MAY, 1958 NUMBER 5 - VOLUME 30 (/ ^^^tgr.ri'iV. ’1L ~ St. John the Evangelist Auditorium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Z AR|A'DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted. December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State oj Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Avc., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, 111. Secretary—ALB IN A NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Audit or—J OSEPHINE SUMIC, 1305 No. Center St., Joliet, Illinois Home Office'. 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. 1st Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio 2nd Vice-President—ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colorado 3rd Vice-President—MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. 4th Vice-President—BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan, Ely, Minnesota Stli Vice-President—FRANCES PLESKO, 2908 W. Greenfield, Milwaukee, Wis. DIRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities'. Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—MARY THEODORE, Box 723, Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 1937 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. On the Cover: ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST AUDITORIUM in Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be the scene of the Grand Convention Banquet, May 18, 1958. The modern structure, only a few years old. is located near St. John the Evangelist Church, at So. 9th St. and Mineral Ave. Following the Solemn High Mass at noon celebrated by Rev. Claude Okorn, Pastor, the Banquet will be at 2:00 p.m. Many out-of-town guests are expected to attend the event for which hostesses are ladies of combined Milwaukee branches, nos. 12, 43 and 17. THIS ISSUE OF ZARJA is dedicated to all our beloved mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, many of whom were the first to bring the S.W.IJ. into our lives. The mothers pictured are those chosen by their branches as the most worthy of the honor in 1958. And our tribute to them is everlasting remembrance of their work and guidance. God bless them! May May HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY! Supreme Officers: May 15 — Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer Chicago, 111. May 10 — Mary Tomsic, Supreme Vice-Pres., Strabane, Pa. Branch Presidents: Anna Svigel, Branch No. 68, Fairport Harbor, O. Ann Satovich, Branch No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Frances Greenfield, Branch No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. May 21 — Angela Voje, Branch No. 84, New York, N.Y. May 22 — Anna Rudman, Branch No. 65, Virginia, Minn. May 22 — Helen Kovali, Branch No. 83, Crosby, Minn. May 25—Frances Yerman, Branch No. 57, Niles, Ohio May 30—Mary Snezic, Branch No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. Many Happy Returns of the Day! 3 5 May 10 Life’s problem is not how to make money first but how to make it last. * One good man more on earth is better than an extra angel in heaven. (Proverb from the Chinese) * It ain’t no disgrace for a man to fall, but to lay there and grunt is. —Josh Billings If you feel you’re too small to do big things, then do big things in a small way. * He who would climb a tree must grasp the branches — not the blossoms. —Thackeray * Great men too often have greater faults than little men can find room for. AN EDITOR'S FAVORITE QUOTE: “If you find any mistakes in this paper, take note that they were put there intentionally, for it is our aim to offer something of interest to every reader, and we know some people’s main interest is looking for mistakes.” * Think twice before you speak and you will speak twice the better for it. Tid-bits, London ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXX — No. 5 MAY, 1958 LETO XXX — Št. 5 Officers and Delegates of 11th National S.W.U. Convention! The following Supreme Officers will attend the Convention: Pounder, Marie Prisland; President, Josephine Livek; 1st Vice-Pres., Frances Globokar; Secretary, Albina Novak; Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar. Auditors: Mary Otoničar, Katie Triller and Josephine Sumic. Director Women’s Division: Elizabeth Zefran; Director Juvenile Division: Mary Theodore. Managing Editor: Corinne Leskovar Supreme Vice-Presidents: Anna Pa- chak, Mary Tomsic, Barbara Ro-sandich and Frances Plesko. Honorary Delegate: Barbara Kramer, San Francisco, California. REMINDER TO DELEGATES Delegates are requested to arrive in Milwaukee Saturday and settle accomodations at Hotel Wisconsin, as early as possible. The registration of Delegates is Sunday, May 18th from 9:00 till 11:30 a.m. at which time Delegates’ Credentials may be presented. Special buses will transport us to the Solemn High Mass, Sunday noon, at St. John the Evangelist Church, So. 9th and Mineral. The Grand Convention Banquet will follow at 2 p.m. at St. John’s Hall. An interesting Convention Program featuring the talent of the Milwaukee Slovenian settlement will be presented during the afternoon. Musical and dramatic acts are listed on the program. All Convention guests are most cordially invited to attend the Sunday’s festivities and special buses have been arranged leaving from various states. Contact the following for information and reservations on the bus: Cleveland area: Prances Sietz, 25982 Highland Rd., Cleveland, Ohio; Chicago area: Elizabeth Zefran, 1941 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111.; Minnesota: Barbara Rosandich, 1212 Sheridan, Ely, Minn. The address of the Hotel Wisconsin is, 720 No. Third St., Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin. Trains from Chicago to Milwaukee The Chicago to Milwaukee North Shore R.R., with station at 223 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, leaves every hour on the hour, from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. The Chicago & Northwestern R.R., 500 W. Madison St., Chicago, leaves every two hours starting at 7:30 a.m. Traveling time from Chicago to Milwaukee is approximately 2% hours. Albina Novak, Secretary Branch 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 2, Chicago, 111. 3, Pueblo. Colo. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. 6, Barberton, Ohio 7, Forest City, Pa. 9, Detroit, Mich. 10, Cleveland, Ohio 12, Milwaukee, Wis. 13, San Francisco, Calif. 14, Euclid, Ohio 15, Cleveland, Ohio 16, So. Chicago, 111. 17, West Allis, Wis. 18, Cleveland, Ohio 19, Eveleth, Minn. 20, Joliet, 111. 21, Cleveland, Ohio 23, Ely, Minn. 24, La Salle, 111. 25, Cleveland, Ohio 2G, Pittsburgh, Pa. 28, Calumet, Mich. 31, Gilbert, Minn. 32, Euclid, Ohio 33, Duluth, Minn. 34, Soudan, Minn. 35, Aurora, Minn. 38, Chisholm, Minn. 39, Biwabik, Minn. 40, Lorain, Ohio 41, Cleveland, Ohio 43, Milwaukee, Wis. 4'5, Portland, Ore. 47, Cleveland, Ohio 50, Cleveland, Ohio 52, Kitzville, Minn. 54, Warren, Ohio 55, Girard, Ohio 56, Hibbing, Minn. 57, Niles, Ohio 63, Denver, Colo. 64, Kansas City, Kans. G5, Virginia, Minn. 6G, Canon City, Colo. 67, Bessemer, Pa. 71, Strabane, Pa. 73, Warrensville, Ohio 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 84, New York City, N.Y. 88, Johnstown, Pa. 89, Oglesby, 111. 90, Presto, Pa. 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. 95, So. Chicago, 111. 96, Universal, Pa. 99, Elmhurst, 111. Delegates Anna Zavrl Mary Muller Veronica Kolenko Antonia Klune Frances Simonich Antonia Bayt Jeanette Killoran Christine Menart Mary Jamsek (105, 70, 97) Mary Camloli Millie Novak Anna Grahek Rose Scoff Mary Stražišar Mary Iskra Anna Yakich Rose Rodic Anna L. Springer Marie A. Floryan Nettie Strukel (53) Mary Lenich Frances J. Gaspich Mary Lesnik Stella Dancull Barbara Rosandich Angela Strukel Pauline Stampfel Angeda Virant Dorothy Sternisha Anna Trontel Mary Bonenfant (85) Mary Dreshar Theresa Potokar Ann Podgoršek (48, 86) Mary Pahula (49, 102) Frances Bradach (37) Anna Trdau Angeline Karish Angela Kozjan Ella Starin Rose Kraemer Mary Golik (4, 79) Jennie Pugely Antoinette Tanko (51, G8) Rose Chiodi (81, 83) Rose Racher (94) Theresa Lozier (80) Anne B. Satovich Mary Macek (74) Mary Kovac Antonia Kostelec (46) Jennie Tavchar (42) Cecile Adamic (78, 92, 100) Mary Snezic (106) Frances Tomsic Katherine Juratovac (62) Mary Pavlesic (59, 61) Anna F. Svet Mary Zupon (104) Frances Nemeth Johanna Aubel Helen Hodnik (70) Mary Marlcezich Mary P. Klemenčič (8) Molly Remec (22, 30, 72) Alternates Mary Mizkiwiz Frances Zibert Mary Bratina Angela Meglen Mary Markič Margaret Naizer Molly Bechy Josephine Sustersic Antonia Repic Agnes Gornik Frances Chiodo Jean L. Dragolic Anna Mihelick Helen Mirtel Mary Filipovič Gladys Buck Josephine Schlossar Ann Goznik Frances Sterle Jennie Spremgel Theresa Muhich Mary Krogulski Julia Slogar Mary Mahne Antonia Mihevc Marie DeMauro Antoinette Lucich Mary Drobnick Elizabeth Smolnikar Sylvia Petrich Frances Bresak Rose Pujzdar Mary Tratnik Helen Tomazic Mary Loushin Rose Ziderich Mary Ponikvar Mary Lukz Mary Meadows Frances Hribar Anna Sterle Mary Rieth Louise Dichele CONVENTION REPORTS CONVENTION REPORT OF SUPREME SECRETARY Greetings to the officers, delegates and guests attending the llth National Slovenian Women’s Union Convention. Our Convention city, Milwaukee, Wis., is known world-wide for its hospitality and interesting sight-seeing attractions, including the greatest number of churches for a city of its size. I sincerely hope that this convention will be recorded as one of significance much the same as the last one held in Milwaukee in 1936. As in every convention in the past, the decisions which result from long deliberations are mainly concerned with methods of progress for the organization and ways to solidify the good will of the membership, which is, after all, the most essential of our aims and purposes. This convention will have to deal with the absolute necessity of stabilizing the funds to which the members contribute and for which there are definite governing Insurance Department rules. Since April, 1955, we have lost 440 members by death and have paid claims in the amount of $14,608.00. In compiling the summary of ages of our members, I have found that the age average is climbing higher every year. This means that we will have to work hard to interest our youth in joining; in that way, bringing the age average down. A second loss of members has come with suspensions for non-payment, comprising over one thousand additional members. The 30th Anniversary Membership Campaign and the Pre-Convention drive brought us approximately one thousand members, but not nearly enough to compensate for the losses. The total membership of April, 1955 was 13,343 compared to the present total in all classes of 12,766. Those branches which are active in every membership drive are blessed with diligent and tireless workers who make it their duty to work for an increase in their branch’s membership. There are others who do nothing in this regard. If we had 100% cooperation from all the branches, our organization would double its number in a year’s time. My important executive duty has been keeping constant contact with the branches and encouraging them to do their best. It was a wonderful feeling to know that they responded to my suggestions and found success. My deepest appreciation goes to all who have assisted me in these endeavors, especially the branch secretaries. Our official organ “ZAR.TA-THE DAWN” is acclaimed as one of the best organization publications in the States. Compliments go to our efficient editor who is responsible for its popularity and to the wonderful staff of writers and reporters. We are very proud of its progress. The statement of income and disbursements for the three years follows. It will give you a good over-all picture of the business management in the S.W.U. Home Office. STATEMENT OF INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS PREGLED DOHODKOV IN STROŠKOV April 1, 1955 — March 31, 1958 INCOME _ DOHODKI: Assessment: Class A — Razred A.......$102,064.30 Class B — Razred B........ 43,447.60 Juvenile Dept. — Mladinski oddel. 9,542.50 Social members - Družabne članice 403.10 Miscellaneous — Razno ............................... 272.40 Interest on Bonds — Obresti od bondov ............ 24,832.07 Interest on Savings — Obresti od hranil, vlog 22,525.14 Rentals on property — Najemnina od posestva 5,400.00 Total Income — Skupni dohodki ...............$208,487.11 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI: Death claims -— Smrtnine: Class A — Razred A (421 slučajev) ................$ 41,583.60 Class B — Razred B (14 slučajev) .................... 2,600.00 Juvenile Dept. — Mladinski oddelek .................... 400.00 Social member — Družabna članica (1 slučaj) 25.00 Salaries of officers — Plače uradnicam ............. 26,100.00 Travel and per diem — Potovalni stroški ............. 3,917.13 Admin. & other officers — Admin., ostale plače 10,082.30 F.O.A.B. and Unemployment tax — Davki ............... 1,010.20 Zarja-The Dawn, printing and postage ............... 35,590.91 Home office rent — Najemnina za gl. urad . .. 1,800.00 Printing and office supplies — Tiskovine ............ 1,967.06 Postage and telephone — Poštnina in telefon . . 1,904.00 Fuel, electricity, water — Kurjava, luč, voda .. 1,585.07 Actuarial service — Aktuarska posluga.......... 720.00 Insurance — Zavarovalnina premičnin ................... 232.45 Property repairs —Popravila na posestvu ............... 615.93 Real Estate tax — Davek na nepremičnine .... 1,082.25 Insurance Dept. — Zavarovalninski oddel........... 400.09 Office fixtures — Pisarniška oprema ................... 461.45 Awards — Nagrade: Bowling — Kegljaške ............... Campaign — Kampanjske ............. Secretaries’ — Tajniške ........... Writers’ — Pisateljske ............ Branches, Junior Circles, Choral Club, Groups and Individuals .. 1,069.01 435.19 1,692.75 300.00 1,182.79 $ 4,679.74 Bonds for officers — Poroštvo odbornic ................ 225.20 Convention in 1955 — Konvencija 1. 1955 ............. 7,178.90 Accrued interest — Narasle obresti .................... 655.36 Depreciation on property—Znižana vred. posest. 827.40 Total disbursements — Skupni stroški .............$145,643.95 Total income — Skupni dohodki ....................$208,487.11 Total disbursements — Skupni stroški .............$145,643.95 Total gain in all funds ■— Skupni prebitek ...............$ 62,843.16 Balance, April 1, 1955 — Preostanek 1. apr. 1955 $331,659.20 Balance, Mar. 31,1958 — Preostanek 31. 3. 195S $394,502.36 UP-TO-DATE STANDING IN ALL FUNDS — STANJE V VSEH SKLADIH March 31, 1958 — 31. marca 1958 Class A — Razred A .................................$260,770.85 Class B — Razred B' ................................. 91,487.00 Juvenile Dept. — Mladinski oddelek ............ 32,909.50 Expense fund — Stroškovni sklad ...................... 9,335.01 Total in all funds — Skupaj v vseh skladih ...$394,502.36 DEPOSITS IN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS NALOŽBA DENARJA Reliance Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Chicago, 111., 4% .........................$10,000.00 St. Paul Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Chicago, 111., 3%% ..................... 10,000.00 Lawn Savings and Loan Ass’n., Chicago, 111., 4% ....................... 5,000.00 Republic Savings and Loan Ass’n., Chicago, 111., 3%% ...................... 5,000.00 Clyde Savings and Loan Ass’n., Cicero, 111., 3Va% ....................... 5,000.00 Universal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Chicago, 111., 3%% ........................ 5,000.00 Jugoslav Savings and Loan Ass’n., Chicago, 111., 4% ......................... 5,000.00 Peoples Savings and Loan Ass’n., Chicago, 111, 3%% ......................... 5,000.00 First Savings and Loan Ass’n., River Forest, 111., i% .................. 5,000.00 Security Savings and Loan Ass’n., Milwaukee, Wis., 4% .................. 10,000.00 St. Francis Savings and Loan Ass’n., Milwaukee, Wis., 4% .................. 10,000.00 Home Savings and Loan Ass’n., Milwaukee, Wis., 4% .................. 10,000.00 City Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Milwaukee, Wis., 4% .................. 5,000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Milwaukee, Wis., 4% .................. 5,000.00 Beacon Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Milwaukee, Wis., 4% .................. 5,000.00 Sheboygan Savings and Loan Ass’n., Sheboygan, Wis., 3% .................. 