev ses. Jennie Chapel, izgubila je nogo in skoro nič ne vidi. Vse čla. ji želimo voljno prenašanje trpljenja. Ima zelo dobrega moža in hčer Patricia, poročena Scheuning v Silver Bay, pa zelo lepo skrbi za mater in jo z možem obišče vsaki teden. Na domu se pa zdravi ses. Mary Sherse, kateri želimo ljubo zdravje, kakor tudi sestram Agnes Grcman, Zadkovich, Skul in Hildi Pogorelc v bolnišnici. Čestitke ses. Rose Semolwski, ki je prvič postala stara mati, ko so pri sinu v Indianapolis dobili sina. čestitke ses. Mary Intihar, Sedej in Pauline Shute, ker so v njihovih družinah dobili prirastke. Posebne čestitke ses. Juliji lllersich, ki je bila počaščena zaradi njene 50-letne zaposlitve in vzorne službe za Miners Banko. Je zelo priljub:jena med sodelavkami in pri vodstvu ter so ji na banketu počastili sam predsednik in načelnik odbora Banke. Naši zvesti članici od početka, želimo mnogo sreče tudi v bodoče. Ponosni smo lahko na našega kongresnika Johna Blatnika, ki je načelnik enega izmed najbolj važnih odborov ameriškega parlamenta, to je odbor za javna dela, zato uživa velik ugled v prestolici. Pred kratkim se je udeležil mednarodne konference za zdravje in čisti zrak na Primorskem v Sloveniji. On je zaveden rojak, ki nikoli ne zataji svojega slovenskega porekla, čeprav je na visokem položaju, še mnogo uspehov! Končno v imenu podružnice čestitam naši urednici Corinne Leskovar, ki je bila v Chicagu imenovana kot splošno "zaslužna žena leta”. Moja prijateljica, Urška Keržišnik mi je iz Chicaga poslala časopise, ki so objavili njeno sliko z opisom njenega delovanja ne samo med Slovenci, ampak tudi v splošni ameriški javnosti. Bog jo živi našo Corinne še na mnoga leta! (Hvala lepa, Mrs. Le-nich! Ured.) Naj še dodam, da so v okt. tukaj odprli Klub za starejše državljane. Moj mož Tone, ki še kar dobro nosi svojih 95 let, je v imenu starejših državljanov pozdravil vse navzoče. Vsi, ki so začeli to veliko delo, gotovo zaslužijo naše priznanje. Vsem srečo in blagoslov v tem letu! MARY LENICH, taj. ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Iskrene čestitke Frances in Antonu Kostelec iz Paseda Ave., ki sta slavila 50 letnico poroke. Njihov sin Bob je dobro poznan med nami, saj je bil pred leti manager kadetskemu krožku. Zlatoporočencema želimo še mnogo let zdravja in sreče. Imajo tudi dva vnuka. V bolnišnici se nahajata naše 45 letne članice: Frances Kalcic in Theresa Ancel. Želimo jima hitro okrevanje. Sožalje izrekamo družini Elizabeth Papesh, ki je preminula v Ft. Myers, Flo. Bila je solastmca Stefanich’s Restaurant vso do njene smrti. Zapušča sestro Kay Peraud. Enako naše so-alje družini Marian Morgan in čestiti sestri Marlene, ki sta izgubile brata Stanley Ambrose, v starosti komaj 50 let. Pred leti je umrla njihova mati Ursula Ambrose. Dalje sožalje našemu prejšnjemu pom. župniku, Rev. Geo. Kuzma, sedaj župniku fare Sv. Rozalije v Wil-mingtonu, III., kateremu je umrla mati Margaret Kuzma, ki zapušča tudi sina Antona in sina Dr. Joseph, ki je glavni zdravnik KSKJ. Pok. je bila rojena v Sloveniji in je živela v Jolietu nad 52 let. Zapušča tudi več vnukov in pra-vnukov in drugih sorodnikov. Pokopana je bila iz domače cerkve sv. Jožefa na famo pokopališče. Tudi Mary Brick obžaluje smrt sestre Mary Mutz. Naj vsi pokojni prejmejo nebeško plačilo! V pomoč domači šoli je bil prirejen nepozabni večer, pod temo: "NOČ V SLOVENIJI”. Dvorana je bila krasno okrašena pod vodstvom