Strokovni članek Prejeto 2. aprila 2021, sprejeto 17. avgusta 2021 doi: 10.51741/sd.2021.60.4.347-358 Nina Plešec Sodelovanje šolske svetovalne službe s starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami Članek obravnava delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, ki so vključeni v redno osnovno šolo, in problem pomanjkanja strokovne podpore staršem v času postopka usmerjanja njihovih otrok. Opisuje vlogo šolske svetovalne službe in vlogo staršev v procesih sodelovanja in oblikovanja in-dividualiziranega programa za otroka s posebnimi potrebami. Cilj raziskave, kije potekala v okviru empiričnega dela diplomske naloge, je bil s pomočjo intervjujev pridobiti vidik socialnih delavk, ki delujejo v šolski svetovalni službi, in vidik staršev o celotnem postopku usmerjanja. Predvsem pa predstaviti izkušnje starševna poti do pridobitve dodatne strokovne pomoči za otroka. Rezultati, pridobljeni z intervjuji s socialnimi delavkami, kažejo, da socialne delavke pri starših opažajo predsodke in strah pred etiketiranjem otroka ob postopku usmerjanja. Starši pa menijo, da je potrebno večje sodelovanje šolske svetovalne službe s starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da bo v prihodnje treba večjo pozornost nameniti oblikovanju in izvajanju individualizira-nih programov v osnovni šoli in strokovnemu delu s starši in otroki s posebnimi potrebami kot pa samemu postopku usmerjanja. Ključne besede: socialno delo v šoli, individualiziran program, postopek usmerjanja, šolsko svetovanje, participacija otrok, participacija staršev. Nina Plešec je univerzitetna diplomirana socialna delavka, in magistrica sociologije iz študijskega programa Sociologija - upravljanje organizacij, človeških virov in znanja. Kontakt: nina.plesec1@ Cooperation of school counselling service with parents of children with special needs The paper examines working with children with special needs in regular primary school and focuses on the problem of lack of professional support that parents receive during the procedure of determining their children's special educational needs. It describes the role of school counselling service and the role of parents in the processes of cooperation and the creation of an individualised programme for a child with special needs. The aim of the research, which was conducted for the empirical part of a BA thesis, was to obtain, through interviews, the perspective of social workers who are working in school counselling service and the aspect of parents about the whole procedure of determining special educational needs. But above all, to highlight the experience of parents on the way to obtaining additional professional assistance. Results obtained through interviews with social workers indicate that social workers have noticed that parents have some prejudices and fears related to labelling their child. Parents consider that greater cooperation with is needed with school counselling service. The findings of research show that in the future bigger attention should be given to the formation and the implementation of individualised programmes in primary schools and their professional work with parents and children with special needs, rather than to the procedure of determining their children's educational needs. Key words: social work in school, individualised programme, placement procedure, school coun- $ selling, participation of children, participation of parents. ? Nina Plešec is a university graduate social worker and a Master of Sociology - Management of Orga- S nizations, Human Resources and Knowledge. Contact: "