5,000.00 Standard Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Los Angeles, Calif., 4% ................... 5,000.00 Pomona Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Pomona, Calif.............................. 5,000.00 Great Western Savings and Loan Ass’n., Los Angeles, Calif., 4% ................... 5,000.00 Fidelity Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Glendale, Calif., 4% ...................... 5,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Laguna Beach, Calif., 4% .................. 5,000.00 Coast Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Los Angeles, Calif., 4% ................... 5,000.00 Trans-By Savings and Loan Ass’n., San Francisco, Calif., 4% ................. 5,000.00 Home-Unity Savings and Loan Ass’n., Philadelphia, Pa., 3%% ................... 10,000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Millvale, Pa., 3%% ........................ 5,000.00 Lamesa Savings and Loan Ass’n., Lamesa, Texas, 3%% ........................ 5,000.00 Alice Savings and Loan Ass’n., Alice, Texas, 3%% ......................... 5,000.00 Lampasas Savings and Loan Ass’n., Lampasas, Texas, 3%%....................... 5,000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Baltimore, Md., 4% ........................ 5,000.00 Fraternity Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Baltimore, Md., 3%% ....................... 5,000.00 Vermont Savings and Loan Ass’n., Baltimore, Md., 3%% ....................... 5,000.00 St. Clair Savings and Loan Ass’n., Cleveland, Ohio, 5,000.00 Enterprise Savings and Loan Ass’n., Cincinnati, Ohio, 5,000.00 Farm and Home Savings and Loan Ass’n., Nevada, Mo., 3%% .......................... 5,000.00 Postal Mercantile Savings and Loan Ass'n., St. Louis, Mo., 3V^c/o .................... 5,000.00 Farmers Building and Loan Ass’n., Ravemswood, W. Va., 3% .................... 5,000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan Assn., Florence, Ala., 3%% ........................ 5,000.00 Decatur Building and Loan Ass’n., Decatur, Ga., 3%% ....................... 5,000.00 Mutual Savings and Loan Ass’n., Grand Junction, Colo., 3%% .............. 5,000.00 Home Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Fayetteville, N.C., 3%% ................. 5,000.00 Gary Federal Savings and Loan Ass’n., Gary, Ind., 3%% ......................... 5,000.00 Total deposits in Savings & Loan Associations $235,000.00 North American Bank, Cleveland, Ohio ...............$ 3,129.52 STATEMENT OF LEDGER ASSETS — NALOŽBA DENARJA Total U.S. Bonds .........................................$100,261.88 Total State Bonds ......................................... 37,775.50 Savings and Loan Ass’ns................................... 235,000.00 Savings Account N.A.B....................................... 3,129.52 Metropolitan State Bank .................................... 5.1G2.86 Real Estate valuation ..................................... 13,172.60 Total ledger assets .................$394,502.36 This concludes the complete financial statement. Fraternally yours, Albina Novak POROČILO GLAVNE BLAGAJNIČARKE Pozdravljene gl. uradnice in delegatke 11. redne konvencije SŽZ. Želim, da bi se lepo zabavale in lepo zborovale v korist članstva in organizacije. Po pravilih Slovenske Ženske Zveze, da se sestanemo vsakih šest mesecev za pregled knjig in drugega Zvezinega premoženja, sem se teh udeležila in poročala o mojem poslu in podala knjige v pregled. Kot gl. blagajničarka sem izvrševala vse moje delo po svoji najboljši moči, kar mi je bilo dano po gl. tajnici. Prav lepo se zahvalim gl. tajnici za lepo sodelovanje mojega posla v gl. uradu, kakor tudi drugim direktoricam za vso prijaznost. Vse priznanje Mrs. Prisland za skrbno in točno delo za vse investicije Zvezinega premoženja, da nam nosi lepe obresti. Ves Zvezin denar je na varnem zavarovan. Poročam o skupnem premoženju, ker vse natanko poroča gl. tajnica. V blagajni 31. marca 1955 .................$331,659.20 V blagajni 31. marca 1958 .................$394,502.36 Kakor vidite iz poročil, je smrtnih slučajev vedno več in bi priporočala, da ta konvencija nekaj stori v ta namen, da se podpre sklad, kateri je najbolj prizadet. Priporočala bi podružnicam več aktivnosti za mladino, ker mladina je naša bodočnost, kakšne krožke ali pevske klube ali kegljanje, ker mladina dandanes gleda le na to, da imajo kako posebno zabavo. Imam skušnje v tem oziru in tudi za starejše je dobro, da so malo aktivne in pomagajo mladini in jih navdušujejo v ta namen. Kar se mene tiče, sem dosedaj vedno rada sodelovala pri raznih prireditvah pri podružnici, ki jih ni bilo malo, ampak vsako leto od dve do tri, vsakoletno romanje v Le-mont, za kar podr. št. 2 skrbi za vso postrežbo in razvedrilo. Še vedno vzdržujemo pevski zbor in smo leta 1957 izdale lepo ploščo (igra na dolgo) osem slovenskih pesmi. I Kdor jo še nima, jo še vedno lahko dobi pri članicah pev-/ skega zbora. Udeležila sem se raznih prireditev podružnice, kjerkoli mi je bilo mogoče. Naša organizacija lepo raste, v primeru z drugimi organizacijami, seveda bi lahko še bolj, če Ibi se vse zavedale, da naše delo se nikoli ne konča, marveč še vedno več dela in novih moči potrebujemo. Posebno je naloga krajevnih odbornic podružnic, da gledajo, da podružnica raste in napreduje. Častitani vsem podružnicam, ki so pridobile največ novih članic v zadnji kampanji. Katere pa niste, pa še lahko storite, čeprav je kampanja zaključena. Torej, drage delegatke, ko se boste udeležile prihodnje konvencije, zavedajte se, da je v vaših rokah naša bodočnost. Dobro premislite in razmotrivajte na vaših sejah in previdno razsodite vaše predloge zbornici, da se ne bo tratilo časa, ki je zelo drag za organizacijo. Končno želim, da bi 11. redna konvencija imela lep uspeli za dobrobit celokupnega članstva. Vas vse iskreno pozdravljam, Josephine Železnikar St. Mary, Help of Christians School Building, West Allis, Wis. FIFTH SUPREME VICE-PRESIDENT’S CONVENTION REPORT We, of Branches 12, 17, 43, extend a warm welcome to the 11th National Slovenian Women’s Union Convention to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Since many of you have not been to Milwaukee before, I know you will find our beautiful city interesting. Many changes have taken place since the last convention held here in 1936. The big features of this convention were outlined in last month’s Zarja by our capable Supreme Secretary. These are only a few of the things that we could crowd into four short days, but if you should find some time on your hands, and since you are staying right in the heart of Milwaukee, be sure to see some of our beautiful churches, Marquette University, the Arena, our new Memorial Building facing on Lake Michigan, and the many stores located on Wisconsin Avenue. Congratulations to all the members of the Slovenian Women’s Union for the big success on the Pre-Convention membership drive. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Pre-Convention Committee in Milwaukee for their efforts to make this 1958 Convention a big success. Frances Plesko EDITOR’S CONVENTION REPORT I greet the Convention with most sincere wishes. This being my third convention, I can say that a lot has been accomplished since the first one, showing the positive progress of our monthly ZARJA. Not only through the many comments and remarks heard from time to time, but from the membership itself, do we hear of their approval of the work we are doing. For this, our most heartfelt thanks. And, In the very form and look of ZARJA, do we find the manifestation of the changes and accomplishments which time has brought. Now, the English section has reached nearly the same size as the Slovenian—showing a more positive response from the English-speaking, and thereby younger members. In both sections of ZARJA, we have tried to give the members what they ask for—to print their most desired reports, pictures and features. In its present size, ZARJA is still very much lacking enough space for all the things which we would like to include. Those six months of the year when we have a smaller issue', it means shortening and squeezing, so that at least the most important news goes out to the members. On 32 pages, of course, the problem is much lightened and we can put in more of the reports and pictures, which have been waiting for space. The convention will decide ZAR.IA’s future size but, we hope that care will be taken in considering this as it is one of the most important, if not THE most important phase ol’ fraternal activity in our S.W.U. Since the last Convention, ZARJA has had the privilege of honoring the “backbone” of the organization, her Mothers, with a special Issue dedicated to them every year. This year, again, we deem it an honor to present the chosen mothers of many branches — their pictures and stories. During the time since we last convened, the Union’s 30th Anniversary was celebrated. It was given lull attention in ZARJA, and through the historical data submitted by many reporters, we learned of the many phases of fraternal life which the branches withstood through the years. Of special interest to all were the 30th anniversaries celebrated by the first branches organized. Such events mark great achievement for them and great hope for those who follow. As we have brought the inspiring membership campaign results to the members, so also we have written of losses suffered by our membership. The Memoriam to all who have departed in the last three years was perhaps the last honor roll awarded to many of them. And, general business reports of meetings and gatherings were sweetened by descriptions of socials and other events which were planned and enjoyed by the large S.W.U. family. ZARJA has had her part in bringing all of this around the circle of the world, to each member’s home. We have tried to follow and advocate the principles upon which the Union is based, so that the founders, organizers and officers of the past would know that their experiences and teachings were not lost. The unity of Slovenian womanhood, practice and reverence of our religion, promotion of our nationality, encouragement of the American spirit in all things, have been watchwords for us to follow. And even today they have not lost their important meaning. I know this is one report where I can make my personal observations and give my opinions as they concern ZARJA and m.y work with the Union. I have found only the best and warmest relationship with the readers and writers of ZARJA; and I must say, through such friendships, a deeper and more lasting understanding has come of the things which go to make up the organization. To know what is good for the organization is to know its people. In working with them, I have found the greatest satisfaction and perhaps the greatest test of sisterly lovei. I should like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to all who have contributed their time and efforts in writing for ZARJA. Most of all, sincere thanks to my mother for her guidance and assistance. Each issue of ZARJA takes many hours of planning and writing and I feel that without her help, the task would have been extremely difficult. The combined efforts of many of us is needed to complete the monthly form, and many times we deliberate for days before we are completely satisfied with the finished product. After the work leaves our table, it goes to the Benedictine Press where it receives the best handling. Before it is delivered to your door, it passes through the' expert hands of more than a dozen printers, folders, trimmers, mailers and drivers. That is why I recommend now, as I have before, to retain the same Printing Shop which has a team of good men working on ZARJA every month and which I don’t believe can be surpassed at any price. After this convention is over, there will be those who will go home with the work of the Union resting upon their shoulders. It will be their duty to follow the rules which will be set down. It will mean that every one of those religated to positions will have to bear the burden of responsibility to the 13,000 members who have placed them at the helm. One thing is certain, with continued hard work, ZARJA will never lose the important place it has now as the mirror of S.W.U.’s heart, its members. Corinne Leskovar MINUTES OF THE SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS April 15, 16, 1958, Home Office, Chicago, 111. The first semi-annual meeting of the year 1958 was opened at 9:30 a.m. on the morning of April 15, 1958. In attendance were: Josephine Livek, President; Marie Pris-land. Honorary President; Albina Novak, Secretary; Josephine Železnikar, Treasurer; and Auditors, Mary Otoničar, Katie Triller and Josephine Sumic. The first order of business was the examination of the books containing the financial status of the organization. The last six month’s business was thoroughly checked by the Auditors and the books were found in perfect order. The Directors also visited the Safety Deposit Box at the Metropolitan State Bank and checked all the securities kept there, finding everything in perfect order. Once again at the Home Office, the Directors examined the books of the Scholarship and Benefit Fund and Zarja. All was found in perfect order. The regular business meeting began immediately, opened with prayer by the President. The Recording Secretary of the meeting is the Secretary. The reports of the Directors follow. REPORT OF SUPREME PRESIDENT Esteemed Directors: Accept my warmest greetings in the hope that this first biennial meeting in the year 1958 be in all respects successful and profitable for the members and the organization. The 11th National Convention is at hand and much preparation is being made to achieve success. The Milwaukee convention committee called a meeting in March to which the Secretary and I were invited. The officers and members of Branches 12, 17, 43 are in full harmony and I am sure that everything will be beautifully prepared when the time comes. In the month of November of last year, numerous branches were visited in the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania to see how they were functioning. We met many wonderful officers and members. A fine example is shown by members every year when recognition is given to the member with most achievement the previous year and the most worthy Mother honored on Mothers’ Day. Our members not only work for the organization, but for their church, community and needy; it’s such members that comprises our S.W.U. and we are mighty proud of them. The national bowling tournament was also a great success; a lot of friends witnessed the affair and it seems that it is a most liked sport and could be the avenue for a lot of new members. Our singing club of Branch No. 2 is to be commended ■on their fine performance wherever they perform and also are a credit to the organization. Numerous branches will celebrate anniversaries again this year, some will postpone them until after the convention. These should continue as the founders and charter members deserve to be honored on these memorial ■days. On February 16, an invitation was received from Br. No. 16 of So. Chicago on the observance of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the branch. The executive Board Members, Editor and Sports Director attended, also a bus-load of members of Branch 2, Chicago. This is a very progressive branch, headed by a fine group of officers. I wish to compliment all these groups on their fine achlvements and wish them continued success. Compliments are also due the Editor, C. Leskovar for the editing of our fine Magazine of which we are all proud; she will however have to be stern about the space given some writers. I do hope that it is understood, when she ic compelled to defer copy for the next edition, reason is, »distribution of space. I have sent circular letters to all branches for the holidays asking them to stimulate the pre-convention campaign; another is in the mailing list. Congratulations are in order for our chairman of Auditors, Mrs. Otoničar, of Cleveland’s largest branch who has again broken the record by obtaining 49 new members in the recent drive. Thank you so much and to all the rest, that entered the contest. We will hear the report of Mr. Tiffany, our Actuary, in regard to the findings of the various state insurance departments. This concludes my report: my best wishes to you all with hopes for a harmonuous conclusion. Josephine Livek Report accepted. REPORT OF SECRETARY OF FINANCE COMMITTEE AND PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP FUND In