Jonita Ruth in njenih pomočnic: Linda Hotujec in, Alice Kraus. Vstopnice so se prodajale pod vodstvom Agnes Lovatti in njenih pomočnic. Dekleta in druge odbornice so pridno stregle na mize in pomagale na vse načine, da je veliki ples ob godbi Bob Dozek izredno lepo uspel. Ljudi je bilo toliko, da se je težko dobilo prostor za sedeže in za ples. Kakor vsako leto je bil tudi letos bazar in tudi naša podr. je imela svoj štant in taj. Olga Ancel je pripravila za prodajo v štantu domači pečeni sladkor, pecivo, domače heklane nogavičke, kuharske knjige, pevske knjige itd. Pri stojnici so pomagale Mrs. Mary Mihelič in hčerka Annette, Ca-rita Srcel, Marie Ancek, Helen Rozman in Rosanne Ruth. Zadnje tri so mlad. članice. Judy Koren je imela razne ročna dela na razpolago. Vse to delo omenjenih članic je šlo v dobrobit šoli in cerkvi. Prvo nedeljo v dec. je bilo Miklav-ževanje. Nastopili so naši šolski otroci pod vodstvom slovenskih učiteljev, ki se uče slovenskega jezika, kar je zelo hvalevredno, da se poleg angleščine naučijo tudi materinega jezika, kar jim ne bo nikdar škodovalo. Nastopil je tudi sv. Miklavž v beli obleki s škofovsko kapo na glavi, ki je obdaroval pridne otroke. Vse ste lepo vabljene na sejo dne 20. jan v navadnih prostorih. Kazali se bodo tudi film' o doživljajih Erjavčeve druine ter Josephine Buchar in Tom in Ann Buchar, ki so preteklo poletje obiskali Slovenijo in bližja mesta. Torej na svidenje na seji, ko bo zaprisežen novi odbor in po seji bo prigrizek. Dvorana je bila okrašena s slovenskimi motivi v občudovanje vseh, kar je dokaz, da so prireditve v slovenskem stilu zelo zaželjene in uspešne tako v udeležbi, kakor tudi v finančnem oziru. Odbor se je že odločil, da prihodnje leto zopet ponovi ta ples in je že rezerviral dvorano. Naša šola si Naši Pokojni Prcdscdnici v Spomin ST. 23, ELY, MINNESOTA Dne 1. nov. je po mučni bolezni, ki jo je prenašala že od pomladi, umrla MARY SHIKONJA. Pok Mary je bila samska, njena mat' ji je umrla pred 9-timi leti. Zaposlena je bila nekaj let v grocery trgovini, potem pa veliko let kot knjigovodkinja v Chevrolet garaži. Potem je bila zaposlena do njene bolezni za Nordling and Teller Accounting v Viriginia, Minn. Bila je vedno prijazne narave in bila je vedno pripravljena z njenim autom nas prepeljati na zborovanja in seje podružnice in družabne priredbe. Posebno bolj oddaljene članice in prijateljice so vedno lahko računale na njen prevoz v snegu in mrazu na domove. Chevrolet garaža je blizu slov. cerkve in ko so ženske vsako sredo popoldne imele sveto uro, je Mary uporabila svoj prosti čas, da je odpeljala bolj odaljene sestre domov. Zadnjo pomlad je bila soglasno izvoljena za delegatinjo konvencije SŽZ, toda usoda jo je položila na bolniško posteljo. Operirana je bila v St. Mary’s Hospital v Duluthu, nakar je bila prepeljana na Ely, v Ely Bloomenson Hosp., kjer je imela mnogo obiskov od prijateljev in znancev, kolikor je bilo dopuščeno. Za nekaj časa jo je njena sestra Barbara vzela domov. Mary je bila poleg Slov. ženske Zveze, tudi članica A. F. U., Catholic Parish Council, Development Council a»' Ely, Business Women’s benefit org. Pokojna zapušča omenjeno sestro Barbaro, dalje sestro Ano Karger na Biwabik, Minn. in brate: Tony Shikonja, Ely in Bernie, Babit, Minn. ter 7 nečakov in nečakinj. Vsem žalujočim iskreno sožalje! Kmalu za njo je umrla tudi naša članica Katherine Skratski Bog daj večni mir in pokoj in družini