the past six months Series G Bonds matured in the amount of $12,000.00; they were purchased at the same price 12 years ago. This money and the dividens received in the last term were invested as follows; $3000 in Government Notes; price $2,960.25; dividend rate 3Ms%; $5000 in Government Bonds; price $4,887.50; dividend rate 2%%; $10,000 in Government Bonds Series H; price $10,000; dividend rate 3M%. Total invested: $18,000.00. Scholarship Fund balance as of Sept. 31, 1957: $7,637.67. Income for the six months totaled $153.85 and disbursements were $217.00; the balance in the Fund as of March 31, 1958 is $7,574.49. As you all know, I took charge of the collection of donations for the Mt. Assisi Academy in Lemont. The branches donated a total of $433.00 and from the interest received in the Fund, $117.00 was contributed, making the total contribution $550.00. This amount was presented to the Sisters as Zveza’s gift for the school. We received a letter of appreciation from the Principal of the School, S. Mary Margaret. Since the last meeting, I visited many branches in the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania in the company of other Supreme Officers. I was also present at the 30th Anniversary celebration of Branch 12 in Milwaukee. All the visits were enjoyable and meeting with our good members was heartwarming. This meeting will be extremely important. Preparations will have to be made for the Convention, especially the planning of proposals and suggestions which the delegates will expect to hear from this Board. We must make them with the progress and benefit of our organization in mind. I extend wishes for great success. Marie Prisland Report accepted. REPORT OF THE SUPREME SECRETARY I greet the Directors gathered at the first meeting of this year, which is also the last meeting before the Convention. In the last half year, there were an unusual number of death claims, especially in Class A where there were 103 claims, totalling $10,300.00. This was $2S0.00 more than the assessment brought in Class A, for the six month period. In the future, we can expect a greater number of claims in this class as the ages of the Class A members are higher, and consecieuntly, the death rate is higher.. In Class B there were 3 claims for which was paid $550.00; the balance in this class is therefore $5,139.75. In the Junior Class there were no claims so the balance remains $1,628.30. STATEMENT OF INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS PREGLED DOHODKOV IN STROŠKOV October 1, 1957 — March 31, 1958 Income — Dohodki: Assessment: Class A — Razred A ....$10,750.05 Class B — Razred B ... 7,586.30 Juvenile — Mladinski .. 1,628.30 Social members — Družabne članice.. 72.80 Miscellaneous — Razno ...................... 34.25 Interest on Bonds — Obresti od bondov 1,649.55 Interest on Savings—Obresti hranil, vi. 4,276.80 Rentals — Najemina od posestva .... 900.00 $32,898.05 Total income — Skupni dohodki Disbursements — Stroški: Death claims — Smrtnine: Class A — Razred A (103 slučajev) Class B -— Razred B (3 slučaji) . . . .$10,300.00 550.00 $10,850.00 Salaries of officers — Rlače odbornicam .......$ 4,350.00 Travel & per diem — Potovalni stroški, dnevnice 982.88 Administration — Ostale plače in poslov, stroški 1,530.00 F.O.A.B. and Unemployment tax — Davki .... 211.S7 Zarja—The Dawn, printing — Tiskanje $5,475.00 Postage & address changes — Naslovi 355.36 $ 5,830.36 Home office rent — Najemnina za glavni urad Printing and office supplies — Tiskovine .... Postage and telephone — Poštnina, telefon ... Fuel, electricity, water — Kurjava, luč, voda . Actuarial service — Aktuarska posluga ............ Insurance — Zavarovalnina premičnin .............. Elelctr. rewiring and storm windows on property Smith-Corona adding machine — Računski stroj Accrued interest on new bonds—Narasle obresti Awards — Nagrade: Bowling — Keglajške nagrade ...............$ 257.00 300.00 275.11 312.79 266.95 120.00 66.40 513.23 108.06 250.69 Secretaries — Tajnicam ............. Writers’ — Pisateljski sklad ... Advertisements — Oglasi ............ Choral Club — Pevskemu zboru Miscellaneous — Razno .............. G02.65 100.00 120.00 30.00 150.30 1,259.95 Total disbursements — Skupni stroški ............$27,228.29 Six month income ■—• Šestmesečni dohodki ........$32,898.05 Six month disbursements —Šestmesečni stroški $27,228.29 Six month gain — Šestmesečni prebitek .........$ 5,669.70 CLASSIFICATION OF FUNDS — RAZPREDELBA PO SKLADIH Mortuary Fund — Smrtninski sklad: Class A: Income — Dohodki ................$10,050.00 Claims paid (103) — Smrtnine ............. 10,300.00 Deficit — Primankljaj .............................$ 250.00 Class B: Income — Dohodki ................$ 5,689.75 Claims paid (3) — Smrtnine .................. 550.00 Prebitek — Gain ...................................$ 5,139.75 Juvenile Dept.: Income — Dohodki ..............$ 1,628.30 GENERAL EXPENSE FUND — STROŠKOVNI SKLAD Members contributed — Prispevki članic ...........$ 8,703.65 Rental income on property — Najemnina ............... 900.00 Interest on investments — Obresti ................. 5,926.35 Total — Skupaj ............$15,530.00 Six month disbursements — Šestmesečni stroški $16,378.29 Six month deficit — Šestmesečni primanjkljaj... $ 848.29 Balance Sept. 30, 1957 — Stanje 30. sept. 1957 $388,832.60 Six month gain — Šestmesečni prebitek ............. 5,669.76 .$32,898.05 Total ledger assets March 31, 1958 — Skupaj ..$394,502.36 STATEMENT OF LEDGER ASSETS — NALOŽBA DENARJA Total U.S. Bonds .....................................$100,261.88 Total State Bonds ..................................... 37,775.50 Savings and Doan Ass’ns............................... 235,000.00 Savings Account N.A.B................................... 3,129.52 Metropolitan State Bank ................................ 5,162.86 Real Estate valuation ................................. 13,172.60 Gain in Mortuary Funds — Prebitek v skladih $6,518.05 Total ledger assets .............$394,502.36 Financial statement presented at the Board of Directors’ meeting, April 15, 1958. JOSEPHINE LIVEK, President ADBINA NOVAK, Secretary JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, Treasurer Books and financial report of Supreme Secretary and Supreme Treasurer examined and found in complete order: MARY OTONIČAR, Auditor KATIE TRILLER, Auditor JOSEPHINE SUMIC, Auditor Chicago, Illinois, April 15, 1958. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of April, 1958. LOUIS J. ZEFRAN, Notary Public In the Pre-Convention Membership Campaign, 408 new members were enrolled and in the two months following the campaign 22 additional members were enrolled. The complete report of the Campaign was printed in the March and April issues of Zarja. Signing up the most new members was Mrs. Mary Otoničar, President of the Auditing Committee and Treasurer of Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio. She enrolled 48 new members; second in line was Mrs. Christine Menart, Secretary of Branch 7, Forest City, Pa., with 25 new members. The following branches enrolled 10 or more members: Branch No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio (55 new members); Branch 2, Chicago, 111. (27); Branch No. 7, Forest City, Pa. (25); Branch 3, Pueblo, Colo. (23); Branch 12, Milwaukee, Wis. (19); Branch 100, Fontana, Calif. (17); Branch 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio (13); Branch 16, So. Chicago, 111. (12); Branch 63, Denver, Colo. (11); Branch 23, Ely, Minn. (10); Branch 89, Oglesby, 111. (10). These branches will be awarded the S.W.U. Choral Club Album of Slovenian Songs. I hope that when the members hear this recording, they’ll order a record from the Club. This is the only recording of its kind, and includes Zveza’s hymn as well as other folk songs. The other campaign awards will be sent during the first part of May which is the third month after the end of the campaign. Thirty years of fraternal existence is a remarkable length of time for any society to achieve and I believe it is very important that those branches having an anniversary celebrate it as best they can. Branch 12, Milwaukee, celebrated the 30th Anniversary on October 27th with a gala banquet; Branches 14 and 15 in Cleveland held the anniversary celebrations on Sunday, Nov. 10th; and Branch 16 in So. Chicago celebrated Feb. 16th. I accepted the invitations and attended the celebrations at which many members and guests, among them honored city and state officials, were present. On these occasions, I had the opportunity to greet the pioneer members as well as the active officers and members who constantly work toward the betterment of their branch and the Union. I’m happy to report that the last supply of cookbooks netted a sum of $3,550.00 which amount will go to the Convention fund. This project took many hours of work in preparing selling, and distributing which is hard to understand except by those who have experienced such work. As I stated at the last meeting, because of increasing demand and unfilled orders for the cookbooks, I reordered a smaller supply of a revised edition. With, these sales •completed, an additional profit will be given to the Union’s treasury. My sincere thanks to all who have cooperated in the selling of the books and I hope for their continued support. On March 8th I attended a meeting of the Convention arrangements committee in Milwaukee. At that time topics •concerning the banquet, hotel reservations and the convention program were discussed and decided upon. We also looked over the hotel and convention hall. It was in the same hotel that the 4th National Convention was held in 1936. The convention program was printed in the April 'Zarja and hotel reservation cards were sent to the delegates some time ago. Our Actuary, Mr. Carl A. Tiffany, has received the answers from all the states in which the Union operates, ■concerning our admittance under their various insurance laws. Mr. Tiffany will attend this meeting and discuss with us the results of his inquiries concerning the Insurance Codes in the various states. In conclusion, it seems proper to remember the loyal and sacrificing work done by those whom God has called from this world since our last meeting. In December, Mr. Anton Grdina, Sr., of Cleveland, Ohio was called to his eternal rest; in January, we lost Rev. Kazimir Zakrajšek, O.P.M., two of the Union’s most staunch friends. On February 9th, we were shocked at the news of the passing of our Spiritual Advisor, Very Rev. Alexander Urankar, O.P.M. His many writings carried in the pages of Zarja, his teachings and his poems, endeared him to all our members. Only one month later, on March 10th, another compatriot of ours passed away suddenly, Mr. August Hollander. All these men were good to the Union and they admired and respected the organization for many years. We must always remember them with honor and respect. To our Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland and her husband, may I add my wishes for their happy Golden Anniversary and I also wish her a bon voyage to her birthplace and a safe return home again this summer. I extend my hopes that our decisions and those of the convention will make the Union flourish and expand. Albina Novak Report accepted. REPORT OF THE SUPREME TREASURER Best wishes to all Directors gathered at today’s meeting. I hope for a successful outcome of this session because we are so close to the Convention which places a great responsibility on ali. I am reporting the totals on the financial statement, as the itemized statement will be found in the report of the Secretary. Income for six months .....................$32,898.05 Disbursements of six months ...............$27,228.29 Balance for six months .......................$ 5,609.76 Total balance as of March 31, 1958 .....................$394,502.30 In the last six months, I attended the celebration in So. Chicago in observance of Branch No. 16’s 30th Anniversary, at which time there were many members and guests present. In Chicago, we were hostesses to the 1958 Bowling Tournament which also gave us all added activity. This concludes my six month report. Josephine Železnikar Report accepted. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE AUDITING COMMITTEE Half a year has elapsed since our last meeting and examination of books. Accept my sincere greetings which are joined by those of our Cleveland branches. As usual, we have carefully examined the operational books of the Secretary, and found everything to be in perfect order. The same was true of the accounts of the Treasurer, and President of the Scholarship Committee, which were kept in the best order. We made our complete examination at the Metropolitan State Bank, checking the documents and securities kept there and found them in perfect order. The books of the Editor of Zarja were also examined and were also found to be exactly kept, and further, I offer my compliments to her for the exemplary editing of Zarja and her capability. When I began working for the Pre-Convention Membership Campaign to enroll new members, little did I think then that the results would have me in the first place, for I thought the other branches would be very diligent. In other words, I really believed that the campaign would bring in many more new members than the totals showed; however, we should be grateful for the success we have because the economic times now are a definite drawback. On this matter, I wish to thank everyone who cooperated in the campaign especially since, the work of enrolling new members is not the easiest kind. To all the new members, heartfelt welcome! God willing, I hope wei will work together for a greater and better future for our Union. In November, two Cleveland branches celebrated their 30th Anniversaries on the same day. Since it was impossible to attend both, because of the distance between, I attend the banquet at Branch 15 in Newburgh. From all reports the sister branch’s (No. 14, Euclid) celebration was equally successful. The Supreme Officers who attended the affairs also paid a visit to our branch for which we were most grateful and happy. We always emphasize that the younger members should be chosen for active work in our organization, and so it was with us at Branch 25, when I recommended that a younger person be elected to take the secretary’s position. It happened then that I took the treasurer’s job, so I am certain of continued activity with the branch. Then, too, I am able to give aid to my younger partner, and help her all I can. I know that she is a very capable person and that she will do honor to the position. (Ed. note. Mrs. Mary Otoničar was the Secretary of Branch 25, with over 1000 members, in Cleveland, Ohio for more than 25 years. The new Secretary is Mrs. Cerila Kermavner.) As in the past, I shall continue to work for the S.W.U.’s progress. Before us is the 11th National Convention. Awaiting us is important work. I know all the branches have been careful in selecting delegates who will act as their best possible representatives. We should all follow the suggestion: In unity and love is strength; then, we can expect to do good things at this convention. The time is drawing near when we will see each other once again. Until then, my most sincere wishes for your good health. Congratulations to Mrs. Marie Prisland and her husband on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mary Otoničar Report accepted. REPORT OF THE SECOND SUPREME TRUSTEE Greetings, Directors assembled at this pre-convention meeting. It is pleasant to gather together once again with the hopes for complete cooperation in the decisions regarding progress for the S.W.U., as we guide the organization along the highest ideals for the benefit of all. Together with the other Auditors and Directors, I examined the books of the Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer, President of the Scholarship Committee and Editor of Zarja. I report that we checked everything thoroughly and found them in the best of order. At the bank, we also checked the Safety Deposit Box and found perfect order once again. In November, I joined the other Officers in attending the 30th Anniversaries of the Cleveland branches. And, at our own branch, No. 10 in South Chicago, we are continually doing well, and we celebrated the 30th Anniversary of our branch in February. In the membership campaign we also made a gain. In March I attended the Bowling Tournament in Chicago. Our Zarja is getting more interesting and beautiful as time