naše sožalje! KATHERINE SLOGAR bo denarno opomogla in gre priznanje odbornikom, odbornicam in staršem za njihovo delo. Pri fari smo imeli tudi naš letni "purmanski” pillow case party pod vodstvom vseh ženskih društev. Tudi naša podr., je sodelovala v odboru pod vodstvom Olge Ancel in vse odbornice so se potrudile, da je bil lep upseh. Co-chairman prireditve Je bila Cath. Pavnica. Lepe pozdrave in srečno Novo leto! JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 23, ELY, MINNESOTA Velika vrzel je nastala v naših vrstah ob izgubi izredno delavne in priljubljene predsednice naše podružnice št. 23, MARY SHIKONJA. Pokojno bomo vse boleče pogrešali, saj je vedno bila prijazna do vseh. Posebno nam je hudo, ker je še bila mlada, stara komaj 56 tet. Naj počiva v miru. Žalujočima bratoma in sestrama izrekamo globoko sožalje! Ohranjena bo vedno v najlepšem spominu med nami in mo-Hrno za njo, da ji bo lahka ameriška gruda. FRANCES S. JENKO ST. 24, LA SALLE, ILLINOIS Drage in spoštovane sestre: Dne 2. dec. smo imele lepo opravljeno sejo v dvorani sv. Roka. Po seji je bila krasna božična prireditev. Imele smo vse domače pečene dobrote in tudi zapele smo. čestitle smo srečni rojstni dan našim dobrim članicam: Fannie Ko-bilšek in Fannie Piletič. Bog vaju živi na mnoga leta! Pri nas ne delamo razlike, naj bo stara, al’ pa mlada, vse smo mlade, in rade zapojemo tisto pesem: "živijo, oj živijo na svet.. ” Podale smo se na obisk našim bolnikom v bolnišnici in vse smo malo Presetile z malim darom. Vse so bile vesele obiska in domačih dobrot. Ob slovesu smo jim obljubile, da pridemo nazaj in da jim bomo za božične Praznike zapele. Naš odbor želi vsem sestram od bl'zu in daleč veselo, zdravo in srečno Novo leto! Vse vabimo, da se pridno udeležujete naših sej vsaki mesec, če vam Je le mogoče. Vsem bolanim pa Ijube-Sa zdravja in dajte nam sporočiti. V okt. smo počastile naše pridne č'a. Christine Drnach in Mary Gornik 2a njihov rojstni dan. Christina čestitamo, da je tako korajžna, da je prišla na sejo, čeprav je padla, toda se je Potrudila, da je prišla med nas skoro Popolnoma zdrava. Okusno jabolčno Potico je napravila Mary Gornik, Nellie Močnik pa angelski cake. Vse Je bilo res veselo. V okt. je bil pokopan rojak Frank Ravnikar, ki je bil pevec v cerkvi Sv. Roka. Sožalje ženi in otrokom. °ne 15. nov. sem prejela sporočilo °d č. sestre od Sv Roka, da je naša 'iuba mati, ena izmed soustanoviteljic naše podr. Slovenske Ženske Zveze, l'/,ary Spelich zaspala v Bogu v lepi starosti 93 let. Njena hčerka Agnes urzin me je tudi poklicala in sem Mrazila sožalje v Imenu podr. Njena ruea hčerka Annie, je sedaj č. sestra °orgia. Naga dobra mati, Mary Spelich, ki le sedaj pri Bogu, ne bo nikoli po- zabljena med nami, zaradi njenih dobrih del, saj je poznama od blizu in daleč. Njena priljubljenost je bila vidna ob lepem pogrebu, katerega je opravil Rev. Fr. Richard Fitzimons, ki so tudi molili naprej rožni venec. Članice SŽZ in Oltarnega društva smo se lepo poslovile od nje. Sinovi in vnuki so nosili njeno krsto in me članice smo bile častne pogrebnice: prva tajnica št. 24, Anna Klopčič, dalje Anna Lushina, Fannie Kobilsek, Nellie Močnik, Mary Piletič in Ann Serri. Hvala vsem. Pokojni pa večni mir. Vse sestre lepo pozdravlja in želi vse dobro v Novem letu, Vaša predsednica, MICI MARY PILETIČ ŠT. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Prosim za malo prostora v naši tako lepo urejeni Zarji, katero vsak mesec nestrpno pričakujem. Urednica jo tako lepo urejuje, kakor da bi jo sami angelci pisali, čeprav imam precej slabe oči, vendar jo preč'tam od začetka do konca. Vse sodelavke so izvrstne, zato drage sestre širom Amerike, še naprej pridno pišite, ker nam bolj starim in bolnim članicam delate lepo veselje. Sedaj se želim zahvaliti našim so-sestram št. 26, za izvolitev Mother of the year, kakor pregovor pravi: Boljše pozno kot nikoli. Hvala tudi za lep dopis naše nove tajnice Mrs. Slejni. Posebna hvala Tebi, Ccrinne za lepo priznanje k temu dopisu, naj tudi naše mlade članice vedo kdo je ustanovil našo odlično podr. št. 26. To poletje, drage sosestre, ste mnoge preživele na prijetnih počitnicah, toda žal, se jaz ne morem pohvaliti, ker je bilo moje poletje žalostno zaradi hude poškodbe pri padcu, da sem morala prestati 4 mesece v bolnišnici z zlomljeno desno nogo in kolkom. Pred 10 leti sem si enako zlomila levo stran, tako da sem onemogla, toda hvala Bogu vsaj za silo malo hodim s pomočjo hodnega stola. Sedaj sem doma, čeprav osamljena, vendar je boljše kot po bolnicah. Res, so mi bili zdravniki in strežnice zelo dobri in so naredili čudež iz mene, da sem bila tako polomljena, da si nisem mogla nič pomagati in so bili sami veseli z uspehom mojega zdravljenja in so rekli, da je čudež božji, da si moreš tako sama pomagati, čeprav tako hudo potolčena. Pohvalili so moje potrpljenje in rekli, če bi tudi drugi betežniki imeli tako potrpljenje, bi njihovo trpljenje bilo olajšano. Zato so mi dali tako lepo priznanje in ko sem šla domov, so me spremlja- li zdravniki in nurses ter televizijska postaja me je filmala. Tako boste me lahko videli na postaji CH. 13th ko bodo imeli program za ostarele. Jaz sem bila edina bolnica preko 80 let stara, ki sem si to čast zaslužila v Johan Kein bolnišnici. Nekateri naši ljudje so jako proti tej bolnišnici, toda tisti, ki je proti ne ve kaj govori. Moral bo sam tja priti in se prepričati, kakor sem Jaz bila zdaj 16-tič v petih različnih bolnišnicah, pa nisem nič slabega videla v nobeni, samo potrebno je, da so tudi bolniki dobri in pokorni, da se ne kregajo z doktorji in dobrimi strežnicami, ki tako lepo strežejo, kakor da sem jim mati. Ob koncu želim vsem članicam širom Amerike srečo in blagoslov v Novem letu. MAGDALENA WIDINA ŠT. 49, WICKLIFFE, OHIO Najprej želim vsem članicam št. 49 kakor tudi vsem uradnicam v Glavnemu odboru in pri podružnicah in vsem članicam naše Slov. ženske Zveze, prav srečno, zdravo in blagoslovljeno Novo leto. Zdravim želim, da bi še naprej ostale zdrave in marljive članice, bolnim pa ljubo zdravje. Naša letna seja se je vršila pri sestri Jennie Kosten. Zaradi oddaljenosti in slabega vremena, je bila bolj pičla udeležba, vendar v splošno zadovoljnost. Odbor bo ostal po starem. Iz srca sem želela, da bi katera prevzela tajništvo, toda ni bilo sreče. Mlajše se izgovarjajo, da so preveč zaposlene z družino; starejše se pa ne zanimajo, da bi si na stara leta nakladale to odgovornost. Jaz sem pa še mlada (samo 84 let stara) in 22 let tajnica in se bom mogla še nadalje pokoriti, posebno sedaj ko bo treba plačati pet centov več na Glavni urad. To velja samo za nove članice, to je tiste, ki sedaj pristopijo. Torej drage članice, upam, da mi boste še naprej tako dobre in naklonjene, kot ste bile do sedaj. Tako bomo še naprej skupno delale za dober uspeh naše Zveze. Prav lep pozdrav vsem! preds. in tajnjica M. STUSEK, ST. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Zdravo in povsem zadovoljno Novo leto želimo vsem članicam in prijateljem! Naj bi to leto 1974 prineslo svetovni mir in boljše razumevanje med narodi! Letna seja je dobro izpadla, ker so na naše želje ostale iste uradnice. Kakor po navadi, smo po seji slavile božičnico ob lepo okrašenih mizah polnih božičnih dobrot. Prihodnja seja se bo vršila v ne- FINANCIAL REPORT - FINANČNO POROČILO, NOV. 1973 Br. No.: Amont: Adults: Jr. 1 $110.20 182 70 2 253.15 410 202 3 148.25 249 153 4 7.50 11 — 5 75.60 87 15 6 51.60 111 18 7 45.00 88 33 8 14.20 39 — 9 — 20 1 10 117.25 278 16 12 65.35 150 63 13 — 104 28 14 143.65 286 38 15 78.50 167 7 16 100.55 152 73 17 — 148 100 19 46.90 98 14 20 179.05 356 103 21 62.85 112 49 22 — 15 — 23 98.85 205 39 24 56.75 122 41 25 298.95 556 148 26 68.90 111 30 27 — 37 2 28 42.75 69 28 29 9.75 23 4 30 — 9 — 31 73.40 77 26 32 — 163 69 33 122.00 190 159 34 19.25 36 4 35 29.20 49 31 37 — 18 — 38 36.87 96 — 39 — 42 6 40 58.75 105 2 41 68.45 175 29 42 — 49 2 43 115.00 *75 124 45 18.70 38 11 46 13.55 31 3 47 54.85 00 39 49 — V — 50 185.95 '73 53 52 32.05 52 21 deljo dne 10. marca v Center Club ob 2 uri pop. Ne pozabite, to je v istem prostoru kot po navadi. Nato ne bo seje do 3. junija. Soses. /osephine Perrino je izgubila moža, ki je podlegel srčnemu napadu in Josephine je bila takrat na operaciji v bolnici. Sedaj se zdravi doma. Naše iskreno sožalje ob izgubi moža in njej želimo skorajšnje ozdravljenje. članice smo se zbrale pred pogrebom, da smo molile rožni venec. Na naši glavni seji, je bilo okrog 20 članic in smo sklenile, da bomo slavile našo 35 letnico na seji Federacije mesto March, smo prevzele za Pennsylvania dne 6. oktobra, ko bomo 54 50.80 50 31 d 55 30.25 56 19 56 42.40 90 7 57 31.20 56 15 59 27.40 26 — f 61 — 5 — 62 20.50 20 — a 63 — 90 27 64 33.10 41 1 d 65 — 41 20 66 65.60 57 21 d 67 42.10 71 8 68 38.05 59 25 70 — 14 3 b 71 57.95 116 38 72 — 22 — 73 52.30 96 59 74 — 26 1 b 77 20.40 42 27 79 — 36 18 b 80 15.45 13 — g 81 14.45 29 1 83 7.55 16 — 84 — 43 2 c 85 — 36 2 86 — 19 — b 88 21.75 51 7 89 28.70 65 26 90 17.00 41 8 91 — 41 7 b 92 37.30 26 12 d 93 — 50 3 94 — 6 — 95 113.65 176 24 96 — 43 — 97 6.25 14 — 99 4.60 13 — 100 34.60 47 15 101 23.90 32 12 102 — 36 2 b 103 14.25 20 14 105 17.65 29 6 106 — 22 1 Total: $3,772.72 7,773 2, 316 Remarks: Pd. for Nov. & Dec. a; Pd. to Dec. b; Pd. in Oct. c; Oct . & Nov. d; Sept. & Oct. e; Sept. Oct. Nov. g- imele prireditev v Renton, Pa. O tem bomo še sporočile v Zarji. Po seji smo imele dober prigrizek. Mrs. Agatha Možina je bila na seji in smo ji voščile vesel 93-ti rojstni dan. Sin od Kathleen Podobnik je igral na harmoniki lepe valčke in polke. Seveda smo se tudi vsi zavrteli, da je bil res lep zaključek seje. Želim, da bi prišle če mogoče vse na seje, če Agatha Možina lahko pride pri svojih lepih letih, zakaj ne bi ta mlade tudi prišle. Ob koncu mojega dopisa voščim vsem zdravo in veselo leto 1974. Vsem bolnim pa ljubega zdravja. Pozdravlja. PAULA KOKAL INCOME — DOHODKI — NOVEMBER 1973: Assessment: $3,772.72 Interest: 2,874.01 Rent: 210.00 Books sold: 51.00 Tax Deposit: 30.62 Books asset: $6,938.35 -51.00 Total Income: $6,887.35 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI — NOVEMBER 1973: Claims paid — plačane zavarovalnine: Br. 3, Mary Gabrijan $100.00 Br. 3, Frances Gacnik 100.00 Br. 5, Margaret Susterick 100.00 Br. 7, Theresa