goes on, so that we anxiously await every issue. Our thanks and compliments to the Editor. We deeply miss the inspiring articles by our Spiritual Advisor, whom God has taken from this world. God’s blessing upon him and our prayers go out for his eternal rest. We ask God to show us the way to successful activity for the good of our Zveza. May I add my congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Prisland for their 50th Anniversary of happy wedded life. Katie Triller Report accepted. REPORT OF THIRD SUPREME TRUSTEE Estemeed members of the Board. I find that the Slovenian Women’s Union is established on the highest principles and that all of its business is functioned in the best ways. My fellow Supreme Officers I find to be the most courageous and erudite persons under whose able leadership it was possible for us to maintain the highest standards in fraternal perspective; as a trustee I found all properties, monies, funds and interest of the organization in the best order. At each board meeting all the Supreme Officers were so cooperative with interests only toward the progress of the Union in the most unselfish manners. My pride extends to the entire membership who with their sterling officers have shown the true worth and value of the many attributes and virtues of our sisterhood. It is a great feeling to be an officer of an organization which has so many branches most actively concerned in bringing to the association of their members the many worthy sympathetic, entertaining, amusing and elevating features. I congratulate all the branch officers and their members for their splendid work in our membership campaigns which to my estimation were all successful. We can joyfully look forward to a most prosperous future in anticipation of the many decisions that will be wrought at our coming convention. In conclusion I thank the entire Supreme Board for the many courtesies given me and for their wonderful cooperation. I am thankful to all of our branch officers for their interests in the S.W.U. And most of all I feel the most proud in being one of the members of the many in the S.W.U. Josephine Sumic Report accepted. EDITOR’S REPORT Esteemed Officers, My six month report will be brief in order to give more time to the important matters before the Board. The financial statement I am submitting along with my report will speak as no words can of the fine cooperation enjoyed by ZARJA during the last six months. To all my contacts with the branches, there have been most hearty responses. In November, 1957, I requested help from all the officers and members for the Christmas ad campaign. The total Christmas ad collection was nearly $400, a wonderful total. This amount has boosted the Publisher’s Fund greatly, so that today I can report a balance of $862.55. This amount is enough in itself to provide a nice future for the cuts, postage and all supplies used for ZARJA. Through ads and other donations and subscriptions, which comprise the Publisher's Fund, which too is all sent in by the diligent members, I am able to offer today to pay for an issue of ZARJA which wouldn’t be possible other-wisei. I feel very proud to be able to say: a 32 page of ZARJA instead of a 1G page issue, is the Publisher’s Fund’s contribution this year to the S.W.U. And, it is all due ta the many conscientious members who have answered the call and I feel most devoted to them, because it is those members who expect the least from ZAR.TA who are willing to give it the most. I know that many months will be coming up now with important material for ZARJA, and it will be very necessary to have as much available space as possible. Therefore, I suggest that this special edition be made during the busiest months ahead. ZARJA has been very popular with the writers from many branches. I believe the number of writers new exceeds any past figure. Monthly reports, from branches we never heard from before, are a very encouraging sign that ZARJA is getting to them—in a most positive way. I again thank all the correspondents who have submitted their writings to make ZARJA just what it is today. Most of all, I wish to thank the branch officers and Supreme Officers for the way that have cooperated with me. I cannot close without mentioning the loss ZARJA suffered with the death of our S.W.U. Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Alexander Urankar. As our most respected and admired monthly columnist, he will be greatly missed by all our readers. It is now we truly value the fine writings of the man who always had an inspiring message to give us. I hope his teachings will never be forgotten, for he really pin-pointed many arguments and criticisms and gave us all the right answers. Best wishes to all the officers and my hopes for a very successful meeting. EDITOR’S FINANCIAL STATEMENT Income: Yearly and special ads ..................................$495.75 Christmas ads ........................................... 399.25 Writers’ awards ......................................... 100.00 Subscriptions ............................................ 14.00 Donation ................................................. 20.00 Miscellaneous ............................................. 9.25 Six month’s income total ..................................$1,038.25 Disbursements: Cuts ........................................................$152.48 Postage ...................................................... 94.27 Supplies ..................................................... 35.44 Writers’ awards ............................................. 100.00 Solicitors’ discounts ........................................ 97.50 Six month’s disbursements total .........................$179.69 Balance, Sept. 30, 1957 .......................$ 303.99 Income for six months ........................$1,038.25 Disbursements for six months ............$ 479.69 Balance, March 31, 1958 ......................$ 862.55 Report accepted. Corinne Leskovar REPORT OF WOMEN’S ACTIVITY DIRECTOR Since our last meeting of the Board, we’ve been as-busy as bees in Chicago. We had a mixed doubles tourney in December with 56 couples and a Christmas Party lor the Juveniles of our branch with some very beautiful' gifts; games were played and prizes given to the different age groups. We have 12 teams of women bowlers participating in different tourneys in the city and state. The branch has been participating in different affairs with the Choral group and also in other activities. Twenty-four ladies attended the affair in South Chicago, held by Branch 16. They are now planning a bus trip to go to the-Convention to attend the Mass, banquet, etc. held by the-branches in connection with the convention. The small activity we have sometimes prevents me-from reaching every one, as I call or talk to them personally. This is the only way I find to plan anything. They have attended some plays: Around the World in 80 Days- ibeing one of them, where we were offered special prices rand 15 members attended. We find that more are asking and in doing so we hope they will become more active. The suggestions I have are that some one should explain ■or go to the branches in and around here to explain the sport activities, as I understand they do not know all the rules and In this way, we may reach more sports-minded t>e°Ple- Liz Zefran Report accepted. MOTIONS AND DECISIONS Scholarship Fund. The decision is made to award scholarships for the fall of 1958 to Miss Maxine Krolnik ■ of Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis., and Rudolph Otoničar, grandson of Supreme Trustee, Mrs. Mary Otoničar of Branch No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. Also, a gift of $100.00 from this fund will be awarded to a disabled student, Miss Louise Eppley of Branch No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio, for college educational assistance. Membership Campaign. The Post-Convention Membership Campaign will begin July 1st and end December 31st, 195S. As usually, workers will be rewarded. Zarja. The Supreme Secretary has received the contract for the printing of Zarja — and further discussion will be held at the Convention. The Board compliments the Editor on her work and approves her long-standing recommendation that all branch reports be limited to one column space in Zarja in order to give encouragement and space to many more reporters. Cookbook. A gain of $3,550.00 on Cookbook sales has ■been deposited in the Convention Fund. The Directors express full appreciation to the Editor of “Woman’s Glory-The Kitchen”, Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, for her work in achieving this grand total. They recommend the further purchases of the cookbook so that after sales are •completed, the organization may make an additional profit. Convention Recommendations. The Board of Directors proposes the following for adoption at the Convention: 1. That each state have a State Convention yearly, providing for the branches of the state' or states involved to meet more regularly. 2. That in lieu of Supreme Vice-Presidents, there be State Presidents, to represent the branches of the state or states ■ described. 1, California—Oregon—Washington; 2, Colorado —Kansas—Missouri; 3, Minnesota; 4, Wisconsin; 5, Pennsylvania—New York; 6, Ohio—Michigan; 7, Illinois— Indiana. 3. 'That the fiscal year of our operation be changed from January to December instead of the present term. Because ■of the Convention being in May this year, the next meeting of the Board of Directors will be in January, 1959. 4. That an extension of the age limit in the Juvenile Class be made to 21 years instead of the present 18 years. Can-•celled Juniors will have the opportunity of being reinstated provided they have not yet reached 21 years and if they pay up their delinquent dues. 5. That in compliance with the recommendations of the : S.W.U.’s Actuary, the deficits in Class A and in the General Expense Fund be remedied by an additional 5 cents payment monthly by the members. During the Actuary’s lengthy meeting with the Board of Directors, it was ■ emphasized that the Insurance Dept, of Illinois will not allow any deficit to exist in these two funds and that some method would have to be employed to cover them. Convention Recording Secretaries upon decision of the Board will be Albina Novak and Corinne Leskovar. Investments. The Secretary of the Finance Committee, Mrs. Prisland will propose to the Convention a new source of future investments. Give-Away Gift Tickets Sent By Mail. The Board agrees that no one has the authority to mail chance tickets to the branches without the express consent of the Board of Directors. WITH SINCERE SYMPATHY The loss of our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Alexander Urankar in February, profoundly saddened us as it did the entire membership. We wish to offer, at this time, sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of Father Alexander, his parents and family in Europe and his brother and sister here in the United States. His death came so unexpectedly that it still seems to be unreal. We hope for the many prayers and offerings of our members for the repose of our good friend and helper, Father Alexander. The Board of Directors Častna Knjiga. A book on the History of S.W.U. Branches has been brought up-to-date by Hon. Pres., Mrs. Prisland. It is kept in the S.W.U. Archives at the Home Office. It traces the beginnings of our Union, its activities through the years and the history of all the branches. Mrs. Prisland has also gathered data on Slovenian immigration and during the many years has accumulated a vast amount of material, which could be compiled into book form. The Directors all agree and hope there will be favorable response to this idea from the membership. Slovenian Sisters in Lemont. Grateful acknowledgment was received from the Slovenian Franciscan Sisters at Mt. Assissi Academy in Lemont, 111., for the donation of $550.00 used to purchase a cash register for the high school cafeteria. Slovenian Women’s Union Attn; Mrs. Marie Prisland March, 1958. Dear Mrs. Prisland: We wish to acknowledge receipt of the check in the amount of 550.00 for the purchase of a new modern electric Clary cash register. The order has already been placed for one costing $547.60. We expect to get it some time this week. Your generous contribution will more than defray the cost. We feel deeply indebted to your organization, for providing the requested sum so soon. We realize this was made possible because of their interest and concern in our progress at the academy. A name plate will identify you good donors. Thank you very kindly and may the Lord repay you and all the good ladies who helped towards making this venture such a surprising success. With kindest wishes and blessings, Gratefully yours in Christ, SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS Sister Mary Margaret, O.S.F., Principal The President adjourns the meeting with prayer and a wish for the safe return home to all Directors. Josephine Livek, President Albina Novak, Secretary 11th Nat’l. S.W.U. Convention, May 18-20, 1958 Hotel Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis., 720 No. Third Street SUNDAY, May 18th 9:00 a.m. — Registration, Hotel Wisconsin. 12 noon — Holy Mass, St. John the Evangelist Church, So. 9th and Mineral Sts. 2:00 p.m. — Grand Banquet at St. John’s Hall. MONDAY, May 19th 9:00 a.m. — Convention, Hotel Wisconsin. 1:00 p.m. — Excursion, Holy Hill, Wisconsin. 6:00 p.m. — Dinner, St. Mary’s Audit., West Allis, Wis. TUESDAY, May 20th 9:00 a.m. — Convention, Hotel Wisconsin. 6:00 p.m. — Visit to Pabst Brewery. WEDNESDAY, May 21st 9:00 a.m. — Convention, Hotel Wisconsin. With Love to Our Dear Mothers TO MOTHER Dear Heart, who always loved my work, Nor ever found there aught of wrong, I hereby dedicate to you The winding river of my song. Sometimes it flows within the sun, And all the shores are gay with flowers, And sometimes it is dull with pain Or listless in the summer hours. The little bridge of dreams that spans — The trees of hope along the banks — The rainbow-colored boats of love — For these I owe you endless thanks. Dear, white-haired one, whose faith in me Has made endeavor sweet so long, Come sail awhile today upon The winding river of my song. Thelma Stillaon Fisher ROSE SCOFF — Branch 13 Mrs. Rose Theresa Scoff, of 2208 Mariposa St., San Francisco was born in Soudan, Minn., July 28, 1899. Daughter of the late George and Anna Stepan, she was married April 25, 1918 at the Cathedral of the Madeline in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Joseph Scoff of E^eleth, Minn. They celebrated their 40th Anniversary this April. They have a son, Joseph and a daughter, Rose Marie Gallagher. There are two grandchildren, Susan Irene Scoff and Kathleen Rose Gallagher. Mrs. Scoff has been a past president for six years, a very active member, who takes great interest in the organization. She has not missed a meeting, and brought in a numlber of new members. Her hobby is gardening and social work. ANNA PODGORŠEK — Branch 33 Mrs. Anna Podgoršek, 301 - 97th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn., was born in Calumet, Mich., on March 3, 1907. She married Frank Podgoršek on Nov. 25, 1926, and they have two children, Bob and William. Four grandchildren are their pride and joy. Mrs. Podgoršek has been active with the branch for 17 years and spent many as the president. She has been most helpful to all the sick and needy, and is always the first to offer assistance and to enroll new members. Her special interest is with the Sacred Heart Society, of St. Elizabeth’s Church. FRANCES ANZELC — Branch 39 Mrs. Frances Anzelc lives in Biwa-bik, Minn., since her birth. She was married on June 23, 1940 to Frank Anzelc and they have three children, Patricia, Shirley and Margaret. She has been the secretary-treasurer of her branch for eight years and before that was the recording secretary for five years. She loves to help with drives to make money for the branch and their church. Her special hobbies are camping and fishing. FRANCES L. UDOVICH — Branch 37 Mrs. Frances L. Udovich lives in Greaney, Minn., and was born on April 11, 1891 in Yugoslavia. She came to the U.S. in 1902 and married Louis Udovich, deceased, on Feb. 25, 1900. Their family consists of ten children: Louis, Mary, John, Sophie, Henry, Joe, Helen, Margaret, Alice and Albert, and she is most proud of her 23 grandchildren. As the secretary of her branch for 23 years, Mrs. Udovich keeps busy with the members, and enrolling new ones, too. She loves to sew, crochet and garden. ANNA STARASINICH — Branch 2i Mrs. Anna Starasinich, 212 S. Michigan Ave., Bradley, 111., was born on Oct. 29, 1887 at Gradac. She came to America in 1908 and was married to Joseph Starasinich on Feb. 28, 1911. They have four children, John, Elizabeth Kinder, Mary Marcotti and Mollie Strasinich, six grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Mrs. Starasinich is pictured here with her husband and granddaughter, Anne Marie Kinder. She has a most pleasant personality and loves her house plants and sewing. BARBARA GASPER — Branch 26 Mrs. Barbara Gasper, 5236 Duncan St., Pittsburgh, Pa., was born Oct. 27, 1889 at Zilje, Bela Krajina, Slovenia. She has lived in America since 1905 and was married right in Pittsburgh on July 27, 1907 to Frank Gasper now deceased. Of their nine children, seven are living: John, Anne Bosiljevav, Edward, Louis, Bernard, James and Raymond and she has eleven grandchildren. In her branch, Mrs. Gasper was one of the original organizers and is a charter member and held the office of treasurer from 1928 to 1935. She enjoys attending meetings and such affairs second best to her church, home and family. ANNA GODLAR — Branch 32 Mrs. Anna Godlar, 20971 Wilmore Ave., in Euclid, Ohio was born on July 1, 1898 at Fara Zdole na Štajerskem. She arrived in this country in 1922 and married Frank Godlar on May 5, 1928. Her husband is now deceased. Her daughter, Ann Cooke, and her husband and three grandchildren comprise the family and they are all active in Branch 32. For three years, Mrs. Godlar was the secretary and for six years, the recorder. Due to illness, she left her office but is continually active in getting new members, collecting sales tax stamps for the blanch, soliciting ads for Zarja and selling cookbooks. She especially loves her garden and flowers and is pictured with her loving grandchildren. ANN BRANCEI Branch 25 Mrs. Ann Brancel’s story is one of ■grand family activity, for since she was married to her husband, Rudolph F., in 1938, she has had a wonderful life being a wife and mother. She was born in Cleveland on Oct. 5, 1918 and has lived there all her life. Now that there are seven children in the family, she has a busy time at home; but her extra pleasure includes sewing and bowling. Her children, pictured with her above, are: Monica, Donna, Margaret, Susan, Rudolph, Barbara and Ann-Marie. They are all members, too. The Brancel family is well known at St. Vitus Parish as one of the oldest, and most active in church work for many years. Mrs. Ann Brancel is one of the younger mothers at Branch 25 and one of the most admired. TERESA ZEFRON — Branch 30 Mrs. Teresa Zefron lives at 1227 Superior St., in Aurora, 111. She was born there on May 16, 1920 and was married to Anthony Zefron on June 13, 1926. They have a son, Anthony, Jr. She has been recording secretary, vice-president and most recently is the secretary of her branch. She has held an office of some kind in the past 15 years. Besides being diligent in bringing in new members, Mrs. Zefron plans activities to make the meetings more interesting and works hard at all the branch affairs. She loves Indian dancing and is a volunteer service worker. OUR MOTHERS O magical word, may it never die from the lips that love to speak it, Nor melt away from the trusting hearts that even would break to keep it. Was there ever a name that lived like thine! Will there ever be another? The angels have reared in heaven a shrine to the holy name of Mother. Author Unknown OLGA MIRCOVICH — Branch 45 Mrs. Olga Mircovich lives at 4333 N.K. Broadway in Portland, Ore. She was born May 5, 1898 in Dalmatia and arrived in America in 1911. She married Pasko Mircovich on August 16, 1916 and they have two children, Victor and Betty Jane Slatt and four grandchildren. Mrs. Mircovich was the first president of the branch and has held many other offices. She was honored in 1940 by being appointed as a Supreme Officer. She has given freely of her time in the interest of the group and her desire to improve the branch has been outstanding. Church affairs have also interested her, being the chairman of various committees in the Altar Society and St. Ann’s Charitable Society. She also loves ceramics, fancy work and sewing. MARY HOGEVAR — Branch 50 Mrs. Mary Hočevar, 5715 Prosser Ave., in Cleveland, Ohio was born on Nov. 28, 1905 in La Salle, 111. On June 11, 1938 she married Luke Hočevar JOSEPHINE ANCEL — Branch 46 Mrs. Josephine Ancel of 2226 Alberta St., in St. Louis, Mo., was born on August 26, 1894 in Brezovica, St. Jernej, Slovenia. In 1921 she came to this country and married her husband, John, on Feb. 4, 1922. Their two children, John and Josephine and three grandchildren make their family complete. Mrs. Ancel joined the S.W.U. in 1942 and the members feel it was their good fortune that she did so. She is a fine member, most charitable and humble. The members offer her their best wishes for good health and happiness with her family for many years. The main past-time Mrs. Ancel enjoys is sewing. ANNA KOZAN — Branch 49 Mrs. Anna Kozan lives at 910 W. 237th St., in Euclid, Ohio. She was born on Sept. 9, 1893 in Calumet, Mich. On July 21, 1926 she married Peter Kozan in Hibbing, Minn. They have two daughters, Margaret Bokar and Josephine Solloway and four grandchildren. Mrs. Kozan has been and still is an auditor for the branch and is always present at all their meetings. She is willing to help at every function. She especially is interested in cooking, which she does proficiently as well as housekeeping and taking care of her grandchildren. and they have a daughter, Carol who is now a Novice of the Notre Dame order in Cleveland. Carol took the name, Sister Mary Lukemarie in honor of her parents. Needless to say, they are very proud of Carol and her chosen vocation. Mrs. Hočevar is a very active member and has belonged to the S.W.U. Bowling League and loves bowling the most of all her past-times. ANGELINE HROVAT — Branch 52 Mrs. Angeline Hrovat lives at 326 2nd St., in Kitzville Loc., Hibbing, Minn. She was born in Minn, on Jan. 11, 1911 and married Louis Hrovat on June 15, 1940. They have five children, Marjorie, Louis, Jr., Patricia, Kathleen and Robert. For her branch, Mrs. Hrovat has been an auditor for three years, plus being very active in many phases of club work, including volunteering for Red Cross, TB, Cancer and Heart Fund drives. She is Mrs. Angeline Hrovat and nephew also an energetic worker for her church. Her special interests besides nated on numerous occasions. Pictured her family are taking care of neigh- with Mrs. Hrovat is her nephew, Staff bor’s children, gardening and making Sgt., Robert Oswald, son of the presi- delicious poticas, which she has do- dent of Br. No. 52, Josephine Oswald. MARIE MAYME VALERI _ Br. 56 Mrs. Marie Mayme Valeri resides in Hibbing, Minn., at 2506 - 2nd Ave., E. She was born in Loz on May 11, 1884 and was raised in Trieste. After her arrival in America in 1904, she met and married Sante Valeri—their wedding date being Feb. 18, 1911. They are the parents of eight children, Valeria, Zenobia, Milena, Genazio, Ele-anore, and three who are deceased. In their family, the Valeris have twenty-two grandchildren and one great-grandson. Mrs. Valeri likes to sew, knit and crochet and generally likes all kinds of work. ROSE ZBASNIK — Branch 73 Mrs. Rose Zbasnik, 6826 Clement Ave., in Cleveland, Ohio claims June 19, 1904 as her birthday. She was married on June 29, 1921 to Joseph, MARY KOVAC — Branch 63 Mrs. Mary Kovac of 4795 Pearl St., in Denver, Colo., was born in St. Louis, Mo. She married her husband, Matthew, now deceased, in Jan. 10, 1910. Their three daughters are Cecelia Kreiling, Mary Pepper and Helen Kensel, and Mrs. Kovac also has eight grandchildren. As president of her branch since 1947, and Sgt.-at-arms, also, she is always in the forefront when it comes to working and enrolling new members. She is highly respected by all the members. Mrs. Kovac is also a very active church member, being a member of the Altar and Rosary Society at Holy Rosary Church. She is always busy trying to help others. She has also been a past delegate to three conventions. Outdoor sports occupy her leisure time. now deceased. They had nine children: Dorothy, Joseph, Christine, Paul, Mary, Thomas, Sylvia, William and Patrick and now there are eleven grandchildren. All four daughters and two of her daughters-in-law are members of Branch 73. She has been a very active member and dearly loved by all the members. Along with her many hobbies, she considers baking and gardening her favorites. Growing roses is her specialty. CAROLINE DAWSON — Branch 89 Mrs. Caroline Dawson has been chosen by the members of Branch 89, Oglesby, 111., as the “Mother of the Year”. Caroline is liked by all who know her because she has a very nice personality, is easy to get along with and a very good worker for the branch. Her favorite sport, at which she is active every week, is bowling. She participates in the S.W.U. Bowling tournaments regularly. Caroline is a widow since 1953, lives at 505 Mormon St., and before her marriage was Caroline Siolz, daughter AGNES LUKEMAN — Branch 66 Mrs. Agnes Lukeman, living at Rt. #1, Florence, Colo., for 33 years, was born Dec. 22, 1886 at Sv. Miklauz pri Ormozu, Slovenia and came to this country in 1910. Shortly after, she married Frank Lukeman on Aug. 2, 1910. Her husband is now deceased. Their three children are Irene Ven-detti, Frank Lukeman, Jr., and Amy Del Monte. There are two grandchildren also. Mrs. Lukeman has been president of her branch for six years and a faithful member of the organization for 18 years. She is a loyal supporter and generous donator. She is always willing to do anything asked of her and for this attribute, has won the love and admiration of her members. They wish her many years of happiness. Her favorite hobby is gardening. of Anna Siolz who also is a member of our branch and was Mother of the Year in 1955. She has five sisters and a brother. Congratulations to her and best wishes from all our members. Celia Hobneck, Sec’y. OLD MOTHERS I love old mothers — mothers with white hair, And kindly eyes, and lips grown softly sweet, With murmured blessings over sleeping babes. There is something in their quiet grace That speaks the calm of Sabbath afternoons; A knowledge in their deep, unfaltering eyes, That far outreaches all philosophy. Time with caressing touch about them weaves The silver-threaded fairy-shawl of age, With all the echoes of forgotten songs Seems joined to lend a sweetness to their speech. AGATHA MESIN — Branch 95 Mrs. Agatha Mesin of 10730 Ave. M, So. Chicago, 111., observes Feb. 24th 1886, as her birthday. She married Mike Mesin on Aug. 29, 1929 and their daughter is Mrs. Amelia Cuzella. They also have two grandchildren. Mrs. Mesin is a charter member of the branch, and although has held no offices, has been very active in enrolling new members. She was also instrumental in naming the branch in honor of "Our Lady of Bistricka”. She enjoys hours in the garden and does beautiful embroidery work. Old mothers! — as they pass with slowtimed Step, Their trembling hands cling gently to youth’s strength. Sweet mothers! — as they pass, one sees again Old garden walks, old roses and old loves. Charles Rosa Let us express our love, gratitude and respect to Mother, not only on Mother’s Day but 365 days a year. ROSE AGGESULI — Branch 91 Mrs. Rose Aggesuli of 230 Penna Ave., in Oakmont, Pa., was born on June 9, 1885 and came to America in 1915. She was married in 1907 and is pictured with her husband, now deceased and son John and granddaughter. Of her nine children, three sons are still living. One son, Mario, was killed in action during World War II. She has nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild, of whom she is very proud. Mrs. Aggesuli is the oldest member of Branch 91 and has such a good sense of humor and disposition, the members all find the meetings very enjoyable when she is present. They think she is the most deserved mother for this year. Besides all her activities, she loves to knit, crochet and sew. FRANCES M. GREENFIELD — Branch 92 Mrs. Frances M. Greenfield, Box 283, Crested Butte, Colo., has lived there all her life. She wras born May 16, 1914 and was married July 25, 1936 to Charles W. Greenfield. Their son, Robert Charles, is now in the Air Force, stationed in Germany. Mrs. Greenfield has been a most active member of her branch and has held the office of president for three years. The members think the world of her and wish her the best on this occasion. Mrs. Greenfield also loves fancy work, such as embroidering and crocheting. MARY MAYZAK — Branch 100 Mrs. Mary Mayzak, 16628 Orange Way, Fontana, Calif, is the chosen mother of this newly formed branch. She was born August 10, 1893 in Jurka Vas and was married to George D. Mayzak on July 8, 1912 in La Salle, 111. They have five children, Marie, Olga, Bill, Frank, Herman and Joseph, and nine grandchildren. She is the founder and organizer of the branch and has done everything imaginable to help in her present office as that of auditor. She was a member of the Oglesby branch for 25 years where she also served and gave her best. She is known to be a lady who is thoughtful of everyone. Her sister-members are most proud of her and her generous and loving personality. Their words of praise include “we cannot express all she has done in keeping our morale high and our spirit true”. Mrs. Mayzak also finds time to garden, bake, crochet and sew. Mrs. Frances Greenfield -■- m t Jjw ^ % V Mpg 1k MARY SPET I OH — Podr. št. 6 Mrs. Mary Spetich, 263 - 29th St., Barberton, O., se je rodila 1. 1894 v Lipsenj, Slovenija. V Ameriko je prišla v letu 1904 ter se je 20. julija 1912 poročila v Barbertonu z Matijem Mihelčič. Zakon je bil blagoslovljen s pet otroci: Mary, Anna, Josephine. Louis in Anthony. Njen prvi soprog je preminul 1. 1932, a njen drugi mož Frank Spetich je umrl lansko leto, 28. jun. 1957. Naša zaslužna mati ima tudi devet vnukov. — Mrs. Spetich posebno rada obdeluje rože na vrtu in z veseljem opravlja vsa dela v hiši in okoli hiše, posebno še rada kvačka. Sestra Spetich je bila ustanoviteljica naše podr. št. 6, njena hčerka Mary pa je bila captain pri Drill Team št. 6. Ona tudi vedno rada prihaja na seje, pomaga ter z veseljem prispeva za podružnico. (Na sliki je Mrs. Spetich z možem Frank Spetich-em in vnučkom Paulom.) ron in Stanley J., istotam, a hčerka Mrs. Ernest Krall živi v Vandling, Pa. Je tudi ponosna grandma osmim vnukom. Mrs. Kosher rada igra priljubljene igre ter neguje svoj vrt. Bila je ena izmed prvih članic podružnice, ko se je ustanovila ter je od vsega početka zelo čislana članica. Včlanila je vse svoje hčerke in vnukinje ter vnuke v Zvezo: rada se udeležuje sej, z veseljem pomaga in daruje za napredek podružnice. Njena svakinja Christine Menart je tajnica podružnice. KATHERINE HORVATH — Podr. 17 Mrs. Katherine Horvath, 1225 S. 76th St., West Allis, Wis., se je rodila 2S. nov. 1892, a 12. maja 1912 je prišla v Ameriko. Poročila se je v West Allisu 25. aprila 1914 z Josephom Horvath in zakon je bil blagoslovljen z osmimi otroci: Katherine Matzelle, Mary Dolata, Hattie Grandy, Theresa Stettler, a preminuli so: Joe, Frank, Joseph, Pauline Dobs. Mrs. Horvath ima tudi 10 vnukov in vnukinj. Naša zaslužna mati ima posebno veselje z ročnim delom. Odkar je postala članica naše podružnice, je vedno zelo MARY JERIC — Podr. št. 15 Mrs. Mary Jeric, Cleveland, Ohio, je bila rojena 3. sept. 1871 v Nemški vasi, fara Trebnje, Slovenija, ter je 19. maja 1897 prišla v Cleveland. Dne 24. jul. istega leta je poročila v fari sv. Vida Josepha Jerica in sta imela devet otrok: Mary Hrovat, Ann Jeric, Joseph, Frank, Julia Duply, Theresa Lekan in Martin, toda Josephine in Francis sta preminula. Gotovo more biti ponosna na svojih 28 vnukov in šest pravnukov. Naša zaslužna mati ima posebno veselje z obdelovanjem vrta in šivanjem. Ona vedno sama sešije vse svoje obleke. Zveza in podružnica sta ji globoko pri srcu ter je vedno aktivno sodelovala pri vseh prireditvah, se vedno redno udeleževala sej in pomagala, kjerkoli je le mogla. Mrs. Katherine Horvath delavna pri vseh aktivnostih podružnice ter vedno pomaga k večjemu uspehu organizacije. Tudi je naša vestna zapisnikarica. MARY ZALLAR — Podr. št. 10 Mrs. Mary Zallar, 770 E. 15G St., Cleveland, Ohio, se je rodila 17. febr. 1891 v Ljubljani, Slovenija, ter se je 22. jun. 1912 za stalno naselila v Ameriki. Poročila se je 3. jun. 1916 v Clevelandu z Johnom Zallar in imela sta dva otroka: Albert John in Marija Elizabeta. Mrs. Zallar posebno rada kvačka lepa darila za organizacijo. Zveza ji je zelo pri srcu ter je bila nadzornica pri podružnici. Naša zaslužna mati rada pomaga kjerkoli more. ROSE GLAVIC — Podr. št. 18 Mrs. Rose Glavic, 1277 E. 169th St., Cleveland, Ohio, je 'bila rojena dne 16. marca 1892 v Žužemberku v Sloveniji ter se je v februarju 1906 naselila v Clevelandu, kjer se je 25. aprila 1910 poročila z John Glavičem. Zakon je bil blagoslovljen s šest otroci: John, Joe, Harry, Bill, Rose in Hermina. Naša zaslužna mati ima tudi 13 vnukov in vnukinj. — Mrs. Glavic goji rada cvetlice ter ima krasen vrt. Čeprav ni odbornica podružnice, vendar je vedno zelo vestna z obiskovanjem mesečnih sestankov, katerih se redno udeležuje in pomaga kadarkoli je potrebno. (Na sliki je Mrs. Glavic z vnukinjo in staro mamo.) FRANCES GERCHMAN — Podr. št. 14 Mrs. Frances Gerchman, dekliško ime Tursic, 1912 Abby, Euclid, Ohio, se je rodila 14. marca 1885 v vasi Be-zuljak pri Cerknici, Slovenija, in je 19. maja 1906 prišla v Združene Države ter se je 23. julija 1906 v Forest City, Pa., poročila z možem Anthony, ki je preminul 7. jan. 1938. Njen soprog je bil doma iz Leskovca pri Višnji gori. Imela sta pet otrok, od katerih še živita: Frances Globokar in Anthony Jr. Trije so umrli, namreč: Hubert, Edmund in Milan. Naša zaslužna mati ima tudi tri vnuke in enega pravnuka. — Posebno jo veseli šivanje, kuhanje in pečenje. Mrs. Gerchman je pred leti, ko smo imeli pri podružnici mladinsko plesalno skupino, ki je predvajala slov. ljudske plese, sešila vse narodne noše za te plesalce. Bila je tudi v nadzornem odboru. Vedno je rada prispevala dobrote za naše seje, tako da si je naša blagajna mogla opomoči z nekaj dolarji. Vsa njena družina je včlanjena v podružnici, poleg matere, hčerka Frances Globokar, sinahe Albina in Mary, vnukinje Janet in Charlene in vnukinja v svaštvu Mary Globokar. Ima enega pravnuka, a sedaj upa, da pride na svet še pra-pravnuklnja (great-granddaughter). MARY MATASICK — Podr. št. 16 FRANCES STERLE — Podr. št. 19 Mrs. Frances Sterle, 620 Summit, Eveleth, Minn., je bila rojena 5. aprila 1886 v Srednji vasi pri Ljubljani. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Anžur in domače ime je bilo Pri Tinetovih. V Ameriko je prišla 1. 1907. Z Antonom Sterle sta se poročila 26. nov. 1908. V družini se jima je rodilo šest otrok. Dve hčeri: Mary in Frances sta bolničarki in obe poročeni. V vojnem času je hči Mary služila v U.S. Army kot bolničarka. Od štirih sinov sta Tony in Frank poročena v EVelethu, William je poročen v Duluthu, a Nor-bert je služil v Ameriški armadi in dal življenje za domovino. Sestra Sterle je izgubila moža in sina v enem letu. Sin je še prišel na očetov pogreb in to v januarju, šest mesecev potem pa je že prišlo sporočilo, da je padel v službi domovine, preko morja. Težko jo je prizadelo, da je izgubila moža in potem še ljubega sina v istem letu. Sestra Sterle je pristopila k Zvezi 1. 1933. V uradu nadzornice se nahaja že dolgo let in svoj urad opravlja v veliko veselje in zadovoljnost vseh članic. Njeno najbolj priljubljeno delo je skrbno gospodinjstvo in pomagati pri prireditvah in sejah pa tudi pri prodaji tiketov za korist blagajne ali za dobra dela. Ona je skrbna mati svoji družini, čeravno so vsi odrasli in poročeni, vedno z veseljem kaj naredi zanje. Bog Te ohrani zdravo in veselo še mnogo let! Mary Lenich Mrs. Mary Matasick, 2235 E. 79th St., Chicago, 111., je bila rojena dne 25. jan. 1884 v stari Avstriji ter je dne 2. julija 1905 prišla v Ameriko. Naselila se je v Chicagu ter sta z možem Martinom imela sedem otrok, od katerih še živita Mary Birebrich in Edward Matasick. Mrs. Matasick prav rada peče potice in kruh za svoje štiri vnuke in pet pravnukov, katere z veseljem pestuje. Naša častna mati vedno radevolje priskoči na pomoč, kjerkoli je potrebno in rada pomaga za napredek podružnice in Zveze. MARY LESNIK — Podr. št. 20 Mrs. Mary Lesnik, 1006 Harrison St., Joliet, 111., je bila rojena 4. sept. 1903 v fari Jernej na Dolenjskem, v Sloveniji ter je 20. sept 1920 prišla v Ameriko. Poročila se je 20. marca 1921 z Johnom Lesnik v Jolietu. V zakonu so se jima rodili štirje otroci: Joseph, Ludwig, Bill in Johnny. Imata tudi štiri vnuke. Naša častna mati ima veliko veselje s šivanjem, heklanjem in gospodinjstvom na splošno. Zelo rada tudi opravlja delo na vrtu. Mrs. Lesnik je tudi vesele narave, se rada zasuče in petje ji je še posebno pri srcu. Za Zvezo vedno rada kaj stori ter je že več let nadzornica podružnice in zadnjih šest let je prva nadzornica podr. Pri podružnici vedno rada pomaga, kjerkoli je potrebno ter nikoli ne odkloni, bodisi, da je potrebno kaj darovati, ali prispevati ali pa delati. CECILIA BRODNIK — Podr. št. 21 Mrs. Cecilia Brodnik, 4592 W. 130 St., Cleveland, Ohio, je bila rojena dne 3. julija 1886 v vasi Brod, fara Šmi-helj pri Novem mestu v Sloveniji ter je 31. avg. 1887 prišla s svojci v Ameriko. Dne 25. aprila 1904 se je poročila pri Sv. Vidu v Clevelandu s Steve Brodnik, ki je preminul pred dvema letoma po 52 letih srečnega zakonskega življenja. Imela sta štiri otroke: Edward, (ki je umrl pred 25 leti), Lillian por. Lunder, Steve in Leonard. Mrs. Brodnik ima tudi osem vnukov in pet pravnukov. Naša zaslužna mati je bila ustanovna članica naše podružnice ter tudi prva tajnica šest let. Poleg dela za Zvezo, je Mrs. Brodnik aktivna tudi v drugih organizacijah in pri fari. Pri naši podružnici je pred leti tudi vodila igre. Pred 25 leti je Mrs. Brodnik bila delegatka na konvenciji SŽZ in ne bo nikdar izgubila svojega navdušenja za Zvezo. V naselbini je pred leti tudi vodila tečaje za državljanstvo. VESEL ROJSTNI D AN ! FRANCES LOPP — Podr. št. 31 Mrs. Frances Lopp, Box 335, Gilbert, Minn., je bila rojena v Dolnjem Logatcu v Sloveniji in je 1. 1901 prišla v Ameriko. V Hokefield, Mich., je poročila Josepha Lopp, ki je umrl leta 1949. Rodila je tri otroke: Joseph, ki živi v Grand Rapids, Minn., Laurence, v Brainerd, Minn., in Prisella Calep. Naša častna mati ima tudi sedem vnukov in vnukinj. Mrs. Lopp posebno zanima šivanje in ročna dela. Za Zvezo in podružnico je vedno pripravljena kaj storiti ter ima lepe zasluge za našo podružnico, pri kateri je bila zapisnikarica več kot 10 let in je prav priljubljena zaradi svoje prijaznosti. MARY PAVLOVČIČ — Podr. št. 40 Mrs. Mary Pavlovčič, 1705 E. 34 St., Lorain, Ohio, je bila rojena 20. febr. 1900 v Lorain, Ohio. Njeni starši so bili pionirski naseljenci. Dne 24. jun. 1918 se je v Lorainu poročila s Frankom Pavlovčič in v zakonu sta imela tri sinove: Frank William, Carl Anthony in Raymond Joseph. Mrs. Pavlovčič je tudi prav ponosna na svoje štiri vnuke. Našo častno mater posebno veseli kvačkanje, afgan pletenje in gojenje rož in vrtnic. Zvezo in podružnico ima zelo pri srcu, kar je dokaz, da je bila sedem let blagajničarka podružnice. Članice so prav ponosne nanjo, saj je vzgled ustrežljivosti in prijaznosti. (Na sliki je skupno z možem Frankom). MRS. ANGELA KRIŽMAN, 1115 Norwood Itd., Cleveland 3, Ohio, bo 26. maja dopolnila častitljivo starost 80 let. Za njen rojstni dan pošiljajo svoji ljubi materi, stari in prastari materi, poljube in srčna voščila: Albina in Jean, hčeri; Matija, Fred in Emil’, sinovi; Corinne Leskovar, vnukinja, kakor tudi ostalih 11 vnukov in sorodniki. Poseben poljubček pa pošilja pravnukinja Miriam. MARY PLESEC — Podr. št. 41 Mrs. Mary Plesec, 1G823 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohia, je bila rojena 13. fetor. 1878 v Starem trgu pri Slovenjem Gradcu v Sloveniji in je dne 13. okt. 1907 prišla v Ameriko. Poročila se je 8. nov. 1900 v Nemškem Gradcu z Valentinom Plesec. V zakonu so se jima rodili trije otroci: Louis, Sophie in William. Mrs. Plesec ima tudi osem vnukov in pet pravnukov. Mrs. Plesec je sedaj že par let vdova. Pred sedmimi leti sta s soprogom obhajala zlato poroko. Meseca februarja pa je obhajala visoko 80-letnico rojstva. Naša zaslužna mati ima posebno veselje z obdelovanjem vrta in rož. Je tudi izborna kuharica in rada opravlja hišna dela. Vedno je ponosna, da je članica Zveze in veliko pripomore podružnici tudi v finančnem pogledu. V Zvezo je vpisala svoje vnukinje, za katere tudi sama plačuje članarino. FRANCES L. UDOVICH — Podr. 37 Sestra Udovich je odgojila 10 otrok: štirje sinovi in štiri hčerke so poročene. Vsi imajo družine in svoje domove. Skupno ima 12 vnukov in 11 vnukinj. Štirje sinovi so bili v armadi: prvi, Louis je bil Staff Sargent v Nemčiji nad pet let, drugi, John Radio Code Operator na Japonskem nad pet let, mlajša dva v Ameriki dve leti in Joseph 18 mesecev. Ko se je vojna končala, so prišli vsi srečno domov. Hčerka Margaret se nahaja v Phoenix, Arizona, kjer je zaposlena pri Northwest Bell Telephone Co. Najmlajši sin Albert, ki je star 20 let, je tudi zaposlen pri Northwest Bell Telephone Co. v Virginia, Minn. V družini je šest članic Zveze. Hčerka Helen Shuster je predsednica podružnice št. 37, Greaney, Minn. Dekliško ime sestre Udovich je bilo Rupar in je prišla v Ameriko stara 11 let, z mamo in dvema bratoma ter tremi sestrami. Sledili so očetu, ki je bil že dve leti pred njimi v Towerju (Soudan), Minn. Njen oče je že pokojen 32 let, mama pa 17 let. Naj jim bo blag spomin. ANTONIA DOLINAR — Podr. št. 47 Mrs. Antonia Dolinar je 'bila rojena v Cerknici na Notranjskem. Leta 1913 je prišla v Ameriko v West Virginijo k sestri Mary, ki je bila tedaj zaposlena pri materi slavnega igralca polk Franky Jankovicha. Potem so prišle v Cleveland v slovensko naselbino St. Clair. Seznanila se je s sedanjim možem Mr. John Dolinar, ki je doma iz Bevk pri Vrhniki. Poročila sta se v cerkvi sv. Vida sept. 19 IG. Letos bo že 42 let, odkar živita v zakonu. S pridnim delom sta si ustanovila ljubki dom na 8805 Vineyard Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, ki ga od časa do časa njen soprog, ki je mizar, prenovi. V zakonu se jima je rodil sin in tri hčerke. Sin John je zaposlen pri A.T. T. Co. Bil je nad štiri leta v vojaški službi v drugi svetovni vojni, pri radio poročevalcih v Evropi. Hčerki dvojčki so jima umrli kmalu po porodu. Mlajša hčerka Josi je poročena z Mr. Hank Walters, v Garfield Hgts. Josi je bila zaposlena pri O.T. Co. kot nadzornica. Ima hčerko in sinčka. — Mr. in Mrs. Dolinar zelo ljubita delo na vrtu in imata vsakovrstno zelenjavo, sadje in cvetlice. Sta zelo postrežljiva in do revežev imata usmiljenje. Veliko pomagata siromakom v domovino, kakor tudi tukaj z dobrimi deli. Mrs. Dolinar je pomagala ustanoviti podružnico pred 27 leti in od tedaj je vedno v uradu, že veliko let je blagajničarka. Rada obiskuje bolne sosestre in jih tolaži. Zato ji želimo ljubega zdravja še mnogo let in ji poklanjamo te vrstice za Materinski dan — kot naši častni materi. Jennie Pugely, tajnica Naša častna mati in njen soprog Louis sta se naselila na farmi (Home Stead) leta 1909, kjer sta si uredila lep dom in farmo. Njen soprog je umrl leta 1948. Sestra Udovich je še vedno na farmi. Opustila je večja poljska dela in sedaj ima na skrbi samo še vrt in cvetlice. Poleg vrtnarjenja ima tudi veliko veselje s štrikanjem in hekla-njem. Za našo Zvezo je mnogo storila, saj je bila 23 let tajnica podružnice ter je vedno pridobila mnogo novih članic. Helen Shuster, predsednica THERESA SIMONČIČ — Podr. št. 42 Mrs. Theresa Simončič, 5590 Dun-kan, Maple Heights, Ohio, je bila rojena v Škocjanu na Dolenjskem v Sloveniji. Leta 1912 je prišla v Ameriko ter se je 1. 1914 poročila v Clevelandu z Louisom Simončič. Njena hčerka Theresa, poročena Mrs. Anthony Filips, je tudi članica naše podružnice. Njen vnuk Donnie je star 15 let in Gerry 10. Posebno veselje ima s hekla-njem in štrikanjem; zelo rada tudi goji rože na svojem velikem vrtu z vinogradom, in sadovnjakom. Mrs. Simončič je ustanovna članica naše podružnice in vsa leta redna obiskovalka sej. Tudi je izvrstna kuharica in kadar podružnica potrebuje kuharico, je ona vedno rade volje pripravljena pomagati, čeprav je zelo zaposlena s kuhanjem za bankete in ohceti, toda kadar podružnica rabi kuharico, ona rada prevzame: „0, to bom pa že jaz prevzela,” in smo vse zadovoljne, ker vemo, da je naloga v dobrih rokah. Zaradi tega smo jo z veseljem izvolile za našo zaslužno članico in želimo, da bi še mnogo let prihajala na seje, ravno tako redno kot vedno doslej. ANNA GODLAR — Podr. št. 32 Mrs. Anna Godlar, 20971 Wilmore Ave., Euclid, Ohio, je bila rojena dne 1. julija 1898 v fari Zdole na Štajerskem. V Ameriko je prišla 15. oktobra 1922 ter se naselila v Clevelandu. Njen soprog Franc je umrl pred štirimi leti. Njena hčerka Ann je poročena Cooke in ima tri otroke. Mrs. Godlar ima posebno veselje z obdelovanjem vrta in gojitvijo rož. — Bila je zapisnikarica podružnice šest let in tri leta tajnica. Ko je njena hčerka prevzela tajniško mesto, je tudi zaradi moževe bolezni Mrs. Godlar morala pustiti mesto zapisnikarice. Mnogo se trudi za napredek podružnice in Zveze z nabiranjem oglasov v Zarjo, kakor tudi s prodajanjem kuharskih knjig. (Na sliki v angleškem delu je s tremi vnuki.) VALENTINA STAVANA — Podr. 54 Mrs. Valentina Stavana, Box 228, Rt. 3, Cortland, Ohio, je bila rojena 14. febr. 1890 in se je leta 1911 naselila v Ameriki. Dne 6. febr. 1911 se je v Baču pri Št. Petru na Krasu poročila z Antonom Stavana in sta takoj po poroki se podala v Ameriko. Njun zakon je bil blagoslovljen s 14 otroci. Od teh je Se 10 živih in so vsi poročeni, razne ene. Isto je naša zaslužna mati ponosna na svojih 21 vnukov. Njeno dekliško ime je Cvetic. Najprej so živeli v W. Va., nato pa sta kupila farmo, kjer sta redila krasne krave mlekarice in s soprogom sta še sedaj na isti farmi v Cortland, Ohio. Mrs. Stavana zelo ljubi SŽZ, izredno rada se udeležuje sej in radevolje pomaga, kadarkoli je potrebno. Kadar obhaja rojstni dan, nikoli ne pozabi prinesti dobrot — pijače in jedače. EMMA ZORE — Podr. št. 55 Mrs. Emma Zore, 118 Townsend Ave., Girard, Ohio, se je rodila 12. dec. 1898 v Gorici na Slov. Primorskem in je 20. sept. 1920 prišla v Ameriko. Dne 17. jan. 1921 je v Girardu poročila Johna Zore. Mrs. Zore zelo rada dela za organizacijo, kakor tudi za cerkev. Ona je odlična kuharica. Pred vsakimi prazniki napeče mnogo dobrot, katere daruje sestram-nunam, katere ji v zahvalo darujejo lepe spominčke ter se je spominjajo v svojih molitvah. Vse jo zelo hvalijo in jo imajo rade. Mrs. Zore je bila podpredsednica podružnice in je sedaj nadzornica in poročevalka. Ona trdo dela za vsako našo prireditev. NABIRKA ZA RIBNIŠKO CERKEV f znaša do 10. aprila $225.00, in imena darovalcev bodo objavljena v prihodnji izdaji Zarje. Bog plačaj! — Priporočamo se še nadaljnim rojakom in rojakinjam za prispevke. Vsak dar bo hvaležno sprejet. Prispevke pošljite na: Albina Novak, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. ROSE NOVAK — Podr. št. 65 Mrs. Rose Novak, 719 - 11 St., No., Virginia, Minn., se je rodila 30. avg. 1890 v Sloveniji in je 30. maja 1911 kot mlado dekle prišla v Ameriko. Dne 9. sept. 1912 se je v Virginiji, Minn., poročila s Frankom Novak. Njuna zakonska zveza je bila blagoslovljena z devet otroci: Rose, Vincent, John, Ann, Joe, Katherine, Bertha, Dan in William. Imata tudi 20 vnukov. Naša zaslužna mati najde mnogo razvedrila v čitanju lepih knjig in v trdem delu, predvsem v delu na vrtu. Za Zvezo in podružnico ima veliko zaslug. Bila je članica od ustanovitve ter vodi molitve pri podružnici. Bila je predsednica, podpredsednica in zapisnikarica podružnice. Njena sestra je v redu sv. Benedikta v Du-luthu, Minn., pod samostanskim imenom s. Mary Hope in na gornji sliki je Mrs. Novak s svojo hčerko č. s. Mary Hope. MARY GRZELY — Podr. št. 68 Mrs. Mary Grzely, 1055 N. St. Clair, Painesville, Ohio, se je rodila 27. nov. 1912 v Sloveniji ter 12. sept 1920 prišla v Ameriko. Poročila se je z Louis Grzely v Johnsonburgu, Pa., 5. jun. 1937. V zakonu so se jima rodili trije ANGELA VOJE — Podr. št. 84 . Mrs. Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N.Y., se je rodila dne 21. maja 1S97 v Jaršah v Sloveniji ter je 26. okt. 1912 kot 15-letno dekle prišla v Ameriko. Dne 25. aprila 1917 se je v Wilkes Barre, Pa., poročila s Frankom Voje. Rodili so se jima štiri otroci: Frank, Stanley, Marion All- gaier in Betty Birk. Imata tudi 13 vnukov. Našo zaslužno mater posebno zanima, da bi naša podružnica napredovala. Veliko veselje ima s svojo družino, prav rada obiskuje svoje otroke in vnučke in mnogo potuje z možem po celi Ameriki in Evropi. Za Zvezo in podružnico je storila dosti dobrega, pridobila je nove članice. Bila je kakih pet let zapisnikarica in potem predsednica podružnice okoli 10 let. (Gornja slika je bila posneta leta 1956 pri Notre Dame katedrali v Parizu.) otroci: Mary, Louis, Johnnie. Ima tudi enega vnuka. Posebno veselje ima s štrikanjem in heklanjem. Naša zaslužna mati je prav ponosna članica Zveze in podružnice že 16 let in celih 8 let kot delavna tajnica. ANGELINE HROVAT — Podr. št. 52 Mrs. Angeline Hrovat, 326 - 2nd St., Kitzville, Hibbing, Minn., je bila rojena 11. jan. 1911 v Pinesvillei, Minn., ter je bila 15. junija 1940 poročena z Louis Hrovatom v Aurora, Minn. V zakonu se jima je rodilo pet otrok: Marjorie, Louis, Jr., Patricia, Kathleen in Robert. Mrs. Hrovat je nadzornica podružnice tri leta ter vedno pomaga, kjerkoli more. Pri srcu so ji dobrodelne ustanove, kakor Rdeči križ, župnija ter nabirke v pomoč proti raznim boleznim: TB, rak in srce. Poleg svoji družini, rada priskoči na pomoč tudi sosedom, popestva njihove otroke, goji cvetlice ter zna peči okusne potice za razne prireditve. (Na sliki v angleškem delu je s svojim nečakom, sinom preds. podružnice št. 52, Josephine Oswald.) PRISLANDOVA DRUŽINA Slika je bila vzeta ob priliki 50-letnice poroke Mr. in Mrs. John Prisland v Sheboyganu. Na levi je starejša hčerka Margaret (Mrs. Robert Fischer), za njo stoji soprog in dva sinčka Robert in Jimmy. — V sredini je sin Theodore, za njim sinček John in hčerka Ann ter soproga Carol. Na desnici je hčerka Hermine (Mrs. R. J. Dicke). Okrog nje stojijo: hčerka Marie, sinčka Bobby in Billy ter soprog Robert. Na vsaki strani sina Theodorja sta Mr. in Mrs. Prisland. Od spredaj sedijo: Margie Fischer, Sara Prisland, Kathie Dicke. Vnukinja Mary Fischer, poročena Turvey, ni na sliki. ANA RIBARICH — Podr. št. 67 Mrs. Ana Ribarich, Poland Ave., Bessemer, Pa., se je rodila v Sloveniji ter je 23. dec. 1906 prišla v Ameriko. S pokojnim Ivanom Ribarich se je poročila 1. 1900 na Primorskem. Obdarjena je bila z osmimi otroci: Ema, Emilija, Rudy, Andy, Tony, Jenny, Lili in Virginia. Naša zaslužna mati je tudi prav ponosna na svojih 14 vnukov in 9 pravnučkov. Mrs. Ribarich je skrbna mati. Mož ji je umrl 1. 1918 in je sama vzgojila osem otrok. Sedaj živi pri sinu, kateremu je umrla žena, zato mu ona gospodinji In skrbi za vnuka. Posebno veselje ima za či-tanje in šivanje. Je zavedna članica Zveze ter rada kaj stori, kar le more za podružnico, pri kateri je že 22 let zvesta članica. Mrs. Jennie Vidmar, 8243 Forest-lawn, Detroit, Mich., se je rodila 15. okt. 1904 v vasi Ostrožno, Brda, okraj Postojna v Sloveniji. Dne 10. sept. 192Q je prišla v Ameriko in se je 20. sept. 1924 poročila v cerkvi sv. Vida v Clevelandu z Josephom Vidmar. Poročil ju je Father Ponikvar. Ima dva otroka: hčerko Mre. Dorothy Kochevar in sina Rudolpha, ter dve vnukinji Sandra in Nancy. Naša zaslužna mati posebno rada čita in vrtnari. Za Zvezo in podružnico ima mnogo zaslug, bila je predsednica in delegatka na zadnji konvenciji. Mrs. Vid- mar je naša najbolj delavna članica in je pridobila največ novih članic za organizacijo. Vse jo imamo rade, zaradi njene prijaznosti in njen zdrav humor vedno prinaša prijetno razpoloženje na naše seje. ANGELA JEKE — Podr. št. 77 Mrs. Angela Jeke, 307 School Dr., Millvale, Pa., je bila rojena leta 1899 v Krki pri Stični v Sloveniji ter je 13. marca 1921 prišla v Ameriko. Dne 4. maja 1921 se je v Pittsburghu, Pa., poročila z Josephom Jeke in imela sta štiri otroke: Eddy, ki je umrl v detinski dobi, Josephine, William in Albert. Ima tudi pet vnukov. Edina hčerka Josephine je tudi umrla pred par leti in zapustila tri male otročičke, katere je Mrs. Jeke vzeda k sebi in jih kot skrbna stara mama prav lepo vzgaja in jim nadomešča mater. Posebno veselje ima z kvačkanjem in pletenjem. Za Zvezo ima mnogo zaslug, saj je bila tri leta predsednica podružnice in sedaj je že več let nadzornica. Pri Zvezi vedno rada pomaga in prime za delo, če le more in nikoli ne odreče pomoči. Prodala je največ kuharskih knjig in je vedno delavna, kjerkoli je potrebno. JENNIE SNOZNIK — Podr. št. 96 Mrs. Jennie Snoznik, 343 Maple St., Renton, Pa., je bila rojena 18. avg. 1887 v Novi Oselici nad Škofjo Loko v Sloveniji. V oktobru leta 1907 je prišla v Ameriko ter se je 4. nov. 1907 poročila v cerkvi St. Mary Assumption v Pittsburghu z Andrejem Snoznik (po domače pri Jeramu). Zakon je bil blagoslovljen z devet otroci: Andrew, Frank, Jean, Sophie, Catherine, Fred, Arthur, Albert in sedaj pokojni Raymond. Imata tudi 14 vnukov in dva pravnuka. Posebno veselje ima naša zaslužna mati s pletenjem preprog. Mrs. Snoznik je izredno vedre narave in ima mnogo smisla za dobro šalo. Pri podružnici je tudi delavna članica odbora za obiskovanje bolnikov. Prinese jim veselega razpoloženja in mnogo dobre volje. Njena hčerka, dve snahi in tri vnukinje so vse članice Zveze. Marie Prisland: ZAKAJ se kitajski vojak bori en dan in eno noč brez počitka, ameriški pa se utrudi poprej in mora imeti toplo hrano? Ali je vzrok morala, pogum, ali prehrana? Mnogo stoletij je bila glavna hrana človeka kruh, ali pa razne kaše in žganci. Veliki in krepki ljudje so rastli tam, kjer je uspevalo žito. Saj se spominjate našega kmečkega kruha. Temnorjav je bil, težak, trd in ne preveč okusen. Treba ga je bilo žvečiti precej časa in imeli smo okus, da smo res nekaj jedli. Današnji pekovski beli kruh pa je kot bi grizli papir. Lahko človek živi ob kruhu in vodi — toda ne ob današnjem belem kruhu. Žito ne vsebuje več istih hranilnih snovi kot nekdaj. Zemlja je izčrpana in rudnine v njej so izluščene. Svoj čas so sušili žito na njivi, da so zrna popolnoma dozorela — sedaj žito že takoj na njivi onilatijo stroji. V silosih (silo) ga obvarujejo s kemičnimi preparati črvov. Pri visoki temperaturi ga v tovarniških mlinih zmeljejo, kar uniči več vitaminov kot mlinski kamni. Nato belijo moko s kemikalijami, ki so zdravju škodljive. Moka leži še precej časa v skladiščih predno je uporabljena. V tako moko črvi ne zlezejo, ker menda vedo, kaj je dobro in kaj ni. V Indiji, blizu ruske meje, je dežela Hunzov. Ljudje v tej deželi ne poznajo zdravnikov, nei bolnišnic, prehodijo do 30 milj na dan po strminah in nosijo veliko težo, zvečer pa plešejo ob ognju. Hranijo se z lastnimi pridelki: kruh, kaša, orehi, zelenjava, sadje in kozje mleko. To je njihova vsakdanja hrana. Umirajo v starosti med 85- 100 leti. Plemena, ki žive južno v isti dolini, a ob drugačni hrani, se ne morejo primerjati v zdravju in močmi s severnimi Hunzi. Znanstveniki so oba plemena opazovali ter delali poskuse s podganami. Razdelili so jih v tri skupine. Prvo skupino so hranili s tako hrano kot jo uživajo Hunzi, druga je dobivala hrano južnih Indijcev — meso, riž in bogate začimbe — a tretjo skupino so znanstveniki hranili s hrano „belega moža” — bel kruh iz tovarniških mlinov, margarin in maslo, čaj s sladkorjem, mnogo mesa, krompir, marmelada, obilo slaščic, itd. Po mnogih letih so prišli do neverjetnih rezultatov. V prvi skupini podgan, ki je dobivala hrano Hunzov, ni bilo skoro nobene bolezni ali smrti. Bile so lepe, močne in dohrovoljne živali. V drugi skupini pa so se pojavile bolezni želodca in pljuč. V tretji skupini, ki je dobivala hrano belega moža, so se pojavile številne bolezni srca, slabi zobje in živalice so postajale vsak dan šibkejše in manj odporne. V severni Kitajski sadijo mandžursko rastlino, sorghum imenovano. Zrna omlatijo naravnim potom, skuhajo kašo ali pa rastlino jedo kot zelenjavo. Zato kitajski kuli ali tudi vojak, kljub veliki revščini, nečistemu okolju in pod najtežjimi življenjskimi pogoji ostane razmeroma močan in z lahkoto vzdrži včasih skoro nečloveške odpore. Tako vidimo, da je od pravilne prehrane, četudi preproste, odvisno ne le človeško zdravje, temveč tudi njegova moč, delavnost in odpornost. * * * Na obisku pri naših članicah mi večkrat kako pecivo posebno ugaja, da vprašam za navodilo. Naj danes podam nekaj navodil, za katere lahko garantiram, da so izvrstna. Prijateljica Josephine Schlosar iz West Allisa, pripravi jako okusen jabolčen štrudel. Ker sem ga ji pomagala jesti, vem, da je dober. Tu je navodilo: Jabolčen štrudel 2 šalčki presejane moke 1 čajno žličko soli 2 jedilni žlici olja 2 jedilni žlici raztopljenega masla % šalčke gorke vode Vse to zamesi v testo, ki ga gneti pol ure. Namaži voščen papir (wax paper) z oljem ter vanj zavij testo ter ga deni v gorak kraj počivati dve uri. Nadev: 7 velikih kislih jabolk olupi in zreži na tanke rezine. Vi funta masla raztopi ter v njem zarumeni eno šalčko drobtin. Ko so drobtine rumene dodaj 3 jedilne žlice ruma, čajno žličko cimeta ter eno šalčko sladkorja. Na pogrnjeni in z moko potrošeni mizi najprvo testo nekoliko razvaljaj, nakar ga raztegni, da je tanko kot papir. Debeli rob okrog testa lahko odrežeš. Nato potresi zmes z drobtinami po vsem testu, jabolka pa samo na polovico testa. Zvij in peci eno uro pri 350° vročini. Pečen štrudel pomaži s smetano, pokrij in ko se ohladi, serviraj. * * * Mrs. Angela Kozjan, tajnica podružnice št. 40 v Lorainu, je za časa obiska gl. odbornic servirala jako okusno orehovo torto. Navodilo za to delikateso je sledeče: Orehova torta G rumenjakov eno šalčko sladkorja eno zvrhano čajno žlico pecivnega praška. Vse to vtepaj, dokler ne postane gosto in bledo rumeno, nakar dodaj: G jedilnih žlic mrzle vode eno čajno žličko vanilije eno šalčko fino zmletih orehov. Mešaj. Končno dodeni eno šalčko trikrat presejane moke za torte (cake flour) ter G v trd sneg stepenih beljakov. Peci pri 3T5° vročini kakih 45 minut. Krofi Ves Cleveland pozna Mrs. Mary Otoničar kot najboljšo kuharico. Ni svatbe ali gostije, brez da bi zanjo ona ne pekla ali kuhala. Posebno zna krofe dobro napraviti. Tu je navodilo: 5 funtov moke '/2 funta masla Ms pajnta kisle smetane eno šalčko sladkorja eno zvrhano jedilno žlico soli 7 rumenjakov eno čajno žličko vanilije in lemoninega soka en kvart mleka — morda tudi nekaj več, da bo testo mehko. 4 kose kvasa, vsak po 6 centov. Postavi kvas z malo mleka in moke. Skupaj vmešaj rumenjake, sladkor in smetano. Nato raztopi maslo, ga vlij v gorko mleko ter stepaj nekaj minut, nakar vse skupaj deni v moko in zamesi. Testo naj vzhaja vsaj eno uro. Ko je testo vzhajano, ga na pogrnjeni in z moko potrošeni mizi raztegni — ne valjati. Z kupico izreži krofe ter jih pusti vzhajati pol ure, nakar jih v Crisco ali Spry speci. Kolobarček okrog krofov znači, da so rahli. * * * Vsem našim mamicam in starim mamicam srčno želim, da bi svoj praznik, v nedeljo 11. maja — Materin dan — praznovale v veselju, zdravju in zadovoljstvu. Bog vas živi! MESEČNA POSLANICA GLAVNE PREDSEDNICE Cenjene sestre: Približal se je najlepši mesec v letu! Bog daj, da bi nam mesec maj prinesel veliko božjega blagoslova med nas. Ta mesec je posvečen Mariji, prečisti Devici, zato se zatečimo k Njej, ker Ona nas usliši v potrebi. Ne pozabimo moliti k Mariji ta mesec, ki je Njem! Čestitam in pozdravljam tudi naše sosestre in matere, za vašo zvesto, nesebično in požrtvovalno delo, za našo lepo Slovensko Žensko Zvezo. Ker se približuje praznik ,,Materinski dan” 11. maja, naj vas Bog blagoslovi in ohrani še mnogo let, da bi bile zdrave in vesele v krogu svoje družine. V tem krasnem mesecu bo tudi konvencija SŽZ, v nedeljo, 18. do 21. maja v Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Registracija delegatk se bo začela ob devetih zjutraj, v nedeljo, v prvem nadstropju Hotela Wisconsin. Poverilni odbor se sestoji iz sledečih delegatk: Predsednica, Mary Camloh, podr. št. 10; Antonia Klune, podr. št. 3; Mary Pahula, podr. št. 34; Jennie Pugel, podr. št. 47; Ann Satovich, podr. št. 56; Anna Zavrl, podr. št. 1. Opozarjam vas, da ne pozabite poverilnice doma! Zadnji čas je, da si rezervirate sobo v Hotelu Wisconsin, kar se pa tiče vožnje, bo naznanjeno v tej Zarji po glavni tajnici. KEGLJAŠKA TEKMA SIJAJNO USPELA! Tekma za Srednji zapad se je vršila v Chicagi, v dneh 22. in 23. marca 1958. Gostiteljice so bile članice podr. št. 2, katerim je načelovala naša zmožna direktorica in tajnica lige, Elizabeth Zefran. Zelo dobro južino in postrežbo smo dobile od finih kuharic podr. št. 2. Lepo je videti toliko zanimanja med našimi odbornicami, članicami in prijateljicami, da jim je v veselje udeležiti se Zvezinih prireditev. Prisrčna hvala vsem. Zmagovalni skupini v Jolietu, moje iskrene čestitke. Na svidenje prihodnje leto v La Salle, Illinois. (Upam, da so tudi dosti slamnikov prodale, ker so bili zares modemi.) Torej na veselo svidenje 18. maja v Milwaukee, Wis. Josephine Livek, predsednica DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — Seja v aprilu je bila dobro obiskana. Razmo-trivale smo glede konvencije in o Zarji. Članice so bile mnenja, da je list dobro urejevan in Zarja v sedanji obliki dovolj velika. Večina navzočih se je strinjala, da bi podaljšanje starosti v Mladinskem oddelku od 18 na 20 let Zvezi mnogo koristilo, ker bi obdržale več članic dalj časa. Ugajala je ideja o skupnem državnem dnevu. V Wisconsin imamo pet podružnic. Kako lepo bi bilo, če bi se članstvo teh podružnic skupaj zbralo vsaj enkrat na leto. Pričakujemo, da bo konvencija v tem oziru podala navodila. Sestra Ann Modiz, načelnica naših kegljaških krožkov, je poročala o vršeči se kegljaški tekmi za Srednji zapad. Od naše podružnice sta se tekme udeležila dva krožka. Pravijo, da so imele mnogo zabave; kako tudi ne, saj so bile skupaj same line punce in dobre kegljačice. Odbor prijazno vabi članice na prihodnjo sejo, ki se vrši 13. maja. Na tej seji bomo počastile vse naše matere. Sestra Millie Mueller bo podala program, kjer bodo nastopili otroci v plesu, dramatiki in petju. Manjkala ne bo tudi priljubljena harmonika. Po seji bo serviran prigrizek. Torej pridite vse! * * * Moj soprog in jaz se prav prisrčno zahvaliva podružnici za lepo darilo, poklonjeno nama k 50-letnici poroke. Zahvaliva se odbornicam in članicam, ki so prispevale za party, narejen nama po seji. Istotako prisrčna zahvala vsem najinim sorodnikom in prijateljem za izražene čestitke in poklonjena darila. Ohranila vas bodeva v najlepšem spominu. Marie Prisland Št. 2, Chicago, III. — Med članicami je precej zanimanja za konvenčni banket, 18. maja v Milwaukee. Zato bo najet poseben bus, ki bo odpeljal izpred Zefranovega zavoda ob 9. uri dopoldne. Povratek iz Milwaukee bo še isti večer. Za rezervacije pokličite Liz Zefran VI. 7-6688. Vabljeni so tudi vaši soprogi in otroci ter vsi drugi, ki se želijo udeležiti. Duhovne vaje za žene in dekleta bodo letos v Baragovem domu v Le-montu v dneh 24. in 25. maja. Vršile se bodo v slovenskem jeziku pod vodstvom p. Fortunata. Prijavite se na Baraga Home, Box 608, Lemont, 111., ali pa pri Mrs. Železnikar, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, 111. Zvezin dan v Lemontu se bo letos vršil 20. julija, to je na tretjo nedeljo. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo sestram Evelyn Tome, Wilma Sejud, Isabelle Michaels in Helen Webel in njih družinam ob težki izgubi ljubljenega očeta Johna Fabjan, ki je preminul 27. marca. Pokojnik je dolgo let vodil krojaško delavnico in čistilnico oblek v slovenskem naselju. Naj počiva v miru. Prihodnja seja se bo vršila v četrtek, 8. maja. Ob tej priliki bomo počastile naše matere s posebnim programom. Nato bomo slavile rojstne dneve naših slavljenk v mesecu maju, med katerimi sta predsednica Josephine Železnikar in blagajničarka Mary Tomazin. Na svidenje! Albina Novak, poročevalka Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Ko to pišem, je že pomlad v naravi, trava leze iz zemlje in regrat zeleni. Upam, da bodo tudi članice oživele in redno prihajale na naše seje. Krasni maj — spomin na Materinski dan. Vse me starejše se bomo s toplo ljubeznijo spomnile naših mater, ki jih že dolgo krije rahla gruda. Mesec maj me vedno spominja na dom v Češči vasi, kako svečano je bilo pri šmarnicah in Itako so name vrele pe- smi za Mater vseh mater. Prosimo Njo, ki je Kraljica miru, da nam podeli blagoslov zdravja, katerega smo vsi potrebni. Želim vsem materam, da bi bile zadovoljne v družbi svojih otrok ter še dolgo let med nami. God bless you all! Drage delegatke, bodite pozdravljene, kolikor se vas bo zbralo na konvenciji in Bog vam daj razumno zborovanje. Prav lepo priznanje urednici Cor-inne Leskovar. Vsak mesec vsebuje naše glasilo članke in dopise, ki jih je veselje čitati. Vest o smrti naših članic nas je globoko ginila. — Dne 3. marca smo se za vedno ločile od naše članice Helen Krašovec. Nič hudega sluteč je zjutraj vstala, kot ponavadi, da pripravi vse za soproga za na delo. Ko je vse uredila, se je vsedla na stol in umrla, zadeta od srčne kapi. Bila je skrbna žena in mati svoji družini. Jaz jo bom pogrešala, ker je vedno rada pomagala pri podružnici ter bila prijazna do vseh. Helen, prehitro si nas vse zapustila, ker si šla premlada v hladni grob počivat. V duhu slišimo Tvoj glas, ko govoriš: Ne žalujte za menoj, dobro mi je tukaj, saj sem pri Bogu. — Vsem preostalim izrekamo iskreno sočutje. Tako tudi sorodnicama Frances Simonič in Anna Burne ter rodni sestri Josephine Simonich. Sosestra Margaret Kozjan je dobila obvestilo o smrti sina George Kozjan, ki je umrl radi srčnega napada v St. Bernadino, Calif. Sin je bil še mlad, a njegova mati pa ima visoko starost. Znmičenost in bolezen jo sedaj teži. Akoravno ji je hudo, se še včasih rada poveseli. — Sestra Kozjan, gotovo si v duhu položila na grob šopek molitvic v dokaz ljulbezni in v spomin. Vsem preostalim naše sožalje. Ponovno ste vse vabljene na sejo, katera bo nekaj več kot navadna. Posebno vabljene mlade članice kakor tudl Juniors. Anna Pachak, preds. POROČILO ZBIRKE ZA SLOVENSKO DEKLIŠKO AKADEMIJO Č. ŠOLSKIH SESTER V LEMONTU Najlepša zahvala vsem podružnicam, ki so se odzvale mojemu apelu za doneske za Dekliško akademijo v Lemontu, kakor tudi onim članicam, ki so svoje prispevke priložile k darilu svojih podružnic. Vsem skupaj stotera hvala! Storile ste dobro delo! Marie Prisland Sledeče podružnice so prispevale: Pod. št. 1, Sheboygan. Wis. $22.0(1 Pod. št. 2, Chicago, IH. 54.00 Pod. št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. 