Pavlin 100.00 Br. 10, Frances Grebenc 100.00 Br. 12, Frances Maci 100.00 Br. 21, Mary Gasper 150.00 Br. 21, Mary F. Hunter 100.00 Br. 23, Mary Shikonya 300.00 Br. 23, Katherine Skratski 100.00 Br. 24, Mary Spelich 100.00 Br. 25, Erma Koren 100.00 Br. 26, Mary Marvintz 100.00 Br. 38, Frances Dolhar 100.00 Br. 41, Rose Kovacic 100.00 Br. 41, Anna Anzic 100.00 Br. 54, Matilda Rek 100.00 Br. 56, Katherine Furin 100.00 Br. 70, Mary Steklasa 100.00 Br. 73, Theresa Vlasy 100.00 Br. 81, Mary Matosich 100.00 Br. 84, He’en Nachtigal 100.00 Br.100, Mary Evanich 100.00 Salaries — plače 1,225.00 Administration 300.00 Department of Insurance 2.00 Water & gas-voda in plin 9.23 F.I.C.A. Tax - Soc. zavarov. 71.66 Zarja Nov. issue 1,751.90 Office rent 75.00 Postage & telephone 150.58 Donation - dar 40.00 Total - skupno: $6,175.37 Balance Oct. 31, 1973: $571,747.64 November income - dohodki: 6,887.35 $578,634.99 Nov. Disbur. - sfroški: -6,175.37 Balance Nov. 30, 1973: $572,459.62 FANIKA HUMAR, Secretary FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART HI BOYS AND GIRLS! Srečno Novo Leto, Glueckliches Neues Jahr, Bonne Annee, Felix Ano Neuvo, Godt Nytarr, Maligayang Ba-gong Taon, Szczesliwego Nowego Roku, Sretan Novo Godino and in any other language this is what we say at the birth of a new year! A holiday all over the world, it is the grandfather of all festivals, from which descended celebrations of all kinds of holidays, special events and dates to be remem-bared. Everyone celebrates New Years but not everyone, children and grownups, celebrates on the same date, since people measure time in different ways. The oldest record of a New Year celebration is one held during March over 4,000 years ago in Babylon, a city of Mesopotamia in Asia, now known as Iraq. The overflowing of the Nile was the beginning of a new year for the Egyptians in the month of June. Early Romans welcomed a new year in March. The Chinese new year coincided with the lunar calendar taking place in February. The people of India celebrated all four seasons according to their religious belief and the part of the country they lived in. Island People in the South Pacific because of the warm weather celebrate new year everytime a new crop is Planted. Thousands of years ago, as today, the Jews celebrated their new year in the fall. During the first century BC, with the Koman empsror Julius Caesar, a new ca.endar was devised and January 1 designated as. the date for the new year. The name January also came from Julius Caesar. He gave this first month its name in honor of J'anus, Roman god of gates and doors and keeper of the gates of heaven and earth. Since most doors lead both in and out, Janus is portrayed with two faces, one looking backward to the 0|d year, the other looking forward to the new. In his left hand, Janus is Pictured as holding a scepter, symbol 'Of power and ir^ his right, he holds a key with which he can close the door ■°f the old year and open the new. And so the Romans honored Janus each January 1 with rejoicing, merrymaking, processions, wellwishes and Sift exchanges among friends. Under Emperor Constantine when the Romans accepted Christianity in the 4th century New Year was changed from the pagan idea of a feast day to the Christian one of a fast day — instead of revelry, there was prayer and meditation. The Christians believed that New Year should be a time when Christians repented of any