14.00 Pod. št. 4, Oregon City, Ore. 8.00 Pod. št. 0, Barberton, O. 5.00 Pod. št. 10, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Pod. št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. 5.00 Pod. št. 13, San Francisco, Wis. 5.00 Pod. št. 14, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Pod. št. 15, Cleveland, O. 7.00 Pod. št. 16, So. Chicago, 111. 10.00 Pod. št. 17, West Allis, Wis. 10.00 Pod. št. 18, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Pod. št. 19, Eveleth Minn. 10.00 Pod. št. 20, Joliet, 111. 5.00 Pod. št. 21, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Pod. št. 22, Bradley, 111. 5.00 Pod. št. 23, Ely, Minn. 5.00 Pod. št. 25, Cleveland. O. 10.00 Pod. št. 20, Pittsburgh. Pa. 5.00 Pod. št. 29, Broundale, Pa. 2.00 Pod. št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. 5.00 Pod. št. 32, Euclid, O. 11.00 (Darovala v spomin Mr. Antona Grdina) Pod. št. 39, Biwabik, Minn. 5.00 Pod. št. 40, Lorain. O. 6.00 Pod. št. 41, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Pod. št. 43, Milwaukee. Wis. 5.00 Pod. št. 47, Cleveland, O. 16.00 Pod. št. 49, Noble, O. 24.00 Pod. št. 50, Cleveland, O. 41.00 Tod. št. 53, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Pod. št. 54, Warren, O. 5.00 Pod. št. 55, Girard, O. 5.00 Pod. št. 56, Hibbing, Milin. 5.00 Pod. št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. 5.00 Pod. št. 67, Bessemer, Pa. 5.00 Pod. št. 71, Strabane, Pa. 5.00 Pod. št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. 5.00 Pod. št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. 5.00 Pod. št. 84, New York, N.Y. 10.00 Pod. št. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. 2.00 Pod. št. 89, Oglesby, 111. 5.00 Pod. št. 91, Oakmont, Pa. 5.00 Pod. št. 95, So. Chicago, 111. 5.00 Pod. št. 96, Universal, Pa. 10.00 Pod. št. 99, Elmhurst, 111. 5.00 Skupno od podružnic $407.00 Mr. Frank Gorenz, Hampshire, Illinois $10.00 Mrs. Man' Widmar, iz Californije 1.00 Mrs. Helen Corel, predsednica pod. št. 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. 15.00 Slovenska Ženska Zveza 117.00 Skupna vsota $550.00 Poklonjeno častitim slovenskim sestram v Lemontu, 6. marca 1958. Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. — V aprilu nismo imele redne seje, ker je bila letos na prvo nedeljo v mesecu Velika noč. Upam, da ste se dobro imele. Članice prosim, da za gotovo pridejo na sejo v mesecu maju, ker imamo marsikaj za ukrepati glede konvencije ter dati navodila naši delegatki. Mary Fidel, tajnica Št. 10, Cleveland (Collinwood), O. — Šivalni klub. — Na marčevi seji je bila udeležba še precej dobra, vendar še ne tako velika, kot bi bilo želeti. Upam, da bo prihodnjič še več članic prišlo, ker vreme postaja že toplo in je vsak dan lepše v naravi. Zopet smo izgubile dve članici, in sicer Tončko Jevnikar in Katarino Conte. Dosedaj je smrt v tem letu že četrtič posegla v naše vrste. Tajnica M. Camloh prosi članice, ki dosežejo 75. leto, da to takoj nji spo-roče, da bo uredila vse potrebno radi asesmenta in ne bo kakšne pomote. Mesec maj je posvečen našim materam po celem svetu, tako tudi naša Zarja jih počasti na lep način s tem, da objavi slike vseh mater, katere so izvoljene od svojih podružnic vsako leto kot njih častne matere. Tudi jaz pozdravljam vse slovenske matere po Ameriki. Letos bo veliko število naših srečnih članic šlo osebno pozdravit našo nebeško Mater, Marijo Pomagaj v Lurd. Tudi jaz bom z njimi poromala — ampak samo v duhu, ker drugače mi ni mogoče zaradi bolezni v družini. Pa upam, da bo ljuba Mati Marija slišala tudi mojo gorečo prošnjo, čeprav ne bom tam navzoča. Po seji smo praznovale rojstne dneve sledečih članic: tajnice M. Camloh, M. Komidar, Jennie Koren in G. Bokal. Prav fino so nas pogostile z vsemi dobrotami, in tudi žlahtne kapljice ni manjkalo. Ko smo vse pospravile, smo še zapele Happy Birthday in voščile dobrim ženam, da bi jih ljubi Bog ohranil še veliko let zdrave in vesele. Pogrešale smo našo podpredsednico L. Čebular, ker nobena ne zna tako deklamirati kot ona ob takih prilikah. Lojzka, le glej, da ne zamudiš majniške seje. Prav lepo pozdravljam vse članice, kjerkoli se nahajajo in a Happy Mother’s Day vsem mamicam, posebno pa bolnim še ljubega zdravja. Tončka Repič, poročevalka Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Vse članice so vabljene na sejo, 7. maja v cerkveni dvorani. To bo zadnja seja pred konvencijo, zato je potrebna velika udeležba in pridite gotovo! Na bolniški listi so sledeče članice: Annette Schimenz, Marie Schuldt, Theresa Sukys, Louise Šeruga, Mary Erman, Carolyn Skrubey, Mary Gross, Amalia Madronich, Fanny Zainer, Gertrude Pintar, Mary Kokoly, Mary Sterle. Prosim, obiskujte bolne sestre in jim lajšajte dolge ure bolezni. Sestre, potrudite se in pripeljite nove članice, da nadomestimo izgube Št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind.— ' Naša zabava z večerjo meseca februarja je prav lepo uspela. Seveda se imamo zahvaliti vsem, ki ste pomagale na en ali drug način. Hvala tudi našim brhkim „bartenderjem” Mr. Bayt in Mr. Koničnik, ki sta toliko brezplačnih ur naredila za nas. Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste darovale denar, ker se niste mogle udeležiti večerje. Še enkrat hvala odbornicam, ki so bile res hvalevredne na vse strani. Y Članice, ki dolgujejo asesment, prosim, da se oglasijo na seji ali pa pri meni na domu, 2826 W. 10th St., kot navadno. Veliko potov mi boste prihranile. Imam še eno prošnjo do vseh, ki ste doma. iz Boštjanske fare ali samo dobre žene v potrebi. Kot vem, ste brale v časnikih, kako mnogi pomagajo popravljati cerkve v domovini. Tudi Boštjanska cerkev in župnišče sta usmiljenja vredna. Prosim vse, ki ste od tam doma in sploh vse dobre žene, pomagajte in pošljite same ali pa na moj naslov do junija. Rada bi tja poslala na'brano vsoto v mesecu juliju. Vsak dolar je dobrodošel in gl. tajnica Mrs. Albina Novak bo priobčila imena vseh darovalcev in nabrano vsoto v Zarji. Mrs. Jerančič se v imenu Šmihelske fare zahvaljuje vsem, ki so darovali za popravilo cerkve. Naj Vam Bog stotero povrne! Julka Zupančič 'darovi ZA ŠMIHELSKO CERKEV Po $5.00: Gregor Luzar, Mary Luzar, Anna Jurančič, Frances Turk, Jack in Mary Adams, Tony in Pepca Tomasty, Rose Radkovic. Po $3.00: Antonia Bayt, Anna Lambert, Frank Velikan, Martin Mauser in družina, Frances Perko. Po $2.00: Anna Ule, Vickie Lambert, Mary Konechnik, Anna Ilich, Martin Rice, Mary Dreflek, Frances Urbančič, Anna Moze, Ludvik Sta-nich, Louis Dugar, Tony in Johanne Sekula, Agnes Milharčič. Po $1.25: Jacob Stergar. Po $1.00: Millie Deal, Victoria Zore, Sophie Hren, Frank Sustarsic, Mary Perkne, Agnes Žnidaršič, Sophie Bar-baricli, Mary Markich, Louise Yeager, Anna Urbančič, Theresa Lambert, Bobby Deal, Frances Lathrop, Mrs. Steve Goodpasture, Frances Smerdel, Sophie Radi, Louis in Dolores Konechnik, Rose Luzar, Mr. in Mrs. John Cimmerman, Pauline Gradishe, Julia Zupančič, Anna Trauner, Anna Sekula, Mary McCracken, Johanna Urbančič, Anna Green Well, Frank Pajer, Mary Lambert, Mary Radez, Mrs. Armenoff. Po 751: Ivanka Krist, John Bachar, Helen Alkire. Po 500: Frank Gorenc, James God-by, Anna Kovac. Antonia Kos, Martin Dragan, Mary Somrak. Po 250: Andy Gabriel. radi smrti sosester. Tiste, ki dolgujete asesment, pa prosim, da istega poravnate. Članicam, katere obhajajo svoj rojstni dan v maju, želim vse najboljše. Čestitam tudi vsem našim materam za Materinski dan. Sporočam sestram, da lahko dobijo pri meni vstopnice za konvenčni banket. Oskrbite si jih poprej in ne čakajte na zadnji dan. Pozdrav gl. odbornicam in članicam, posebno pri naši podružnici št. 12, Mary Schimenz Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — „Ljubi maj, krasni maj, konec zime je sedaj.” — Kako lepo in veselo je pričakati bližajočo se toplo naravo. Še lepše bo pa slišati vesele pozdrave ko se bomo lahko družile na mesečnih sejah. Odbornice vedno pričakujejo večjo udeležbo v poletnem času, medtem ko je pozimi manjša. Kako rade pozabimo na obljubo, ki smo jo storile pri vstopu, ko smo s častno besedo rekle, da se hočemo udeleževati sej ter kolikor toliko storiti za korist društva. Res so neprililce in bolezni vmes, katerih se ni za izogniti, vendar naj bi se vsaka članica skušala udeležiti po možnosti, da se tako ne znajdemo brez sej in izgubimo članice. Predsednica opominja na vsaki seji, naj bi se mladoletne članice bolj zanimale in udeleževale Prevzele bi delo odbornic, ker le tedaj bi imele večjo pomoč in obstanek društva. Starejše se poslavljajo v vedno večjem številu s te solzne doline. Vsa čast torej resnim in dobro mislečim članicam, ki se po-volino udeležujejo sej. V takem oziru tudi odbornice lahko izvrše svoje mesečno delo. V mesecu maju bomo imele priložnost pozdraviti delegatke širom Amerike. Želeti bi bilo, da bi se vse članice, kakor tudi prijatelji udeležili banketa dne 18. maja v St. John dvorani. Za majhno ceno se bo servirala izvrstna pojedina. Igrala bo prvovrstna godba in nastopili bodo izvrstni igralci. Vse to bo gotovo najljubši užitek tega dneva, kot je bilo že poročano v zadnji Zarji po gl. tajnici Albini Novak. V počast Marijinega meseca maja ponovim kitico, ki smo jo radi prepevali že v otroških letih: Lepa si, lepa Majniška Mari'a, Tebe časti vsa katoliška družina. Po cerkvicah lepo pojejo, ko maja Kraljico slavijo. Pozdravljam vse sestre pri Zvezi in naši podružnici. Mary Mesarich, zapisnikarica Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Zadnja naša seja se je vršila na 1. aprila. Bil je lep spomladanski dan in vse se je vrtelo po vrtovih. Tako so tudi naše članice na ta večer bile prav veselih obrazov, ker jih je ogrelo spomladansko sonce. Upam, da bodo odslej naprej tudi naše seje bolje obiskane. Seja se je pričela ob 8. uri zvečer in tajnica ter blagajničarka sta poro- čali o svojem delovanju in o stanju računov. Naša glavna podpredsednica Frances Globokar je priporočala članicam, ki se želijo udeležiti konvencije, da se pridružijo delegatkam. Čim več nas bo, tem bolje bo. Lahko računate, da boste imele kratke počitnice in si ogledale mesto Milwaukee ter znamenito romarsko cerkev na Holy Hill, Wis. Resno je te dni zbolela naša dolgoletna članica Mrs. Mary Valter ter leži v bolnišnici. Priporočam jo v molitev. V mesecu maju bomo zopet počastile naše godovalke in obenem obhajale Materinski dan. V ,,good-time” blagajno so darovale: Mary Kovač in Antonija Trebeč. Sejo smo zaključile z molitvijo za vse bolne članice. Antonija Sustar Št. 16, So. Chicago, III. — Dolžnost me veže, da se zahvalim vsem, ki so na katerikoli način pomagali, da je naša proslava 30-letnice obstoja naše podružnice tako dobro uspela. Čeprav je bil hud mraz, so se odzvale glavne odbornice: Preds. Jo- sephine Livek, tajnica Albina Novak, blagajničarka Josephine Železnikar in urednica Corinne Leskovar. V lepem številu so nas posetile članice podr. št. 2 in št. 95. Bodite uver-jene, da bomo ob priliki vrnile obisk. Zelo je lepo, ako pridejo od drugih podružnic v goste, da se bolje spoznamo, saj smo kot ena velika družina. Ker je že Gladys omenila vse, ki so sodelovali, se jaz omejim le še na Gladys, ki je imela toliko dela in ki ga vedno tako vestno izvrši. Bog plačaj vsem in vsakemu posebej! Ne smem pozabiti, kako nas je zadela novica o smrti Fathra Aleksandra Urankarja. On je toliko naredil za Zvezo in sploh za Slovence. Povsod, kjer je bil, je bil spoštovan in priljubljen, saj je za vsakega imel dobro besedo. Bog mu bodi plačnik, mi bomo pa molili zanj. Tudi našega duhovnega svetovalca smo izgubili, a njega lahko še kdaj nazaj dobimo, ke>r je še mlad. Le bela žena ne da nobenega nazaj. Pozdrav celokupnemu članstvu. Katie Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Zopet je med nami mesec maj, vsa krasota za-željene ljube pomladi, ko pričakujemo toplih dnevov in se bomo zopet greli na soncu. Ker je mesec majnik najlepši v letu, je posvečen Mariji, nebeški Kraljici. Naša seja v marcu je bila povoljno obiskana. Lahko bi bila še bolje, pa nekatere rade pozabijo, kar nam je vsem žal. Imeli smo zanimivo sejo, na kateri smo razpravljale o konvenciji, katera se bo vršila v maju v Hotelu Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis. Začela se bo v nedeljo, 18. maja, s sv. mašo ob 12. uri v cerkvi sv. Janeza Ev., na 9. cesti in Mineral. Ob 1:30 popoldne bo banket s slavnostnim programom, v veliki cerkveni dvorani. Naj se vse članice tega banketa udeleže. V ponedeljek so povabljene vse delegatke in tudi drugi gostje na večerjo v farni dvorani cerkve Marije, Pomočnice kristjanov v West Allisu. Servirati se prične točno ob C. uri zvečer. Pridite, članice in pripeljite tudi svoje prijatelje. Tukaj boste lahko srečale delegatke iz raznih krajev Amerike. Morebiti se boste srečale s svojimi prijatelji, katere že dolgo niste videle. Servirala se bodo okusna jedila. Ne pozabite na ta lepi večer, ne bo vam žal. Prosim članice, da se zglasite poprej, in dajte na znanje naši tajnici, Mrs. Mary Floryan. Na 13. maja bomo imele skupno sv. obhajilo. Pridite polnoštevilno. Ob 7:15 se bomo zbrale v cerkveni dvorani in počastile svoje mamice. Izkažite jim svojo ljubezen. Mr. in Mrs. John Prisland sta v | krogu svoje družine dne 9. marca proslavila 50-letnico zakonskega življe- j nja. Želimo, da bi zdrava in zadovoljna preživela še mnogo let. Bog ! Vaju živi! Čestitam Vama in naj bo Vaše nadaljno življemje eno samo veliko veselje. Angela Kastelic Jacksonville, Fla. — Željno pričakovana Velika noč je za nami z mnogoterimi upi, da bo mila pomlad po vseh krajih razvese’jevala človeška srca s prirodno lepoto! Pri nas je ista zaenkrat v vsem svojem čaru, dasi letos pozneje vsled nenavadnih pojavov zime v južnem kraju. Zdi se mi, kot tisti izrek: ,,Ne straši se, če hraste burja vije — po hudi uri lepše sonce zopet sije,” in to je sedaj v radost! Misli mi uhajajo v bližajočo se konvencijo v Milwaukee Wis. Iz dna srca želim vsestranskega uspeha naši organizaciji ter iskreno pozdravljam vnaprej celotni gl. odbor, kot vse delegatke iz širnih krajev Amerike; posebno pa od podr. št. 18, ki bo gotovo zastopana (saj so tam dobra in tudi fejst dekleta). Želim se tem potom prijateljsko zahvaliti Mrs. Millie Marolt in vsem ostalim članicam za lepe velikonočne kartice in iskrena voščila. Toplejše kot žarki južnega sonca so tudi moje misli do vas vseh, bodite, prepričane vsikdar! Ta mesec so potekla štiri leta, odkar smo tu; drugi kraji, drugi običaji, tako v cerkvi kot v družabnosti, isto v podnebju nemalokdaj. Slovencev tu okrog nas ni nič, spoznali smo se le z družino Smrekar iz nekdanjega New-burgha, a ti živijo okoli 12 milj od nas. Kot mi je znano, Mrs. Smrekar tudi spada k SŽZ. Novic vsakovrstnih je napolnjeno časopisje dnevno in vedno se je čuditi stvarstvu narave in posameznih človeških bitij. Koliko zlobe, pa tudi usmiljenosti je na svetu, in težko je verjeti, da v tej bogati Ameriki ljudstvo prestaja tudi gor a v ne, opisni meri. Vaša Floridčanka, Josephine Praust Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio. — Naše seje se bodo od sedaj naprej vršile v Slov. del. domu na Waterloo Rd. (basement room) prvi torek v mesecu. Aprilska seja je bila prva v Slov. domu in udeležba je bila zadovoljiva. Sestra Mary Franz, katera je obhajala svoj rojstni