wrongdoings of the past year and made resolutions tc turn over a new leaf and lead better lives in the coming year. About 400 years ago Christians in Europe slowly began to change the observance of New Year from the fast back to the feast and thus many beliefs, customs and superstitions that began with civilization were revived and are now associated with New Year. The noisy greeting that is an important part of New Year's eve all over the world is not just a way of saying good-day to the dying year and giving a rousing welcome to the new. This custom goes back to the heathen belief that noise is a sure way of scaring away evil spirits so as to make room for the good spirits to come and work their good-luck magic. It is a time of feasting and fun. People are thankful for the blessings that have come to them during the yeai just ending. They feel kindly toward their fellows as they look forward to the promises a new year offers. In America New Year was celebrated by the Indians long before the white man came. It was held about the first day of February depending on the moon with the celebration lasting seven days. The Europeans who settled in America brought their New Year customs with them. With the exception of the Pilgrims and Puritans who did not celebrate, all other nationalities enjoyed the holiday. As America grew in the 19th century New Year was celebrated like an old Roman carnival. There was always fancy foods and arinks, gypsy fortune-tellers with their crystal balls, music, dancing, gay costumes and masks. A favorite costume is Father Time. Coming from Kronos, the Greek god of time, he is an old man dressed in flowing robes and carries a scythe for reaping the years. Another is the New Year Baby wearing a diaper and funny hat. He comes from the Greek god Dionysus, who was born new every year. Today New Year is celebrated as in ancient times — a time to put aside work and school and enjoy the company of friends. New Yeai resolutions are made to do things better and lead happier lives; we meet old friends to show that we treasure them. We eat, drink and sing together as a sign of fellowship. Throughout the world New Year is a holiday marked by the ringing of bells, blowing of whistles, blar- ing of horns. It means that an Old period of time has passed and a new one is beginning; a time of hope for a brighter future, a time of fun. It is not how New Year is celebrated that is important. "It is a time for people everywhere to give thanks for the old year as they look forward eagerly to the bright future they hope the new year will bring. All resolve to turn over a new leaf and make the coming twelve months better than the last. Hearts around the world seem filled with kind thoughts for the happiness of others." Although the people around the world express their good wishes in languages that sound strange to other ears, the meaning is the same as ours when we say: “HAPPY NEW YEAR”. Your friend, REGINA PS A hope in a new year: to meet new friends and do new things seek a lady-friend or two who would be willing to take charge of you and any activity appealing to your hearts. A WINTER FELLOW I'm the fellow who likes the snow. When the warm sun comes, I always If you want to make me reappeai, Follow the numbers that you see , Then draw on my mittens and scarf and----------- And buttons and eyes and things lik« that. 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